Palomino Ch. 13 free porn video

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The next morning, when Wesley woke up, the sun had yet to come up but, its morning rays were gently starting to warm the night sky. The earth had been refreshed from the night rain, like a healing had come over the land. It seemed to fit all together so perfectly, his opening up, and the tears going hand in hand with the opening of the skies, and then the healing rain that seemed to refresh the surrounding country. As he turned in the bed to reach for Lacey, she was gone. All that was left, as a reminder that she had been there, was a fresh cut daisy from the garden out back, and a little note that simply said, ‘Out for a run. Meet you at the barn.’

Wesley grunted softly in disappointment as he just found the empty bed beside him. His fingers wrapped around the daisy and he read the note and muttered, burying his face into the sheets. The woman was insane. Last night had been a long night. Getting out of bed was the last thing he wanted to do at the moment. After several minutes of arguing with himself, he finally disentangled from the bedclothes and went to the laundry basket to get clean clothes. It was obvious a woman hadn’t lived in the house for some time. Wesley lived like a bachelor through and through. There was cereal in the pantry, and he kept his clothes in the laundry basket. At least this time he’d bothered to bring the basket upstairs, rather than leaving it down in the laundry room, like he normally did.

Not half an hour later, Wesley seemed semi awake as he wandered over toward the barn. The fact was he was still half asleep, but that’s the way life was. Chores always came first.

Lance wandered into the barn from the opposing open doorway, a styrofoam cup of coffee in his hand, and a huge yawn on his face. Stretching upwards, he scratched at his face and yawned again, the sound echoing through the barn before he caught sight of Wesley coming in. Then suddenly he seemed to be wide awake as his eyes lit up and he yelled out, ‘So … how’d it go last night?’

Wesley half looked up at his friend and just grunted in response. Last night would be difficult to explain. He rubbed his eyes then scratched the stubble on his chin. He knew Lance’s wiley ways, and how sooner or later he’d get it out of him. ‘Get the keys and drive the feed truck in here. Need to get those cows hay and cake.’

Lance looked at his friend for a moment and took a quick assessment of the look on his face. Okay, he wasn’t unhappy but he WAS serious, so something big must have happened. Downing his coffee, he crumpled it up and grabbed the keys hanging on a peg just inside the small tack room, and wandered back out to get the truck. He could see Lacey jogging up the road, coming in from the mountain trail past the southern pasture. He grinned and wolf whistled, calling to her as she went by, admiring the way her little shorts and sports bra hugged in all the right places. ‘Hey sexy! Git yer fine ass over here and give me a morning hug!’

Lacey pulled up for a moment, jogging in place as she glanced around and then smiled, seeing Lance and simply waved before continuing on her way toward the main house. Lance frowned heavily and called after her, ‘Fine! Be that way,’ before he grumbled and slid into the work truck and backed in into the open doorway of the barn.

Wesley was ready with bales of hay, and he threw them up on the back. Then he threw three full gunny sacks of cattle cake up and crawled up to dump them into the feeder that would allow the driver to distribute it without having help. He sat down on one of the bales and patted the top of the truck to give the signal it was okay to go.

Lance grinned and gunned the truck for a moment, knowing it would catch Wesley off-guard and send him lurching back. It was a bit of a game they played every once in a while.

Pulling out of the barn, he turned and headed towards the pasture, drumming his fingers on the window frame as the morning breeze blew in, whistling softly to himself. The weekend was coming up quick, and he was looking forward to the rodeo. Wesley had decided to take up team roping again, and they had done pretty well with building up points in the last couple of months. He wondered vaguely if Lacey would come along this time, and then his thoughts turned to last night and he itched to know what happened. Wesley deserved happiness, and Lance, along with the rest of the ranch, was hoping that with the return of Lacey, so would Wesley’s smile.

Wesley grunted as he was lurched back in the truck and he fell off the bale as it turned underneath him. He growled and smacked the back window. ‘Goddammit, Lance! Behave.’ He grumbled as he righted the bale again and sat down, pushing open the back window of the truck. ‘You tryin’ to kill me ‘er sumthin’?’

Lance chuckled, ducking naturally as the back window slid open and he glanced back at his friend with a lopsided grin. ‘So, come on, spill it … how’d it go last night?’

Wesley crossed his arms over the back and leaned in to avoid the wet wind whipping him in the face as he rode the back of the truck to be sure they didn’t lose any of the bales as they went over the rocky, bumpy ground. ‘It went alright. Showed ‘er the house. Went alright fer awhile. Woke up with a bad dream.’

Lance glanced back at him as he expertly avoided the potholes and puddles in the ground as they made their way toward the cattle pasture. ‘I thought you were over those?’ he questioned before turning back to the path.

‘I thought I was too, but seems not. I scared ‘er bad. She left awhile. I musta fell asleep, but she came back. We hadda long talk.’ As Lance brought the truck to a halt, Wesley jumped down and walked around to unlatch the gate to let the truck through into the upper pasture and waved him through. Behind him Wes latched the gate again and crawled back into the truck to take his seat again.

Lance slowly started down the worn tire path towards the herd that was grazing further down, taking back up the conversation. ‘What’dya mean you scared her? She left where? The house?’ He glanced at his friend through the rearview mirror.

‘She just wen’ to the bathroom. Was in there awhile. Could hear ‘er cryin’. Then I musta fell asleep ’cause I didn’t hear anythin’ else ’till she came back.’

Lance glanced at his friend through the rearview mirror as the herd came into view. ‘So everything’s cool? I know you don’t talk much about everything that’s going on inside, but if you ask me, she came back for more than just the ranch.’

‘We hadda long talk. I told ‘er everythin’.’ He said it quietly. It didn’t carry the painful connotations it had even a week ago. It was like that huge painful weight had been lifted, or at least been changed into something else. Acceptance.

Lance could see the change in his buddy’s face as the truck came to a stop and he turned around to face Wesley as the cows started to amble over, knowing it was breakfast time, but Lance knew that Wesley had made a huge shift last night, and he grinned, clasping his friend’s arm. ‘Good … you needed to get it out. You been carrying that guilt around for way too long.’

Wesley smiled and grasped his friend’s hand and squeezed it firmly. Lance had gotten over the guilt a lot sooner than Wesley had. Why, there wasn’t any answer. Anne was very dear to both of them, and Lance had watched it all happen right in front of him. Why the healing process was so much different between the two of them was unexplainable. Wes just nodded his silent thanks and chuckled as he felt a cow prodding his butt to get him up off the bale he was sitting on. He stood up and pulled his pocket knife and cut the strings, wrapping them around his hand. ‘Alright fellas… alright. C’mon. Hey! Hey…’ He swatted a bossy one smartly, glaring at him. ‘Ya’ll get your share. Patience.’ He shoved the bale off the side of the truck to let it break over the ground and hopped down after it to break it apart and spread it out as the cows crowded around him.

Lacey came down the stairs of the main house, finishing up with pulling her now clean hair into a ponytail, dressed in blue jeans and a t-shirt, appropriate boots this time on her feet. She had bought them back in New York, and had committed to wearing them every day to break them in. People at the office had thought she had lost her mind. She had always been Miss. Style, the appropriate role-model for the girls coming in and out for fashion shoots. But in her last month there, she had come to work in jeans and boots on a daily basis, and more radiant than she had ever been. She came into the kitchen with a bright smile and moved to Caroline to press a soft kiss to the older woman’s cheek. ‘Got coffee ready? I just need a cup and I’m good to go,’ she said as she pulled down a bottle of sun block from the cabinet.

Caroline dusted her hands off and looked at Lacey with a big smile. ‘Where you off to in sucha hurry? The boys are out feedin’ stock and checkin’ the alfalfa. You want breakfast?’

Lacey glanced to the woman that she loved as much as her own mother, slathering sun block on her exposed arms and the back of her neck, the light make-up that she did have on had sufficient amounts of sun block to protect her face. ‘Actually, I want to get out to the barn and see if I can find a decent mount before Wesley sticks me back on that old nag that couldn’t find a trot if her life depended on it.’

‘Oh… he putcha on Biddy, did he?’ she chuckled and offered over a big cup of coffee with sugar and cream. ‘Biddy’s a good ol’ horse. Jus’ not cut out for ranch work anymore. Get Gunthar… that’s the buckskin you’ve seen Wes on now and then.’

Lacey took the cup of coffee and smiled to Caroline with a twinkle in her eye. ‘Yeah, I’ll do that. I’d like to get some riding in this morning before it gets too hot.’ She sipped the coffee thoughtfully, her fingers holding the cup close before she asked, ‘Caroline? Do you believe in ghosts or spirits?’

Caroline had turned back to making more coffee for the boys for when they got back after chores. ‘I dunno… depends, I guess. Yea… I’d say so. Why ya ask darlin’?’

Lacey leaned against the countertop and looked to Caroline over the rim of her coffee cup. This was going to sound insane but she had to talk to someone about it. ‘I … I think Anne came to me last night.’

‘Oh?’ she turned back after making her own cup of coffee and smiled. ‘C’mon… let’s go out on the back porch and you can tell me all ’bout it.’ She hooked her arm into Lacey’s and guided her to the back door and onto the deck where she liked to spend her mornings.

Lacey smiled gently and took the older lady’s arm, carrying her coffee as they walked to the back deck. ‘Wesley had a nightmare … he’s still living in the past, I think.’ She sighed gently and sank down onto one of the deck chairs, taking a long sip of her coffee as she gazed out over the pasture and then to the mountains in the distance.

Caroline frowned a bit at that and nodded. ‘I wouldn’t doubt that. The man hasn’t done anything except lock her memory away someplace where nobody can help him with the pain. Did the same with all her things. It’s all still in that house. Now what ’bout Anne visiting you?’

Lacey glanced to Caroline and then lowered her coffee, her fingers thoughtfully rubbing the sides of her cup as she spoke. ‘Well, I had to just step away. It was tearing me up inside. I mean, I almost feel like I’m intruding, and she’s not even here, you know?’ She sighed gently, reaching up with one hand to rub at her forehead. ‘Anyway, I was in the bathroom, succumbing to my fears I suppose, and then this, this apparition appeared in the mirror.’ She looked over at Caroline to see if she thought she was crazy. ‘It scared the shit out of me at first. I mean, that’s the kind of thing you only see in movies, or on those stupid reality bullshit t .v. shows. But there she was, just smiling at me.’

Caroline just smiled and nodded as if to tell her to go on, quietly listening as she sipped her coffee.

Lacey shook her head and then stirred her coffee a bit with her fingernail, watching it swirl around for a long moment before she continued. ‘She told me that I shouldn’t give up on him, that I should just love him, and she would do the rest.’ She glanced over at Caroline before adding with a wry, small grin, ‘Oh, and that he was stubborn … like I hadn’t figured that part out on my own!’

‘Well… she’s right. You can’t do more than love him at this point. The rest is up to him. Anne is everywhere in that house, but she’s nowhere. He kept all her things after she died, all her clothes, all her trophies, boxed them away someplace and hasn’t touched them since. If you want my opinion on Anne’s ghost, seems to me like you have some ghosts in your own past to get over too.’

Lacey froze a moment, her fingers stilling on her coffee cup. ‘Wh-what do you mean? I don’t have any ghosts in my past.’

Caroline met her gaze evenly. ‘Oh yes you do. Everybody does. Like… why didn’t you come back to the ranch until after your daddy died? You and your daddy were close… until your mama took you away. Maybe an old flame. Maybe just the confusion of growing up.’ She sipped her coffee again, regarding the girl in silence, leaving her to work through things on her own.

Lacey sighed gently, turning her gaze back out towards the pasture and the mountains beyond. There was a question she wasn’t prepared to answer. Caroline always had a knack of digging into places where people didn’t want anything dug up. She lifted the cup and took another sip of coffee before setting it down. ‘It’s getting late … if I want to get a ride in before it gets too hot, I should go.’

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There is nothing like getting lost in one of your favorite jams. Alone in your room, enveloped in sound, its a sense of relaxation like no other. Sarah Lace is indulging in this ultra private activity today when she starts to get a tingling sensation in her crotch area. Somehow, the music is turning her on. The extra small ebony sweetie has a need for cock, and when she gets a hankering, she will not stop until she cums. She makes her way out of the room to see what she can find out there in...

1 year ago
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Chapter 3

After each of Mistress Dee’s guests had ample opportunity for a close examinations, she had her assistant spread my legs wide apart and fasten a stretcher bar to my ankle shackles. With my legs spread wide and the cock leash pulling me up and forward, the difficulty of maintaining my balance caused the ball weights to swing. Mistress Dee began to ask her guests if there were any additional questions or comments before the bidding began. As she spoke she walked around me sliding her riding crop...

2 years ago
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Parents Out

I wave good bye to my parents as they drive away. Finally a night to myself. I have been sexually frustrated for a while now, the fingering has not been enough. Having to hold in my moans in fear that my parents would hear them. Not being able to use a vibrator to stimulate my wet pussy. It has been wet for days now, my fingers not giving the relief. My sext partner, Marius who is from France has been bombarding me with videos of him rubbing his wonderful dick. He pumps hard, moaning my name,...

1 year ago
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A Match Made In Taboo

“Ohhh yes. Oh, Mr. Matthews, that feels so good. Please don't stop.” Bent over on my desk, Beth moans as I pound her pussy from behind. As I fuck her hard, the papers stacked on my desk start to fall onto the floor. But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is the feeling of my hard, throbbing cock swiftly going in and out of my secretary’s very wet and very tight pussy. I grunt as she starts to push her ass back, meeting my every thrust. Her moans become louder as I fuck her faster,...

2 years ago
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My brown beginning part 13

All of the sudden Mrs Stevens jumped up seemed to come back to earth.Uh Shirley ,Em.I need to get going Im not feeling well.Mom said Oh Ok Gail let me walk you home.They left me and Gram and headed over to Mrs Stevens house next door. Shirley..{ Mrs Stevens said to Mom } We have been friends for ages but today you lie and decieve me,That is what upsets me.The stuff going on at your hose is a bit of a shock but you three lieing and decieving me is really hurtfull and I dont know ..I guess I need...

1 year ago
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How John became a Guardette part 1

John arrives at Allison's place. The two knew each other from Facebook. Turns out they live very close to each other. One day Allison sends a Facebook-message to John and asks that he'd come over to talk about a "serious matter." After some chitchatting Allison excuses herself and goes to another room. When she comes back, she carries a large suitcase and a computer case. She sits down on the couch and opens up her laptop. "Take a look at this," says Allison as she hands John the...

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Setting Up Hubby With Our Babysitter

Chapter 1 Aaron and I met in college at the University of Wisconsin. He was majoring in mechanical engineering and I was majoring in finance. Yes, rather different career tracks but we had a lot in common. The main area we shared was our bodies. I first had sex when I was sixteen and was hooked from then on. I did know some girls whose first experiences were bummers but mine was wonderful. Just got the right guy, I guess. He took his time and got me so hot with his tongue, I think I cummed...

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Brynn Phytrelia Pt 03

Thanks again to everyone still reading. I appreciate all the votes and feedback I’ve received on this so far. Idris moved to go after her, but stopped, examining the skin where she had burned him. He winced. She’d managed to snap him out of his daze, and he was grateful. He shook the feeling off and walked to try to follow her, but she’d already managed to get into the refresher chamber and get it locked. Brynn skidded a little at the threshold of the refresher room, nearly fell on her face...

2 years ago
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Beach Sex

The entire shore line was deserted. It was late in the evening. The sun was touching the horizon casting a scarlet glow across the expanse of the Atlantic. I was lost in pleasuring my wife. She was eager to be pleasured pushing her body up against mine, her mound brushing against my abs, the tuff of hair blanketing it soft and ticklish. Her hands were in my hair, playing with the curls, toying with them as I continued to tease her breasts moving from one to the other then to her neck,...

2 years ago
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A Lonely Road

The light coming from the street lamps criss-crossed through the trees trying in vain to lighten the road. On the empty four lane road she walked. Her gait quick and hurried. Her hands clutching the little bag she held, body was trembling, trembling with fear or was it anticipation? "Click-Clock-Click-Clock-Click-Clock ", the sounds of her heels cut the darkness and the silence of the night like a scalpel at the hands of an experienced surgeon. Soft murmurs of her talking to herself were...

1 year ago
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Three Cs Cocksuckier and Bottom

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Roosevelt Administration created several make-work projects to put people to work. One such program that targeted young men, was the Civilian Conversation Corp or Three Cs.I was seventeen at the time and the youngest son of a family of seven girls and three boys. I was still living with my mom and three sisters. My father had been killed in an industrial explosion when I was six.My mom saw the Three Cs, as a means to get me out of the house and a...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Culture Shock 223

Sitting on the side of her bed, Elaine looked at the vibrator and her mind raced. If she cleaned off the lipstick, whoever kissed it would know she'd seen it. Would they check? If she left it how it was, could she pretend she hadn't seen it?She quickly put it back in the drawer and shoved it closed, accidentally making a banging noise. She hushed the errant drawer, making herself blush. The walls of the small three-bedroom apartment were paper thin, and she hoped neither of her roommates...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Trudy Freaky hairstylist MILF does first porn

– 44 yrs old – Has been a hair dresser for 10+ years – Tried stripping and escorting, figured she should try porn too – She is a single mother of two, just dumped her BF – Loves younger men as she feels they are coachable – Recently fucked a 19 year old virgin guy – She likes to be in control when having sex – Gets wet during the day from dirty thoughts then she masturbates – loves porn, has a big collection of girl/girl, Boy/girl, asian VHS tapes – She is into a little BDSM fetish stuff,...

2 years ago
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Transvestite Caught Part 2

"I can see our little Gwendolyn is going to be popular," she called out, "so I'd better make sure she gets assigned fair and square! I know: We'll use the turntable!" Over to the side of the room was a small stage, and on this stage was a slightly raised platform that apparently rotated, and upon which, I presume, a go-go dancer performed. The thing was about three feet in diameter, and a switch to one side of the stage set it in motion. It was over to this that I was dragged by Freda,...

2 years ago
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OpenMinded Family 8211 Part 1

Hello my name is Rahul aging 21 years from hyderabad and this is my first story on iss aur koi galti hogyi toh maaf kardena bhaio aur beheno Rahul (me) – 21 Sneha – sister 23 (sex bomb hai 34c 30 36 Radhika – bhabhi 24 ( open minded bitch ) Rajni – mom Rakesh – dad Raju – chacha Sobha – chachi We are typical jain family and as u all know jains ke ghar par auratein sarre navel ke niche pehenti hai aur humari joint family hone ke karan mujhe kahi baar bahut kuch dekhne ko miljaata hai , to be...

2 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 5 Prisoner Exchange Gone Bad

I looked up as Amanda sat at her desk across from mine, “Word is there was a huge mix up with a prisoner.” She lifted Dragon from the corner of her desk and put her in her lap. I glanced at the commander’s door, he had not even blinked when I returned with Amanda. She had just handed him her transfer chit and he gestured to me, “Partner up with Morpheus.” So she had her desk across from mine. It was nice to have a partner, even Camdra seemed to like Amanda. The commander stepped out of his...

2 years ago
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Mummy and me on holiday part 3

On the third day it was raining and dull. We really didnt have much to do but watch tv. Mummy decided to take a trip to the Shop situated just off the camp. the one on site didn't sell alcohol. About 30 mins later Mummy returned with some vodka and some larger. We sat drinking and talking. Mummy was sitting opposite me and I clould'nt help looking up her skirt. She could see I was trying to look. Sh then blurted out "Do you want a proper Look". With that she opened her legs Wide. God I know its...

2 years ago
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Lindas Lay on the Thames Part 4

Day 4 FridayI was woken up by Lydia, disentangling herself from me.“Hey babe, its time to get up.” She explained apologetically. I mumbled something by way of a reply before I opened my eyes and began rubbing them. My mouth was dry and somewhat parched, remedied by a half-full glass tumbler of water that Lydia handed me. I gratefully took it and drank it down in a couple of gulps. I then climbed out of the bed which was very comfortable. I helped Lydia tidy it and then followed her dutifully...

2 years ago
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Mandys First Hair

Mandy was excited. She jumped and skipped down the stairs, yelling "Daddy! Daddy! Oh look Daddy!" Her father Jim was watching TV and looked up to see his naked almost twelve year old daughter rush into the room, a hand mirror in her hand. Jim and Mandy lived alone ever since his wife had run off with the slob who had sold her a car. Apparently he'd sold her something else as well. That's what you get for marrying a stripper. Anyway, since then it had been him and his daughter. He'd...

3 years ago
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How it started nobody gets married and says quo

I have to admit, I never married my wife and thought back then, "I'd love to see this beautiful woman of mine be taken in the arms of another man, especially a Black man and be fucked soo good and soo long that she'd forget I was even in the room!"That just doesn't happen when you are standing there placing the ring on her finger, as she looks up at you smiling and says. "I do!" So, how does it go from that wedding day, to the point where your wife is being pumped full of hot,pulsating cum...

1 year ago
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My Brother The Geek

Note : This story is completely fictional! God, I hated this. I had my first accounting test Monday morning and all this liability and asset crap was driving me college and I hated it. I wanted to do well, but I don’t want to fail. I could ask my brother, but he was nothing but a damn geek. Yuck. Oh well. If I want to pass this test I guess I will have to ask him. Slowly I walked down the hall to his room. The door was open a little bit and I walked in. “Ron I ......” I stopped dead in my...

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Myrnas Family History Chhapter 4

At last, Gloria sat on the couch in the living room. Myrna took a seat in the easy chair where only a few hours earlier, Mister Gantner had sat, checking the black teenager out. "I answered every question 'bout sex you ever asked," Gloria began. "An' I tol' you plenty you didn't ask about. So, I figure you're ready to hear this an' now that you met Mister Gantner, maybe you're ready to understand it." "Now, it didn't start with Mister Gantner who was here today. It started...

3 years ago
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The Sales Team Meeting

Roger managed the company sales group and it was a high-pressure job. Without sales, the company would fold. He knew and so did all the people that Roger hired.Roger knew that the sales job depended on him hiring the best people and since the business was a tool manufacturing distributor, he knew he had to think outside of the box.“Sex sells,” was certainly the thinking of the time-period. Roger was given a lot of leeway by the company CEO, who told him he could do anything to sell the products...

4 years ago
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Dream Machine With correct paragraph spacing

Chapter 1: The Machine My fingers shook as I unwrapped the package. Finally. My own Duelling Machine. Actually, I mused as I skimmed the instruction manual, “Duelling Machine” is a misnomer, it should be called a Dream Machine but the wrong name stuck. Unlike Bova’s conception which was brought to life in the DM-90 model and allowed two people to share a dream as a virtual battle, the more advanced DM-92 allows the sharing of a dream without violence and this one, the DM-100, allows one...

4 years ago
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Obsessed with Sex

  Many people would describe her as just an average housewife. Her name was April Miller and she was 33 and had been married for 12 years. Her husband was 39. Her husband had a good job, so even though she had worked in the past she didn't need to at the present time. They lived in the suburbs in an average middle class neighborhood close to schools and shopping. Her life was monotonous and boring and she thought she was going to go crazy.She was the type that you might not notice the first...

Wife Lovers
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The Great Day With My Cousin Sister

Hi guys I am Sameer from Sydney, please do tell your ratings and any advise if you like my story here… And email me anyone interested to share our experience and for friendship. Thanks So starting with the story I basically from Punjab and my family consists of me, my brother and parents. I have my cousin living in Delhi with her family consisting of one little brother and her parents.Her name is Sneha. She is damn hot and was pursuing her bachelors degree at the time of this happened. We have...

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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 15 EEEE

Richard Hyder was apoplectic, “Your Honor! This is outrageous! Trial by ambush! I’ve never seen anything so ... underhanded, so deceitful, in my forty-one years before the bar.” “Is there an objection in there?” Judge Graves seemed more amused than annoyed. “Yes! Yes there is. The Defense hasn’t even begun to present its case and this ... this ... private eye miraculously points the way ... I object! This ... these items cannot be entered into evidence.” “Grounds?” “Illegal search and...

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