- 2 years ago
- 50
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Ann Pham-Monet was a beautiful Eurasian girl with just
the right proportions of Asian and European ancestry to
produce the classic beauty of love poets. Married in
Asia to an American gentleman 35 years her senior at age
16, she had come with him to Washington State where she
had divorced him when she was 20. Now, at age 28, she
had been married to Bill Martin – age 21 – for the past
2 years. Ann was highly sexed.
Bill Martin had a lot in common with her first husband,
Claud Monet. Both were good looking and well built. Both
had inherited money and were fairly well off, and both
were hopeless bores in the bedroom. Always the optimist,
Ann counted herself lucky to have a nice home and
adequate finances… and respect, none of which she had
had in her youth in Asia.
First married to a selfish clod more than 3 times her
age, she’d bounced to the opposite extreme and married a
youth 7 years younger than herself. Still, she loved
America and she loved her beautiful home with its green
lawn and flowers among the towering trees south of
Seattle in Federal Way.
Her sexual desires were contained in a slumbering blast
furnace deep within her, fires now banked, but ever
threatening to break through in tongues of white heat.
Yes, more than most young women, she had a very strong
sexual drive. She often got sexual release by
“fluttering” herself.
Only once had she had sex with anyone other than one of
her two husbands, that when Bill, her present husband,
had been on a weekend hunting trip and an unexpected
visit from his older brother had ended when he had crept
into her bed after she was asleep.
It was only after his lovemaking became wild that she
realized it was not a dream. Unlike his younger brother,
he knew what to do with a girl and when to do it.
However, he lived in Washington, D.C. – making it a one-
nighter only.
But Ann had mightily impressed big brother. She got his
express mail letter 2 days later. It was full of
compliments and passion, and admiration for her love
making skills, and her body:
“When you took my hand there in the darkness of your
room and kissed my palm with your sweet, warm mouth and
darted your tongue between my fingers, it was like
lightning to my soul. When you sucked my finger, my
passion soared. But never have I experienced sensations
such as you gave me.
“I found that woman part of you had a life of its own
with separate physical powers; undulating, grasping,
squeezing, how? Oh my lovely woman, goddess, I almost
past out with physical calamity.”
Ann smiled as she read. In her country all young girls
were taught how to control their pubocoygeal muscle
which surrounded their vagina just inside of it.
Actually, the muscle is like a figure 8 and is also used
to stop the flow of urine. Asian girls were taught to
exercise and control the muscle from age 10 and the
instruction continued until marriage. An older relative
usually became the instructor.
Her aunt would say, “Imagine you are urinating in the
bushes and you hear someone coming. How do you stop the
flow? You contract your love muscle. See, you’ve been
doing it for a long time and didn’t realize it. By
practicing you’ll gain control for love making. The next
time you are alone in the forest, sit on a fallen tree.
Pretend you’re going and then stop it. Do it many times.
Tighten the muscle, relax, without moving other parts.
To make sure you’re doing the muscle and not anything
else, move your legs apart a little. If you’re not sure,
look down to see if anything moves.
“The first week,” her aunt continued, “do this 6 times
each morning and evening. The next week start doing 20
and add another exercise: instead of holding the muscle
contracted for a while, tense and release it quickly 10
times, creating a fluttering sensation. Your muscle will
tire at first like any other, but by steadily increasing
the number of exercises (and being careful to relax
completely between contractions – too much muscle
tension is just as bad as not enough) you can build up
your strength and control.
“When you reach 50 contractions and flutters you will
probably find that you cause stronger clitoral
sensations and most likely you will have an intense
orgasm all by yourself without anybody near you – most
girls do – and when you make love you will have not just
one, but many, orgasms.”
Three days before she married the much older American,
her aunt offered a final lecture: “To make a man believe
you are virgin – even if not – squeeze before he tries
to enter, at least 2 or 3 times. Squeeze on the
outstroke and it will be tight like a virgin (she was a
virgin) and even years later it will hold him in longer,
giving pleasure. Then hold him still as you flutter and
contract in rhythm with your heart or with the rhythm of
the jungle where you learned. Finally, milk him when it
is time.”
Then, her aunt had shown Ann where the “love spot” was
deep inside of her. This one spot on the upper vaginal
wall held the secret to deep, satisfying sex. She must
teach her man how to touch it with his love tool. “It
took me a long time to find my spot,” her aunt said,
“and I know my body well. So be patient. Take the time
to get to know the inside of your vagina. Sit down or
get on your hands and knees.
“It is easier to find if you are very aroused, so take
this excuse for a little self-pleasuring before you
start. When you are highly aroused, or even after you’ve
cum, put your long middle finger in your vagina and feel
the upper (forward) surface.
“First is the rough Skene gland just inside the opening,
then you can feel a hard area that is the corner of the
pubic bone. Hook your finger in back of it, finding a
little hollow just before the smooth part leading back
to the cervix. Your finger will be pointing up at your
navel. Probe this area with your finger until you hit
the spot. You’ll feel quite a jolt and a momentary urge
to urinate, but don’t quit touching. Often it swells and
hardens like a bean. Keep stroking until warmth floods
over you.”
Now, on this late summer day, Ann skimmed through the
classified newspaper ads and found just what she was
looking for: “HOME REMODEL, Master carpenter, complete
remodels or small jobs. Bonded, insured, registered
Satisfaction guaranteed. 946-5555.” Ann called and made
an appointment for the next morning at 8 o’clock.
Bill left for work about 7 o’clock. That gave her just
enough time to shower before the carpenter arrived. At
last she was going to get a larger closet and a floor-
to-ceiling mirror in her bedroom. She was barely dry –
still naked – when the door chime sounded. Damn, the
carpenter was early. Wrapping a towel around her head,
she slipped into her bath robe and went to the door.
She was shocked at his appearance. He was about 30,
blond, blue eyes and more than 6 feet tall. A dream
walking! He smiled broadly at her obvious confusion and
said, “I’m Jim Bradley, your remodel man. May I come
in?” He was extremely handsome, with an athletic body
and smelled very masculine. Still in shock, she let him
in and led him to the bedroom to describe all of the
work she wanted done. She had discussed with Bill some
of the changes she wanted to make and he had waved his
hand expansively and said, “Whatever pleases you, dear.”
One side of the room had sliding doors the full width of
the room. “I want you to deepen the closets behind those
doors,” she said to Jim, “and I want a full length
mirror somewhere.” He nodded as he moved closer to
examine the closets. She felt his body brush against
hers as he stepped forward, his scent was strong and as
shocking as his appearance, causing a sudden unexpected
weakness to flood down her legs.
He was staring at the closet floor where she had only
minutes before tossed her bra and panties. Her face
flashed scarlet, the flush pouring down between her
breasts in spite of her attempt to remain calm.
When he pulled open her robe she fought back in
righteous indignation, but he firmly pushed her back
onto the bed – her feet still on the floor – he kneeled
there between her legs, his tongue parting her soft,
curly bush there. Then he wetly licked her clitoris. Her
own passionate response frightened her as her nude body
jerked helplessly and she realized it was too late now.
Then his body slid up on hers and she felt his mouth at
her nipples, then her rib cage and belly, then lower and
deep into her lush pubic hair again. Her backbone
tightened, and she gnawed her lip. Surprise broke
through her, raced up her back and went off inside her
head like rifle fire as his mouth drank at her pink
steaming fountain disguised by soft, dark hair. Twisting
and heaving, she tried once more to escape, but there
was no breaking free. Then she did not want to be free.
She pulled his hands up and placed them on her breast as
he began doing her nipples. She started grinding her
pelvis against his wet mouth and probing tongue. Her
nerve endings went crazy, her legs jerking with surging
shocks, she felt the searing of their rushes. The bed
came alive, and she clung to him. It grew and grew
inside her, bright darting tips of wet fire that reached
every tiny corner of her being.
Her orgasm burst against his tongue, exploding madly
against his mouth, her legs lifted up and she moaned.
Then his throbbing hardness entered her. Her moans
turned to gasps. His slow thrusts carried her further
and further into a place she’d never been before. She
remembered to contract her tunnel. Gasps became moans
again and – finally – a sobbing plea from her. His mouth
covered hers as he held her pulsing body close to his
pounding chest.
Eons later she came drifting slowly back, dreamily back,
every bone in her body gone soft and her flesh singing.
Her vagina was still slowly squeezing/relaxing
involuntarily. She realized it had not ever been like
this… so vibrant… with anybody else.
This was powerful medicine and she needed something to
protect herself and now. But she found no magic shield.
She was defenseless and utterly without protection. All
she knew for certain was that to lie with a man such as
this was to become part of the magic jungle of love most
women only dream about.
It was almost noon, but they were like children playing
without thought of time or place. They rolled together
as expert and graceful as cougar cubs; then the
inexplicable, unexpected, unplanned sensations added,
added and added up to a sudden crisis of delight that
left her gasping and weeping onto his shoulder.
When they were dressed at last, he made certain
suggestions about the remodel, and she eagerly agreed to
almost everything he said, including converting half of
the garage into a guest room with a new secret door
connecting her closet with the closet in the new guest
room; a new door in the guest room to the backyard, and
a huge mirror over what used to be a door between the
garage and the bedroom.
Bill had readily agreed to the remodel plan, but he knew
nothing of the mirror being a one-way glass allowing a
view from the guest room into the bedroom when the guest
room was dark and the bedroom light. Of course, Jim
Bradley not only did the remodel work, he also made love
to her almost every day. To fuck is to live, she
Jim and Ann grew more skilled at pleasing each other
without ever losing that wonderful sense of awe at each
other’s mere presence. Just being there, on her bed, or
curled up on the carpet, seemed a continual wonder to
them. They were lovers in every sense, and her pangs of
guilt at betraying Bill slowly faded.
Jim Bradley, was her lover and Ann was very grateful.
Anything she and Jim could imagine, any refinement of
pleasure they could dream, they did with tenderness,
with laughter, with breathless excitement. they would
sometimes lie naked for hours touching each other all
over, taking turns. “Is it nice if I touch you like
this? Like this? Like this?” She would nod dumbly… or
he would. But he always managed to leave before Bill
came home from work.
Never would she forget the first time they had used
their tender secret after the remodeling of the garage
and her bedroom. It was a weekend night, September 4th.
She and Bill had gone to bed about 10, but she had urged
him to take two halcyon tablets so he would get a full
nights rest. He agreed. “If you don’t mind,” she
murmured, “I think I’ll read awhile.”
Within a short time Bill was sleeping soundly and she
knew Jim had let himself into the guest room. As she had
planned, she quietly slipped out of bed and stood for a
half minute making sure Bill slept soundly before moving
into her remodeled closet and through the secret door
into the guest room. Yes, Jim was waiting. Bill,
sleeping soundly, was plainly visible through the one-
way glass.
She had insisted he stand as still as a statue as she
undressed him in the darkness and ran her tongue – and
long hair tresses – all over his body. He had groaned
with desire and conflicting pain of the struggle to not
move. Then, in sweet revenge, he had laid her on the bed
and kissed her lingering all over, in every well-
explored sensitive crevice of her naked body. Only when
she was actually weeping with longing did he slide into
her. Her head rolled, giving her an exhilarating sense
of danger and excitement as she watched her sleeping
husband through the one-way mirror as Jim’s thrusts grew
stronger within her.
Naked, she shivered with pleasure as he moved in her.
Soon they were panting like hounds hard pressed. Her
hands gripped his buttocks, forcing him deeper into her
contracting cunt as she watched sleeping Bill through
the mirror, but in some distant recess of her head she
could hear her own sobbing whimpers of pleasure settle
into a rhythm of lust which matched the rocking of their
loving bodies.
As lightning and thunder began to fill her, a jarring,
grating noise intruded. Her eyes flew to the mirror
again where she could see Bill, nude, disappearing into
the bathroom. But she could not stop her shuddering,
gasping orgasm as Jim’s cum spurted into her in hot,
throbbing jets. Kissing him deeply, she jumped out of
bed, grabbing her gown as she fled back to Bill’s bed,
quickly turning off her lamp and jumping under the sheet
in the now darkened bedroom.
In a few moments she felt Bill slipping into bed beside
her. His hands began to roam over her body – she could
think of no rational way to stop him – his hands roamed,
caressed, and then one slid down her belly and became as
still as a stone as it felt the heat and wetness of her
fresh-fucked cunt.
Frantically she whispered, “You were asleep and I was so
worked up thinking about us making love… I was just
wanting it, you know… I did fluttering on the floor so
I would not awaken you… and I kept fluttering inside
because you were fast asleep and I needed it.”
With relief she heard his happy chuckle as he pulled her
hand down and wrapped it around his now swelling penis.
What idiots men are, she thought. Okay, her pussy would
love another nice session, but a fast, short quickie
would more likely result.
Bill, as always, was clumsy. Feeling her heated wetness,
he gave a great groan and flung his full 220 pounds on
top of her, moaning and burying his face in her breasts,
kissing hard and biting without mercy. They rolled
together on the bed as he thrust with impatient,
unskilled stabs at her body, thumping his hardness into
her thighs, at her back, against her steaming wet
softness until there was that one second of terrifying
pleasure as frightening as falling from a tree, as
painful as a knife stab, when his stiff, hard cock found
the sweet hidden secret place and pushed in.
For a split second they both froze still, stunned by the
sensation (a complete surprise to her), then he shook
her body like a terrier holding a rat, and in seconds
she was begging as though she had not been so shortly
before filled with her lover’s throbbing cock.
Her legs and arms hugged him to her heated body and they
writhed like frantic snakes. In less than 20 seconds,
with a great bellow, he collapsed and lay still and she
– with a newly awakened hunger; now greedy and
insatiable – arched her back and rubbed and rubbed
against him frantically, to bring on her own orgasm.
Then as her pussy began to contract, she could plainly
hear the smacking sound as it milked his rigid, spurting
That will hold him for a week, she thought wryly.
But the next morning Bill awakened her, obviously still
excited but not realizing that last night’s excitement
had come from the scent and feel of his wife, fresh-
fucked by a forbidden lover. His arms pulled her to him
for a hard biting kiss and his other hand smoothed down
the silk of her back and then clenched her buttocks with
his fingernails digging in. Her mouth opened wide under
his as he forced her legs apart and took her as roughly
as an enemy.
He was so excited!
She also was (thinking about last night and having sex
with Jim behind her magic mirror). One of his hands
clasped hers above her head so that she was helpless
beneath him, while the other pulled up her gown, but
when she struggled he reluctantly backed off and slowed
his inexpert heavy thrusts. But she freed her hands only
to hold him closer and guide him inside her.
Several nights later she woke up with a start. The room
was dark and Bill was sleeping soundly. At first she
didn’t know what had disturbed her. But looking at the
mirror, she suddenly knew. Quickly she went to the guest
room, tearing off her gown as Jim ripped his pants away,
she flung herself like a wildcat on him.
Both of them gasped as she rode him astride, like a
cowgirl breaking a raunchy stallion. she pounded his
chest, his neck and his face with her fists until the
climax of pleasure felled her like a crashing fir tree
to lie beside him. Then he spent a long, long time just
holding her and whispering love and approval of her. She
basked in his loving admiration.
Two days later she called him begging him to come. She
was exultant now. She purred deep within, knowing the
excitement of new love. Free, because she knew there was
nothing to fear now. On the soft, smooth skin of her
belly she felt his rough face – unshaven – sliding down
to her rich, full pussy. Her body arched in abandonment.
Her reeling senses climbed ever higher until she cried
out softly, and again and again. A long time passed
before she once more became aware of his gentle
The next time blew his mind. She had pleaded with him to
come over whenever he liked when husband Bill was at
work, because it was sometimes impossible for him to
come late at night. So he started over one day, but just
as he neared her house her front door opened and Bill
walked out. Of course, Jim had no way of knowing that
Bill had come back to pick up his forgotten billfold, so
he waited until Bill drove off before he went on into
her house. He saw at once that Bill had made love to her
before leaving with the billfold.
Angry, but excited, Jim pulled her down right there on
the living room floor. She was hot, wet and open…oooh
she was sweet. The sweetest thing in the world, he
thought, is a fresh- fucked girl. As he held her nude,
warm body, he thought, Why should I be mad because she
screwed her husband? Lady Luck is allowing me to share –
to have the major share – for sure.
He well knew that her husband was usually inept at love
making, but he also knew that Ann’s sexual drive was so
powerful that even the least skilled of men could easily
excite her to powerful orgasm. Smiling to himself, he
softly caressed her very wet, very heated, very
recently-fucked cunt. His tongue lapped up the warm
mixed juices on her still throbbing pussy. So sweet!
Uuumh. They did a 69 as she took his nice cock into her
warm mouth while he licked and loved her so alive pussy.
Unlike most men, Jim’s penis curved upward like a
It touched her “love spot” over and over again. She
could hear the jungle rhythm as her pussy fluttered as
her aunt had taught…
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Secret Moments 1 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of...
Hi all lusty readers. Myself Raaz from Ranchi (Jharkhand) and any horny female from Ranchi looking for hot sex or chat pls mail me on “”. Coming to the story, She was one of an average horny girl always looking for a cock to fuck her glory hole and ass. How Hot and steamy sex with girlfriends lusty Roomie in theater. KAISE MAINE USKI CHUT KA KACAHMOOR NIKALA AUR USKI GAAND KA gURGAON BANAYA. yE STORY EK THEATRE ME HUI FAST SEX AUR LUST KI KAHANI HAI. Kaise hum dono ne theatre me khule aam sex...
I was still in high school, I spent the weekend over at a friends home. I was afforded my own room and after eleven the family went to bed. i t was well after midnight, when I felt the bed move, thinking nothing of it I drifted back into deep slumber. I was startled by the weight of a heavy body climbing over me, as I laid prostate on my stomach. Suddenly I became aware of a massive blunt appendage probing my neither region.I tried to raise up when I heard the deep rough voice of my friends...
A buzz came from the secretary's desk, and Kara motioned for Kathy to go into the room, giving her a thumb's up as she passed the desk. Kathy winked back at her, giving her an all-knowing look. Kathy gave her suit one last check for lint or wrinkles, checked her reflection in the glass by the door, and went into the boardroom. Kathy took a look around the room. A huge mahogany table dominated the room. Five men sat around one end of the table designed for 12. In the corner was a fully...
This is a story i found on a page that's been inactive for a few years. This is such a hot story and it needs to posted again for people to view and enjoy. I am only copy pasting this story. Please read and enjoy. Have any problem tell me and it shall be removed. Thank you.Storeroom with Father-in-lawMy name is Suganya, a house-wife aged 30. I reside with my husband and our four c***dren, at Chennai in India. We are a middle-class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good...
Hi Readers, This is Deep Roy from Kolkata, West Bengal. I’m visiting ISS in every Sunday’s & checking all the latest stories. From past 4 years I’m reading everyone’s stories which I would like, whether it’s a real or fiction story by the submitted author. But it’s made me hornier & gives me sexual pleasure. After all I thought why I shouldn’t share my real story with ISS which happened recently (after a long time affair) & this is my first story for all the readers. Now let me introduce...
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One night after my wife and I had a bit of a spat, I went to a gay bar in town. I was pissed off and did not want to be around any women. Of course the wife thought I just went to the “a bar” but I wanted a bit more than a ‘cooling off’ beer. Being new to town I was just learning the scene and had passed this small bar with a rainbow flag a number of times on my commute. I decided to check it out. The windows were all coated as to let a little light in, but no one could see inside. I opened the...
Ashley and her boyfriend of a year were your average couple. Jake, her boyfriend, had just been laid off work and Ashley was a receptionist at a small dentist’s office. Struggling to make ends meet they decided to bring in a roommate for a bit of extra cash. Finally, after a hot and sticky hour long drive through peak hour traffic, Ashley walked through the door of her home. Immediately she felt the cool air from the air con all over her body. “Babe, I’m home!” she called out to Jake who’d no...
Straight SexClaire Ingram sighed when she entered the lecture hall. She was late and the room was packed already. Professor Babcock was still busy hooking up his laptop to the projector. Claire let her gaze sweep the room. There! An empty seat, in the second to last row. She made her way over and asked perfunctorily. "Hey, may I have this one?" The girl who sat on the next seat jerked before she nodded without looking. Claire did not know her; she was sitting hunched over as if to avoid contact....
Secret Brotherly LustDon Abdul ©2009Danielle is very pretty woman, she knows she could have her pick not only of men but also beautiful women should she decide to swing that way. She however dreads having to keep her affair with another woman secret. She realises that every woman has a secret, and although she has never had an affair since she got married, her mind is already burdened with a secret of her own, a very closely guarded secret she has never ever shared, not even with her closest...
IncestYou have gone to the hardware and bought a broom. The purpose of the broom is not to clean your apartment. Instead, its purpose is to provide you with yet another way to torment your body for our mutual pleasure. Namely, after cutting its handle to the right length and trimming its bristles so that their ends form a sharp ridge, you are going to introduce that prickly ridge into the tender cleft between your labia and stand with the broom suspended between your crotch and the floor. You...
I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...
Secret Moments 8 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of the...
I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...
VoyeurDamn it's cold out today! Julia thought as she hurried from the parking garage across the street and into the building she worked in.Stopping by the mailroom on the main floor, she picked up her office mail and then grabbed a cup of coffee and made her way to the elevator to head up to the fourteenth floor where her office was.It was indeed cold out that December morning–one of the coldest her hometown of Buffalo, New York had seen in some time. And the cold was only part of it; the wind...
Oral SexSecretarial Revenge Ally is happily serving as Mr. Davidson's sexy little secretary, until she discovers the truth about her identity. Chapter 1: Performance Review Mr. Davidson summoned me into his office with a sharp, "Ally, get in here!". I shyly looked up from my computer monitor and tried to avoid the sneers of some of the other staff in the office. No one would say anything, but everyone could see that something was going on whenever I went into his office to 'help'...
Author's forward: This is a work of fiction so any resemblance to persons living or dead, in whole or in part, is purely coincidental. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it. Also, the usual rules about legal restrictions on accessing stories like this apply according to where you hail from. I hope you enjoy, Joanne Secret Lives By Joanne Foxcourt, 2004 Chapter 1: Secret Agent...
Secret Shared By Karin Roberts Opening Up Right from an early age I knew I was different from other boys. I was always fascinated with women's clothes and in particular high heels, fur coats and long length evening gloves. I remember trying on my mother's high heels and fur coat and loved the silky feel of the gold silk evening gloves she had. At first I thought this was only kid's play and I would change, but it didn't happen. As I progressed into early teens the feelings...
Story till now: In the year 2099 the metropolis of Climax City has become one of the most violent and corrupt cities in the world, were the super rich and super poor live mere miles from each other, but are in entirely different worlds. Tommy Gunn, a 19 year old bully, has just joined the Secret Sex-Fight Society, and shadowy organization of the world’s richest people who train erotic martial artists who engage in sexual combat for money, sex, and sadistic joy. He was recruited by the beautiful...
I want to tell you a story from my youth.In the UK with have a six week long holiday/vacation from education during which many sports clubs, youth centres and leisure centres host clubs for k**s that have parents who work and don’t want their k**s left roaming the streets.My story happened when I was attending a summer club at my towns Arts & Leisure Centre. The main sports hall had been set up with different areas. The k**s could play football, basketball, or tennis. Or we could use the...
the first time i sucked my daddy cock i was so nervousi never met for real or even saw a real big black cockonly my toy at home i have suck on and jump on so many times thinking of a real cock i never stop him the night he found me at the park smoking alone in my tight leggins ,smoking weed finally legally in Montreal canadahe walk right to me and ask if he could smoke with me''yes sure''''thanks boy, iam Mike and you''''Alex''''well you have some nice weed Alex''''you smoke alone at night...
Three months slave had been visiting Mistress K for now, all the time he had told her he was single and shared a house with friends so could never accomodate at his place.Slave had told Mistress he was an engineer and was happy in his service on a weekly basis and longed for more if only work would allow.Slave had been keeping a secret from his part time Mistress and had a loving girlfriend at home who knew nothing of his secret life as a submissive and where he went on those occassional...
I want to tell you a true story from my youth.In the UK we have a six week long summer holiday/vacation from education during which many sports clubs, youth centres and leisure centres host clubs for older k**s so that working parents can safely leave them and not have them roaming the streets.My story happened when I was attending a summer club at my towns Arts & Leisure Centre. The main sports hall had been set up with different areas. The k**s could play football, basketball, or tennis....
By: AWC Nobody shall ever deny or refute the excessive ability of the boys entering college around the age of 18 or so, to grab the attention, fall in love with many sexy girls at the same time. Julio Adams was no exception. He had Cora, Andrea and Blythe but that was not all, there was Jeanine, Ms. Vanessa; the Math teacher, who had all the sweaters, knit so tight to push up her breasts for him only to look and enjoy. Julio had a very active sex life, actually very, very active. He was in...
(Authors note: This story was inspired by femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af023.jpg) ALTERED FATES: THE BITTER BRIDEGROOM By BobH (c) 2002 It was going to be the wedding of the year. Hollywood's new golden-haired wonder boy Tom Hudson was marrying supermodel Gina Carter, and the press couldn't get enough of them. It was a pairing that had synergy, they said, one in which their combined fame and glamor would be greater than the sum of that which...
Casey eased the white earbuds into his ears as the computer screen on his desk opened a window showing the business meeting, already in progress. Casey was in his work cubicle, but this wasn’t one of his company’s teleconferences. This was something special. The video conference streamed from the boardroom of Master Plan Ventures, where Malik Masters sat at the head of a long table in front of the floor to ceiling window that overlooked downtown San Francisco. These offices were his kingdom,...
Oral SexIntroduction Hi, I'm Mick and I write stories that are role-plays meaning I write a chapterand then my female co-writer writes a chapter. I haven't yet succeeded findinga co-writer for this story but I hope to find one or more interested now thefirst chapter is uploaded. Please read the last pages of the story as wellto read more information about this issue. When reading the story I want you to know that I'm not a native English writer.I therefore hope you will excuse grammar faults and so on...
I’ve always had a secret fantasy about watching my wife fuck another man. I wasn’t sure I wanted it to become a reality. I never told her about it, until it actually happened. Last summer my wife and I went on a weekend camping trip with our friend, Doug. Once we arrived at the camp site our friend realized his tent was completely torn and there was no way he would be able to use it. We offered to let him share ours and he accepted. I was a bit disappointed because I figured this...
‘Those are the last boxes,’ said Kyle. Moving into my brother’s old apartment is already pathetic enough, but moving in with my brother’s old roomate, Hunter, is worse. Ever since Kyle got married it has been awkward living with the newlyweds. Kyle thinks that he can keep an eye on me when I’m living with Hunter and he trusts Hunter because they’ve been living together for three years. Kyle thinks I am not responsible enough to be living in an apartment of my own. I guess I better make the best...
Mike made sure we would be alone for the weekendhe wanted me to help him with something he has been building this semesteri was eating with him in our student appartement , dinner was over and i started to feel numbsit in the living room , my head feeling heavy and the room looking blurryi didnt understand why he wanted me to stand up and get in his roomi tried but my limbs woudnt cooperate''you look like you need some help ''he walk me to his room and i was sit on his bed''ive been working in...
I could hear him moan as my tongue slowly circled his balls. I felt him quiver as my lips sucked each ball into my mouth. I could see the thin sheen of saliva as I pulled back, his had lightly pressing my face back. Then as I slid my tongue up the under side of his cock I heard a quiet gasp, this time it seemed to come from behind me. Of course he never heard that, his panting was loud enough to cover any noises he wasn't making. I pressed his cock head to my lips, kissed it and slowly pushed...
When I was in college I lived with an older roomate. At the time I was 18 and he was 23 and he only lived one year with me before he finished and went away. The house we lived in was on old house with those big old keyholes, every voyeurs dream... And being a voyeur like i am i took advantage of it to the max.The first time i spied on him was in the shower. There, for the first time I got to see his naked body. He was of normal build, not fat nor skinny, a bit tall and had few hair on him (i...
Fucking my Roomate Part 1 I was 22 and I remember it was the day before my roommate's birthday. For the sake of the story let's call her Hillary. She is a lesbian (but I had heard stories of her fucking guys a couple of times). Good looking, great body (she was really athletic), and an admitted slut. But I had known her for so long it wasn't really a big deal. I did my thing, she did hers, and I never really thought about fucking her because she always talked about how sex with guys was "gross"...
My roomate melissa is a beautiful blonde we live together in an apartment. One day she came home and said "I have a surprise for you..." saying that she opened up her shopping bag and pulled out a neon pink strap on. She went into the bed room for a while then opened the door enough for her hand to motion me indide. As i walked down the hallway i couldnt help wondering what she was doing in there for such a long time. i reached the door and without heasitation quickly opened it there she was...
"Those are the last boxes," said Kyle. Moving into my brother's old apartment is already pathetic enough, but moving in with my brother's old roomate, Hunter, is worse. Ever since Kyle got married it has been awkward living with the newlyweds. Kyle thinks that he can keep an eye on me when I'm living with Hunter and he trusts Hunter because they've been living together for three years. Kyle thinks I am not responsible enough to be living in an apartment of my own. I guess I better make the best...
Straight SexIt was about three six years ag o, i was staying the night at my girls place, and we had been out the night before partying hard. My girl had to get to work early, so when I finally got up she was gone, but her roomate missy was still there. She was still asleep on the couch where she passed out. She was a brunette with a wonderful pair of. I watched her laying there. Her tits moving up and down as she breathed, her legs slightly spread and her dress just barely covering her panties. My cock...
VoyeurFrom: GraceeeDee To: SternoDan4Fun January 20, 2018 1:37 AM Remember me from that party at the Martins before Christmas? You whispered your private email address in my ear. I hope I got this right. I tried SternoDanForFun and that didn't work. Grace D --- Re: Is it you? From: SternoDan4Fun To: GraceeeDee January 20, 2018 1:51 AM Yes, it's me. I do remember you. Who could forget you? Wow. That was a month ago. We were all talking about how Margie got caught when Carl read her...
Story till now: In the year 2099 the metropolis of Climax City has become one of the most violent and corrupt cities in the world, were the super rich and super poor live mere miles from each other, but are in entirely different worlds. Tommy Gunn, a 19 year old bully, is returning home after a long day fucking someone else’s girlfriend and witnesses an unusual event. Two young woman fighting and fucking each other on a train in an abandoned part of the city, who are each coached by two older...
“Hey, Chris! Anything we need to catch up on?” “No. I’m getting the new scores back in a couple of weeks. I got like three tests tomorrow, so I’m gonna go study for awhile. Thanks.” “Okay! E-mail me for anything!” I walked back, but the lunch room was full. So, I got a sandwich and water, and sat at a low table. The table had three seats, none of which were used. I sat down, pulled out one of the notebooks I needed, and started eating and studying. I had like thirty minutes of lunch...
Roger got off the school bus and made his way to the patios outside his school’s buildings. That’s where most of the students hung out before school. But he wasn’t going to join up with his group of friends today. Today was Valentine’s Day. Every year since he had been 8 he had asked girls to be his Valentine on Valentine’s Day. He gave them poems, Valentine cards, flowers, and candy. He had always asked really nicely, but not one girl had ever said yes so far. He was now 18-years-old and a...
I want to tell you a story from my youth.In the UK with have a six week long holiday/vacation from education during which many sports clubs, youth centres and leisure centres host clubs for k**s that have parents that work and don’t want their k**s left roaming the streets.My story happened when I was attending a summer club at my towns Arts & Leisure Centre. The main sports hall had been set up with different areas. The k**s could play football, basketball, or tennis. Or we could use the...
Iam craving iti wont tell him because of how shy it makes me wanting him in my mouth but god if he make me do it i wont stop himMike had been my friend since foreverHe grew up so much faster than me i have been looking at him all summer thinking of his bbc in my mouth The first pool time of the year, After dipping in the pool we took shower so many times together but now he was hard and so big when we did, he told me nothing about his bbc hard casually washing it , both washing like we always...