Shackled Ch. 20 free porn video

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They were alone now. Emma was sitting next to him on the bed, discussing the procedure with Laura. He knew it wouldn’t be that bad. He knew what real pain felt like and this wouldn’t be close. Real pain wasn’t even physical. No, losing something you love, something you valued above even your own life, that was real pain.

Pain that never stopped.

As the two women were talking, he felt Emma’s hand slide into his and gave it a small squeeze. She was very close to him, her warmth radiating on to the side of his body, her hand in his….

You’re going to make me sick. Holding hands like a love struck kid.

Oh. You didn’t leave with the others.

Don’t be a smart ass, it doesn’t become you. At least, the smart part doesn’t….

Well, you’re here too then. Feel free to help out whenever you want.

The scientist and Laura seem to get on alright and they both like you, maybe….

Don’t be disgusting!

Just don’t let the pretty little scientist take your mind from the main game.

Never thought of it as a game.

It is. Just the stakes are higher, that’s all. You have to let her and her friend finish off the vaccine.

I know that, mate. What do you think we’ve been doing for the last twenty four hours while you’ve been hiding in my head?

Just let her do it.

I will….

He heard his name. It was Emma.

*’So…when are we doing this and how? Obviously I need all my faculties and so does Liam if we’re going to get anything done. What are the risks?’*

Hansen didn’t think the procedure would be much at all, it was just the women talking medical procedures and getting a kick out of it. Shit, it was only a small transponder the size of a small ball bearing. If he could reach it, he would have dug the thing out himself.

‘To be honest, your guess is as good as mine,’ said Laura, her brow furrowed. ‘I’ve never performed the procedure before. Usually people go boom before anyone gets to them in time…situations like this one are rare…’

‘Well,’ said Hansen. ‘Do we have to do it? The shackles are tiny and under our skin. What harm is there in leaving them there?’

Laura sighed.

‘Um….we don’t really know, but Victor did say there would be nothing stopping the SPFs from reactivating them remotely once the confusion from our attack comes down.’

‘Ok, then it’s best to get it done?’ he said, looking sideways at Emma with a comforting glance.

‘I’d think so,’ said Laura. ‘Just to be sure.’

They were all silent for a moment. Then Laura spoke again.

‘So….do you have anything strong, like whiskey or vodka?’

Hansen frowned at her. ‘You think we’ll need to anaesthetize ourselves?’ He looked at Emma again, his eyes wider, his look less comforting. ‘It’ll hurt that much?’

‘Fuck no,’ said Laura, ‘I’ve never done this before. I need to calm my nerves.’

Hansen rolled his eyes and shook his head.


That’s my girl.




Emma’s nerves buzzed. She didn’t find Laura’s little wise crack very amusing, but it seemed like waiting even just one more day wasn’t a very good option. Not after they had made their presence known so loudly. Clearing her throat, Emma stood, leaving Liam to sit and contemplate. His eyes dark and a sharp, just about the same way they were when they had first met and her heart went out to him. Had the medicine worn off so quickly?

With a soft sigh, she reached for Liam’s alcohol while Laura seemed to move about his place with ease. As she returned, she noted that the tall blond was digging under Liam’s bed, bringing out a small box of supplies. ‘A good doctor is always prepared.’

A twinge of jealous for a moment annoyed Emma. It was so blatantly obvious that Laura had stayed here regularly…as had Bonnie. Hell, she was wearing Bonnie’s clothes! Suddenly she longed for her own clean and scuffed up attire, but tried not to be a baby about it. Forcing herself to see reason, she set the bottle of whiskey on the edge of the bench for Laura as she sashayed over and opened up the medical kit. Digging around, Laura’s long slender fingers soon found a pair of tweezers and a sharp blade to do her dirty work. Next came some rubbing alcohol, bandages for both of them and a small bottle of anesthetic. ‘I’ll just give you both a small local and hope for the best.’

Unable to help herself, Emma let out a little snort. Laura didn’t take offense of course and set her supplies up, going to the kitchen to sterilize her equipment. Emma sat down on the edge of the bend and clasped her hands together. While not thrilled, she wanted it over with as soon possible. I’m opting to go first, if that’s alright. Because if I don’t, you might have to hold me down.’

Laura chuckled from behind her. ‘Take a swig of whiskey!’

Emma smiled slightly, ‘Not a bad idea…though I prefer coffee with mine.’

Grasping the bottle she unscrewed the cap and locked eyes with Liam for a moment, then took a brave swig of the alcohol. It burned all the way down her throat and into her belly. She made a face and wrinkled her nose, shaking her head. ‘Gross.’

‘Amateur.’ Laura teased and came over to get her ready. Cool hands tugged her hair back away from her forehead. ‘This might be uncomfortable, but I need you to remain still. I’m going to inject a small amount of local anesthetic, then feel around to see if I can get a general location. I’m hoping it’s superficial enough that I can feel it, then go right to work.’

Emma nodded, tilting her head up and automatically shutting her eyes as her fingers curled around the edge of the bench and took on a death grip.


Laura busied herself with preparations and Hansen watched Emma grab the whiskey bottle. He was surprised as he watched her take a swig of the whiskey. He was amused at the way she looked after drinking it. It was….cute. She bravely leant over and gripped the bench and waited for Laura to inject the local anaesthetic.

Hansen reached for his neck and felt the slight bump where the shackle had been shot into him.

Yep, it’s gonna hurt.

Thanks for the reassurance.


You can laugh.

Hey, at least you’ll get Laura handling you. It’s been a while, shy boy.


You know, like she used to.

Fuck off.

So eloquent. Hehehe.

Hansen heard a little groan from the bench and glanced over. Laura was starting to dig into Emma to retrieve the disabled shackle. Again, he rubbed the bump on his neck.

You know, I really am getting tired of you.


Yes. Really.

Who do you think put me here?

Put you here?


You’re always speaking in riddles. Put you here. Made me. What the fuck are you going on about?

You’ll never find out if you keep taking the drug.


Yep. You can walk around ignorant for the rest of your life. Or… can find out.

Find out what?

Who made you.

There you go again….

And who put me here.

Stop it.

And why.


I know you’re from Australia, but you really have to stop acting like a cockatoo and repeating what I say. Yes….why.

Hansen clenched his jaw and looked back to the women. In a way it was good that he’d been distracted. He couldn’t watch Emma in pain, not after all he’d done to protect her, even if was necessary.

Laura stood up from behind Emma.

‘There. Done.’

She dropped a small metal object onto the bench and then placed a gauze over Emma’s wound.

‘Press on that for a while, dear. You’ve been very brave. Once I remove Superman’s shackle, I’ll dress it with a fresh bandage and in no time you’ll be back to normal.’

Hansen looked into Emma’s eyes. They were a little moist and reddened, b
ut she’d done very well to not cry out. He winked at her nodded. Good girl.

She got up from bending over the bench and went and sat next to him on the edge of the bed. He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. He saw Laura look away quickly, embarrassed at their intimacy.

Well, she’ll just have to get used to it.

Swapping glamazon for Dr. Nerd. You really have lost it.

Fuck off.

You really do need to broaden your vocabulary….

‘Right,’ said Hansen, standing up from the bed and clapping his hands together lightly. ‘I guess it’s my turn.’

Laura smiled.

‘Yeah, big boy. And my turn. Finally.’

Hansen’s face reddened a little.

‘Well, take it easy on me will you?’

‘Oh, I always save my best for you,’ said Laura with a sly grin. ‘Always….’

Hansen shook his head and walked to the bench. He picked up the bottle of whiskey, unscrewed the cap and took a large swig. In fact, it was probably three or four shots worth of whiskey in one swallow. Then, without saying anything, he leant over the bench.

‘Geeez,’ said Laura. ‘I said just to numb the pain, not pass out.’ She paused. ‘Although I must say, you’re in a very attractive position. Just saying.’

Nothing can numb my pain.

He turned his head and looked at her and tried to smile, keeping the situation light.

‘Maybe I’ll need counseling after all this.’

‘I’d sure love to get into your head, see what I find there.’

‘I’m not sure you would, Laura. Now get this fucking thing out of me.’

He gritted his teeth and waited for Laura to start her work. There was movement behind him.

‘Now hold still,’ she said with a giggle and giving him a light slap to his arse. ‘Nice butt too….for an old fellow.’

Hansen rolled his eyes and then felt Laura’s fingers on his neck and then the sharp sting of a scalpel. Good.

He smiled because it meant this was nearly over. Or nearly the beginning. It depended on your perspective. Finally.

He broke out into a bigger smile at the thought of starting the fight.

You really are a sick fuck. She’s sticking a knife in you and you’re smiling.

Hehehe. Once we’re finished here, I’m going to work.


I’m going to make every fucker who ever crossed me pay.

Wow. Every fucker?….Wow. Aiming high aren’t we?

You don’t know how high.

Of course I do. I’m in here remember. I just like asking rhetorical questions.

You do?

Don’t be a smart arse.


e extraction of the disabled shackle was over quickly.

‘There,’ said Laura, pulling it out and dropping it onto the bench.

She applied the gauze pad to his neck.

‘Hold that firm for a few minutes, then let it go as I’ve taped it. It doesn’t need much looking after. Not much more than a nick really.’

Hansen stood up pressing the bandage to his neck. Laura walked around to talk to Emma for a few moments and he could smell coffee.

Good old Emma.

Oh God, spare me.

Fuck you.

I see you neglected to take my vocabulary advice.

Damn fucking right. I’m not good at taking advice.

You think?

Now who’s asking rhetorical questions?

Emma left them for a moment to freshen up and get ready for bed.

Oh God, it gets worse. Bed?

Hansen smirked.

Man’s gotta sleep.

I don’t remember too much sleep happening the last time you were in bed with nerd lady.

Emma, mate. Her name’s Emma.

Yeah. Nerd lady.



‘Oh yeah, thanks for that,’ said Hansen.

She looked him in the eye, a serious look on her face.

‘You know it wasn’t a problem,’ she said, her voice husky all of a sudden.

‘I know.’

She pursed her lips and then smiled.

‘I could stay?’

‘Emma’s here.’

‘I know that,’ she said. ‘I could stay.’

Hansen looked at her and shook his head.

‘Emma’s here.’

Laura smiled, a bigger smile this time.

‘Typical. I miss you.’

‘I know.’

‘But not enough for….?’

‘No,’ said Hansen, ‘not enough.’

‘I’m here you know,’ she said. ‘Right now.’

‘I know.’

They looked at each other for a few seconds, but it felt like hours, their eyes exchanging information and memories that only they knew about.

‘So,’ said Laura, taking a slow breath, ‘for now it’s her and you?’

‘It is.’

Laura nodded.

‘So it is….I guess.’

Hansen loved Laura. She’d saved his life many timesand he had saved hers. It was ironic. She could keep saving him, but she kept losing him.

‘I’m, sorry,’ he said.

She raised her hand to stop him and shook her head.

‘Don’t,’ she said. ‘Most guys would be desperate to have me, shit, they’d kill to have me, but the one guy I really want, doesn’t want me.’

Hansen looked at her, his heart pounding and his mind racing.

The nerd instead of Laura? You sure?

It is as it is.

Why do I bother?

Why do you?

Hansen nodded.

‘I want you, but I love her.’

She chuckled.

‘Supergirl left on the shelf?’

He smiled wanly.

‘I wouldn’t say that.’

‘Spare me,’ said Laura, her eyes reddening. ‘I better go.’

Hansen looked at her and then at the ground and then back to her.

‘Yes,’ he said. ‘You better. Probably for the best.’

He stepped towards her and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

‘You know what?’ she asked.


‘You may not love me yet, but I love you,’ she said. ‘At least I’m fifty percent there. I just have to change your half of the equation.’

He smiled.

‘My dear Laura….,’ he said with a slight shake of his head. ‘Always working out the percentages and ever the optimist….but it won’t happen.’

‘Not now,’ she said softly, ‘but I’m patient.’

‘I wouldn’t want you to waste your time waiting for something that probably won’t happen.’

‘Better to have nothing of the perfect man than to fully have something less than perfect.’

He smiled.

‘Perfect?’ he said raising an eyebrow and smirking at her. ‘I’ll have to remember that next time we argue.’

Her face returned to its playful countenance and she placed her hands on her hips with a mock pout.

God, you’re beautiful, Laura. Perfect….but not for me….

‘Well don’t expect me to repeat it,’ she said. ‘Old man.’

‘Hey, who are you calling….’

He quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her forward, landing a more substantial kiss on her lips. She was surprised, but she kissed him back just as strongly. They kissed for a few moments before he gently released her.

‘Not bad I reckon….for an old man,’ he said with a wink.

She sighed. ‘No, not bad.’

They stood in silence for a few moments.

‘Well,’ she said, ‘I better go. We all need our rest.’

He nodded.

‘We do.’

Laura gave him one last smile and then turned and walked out of the door without looking back.

So you let her go? Just like that.

Yes. Just like that.

You know she’s yours….if you want her.

She’s not mine.

She is….and Bonnie.

Maybe you should become a matchmaker after all this is done. You seem to take a keen interest in my love life.

It’s not your love life, it’s what you’re meant to do.

Mean’t to do?

Questions again. Yes, meant to do. You can’t give back what you’ve been given.


Oh for fuck’s sake, Hansen. They’re yours. Now you’re mixed up with the scientist. The ying has been split from the yang.

Next you’ll be calling me grasshopper or little master. The ying split from the yang? Really, mate.

The balance has been upset. Like when J
ess was there.

Don’t mention my wife.

But I have to. Was it fair on her?

I said I don’t want to talk about it.

Typical. It’s too hard so you’d rather blow something up or beat someone up.

Hansen shook his head.

Just don’t fucking mention my wife!

Hansen stood looking at the closed door Laura had left through and then he took a deep breath and looked at the floor for a few moments, trying to shake the confusion out of his mind.


It was Emma.

He looked around at her and smiled. She’d freshened up and looked beautiful, as usual. She tilted her head towards a mug of coffee sitting on the bench and then back to him.

‘Made it fresh,’ she said. ‘Doing alright?’

His features softened. It was impossible to stay tense around her. He walked over towards the bench and decided he could with some coffee.

‘Yes. I was just thinking about what we’re going to do next.’

She looked at him over her coffee, ever patient.

‘But,’ he said, taking a sip of his coffee, ‘we need to go to bed.’

He put the cup down and walked over to her. He hadn’t shaved for days and he was high from what the team was about to do, but he leant down and kissed her lips softly.

He pulled back to look at her.

‘Now, whether it’s to sleep or not is entirely up to you, but we should definitely go to bed.’

He smiled and leant down again to kiss her, this time a little harder.

‘Yes,’ he murmured, ‘entirely up to you….’

(For those of you reading the stories I’ve have posted, I want to thank you for your patience and for your wonderful feedback. Yes, even the bad. If you are also following More Than Friendship Material, I understand there has been a lot of negative feedback from the last chapter I posted. I’m sorry if I offended anyone. I would hope you don’t give up just yet…a lot of what we write is tongue in cheek and we’ve been dabbling with some fun and humor. Not is all as it seems though, so if you can muster up reading through our next posting when it gets done, please do. Until then, enjoy Shackled! )

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I lost my virginity when I was 13.Two guys I grew up with were 2 years older and we were wrestling in one of their houses.I developed early so I really shouldn't have been doing that but I liked them feeling me up.They thought they were being sneeky but I was letting them get a good feel.I had already explored my pussy a lot.I had a small bush of hair and nice round tits which I had also played with a lot.Things were getting a little heated because I felt one of them had a hard on when he...

4 years ago
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The Package DealChapter 14 Lily suitable for any occasion

Knowing what you want and getting it are two very different things. Lily has known this all her life. She doesn't get discouraged by it. She accepts each thing she wants to get as a challenge and then sets out to surmount the hurdles. The first time I saw it was in our rental in Mindanao when I had convinced Jake to kiss Rose and Lily. It was Lily who at age 12 grabbed Jake's dick when he showed some wood. That is a remarkable thing for a 12 year old to do under any circumstances. And even...

3 years ago
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You Dont Need to Wave a CardChapter 16

That was it; they didn't hit Faye's -- there wasn't a sponsor in sight, so it wasn't worth it. We had eight members of a group called 'Anti-Extraction Action' -- nine after we waited out the guy in the warehouse, who had been told to sit tight for three days to make sure he wasn't going to be captured and then fly home. We let him report, so we could get his communications links. Everybody else was in interrogation within the hour. We found the little suicide pills that everybody was...

2 years ago
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The day we became more than roommates

I was living with this guy named Brandon we have been roommates for about 6 months now, Brandon was just over 6 feet very muscular and extremely good looking. I had no idea that he was gay until one afternoon I came home early and heard loud moaning coming from his bedroom his door was cracked open. I peeked in expecting to see him fucking a girl but to my surprise it was another guy I watched for a few minutes and then left, I got in my car and all I could think of was how I wished that was...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 73

Ken was tired and Sally was exhausted. The fight had been long and hard, but they'd won. Sally had been correct: Antonia's body had been filled with darkness. It was slowly and agonizingly shutting down all of her bodily functions. There had also been some brain damage, but nothing they couldn't fix after their experience with Jane's attack. The darkness had been pernicious though. At times it had almost seemed to be intelligent. In spite of the drugs in her system, they all knew...

4 years ago
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Poppy and Mum

As I walked past my step daughter’s bedroom I could hear loud music and soft groans I shouted for her to turn the music down and stood outside her door until it was lowered, the music lowered but the groans carried on I knocked on the door asking if all was ok she said it was. I stood listening all I could hear was soft groans I put my eye up to the key hole and looked I could see Poppy laying on her bed naked rubbing her pussy, my cock shot up hard I rushed off into the bedroom and wanked off...

2 years ago
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Horny gay slut loves sucking my cock

I was so horny when i arrived at his place. I had just fucked my gf the day before but i wasn't very satisfied and I had to do more. That was why I was here. I had a gay slut that i would meet up with from time to time, just to have some fun. He loved sucking cock and never disappointed whenever we met. I got into his house as he left his door unlocked. I went ahead and walked into his room, hoping to find him, but he was in the bathroom so i went ahead and made myself comfortable. I took off...

1 year ago
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GangBangCreampie Jaruska G91

Welcome to part two in Episode 91 of GangBangCreampie, the meat and potatoes the fucking and filling of Jaruska! After Jaruska has Greeted the Meat which you’ll see in a couple days we then lead into the black room and placed on her pedestal in anticipation of all the cock and cum she’s about to get. They say European girls are more sexually liberated, and Jaruska is liberated, she gets a mouthful, two handfuls, and a cock in her pussy. She takes it on her back, on her front, she...

3 years ago
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Sex With Sweet 18

Hello friends….this Rajath 21yrs gud looking cute well built engineering student….i love iss so i would like to share one of ma experience with all of you….one time in summer i needed to go to Rajasthan…my home town….so ma story starts their As i gone their i met ma cousin Pragati….her age was 18…last time wen i met her she was appeared a kid…but this time i was amazed the way she developed….i cud not stop my self staring at her…so let me explain you her beauty…. She was very slim..wearing...

1 year ago
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Sex Kitten

Smiling broadly, I feel the gentle pull of my leash as I crawl toward you on the bed. Guiding me to you, your legs part as I move between them. Looking up, the love and trust I have for you shines in my eyes. I see the same emotions mirrored in your own eyes as you smile down at me.   You brush the hair from my face with unexpected tenderness, caressing my cheek lovingly. Your thumb traces the outline of my lips and I kiss the pad before parting my lips slightly. You indulge my desire and slide...

2 years ago
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first threesome

So I'm sitting in a chair, in the garage, watching Jory change the oil in his car, like I have done a thousand times. Jory and I have been married since the beginning of forever, but I still love to watch him work with his hands, and when he is getting dirty working with his hands, that just makes it so much better, I love seeing him get dirty. I'm amazed that after all this time, I can still get hot watching just his bottom half sticking out from under a car and listening to him grunt...

2 years ago
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Sonali My Neighbour

Hi I am Love Patel once again with a new real story previously stories.First thanks to my fan who had reply me on mail. most thanks to that females who is my real fan. my mail id is After fucking Sunita bhabhi my dick was always demanding for more & more sex and I felt getting sex is very easy if you keep your eyes open and always keep them in a tempting way so that the female can easily identify you what you are thinking about her that’s what Sunita bhabhi taught me how she used to gaze other...

2 years ago
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Hi people its Helen,dylans wife.We are just back from a camping holiday and of coarse we look to see if we can find some one to fuck with on the site.We found a lovely couple from Dorset England who never had tried swapping before,evan though we found out later they, like us, could not find anybody they fancied.Well we were on the site a couple of days when i came out the showers one morning and there was James making his way to the mens showers.He just had a bath robe on but just for a second,...

3 years ago
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Blindfolded Ecstacy

Shana pulled off her black thong panties and tossed them onto the dresser. She pulled on her black leather bustier and mini skirt set, then checked her hair and make up in the mirror. A knock sounded on the door. She knew who it was. She went to the door and looked through the peephole and saw a tall handsome blond haired, blue eyed muscular man holding a large bouquet of red roses. She thought that there was at least 3 dozen flowers there. She glanced in the mirror on the wall then opened the...

4 years ago
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Seeing Sisters 4 Mexico

BBW steals her sister's hot bf chubby plump sexyPt 1 2 3 out of Cancun airport, the heat hit them like a wall. An odd foursome, two lithe, blonde hotties, a dashing guy, an unexpectedly sexy big girl, drew looks of lust from all directions. Laurie and Anna lead, Robin was right behind: big rock-star...

2 years ago
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Kelly and Me

I just stared at the young beauty in the next bed, when suddenly she rose up and sat on the edge, with her head and hair hanging down, and then with another quiet sigh, and a slap at the bed with her hands, she stood up and shuffled towards the bathroom. In a moment she turned on the light in the outer dressing area, then walked into the small shower area, and I could hear her slide her shorts down and sit herself on the toilet. She hadn’t closed the doors and I could see the top of her head...

1 year ago
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Laura Roft Piss Raider In The Beginning chapter two

Mark Thane, Gun-For-Hire, former mercenary, expedition leader – he was stood in front of Laura Roft, with his large dick in his hand, and was showering her with his deliciously hot golden stream. For some reason, he had tied her up and she could not move but there again, why would she when his cock spray felt so amazing as it impacted against her flesh?His piss was so warm, flowing over her face. Her eyes were shut tight yet for some bizarre reason she could still see, desperate for him to...

2 years ago
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My Mistress punished me because of my temper Part

After I was fucked good, we went to the living room so that I can hook him up with my girlfriend as promised.Sue came out 10 or so minutes later, she was all dressed in a tank top and some really short pajama shorts, and was looking really good I just couldn’t wait to see my new friend fuck her brains out. She sat with us and I introduced them, she still didn’t know what was going on, she asked how we met? And I told her we were hanging out at the club and decided to hang out at home after they...

1 year ago
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My Little Sister Turns Slut

Hi, everybody. This is James with my first and true story of my life. This is the story of me and my younger sister, how one trip changed our relationship and thinking. I am 28 years old and this incident took place in April this year. My younger sister Divya we usually call her chotu, since she is the youngest in our family. I got married 2 years back and my sister cleared her 12th class exams this year and now she is doing her B. Com Hons. Our family consist of only five members i-e- me, my...

4 years ago
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Pet Shop PussyChapter 2

Living as she did in what had formerly been a rent-controlled apartment, quite a plum as far as the vast majority of Manhattanites were concerned, Pam had the added luxury of space, space which included a kitchen that not only had a window, but that was also big enough to easily hold a round oak dining table and four cane-backed chairs. Nearly all of her friends bemoaned their fate, the exorbitant rentals they paid in modern luxury buildings. And almost every one of them were forced to eat...

1 year ago
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What is Bare Punting? The name made me think of playing football in the nude, but that isn’t what the website is about. I consulted Urban Dictionary, an act that always makes me feel like the oldest fucking oldster in the world, but I’m not even sure how helpful it was. The only semi-sexy definition they had listed was, “When you send your foot so far up your girlfriend’s pussy with such force that it sends her into the air.” Well, I shouldn’t have to tell you that isn’t what the site is about,...

Escort Sites
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All Day Gokkun part 1

I thought for a while. If I refused the invitation, I would NEVER have an opportunity like this again. I was in a bar/restaurant in Tokyo Japan. It was my third week there as an English teacher. I had received my TESOL/TESL Teacher Training Certification three months earlier in Boston and decided to teach in Tokyo for a year. My mother was Japanese so I was always curious about Japan. My date at the bar was a young woman named Rika. She was a beautiful 21...

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Second ChanceChapter 36

The Judge called. "Noah, you saved us a lot of heartache with Tom DeBusque, and now I have to ask you to help us out again." He was not given to pleasantries. The Judge told you what you needed to know and went from there. "You are perfect for the next mission because you have Angela DeBusque with you. The two of you can pose as siblings. We accidentally discovered some things about a crazy group of environmentalists that makes us think they intend to release a biological weapon intended...

3 years ago
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bubble ass

After the night she made me playing the girl she coudnt stop inviting me over at nightshe woud meet me in the backyard and walk me to her roomalways fresh out of a shower like she wantedass up in one of her panty on her lap getting lube and played with her hot vibrator i was now craving to have in memoaning like a girl for her and loving it too much always back the toy in the panty i wear proudly getting between her legs and licking her my ass dancing for her gigling on its own the buzzing...

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Wolf Creek Ch 11

Ada Albin Raven and Frank Wolf were married on a beautiful, clear and crisp, spring morning in 1927 in the glade by the cascading eastern arm of Wolf Creek about midway between Brook House and Hagen’s Saw Mill in the lower reaches of Hahn’s Peak. Ada had wanted to be married in the open air of the Rocky Mountains, and she could think of no more beautiful spot than the one where she and Pete Fair had met and made love. She meant no disrespect for her new husband, but her afternoons spent...

4 years ago
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Battlemage Book 2 Scarlet RedemptionChapter 7

"Honey?" asked Brianna as she sat at the table one night a few months after Aric met Galen. It was after dinner at Aric's house "Since we've been seeing each other for a while now I was wondering, do you feel I'm pretty?" Brianna asked. Aric who was at the sink was cleaning their plates turned and looked at Brianna "You know I do. I remember the first time you sat in my lap topless a few weeks back and jump right back up soon as you sat down. I believe you felt how attractive I...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 48 No Longer Necessary

March 15, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “Are you going to work?” Elyse asked from the door of the sunroom where I was cuddling my daughters. “What do you think? Should I wait to see if she’ll talk to me?” “I think that might be the best idea. We can postpone the leadership meeting until later, or even skip it this week if need be. Do you have anything on your calendar this morning?” “No.” “Then I’ll head in.” “OK. Kara has to leave soon, too. The girls will need to move so I can hug her...

3 years ago
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Moms Girl parts 2

Mom's Girl Part 2 Meeting Bobby Several weeks have passed since my night with Paul. Everything has settled in to a normal day to day family lifestyle except my relationship with my big brother. We hardly ever said more than two words to each other and I understood why. I had seduced my brother to make myself feel more ladylike. Paul would stay out late at night with his buddies while I took care of Mom, the boys and the house. It's not like I'm an abused wife sitting at home...

3 years ago
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Someone Save Me Pt 4

Introduction: We left off with Father beating Tavia and raping Brad, and the young couple planning to run away that night. Also, if anyone in my small but (hopefully) growing fan base has Facebook and would like to add me, message me! Im actually a 21 year old female, not a creepy old man in a basement. ???? They waited until their Father was passed out on the couch and then each proceeded to pack a dufflebag full of stuff. Clothes, toothbrushes, other personal stuff, and anything with a lot of...

1 year ago
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My Dear Sweet Slave Chapter 2

‘I don’t want to get up, this bed is so warm…’ Feeling like he was coming out of anesthesia, Isaac could hear activity in the background of his apartment, but he didn’t have the strength to open his eyes, especially after how hard he had “worked” the night before. ‘I don’t hear my alarm going off and I don’t have to take a piss, thereby proving that I don’t have to get out of bed.’ He pulled up the blankets over his face, but even while covered, he could smell something...

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Flat Mate

So I had been dating this gorgeous shapely Indian girl for a few months. We were still super horny for each other, however this was a little stifled due to our distance from each other. We lived and worked at different ends of the country, a good 3 hour drive away. This didn't stop us meeting and fucking our way through our weekends. She had recently moved apartments, I helped her move her stuff, the extra car making short work of moving a few things she kept in her room while the...

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First You Test

Marcus smiled at Carla and Mark sitting on his sofa. It was pretty easy to guess they were newly married, they seemed unable to take their eyes off each other or to resist touching for more than a few seconds. They were just what he was looking for he thought. ‘Its really very simple,’ he said. ‘You need somewhere to live. I have a spare house and I would love to help you get a good start in your married lives. You seem a pretty special couple.’ ‘That’s very nice of you, but let me get this...

2 years ago
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Malikin chood gayi nokar se

Hi i am anita from pakistan mai apni story urdu mai likhoongi pehle mai apne bare mai baat doo ke meri age 24 saal hai or mera figure 34 25 32 hai or mera color fear hai to mai aati hoo apni kahani pe mai ek married larki hoo or meri shadi ko 1 saal hoowa hai or mere pati ka naam vishal hai jo ek bhot ache pati hai or oonka buisness bhi bhot acha hai wo muj pe bhot wishwas karte hai tto mai aati hoo apni asal baat pe ke mere pati jada tar apne buisness mai hi lage tehte hai or oonko sex ka itna...

4 years ago
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The Village 8 Emotions

Part 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: last the two girls...

3 years ago
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Fun On A Flight To USA 8211 Part 2

Hey guys and girls, Dax here back again to help folks relieve your stress during these troubled times. Here is a little introduction about me. I am a 6’1 tall, south Indian guy. I have an athletic body maintained with continuous workout just to stay fit in this awesome world. Coming back to my sexy co-passenger Raiza, once she freshened up, we were eager to have some food after that tiring session. Raiza: Can you go get some food from the air hostess? I feel so hungry after...

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