Prince Of Darkness Vs Prom Queen 06 free porn video

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Chapter 1 The Heart of a Dominant

What the hell was happening in Georgia?

And why did it always seem to happen the minute his back was turned? It wasn’t as if he turned his back that often.

One month. Not even one brief month. Not even thirty days. That was all he’d been away.

It was only the third time in nearly three years that Donovan had left Georgia for a training session and, each time, it had gone remarkably well. He might have stopped training for a short period of time but he had never lost his touch or skills as a Dominant.

Master Donovan Corbett was tall, cold, grim, forbidding, could make a submissive shiver with fear using just a single glance or almost imperceptible gesture. He was straight forward, never played games. When he gave a command, there was no doubt, it was to be obeyed. The penalty for disobedience was far too great. That was a lesson quickly learned. It only had to be taught once.

He could use any type of apparatus required for discipline and it seemed only right that he should since many of the items he used were of his own design. He tied knots more skillfully, wrapped chains tighter, cuffed wrists or ankles faster and more efficiently than anyone.

His favorite implement had always been a riding crop although in more recent years, thanks to some private lessons, he enjoyed the feel of a whip in his strong hands.

Whips had their use as a means of punishment but Master Donovan liked the powerful control the weapon gave him even more. With hardly a flick of his wrist he could wrap the thong and fall of any whip around a slave’s leg, waist or throat and bring them to their knees without leaving a single mark on their skin. Even those who hired him to train their submissives sometimes trembled watching the things Donovan Corbett did with a whip. His secret was a remarkable private coach who taught very efficient and impressive whip skills.

Master Donovan demanded absolute respect. Everything about him was intimidating: the way he walked, the way he stood, his countenance and bearing, his dark clothing, the deadly, quiet tone of voice he used, the glare of his dark eyes.

The slaves and submissives under his tutelage knew instantly what and who they were dealing with. They strove to do his bidding, working for and craving the infrequent praise he gave, yet all knew one slight, single word of acknowledgement from Master Donovan meant something.

There were only orders, never suggestions. He gave no sympathy. He showed no mercy. There were no excuses. There were no misunderstandings or do-overs. His directives were exacting and very specific. No one ever dared to disobey a rule or questioned his expertise or authority.

The fear of complete and absolute retribution was far too great.

And every slave and submissive he trained, every Dominant or Master for whom he did the training would have been thunderstruck at the sight of Master Donovan Corbett sitting on the floor, happily smiling, laughing and playing a game or building a tower of blocks with his nearly three year old son.

Matthew Donovan Corbett was thirty-three inches of pure energy and joy and loved dominating every minute of his father’s time. Matthew never walked if he could run, talked constantly and always had questions. Dozens of them. He was curious about everything. He got that from his mother.

Donovan was filled with wonder and pride as he watched his son grow. He was endlessly patient playing with Matthew, both teaching him and learning from him. Almost anything Donovan may have had planned for the day could be postponed and he was always there for Matthew. Swinging Matthew high in the air, listening to his son’s shouts and giggles, gave Donovan a sense of accomplishment he had never known. He did many things well and while there were some things he couldn’t even begin to understand, being a father wasn’t one of them. He was great at it and loved every minute of it.

He recalled a time when he was uncertain about his parenting skills and marveled at his newfound abilities. It all came so naturally and easily. The two spent hours together and had an unbreakable bond. Donovan idolized his son and, in turn, was his son’s hero. He could hardly remember the time before he was around and had the distinct feeling that when his son eventually started school, it was going to be him, not Matthew, who suffered separation anxiety.

Matthew had his mother’s eyes but the rest of him was the mirror image of his dad. They had the same walk, the same stance, identical mannerisms. Master Matthew even had the same intimidating glare as his father, a glare often focused on the submissive tattletale in the house: Virgil the fluffy dog-moose.

Virgil may have been submissive to Donovan but he was pure Dominant when it came to looking after Matthew and his cousin Jeremy. Nothing got past Virgil’s watchful eyes no matter how hard Matthew or Jeremy might try. Bad choices never had the chance to happen due to Virgil’s vigilance.

Donovan wasn’t quite sure how Virgil always knew when trouble was on the horizon but he did and dutifully alerted the closest adult. Climbing on the garden wall? Not on Virgil’s watch. Stealing cookies before lunch? Not while Virgil was around. Daring to approach the pool without adult supervision? Not as long as Virgil could bark. To Donovan’s complete delight, Warden Virgil also tattled on Victor.

Slightly insane Victor, Donovan’s assistant, the world’s greatest baby-sitter and care giver had been watching over Matthew and Jeremy since they were infants and, as far as Donovan could tell, hadn’t caused any lasting damage to either of the boys even if he was usually the first one to fall asleep at nap time.

Donovan still wondered how Victor knew the things he knew but when Victor was involved it was sometimes better not to ask too many questions. Victor let Matthew and Jeremy bury him in their sandbox. He cut their lunchtime sandwiches into rocket or dinosaur shapes. He made up silly games, told outrageous stories and chased the boys making them scream with delight usually while Donovan and the dog-moose rolled their eyes and watched from a safe distance.

Finally, Donovan had an ally. True, he may have been a slobbering ally but he was devoted, watched over the boys and always took Donovan’s side. Everyone needed a dog-moose like Virgil.

When Donovan’s cousin Marian accepted Victor’s proposal of marriage, it started the creation of an entirely new and untraditional family. The people in Donovan’s home and Marian’s home merged almost into a single unit and they cared for each other, watched over and trusted each other.

Donovan had come a long way in accepting Marian and Victor as a couple. He still didn’t understand it but he accepted it. What the hell did they talk about? Marian was so normal and Victor was so…not. Still it worked for them and the adoption of little Jeremy was a very welcome addition to their family.

Jeremy and Matthew were together constantly. They played together, napped together and got into mischief together. It wasn’t unusual to see both of them snuggled on Donovan’s lap as he read a story. Often the two used Virgil as a pillow and watched a favorite movie, sharing the popcorn provided by Victor. Usually Donovan hated noise but the sound of Matthew and Jeremy’s voices raised in happy, excited shouts of laughter and giggles was the best noise in the world.

Donovan was surprised at how quickly Cousin Marian, always a business-oriented, hard-edged career woman adapted to being a devoted wife and mom and while he didn’t think he’d ever completely stop questioning Victor’s sanity, Donovan had to admit, Victor was an incredible parent to Jeremy.

Other than loving his wife and son, the best part of Victor’s world was irritating Donovan. Marian sometimes got annoyed at Donovan when she listened to her husband and cousin and their almost daily disagreements and
good-natured battles. She had to admit Victor was often the instigator but Donovan was entirely too proper and persnickety and probably deserved everything Victor did to annoy him. Marian was a busy, no-nonsense type of person who hadn’t antagonized her cousin since they were children but she vowed — one day — in some way — just to get even – she was going to do something to make Donovan as crazy as he claimed Victor was. She wasn’t sure how and she wasn’t sure when but one of these days her opportunity would come and Marian was going to teach Cousin Donny a lesson he wouldn’t forget. Her husband would be prouder of her than he already was.

The family grew again with the addition of Grandpa John.

With two failed marriages behind him, John Grace was a sad and often lonely man. His life was centered on work and his attempts to search for his long lost daughter. Everything in John’s world changed with a single telephone call from Donovan. In one evening, full of tears and sunflowers, Donovan acquired a father-in-law and reunited John with his daughter. John was rather overwhelmed and no longer sad or lonely when he, in turn, was welcomed into a family, found his daughter and acquired not only a son-in-law but also a grandson, cousin-in-law, cousin-in-law’s husband, grandson-in-law, a dog-moose and a malevolent stuffed unicorn also named Virgil who was, perhaps, not really malevolent to everyone.

Virgil the First was the bane of Donovan’s life. Before the days of Donovan, Matthew, and the dog-moose, Virgil the unicorn held a special place in his owner’s heart. He was a friend, confidant, a source of comfort and warmth when his owner felt alone. Donovan’s presence changed Virgil’s life forever and he was not about to let Donovan Corbett forget that fact. Usurped snuggler Virgil sat in a place of honor on a large blue chair in the bedroom and stared at Donovan with black, beady, unforgiving eyes that followed Donovan’s every move and gave him the creeps. Donovan was absolutely certain the pernicious and sinister Virgil was plotting his demise. Who the hell would name a unicorn Virgil?

Who, indeed?

Only one person Donovan could think of.

One day, when he least expected it, the clouds that surrounded Donovan’s universe parted to let in the golden rays of the sun and there she was. It was obvious the astronomist who cautioned about staring into that sun had not considered Laci.

With her big blue eyes, silky, blonde hair and angelic looks, Laci was different from anyone Donovan had ever known. She was beautiful, smart, self-reliant, about as unsubmissive as was humanly possible and contradicted every idea and belief he had, surprising him every day.

It was Laci who understood him which was kind of amazing because Donovan could hardly understand himself. He certainly couldn’t understand her and was almost certain he never would, although to his credit he did keep trying.

It was Laci who made him babble like a lunatic whenever he got confused and around her he was ALWAYS confused and usually babbling.

It was Laci who taught him how to use a whip and make toast and while the toasting was quite understandable, her skill at whip techniques was not something Donovan would have anticipated but he had wisely learned not to anticipate anything where she was concerned.

It was Laci who knew when he had a bad day and needed some tender loving care because she had some kind of Donovan Radar and seemed to know almost everything before he did which often led to more confusion and babbling.

It was Laci who was an incredible wife and mother, taking care of him and Matthew, the rest of the family and the dog-moose which was kind of nice because she was the only one who could keep Victor under control.

It was Laci who turned him into a romantic who wanted to buy sunflowers and ride rainbows and eat pizza with pineapple which weren’t a regular part of Master Donovan’s dark world but finding one’s way into the light was better than he ever expected.

It was Laci who baked the best cookies he’d ever eaten and understood how shoe-gasms worked. The cookies were delicious but the shoe-gasms were better.

It was Laci who made him happy and content mostly because of all she did and how she did it and, damn, she was really good at those shoe-gasms.

It was Laci he loved and who loved him back and who dominated the heart of a Dominant.

Whenever Donovan went out of town, he missed her and couldn’t wait to get back to Georgia. This trip was no exception. He missed her like crazy and he only had one question.

What the hell was going on this time?

Chapter 2 GRRRRRRR!!!

The jet ascended through the bright blue sky and cottony clouds to cruising altitude. Flight time between Texas and Georgia was about two hours which gave Donovan about two hours to ponder why his beautiful and perfect wife, the love of his life, the other half of his heart, the center of his universe was angry at him.

Make that two more hours. He’d actually been pondering the question for the last couple of days. Not that he had much to ponder. She was angry because he was being insensitive.

Donovan Corbett? Insensitive?

It had all started during a simple conversation. He couldn’t possibly have said anything wrong. He was merely being a devoted and slightly neurotic, jealous husband. What was so insensitive about that? It had nothing to do with his reaction to learning his wife was again spending time with Hollywood heart throb, Trent Nichols. Nothing at all. GRRR!

Problem one: he was a man trying to figure out a woman. Chance of resolution: slim

Problem two: she was mad at him and he wasn’t really sure why. Chance of resolution: less than none.

Problem three: he was Donovan trying to figure out Laci. Chance of resolution?

What was less than impossible?

Laci met Trent several years earlier when Trent came to town to film a movie. A number of local writers and reporters tried to interview him but the only one he agreed to talk with was Laci. He said people always asked him the same questions but Laci asked him the best questions he had ever been asked. He really liked her questions. Right. It was all about her questions. Sure it was. GRRRR!!

That first interview and Laci’s remarkable questions led to a friendship between the two and every time Trent had a problem, needed an opinion, wanted a sympathetic ear, he called Laci. Every damn time.

Why did Trent have to call her so much? Why wasn’t he calling other actors? Wasn’t there a place where all the actors met and socialized and talked about whatever it was actors talked about while they patted each other on their respective backs and gave each other awards?

Why couldn’t Trent go play with his actor friends and leave Donovan’s wife alone? GRRRR!!

The answer was simple: Trent trusted Laci. He knew he could tell her anything and it would go no further. He never had to worry about Laci contacting a tabloid or giving an interview to spill his secrets. She’d never sell him out for money or anything else. Laci wouldn’t do that. She was open and honest, a good friend and listener so Trent called her constantly and talked to her about everything.

Usually there were more than 2000 miles between Laci and the weasel, also known as Trent. As far as Donovan was concerned, 2000 wasn’t nearly enough. Two million probably wouldn’t be enough.

Trent called constantly, venting about unreasonable demands from even more unreasonable directors. He shared stories about the unusual happenings on his film shoots. He asked her opinion about his wardrobe — both personal and professional. He asked her to listen while he practiced his lines. He asked for advice about the parts he was being offered. He told her about his love life and how he wished he could meet someone special, all the while lamenting the lack of loving women in Hollywood.

Maybe the idiot couldn’t find a
girlfriend because he was always on the damned phone. GRRRR!!

And why did he have to call Laci? Trent Nichols had a personal assistant and a personal trainer and a personal shopper. He probably had a personal weasel groomer. Did he also need a personal listener? He had a driver who drove him and a stylist who styled him. Why the hell couldn’t he hire a listener to listen to him. Surely somewhere in the 2000 mile span of acreage between Georgia and California there had to be at least one trustworthy person who Trent could talk to, right? Apparently there wasn’t because Trent kept calling Laci. GRRRR!!

Laci was probably very flattered that one of the biggest stars in Hollywood trusted and confided in her. Well, Donovan trusted Laci, too. He confided in her all the time and often sought her advice about business. She was a great listener, had a way of seeing what he missed, was smart, looked at things with an entirely different perspective. He relied on her, had trusted her judgment many times and never regretted it so he supposed it was understandable Trent would feel the same way.

The calls were bad enough but there were also the visits. Trent had made two films at one of the old plantations on the outskirts of town and liked the area. Donovan could understand that as well. It was a city with the quaint, charming feeling of a small town so it was easy to see why Trent enjoyed coming back whenever his schedule permitted. He said it was a peaceful and quiet place to get away from the busy and hectic life he had in Hollywood.

What was wrong with skiing in the Swiss Alps? Why couldn’t he go to Madagascar for his actor getaways? Wasn’t a place like Bora Bora good enough for him? Other Hollywood celebrities seemed to like those places. Why couldn’t he go there instead? Why did he have to visit Georgia where Laci and her questions just happened to live? And why did she always invite him to stay in the guesthouse where he would have his privacy? And full access to Laci’s questions. GRRRR!!!

Cousin Marian always welcomed Trent’s visits because he had given Laci several exclusive personal interviews. Obviously he didn’t want to talk to anyone else, face to face, any more than he wanted to talk to them on the phone.

Trent Nichols was a huge star and didn’t give many interviews but now it seemed as if Laci had become his personal interviewer as well as his personal listener which thrilled Marian because every issue of her magazine with one of mega-weasel Trent’s interviews sold more copies than all the other issues. And all because of Laci’s wonderful questions. GRRR!!

Cousin Marian might feel differently if Trent was calling her husband all the time instead of Donovan’s wife. Maybe Donovan should suggest that Trent start getting Victor’s point of view about a few things. Trent and Victor got along great. They were spicy junk food buddies. Every time Trent came to town, he and Victor made a pilgrimage to their favorite spicy wing place. Maybe Victor could ask him a few unusual questions. Asking unusual questions should be easy for Victor. Victor excelled at unusual.

Or maybe Trent Nichols needed a stuffed unicorn to confide in. Donovan could help with that as well. He could buy a one-way, first class ticket and pack Virgil the First off to Hollywood. He’d even buy him some sunglasses so he’d fit right in with the Hollywood crowd. Laci said Virgil was a good listener. It would make Virgil feel needed and he could wear his new sunglasses and stare his mean, beady eyed stare at Trent for a while and give Trent the creeps.

But Trent kept right on calling Laci. Trent Nichols was good looking, famous, wealthy and probably everything a woman would want judging by the thousands of female fans and followers he seemed to have. Didn’t even one of them have a trustworthy and sympathetic ear? Didn’t any of them have a really good question or two? Surely one of them must have unlimited minutes on their phone?

And then came the miracle of miracles. Trent Nichols found a girlfriend.

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The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen Chapter 21 The Prom

3 PM Three Hours Until Prom Zoey pulled her car into the Departures Ramp for Terminal A and found a spot between two other cars where families were saying goodbye to each other. As she left the car running and ran into the ticketing terminal, a bellhop complained, "Hey! This is a no-parking zone!" Zoey ignored the bellhop and just kept running. She wished she had asked Tyler which terminal he dropped Lance off at. She knew Tyler's lazy tendencies and took an educated guess that...

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Altered Fates The Prom

The Prom By Sara This is a strange story of what the prom can be like if a guy is not too careful in how he deals with his girlfriend. Hi, my name is Mike, or so I think it used to be. Anyways, that is getting far to ahead of myself. Let me start by telling you a little story about me, which leads me to where I am now. In the end you will see why it is that I am sitting here writing this down, if even I can help one person. Anyways, like I said, my name is Mike, Michael...

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The AntiProm

The Anti-Prom We finished our lunch in the cafeteria and proceeded to walk out back to the parking lot. We still had fifteen minutes and a few of our group liked to get a cigarette in before the next class period started. This was a routine that we have been following since we came together in our sophomore year. It was such an incredible find for all of us to come together. Five of us are from out of state and it wasn't even the local that got us all together. We don't really fit in...

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Princess Night Part Three The Prom Queen Plan A

Princess Night Part Three - The Prom Queen: Plan A By Solon Plorry Getting the family ready for church is a to-do even in the crispest of clan's; for the Wallersons it was mayhem. The two youngsters didn't want to go to church, and Babs rarely took them. Over the years, she had 'binged' now and again on church going, usually at the 'Ruined Brigade, Church of My Total Redemption' out on the Fringe Road, because a few of her friends went there. Since the unhappy discovery of...

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My Mom Chaperoned My Prom

1.My StoryIt all started at the last Parent/Teacher meeting before the prom. I'm secretary on the student council (don't laugh). The meeting was about the prom and how it was going to be organized.My mom was there and she made a big deal about having herself be nominated as one of the chaperones. She always has to make a scene wherever she goes. She made a big speech about it, even embarrassing me by mentioning that her son was on the student council and how that somehow gave her more of a...

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Stepmom Goes to the Prom

When Jillian's period came a few weeks after her encounter with the boys she breathed a huge sigh of relief. So far her stepsons had not said anything to their father and she felt this was the last bullet she had to dodge. Despite taking a "morning after" pill she would not believe she was in the clear until she was sure she wasn't pregnant. She had never been so happy to have her period in her life. Her husband had asked during those weeks why she was so nervous, but she kept putting him...

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Taras Prom

Tara's Prom By Janis Elizabeth I walked into my seventeen-year old daughter Mary's room that Saturday afternoon with a pile of her clothes and lingerie that had been freshly laundered and ironed. Little did I know of the surprise that would await me. No, it was not my daughter in bed with her boyfriend. To me, it was something even more surprising. There, in front of Mary's full length mirror, stood my son Tim, aged fifteen, his longish blond hair framing the features of his...

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A Different Kind of Prom

A Different Kind of Prom By Brian [email protected] When we were both five years old I told Brenda Anders that I loved her. She told me that she loved me too. I told her that she was pretty. She replied that I was pretty as well. I told her that I wanted to marry her. "I'm sorry," she replied, with seriousness that now seems silly in a kindergartner. "I don't want to...

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My Mom Chaperoned My Prom

1. My Mom It all started at the last Parent/Teacher meeting before the prom. I'm secretary on the student council (don't laugh). The meeting was about the prom and how it was going to be organized. My mom was there and she made a big deal about having herself be nominated as one of the chaperones. She always has to make a scene wherever she goes. My mom definitely stands out from the other parents. After she and my dad got divorced last year, she went and got herself a "makeover". I call it...

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The Prom Queen A Story About a Lovely Boy 8211 Part Four

The Prom Queen: A Story About a Lovely Boy - Part Four Copyright, 2006 by K. G. Communications Even though his attorney had arranged to have Corey excused on the day after the School Board meeting, so as to avoid the many distractions that an interested media might create, Corey was determined to go to school, as he had done in the past few weeks, dressed in his unisex manner. "Thanks," he told the attorney, Kristen, "but I have come this far and don't see any reason to shy away...

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A Different Kind of Prom

When we were both five years old I told Brenda Anders that Iloved her. She told me that she loved me too. I told her thatshe was pretty. She replied that I was pretty as well. I toldher that I wanted to marry her. "I'm sorry," she replied, withseriousness that now seems silly in a kindergartner. "I don'twant to marry a man.""Then I'll grow up to be a woman.""You can't do that, goofy.""You watch. I'll grow up to be a woman. Then we can getmarried."That, of course, was almost thirteen years ago,...

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The Prom Queen A Story About a Lovely Boy Part Five

The Prom Queen: A Story About a Lovely Boy - Part Five By Katherine Day Copyrigh, 2006 by K. G. Communications As Corey walked the halls of Carney High in the few days remaining before the prom queen competition, it was clear he was being recognized as a girl. In particular, it seemed that girls accepted him as one of theirs, except for Nicole, her supporters and a few girls who were uptight or prudish, maybe due to strong...

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The Red Prom Dress

The Red Prom Dress By Stats It was my destiny. I have been living full time as a girl for twenty months. I just finished my second year of college. To my complete surprise I achieved an A average. I am sitting on my bed with my legs folded in front of my breasts. My arms are on top of my knees and my mouth is resting on my arms. My hair falls loosely around my feet. My beautiful peach colored toenails are nestled in the waves of my hair are like pearls. I move so my forehead...

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The Prom

The Prom another reality based fiction by DizzyD Finally, there was light at the end of the tunnel. After four years at Northwestern, I had finally received my degree in Architectural Design, and my academic record had helped me get a salaried internship at one of the most renowned architectural firms in the country, and they would also pay for my Masters Degree if I stayed on. The other reason I was so excited was that the internship was in Denver, where I would get to see my Aunt Jesse and...

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The Prom

The Promanother reality based fiction by DizzyDFinally, there was light at the end of the tunnel. After four years at Northwestern, I had finally received my degree in Architectural Design, and my academic record had helped me get a salaried internship at one of the most renowned architectural firms in the country, and they would also pay for my Masters Degree if I stayed on. The other reason I was so excited was that the internship was in Denver, where I would get to see my Aunt Jesse and...

2 years ago
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New Girl in School Part 11 Valentines Day Date and Prom Queen Election

New Girl in School Part 11: Valentine's Day Date and the Prom Queen Election Written March 11-23 "Oh so lovely...." Chloe thought as she stared off into the distance, lost in thought. Joey had to poke her with a straw to get her attention. "Hey, you alright, Chloe?" he asked plainly. She looked back to him. "Oh it's nothing, Joey. I am having a great time," waving her hand dismissively. The two sat at a booth at Louie Drello's, a local Italian place right off the main road leading...

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The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen Chapter 20 Terminal

Midnight Eighteen Hours Until Prom Tyler had finally finished recounting his story about his relationship with Zoey. Lance was starting to doze off when Tyler announced he was hungry and pulled off the Parkway and into a drive through lane. White Castle. "Hey, Simone, you got any money?" Lance pulled some cash out of her purse and handed it over to Tyler. She supposed it was only fair, given that Tyler was spending two hours on a round trip to the airport. After they got some...

5 years ago
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Jr Prom 1

My Jr. Prom-1When I was 8, my family moved from Chicago to the middle of nowherenorthern Wisconsin. Soon after that, I met Bob. We became friends instantlyand have been best friends ever since. We're 16 and juniors in high schoolnow.He's a jock and a sports freak. While I'm a science geek and a bookworm. He was 6'1" and 190 lbs of muscle and built like a jock. While I wasabout 5'8" and 125 lbs, with a fat ass. My mom was a nurse and my dad was acarpenter. His dad was a farmer and his mom was a...

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Lizzys Story in Her Own Words Part 2 The Prom

Lizzy's Story in Her Own Words (Part 2 The Prom) By Robin Y. As I stood in the doorway watching Lindsey drive off I felt like I was falling....falling from a very high cliff....very high! Mother wanted to know if I knew the pretty girl that had just knocked on our door and said she was looking for me....the boy me....Joey Janovich. She knew of course it was me from the moment I opened the door....I was wondering why she had pretended that she didn't recognize me and it felt almost...

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Mom at the Prom

Edward Morelli heard the phone ringing. It was annoying the 18 year old, both because it was the fourth ring and also because it was interrupting his drinking. He took another swig from his 5 liter bottle of Jack Daniels and leaned across the living room sofa to the irritating telephone and answered it without looking at the caller ID.“Hell-loooo,” he slurred. “Ed?”“Yeahhhh. Who the fuck is this?”“Your mother.”The blatant reply, mixed with a tinge of parental authority, offset his...

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The Prom Queen A Story About a Lovely Boy Part 2

The Prom Queen: A Story of a Lovely Boy - Part Two (Copyright 2005 by K-G Communications) By Katherine Day The more Corey looked in the mirror the more he felt he was looking at a girl, and not at himself, but at a very pretty and feminine girl. He found great excitement welling up within, becoming woozy and light- headed with a strange anticipation. His mood was confused. He was also embarrassed: he was a boy; yet, here he was a beautiful girl. Boys were supposed to have hard...

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Amy Prom and the End of Life as We Know It

Okay, so you want to hear about my strange prom and the decision I made to give my prom date my virginity.  The first thing you should know is that I had been planning the event for years, long before I really knew what prom was supposed to be like.  By the time I was old enough to go to prom I was more than ready to give a guy my cherry.   So, I had everything all planned in my head.  Of course, what some teenage girls call a plan is often referred to as a fantasy by those older and...

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A Later in Life Prom Fantasy

A Later in Life Prom Fantasy By Delanna Madison It must have been the 5th or 6th time that I checked my makeup and worked at getting my hair just perfect. It seemed as though I would never truly be satisfied with the results. "Come on Del, you're acting like a silly schoolgirl on her first date," I thought to myself. Then the irony struck me and I had to laugh. In a way, that's exactly what I was. Not quite a schoolgirl in terms of age, but soon to be on my way to my first prom,...

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Amy 37 Electric Prom Mayhem

Amy 37: Electric Prom Mayhem Copyright 2016 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2016 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: You're a Cannonball Winter went by without too much crazy shit happening (although Sarah picked up her first real boyfriend and that was kind of crazy, I guess). New Year's had sucked. We were supposed to play...

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The New Girl in School Part 12Prom Night Masquerade

NGIS Part 12: Prom Night Masquerade Written April 12-17 2018 And thus, Prom Week was at hand. Oh yeah, Leavitt Jones High School held Prom as a week length celebration of the springtime, the time of near perpetual youth and vigor. The preparation work involved was extensive and labor intensive. But at the end of it all, it would be all worth it. For Chloe L'Amour, or rather M, the time was fast approaching when she would open up to Joey about her mission and see how he would take it....

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Prince of the Realm

This story is based in a fantasy/medieval world so I have taken the liberty of changing a few things to match my own vision. Despite the technology level of this reality I have imported certain items and words such as bra and panties simply for my own amusement. Twelve-year old Penrod toed the line expectantly, eagerly looking forward to the race. To look at him he stood out not at all, save for perhaps in height. He was the youngest of the crowd of boys jostling for the prime starting...

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Michelles Prom

I – Julie Sophomore year had started. Classes were fine. Sports were going fine. Dating was better than ever, I was actually seeing three or four different girls at this point. Not all at the same time of course but one this week, a different one next week, a party here or there, whoever had a particular event at the time. I was pretty care free at that point. If I didn’t actually have to attend classes, school would have been great. So one morning I’m walking down the halls and up...

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Jr Prom 3

In the morning, I got up early and was so happy, I couldn't believe it. Ihad sucked cock and been fucked like a girl. Not only that, I was so goodat it, my dad was proud of me.I had a big smile as I walked into the kitchen wearing nothing but my nightgown. My dad was sitting at the table drinking coffee."Good Morning... How are you today?" I asked as I lifted my gown andflashed him some pussy.He just smiled. "I'm 38 years old and last night I fucked the hottest 16year old in town. Not only...

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Michaels Prom Night A Chrissie Conway Story

Micheal’s Prom Night (A Chrissie Conway Story) Kelly and I are home for a few days and were staying at Kellys' mom’s house as usual. All week long all her brother Michael can ramble on and on about is the senior prom coming up this Friday night. He andTwo of his buddies decided to pool their money and talked Kelly into renting them a Cadillac for prom. When any two of them are together all then talk about is how they arefinally going to laid on Friday. They been waiting the entire school year...

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Prom By RogerGirl Charles was sitting in his room after classes finishing some homework when he heard a knock on his door. He got up and opened it and saw his friend Stan waiting nervously outside. Stan was much taller and muscular than he was and played for the school's lacrosse team. Even though they were both 18 and seniors, Charles was much shorter and thinner and had to look up when he talked to his friend. "Hey man," Charles said, "what's wrong? You look nervous." "There's...

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Her Moms a Prom Whore

I thought my senior year would be a lot better. I was the starting quarterback for the football team. I only had a few classes this year. I was set to graduate with honors. I was still a virgin but things had to change. I was filling out in all the right places. I’d been seeing a new girl for the last two months. I was even looking forward to going to prom this year. But things can change in less than a week.I’m standing under the bleachers behind the school. Everyone was gone from...

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Prom Week The Final Chapter

It was finally here. The night that every girl dreams about. But not this prom. This Prom wasn't the kind girls dreamed of. For if things worked out as Fred planned this prom would became their worst nightmare.This was the Prom dreamt of in every horny young man's deepest, darkest, part of their heart.For now those things were pretty much like every other prom in America. Lots of dancing and young women in beautiful dresses with there hair done. And the king and queen of the prom was soon to be...

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Prom Week The Final Chapter

It was finally here. The night that every girl dreams about. But not this prom. This Prom wasn't the kind girls dreamed of. For if things worked out as Fred planned this prom would became their worst nightmare.This was the Prom dreamt of in every horny young man's deepest, darkest, part of their heart.For now those things were pretty much like every other prom in America. Lots of dancing and young women in beautiful dresses with there hair done. And the king and queen of the prom was soon to be...

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