Kimberly Woods Stars in a Dirty Task Needs DoingChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 27
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I found Amanda in the training room. Since it was pretty early in the morning, there was no one else there. Just Amanda, in shorts and a tank top, slamming her foot into the guts of a hanging punching bag like it owed her money. Her knee, then her heel, then her palm, then her knee again, all of it crashed home as she grunted and punched and punched and punched. It was the kind of body-smashing session that you kind of expected to end with the leather giving way in a neat and dramatic way. But while Amanda was fierce, she wasn’t Steve Rodgers.
So, instead, she just ended up collapsed against the bag, hanging off of it – her back curving and her cute rump thrusting out. Sweat caused her shorts to get slick enough to cling like a second layer of skin. I bit my lower lip hard enough to almost draw blood as I watched her pant and puff and glisten.
Fucking hell, I thought.
“Hey, slut-cakes.” Amanda’s voice came out somewhere between machine gun growl and imminent nuclear melt down. I jerked my eyes up to her eyes. “Fuck off. This isn’t a public show.”
I crossed my arms over my chest as Amanda – having gotten some of her wind back – stepped away and kicked the punching bag again.
“Amanda,” I said.
“What part of fuck off did you not get? I thought you S-genes were supposed to be fucking smart,” she said, bouncing on her feet as she shifted to put her back to me. She slammed her fists into the bag, which swayed from side to side with the body blows. I glared at the ceiling above her head. Cause if I didn’t, I’d be watching that bubble butt jiggle and wiggle and be imagining strapping her wrists into the support chain of the punching bag and using her as a fucking bag, if you know what I mean.
“Amanda, I’m sorry you’re...” I stopped. No, that didn’t sound right.
“Sorry I’m what?” Amanda turned around, glaring at me.
“Sorry that you’re partnered with an idiot,” I said, blushing. “I should never have taken someone into my harem without checking with you first, to make sure you were cool with it.” I sighed, looking down. “Sorry.”
I waited for Amanda’s response.
Kept waiting.
I looked up.
Amanda was looking at me. Slowly, she started to shake her head. Then she started to clap, like I was Golfman and I had scored a winning golf goal by ... golf ... dunking. Listen, I don’t know how to play fucking golf, get off my back. I blinked at her.
“Fucking swing and a miss!” she said.
“I thought, Marcy said you were jel-” I started.
“Holy shit, what?” Amanda laughed. “I’m not fucking jealous, you overdicked bimbo. I don’t want to be in your freaky fuck harem, and that’s why I’m so fucking pissed off! S-genes, even S-genes working for the United fucking Nations, still divide the world into pretty little treasures to grab and conquer. Did you ever consider, just maybe, that baselines might exist as more than just mooks and willing fuckslabs!?”
I blinked again. “Well, I mean ... y-yeah?”
Amanda put her hand over her face. “Jesus, you sound like a puppy who got the spritzer treatment. Jesus.” She turned back, then started to lightly jab and punch at the bag. “I’m mad because you turned an heiress and a fucking genius into pets. You’re lying to their families about where they are and what they’re doing, and TASK looks the other way cause you’re the only way we can stop psycho bitches like Dr. Chaos, and at the end of the day, I’m a glorified taxi driver instead of the fucking-” She cut herself off, punching the bag hard.
“You’re not a glorified taxi driver!” I said, angry now. She could bad mouth me. She could bad mouth S-genes, honestly. I mean, shit, I had a twelve inch dick, genius intellect and Olympic level physique. I could take some bad mouthing and be just fine.
But I was not going to let Amanda bad mouth her own fine self.
Amanda snorted.
“You’ve saved my ass at least twice!” I said, stepping closer. “And you will continue to save my ass. Fuck, you shot me down in the sims...” I grabbed her hand, blushing. “I’m not in TASK just cause of the girls I get to nut and-”
Amanda made a face.
“I said not just cause!” I said, defensively.
Amanda’s face became even more skeptical.
I scowled at her. “Baselines deserve their own fucking shot in the sun! Lets say S-gene’s ruled the world. You’d be breeding stock like so fast...” I snapped my fingers.
“Oh, would I?” Amanda’s voice sounded dangerous.
“Well, cause, I mean ... if...” I blushed.
Amanda arched an eyebrow.
I squirmed under her look. “Y-Yeah, fine, if I could, like, get away with it, and was evil, I’d totally have you in stocks and just, I’d fuck you so goddamn hard-”
“Kimmy!” Amanda snarled.
“I said if I was evil!” I stammered.
“Well, I’m so glad that you’re such a bastion of morality!” Amanda said, throwing up her hands. She looked angry ... but ... more than that she looked sad. And nothing in the universe was sadder than Amanda O’Neill, badass-bitch incarnate, looking sad and defeated and lost. Her head hung forward and she sighed. “But no matter what, if S-genes exist, baselines are always going to be second class citizens. And-”
I leaned forward and kissed her. Her lips were soft and pliant – but her mouth didn’t move to match mine. Her eyes simply widened and she tensed. I could taste the delicious sizzle of salt on my tongue – salt from her sweat and her hard work. Her mouth opened and my tongue gently probed her lips – but then I drew back. I panted. My cock was hard enough to hammer nails, but I stepped back and blushed.
“Sorry,” I said. “But you looked sad. And I’d do anything to stop that.”
Amanda blinked at me. Like a deer in the headlights.
Then she snorted and shook her head. “You fucking slore,” she said, but her voice was full of warmth. I blushed, hard, and tried to not let my heart go hammering at ten billion miles an hour but I had already failed. Amanda opened her mouth and then shut it, grinning at me like she couldn’t stop herself. The fact I had made her that happy was just, the best. I grinned back at her, about to lean in for more kissing. Maybe more. Maybe a lot more.
But then Alex’s voice crackled over the PA.
“Team Kimmy, we need you all in the briefing room. Now.”
Amanda snorted. “Fuckin’ nerd.” She punched my shoulder as she walked past.
I grinned, goofily, then rubbed my shoulder. My heart was doing weird floops. I figured I’d try and guess what that meant later. For now, we had a world to save. I presumed it was about world saving. And so, I turned and jogged after Amanda. We got to the briefing room at about the same time as Marcy, and all three of us plopped down. Me in the middle. Amanda with her feet up and her hands behind her neck. Marcy with her thigh pressing to mine. By itself, my palm found its way to her crotch and Marcy blushed, took hold of my wrist, and put it aside.
I stuck my tongue out at her.
Alex came in, a tablet tucked under one shoulder. He tapped an app on it to get the wall to turn into a screen. The screen showed some grainy security camera footage of a warehouse in some desolate, dusty looking town. I watched intently – and was rewarded when a fucking swanky ass sports car drove at the front door and smashed into it like a battering ram. The doors flipped inwards and people came jogging out of an outbuilding, holding pistols. They dropped, as if someone had just reached out and turned off their lightswitches. I saw the bloody holes in their back as they tumbled to the dirt.
Then a dark figure sprinted past the camera, into the warehouse.
I didn’t hear anything else, but Alex said: “We have no feeds from inside the building – they took out each camera before we could spot anything. But the local cops say that the fifteen other guards in the warehouse were all killed. Five were shot with an MP-5 firing – headshots, each. Two more were shot with their own guns. Three were stabbed. One had their neck snapped from behind while taking a piss break.”
I whistled. “S-Gene?”
Alex gestured back to the screen. A massive truck was driving out of the warehouse. It had been parked inside, it seemed, and as it drove away, the camera paused. The figure wasn’t visible in the window, but as we waited, Alex held the tablet up to his mouth. “Zoom. Enhance.”
“That never works in real life!” I exclaimed.
“Tabby’s a wizard,” Alex said, grinning.
The view zoomed in on the rear-view mirror, which was nothing but a faint blur. There was a whirr, click, and the view resolved into a slender, deadly looking woman with raven black hair, emerald eyes, and porcelain smooth skin. Her face was nearly expressionless – save for a faint furrow at her brow, like she was trying to remember if she had packed enough sammitches for the Church Picnic. There wasn’t a drop of blood visible on her face.
“Who is she?” I asked.
Marcy bit her lower lip. “She’s not one of Dr. Chaos’ heavy hitters...”
“That?” Alex looked at us. “Is Jasmine White. She is the most dangerous S-gene assassin in the world.”
I frowned. “She’s not on any of the lists I’ve read, which makes it kind of weird, considering those are lists of all the S-genes who want to take over the world...”
“That’s cause she’s not a take over the world S-gene,” Alex said. “She’s something nearly unique.”
“What?” I asked, snickering. “Dickless?”
“Asexual,” Alex said.
I blinked. “Wait, what?”
“There are three asexual S-genes in the world,” Alex said, frowning. “The first is a woman making triple-A video games by herself and releasing them through a shell company. The second is a man who has gotten halfway to cold fusion in the past year using nothing but the supplies in his garage. The third?” He nodded at the screen. “Is Jasmine White. Where you or I spend a good chunk of your energy on getting laid, planning to get laid, or thinking about getting laid...”
I blinked, trying to disperse thoughts of Amanda on a blood red silk sheet, covered in rose petals, while Marcy rubbed her titties with massage oil. “Right, yes, true.”
“ ... Jasmine White spends every single iota of her energy at one thing. And that’s killing.” Alex frowned.
“Okay. I think I see the ish...” I muttered.
“What did she steal? And why? Was she hired by Dr. Chaos?” Marcy asked.
“We think so,” Alex said. “Because she stole a bunch of high tech equipment from a TASK warehouse. Those were our agents that she slaughtered – and furthermore, only Dr. Chaos can currently afford White’s prices.” He shook his head. “We need to get the material back before Dr. Chaos gets her hands on it – and we need to figure out what she wants to do with the material, so we can start formulating a counter-plan to stop whatever her plan is.”
“Say, thickdick,” Amanda said, looking at me. “Your new bottom bitch, Chio?”
I snickered. “Yes?”
“She was held by Dr. Chaos’ goons for, like, five minutes while you were fighting those jetski ninjas-”
I started. “Oh! The jetski ninja girl!” I said.
“No, you cannot fuck the jetski ninja girl,” Alex said, grinning. “I already called dibs.”
“What? No fair!” I exclaimed. “I beat her in the katana duel!”
“Yes, but you failed to call dibs,” Alex said, shrugging. “She was fun.”
“Did you record it?” I asked.
Alex tapped at the tablet.
The ninja girl – stripped of all but her domino mask – writhed on a big red bed, her golden-brown thighs spread wide as Alex dipped his face between her thighs. From the orgasmic screams that ripped from her throat, and the way her petite breasts jiggled and twitched with every movement of her lithe, flexible back, she was about five steps away from the Japanese Heaven of Getting Your Pussy Eaten Out.
That was a heaven in Shinto, right?
“Ahem!” Marcy coughed.
Alex grinned. “Wait, wait, here’s the best part!” he said.
The Alex on the screen drew his mouth back, his finger thrusting lazily into her. The ninja girl had her palms under her and was looking down at her own pussy in wonder, her eyes wide – she looked as if she had never felt anything like this before. She gasped and moaned: “Oh yes! Yes! Gods yes! Yes!” She arched her back and shuddered convulsively as her juices squirted along Alex’s palm, slicking his wrist and almost getting up to his elbow.
I sprang to my feet and slammed my palm down into Alex’s palm – which he held down low. “Dude, nice!”
“Ahem!” Marcy didn’t cough. She shouted the word. “Remember how we were talking about how asexual S-genes could actually focus?”
I coughed. “Sorry, Marcy.”
“I’m not,” Alex said, grinning. “She tastes like peaches.”
“Fuck, Amanda, remind me next time, to totally call dibs!” I said, grinning as I looked back at Amanda. Amanda looked less than amused. I blushed. “Um, that is ... right. Focus. Chio, uh ... what do you think Chio might know?” I asked.
Amanda sighed. “Kimmy. Uh, how do you plan to get me into bed?”
I grinned. “Well, I’m gonna challenge you to a sparring match, and get us into wrestling as quick as I can. Then I’ll start grinding against that cute ass of yours while showing that I can match you physically. Then, as we’re both driven insane with the teasing, I’m gonna kiss you, then I’m gonna fuck you on that judo mat so hard that you turn to fucking butter oh my god, Amelia, you’re a genius!” I sprang to my feet.
“I ... what!?” Marcy asked.
I turned to face her, then grinned. “Nice.” Marcy noticed the line of my eyes and slid her arms over her hard, puffy nipples, which thrust through her skintight outfit like ‘come fuck me’ signal flags. But since she still looked like she wanted an explanation, I leaned forward and grinned. “Gloating, Marcy. Gloating.”
I came into the lab area quietly and sneakily. And, like I had hoped, Chio and Tabby were standing hip to hip and were whispering to one another. Tabby was looking down at something Chio was showing her, and Chio was subtly grinding against the other girl. I gave them five, six seconds before they were doing all sorts of kinky shit. I coughed and the two spun around.
“Hey Kimmy!” Tabby said, grinning. “Totally poaching, I know, but she knows how to recombinate polyhydroxide alcoholydes within a rotating hyperdynamic magnetoconcussive field! How can I not lezz out all over her!”
“It’s not that complicated, Tabitha,” Chio said, sounding amused at Tabby’s excitements.
Meanwhile, I was clucking my tongue. “You’re not purple anymore!”
“Oh, that’s cause I’m not testing the bullet proof skin paint,” Tabby said. “Turns out, if you wear it too long, you start growing a tail.”
“Sick!” I hissed.
“An unsexy tail,” Tabby clarified.
“Balls,” I swore. “Right! Before I forget!” I snapped my fingers. “Chio! Did Hot or Big Time connect you to Dr. Chaos while they had you nabbed up in their boat?”
Chio nodded. She looked nervous. “She spoke to me through their I-Phone. It was a quite surreal conversation, I admit.” I could see why she was nervous. Just remembering the pure-goddess tones of my current nemesis was making my pussy soaked. And I didn’t even have a fucking pussy. But if Dr. Chaos had asked me if I wanted one in that tone of voice I had heard over the PA at her North Korea base? Fuck yes. I’d be on my belly, ass in the air, begging to get knocked up right this fucking second, yes please.
I put my hand on Chio. “It’s okay if you were tempted.” I grinned at her. “I just need to know. Did she monologue?”
“Um...” Chio paused, then slipped away from me. She bent forward, thrusting her ass into the air as she started to rummage around for the next part of her science project. I and Tabby both locked our eyes on that firm, heart shaped rump. My cock strained against my pants as I slowly licked my lips. Chio started rummaging more, saying: “No, sorry. She didn’t.”
“Fuck!” I swore. Then, as Chio stood and turned to face me, I grinned at her stricken expression. “It’s cool, Chio.” I stepped over and kissed her. She was warm, welcoming, and so soft. My hands caressed her ass and I ground against her. Then I pushed myself back, panting softly.
“I’m sorry, mistress,” Chio whispered to me.
“As I said. Fine.” I licked her neck slowly, shivering. “And I will enjoy some fine dark chocolate when I get back from my mission. Speaking of Mission-” I looked at Tabby. “Best companion from KOTOR or...”
“I mean, if you like blue and fuckable,” Tabby said, then beamed. “Which I do. But I’m guessing you’re interested in your gear for this mission?”
I pumped my fist.
“Ko ... Tor?” Chio asked.
But then Tabby was bringing out our gizmos. She unrolled a duffle and gestured to it all like a smiling showgirl. “Here we have something brand new for you: It’s an electrodynamic laser pistol!” She picked up the sleek, silvery gun. “You hold the trigger down just a bit and it’ll make a laser. The laser creates a channel in the air that allows it to discharge ionic energy down. This’ll make a tiny plasma ball on the target’s skin and send an electric surge through their body. Like a super-taser.”
I grinned. “Sick.”
I took the pistol, testing the weight.
“If you set it to kill,” Tabby added, pointing at the pistol’s switch. “The laser will switch to the other barrel – going from an infared laser to an X-ray laser. Invisible but utterly lethal. And unlike a normal gun, this will act completely different. There’s no bullet drop off, you can cut with it like a sword-”
“Like a lightsaber!?” I asked, excitedly.
“No,” Tabby said, her voice flat.
“Can you build a ligthsaber?” I quivered.
“No,” Tabby said, sounding like she had been asked that more times than she wanted to admit.
“But what if you used a-”
“Yes! I know!” Tabby shouted. “You can use a magnetic bottle to contain a recursive plasma field powered by uranium crystals for the focusing lens, but listen, I’ve been begging to make a lightsaber for years, but there’s one force that even TASK can’t stop.”
“Disney?” I asked.
“Disney’s lawyers,” Tabby snarled. “Now. Gadget number two!”
She picked up a tiny, gray capsule. “This is magnetic dust.” She picked up a sleek glove with swirly tips. “And this is a magnetized construction glove. It should be useful in any fight with ferrous elements – which fortunately includes most of the planet! But the dust is where it really shines. The dust is a bunch of nano-scale construction components, which the focused magnetic glove can grab and use to create ... well ... just about anything that doesn’t use chemical parts or radioactives.”
I whistled. “Soooo, I can make a knife?”
Tabby nodded.
“Or a big knife?”
Tabby nodded.
“Like, the biggest knife?”
“Yes! You can make a knife!” Tabby laughed. “You can also make keys, crowbars, winches, grappling hooks, and other mechanical doobobbers.”
I nodded.
“And now, for gadget three,” Tabby said, holding up a tiny greyish marble. “This is a quantum bit-locked transmitter with a stealth coating and biological adhesive. It’ll stick to anything if you prime it by licking it first. Lick, wait five seconds, and it’ll adhere to anything you stick it too, then start transmitting to an entangled Q-bit in my lab.”
“Swag!” I said, picking up the marble. I grinned at her. “So, lick, stick ... trick.”
“Exactly!” Tabby said, nodding.
“Anything else cool?” I asked, grinning at her.
“Well, unfortunately, the jet-pack is still in development, and we still haven’t managed to get our hands on a boom-tube,” she said.
“You have a boom-tube!?” I asked, excitedly.
“No, Kimmy,” Tabby said. “That’s fictional. It’d be ridiculous.”
“Me? Ridiculous?” I asked, sliding my magnetic glove on and using it to grab my laser pistol up from five feet away. “Pfft!”
I was still cheerfully whistling as I walked onto the super-jet ... and then I stopped short. Cause sitting next to Marcy, with her hand on my girl’s cooter, was another TASK agent. Not Alex. No. This was an S-gene woman. She was broad shouldered, with hair she had dyed a fierce purple. Her skin was seamed with scars and her lips had been split in some long ago battle, giving her a vicious punk look. Her left eye was a slightly different color to her right, and she was dressed in a similar skintight armored suit as me. But unlike me, she had a huge fucking shotgun on her lap, and shoulder mounted rocket launchers.
“Who da fuck is this bitch!?” I asked.
Marcy grabbed the bitch’s wrist and shoved it away from her soaked jumpsuit, her whole body bright red. “T-This is, uh...”
“You can call me Top Bitch,” the other S-gene said. “TASK says a baby like you can’t handle White. So, they’re sending me.”
I felt a shiver of lust buzzing through me at the casual, I will fuck you up look in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and we both squeezed. She won. I winced slightly and she grinned, then yanked me forward, her voice husky. “You’re gonna be getting the materials back while I pin White to a wall and fuck her brains out.”
“Isn’t she asexual?” I asked.
“Aren’t most men straight?” Top Bitch grinned at me, then held up a feminization pill.
“ ... trueche...” I muttered, narrowing my eyes.
As the superjet took off, I could tell Marcy and Amanda were both reacting the same way I was to Top Bitch: Bridling irritation mixed with confused lust. I watched her as I leaned back in my seat. Top Bitch alternated between checking over her gear and glancing up at me. She flashed me a wicked grin after she had finished giving her gun the once over. I looked away from her and at the tablet in my lap – which contained the list of the supplies the warehouse had held. As I looked down, TB set her rifle aside, then prowled towards me. I shivered, my nipples growing puffy and hard. Top Bitch cupped my cheek with her smooth, gloved hand, then ... fucking ... kissed me. The tablet slid from my lap.
My eyes widened. She kissed like, well, like me. I had never been kissed by me before, and no, mirrors didn’t count. My tongue met hers – and I tried to take some measure of control over. Top Bitch knocked that attempt aside so easily that I melted against her. Well, melted save for the part of me, the sixteen inch part of me, that came to absolute fucking attention. Top Bitch broke the kiss and purred quietly.
“Young S-genes are so feisty,” she whispered.
“Bitch,” I whispered.
“Damn straight...” Her hands grabbed onto my collar and tugged the zipper down. My breasts bounced free – perky and clearly something TB approved of, because she leaned forward and started to do things to my eager nips. Things I normally did to other girls. Her teeth and lips worked together to give just the right amount of pressure and teasing to send a jolt of lust along my spine and into my brain. My mouth opened and I gasped, then whimpered. Her tongue swirled around my other nipple – leaving the first glistening with her spittle. The prickling feeling of the liquid cooling in the cabin of the super-jet only drove me crazier.
The faint whir of stealth engines was the only noise that filled the ready room of the TASK super-jet. S-gene designs on the controls and the engines and the skin made it nearly invisible to radar and the speed it could put out was only matched by the comfort within: Plush seats, comfortable carpet, a TV that went chronically unused because why the fuck would I be watching TV when there was a fine as fuck Amanda to oggle. Not that there was much to see – Amanda was strapped into the pilot...
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(My thanks go to CambriaRose for sorting this two chapter story out for me. It sure flows better now she worked her magic on it. I hope you the reader enjoy this first chapter.) * I promised her I would go on, I promised her I would find someone else and live again. I lied. The fateful day I lied to the one person who was the most important to me, was a Tuesday in March. Both our work schedules came together on a beautiful, sunny day and we went out and enjoyed it. We were less than five...
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The parking lot was almost full, including her aunt's car. We walked right in and sat down at the table with them. "Appetizers are on the way," Jenny said. "Hi!" Laci added her chirpy "Hi!". I noted that she didn't look "butch" this evening. Neither of them were particularly feminine-looking, but then again, my jeans-clad Kim fit right in. Laci noted, "You two look like a couple of bookends." "Yeah. Isn't it NEAT? And I didn't tell 'im what to wear, either. It just...
The parking lot was almost full, including her aunt's car. We walked right in and sat down at the table with them. "Appetizers are on the way," Jenny said. "Hi!" Laci added her chirpy "Hi!" I noted that she didn't look "butch" this evening. Neither of them was particularly feminine-looking, but then again, my jeans-clad Kim fit right in. Laci noted, "You two look like a couple of bookends." "Yeah. Isn't it NEAT? And I didn't tell 'im what to wear, either. It just...
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It was time I settled down. I was a "road warrior", a professional engineer who'd made some darned good money over the last few years running around the country from one project to another where my expertise as a "hired gun" for electrical power systems was a commodity in much demand and well, frankly, it paid GOOD! Finally, though, I figured I'd seen enough hotel rooms and RV parks and even an offshore platform's living quarters or two, and I'd had enough. I sent out a few resumes...
It was time I settled down. I was a "road warrior" a professional engineer who'd made some darned good money over the last few years running around the country from one project to another where my expertise as a "hired gun" for electrical power systems was commodity in much demand and well, frankly, it paid GOOD! Finally, though, I figured I'd seen enough hotel rooms and RV parks and even an offshore platform living quarters or two, and I'd had enough. I sent out a few resumes and then...
The couple had just finished an utterly magnificent dinner and were enjoying cognac with cigars and coffee. So far the evening had gone exactly according to plan: They were both relaxed and had unwound from the day’s excitement. What they didn’t know was a woman was sitting at the bar and had been studying them carefully, concentrating on Kimberly. Because she was sitting at Kim’s 8 o’clock, she had not been noticed by either of them. Kim and Brad were seated side by side on the banquette....
They both took turns fucking her in the pool house last night… sweet young Ashley…Ty and his friend Omar… while the other people at the party played and hung out around the pool/hot tub. I heard about it this morning from Ty. He said Kimberly knew exactly what was going on, and was cool with it, and that he noticed the girls winking at each other.Other things got a little crazy too. Several of the girls were topless in the pool/hot tub… but not Kimberly; she had a hot pink tank top on, wet...
Kim's turn, still: It's serious. Yes it is. How serious? We got up for Monday morning and did breakfast. He grabbed the keys to his truck. "You're taking your truck? You just bought the new SUV." "Yeah, I know. Here!" He pulled the key off his ring. "Yours. Be careful. Like I need to tell you that." "B-but this is your new car, Tim!" "And you're my new wife. Or if you want, you can still ride with Jen." I grabbed him and kissed him. "Riding with Aunt Jen is a good thing,...
Tim's turn: Sadly, the ex says we don't get Vicki for Christmas since we had her for Thanksgiving. That's okay. We're doing at least a month next summer. Watching Kim and Vicki together has made me very comfortable about that. Impromptu Christmas party. The Unit manager at work invited all his staff, including me, and our wives and/or significant others to his house for a Saturday evening. "You know Kim's only sixteen." "Yeah? So what? You married 'er. I've met her. She's not a...
In the subsequent two weeks, the Johnson Manufacturing experience just repeated itself. And it didn’t matter whether the call was in response to interest in a single machine or a cold call, the results were the same: They replaced all the company’s machine tools with brand-new ones from the Kimberly Kane line. Finally back at Kim’s apartment after a very exhausting week, they found a message on her answering machine to call George Harrison as soon as they returned home. He provided both his...
Kimberly is practicing her Gymnastics at the Juice Bar. Bulk and Skull are setting at the counter watching Kim dressed in her tight revealing unitard practice her moves, these moves while dressed in that way show off a lot of her Body. Bulk and especially Skull who has always had an crush on Kimberly is always stunned watching the Hot and Sexy Kim doing all those moves while dressed in such a revealing way. normally Kimberly is able to ignore Bulk and Skulls nonsense while practicing but this...
BDSMTim's turn: I've become a legend for all the wrong reasons. Well, I guess that's incorrect. Kimberly Elkins is the very right reason. Medium-sized town. Many of the people I work with are married to or related to or friends with people at Kim's high school, so outside the few that already know who I'm marrying because I told them, there are others who found out from that other path. Some people shake my hand and congratulate me. Some just ask if it's true. Some shake their...
Tim's turn: So that's an interesting kink, if I may be allowed a euphemism. No sense cussing or losing my cool over it. It's just one of those twists in life's road. Vicki's coming in this afternoon. I've explained my need for leaving work a bit early. I'll go by the school, gather one reason for living, and go pick up another. And hope and pray that the two fit together. "I think we'll be okay, baby. You worry too much," Kim told me. "So many possibilities. Little girls and...
To the utter amazement of Kim and Brad, Lisa proceeded to give them lessons in lovemaking. She worked with Brad to dramatically improve his cunt-eating ability and with Kim on her cocksucking. She decided that both had the basics down pretty well, but they needed help on the advanced techniques. Finally, Kim, being aware of the longing in Lisa’s eyes, just nodded. At the time, Brad was lying on his back, so Lisa straddled his groin and gently lowered her vagina onto his raging erection. “So...
Arrangements for the filming were now complete. In another break with normal practice, the film was going to be shot sequentially from beginning to end. Moreover, with the exception of blowing the bridge — and that special-effects footage was already in the can — every scene would be shot on location. There would be no studio shooting at all. The first scene would be the initial firefight involving Ben Johnson and Mike Callahan. While it was in progress, a camera would film Kelly/Kim’s...
Kim was arguing with Craig at the top floor of THE GOBLIN!!! They had been arguing for more than an hour!!! Kim had been telling Craig that he was as much to blame as she was for their break up!!! If he had not been a selfish bossy boyfriend who demanded anal sex all the time or to sacrifice her own time for his, she would have been able to cope with him!!! Craig was merely standing three feet away from Kim. "Kim you're my girlfriend!!! You know one day if we had gotten married, you would...
"So you are telling me that the cleaner found her body!!" the detective asked Mr Grady. "That's right!!! She used to live up but told me that she wanted me to shift her to another apartment and she lived in the fourth floor!! I have no idea what's she is doing up here!!!" responded Mr Grady. Mr Grady, a police detective and two other police officers were standing on the hallway of the thirteenth floor of The Goblin. Kim's body laid on the floor, with blood stain all over the...
I can't say I "adjusted" to being Greg's sex slave, but I separated it from my "normal" life and tried not to think about it when it wasn't actually happening. Then one day I did something stupid, and I exposed myself to my husband: It happened as I was coming out of the shower. I was being careless, I guess. I saw my husband standing there and I froze. He glanced at me; then he turned and stared. I knew immediately what he was looking at. I tried to cover myself, but it was too...
Vicki's turn: Hi! I'm Vicki and I am almost nine and I'm in Louisiana with my dad and my new stepmom. I flew here by myself from California. Well, not really. Mom and her husband dropped me at the counter at the airport and I had an adult taking care of me all the way here. But I was by myself until Daddy and Kim met me at the airport here. When Mom first found out about Kim, she freaked. I remember her saying to Johnny, that's her husband, "I can't believe he's out chasin'...
Sunlight was streaming in the windows when Kim opened her eyes. Good grief! What happened? she wondered. She found her cheek against Brad’s shoulder and her body molded to his. The lights on the night tables were out, and she hadn’t done it. Brad was sleeping soundly with his arm still around her and his hand still covering her breast. Without moving, she tried to reconstruct the end of the evening, but could not. She didn’t think she had lost her virginity but couldn’t be certain. Of one...
After a much larger breakfast than he was used to eating, Brad was off to the office. Kim waited till a few minutes after eight, then called Clifford & Jamison. Judy Jeffries answered the phone sleepily, and Kim teased her about it. Then she asked if Kathy Carlson was in yet. “Hi, Candace!” Kathy greeted her cheerfully if somewhat sleepily. “Hi, Kathy,” Kim responded, “but it’s Kimberly now; Candace is dead.” She paused and then asked, “What do you think?” “I think it’s neat,” Kathy...
Returning to the Coast — a flight Lisa loved because it was in daylight and she could actually see something from the window — Kim quickly learned that the wedding arrangements had been taken out of her hands: Donna Douglas was running the whole thing. As a great concession, she allowed Kim to pick her own bridesmaids. Carol Christian was her matron of honor, and her bridesmaids included Kathy Carlson and — surprisingly — Kelly Callahan. As they were leaving Washington, Kelly had made it...
The wedding went off without a hitch. As Kimberly paced up the aisle on Dan Douglas’s arm, Brad thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Not only was her beauty so vibrant that morning, but there was a look of utter joy on her face that he had never seen before. There were a couple of surprises at the reception, though. First, while the receiving line was forming, Kelly presented gifts to Kim and Brad. They were unwrapped; both were identical rosewood boxes. Opening the lids,...
TWO NIGHTS LATER It was evening, somewhere after 7PM. Kim was inside the laundry room, taking her unwashed clothes from her laundry bag and dumping them inside one of the washing machines!! As she had been dumping her clothes her mind was still on her old friends, the same ones who broke contact with her after Craig's death!! She hated this feeling of being ostracised but at least she still was able to talk to her relatives!! They did not like her decision but still forgave her and still...
Kimmy's turn: Of course you realize that life has some imperfect moments. That's one of the downsides of having a man who's got a 'history'. My Tim's been married before. Ex-wife. Eight year old daughter. Both in California. It's so cliché, I know... And in the middle of the week, us, marriage license in hand, looking at the weekend: I just get home after school and I get a phone call. I don't immediately recognize the number on the display, so I answer, "Tim Duncan's home. This...
Kim's turn: Let me tell you about Aunt Jenn's wedding. It was an adventure. Getting to California for the wedding was my first time flying off somewhere. Aunt Jenn, before Tim, was my rescuer, my rock. Mom's younger sister, the one who went to college, got a degree, became a schoolteacher. Decent person, and according to Mom, "One a'them bull dykes" like Mom's heterosexual alternative was somehow superior. When Mom went to jail, Aunt Jenn took me in without batting an eye and opened...
When she returned to her apartment, Kim didn’t know what to do. Moving almost in a daze, she stripped off her clothes, entered her bathroom and took a cold shower. With her head somewhat cleared, she warmed the water but then had a different idea. Running hot water into the bathtub — it was as hot as she thought she could stand — she went to her medicine cabinet and opened a bottle that had been sitting there for months. It was a bottle of musk oil that had never been opened. Pouring half...
On Monday morning at 9:30 Kim appeared at the Orange County courthouse accompanied by Brad. She was puzzled because she had been unable to communicate with Katherine McCarthy, her attorney. For weeks she had been trying to reach her to tell her she was ending her lawsuit but to no avail. So there she was. Entering the courtroom, she took a seat at the plaintiffs table to the right as she faced the judge’s bench. To her interest and surprise, at the defendants table to the left she saw Sandy...
“What was that all about?” Kim asked when they were finally on the San Diego Freeway headed south. “What about the training we’re supposed to be doing?” “Remember Jenny Clark?” Brad asked. Kim slowly shook her head. “No. Should I?” “She’s the girl who sold her body parts. Remember?” Kim looked sick. “Now I do! Ugh! But what about Jenny Clark?” “Surprise, surprise! It turns out that Jenny’s an engineer, too. Furthermore, she says that your notes and documentation on the new tooling are...
Lying on the bed, Brad kissed Kimberly’s lips. Instantly she was awake and returning his kiss with mounting passion. It was like no kiss they had ever exchanged before. “I love you, Kimberly Kramer,” he whispered. “So that’s the answer...” she replied with a loving smile. “What answer?” “Why you’ve been referring to me as Kimberly Kramer for so many months. You were just wearing me down, weren’t you?” Instead of answering, Brad kissed her again. It was even better than the one before....
The Lufthansa trans-polar flight from Los Angeles to Frankfurt was on time. Kim was awakened in first class with an announcement made loudly over the plane’s PA system: “It is now 0600 hours, local time. We will be landing in about one hour. It is time for morning exercise!” Kim looked at Brad who just shook his head. “Yes, darling,” she said, “we’re flying Lufthansa. ‘Unt ve know vats best for you!’” Brad just grinned. Going through Customs & Immigration in Frankfurt, they hit their...
The Army band marched proudly down the parade ground at Fort Benning. On the reviewing stand were the Carlsons, but also the Kramers and the Christians. Ken, Brad and Bill were all in uniform, Ken as a major, while Brad and Bill were both captains. All were wearing the Rangers’ black berets. Kim was also in uniform, but wearing her Special Forces green beret. The band doubled back on itself, then took position facing the reviewing stand. A moment later, the presidential limousine drew up...
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Kate Cornwall announced. She was sitting in a director’s chair and was back-lighted. All the viewers of the TV show could see was her silhouette. A rising star at WNBC, NBC’s owned and operated station in New York, Kate was an anomaly. At a time when every on-air personality wanted to maximize face time, Kate shunned it. Even while in journalism school, she had decided that reporter-as-celebrity got in the way of the story she was covering. “For those...
Kimberly is walking down the pathway of Angel Grove. It has been a long while sense Rita had lefted and its been quite Peaceful so Kim didn't even see the point in bringing her Power Morpher. That Peaskey Pink Ranger sees no danger ill show her Danger Remarked Psycho Pink as she watch on from above. Psycho Pink watches on as Kimberly just walks done the Park No Friends No Power and a bunch of Witnesses a Perfect Opportunity for Psycho Pink to Strike!
BDSM(My thanks again go to CambriaRose for her editing and advice. It’s made these two chapters go much smoother with her help. To the reader, I truly hope you enjoy. It’s been fun writing it.) * She would phone Kimberly on a daily basis and I tried where I could to give her as much privacy when she did. Karen would watch me sneak away and giggle, occasionally she would throw a cushion at me when I did. I would just throw it back and then went and sat on the porch until she was done. Jenna...
KIMBERLY NICOLE Part 2: A Dark Chapter Our two girls have just returned home from a visit to the Wizard. Where Kim had learned, that because of her getting a nipple pierced on one of her the breast forms while she was wearing it, that she is stuck as a she-male. But, everyone, except Amanda, has no memory of her ever being a man. The Wizard had given Amanda a box, a box that he said was part of the she-male items that he had forgotten to give her on her first visit. When she opened...
Kimberly Nicole Part 3: Kim Finds Herself Amanda and Beth Ann had followed Kim to a BD/SM club and watched her being trusted up in front of an audience. Beth Ann was shocked to see Kim with a vagina and not a penis as she had at the hotel with Jeff. And, Amanda had to tell Beth Ann the full story of Ted and Kim. It turns out, that Kim was also trying, even though in the wrong way, to find herself like Amanda was. During a talk, after Kim returned from the BD/SM club, Amanda told Kim,...
©Copyright 2002 I prowled the hotel lobby like a jungle cat, nerves a-tingle and senses alert, waiting impatiently for the moment to come that had been so long awaited. The moment when all the promises of the past two months would either be realized or abandoned. Would she show? Would she have the guts to go through with it? Only time would tell, and time was running out. The hotel staff watched me cautiously out of the corners of their eyes, their inability to challenge my right to be...
Kimberly might not have been drunk, but she certainly wasn't sober. Stumbling from the car with her bag in one hand, and her coat in the other, she stopped, directly in front of the headlights. Lifting her skirt up, she wiggled her ass at me. Giggling loudly, as only the slightly tipsy can, she ran off to the side of the road, and did it again. I was torn. I could sit there and stare at her long legs, black panties carelessly uncovered, smile almost painted on her face. I could. For hours....
"You're sweet," she said, still holding my dick, but moving up to kiss me. She looked at her hand, fingers covered with semen. "It's slick," she said, fondling my softening dick. I could barely stand the intensity of the feelings caused by her slippery fingers. She kissed me again, a quick peck, one I would come to know as a precursor to a question. "Blowjobs..." she said. "Blowjobs?" I asked. "Yeah, I've heard about 'em. Lots of girls do 'em. Seems like something guys...
Okay, I'm back. Actually, I'm awake in my own bed in the wee hours of the morning. Well, it WAS my own bed until two days ago when I agreed that I was indeed in love with this nutcase lying next to me. Nutcase? In the best possible way. She loves me. Says she loves me. She's right here next to me and any sane man would be thinking about how wonderful it was for the opportunity to have sex with a virginal but eager and athletic teen. And said random man would be thinking that he'd be...
"Wow!" Zoë exclaimed. "Graduating at sixteen. What about college?" Kim smiled. We'd had some talks. "I'm still working on it. I think I have a few months to think about it. Might be able to squeeze out a scholarship or two." She looked at me. "And I can cover college for her easy enough," I said. "I'm thinking of mass communications," Zoë said. "Do you have even a hint?" Kim's eyes twinkled. I pretty much knew what would come out of that sassy mouth. "Engineering? I know...
Kim's turn: Sunday morning. There is no finer Sunday morning that I can recall. I cuddled in closer to Tim, pushing under his arm, fully intending to drift back off to sleep, but then I noticed something. It was rigid. And when I touch it he purrs. Euphoria. I know what it is. It weighs a hundred and eighty-five pounds and has a hairy chest. And loves me. And he's semi-awake because his breathing is irregular. His nose is at the crown of my head. I feel and hear him breathe deep so I...
Tim's turn: So I walk in to find my love sitting at my workstation with her friend, working on wedding invitations. Casey, her friend, is a nice looking young lady, and if she's friends to my Kim, then she's not the normal gum-popping mall rat. She was eye-ball deep in Photoshop, too, talking about typefaces and gradients. I was introduced, said "Hi", then showered and took Kim and Casey to dinner. I kept having a tickle of an idea that Casey looked vaguely familiar. Kim explained to...
Tim's turn: It's done. After the first marriage went off the tracks there was a time when I told myself that never again would I put my heart in the care and control of another woman. That lasted, too, helped along by the quality of the available women I was set up with or who found me on their own. Then one day I moved here. She's lying there. The light of a full moon is streaming in the window, illuminating what was only a few hours ago a Celtic goddess, clad in natural linen,...
"You're sweet," she said, still holding my dick, but moving up to kiss me. She looked at her hand, fingers covered with semen. "It's slick," she said, fondling my softening dick. I could barely stand the intensity of the feelings caused by her slippery fingers. She kissed me again, a quick peck, one I would come to know as a precursor to a question. "Blowjobs..." she said. "Blowjobs?" I asked. "Yeah, I've heard about 'em. Lots of girls do 'em. Seems like something guys...
Early Saturday morning, the young couple got into Kim’s car for the drive down to the Christians. Because the directions to reach their place were very complex, once they exited the freeway Kim gave Brad the job of navigating. By this time, Brad realized they were about 30 miles southeast of LA, but in the valley, not on the coast. Although it was supposed to be farming country, the land looked parched. Then Brad remembered something he had read awhile back. There had been water problems...
On Monday morning, Brad left on a sales trip and Kim felt lost. In no time flat, she had cleaned the apartment but then had nothing to do except to feel lonely. Brad wasn’t due back until Friday, but he had warned her that he might not even be back for the weekend. His trip would take him to northern California and into Oregon. As she sat nursing a cup of coffee, Kim’s feeling of loss quickly morphed into a feeling of misery. Then the phone rang. It was George Harrison, chairman of Aerospace...