Shackled Ch. 10 free porn video

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‘Sexy, Irish?’ he said. ‘It’s been a long time since anyone called me that.’

She felt her cheeks heat up and grinned a little, ‘Don’t let it get to your head.’ Taking another bite, she studied his profile. Watching him methodically chew his food and swallow, then gulp down his beer. Obviously this wasn’t something he wanted to talk about and the longer the silence extended, the worse Emma felt. She didn’t want to dredge up bad memories, but felt like she at least had earned knowing a little something. After all, now they were in it together.

He sat closer to her this time, his body almost brushing up against her own. It was comforting. So was the food, which filled her hungry belly and helped her relax. When he still didn’t speak, she let out a little sigh and went to open her mouth and tell him never mind. She was such a softie, but pulling teeth just to learn his story wasn’t worth it, was it?

But then he spoke.

Carefully she set her plate aside and jumped when he slammed his beer down, watched him turn to face her. Her pretty face turned to his, gazing into his dark eyes. What she saw in them was both frightening and heart breaking all at once.

For a moment she said nothing, but held his gaze, shifting her body so that they were face to face. Food and drinks forgotten. ‘So tell me more…tell me what happened. Why do they want to kill you? I already know why they want me.’

Her voice was soft and low, she wasn’t going to back down unless he insisted on not sharing, but since he’d taken the first step for her, she reached over and took one of his hands, linking her fingers with his.


She leaned over close to him and took his hand. He hadn’t expected that, but then he hadn’t expected helping her last night. Now she wanted to know what was going on. She was in as much danger as he was.


At least he knew how to fight them, or at least go down fighting and cause those bastards the most of amount of damage imaginable.

He looked at her. ‘I’ll tell you,’ he said. ‘It doesn’t matter anyway. You’re in as deep as I am.’ He paused. ‘As…. we all are.’

He took in some air and let go of her hand. He walked around her and the bench and fetched another beer from the fridge. He needed it.

‘I’m not from here,’ he said. ‘I come from Australia. At least came from there. Now I’m here. I was a junior sportsman there. Not world class, but pretty good at everything. I had a shot once at swimming, but I wasn’t good enough.

‘My family had a long military history. Once I was out of university,’ he smiled at her, ‘yes. I only act like I’m uneducated. I have a degree in, of all things, literature. Anyway, once I left school I joined the military. My athletic ability had me fast-tracked into Special Forces and my education gave me privileges, like being made an officer on entry.’

Hansen stopped. He walked back around towards Emma. He didn’t know why, but he wanted to be closer to her as he told his story. He sat on his stool, very close to her, looking her in the eye.

‘When all the changes started and natural resources became the biggest issue facing the world, governments started to work in a different way. It became about sovereignty. Who owned this and who owned that. It became about pollution. On the face of it, all significant issues, but slowly the emphasis changed. It was more about who was allowed to do what, not what was best for the planet.

‘I was involved in missions that ostensibly were about doing the best thing for the population. Get rid of this dictator, secure that resource, all those sorts of things. Gradually, I couldn’t work out why we were doing things any more. My government became part of the the Global Energy, Health and Food Management Council, so I was not only working for our people, but for them. I worked with people from all the nations that had signed up, all of them Western, except for China. We did many….bad things.’

He drank a bit more of his beer.

Slow down already.

‘But you know all of this. My work was good, the best. If there was something to be done, my team would always do it. They discovered I had a very useful trait. I could do things that others couldn’t. I was not immoral, their words, but amoral. If the job demanded it, then I could do it.’

He looked at her.

‘They studied me and tried to work out what it was about me that made me like that. I could lay waste to a whole city and not think twice about it. I’d been told it was the right thing to do, so I did it. There was a part of my brain that was able to disassociate pain and death from the job at hand. I could go….outside myself to follow orders. They couldn’t really work it out. They started to give me a drug, Palazonol, that was supposed to heighten this mental process. It didn’t work. In fact, it did the opposite: it gave me a conscience. I started to question what I was doing.’

He paused for a moment.

‘But, I didn’t tell them that. After they started feeding me the Palazonol, I didn’t know why the fuck I was doing anything I fucking did. Then a job went wrong. Wrong if you were them. We went to Indonesia. I was supposed to produce a disaster, something that destroyed a town. They were sitting on oil, lots of it. There were children, there were women, there were innocent peasants. They wanted to live on their land, the way they had for hundreds of years. I wouldn’t do the job. I didn’t do it. They did it with someone else, but it blew up in their faces. They wanted the oilfields, but they didn’t want it to be overt. It ended up becoming a major issue and it was the beginning of the contrived wars. It was the beginning of when they stopped caring about how they looked and if their motives were obvious to the rest of the global population.’

She kept looking at him, listening. He smiled at her and raised his hands.

‘I hope I’m not boring you,’ he said. ‘My team followed me in everything. I knew how to plan what the leaders wanted, but I looked after my team. I was the best. I was an asset. They put me in the care of Laura Black, basically twenty four seven. She’s a neurosurgeon. Her job was to repair what the Palanozol had undone. I had not only become normal, they could have coped with that. I was actually becoming a problem. They could have put a bullet in me, I suppose, but my team was the best of the best and if they did that, they were taking a chance that it would all fall apart. You’ve met some of my team: Carl and Jimmy. Mrs. Chan’s husband was there. Bonnie was there. You haven’t met her, but you will. Bonnie could be watching you for weeks and you wouldn’t know it. To keep her close to me, Laura Black was made the doctor, but she’s also deadly in hand to hand combat. I wouldn’t want to fight her. We always joke about that, but I’m serious, I don’t know who would win there.’

He smiled weakly at her.

‘Of course, I’m lucky she likes me so it won’t come to that.’

He took another pull on his beer. He watched her. She was listening.

Good. You have to know what we are.

‘Our role changed a little as the world changed. Our work became much more related to the economic power of nations. We were involved in industrial espionage, we brought down governments for no reason other than they stood in the West’s way and we conducted terrorism on a scale our enemies could never have thought of.’

His beer was finished. There was more to the story, but he needed another.

It feels good to tell someone.

Dickhead, she won’t understand. She’ll be scared of you.

I don’t care….anymore.


Emma listened and watched him. The amount of beer he was consuming didn’t go unnoticed. Not that she minded terribly. It was obviously his way of coping with a past that was eating at him. Palanozol…that name stuck in her brain. She’d heard of it before and none of it was very good. Strangely while he rattled on ab
out his life, she began to worry more and more about him. They had harmed him and used him, like they had used her.

He was also dangerous. But she had known that. Seen him dangerous he could be and was sure he could be brutal when it came down to it. But she had always seen a softer side of Liam. One that showed her how much he cared for his team and those he had come to know along the way. Like Mrs. Chan and her family. There was good in him and while he had done a lot of bad, that was then. This was now. This was a new Liam, a little battered, a little unstable, but one trying to make rights out of all sorts of wrongs.

He was still gazing at her face, more than likely waiting on her reaction. Standing, she surprised him by moving away and going to the fridge. She took out two bottles of beer, popped the tops and then slowly sauntered back. ‘Well, I have to say this does explain a few things.’ she started off slowly and handed him the bear. She wanted to pull him into a hug instead and squeeze him tight for comfort, but restrained herself. Instead she sat back down, her beer handing between her slightly spread thighs. For a moment she looked pensive, her eyes searching his darker gaze. ‘So when you went to see Laura…that was for the Palazonol, not headache medicine or am I wrong?’

He gave her a slight, if not reluctant nod. She blew out a breath. She wasn’t completely familiar with the drug and all the side effects, but it was some heavy shit. ‘Okay, fair enough.’ With a small smile she took a long sip of her drink and then made a face. Definitely not what she wanted. ‘Liam, I already knew you were different and possibly a dangerous man if messed with the wrong way. I’ve noticed enough also to understand that you’re also one of the good guys, even if you have your rough edges. I’m not here to judge you. I think the past should remain the past. Any other person would have ditch long before now and left me to those SPF bastards. I would be dead. And you’ve at least bought me some much needed time.’

Her hands came up and gently caressed the side of his face a second before dropping. ‘Of course, now I have deduced, because I can be a smart cookie sometimes, that you were waiting for me to pass out to take your drugs. And I respect that in a way, but I want you to know you don’t have to hide things. I might have been sheltered in a lot of ways, but by all accounts I should have unraveled days ago.’ She gave him a bit of a rueful grin. ‘I’m not a porcelain doll, I won’t crack so easily. Is there more?’


She had listened quietly to all he had to say. When he paused, she got and walked to the fridge and pulled another two beers out for them. She brought them back. She seemed to accept his story so far.

He drank a bit more of his beer.

‘You’ve done well,’ he said. ‘Better than I thought you would. It’s not easy when they’re all gunning for you. I know.’

He sucked in some more air and continued on.

‘My team reported to a man called General Blaxland. He had once been a legitimate soldier. He was highly decorated and highly respected, but slowly he became more aligned to the economic side of the Global Energy, Health and Food Management Council. He was involved more in terrorism than military duties. At the time we didn’t notice the shifting priorities of our missions, but in hindsight, we were his tools in serving his masters.

‘The final mission we did for him was to protect the interests of a company called Hardacre Industries. They had been receiving threats from various groups around the world. They manufactured weapons that were being used by governments to quell insurgencies. They had plants all over the world, but we were asked to protect the one they had in Thailand. They used cheap labor and it also kept it out of the world’s view.

‘Bonnie was doing the initial surveillance and she came back with some terrifying news. Not only were they exploiting the local population, they were using children to work long hours in sometimes dangerous conditions. I thought that was bad enough, but then Bonnie found out that they were actually testing their weapons on the local people. They were killing people in their trials. Now, I never thought anyone would stoop to that, so I went in as part of the plan. I worked with the management there under the name of Patrick Flannery. They knew I was undercover to protect them. While I was there, they showed me….. more things.

‘What they showed me was revolting. I was disgusted. When I spoke to the rest of the team, they all agreed with me. I went to General Blaxland for a face to face meeting. He listened to me as if it was all new to him. I remember him nodding and listening. He was an imposing figure. Tall and thin with silvery hair. He was just about the only person in senior ranks I truly respected. But…. he said we had to carry out the mission. We were to protect the plant while we worked on finding out who was threatening it. I was shocked. He was a true military hero and he was directing us to protect a business that was using live humans for the testing of lethal weapons.’

Hansen stopped again. He really needed that beer. ‘Thanks,’ he said to Emma, tilting the bottle in her direction and then taking another slug of it.

‘I went back to the team. I told them I was going to take the fuckers out. I was sick of what we were helping to do and couldn’t bear to be a part of it. I was surprised with their reaction. They were surprised I’d taken this long to come around and they were all for it. Laura admitted they’d been sort of grooming me. They knew I was the one, in their words, that was finally going to do something about this. They had all been involved in some minor stuff here and there in helping rebels and insurgents, but they thought that this would be a significant kick in the teeth for the bastards, that maybe we could generate enough publicity to make the world come to its senses. There was only one problem.

‘The Palanozol was not working as it should and my mind was deteriorating. I can’t really describe it to you except to say that I hear voices. There is a constant chattering going on in my head. There’s a ‘good’ side and a ‘bad’ side. They are constantly fighting. When I make decisions, I usually listen to the good side, but when I’m confronted or in danger, the bad side seems to take over, even when I’m doing supposedly good things.

‘The job basically went to shit. We set up a plan. We were going to take all of the management hostage, then destroy the plant and then try to get as much media exposure as we could. We were naïve. We didn’t realize how much the media was controlled by the governments and the corporations. Shit, we didn’t realize that the governments really were the corporations.’

He tried to slow his breathing.

‘On the day we went in to grab the management, I totally lost it. I actually killed all of them. Then I killed the CEO on film and sent it to media outlets and to as many members of corporation boards as I could. These were evil men, but I had become them. Every time I put a bullet in them, I thought of the innocent people they had killed. I was a mess. Carl had to shoot me with a tranquilizer in the end. I massacred the whole management team at the plant while the others were rescuing the workers and destroying the facility. I’m not sure if you heard about it because they tried to keep it quiet, but they ended up twisting the story so that we were dangerous terrorists that had to be destroyed. Now, we live here, under their noses. Because we were from all different parts of the world, they thought that we’d scattered, but we came here. It was easier to hide here than anywhere else. We all do odd things as our part of the effort, but it is difficult to pull anything big together without exposing ourselves. The night I met you, I’d just dumped an informer with some insurgents. I believe they were going to kill him.’

He smiled wryly.

‘The problem is, after the incident at the bar
where we rescued you, they will know that at least Carl and I are together. That means they will be coming after us. It means you’re in even more danger because they know we have you and they know what we can do. Their urgency and effort to eliminate us will be doubled. But,’ he said, ‘your problem has given us something to target. That’s why I asked you if you wanted to start this, because once it’s started, it has to go all the way. You’re shackled to me for now, so unfortunately, you have to be a part of it. The risk you’re taking is that I can be very unstable. The Palazonol helps keep my voices quieter, but it can also be unpredictable. It can make me behave so coldly that nothing is beyond me. Nothing.’

He drank more beer.

‘You’re right, I wanted you to be asleep before I took the drug. It takes a few hours to stabilize and I can really sit there talking to myself in a creepy way and I didn’t want to scare the crap out of you. I remember everything afterward, but at the time, I can’t really control it. It scares even me.’

He put the beer down and sat back on the stool. That was enough for now. He didn’t want to tell her about how they’d killed his wife and child. He couldn’t go back there for now.

‘So you see,’ he said, ‘you’re sort of with the safest person you could be with, but sort of with the most dangerous. If we weren’t shackled, then maybe…..’ He shrugged his shoulders and lifted his palms upwards. ‘But we are shackled, so you’re stuck with me.’


Emma smiled and nudged his foot with her bare one, ‘So you’re a little crazy, we all have our faults.’ She teased softly. ‘I’m not complaining. At least you don’t stink. Could be worse, always worse. I’d like you more if you stocked up on some sodas though. Honestly, I don’t know how you can live on beers and coffee…by the way, should you really be drinking AND taking drugs?’

Setting aside her beer, she stretched a little and rolled her shoulders, digesting all the information he had given her. It definitely helped put the pieces together as to how he ended this way and why. While in some ways it was sad, at least he and his team had their eyes open. Not many cared to bother looking, content to stay in their own little bubbles and doing as they were told. Emma had been one of those people and like Liam, had gotten quite the shock of a lifetime.

‘I think you and I have a lot more in common than we initially thought, Liam. And since we’re stuck together, I say we make the best of it. And before you ask, no, I’m still not washing your dirty socks.’ She gave him a wink and stifled a yawn behind of her slender pale hands.

For a moment she watched him drink his beer, both of them falling silent before she started speaking again. ‘I’ve trusted you with a lot recently and well, I’m hoping you will trust me here too. I’m not a doctor and I won’t pretend to know what you go through when you take those magical little pills. It doesn’t sound like much fun.’ Drawing a breath, she let her fingers brush against his own, her gaze shifting to his hands. Large and strong. It was hard to picture him falling apart, mentally or in any other way. ‘So I’m proposing that maybe we can get comfortable, take your medicine and let me be here for you. I don’t like the idea of me snoozing away while you have a small mental breakdown in a dark corner, Liam.’


She seemed to have absorbed what he’d told her. Of course, he hadn’t told her what had happened to his family, but she didn’t need to know that.


She rubbed her foot on his, just a quick nudge. It made him feel….warm. Having her there made him feel better. The smells of cooking, sitting at the bench talking, her nudging his foot.


For a trained killer, he was very domestic. Laura had often joked about that. I’ll fuck you all day long, Liam, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to put your washing away. He smiled at that.

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My First Intercourse With A Bangalore Girl

This true incident started when I was working for a software company in Bangalore after my graduation. This was the second time in Bangalore after my school days tour. I love Bangalore, such a nice city with blessed climate.   I reached Bangalore in November. Initially, I was staying with one of my friend who was working at Bangalore. Later on, I felt distance is too far for my company from his place. Hence I shifted along with some of my colleges. They were staying in an apartment around 5...

1 year ago
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Back to the Council Estate

It had been a couple of months since I had my encounter with Lyndsay and I couldn't get her out of my mind, no matter how much of a slapper she was she was pretty and could have looked a lot prettier with some make up. I decided to take the risk and go it alone. I parked up outside that guys house and knocked on the door, he welcomed me with open arms which was nice."Come in come in" he said, as I sat down I told him what I was thinking, he said "No problem" and half an hour later there stood...

2 years ago
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the unexpected

Scarlett? I called out as I entered our apartment, there was no reply not even a hint of her presents. I wondered down the corridor and stopped outside her bedroom door, a silky red thong lay on the halls side of the closed door. That was strange. I pressed my head to the door, but there was no sound. Maybe my roommate had brought a guy home? for some reason the thought upset me. Scarlett had always only been my friend, but there was no denying the stunning beauty she truly was, even her gothic...

4 years ago
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The Experience2

The event I am going to narrate here must be very strange and unbelievable for some. Many of us can claim that they know the psychology of women fully but after reading this story they must reconsider on there thinking that women are unbelievable and to understand that at what time what they want is purely a wild guess. As I told you I am an ophthalmologist and I have well established clinic in a posh area of Lahore. My fame is good around the city and I earns good reputation in my...

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AimlessChapter 3 Whore

From the OmniSentia site: In the late twentieth century and into the early twenty first, drug companies wielded lots of power. They took money from the government to pay for research that would eventually turn into products that made the companies billions of dollars. They formed sweetheart deals with each other, making it so that the most popular medications didn’t have any real competition. In the USA, the lack of competition allowed the companies to drive up prices to ridiculous...

4 years ago
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An Encounter in Singapore

Angel checked her email not that she expected there to be anything apart from the usual spam, her two c***dren had left for school so she had the house to herself until the late afternoon, there was an email entitled 'meeting' intrigued Angel clicked on it and there was a message saying 'Be at the Singapore Sheraton Tower at 12 midday, go to the reception desk and ask for Suzie Wong and follow the instructions' it was signed Nadia.Thinking for a minute or two Angel made a decision and decided...

3 years ago
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best movie i never saw

I went to a Adult movie theatre a few towns over.I wore jeans a t shirt, boat shoes and a pair of nude silky pantyhose( I have a Huge pantyhose fetish). I walked in the theatre and there was 3 rooms with movies playing. I went into 1st room and there was a gay movie on the screen and maybe 10 guys or so sitting there watching, a few of them were playing with themselves. and a few were standing against the back wall checking out all the new " meat" comming in. The other two rooms...

1 year ago
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Private Verona Sky Double The Age Double The Fun

Returning today in Private Specials, Rimming Ladies 2 is the young and hungry teen Verona Sky and she’s got one hell of an appetite on her! Today she’s here to dance and put on a show to lure in and seduce veteran Choky Ice into giving her exactly what she wants, a good serving of cock and ass! Watch this sexy nympho as she gets down and dirty with a nice sloppy blowjob before taking it further with some ass licking action, getting things wet and ready for a great fuck that will finalise with...

2 years ago
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Raesaah Performing for her man PArt 2

They both walked up the stairs to Abduls flat which was on the 3rd floor and raesaah knocked the door softly while zain rested his head on her shoulder and they waited for it to open he squeezed raesaahs ass and adjusted his cock just as the door opened which immediately made Abduls jaw drop to the floor Salaam Waalicum Adbul said raesaah in a pleasant tone as abdul stuttered n replied with waalicum salaam baby... and smiled at raesaah and then looked at zain and greeted him with a big grin and...

4 years ago
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Bus Travel With Chennai Priya Aunty

Dear readers. I am Ajay (). I work for software MNC in Chennai. Kindly forgive my narration I am new to iss. This is true incident happened recently. I moved to a new neighborhood near Adyar (which is south of Chennai). I used to go for yoga classes regularly and I am health conscious with clean habit. I had yoga classes early morning around 6am to 7am. While going to yoga classes I saw an aunty. She looks like actress Anushka, her name is Priya (i came to know after my meeting with her) but...

2 years ago
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Pelli Choopulu Ammai Tho Dengulata Part 8211 3

Hi everyone. Thanx for the good response from those who read it. For those who dont know the first part of the story please read it. And for new ppl malli parichayam cheskntna. Na peru balu and nenu hyderabad lo oka big mnc lo working. Recent ga oka pelli choopulaki vellanu, akkada pelli koothuru ni chudagane na modda purthiga nilabadindhi. Aa tharavatha pelli koothuru tho matladataniki room lopaliki vellina naku anukoni adbutamina anubhavam edhurindhi. Ippatiki na jeevitham lo oka vintha adhi...

3 years ago
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A Controlled Life chapters 116 final edit

A Controlled Life By slave4teamviewer Foreword and disclaimer The devices, programs, gadgets, toys, apps, and websites in this story are real. The use of their brand names and products allowed through nominative fair use. The potential for their misuse in the ways they are in this story really does exist. I conducted research and continue to research to ensure the accuracy and efficacy of these items to make this story as realistic as possible at the time of writing. I apologize...

1 year ago
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First time

She had just had 19 years, after her evening of birthday we are in her room(), shein tucked up her skirt on the stomach, in removed its panties and asked me of the good to lick her I did well him to wet, then it came to impale itself on me I had the impression to go into a block of butter;; she enjoyed practically immediatement, I still remember her glance and its lips which she bit not to shout!She said to me then that she had never been taken in 4 legs and that she wanted to make me this...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Lily Rader Takes on an Enormous Cock

Lily Rader has a fascination with a certain Russian actor. So we decided to get her the next best thing. We called up Vlad and put her up to the challenge. We surprised Lily by delivering to her the biggest cock she has ever seen. At first she struggled to with this monstrous Russian cock but little by little her tiny pussy stretched to let more and more of it in. Lily’s pussy was stretched further than ever before. Vlad’s enormous cock penetrated her pussy in several different positions before...

4 years ago
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Burning DesiresChapter 5

Mankil--it was a word Ponkert had learned to hate during the week since leaving Hogar's inn and his two sexy daughters. The Earthman rocked and jolted on the back of his own personal mankil. He was decked out in the finery provided by the grateful innkeeper, and a sword, dropped by one of the highwaymen he had encountered, dangled at his side, not to mention the laser pistol tucked into his breeches. The weather was fine and the countryside had provided an abundance of eatable food, but he...

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Kaamwali Kaam Karwane Ati Thi

Dosto mai apni pehli sex story batane ja rha hu mai aapko ye ek real story hai chalo pahle mai apne bare mai bata deta hu mera nam hai lucky() aur mai surat ka rehne wala hu to ab story start karte hai. Ye un dino ki bat hai aur us saal hi mere bhai ka addmission mumbai me hua tha to meri mummy uske sath mumbai chali gayi rehne or yaha mere liye ek mast kaamwali chhod gayi to ghar me sirf mai or papa hi rehte the aur papa to subah 8 baje hi job pe chale jate the wo kaamwali us time pe 18-19...

2 years ago
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The SocietyChapter 8

The last three days had seemed interminable for Sondra. She had busied herself with the usual housewife types of chores, the kids and Brad, but her mind kept coming back to Joubert and the council vote. Of course that would only give her the opportunity to prove herself to the members which would ultimately decide on whether she would be granted membership. However, she knew that a single negative vote and she would never hear from the society or Joubert again. The few times the phone had...

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Life Without Possibility

It did not seem incongruous to me that an event as momentous as this would be taking place in an undistinguished courtroom, in a nondescript county building, in a bland rural county, in the midst of a featureless Midwest State. As a child, I always thought that history’s major events occurred on a grand stage. I knew that ordinary events happened in small places like in the kitchen at home, in the classroom at school, or that tiny cubicle that my dad called his ‘office’. But things like...

3 years ago
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Sears IslandChapter 8 Future Plans

While the ground was frozen I used the tractor to drag the trees I'd cut to the areas I'd set aside as mangers for the deer. It was several weeks of hard work in the cold before I was satisfied. The tractor would easily traverse the old roadbeds despite the stumps if I kept the speed down. Nobody but a madman with a death-wish races around any fields in a tractor—they have turned over and crushed many an unsuspecting farmer doing simple things such as plowing or baling. Farm injuries and...

2 years ago
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The Business Meeting part 1

When she walked in, I couldn’t believe my eyes.I’d asked her to dress for a business meeting but I had no idea how hot she could look in “business dress”.She had a shaped, short black jacket over a white blouse that clung to her fantastic breasts. The thin trace of her bra could be seen through it, along with the sight of two firm nipples. A 36 I would have guessed. She looked somewhere in her forties, with laughing eyes and deeply red lips. Just those lips would have got me hard alone, but the...

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Introduction: This story seems to have disappeared so Im posting it again. Hmmm, why would a story just disappear? The story of one mans philanthropic good deeds from his own unique perspective. Murder and mayhem ensue herein. The feint of heart should beware because this story may not be your cup of tea. The Philanthropist My name is Louis, for today, and anyway, you dont need to know my real name to understand who I really am. I have a secret and Im going to let you in on it because, the...

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Close Encounters of the Second time TheermS

Well this sucked!The whole situation stunk worse than 6 day old fish.I collapsed into my friend's couch. I had just come off the phone to Ronni for some reassurance.I took a few deep breaths and tried to settle my nerves.About 10 minutes before I had had to end a disasterous encounter with a ghastly little wastrel called Dan. It had gone could have gone worse, but it seemed bad enough at the time.What happened was...and its all laid out in probably too much detail in the first...

2 years ago
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No FutureChapter 79 Sick and Sore

Lindiwe 2069 Although this was by no means the first time in her life that Lindiwe had been ill, she'd never before felt as desperately sick as she was now. Her luck had run out. The Buffalo Pox that had spread across England as it had the rest of Europe, Africa and Asia had finally chased her down. The horrible boils of pus on her face and chest could never be symptoms of anything else. And here she was, still living in the same Redhill squat which had been her home for almost a year with...

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Blind Date7

We walked down to China Town to an out of the way restaurant. As I sat down, not wanting to ask if my paired partner decided not to come, I saw this beauty come walking out from the rear of the restaurant. She was about 5' 9" tall, brunette hair, tied in a pony tail, slim waist, medium size breasts, but her smile was infectious. Mick slapped me on the shoulder and said,This is Joanne, I hope you like? I just nodded my head. Joanne and I talked we had similar tastes when it came to...

3 years ago
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Meeting Amanda The Assault On Sarah Chapter 12

He noticed that Sarah and Amanda were not in bed with him. What he did notice was the dry crusty spot of cum on the inside of his underwear. “Those two just can’t leave it alone.” Tommy said to himself with a smile on his face. He finally crawled out of bed and went down stairs to see if that was where they were at. They weren’t there. He figured they probably went back over to their apartment so he went back upstairs to take a long hot shower. Once Tommy was finished, he walked out...

1 year ago
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Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore Chapter 4 First Truck Stop Gangbang

***** Chapter 4 - First Truck Stop Gangbang I didn't have enough hands and arms to cover up my tits, ass, and pussy while I walked down the pedestrian pathway towards the exit. I wanted to leave the truck stop as soon as possible before a person I knew could recognize me. I was now passing by the first big rig truck, who was parked next to the trucker that just fucked me. The truck driver who drove that truck was standing outside, near the driver side door, smoking a cigarette. We were...

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It was a quiet night; the gentle hum of the air conditioning pervaded my senses as I sat in the foyer of the Grand Hotel.  Few people passed me by but there was one consolation. There was a woman sitting by the bar. Her long dark hair seemed to flow around her face and shoulders.  One side fell elegantly across her breast. Her fingers played with her Gin Martini in a way that was pornographic and she sat precariously on the bar stool; one heel hooked into the rung and the other flat on the...

2 years ago
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Helpful WifeChapter 5

Melanie Cartwright sat in an old squeaky rocking chair, her hands folded neatly in the lap of her bathrobe as she stared sightlessly as the animated screen of her television set. Her eyes viewed but did not watch; her ears heard but did not listen; her mind was concentrating on more important matters than the raucous images dancing only a few feet away. Three days of bed rest and home care had alleviated most of the physical damages to her ravished, battered and bruised body, but Melanie...

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Thots Life! How often do you see yourself walking by a hot bitch in public, only to find yourself secretly jerking off as you stare at them? Hopefully not a lot, because that’s how you will end up in jail, you dumb bastard! Do you want to be known as the creep fuck that can’t stop jerking off at women? Maybe you do, perhaps you don’t, but I get the sentiment. When you see a hot piece of ass, sometimes you have to tug on that peen!But consider this. Have you ever stopped to think that some of...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
3 years ago
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How I lost my virginity

This is a true story, which I am writing for all ISS readers; of course I was finding it difficult to write. But after having read so many real experiences of people, I found courage to submit my story. Pl. All you gals/bhabhies/aunties this is the first time I am writing, let me know your comments and also if any one interested Secrecy Guaranteed. (). So this is about when I was 24 yrs old and was doing C A studies. As I was having a some family problems, there was lot of disturbance at my...

4 years ago
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Pregnant Bride

I was staying at a hotel during a conference I was attending. The conference went on for two weeks so I'd decided to stay the weekend in the beautiful countryside that surrounded the hotel. It is my surname that is Wolff but I'm known to everyone as simply that, either with or without the double 'f'. I'm now approaching thirty and believe myself to be good looking. I'm 6'3" with an athlete's build, although I'm no athlete. I tend to be quite successful with the ladies initially I'm...

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AllGirlMassage Sheena Ryder Ailee Anne Let8217s Get You Warmed Up

A masseuse (Sheena Ryder) is wondering why her next massage client is late. When the client (Ailee Anne) finally arrives, she is soaking wet and miserable. Ailee apologizes for being late, explaining that she got caught in the rain. Sheena is immediately sympathetic and concerned, offering additional treatments to the standard massage to help Ailee warm up. Ailee graciously accepts, stripping out of her wet clothes. After using a towel to dry herself off, Ailee lies down on the massage table....

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Am I perverted

Am I perverted?Discussions and comments on what follows now are expressly encouragedA few days ago a user left the comment: You are perverted. Unfortunately, she didn't discuss this further, so I don't know what she spoke to in my profile or whether she found me and my passions generally perverse.Am I perverted?What is perverse or a perversion? Wikipedia calls it a quote: denotes a turning into the sick or abnormal or such a feeling and behavior.Now I ask myself, am I morbidly or abnormally...

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School for hung young boys part one

"I hope you had a pleasant trip," Mr. Vickers offered while taking his chair in back to the desk, "it's a long way from Chicago!!!" "The trip was fine, Mr. Vickers," Mrs. Sparks replied dryly, "but let's get right down to business, do you really think that you can help our son, he's absolutely miserable in his school back home in Illinois!?!" Smiling slightly at the obvious impatience of Brian's mother, Jordan Vickers glanced at the top page of the young man's file before beginning, "Of course...

3 years ago
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Met In Train Fucked At Home 8211 Part II

Hello guys and gals hope you are doing well. In the last story I told you that how I met a lady and how we come closer to each other and how we went to her home while her hubby was away for tour. Now I will tell you how we cherished each other bodies to fullest. As we moved to her bedroom we started smooching like mad and enjoying each other. I was kissing her badly and she was responding fully to me. I entered my tongue into her. We were exchanging each other saliva. It was so sweet. I kissed...

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