- 1 year ago
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Amber opened her door, and flung herself at her best friend. ‘Hey! Wait, shit. I was supposed to come over, wasn’t I?’
‘Doesn’t matter. It’s not like it’s fucking freezing outside or anything’ he joked as he hugged her back enjoying her body against his, the smell of her, everything. ‘So, how was your first day of three months of detention,’ he asked.
‘Detention sucked, and it ran over,’ she grumbled, not wanting to let on to anyone about what happened after detention. That was gonna be her secret.
He sighed, ‘Well, come on. Mr. Crowley literature report is due in a few weeks and we haven’t even gotten it started yet. Well, at least I haven’t.’
Amber rolled her eyes at him, sighing. ‘And have you even read the book yet?’
‘Yeah,’ he said to her as he pulled off his book bag and slipped the book out ‘Jason and the Golden Fleece,’ John said as he smiled at her and let his eyes wander over her, letting his hormones get the best of him just for a moment.
‘Good book. Now, what do you remember about the book? And I don’t want to hear that it’s boring, John, because it’s not. I’ve read it, as well as the Illiad and the Odyssey. Both of which were longer and probably more boring, but I found them interesting.’
‘It is interesting the trials of Jason and his Argonauts,’ he smiled as he took out his notebook and homework sheet. ‘But Ii want to write about them. I just don’t want to use the same words and ways the book does.’
Amber smiled at John, curling her legs under her as she sat on her bed. ‘Well, tell me, as much as you can in your own words, what happened in the book, and we can go from there, John.’
After talking for about a good half hour, John smiled at her. ‘Thanks. I think I have an idea. I’m going to be a little liberal with the format.’ He smiled at her and moved closer to her, kissing her cheek, then lingered for a moment over her lips before sitting back down.
Amber looked at John, a little surprised from the kiss, and her hand came up to her cheek, holding the spot where he kissed her. ‘John?’ she whispered as his lips hovered over hers, almost as if he was going to kiss her before he sat back down.
‘Amber… Sorry, I know were just friends.’ He smiled, looking oh so cute as she felt wet again. The thought of John doing what Sabin had done, taking her and making her his, floated randomly into her mind then faded away.
Amber blushed at the image that slipped into her mind, then faded away. ‘Don’t be sorry, John. Um, I’ve got a question for you. I’ve got a friend who likes someone, but the other person has never really shown any interest in her. But they’re really good friends. Should she say something to him, or should she wait for him to notice that she’s a really pretty girl and let him make the first move?’
‘Depends on the people, but if it were me, I’d say she should state her feelings,’ he replied as he spotted the clock on her wall. ‘Oh, shit!! I’m late. Dad’s gonna kill me.’ He smiled and stood up and hugged her before collecting his stuff. ‘Come by tomorrow okay,’ he said to her, ‘right after detention.’ With that, he left to hurry home.
Amber watched as John hurried out of the house, heading home, her thoughts on what he’d said. She knew she would tell him soon. Her question hadn’t been for her friend, but rather, for herself. She grabbed her pajamas and headed into the bathroom, taking a shower, letting the hot water help relax her body as she thought of what happened right after detention and her thoughts of John. Her hand slid between her legs as she slowly slid two fingers into her pussy and her thumb rubbed her clit. She teased her pussy and clit until she came in the shower, then finished washing up, and got out, drying off and getting into her pajamas, knowing that by now, her mother would have dinner ready. She quickly braided her hair, and wrapped it up, letting the heated wrap dry her hair. It would give her soft waves in her hair in the morning, but God only knew what it would look like in the afternoon. She hurried downstairs and, sure enough, her mother had dinner ready, and the three of them sat down to eat.
Her mom, with her half smile, hummed as she made soup for Kyle and baked chicken and rice for herself and Amber. Their bowl/plates already on the table.
Amber got up and got the drinks ready for them, as well as the silverware that they would need to eat. Once she put down the utensils and drinks, she sat back down and waited for her mother to sit. ‘You know, Mom, I still think you’re cooking is the best in the world.’
‘Well, I hope to pass my cooking secrets down to you, as my mother did to me,’ she said to her as she smiled and went to get Kyle and had him eat his soup. After that, she sat down and started on fixing her plate. ‘So when are you going to hook John?’
Amber blushed at her mom’s blunt words. ‘Hook him, Mom?’ She thought about it, and said, ‘I haven’t even told him I like him, and while we’ve been best friends for years, I don’t know if he likes me the way I like him, Mom. I’m just a bit shy about being that forward.’
‘If he doesn’t like you, then I’m a monkey’s uncle,’ she replied with a smile and Kyle chuckled softly. The smart child coughed harshly again and started eating his soup again.
Amber grins at Kyle, saying softly, ‘Mom as a monkey’s uncle is a great image, isn’t it, Kyle? She looks so funny in a monkey suit.’ Looking up at her mother again, saying, ‘Well, I kinda talked to him about it. I asked him a hypothetical question about a ‘friend’ of mine who liked this guy she was friends with, but said that she didn’t think he liked her the way she does him, and whether or not she should say something, or wait for him to make the first move.’
‘And what did he say?’ Kyle asked as Maria smiled at the intuitive question from the ten-year-old.
‘He said that he thinks she should state her feelings to him.’
‘Then do it,’ Maria said as she took a sip of soda.
‘I guess I will. Oh, and I’m supposed to go over to his house after detention is over tomorrow. He still need my help with his paper for Mr Crowley’s class.’
She nodded. ‘OK, just call home when you get there,’ she said as she continued eating and Kyle finished his soup and turned his head and sneezed hard, blood and snot splattering onto the floor causing Maria to jump. ‘Call the hospital,’ she said calmly as she moved to help him with his bloody nose.
Amber got up, worried about Kyle. grabbing the phone, she dialed the hospital, and waited for the nurse to pick up. Finally the nurse answered, and she handed the phone to her mom. ‘You’ve been with him all day today, Mom. You know how bad it is.’ She took over helping Kyle while mentally cursing her father for his infidelity and roaming hands and eyes.
Maria and the nurse talked and she nodded and asked her to send a ambulance. ‘Thank you,’ she said as she hung up. ‘They’re going to send an ambulance,’ she said as she wiped the blood and snot off their tile floor, before getting Kyle ready to go. ‘Stay home and hold the fort, Amber,’ she told her.
‘Alright, Mom. I hope Kyle gets better. I’m worried about him.’ She looked down at her little brother, and smiled, ‘You hear that, squirt? You got your big sister worried about you.’
He smiled and coughed hard again for a moment then blew a kiss at her, knowing he didn’t want to get her sick, too.
Amber mussed with his hair again, and said, ‘Besides, if you don’t get better, Kyle, how am I supposed to kick your butt in chess? You’re getting all this time to practice, and pick up new moves, while I’m sitting in school, learning boring things, except when Mr Crowley assigned Jason and the Golden Fleece to us for the Lit report in class. Of course, my report is already done, and I have one ready for the Iliad and Odyssey, since I just finished those two books.’
Kyle smiled and closed his eyes as the ambulance knocked on the door and Maria called them out.
Amber hurried to the door, letting them in, since it was locked, and stepped back as they wheeled the gurney inside and helped her brother onto it. Going over to Kyle’s side, she reached down and stroked his hair lightly as she said, ‘You get better, Kyle, you hear me? And no more worrying Mom or me!!’
‘Of course.’ He smiled cutely as Maria walked out with them and looked worried. She felt her mother’s stress over this. She lost the man of her life already to a reason beyond her control. Now, she could lose her son.
Amber went to the living room, and turned on the TV, only half paying attention to it, worry for her brother, more than anything, occupying her mind. She waited next to the phone for any news on her brother.
About an hour later her mother called, saying that Kyle was being admitted for observation and that everything was fine. It seems that his body was just fighting the flu and nothing more. And the blood was from a clot that burst in his nose from all the antibodies building up.
Amber sighed in relief as she heard the news about Kyle and decided to head up to bed, still slightly worried about her bother, especially since the hospital had admitted him. She didn’t let on to her mother that she was still worried though. Instead, she called John, needing to talk to him, to hear his voice, to be reassured that things would be fine for her brother, and possibly to let him know how she felt.
Beth answered the phone.’Evening, Amber. What’s up?’ Her cheery tone was a little uplifting at the moment, but John’s deep, boyish tone was what she wanted.
‘Hey, Beth. Kyle’s sicker than before, and Mom has him at the hospital. Is John around? I kinda need to talk to him about something, not involving school or Kyle or parents or anything like that.’
Beth smiled behind the phone, saying, ‘I hope he is okay, and I’ll go get John. He is in the room of darkness,’ she joked as she placed the phone down and called for John. She walked up the stairs and told him it was Amber on the phone. He said he got it and a moment later Amber heard another line join the first.
‘Hey, John. I know we just saw each other a little while ago, but there were somethings I wanted to talk to you about. But first, did your dad get too angry with you for being late? Cause really it wasn’t your fault.’
‘No, I made it just on time apparently,’ he replied as Beth hung up the phone and John smiled. ‘So, what’s going on?’
‘That’s good. Well, a couple of things. First, I’m worried about Kyle, he’s sicker than before, and during dinner he sneezed and blood came out. Mom’s got him at the hospital, and they’re saying he’s just fighting off the flu, but they admitted him. That’s not a good thing. I know that. But also, I wanted…’ her voice got even quieter as she tried to get up the courage to tell him… ‘Ireallylikeyou,John.’ Her words came out rushed, and she hoped he could make out what she said.
‘I really like you, too, Amber and Kyle maybe young but he’s a fighter. He will kick this illness’s butt.’ He smiled. ‘You want me to come over and keep you company,’ he asked.
Amber smiled into the phone, and said, ‘I would love the company, John. Just make sure to let your dad know what’s going on so he doesn’t get too worried about you.’
‘Will do, Captain,’ he told her as he smiled. ‘I’ll be over in a few minutes. I’m going to have Beth drive me over,’ he told her as he gave her his bye and hung up and leap from his chair rushed to his dad to tell him. But Beth was already standing outside his office holding her keys. ‘He already knows. Just bring some school clothes and your school stuff for tomorrow,’ she said.
Amber waited impatiently, pacing the front room, then headed into the kitchen and grabbed out a couple of sodas, popping one open and taking a drink. Then she headed back into the living room to wait for John to come over.
There was the sound of a car pulling up, Beth yelling to him about the use of condoms and him just grumbling something incoherent as he knocked on the door.
Amber opened the door and waved to Beth as she pulled John inside. ‘I heard what Beth said, but what was that you said, John? I couldn’t quite catch it.’
‘You don’t wanna know,’ he replied as he blushed deeply. He was going to kill Beth when he got home. He hugged Amber. ‘So now, what this about you liking me and all,’ he smiled and kissed her cheek softly.
Amber turned her face, her lips brushing John’s lightly as she melted in his arms, feeling more comfortable in his arms than anywhere else, well, except when she had been with Sabin earlier. But she would not tell anyone else about that. ‘I’ve liked you for a while, John, and I mean like-like, not just friend-like.’
‘Me, too.’ He took her weight into his arms and pulled her close and smiled. ‘I’ve like-liked you since we met, but I didn’t want to ruin our friendship cause… well, it was more important to be close to you than not have you at all.’
Amber nearly purred in contentment as John pulled her closer to him, sliding her arms around his neck as she leaned closer, turning her face into his neck and nuzzling him. She smiled softly as she heard his confession to her as to how long he’d like-liked her, and licked his neck in response.
He gasped softly and smiled as he moved her limp body to the couch and sat down with her in his lap and nuzzled into her neck as he smiled. holding her close. keeping her safe. She would feel the bulge in his jeans as he held her. It seemed he didn’t care that he had a hard on, she was more important.
Amber sat in his lap, purring softly as she felt his lips brushing against her neck and his bulge under her as she smiled at him. ‘John,’ she whispered as she leaned against him in his arms. She laid her head against his shoulder and tucked her feet up on the couch next to them.
He just held her. Even with her like-liking him, he didn’t want to do anything irrational. It wasn’t John. Where Sabin took what he wanted from her and gave so much more back, John would ask, wait for permission and be sweet and gentle with her.
With her head still against his shoulder, Amber chuckled as she remembered what her mother had said at dinner, and made a mental note to tell her that she wasn’t a monkey’s uncle, after all. She placed a soft gentle kiss on John’s neck, slowly moving up over his jaw and towards his lips.
He smiled and slowly returned her kiss. His lips like soft candy to hers. Sweet. Warm.. Tasty…
Amber couldn’t get enough of kissing John, he tasted so good, almost like chocolate, but better. Keeping one arm slipped around his neck, she took his other hand, the one not holding her up, and gently brought it to her chest, purring softly as his hand cupped her breast.
He was more than shocked, as he felt her breast, gripping it lightly. She was perfect, he thought, as he stroked the said breast with his fingers, his tongue seeking hers in a sudden haze of passion.
Amber’s lips parted under his, letting his tongue swirl into her mouth, seeking out her tongue in a ritual as old as time. A soft moan slipped from her as she felt his fingers gently exploring her breast through her night shirt. She flicked her tongue against his, teasing him gently as she slowly pulled herself back from the kiss, saying in a breathless and husky, with need and desire, voice, ‘John…. upstairs… my room…’
‘I…. didn’t bring.. a condom,’ he confessed sheepishly as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her up to her room agily.
Amber shook her head, a small grimace on her lips as she tucked her head against his shoulder as he carried her up to her room. ‘Then we won’t go all the way, John. I don’t have any either. And I don’t know if Mom has any on hand.’
He quirked his eye. ‘Not a exactly interesting thought, Amber,’
he joked as he kissed her lips softly using his foot to push open her cracked door.
She chuckled softly, saying, ‘But you know, she was on your side. At dinner tonight, she said if you didn’t like me, then she was a monkey’s uncle.’ She purred softly as his lips met hers, then said, ‘I know. I usually stay far from those thoughts as I can. But onto something more interesting, since neither of us has condoms, what would you like to do, John?’
‘Anything…almost everything,’ he said to her as he kissed her again and he laid her gently on the bed. He seemed so nice, not the type to have sex with, but cuddle with.
Amber kissed him back, a low purr slipping from her as she pulled him down onto the bed with her. She kissed him repeatedly, losing herself in kissing him until the phone rang.
John cursed into her mouth softly as he rolled off of her.’It might be your mom,’ he said to her as he felt his hand twitching on her breast.
Amber groaned softly as she turned to the phone and answered it. ‘Hello?’ She gave John a sultry look as she listened to the phone, her tongue running over her lips.
‘Kyle’s fever finally broke and he’s getting a little better,’ her mom sputtered over the phone ‘I hope everything is alright.’ John smiled at her smile and leaned down and sucked on her nipple through her jammies.
Her back arched as she fought to hold back a whimper as she replied, ‘That’s good to hear, Mom. Everything’s fine at home. John came over to keep me company while you and Kyle were at the hospital. And he’s gonna stay over, just in case you need to stay there.’ Her free hand slid into his hair, holding him to her breast.
He nipped on it lightly as he smiled then popped off it for a moment. ‘I hope everything is going well,’ he stated loudly before biting onto her nipple again.
Amber’s back arched even more as she heard her mother saying, ‘Tell John everything is going better for Kyle, and depending on how much longer they want to keep him here, we should be leaving here soon. By morning, I would say.’
After her mom hung up and wished her and John a good night, she would feel John’s hand cupping her sex and rubbing it.
Amber hung up the phone and dropped it to the floor as she let out the moans she had been holding back, her body arching further into John’s hand. ‘Ohhh, John. Mmmm, that feels so good. Don’t stop.’
John smiled. ‘I know it’s not like me to make you want me,’ he whispered, ‘but I can’t help it around you.’ He kissed her lips strongly as he pushed his finger into her slit stroking her slightly agitated insides, agitated from Sabin being so rough with her earlier.
Amber arched her back as John’s finger slid into her hot, wet depths, a soft cry of pleasure slipping from her, his mouth taking possession of hers as he kissed her deeply. She wanted John, but the way she felt about him was a lot tamer than how she felt towards Sabin, even though the heat was the same.
John thrust his finger hard, his larger body take possession of hers in the simple heat of it. His strong kisses nowhere near as good as Sabin’s, but they had a different feel, more love in them as he tried to pleasure her, whereas Sabin’s were more practiced.
Amber moaned a little louder as John thrust his finger harder into her, his mouth catching her moans of pleasure as he kissed her. She could feel the love in his kisses, his strength, firm yet gentle with her, in his arms. Her fingers tangled in his hair as she held him to her, keeping his lips against hers.
He smiled as he broke there kiss. ‘Amber, I’ve wanted you since we met. I knew I had to be close to you,’ he whispered softly to her as he took her lips again. His hazy passion, his love, filling her like his finger that was suddenly joined by a second.
Before Amber could reply, his lips had once again claimed hers as his finger was joined by another, and she let out a soft cry of pleasure into his mouth. She writhed under him, telling him without words that she wanted more.
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SupernaturalMy wife has a good figure but is normally reserved about showing it off. She is happy to wear bikinis, as long as they cover her bits effectively.She is quite sensual and likes to wear sexy underwear, but insists that it is purely for my benefit. I know that it makes her feel sexy as well (and possibly a bit naughty when she wears skimpy or transparent underwear).I would like her to reveal more of her figure and have suggested outings to naturist areas or nudist beaches. I get a thrill from the...
pleasures of being a patron at Avondale Academy. He is able to watch as the pupils learn some very painful and humiliating lessons, from Miss Hilda Ashton the Academy's sadistic Headmistress and her equally sadistic staff. Working closely with Miss Marchant, Herbert had gained her trust and it was Alice who introduced him to the ancient art of acupuncture and one day without telling him the reason why, made him accompany her to London's Haymarket. Requesting the coachman to...
I hadn’t had a good sex session with anyone in a couple of months. I couple of times I had tried spots that I found on another site, but the experiences weren’t very satisfying. I was getting tired of just jacking off, so I thought I would try one of my tried and true spots that I’ve written about several times in this blog.It was mid-morning, so I wasn’t expecting too much traffic in the place, but I took down my bottle of lube, anyway. Now, as the weather is warming up, I just pulled on a...
I watch you walk from your car into the Wicked Pleasures store and decide to follow, just to see what tickles your fancy tonight…you seem to be in a rush and I can tell as you walk past the light, by the way your voluptuous butt jiggles and the bounce of your braless big breasts that you have been in a hurry…my my..insatiable baby must be extra horny tonite, I smile…I enter behind you and watch you go inside the “100 lashes spanking room”…right up my baby’s BDSM alley I think, just as the night...
What would Robert say if he knew? He‘d do more than say things. He’d divorce her, kick her out, and smear her name throughout the whole city. Debbie was dressed in a black pants suit and black heels, she looked important. And sexy. Very sexy. Her hair was pulled into an elegant knot at the nape of her neck, and her makeup and nails were done perfectly just before she left the house by professionals. So why would a woman like Debora Fields doing on a city bus when there were three luxury...
A couple days ago, my key holder came over for my weekly inspection. I was strung up from hooks in the ceiling. My hands restrained above my head and my legs were spread wide. My key holder expressed her displeasure with me as she picked up a rather large ball gag and forced it deep in my mouth. Then she removed her blouse and bra which then w=exposed the key that was hanging between her luscious breasts. She got down on her knees and unlocked and removed the chastity cage from my manhood.At...
“Okay, Serena… Strip!” my black dominant lover said to me. The flatness of his tone sent a chill down my spine. “Now!” he insisted.I seductively wet my lips and smiled as I casually opened the buttons of my dark-blue, silk blouse, and then pulled it back to expose the powder blue lace bra that supported and accentuated my breasts. He nodded his approval, and said, “Leave the blouse on, for now. Take off your skirt.”With the same casualness as before, I undid the button on my white, pencil...
BDSMChapter Fifteen: Sister's Wicked Pleasures By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Krystal Sampson I clapped my hands together, shouting, “Come on and cum in her! I don't care if you're gay!” “I'm getting closer, Mistress,” grunted Steve. He was Petra's ex-boyfriend, one of the three guys my brother turned gay yesterday by accident when he first paused time and started this wonderful mess. Steve had a fit, muscular body that I was appreciating a lot more since my girlfriend, Ji-Yun, turned...
I was in my bedroom, all alone. In front of me was my mirror. I took some time to admire my body. The Malayali features were prominent in me. My eyes were big and smoky. My slender pink lips complemented my dusky skin complexion. I had my hair cut up to my breasts. As I had just taken a bath, a portion of my hair curled and sat on my left breast. I pushed it behind to bring my breasts into view. They were big and round. They looked like chocolate cakes topped up by a chocolate chip. My curves...
Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a newlywed housewife. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...
“Let the entertainments commence,” Alice ordered, a sly smile on her face. A very nervous little girl was led onto the stage, still wearing her costume from the party. Standing beside the girl Alice Marchant was tall, elegant and an austere figure who towered over the child. “This is Sarah, who is twelve years old,” Alice announced. Jenny Richards recognised her as the little girl who had been made to give her pleasure at the party. Alice remembered just how exhausted little Sally...
I looked all of eternity and back for you only to have you find me first. The moment our eyes locked in the most unexpected moment, I just knew then that life would never be the same. How was to know that to say hello would be the start of something so beautiful? For I have found the one that touched my soul in ways no one else ever could. For you are my life, my love, my always and forever. After two years, I remember like it was yesterday and how I was right. Life has changed in ways I...
I was casually looking through the evening paper, browsing the personals out of curiosity in a search for something different, musing on the odd fantasy. In the men's section it said, 'Mature Edinburgh gent seeks younger man to bend to his will'. I laughed at the prospect, and wondered if I would fit the profile with some doubts as to age.Anyway, I called the number on my mobile and, after passing through all the hurdles, reached the mailbox which had a pleasant well-to-do public school voice...
First TimePark PleasuresJon sat in his black Lexus SUV longer then he planned. He’d had such a long day, and he needed the extra time. He placed his hand on the door handle, opened the door slowly and breathed in the fresh air as he stood on the pavement. He takes in the peacefulness of the birds; he enjoys this park the most for his nightly runs. Jon closes the door, hears the beep as he locks it with the remote and strides to the nearest bench. Reaching one leg up he stretches, raises his hands and...
Group SexRoman Pleasures What the history books say : 'Sex and violence were as closely coupled in the ancient world as they arein the world of today. After Ovid's death the great Colosseum was built whichbrought the two elements to a nadir of depravity. The insatiable public wasable to see not only killings, but re-enactments of mythical couplings betweenbeasts and humans. The one of 'Pasiphae and the Bull' in which the bull waslowered in a harness on to the poor female victim may have been a type of...
Wanda Williams breathed a sigh of relief as she checked her watch. 9:56 am. She had made it on time. Punctuality was important. It would be so rude to be late when Daniel had been so kind to meet her 2 hours before the comic shop even opened. She checked herself in the mirror. Not that she was flirting with Daniel--the young man was 12 years her junior after all--but she did like to look nice and her soft red hair had a way of working its way out of its scrunchy. She tucked back a few errant...
I love the game of golf. It’s relaxing, it takes me away from the pressures of the job, and it allows me to strike a mental balance between competition and fun. While one can surely compete against others in a tournament setting, it’s really an individual game. The golfer makes the good (or bad) swing, not his or her opponent. The worst shot imaginable can be followed by a masterful, smooth, accurate shot. Of course, not everyone loves golf. Some prefer tennis, others are dedicated to...
Its late at night, we have just enjoyed a wonderful evening with dinner and drinks. I light up a smoke and pass it to my husband as we talk and share our ideas of fun with a sexy young woman. It is a brisk night, waiting for the bus, and we just missed the last bus when we arrived at the stop. A sexy, slightly slutty, looking young lady walks up slowly. Her hair is long and dark and shines beautifully under the light of the summer moon. She quietly interrupts our conversation, "excuse me, can...
Straight Sex"Damn it Bill!" Kristy yelled as she chased her older brother through the house. "Come on runt!" Bill said as he rounder the couch, Kristy's phone in his hand. "If you don't want me to text him you better hurry." "Please don't!" Kristy wailed as she jumped in a vain effort to retrieve her phone. Bill, towering over his sister, watched as she jumped up and down in a futile effort to retrieve her phone. "Come on pipsqueak," Bill laughed, lowering the phone to Kristy's height. ...
Pan’s Pleasures Cheila felt the tall grass tickle her bare legs and feet as the warmth of the sun bathed her exposed breasts and face. She ran her fingers through her long golden hair, smiling as the beauty of the day filled her senses with pleasure. Here in her private world, far from the cares of her village, she could wander sky clad and let the gods revel in the beauty of the body with which they had graced her. Her tanned legs were long and supple with graceful, sensual muscle tone, and...
THE WORTHY PLEASURES Hello, sex story readers, hope you all are having enough feel-good adventures with your love tool and love hole. With a KINKY NEW EPISODE, I am here to further harden your dick and help you get wet underneath. I am CaptainYours from Kerala, 26-years-old and I don’t know whether all the stories here starting with the prelude of “This happened to me.” is true, but I am assured of that 99% of the stories are created by frustrated minds, pouring in their naughty side. Well, I...
Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter One: Acolyte's New Pleasure By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 King Edward IV – Shesax, The Kingdom of Secare My choked out word echoed through the empty hall of my throne room. Save for my wife, Queen Lavinia, and my chamberlain, John, none of my subjects, courtiers, or guards remained. Only the radiant angel, descended from above and standing before me, was left. Her beatific smile broadened at my answer. “Then I shall summon my mother's...
You walk in the front door, a small path of rose petals lead from the front door to the hallway leading to the bathroom and ends at the start of the hall way, hanging from a string from the ceiling is a note, it reads, "Take off all your clothes, fold them and stack them in a neat pile, take the blindfold and put it on", and you see a blindfold behind the note. After you place the blind fold on, you wait, the anticipation making your skin start to heat up, wanting something. From behind,...
Part 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: was scared. Her protector Bella was passed out on the table next to her. Bella had...
“I love an articulate lady who can define her tastes and preferences,” I smiled. I was tempted to ask if she was bisexual but left that for perhaps another day. Before we had sex for the first time I told her that day over lunch I had been thinking about her in the shower that morning. “And it was very good masturbating while I was fantasizing about you. Very, very good.” “Was it now, glad you enjoyed it, was I helpful?” she teased as the look on her face and broad smile suggested her...
“I love an articulate lady who can define her tastes and preferences,” I smiled. I was tempted to ask if she was bisexual but left that for perhaps another day. Before we had sex for the first time I told her that day over lunch I had been thinking about her in the shower that morning. “And it was very good masturbating while I was fantasizing about you. Very, very good.” “Was it now, glad you enjoyed it, was I helpful?” she teased as the look on her face and broad smile suggested her...
Park Pleasures Jon sat in his black Lexus SUV longer then he planned. He’d had such a long day, and he needed the extra time. He placed his hand on the door handle, opened the door slowly and breathed in the fresh air as he stood on the pavement. He takes in the peacefulness of the birds, he enjoys this park the most for his nightly runs. Jon closes the door, hears the beep as he locks it with the remote and strides to the nearest bench. Reaching one leg up he stretches, raises his hands and...
Colleen. Fair skinned and red haired. Long dark hair cut short, but still think and a handful. Her eyes were deep and rich, hiding a secret behind them. Her body? Oh, she had curves. Held in a way that was both and sexy, a body that you could enjoy and explore, a body that just oozed sensuality for me. I met her through a posting one of us had put up. I'm not sure who answered whom at this point, but it was enough that we found such similarity between us. Both in our likes and dislikes, as well...
Solitary Pleasures By JoannaCD I had been cross-dressing in the privacy of my hotel room while on business trips for several years. I'd been at the Atlantic for three nights when I was notified by a call to my room that I had some mail at the front desk. My home office knew that I always stayed here when in Miami so I supposed that it was some sales information or new specifications that they were sending me. Even though it was very late I went down to get it. I'd been...
Sinful Pleasures - The Beginning By Lesley Renee Charles Christopher Martin was late for his curfew, so he decided to cut through the forest. It was a clear night, with a full moon shining brightly. It was also a little after midnight. He was trying to be careful not to make too much noise, as he didn't know what might be prowling around in the dark. Nearing a spot, that looked like it was a small clearing, he heard several female voices. He thought he recognized a few from...
I squeezed the lovely hills of Pat’s buttocks for awhile, then reached around under her to open the sweet mound of her vulva. Her hips squirmed, and she moaned behind the gag. “Fantasy,” she’d said, “utter trust, anything you want, no holds barred.” The sons were out with their Aunt, and we were alone for the first time in a long time. “The nastiest pleasures you can imagine.” And she’d leered at me. “Who first?” “Flip...
Previously........................................... - Mockingbird Awakens - A New Day Dawns Mockie began to wake up after the tumultuous past five days, where her body had been racked with pains, excessive sweating, hallucinations, incoherent babblings, and a constant thirst. Weakly she opened her eyes with her vision after first being blurry, slowly regaining focus till she was able to once more see clearly. "Owwwwww.....helllll," she mumbled to no one in particular, as she...