Speeding Ch. 03 free porn video

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‘You have to actually get out of the truck.’ Reid bit back a smile as he stood outside her open door.

Don’t wanna. His family was pouring out the restaurant, and she wasn’t sure this was such a good idea. ‘Joanne will need me at the store. We should just go back.’

He shook his head. ‘Not working, baby. Jo is fine, Taylor is fine, and the store is closed Sunday. You’re missing a whole two days. Oh no,’ he teased. Letting his smile break free, he gentled his tone, ‘No one will bite you, I promise.’

Her feet had just touched down when she looked up into the faces of the Caufield clan. Damn. Genetics were undeniable as she swung her gaze from face to face. Helen Caufield was pretty and blonde with Reid’s sapphire blue eyes while Roger and Ryder shared pale blue eyes. All the brothers had the same dark hair, Reece with a nicely trimmed goatee, and Reece and Ryder were just as amazing looking as Reid.

Of course, their partners would be gorgeous. Madelyn Caufield was built like a centerfold, with shoulder length auburn hair and sea green eyes. Cassandra DeMille was equally beautiful, but darker complected with bittersweet chocolate eyes and long, dark hair to match. She couldn’t help but think how incredible looking the children from these marriages would be. She shook her head to clear it and keep herself from thinking about having children with Reid.

Helen was the first to speak. ‘We’re so glad you made it. Come inside for dinner.’

On the drive to Ashford, Reid had told her Mimosa was an upscale restaurant specializing in brunch, open only from six in the morning till four in the afternoon. It was nearing seven and they had the place to themselves. A big, empty restaurant full of Reid’s family. Who thought this was a great idea, again? Oh, right, she had until ten minutes ago. Blowing out a bracing breath, she grabbed Reid’s outstretched hand, holding onto him like a lifeline.

Over a fabulous dinner- evidently Ryder and Madelyn didn’t own a restaurant for nothing- Kendall found herself enamored by the Caufields. She had never had the easy banter and relentless teasing in her family, even when her parents were alive. As she watched the interplay, she had to admit- if only to herself- she was unexpectedly envious of Madelyn’s relationship with Reid. She knew he named Madelyn a close friend of more than ten years, and although it was stupid, she couldn’t stop the green-eyed monster from clawing at her every time he called her Maddy-May.

Helen noticed Kendall’s discomfort and stifled a laugh. Distracting her son’s girlfriend from the close friendship he had with his sister-in-law, she asked, ‘What do you do, Kendall?’ She knew the answer, but it seemed as good a question as any.

‘Well, my degree is in journalism and I minored in theater, neither of which I use on a day-to-day basis.’ She laughed before she continued, ‘I’m at Taylored Jewels as a full-time sales associate, and whatever else Taylor needs me to be. There’s just the three of us, Taylor in the shop and Joanne and me on the floor, so I’m not just selling but helping with inventory, the books and whatnot. I’d like to take some courses to add to what Taylor and Jo have taught me, but that’s not in the budget right now.’ She smiled, her face lighting up as she continued, ‘I think my favorite part is that we’re always involved in the happy moments. Engagements, anniversaries, the birth of babies…’ She trailed off, ‘And I’m probably boring the heck out of you right now.’

It was Helen’s turn to laugh. ‘No, dear, I’m not bored at all.’ She lightly elbowed her husband, ‘Did you hear that, Roger? Kendall is in jewelry, and not just any jewelry, Taylor Jamieson’s jewelry.’

Roger grunted. ‘What are you hinting at, hon?’

‘Thirty-five years of putting up with you should earn me something!’ Helen exclaimed through a fit of giggles. Before long the entire table had joined in.

‘My ring’s a Taylored Jewel,’ Cass announced as she scooted her chair closer to Kendall, holding her left hand out for inspection.

Kendall’s heart sped up as she took Cass’s hand in hers, she so loved diamonds. The ring winking at her had to be a three carat radiant cut in an intricate platinum setting with micro-pave and antique detailing. ‘That’s spectacular,’ she breathed. She turned to Reece, ‘Great job, my friend.’

Reece flashed his version of the devastating Caufield grin. ‘Taylor’s great. We go way back, like sandbox back. I was afraid of designing something for Little Miss Fashion Designer here, but I had help.’

Cass shot Reece a look before sticking her tongue out at him. ‘Like I would’ve said no.’

‘Nah, I wasn’t worried about you saying no, but I did want you to like it,’ Reece said earnestly.

Kendall truly appreciated that Reece had come to Taylor even though he and Cass lived in Atlanta, not to mention Cass’s father was, well, rich. ‘I couldn’t imagine anyone not liking Taylor’s designs, but I have to admit I’ve helped some nervous men,’ she paused, made a face. ‘I mean, really, if you’re to the point where you’re seeing us, you should know the answer.’

‘No kidding. Don’t spend the money if you’re not sure!’ Cass agreed wholeheartedly.

They were sipping coffee and eating strawberry shortcake when Madelyn slid into Reid’s recently vacated seat across from Kendall. ‘So… How ya holding up?’

What a strange question. ‘I’m good. Y’all are an interesting bunch.’ She cocked her head as she asked, ‘Does the teasing ever stop?’

‘It doesn’t. Ever.’ Lowering her voice, she changed the subject, ‘I’ve been a part of this family a long time, and you are the first woman Reid has ever brought home.’

‘Really?’ she asked, although she wasn’t surprised.

‘You sure are,’ Madelyn acknowledged with a tip of her mug. ‘You gonna keep him?’

Wow. What a question. ‘You don’t mince words, do you?’

‘Nope,’ she agreed with a shake of her head. ‘Reid is a brother to me, and I don’t want to see him hurt.’

‘The last thing I’d ever do is hurt Reid.’ She leaned closer to Madelyn. ‘Look, I’m not going to cheat, I’m not going to lie, I’m not going to leave. I am in this for as long as he’ll have me, and I’m not going to be intimidated by his sister-in-law.’

A small smile tugged Madelyn’s lips. ‘You’ll do,’ she said before standing and returning to her husband, leaving Kendall befuddled.

A few minutes later Reid returned from wherever he had been during her strange conversation. ‘Ready to go?’ he asked. At her raised eyebrow, he explained, ‘I got us a room at Ashford Hills.’

She did an internal happy dance. She wasn’t sure whether or not she’d passed Madelyn’s test, but she didn’t want to explore it further by sleeping at her house. ‘Sounds good.’


Reid was happy with the visit. It hadn’t taken long for Kendall to overcome her nerves and open up. He could tell his mother was ready to adopt her, Madelyn had something up her sleeve, and she and Cass were kindred spirits. His brothers were harder to read, although Ryder seemed to accept their relationship more easily than Reece. He gave a mental shrug. So Reece didn’t have faith in his ability to hang on to a good woman. It wasn’t that long ago he felt the same way about his younger brother, and even more recently about himself. He stifled a chuckle. Life really did move on while you were making other plans.

‘They loved you, baby,’ he told her on the short drive to Ashford’s only bed and breakfast. Mad had given him hell when he’d chosen to stay there, stomping her foot and living up to the redhead stereotype. The old owner had passed away last year, leaving it to niece Skylar Hart. According to Ryder, Skylar had been fixing the place up and business had nearly doubled in the last six months. Mad had bitched about competition, saying Ashford was too small a town for a B&B and a breakfast-brunch-lunch restaurant, but Reid had heard no evidence to back up the claim. He was sure
her problem was with Skylar herself, but that wasn’t something he was going to ask an angry woman. No matter the tantrum Mad had thrown, and as much as he loved his family, he needed to have Kendall to himself.

She wasn’t sure they loved her, but the reception had been warm. ‘I enjoyed your family. Your parents are great. Your mom and are going to lunch one day when they’re back in town.’ She snickered before adding, ‘and to make a wish-list at the store.’ She was frustrated by the petty jealousy that had eaten at her and puzzled by Madelyn in general, but pushed it aside. ‘I wish Cass and Reece were closer to us, I think she and Taylor would make an amazing team.’

‘Engagement rings and wedding dresses do go together.’ He turned to look at her after pulling into a parking space, ‘You and Cass seemed to get along well.’

‘Like I said, I wish they were closer,’ she agreed as she slid from the truck.

He noticed her omission of Ryder and Madelyn from her geographical wishes, but made no mention of it. Madelyn could be difficult. He’d let it ride for now.


Skylar Hart was younger and more beautiful than Kendall had expected, barely five feet tall, with a lush body, almost black hair to her shoulder blades, and striking violet eyes. She guessed her to be in her late twenties, and suspected those eyes were enhanced in some way. Who had violet eyes without help?

Skylar showed them the ins and outs of the sprawling colonial house as she took them to their room. Breakfast was served at eight, but finger foods would be available from six to ten in the kitchen along with fresh coffee, or if they preferred brunch, there was a great restaurant in town she recommended.

‘Mimosa, of course,’ Kendall supplied before Skylar did.

Surprise showed on her delicate features, ‘Yes. I have to admit it’s a wonderful spot.’

Reid felt no animosity from Skylar in the least. ‘You don’t worry about competition?’

Skylar laughed. ‘Of course not. Ashford Hills is an inn. We thrive on visitors, tourists, weddings, what have you. Mimosa is a spot for locals. I’m surprised they haven’t added a dinner menu. I think they’d do well.’

‘I do too,’ Kendall chimed in. ‘We just had the most wonderful dinner there. Granted, it was for family, but it was still amazing.’

Recognition dawned. ‘Oh! You’re Ryder’s brother.’


‘How is he? I mean, he and his wife? Your family, I mean?’ Skylar tumbled over her words.

Madelyn’s fury made sense to him now. She was jealous of this tiny brunette. ‘Great. Everyone’s great,’ Reid answered.

‘You’re here for his birthday, then?’

‘We are, yes.’

The conversation, awkward as it was, ended at the door to their room. ‘Here you are. Let me know if you need anything,’ she told them before quickly scurrying away. Reid made a mental note to ask about Skylar Hart tomorrow.

As soon as they were settled into their room, Kendall sauntered over to Reid, sliding her hands up his chest. ‘So, now that we’re finally alone, whatever shall we do?’

‘God, I’m so glad we’re alone,’ he whispered into her hair before pulling back. ‘As much as I love my family, I don’t like sharing.’

She ran her fingers through his hair, pulling his head towards hers as she did. ‘I like your family.’ She drew him in for a soft kiss before adding, ‘I like you more.’

He took her lips in a fierce kiss then, needing to claim her. His brothers be damned. This was his woman. He might not have told her in words how he felt, but he could show her. He devoured her mouth, his hands roaming her body as he did, loving that he could make her whimper. Without taking his mouth from hers, he swept her into his arms and deposited her on the bed.

‘You are so beautiful,’ he told her after he’d stripped her out of her dress. Lying there against a mound of pillows in just a black lacy bra and tiny matching panties, mouth wet from his kisses, breasts heaving with each panting breath, she was the most gorgeous creature he’d ever seen. He quickly tossed his own clothes before joining her.

Her hands traveled along the hard planes of his chest, down his washboard abs. She knew his body as well as she knew her own now, but it never failed to take her breath. ‘Make love to me,’ she whispered.

‘Always.’ He covered her with his body, bracing himself on his forearms as he took her lips again, taking the time to work to her to a fever with his lips and tongue. He slowly cruised her body with his mouth, sucking and nipping his way down her torso and back up again. He drew the lacy cups of her bra down before continuing his exploration, sucking, lapping and nipping at each breast before drawing it into the warm, wet recesses of his mouth.

He was killing her. She was going to die a slow death from his mouth alone. ‘Reid,’ she panted, ‘put your mouth on me.’

He grinned against her breast before answering. ‘Baby, my mouth is on you.’

He was going to make her ask for it. ‘Take me.’

‘Tell me what you want, Kendall.’

‘Put your mouth on my pussy.’ He’d never stopped his ministrations to her breasts and he was driving her to the brink of insanity. ‘God, please, Reid. Please hurry.’

‘There’s no hurry, baby. I want to savor you.’

She bucked beneath him. He might want to savor her, but she wanted him now. Finally he relented, skimming his mouth down her belly before blowing his breath over her slick pussy, taking in her scent. He never took time with her. She was explosive and never lacked for release, but he hadn’t made slow love to her before. He ran his tongue everywhere but where she wanted him most, teasing her relentlessly as he held her to the bed. He smiled against her before running his tongue around her engorged clit, drawing it into his mouth. He sucked it gently, then as he released it, gave it a nip as he drove two fingers into her channel. Her orgasm was almost instantaneous, her muscles gripping his fingers tightly as she screamed.

‘Reid, I need you inside me. Now.’ She was fighting for breath as she demanded his cock.

Obliging her, he made his way up her body, driving home as he took her mouth in another searing kiss, sharing her essence with her. He kissed her harder, thrusting his tongue in her mouth to quell the words that wanted to fall from his own. He couldn’t give her the words.

He tunneled in and out of her rhythmically, never releasing her mouth. If she hadn’t already been in love with him, she would’ve fallen tonight. Passion didn’t begin to describe it. He had taken her, ravaged her, possessed her, but he had never… owned her before. He completely owned her heart, body and soul. As she felt her climax build, she tightened her arms and legs around him, wanting to become a part of him as he had become a part of her. Admitting that to herself, she broke around him, tears in her eyes and his name on her lips as he burst within her.


Saturday dawned bright, and earlier than Reid had meant. Unfortunately, his body clock didn’t care he was off duty. Quietly extricating himself from Kendall’s arms and the leg she’d thrown over him, he padded to the shower. Today was jam packed with functions. Evidently Ryder had become important to Ashford and everyone wanted to wish him happy birthday. Two years ago he had turned thirty and it had barely been acknowledged at the department, let alone the whole of Aylesford. Oddly, he was jealous. Not of the parties, really, but the hoopla. He shook his head at himself. Hoopla?

He wrapped himself in a fluffy white towel and stepped out into the plush room. He hadn’t appreciated the room last night, but this morning he could see the work that had gone into restoring the place. Madelyn might be up at arms about Ashford Hills, but the creamy walls were set off with mahogany furniture that looked handmade. He didn’t know a lot about interior design, but he’d bet the drapes were custom and he could testify the bed was comf
ortable. Giving a mental shrug, he turned toward the bed, or rather, the gorgeous lump in the middle of it.

She was sound asleep, clutching his discarded pillow. She looked peaceful, innocent and edible. Instead of sliding back into bed, he brushed a kiss across her cheek. ‘Rise and shine, baby.’

Those amazing aquamarine eyes opened. ‘Party time?’

He chuckled. ‘Almost. Get your delectable ass out of bed and get ready for another full day of my family.’

‘Oooh. I can’t wait.’ The sarcasm lost its intended effect as a wide grin split her face. She was looking forward to today. Parties were supposed to be fun. Besides, they’d driven hours and hours for this.

In deference to the heat, she chose a light summer dress in pale yellow paired with strappy sandals. She left her mass of dark curls loose and expertly applied her makeup. As she was brushing her teeth, Reid appeared behind her, dressed in chinos and a blue polo shirt. It threw her a little, she was used to uniforms or jeans. Or, her favorite, nothing at all. He always looked yummy, this just seemed forced. Her face must have telegraphed her thoughts as she rinsed because he asked, ‘What?’

‘You don’t look like my Reid. You look…’

‘Dressed up?’

‘Like you should be yachting or golfing or something.’

He shook his head. ‘I’ll always be your Reid.’ He kissed her cheek. ‘Besides, no one will be looking at me with you on my arm.’

‘Flattery will get you everywhere.’

Birthday brunch at Mimosa was packed. Evidently half the town had received and invite and they had all shown up to celebrate Ryder’s day. Good lord, his brother had more friends than Reid had when he’d been high school quarterback, and that was saying something. You’d think he’d won something or done something with the turn out. He was born. He didn’t even accomplish that- their mother had! Reid had to stop this. He was getting mad at his brother for having friends that appreciated him. When had he become a jealous asshole?

The birthday boy appeared in front of him, a pretty brunette at his side. ‘Lara McGuinness, I’d like you to meet my brother Reid and his girlfriend, Kendall. Lara has founded a halfway house of sorts here in Ashford with her friends Madison and Kiley.’ As he introduced the woman at their table, he gestured to a blonde and a redhead with the additional names.

Lara smiled at Ryder. ‘We wouldn’t have made it this year without your generous donation.’

As the morning progressed, Reid was introduced to myriad people he was sure he wouldn’t remember, all with kind words about his brother. Ryder had earned the love and respect of his community with donations, service and plain being friendly. That revelation made Reid wonder if he had respect or resentment in his own community. Why did he suddenly care so much?

He watched Kendall talk with Cass and a blonde he thought might be the gestured-to Madison and realized whether or not anyone else in the world loved and respected him, if she did, he’d be fine. It staggered him. She could destroy him, or make him whole.

Madelyn appeared beside him as he lowered himself into a chair. ‘Are you okay?’ She had watched him go from composed to ashen and rushed over to his side.

‘Yeah, sure, of course.’

‘Okay, tough guy, what’s the deal?’ If it was one thing Madelyn was known for it was not taking crap.

‘She could kill me.’

‘I don’t want to know about your sex life, dear brother.’ At his puzzled expression she changed her tune. ‘She won’t kill you. She’s in love with you.’

‘For how long?’ He didn’t have the fawning public Ryder did, he was merely a detective in a small town. ‘Have you looked at her? She could have anyone.’

‘And she chose you. Of all the men she’s ever met, she’s in love with you. She’s not Amy, Reid. Don’t punish her for Amy’s mistakes.’

‘What did you ask her last night?’

She didn’t answer him directly, but said, ‘Look, I know this is a big change for you, to go from confirmed bachelor to being in love with a woman, but I’ve been watching the two of you, and I’ve been talking to my friends in Aylesford. She’s not going anywhere and she’s not afraid of me.’

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I can’t believe what I have been thinking. After all she is my best friend’s sister. I have been staying with him during the first part of our summer after graduation. I lie here every night and watch her do the most amazing things, sort of a ritual, before she goes to bed. But I am getting a bit ahead of myself. As I said, I am staying for part of the summer with the family of my best friend from college. His name is Dave, mine is Sebastian, Sebastian Robin, call me Bash. Having just...

3 years ago
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Sweet CarolineChapter 26

The next morning, Caroline had two early classes, and then the rest of the school day off. So, we all left together, dropping Caroline off at UOP. Jennifer got back in the car, smiled at me, and we went in to the office. Not having any other Realtors yet, it was just Jenn at the front desk, and me in my office, although I could see her, due to my large glass windows. I was working on some paperwork, when I looked up and saw Jenn standing outside my office. “Come on in, Jenn – what’s going...

3 years ago
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Sins of the Father Part 1

Ben was a lean and lanky young man. He had lived, worked, and gone to school in Raleigh, North Carolina, all of his miserable 22 years. School had been a terrible experience for him, work was a hassle, and he had a meagre excuse for a family. Being socially awkward his entire life had made Ben hate going out in public. He hated seeing people he knew he could never be friends with. He hated passing by women who he knew he would never stand a chance with. But most of all, he hated knowing that...

2 years ago
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The final chapter Amber and Kelly in the shower

The three of us lay there, naked, on the couch for a while, watching the remainder of the porno. I was laying on my back with my head on the arm rest. Amber was on my left with her head on my chest and Kelly was on my right with her head on my stomach. We were, again, telling each other which porn star we would fuck and it what positions. The last scene was a shower scene. There were two girls and a guy. Amber picked her head up off of my chest, looked at me and grinned. I knew that look by...

2 years ago
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Last Night on Base

This all leads up to my last night on base leaving the military after a number of years. I have to becareful not to reveal to much. You never know who might read this. I have never been what youwould consider a faithful husband, then again my wife isn’t what you would consider a faithful wife butnot to the point of an open marriage. Names have been changed to protect the not so innocent, withthat being said here we go.Hanging out at the NCO Club drinking and dancing the night away as was the...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 13

Phil looked at his watch just as the door swung up. Hailey hadn’t been off by much – and she was remarkably close with what she said Tiffany Grayling would be wearing. There was a white tank top that clearly showed her nipples but instead of panties she wore a pair of loose shorts. When she sat down and crossed her legs Indian style, Phil realized that was all she was wearing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt a study session,” Tiffany said. It appeared she was telling the truth – it took...

2 years ago
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Sexual Healing Part Three

The bottoms of the dark silken pajamas hung low on Kims full hips, accentuating the wonderful flare from her trim waist to her fullbuttocks. Her ass twitched enticingly through the material and Connie stopped in the bedroom doorway to watch and savor. How can she be so beautiful and sexy? Connie thought. She barely noticed the rooms furnishings — the dresser and armoire, the plush rug, the floor-to-ceiling drapes — because her eyes focused on the queen-size bed and the woman standing before...

1 year ago
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The Apartment on Tabor Road

After picking up the key, I turned around and drove back to building thirteen. My section sat across from the others which meant I had a hike to the laundry room. Still, I liked how the first floor unit felt tucked snugly away under the stairwell. The key slid into the lock and opened smoothly. The door needed a little push but that was okay. Upon entry, I sat down the box I had brought with me from the car and took a look around. The living room seemed smaller than the model I’d seen a few...

2 years ago
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Controlling Desires

Introduction: He finds her at the bar, takes her home, and then she sees…. The palpable music moved through the gyrating crowd, pulsating life and controlling the flailing movements loosely termed dancing. In the private booths, couples and groups were in various stages of passion, some only feeling a tightness in their bellies and others winded, hot and sweat drenched as they came down from the high of satisfaction. Professional dancers and drunken women swung about on poles, dollar bills...

1 year ago
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Mentoring Brandon Series Chapter 2

A knock on the door – FINALLY! My heart had been pounding for quite some time and now was nothing different. I began to walk to answer the door when Dave jumped out of his bunk and ran over. As he opened the door, I saw Brandon standing there in the hallway. “Hey Dave. What’s up?” the voice I had been waiting for resounded. “Not much guy, just doing some crap for history,” was Dave’s reply. “Yea, hear that. Actually I need to talk with Bob about my science. He has Mr. Knop and I know that he...

2 years ago
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My first feeling of pleasure

Hi to all ISS fans! Well thanks a lot to ISS for providing me an opportunity to post my first experience ever! I am 24 years old average built cute cool sex craven male! Women have been the love interests for all our ancestors and will be in the future too! Before I start to share my experience let me post the disclaimer. ” All the characters posted in this story bear strict resemblance to my life and are real! Queries are welcome to my email id !” I was just a normal boy and i attained my...

4 years ago
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the new girl

was in work late one evening trying to tie up some loose ends and get organised for the following week, and the new girl was with me, now as you dont know me I will explain a little about myself when it comes to work, I am a perfectionist, has to be done right or not at all, and the new girl, well how do i put it she just was annoying, anyhow I told her to toddle on home and that I would finish up, which I did quickly logged off the computer, and I was away, just one quick stop in the loo and I...

1 year ago
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Making A Living Smoking Fetish

Val felt it approaching. Sitting at his computer, next to his sleeping wife, Val's body was firming for the pending eruption. On the screen before him was the most beautiful ebony female – sucking a white cock while halfway through a Newport. He’d paused the video at the part where she’d managed to get her amazing glossed lips over the cork of her cigarette and the tip of the guy’s cock at the same time.The Nubian beauty made a tight seal around both, and was in the middle of the strongest part...

1 year ago
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Grandmas Magic Resort Part VI

'Grandma's Magic Resort' - Part VIan erotic journey by DizzyDA picture is worth a thousand wordsThe news that Joni and Walter were engaged was wonderful, but the icing on the cake for Lindsay and Tommy was that they knew they would see Jesse in a couple of months. The two teenagers were already looking forward to reuniting with their sexy dark haired friend, and made it clear to her as they texted her from the beach, and it was obvious from her replies that she was just as excited as they...

2 years ago
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House of Repentance The Secret Court

Every Monday and Wednesday mornings it was the same. I would don my habit and make my way from my room to the Inner Sanctum of the Convent where the Secret Court took place. The Secret Court was indeed a court,but a court where penitent people would be sentenced for their their sins by the Reverend Mother of the Convent of St. Augustus. The sentences that the Reverend Mother passed on the frightened penitents who came before her always involved corporal punishment. Sr. Briget would present...

3 years ago
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Big Cock for Us Both

I never did and still don't consider myself to be bi or gay but I do love the sight of a huge cock. There is just something about it that exudes power and dominance. I feel very fortunate to have by all accounts a average dick at 6+ inches. But I lust after cocks that are bigger and I don't know why. I don't have any desire to be fucked or to fuck another guy, but when I see a big cock I have always wondered what it would be like to wrap my lips around and make it cum. That was until I was a...

4 years ago
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My Second Story

I started to spend a lot of time with my friend, she had a lot of information on sex and was teaching me a lot. My dad didn't mind me staying over once in a while, it gave him a break from taking care of me.My friend taught me about masturbation. Her dad had some porn videos that she could get access to when he wasn't around, like after school. Us girls would get together at her house and she would play the videos, I really liked watching the men's cocks more than anything, but I learned to...

3 years ago
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Hard strate up

This is only one year old .Canberra Australia. At the mustang ranch. I was parked out side a gay book shop sent a few people go in worked up to go in no one I said to the guy were is every one first time yes£15.00 dollars get towl locker kes take show thir ten room have fun got undress in the shower walked up and fuck big cocks fucking stood around watching two cock in one hole moved into a big dark room DVDs gay porn few guy pulling sucking moved up the back started getting hard when I...

2 years ago
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Student Nurse Part 1 Kates Heartbreak

Student Nurse Part 1: Kate’s Heartbreak At home over Christmas break of her last year in nursing school, Kate found it tough to stay true to her boyfriend, Brad. Seeing her parents and friends and relations was fun, but one handsome old boyfriend tried to date her and a very broad shouldered guy came on to her at a party and again New Year’s Eve. She was sorely tempted. Nearly two weeks passed since she and Brad enjoyed a wild night and morning together, but she held out. She arrived back on...

1 year ago
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Suited n Booted

I had placed an ad on my local gumtree site(Glasgow) to meet a big cocked guy to come to mine and fuck me when I was wearing my rubber and thigh boots.Got the usual round of pic collectors and time wasters,but got an email from a guy who said he was in my home town and it just said "9 inches and thick wanna see it??"so who am I to resist,emailed back to him,"yeah sure,come to mine and show me it"didn't expect him,to actually show up,but 15 minutes later my door got chapped and there he was.so...

1 year ago
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A New Beginning

Chapter OneMeet the familyJennifer was a twice divorced mother of two young girls namedAnnie and Sophie. Annie was the eldest at nine years old. Shehad straight, dark blonde hair and big brown eyes just like hermother. Tall for her age at 4' 2," and was thin, weighing only57 pounds. Annie was shy around strangers, but very engagingwith her Mom and s*s. Sophie was similar in body type as hersister. She was 3 and a half feet tall and weighed 50 pounds. She had curly, chestnut hued hair and...

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Alex Two The Next Time

Part Two of ??? (there is another series I'll start too, Hopefully its not toorepetitive and my fetishes aren't showing too strongly. heh. That is sort of a prequel to this, I guess. I had forgotten about it till just now when I found it in a misnamed folder.) Alex Two: The Next Time. By Alex Shouse.Chapter Three - Hard Work. I had stayed there for awhile long after he had left. Long enough for my own cum to start dryingwhere it had spattered. The inside of my mouth felt thick and coated,...

2 years ago
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A Young Girls Introduction To SexChapter 15

Ellie was half-finished with her blowjob when the phone rang. Mr. Jones answered it and whispered something to the other party, who ellie suspected was the women they were expecting. "All right," Jones said, breaking out of his whispering. "It's a bit unreasonable, but all right. We'll meet you there in ... say twenty minutes." Without looking at Ellie, Jones got up from the bed and said, "Get dressed. We're meeting her at a place she said she likes to use. It doesn't sound like...

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The Destruction of Superheroes

Thanks to the work of far too many superheroes and heroines, crime in Omen City had all but been stopped -- petty crime was long extinct, and all that remained were the superpowered criminals that considered themselves be matches for all of the city's goldbrick do-gooders. They rarely succeeded, and in the cases which they did, another hero would step in before anything permanent could be changed. One of these many supervillains was a woman in her mid-20's, June Spinster, who ran her criminal...

3 years ago
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Confessions Of A Virgin Slu

I shook and clenched as the orgasm erupted inside my feverish body. I looked at the young man as he smiled down at me. His fingers were slick with my juices, his dick was snug in the moist warmth of my greedy mouth, and his mind was on the one thing that he should have fucking forgot about—my pussy. That’s right, my pussy. I wasn’t giving it up—at least not in that way. That was an ordinary Friday night for me. I spent many weekends dating horny teenagers that never had a shot. Call me what...

First Time
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Big Girl

Lois Helmers was lonely. It had been such a long time since she had been with a man, she could hardly remember when. Not exactly young any more at thirty six, her real problem was the one hundred thirty pounds she had gained in the past ten years. She was now tipping the scales at a cool two hundred seventy five pounds. As she packed on the fat, her social life had taken a nose dive, and while she had been a fairly attractive woman her appetite for rich foods had turned her into a fat cow! Her...

4 years ago
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what might be in waiting

we meet, across the room, drawn to each other, that glint in playful eyes means no words are even spoken..... herein lies a possible fantasy that ive never experienced.... how far have you gone with someone without ever even the utterance of a single word beforehand? even a complete stranger? never met? never conversed? no sounds uttered, just total eye-communication with lips only used to playfully smile, never emitting a sound, until later? .... as the actions all speak louder..... when the 2...

3 years ago
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Me My Mom And My Best Friend

By : pradeep Hi all.I live in kerala,India.My moms name is priya.She is kind of innocent and beautiful.I like my mom very much.she used to expose most of her skin especially navel and bellybutton.Even when she goes outside,her navel is seen.It is seen by everyone even paperboy,milk guy used to stare at her bellybutton and curves on her waist.I used to stare her navel daily. Describing her she has 36 boob size and wears saree all time without bra in home,white skin tone mixes with her very well....

1 year ago
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Class of 82 The Little Sister Halloween Party

Roger set the mood for the afternoon. I was sitting in my apartment, trying to type out a mid-term paper on Risk Management for Dr. Jacob’s Finance 452 class, only to have the strong voice of Roger and The Who captivate my wandering thoughts. Not only was I listening to Roger and letting the lyrics of You Better You Bet lead me to a daydream of pleasant visions, I was also watching Roger sing. He was just across the room on my television. It was October 1981, and a couple months previously, a...

College Sex
2 years ago
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A surprise welcome home part 5

Barbara was shaking as she read the message from her son. She was in her room and just down the hall was her son Johnny in his room. She paused before replying, her right hand sliding between her legs and pressing hard into her pussy through her knickers. Barbara could already feel her pussy getting nice and wet and she was excited. "That dirty little bastard" she thought and let out a wry smile. Not wasting too much time Barbara replied. "What are you doing right now you dirty little fucker?"...

3 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 38

Flashback – Jack – A new battle There was never a dull moment with Banzai! The more we worked together, the happier I was that we were a team. If there was ever someone who thought outside the box, Banzai exemplified that person. The current prime example was Banzai's baseball bat grenade chucker. Who would have thought? Hell, only Banzai would have thought of something like that. And the more grenades I pitched to Banzai, the better he got and was smacking the air burst grenades right over...

2 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 8

I had Twixted ahead to reserve a room at the Timson Luxury Hotel, as we usually did when I visited Maribel in Timson before leaving the estate. Maribel currently had a moderately light schedule; well, light relative to how busy she seemed to be during my previous visits to Timson. A light schedule was good for we had a number of things that needed to be discussed, and there were a few items that were important to me. Most of this visit would be dedicated to our discussing specific topics, but...

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Teenage homeless junkie whats not to love

So, I had just left a strip club and was feeling unsatisfied. I'd managed to get out before handing over my life savings in the hope of a discrete handjob that was never going to arrive. So I was walking down the street, in a slightly seedy part of town, horny and frustrated, and slightly pissed off.I saw a girl walking by herself, pulling a small rolling suitcase behind her. Heading home from a trip, perhaps? I decided to have some fun. I slowly caught up with her and walked beside her for a...

2 years ago
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A 23-year-old guy shouldn't have to move back home with his parents but that is exactly what happened. At least, the move wouldn't be a long-term thing as it was only five weeks while I was waiting for my new condominium to be ready after my apartment lease ran out. I had an excellent relationship with my parents calling them Ma and Pa even though I didn't grow up in the country. Home was the bustling town of Kansas City.I would shortly be moving into a condo in Crown Center a very high brow...

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Bit by Bit

little by little bit by bit little by little bit by bitThe day started well for Triny she had been to Harvey Nicks shopping for herself, now she was back in shape after the baby. Nice new jeans and a beautiful bra to show off her still  enhanced breasts. As she passed the perfume counter, one of the heavily made up assistants rushed to offer her a free sample of Obsession, and rather rudely sprayed it in her general direction. Triny hardly registered this action as it happened to be the...

3 years ago
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A 22 year old woman has an affair with a 50 year old married man

For about perhaps the 20th time I wondered if I was doing the right thing. So ok, we had talked on the phone lots of times, sent each other letters and e- mail, but meeting face to face was different, what if neither of us were what the other expected. I knew the basics about him he was 50 unhappily married, fun to talk to, clever with words, wore glasses and w shorter than what I was. He knew I was 22, single, taller than him, also wore glasses and just looking for some fun, and that was as...

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So, how does a boy get aroused by Nylon Stockings and why did it not only never go away but, became a driving force in his sexuality. Growing up in an era when Pantyhose didn't exist, the sound of the swishing nylon covered legs worn by sexy women on a daily basis were a common place. That sound kept echoing in my head but, I didn't know why. Too young to figure. But then, the crossing of legs and the dangle of the High Kitten Heeled Pump gave way to that Sheer Foot and Reinforced Heel of the...

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