KimberlyChapter 25 free porn video

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Arrangements for the filming were now complete. In another break with normal practice, the film was going to be shot sequentially from beginning to end. Moreover, with the exception of blowing the bridge — and that special-effects footage was already in the can — every scene would be shot on location. There would be no studio shooting at all.

The first scene would be the initial firefight involving Ben Johnson and Mike Callahan. While it was in progress, a camera would film Kelly/Kim’s escape down the drainpipe. She would be naked in her very first appearance on film.

Remarkably, it was turning out to be a very close recreation. The actual events had taken place beginning just a few days prior to April 15th. Filming would begin on June 13th.

Early on the 13th, Kim went to the trailer where hairdressing and makeup were handled. Although usual for this motion picture, the facility was far smaller than usual since the film was operating with an effective cast of just two. There she encountered Henry Hall, the Academy-Award winning hair stylist. She had first heard of him from Carol Christian who had told her that Henry’s personal attention was an unanticipated fringe benefit of her employment at Clifford & Jamison.

Because she had become used to being nude and because she would be so often in the film, all she was wearing was a robe and slippers. Kim shed the robe after introducing herself to Henry, but before getting into the styling chair. He covered her with a stylist’s sheet and began to work.

“You’re exactly like Kathy Carlson,” he said. “You have the same very full head of hair that naturally streaks in the most beautiful ways.” He then proceeded to give her a full workout, but the effect of it was merely to very slightly shorten her hair.

When he was finished and turned the chair to permit Kim to see herself in the mirror, her eyes widened and she murmured, “But it looks the same as it was...”

“You’re right, it does. And it should,” Hall replied. Then he left her for a moment to bring in Penny Watts, the makeup director.

Penny came into the room and just looked at Kim sitting patiently in the chair. After a few moments, she pulled the sheet aside baring Kim’s body. Finally, in an utterly flat tone of voice she stated, “I hate you, Kimberly Kramer.”

Kim was stunned. Although Kelly had been teasing her mercilessly from the very beginning, Kim had always known it was teasing. But in this case, she was hearing the words from a woman she was just meeting for the first time.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because you’re trying to cost me my job, is why!” the woman exclaimed. “It’s nothing personal, you understand. It’s just self-preservation. I hate you.”

Kim was truly baffled. “I don’t understand...”

Penny moved beside the chair and began running her fingertips lightly over Kim’s body. Shaking her head she muttered, “It just gets worse...”

“I’m really confused,” Kim complained.

“Lady, you are utterly perfect! Your face and your body are both utterly exquisite. I’m supposed to make you look beautiful — I’m the makeup director, by the way — but...” Her voice just trailed off.

“But what?”

“But God beat me to it, is ‘what’! There is absolutely nothing I can do for you, lady, and that’s truly an all-time first in my experience.” To Henry she exclaimed, “Thanks a helluva lot, Henry Hall. Thanks for nothing!” Turning back to Kim she said, “Do me a favor, please? Stand up and turn around slowly.”

Kim did as she had been asked. After making a slow full circle, she stopped and just looked at Penny.

“Oh, Henry! This woman is too damned much. Have you ever seen a more perfect figure in your life? And her bearing! She carries herself like a queen and moves like a dancer. I said it before, and I’ll say it again: This woman is utterly perfect.” Then Penny raised an eyebrow and asked, “How’s your love life?”

“Pretty good, I think.”

“What do you mean, ‘you think’?”

“I’ve only been married for a little over a month,” Kim replied, “and Brad’s the only man I’ve ever been with.”

“Are you trying to tell me you were a virgin until just a few weeks ago?”

Kim just slowly nodded her head while looking sheepish.

“How long were you making love last night?” Penny pursued.

“A couple of hours, I guess.”

“And did you achieve orgasm?”

Kim just nodded.

“More than one?”

Again Kim nodded.

“How many?”

“Fewer than usual,” Kim replied softly. “It was only a few over 30. And Brad only came in me four times.”

“Oh. My. God!” Penny almost screamed. “You two are in a class by yourselves and in a world all your own.” Then she said sarcastically, “And I suppose you can cum on command?”

“It’s something Brad and I have been practicing,” Kim admitted. “Initially, I would cum when he asked me to, but then we realized that wouldn’t be too good in the movie, so now I can also cum when he just squeezes my thigh in a certain way.”

Then Kim changed the subject. “You really think I look okay?”

“Look, little girl,” Penny responded, “this whole thing started when Donna Douglas called me and said you were the most beautiful woman in the world. Well, I do all of Donna’s makeup, and all of Ali Clifford’s, too. I knew she was exaggerating and I thought she was jerking my chain. Now I know better. It was the simple truth.”

Suddenly Penny snapped her fingers and exclaimed, “My God! There’s going to be on-camera lovemaking in this film. And your husband is going to really cum inside you and you’ll achieve orgasm at the same time, won’t you?”

“Our practices have been pretty good,” Kim replied, “so I hope so.”

“Un-fucking-believable!” Penny exclaimed. “This is going to utterly blow the industry apart. Because I’m certain of one thing: There’s not a couple alive who are capable of doing what you two do. Wow!”

Finally, as a concession to “doing something”, Penny gave Kim a manicure and changed the color of her lipstick. She left the trailer muttering to herself.

Kim was nude and sitting beside a nursing Janet Cox on her sofa. Again Janet had a twin on each nipple. The student, Chris, was gently rubbing oil into Janet’s swelling abdomen and then did the same thing to her own. Kim was a bit surprised when Janet removed one of her babies and gave him to the young girl. Chris smiled warmly and then leaned back against the sofa — she was sitting naked on the floor — and put the infant to one of her own swollen tits. Immediately, the baby began to nurse while Chris cuddled it lovingly.

“Chris is getting close to term,” Janet explained. “And she’s doing so well, too! Have you noticed how perfectly she carries? Her back is always erect with her shoulders back and her lovely tits up-thrust. She plans on giving it up for adoption, but wants to nurse it first. I don’t know how wise that is, but that’s what she intends to do.

“Chris is a victim of women’s lib. Since the courts have ruled that it’s the woman’s right to choose, she made the decision to carry to term, so the baby is solely her responsibility. Thus saith the baby’s father.” Janet shook her head sadly and said, “I detest his position, but I really can’t fault his logic.”

“Janet, won’t my cue upset the babies?” Kim asked. Her cue was to be the firing of AK-47s.

“Ha!” Janet retorted, giggling merrily. “As long as these kids are attached to a nipple, the roof could come down on their heads, but if the milk keeps flowing, they couldn’t care less.

“Are you all set?”

Kim just nodded. She had a dagger which was an exact duplicate of the one the former commandant had. In fact, President Solov had provided three identical ones, just in case. It was just as well because Kim had been practicing dropping one from the window. After a few tries she was able to embed the blade in the ground every time.

Then they all heard the shots. They were automatic weapons with the characteristic chatter of the AK-47. Kim swallowed hard and said, “I’m on.”

With that she dropped a knife from the window and began her descent down the drainpipe.

The cast — both of them — were gathered with the director and others to look at the dailies from the first night’s shooting. Donna Douglas was there along with Dan, as were both Henry Hall and Penny Watts. The latter two had been invited because between them they had more experience in films than the rest of the crew combined. Although they were technicians of a sort, they were also real pros.

The first scene showed a naked Kim dropping the knife from the third-floor window and then sliding down the drainpipe.

“Perfect!” breathed Dan Douglas. “Kim, you could not have done it better.”

Then she padded around the corner and found a KGB enlisted man about to put Mike/Brad away. The man actually was a Russian soldier, but not KGB. Kim grabbed him around the throat with her right hand and apparently ran the dagger through his heart with her left. The knife actually passed on his left side, but to the camera it looked perfect. The young soldier played his part perfectly, collapsing to the concrete.

Mikhail Solov was also at the screening. His assistance had been invaluable. First, he had personally handled the recruiting of Russians who would have rôles to play. It seemed that they all wanted to do it; it was a tribute, after all, to Kelly Jackson, the savior of Russia. Of course, he had also been responsible for all the Soviet materièl they were using and for the full combat-ready armored division’s personnel who had come west to play their parts.

His last major contribution was really quite esoteric. They had rehearsed the scene in which Kimberly, disguised as a Soviet private, crossed the Weser bridge for the first time carrying 30 pounds of explosives on her back. Speaking to the guard on the bridge, she told him that she was carrying “special supplies for Major Vishinsky.”

“This will never do!” Solov announced after the run through.

“What did I do wrong?” Kim asked.

Solov smiled warmly and said, “My love, you did nothing wrong. It’s your accent.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“If you were playing a senior staff officer, it would be perfect. Kimberly, your accent is that of a highly-educated — and socially well-placed — woman from St. Petersburg ... or Leningrad, as it was known at that time. That’s scarcely the way an army private would talk. Now let me show you...”

Solov then showed her what he meant and then sent for several young Russian privates. They then said Kim’s words, and as she listened to them, she nodded her understanding. Because she was a gifted mimic, in only a few minutes she was able to say her lines as if she were, in fact, a private in the Red Army recently drafted from the collective farm where she had been born and still worked.

The next scene they saw was their getaway from Langenhagen. Since this involved filming in a Volkswagen, it normally would have been shot in a studio. But not this time. Instead, there were three originally identical Bugs. One of them had had its left side removed so Brad and Kim could be filmed while seated side by side. Because Kim was naked for this scene, too, Brad’s body hid hers except for her lovely breasts. The second Volkswagen had had its back end cut off so the camera could film from behind, while the third was fully operational.

When the escape scene ended, Dan was in raptures. “My God!” he exclaimed, “Kimberly Kramer, you are the finest natural talent it has ever been my pleasure to work with.” Then turning to Hall and Watts he said, “You two have really been around this track! What do you think?”

“The very best!” Penny breathed.

“Incredible!” was Henry’s verdict.

Next came Kim’s run across the minefield toward the camp. As the bullets started to zing around her — and they were real — she bounded across the field zigzagging like a jackrabbit. “Unbelievable!” Dan Douglas breathed. “This absolutely couldn’t be any better.”

Then came the scene with Brad running after her. He did it perfectly, too, almost falling when he was “hit” by one of the bullets in his leg. But he managed to hop and hobble the rest of the way to safety.

To Donna, Dan said in a stage whisper, “Darling, have we been conned? This has got to be at least the 20th film these two have appeared in together. It can’t possibly be their first. No one is as good as these two the first time out of the box!”

“You have a problem?” Donna retorted. “Hah! What about me? I’m the one who’s supposed to be an actress.” Then she looked thoughtful as she mused, “There must be something I can do...”

“How about being a mother?” Dan asked.

“Mmm...” Donna mused. Then she grinned and added, “That sounds like a plan!”

The next scene showed Kim “operating” on Brad’s leg to remove the embedded bullet. Here the camera work was utterly perfect, as was Kim’s performance. It only showed the tops of her hands, but not what her hands were doing. But it caught her concentration and even her sweating from the tension. It even caught the tiniest trembling in her hands as she operated and removed first the bullet and then the embedded uniform material driven into the wound ahead of the bullet.

The last scene was their lovemaking early the next morning. Again, the reality — Mike had been on his back because of his leg wound, and Kelly had been on top — helped in the filming. Kim was completely naked for this scene. She and Brad had just awakened in his sleeping bag. He had been feverish during the night, first, hot with fever, and then shaking with chills. Kim had stripped and climbed into the bag with him to warm his body with hers and had fallen asleep.

Initially Kelly/Kim had resisted when Mike/Brad wanted to make love, but then when she decided he did want to make love with her, she consented. Again the camera focused on Kim’s torso. A shot of Brad’s fully-erect cock would have blown the R rating to a full X. Kim positioned Brad’s cock while the camera focused on the intent and loving look on her face. When she had him seated, she began to move on him with a look of rapture on her face. Then she moved faster and when Brad came inside her, she climaxed, too. Then she just collapsed on top of him while he kissed her and stroked the sweat that by then coated her body.

“Unbelievable!” Dan Douglas exclaimed.

“Could you roll that last scene one more time, please?” Penny Watts asked.

Dan nodded to the projectionist and the scene rolled again.

When it concluded for the second time, Penny just shook her head. “I do not believe what I’ve just seen. Do you folks realize you can see the blush above her breasts, rising up her neck to her face? And do you know that’s one element of a woman’s orgasm that absolutely cannot be faked.”

To Kim she said, “You really had an orgasm, didn’t you?”

“Wasn’t I supposed to? I thought I was. Kelly told me she came with Mike the first time.”

“But, my God, woman! She didn’t have a full film crew standing around watching! But you did, and you came anyway. How in hell did you do it?”

“Penny, I think it might have been on our wedding night. I told Brad that I would make love with him anytime, anywhere. If he wanted to take me on the steps of city hall, that would be fine.” She paused and then added, “There are no words for me to describe how much I love this man.”

“Lady, that is your Academy Award scene. At least it is unless the film ignites running through the projector. That is the hottest scene I’ve ever seen.” Then she said, “I apologize, Kim. It’s just that I’ve spent my entire career dealing with phony emotions. I’ve worked with film stars past counting who are in love with love but don’t have the first foggy idea of what it is. Even when they’re getting married in church, their emotions are phony.

“But you, lady, are going to revolutionize the industry. God only knows what’s going to happen when faking isn’t good enough. Quite frankly, there are some very big names who I don’t believe have ever had an honest emotion of any kind in their lives.”

She paused and shook her head. “But you? Wow!”

The next day the sniper scene was shot, along with communicating with headquarters, and hiking to the Weser River bridge. When they were setting up for the sniper scene, at Kim’s insistence the setup was recreated using targets and measurements that Mike had used in setting up the range at Quantico.

Then with the Callahans watching, Kim repeated exactly what Kelly had done on that fateful day. Like Kelly at the time, she had never seen the sniper rifle, let alone had one in her hand. Nonetheless, she opened the box, assembled the rifle and like Kelly at the time only wearing a BDU jacket, she put spare clips in a jacket pocket and adjusted the sling.

Same as Kimberly
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The Best Kind of Rehab 4

Another hot night of fucking. Spent the night fucking Mary while she made her husband watch and then clean up my cum in and on her. She's as fucking wild as June only older and a lot more freaky, has no problem getting caught fucking or being seen naked in public even in her own neighbors. I got home around seven in the morning. I walk into my house and there on my sofa is June naked on my sofa naked and playing with herself and I can see that she is in the middle of a orgasm. When she finished...

3 years ago
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I clutched my bag and hopped up onto the teal porch, avoiding the steps. I rang the doorbell frantically, knowing that I was late again. I have always prided myself with how early I was for everything, but over the past few weeks I was a bit scatterbrained and couldn’t show up on time for anything. I could hear the shrill ringing of the doorbell through the oak doors. They were soon accompanied by familiar heavy footsteps that belonged to Carlos who opened the door. “Calm the fuck down, and...

1 year ago
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Reddit LabiaGW, aka r/LabiaGW! Labia… the outer and inner folds of the vulva… something that makes vaginas looks so damn delicious, right? Well, if you are here, you must share my kink, and in this subreddit, you get to see all kinds of dirty images featuring gorgeous women exposing their labia. Most of the pictures within r/LabiaGW/ subreddit are dedicated to girls with an “outie” or well, that is how they like to classify that.I am sure that every man of culture will be able to appreciate...

Reddit NSFW List
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Caught by my lodger

Caught by the lodgerI’d just finished taking the last picture for a new gallery to upload to xHanster. It was my day off and I was dressed up in a basque, my micro plaid skirt, stockings, suspenders, a tiny pink thong and 6” heels, and one of my butt plugs deep in my ass. I heard the key in the front door and panicked. It must be Tom, my lodger, coming home early from work. Although he knew I was bi, he’d never seen me dressed up. ‘Hi, how was your day?’ he called, as he walked into the living...

4 years ago
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The Seduction of a slut

Portia Stewart closed her lace parasol with a snap and turned to watch the throng of people shove their way into the shade of The Egyptian Theater building. Perspiration pooled at the base of her back, soaking into her chemise as she waited for her husband, Gabriel, to return with the tickets. People shouted, pushing their way in. What they were clamoring about? It would be hotter in the building than in the ninety-degree sun. Despite the heat, the crowd was enticing. It was gathered for a...

1 year ago
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Caught in the act Mickey

Mickey glanced up and down the hall checking to make sure that the coast was clear, and when he was satisfied that no one was around, he slipped into the furnace room and made his way over to a step ladder that was leaning against the back wall!!! After making sure that the ladder was in a steady position, he climbed the ladder and peered through a small crack in the cement!!! "Holy cow," he muttered out loud as he pulled his pecker out of his pants and began beating his meat, "this is fucking...

First Time
3 years ago
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Mistletoe and Holly

We were 8 months past our 17th birthday when I was sent to spend Christmas with mom and Holly. Dad and his most recent trophy were off screwing at some beach resort so he was glad to dump me on the female side of my family. Since I hadn’t seen them for almost two years Mom was excited to have me near but my sister treated me like an irritant in her busy life. I didn’t know her friends, I didn’t have a part in her world and the only thing she and I had in common was our birthday. To say I...

2 years ago
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Morning Surprise part5

I was driving home and after the past amazing week I was now setting speed records from the station to my home. The excitement of just walking into my house, had my pulse racing. I pulled into the garage and received a text message from Joan. “Steve on the radiator in the passage is a blind fold put it on and knock on the kitchen door”. What has she got planned for me now, I was thinking. I was always in a state of arousal these days. I could feel the stirring in my pants. I...

1 year ago
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Alice and the BigGirl Rapist

The Big Girl Rapist smiles back and steps into the home of his next victim. He looks her over. Gorgeous: large bust, hips and a bubble ass that so excites him. He admires the sway of her ass as she leads the way to the back bedroom. The Big Girl Rapist had been trolling through For Sale ads in the local paper for the last month looking for a victim. None of his stops had yielded anything until today. God, she is perfect he thought as he felt his erection grow in anticipation. He does a...

1 year ago
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The Best Revenge is a Life Lived Well

I'm not stupid, just dense. Actually, I'm a certified Genius, at least by MENSA standards. I don't belong, but I passed their test once on a dare from my wife, my wonderful wife. Therein lies the story. I met her while I was at UT. I was in the honors course at the McCombs School of Business and I was also in Plan II. Everyone knows about McCombs, it's always in the top ten business schools in the country. Plan II is less well known and much harder to get into. They only accept about 100...

2 years ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 28

Resuming his position at the kitchen doors, the old Chinese carefully controlled the waiters as they successfully served Dingo’s guests. Then, tiring of the charade, he turned, pushed on the swinging doors into the kitchen and grunted an order in Cantonese. Carrying a roasted pig’s head on a huge platter, two waiters appeared. They followed the old Chinese as he painfully hobbled to stand behind Jennifer. Unable to restrain himself any longer, Peter placed his hand on Jennifer’s shoulder as he...

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BB just what a girl needed

Hi there my name is Dee. As I grew up my nickname became double D for couple of very obvious reasons. Now I don’t want to shake up the world but I thought it was about time a couple things got set straight, plenty of pun intended. Like for instance the old saying that more than a mouth full is a waste. Well let’s just say that was generated by the same guys who believe that size doesn’t matter. Just for the record that one is so much bull. And only some pencil dick with a full 4-inch erection...

1 year ago
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Kaamwali Ko Rulaaya

Jab mein 16 years ka hta tab yeh hua tha. Meri ghar mein hamari kaamwali laxmi aati thi. Woh dikhne mein bahut kaali hoti thi.Bade bade boobs aur uski sari mast hoti thi. Woh sari stomach se bhi neecha pehen thee thi.uske back bhi jyaada hoti thi. Ek din mujhe xxx movie dekhne ki mann kiya mein school band karke akela bait ke dekh raha tha. Tab woh aayi thi. Uske aate hi main ne movie band kar diya.lekin mujhe movie dekh ne ki bahut mann kar rahi thi. Tab woh rooz ki tarah pocha lagane aagayi....

3 years ago
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The Amethyst Chronicles The Counicl Retreat Day 1

The supple redheaded beauty stirred at the sound of his voice and moaned softly under his expert caress, her emerald eyes darting behind fluttering eyelids. With the sharp pinch, Amethyst sat bolt upright in his lap, her back arching as her eyes flew open and she let out a startled cry of pain, music to her master's ears. She looked at him with a confused and hurt expression and found him smiling at her, a satisfied look on his face and his steel blue eyes practically gleaming with excitement...

2 years ago
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The right circumstances

It’d been a week since the hot three some weekend. The weekend involved my buddy Kevin and I getting pretty drunk and double teaming this very hot raven haired girl we had met in a bar. Normally it wouldn’t have been a week since we saw each other, but, even though we were drunk, there had been some ‘cross contamination’ as we fucked the shit out of Linda. At some point, as I sixty-nined with Linda, Kevin decided to start fucking her. She was on top so he mounted her doggy style. In this...

Gay Male
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The Maids Night

For privacy call me "Darling" and my wife"Love".I am in my late forties,156cm(5'5")tall,average weight,clean shaven,with a full head of silver(OK, grey)hair. My wife Love is a goddess 175cm(5'9") tall,34years,long legs,beautiful ass,thin waist, natural breasts that sway when she walks, chestnut hair that falls over her shoulders,and the centre of my life for over ten years. We have a modest income so only one servant,our maid"Pet".What a treasure she is!The perfect discreet servant when there...

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The sounds of the ocean filled your ears, a familiar sound...your name was John. And you were lying on something..sand, a beach? And the sound of birds squawking and chirping in the distance. This wasn't your ship. It had been weeks since you had heard the sounds of birds. Probably months by this point, cramped on the ship and working tirelessly to maintain the thing. From preparing sails to fixing boards to making sure that one old geezer you forgot the name of stopped hitting on the captain's...

1 year ago
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AAAgirl Chapter 1

That’s me, LuAnn David, Engineering Departmental Secretary at IntelliVax LLC. I had an idea what they wanted me for in HR. It was probably going to be about the sexually harassment suit I’d brought against the company. It was. “LuAnn, I’d like to talk to you about your career here. You’ve been here more than two years; and all of your evaluations have been excellent.” Margarete Maynes had been the head of HR all of my time at the company. We’d gotten along pretty well until I filed that...

2 years ago
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This is how I want you

id love 2have you butt naked and bent over my desk with you hand cuffed, wrists and ankles to the legs. Id pinch your nipples and tell you what a dirty whore you are. Then id spread your cute arse cheeks and press your little brown arse hole with my finger but not actually fingering you just teasing. ill stand up behind you and bite your ear lobes while i press my hard cock through my boxers into your tight vagina making you want it inside but you have 2wait like a good little slut should. ill...

3 years ago
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A view of Black Nylons 1

A dream of a UK secretary, that has become a sex highlight for this oversexed Scorpio. Ive spent so much time iin her videos, black nylons, perfectly shaped calves, a ass so mouthwatering that I could french kiss her asshole ass day, but, I stray from my story,A voyeur true, a dream of Shirl, pretend, but so hot.With her permission ( begged from her :)), as the sun sets , I approach her window, her curtains, prearranged, open wide. I await, patiently, my nylon queens entrance. Darkened room,...

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Going Down Once Again

"Wait! Hold the elevator!" My heels clattered against the floor as I made a run for it. I couldn't afford to be late. I was on my way to a business dinner with my boss and a prospective client for the architectural firm where I was employed. It was an important client, and we really needed the contract. I hadn't met Mr. Grant face to face yet, and I wanted to make a good impression so I took a little extra time with my appearance, hence the rush. I was in a little black number that hugged every...

3 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 51 The Band Story 05 ndash Opening Night

May – Year 4 “I don’t think that I have smelt that smell in a very long time.” “Good morning Mr. Lee. I guess you don’t want any waffles, huh?” “Are you kidding! Next thing you will be telling is that you have honey butter for them.” When I held up the crock of honey butter, I thought that I saw the man start to cry. Lynn pointed him to a seat and he moved as commanded. “How many?” “These aren’t the evil frozen things, are they?” “Nope and they are round and the are about an inch...

1 year ago
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Sexy ladys starvation 8211 part II

First of all thanks to your responses to me directly, here is the continuation of 05 Jul. By the time we got up from our position it was almost 12 noon and to my surprise I found her maid was also standing in the door and on enquiry when she came inside, she answered that she was here right from the starting when the sexy lady started to shout (cry aloud). Since this is the first time she could hear such load cries from her landlady she was so much excited to see what and how it’s...

3 years ago
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In Search of the Final Freedom Ch 03

In Search of the Final Freedom: An Erotic Socio-Political Novel Authors Note: My spouse and I have been had an open marriage for well over a decade and much of this novel is based on our experiences or those of our swinger friends. This chapter was inspired by several trips to Miami Beach. Our kids who were in early grade school at the time didn’t even notice that Mom went topless on the beach in front of the hotel as she often had sunned like that at their backyard pool or on secluded...

1 year ago
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mumbai callboy 4 auntyzzz

hi guys n respected auntyss i’m jeetu from mumbai. u can mail at Our previous neighbors had left the place and in came a new couple with 3 children, a navy officer and his wonderful wife, Rekha who was very very beautiful even though she had 3 children. I wasnt the bit turned on, but still noticed she had good breasts—>nice balls of milk and a great ass. But it never occured to me what would be happening within the next 6 months. Our families quickly made friendship with theirs and their was...

3 years ago
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Most Valuable Player

The din of the crowd around alley five dropped to almost a whisper as the tall, long haired blonde picked up her ball and advanced to the foul line. The championship for the Blackwood County Mixed Winter League had come down to one final game between the Ashford Rockets and the Clayville Bluejays. With only the bottom half of the tenth frame left for the Rockets to bowl, the score was still too close to say for certain which team was going to walk away with the trophy. All eyes were on Dana...

1 year ago
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Pehli Job pehle crush Bami

Hum logo ko apni life ki har woh incident yaad rehta hai jo hamari life hi badal deta hai. Aisa hi kuch incident aaj aap logo se share kar raha hu. 2006 Aaj meri pehli company mein joining thi. Main office ke conference room mein pahucha. Waha pehle se hi 4 aur new joinee the jinme 3 ladkiya thi. Main bohut sharmile svabhav ka ladka hu isliye maine dusre larke ki bagal wali seat le li. Tabhi hamara boss aaya aur sab ka introduction hua Agle din se hum log apne kam pe lag gaye aur sab ek...

3 years ago
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Let Fate Guide You Ch 03

Yay another chapter! Now that I’ve established some history I won’t jump perspective as much. Please know I had written a warning but it didn’t show up. This story is dark in places. So if you are put off by a realistic story this probably won’t be for you. This story is true, the original individuals gave permission for their story to be told. All names identifying characteristics have been change to protect the identity of those people. Their story contains: foul language, sexual abuse,...

2 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 13 Spectators at a Bull Fight

Just then the AI started to sound an alert. "We have ship entry jump points forming." "One or two," James shouted as he stood up, carefully lifting me up and setting me down as he did. "Three," the AI stated. "One is along the vector leading to Borneo. The other two ships jumped from within Sa'arm controlled space." My master barely paused. "Tyson, Linus, to the gun controls. I'll take laser one, gunners, get to the laser chambers and suit up. Tam, Tif, get to the command center...

4 years ago
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Becoming Their Diaper Slave New Part 2

Becoming Their Diaper Slave Part 2 By Deewet The next morning, Sandy undressed me, taking off my diaper. She helped me into a warm bubble bath and washed me completely. After that, she handed me my clean clothes for work at the coffee shop. I really hated having to go back into those clothes, but I needed to get to work and also go home. "Are you sure you don't want to wear a disposable diaper in case you have an accident." "No," I told her. "I don't need one." Plus, I...

1 year ago
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Cruel Money Part 2

Part 4: Working Girl After my encounter with the Chef and her doll Carolynne, I sat in the bathroom a long while, crying, gathering myself. I had partially embraced my femininity some time ago, but I was still surprised to have those kind of tears in me, no matter how brutal the situation was. But I had just been taken against my will, and doll, genetic or man, it is a traumatic blow. Gathering myself, standing up, I cleaned up the streaks and smears in my make up the best I could....

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