No Regrets Ch. 10 free porn video

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‘Dammit it,’ muttered Cathy to herself. ‘I should have stayed at aunt Esther’s with mother. I can’t see a damn thing through this snow.’ Cathy strained to see the road through the snow hitting the windshield. She hadn’t expected the weather to be this bad. When her mother decided to stay over, she had decided to come back home even though it was snowing. The problem was that earlier it had been freezing rain and now the snow had a layer of ice underneath.

‘Oh Shit!’ yelled Cathy as the car tried to fishtail on her. She let up on the gas pedal and got it back under control. She was only moving about 15 mph on the country road. ‘Okay, just calm down,’ she said to herself. ‘You’re almost home. Just another five or six miles.’

At that moment a deer dashed out from the side of the road, pausing a second in the middle of the road, looking directly at Cathy. Cathy’s reaction was the worst thing she could have done — slam on the brakes.

‘Oh DAMN,’ cried Cathy as the car spun around on the road and slid toward the shoulder. She felt the car hang on the shoulder a moment and then slowly slide sideways down the bank into the drainage ditch about four feet lower than the roadway. ‘Oh shit, this is great,’ muttered Cathy. ‘I’m not going to get this out of here. I should have hit the damn deer.’

The passenger door was wedged against the other side of the ditch so she had to try to get out her door. The angle of the car was such that she had to push the door upward to open it. Cathy struggled with the heavy door, finally having to wedge a foot in the steering wheel to get enough leverage to push it up and open enough to scramble out into the cold. The snow was so thick and the light so dim that she could only see a short distance.

Jumping down, Cathy looked up and down the road, but didn’t see any traffic. ‘I haven’t seen anyone for the last ten miles,’ thought Cathy. ‘They’ve got better sense than get out in this weather.’ She could already feel the cold through her light jacket, ‘Well, I can’t stay here, that’s for sure. It might be morning before anyone comes by.’ She looked back toward the way she had come, nothing there for over six miles. ‘I should be close to Allan’s home, probably only a couple of miles. Allan’s out with Susan, but his father ought to be home.’ Her mind made up, Cathy set out walking, head bent down against the wind driven snow.

The snow was stinging Cathy’s face and she was shivering from the cold as she plodded on. ‘Jesus, how long does it take to walk a mile, or two,’ thought Cathy. ‘I could freeze out here.’ With her head bent down and the snow stinging her face, she didn’t notice the curve in the road as she stumbled along the edge of the road. When her foot went off the edge of the road onto the snow covered ice on the shoulder, Cathy cried out as her feet flew out from under her and she fell, sliding down the small embankment into the ditch. Her body broke the thin film of ice covering the eight inches of water standing in the ditch.

‘Dammit….dammit to hell,’ cursed Cathy. ‘God, I’m soaked…soaking wet.’ She struggled back up the slippery bank and started walking faster, she could already feel the chill from the ice cold water as she shivered even harder. After about twenty minutes of stumbling about on the slick road, trying to walk as fast as she could and trying to fight off the numbing cold, she saw the mailbox beside the road with the Campbell name on it. ‘Thank God,’ thought Cathy, ‘I’m freezing out here.’ She could see a light on in the Campbell home, ‘If Sean isn’t home, I’ll have to break in….I can’t stay out in this, not wet,’ she thought to herself, as she hurried up the drive.

When Sean opened the door in response to her ring, her teeth were chattering so badly that she could hardly talk. ‘Sea…Sea…Sean, I…’

Sean grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in the house, obviously surprised to see her. ‘My God, Cathy, what happened? You’re soaking wet and shaking like a leaf,’ he said.

‘I…I went in a…a..a ditch, about a cou…couple of mi..mi..miles back. I…I..I,’ stuttered Cathy, shivering violently.

‘Lord, your hands are like ice. The wind chill out there has got to be well below zero. You’ve got to get out of those wet clothes and into a warm shower,’ he exclaimed as he pulled her by hand down the hall and into the bedroom. When Cathy tried to explain, he said, ‘Later. You can tell me about it after you get warmed up and in some dry clothes.’ Sean turned on the water in the shower-stall and adjusted the temperature of the water. ‘Now get out of those things and get in there and warm up. I’ll get a robe or something for you to wear.’

Cathy’s hands were shivering so bad and her fingers so numb that she was still struggling with the buttons to her shirt when Sean came back in with a clothing box. ‘Here, let me,’ said Sean softly, as he unbuttoned the blouse for her and slipped it off her. Cathy tried to cover her breasts as he unsnapped her bra. ‘Cathy, it’s okay, we’ve got to get you in that shower.’ Sean unbuttoned the side of her slacks and quickly stripped them down to her ankles and held them while she stepped out of them. She was shaking so hard she had to put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. His head was on a level with her hips and he could see the dark triangle of her hair beneath her bikini panties, the wisps of hair sticking out her panty legs. He reached up and quickly stripped her panties down, trying to avoid looking at her pussy just inches from his face.

‘Leave the water where it’s set,’ he said as he helped her into the shower. ‘The water is just lukewarm…don’t turn it up until you’ve warmed up some.’ Sean closed the door to the shower stall. ‘Call me if you need anything.’

When Cathy came out of the shower, she found a beautiful bathrobe on the corner of the bathroom dresser, new, still in its box and tissue paper. ‘This must have been his wife’s, one she never got wear,’ she thought to herself when she saw it. Her wet things were gone, Sean must have taken them to wash them. She had stayed in the shower for some time, gradually increasing the heat of the water, enjoying the feeling of the hot water on her body. ‘Lord, this feels good,’ she thought as she dried herself. The memory of how cold she had been made it feel just that much better.

Cathy walked into the living/den room where Sean was sitting on the couch before the fireplace. He glanced up as she came in, ‘Now, that’s better,’ he said. ‘You don’t look like an icicle any more.’

Cathy laughed, ‘Even better, I don’t feel like one anymore.’ Standing before the fireplace she explained what had happened, how she got wet, and how she was getting ready to break in his home if no one had been there.

Sean chuckled, ‘You’re welcome to break in any time you need to. Now that you are over the shivers, I think you need a drink and you should be all okay. What would you like?’

‘What’s that you’re having?’

‘A martini.’

‘Great, I’d love one…a big dry one,’ said Cathy as she sat down on the couch.

‘Coming right up,’ said Sean. As he mixed the drink for her he said, ‘Allan called while you were in the shower. He and Brent are at your place with Susan and Tracey. I told him you were here, and for them to just stay there, not try to come home. It should be okay since your mother will be there.’

Cathy laughed, ‘Mother isn’t there, she’s in Springdale. Her sister is being operated on tomorrow.’

Sean handed her the drink and sat down. ‘That rascal, he didn’t say a thing about them being there alone, just the four of them.’

Cathy put her hand on Sean’s arm and laughed, ‘I would rather have them there, even alone, than out on that road tonight.’ She patted his arm, ‘Remember what it was like to be that young. To them, it’s probably a big adventure, the storm and everything.’

Sean laughed, ‘You’re right, but it was the ‘everything’ I was worried about.’
Cathy sighed, ‘I know, I know what you mean, but they’re grown now. They’re going to do their own thing. I like Allan, and I like Brent. I’m not going to worry about them. At least we know they are safe and warm.’

‘You’re right, I…’ At that moment the lights flickered once and then failed, leaving them in darkness except for the light from the fireplace. ‘I expected that was going to happen,’ said Sean. ‘It usually does in a heavy snow like this, and I never bothered to get a new generator.’ Sean looked at Cathy, ‘Don’t worry there is plenty of firewood and that fireplace can keep this place pretty cosy.’

Cathy sipped her drink while she watched Sean put more wood on the fire. ‘He is really a nice guy,’ she thought. They had not really dated but the two of them had been out to dinner a couple of times with Susan and Allan, and Sean had been over to dinner on Thanksgiving and Christmas. ‘Those are pseudo dates,’ thought Cathy smiling to herself. ‘I wonder if we ought to do our own thing, I’m sure the kids will.’ Cathy was suddenly very aware of the fact that she was naked under the bathrobe she wore. She remembered how Sean had undressed her, how tender with her he had been. She could feel her cunt growing moist and warm as she thought about it.

Sean had gotten the portable radio and tuned it to one the local stations, and they both listened to the weather bulletin. The major state highways had been closed due to ice and snow.

‘If the major roads are closed it may be a day or two before they get ours opened again,’ said Sean. ‘The local roads don’t get much priority when things are this bad.’

‘You may be stuck with me for a couple of days, Sean,’ said Cathy as she sipped her drink.

‘Not stuck….I enjoy your company. If you had to run into a ditch, I’m glad it was near here.’ Sean chuckled, ‘I wonder what the kids think about us being here together in this storm.’

Cathy laughed, ‘Let them wonder. God, I feel so much better now, so warm and relaxed. You’re a good host, Sean.’ Cathy cocked her head listening to the radio, it was tuned to a station playing Golden Oldies. ‘Oh, I used to love to dance to that song. I haven’t heard it in years.’

Sean stood up and held out his hand, ‘Come on, if you don’t mind some one who is pretty rusty in the dancing department.’

Cathy gave him a big smile, took his hand, and they began to dance to the Buddy Holly love song, a slow, close dance. Cathy felt good in Sean’s arms as they slow danced around the area before the fireplace. Cathy laid her head against Sean’s shoulder and he held her a little closer as they danced.

‘Hmm, this is nice,’ whispered Cathy. ‘I’m glad you thought of it, glad you asked me.’ Cathy tilted her head back some to look at Sean’s face, ‘You aren’t that rusty at all…you’re a good dancer.’

‘It was good excuse to get you in my arms,’ said Sean smiling at her. There are a lot of things I’m rusty at, including how do I make a pass at a beautiful woman, when what I would like to do more than anything else, is to kiss her.’

Cathy looked at Sean her eyes twinkling, ‘He should assume she wants that kiss as much as he does, and kiss her.’

Sean stopped and pulling Cathy even closer to him lowered his lips to hers. Cathy could feel his tongue gently probing her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her lips taking his tongue into her mouth, teasing his tongue with hers as she pressed her body against him. When they broke the kiss, they looked at each other for a moment, then Cathy pulled his head down to hers and kissed him, running her tongue deep into his mouth, as he pulled her body against his. Even through the bathrobe she could feel his growing erection as he held her against him. She began to move her hips from side to side, rubbing his groin.

‘Oh Sean,’ sighed Cathy, ‘you’re not rusty at all.’ Cathy looked at his eyes as she unfastened her robe and let it hang open, exposing her naked body to him. ‘I’m rusty too, I have to assume you want me as much as I want you,’ murmured Cathy.

Sean slipped his hands in her robe and around her bare back pulling her to him, ‘Cathy, I do….Oh God, I want you so much,’ he whispered as he kissed her.

Cathy shrugged her shoulders and let the robe fall to the floor, as she fumbled with his belt, opening it and unzipping his trousers. She ran her hand in and took his hard prick in her hand, gently fondling it. ‘Oh Sean, I want you too….I want you now,’ moaned Cathy.

Sean quickly shed his clothes and they sank to the carpet in front of the fireplace. Sean took Cathy’s nipple in his mouth and gently sucked on it and tongued it, while his hand explored the moistness of her pussy. He shifted his attention and sucked her other nipple, it was hard and erect. Sean kissed his way down her body, still stroking his finger in and out her moist pussy. He lowered his head to Cathy’s pussy and started tonguing her pussy lips, as he slipped another finger into her pussy. He felt Cathy tongue the head of his prick, kissing it and licking it, then she slipping her mouth over the head of his prick and taking him deep into her throat.

‘Ohhh, Cathy,’ moaned Sean, ‘it’s been so long…if you keep doing that I’m not going to be able to stop myself, I’ll cum.’

‘That’s okay, Sean,’ murmured Cathy, ‘go ahead and cum….I want you to cum…cum in my mouth.’ Cathy gave his prick a wet, tonguing kiss, ‘We’ve got all night to make love if we want to.’ Cathy slipped his prick back into her mouth and buried it in her throat until his pubic hairs tickled her nose. She imitated swallowing knowing that it made her throat squeeze his prick, then sliding her mouth up to the head of his prick, she tongued the slit for any pre-cum she could find. Cathy, began to run her mouth up and down his prick, going down on him until her nose hit his abdomen, then up to the large purple knob, tonguing it furiously.

‘OH GOD, Cathy, I’m going to cum,’ moaned Sean. ‘OHhhhhh, Cathy, suck it….suck it hard. OOHHhhhh, I’m Cumming….I’m cumming,’ Sean cried out as he thrust his prick into her mouth.

Cathy felt the tremors in Sean’s thighs and his prick seemed to swell a little larger, then it erupted in a torrent of cum. The first spurt hit the back of her throat so hard, it made her jump, surprised at the force of his ejaculation. She swallowed rapidly, sucking his prick and milking it with her hand to drain him of his load. As the spurts of cum lessen, she slowed her sucking to one of gently tonguing the head of his prick, spreading the cum oozing out it over the head of his prick and then sucking it clean. She felt his prick begin to soften and shrink in her mouth, as Sean resumed tonguing her pussy.

She felt his lips close over her clitoris, and begin to massage her clit while flicking his tongue back and forth over it. When he sucked on her swollen, engorged clit that was protruding from its hood like a tiny prick, she gasped, ‘Oh Sean, that’s good…suck it good. Ohhh, I like that…I like it.’ Cathy began to moan softly at first and then increasing in volume as Sean’s tongue and mouth attack the sensitive love button.

‘OOhhhhh, Sean…..OOHHhhhh, make me cum….suck it…..suck, OOOHHHhhhh…I’m going to cum….I’m going to……’ Cathy suddenly arched her back pushing her pussy against Sean’s mouth. ‘OH GOD, SEAN….SEAN….I’M CUMMING…..CUMMMmmmiiinnnggg. Ohhhhh,’ she moaned softly. ‘Oh God, that was good….real good.’

Sean stretched out beside her and took her in his arms, gently kissing her lips. ‘Cathy, I loved that it was wonderful.’

Still a little out of breath, Cathy gasped softly, ‘Hmmm,’ as she kissed him, ‘we aren’t finished mister, that was just the appetizer….the main entree is still to come.’

Sean laughed, ‘Good, because I’m still hungry.’ He kissed Cathy deeply, running his tongue deep into her mouth, teasing her tongue. Pulling back, he said, ‘You rest a minute and let me get something to make us more comfortable.’

ean came back with a feather stuffed comforter that he put on the floor between the couch and the fireplace. He also had a bottle of wine and two glasses. As he poured Cathy a glass of wine, he said, ‘We’ll stay in here tonight. The bedrooms get pretty cold with no heat. The heat is gas, but you still need electricity for the heating fan system…the fireplace will keep us warm, or we can keep each other warm.’

Cathy gave him a quick kiss as he handed her the glass of wine, ‘Oh, Sean, this is fine.’ Cathy giggled, ‘You know it’s kind of romantic….you know, the way everything happened.’

Sitting with his back against the couch, Sean took her in his arms so that she was against his chest, across his lap, looking up at him. ‘Cathy, right now I don’t care if that road stays closed for a week.’ He gave her a light kiss on the lips, ‘In fact, I hope it stays shut down for least tomorrow or even the next day.’ He kissed Cathy and felt her hand cup the back of his neck as she held his head down, kissing him back, running her tongue into mouth as deep as she could.

Cathy broke the kiss and smiled up at Sean, ‘I feel something poking me in the back…I think it’s asking for some attention.’

‘That thing must think I’m 18 again,’ chuckled Sean.

Sitting up Cathy grasped his prick in her hand and gently stroked it, ‘Don’t call this pretty a ‘thing’, it’s much too nice for that,’ she said as gave his prick head a soft squeeze. ‘Oh look,’ said Cathy indicating the large drop of cum oozing from the slit in his prick. She bent her head down and licked it up with the tip of her tongue, raising up she kissed Sean, thrusting her tongue into his mouth letting him taste it as well, as her hand gently fondled his balls.

‘Cathy, I want you, want you very much,’ whispered Sean, pulling her down on the comforter and getting between her spread legs. Cathy raised her knees and spread her legs even wider as Sean rubbed his prick head up and down her moist pussy.

‘Oh Sean…Sean, put it in me. I want to feel you in me…all the way in me,’ murmured Cathy. Oh, that’s it…that’s it,’ whispered Cathy as Sean slowly thrust his prick deep into her pussy. ‘Oh, Sean, I’d forgotten how good it feels to have a man in me,’ sighed Cathy. ‘It’s been so long…so long, since I’ve really made love.’

‘You feel wonderful, Cathy,’ whispered Sean as he thrust his prick in and out her moist pussy. ‘Oh, Cathy, you’re so warm, so tight……God, it feels good.’ Cathy wrapped her legs around Sean’s thighs and began to push her hips up to meet his thrusts, burying his prick even deeper in her throbbing pussy. ‘Oh, Cathy, that’s even better….,’ moaned Sean as she pushed her pussy against his prick as he drove it into her.

Sean began to pump his prick into her pussy even faster, his balls slapping against her ass as he buried his prick in her. Cathy gripped his buttocks and pulled him against her even harder, wanting to get him as deep as possible in her aching pussy.

‘God, you feel good. It’s been so long….so long since I’ve had a man between my legs.’ Cathy grunted softly as she strained to thrust her body up against his, trying to drive his prick even deeper into her throbbing pussy. ‘Oh God, I want you so much. Fuck me harder…faster. Oh..Oh, don’t stop…don’t stop.’ She moved her legs even higher on his thighs, gripping tighter, opening herself even wider to the thrusts of his large prick.

‘That’s it….that’s the way, Cathy. Fuck me back….fuck me back as hard as you can.’ He speeded up his thrusts into her, their bodies coming together in the loud audible slap of flesh against flesh.’ ‘I like it when you want it so much. It makes it even better for me,’ he moaned softly.

‘Oh Sean…Sean, I couldn’t want it more than this. I….Oh damn, I’m going to cum. Oh..Oh, don’t stop. Oh God, don’t stop.’ Cathy moaned and buried her face against his neck and shoulder. She moaned loudly and sucked his flesh up into her mouth, stifling her moans.

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BlackMeatWhiteFeet Anna Claire Clouds 06192021

Anna spends alot of time on her feet. Being a realtor she shows alot of houses and is always walking around. Today on a listing appointment her new client notices her foot is sore and offers to massage her feet. It feels so good for the young lady and soon she is moaning in pleasure. Dwayne turns up the heat on the footwork and starts sucking her toes as well and soon starts giving her some nice soft tissue rubbing with the head of his hard cock. Anna is enthralled with the fact his cock is so...

1 year ago
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My Disney Dream

My parents always told me I was different from most other boys. I had lovely wavy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. I had the smoothest and fairest skin that most people would mistake me for a girl, much to my parents’ chagrin. Nevertheless, I didn’t care about how people saw me. I got good grades in school, I had a good home and I had loving parents who supported me no matter what. However, I had a special secret that no one knows about. I had a gown fetish! Ever since I was little, I’ve...

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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 07d

I topped out at six-foot-one and Kay my wife stood eye to eye with me when she wore her three-inch heels. That's great for dancing and for sex: we fit comfortably together and, according to our friends, looked great together. She had a long, slender figure marked by a pert, round bottom that turned the heads of most men and a lot of women either in jealousy or admiration. Her breasts were smallish but firm and springy with sharp points that turned up in twin pink buds that never failed to...

2 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa 10 Futas Wicked Campaign Chapter 2 Futas First Wicked Speech

Chapter Two: Futa's First Wicked Speech By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “What was your favorite part of campaigning for president?” Adelia Tash asked me. I shivered, and the answer came immediately to my lips. “The rallies.” It was so interesting to talk about the most public part of my life: my bid to become the first futa-president of the United States. I was popular. Almost every woman in America wanted to have my daughter. The all loved me. I just had to keep them...

2 years ago
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Happy To Be Used Pt 2

As soon as I felt him touch the plug I knew things were going to change. He had already taken control of me, and the situation, and knowing that I liked things up my ass would only give him more encouragement.His hands quickly figured out that I had something up my ass and he played with it for a moment before I felt him lean forward, pressing his weight against my back while his right hand never left the plug on my ass. He brought his mouth to my ear as he whispered, “So you like having things...

1 year ago
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Vet School Part 5 MF

Vet School Part 5Melissa had just finished her class at barn six on “Basic Care of Barn Animals”. When she got to her dorm room, specials signs were posted that everyone was to meet in the school’s auditorium for a special presentation. Attendance was mandatory, and you were supposed to wear your regular classroom uniform. Also, you were to sit with your first hour classmates. It would start at 7 PM, so it allowed you plenty of time to change, if needed, and to eat supper.Melissa took a...

4 years ago
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Playing with Olivia and Amanda

I had been chatting with olivia for awhile and she loved telling me about her best friend amanda and how she really want to fuck her, they had kissed now and again when they had been drinking but nothing more.Having seen pictures of amanda I was willing to help to see if olivia could have her way so we decided to all meet up at my place the following weekend and see if we could have some fun together.Olivia told me that amanda was all set and she told me about all the naughty things we had been...

2 years ago
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Enjoy the Party

Cherry looked across the breakfast table to her husband of seven years and sighed. He was very distinguished with his salt and pepper hair and athletic build. How she wished that he would put his iPad and raisin bagel aside and take her right there on the kitchen table, like he had in the past. She looked around the kitchen and could not see one surface that they had not had sex on or against. That seemed like ages ago. Now they had appointment sex. Every Saturday like clock work. This being...

3 years ago
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Slish Splash

Have you ever had a bad day at school? Did the class bully push you around? How do you deal with it? A bubble bath of course! Disclaimer: This is fiction so please treat it as such. Mr. Bubbles is a trademark that is used without permission but no slander is intended. I the author reserves the right to repost. Originally posted at BCTS. Many thanks to Holly Logan and Sephrena Miller for their help in making this readable! Splish Splash! ...

1 year ago
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Total Control

"Hey guys, you mind helping me out?" I raised my head from the book that I was reading, and looked to where I heard the voice. There was a homeless man a few yards from my bus stop trying to pick up all the pieces of his makeshift home. Cardboard walls were bunched up in his hands, and what few things he held onto besides those were strewn about on the ground. Some were starting to roll away or be blown by the wind. The only people next to me either did not notice or paid no attention. The...

Mind Control
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Blonde hair blue eyes

I would always just be friends with everyone. Everyone called me "one of the guys". Mainly because I loved sports and I wasn't girly girly either. But I have huge tits and half the time, an ultra wet pussy. Seeing as how I never had a boyfriend, and I never experienced sexual activity. I would always go home and watch porno or chat online and cyber by turning on my webcam and finding another guy with a webcam. It gave me pleasure at the moment. But deep down, I wanted love more than...

2 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 41

Saturday, June 11th I woke to the sound of my cell phone ringing. Groggily I answered, "Yeah?" "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED, LITTLE BROTHER!" my brother Will commanded. "We got work to do at camp today." "I said I would be there by one o'clock," I replied. "I'll be there. I just want to enjoy one more morning of sleeping in." "One o'clock sharp!" Will said. "I'll be there," I agreed before I clicked my phone off. Will could just leave me a message on my voice mail if he...

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Barb and her Brother

This is a story about my ex wife. I have changed the names in case someone in her family stumbles upon it. You know, plausible deniability. If one of her brothers (or even a sister) read this a couple of the details would let her brothers know who this is about. My ex wife is and was a complicated woman. I met her when I was 21 and she was just 17. She had a killer body. Great tits that could pass the pencil test and a nice firm ass. After a couple of dates we had sex. I was hooked...

4 years ago
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Fucking Aunty

Actually I am a male of 40 years old. When I was young I love my aunty very much. Her name is vasanthamani and she is my mom’s elder brothers wife. At that she was around 43. I love her very much since she is white in colour and sexy. She had 2 sons at that time itself. I was doing my M.Sc in one college. Since she is my relative I used to go her apartment. I don’t know much about sex since I don’t have experience. One day she went to the bathroom for pissing. Fortunately or unfortunately...

1 year ago
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Enjoying Holi With Mom 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great and enjoying this story of Holi with my mom. You can call me Hunter, and I’m 22 years old. My mom’s name is Neelima. She is 46 years old. Her figure is 36-34-38. She’s a school teacher by profession and a single mom. This is the continuation of the previous one. Please read that, then continue this one. After that afternoon, I was scrolling and realize that the stock market has crashed. I was so confident that I would get maximum...

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Spring Break at the Beach

It was spring break, and I had gone to the beach with a few of my college buddies. It was very cold at the beach so we didn't do much but just chill in the hotel and walk on the beach looking for chicks.By the third night I was there I was getting kind of bored with the regular routine and I decided to go out on the beach by myself at around 3am in the morning. After walking along the beach for about a mile I spotted some other spring breakers all obviously drunk and walking along the beach...

3 years ago
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A Morning in Class

As always, we were early. By three quarters of an hour. Would there ever be a need to explain why? The room to seat a class of forty five was all to the two of us. New as we were to being a couple, there was but one thing on our mind. The pillars stood by the side, splitting the room equally along the middle from opposite walls. Her seat was right next to the pillar, mine in the centre back of the room. Dumping my sparse bag on my desk, I was by her in a flash. For two whole years we had...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 189

Thursday morning found us all over to the gym on a weekday for the first time in a while. We split up and went about getting the latest updates from our individual groups. Mark, Cindy and Sandy were in my immediate group. It took an hour but when they were finished I had the latest information on each site, along with all the costs. Together we generated a list of things that needed to happen on Friday for the Saturday morning trip to Rochester. The things on the list included getting the...

1 year ago
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The Irish Rose

She looked beautiful. I had always known I was with the most gorgeous lady in the entire world, but tonight she was especially radiant. Lisa had been waiting for my arrival at the Hotel Regal, the five-star hotel where she was staying. Her musical career allowed her to live in such accommodations. I pulled up to the valet parking lot, slipped a tip to the valet, and walked through the revolving doors. The lobby itself was impressive. , Marble walls, pillars, a red carpet leading to the...

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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 17

"I am not." "Not what?" "Not 17." "I know that ... you're 14." "Why did you say I was 17?" "I didn't." "Did." "Didn't." "I can prove it." "Have at it." Highlite ... Copy ... Paste... Wendolyn Too: 17. "SEE!" "Figment ... get out of the story." "Yer no fun." Wendolyn Too: Chapter Seventeen. "Is that better?" "Yes ... at least I know You're not confused." Excuse me, folks. Someone needs a spanking. Be Right Back. You know that old saying...

2 years ago
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Second Chances Ch 09

She woke up to the exquisitely pleasant sensation of warm, manly lips trailing kisses along her neck and a strong, firm hand kneading her breast. She knew instantly that it was Brian, even without opening her eyes. She knew it was him, because she instantly felt the same way he had made her feel that morning – beautiful, feminine, desired, cherished. ‘Wake up, my love. I need you,’ Brian whispered, in his wickedly tempting voice. She smiled, turning onto her back to face him. She opened her...

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SleepwalkerChapter 33 Aftermath

I awoke to find Allison leaning on one elbow looking intently at me. "Must have been some dream." I smiled dreamily at her, "What makes you say that?" She laughed and slid a hand down my stomach to rest on my crotch. "Well, this for one thing. You were up, you were down, you were up... The sounds you were making for another thing. Fortunately you weren't thrashing around that much. I thought about waking you up but decided it might be best not to interrupt whatever was going on. If...

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Incident at Tow Truck Bluff

Incident at Tow Truck BluffRozDate April 22, 2017My unexpected date with a tow truck driver - First time out in dragOr 2nd title - Roz goes out on a 3 hour WTF tour.....You are not going to fucking believe this. And, I don't have any pics to prove it. So.... did this happen? I'm home now, caming on Seabiscuit (chaturbate) the last couple hours, 2:30am now, drinking the beers i was supposed to be drinking at the GNO Marble Door event, finally getting the story down while I'm a bit loopy and safe...

4 years ago
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Wife Conversion Part 3

The next morning, my consciousness was aroused by a coolness as Kathy lightly rubbed my shoulders. I realized she was applying the gel just like her mistress had ordered. When she had finished that task, I noticed she had attached the 10" dildo and was lying on her back with it sticking up like a mini-flag pole. She said, "I've wet it for you, so it should be tasty."I kissed her and realized just how much I loved this woman and that there wasn't anything I wouldn't do for her. I proceeded to...

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Husband Caught Cheating Wifersquos Revenge

Megan and Dave had been happily married for 15 years. Megan is 33 5’4” tall 110 lbs, blond with a very cute face and a killer body. She had no problem turning heads when she walked in a room. She would hit the gym every morning before work, then go on to her job at a publishing company. Dave is 35, 6’tall 165 lbs, very handsome, with a great male physique. Dave owned a construction company that he had built from the ground up. Right now he had projects in three states and was seriously spread...

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Sex ka matlab bataya

Hi mera naam bilal hai pyar se sam kehte hain main ne pehli story ap k sath share ki thi jis se mujhe bohat responce mila aur mai bohat happy hoon k apne meri story itni passand ki i’m highly thankful to you tnxssss.mera id hai ye story mai apk sath share karne ja raha hoon k umeed hai ap mujhe mail karain ge aur passand karain ge meri story pakistani ki koi bhi lady wanna chat aur doing sex with me just mail me aur live chat on yahoo..mai 16years ka hoon lahore me rehta hoon white colour aur...

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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 39

It took Toby thirty minutes to set up and test four wireless webcams, one in each corner of the main area of the carriage house, oriented generally on the center of the floor. That was pretty good time, actually, but by the time he was ready, everyone else was getting restless -- including Dirk, who had pretty much figured out what he was there for. Toby asked Bernice to video and gave her a quick class on the handheld video camera; Amy was to deal with the webcams. "Try to stay out of the...

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The Forfeit Part 2

She sneered as she tore off the ribbon and paper, but her hands were shaking with excitement. From the roll of tissue fell a thick black rubber vibrator which landed on the bed in front of her. She picked it up and looked at it closely. When she turned the control at the base the shaft whirred and shook in her fingertips. She gasped softly. The red sheet fell from her body and she stood naked by the fire with the vibrating rubber cock in her hands. It tingled against her skin. She knew it...

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Bus travel

I am a medical student and 23 years old.I study in pune city but was back home for vacation in mumbai.I had a girlfriend but i didnt lose my virginity to her.She always stopped me at the point of no return.But this time my luck was about to change.My friends made a plan to stay in goa for new year for fun,they were from pune so they left from there,whereas i had leave from mumbai alone.I could only book a ticket on 31st night,i thought nothing worse could happen to me as i slept in my sleepers...

Cheating Wifes
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A little Garden Time

A little garden time I have enjoyed self-bondage for such a long time along with cross dressing. I try to be as creative as I can without putting myself into a position I don't want to be in. I do have anxiety so it gets scary sometimes. We bought a new house and had just moved in. I was working from home and have been spending time scouting the new home for ideas. I could see an abundance in my opinion. This is a description of my first SB adventure in my new home. I started the...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 12

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 12 By: Malissa Madison The minute we got word that the convoy had shot the portal from Lyconia everyone wanted to go meet it knowing that they wouldn't be able to make it to the house. Donnie had our two big Snowmobiles out front waiting as first Rachel then Anna, Maleeza, Sherry and Tiffany got in line to follow us. I knew that Danny and Denise would be joining us when we got there, and that Erika would be there as well. "Honestly I have no...

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The Big Bang Theory

You're walking through the streets of Pasadena and realise this where the genius scientist that you've heard about live. You think to yourself about how hot their girlfriends as and start getting hard. Maybe you should visit them and have a bit of fun.

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Your Moms in Porn Now An Adult Story

Your Mom's in porn now...It all started pretty innocently. I was back home on summer break from college. I was walking our family dog. I just turned the corner on my street. "Beep! Beep! Hey Buck. Long time no see." said a guys voice. I turned my head toward the voice. "Hey dude. What's up?" I said. It was Small Daryl. He was a friend from high school. We used to hang out all the time in school. It's been close to two years since I seen him. His real name was Daryl Stiles. But everyone called...

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ThisGirlSucks Jeni Juice Blowing Off Some Cream

Jeni Juice is a girl with a heart full of sympathy and understanding. She sees that her man has had a hard day at work, and knows just how to lighten his load. She shows up wearing sexy see through lingerie and shows off her long, silky body. Then, she lays across the bed and takes our studs cock in her hands, licking it from balls to tip. She loves to run her tongue up and down while talking dirty. Her soft mouth feels perfect on his cock, and she strokes lovingly until she teases a huge load...

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Lost Her Pussy

Bangbus Refugee Clara, the older woman across the street, was not only using me as a sexual trainer for her female relatives, but also as her errand boy. One day, she sent me to a single family home where I was to purchase a specific cream. "I'll tell you all about its properties when you get back." The house was at the edge of town in a pretty seedy area, but not far from a small college annex. The woman who answered the door was Jamaican, with a gargantuan body under a flower print...

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Vegas Trip

Between school and work, it had been a rough couple of months. My wife and I wanted to take a break, so we took a weekend trip to Las Vegas. The drive took 4 hours, and we took turns driving on the way up. We got there at around 10pm, and started having fun. We spent the next 6 hours in the casinos, playing 21, craps, and the slots. We finally needed to take a break, and headed to our motel room to get some sleep. The next day passed much the same way. We only had a small bag with spare...

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Bathroom Bluespart 2

It had been two weeks since my fiasco in the bathroom of a local bar. I could still taste the salty, cheezy flavor of the unwashed dicks I sucked, and the acrid, alkaline taste of dickwad. I was at a point where I could not control my desire to suck cock anymore, and with the pressure building inside me, I was driven by compulsion to seek out more degradation and mouth fucking. The following weekend I went to one of the many gay bars in the area, and braced myself as I walked in, the nasty...


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