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This is the direct sequel to Cinthesis. I strongly recommend reading it first otherwise you might not get everything in this story.


Chapter 1

The sun peeked through the window, giving Her skin a golden sheen. Beverly couldn’t get enough of the sight of Her sleeping form, lying atop the covers on her stomach. It formed such a perfect counterpoint to the Song in Beverly’s head, another confirmation that it had been a good decision to move in with her best friend.

It had been Cin’s decision, of course.

That didn’t mean Bev didn’t make any decisions on her own, she did. Like right now, for example, she’d decided how she was going to wake up her friend.

Her hands ghosted over Cin’s legs, gliding up the slope of her butt as Beverly crawled forward. ‘I’ve never done this before.’ The thought was a wet kiss on her clit. ‘We’ve done a lot of things, but I’ve never gone here.’ Moving Her tail aside with one hand, Bev pressed her lips lightly against one globe and then the other. ‘Such a dirty girl. Cin’s dirty, hot slut.’

Light kisses turned into little licks that swiftly devolved into a swirling tongue bath as Her taste filled Bev’s mouth. The blonde’s body sang with lust, a pulsating beat that traveled straight from her mouth to her tits.

Her lips wrapped around Her tail, her tongue trailing a wet path up and down the limp appendage that ended in a gentle swipe through Her crack. Bev’s hands pulled Cin’s cheeks apart, Her groans signaling She was waking up.

This was an act of devotion, of love. A worship in deed, instead of word. Tonguing Cin’s asshole until Her cum splattered the sheets was Beverly’s morning prayer. She didn’t even need to touch herself, Cin’s cries of passion amplified the Song in her head and all Bev knew was bliss. It drooled from her pussy while her mindless tongue continued to eat Her out.


‘I’ve only been back to work for less than a day and I already can’t wait for the weekend,’ Cin pondered morosely behind the counter. ‘Of course, this job sucked when I took it.’

Working at a sporting good store was not what she’d had in mind when she graduated from college, but it paid the bills while she lined up a real job-one that fell into her field of interest. That hadn’t happened, instead she was still working at Jane’s Sportfashion three years later.

That, however, wasn’t the most aggravating thing about working there. No, that prize went to her two co-workers, Jake and Linda, who slacked off at every opportunity. Not in front of the owner, of course, he’d have fired them long ago if they’d been dumb enough to do that.

No, they waited for his back to be turned. Like now: every Monday morning, between ten and eleven, the boss went off for lunch and Linda took Jake back into the stockroom, leaving Cin to mind the store.

She knew what they were doing back there, and up until today that knowledge had only been irritating. But she was a new woman now. Curiosity beckoned. Her eyes drifted to the door in the back, then made a quick scan of the store. She bit her lip. ‘There’s nobody here, I won’t be missed.’

Still looking around as if afraid she’d be caught, Cin stalked quietly into the back. Her sensitive ears already picking up on their lovemaking before her hand was on the doorknob.

‘Why am I doing this? I’m not attracted to them, I don’t even like them! So what the hell am I doing sneaking in here to watch two annoying people have sex?’ It was a good question, but it didn’t stop Cin from softly closing the door behind her and creeping up on the couple hidden by a rack of ski suits, because she was curious.

She got an eyeful right away as Linda had just finished lowering Jack’s pants and was now busy engulfing his manmeat with her lips. Unlike Cin or Linda, he actually looked like he was into sports. The muscles in his arm stood out as he used them to brace himself against the table.

Most of Linda’s body couldn’t be seen from this angle, obscured by Jake, the table and some boxes. That changed soon after, when she stood up and pushed her partner back to lie on the table. Linda’s lithe body scrambled on top of him and she guided his dick into her with a toothy grin. Within seconds, Linda was happily bouncing up and down, her small titties swaying freely through the air.

Neither of them was all that sexy or attractive to Cin. Yet she was breathing just as hard as Linda, her nipples poking into her bra. Because her senses saw beyond that, saw the joy they experienced. The lust they were satisfying right now was infectious, stoking Cin’s own fire.

Hands trembling with desire, she pawed at her clothes as her eyes remained riveted to the scene before her. Teeth pressed into her lower lip, stopping the groan from escaping after a hand finally released one of her tits from its confines. It yearned to be trapped by something warmer.

On the table, Linda threw her head back moaning unabashedly as her hands mimicked Cin’s actions. Sex hung thick in the air, the raven-haired hybrid breathed it. In and out, out and in.

Her skirt was on the floor, wet panties pushed aside to give her questing fingers access. Her body itched to change. ‘No,’ Cin denied herself while watching Linda roll her hips. Her co-workers skins gleamed with sweat in the soft light of the stockroom. ‘Can’t risk it, not here.’ A thumb flicked her clit, pleasure pierced her thoughts.

This time, Cin couldn’t stop a mewl from escaping her panting lips. Couldn’t stop her fingers from playing her body. On the table, Linda leaned back to get a new angle, Jake supporting her without hesitation as if it were a well-rehearsed dance move. Oblivious to their audience or the time.

‘Ungh, cumming!’ Someone cried out. But nobody slowed down. The energy in the room remained at a feverish pitch.

Linda tilted forward and lay down on Jake before slamming her hips down on his, Jake’s hips thrusting up to meet. A slick finger teased Cin’s back entrance, circling it once, twice, before dipping back into her sex. ‘Screw this: I need a hand, and I know just where to get them.’

‘What the hell do you people think you’re doing!’ a voice thundered, freezing Cin in place. Looking over at the door, she saw her boss. Kenneth Jane was red in the face, his eyes darting from the couple on the table to Cin and back again. ‘There are customers here! That’s what I pay you people for: to help them, not to fornicate while they can hear everything!!!’

Jake and Linda finally seemed to realize they had an audience and started to scramble for their clothes. Cin had a slightly easier time of putting them back on, but that also meant an embarrassed Jane focused his ire on her. ‘You’re fired!’ he shouted sounding a bit hoarse. ‘You’re all fired! Get out! Get out! Now!’

Cin’s mouth opened, then closed. She wanted to argue, to save her job. ‘It’s not fair, it’s those two who’ve been doing this for months while I’ve been doing my job! And now, the one time I did sneak off, I get fired? I need the money, dammit.’

Naturally she wasn’t going to say it exactly like that, she could phrase it better than that. Or just beg. Yet something held her back. Something she’d gotten a more intimate knowledge of since the change: instinct.

Startled, Cin realized that, despite her new found power, she was unable to object to him. ‘If he tells me to suck him off, I’d actually do it…’ Try as she might, she couldn’t get upset over it. The prospect of being unemployed was like a punch in the gut, yet she couldn’t bring herself to object.

‘Because Kenneth is my boss, I’m his subordinate. I agreed to obey him.’ She knew, intellectually, that working for someone didn’t entail such submission. Not in America. It was an attitude from the other place. The one she’d gotten glimpses of in her dreams. But this wasn’t a dream: this was now and this was here. Nevertheless, the
idea was hers now and so were the consequences.

‘Yes, sir,’ was all that would pass her lips as Cin hung her head in defeat. She was out of a job. A job she didn’t like, granted, but one she didn’t want to leave like this. Not without some other sort of work lined up. All because she had to indulge herself.

In a daze, she let her legs carry her out of the stockroom, past the curious eyes of the customers Mister Jane mentioned and out of the store. ‘I’m fired?’


Cin wandered without direction, her complete attention turned inward trying to figure out who she was now. She thought she knew, right up until Kenneth Jane had given her an order and her own beliefs had surprised her. So now she tried to find out if there were any other surprises lurking within her.

‘What if my Creator came back? Would I obey him?’ Cin wondered, dreading the answer. But nothing happened, the feeling she’d gotten with her boss was absent when she thought of her Creator. ‘Because we never made an agreement,’ she suddenly realized. ‘That’s the key,’ she accidentally said aloud.

Embarrassed, Cin looked around but found nobody was close enough to have overheard her. ‘I don’t have to, I can choose now. I always had a choice.’ Both felt true, though only one should.

The ex-employee of Jane’s SportFashion grimaced as another thought came to her: ‘But I’ll have the same problem with any new job I find. Except this time, I know full well what I’ll be agreeing to, even if my new boss won’t.’ Fear and lust mixed as Cin’s imagination came up with a couple of scenarios when this hypothetical boss did find out.

Something caught her eye and she stopped to look, only realizing now that her feet had led her out of the main shopping area onto a small street Cin had never been to before. There were several shops here, too, but it was one in particular that had drawn her attention.

A piece of paper was taped to the glass of the door reading ‘Looking for a sales associate, must be at least 21 years old…’ etc. A quick glance told her she met all requirements, yet it didn’t say what sort of store this was.

There were no displays in the window and a screen artfully decorated to make it look like a pair of curtains prevented her from looking inside. On the glass itself a web-address was printed with a telephone number in smaller type underneath. Looking up the raven-haired hybrid saw that the name of the shop was Pandora’s Box, which offered no clue either.

Curiosity once more took a hold of Cin. ‘I am looking for a job now,’ she considered. But another voice argued, ‘No, remember what happened not an hour ago!’

She hesitated: that was a good point. ‘On the other hand, what’s the harm in looking? I’m not agreeing to anything just by walking in and finding out what they’re selling.’ That … was true.

Nodding to herself she walked over to the shop’s door and opened it. ————————————————–

The sound of tinking bell rang through the store, alerting Sarah Anisidora that someone had come in. She’d been reading the paper, expecting it would be a quiet morning, as most were. Truth be told, her shop did most of its business online, and half the people who came to them physically did so because they didn’t want their orders delivered at home. That and your usual gaggle of high schoolers thinking they were so bold and mature because they dared to come into a sex shop.

The person who came in fell in neither of those categories. This girl had long, intensely black hair that flowed freely down her back. Intelligent eyes framed in a fresh face that lacked a tan. Her body looked good, slender and curved in all the right places. Her outfit, however, looked like she worked in one of the other stores. The girl wasn’t wearing a jacket even though it was still chilly outside. ‘And she’s not in a hurry,’ Anisidora judged as she watched the girl’s gaze slowly travel the various displays.

There were some toys on shelves on the right wall and in free standing displays scattered around the room, but that was only a small sample of their complete catalogue. This left the shop roomy and, aided by the natural lighting, it put customers at ease.

Two mannequins dressed in fetish wear flanked a doorway on the left, leading to what Anisidora liked to think of as her boutique: a room containing their clothing selection as well as a couple of dressing rooms. That was the reason the other half visited the shop, to try it on before buying it.

Still, the behavior of Anisidora’s present company was unusual. Not weird-those were common enough even though most of her products were more for her than for him. No, it was the obvious curiosity the girl displayed combined with a lack of furtive glances Anisidora’s way. No embarrassment seemed to register even when she lifted a boxed dildo up to examine it.

Anisidora examined her once more trying to guess why she’d come in. When the girl took an experimental swing with a riding crop, seemingly fascinated by the sound it made, she’d had enough. ‘Can I help you?’

The black-haired girl looked up and blinked as if she’d forgotten she wasn’t alone. ‘Uh, yes,’ she said while putting the crop back. ‘I saw you’re looking for a sales associate, but there was no clue what you were selling.’

Anisidora simply arched an eyebrow. She was indeed looking for a cashier to help her run this shop. Denise had left over a month ago and, while she hadn’t been her only employee, Anisidora couldn’t really spare the others for this. They had their own jobs maintaining the online business. So far, though, they’d had no applicants that met her standards. Either too eager to work here, or too embarrassed. ‘So far, this one’s actually the most promising candidate but her remarks better get more intelligent right quick. I can’t stand airheads’-a smirk crossed her lips-‘in my business,’ she amended. ‘They have their uses in bed where their mouths are suitably occupied.’ Good memories.

The girl answered her smile. ‘Of course, now I do know. So, what I wanted to ask is if you still got that job opening.’

‘I do,’ Anisidora confirmed. ‘But I think this is a matter better discussed in my office. Follow me,’ she commanded leading her into the back.


Cin followed the older woman through the store, her eyes naturally drifting down her backside. There wasn’t much to see, as the dark-skinned businesswoman wore a smart business outfit with a skirt that reached past her knees. Still, there was a hint here and there of a very fine body. ‘No, focus. You’re not here for that. You’re just curious about the job. Think about that. Money, food, water, a place to sleep. A place where Beverly can sleep.’

Their short journey led into a small office cluttered with paper. A computer with printer were set up on a desk off to the side of the other, by which they sat. ‘I’m Sarah Anisidora, by the way.’

‘Cin-dy, I’m Cindy, though my parents named me Cinderella. I don’t really like it.’ She gasped internally. Giving her real name to a stranger, what was she thinking?


‘As in the fairy tale,’ Cin confirmed.

‘Alright, Cindy, you were interested in the position?’

‘Uh, right. I am … recently unemployed,’ she finished awkwardly. ‘Actually, I just got fired. Hence my lack of a résumé,’ Cin tried to joke.

‘Hmmm, I can work around that. Where did you work?’

‘At Jane’s SportsFashion.’

‘You worked for Kenneth?’ Miss Anisidora’s face twisted in distaste. ‘Guess I won’t be asking for a reference then. I’m not his most favorite person in the world, and the feeling’s mutual. Bigot’s been complaining about my business since I opened. So, why did Kenneth fire you?’

‘This was a bad idea,’ Cin concluded thinking back on this morning. ‘Once she hears what happened, she’ll show me the door.’ So, wit
h a deep breath, she took the plunge and told Miss Anisidora what happened.


When Cindy was finished, Anisidora remained quiet for a moment. ‘He shouldn’t have fired you, not for that.’ The girl across the desk blinked at that, relief started to spread across her features, which was why she pressed on. ‘I’d have fired you too,’ the businesswoman made clear, ‘right then and there. Can you figure out why?’

She waited and observed Cindy as the applicant thought her words over. ‘Well, even if she’s not a candidate for this place, there’s another position I think she’ll be interested in,’ she thought recalling the way Cindy’s eyes had taken in her store. Anisidora wetted her lips. ‘Several, in fact.’

‘I … I should have said something to Mr. Jane. About them, ah, spending time in the stockroom.’

‘Exactly. Loyalty is all well and good, but, and it galls me to say this, you owed Kenneth some of it too. I’m not a prude like him, so I don’t care who you fuck or watch fucking. I do care, however, if you blow off work for it and still expect to get paid.’

Cindy flinched at the thrust. She didn’t know it yet, but she wasn’t being tested for the job. Or not just the job-though, if Anisidora did give it to her, that would mean she’d have to give up on that. She didn’t sleep with the people that worked for her.

‘But tell me,’ Anisidora continued. ‘Why were you working there in the first place? Do you have any ambitions or dreams?’

Cindy shrugged. ‘It was supposed to be short-term, you know. I did college, got my major in journalism and then my plan fell apart. I’d lined up an internship at this history magazine when it went belly up. I’ve been sort-of drifting ever since. I suppose I could’ve looked elsewhere, but my boyfriend lived here, so does my best friend, and next thing I knew three years have gone by. And then things suddenly changed. I changed. You asked me about my dreams … I don’t think I know what they are right now.’

Anisidora quietly filed away how she spoke about her boyfriend in the past tense. And the part about changing sounded promising, too. ‘Sounds to me like you came in here looking for something more than a job.’

Before she could say anything more, the bell rang, signaling somebody else had entered the store. Anisidora would have to postpone their dance: ‘Sounds like our time is up. Tell you what,’ she said as she retrieved a business card. ‘Instead of you or me deciding anything right now, why don’t you send me your résumé. Here, I’ll write down my private email-address. If you’re still interested by the time you get home, that is.’

Cindy took the bait. ‘Great. I’m still not sure about her for the job,’ Anisidora mused, ‘but her CV should answer that. And if I don’t, it would only be ‘nice’ of me to take her mind off of things.’

Chapter 2

‘And that’s why I’m not sure about pursuing this job right now. I don’t want to submit,’ Cin said distractedly reclining on the bed as nude as Beverly. The blonde herself didn’t respond immediately, her mouth otherwise occupied nibbling, sucking and all-around feasting on Her tit.

The hand on her back stroking her approvingly, Bev’s head rose a little so she could answer. A trail of saliva still connecting her lips to Cin’s nipple. ‘Why should it be you?’

‘What do you mean?’ She asked as Her tail started to ghost over Beverly’s thigh.

‘Hmmm, I, I mean, why are you the one who must submit? You don’t have to agree to that to work for her.’

Cin looked thoughtful, Her head tilted to Her right as she mulled it over. Bev pressed on. ‘You’ve got powers now. She can submit to you. Think about it. The way you described this Sarah, it’s obvious you find her attractive,’ she went on not feeling a hint of jealousy. In fact, the image of this Sarah Anisidora, with her cafe au lait skin and toned body, kneeling before Cin was turning her on.

‘Would it be right to take her?’

‘Of course it would be! You took me and it was the best thing you’ve ever done for me. To have your song in my head …’ her voice trailed off as the Song rose in volume at that reminder, derailing her thoughts.

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ONE "You see, Entworth, I saw you last night at the PainCafe, when you were hitting that girl's breasts....she was tied down, her hands were, and you kept, like thrashing her with that wire thing." Jinx O'Casey smiled at Entworth beseechingly. ? Entworth's swarthy face?stared at Jinx through his prescription sunglasses, his copy of "Soap Opera Digest" forgotten. "You-you aren't here about my share of the rent?" He tried to look matter of fact, but this was an extreme relief. ? Jinx shook her...

1 year ago
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SamChapter 27

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day Sam was again reaching out, feeling the powerful Tetricon as it accelerated away. He wasn’t sure just who this was, he’d already met the four new minds. He could tell it wasn’t the doctor, a small smile came to his lips. It also had a distinct antipathy for the doctor. It most definitely wasn’t the seven councilors they seemed to shit their pants when he was around. Hmmmm, this was getting interesting indeed. A few moments later the new...

3 years ago
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Linda and Bobby 4 in the mall

“Jimmy has an idea that we think you will love.” Bobby said. “Are you interested?” “Well, it depends on what the idea is.” “Can’t tell you but if you are willing, we’ll show you and if you don’t like it, you can leave? I think you’ll love it and should really do this.” “I guess if you think I’ll like it. What do I need to do?” “Tonight about 8:30 we are going to be at the mall. You have to make sure you wear a bra and panties. Don’t leave home without them.” “That’s no fun...

2 years ago
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What Once Was Old Part 7

I had been laying in my room staring at the ceiling for a good hour. Whatever Mason planned to do with that book was the farthest thing on my mind at the moment. This hangover is killing me. I guess the good thing is now I know the limits of my new teenage body. I rolled over on my side and held my belly. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and it wasn't because of the hangover. It was something else. A nervousness, maybe? But of what? I'm sure Mason isn't doing anything too...

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The Youth Pastor Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Saturday came faster than I thought it would. As my mom drove me down the gravel road she asked me if it was appropriate that I should be spending 5 hours alone with a man. I told her it would be fine and not to worry because we would be at the tack shop most of the time. So I arrived at Mr. Monroes house and knocked on the door. He answered and asked what we should do first. I told him that we should go to my favorite tack shop called The Big Red Barn. We went and bought some...

4 years ago
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Initiation Part One

We had finally done it. Our months of playing at home, and hubby’s quest at finding more and more partners for me had come to a head. He loved engineering ways to provide situations where I would be seduced by one strange man, then two, and then small groups, where I would be surrounded by hands and tongues groping, probing, eating me and then fucking me. God I’d loved it, but it was time to take the next step. I wanted something he didn’t control, that was truly spontaneous and adventurous. We...

2 years ago
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Loves MastersChapter 9 The Making of a Slut

Today the degradation of my self-control accelerated beyond the simple urges to touch myself and flashbacks of the sexual experience I had on Friday. Concentration was disrupted repeatedly by momentary glances at the boys in my classes, followed by staring, then progressed to daydreams about them. At lunchtime I managed to make it to a stall before taking off my undergarments and fighting the urge to touch my sexual organs. After lunch, I continued to have problems focusing my attention on...

3 years ago
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Late Night Homework Break

“So what do you say? Do you want to be my partner?” I looked up from my laptop to the gorgeous blonde girl ahead of me. The teacher in our film class had just given out an assignment that required groups of two people to work together. One of us would have to shoot footage for a news story, while the other one edited the footage later on that night, and submit it to his mailbox. “Uhh.. Yeah I think we could make that work,” I answered, as I tried to hide my excitement. Jen smiled and turned...

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ProeliatorChapter 11

Waking the boys up was harder yet but once they were reminded of the sword under their bed they hurried. They went to get the forging crew and all of them went to eat. If a mirror had been handy I knew that all of us would look dirty. I got Jón and Forni to at least clean their faces and hands and like all boys they wondered why. Breakfast was quick and the boys smelt. The women said nothing but then again they were no bed of roses either. Dagmar had her happy smile and I wondered what she...

4 years ago
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Too Much of a Good Thing Ch 05

Too Much of a Good Thing: A Fantasy of Excess Chapter V Diana! Angel did not call. I called. About three hundred times, or so it seemed. But whether at the boutique or at the house on the hill, all I got was Angel’s sweet answering message promising to return the call, endless ringing, or a busy signal. I left messages galore, but no call was returned and in the end even my male ego was convinced! Angel had meant what she had said. It was over. Never in my life have I experienced such a...

3 years ago
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P I and Magic Book II The Gods ReturnChapter 12

While we won at Fenoris, I was a little disturbed at how I had been unable to defeat the demon outright. I know, I know. I had done well. Ishla said so, as did Fithian. Still, it seemed to me that I had been getting nowhere, when the Goddess had shown up and finished the battle for me. Well... for us. True, Fithian had not really gotten into the battle itself. He had opted to call in the Goddess, which I thought was a good idea at the time. It also left me feeling like I had failed at my...

2 years ago
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The Poker Party

THE POKER PARTYVery briefly, for those of you who did not read the first story of what I hope will become a series, Kim and I are very happily married and we enjoy a spectacular sex life with each other, and sometimes, maybe often, with others as well. Kim is very petite in stature, but just the opposite in sexual capacity. I will not say that she is a nymphomaniac because nymphos can never get enough. Kim can be satisfied with just one good orgasm. The question becomes, why stop at one when...

Group Sex
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Return to EdenChapter 21

He was still berating himself mentally as he moved alone back up the entry tunnel, as he passed through the second bottleneck back aboveground, as he re-donned his clothes and backpack and laser, as he used his communicator to summon Cherney and ask her to bring extra supplies, as he lamely explained to the pilot that Meiersdottir and the baby would be remaining "for a time" and passed the supplies to the native males who had accompanied him, still even as he boarded the lander. But it was...

4 years ago
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A Sissy Saga Ch 19

It came as a surprise. When Abigail received a message from his sister telling him to go to her room he was astonished. He never went into the family apartments until recess, so such a demand was abnormal. Bossy bitch, Abigail thought as he made his way there, but he didn’t say it. His relationship with his sister had never been one of close kinship, they’d spent too much of their lives at separate boarding schools for anything like that to develop, and while he had a slightly bullying...

2 years ago
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Seanrsquos Dad Meets Babrsquos Mom ndash WOW

Sean’s Dad Meets Bab’s Mom – WOW! – Pt 2Saturday morning I woke to the smell of coffee and bacon, two of my favorite smells in the morning. Babs was already gone from the bedroom so I quickly donned on a pair of shorts and a shirt and followed the smells into the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen, I was surprised to see Babs and Helen standing side by side at the stove cooking in the nude. I walked up behind them, put my arms around them both and kissed them good morning. Helen turned to look...

3 years ago
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a night of teasing on the town

My wife and I have always discussed our fantasies, but never really acted on them. All that changed one drunken Saturday night. We had been in town one afternoon for a spot of shopping and decided to go for a drink before we went home. One drink led to the next, and before we knew it, we were pretty drunk. Debbie went to the toilet before we left and when she came back, she handed me something to put in my pocket. As I took it I realised it was the little see through thong she was wearing....

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Intimate Night At A Hotel

I still remember the night, where I had been to hotel. I went that place with a girl where I had too much fun, and it was one of the sex experiences which I ever had. The main part of the story was that, I was unaware of the fact that the girl is the daughter of one of the MLAs of Odisha. Going back to the flashback, I remember the day, where I had talked to this girl over face book via unknown friend (which I really don’t remember). We had good talks, and we started talking with each other on...

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St Searles Academy The New Class part 10

It's the day of the big Spring Fashion Show at St. Searle's, but the past of Lucy Costello, once the mobster Sal Buscemi, comes back to haunt her when Sal's former associates launch an armed assault on the school. ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS - part 10 of 11 by BobH (c) 2017 - 19 - "How do I look?" asked Shondra Prentis nervously. "Absolutely stunning," said Jessica Smith. "Now get out there and wow everyone." "We've done all we...

4 years ago
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Young man surrenders his asshole

Joe was 50 weighed about 130kg had a big beer belly. Mark was 21 weighed abut 70kg and had a tight ass covered by some sports shorts. The rules were simple if Mark lasted 5 minutes wrestling against Joe he got $1,000 if not he got his sweet ass fucked.Both men in loin cloths with Joe's belly pouring out over the edges and barely hiding his short, fat, hard dick. Mark's cloth hid a some sweet cheeks thta you could just see when he moved. A lean 19 year old muscular body. If he were to lose the...

2 years ago
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The Untold Story of Sarah

I was not one for cheap tricks and theatrics, but I did enjoy to be alone more often then not. My girlfriends would always try to push me to go shopping here, or get my nails done there. None of these things truly interested me. I wanted to be at home. Cooped up in my living room with all the shades closed. I looked forward to that special "me" time. Where I could really get myself worked up by reading my favorite story, or watching one of my hot steamy shows I keep hidden in my closet in...

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Love Aaj Kal

Hi friends aap sab iss ke pathko ko mere tane hue lund ka namaskar duniya mai har tarah ke risto mai pyar ho sakta hai ye mai iss ki story padne ke bad jana aur aazmaya bhi hai iss hum sab ke liye apni bhavnao ko khulke rakhne ka manch hi jo hamare desh mai bahut papular hai yaha se hame pata chalta hai ki puri duniya Mai sex ke diwano ki kami nahi yahi sochkar apni ek story apke samne la raha hu agar pasand aaye to jaroor mail kariyega ladkiya bhabhi aunti jo phone sex pasand karti hai jarror...

2 years ago
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The Magical Pantry

The Magical Pantry by Tom L?ger Something was wrong, but Sam couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. He was 33 and a librarian at a small branch library located in a medium-sized college town. Standing at five foot nine and weighing 150 lbs, with a thick head of short, dark brown hair, he was a pretty average guy, living the life he always thought he wanted. He had his own apartment with his very own girlfriend, who worked in the next town over, and who always told him she found h...

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Cleaning lady 4 ndash The game goes on

Hello avid readers. Some of you have written to find out what the rest of the story was, some in fact mentioning that it had been two weeks since her last visit. I appreciate that you read these, this is a fun part of the publication process.As I said in one of my replies, I have been away and didn’t get the time to write about her visit last Thursday. Working from home every second Thursday might be a new habit of mine but there I was, in my office, early in the morning, about 8:00 o’clock...

2 years ago
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Inception 8211 A Beautiful Beginning With Rohit 8211 Part 1

People have their opinion about life and I have mine too. Expressing oneself is what I solely believe in. Many times I have withdrawn from situations which I do repent of not having done so and many a time I repent responding to advances. One such episode changed my entire outlook towards life and that was when I met Rohit though this website itself. It is one amazing journey of myself that I would take you through here today which might be a little long a little emotional a little enigmatic...

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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 19 Mummy Boy Camp welcome

Obviously our arrival had been witnessed because we'd hardly reached the gates before they opened and two armed guards escorted us to an office in the main building where a burly Tumalian greeted us with a surprisingly friendly smile. "So you are the ones who wanted to sample the delights of our camp. I'm Captain Quaro." He extended his hand in Sumala's direction but I stepped forward and shook it. "Elaine Eves, and no, we didn't wish to come here but the Major had other...

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Husband turns me onto BBC Cuckold

I'm Suzy, and I've been married to my husband David for 15 years. I'm currently 35, 5'10, 140lbs, have shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and measures 38-28-38". David is 38, 5'11", 175lbs, has blonde hair, blue eyes and has a 7" cock. Five years ago we started spicing up our sex life by visiting sex sites online, visiting adult video stores and renting their movies. We also agreed to try what each other wanted at least once.The first time that we involved someone else, was at a adult...

1 year ago
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Tales of a Real Peeper

From an early age iv peeped,i dont know how old i was or what started it but i didit.looking up skirts, it started at home while sitting on the floor id look up my mothers skirt or my grandmothers or just any female visitor who happend to be in the room.knickers,panties or bare bush i couldnt stop doing it (and still do).From there i progressed to walking in on my mother either in the bath or toilet just hoping for a peep. Its funny what you can get away with as a k** you sort of dont exist as...

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A Secret Sub No More

I walk to my bedroom, yawning and I’m glad it's time for bed. I slide under my soft cotton bed cover and snuggle into my pillow. As I close my eyes I’m thankful that it's Friday night and the end of a very long working week. Being a manager of a large administration team is challenging at times. Everyone expects something from you, to sort out their petty squabbles and, of course, the incompetent ones often seem to create more problems than they solve. I think that's why I am very submissive in...

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I am a business manager with a foreign bank in Mumbai, travel half the time, now overseas too. I have two k**s, hail from Chennai and married to a south Indian belle born and brought up from Mumbai, smart female, hot figure, perfect pair of tits that fit her 38D, lovely large brown nipples, dark coffee brown cunt lips with that lovely bit of curl now clean shaven and a very conservative girl.We live in one of the hottest residential areas in bandra, both my c***dren go to school, the benefits...

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Life on the Bottom RungChapter 8

It's a long drive from Bluefield to Baltimore, so the three of us left early. By 2 p.m., we were in town, and registered into two adjoining rooms at the Sheraton, overlooking Camden Yards. We had a late lunch in the hotel dining room. I'd invited Orlie to accompany me to meet Mike Flanagan in the Orioles' Old Warehouse office suite. I knew she'd get a kick out of meeting Flanagan. Mike had been a big-time major league pitcher in his own right. But Orlie declined. "It sounds like it's...

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The Photo

This is a story originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. While waiting for the next chapter of my friend's series "Webcam Boys" (which admittedly is taking a long while), I decided to post another of his stories here to make up for the long wait, though this is one of his earlier (if not the first) stories. What follows is a mostly...

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After the Reunion Ch 1

Monday afternoon, June 5, 2028“Hon, do you remember what we talked about before we left, Friday?” I had asked my wife“No, what...?” When her face turned totally white and her hand went to her mouth in disbelief, I knew she had remembered, obviously for the first time since at least early Saturday. Before we left, we had talked about the fact that this was her most fertile time and we were going to try to conceive a baby in Seattle.She looked at me, her face paper white, then turned and stared...

Wife Lovers
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Castaway FearlessChapter 9

The haunting sound of an owl lifted me from my dark dream. Hostile ships had landed on the Amarian coast to avoid the intense storm system north of Conquest Point’s peninsula. While we had experienced the mild outer edges of the storm, the eastern coast had received its uncharacteristic fury. Webster’s nightly implant download identified at least a dozen ships sinking between Conquest Point and Heraldsburg’s harbor. Thankfully, half of them were small scout ships flagged as Raiders and the...

4 years ago
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The Tree House Book 2Chapter 17

Just as Michelle left the table to gather up three Ice Cream Cones, I picked up her Happy Meal Toy, Princess Leia. I fondled it with my left hand and wondered just why it had been such a prize for my daughter. Even before I could develop the question I wanted to ask, Lindie placed her left hand gently on my right one and sighed. "Mom was really a terror to me and Michelle," she said. "No matter what either of us did, it was wrong or bad. She had a rule, 'None of your junk in my house....

3 years ago
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Romancing In The Bus

Hi, guys, this is Tony from Kerala back again with another exciting incident which happened a few weeks back. The heroine is one of my old college mates. She was my friend’s ex too back then. It was back in college that my friend and she were in a relationship. I knew each and everything they had done together. And after they got bored with each other, both of them moved in different directions. She continued to be in relationships with different people. This incident took place when I was on...

1 year ago
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In Train

There she sat. Three feet away, across the packed underground train, a picture of beauty in the otherwise drab underground, I stare at her intently, my eyes following her every move, watching her lips sing silently along to her iPod, those big juicy red lips, I long to taste them, her big azure blue eyes, staring into the magazine she was reading, her long blonde hair carefully styled. I sigh, three months it had been the same, three whole months I had sat here and stared at her, three months I...

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