An Emerging Pt. 06 free porn video

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First, a warning – this story is based around a ‘Loving wives’ theme. If that gives you issues, you are going to have to grind your way to the end, some 50,000 words away before you can grumble. Ask yourself, is it really worth the effort?

The second warning is, the first 2 1/2 sections are substantially the same as an earlier submission of mine ‘Emergence’.

Thanks to ‘Blackstallion21’ for editing support.


Once in the hallway, Patrick slapped her rear gently, and ordered her upstairs. Rachael obeyed, and he paused to watch as she ascended the steps. He slipped into the kitchen, grabbing the picnic blanket from cupboard, and the bottle of Cava that’d been left to welcome them.

When he arrived upstairs, she’d settled into one of the armchairs, by the fire. She was fingering her clitoris quite openly:

‘What kept you?’

He added log onto the stove, and spread the lined blanket over the rug. He popped the cork of the wine before undressing.

‘Come here’

He knelt on the blanket, she came to him, and he wrapped her arm around her waist. Holding her close to him, he took a draught of the wine. Kissing her, he transferred the wine to her mouth. A proportion spilled down their chins. Next, he raised the bottle to Rachael’s mouth and let her drink. She reciprocated his action:

‘Mr ‘Y’, you don’t have to get me drunk to have your way with me, you know…’

He grinned, and gave her a gentle push backwards. Taking the hint, Rachael moved to lay supine, her excitement was obvious, as she writhed, her hands fluttering. Patrick leant over her, and poured a slender stream into her navel. He licked it from the tiny bowl.

‘Ooh…that’s cold. But nice.’

He repeated the action. Then, instead of pouring the sparkling stream onto her stomach, he splashed it onto her nipples, following it with his tongue. Rachael gasped. Her mouth was now slack, in a half-smile, and her eyes were gleaming. When Patrick shifted to kneel between her knees, she grasped his intent immediately, and tilted her hips upward to him. When the trickle of cold wine hit her clitoris, she made a wordless keening noise, her eyes screwed tight shut. As the fluid flowed down and between her labia, it rose to a squeal, and then a string of expletives, as he drank from her.

‘Christ, Oh, Christ, Ohhhh’

He made (started) to pour again. She stopped him

‘No, not that. It’s a bit too much….don’t make me come just yet.’

‘Well, we could try this.’

She felt something cold and hard trace its way down her soaking slit. Her eyes snapped open, in time to see him caressing her with the neck of the bottle. He halted its travel at her open entrance, then she felt him start to push it into her, it’s thick, curled lip parting and cooling her inflamed labia.

‘No, don’t. That’s too much. Not even tonight….’

He ignored her, sliding the thick neck deeper. Looking down at her, he grinned.

‘Now just wait a moment, hold it right there’

Her eyes showed her confusion

‘I’ll get the camera. I reckon Alistair would love a few shots of you like that’

Momentarily, she’d thought he was serious.

Shifting, she instructed him to lie back. His legs were akimbo, his torso raised on his elbows. His erection stood vertical. Rachael poured wine generously over his torso, and drank it from his skin. Now she took a mouthful, and, keeping her lips pursed so as not to lose any more of the fluid than absolutely necessary, slid her lips over the glans. The sensation of the cold liquid and the prickling sensation of the bubbles caused him to jerk forward, pushing the tip to the back of her throat. It caused an involuntary gag. She swallowed the wine.

‘Sorry, I…’

‘Don’t worry.’

The thought that’d arisen unbidden when she’d felt his thrust caused her to pause for a moment. ‘Why not? I’ve tried everything else tonight….well, almost everything’.

‘Stay still’

She took the shaft in her right hand, holding it gently with her fingertips. Reapplying her lips, she moved them down on it slowly, until the penis penetrated her mouth as deeply as it ever had before. She could feel the smooth head against the roof of her mouth, close to her epiglottis. They both waited expectantly. Her train of thought continued – ‘I’ve swallowed his come – I ought to be able to do this’. Recalling what she’d read on the topic, she resumed the slide down. Forcing herself to control the natural spasm of her throat muscles, Rachael inhaled deeply through her nose, before making her self swallow, as she bobbed her head forward.

It worked, just as she’d read it would. She felt a bulk slide into her throat, and suddenly, she was able to move her head forward without restriction until her nose nestled amongst his pubic hair.

‘Good God…’

Rachael moved her head backwards, feeling the friction as the shaft withdrew from her, then moved forward again. She was able to repeat the movement three or four times before she had to pull back to breathe, taking his cock from her mouth but retaining her grip.

‘Where the hell did you learn to do that?’

‘Wouldn’t you like to know’ was all the response she offered, before reapplying herself. From Patrick’s hiss, as he slid back into her oesophagus, she realised that the sensations must be very intense. Then, it became apparent just how intense, just as she was about to withdraw again for breathe, Patrick cursed, and his hands clamped on the sides of her head. He began to thrust against her, robotically. Rachael felt an edge of panic. She was desperate to breathe, but his grip was too strong. Then, with a roar, he drove forward, crushing her face into his abdomen, and held it there for what seemed an eternity. He released her, and desperately, she swayed backward, gulping for air. As she did so, his second spasm fired its string of semen, spattering across her face.

She managed to get the head back into her mouth in time for the third, savouring its tang. Lovingly, she used fingers and tongue to spooned the remnants into her mouth as he watched her, intently.

The semen was everywhere, in her hair, splashed around her right eye, plastered around her mouth and dripping from her chin

Rachael had been building to this point for most of the day. Abruptly, she was on fire with lust. She needed a penis inside her, fucking her hard, now.

It’d been the sight of her in the mirror, she realised. Looking like the cheapest slut imaginable, after she’d spent the day behaving like a tart. The knowledge that she’d taken a cock in the throat, had been close to performing anonymous sex in a nightclub, displayed herself like a whore, come on her lover’s fingers while– and had adored every second of it.

Wiping Patrick’s come from her eye but leaving the rest, she dropped to her knees. She began to work on his now flaccid member with mouth and hands, gently at first but then with increasing urgency as it failed to respond. She looked him in the eye, cursing:

‘Come ON…’

‘Sorry, I can’t.’

His head dropped back – the mixture of the drink, and the powerful climax he’d just squirted into her gullet had left him half-comatose. Growling with frustration, consumed with the desperate need to be filled, her eyes scanned the room for some source of satisfaction.

And fell on the bottle. Five minutes ago, it’d seemed too depraved even for her. She grabbed at it, hurriedly tearing away the last remnants of the foil top, before taking it to the bathroom, and giving the neck a wipe with the washcloth. Back in the living room, she poised herself on the edge of one of the armchairs where she could see herself in the mirror. She gave Patrick’s recumbent form a sharp kick:

‘Watch this, you useless bastard’

It was easier than she’d expected to push the neck deep into her soaking tunnel – and Rachael felt e
very millimetre of its passage. The sensation was excruciatingly intense. Moreover, as it continued to slide in, the shape, with the relatively slender neck flaring to the broad body caused her vulva to be spread wide. Patrick’s eyes were almost as wide. She directed her gaze to the mirror, as she slid it out and in again. Her image was a vision of filth. She looked obscene, she thought. It wasn’t just the lewdness of the large black shape nestling between her legs, its neck glistening with her lubrication, it was the way her mouth worked with soundless pleasure as the bottle was moved.

She glanced again at Patrick.

‘If you can’t do it for me, I’ll make my own arrangements.’

He didn’t speak.

‘Tell me how it looks. Do I look like a complete harlot? I want to – I’ve felt like one all day’

She was struck by a convulsion, causing her to lose her grip on the bottle. It dropped noisily to the floor, spilling froth. She hadn’t realised it still contained wine.

With a deliberate gesture, she bent forward and picked it up, raised it to her lips and drank as Patrick watched. It tasted strongly of her, as well as the original contents. She placed the now empty bottle upright on the floor, and squatted over it. She began to lower herself down onto it

Rachael was now sliding up and down rapidly, forcing the bottleneck as deep into herself as it would physically go, Her hips were jerking back and forth, her breasts swinging wildly. Her skin shone with sweat, her thighs with her juices Her orgasm was close now, very close.

A massive wave of pleasure washed over her, then another, and yet another. Conscious thought was impossible, and when the waves finally receded, she felt blackness fall over her.

Chapter 12

Rachael couldn’t be sure what it was that actually woke her, it was one of those unpleasant, instantaneous transitions from deep sleep to wakefulness that only happen as a result of some external stimulus. The initial disorientation had its virtues, however. It took her several seconds to become aware of the dull ache behind her eyes, the dryness of her mouth. And that she was alone.

The room was in semi darkness, illuminated only by the grey light seeping around the curtains. Even so, she found it more comfortable to keep her eyes closed.

As she huddled under the covers, recollection of the previous night came creeping into her consciousness. Her immediate reaction was to cringe inwardly at – well, she could think of no better word than shamelessness of her behaviour. Risking the opening of one eye, she peeked toward the now cold stove, expecting to see the evidence of her debauchery. There was none. Perhaps it was some sort of nightmare? No, nightmares don’t normally include such extreme pleasure, searching for an explanation, a hazy memory surfaced, of Patrick lifting her onto the bed, of his wiping her body and face with a washcloth, taking off her shoes and jewellery, and spreading the blankets over her.


Rachael jack-knifed upright, into a sitting position. Where was he? Had she been so excessive that he’d walked out, disgusted with her? Before she would seek an answer, she was overcome by a stab of nausea, brought on by the sudden movement.

She made it into the bathroom just in time, vomiting thin, sour bile into the toilet bowl. Then, sitting on that same (the) bowl she relieved herself, suffering alternate flushes of hot and cold. It was dawning on her just how much she’d drunk, and over how long on the previous day. Was that some excuse for her behaviour? Probably not…

The worst of her immediate symptoms began to subside. She drew a glass of water, swilled (rinsed) her mouth, filled another, which she drank. Filling the glass for a third time, she filled it again. She needed to lie down, to orientate herself from the shelter of the bed. Returning to the bedroom, she was able to take in the things she’d missed in the urgency of her dash to the bathroom. The room had indeed been tidied, thoroughly. Nor did it seem that Patrick had left, his camera equipment and laptop were still there.

The dress she’d worn that previous night was draped over the back of a chair. She eyed it warily, then lifted it, inspecting it as though it was completely strange to her. It seemed incredible, mildly horrifying that she’d worn it at all, never mind in public. And – Oh, God – She recalled removing the clip that’d kept the cowl at least part closed, and her display leaving the dance floor. How many people had she displayed herself to? That recollection was tempered, however, by an insistent memory of her excitement at the time. She tried, but failed, to push that thought aside.

Dropping it back on the chair, she took the few steps back to the bed. On her bedside table she’d missed entirely the tray left for her, a bowl of cereal, milk, a large, cold glass of grapefruit juice. Beside them, a thermos jug. Investigating that latter, she found it filled with strong, black coffee. There was a note:

‘Gone for a run, to clear my head. These should help. P.’

Folded into the note were two aspirins.

Rachael settled back into the bed, draining the grapefruit in two deep draughts. She attacked the cereal, suddenly famished. Together, they acted to quell her stomach’s churning. She arranged the pillows so she could sit upright, and poured a large mug of coffee. The first mouthful served well to wash down the aspirin. Within a few minutes, she could feel their effect.

She could now, she found, contemplate the previous day and night with a little more equanimity. She’d amazed herself by just how far over the top her behaviour had been – amazed, and more than a little frightened. It hadn’t only been how she’d acted in the restaurant and especially in the nightclub. The seeds of that had, she surmised, been sown earlier in the day when being photographed had aroused her so. And there had been the drink. Not an excuse, but it’d certainly helped loosen already frayed inhibitions.

She lifted the covers, to survey the evidence of that fraying, her smooth pubis. Proof positive, she thought of her recklessness. She contemplated just how turned on it’d made her that previous afternoon.

She reached up to brush aside a stray lock of hair, her fingers met a stiffened knot. Patrick hadn’t cleaned her up completely, she mused, recalling her image in the mirror that last evening.

Rachael herself could choose exactly when to let her real licentiousness have free rein, no-one else. Best, almost all of those around her would be completely unsuspecting. The concept of still being seen as the ‘Ice Queen’ – despite the mild thaw of the last year – while knowing what sleaze she could enjoy amused her hugely.

Anyhow, she could have gone further, had she wanted to. She’d left the Watcher hanging, she thought. Reflecting on what she assumed would have been his extreme arousal, she relished a mildly sadistic kick at the idea that he’d been frustrated.

Putting her imaginings to one side, she slid from the bed. Back again in the bathroom, she adjusted the shower to a little less than body heat, after cleaning her teeth, she stepped in. she rinsed her hair several times, and lathered her body, noticing the various points of tenderness. All in all, considering her conduct, she felt surprisingly good. As the shower continued, in fact, she felt better and better. When she stepped from the shower she seemed to exude a healthy glow. Was there other maintenance needed? No, her mons still felt soft and smooth – no stubble yet. Gently, she anointed her labia with a soothing lotion, and applied a little to her interior.

Now there was the matter of clothing. The room was slightly chill, and as she checked the wardrobe, she was aware of goose pimples on her skin and her nipples tightening. She found a soft body, it’s cups gently supporting of her aching breasts. Slipping into it, and donning jeans and a sweater over it, she walked
down to the kitchen and busied herself tidying.

Rachael had been at the task for no more than ten minutes when the front door burst open. Patrick had returned, reddened and sweaty. Waving off her greetings, he departed upstairs, apparently more than ready for a shower himself.

Finishing her work, Rachael followed him upstairs. The bathroom door was closed, and she could hear the shower in full flow. When Patrick eventually emerged, his slender torso wrapped in a towel, he found her back in the kitchen.

‘How are you feeling?’

‘Bad – but not quite as bad as I should probably feel’

‘It was quite a night, wasn’t it?’

She was quiet. That wasn’t the half of it.

‘We’d better get dressed and head out, if we want any lunch. I don’t think we’ve anything in, have we?


‘Check the time – you slept until well after 12!’

Chapter 13

Good. That was pretty much everything now, apart from a sauce for the birds, and that was best made at the last minute. All the washing up was done, apart from plates and serving dishes. She surveyed the kitchen, satisfied it was in good order, she just had to finish the table now, she’d seen candlesticks and candles in one of the cupboards. Retrieving them, she laid two place settings, opened the wine and poured two glasses to breathe.

Time now to prepare herself, she had something in mind. They’d spent the afternoon and early evening quietly – and chastely. Maybe she’d satisfied the worst of her overheated urges, at least for the time being. They’d done nothing more erotic than a country walk. But now, it was time to change that.

Patrick was settled in front of the fire, a paperback in his hands, some trashy adventure story she noted. Well, she’d not chosen him for his taste in literature. He looked up at her as she passed.

‘Nearly ready, I just want to change, and then give me five minutes to serve.’

‘Smells great,’ He returned to his book. Rachael picked the chosen items from the wardrobe, and went into the bathroom. She emerged transformed. Gone were the comfortable, practical clothes of the day, in their place a look that exuded sophistication. She wore a black silk top, with spaghetti straps. Obviously of insubstantial material, it did nothing to hide he movements of her breasts below it. Indeed, the bumps made by her nipples confirmed she wore nothing underneath. Her black skirt was tight-fitting, reaching to just below knee length,, made of a soft satin. He legs were sheathed in opaque stockings, marked with a faint pattern in silver. She wore those vertiginous heels that’d featured in the previous days photo shoots. Around her neck there was a short necklace of square black stones, and some black beads.

‘Wow. You look wonderful.’


She was indeed pleased with the look. She’d hoped to avoid the obvious availability of the previous night, but to still be sexy.

‘Ten minutes. I’ll call’

When she did, and he descended to the kitchen, he was met with the partridges already served, sitting atop a pool of a rich, purple sauce. Next to them was a small portion of dauphiness’s potato. In the middle, between the plates, was a small bowl of mixed green vegetables. Rachael waited by the table.

Taking he hint, he seated her in his most gentlemanly manner. Taking his own place, he spoke:

‘Hmm. Not only smells great, but looks it too. What’s the sauce?’

‘Port. I bought a couple of miniatures yesterday.’

‘Wow. You do the whole Jerry Hall thing then?’

She raised an eyebrow

‘You know – a cordon-bleu chef in the kitchen, a Madonna with the children, and, in the bedroom…..’

‘Why thank you, Mr ‘Y”.

The food was every bit as good as it promised. They ate in a comfortable silence, now relaxed in each others company. When they finished, he ordered her upstairs. He made coffee, and with dispatch, washed the dishes, returning them to their places in the various cupboards. They both needed to be away early the following day, he thought. No point leaving jobs until the morning. He should be very grateful they’d got the extra night.

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Transformation Nursey Rhymes

TRANSFORMATION NURSERY RHYMES by Roy Del Frink Little Jack Horner stood in a corner, Keeping his chin free from fuzz. He swallowed some pills, felt some strange chills, And remarked, "What a good man I was!" Jack and Jill went up a hill Carrying a shiny medallion. Jack touched it first, Jill made it worse, And they became a two-headed stallion. Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn. The sheep can't believe it, the cows can just scorn. Where is Little Boy Blue? Nowhere you...

2 years ago
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Soul Calibur

You wake up in a forest, the last thing you remember is playing Soul Calibur 4 when there was this flash of light. "Where am I ?" You get up and look around seeing nothing but trees. You decide to walk through the forest to see if you can find out were you are. As you are walking you come across a pond and look down to see your reflection.

3 years ago
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Life Under MistressChapter 10

“Do you realize who that is?” Monica asked us all. “No, but evidently you do, so share it with us Monica.” Eric laughed. “Okay, okay that’s Janis Ross Whitney!” Monica told us. “And who is a Janis Ross Whitney???” Eric asked the million dollar question for all of us. “Only the owner and head of Extreme Solutions LLC.” Monica laughed. “And that’s supposed to tell me ... us something?” Eric complained, looking around at the rest of us. “Ok ... Ok. She is the person you go to when your...

1 year ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 19

"Mother, please." Janet Woodrow spun around, her wavy black hair spilling over one shoulder. She brushed a few errant strands out of her eyes with a swipe of her hand. "I said no, Diane, and that's final." Her voice was more tired than angry. She was at a loss as to her daughter's recent streak of recalcitrance. She liked to think that she had a better relationship with her daughter than most parents had with their teens. Now Diane had become a stranger to her. Janet let her stern...

1 year ago
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First Fuck With My Neighbor

Life was getting boring. All I do was go to college and get back. Watch lot of porn and masturbate. I was tired of porn. I wanted real action. Unfortunately, I had no girl friend and was too scared to approach prostitutes. At 6’1”, I was pretty tall and had decent built, though I was fast approaching 20, I never had a girl friend. I lacked in communication skills and was an introvert. So I can’t blame anyone else that I never had a girl friend. But on my 20th birthday, my life changed...

1 year ago
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Loving My Bunny GirlChapter 9

Monday, October 30, 2045 Classes were becoming more enjoyable for Wendy and me. Most of the students had discovered that a little self-discipline and concentration would make Wendy's pheromones nothing more than an annoyance, and the fact that most teachers gave a nod and wink to public displays of affection between students known to be in classes with her actually brought a laugh to most students. The school also was cheerfully talking about our football victory the previous week. We had...

2 years ago
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Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Linda Coville went to her closet. The 18-year-old girl wanted to make sure her turquoise ribbon party dress was ready for her big date on Saturday night. Even with the big night out being two days away Linda wanted to make sure her outfit was ready to be worn. What good was it to have a dress that was elegant, modest, and fun if it was dirty when wanted. The dress had the look she was going for that night. That was the perfect look for where her man, Sam Gracia was taking her, the end of...

1 year ago
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Turn the Tables

  I thought my life was fairly normal. My name is Katherine and I am 25 and have been married for 4 years. My husband Jimmy works in video production and makes a decent salary. I work part time in retail. We live in a modest house and from all outward signs are a normal couple. When we first were married our sex life was good. We had sex like I expect most couples our age do. After our first anniversary things started to change subtly. Jimmy got more adventurous in bed. He was always wanting...

2 years ago
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Deciding MomentChapter 46

Both agents jumped into the back of the van and grabbed hold of me. The explosion tossed the van into the wall ahead of us, which was less than five feet away. If it hadn't been for the agents, I would have been tossed around in the back like nothing I wanted to imagine. When the van came to rest on its side, I noticed the back door had been breached, somewhat. I saw through the small crack the remains of a car. It was still on fire. I looked at the agents, who had protected me. One was...

2 years ago
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marks night away

It was a dark night and I was on the train to see a girl called Vicky who I met online. She was the kind of girl you fantasise over every night and dream of when you’re at a meeting or tired. She had the most beautiful body with large tits, which made men drool, and a sweet slim body. Her beautiful hair and her sexy face meant that this might be a night to remember. As I approached her station I saw her, standing in the corner watching the train come in wearing a coat to stop the lashing rain...

2 years ago
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MY wife part II

Thank you for the feedback....Marcus started kissing Janes neck and his hand started to disappear inside her white blouse gropping at her 32ee tits. She still had her hand on his dick - rubbing him through his trousers."Give me a hand James" he said. James looked at me - I nodded and smiled.He stood up from beside me and had to adjust his trousers over his hard-on.This was not lost on Jane "Nice to see you approve!" she whispered breathlessly.At this moment she was obscured from me by the 2...

3 years ago
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Essence of Cunt

DISCLAIMER: the following story is to be taken seriously only by wanking readers, further more only by wanking readers during the act of wanking, anybody who believes a word of it otherwise is a dangerous madman or madwoman.That said, dear gentle, intelligent reader,  I assume you wouldn’t quarrel with the idea that imagination is free?  Nevertheless please do not read this story if the idea of a young, fresh, hot, big-titted, moronic fucking cunt fervently seeking its own, appallingly...

1 year ago
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Amber Must PayChapter 5

I don't usually run on the weekends but I forgot to tell Tawney that. When I woke up she was dressed and ready to go. So I got dressed and showed her how to stretch and get ready. After a minute of stretching we went outside and started out walking at a brisk pace. It was a perfect morning for it. The sun is just coming up and the air is cool and clean. We walked half a block and then started running at a slow, steady pace. I planned to keep an eye on her and when she started to get tired...

1 year ago
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My Neighbor Emily

Come on Maddi, time for bed!” I call out from the kitchen.I was spending another night babysitting the c***dren of one of my mums close friends, who lived just up the road from my house. She was married but her husband went away for weeks at a time for work. So it wasn’t uncommon for me come over and mow the lawns or help her c***dren with their homework. Being an only c***d and had always wanted siblings, and was always more than happy to drop by and spend time with them.Maddi was a little ray...

1 year ago
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I had a rule NEVER get involved with anyone I was working with. It seldom turned out well. But it was a rule I broke too often. When I spotted the new cashier I was struck hard by a dose of lust. She was also a bit younger than the women I usually get involved with. I was doubly awkward that I was her supervisor. Some companies were very flexible about personal relationships so long as they never interferred with one's conduct. I cannot claim to have observed this rule in the strictest sense...

3 years ago
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Shannon The Executive Office Assistant

Shannon was my executive assistant and as vibrant and gorgeously sexy as she was, she was not to be messed with when it came to sexual innuendos. Shannon let it be known right off the bat, after she caught me admiring her posterior as she sauntered out of my office one day that she was very much spoken for.I hated Shannon because she was cute, and because she knew it. She stood only about four foot ten and probably didn’t weigh much more than 98 pounds. She had long brown hair that hung down to...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Doing biology practicals for my 10th sister

Hi readers of iss I am new infact iam introductry by this story its real,my name is Ivar I am 19 and my sister’s name is Diana i call her dinni, actually our house has five rooms one of them is study room the whole story begin’s here our family consists of four members father,mother,me and my sister dinni, she is so cute and emotions girl she reacts very fast to emotions our parents go to our relatives house two days in a month where they are in another city,that day my father received a call...

3 years ago
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Mandy MischiefChapter 3

“So how are we going to do this Steve?” Kat asked me from her position sitting across my lap, her arms around my neck. I had one arm behind her back and loosely encircling her waist, the other hand lightly resting on her hip. “I don’t think you really have enough room or enough light here. May I suggest that you both come my place, where I have both. We’ll probably need at least four hours to work, so one of the weekend days. I live in an apartment in the High Street.” “I want to do this...

2 years ago
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More wet anal sex with Wife

Ever since that night when my wife gave me head while she sat on the toilet taking a leak, the mere sound of her peeing starts a stirring in my cock. When she gets up in the middle of the night for a late night whiz, her stirring often wakes me a little. As I lay there in the stillness, I can hear her pad acroos the room to the bathroom, and I know in a matter of seconds I will hear those intoxicating chimes as her bladder releases and a stream of her hot urine sprays into the toilet bowl.I...

3 years ago
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The Sacrifice

How many days had it been since she was first brought here? Keeping time was impossible when she had seen nothing but blackness for what felt like weeks. Amaryllis shifted to her other side, the tug of her leg restraint a subtle reminder that she was still a hostage. Her stomach was growling, would they ever let her eat? Was the plan to leave her here to starve to death? She had no way of knowing and no one to ask. In all the time she had been here, she had not heard another living soul save...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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The girl in sprayon jeans

My story starts with a group of my mates asking me to go out with them to a local club. One of my friends had some complimentary tickets and it was a shame to waste them.So the 4 of us found ourselves at Polyanna's nightclub drinking and eyeing up the girls. That's when one girl in particular caught my attention. She was blond with curves in all the right places but what really attracted my attention were the spray-on tight jeans she was wearing which showed off her lovely bum as she danced and...

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She loved the city at night. It lay stretched out for miles before her, a beautiful, twinkling mural, almost devoid of all the sounds of life as she observed it from above. The faint noise of traffic and the pedestrians that strode slowly along the sidewalks hardly reached her. It would be the last night she would see its pulsing beauty from her balcony. She had taken a break from the hours of labeling and packing away each material piece of her life in the condo. The movers would be there in...

4 years ago
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Taking Control

* this is a story of how my wife busted me doing some of my favorite things and then took control of the situation with some role reversal to satisfy both her and my hidden desires – enjoy! * It was one of those rare days when I was working from home and my wife had plans to be out running around with a couple of girlfriends for most of the day. Work had been dragging me down and I was in serious need of some personal time. As soon as I kissed my wife goodbye, I scurried into the bedroom to...

2 years ago
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A wet weekend

Jack and Sandy walked down the dark street. They were heading from the party they had just left to Jack’s car. Sandy was struggling to walk normally. “I wish I had peed before we left, but the line was so long.” she whispered to Jack. ‘This is your chance.’ Jack thought to himself and smiled down at his girlfriend. “Just pee here.” he whispered back. Sandy’s eyes bugged out of her head. “I can't pee here. What if someone sees?” Sandy hissed. Jack smiled inwardly. Sandy could never turn down a...

1 year ago
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Sex With Sweet Crush Shruthi 8211 Part 1

Hi my dear readers, welcome to my first sex story in ISS. I have been a diehard fan of ISS right from my age 17 and I am 21 now. After coming across several experiences, I would like to share my experience(s) too to you people for your ultimate pleasure. Let me brief about myself, I am Sidhharth (sidhdhu) handsome and good-looking guy with a 7 inch big brother. Contact me for feedback in This experience is about how I had a romantic surprise experience with my neighbour crush shruthi. Well,...

1 year ago
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First Threesome

Three months ago, I thought my wife was the prim and proper sort....then three weeks ago we had our first threesome. WOW.I won't bore you with the how and why we came to book a hotel room, suffice to say we had been getting really hot at the thought of a MMF.Then one night on a Swingers website, we were shagging on webcam. There were probably a couple of dozen forum users watching us, and afterward one guy was very eager to join us. Complimenting my wife and asking if he could join us. We had a...

4 years ago
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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 10 Bernies Exhibitionist Fling

Bernie had two more dates with Eddie Boyle, but neither ended with anything close to the excitement he'd generated on the condo stairs during the hurricane. She began avoiding his calls, and after a brief interval, Eddie looked elsewhere. Val was puzzled, for Bernie, while good looking didn't seem to attract all that many suitors; if suitor's translated into desirable hunks. But Val had her Joe, and while she was concerned about Bernie's lack of boyfriends, she didn't dwell on the...

1 year ago
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Cursum Veri Amoris

Liam and Christie lay in the bed together, both massively erect. Both were awake and aware that Liam's erection was nuzzling between Christie's bum cheeks, but both were hesitant, nervous to make the first move.Liam felt Christie's bottom gently tense against his shaft and he couldn't help but smile. He tensed his penis in response and the stiffening of his shaft eased his cock between Christie's cheeks at little bit more.Liam's arm was draped over Christie, holding her in an embrace. He slowly...

3 years ago
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The Wizard Surfer DudeChapter 4

Jacob ate with the king and all the knights again. It was unnerving that Mordred stared at him the whole time. Well, it felt like the knight did. Either way, it was unnerving to have Mordred in the same room. "There is a disturbance in the King's harem," Lancelot informed Jacob after dinner. "Why is that?" Jacob said. He was relieved to be walking to his chambers. "A girl told of a recent experience and it made many of the other girls very excited and when a second girl told about...

2 years ago
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stepdad helps out

paul sits watching the football when his stepdaughter sarah walks in'i'm so sorry i made a stupid mistake while i was driving i scratched the paint down the side of moms car can you help me sort it please ?' sarah asks'look i'm watching the footie you fucked up as per normal i'm fed up covering up your mistakes and getting nothing back from you so from now on there will be a price everytime i help you you need to do something for me but right now i'm watching the footie so be quiet''but please...

3 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 22 A Turnabout

June rushed home from school the next afternoon, hoping to get there before Autumn got home. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the driveway was empty. She parked the car and ran into the house and went directly to the telephone. She knew the probability of Roger being home was slim, but she would at least be able to leave a message on his answering machine asking him to call her as soon as he got home. Her assumptions were correct, so she left the message then hung up. She went into...

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Sweet monika

This is ankit delhi. I’m 23 with attractive and athletic body. I’ have completed my from a local engineering college and by profession i am a engineer working in a mnc. The real life stories of many made me to share my story with all… this is first time i am going to share my story… i want here i narrate one of my sex experience with my sweet bengali neighbor monika (name changed). I was in my 3rd year in our neighbors (in house front of ours) we have bengali family and the head...

1 year ago
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The Boarder

THE BOARDERby Brian Houlihan Back. "Step in, honey." She was holding a pair of women's cotton panties, pink, open for me to step into. I was naked and trembling. I followed her orders. Frieda pulled the panties up my legs and then fastened them about my waist, stroking my penis and balls and ass several times. "There. Now doesn't that feel good, honey?" "Yes Mommy." "Ohh your little pee pee and balls look so pretty. Oh someone's getting a little hard, Sweetness. I guess you like your pretty...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Therapy

A small brown man in an expensive but ill-fitting suit sat behind the desk, smiling benevolently at the client in from of him. "Your complaints are not dissimilar to many I've heard, Mr. Frusten. Your wife has borne you the two point zero zero zero children she felt was her duty and has now turned her attention to other matters. 'Getting on with her life' many call it. Sex just isn't important in that plan, or outright dangerous in case another two or three point zero zero zero babies come...

3 years ago
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All bets off

All bets off‘The trainer’ The light turned on in the kennel, and like every time she blinked uncertainly while her eyes adjusted from the long time she had spent in darkness. She could dimly see her trainer walking in to the kennel on his way to open the cage that held her prisoner. She used the brief moment to lift her head backwards to swallow down the drool filling her mouth. With the plug gag fitted in the ring of her leather muzzle her tongue was pressed down in the bottom of her mouth...

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