Hello Silence My New Friend
- 3 years ago
- 33
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The explosion caught me completely by surprise. I awoke 3 days later, tubes and wires snaking from my body, surrounded by shades of white. Absolute silence. I was sure I was dead. The cobwebs slowly fell away. Hospital. I anxiously began an examination of my inert body. It looked like everything was still there. I had a sudden moment of terror at the discomfort between my legs. Gingerly I managed to pull the covers back only to find a catheter rather than any signs of damage. I almost cried in relief.
I realized I was dying of thirst and began frantically searching the bed for a call button or some means of getting the attention of medical staff. Fortunately a nurse walked soundlessly into the room carrying a large jug with which she filled a small plastic cup with water. She placed a small straw in the cup and brought it to my mouth where I sucked greedily at the welcome pleasure. I tried to thank her but couldn’t seem to speak. She smiled warmly and silently touched my arm as though she had heard my thoughts.
Again I struggled to form a coherent sentence to ask what had happened. The quizzical expression on her face looked rather comical as I lay there half dazed. She squeezed my hand gently then left the room as soundlessly as she had arrived. I lay there, enjoying the blissful silence feeling a wave of exhaustion slowly wash over me. I felt myself slowly sinking in to the warm embrace of sleep. Then sat bolt upright in sudden horror. Frantically I thrashed at the metal rails along the edge of my bed, flailed wildly at the water jug to send it crashing to the floor. Dead silence. My thoughts filled with dread. I was deaf.
The next few days were a whirl of doctors, nurses and therapists. With an avalanche of handwritten notes and booklets it was explained that I had lost my hearing due to my proximity to a premature detonation. The loss was expected to be permanent. With cheerful smiles; pamphlets and magazines were pushed into my hands, all expounding on deafness as though it were some special virtue. My angry reaction had no deterrent effect whatsoever. I just lay there in despair. I loved to talk, loved those long conversations that meandered about in to the long deep night, those conversations where you learned, really learned, who a person really was. No more. I sank into a dark depression.
On my last day in the hospital a pretty brunette walked purposefully into my room. She pulled out a large pad of paper and scrawled her name in bold letters. “Emma.” She pointed to her name then to herself, handing me the pencil.
Deliberately staring into her eyes I snapped the pencil in half and dropped it on the paper pad. I smirked at my small victory.
She shook her head at me slowly, smiled and calmly pulled another pencil from her purse. She picked up the pad and wrote a longer series of words. She held it up against her slender body where I could read it. “Emma. Stop being an asshole. I’m deaf too. Since I was young.”
I felt a sudden flood of shame. Had she ever had one of those long dawn-capped conversations? Heard music? Enjoyed the gentle engine purr of a kitten? Lost herself to the soft moans and sighs of a lover? I gently pulled the pad and pencil from her hands.
“Sorry,” I wrote, fiercely underlining the word until the lead snapped from the pencil.
She smiled calmly once again, pulling a third pencil from her purse. “You’re kind of hard on pencils aren’t you?” She wrote. As she held up the pad once again she stuck her tongue out at me then grinned.
I couldn’t help but laugh. I didn’t hear it but I felt it. It was my first happy moment since I had awoken in the hospital. I took the pad and pencil from her again, writing a bit more carefully this time. “Asshole,” I wrote, then pointed to myself.
She smiled again only this time her whole face lit up. “You and I are going to be friends,” She wrote, “Whether you like it or not. Got it?”
I hesitated. Then nodded.
Over the next hour she explained she would be my tutor. Her objective was to teach me how to negotiate the clamouring world that would now be silent to me and that she would teach me sign language. She left me with instructions on where to meet her the following morning and handed me an address on a small card. On the back she marked a short message: “9AM. Don’t be late.”
The following morning I stepped from the taxi, backpack on my shoulder, thrusting a handful of bills at the driver. I already felt the rising annoyance of frustration at the simple challenge of conveying my destination to the cabbie. I turned and faced the front of the building, a discreet sign stood on the bright strip of green grass between the pavement and the building itself. “LANGUAGE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF” My eyes locked on the looming words. The shouting insolence of the sign taunted me like a cruel joke. I felt the sudden rise of an irrational anger and turned to stalk off home, more than ready to sink back into wallowing self-pity.
The soft touch on my arm startled me and I whirled around, rather alarmed. It was Emma. There was a look of mild concern on her face. She glanced over at the sign that had held my attention, shrugged, it seemed apologetically, then tugged me toward the front door. I had a momentary flash of walking into an amusement park House of Horrors as we stepped through the glass door. She led me up a short flight of stairs and into a small room. Two stiff wooden chairs and a small table sat before a tall window that looked out over a nearby park and small pond. An ugly institutional sofa sat against one wall and a second table held a dusty looking computer. Emma guided me to one of the surprisingly comfortable chairs and sat opposite me, smoothing her skirt as she sat. The brief glimpse of the material tight on her ass gave me a momentary thrill of enjoyment that vanished all too soon.
Using a notepad, Emma explained how we would study, providing me with books that displayed various hand positions for different words and expressions. There were flash cards, charts and computer based courses that would all be used over the coming months. She made it quite clear that the crutch of the notepad was soon to disappear. The news filled me with wild panic. We spent the early morning working through the flash cards and she demonstrated how to access the various tools available on the computer. As Emma opened an intimidatingly large, illustrated book, a rising frustration filled my thoughts. I couldn’t see how I could ever learn the awkward positioning of my hands and fingers illustrated on the pages of the thick textbook. It may as well have been Swahili. To her credit Emma immediately sensed my thoughts and to my surprise, suddenly snapped the book closed.
“Look at me,” She scribbled.
She began moving her fingers and hands, slowly demonstrating a long series of words of which I understood not a single damned thing. Her motion seemed like a fluid poetry and I found myself leaning forward. I enjoyed the elegant grace with which Emma formed various signs and the expressions on her face. Something about her seemed to burst into vibrant life as she fought to engage me in to her silent world. Unfortunately I remained as stubborn and reluctant as the moment I had arrived.
Weeks passed in a dull monotony of my irritation and poor Emma’s unceasing encouragement.
She’d sometimes have to leave the room to deal with administrative issues. Invariably I’d take the opportunity to shirk my lessons, amusing myself with doodles and scrawled musings on a pad of paper I had secreted in my backpack. I was always sure to be facing the door so I had time to hide my scribbling from Emma as she re-entered the room. I’d always enjoyed writing and now it seemed more important than ever. Inevitably she caught me.
I became rather engrossed in a particular poem one day that described the terrible isolation I felt at being deaf. Once I finished I felt compelled to read it over and over again, soon losing myself in the words. Sensing movement I looked up, startled to see Emma regarding me with a definite look of disapproval. I hurried to stuff my notebook back into my backpack when she firmly took hold of the tattered pages. I pulled back but she wasn’t to be denied. Finally I surrendered the notebook to her, realizing, with no small amount of chagrin, that she would see my aimless doodles that undermined all her hard work on my behalf. As she leafed through the pages of mindless scrawl and cartoon figures I had to stifle a grin; she looked like the perfectly prim schoolmistress disappointed by her recalcitrant student.
Then something changed. She had been turning the pages fairly quickly when she suddenly stopped on one specific page. The poem! I lunged forward in alarm, my words had been deeply personal and I had no wish to share. Anticipating me as usual, she stepped back and turned away from me. Long minutes passed. When she finally turned back there were tears streaming down her cheeks. She seemed utterly unconcerned that I could see her vulnerability made so bare.
She turned to a fresh page of the notebook and wrote a few words.
“Beautiful. Asshole. You made me cry. Being deaf can be beautiful too.” She fiercely underlined the last sentence snapping her pencil. It seemed my pencil aggression was contagious.
I felt immensely pleased that I had finally managed to connect with her. Conversely I was mortified that I had wasted her efforts in trying to help me learn. The graffiti evidence of my lack of commitment covered almost every page. I sat there feeling foolish and confused, dying to just put my arms around her but frozen to my chair, a bashful schoolboy.
To my surprise she took my hand, leading me from our schoolroom prison, out the doors and across the street to the park opposite the language school. Her hand felt so warm. Eventually she slipped her arm through mine and while I missed the warmth of her hand the intimacy of just being with her outside was exhilarating. The close proximity of Emma made it difficult to concentrate as she pointed at various objects in the park, then slipping her arm from mine, she signed the appropriate word or phrase. It would have been so much better if I’d understood what she was trying to communicate. She would lay her hand against an object like a tree, sign something but I was never sure if she was saying “tree”, “bark” or “wood”. I felt incredibly stupid. Despite my usual frustration it was a wonderful afternoon that was less about learning and more about just enjoying her company.
Sign language is far more than just positioning the fingers and hands. Much of the actual communication is done through facial expression that adds nuance and meaning to specific signs. While I was mostly lost in terms of understanding a specific sign we did manage to communicate in other non-verbal ways. Best of all, Emma had an incredible smile and I found myself constantly trying to make her laugh. As the afternoon passed by I found myself forgetting about school and started to realize how much I genuinely liked Emma.
The days lengthened into the blustery wet of autumn. Our sign language lessons continued, peppered with all too brief outings where Emma led me around, trying to immerse me in everyday life. I just couldn’t grasp it. Despite her infinite patience I could see even Emma was becoming frustrated with my lack of progress. After yet another lacklustre effort on my part she finally slammed our study material shut and sprung from her chair. She pulled her previously banned pad of paper out and wrote a simple message.
“You’re blocking it. If you embrace it, it will come.”
I shrugged in response, perhaps in some dark corner of my mind knowing she was right but I just couldn’t climb that wall. It loomed above me as though about to fall and crush me beneath its weight. Emma slowed pulled me to my feet so we stood facing each other, only inches apart. She took each of my hands in hers, forming them so the fingers and thumb of each hand pushed together. Then slowly she pulled my hands toward each other touching the fingertips against those of my opposite hand. The warmth of her soft hands and scent of her filled me with a longing for another time. Then she kissed me. A soft, lingering kiss that seemed filled with the promise of a thousand dreams. As we drew apart she formed my hands once again into the same form and drew them together. Kiss! The connection was both vivid and immediately intuitive. I felt enormously proud of myself. And I felt something else.
I lunged toward the pad and pencil wanting to put into words, aching to say something, anything, to Emma. But she was faster. She snatched the pad away, wrote a short message then folded the paper in four. She handed it to me with a smile and pushed me toward the door. As I began to open the note she covered my hands with hers and shook her head. Emma put a finger to her lips and led me to the door, unceremoniously ushering me out. As the door closed behind me I stood there, momentarily panicked that she might be sending me away. I opened the note.
“I can think of at least one good reason to learn sign language. Can you? Go home and think about it. See you next week. Emma.” She had drawn a small heart after her name.
I don’t know how long I stood there. The roar of emotions in my head whirled in dervish thought. I wanted to burst back into the room, push her against the wall and kiss her. Hard. I could feel my heart pounding. I took a long deep breath steadying myself. Hesitated. My hand reached for the doorknob. Hesitated. Finally I walked to the stairs, heading for home. I had a lot to think about.
One of the things about losing your hearing is how the simple things you take for granted change. No more ringing phones or knocks on the door and you constantly feel left out. There are so many things you don’t really notice when you have normal hearing. I think the worst part for me was the lack of innocuous conversation. I’d walk past groups of friends, laughing and talking in the street. Probably about nothing of great importance but the wanting to be part of it was crushing. At times it’s an overwhelming loneliness.
My door bell and phone had been set up with flashing lights to notice visitors or incoming calls. But nobody calls a deaf person except telemarketers. I had to keep a pen and paper by the door to deal with visitors, most of whom would treat me like I was dumb. The expressions on their faces and haste to get away always made it worse.
That Saturday afternoon I had been staring out my window. The rain had been pouring down for hours. I’d always loved the rain only now I couldn’t hear it. The soft hiss in the air, that bubbly music as raindrops hit the ground or puddles. I suppose I should have felt blessed by my heightened sense of smell, at least the fresh wetness was more apparent. The darkened sky matched my mood as melancholia took hold.
The flashing strobe of my doorbell startled me; I still wasn’t used to it. I thought about ignoring it then decided even an annoying interruption would be marginally welcome. I slowly opened the door. Emma stood there, raindrops in her hair sparkling in the soft hallway light. I reached for my pad and pen.
“?” I wrote.
“Shut up” she wrote with a smile. “Not a word.” Her hands moved in a flurry, the expressions on her face signalling a strange mix of emotions I couldn’t fathom. I was lost but somehow managed to decipher a certain softness in her. Beneath that, some kind of tension I couldn’t quite grasp. Then she dropped her raincoat to the floor.
She just stood there, wearing a nervous smile and draped in the most sensual lingerie I had ever seen. Stockings. Stiletto boots. Matching black lace bra and panties. Blushing furiously, she completed an elegant pirouette that sent hazy wafts of vanilla storming through my olfactory senses.
For once I forgot about the pad and pencil, I just stood there enjoying her. I imagine the look in my eye spoke volumes. I just took her hand and held it against my chest. My heart was pounding wildly. I kissed her then. I had to. I can’t describe how much of me went into that kiss; it was just a molten pour. It was only when Emma pulled away that I realized I had felt our kiss in its entirety. It was the difference between seeing a single star compared to the brilliant carpet of the Milky Way. I kissed her again. I wanted that feeling of endlessness back.
Emma took my hand as she looked around my apartment; she seemed to instinctively know where the bedroom was. As she led me through the doorway I was ridiculously pleased that I had actually made the bed for once. As she began to undo the buttons of my shirt I found myself fascinated by the look of concentration on her face. It was as though I was seeing her for the first time. I touched my fingertips to her cheek, she raised her eyes to mine and the universe just disappeared. Her dark eyes smouldered with unspoken promise. I could smell the rain in her hair.
Emma pushed me back on the bed, my head landing on my feather pillow. She quickly straddled me, regarding the window behind my headboard with a thoughtful expression. She then leaned over me to throw the curtains open to the dreary rain, opening the window a few inches. In the rising heat of the room I was grateful for the sudden breeze and the few drops of rain that fell from her dark hair upon my naked chest. The immediacy of her body to my mouth was too much and I reached for her hips to pull her to my lips. Emma firmly intercepted my hands and pinned them against my pillow, slowly shaking her head. I got the message.
She slithered down my body, her hands working at the belt and buttons of my Levi’s. As she slid my jeans off I was quite gratified that her proximity had left me with an impressive erection tenting up from my boxers. I was far more stirred by the wicked gleam in her eye as she slipped her fingers along the elastic of my shorts and swiftly pulled them off. I was trembling slightly and realized that I was apprehensive. Now that I was deaf and unable to hear how could I interpret the low moans and sighs emitted by a lover that would encourage or lead a particular action?
The thought vanished as the tip of Emma’s tongue traced a long, slow lick from the bottom of my shaft to the engorged head of my throbbing cock. She grinned as though she could feel my vibrations then retraced her path with her long fingernails, my back arching in pleasure. Then Emma circled the base of my cock with her thumb and forefinger as her tongue slowly lapped at my hardness. The sensation was incredible. My hands twisted gently into the luxurious cascade of her hair and I pulled her up so I could lose myself in another kiss. She kissed me, so gently it felt as though butterflies were dancing on my lips.
She gave me a knowing smile, slowly withdrawing back down my body. She hesitated briefly over one nipple. I could feel her warm breath on my chest before she suddenly flickered her tongue over my nipple. My entire body tensed with an electric thrill.
Then she moved her head over my cock and engulfed me with her hot wet mouth. I felt an enormous flood of heat through my body that only intensified as she began to slide her mouth up and down my hardness. As she began to increase her pace I was sure I was going to come in a matter of seconds. Emma clearly sensed my predicament and she lowered her pace to one of agonizing slowness; I could feel every atom of her tongue as it lingered against my pulsating cock. The short hair of my arms rose as I shuddered beneath the scorching pleasure of her mouth.
We tend to think of ourselves as having five senses. But there’s so much more. Internal perception. Balance. Temperature. Acceleration. Vibration. Pain. That first afternoon with Emma was a true awakening of my deepest consciousness.
I couldn’t remember ever being so aroused. There was a certain bewildering mystery at first that instead of being disconcerting or awkward felt more like a wild adventure. Emma’s enthusiastic mouth dipped hungrily up and down my cock. The torrid heat, followed by the cool contrast of my raging erection emerging from between the pressure of her lips was exquisite. Her eyes rose to mine, Emma’s smouldering look conveyed a wicked decadence that I met with my own. Gazing up at me she began to suck harder, deeper, increasing her speed until it felt like a blur. I exploded in her mouth. Emma slowed her pace as she continued to gently suck me, as though draining every ounce of pleasure from the moment.
I was desperate to return the favour. I pulled Emma’s face to mine and kissed her. Then I slowly pushed her back against the sheets intending to tongue her into complete surrender.
I’d touched women before but the sensations from my fingertips as I touched the liquid silk of Emma’s skin felt almost ethereal. I’d never so acutely noticed a woman’s heat, the dewy glow of her softness or the taut flexing that danced over her sensuous curves. I could smell a faint hint of Emma’s perfume but most of all I could smell her. It was a kaleidoscope fragrance of freshness, musky rainforest heat with a vague hint of spice and vanilla. I could taste her scent. I wanted to kiss her everywhere.
As Emma shrugged her bra off I had this sudden thought of being in a silent movie and a time long passed by. As the delicious curve of her small breasts were revealed my thoughts dissolved in to a single frame. Desire. My lips brushed gently against her areola, I could feel the thrumming vibration of her heart. As I slowly crushed my mouth over her nipple the sudden hardening poked insistently against my tongue as though commanding my attention. Dragging my teeth across her stiffened peak my hand slowly traced down her abdomen and slid inside the dark lace of her already sodden panties. Her knees raised as she drew her feet back toward her hips. I slid her panties off.
The instant my tongue touched her clit her hand twisted violently in my hair, the urgent pressure leaving no doubt Emma was as eager for my tongue as I was anxious to taste her. I licked slowly along her wet slit, the creamy softness of her thighs brushing against my cheeks. The tip of my tongue entered her, the taste both tart and sweet. I loved it when her hips rose off the bed to push her sex imperatively into the greedy need of my face.
I traced my fervent tongue along the inner edge of her suffused labia then feathered my tongue across her clit. Despite the silence the sudden stab of Emma’s fingernails into my cranium left no doubt that my attentions were on the mark. I pushed a single finger inside her, my eyes rising to watch the upward surge of her breasts as my fingertip touched her frontal wall. I alternately brushed my tongue over her clit then plunged it into her hole to dart furiously in and out of her sex. I could sense how close she was when Emma suddenly writhed from beneath me.
She frantically rolled me on my back, straddling my legs, pressing her entire body’s warmth against mine as she kissed me hungrily. There were a thousand voices in her glowing eyes. She reached between our legs with a lissome dexterity and guided my raging hardness between her soft folds. Gradually, almost imperceptibly, Emma filled herself with me. I could feel the clench of her with every particle of my being.
The heat of her thighs against mine as Emma slowly rose and fell on my cock was an exquisite sensation that centred my whole world. My hands slid across her ribs to cup each breast. Her face was a twisted smile of pleasure as she thrust harder and faster. Emma bent forward as I was close to coming. She kissed me hard, almost ferociously; I could feel the growl in her throat. Her teeth sank harshly into my chest adding a lonely sorrow of pain, an ache rising to pleasure and my sudden explosive climax. Each ejaculation tremored through my entire body. Emma’s eyes glittered with passion, tempered by soft smile of concern that she had hurt me. I loved it.
I pulled Emma’s legs above her hips, spinning her on to her hands and knees as she tightened around my still buried cock. I suppose in some inner way I intended to punish her for that savage bite but in truth I really just wanted to take charge. As her hands reached for the headboard I seized her hips and begun to plunge madly in and out of her. Emma deliberately turned her head to look over her shoulder, smiled encouragingly and slowly closed her eyes like a contented kitten. She began driving backward to meet my every thrust, clearly eager for her own release. Pinpoints of moisture sparkled on her back in the muted light pouring through the rain streaked window. Deliberately I slowed my pace.
I felt a selfish desire to draw out each long moment, being with Emma in a silent world was an exploration of senses beyond my imagination. She immediately intuited what I was thinking and slowed her own pace to match my own. We lingered over each sensation, wringing every drop of carnal satisfaction from each other’s aching need. I was just as entranced by the fall of her dark hair across one bare shoulder as I was absorbed by the intense warm depths of her drenched pussy.
She covered my hands with hers and pushed them against the window, the cool condensation deliciously opposed to the steamy heat of our coupling. I pulled one hand away trickling its cool droplets along Emma’s spine as she shivered beneath me. I could feel her every vibration along the entire length of my cock. As though of a single mind our passion accelerated toward oblivion.
This time we orgasmed as a single entity, our hands twisted together, welded to the shaking headboard. We collapsed in a heap, heaving for oxygen. Gradually we relaxed into one another, this perfection of satisfied selves. I felt a sense of awe at this new discovery of sensual pleasure. Emma looked at me in shared amazement, both of us understanding this new awareness, as though the afternoon had been painted with surrealistic brushstrokes upon, no, within us. My fingertips traced aimless patterns over the creamy smoothness of her skin; I was barely conscious of the action but instead lost to the simple pleasure of her acute warmth transmitted through my lightest touch. My thoughts pinballed in wild fragments that slowly took shape into the effortlessness of just being. With Emma.
I think we laid there for hours; blissfully content in our silence with long conversations told in tender smiles, raised eyebrows, subtle touch and the simple pleasure of our shared warmth. It was the first time in months I had truly enjoyed the quiet tranquility of soundlessness.
As our relationship blossomed I finally found the key to understanding sign language. I just need to let my old self go. School had never been so pleasurable. I suppose I was motivated mostly by a need to impress Emma but as true as that is, I really wanted to be able to communicate the intensity of my feelings to her. She had been so right. There was at least one incredibly good reason to learn sign language. Love.
We’re both getting cochlear implants next week; a new advance in technology for adults. I already know what my first words are going to be.
“I love you Emma.”
I’m going to sign it too.
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Free Porn Tube SitesWe start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...
Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...
With the snow returned the dreams about you. The white innocence was a quasi mockery of my pain, glossing everything over but the loss, the empty space beside me that I thought could never be filled again. It made everything look pristine and like a coherent whole, covering the shambles of my life. White is the colour of silence.Red is the colour of pain. Arriving at Heathrow half an hour late, confused and jet-lagged, scanning the crowd for you and Steven, but you had not been there. Our...
My Bio: Hello I'm Tara, First I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself in case you haven't read any of my stories before and also to help you understand the story a little better, so sit back and prop your feet up... I'm a 43-year-old mortician/funeral director who operates our family's mortuary and cemetery. I'm 5 feet 7 inches; approximately 120 pounds with long raven-black hair and glasses with natural abnormally long top incisors ( K9's or fangs). I'm in a polygamist...
This character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...
Hi lads. As normal, all my stories are true and I’ll only change names to protect identities. Don’t forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it Happy reading guys. ***************************** Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you’ve done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But...
Hi lads.As normal, all my stories are true and I'll only change names to protect identities. Don't forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it :)Happy reading guys.*****************************Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you've done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But there...
I was on the crowded London Tube. A fair-haired woman who had her back to me and was pressing against me as was talking to her friend. Both had an Australian accent. One was obviously of mixed blood and had a beautiful light tan skin tone.I was fascinated as the fair-haired girl sounded like a girl who I believe I had known in a country town in Victoria.She still had her back to me when I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if her name was Jenny.She turned and immediately recognised me, as...
BisexualI was on the crowded London Tube. A fair-haired woman who had her back to me and was pressing against me as was talking to her friend. Both had an Australian accent. One was obviously of mixed blood and had a beautiful light tan skin tone.I was fascinated as the fair-haired girl sounded like a girl who I believe I had known in a country town in Victoria.She still had her back to me when I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if her name was Jenny.She turned and immediately recognised me, as...
Bisexualhello pussyby My Rubber MonkeyPart One; Girls In The Alley I promised these two young women I wouldn't use their real names in my story, so let's call them Tickyboo and Pinkles. Those are the names I used for them anyway while I was playing with them, and it's the names they'll respond to sexually from now on. Tickyboo has dark brunette hair with deep scarlet streaks, straight and long. She kinda looked like Katie Fey. Pinkles is the curly blonde. Petite with a cute little pug nose. I...
i was home one day when my bestfriend came over she was wearin some boyshorts and they were so tight that u can see every detail of her pussy. she comes in my room while i was sleepin and gets on top of me and at the time i was just in my boxers. she looks down and sees how big my cock is and i automatically feel her pussy juices on my dick she starts to rub my dick and tellin my that she has been wantin my cock since we met and she pulls it out. she sucks my cock and sticks her ass towards my...
Hi, ISS readers, I am Himanshu back again with another sex story which was unexpected and adventurous for me. But before that, I would like to thank all the readers who enjoyed the sex story. I got overwhelming responses for my previous group sex story. It was unexpected though. If in case you missed the sex story, can read the sex story at https://www.indiansexstories2.net/group/wonderful-session-with-my-ex-girlfriend-and-her-bestfriend/ If any girls/bhabhis from Bangalore want to have sex...
True story about my girlfriends bestfriendSince her mouth was at just the right height anyway, she immediately bent over and pulled my dripping cock right into her mouth. Her mouth was working wonders on my cock so I decided to test her sucking ability as a true slave. I reached out with my hands and pulled her entire head down onto my cock as I stuffed my foot up her cunt. Her gasp for breath was overwhelmed by her grunt from my foot fucking her cunt. Her cunt was taking my foot deeper and...
I sit on the table, thinking about all that has been happening.Earlier this week, Dave, my Dad's Bestfriend requested me to model for him."My model went off without any notice and i really need a model for a trial shoot with the new camera. You're in a really nice shape sweetie. You'd owe me one", he had said.Ofcourse I couldn't refuse. It was the first time someone had noticed me or my body at all. At school, no one would bat an eye towards me.I eat my dinner watching everyone at the table, my...
My legs were wide open and he came and held them apart as he slid in slowly and just said am horny too we had all gone out for drinks.my husband his bestfriend mike and his wife cynthia.we were to all crash back at their place after .At the club we were alk dancing and would exchange partners just to dance . when mike and i went to dance he asked me to go back to the car with him so that he could take his jacket.We walked to the car just making small talk.we had all came in mike's car .we had...
Cheating WifeMy legs were wide open and he came and held them apart as he slid in slowly and just said am horny too we had all gone out for drinks.my husband his bestfriend mike and his wife cynthia.we were to all crash back at their place after .At the club we were alk dancing and would exchange partners just to dance . when mike and i went to dance he asked me to go back to the car with him so that he could take his jacket.We walked to the car just making small talk.we had all came in mike's car .we had...
Cheating WifeShe’s sitting there, on the couch, her head turned towards me, and listening. We’ve been talking for over an hour, her and me and Emma. Emma’s now in the kitchen, fetching refills for the gin and tonics that have slowly moved our moods, from a nervous awkwardness towards something more intimate. More pleasurable. Closer.A moment later, Emma re-enters the room, her arrival heralded by the clink of ice in crystal glasses, which seems in that moment to be the most erotic sound one could imagine....
Anal“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...
So today i had a meeting with a new friend. I was so nervous, as I am with all meeting. I was sitting in my car in my normal work clothes, black shoes with bkack trousers and a blue shirt with a maroon jumper. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until you notice my socks....or lack of socks. Instead i am wearing opaque stockings which go all the way up my legs and are attached to a black basque. Over them is a pair of satin red panties. I am a crossdresser and so is my new friend that i am meeting for...
My little sister took her time under the shower. Even though I knew we should move, get out of the house as soon as possible, I didn’t want to rush her. At least, no more than I already had. The poor thing had to get up, her legs shaking, right after she had her first time - after she had her first not self-induced orgasm. I listened intently to the water falling, patiently waiting. I wanted to hop in the shower with her, but I thought that would be too much for her, all at once. Also, if my...
Chapter 1. Gabriel An unusual cold snap in late November was proving tricky not only for those unfortunate enough to be travelling by road; it also had the annoying side-effect of making stealth far too difficult for Tom to feel at all confident that he could follow his mark without being compromised. Normally, he would have considered snow to be a big help, because it would have deadened the sound of footfall, but not tonight: the slight frosting of white covering the pavement had...
It is another boring party. I don’t even know why I bothered going. The usual preening prima donnas are there, the infuriating cliques with their adoring gaggle of followers and simpering hangers-on.And then I see you.You're standing leaning against the wall. My eyes travel up your petite frame. Converse boots, over the knee black socks, little black skater skirt and a white tee shirt with a pink heart on it. The collar was new but other than that you look exactly the same as last time I’d...
Quickie SexAfter many, many emails I feel compelled to repost this story with a PS. Here is 'the rest of the story', as Paul Harvey would say. Rrriiiiinnnnggg, rrriiiinnnngg, "Hello?" "Hi Honey. This is Daddy. Is Mommy near the phone?" "No, Daddy. She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul." After a brief pause, Daddy says, "But, Honey, you haven't got an Uncle Paul." "Oh yes I do and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy, right now." Brief pause. "Uh, okay then, this is what I...
Newlywed Husband Learns the TruthLisa is a very large woman in her early twenties. She is about 5'6" and weighs about 380. She is definitely what you would call a SSBBW.John is a skinny, dorky white guy in his twenties.Pastor Lamont is in his late fifties, with gray hair and a gray goatee.John and Lisa had dated for almost two years before he proposed. They had a great relationship, but she told him she was going to wait until marriage to have sex with him. Lucky for John, she allowed him...
Chapter 6: The Halloween Dance and the New Friend The two awoke just as the setting sun cast a gentle crimson ambience across the grassland, the light filtering through the trees and casting ghastly shadows amongst the somewhat deserted streets. Althea was the first to awaken, feeling Cal's warm, naked flesh on top of her own. Yawning softly, she gently rolled Cal off of her so he rested at her side, where she could snuggle into his sleeping form. Cal woke up ten or so minutes later,...
Whenever I needed to get-off, which was often the case, I would always fantasize about my sexy mother. She was the main porn actress of my most perverted fantasies. Cynthia, that's my mother's name, is a busty 45-year-old sexpot. But if you ask me, she looks more like a vibrant nymph in her 20s. Mom is a very fit woman who likes to diet and workout at the local gym four times a week. She has soft, silky brown hair, light green eyes, a cute upturned nose, and full red lips. But her best...
It was ten minutes to close and most of the student body had left due to the weather. The automatic cue of the library announcement from the overhead intercom was a welcomed reprieve of what had been a very long night due to upcoming finals. She made her way around the second to the back aisle. Her hands were full. She eyed the titles in earnest, looking for the correct placement of a certain book. She caught a glimpse of them through an opening between the books. Before her mind could...
Whenever I needed to get-off, which was often the case, I would always fantasize about my sexy mother. She was the main porn actress of my most perverted fantasies. Cynthia, that's my mother's name, is a busty 45-year-old sexpot. But if you ask me, she looks more like a vibrant nymph in her 20s. Mom is a very fit woman who likes to diet and workout at the local gym four times a week. She has soft, silky brown hair, light green eyes, a cute upturned nose, and full red lips. But her best asset in...
Not a word, not a sound.I’m about to turn the page when your shadow alerts me to your presence, feeble footsteps absorbed into the thick pile chenille rug. You’re standing in front of me, an unspoken question on your lips, tapping your foot silently. Your face shows no expression, doesn’t need any.I know what you want. Tap, tap, tap. Okay, I am game. But we’re gonna play this my way.I flick my eyes from the page to you, then back to my book. Sorry, honey, I’m enjoying this story too much. Tap,...
MasturbationThe room was ill lit and possessed many odours. The smoke of many burning lamps competed mainly with the smell of far too many people, though the rich scents of exotic perfumes and aromas of expensive foodstuffs made their own assaults on the nostrils of the room. Illystil Morninggold did her best to keep her true feelings hidden and her fake smile in place as she wandered about the ballroom, nodding cordially to the various minor nobles, diplomats and affluent merchants that populated this...
Back in John's office, John had turned on the television and had a comfortable chair brought in for Paul to sit in. They sat watching the game for a while, eating Wilma's cookies. Paul became lost in his own thoughts. He wondered who he should get to train Lilly. He was pretty sure she would join up. She was an adrenaline junky just like Paul was. He decided he had better broach the subject with John so they could start making plans. "John, I know I said Lilly had to make up her mind, but...
Lilly and Raven headed off towards the elevator laughing and joking. "Where do you want to go? What would you like to see?" "I don't know, what is there to see?" "Well there are twenty-two levels we can visit. The other twenty are restricted to member personnel only. Of the twenty-two, fourteen of them are offices. Once you have seen one office you have seen them all. That leaves eight: There is a fitness center that covers all of level twelve, a hospital on level three where we are...
Meanwhile, Raven looked around the suite. Freely going where she wanted, she entered into a room that appeared to be a den. There were pictures everywhere. In most of the pictures, she saw Nick and Petra. Her curiosity was getting the better of her again. She wondered if Nick and Petra were married. There were pictures of them on top of mountains, at the beach and in hotel rooms. Petra had pictures of them snow skiing, boating, rappelling, swimming and just hanging out together. There were a...
Raven looked at Petra, "Do you think one of us should go check on our new compadre?" Petra smiled at Raven, "Nope. I think, when she gets done doing her business, she will be back." A few minutes later, Lilly returned wearing the negligee that Petra laid out for her. Raven being facetious, said "You look a little exhausted Lilly." Lilly blushed, turning three different shades of red. At that moment, Nick and Cal entered the suite. Both men stood at the door, gawking at Lilly in the...
Petra awoke to the sound of Nick's computer talking. She walked naked to his room. Nick noticed her. "Good morning," he said somberly. She asked, "What time is it?" "Five thirty. I figured you would awaken if you heard me moving around. I made you some coffee." "Thank you. What are you doing?" "Research. Cal showed me a modified pistol yesterday with some very deadly ammo. I was trying to figure out who was smart enough to create them. There are only about eight ammunition...
Nick and Lilly sat down at the booth in the back by the kitchen. Fred saw them and said, "Hi Nick. Who is this lovely young lady?" "Fred, this is Lilly. You will probably be seeing a lot more of her. She is a big steak lover like me." Fred shook Lilly's hand. "Hi Lilly, nice to meet you. I take it you are the one Nick ran into yesterday?" Lilly astounded asks, "How did you know?" "Normally he feeds them immediately. His treat. However, after I talked to him this morning. I...
Lilly got to the administration office. Jennifer and Raven were sitting on the sofa talking. Lilly said, "Sorry I am late. I just had a wonderful conversation with Fred and I didn't want to leave." Jennifer said, "That is okay dear. Do you really want to do this? This is a very harsh occupation." "I know Mom. I think I can deal with it. And I have met some wonderful people. I really want to do this." "Okay, honey, let's go take care of this paperwork you are having a hard time...
Lilly and Jennifer left the administration office. As they came out of the office, Raven came walking down the hallway. Raven said, "Are we having fun?" "Not one bit," Lilly replied. "I have never seen so many pieces of paper in my entire life." "I know," Raven said. "We are worse than working for most governments. We are going to have to wait on Christina. She is helping Nick with a problem. Ryan is going to be your weapons instructor now." Lilly asked, "Who? The geeky...
Paul just could not believe his luck. He had three giggling girls in the backseat. His legs were bothering him. He guessed he would have to have the doctor look at them again. At least, he wouldn't have to cook dinner. Cal told him he would be at the house at nine in the morning. He really wasn't thrilled about Lilly moving out of the house. Lilly said, "Dad, turn up the radio a bit." Paul said, "You won't hear it anyway." Lilly leaned up in the seat, "I didn't hear you. What did...
Nick woke up to the voices of little children. He wrapped a towel around his abdomen, and then headed for Petra's bedroom. The girls were sitting up in bed. Petra was sitting on the bed talking to them. Nick asked Petra, "What time is it?" Petra, being facetious, said, "Ten. You snore like a bear. You should've heard him girls. He was loud enough to wake a rock." The girls start giggling. Nick said, "Ha-Ha, you are very funny." Petra still digging, said, "If you will hurry up...
Nick finished writing his report and gave it to John's secretary. As he walked back toward the elevator, John came out of his office. "Nick come here." Nick turned around and walked back toward John. "Yes sir." "Max was arraigned this morning. He goes to court in five months. The court didn't grant him bail. They were afraid Melissa and the children would be harmed. I am setting them up in a safe house a long way from here. I need you to bring the children to the helicopter pad...