What If Reading Erotica
- 5 years ago
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I would like to thank everyone for their comments about my story. I try to put true feelings and emotions into my writing. If my story makes you feel emotions, either positive or negative, then I’ve done my job. Again, I would like to thank ‘omegazone’ for taking the time to edit my story. I really appreciate it. If you haven’t read Chapters 1-3, please do so, you need the facts, to make a fair judgement call.
Chapter 4:
A note from Roger:
I want you to know that I have gone through the whole realm of emotions, hate, sadness, pain, even love, to name a few. I have been offered advice from a lot of people. Everything from kill Marsha, to take her back and love her, from throw her cheating ass out, to forgive her. There is no advice that I haven’t thought of. She was a wonderful wife and mother for twenty plus years, and a lying cheating bitch for six months. Once I finish this story I will walk away from this computer into a real world, with real people, with real problems. I now have to decide if I will face this future with or without Marsha.
Sincerely, Roger
It was morning and time to get up, I didn’t sleep at all, I just kept tossing and turning. My life was turned totally upside down and decisions had to be made. I got up and went upstairs to put on the coffee and call my office to let them know I wouldn’t be in till the afternoon. I was going to take the whole day off but I knew I needed to get out of the house for a while and get my mind on something else.
When I got upstairs, I could already smell the coffee. Marsha must already be up. I was pouring myself a cup of coffee when Marsha entered the room. She was very nicely dressed, not sexy, but neat and smart looking. She looked like a business woman and dressed the part. She wasn’t out to turn heads today.
After saying morning to her, I didn’t say good morning because there wasn’t anything good about it for me. I asked her to call me if she would be working so I could replan my day if necessary.
She asked me when we were going to talk?
I told her that we could talk later that day or Saturday, but it would be at least Monday before I would have any decisions made. There was just too much happening to make quick decisions. We have our family to think about as well as Nancy’s children here for a few days.
Marsha said that she thought I was acting awfully calm about the whole situation.
I looked at her with a deep stare and told her that my stomach was eating away at me, that I could kill her for what she did, that our life as we knew it is over. I was doing everything possible not to lash out at her, to scream, yell, and yes even strike her.
She looked at me and knew I was telling the truth. It scared her a little. She quickly changed the subject and mentioned that Nancy’s boys would be up within the hour and would need breakfast.
I told her I’d take care of it, cereal isn’t that hard to make. Then she left for her appointment with her Boss, Mr. Little.
She later told me about the meeting.
When she arrived at the office, everyone became very quiet. Mr. Little asked her to step in his office.
They both sat down as Mr. Little began to speak.
‘Marsha, we have a very delicate situation here. I have to decide what is best for the agency. Everyone who works here signs a misconduct contract which states that any employees acting in an un-business like manner can be terminated. They do have a right to counsel and a meeting with the dispute board. I was hoping that we wouldn’t have to go that far. That much publicity would hurt the agency win or lose.’
Marsha began to speak but Mr. Little cut her off. . . . .
‘Please Marsha let me finish, this is very difficult for all involved. I will let you have your say after I explain this to you. If you leave quietly, I am willing to compromise. This incident will not go on your record, so if you look for work elsewhere it would be of great importance to you. We will also pay you for the two weeks vacation that you have coming. You would have to sign a legal agreement agreeing to the terms. The document would be put in your folder but not on your record. Do you have any questions?’
‘First, Mr. Little, I want to apologize for my actions at this agency. I made a very big mistake and now I’m paying for it. I will take your offer, and I thank you for being discreet about the incident. However, I would like to know about the agents involved. Are they all to lose their jobs also?’
‘Well Marsha, each agent involved has been given a choice. If he chooses to leave the agency, he will be given the same choice as you, but if he decides to stay this incident will become a permanent part of his employment record for the next three years. After that it will be expunged from their record. Of course if any more misconduct is found they will be immediately dismissed.’
‘Four of the agents have decided to stay with the agency. Jim however, chose to leave saying it was all your fault and wasn’t going to have it on his record. Bob’s situation is different. As of right now he is on medical leave. If he is prosecuted for any wrong doing in this case involving his wife he will be dismissed. There is no room in this agency for a man that beats his wife and endangers his children. If he isn’t prosecuted he will have the same choice as the other agents.’
‘I am sorry to have to let you go. Your work here was exemplary, but your misconduct couldn’t be tolerated. Again, I’m very sorry to see you leave. Good luck to you and I hope everything turns out all right for you.’
Marsha got up said her goodbye, cleaned out her desk and left the office.
After she arrived home she explained everything that happened at the office. Then she immediately became ‘house mom’, her maternal instincts just took over. She started cleaning up the breakfast mess and made sure Nancy’s boys were taken care of. She was like a different women. She talked with our sons and told them she quit her job and would be there for them if they needed her. She was the Marsha that I loved for our first 20 yrs.
I mentioned to Marsha that I was going over to the hospital and see how Nancy was doing and then going over to work for a few hours.
She just smiled and said, ‘OK, tell Nancy I’ll stop by with the boys tomorrow so she can see them. The kids are to young to go up to her room but we can meet in the family lounge. If she’s not feeling up to it tell her to give me a call.’
I left to see Nancy still not knowing what my future plans were. When I arrived at the hospital Nancy was just laying in bed. She saw me and tried to smile but said it hurt to much.
She had talked to the doctors, they told her that even though her face was badly bruised it would heal within a few weeks. She was very lucky not to have had a serious concussion or broken teeth. There was some damage to her left eye but it should heal eventually. She also had two cracked ribs which were going to take awhile to heal. She would probably be in the hospital for the better part of a week. But the ribs would take at least a month to get back to normal. After she was released from the hospital she would have to still take it easy for awhile.
Nancy had said that the police came back to talk to her and the County Prosecutor would be in to talk to her the first thing Monday morning. The police did not charge her with any crime, they felt she was protecting herself and her children.
Nancy had talked to the nurses to find out the latest on Bob. He had two bullets removed from his abdomen area. He was in surgery for about three hours. He will survived but his insides got badly torn up. He didn’t deny what he did but said he was probably insane when he did it.
Nancy asked me to contact a lawyer so she could start divorce proceedings and get a restraining order against Bob to keep him away from her and her children. She also wanted to thank me and Marsh
a for looking after her kids, and to let Marsha know that she didn’t hold any grudges against her. Nancy says that Marsha just made a big mistake.
I mentioned to Nancy that I wish I could look at it that way, but I could not.
On Saturday Marsha took Kyle and Robbie (Nancy’s kids) to see their mother. Nancy was put in a wheel chair and brought into the family lounge to see her kids. Marsha could tell that Nancy’s ribs were hurting but nothing was going to keep her from seeing her kids, and they were happy to see her also. They all visited for an hour or so and then Nancy had to go back to her room. Marsha took the kids over to McDonalds and let them play for awhile. Then, they all came back to the house.
Our sons were going to a football game and asked if I was going? I told them ‘not tonight’ that I had something to discuss with their mom and wouldn’t be able to make it. They asked if they could take Kyle along so he could see a high school game, they were kind of fond of the little guy. I thought that would be a good idea, so off they went to their game. We kept Robbie, since he wasn’t even a year old. Marsha put him in for a nap and we began our discussion.
Marsha spoke first, ‘Roger I’m so sorry, I made such a big mistake and don’t know how I could possibly correct it?’
Roger said, ‘You can begin by just telling me .’Why?’
‘It all began after my 40th birthday, maybe even a little before. I didn’t feel needed anymore. The boys were growing up and I was just getting older. The compliments from you were getting less, like you didn’t even notice me.’
‘So you feel it’s my fault what you did?’ replied Roger.
‘No, not really, but it added to my depressed state. I wanted to feel young again. I wanted to feel love and excitement like we did when we first met.’
‘So you felt that cheating and having affairs with strange men was the answer to your problems?’
‘No, no Roger, I didn’t know what I wanted. I kept watching you get excited reading the stories and thought you might want to try living out a fantasy or two. That it might put something new into our marriage. Maybe a spark of some type.’
‘So your saying you thought I might want to swap wives, or have group sex, or even be cuckolded?’
‘I didn’t know what to think Roger, all I knew is whenever you read the erotic stories you got hot. I wanted to share in those feeling, whatever they were.’
‘Let’s use an example here Marsha, since you already fucked Bob. Are you saying if I would have fucked Nancy that our marriage would be much better? What if I fucked Jim’s wife or Aaron’s wife, you believe we would have a much stronger marriage? If we agreed to both fuck with a lot of different people you believe we would have an improved marriage? Is this what you’re telling me? You want me to fuck other women so you can fuck other men and improve our marriage?’
‘God NO Roger! It would ruin our marriage, I can’t believe what I was thinking. Why do people believe that would improve their marriage? What have I done?’
‘Well Marsha, lets go one step further. You did exactly that, only without me or my permission. You cheated on me with at least six men that I know of. You played me for six months, thinking I had a caring wife. Instead you were a slut and whore for anyone who wanted it. You fucked and sucked anyone who asked. You cuckolded me, and made a game of it. I’ll tell you what you’ve done Marsha, ‘you’ve ruined our marriage, you’ve ended it.’ Now you want me to forgive and forget. I can’t do that Marsha, my mind and heart won’t let me.’
Marsha started crying and went into her bedroom.
I just sat there in the chair wondering, ‘What’s Next?’
Chap. 5
We made it through the weekend and now it was decision time. I called work and told them I would be out for a couple of days. The nice thing about middle management is no one really questions me about what I’m doing. I also have my home office so my work is always done on time.
I contacted a lawyer who was known to be the best with divorce cases. I also wanted a female lawyer for both my case and Nancy’s. Sally Hawk, was her name. Smart, intelligent, good looking, articulate and a definite winner when it came to divorce cases, she knew the law. She was considered the best in her field.
After introducing myself I explained that I had two cases for her. I started with Nancy’s situation and explained everything that happened to her up to that point.
Sally said she would be over to see Nancy that afternoon and if what I said was true, there would be no problems with the divorce for Nancy. She would probably get everything except the cost for an attorney if his case went to trial.
I then told Sally about my situation.
She looked at me and said, ‘I could get everything, the house, kids, I could pretty much name my price.’ What did I have in mind?
After I told her she looked at me and said, ‘Are you sure about this? You must have really loved this woman to let her off so easy?’
I told her I loved her, and still do, but just couldn’t live with her knowing what she did to me.
Sally then stated that she would get to work on the paper work and for me to stop in for the documents at the end of the week.
I thanked her and then headed over to see Nancy to let her know the latest. When I got to the hospital Nancy was looking much better. Her bruising was starting to yellow, and she was able to stand, even though in pain.
I told her about Sally Hawk (the lawyer) and explained that she would be in to see here. I gave her a quick rundown on the conversation I had about her case with Sally. She began to thank me and grabbed my left hand in both of hers. She brought it up to her mouth and kissed it, saying ‘Thank you,’ with a tear in her eyes.
She then asked me about my situation, but I told her I didn’t want to talk about it. She didn’t press me about it at all. That’s just the kind of person she was. Why any man would beat a woman like this instead of make love to her is beyond me. She just seemed special to me.
Nancy did say that the County Prosecutor was in and is filing charges against Bob. Assault and Battery, and child endangerment, he figures Bobs attorney would try and plea bargain it out but he would still do time. Bob won’t be released from the hospital for a couple of weeks, then will be released to his parents custody after posting bound. His parent live in a nearby city, away from us, The court case won’t be up for at least 3 months.
That was probably the only good news I heard that day as I headed home. When I got home I told Marsha that I was ready to talk. She asked our sons if they would take Kyle and Robbie to the park for about an hour, that we needed to talk. The boys knew we had a problem but had no idea what was about to happen. They took Robbie in his stroller, and Kyle walked along.
Marsha looked at me when they left, she was already crying.
I said, ‘Marsha, I gave this as much thought as I could. I can’t live with you any longer, my heart burns, because of what you did to me. I know of no way to forgive you. I wish I could, but I’m human and not able. I talked to a lawyer today and will explain what we talked about.’
‘We have had a lot of good years together. I can’t just throw you out and give you nothing. There’s times I feel like it, just throw your ass out, and say take that slut! Go whore yourself and make a living. I’m just not made like that Marsha.’
Here is what I propose:
‘For now I am getting a separation agreement. You can live here with our sons. They need a home and a mother, even though you feel you don’t get the attention you want. I am getting an apartment near by so the boys can see me whenever they want, and we can still attend the sporting events together. I will pay a fair child support for the boys, and even an alimony payment so you will be able to survive.’
‘If either of us decide to divor
ce, all our marital assets will be divided 50-50. You can live in the house till our youngest son reaches eighteen and then the house will be sold and the equity will also be divided 50-50. Do you have any problem with this agreement?’
Marsha was crying and said, ‘Only that you won’t be here. I really do love you Roger, I didn’t realize what I had till I lost it. I really fucked up good. Do you plan on divorcing me Roger?’
‘I need time Marsha, I need lots of time. This isn’t just a story about a cheating wife. It’s about real people in a real world. I don’t know what the future will bring, but I’ll have to deal with it. I leaving it up to you to tell our sons about our breakup. I’ll go along with whatever you say. Don’t tell them about the affairs, no boy wants to think about their mother that way.’
‘I will start moving my stuff out this weekend, I really don’t need much,’ with that said I went out to hunt for an apartment.
I found a condo just a couple of blocks from where we now live. It would be in walking distance for the boys if they wanted to visit. After paying my deposit and looking at the apartment I could feel my heart began to ache. All I could say was damn her, damn her, damn her. Reality was beginning to really set in, and reality hurt.
On Tuesday morning Marsha asked if I would be around that evening? She wanted to go see Nancy who would be getting out of the hospital on Thursday and needed to talk over a few issues concerning the boys. She would only be a couple of hours and wanted to get there by six.
I just said, ‘That would be fine, no plans here. I’ll probably just start packing.’
Marsha could see reality was setting in also. She explained to the boys that we were going through some major disagreements and that I would be moving into a condo just a couple blocks away. I would always be available to them.
They asked her if we were getting a divorce and she just replied, ‘She didn’t know yet.’
As Marsha was getting dressed to go see Nancy I decided to go in my office and maybe pack up a few things. Then I remembered, I never undid the telephone bug. I just decided to play it and listen to the messages. It started with the one from Bob, then the one from Mr. Little. I decided to just listen to whatever was on the tape while I was packing a few things. There was a number of everyday calls that we all get. Then I was listening to a call between Marsha and Nancy. They were talking about the boys and how everything was going when Marsha asked Nancy if she could ask her a personal question.
Nancy said, ‘Of course, after everything you’ve done for me and my boys I have no problem talking with you.’
‘Please answer truthfully, have you ever slept with Roger?’
There was silence on the phone, then I heard Nancy answer, ‘I have never done anything inappropriate with Roger. I want to be honest with you, so I will tell you that I have very strong feelings for him. He is the nicest, kindest man that I have ever met. I just can’t understand why you did, what you did, I’m just trying to be honest with you. I’m sorry to have said that, but you asked for the truth.’
Marsha thanked her for her honesty and changed to some more small talk and then hung up.
I was about ready to stop the messages when another one came on. The voice said, ‘Hi Marsha, guess who?’
I heard Marsha with in intake of breath and say ‘Jim, why are you calling here, it’s over, all the affairs are over. I’m trying to save my marriage and here you are calling me.’
Jim replied with, ‘It will never be over Marsha, you know Roger isn’t going to stay with a slut wife, and you’re going to need some fucking and loving.’
‘Please Jim, don’t call here again, it’s over between us.’
‘Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, you need cock, you need a man to tell you how good you are, how desirable you are. No strings attached, we’ll just suck and fuck when we want. You won’t have to hide it anymore. There’s no more Bob in the picture anymore either, just you and me.’
Marsha said, ‘Please Jim don’t talk like that to me. I made a big mistake and now I’m trying to correct it.’
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The following is a guide to help writers like myself to improve and expanded our vocabularies or just find the right word when we get stumped. Comments and collaborations are welcome. I will be expanding and moving things around as it grows.
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FantasyA library of Erotic fables lies before you. A throb of excitement fills your loins. You don't quite remember how you found this library. Nor can you recall how long you've been delving within this plane of Apochrypha.. Has it been months? Years?! Oh who can say! Its been a long time! A long wonderful and sometimes terrifying time! More importantly a long time since you've thought about sex! To put it blunt you are mad horny as soon as you are reminded of it. The plane of Hermeaus Mora has been...
FantasyLet's set sail in a world of adventure and danger. The wolrd of one piece in many different forms, all surrounded or involving sexual coupling. The possibilities are endless: A work of One Piece where one or all of the people you know from the great adventures of One Piece have an opposite gender, a where that was radically or subtly altered because of people or events or even the unspoken and unknown sexual urges that are more prevalent in this world then others, or even all of the...
My name is Clint Howard, I'm a junior at Kowalski High School. The reason for the name is pretty obvious, as you see both my mom and dad were fans of Clint Eastwood.This is how my troubles(if you would call them that!) began. It began on a friday morning like no other, I was hiding in the school basement, which is mostly used for storage, to avoid athletics because today was track. Even though I'm in decent shape I did not want to run that day because of the boiling sun. I walked into an empty...
Cleopatra had become one with Amon's senses. The first time anyone had ever explored his forbidden bud. How could she have ever figured that he was most sensitive in an area that had never been unlocked was beyond him. However, the chocolate prince didn't question or deny the feeling of overwhelming desire that took hold of him. It was nice to be on the other side of the playgrounds. Being that normally it was him that was taking the enticing Queen by force. Now, it was his turn to enjoy...
Her back against his chest. Head resting on his arm, curly dark blonde hair, soft lemon scent from the shampoo filled his nostrils. He brushed his hand, softly over the side of her face, fingers skating down the skin of her arm, ending with his fingers locking inbetween hers. He leaned in, lips, sofly kissing her neck, the sensation of lips on skin, savored.She turned her head towards him, and gave him that smile, a happy half smile, was the best way he could describe it, he loved it. She...
LUSTSteve had nothing to do he had the day off from school due to the fact it had just been partially destroyed by Stan Steve's ever responsible father now he was home alone with only Claus and his Mother to keep him company. Haley was somewhere with Jeff living in his van and Stan was somewhere in the middle east on a mission and Roger was in south America impersonating a Columbian d**g lord since he was more or less alone Steve had taken the opportunity to have a quick jerk...
(A Story by Nuala O Connor about James Joyce and his lover Nora Barnacle) We walk along by the Liffey as far as Ringsend. The river smells like a pisspot spilling its muck into the sea. We stop by a wall, Jim in his sailor’s cap, looking like a Swede. Me in my wide-brim straw, trying to throw the provinces off me.‘Out there are the Muglin Rocks,’ Jim says. ‘They have the shape of a woman lying on her back.’His look to me is sly, to see if I’ve taken his meaning. I have, and our two mouths crash...
I tossed and I turned in my bed the blue duvet and sheets twisting around my body. My eyelids began to flutter rapidly as I was dreaming. I let out a moan.In the dream I had come to this abandoned house in the country I didn't know how I got there but I was standing a few feet away from it in a thin white night dress that was see through. I went up to the door and knocked then glanced around.There was just trees and fields all around no sight of any civilisation. The heat of the hot summer's...
Group SexThe christmas lites were on on the outside of the house, but the inside was dark. A timid knock at the door, only to have it open a little. He opened the door a bit more and stepped inside. The soft sound of music caught his ear. He could see the glow of christmas lites casting shadows on the wall.. He took off his shoes and closed the door, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. The smell of pine and vanilla caught him off guard. He started cautioulsy up the stairs when he felt...
I am Patrick. I am quite an avid reader of ISS. I have been regularly visiting ISS for a couple of years now. I thought it is time I share my story with the world. This incident happened about a week ago in Chadigarh. The lady was a young and lusty punjabi girl (around 22-23 years old) who submitted to the distinctive pleasure of lovemaking and rough sex, closely being watched by my houseowner’s wife hidden from sight, who later confronted me and eventually with whom I extended the same...
Cello She leaned, forlorn against a weathered wall, no hall to fill with song. Slender neck, adorned in scrolls of curl, poised itself in wait of charm extended– for strings had not yet dimpled at fingers deft, nor had she known the spring of ample stroking. He came to her, with understanding hand and eyes that fell at frame of curving grace and dared...
I often find myself getting distracted in the real estate section of the Sunday newspaper while looking at the photo's of the women real estate agents...wondering or fantasizing about what they would be like sexually. What sensuous and erotic or fun kinky thoughts and desires are simmering behind the alluring eyes and smiles in those corporate "glamour" pictures? My eyes play over the smorgasbord of choices and my imagination wanders, teasing my libido with thoughts about their sexual...
The inspiration for this story came directly from a series of pictures posted by the xHamster user Crazgrrl who posted a series of pictures from a night in the hot tub with her male partner. My mind instantly built a story around the pictures and she was kind enough to grant permission to use them as the basis of this story. This is my first illustrated story and all pictures are used with her permission but remain her property and can be seen on her profile.This story is pure fantasy,...
It was a late Friday night, James and his sister Courtney and her best friend Roxane had gotten back from a baseball game with James’ and Courtney’s parents. His parents had left the house to go stay at a resort hotel theat is being payed for by their work and wouldn’t be back until late Sunday night. James was watching tv in his room. Actually he was watching a XXX porno. His sister and her best friend were out in the living room watching a movie with naked people and a lot of sex in it. They...
I would like u to read my experience between my cousin aunty and me. There was a most desirable women close by my 35 year-old aunty! My cock leapt at the thought, and my jumped quickly out of bed, hurrying down the hallway to the master bedroom, hoping that my sexy aunty was still in bed. I went back down the hall until I stood before my aunt’s bedroom door. My father was on my tour duty. I quietly opened the bedroom door and looked in. My aunty lay sprawled in the centre of the big double bed....
You ever had one of those days? I had received a grade of 53 on one of my papers, (also somehow managing to spell the professors name incorrectly), had a house guest from hell who would not leave, the possibility of getting mono from my roommate, (who had such a bad case that he had to go to the hospital) and had the Head Resident Advisor track me done because said house guest did not leave when they were supposed to, and confirm with me that they were indeed gone. Then, the next day, I...
Tonight's the night. Even as I say it, there's a chill up my spine, in my groin. The end game, after two months of preparation, the last thirty days devoted exclusively to her. She's out there dancing, in that tight, inhibited way she has, but those neat tits, big and bouncy, in spite of her bra, making heads turn. The lovely blonde hair in a heavily sprayed flip. No more than two inch heels. I have imagined her with the hair wild, tall heels, slutty. Her typical Friday night, pick up...
One It was just a vague idea, really. But there was something magic about this island, and standing on it's highest point, still only a hundred yards from the beach, the far off thunderclouds crackled and flashed as she watched. All the storms did that, approach from the west, then veer off northward. The same phenomenon that had carried their liferaft here three months ago. An observor would not have thought of Prospero. Nor Ariel. Her black hair was almost to her waist, framing a face...
We ended our first May-December date at her apartment. Subdued lighting and candlelight to the accompaniment of soft music wrapped the night in possibilities. She took my hand as we emerged from the shower and led me to her bed and lay down in a posture of innocence and beckoned me to proceed. “Your wish is my command.” Her pink and beautiful bare skin glistened with hot water droplets twinkling like diamonds in the flickering light. I bent down and, starting at her knees, I kissed my way...
After Mel and Eileen's get-acquainted session with the young Filipino couple, they were left wondering if they would feel uncomfortable when they next ran into Jimmy and Maricar. Mel was greatly surprised a few days later. Jimmy called to say he had two tickets to a Basketball game—and would Mel like to go. "Evidently, they seem to be alright with what the four of us did last Friday night," Eileen said. "I think I'll call and invite Maricar over later for coffee." "Are you sure you...
Fred Fred is my buddy, he helps me out with sex when there isn't anyone else around. He is really cute looking too, purple all over, about nine inches long and hums to perfection. I can still remember when I picked Fred up, I was in the perfect porn to take home with my wine when I saw him and had to have him. He was purple and shiny and his batteries were even supplied for our first night of pure pleasure. I picked up the package that held him tightly and ran my fingers along his side so...
EroticLiterotica stories, search, and tags! If you’ve ever stroked the pole while reading dirty stories online, you’re probably already familiar with Literotica. The site has been around for 20 years now and gets well over 50 million views a month. It’s the king daddy motherload of written porno.The site has hundreds of thousands of stories, poems, and pictures, all submitted by Literotica users. This active and horny community has been key to the site’s longevity and popularity.Twenty Years of...
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Mature"Oh, god, I'm turnipy today," Pepper sighed. "It's been way too long since we spinached.""Come here, pumpkin," Sorrel told her. "Are you thinking you'd like some good old-fashioned yamming?""God, yes." Pepper settled into his arms. "It's been a week, and I've been dreaming about your zucchini.""Glad to hear it, because the past few days, all I've been able to think about is your sweet little potato," Sorrel said. He hugged her. "Come on, baby, let's go upstairs so we can cabbage.""Upstairs? My...
While the content of this site is not that weird, I still think that phonerotica.com is one of the weirder sites I have visited so far. I understand now that this site is made for the phone users who enjoy browsing for pornographic content on their phones, but that was not the first thing I thought about when I opened this place… probably because I visited this site on my PC before I did on my phone.I think that it was quite obvious that the site is meant for your phone, or other similar...
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HumorWhen I woke up I knew about three things. One: It was morning, Two: I was beaten, Three: My dad raped me. I was sore all over and I felt five times as bad as I did last night. I burst into tears the second my eyes opened. After what happened last night- and if you haven't been reading, Robbie- my ex-boyfriend- let other boys fuck me. I wanted to kill myself and I would if I had the balls to do it. I got up slowly, my arms buckling under my weight and when I raise my head I...