Palomino Ch. 01 free porn video

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Wesley whistled sharply to his dogs after checking the cows recently brought down from the high winter pasture. ”ere dogs! C’mon!’ The little Corgi dogs raced across the field and dodged between his mount’s legs. The horse nickered a bit in irritation and danced backward, snorting as the dogs ran across the main yard toward the barn where they’d get their supper when Wesley was finished looking after the horses. ‘Easy, girl.’ He patted the horse’s neck gently before guiding her through the gate.

A cloud of dust on the main road drew him up. ‘Whoa girl…’ He shaded his eyes and squinted in the direction of the vehicle. None of the hands had gone to town while he was out, had they?

Lacey King’s Mercedes convertible slowed some on the gravel road as she approached the great expanse of ranch that she had known as a child, when her mother had been married to her natural father, Bill, aka William King, owner of the King Ranch. But he died just a few short months ago, leaving the well-established and well-known ranch in the name of his only heir. Blue eyes looked at the sprawling ranch house that began to take form in the distance behind the shield of dark sunglasses as blonde hair whipped around her face. She had simply come out to tie up some loose ends before heading back to the city. She hadn’t been on a ranch in years and didn’t know the first thing about owning one, much less running one.

Wesley Hardigan had been foreman on the King ranch for six years now. He had six hands beneath him, and he did old man King’s paperwork and business deals. It’d been a heart break for the whole ranch when the old man passed. The grief was still strong amongst the workers, but there was work to be done and lots of it. Wesley’s eyes narrowed on the convertible thing that clearly didn’t belong out here. Some city schmuck probably lost out on the back roads, probably took a wrong turn back at the frontage road several miles back. He clucked his tongue to his horse and turned her head for the main house, urging her into a quick trot. The dogs barked behind him as he hadn’t taken his normal route straight to the barn and raced across the lot to ‘race’ the horse and zoomed past her to jump up on the deck of the main porch.

Turning onto the long driveway that clearly took her to the main house instead of branching off in the different directions to barns or leading off the property, it was clear that Lacey’s convertible was headed for the main house. Waving her hand in front of her face, she coughed a bit, wishing she had come with the top up. She had all but forgotten the dust this road stirred up and muttered over why her father had never paved the roads out here. Turning her head a bit, she could see someone riding up to the old-Spanish style house with the red-tiled roof and smiled a bit at the horse he rode. She had, even though living in the city for the past 14 years, never lost her love for horses. Pulling up into the circular drive in front of the large front porch, she smiled to see the elderly housekeeper, Caroline Lord, step out to meet her arrival, killing the car with a quick grin and wave of her hand.

Carol was out on the porch, hushing the dogs’ barking racket. Wesley’s sharp whistle shushed them immediately and their ears perked as they looked at the foreman. ‘Sprout! Tick! C’mere, ya mongrels!’ Sprout didn’t want to listen and jumped off the porch as the car came to a halt, bouncing and barking up a storm, his bobbed tail just wagging frantically. It took Tick a moment to decide not to obey too and went to join the other dog. Wesley growled and grabbed the saddle horn as he stood in the stirrups and stepped down. ‘Tick! Sprout! Ya mangy mutts! C’mere!’

Lacey stepped out of the car, sweeping her wind-blown hair back with a slender hand, the gleam of her watch catching in the sunlight as she beamed up at Caroline. ‘Caroline Lord! It’s been ages!’ she gushed, eyeing the dogs momentarily before rushing towards the porch, met half-way by the small, tanned older woman, embracing at the bottom of the steps in a tight hug before Caroline pulled back with a loving smile, looking over the girl that had blossomed into a lovely young woman. ‘Lacey King … where have you been all these years? We’ve missed seeing you around here.’

Wesley whistled again sharply at the dogs that followed the woman, yapping at her. Finally he got their attention and snapped at them, pointing toward the barn. They lowered their heads a bit at his sharp reprimand. ‘Git!’ The dogs half obeyed, at least shutting up for the time being and slunk up onto the porch to lay down, their tongues hanging out. Had they had longer tails, the tails would’ve shaken their whole bodies with the wiggles. Wesley dusted himself off and pulled his old beat-in hat from his head, running his fingers through his hair to make himself somewhat presentable. He hadn’t expected company or he would’ve come in earlier and cleaned up some before Carol put dinner on the table. He eyed the old housekeeper. The woman was prone to keeping secrets. This clearly wasn’t just some city shmuck lost out on their roads.

Both of the women’s gazes seemed to move to the foreman at the same time as Caroline interlocked her arm in Lacey’s. Lacey was almost a head taller than the older woman but it was clear who was in charge. Caroline was used to telling lots of people what to do and when to do it.

Lacey’s free hand moved up to remove her sunglasses, pushing them to the top of her head to reveal expressive blue eyes that met the foreman’s as Caroline spoke. ‘Lacey, I don’t believe you’ve ever met Wesley. He joined on a while after you left.’ She smiled, walking the younger woman closer to the foreman and spoke again. ‘Wesley, this is Lacey. Bill’s only daughter who has spent entirely too much time away from home.’

Wesley was still agitated with the old woman, his eyes locked on hers a moment too long to make her know just how irritated he was with her. Not that it did any good. Probably the only person he’d accept orders from, other than old man King, was Caroline, and that was because the old woman ruled with an iron fist. After a moment, he regarded the younger woman. He hadn’t noticed her when he was reprimanding the dogs to get them to shut the hell up and leave her alone. The blue of her eyes was shocking, the blonde hair, clear skin, general curvature of her form. It took him a moment to find his voice and he tilted his head and removed his hat in cordial greeting. ‘Ma’am,’ he said simply as he held his hand out to shake hers.

Lacey smiled genuinely, her blue eyes seeming to take in the rugged foreman’s tall, lean, but hard frame. He was every inch a cowboy, but lacking the rough, weathered look that sometimes aged men like him way before their time. Yet, she couldn’t place his age either. It was obvious that he was exactly the kind of man she had avoided since leaving Wyoming, the only kind of man that truly caught her eye. She was too busy with her job as an up and coming editor of a top-notch modeling magazine to date. Her eyes roamed him once again as she reached for his hand, her smaller one dwarfed in his larger one as she spoke in a soft voice, ‘Nice to meet you, Wesley.’

His grip was firm and weathered, very callused from rough work. He squeezed her hand firmly. He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair before replacing his hat now that the formalities were through with. He did this all naturally. ‘Pleasure’s all mine, Ma’am’. His voice rumbled deep in his chest.

Caroline smiled a knowing smile as she watched the two of them and then retook Lacey’s arm as she explained to Wesley, ‘Lacey works for Metropolitan magazine in New York City. Up and left us years a go with her mother and hasn’t had enough good sense to come home until now.’ She smiled as Lacey laughed and shook her head and then looked at Wesley with a firm but loving frown. ‘I expect you are going to put that horse up and come eat dinner with us in a timely fashion?’

It took a bit of effo
rt to pull his eyes from Lacey. Now that the beauty had a name, he’d been assessing her a bit more. He frowned at Carol’s question. ‘I’m always on time.’

Caroline smiled and winked at him good-naturedly, knowing she was going to irritate the hell out of him now that she could sense his distraction with her younger charge. ‘Good … we’ll meet you in the dining room then,’ she teased before she led Lacey away. Lacey smiled apologetically over her shoulder, having forgotten how downright bossy Caroline could be. Soon enough Wesley had turned the old mare out to pasture after washing her down and watering her. He fed the bossy dogs before going to the water faucet to wash up some. He took the towel from draping over the handle and wet it to wash his face and neck. He unbuttoned his shirt cuffs as he washed his hands and arms of the dirt and muck that clung to his sweaty skin in the day. With one last dust-down he put his hat back on his head and draped the towel back over the faucet. It’d have to do. With a glance to his watch, he noted he was a few minutes late for supper … so much for being on time. He traipsed across the lot and up onto the porch. Using the boot brush he knocked some of the dirt that clung to the worn leather. Instantly he reached up to take his hat off again as he entered. Carol fussed if the men wore hats in the house.

Lacey wandered the house she grew up in as a child as Caroline went into the kitchen to ensure dinner was being put on the table on time. She and Bill and Wesley ate at the same time every night for the past six years. Wesley stuck to their routine after Bill had passed away. It was normal. And he couldn’t cook a can of beans if he wanted to.

Lacey looked up from a photo of her father and Caroline as Wesley walked in the door, Caroline’s voice beating any kind of greeting she might have, ‘I was wondering if you were waiting on an engraved invitation.’ Lacey couldn’t help but grin at Wesley’s irritation as she set the photo down.

As much as he loved Caroline, she had a habit of getting under his skin, and she did it so quick and so easy. He wasn’t quick to anger, but over the years Carol had mastered the art. He looked at Lacey. He wasn’t accustomed to another woman in the household. He hadn’t forgotten she was here, but she was out of place. The slight nervousness showed in him as he took his normal chair. Bill’s chair was left empty since he’d passed away. Nobody had taken the head of the table.

Lacey purposely left her Father’s chair empty as they were seated. She did it out of a deep-rooted respect for her father and the love she knew Caroline still harbored for him. Caroline’s soft voice prayed, ‘Father, we offer thanks for this day and the blessings given us in it. Please bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies and we thank you for the safe arrival of our long-lost sheep.’ Lacey opened one eye to peek over at Caroline with one eyebrow cocked to see if she was goading her on purpose, but only a small smile was noted on Caroline’s lips before one simple word followed, ‘Amen.’

As they ate, Wesley looked at Lacey a little closer. He didn’t seem to be able to pull his eyes from her from the second he’d met her. She was something new, very pretty, and very intriguing. He’d heard Bill talk about his daughter in New York City. He’d seen pictures of her when she was younger. In person she was so much prettier.

Caroline’s sweet accent filled the silence as she talked about the ranch, catching Lacey up on this and that. Most of it was going in one ear and out the other as Lacey ate daintily, like a city-raised woman would.

She felt Wesley’s gaze on her and lifted her eyes to meet his, a small smile flirting with her moist, full lips. Caroline chatted away. Wesley was gorgeous, in this rugged outdoorsy way, much different from the men she knew in NYC. There was not an ounce of fat on him, and not because he spent hours in the gym, but because of his continued work outdoors, the way a man should be. There was no one like him in the city and it saddened her a bit to know that she wouldn’t get a chance to get to know him better.

‘… when you move out here permanently,’ Caroline finally paused for breath.

Lacey’s head snapped around. ‘Wh -what? What do you mean?’ she asked with furrowed brows.

Wesley chuckled at the presumptuous Caroline. He’d listened quietly. He was never a man of many words. Carol usually did all the talking anyway… not that anybody could get a word in edgewise when she got started.

‘Now Lacey King … don’t you go acting like you haven’t a lick of common sense in your pretty little head,’ Caroline retorted. ‘You know exactly what I mean.’

Lacey set her fork down and shook her head, ‘I think you’ve misunderstood, Caroline. I’m not staying. I don’t know the first thing about owning or running a ranch and you know it!’

Caroline snorted as she took a bite of mashed potatoes and then jerked her head slightly towards Wesley. ‘You have the perfect teacher sitting right across from you. Isn’t that right, Wes?’ she said, dragging him into the conversation.

He lifted his attention, ‘What?’ He set his knife down and reached for a napkin to wipe his mouth.

Caroline pursed her lips somewhat irritably and her chest puffed up like a hen. The man was almost as irritating as Bill had been. ‘Lacey needs to learn about running a ranch … the ins and outs of what it is all about. You are the perfect person to teach her all about it.’

Wesley’s face blanched at the idea and he took in the city-slicker of a woman. He was no teacher, never had been. He was a do’er… to get things done, rather than dilly-dally with the b.s. of not having it done right. ‘I’m no instructor, Carol…’ he said almost weakly then reached for his glass to down the iced tea.

‘Nonsense,’ Carol retorted. ‘Lacey, you can start in the morning by riding out with the men and get a good look around the ranch again. It’s been too long, and like it or not, this place IS yours now,’ she said.

Lacey’s jaw dropped. ‘W-wait a minute, Carol … I … I haven’t ridden in years, ‘ she replied in a somewhat unsure voice. ‘Heavens, Lacey … it’s like riding a bike. I’m sure Wes can find you a suitable mount. Besides, you’ll enjoy it. You’ve spent too much time inside.’

Wesley growled in irritation and set his glass down again with a loud clunk, ice rattling against the glass. ‘Now waitaminute, Carol.’ His voice was stiff, tense. One thing he wouldn’t stand for is a house keeper bossing around where her nose didn’t belong. Anything beyond the barn and the fence wasn’t hers to meddle with. Period. That was his and his hands’ business. ‘We’ve got work ta do tomorra”

Caroline’s eyes sparkled mischievously. ‘You could always use an extra hand … Lacey’s got two good ones. Besides, she needs to know what goes on around the ranch.’

Wesley growled again and pushed back from the table. He’d suddenly lost his appetite. Carol had crossed a line, and the old woman knew she had. He reached down and retrieved his hat before standing from the table. ‘We’ve got work ta do tomorra’, Carol.’

‘You’re short a hand with Tate breaking his leg a couple of days ago … you’re hurting for two extra hands, and Lacey’s got ’em.’

Wesley couldn’t deny it. Caroline’s face lit up with a knowing smile. The old woman was pushing too hard. She’d already crossed the line, now she was diving over it head first. ‘We’ve got work ta do tomorra’. Checkin’ calves.’ He said it evenly, as if to impress the point on the woman to shut the heck up.

Lacey reached over to lay her hand on Caroline’s arm, quickly interjecting, ‘Caroline … I have a conference call I have to make back at the magazine tomorrow. There’s no way I could ride out with them in the morning. There’s just not.’

Caroline’s expression darkened the foreman’s stubborn nature kicked in. She knew she had to get Lacey to stay somehow and getting her involved in the ranch was the o
nly way to do it.

Wesley put his hat on to make the point that he was leaving absolutely clear. It would irk Carol too. Hats in the house were just something she fussed over all the time. He tipped his hat to Lacey. ‘Ma’am.’ he said gently then looked back at Carol and nodded to her stiffly. ‘Goodnight, Carol.’ He was ending the conversation now, before the woman pushed his buttons and he exploded right there at the dinner table

Caroline frowned heavily as she watched Wesley stride confidently out the door.

‘Want to tell me what that was all about?’ Lacey asked, looking to the older woman as she sat back in her chair, one eyebrow lifting.

After her anger simmered, Caroline put on a charming smile and reached over to pat her hand gently. ‘Not to worry, my dear. Wes and I have… an understanding.’

Lacey laughed. ‘You haven’t changed a bit, Caroline. I get the feeling that you get a perverse pleasure out of irritating the men around you,’ she teased. But there was this part of her that wished she was going to see the handsome cowboy in the morning, all the same.

‘Who? Wes? Nah. He’s a big softy. Just doesn’t show it much. You show up to work tomorrow, he’ll put ya to work.’ She sat back and looked at Wesley’s half-eaten supper. ‘I wish he had eaten more. Stubborn cuss.’ She sighed and picked up her own fork. ‘I’ll take it to him after we eat. He’s still hungry. Never leaves food on his plate, usually.’

Glancing to Caroline and then Wesley’s plate, the words tumbled out of her mouth before she realized what she had offered, ‘Want me to take it to him?’

Carol looked up from her meal. ‘That’s a fine idea. He’s in the foreman’s house down the way … big thing. Way too big for one man… but that’s just me. I’m usually the one who ends up cleaning it. The man can’t clean or cook for nothin’.’

Once dinner was over and Caroline had packed Wesley’s dinner with some extra helpings and covered it with foil, Lacey found herself walking down the dimly lit walkway towards the foreman’s house. The Wyoming sky was littered with millions of brilliant stars and she found herself on the front porch with a suddenly nervous sigh, lifting her hand to knock on the door as she balanced the heaping plate on her other hand.

A dog barked from inside and there was scratching on the door, whines and whimpers until the porch light was flipped on from the inside. ‘Hush Sprout.’ Wesley opened the door to peer out. He’d almost snapped, thinking it was Carol, but he was brought up short when he saw Lacey at the door. His eyes narrowed a bit, then he relaxed and opened the door, pushing the screen door open. Sprout slipped out when given the chance, sniffing at the woman’s ankles then pushing against her for attention. ‘Can I help ya, Ma’am?’

Lacey smiled nervously before offering the heaping plate of food. ‘You forgot something.’

He took the plate with a grateful nod and pushed the door open wider. ‘C’mon Sprout … in the house. Care to come in?’

Lacey was tempted to agree to his offer, but then Caroline would be winning at her little game, and offered him a smile and a small shake of her head instead. ‘You’ve got dinner to eat and I’m actually on my way out for a walk. I won’t keep you from eating any longer than you already have.’

‘Don’t get lost walkin’ around here. There’s no lights to guide ya back,’ He warned gently. It wasn’t an insult, just a plain, fair warning.

Lacey miled gently and nodded in farewell as she stepped off the porch and headed towards the barn, feeling his eyes on her backside as she silently chastised herself from walking away from an opportunity to get to know him better. But she wasn’t staying … no, she couldn’t stay. She didn’t belong on a ranch … not anymore.

Wesley let the screen door close. He reached to flip the light off, then thought better of it. She might need the light when she got turned around. Out here there really were no lights.

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Not even Rags, to Riches, an Arduous Journey Conclusion. And then things became routine, mundane, and boring. I became Sofia and took care of myself and my remaining family. Sofia's income provided their comfort. How much could I moisturize and primp and decorate my feminine body before things got boring? The twenty minutes a night letting my boys shove their rod in and out of my lubed-up hole was becoming ordinary. It felt nice, don't get me wrong. The aspirations of sexual release...

1 year ago
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stay the course part two lay over in Sydney 2

“Thank you Mike, I needed this,” I said as I drank the second glass of water. “I also need a shower, do you guys mind if I use yours?’ I was lounging naked on the balcony, with the three guys who had just came all over me. I could feel the cum drying on my body, after our wild foursome. “Use mine babe,” Sam said, and took my hand so I could stand. I leaned against him to steady myself. I looked over the balcony at the view, it was spectacular. There were a couple of men naked on the...

2 years ago
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Hes Huge BBC Seeks WMW

This is a true story. My wife, Patty, and I are both white. Unlike a lot of stories I've read where the husband claims his wife is a knockout beauty, my 5'3" wife is an older woman, still very cute, but with less than perfect body. In her mid-fifties, Patty's figure has gotten a bit thicker with age. Her melon-sized tits now sag slightly and her well-rounded ass is a bit too big. She has wide curvy hips and her thighs are fleshy soft. She once joked, "Her body is built for comfort, not speed,...

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I Accepted the Challenge Im NOT GAY

I went to an adult bookstore to get a couple of movies for my buddy's stag party. I had never been to any before, but I had seen this one it from the road several times while driving by. I glanced at the big black muscled dude at the counter, he asked me to show my ID, you're 18? You look more like 16, he said and waved me in. I and started to check out the rows of adult rentals. I must have blushed a little when the first set I saw was all homo stuff. And all of them big black guys doing sexy...

4 years ago
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The Flats

The flats are at the bottom of my road. They were built in the 1930s during the first wave of municipal socialism that morphed into the welfare state after the Second World War. A blue plaque marks a rent strike from the 1960s – an idea that would be laughable in today's greedy and meretricious world. They are brick built, relatively low rise and cluster round a cobbled courtyard. If you can get past the security gates, you find yourself somewhere strangely quaint and tranquil – an echo of a...

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Lovely Hauntings

Are you a spiritually-deaf thrill seeker, or an unlucky, future doll owner who moves into an 'occupied' house? What if the forest calls out to you, hoping to entrap you? And you willingly venture in, confident... so confident that you can tame those flesh-hungering fairies and not be tricked into their illusions... Suppose you succeed. By now, you may feel it is not enough. You remember hearing of succubi that roam abandoned churches, raising alluring moans and spreading mind-fucking scents of...

2 years ago
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Unlimited Internet Leads To Unlimited Sex Chat Fun

I am Naresh Iyer from Tamil Nadu. I am a vivid reader of Indian Sex Stories. Since I come from an orthodox family, I never had a girlfriend in my life. Forget the girlfriend, I never spoke to a girl in my life until I reached the college. Till then, I was put in a boy’s school. My parents did not even let me talk to the girls living in our neighborhood. My father worked as a priest in a temple and would always make me watch devotional movies. Even when I wanted to spend my holidays, he would...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 51

Life actually got back to some sense of normal after our escapade in France. Hussein's sect went after the other group with all guns blazing, and the dead became so numerous that the nightly news only gave a body count instead of details. We sat back and let it erupt, escalate, and eventually die down as both sides suffered losses far beyond their ability to resupply. The Judge made an unexpected visit to Branson and gave us the official version of events. "It seems a person or persons...

1 year ago
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Trumped Up Punishments 14 ndash Meritbased rewards

Trumped Up Punishments 14 – Merit-based rewardsJonathan could not wait until the afternoon. He was one of the top students at Millennium High, and until today his good grades and merits had been their own reward. Two weeks previously, Headmaster Barton had called him into his office and asked him if he would enjoy playing an active role in punishing his female fellow students, starting with the November ‘open’ punishment assembly. As a start, he would be asked to whip Ibby on her spread vulva...

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SHORT PIECES Gay Tales Volume 3

SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) Volume 3THE FAMILY MEETINGDon was used to the area. He had been driving his son to the “woods” for a few years now. Billy was a big boy now, just turned 20, but still couldn’t drive himself. He certainly couldn’t ask his mother. His dad had always been there for him and always discreet. Shy and tall, Billy was a bit awkward but had a nice body and face. He actually looked a lot like his father, tall, blonde and lanky. The black sedan drove into the old dirt road,...

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Like Mother Like Daughter Like Father Like SonChapter 3

When Lydia and I arrived at the condo Erotica and Helga were already there and had been waiting for about 15 minutes. Helga said, "Thank goodness you're here. Carolyn and I have run out of possibilities for what the big crisis could be. I voted for Chrissie finding out you are a whore Lydia." Lydia said, "Well that's part of it Ingrid, but that's not the real crisis." And then Carolyn broke out laughing and said, "Oh no! Don't tell me that little Chrissie wants to be a whore too?...

1 year ago
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Slutty wife bring FB home from work

Well an update from the Mrs adventures with the young lad in the office. The last few weeks she has been embracing the hot weather. Wearing skirts and shorts to the office to wind him up. Not to go in to too much of their exploits at work. The blow jobs and lunch break quickies. This is more about the weekend just gone where we arranged for him to come round for the night. So they had been chatting work between them selves about having a three some with me. The lad was up for it and being it’s...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Maya Woulfe Ready To Get Devoured LIVE

Maya Woulfe is ready to knock your socks off and make you cum over and over for her. She loves to be a tease in her bra and panties while wearing her flowery satin robe. Just wait until it comes off and Maya spreads her long legs wide to give you that wonderful view of her pussy. Don’t you wish you could run her fingers over her trimmed bush while you eat out that beautiful pussy?!? Maya would love it if you did and really loves it when Charles comes in to do just that. Dreams do come...

1 year ago
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I Dream of DemieChapter 10

‘We need to talk.’ Those are some of the most dread-inducing words you can hear, or read for that matter, since they were written on the note that I found behind my apartment door. It was signed by Erica. She was my neighbor from down the hall. A few weeks ago I had pulled her into my apartment, thinking she was Demie trying to fool me with her shapechanging power, and had proceeded to ravage her hot little MILF body, blowing my load into her unprotected and fertile pussy. She had said she...

4 years ago
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The Remodel sales pitch

"Hello?" she said."Hello." I replied, standing at her back yard gate, because I heard her in the house but the music was a tad bit loud and she did not hear me knock. so after her hello, I handed her one of my business cards. "I'm Eddie Matthews and I'm a representative of the Classic Remodeling Company. If you have thought about doing any remodeling, I wonder if I could show you some of the things we have done for people and see if you might like to use our services.""Sure, honey. Come on in....

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Dillion Harper Step Siblings Caught

Dillion Harper gets dirty while cooking her soup and her step brother comes in to help her clean up. He notices her nipples through the shirt before she grabs him to let him know that she notices how he looks at her. She pushes him towards the wall and starts seducing him as he freaks out that the mom will find them. She lets him know that theres nothing to worry since there step siblings and that the mom is not home. She starts sucking hard on his cock and almost get caught when the mom gets...

2 years ago
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Second Chance Part 1

LaneRain pattered on the aluminum roof over my head.  Arms crossed over my chest, I stared at the water pooling and rippling with tears at the edges of the dark and gutterless street.  Looked down at the beads dotting my pink toenails and wondered if raindrops were like snowflakes, every one different than every other.  I wished I was water, always changing but never broken because there was always a new form to take, a new bead to join with, whatever.  It wasn’t like that for me.  Some of us...

1 year ago
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Facebook Se Patake Choda Part 8211 2

Thank you friends for your responses. I am glad that you liked the 1st part of my stories. So bina time waste kiye lets move the next part of the storie. Ab tak aap logo ne padha kaise mai aur riya fb pe mile aur hum friends se relationship me aaye. Ab aage… Hum dono ko sex chat karte hue kafi time ho gaya tha. Dono hi sex ki aag me jal rahe the. Fir ek sat ko humne milne ka plan kiya mere ghar me. Uss din meri bhi chutti thi aur uski bhi. Wo subha 11 baje k karib aane waali thi. Mai besabri se...

1 year ago
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Aunt Shannons House Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! She bit her lower lip and tried to fight back the pain. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. She hoped Jason didn't see them. If he did he might stop and she wanted to take this thing through to the end, no matter how much it hurt. She could feel every one of the twelve inches of his cock sliding into her. She hoped he didn't try to shove all of it in; she didn't know if her cunt was that deep. She felt Jason's breath on her shoulder. He kissed...

2 years ago
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Ladki Ne Banaya Mujhe Apna Kutta

Hello guys mera naam hai Rahul name changed meri age hai 21 mei dikhne mei fair hu aacha physic hai mera mei Raipur Chhattisgarh mei rehta hu. Ye mei apni first story likhne jara hu jisse bhi aachi lage mujhe mail kare aur bataye aur jis ladki ya aunty ko sex karna ho mail kare please Ab mei apni story mei aata hu Meri ek girlfriend hai name Riya hai; uski age hai 20 uska figure hoga 32-28-30 gori hai mast maal hai. Hum aksar jab bhi milte hai kiss karte smooch karte mei uske boobs dabata aur...

3 years ago
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Trying Something New

Ive always wonder what it would be be like to have my cock sucked by a guy so I decided to try it. He was an interesting man that I had worked with some years ago and we had always been good friend so when he invited me to take in a Chinese down town I was happy to accept. Gill is quite tall and I guess handsome in a rugged fashion, a few years younger than me and has kept himself in shape.We were drinking in a bar after the meal and I raised the subject about women... did he have a girl or...

4 years ago
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My Wonderful Obsession 18

My Wonderful Obsession Part 18: Make-Believe It was now mid-August, and Julia's Mom, event planner extraordinaire that she always was, had once again invited her catering staff to the Taylor house for a pool party in honor of her daughter's upcoming seventeenth birthday. I debated about it with myself for a few days before RSVP'ing that I would attend. Boyfriends were also invited, so my biggest decision had been whether I should bring Mark. Kath had already told me she'd be away...

1 year ago
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Closer Then You Think Part 1

May was at home in her house alone late at night. She was a mistress who had recently lost a submissive and was looking for a replacement. May was 5’ 9”, 36H bra, and brown eyes. May was wearing a black bra and laced black panties. She decided just for fun to go to a chat site she often used to talk with others when she got bored. As she scanned through the site suddenly she came across a beautiful woman. She was blonde, around 5’ 8”, had 36 D tits, and blue eyes, but that was just the tip of...

3 years ago
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Not My TypeChapter 4

Joe grunted non-committedly at my introduction. The angry look on his face dissipated somewhat and he gave me a little smirk, which on him passed for a smile. "It's Sunday and Mum's cookin' a big dinner. You'd better come. She'll be pissed to know you were here and didn't stop in." I hesitated. I hadn't been to Sunday night supper at my parents' in a long time, much too long of a time actually, and the prospect did appeal to me, except that I had Adam with me, and subjecting him to...

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You better Pull Out Creampie

I could feel my orgasm building, pressure in my balls as I thrust into her pussy. She squirmed below me, eyes closed, tossing her head back and forth, her red hair splayed out across her pillow. She was breathing heavily and grunting each time I pushed into her. She held her chest, alternately pulling on her nipples and squeezing her tits together. There were low, animistic noises deep in her throat as I fucked her.Any second now, I knew I was going to cum, and I knew I needed to pull out. I...

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I was Used

I Last night I went to an adult book and video store to mainly buy a new dildo to fuck my ass with.I found a nice 8" real looking one that had multiple vibrator settings and picked up a bottle of lube as well.I of course got sidetracked looking at gay videos and magazines as I held on to my new toy and lube.As I browsed the videos a buff looking obviously gay couple walked in.They were looking at videos and the different lubes.I would peek at them from time to time and smile....very...

3 years ago
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My First Sex Teacher Shanthini

I never thought it would happen ever in my life, but it did happen... please read it from the start because i there are some important things here and there.... have a happy time.. I am Kaushik, 20 years old now and this incident happened when i was 17-18 years old. I am tall, about 6' and neither fat nor slim. I came to India only when i was in 9th standard. From then till 12th std, it was Mrs Shanthini who took physics for me. She was fat, short and had huge breasts, which you...

2 years ago
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Nicks Downfall

PrologueI was twenty-one-years-old when all this happened. Although a truly unforgettable experience, I didn’t write about it earlier because… in the first place it never occurred to me to do so and, secondly, it's a true story or saga involving real people, some of whom are still friends to this day. That said, all names apart from my own, have been changed to protect the innocent. The rest of the account, as they pledge, is "The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”Part 1Nick...

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Sadhu Baba Ki Chamatkar

Meri naam Sumana Banerjee hai, Yeh stories aaj say 4 saal pehalay ki hay Jab meri age 19 saal ki thi, aur main 12 th class exam dene ke lia study kar rahi thi. Mujhe uss samay sex ke bare me kuch bhi idea nehi thi. Main 12th class me two times drop ki thi. Main parai likhai me bahut komjor thi. Main sarir se buxom figure ki thi. 19 saal me hi mere sarir ki size 38-26-38 ki thi. Mai 5’ 5” ki thi. Meri boobs bahut bare bare thi, aur meri jangha itni moti thi ki dono jangha chalte sami ek sath jur...

1 year ago
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Last of Anubis Ch 1

Chapter One: Child of Anubis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scraping sands shifted across the salt crusted, rocky terrain. The sun beat down mercilessly upon the scorched dessert valley. A flock of raptors, grey leathery, sharp taloned predators, circled the sky, their piercing screeches shot through...

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Finding Lisa Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Senses working overtime ======================= I hadn't heard from mum since the last phone call, which I considered a success because I didn't get yelled at. Really though, I was angry with her for not listening. I know by that time I should have been used to that kind of response, but still it hurt. Lily and Dr. Whaite had pointed out that it's often more difficult for the parents to accept the kind of decision I was making, but assured me that given time, she would...

2 years ago
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Two bitches a stud and a friend

i spent the afternoon after work with these two gals! and i got to say DAMN!!! Brian left a key and had Jester...the male with him at work and told me to go have fun with the ladies! As soon as i opened the door they were all over me! I went in the kitchen fixed a drink and they followed me to the basment where he has a spare bed room that has a closet that has a hidden door to the "play" room! Both of them knew what was up for the word go! I striped down and the...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 8 Recognition Dawns

Elena Westmont sat down at her dressing table and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She barely recognized the woman looking back at her, so stark was the change in her appearance over the previous year. A year earlier, she had worn homespun dresses that itched and abraded her skin. Now she wore a gray dress of fine silk and a pair of the most comfortable shoes she had ever felt. Her blonde hair hung past her shoulders and shone in the sunlight through the castle window where it had...

4 years ago
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My Birthday Present Part 2

I pulled Jewel close and swept her off her feet, cradling her in my arms. I stepped to the side of the bed and lowered her onto the white, silk sheets. She looked magnificent; her legs were parted slightly and I could see her swath of red pussy hair peeking out, drawing my eyes down to her wet slit. Her tits were smaller than her mother’s, but just as delightful to look at. She lay there on her back, looking up at me. Her nipples were pointing up at the ceiling, proud, true and lovely. Jewel...

Group Sex
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Meri Zindgi Khel Ek Sambhog Ka Bhag 8211 Part 1

Ye meri phli khani h m asha karta hu ap sab readers ko pasand aegi. Mera nam raj h ab meri umar 45 h or yr khani tab ki h jab m 12 th class m tha. Meri puri femly gaon m h but mere papa ka business h kapdo ka to hum bohut ameer h but mere gher walo ko shehar ki bheed bhaad nhi pasand to wo sab whi gaom m rhte the . Gaon m humari joint femly h mere dad k 2 bhai or h ek tau ji or ek chacha ji or meri 4 bua bhi h . To pura business mere papa ka h to sab ki shadi ho gyi thi but papa ki nhi hui kam...

3 years ago
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Bedtime Story

I was told to get dressed in a short skirt and a white blouse no panties, no bra (sort of schoolgirl outfit), while i was standing in the room awaiting outfit approval i felt him coming closer, kissing my neck. I felt his hands go over my shoulders and before i knew it, i had a blindfold covering my eyes. Then he wispered in my ear: “Today will be a special day”. I felt a shiver going over my back and before i could say anything he covered my mouth and he tied my hands behind my back. I felt...

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Strip Trivial Pursuit

The old farmhouse was perfectly set in the lush mountains of Magoebaskloof, one of South Africa’s special jewels. The tropical scenery there is exquisite and the house we rented was an isolated old dame. It had no electricity so we cooked on an old coal stove and water was heated via a donkey that we had to light half an hour before we needed to bath in a huge, old-fashioned tub. Best of all was the huge fireplace in the lounge. It wasn’t sophisticated any more, but it had character and charm. ...

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