Morgan’s Canal free porn video

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This is a copyrighted original work of fiction. All rights reserved.

All characters featured herein are at least eighteen years of age, even if not expressly stated. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Song lyrics contained herein remain the original artist’s property.

Many thanks to editor Tom Graham of Girls_cum_first.


I slipped my canoe into the creek water, stepped in while steadying the craft, pushed off and eased myself into the seat. I was in Heaven again. The weather was warm already. I was looking forward to a perfect day.

Since I was a boy, I’ve taken this annual solo trip. Just one day, a scant few hours really. No other event during the year, not Christmas, nor holidays, not birthdays, nothing compares to my few hours drifting down this creek. All my family matters, work, my worries and fears, everything disappears. It’s just me, nature, the creek and the brown trout within.

The creek itself is not spectacular, the section I travel is in the upper reaches. Even the fishing isn’t particularly good. The eight miles or so that I glide down runs through farm country, then eventually drains into the Great Lakes basin. My aunt and uncle’s farm used to back onto it.

My aunt died years ago and the farm was sold. But I still return. This was my thirtieth year as an adult making this trip. I must have done the same number of trips, or near enough as a youngster.

I know this section of the creek. I know every twist, every eddy, every riffle in the water, every tree, every stone, every bush. I know where the fish are, and aren’t. I know the bird’s nests, I know where muskrats live, where the possum lives, the mink too. As I’ve been making this trip for the last three decades on either the first or second Saturday in June, I know when and where the bugs hatch.

The logistics of the trip are very simple. Having packed everything the night before, I leave at six a.m. for the two hour drive to my cousin Dan’s house. My uncle Roy lives with Dan and his family in a modest little house since they sold the farm about twenty years ago. Dan is a mechanic in Carlisle, the local town.

Every year I stop in and say hi to whoever is home, whether it’s Dan’s wife or one of their kids then Dan, old uncle Roy and I head into Carlisle to stop at Clara’s Country Kitchen where we have breakfast together and catch up before we drop me, the canoe and my gear off at my starting point. They then drive my car and trailer along with Dan’s pick-up to the other end and lock the spare set of keys inside the car. Before leaving Clara’s I order a toasted ham and cheese to take-out for my lunch. That and a six pack of Coors Lite and I’m good for the day. It would be unusual for me to have more than two beers during the trip, but I stash the whole six pack in the canoe anyway.

As it was unusually warm and sunny that day I knew fishing would be poor. I didn’t care. Most years I just release the little trout anyway. I’m always equipped with two rods, one an eight foot fly rod with a caddis fly on the end, the other an ultra-light spinning rod with a small Mepps. I always pack a few spare flies and lures. Most of the gear that I stow consists of a back-pack with spare clothing, rain gear, a small tarp. I had this routine down pat.

For a short section of creek, it has a surprising number of looks to it even though it runs through agricultural land for the most part. The creek meanders for the first few miles with a gravelly bottom and a few pools. There the fishing is good. Next there is a very shallow wider section where the bottom is a combination of shale, a few gravelly stones and clay. It is in this section, especially in drier years, that I have to actually get out of the canoe and walk it along. After that section there is another half mile of gentle twists to the creek with trees, mainly native mixed hardwoods. This section is narrower but deeper. A channel runs along the center. A tree, long fallen over, crosses the creek causing another step out of the canoe in that section.

Then the creek makes a slow turn into Morgan’s Canal. At least that’s what my uncle would call it. It’s a dead straight section about three hundred yards long, fairly narrow with very slow moving water and a muddy, clay bottom. A deeper channel runs along the center, perhaps three foot deep. The section is picturesque in that it is bordered on both sides with old willow trees and other mixed hardwoods and shrubs. The surrounding land is very low through this section. Although the fishing is not particularly good here, it’s my favorite section. Morgan’s Canal is not a canal at all. It’s what was left by the early pioneer, Morgan, who drained a swamp exposing probably twenty or thirty acres of land. It had to have been quite the undertaking back then.

After Morgan’s Canal the creek sweeps to the left and there is a small parkette which is accessible from the nearby concession road. It’s just a picnic area, but there are two small ponds and coniferous trees giving the parkette a cozy protected feel. If I ever see anyone else on the creek, it’s there at the parkette. Usually it will be a couple of kids with a fishing rod and bobber hoping to catch a sunfish.

Beyond the parkette was my aunt and uncle’s farm. In that section and those beyond, the creek resembles the first section in that the bottom is gravelly and the fishing is good. The creek slowly meanders through the farm fields and is bordered by the odd tree clump and shrubs all along. The last section has a few good fishing pools and two more locations where I have to get out and walk the canoe through shallow riffles.

The entire eight mile section is shaped more or less as a big S with the parkette roughly half way. The entire trip takes me about six hours to drift along.

There is no need to paddle. I simply steer the ten foot canoe where it needs to head. I sit in the bow seat, seated in effect backwards and rest the paddle across the gunwales in front of me and pick up a fishing rod and cast.

Aside from the sounds of nature, one can sometimes hear a car pass along the concession road off in the distance, but that’s it. I’m in my element. With every turn in the creek it’s as if a mental layer is peeled back from me. By the time I get to Morgan’s Canal I am zoned out. I am chilled. I am at peace with myself and with God.

It all started with my cousin Dan really. I was about seven or eight when my aunt and uncle bought the farm. My aunt Edna was my dad’s older sister. Both my parents have passed away now, as has aunt Edna. We would visit the farm each summer for about two weeks, and being an only child I had to make my own entertainment. Dan, my cousin, is a good ten years older than me, and quite understandably he really didn’t want anything to do with his little kid cousin. I’d play with the chickens, watch the few cows for a while, stay the hell away from the mean bull, wander through the corn fields, then ultimately land up at the creek catching frogs and crayfish, and chasing turtles. ‘Terrapins’ my uncle would call them.

I guess I was about ten when Dan, given the task of entertaining his little cousin, suggested that he drive me and his old canoe up the creek together with a fishing pole and have me drift slowly back to the farm. The entertainment problem was solved for Dan. A whole new universe was opened up for me.

I stopped going to the farm when I was fifteen or sixteen or so, having the excuse of a summer job keeping me in the city. At, I think, twenty one or so I reconnected and started going up just for the canoe ride. At first I would go with a friend, then later with my wife and then later once with my son, but none of them cared for the experience. Eventually they all left me to do the trip myself. I guess it was about twenty years ago that the farm was sold and my canoe trip was extended beyond the farm to where the concession road crossed it, effective
ly doubling the route and making it a whole day affair, as it still stands.

It was on that thirtieth trip, on that glorious, warm, June day while mayflies danced around me that something extraordinary happened.

I rounded the bend towards Morgan’s Canal drifting sideways, casting to a little overhang created by a tree root on the right bank. I took in my first glance down the long straight, breathing in with delight.

Immediately I saw something different. Way down at the other end, some three hundred yards away, on the little bit of bank that juts out into the creek, there was something or someone and something squarish. Like a box or a sign or something. It wasn’t moving. I didn’t care, I just kept on drifting and casting into the center channel.

After about fifteen minutes, it appeared to me that it was someone sitting with a sign or something in front of them.

Another fifteen minutes or so later it appeared to be a either a blonde woman or a blond child and I guessed, a painting easel in front. Five minutes and a few casts later I determined that it was indeed a woman, or girl. I was still a hundred yards away.

When I got to about a hundred and fifty feet I could make out that it was a woman, thin, about my age. She was sitting on a small fold up stool with an easel and painting, probably two foot by two foot. She was painting with brushes. Both she and the easel were set up on the little jutting out bit of the right bank, on a small flat spot that has a U-shaped juniper bush kind of holding it together. I know the bush well. I knew all the bushes well.

A few minutes later as I very calculatingly drifted directly towards her, I smiled at her, she smiled at me. Neither of us said a word. She stopped painting and just watched me as I intruded into her space. I cast again clearly showing her that I did not mind her intruding into my space. The silence between us became uncomfortable, almost painful.

‘I’ll buy it,’ I said.

She laughed out loud, ‘You’ve not seen it.’

‘I don’t have to,’ I said, ‘anyone as pretty as you could only produce a beautiful painting.’

She laughed again, ‘Oh that’s priceless. Prince Charming just drifted up to me and I didn’t even have to kiss the frog.’

This time I laughed.

‘Seriously I’ll buy it,’ I said to her.

‘But you don’t even know what I’m painting,’ she answered.

‘Of course I do, you’re painting something I love, this creek,’ I stated confidently.

‘ Okay…okay,’ she said, ‘does Prince Charming come here often, then?’

‘Not often,’ I answered, ‘do you mind if I land my canoe here?’ I thought I should ask in case she felt threatened encountering a stranger — me – in the wild.

‘How else are you going to see your painting? And how much are you willing to pay for this painting, may I ask?’ she inquired with mock tone to her voice and a grin on her face.

‘A hundred bucks,’ I answered bravely while leaning back in the canoe thereby gently easing the stern onto the bank.

‘Sold,’ she quickly countered, but then added, ‘but it’s not finished.’

‘Well…I guess I’ll have take delivery when it’s finished. Do you mind if I get out to see the painting?’

‘Please do,’ she said smiling, waving her arm inviting me forward.

As I got out I said ‘I’m Tom Davies,’ and reached out my hand for her to shake. She was my age, although still sitting on the fold up little chair I could tell she was slim, good looking but with a slightly chiseled, weather worn face. Her blonde hair was a little grey at the temples and here and there, but it was straight, hanging down onto her back, old hippie style.

‘Ann Wosniak, pleased to meet you,’ she took my hand and shook it confidently.

I stepped around to see the painting. It was really, really good! I was impressed.

‘I love it!’ I said, I think with a bit of startled tone in my voice.

‘Do you really like it?’ she asked, a little concerned.

‘Yeah, I really do. You’re a fantastic artist.’ After a moment I continued, ‘See, your Prince Charming could tell all of this from his log.’

She laughed again, ‘Well Prince Charming, Tom, I’m so glad your log drifted by.’

‘May I buy you lunch?’ I asked, trying to keep a straight face.

‘What here?’ she purposefully turned her head looking side to side, ‘I’m not actually seeing a restaurant or a waiter,’ she said breaking into a giggle.

‘Not to worry!’ I immediately replied in my most mock-majestic voice while straightening my back and reaching one arm out to the creek, ‘I’ll have it catered……from the finest establishment is the area…Clara’s Country Kitchen!’

She broke out laughing again, ‘How can I possibly refuse an offer like that?’

I stepped down to the canoe and pulled out the small blue tarp and my little backpack. I dropped the pack and with my right arm, with a flourish I swung the tarp into the air unfolding it as it settled to the ground right next to her and the easel. ‘A table for M’Lady.’

She laughed again and clapped her hands together.

I then pulled out the foil wrapped sandwich and the six pack of Coors Lite from my backpack, ‘Ta-dah! A toasted ham and cheese sandwich from Clara’s…and drinks!’

She clapped her hands in front of her again and laughed, ‘You really are my Prince Charming!’

It was a very light hearted moment. There was nothing malicious or threatening going on, I was immediately at ease with Ann and I could feel she was at ease with me. I guess that my demeanor had a lot to do with the fact that my mental layers had been pulled back by the canoe trip so far. All my cares had been stripped back, all my hang-ups, my worries. Basically the prick that I’d morphed into in my real life was gone. This was fun. This was the real me.

Over lunch we talked about her artwork, she said that she preferred to do portraitures, especially nudes, but that subject matter was hard to come by, hence she did the occasional landscape. Art for her was just a hobby. It was only in the last few years that she’d been able to get back into it she claimed, after raising a family and such. I told her that I’m married with grown up kids too. We finally settled that my painting purchase is a done deal and that whenever it’s ready I’ll come by and pick it up and pay for it. I told her that I wished that the painting was from the other end of the stretch looking towards this end because that’s the view I’m most familiar with. Downstream with the current.

‘Do you come here often?’ I asked.

‘To this spot…not often,’ she replied, ‘but I live nearby’.

‘Could you do a second painting for me?

She said she could do a painting, in the same style from the other end looking this way. I told her that the hundred dollars that I’d offered for her painting was probably too little. And she replied saying that she had never sold a painting or drawing before and she hadn’t really considered the commercial implications of it. She was simply thrilled that someone bought her painting, especially as it was sight unseen. I said to her that I would pay five hundred dollars for the pair of paintings.

She blushed at the offer, paused for a moment then said, ‘I’ll do it, but I want to know why.’

Knowing that the offer could be misconstrued as me coming on to her, I answered in as careful and measured tone and phrase as I could manage, ‘Because this stretch of creek is special to me. I come here to find myself, to center my soul. Don’t ask me why but this little bit of waterway is where I belong. It’s me. And I wished I could be here every day, all day, but I can’t. Your paintings, up on my wall aren’t going to beam me back here physically, but they may beam a part of me here mentally, even if just for a moment. A precious moment. It’ll be worth every penny I pay.’

She simply stared at me. Maybe I read a bit of disbelief in her face. Maybe some shock too. I think that my litt
le speech ground into me the actual importance of the paintings that we were discussing. It dawned on me, I didn’t just want, I needed those paintings. I had to have her paint them.

She gazed at me, or maybe beyond me. I think she thought I was crazy.

‘You’re serious about this aren’t you?’ she inquired.

‘Yes I am,’ I replied.

She composed herself and said, ‘It seems Prince Charming is not only gracious, and a wonderful provider,’ passing her hand over the spent lunch wrapper and empty beer cans, ‘but loaded to boot. Is he really just a fool and his money?’

‘I can assure M’Lady Ann that Prince Charming is neither a fool, nor loaded. He simply knows what is important in life and what is dear to his heart.’

She gazed at me.

‘May I ask a favor?’ I broke the pregnant pause.

‘Certainly, what is it?’

‘That I may name the paintings, seeing as I am the soon-to-be benefactor?’

‘Ok,’ she said with what appeared to be some trepidation, still unsure of the moment.

‘Morgan’s Canal West and Morgan’s Canal East’ I said.

She quizzically stared at me with that request, her jaw dropped a little but didn’t say a word. I thought maybe I was being rude in making the request, or referring myself as her benefactor. Or maybe she really thought I was crazy.

After a long moment or two she said in a careful, measured tone, ‘Only a local would know this stretch to be called Morgan’s Canal. It’s not on any map, there are no placards with that name on it. I don’t even think the local history pamphlets list that name. That name is local, local. I’ve not heard that name in twenty five years. Who the hell are you?’

Clearly she was local, local.

I thought back to my childhood. There was a girl that I was desperately in love with. My parents and my aunt and uncle would have some of the families from surrounding farms around for ‘highballs’. The girl would come by with her parents. I only ever laid eyes on her five or six times. We would play tag and stuff. We would draw. I remembered catching a bullfrog and while holding in my hand like an ice cream cone chasing her into the water as she screamed for dear life. To my adolescent eye she was more than just pretty, she was beautiful. She was tall and blonde, about a year older than me. When I was about twelve we played show me. It was my first quasi-sexual experience. In fact all my sexual fantasies, my ideal girl, were an imitation of her. For Heaven’s sake I landed up marrying a tall and blonde girl. She was my first kiss. By the time I had reached puberty, it was her image that I would fantasize and masturbate to.

‘You’re Annie Belzor,’ I said.

She looked away with shock in her face, then turned, stared intently at me for a moment. A smile slowly came across her face and she calmly stated, ‘You’re Tommy from the Ogden farm.’

‘Yes I am.’ My eyes swelled up with tears. As did hers.

Sitting on the blue tarp we reached out to each other and hugged. We laughed with tears rolling down our cheeks.

‘Oh dear, I can’t believe it’s you,’ she cried.

‘I’ve missed you all my life,’ I replied with tears of joy. ‘I’ve always been in love with you. I tried to find you b.b.but I couldn’t.’

‘Where did you go?’ she sobbed.

I broke the hug a little but still held her arm with my left hand while wiping the tears from my face with my right, ‘I don’t know, I guess I just grew up. I went to the farm years after and asked my uncle where Annie lived and he said that you lived at the yellow farmhouse up there,’ pointing my head across the creek, ‘I drove by many times hoping to see you, but I never did.’

‘Why didn’t you call on me?’ she asked with tears still in her eyes, shedding my arm from hers.

‘I was too shy, or scared I guess,’ I answered.

‘They told me you lived in the city.’

‘I did. I still do.’

‘You were my first kiss,’ she said wiping tears off of her face.

‘Oh, I remember,’ I answered, ‘and I remember a lot more than that.’

‘I still have the drawing,’ she said with a smile broadening on her face.

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Morgan and Morgan part 1

I get out of the shower expecting you to be home by now. It's 8:39 and your not home for work. I haven't received a call and it's starting to worry me. I go to our room and look at my phone and there was no missed calls or text messages. I try to call but your phone is off and I'm really starting to get scared. You promised to call or text if you were going to be late. I put my phone on the charger and take the towel off and start rubbing lotion all over my body. Moving across my 38 C breasts...

1 year ago
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MorganChapter 10

While Morgan was introducing the girls to each other several hundred miles away under the Franco-Swiss border technicians were making last minute checks to the upgraded Large Hadron Collider. Later that evening they were to bring the Collider up to full power and begin the first of a new set of experiments. The press had been full of doomsday predictions in advance of the first full power runs for the Collider that sat in miles of tunnels under the CERN facility. Speculation in the media had...

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Morgan L

Morgan sat in her kitchen now for the first time she began having doubts my god she thought I just spent the night fucking two of my son’s friends I enjoyed the hell out of it, but young guys talk I would not want Terry to find out. I would like to see them again, but this may become difficult when Terry is home. Her phone buzzed bigguy came up she instantly answered, what Morgan didn’t know was her two new fuck buddies were planning a gangbang on her for Saturday night. Saturday morning, she...

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Morgan and Morgan part 1

I get out of the shower expecting you to be home by now. It’s 8:39 and your not home for work. I haven’t received a call and it’s starting to worry me. I go to our room and look at my phone and there was no missed calls or text messages. I try to call but your phone is off and I’m really starting to get scared. You promised to call or text if you were going to be late. I put my phone on the charger and take the towel off and start rubbing lotion all over my body. Moving across my 38 C breasts...

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MorganChapter 2A

Saul Roberts was on the phone when Morgan brought him his coffee. “What the fuck do you mean you can’t get here ‘till Tuesday. Phil we are at a standstill here, the client wants these brochures Monday morning and we still have half of them to do!” Saul shouted down the phone. “Well fuck you then if that’s your attitude. I’ll get some other fucker to do them.” Saul slammed the phone down. “Asshole!” “Um, Mr Roberts.” Morgan said, he was a nerdy little kid with thick framed glasses and a...

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MorganChapter 6

Sally sat at her dressing table brushing her hair. Her best friend Alice was staying with her for a week while her mother was off on holiday with some guy she had just met. Sally didn’t care much for Alice’s mother, she had apparently slept around a lot when she was still with Alice’s dad, now she was single she was even worse. Take this week for example, Sandra had only met this guy a couple of weeks ago and now they had gone off to France for a week together. Sally got so angry at the way...

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MorganChapter 8

Morgan turned off of the main road and onto a track that cut between huge piles of white sand spotted with large lumps of granite. The girls looked around curiously as the large BMW X5 lurched along the rough track. “This should be graded by the end of the month,” Morgan said from the front of the car, “It really should have been finished by now but I keep giving Sergei and his crew other jobs to do.” “Where are we going Morgan?” Sally asked for the fourth or fifth time this morning. “Are...

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Morgan MckennaChapter 2

I came out of the bathroom, with a little bit of the tension in my crotch relieved, to find her sleeping on the couch, leaning against one of the arms and cuddling a pillow. I picked her up and took her to the back bedroom, laying her in bed and tucking her in. She said, "G'nite" rather sleepily as she rolled away from me and buried her head in the softness, wiggling her small frame to get comfortable. I sat on the edge of the bed for a few moments, listening to her steady breathing....

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Morgan Im a bitch

Introduction: Morgan is a bitch, written from Morgans perspective I liked the story Morgan is a Bitch, so I decided to rewrite it from Morgans perspective. I hope the original author doesnt mind! —————————— Im on my way home from school. I am so excited for the weekend! My friend is having a party and shes gotten some more alchohol&hellip, its been a while since weve just been able to go crazy. I smile to myself. I see my house and pick up the pace, ever got that feeling that someone was...

2 years ago
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wondering why she had followed the instructions on the handwritten note, perhaps it was the perfumed scent that had made her tingle inside, or that she was so sure she recognised the handwriting, she shook her head briefly and carried on walking towards the huge blank-faced building and it's single solitary door.she put her hand to the handle and cautiously opens the door, pushing it and walks throughshe stops, her hand still on the door handle, leaving her arm trailing a little behind her ......

1 year ago
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Morgan and Me

Morgan and Me By King Leopold Chapter One I walked into the room where fifteen year old Morgan had been waiting forme. She was in the same spot I had left her thirty minutes earlier. What choicedid she have bound and totally nude as the day she was born. That's how I hadleft her. She was facing the left wall of the room, about eight feet from it. I hadher wrists bound together behind her back along with her arms at the elbows,pulling them painfully together. This forced her shoulders back...

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I’m not generally one for parties, but my very good friend Josie invited me to her open house to celebrate her new home. It’s quite lovely, and has a nice veranda to a deck to an in ground swimming pool. From the living room there are sliding doors that take you out to the pool. To the right is the front door, and through that door walked my good friend Karen and a new accompaniment. Karen is a stunning beauty. She’s tall with a lovely figure and a gorgeous face, long blonde hair, and smart. My...

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MorganChapter 2D

Susan woke for the second time in this small bed. Looking around with a slight sigh she thought she ought to get up. She looked at the bedside clock for a moment before it registered that it was morning again, that would make it Sunday. Her stomach grumbled to remind her she was hungry. Susan climbed from the bed and found her now cleaned clothes folded neatly on the bedside cabinet, she blushed as she saw her bra and panties on the top of the pile. She quickly dressed before leaving the...

2 years ago
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MorganChapter 4

Eleven year old Sally Anderson went back to bed with a funny feeling in her belly. Why did watching mummy and daddy swim make her feel like that? Was it the occasional glimpses of their naked bodies as they swam. She wondered how often they swam this early. That night when she went to bed Sally set the alarm on her watch to wake her up at seven in the morning. To her disappointment she slept right through the alarm. It was two mornings later before Sally managed to get up and watch her...

3 years ago
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Morgan MckennaChapter 1

June 1975 Central Illinois I had just finished pitching hay flakes to my two horses when the radio in my Jeep went off with that high-pitched squeal that meant I was being paged. It was overcast and dark and we were under a tornado watch, one of the reasons I'd decided to feed the horses early. If I was called out, there was no telling when I could get back to them. Their nervous stamping and huffing told me they didn't like the weather either. I walked over to the Jeep and heard, "Unit...

1 year ago
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Morgan Im a bitch

------------------------------ I’m on my way home from school. I am so excited for the weekend! My friend is having a party and she’s gotten some more alchohol… it’s been a while since we’ve just been able to go crazy. I smile to myself. I see my house and pick up the pace, ever got that feeling that someone was watching you before? I hear a noise from the bushes by my side, as a turn to look, a hand clamps something wet over my mouth. I inhale to scream but suddenly I become so weak and...

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MorganChapter 9

Beverly sat at her kitchen table deep in thought, she had written up last nights dream in her diary but now she had some decisions to make. She was certain that what she had dreamt was somehow real, but it was hard to take it in. Ever since puberty hit her Beverly had been subject to the dreams, it made no difference whether she was awake of asleep they could come over her at a moments notice. Her parents had referred her to a psychiatrist who had taught her how to concentrate to keep the...

4 years ago
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Morgan MckennaChapter 3

I lay on my stomach on the bed, crying, bereft of sense and time. What had I done? Was I going insane? I heard the door open with a soft click and felt the weight of her body on the edge of the bed. She put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Please don't cry. I didn't mean to make you mad." I rolled over and hugged her. "I'm not mad, I'm crazy." I wiped my eyes with a tissue and sat up a little so I could see her better; she was watching my reaction intently, waiting for me to...

4 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 11

Okay. So Key worries about Jo. Can't fault her for that. I worry about Jo too. It's not hard. I close my eyes, let my mind drift, and there's Jo. So she was grocery shopping on a Saturday morning. I picked up my phone, pushed the button and said "Johanna". Siri replied, "Calling Johanna Solheim mobile". I held the phone to my ear. "Hi, Stoney," she said. "Hi, my baby," I replied. "Why didn't you call?" "Let you sleep late. I'm just getting some groceries for the week. The...

2 years ago
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Sex with a Stranger in the Marriott Parking Lot

This is a true story about my experience with a woman that I never new her name nor she mine. We had never met before and were together for a total of about 15 minutes. I was at the hotel bar at the Raleigh Marriott for a drink after work. In the adjacent ballroom, there was a political reception for one of the candidates running for the senate or congress or some high level office. From the noise and glass clinking, there seemed to be a lot of champagne sipping going on. The reception ended...

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First time threesome with 2 daddies Very Long

In my last story I talked about Chris, late 40's daddy type, who fucked me for the first time. In this story, I talk about the time he invited a friend over to share me. Skip to The Action, if you want to skip the boring bits. Enjoy. The Beginning It was Friday afternoon, I've finished everything I needed to do at home and I was horny. I haven't had dick for almost 2 weeks and decided to see if Chris was up for some fun. Soon he messaged back saying he's keen and that he had prepared a couple...

4 years ago
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TimewalkingChapter 4

While we walked, I reminded Sally of the kind of danger that we were in. The Egyptians at the time were very dogmatic, at least the priests were, about the sanctity and dignity of the pharaohs. They might decide to kill us out of hand for even being this close to the son of the current pharaoh. Sally took the whole thing much calmer than I did, as if she knew a secret that I was not a party to. Okay, if she was not worried, I would just do the worrying for both of us. With the boy to slow us...

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It had been quite some time since I had tasted the flesh of a young buxom female. I needed to have a good-looking lady at my side and soon. I decided to go dancing in town at one of the local bars. I don't usually hang out at these kind of places; however, It may be time I started. It sure is hard to find a date now a days. I went to the Lighthouse Bar. It usually is happening all night until about 4:00 am.I dressed in my tightest jeans and my best button up shirt. I looked for a lack...

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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 30

Elijah Abrams walked over to the Navy Seahawk helicopter where he was handed a head set. He climbed into the copilot’s seat and placed it on his head. “Rescue, this is Abrams, how can I help you?” “Sir, I suspect we’ve made your day, and perhaps your career. In the basement of the house we found twenty-three children locked in what’s best described as a dungeon. The children are boys and girls between the ages of six and eleven. Also, there’s a complete photo studio for making child porn....

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a day in the life of a naturist

i get up every morning at 5am go swimming in my neibours pool for half an hour. then come back shower and shave then breakfast. then of to the naturist club 10 minutes away . once there strip off and join the happy family i call these people family coz we all go on naturist holidays together and have a great time , no sex or hanky panky will be tollerated at our nudist club if your caught you get instant dismisal . some places abroard do let naturist have sex wenever but i do not think...

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Earths CoreChapter 11 Not One Ounce Of Effort

While carrying out Somnolence Meditation, Zax reached to the conclusion that he definitely made the right choice. Entering the state of Somnolence Meditation during the process of adaptation to the savagery was similar to when Zax dismantled the icy grains of the Inner Spirit formation and merged them with his soul. The difference was in the fact that the savagery already appeared in the form of energy, so there was nothing to dismantle, and also in the complexity and cohesion of the doses of...

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Monkey WrenchChapter 21

My shirt was soaked. I had wrapped up Renée like a hungry python. The waterworks gushed. She buried her face in my collar. She cried her eyes out. I made whatever shushing noises I thought could help. “You have been good.” I admitted. “You’ve been good to me.” “Do I have to give you a handjob?” She hissed. I patted her blonde hair. “You don’t have to do--” She was scrambling at my fly and tugging down my jeans. I grabbed her head with both hands. I tilted her red running face up to mine....

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Balling Hot DaughterChapter 3

If Marlene wasn't on the set, Chrissy reasoned, then Gene Jepson wouldn't be there, either. Gene was the male lead in the series, playing the cocky detective hired by Marlene the rich bitch. In the show Marlene was always trying to trick him into marrying her or at least going to bed with her. But in real life they didn't turn each other on, which was a big joke on the set. Maybe they were both too gorgeous, Chrissy thought. Gene Jepson sure was a hunk. In his late thirties, superbly...

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BusinessChapter 9 Dana

It all went down Friday night. Brian and I and a number of his friends had been at the cafe all week. We sat there night after night, just waiting for them to show up. I couldn't believe they'd taken this long but I was not about to miss this opportunity. The plan was very simple. Alex's drink would be spiked with a cocktail we'd mixed up special for her. 1 part date-rape drug, to make her horny and out of it, 1 part ecstasy, to relax her and the most special part was a very powerful...

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Boring Party Turns Out Erotic With A 8216Stranger8217

My name is Manish, I am 28. This occurred one year before. I am working in Bangalore and staying in a relative’s house. During one weekend, there was a function at one of my friend’s house. So, my friend invited me to his house. Usually, I don’t attend such functions as most of them are boring. But my friend forced me and so I agreed to go. My friend’s house was a 3 storied building. My friend and his family were staying on the ground floor. The first and second floors were given for rent....

Gay Male
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Teachers Revenge

Being trapped in American History class isn’t exactly my way of spending a beautiful spring day. Luckily, my iPod was the perfect distraction from Ms. Mahoney’s lecture. When I saw my classmates head for the door, I knew my 45 minutes of torture was over. As I exited with the rest of the herd, Ms. Mahoney tapped me on the shoulder. “Miss Kaitlyn, you need to pay attention in class and stop daydreaming. Moreover, please take those headphones off, it’s just rude to have them on all the time....

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The story is divided into two parts. In this installation the first part begins with Asha coming to live with her Uncle Josh at his villa. The first part describes how the quiet and reserved Asha moves in to the great mansion and tries to fit in describing her little bits of her life and the reason she comes to leave in Astana villa. The second part reflects on the present day Asha who has transformed into a sadistic dominatrix bitch, dominating her Uncle and making him her reluctant sex slave....

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Mistis Adventures Part 54

After the Morris's left, everyone was too worn out from all the sex they'd had, so they sat in the kitchen drinking coffee and talking. Every one there wanted to hear about the time William had growing up. He had, to this point, only shared a small bit of it with Sharon. He sat there thinking about his life, and how he had grown up, and if it were wise to let them know the whole story. What WASN'T known was that Sharon had not only shared most of the family's story with HIM, but had also told...

2 years ago
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Fucking The Sexy Mature Wife and Her Hot GF

My wife is a very sexy 52 y/o. Most think she is early 40's. When you are married to something that looks that good you need to make sure you fuck that pussy often and real good. Typically she gets it 3-4 times a week from me but lately she wants it every night. Last week in the middle of fucking her hard and fast about 3 in the morning she is screaming for me to fuck her harder and deeper, telling me fuck me like Tara's BF's fuck her. Well that explains it all. Tara is my wife's GF. Same age...

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Every Year

Every Year by: Bethany Jacques ? 2000 Imagine me. A slim eighteen year old boy, dressed. I mean Dressed. Dressed up that is, in my sister's clothes. I felt good, very good. In fact I felt incredible. I had done this several times before when my parents had been away but never to this extent. They were away for two nights, visiting Uncle George in northern Scotland, my sister was at college and I had full access to the clothes she had left at home. I looked at...

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A Loony Toon Tale

I will admit this came after remembering a joke told by George Carlin. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd are characters in the Warner Brothers Cartoon World. I am using them in a jestful tale. A Looney Toon Tale Bugs Bunny climbed into his hole that was his home. He grabbed a stiff metal brush. He began to brush out the shotgun pellets that came from Elmer Fudd and his Shotgun. When he removed all the pellets, he climbed into his shower. The hot water blast removed all the aches....

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