Reboot Redux
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ROBIN GIRL WONDER - the reboot I recently stumbled across Fraylim's wonderful "Miss-Adventures of Robin the Girl Wonder" drawings again, and decided to write a completely new version of my Robin Girl Wonder story. This time I'll faithfully stick to the storyline as presented in Fraylim's art. I enjoyed re-imagining this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. Here's a link to Fraylim's art online: It's fun and sexy. if the link...
It was going to be a late day at the office. Our HTML directory had become mixed up with the sectors that control the server farm. We were sunk. Becky and I would have to spend the entire evening loading 8 1/2 inch floppy disks into the hard drive. This was going to take forever. "What a bitch" I exclaimed. Becky sat up straight in her airfoil office chair. "Not you" I said with a laugh "This assignment is going to take all night." I'll be up until 3 in the morning doing it. "I wish I...
Lynette’s House, Komoka 9:39pm, Saturday, February 19, 1979 “Should I take them off or... ?” I started to ask. “ ... No, no. Let me do that!” Lynette quickly said as she slowly dropped down, and knelt in front of my sixteen-year-old body. “By the looks of this wet spot, here, he really enjoyed MY show, and final unveiling of my Playboy worthy ass, didn’t he?” “Believe it or not, Lynette, I really enjoy seeing how you respond to the things I do to you, as much as I get pleasure from the...
Staff Sergeant Earnest Levinson never considered himself a professional Soldier. Staff Sergeant Levinson joined the United States Army on September 12th in the year 2001. He did this because the day before he watched two 767 jet airliners fly into the two tallest towers of the world trade center and learned they had been part of a deliberate coordinated attack on the United States. Ten years later, the man who ordered the attack was dead, the men who helped him plan it were dead,...
CHAPTER ONE - WestWorld "You chose WHERE?" I froze in the middle of my lunch, sure I hadn't heard the other man across from me right. It wasn't possible. He couldn't possibly be that moronic. Not Will. But he just repeated himself. "WestWorld," he said, like it was the most reasonable thing in the world. "They've got some really good deals going on right now." I just stared at him, incredulous, from across the diner table. I forgot my half-eaten lunch entirely when I...
Not-The-Original Author's Note: This is a tribute to Alexander Kung's great story "Second Chances". The original ideas and story belong to them. This version was written mostly because the original author never finished that work and I very much enjoyed it (going on five years with no conclusion now) and I wish they had. I've expanded on it where I felt appropriate, maintained the original ideas and motifs as much as I could, and updated it to match my own writing style. I have no idea...
We eventually settled down into silence and Cobi turned his attention back to his phone, which allowed me to listen to what the other students were talking about. At the back of the bus, the girls on the football team were talking, as usual, about last night's game. I don't follow sports that much, but from what I could gather, it was about basketball. "Woman, did you see that three-pointer from Evlin Collins last night? She's been amazing in the playoffs, and for a rookie as well....
I rolled my eyes at Ms. Willow's statement about boys and tried to ignore it as she continued on with the rest of the class. Not every boy was dumb as rocks when it came to politics, take Cobi and me for example. We actually paid attention to the presidential campaigns and cared about who we wanted for the next president. But of course, most girls just nodded and listened politely to whatever we had to say while they stared at our dicks. For the rest of the class, Cobi and I put our...
My tummy rumbled a little as I waited patiently in the cafeteria line to get my lunch. After Home Economics, Aidenne, Carla and I quickly made our way towards the cafeteria stopping briefly at the restrooms to wash up and touch up our makeup. For me, this stop was very much needed, as I'm still not used to the fact that there weren't any makeup stations at nearly every corner. That's another thing that we boys have to get used to when we transition from the boys' elementary school to...
Chapter 1 Here she was yet again, walking through a village in Afghanistan with the Marine unit that she was attached to. She was a navy corpsman and damn proud of it. She also filled the role of the unit’s FET member and also was sort of the unit’s good luck charm. On this morning, they were on a routine patrol when out of nowhere a single shot rang out. Just ahead of her the unit’s commander had just been hit in the neck and she was there in a second. For not only was this the very...
Emily stood in front of her closet and dresser and just looked at her clothes. What seemed good yesterday was now horrible. Most of them were scrubs or clothes that just hung off of her. She decided that she would have Kat help her with a new wardrobe since it always seemed that she was dressed well. With that thought she just threw on a shirt and shorts and left to go pick up Kat, then her new clothes. CHAPTER 1 During the 20-minute trip from her apartment to Kat’s place, Emily tried to...
Chapter 1 Mark was more nervous now then he had ever been in his life. He knew that if Emily rejected him then his happiness would come crashing down. Kat would probably be pissed at him for life and he would never be happy again. Despite the risk Mark knew that he had to do this. He loved Emily with all his heart and he desperately wanted her to be with him for life. Sure, she had said the same thing but this was going to make it real. He kneeled behind her and put his finger to his...
Chapter 1 Standing there, in the distance, were both Mark and Katelynn. “Mark! What the hell are you doing out of the hospital? For that matter how did you get out of the hospital? How did you find me here? My cell phone is still at work.” Mark and Kat just stood there “Hello can you two hear me? This isn’t fucking funny!” “Of course, it’s not funny Emi, but neither is going off the grid.” Mark said calmly “As to your other questions: We both were worried sick about you. As to me...
It wasn't supposed to turn out like this. I was supposed to be with Danielle forever...or Hailey...or Melanie. I can't remember which. But it was supposed to be better than this. It's funny, though. When you're all kids in high school, and there's nothing else to think about, drama seems to keep itself to a minimum. Then, it's time for college, and everybody has different ideas. Sometimes, really close people go their separate ways, and almost as often, the best laid plans of sticking...
It wasn't supposed to turn out like this. I was supposed to be with Danielle forever...or Hailey...or Melanie. I can't remember which. But it was supposed to be better than this. It's funny, though. When you're all kids in high school, and there's nothing else to think about, drama seems to keep itself to a minimum. Then, it's time for college, and everybody has different ideas. Sometimes, really close people go their separate ways, and almost as often, the best laid plans of sticking...
Jeremy stood outside of a bodega downing a half-liter of guava juice. For some reason that he couldn't explain, he had desperately wanted apple juice. The little store didn't have any in the cooler and he had been afraid to ask. He didn't know why but he didn't want to draw any attention to himself. He stood at the bus station chewing on a meat pie from a street vendor. One of the buses was idling next to the only platform at the station. He asked the vendor where the bus was going and...
Jeremy sat on a pile of rock that had been dumped in a back yard. He was waiting for the backhoe to finish digging the drainage ditch for which the rock would provide the bottom level of filtering. Despite the ugly gash across the yard, the garden was beautiful. Someone knowledgeable had lavished a great deal of time and attention on the plants. He remembered an older man with a grey beard and crooked teeth. The man was explaining to him how to cut back a bush to make the plant grow back...
Early in the afternoon of his third day in the library, Jeremy's internal alarms went off. When he had arrived that morning, he found his usual carrel occupied by a mother and child. Not wanting to be disturbed by nearby patrons, he had chosen a screen in a corner that looked out over the room and the corridor. From that vantage point, he became aware of the increased activity around him. He was racing to finish off another textbook when he felt himself under observation. Having pushed off...
Life upon the Inca Trail was boring and Jeremy couldn't be happier. The two men he interacted with most were his bunkmate and the cook. Ng, his bunkmate, was a man of few words and many grunts. He claimed to be pure Vietnamese but he was big and broad, not slight like the Southeast Asians Jeremy had seen in his digital studies. Abasi would give Jeremy an order and then leave him alone until the next order. Haul, wash, slice, and scrub. The job was straightforward. When he wasn't working...
The captain had assembled the entire crew in the room behind the bridge that he called the afterdeck. Jeremy didn't pretend to understand why the room was called a deck. He just stood in the back of the room, which was his position among the rest of the crew. The senior crew got to sit up front. The captain stomped into the room. "In a few minutes the first mate will hand out the assignments for docking. This is a four-day turnaround now because there is extra cargo to load. There will be...
Nothing of note happened during the two-week voyage to Barcelona except that Jeremy found another porn story with a Shetland pony and an Irish setter. The rest of crew chuckled for days over the lass at the dog and pony show. Jeremy was still the low man on the crew list but he had apparently cemented his place on the ship. Even the captain couldn't hold back a laugh when he passed Jeremy in a passage. The city of Barcelona looked peaceful. Jeremy was standing at the bow as two tugboats...
By the time Jeremy awoke, the sun was already in the western sky. His view from the bedroom window faced south. Looking out of his window, he could see the groves that stretched from one end to the other. To the east was lemon trees which had already been picked but had enough fruit left for him to identify. The olives trees on his right were thick with fruit, which swayed softly in the wind. To the far right, Jeremy could see harvesting bins for the olives. A sense of nostalgia for his time...
The municipal court building was a renovated warehouse on the east side of Geneva, away from the beautiful center of the city. Only civil court judges worked in the building. Without criminals or the need for a jail, security consisted of two guards at the front entrance, looking bored. Standing behind a table, they asked everyone to open their bags and they stuck a stick inside and swirled it around once looking for small weapons, knives and such. Handguns in urban areas had been banned for...
The words that Mary Beth was saying to me somehow didn’t register, everything after the ‘she’s dead, Will ... she was drowned in the floodwaters’ was just noise. I understood what she told me, the troubling dreams I had experienced the night before made sense. There was a loud rushing in my head, and I was wracked with loud sobs. I was aware of Traci standing next to me, her arms around my shoulders, and Mary Beth was on the phone, talking to someone. “Let’s get you down to bed, Will,” Mary...
Cathy’s Bedroom, Bryanston 1:45pm, Monday, February 19, 1979 “He did what to you?” Cathy excitedly asked as she brought her hand up over her mouth when she realized how loudly she asked Lynette a follow-up question. Lynette flopped back on Cathy’s queen sized bed, rested on her side and propped her head on her bent elbow and hand after Cathy’s inquiry. She loved seeing Cathy’s gleeful mannerisms after she gave her a Reader’s Digest version of what happened with Mike last night. “Well, uh,...
Medway High School 2:57pm, Thursday, February 15, 1979 First off, I agreed to start a new band with my next door neighbors, which wasn’t too crazy as I always had a dream of playing in a rock band. After I agreed to play in Paul and Cathy’s band, I was given a beautiful Gibson Custom guitar by Samantha Labatt, an heiress to the Canadian brewery giants. I just happened play that guitar like a pro the first time I strapped it on, in order to shut-up a snarky music teacher. All those musical...
Medway High School 12:43pm, Friday, February 16, 1979 As Samantha walked through the music room doors, she turned slightly back towards me and Lynette and said, “It’s called, Alone.” I just raised my eyebrows at the name of the song as I recalled a popular song from the late 1980s with that title. I wondered if it was an original Samantha song or some incredible offshoot of the song I remembered. (Note: Please understand I’m not as creative in song writing as Don Lockwood was in his...
Medway High School Gymnasium 3:42pm, Friday, February 16, 1979 ‘My God, she’s absolutely stunning!‘ I thought as I stood at the gym doorway for a moment and took in the scene across the gym. Lynette had somehow changed outfits since I last saw her at the start of geography class. Gone were the black baggie sweatpants and a red Medway fleece sweatshirt. Lynette now was whooping and hollering in a mid-thigh length, red and black hounds-tooth patterned skirt with black fishnet stockings....
Outside the Nevins’ and McGregory’ houses 11:56pm, Friday, February 23, 1979 When Cathy had my attention, she called out, “You better watch out, Cuda, ‘cause she’ll chew you up. She’s a Man-eater!” (Note: Maneater is a 1982, Hall and Oates song, where they created this compound word. In the text, I will be using the more traditional ‘man-eater’ form as that song title isn’t ‘officially’ used.) I laughed out loud in the chilly February night air and then replied, “You’re probably right,...
Mrs. Pierce’s Classroom, Medway High School 1:15pm, Monday, February 26, 1979 “So, why was Hercules required to perform ten or twelve labors?” Mrs. Pierce asked her tenth grade English after a lively introduction to Appolodorus: The Labors of Heracles. “The Goddess Hera, his step-mother, was jealous of Zeus’ off-spring which included Hercules,” Elizabeth replied. “Zeus was her brother, AND his wife which wasn’t usual at that time.” “Those statements are both correct, Elizabeth, but it...
Geography Classroom, Medway High School 2:36pm, Thursday, March 1, 1979 “ ... This song is called, Beds Are Burning,” I said with a sense of pride in my voice. As I was thinking of songs to play for this presentation, I just happened to remember the band, Midnight Oil. Then, I quickly stumbled upon this wonderful song and I just knew we’d have to play it. (Note: This song is from 1987. However, I liked how it fit with our presentation on various Australian performers or groups and their...
Robertson’s House, Komoka, Ontario 6:55pm, Saturday, March 10, 1979 “Are you ladies up for a little zing with your steaks?” I asked Lynette and her mother, Ms. Dillon, as I looked at the spice rack in the Robertson’s kitchen pantry. I was finally over the surprise and shock of hearing Mrs. Robertson’s story of how she convinced my mother to let me stay overnight here after our day in Chatham at the WOSSA Gymnastics’ meet. “Isn’t this teriyaki marinade good enough for you, Cuda?” Lynette...
Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...
Hookup SitesMedway High School, Arva, Ontario 1:09pm, Wednesday, February 14, 1979 “I would love to go to the Valentine’s Dance with you on Friday, Mike!” Lynette said a little too loudly again, which caused George to divert his attention from his Dungeons and Dragons‘ book to us. When George quickly determined what just happened, he surprised both of us by saying, “It’s about time you two decided to take that next step in your relationship. I’ve watched you around school for some time now, and you...
Medway High School, Arva, Ontario Thursday, February 15, 1979 My second day back in 1979 was a relatively normal day for any high schooler. First thing that morning, my brother and I got into it over who had first dibs on the bathroom. Trying to be nice, I gave in and let him use it first, seeing how I had taken a shower at school the night before and didn’t do much after that, except for some leisurely clothes shopping with my mom. Still, I didn’t take too kindly to Patt’s sorry ‘holier...
Medway High School 8:35am, Thursday, February 15, 1979 “And to end the morning announcements,” Mr. Williamson said, “The following teachers are out sick today, and their classes will not be held: Mr. Pierce, Ms. Glover and Mrs. Bumstead. We would greatly appreciate it, if anyone who comes down with flu-like symptoms, be it either students or faculty, please stay home and help limit the spread of this nasty flu-virus. That is all. Have a great Thursday.” “No math class for us,” Lynette said...
Medway High School 12:45pm, Thursday, February 15, 1979 “Hello everyone!” Mrs. Pierce loudly said after the bell to start our seventh period English class sounded. “Did you miss me or were you enjoying your free time, yesterday?” “A little of both,” Brad MacGee diplomatically said in response to our favorite English teacher’s question. A smattering of ‘yeah’ and ‘yes’ were murmured around me after Brad’s appropriate response. “Ha, you can’t BS, a BSer,” she cackled out then loudly coughed...
Medway High School 2:15pm, Thursday, February 15, 1979 In geography, Mr. St. George said we were able to use today’s class period to start researching our class assignment on various Australian issues. I saw Liz Morkings and her partner, Ellie McIlharty digging through an Australian Anthology book for examples of Aussie folklore. Samantha was on her own like me, as her partner Joanne Gramm was with Lynette playing volleyball. I found out her topic was Aussie industries and national...
Mike’s House 6:15am, Friday, February 16, 1979 “Up and at ‘um, boys!” my dad gruffly said as he stuck his leg into my bottom bunk to give me his usual early morning alarm signal. As I struggled to get awake, I thought it was somewhat good that I was falling back into my previous high school routine where my dad HAD to get me up and at ‘um. I lazily stretched under the covers, and then flung them back to crawl out of my warm cocoon. Just as my feet hit the carpet, the overhead lights came on...
Medway High School Gymnasium 8:36pm, Friday, February 16, 1979 “ALL ABOARD!!Ah-Hahahahahahahaha!“ I cried out into my wireless microphone as I heard Mr. Feelt say, “So without fur... “ Soon after, Paul, Cathy, and Sam jumped in with their instruments on the intro notes to Ozzy’s appropriately titled, Crazy Train. Lynette was able to create those wonderful sound effects at the beginning of the song to really capture the full effect of this awesome intro. The thick burgundy curtains were...
Medway High School Parking Lot 10:05pm, Friday, February 16, 1979 “Man, I wished this car would heat up fast, it’s freezing out here,” Lynette said as she started the engine. “What, it doesn’t heat up as fast as you do?” I asked and ran my hand over her fishnet stocking covered right thigh. When my hand slide just under the edge of her black hounds-tooth skirt, I added, “I’m guessing you’ll be asking that these windows be rolled down some in a little while, after things heat up in...
Loading Bay, Prince Andrew Elementary, North of Bryanston 11:44pm, Friday, February 16, 1979 “You’re sure you’re alright?” Lynette repeated. I stared at her while I contemplated the unbelievable ramifications of my grand epiphany. I gave my head one final shake with the hope of driving that atomic bomb-like revelation from my mind, but I had no such luck. “Talk to me, please!” she said with some urgency. Before I replied to the pensive, shivering beauty beside me, I made doubly sure to...
Parking Lot at UWO’s Football Stadium, London, Ontario 6:14pm, Saturday, February 17, 1979 The drive from Western’s campus to Coach Jacket’s house was relatively quiet but tension filled. We listened to FM96 on the car’s stereo. When we heard Dire Straits’ Sultans of Swing, Lynette commented, “I think that would be a good song for our band to play. Everyone seems to like it, and you’d kill Mark Knopfler’s guitar part.” “It is a pretty cool tune,” I replied as I turned towards her as she...
Lynette Robertson’s House, Komoka 8:16pm, Saturday, February 17, 1979 I was once more utterly amazed when I saw Lynette strip down to a lovely bra and panty set. She was absolutely gorgeous as she stood upright beside her parents’ king sized bed after she slightly struggled to get her tight blue jeans off her long, lean legs. Her full, firm breasts were covered by a white, underwire bra, which had black flowers decorating the cup material. Along the top edge of her bra, black lace enticed...
Samantha Labatt’s Bedroom, North London 9:13pm, Saturday, February 17, 1979 “I want you lying down here beside me, please,” Sam softly whispered up to Jennifer as her right hand’s dainty fingers lightly traced the underside of the brunette’s full, firm left breast. “In a minute,” Jennifer huskily replied as she leaned into Sam’s exploring fingers. “I just wanta try this fa-first, if you don’t mind.” Jennifer then scooted around above Sam’s head and brushed her auburn locks out of...
Mike’s House, Bryanston 9:39am, Sunday, February 20, 1979 I groggily opened my eyes and took a hazy peek at the alarm clock/radio sitting beside my bunk bed. Being tired and somewhat disoriented at the moment, I didn’t immediately recognize the time, or that it was a Sunday morning. I rolled back onto my back and prayed to drop back to sleep once more. As usual, once I stirred from my slumber I rarely returned to that restful state. As my mind cleared up, I suddenly remembered where I was...
Mike’s House, Bryanston 1:07pm, Sunday, February 20, 1979 Around 1pm, after having a couple of oranges as a snack, I asked Lynette if she wanted to go for a walk in our new frozen wonderland. It wasn’t real cold outside, probably 25 to 28 degrees Fahrenheit, so our basic winter coats, toques and gloves worked fine, especially since we’d be moving around outside. There was a sheet of ice at least three-quarters of an inch thick over everything, which was beautiful to see but made traveling...
Mike’s House, Bryanston 6:15pm, Sunday, February 20, 1979 “That was a great dinner, Mrs. Nevins,” Lynette said as she used a piece of my mother’s homemade bread to sop up the last of the gravy on her plate. “My mom rarely uses a crock pot to cook meals, so that was the first time I’ve had a roast beef, potatoes, and carrots done like that. It was delicious.” “Thanks, Lynette,” my mom replied as she turned back to the table with a warm apple pie in her hands. “These guys around here just...
Medway High School, Arva 9:25, Tuesday morning, February 20, 1979 “Hey guys!” Samantha called out as she rounded the corner and saw Paul, Cathy and me beside the cart with Cathy’s drums stacked upon it. “Whatcha doing?” “My dad has our small trailer out front and he’s going to bring my drums home with him tonight,” Cathy said as she picked up her drum throne. “Why are you here this early?” Paul asked the petite redheaded girl as she waited for us to push the cart along past her. “I...
Medway High School, Arva 2:40pm, Thursday, February 22, 1979 “Okay, class,” Mr. St. Georges called out after the warning buzzer sounded at the end of our last class of the day. “Seeing how we lost a day this week, the final papers and/or presentations on your Aussie topic will be due next Wednesday. If you are just doing a presentation in class, you’ll need to provide me with an outline of your presentation so I can take notes on it. If you are doing a detailed paper only, that will...
Medway High School, Arva 5:05pm, Friday, February 23, 1979 I was sitting in the bleachers, as the JV basketball game against our biggest rivals, Strathroy Collegiate tipped off. I then saw Tony Radchuk walk into the gym. Seeing him sparked an idea in my mind. If you were interested in placing an undercover wager on any sporting events, like hockey, basketball or football, Tony was the person you wanted to see at Medway. I excused myself from Jon and Andy Lunby, and Andrew Werring, and...
Samantha Labatt’s Guest House 9:35pm, Friday, February 23, 1979 “Hey, Mom,” I spoke into the telephone from the living room of the Labatt’s guest house. “Yes, Ma’am, we won 78-54.”... “If you must know, I scored seventeen points.”... “Yes, that IS the most I’ve scored in a game.”... “Thanks, Mom. Oh, before I forget, can Patt and I drive down to Sarnia, tomorrow morning to watch MaryAnn and Lynette’s volleyball game?”... “No, that’s alright, Mom, Samantha Labatt said she would come and get...
Sarnia St. Pat’s Gymnasium 12:25pm, Saturday, February 24, 1979 Medway and Sarnia Northern split the first two games of their semi-final match. Medway won the first game, 15-13, and lost the second, 15-12. In the third and deciding game, Medway was leading 12-9, and the Cowboys (girls) were playing the best they had played all season. With them on the verge of upsetting the top-ranked team in the province, lady luck cruelly pulled the ‘awesomeness rug‘ out from under their feet. After...
London Armouries Hotel Restaurant 5:15pm, Saturday, February 24, 1979 “Oh, Lord,” Jennifer said as she stepped up to the maître d’s station with Colleen by her side. Jennifer looked smoking hot as she wore a just above the knee, black skirt over a pair of red, thigh-high stockings. Jennifer’s black high heel shoes gave prominence to her well developed, athletic calf muscles. Her upper body was smartly covered by a red metallic, wrap-around blouse, which allowed for intermittent flashes of...
The Labatt’s Limousine, Approaching Bryanston 6:48pm, Saturday, February 24, 1979 Samantha was cuddling up against my best friend, Paul. I was enjoying some peace and tranquility with my arm around Cathy’s shoulders as she was nuzzled up to my chest. We all were relaxing in the limousine after our incredible meal at the London Armouries’ Hotel Restaurant. As the limo passed through Ballymote, several miles south of Bryanston, I felt Cathy’s head turn up towards mine and she softly...
Labatt Guest House 7:44pm, Monday, February 26, 1979 “Good Lord,” Mr. Labatt said after he turned off the VHS camera at the conclusion of our four song audition recording. “You guys seem to be improving by leaps and bounds. Your performance on Old Time Rock ‘N Roll and that new song...” “It is called, All Summer Long, Daddy,” Samantha said after seeing her dad struggle to remember its specific name. “Yes, thanks, Samantha. Those songs were a tad less polished than your renditions of Ain’t...
Labatt Guest House 7:07pm, Thursday, March 1, 1979 “ ... and realized we sounded pretty good.” Our redheaded host then stopped talking as the door of the guest house opened. I quickly let Lynette down from my arms, and all six of us oriented ourselves in that direction. “You looked and sounded better than pretty good,” Mr. Labatt announced with his deep baritone voice. As he and his wife walked into their guest house, I noticed that Sam’s dad was also carrying two solid body guitar cases...
Little Beaver Restaurant, Komoka 5:48pm, Saturday, March 3, 1979 “Dang, Paul,” Jennifer excitedly said as we sat down in this little country diner-like restaurant. “You made your new eight-string bass...” When Jennifer paused to find the appropriate word, Paul’s girlfriend chimed in with, “Thunder!” “Thunder is good,” Jennifer replied, “but I was thinking more along the lines of, Scream. You know, like a Harley rising up from hell, or something.” Jennifer’s words lit a fire within me...