A Dad for Denice
- 4 years ago
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Here’s your sequel to ‘The Ice in Russia.’ Hopefully it meets all your expectations!
I want to send out enormous thanks to PennLady for her advice and help, especially with the title. Many hugs and well wishes to you, friend!
As always, thank you for all the kind comments.
Happy Reading!
M ,)
The time that Lena spent with Anatoli after her return to Washington was not what she’d expected. She understood that he had to travel most of the year for games, so she wasn’t expecting to see him as often as she did. She’d returned home from Moscow just before New Year’s and already Anatoli had spent more time at her place than at his own. They’d been unable to spend the New Year together, but he’d made up for it in other ways, ways that made Lena feel weak in the knees just thinking about them.
‘Don’t you think you should get a full night’s sleep in your own place?’ Lena asked when Anatoli showed up at her front door after a home game a few nights after the New Year.
He shrugged off her question and walked inside, closing the door behind him. ‘What good is that? I’m going to be on the road for three days starting tomorrow and all I do in my spare time is sleep.’
Lena grinned and shook her head. ‘Aren’t your teammates worried about you spending so much time with a strange woman?’
He laughed and reached for her, pulling her into the circle of his strong arms. ‘They’re just jealous that they don’t have a woman like mine.’
Lena lifted her eyebrows, leaning back in his arms to look up into his face. He was just as handsome to her as when they’d first met in the airport, barely more than a week ago, and his crystal blue eyes were glinting at her. ‘I’m your woman, am I?’
‘Don’t you want to be?’
Lena shrugged, lowering her lashes and biting her lip when she felt his grip around her waist tighten. Barely more than a week and she already knew she’d never be the same again.
‘Lena,’ he murmured her name close to her ear, his breath tickling the fine hairs that trailed loose from her messy ponytail. ‘Don’t you want to be my woman?’
She sighed as she reached up with her hands to close her fingers behind his head. ‘I don’t know if you want to be my man,’ she replied, trying to sound casual.
She liked him more than he knew and she didn’t want to rush into this without being smart. He had a very intense job and lived a fast life for nearly seven months of the year, longer when the team did well. Lena wanted badly to find a place in that life but she wasn’t about to force herself on him. So she decided to leave that up to him.
‘Lena,’ he growled her name and pulled her closer.
Their bodies came together hard and Lena gasped, lifting up to her toes as she met his dark gaze. He grinned at her and she felt her knees give way.
Oh, lord help me, she thought as he scooped her up into his arms.
Without another word, he carried her to her bedroom and shut the door. She had the brief thought that she was glad her roommate was away for the holidays. Then Anatoli kissed her and she didn’t think about her roommate anymore.
For now, Lena let him make her his. She would deal with her overwhelming feelings another time.
On his first road trip after the brief winter break, Anatoli found himself, for the first time ever, not wanting to leave Washington D.C. He loved his host city and loved living with his brother, Vlad – most of the time – but he found every opportunity to travel on this continent refreshing. This time, he had Lena. Or rather, she had him. Wrapped around her delicate fingers and clinging desperately to her body.
With a sigh, Anatoli pushed himself out of his airport seat and followed his teammates towards the boarding gate. Someone gave him a quick pat on the shoulder before moving on. Everyone was quiet, it was early in the morning. They had their first game that evening in Atlanta and then they were off to Raleigh. It would be another four days before he’d have the chance to see Lena again and only if the coach went easy on them in practice following the trip.
The first game that night against the Thrashers was tough, not just because of the traveling but because his mind wasn’t on the game. Afterward, the coach pulled him aside and asked if he was still upset about Natasha.
Anatoli laughed out loud, drawing a few amused glances from his teammates and a jovial thumbs up from Drew Stamenski, another player.
‘Coach, I haven’t thought about her for while now,’ Anatoli replied honestly. And he hadn’t, not until the coach had brought her up.
‘Then why the hell wasn’t your head in this game tonight?’ Coach asked, abandoning any semblance of sympathy.
Anatoli shrugged, blowing out a deep breath at the same time. ‘I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. I’ll do better in Raleigh, I promise.’
‘You’d better,’ Coach grumbled before walking away.
Left alone with his teammates, Anatoli grinned sheepishly at Drew who punched him on the shoulder as he walked back over.
‘Your new woman’s got your head spinning pretty good, huh?’ Drew asked with a grin.
‘My head is fine,’ Anatoli replied.
A few of the other guys chuckled. He looked up and around at their curious faces, wondering if they saw something that he didn’t.
‘You weren’t this distracted when you first met Natasha,’ Mark Gaines commented as he pulled a fresh shirt on over his head.
‘Yeah and we all thought you were over her already,’ Drew added.
Anatoli scowled. No mention of his ex-girlfriend from any of the guys for weeks, and now everyone wanted to talk about her. ‘This has nothing to do with Natasha.’
‘What’s her name then?’ someone else piped up.
So far, Anatoli had remained fairly close-lipped about Lena. Mostly because it was so new to him and he didn’t want to add any unnecessary pressure to this budding relationship, if that’s what he’d even call it. He loved his teammates but sometimes, they could be a bit overbearing. He didn’t want to bring Lena into this circle of friends, not yet, anyway.
She hadn’t even known I played hockey when we met, he thought, unable to stop the smile from spreading across his face as he recalled their time in Moscow. She has no idea what these guys can be like.
‘Holy crap,’ Mark barked out a laugh and pointed at Anatoli. ‘Has he got it bad, or what?’
The others laughed at Mark’s comment and Anatoli threw his dirty towel at Mark before tightening the laces on his sneakers. Soon they were all piled onto the bus and headed to their hotel for the night. Anatoli picked up the phone as soon as he settled into his room, ignoring the knowing look he got from his roommate, Drew. He turned his back towards his companion who laughed and headed for the washroom.
‘Hello?’ Lena’s tired voice came over the line and Anatoli felt his body react instantly.
‘Hi,’ he replied, shifting and pulling the covers over himself to hide his erection. ‘Did I wake you up?’
‘No,’ Lena told him and then yawned. ‘Well, sort of. I was trying to stay awake for your call.’
‘I’m sorry,’ Anatoli said and smiled as she yawned again.
‘It’s all right. I wanted to talk to you. That was a good game.’
He laughed and shook his head. She was sweet for trying but it was blatantly obvious at times that she knew nothing about hockey. ‘You’re nice, but it was terrible.’
‘No! I thought it was very exciting. You play so well.’
‘Thank you,’ he said and ridiculously pleased by her praise. ‘But we didn’t win.’
‘Is it always all about winning?’ Lena asked with a short laugh. ‘Oh, well, I guess when it’s your job to win, it kind of does, doesn’t it?’
Anatoli laughed. ‘Kind of.’
‘You know, maybe you should be getting to sleep instead of talking to some hockey dummy.’
‘Are you trying to get me to hang up the phone?’
ot at all, but I don’t want to get you in trouble if you lose again next time.’
‘We won’t lose,’ Anatoli said, already determined to make a better showing in Raleigh.
‘Such confidence,’ Lena scoffed and laughed to take the edge off her words. ‘I don’t know how I ever let you talk me into sleeping with you.’
Anatoli laughed and shook his head. He fell silent when he heard the bathroom door open. Drew poked his head around the corner.
‘I’m going to head down to the bar for a drink,’ he told Anatoli with a grin. ‘Let you and your lady have some privacy.’ He coupled his words with a suggestive gesture and Anatoli flung a pillow at him along with some choice Russian expletives.
‘What was that all about?’ Lena asked after Drew disappeared.
‘My roommate just left,’ Anatoli said, settling under the covers.
‘Did you have to swear at him before he went?’
‘How do you know I was swearing?’
‘Anatoli, learning curse words is the easiest part of any language. I spent some time with Vlad before I came home, remember?’
Anatoli started to laugh but stopped when he thought of Lena alone with his brother, Vlad. He didn’t think his brother would ever stoop so low as to make a move on a woman Anatoli was seeing, but he felt inexplicably jealous. He was glad Vlad was staying in Moscow until after the Orthodox Christmas celebrations.
‘Are you too tired to talk?’ Anatoli asked, pushing his jealous thoughts aside for the moment.
‘No, I’m wide awake now.’
‘Are you? How awake?’ Anatoli asked and shifted under the covers again as he heard Lena’s soft laugh.
‘Awake enough to wish you were in bed with me,’ she told him. ‘Especially since I’m naked and kind of cold.’
‘Lena, you are torturing me,’ he replied with a groan. She laughed at him again and he heard a rustling sound. He pictured her rolling over in bed. That thought had him sliding a hand beneath the bed covers to put pressure on his erection before he got too excited.
‘I don’t want to torture you. Maybe I should hang up.’
‘No!’ he growled and clenched his fingers around the telephone. ‘I don’t want you to hang up.’
‘Then what do you want me to do, Anatoli?’ she asked, her voice husky.
Swallowing hard, Anatoli told her exactly what she should do and in great detail. She laughed and he heard the sound of more rustling bed covers.
‘All right,’ she murmured. ‘I’m getting warmer.’
‘Why?’ he asked, his voice hoarse. The hand under his bed covers was no longer pushing down on his erection. Instead he was cupping himself, aching to feel Lena beside him.
‘I’m touching myself,’ she told him and then giggled, sending another jolt through Anatoli. ‘My fingers are cold.’
‘My hands are warm, Lena,’ he replied and pushed his hand beneath his boxers.
For a short time, neither of them said anything. Anatoli bit the inside of his cheek when he heard the soft catch in Lena’s breathing, and asked her if she was all right.
‘No,’ she replied. ‘I wish you were here. I wish I felt your hands between my legs instead of just my own.’
‘I wish that too,’ he said, wishing with all his heart for the next three days to pass quickly, so he could get back to Washington and back into her bed.
‘What do you want to do to me when you see me again?’ Lena asked him after another several seconds of heavy breathing.
‘Oh, Lena,’ he said with a sharp exhalation. ‘What don’t I want to do to you?’
She giggled again and he groaned, squeezing his fingers around his erection.
‘Are you… are you hard, Anatoli?’ Lena asked, her voice hesitant.
Smiling, Anatoli stroked himself from top to bottom. ‘What do you think?’
‘I don’t know what to think anymore, Anatoli. I feel like I’m inside-out right now.’
‘Is that because you’re so wet for me?’
Lena gasped and he heard more rustling noises. ‘Yes,’ she breathed into the phone and Anatoli nearly came right then.
God, their first time together after he got back was going to be very fast, and very wild.
For now, her soft voice and rapid breathing was sending him rapidly to the edge. He spoke low words to her as he continued to touch himself and lost the phone under the covers in another few minutes.
‘Lena?’ he spoke into the phone when he found it. He was breathless and could feel the sweat on his brow.
‘I’m still here,’ she whispered. ‘Barely,’ she added a moment later with a weak laugh.
‘I can’t wait to see you again.’
‘Me too.’
They spoke quietly for another minute or two and then Anatoli knew he needed some sleep. So he said ‘good-bye,’ promising to call the next day. She agreed around another loud yawn and they hung up.
Anatoli dreamt of the ice that night and dreamt of showing Lena how good, a good game could be.
After speaking on the phone with Anatoli, Lena couldn’t sleep. She was flushed and felt overheated.
And no wonder, she thought. She got up from her bed and wrapped a fluffy robe around herself. That man can make me crazy even at a distance.
The thought made her feel even hotter. She brushed a hand over her cheek and drew in a shaky breath as she walked out of her bedroom. Down the hall she saw a blue light in the front room and walked in to find her roommate, Hilary, watching television. Her roommate had arrived back home earlier in the day.
‘Hey,’ Hilary said with a smile. ‘I didn’t think you’d still be up.’
‘I was…’ Lena started and then stopped herself. ‘I couldn’t sleep,’ she finished lamely as she plopped down on the couch beside her friend.
Hilary laughed at her. ‘You’re such a liar. I heard the phone ring half an hour ago. Was it that Russian guy you refuse to introduce me to? Or talk about?’
Lena shook her head mutely, blushing even more. Hilary, her dear, long-time friend and roommate, laughed at her and threw an arm around her shoulders.
‘Now you have to tell me,’ Hilary told her.
After some more futile protesting, Lena relented and told her about meeting Anatoli in the airport and then spending time with his family in Moscow.
‘It was so much fun,’ Lena gushed and smiled at her brief memories. She’d left Moscow earlier than she’d intended to, but in the end, it had been worth it. Before Anatoli had left on his road trip, they’d spent every spare moment together. Looking back, it felt like so much more than the few days it actually was. They’d talked, made love and just been quiet together sometimes.
‘He’s… great,’ she said and flushed crimson under her friend’s wide-eyed gaze.
‘Where is he now?’ Hilary asked, smiling knowingly.
‘In Atlanta. Then tomorrow he’s in Raleigh,’ Lena said.
‘Oh, he travels for work or something?’ Hilary said and then blinked a few times. ‘Wait a second… what did you say his name was?’
‘Not… Anatoli Oborotenski?’
‘Yeah,’ Lena confirmed reluctantly. She hadn’t wanted to tell anyone who exactly he was. She must be the only person in D.C. who hadn’t recognized his name the first time she heard it.
‘Are you telling me that you met and are now seeing Anatoli Oborotenski? The hockey player? The superstar of Washington hockey?’
Lena sighed and nodded.
‘Oh. My. God.’ Hilary said, sitting back on the couch with a gobsmacked expression on her face. Then she broke into helpless giggles, falling against her roommate in her mirth.
‘What’s so funny?’ Lena asked, grinning at her hysterical friend.
‘You’re dating Anatoli Oborotenski!’
‘It’s just… he’s a hockey player!’
‘So?’ Lena repeated, beginning to feel frustrated.
‘Lena, you broke up with Eddy because he couldn’t stop sleep – uh, seeing other women,’ Hilary explained, stumbling over her words for a moment. ‘And now you’re seeing a hockey player?’
‘What’s the big deal?’ Lena dema
nded. She hated being ignorant of this culture she’d stumbled into. It seemed like everyone but her knew something about Anatoli that she didn’t and, even though she’d only known him for a couple weeks, she already felt that she knew who he was inside.
‘I’m sorry, Lena. I shouldn’t have said anything,’ Hilary said, looking away.
‘Well, you can’t just leave it like that, Hil. Tell me what you meant.’
Hilary sighed and shook her head. Lena groaned and jerked the remote control out of her friend’s hand, holding it out of her reach until she explained her words to Lena.
‘Fine,’ Hilary snapped but she was smiling so Lena knew she wasn’t upset. ‘He’s a hockey player, Lena. They sort of have a reputation as… players. I mean, with women. They travel all over the country, and into Canada, for hockey games and there are women that just throw themselves at them.’
Lena flushed. She’d never thought about Anatoli meeting women on his road trips. Even if she had, she’d never have suspected that he’d sleep with any of them. He didn’t seem like the type. ‘He’s not like that,’ she said quietly, after a few moments of silence.
Hilary just gave her a long look and took the remote control back. ‘Well, you’d know him better than me. I’ve never met him.’
They sat quietly for a few seconds before Hilary glanced her way again. ‘I’m sorry if I upset you, Lena. If he’s interested in you, he’s already showing good judgment.’
Lena smiled weakly at her friend but didn’t say anything after that. She stared numbly at the television screen for a while before getting up and wandering down the hallway to the washroom. Inside with the door closed, she looked at herself in the mirror.
He’s not like that, she told herself. He wouldn’t sleep around on road trips. Anyway, we’re not dating exclusively. We never decided anything before he left.
She blew out a noisy and frustrated breath as images of Anatoli chatting up other women bombarded her mind. Shaking her head, she turned on the taps and splashed cold water on her face.
It didn’t help.
She went to bed that night thinking about Anatoli on the road and wondering if he had a woman in his bed by now.
Anatoli was nearly beside himself with excitement as the plane landed back in Washington. The coach had told everyone to go home for a good night’s sleep and then come back to the arena for practice at ten the following morning. That gave Anatoli more time than he’d hoped for with Lena.
As soon as he was free of the plane and the team, he pulled his phone out and dialed Lena’s number. It rang several times before the machine picked up. He listened to Lena’s voice mixed with that of her roommate and smiled. Just the sound of her voice over the machine was enough for the moment. He listened for the few seconds as it played and then hung up the phone.
I’ll call her when I get home, he thought as he hurried outside and jumped into a cab. See if she wants to come over.
Vlad still wasn’t home for another week and he had the house to himself until then. He grinned to himself as the cab pulled away from the curb and thought about what he could put together in the time it would take Lena to come over.
Once inside his empty house, he called Lena and got the machine again. He frowned as he hung up, again not leaving a message. Then he shrugged it off and went to change his clothes. After another two attempts calling her, he decided to leave a message. Then he sat up on the couch and watched some late night television, waiting for her to call back. By two in the morning, he was getting worried.
‘Where is she?’ he wondered out loud and began to wander aimlessly through the house.
He had a sudden flashback to the later days of his relationship with Natasha. She’d stopped taking his calls almost altogether and it would be days in between their conversations. Shaking those thoughts free, he wandered up to his bedroom and told himself that Lena wasn’t like that.
She’s probably just out with friends, he thought and climbed into bed. I’ll call her in the morning and see if she wants to do something tomorrow night.
With that, he tried to get some sleep.
‘Lena, you can’t call him back now,’ Hilary scolded her as they listened to the message on the machine again.
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CheatingIntroduction: her special birthday party ********************My Neice ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************...
Introduction: This is the dark tale of Jana who accompanies her boyfriend to a summer solstice celebration held deep in the woods. The story is very OTT and is meant to be. It is not for the faint of heart and it does not have a happy ending. It is a dirty, dirty story with tons of fucking, cannibalism, death, horror, and destruction. If you do not like this sort of thing then please do not read it, choose something happier. If you read it despite this warning, please keep your comments to...
DRESSING: PHASE 1 - A HOLIDAY IN VENICE Barry Robbins and I have been best friends since we were three years old and met in the Reception Class at Nursery School. Naturally as two active, competitive little boys we had our moments and our spats, but it soon became clear to our parents and teachers that we functioned better together than apart. As we grew up it was apparent that our talents and personalities complemented each other. Barry was the imaginative one; I could come up with...
I shivered, trying to shake the cold. How did I let you talk me into this? It was one of those things that started as a harmless joke. Hell, in theory it kind of excited me, but sitting here on this cold bleacher that excitement was nowhere to be found. Instead there was just raw paranoia in its place. 'Somebody is going to catch on. They are going to hear it, or see my face, or even worse what if I make noise when I cum?' Usually I can be quiet if I need to but keeping quiet and staying...
MasturbationHello all, Here’s the second chapter in the ‘Mark Gaines’ and Hilary saga. If you haven’t already read it, you’ll want to check out ‘Keeping Ice on the Wound,’ before you read this one. For the rest of you, my fun, friendly fans, I hope this meets your expectations. PennLady… Looks like the puck is heading across the blue line, and, there it goes! Oh, it’s in your zone! Happy Reading! M. ,) *** ‘See?’ Mark Gaines was beyond excited as he glided past the bench at practice. His coach,...
I listened and I knew he was there. I could hear the chink of ice on crystal as he poured his usual gin and tonic. My clothes were laid out on the bed. Stockings, black and seamed, ready to be held up by the suspender belt. The pink rose’s adding softness to the harshness of the black. My matching Bra. No knickers, as requested. My favourite red dress and black sling-back heels completing the outfit. I had spent some time in the shower too, removing hair. My arms, legs and pubic area. I...
Straight SexIt was a tough climb up to the base camp at Joker Lake. First a four mile hike on an old logging road now covered with wind blown trees and washouts, and then a 4000 foot vertical climb up a bare rock face with just enough rocky soil to allow a switch backed path to be visible. Not enough to allow good footing, though. Every second switchback would take them back to Joker creek, running straight down the face with no real bed, just a flat sheet of water sliding into the valley. Each time at the...
Swinger-Charles Perrault, "The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood" *** 1796 Elena woke. It was dark. She pushed on the lid of the coffin and it opened. A single candle glowed on the table, and she saw that the crypt was empty except for herself and her casket. It was made of beautiful polished wood, and she spent a few minutes admiring its lines and running her fingers over it smooth surface. It was good to be buried in such a thing if one is dead, she decided. Was she dead? She didn’t...
“David, you were so incredibly cool when dealing with our spoiled little princess the other day. Ok, you were cool with everyone else too,” the therapist starts out saying. “I would like to see if you would be willing to allow us to impose on your good nature a bit to see if we can provide her some needed motivation to work harder at recovering her strength and balance. You, know, the old carrot and stick?” She had to stop talking until some patients went to their therapy rooms. Looking...
It was late. I'd been arrested again. And, I'd been remanded in custody for the rest of the weekend... "Angela... ?" a female voice called. As I looked up, my cell-door opened to reveal 'Probationary' Constable Tania Margarson 23069 - the young policewoman entering the 'Female Cells' with a warm cup of coffee for me. "MMMM, " I sighed, smiling wickedely at the uniformed policewoman, "Thankyou, Constable Margarson!" "I thought, you might like a coffee..." she replied. The...
Here’s a little (okay, actually it’s pretty long) story about love in the wintertime. It’s about two people who manage to melt the ice between them. It’s also about ice fishing (seriously). I wrote it as a tribute to the Canadian winter which I am currently in the midst of. I hope you all enjoy! As always, I welcome feedback and comments. All the best, Leora *** They’d spent the last two hours bumping along the rough, gravel road in their rented four by four. Rebecca cursed as her head...
Even though I'm 19, I still live at home. When I took my new girlfriend home her parents were acting like dicks, and we weren't able to have much sex at my house, so on Friday night we headed out for dinner in town and checked into a cheap hotel room. ******************************* First you put on a really sexy kinky outfit, and then I use the fluffy handcuffs to tie your arms and feet to the corners of the bed, then I slip the blindfold onto you and give you a quick snog, then I disappear...
Straight SexRecently my wife and I went to a club with my neice and her friends to celebrate her 21st birthday. She was dressed in a super short mini tight low cut top, heels and super shiny pantyhose. My wife and I watched her and her friends all night long, including doing a multitude of shots with them, we all were feeling pretty buzzed and beyond. When the night ended. My wife's neice and her boyfriend came back to our house(she was staying over night , cause it was too far for her to drive...
let me start by saying she is only my neice by marrage so its not quite as bad as it sounds but it was so great you would have to try it it was a friday night 3 weeks ago i was home alone just watching the box when the door bell rang so i get up and to my suprise theres my neice all dolled up as if she was on hee way out on the town i invited her in as i saw no harm in it as i expected her to try and bum a lift in to town as we walked through to the living room i couldnt help but notice how...
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, it is a TG alt universe story and you will need to be patient to get to the understanding of it. Story depicts consensual sex in very graphic detail, so if you are squeamish about it or it is illegal where you are, please STOP reading here... When Loreili met Candice An Amorous Encounter Part Une of Loreili and Candice Saga Looking at the imposing gates of the LA mansion of Loreili, Candice feels a surge of apprehension for the first...
Resurrection - Sarah Patrice By: Anna Feie I have a tale of resurrection, I don't really know where to start - the beginning I suppose. My name is Sarah Patrice and I was resurrected a few years ago. Let me go back in time several years, my given name at that time was Patrick, I was a modestly successful person involved in rehabbing houses then turning around to sell them almost immediately. The real estate market was booming at the time, I earned a good...
The following photographs, and the long litany of similarly seductive photos she has posed for, inspired me to write this story about Maisie:http://xhamster.com/photos/view/5903385-111375832.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/photos/view/7190292-125629695.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/photos/view/5903385-105550826.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/photos/view/5352264-91948851.htmlI imagine Maurice, an enormously and gorgeously built black man, wrapping his huge hands completely around Maisie's tiny waist, holding her...
Hello People, I am here to share my experience that happned when I was doing my 2nd year engineering. Ok Let me introduce myself. I am Dhaya from mango city who loves matured mangoes very much. I am well built good height and have all the mandatory qualification to satisfy a thirsty women. My aunt Ishwarya was in her mid 30’s and I was 22 by that time. Let we mention her Ice, she looks like actress Kushboo in her earlier days. Yes, she has good assets with her. My first incest thirst was...
"Right here. Pookie, you need to swing your leg right here, on that beat." "Right." Their blades cut into the ice, as they tried a move. "That right?" "Yeah, but my turn was too slow. I came out of it a half-beat behind." "'sokay, Snugglebear, let's try it again." It was the middle of August. Sophia and Warren were trying to nail down their new free dance, before they pulled their old junior-length free from last year out of mothballs for the Junior Grand Prix. It had been...
The first week proceeded like the first day did. Warren and Sophia got out and saw as much as they could see. They practiced. Sophia's morning sickness acted up a bit, but not much, and she was feeling generally good and fit. Tuesday was the pairs' long program. Brett and Andrea were the first pair in the final group, and they skated wonderfully. "That's the best I've ever seen them skate," Warren said, and Sophia agreed. Brett and Andrea were beside themselves with joy as they came...
Tutoring Beatrice Chapter 1 The advertisement in the paper caught my eye immediately: ?Seeking tutor for wayward young woman. Must be fluent in mathematics, English grammar and history. Salary commensurate with experience. Forward resume to Miss Edwina Robertson, Box 23, Municipal Post Office, Elmira.? I found the word ?wayward? particularly interesting. I immediately sent my resume to the specified address, and, within four days received an answer, setting up an interview for the following...
"You're late," Maggie Pryor angrily greeted her daughter. "Don't you remember you have a fitting tonight?" "Yes, ma'am -- and I'm here, right on time," the dutiful daughter smiled. "But one of our cheerleaders was home sick today, and I..." "Don't care. Don't care," Maggie said, turning her back and waving her hand while stubbing out her cigarette with the other. "Just another distraction when you need to focus. Now go change into some loose clothes." Candice nodded and...
Candice: The Bride the Groom Didn’t Recognise Copyright Oggbashan February 2005 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. WARNING: this story is intended for an adult audience. It should not be found in locations accessible to those less than 18 years of age or the age...
The water on the lake was frozen smooth and no snow had yet settled on it’s surface. Audrey had been waiting for a day like this all year. In the morning, the she had turned her car radio on as she drove to the local newspaper office were she worked in hopes of some good news. The weatherman did not disappoint her, assuring her and his other listeners that the lake was frozen solid enough to go out on it. In a few days, the lake would be dotted with ice-shanties, tip-ups, and snowmobiles, but...
"You got out the satin sheets, I like where this is going" A single candle lights a sultry bedroom scene where a couple enters, freshly invigorated by a shower they enjoyed together moments earlier. "lay down and enjoy them" The handsome man prompts the woman. She crawls to the center of the bed and sprawls out, purring with a sultry sound. Her body is slender and graceful as she leans up on one elbow and smiles at him. She winks and gives him her best 'come hither look' He is a strong and well...
Six foot two inches of tanned muscular glory glided towards my empty bed. He had that thing. The gorgeous face, the chiseled body, and the sexy swag… This is what I needed: the dick. His wife was a lucky bitch to have him. But I wanted him all to myself: a one-on-one fuck feast. The teasing in New Orleans left me craving his searing flesh way down deep inside my chocolate cavern. Now, he was mine. This was going to be so good. Richard looked at me and rubbed his throbbing pole, parted my aching...
SeductionMelting the Ice I knew I had been had! Something was not right at this very moment. I had done this very thing several times before? I had gotten more brazen I know, but how could this be. Let me tell you my story if you will. Fifteen years of marriage. I am a happily married man! No complaints to speak of! My lovely wife Sheila had told me several weeks ago that she and her sisters were going to Las Vegas for a week. I would be left alone at home to fend for myself. I had planned...
???? Her eyes slowly blinked open to the soft sunlight seeping through the curtains. With a little yawn she turned her head to him, her soft lips curled into a smile as her eyes instantly found his. He'd been watching her sleeping again, as he so often did. She whispered good morning in that soft husky morning voice of hers and leaned to towards him. That was when she realised something was wrong, she couldn't move close enough to kiss him, glancing upwards she saw her wrists bound by...
The lounge was crowded. It was Saturday night, and the barflies were out in swarms. We took the booth at the end of the room, hidden slightly from the crowd in a corner recess that hinted at false privacy. Exactly two drinks later he settled in next to her, drooling at my wife as he would a juicy steak."My God, you look delicious tonight, Linda."My wife stared at him with wide, hungry eyes. She had finished her second of two drinks in the time it took me to finish one. Drinking was something...
Wife LoversSolsticeThe sun, weak and pale, was sinking slowly through gathering clouds to the waiting earth. It cast a faint rose color over the black bare branches of the forest that stood waiting just beyond the edge of the village. Already she could hear the excited laughter of the gathered members of her clan. Suddenly a break in the clouds shot a brilliant shaft of light straight where she stood. A path! A sign? No. She smiled as she remembered solstices long ago. She was young. She was beautiful....
OutdoorGrandma Beatrice It was 7am on Saturday and I was sitting in my one room apartment nursing my second whiskey. The warm burn of the liquid has started to numb my profound depression. My divorce papers had arrived in the mail that morning, signed and final. How I got there is not the normal story of two people just growing apart. No, I am completely at fault. She could no longer live with someone that was lying to her. It was a gradual process really. About five years into our...
The sun, weak and pale, was sinking slowly through gathering clouds toward the waiting earth. It cast a faint rose color over the black, bare branches of the forest waiting just beyond the edge of the village. Already she could hear the excited laughter of the gathered members of her clan.Suddenly a break in the clouds shot a brilliant shaft of light straight where she stood. A path! A sign? No. As that warming orb sank toward the horizon, the beams ducked under the graying skies. She smiled as...
Fantasy & Sci-FiChapter 1: I Meet My New Neighbors Every man likes to think that when he finds his one true love, fidelity is a certainty. That is an easy ideal to live up to, if it is never tested. But occasionally life throws us a little test, a moral pop quiz, call it. It happened to me once. I failed. Oh, it wasn't a simple true-false or multiple choice test. This was more like a moral SAT. Let me explain. It started innocently enough. I had just returned from a hard day of work at my new job. I parked...