Losing Leah
- 3 years ago
- 28
- 0
Ma Reilly was pushing sixty and although wealthy still worked the early morning shift at Ma Reilly’s Diner simply because she’d always worked the morning shift for the past thirty-nine years, including the last twenty-three years as owner of the business.
She’d married three of her regulars over her time at the diner and each one got around ten years out of Mae. She’d begun marketing herself as Ma Reilly when her last husband, Stan Horn, wooed her successfully. They had a happy nine and a half years together but tragically thirty-two days after his big lottery win Stan died after the last of many seizures suffered throughout his life. Ma inherited most of that $872,000 windfall.
Oliver Webb watched Ma carrying over his lightly done steak with two fried eggs and a scoop of fries.
‘No salad?’
‘No ma’am.’
‘Your mother will be displeased.’
‘May I request salad please ma’am.’
‘Ruby, a complimentary salad over here,’ Ma yelled. ‘Where are you heading son? I don’t recognized you from around here.’
‘To New York ma’am. I’m joining my Uncle Roy who makes safety harnesses for dogs traveling in vehicles. He markets them by mail order but is employing me for several months to set up credit card sales via the Internet and to lead product marketing.’
‘My daughter from my first marriage wants to go to New York. Can she ride with you?’
‘If she’s ready to leave within the hour and pays her way and half the gas.’
Ma pulled out a roll of money from her apron pocket, licked a finger and counted off ten $100 bills. ‘Will that cover her dues?’
‘That’s too much ma’am. With two night’s accommodation, meals for two days and half the cost of gas I reckon $450 should do it.’
‘Well you’re a few hundred ahead on the deal. But remember put her into harm’s way and I’ll come after you with a meat cleaver.’
‘That’s very generous of you ma’am and I hear the warning. But why pick on me?’
‘You are clean-cut and ordered salad out of respect for you mother’s wishes. That suggests you are okay. How old are you son?’
‘Nice age. Leah who will be traveling with you is thirty-six. Refuse to have sex with her while you are driving because that could bring harm to you both. I call and get her over here pronto.’
Fifteen minutes later conversations stopped. Oliver looked at the main entrance. A fabulous looking cream complexion redhead in a very short lace dress and cute ankle boots stood at the doorway.
Ma yelled Table 7 and Miss Universe began walking to Oliver’s table.
He swallowed and shook.
‘Hi,’ she smiled, as Oliver scrambled to his feet. ‘Mon says you’ll drive me east.’
‘Yes and my name is Oliver Webb.’
‘Oliver, a pretty name. Mine is Leah, spelt L-e-a-h and the surname is Rainsford. Are you ready?’
‘Then let’s say goodbye to Ma and go.’
Oliver said in surprise, ‘You call you mother Ma?’
‘Yes, it’s shorter than mom.’
Oliver nodded.
* * *
After nine hours on the road including stops for gas, the restroom and lunch Oliver said, ‘Shall we stop off at this next city?’
‘Sounds good to me. Watching the road and jawing has made me tired.’
‘Right we’ll get a couple of nice rooms at a place with a heated pool, um if you like swimming.’
‘Yes I’d love to soak away road tiredness. Let’s get one room and upgrade.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘What are you shy or don’t you sleep with women?’
‘I told you I was married.’
She smiled and said, ‘So?’
‘I don’t know what to say.’
‘Omigod. You’re shy.’
Oliver shifted on his seat. ‘Your mom warned me not to bring harm to you.’
‘Oliver that’s just her way of saying don’t go to sleep at the wheel or drive into something. I’m a big girl and she couldn’t care a fuck who I have sex with provided it’s not with my asshole of a husband.’
‘You’re married?’
Leah said patiently, ‘If Asshole is my husband it follows I must be married. Did you finish elementary school?’
‘I think I did and went on to earn a masters in computer science.’
‘Oh my apologies. I guess I mistook your nervousness for dumbness.’
‘It’s all right. Besides you look if you’d be really good at it.’
‘Dear Oliver. Just because a women offers to sleep with you it doesn’t follow that you have to have sex.’
Leah slapped a hand on to his thigh. ‘But after a few drinks, a swim and something to eat I’d like to finish off with you coming inside me.’
The car lurched.
Stroking Oliver under the ear Leah said huskily, ‘Do I excite you Oliver?’
‘Yes,’ he croaked. ‘I need a drink.
Oliver went to the pool swaggering, knowing he would soon be having sex with the best looking and smartest babe with the best body he’d ever met. He could count the females he’d had sex with on one hand. There had been Diana, Freda, Roxie and Shannon before marriage and then eight years ago he’d married Shannon’s older sister Nevada, latching on to her after Shannon had dropped him for Michael, his best buddy. In recent times Nevada had him rationed to sex once a week unless once a week didn’t suit her. In contrast Michael was losing weight and complaining Shannon wanted sex night and day.
Complaining! Yes and the poor guy now wondered if he was meant to be gay. It was impossible to believe Nevada and Shannon were sisters with sex drives so substantially different.
‘Hi Oliver.’
Christ Leah was in the pool floating on her back without a stitch on. Her boobs were out of the water and her legs were wide open and anyone could see she shaved. Oliver looked round wildly for baton-waving policemen charging towards them but apart from Leah and him the basement pool area was deserted.
‘Come over and suck pussy darling,’ she cooed ‘I find it a great way to relax.
‘I’d rather swim thank you.’
‘Okay please yourself darling.’
Darling? The bitch was attempting to seduce him psychologically after finding a frontal pussy showing had failed.
He removed his swimming shorts, not wishing to be called a party pooper.
‘Omigod a man of steel,’ Leah called. ‘It’s not even stiff despite having sighted pussy.’
‘It knows it’s not feeding time,’ Oliver sniggered and dove in, hearing her bellow in laughter.
She wanted to race of course. Oliver thought she looked in superb physical condition so thought she might clean him out over two laps so he challenged a five-lap race, knowing by then his endurance training in cycling would have come to the fore.
He should have known. When he offered her a five second start advantage she smiled and asked was he nuts. She completed the fifth lap as he turned at the end of his fourth.
Jesus. No way would he have sex with her, she’d kill him, draining his balls dry.
They stood drying and he eyed her. Pulling aside her towel she flaunted her body.
‘So you like my body?’
‘It’s about as close to perfection a mortal woman can get.’
She appeared surprised.
She toweled her hair and said, ‘After me winning the swim I expected you to be resentful and say oh it’s all right.’
‘I’m not a poor loser.’
‘No and I see that now. You don’t have to fuck me so relax.’
He smiled and said thanks.
‘It’s not necessary to be so polite Oliver, I’m not used to it. Men including my husband regard me as a trophy.’
‘You are such a darling guy Oliver. I was beginning to think guys like you didn’t exist any more.’
Oliver swallowed and said could he ask her something very personal. She said of course.
‘Leah if I do generate the desire to have sex with you, may I?’
‘Of course you may darling and thank you for asking. Let’s dress and go out for dinner.’
They chatted and eventually just seemed to click and both were aware their relationship had reached that point. A little later Oliver said, ‘Should we laze around in the morning and head off after lunch?’
She cocked her head and said, ‘Why don’t we stay one more night? You said you had time up your sleeve.’
‘Okay and I think it would help you to unwind. You are rather tense Leah.’
‘I don’t want to talk about it.’
Oliver said firmly they’d talk about it tomorrow. ‘You need to unload baby.’
She scowled.
They returned to their room a little drunk. Leah asked Oliver did he wish to undress her and looked a little upset when he said no. She stamped off to the bathroom and slammed the door.
‘I’m married,’ he yelled at the door but there was no answer.
Leah returned nude and said sullenly, ‘Well at least kiss me good night.’
‘Yeah sure,’ Oliver said, holding out his arms. They closed round the softness of Leah. She sighed and engaged in a long kiss with no caressing and she sighed when they broke apart.
‘You kiss great for a guy who doesn’t fuck,’ she complained and her expressed softened when Oliver scratched an ear and apologized.
Oliver awoke during the night to find Leah licking his dick and working it up. He pretended to remain asleep, knowing a woman of her experience was unlikely to be deceived. But she sucked and jerked away until he gushed and he heard her spitting out semen but neither of them spoke. She rolled away and he thought she was wiping her mouth and tongue on the sheet and then she lay still and he drifted off back to sleep.
He awoke in the morning to find her with her knees raised so he massaged her pussy thinking she’d be awake and after working in two fingers sloshed away and teased her clit with a finger on his other hand and could feel her body heaving against his hands. She finally groaned into a release and when her breathing steadied he went off to the shower knowing she was now asleep.
Oliver sat outside on their balcony for almost ninety minutes before Leah arrived, dressed and smiling. He jumped to his feet and kissed her and she kissed back, restraining herself.
They pulled apart reluctantly and she said a strange thing: ‘I feel like a woman again.’
Oliver scratched his nuts and she eyed that and smiled. He thought if she felt like a woman what was she before? He figured she was enjoying being treated as a person rather than as a sex object. Her big-dick husband and his pals probably brutalized her.
They went out for breakfast after booking their suite for another night and later went shopping. She returned with flowers for the room and appeared to have had her hair trimmed.
Oliver was happy to see her and said, ‘You know you are a very lovely woman,’ thinking she’d like that but was delighted when she rushed him and kissed him and brushed back his hair and said he was such a beautiful man.
‘What’s this,’ she asked, looking at the gift on the bed.
‘Just a wee something for you for being such a good traveling companion.’
‘But no one gives me gifts,’ she cried, ripped open the wrapping of the sixty-buck bracelet.
‘Oliver this is gorgeous.’
He squirmed and colored under her intense gaze.
‘I shall treasure it always. You are so kind to me. You don’t want sex from me but you enjoy my company. Well that’s something.’
They spent the afternoon beside the pool, watching two noisy families at play, enjoying the atmosphere. Every so often Leah reached for Oliver’s hand and squeezed it and held it for a minute or two.
They dressed at 4:00 and went to a bar for a couple of slow drinks before ambling off somewhere for dinner.
Leah said, ‘Is it because you are married that you don’t wish to have sex with me or is it you don’t like me?’
Oliver smiled and held her gaze. ‘First let me ask you this: Why do you appear to be so insecure?’
‘Because I’ve been constantly abused.’
He laughed and said, ‘What you!’ and then knew he’d goofed, watching her bottom lip protrude. ‘Sorry, I really am Leah. I ought to have known something had gone very wrong in the relationship with Asshole. Want to tell me about it?’
He slumped shoulders rose a bit and she said firmly, ‘Yes but you won’t like it.’
‘Try me.’
‘Mom told me to stop using his name and that no way am I to go back to him. So we refer to him as Asshole. He has a small dick, only five inches.’
‘What when fully erect?’ Oliver asked in disbelief.
‘Yes and I’d had quite a few big ones in my time, some painfully so. I thought what a relief to find the guy who was engaging me romantically was under-endowed. Fellatio is fellatio no matter what length you gobble and Asshole and I found it best to have sex doggy. Providing I didn’t thresh about he rarely fell out. But stupidly he wanted everything and when those more enterprising attempts usually failed he became increasingly depressed and he changed, losing his respect for me as if it were my fault. He began fisting me and if drunk would be yelling, ‘Take this you bitch.’ He even attempted to fist me anally but when I broke free I grabbed a kitchen knife and threatened him, saying I’d kill him in his sleep if he ever attempted to do that again.’
‘Good girl.’
Leah smiled appreciatively. We settled into a routine that varied between doggy and fisting but three weeks ago he came home drunk with four of his drunken pals and the five of them masturbated over me, drenching me. Incredibly they all had small dicks. After showering I went to the bedroom and locked myself in. I packed up the things I really wanted and left during the night, the five of them were asleep on the floor of the lounge. I stayed with mom and she advised me to just disappear. We went to her attorney and she signed the transfer of ownership of an apartment in Manhattan she’d inherited from her second husband. I had just told her the previous night I felt I was ready to move and next day she called to say she’d met a clean-cut guy who’d impressed her. She told me you had agreed to take me to New York and that you looked trustworthy and very fuckable.’
‘Your mom said that?’
Smiling weakly Leah said, ‘What trustworthy’ and grinned when Oliver said, ‘Good one Leah.’
‘Leah I’m astounded that anyone could treat you so rottenly and admire you for shooting through. When we arrive in New York just disappear into the mass and start your life anew.’
‘That’s what mom advised me to do and said if I had become afraid of men I could always take up with a lovely female.’
‘Would you want to do that?’
‘No. Mom owns the apartment Asshole and I lived in so yesterday she planned to have an eviction notice served on Asshole with two security guys forcing him to pack his personal possessions and send him off with a boot up his ass.’
‘Couldn’t the attorney have done all of that without muscle men?’
‘Mom is canny. She didn’t want her apartment trashed. He has our car and our joint possession won’t come to much so mom believes he won’t seek a divorce and after a couple of years if I want a divorce I could return to my home state and file for divorce as an abandoned wife. She believes Asshole won’t respond to any attempts to locate him and get a legal response from him. Even if he does come forward she said it won’t matter because we didn’t have much in the way of marital assets to split. Asshole and I lived the high life and spent almost everything we earned.’
‘Well all I can say is you’ve done the right thing and I’m proud of you.’
Leah smiled and took his arm and they went to their table.
They chose Chinese and during the leisurely meal Leah said, ‘And what’s it with your marriage?’
Oliver shifted uncomfortably on his chair. ‘Her mother is a bossy bitch, always interfering. My wife was fine for the first couple of years of marriage, sweet and considerate and regarding us as a we
ll-functioning team and we were at that stage. But then she began to change, rather slowly and within two more years I’d concluded I’d married a shrew. She became bossy just like her mother and we began to scrap and soon not a day went by without us having at least one confrontation and we lost respect for one another. With that happening I went off the idea of having children, not wanting to have them reared in a household where their parents scrapped. She resented that and left me for almost a month but then lost patience with her mother and returned to live with me. She now only wants sex one a week and sometimes complains that’s too much.’
Leah’s mouth fell open but she refrained from commenting.
‘Nice food,’ he said and that appeared to end that topic until Leah said, ‘Does the fact you are moving to New York for a while without your wife suggest you are running away?’
He wriggled on his chair again but finally had his thoughts sorted. ‘I really don’t want to talk about her but I’ll say this. When Uncle Roy called me to help out I suggested we could try that period as a trial separation. But she hit the roof and said no way would she contemplate a divorce. She’d made a mistake marrying me and she was determined to live by that mistake. She’s Catholic. That’s all I wish to say.’
‘Well that satisfies me Oliver except it doesn’t explain why your wife finds you unsuitable for her needs after marrying you for life and why she has become a shrew. The problem could be her mother, I just don’t know.’
‘Let’s leave it there. In two days you’ll be settling into your new life in New York and I’ll be out of your life.’
‘Do you want me out of your life?’ Leah said gently.
He acted as if he hadn’t heard her say that.
‘Oliver please reply.’
‘I’d be a fool to let you go.’
Leah’s heart rate soared when Oliver said he’d be a fool to want her out of his life. She’d much rather had he clutched over his heart and said he loved her and never wanted her to leave him, but that was over-expecting. At least he’d not rejected her.
Leah ate slowly and fed Oliver some chicken from her sweet and sour dish to try. She watched his lips close over her chopsticks to remove the morsel. Oliver had olive skin, dark hair and was very good looking. She’d had his long and thick dick in her mouth the previous night and he’d gotten her off brilliantly just after dawn today and that made her think his wife must be raving mad to allow that talent to go virtually unused. God any man denied opportunity to fuck would go off and find it elsewhere.
She smiled and Oliver smiled back at her. Leah thought of squeezing his dick between her breasts and opening her mouth to take all he had when he ejaculated. She then took fright. Mrs Webb was not giving her husband the sex he wanted so why wasn’t Oliver ramming Leah Rainsford 24/7 when it was practically laid out for him?
Leah sniffed and thought he regarded her as a slut and Oliver Webb had high standards and didn’t fuck sluts. God how could life be so unfair. This guy coming from a little city into a mega city would probably fuck a hooker and not realize she wasn’t a film star until she asked for the payment. Leah thought she had sufficient experience to nail most guys but they would be coming on at her, the problem with Oliver was he didn’t seem to care what she had waiting for him between her legs.
Well she had tonight and tomorrow night to try to nail him. If she failed to do that he’d just disappear, leaving her to get her sex from jerks or the partners of women in her apartment block. She’d have to move gently in on him, to attempt to get his motor running without being too obvious. Once she managed to control him he’d see the sense of fucking her.
As they walked back to the motel Leah said she was going to have a bath and invited Oliver to join her.
‘You had a bath before we left for the bar,’ he accused, as if there was a water supply crisis or her memory was defective. It was like been kicked in the head, she’d stupidly fouled up because she hadn’t thought the tactic through. Now she had a headache.
Oliver stopped at the entrance and said he was going for a walk.
‘That’s fine,’ Leah said, aware she hadn’t been invited to walk with him and wondering if he would look for a hooker.
‘Don’t wait up for me. I could be some time.’
‘Well a hooker would have him off within two minutes so what was it? Oh the asshole, he wanted her asleep before he came to bed!
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waved to the other girls as they got into Sandy’s car. Kimberly rolled down the back window and asked, "You sure you don’t want me to stay and help Lee?" "No," Leah answered. "You know Brad will be waiting at the party for you, just go and have fun. I’ll be along later." "Okay, see ya then," yelled Kimberly as the car pulled away. Leah watched only for a moment as the car sped out of the lot, then shut and locked the door. She really did want to get to the party...
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I got to work only a couple minutes early for my 8am shift. I'll be honest, after the previous day's 16 hour shift I was still pretty tired. I know I am not as young as I used to be. I have been a paramedic for going on 18 years now. There are some grey patches in my beard lately and some mornings the joints are pretty achy. I was scheduled with a guy that was a real loudmouth braggart today. I wasn't really looking forward to it. Although today's shift was only supposed to be eight hours...
Straight SexIt’s been a little over three weeks since my steamy encounter with Leah. In that time, I just seem to keep playing the mind fuck tapes of that night in my head. I realize I certainly surprised myself in many ways that night. One, I never thought I would be so turned on by what one would consider a plump/full figured woman- Two, I never had an experience that brought out such raw uncontrollable passion, and three, I cant believe I don’t even feel guilty about cheating on Sarah with her roommate....
Answering the door on saturday morning Connie Lee saw Her daughter Amy's friend Leah. Come in dear she told her. Is Amy at home she inquired? More often than not lately the answer was no, as the two girls were drifting apart. Friends since the third grade Amy had developed into a self confident young woman with many interests and the ability to make friends of anyone. Leah on the other hand, except for being taller and sporting a pair of D cups still looked much like the chubby child that had...
Conrad Gentner considered himself a sort of libertine; a real lady's man. He was justifiably proud of his nine inch cock. But his many conquests were due more to the fact that the women in question were usually somewhat inebriated, or enticed to his place, not to see any etchings, but because he offered them the opportunity to try some choice blow or, cocaine. Normally, he wouldn't have had anything to do with a hooker; but on this night, he picked one up unknowingly. Her name was Leah,...
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Monday 2nd December 2019 (pre-covid) 6AMA text message arrives from Miss Leah:‘Keep your phone on all the time - I don't care what time it is where you are - you are mine 24/7.When I say that pathetic boypussy needs a fatter plug - you show me straight away - even at 03:00’.‘Yes Mistress’, replies Sarina, inflating the butt plug again.'Now how are those tits developing - you should be a decent B cup by now consuming all that oestrogen and using the breast pumps every day'.Sarina pulled down the...
FIRST INTENSE TRAINING SESSION WITH MISS LEAH,At the first i have to say thank you to Miss Leah for training me as her slave.I was so excited when miss Leah, send message to me and ordered to submit to her. I didn’t know what i really should to do .But i was ready to submit. Excited, horny and submissive as i should to be. for the first order , miss Leah , ordered to mark her name on top of my cock, when it is soft and hanging and also when it was hard. I did it immediately and sent them to...
I met Leah when my friend invited her to a . She was 17 then, cute, sweet and friendly. What I like more about her is her sweet smile and the curve of her body. She had a soft skin and small tits. I always have a hard on everytime I saw her and I think she's noticing it. By the way.......she is my friend's girlfriend. This is what happened next....... It was a relaxing saturday afternoon then, and i am doing nothing inside our dorm when the phone rang. "Hey it's me, Leah, just asking if you're...
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I was spread eagle on my double bed with just my jeans trousers on and Leah was on top of me on her knees kissing me. Her tongue was darting out of her small mouth and pink lips to play with mine. I just lay there and enjoyed the sensation of her lips and tongue. Slowly she started to move away from my mouth to the chin and then the cheeks which she playfully bit and then went to the ears and sucked the lobes and bit into them sending electric current through my body and making my cock stand...
I got to work only a couple minutes early for my 8am shift. I’ll be honest, after the previous day’s 16 hour shift I was still pretty tired. I know I am not as young as I used to be. I have been a paramedic for going on 18 years now. There are some grey patches in my beard lately and some mornings the joints are pretty achy. I was scheduled with a guy that was a real loudmouth braggart today. I wasn’t really looking forward to it. Although today’s shift was only supposed to be eight hours...
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This story is fiction; although the placenames used in this story do exist; the events described in this story never actually occurred. Any resemblance to anyone anywhere (except to Michele who is actually me) is coincidental. The story contains explicit sex and violence, and explores themes involving transvestism and non-consensual sex. If any of these themes disturb you then please do not proceed. Feedback and constructive criticism is always welcome. xxx Michele...
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I had a non-sexual experience with a stranger, a good-looking blonde woman, which was as good as any sexual experience I have ever had. (Well, not really, okay, not at all, but for the purpose of this story, it reads better when I write that it was.) It took place in my car and in her car. We were racing. The only thing that I love more than driving is driving fast and the only thing that I love more than driving fast is winning. (Actually, there are lots of things that I love more than...
Her daddy, Louis, had given her a driving lesson each day for the past two weeks; they even had multiple lessons each day that he was home from work. And, without fail, each lesson ended with Sarah taking a load of her daddy's hot cum in her twat. A few times she had given him a blowjob first, because she had heard that guys could fuck longer if they had already cum. It hadn't taken long for Sarah to discover that she loved the taste of her daddy's cum, almost as much as she loved feeling...
We walked slowly back to the factory where we had parked the truck. A man came out of an office and wanted to know if we were in a hurry. "Anytime. We are headed north just as soon as we unhook." Teri spoke. "I'll back it up to the dock. You do the paper work." The dock worker made small talk as we went into the office. "That your wife driving?" "No, just a team driver. She had a load for the west coast and her tractor gave out so I took over with mine. She is damned good though...
It had been about three months since I had given Khrystiana that first (and last) spanking. It was now the first week end of August. As we had done the previous three months, Khrys and I were getting together at her place to see how her finances were going. We had also had a number of ‘dates’ in which we had dinner, had gone to a concert, had a picnic at the lake or just spent some time together. The time we had spent together was 100% platonic. Both of us just simply enjoyed our...
SpankingIn just a few weeks, she would be old enough to get her driver's license, so she desperately needed the practice. And her daddy, who was her very favorite person in the whole world, was very patient and would make an amazing driving instructor. Just then, she heard the sound of her daddy's car pulling up in the driveway, so she opened the front door and rushed out to meet him. Louis barely had time to brace himself as his teen daughter flung herself against him, squeezing tightly. "Are...
'what the fuck rachel you can't go out like that you slut' billy says 'that skirt is so short your cunt is almost on display and your top is seethru you don't have a bra on''its ok don't panic its just i have my driving test today and the examiner is supposed to be a right old perv he just needs to see some flesh and its a pass , you know my driving is shit so this is the only way ''well come here let me sample thhe goodies before you go' billy reaches for her'no you'll have to wait until i get...
Synchronistic rescue by soul mates leads to sacred sex. This is a work of fiction, a fantasy, written as a way of exploring some possibilities of synchronicity as well as psychic and sacred sexuality. This story is hard to characterize. It clearly fits in Mature, Erotic Couplings, First Time – several times over, Romance and even a unique form of Group Sex. There is enough nudity to add Exhibitionists and voyeurs and even some Anal. It is long so I put it in Novels. What I hope is that it...
As I have said in other stories another true story that I have to add is about when I was taking driving lessons.I started driving fairly late in life when I was about 32, I lived in an area with little public transport I needed to be able to get around. I selected a driving school and arranged my first driving lesson for 11.00 am. I got involved with doing things and was surprised when the instructor knocked on my door. As anyone that has read any of my other stories I do not generally wear a...
Khrystiana called me a couple of days after my birthday and told me that she wanted to get together. She told me that she had loved our birthday celebration but did want to talk. She told me that she had the feeling that I had enjoyed it as much as she had. But she told me also that her concerns were about how I was handling the aftermath. She wanted us to get together to simply talk, so we did.She very bluntly asked if I was thinking that we had gone too far, that we had stretched our...
SpankingHello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, an 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here. “Ooooooohhhhhh oooooohhhhhhhh oh god eeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiii.” Polly could see her uncle’s head between her aunt’s legs. Her aunt was...
IncestThis happened many years ago and was one of my first experiences of sex with a stranger, again it is completely true.My driving lesson was always at about 11.30, I had had 2 and my instructor asked me if I would to go to lunch after the second lesson, why not? I thought. When we got to the pub for lunch 3 of his fellow driving instructors were there. Since I was a teen I have never worn a bra and the thought of wearing a bra for my lesson never even entered my head so off I went wearing a...
We spent only a minute to enter the house and turn the alarm off. A few seconds later everything was in the dryer then I asked if she was hungry. “No,” she replied, “I had a huge lunch. I’m not used to eating that much. But…I can think of one thing I’d like in my mouth. Why don’t we go to bed?” I followed her numbly as she pulled me into the hallway. Once in the bedroom she repeated her actions of last night. “Wait here a second, John. I want to get a few towels.” She scampered into...
Introduction: We are getting ready to head to Vermont. We are leaving early in the morning and it is still dark outside and it should remain that way for about an hour before the sun starts to rise. We are both wearing jeans and I am wearing a t-shirt while my wife is wearing a tank-top and a sweatshirt. I have on a pair of boxers and my wife is wearing simple white panties and a black bra. I finish putting our bags into the care and then go around to the other side to give our son a kiss...
Daddy and I finished our shower after his might had filled me again and again. My juices ran down my inner thighs in what seemed to be buckets of slick warmth only to be washed away by the heavy flow from the shower head. He cried out as I felt him fill my womb with lava-hot cream, making me echo his wanton howl. Daddy knew just what to do and held his cock deep inside of me until my pulse finally slowed. I could feel his penis dwindle and smiled knowing I had satisfied him as much as he had...
IncestThis incident that happened 15 yrs back has left such an impression on my mind that I felt like sharing it with all readers of ISS. I was a student in one of the prestigious Medical Colleges in Kerala and was into my 3rd yr when this incident happened. My house was about 10kms from the College. As I was into heavy exercises and sports, my physique was well known and so was popular among the girls. I didn’t have any girlfriends but used to be very free with everyone. There was one particular...
Hi readers, this is Saji Verma from Kerala. I was born and raised in Mumbai. I am the only son of my parents. My dad is an international businessman and my mother is a homemaker. I completed my engineering and was back home in Mumbai after taking admissions for M tech in Pune as I told previously my mother is a homemaker but she mostly spend her time in clubs and as she is a society lady she has lot of friends mostly of her age. Many a time I used to drop her to clubs and pick her back and all...
My wife has this huge crazy extended family. And every last one of them share this singular obsession. So every time she starts talking family I flap my arms like I'm a giant crow. Boy do I caw-caw at her. "If I'd known what was in your genes," I squawk, "I'd never have tried to get in your jeans." I'm joking of course. Sort of. There's a hell of a jewel down in those pants, but the wrappings and trappings that aren't cotton kind of give me the shivers. It's a toss up. They both...
At the beginning of that summer, Anita’s boss had purchased a brand new motor home from a guy in Jacksonville. He knew I had a commercial driver license; so he asked Ana if I could go there and drive it back to Savannah.He told my wife that he would give her some time off with pay, so she could come along with me. I figured it would be fun so I agreed to do it.When we were ready to leave, one of Ana’s office mates, a black guy called Oliver, came home with his new van. My sweet wife explained...
I had been driving for less than a year when I started work with Post Office Telecommunications in 1974. It was the practice of the firm to send those new starters with driving licenses out in a 3-ton vehicle for assessment. So, one bright January morning I was seated in the cab of a Bedford TK with another new starter and a Post Office driving instructor. Viv, the other newbie, drove us out of the depot through the early morning traffic of Cardiff. It was obvious he was an experienced and...
“That new kid Lee played well.” “Have you ever seen anyone uglier?” “You didn’t see him in the shower.” “I did. Fucking fit body and hung like a fucking donkey.” “Imagine that cock inside your pretty wife.” Ian had imagined that very thought. It was the biggest cock he had ever seen at least ten inches long and as thick as a beer can. Fat chance of that ever happening, Julie his stunning wife was in many ways very prim and proper as befitted a schoolteacher. She was tall over 5ft. 9,...
I must first and foremost thank Imhapless for being such a wonderful partner in inspiring me to write with him. Our first story went well, this one is different and such a joy to pen....more is on the horizon. My childhood was not always filled with the love and warmth that a girl dreams of. My Dad was great but my Mom was, shall I say, not as loving and nurturing as I hoped to be one day. When I was little she would rant about everything - my room being messy, leaving soap suds in the tub,...
IncestHis dick twitched as his mind filled with images of the driving lessons, since they always ended with Sarah taking his cock deep inside her tight little cunt. His teen daughter's appetite for his dick was insatiable and he was enjoying every minute of it. But he had had to work today and so he would have to wait until tomorrow to feel the sweet rapture that was his daughter's pussy, squeezing the cum from his shaft. As he walked up to the front door, he took a deep breath, not sure if he...
>>>>>> I first met Daisy while a graduate student in college. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that she met me as she was the dominant driving force through most of our relationship. You see, I was a nerd, still am for that matter. I wasn’t ugly or fat, or even a sloppy, smelly person. I was tall at six feet three inches and thin as a rail at 165 pounds. I still have a full head of light brown hair at thirty-eight, but I have filled out a bit, the result of sitting on my...
BARRY LAKER rolled his eyes when his daughter strolled into the kitchen.“Tash,” Barry said, exasperated.The girl looked at him, fists on her hips and her head tilted to one side. “What?” Natasha replied, knowing full well what her father was about to say. She knew he was about to make a comment about the brevity of the hemline on her skirt and would also probably have something to say about the clingy little top she had on.“Those shoes,” Barry said, nodding towards the strappy silver heels....
Now coming to the day things changed. I was home, my parents left the country for a business trip. I wasnt alone, i had a cook, a housekeeper and a driver. Now i didnt have any friends but i had this online friend who i played games with and he was telling me about how he got into an car accident and wont be able to play for sometime. I felt bad for him but then i had this sudden thought i didnt knew how to drive. It was bugging me alot, i was 18 and didnt knew how to drive, we had all these...
We separated after dinner. I had headed back to my place and Klara and Khrystiana headed back to Khrys' place. On the Uber ride back home I started thinking about our upcoming ‘farewell’ picnic for Klara on Saturday. One thing that struck me was Khrys’ comment about how provocative she found the idea of being spanked in a way that could be viewed by others. I had also noticed the sparkle in Klara’s eyes when Khrys made her comment.I realized as soon as Khrys suggested the picnic that this might...
SpankingDriving Daisy CrazyBy UnknownAll characters in this book are fictional and any resemblance to persons livingor dead is purely coincidentalChapter One "Randy Buck, Nancy," Cynthia Marvel, also known as the Baroness, owner, president and chief executive officer of Marvel Industries, the cosmetic and bluejean conglomerate says to her vice president of marketing. "Now there is a name I haven't heard in a long time," Nancy responds, "and hoped never to hear again." "Now Nancy, the world is too small...
I slid into bed beside Teri. I had taken a shower in the downstairs bath so I was ready for anything or nothing, whatever was Teri's inclination. "Is everything okay?" "It is not only fine, but great. Mrs. Earle and I forgave each other. She will be moving soon, so you and I will have a home and a place to live. Mom sent me up to get into bed and make babies with you. Something about keeping up the family name." "She will have to wait a little. I've got a lot of estrogen in me and...
Driving in Snow is an exploration of spiritually based sexuality and the power of synchronicity. This story is hard to characterize. It clearly fits in Mature, Erotic Couplings, First Time – several times over. Romance and even a unique form of Group Sex. There is enough nudity to add Exhibitionists and voyeurs and even some anal. It is long so I put it in Novels. What I hope is that it will inspire enough other writers to write spiritually based stories that we can add a new category of...
It was a Friday evening around 7.30 pm and I'd just finished work and was looking forward to going home and drinking that nice bottle of Sancerre that was chilling in the fridge. I was making my way across the car park when I heard a female voice calling my name, looking around and saw it was my new boss Julia, what the fuck have I done now I thought! I should explain that I work as a train driver and it's very unusual to have a female boss a lot of my colleagues had a real problem with it....
Like most hot summer days the evening was muggy and close. I was lucky enough to be up having supper with a friend and left their place about 11:00. I only drove about a mile from their house, thru the dark on the country roads heading back to the motorway that took me pretty much to my door. I had often driven naked at night but hadn't done it in years, so I just thought what the fuck, lets strip off and enjoy the warm, the near empty roads and the night sky.Instant pleasure! i felt cooler and...
Just thought I had to share this with the xHamster comunity, its something I've often thought about doing and something I've always wanted to do. A bit of a fetish I suppose! I know it felt very kinky and very sexual. Anyway heres the story....Last night I was invited over to my sisters for dinner, so I thought great, what if I have a go at naked driving on the way home after. Its usually about 11.00 pm when I leave my sisters and head the approx four miles home. Now bear in mind this is...
Author's note: I started writing with a very specific character for Anna in mind. Later, I just sort of built the stories around her. I'm not entirely certain whether I can take this story anywhere else, or if I even want to. I might come up with new ideas and themes for the next one, but I've definitely come to like writing. So expect more stories some time in the future, just might take a bit longer. Driving Lesson by Hazel M "And I'm telling you, driving stick is a lot...