Solstice Ch. 04 free porn video

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Lisa would know what to do.

It was the one thought that kept me moving, kept me functioning throughout the morning. But not because I didn’t know what to do. Not because I thought she’d think of anything I hadn’t–God, there couldn’t be anything I hadn’t thought of, no angle that I hadn’t considered–but because I could no longer trust myself to do the right thing.

There hadn’t been time to call her. As it was, I’d nearly missed the bus to work. I’d showered, then spent far too long looking at the leaflet that came with the packet of birth control, trying to figure out just how serious it was that I hadn’t taken a pill since Sunday and that today was Friday. But in my panicked state the print seemed ridiculously small, the wording incomprehensible. I couldn’t decide whether I should take a pill as normal or whether I should take two. In the end, I hadn’t taken any. Pregnancy was the least of my worries. It was the one thing I could do something about.

Except that I probably wouldn’t…

I watched the children playing in the sand pit, two year old Matthew clumsily filling a bucket with a spade that was almost as big as he was, three year old Kayleigh busy with a plastic rake, combing the sand smooth again behind him as he scooped up each shovelful, reproaching him for spoiling her work. Once I’d finally accepted that James didn’t want children, making the decision to split from him had been easy. I couldn’t contemplate a childless future–working with them wasn’t enough. I wanted my own. What I hadn’t anticipated four years ago was that I might never find a partner to have them with.

But now, I thought, my suddenly shaky fingers creeping down to my lower abdomen, there could already be a tiny life inside me…

The sound of a handbell ringing from inside the old Victorian house made me start. Lunchtime. I rounded up the children, chasing a few down from the climbing frame, others out of the Wendy House, taking them inside to wash their hands. I was on auto-pilot, waiting for the grandfather clock in the hall to strike twelve so that I could escape–so that I could go and meet Lisa.

Though how I was going to tell her, I didn’t know, I thought, rushing along the road back to town twenty minutes later. One thing was for sure. Lisa–being Lisa–wouldn’t hold back on what she thought of my actions. I knew what was coming–and I wouldn’t blame her at all for saying it.

How could I have been so stupid? I was twenty-eight years old but I’d behaved like a naïve teenager. Yes, there it was again–that word ‘naïve’. Trusting a man I’d just met with my health–with my life. I’d had unprotected sex. And now I was going to have to face up to what I’d done. Go to a clinic and get tested for diseases I didn’t even want to think about. The potential consequences were terrifying.

The ASG building was just up ahead, its glass tower gleaming in the sunlight. There had been uproar years ago when they’d wanted to build it, the purists claiming it was completely out of keeping with the character of the ancient city. But to me, it was a symbol of home, a landmark that could be seen for miles around, as much of a part of my birthplace now as the eleventh century cathedral.

And there was Lisa waiting outside the front entrance, hopping from foot to foot. Though she was looking in my direction she hadn’t seen me yet and I could see the frown on her face as she glanced at her watch. ‘You’re late!’ she complained, spotting me at last.

Despite my inner turmoil I smiled slightly. Patience would never be one of my best friend’s virtues. ‘I know, I know. I’m sorry. One of the boys bumped his head just as I was–‘

‘Never mind about that,’ she interrupted, shaking her blonde head vigorously. ‘What the hell happened last night? I can’t believe you didn’t phone me.’

‘Ah.’ I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, not knowing quite where to start. ‘Well–‘

‘Griff stood you up! After all the trouble I went to, the ungrateful sod. I had a right go at him, I can tell you. I can’t believe he did that–‘

‘Look, it doesn’t matter,’ I said hurriedly, shocked to discover she already knew. But then, of course she did. She would’ve seen her boss that morning–she’d have asked him straightaway how the date went. ‘I guess he had second thoughts. It’s okay. I understand–‘

‘Well, I don’t bloody understand. He promised me he’d be there–‘

‘Really–it doesn’t matter–‘

‘And you–‘ she jabbed a finger at me. ‘You could’ve phoned. You could’ve sent me a text. If I’d known I could have phoned him. Gone and got him. Dragged him down to the Buttercross by the scruff of his neck–‘

‘Lisa!’ I gave an uncomfortable laugh, knowing that the longer this went on, the longer it would be before I could tell her what had actually happened the night before. ‘Please–it doesn’t matter. I’m sure he had his reasons–and besides–if he really didn’t want to meet me, then maybe it’s better that he–‘

‘Oh but that’s just it,’ she said, pushing her arm through mine and tugging me back towards the entrance. ‘He does want to meet you.’

‘What? No–wait–‘

But Lisa was already propelling me inside. ‘I told him I was having lunch with you and that I’d bring you upstairs so that you could meet him,’ she said, pulling me across to the lift. ‘So that you two can thrash out a time for another date.’

‘Another–another date?’ I gazed at her in dismay as the doors opened in front of us, half a dozen people spilling out into the foyer. ‘No–I can’t do this right now–‘

‘Of course you can.’ She dragged me into the now empty car, hitting the button for the top floor. ‘Don’t be chicken. Live dangerously.’

Live dangerously? But living dangerously was exactly what had got me into my current predicament… ‘No–you don’t understand,’ I gulped as the doors closed, my stomach lurching as we began to rise. ‘I’m not being chicken, really I’m not. It’s just–oh God–‘

If this had been a movie, this would’ve been the part where I hit the bright red ‘STOP’ button, the lift creaking to an abrupt halt. And then I could have told her everything, made her understand that arranging a date with her boss was the last thing I wanted to do, that I couldn’t bear the thought of meeting another man right now, not after last night. Not after Adam… But this wasn’t a movie and there didn’t seem to be a red button.

‘Look,’ I went on, my mouth going dry as I watched the numbers rising on the liquid crystal display above the control panel. ‘There’s something I really need to–‘ But before I could say any more there was a loud ping and the doors slid open again.

‘Here we are,’ Lisa said brightly, grabbing my arm again and forcing me out of the lift. ‘Hi Jasmine.’ She waved airily at the girl sitting behind reception. ‘Do you happen to know if Griff’s still in his office?’

‘Think so,’ I heard the girl reply, my gaze having been drawn immediately to the window on her left.

Dear God… I couldn’t imagine getting any work done with a view like that. I’d never been in the ASG building before so I’d had no real idea of how high it was. I could see for miles, the window looking out across the city towards the east. The sunrise would’ve been spectacular from here…

‘Good, isn’t it?’ Lisa said, peering over my shoulder. ‘If you like that sort of thing, of course.’

‘Oh, I do.’ I remembered her telling me that the building was home to a number of businesses and that ASG didn’t actually own it, they just occupied the top floor. The ‘ASG building’ wasn’t even its proper name, just the one that had stuck following all the controversy over whether it should be built. ASG Architects had designed it as their flagship project–and it had certainly got them noticed. ‘Come on then,’ she said briskly, making me jump. For a moment I’d almost forgotten why we were there.

‘Oh God,’ I breathed, experiencing a fresh wave of nausea. ‘Lisa–please–‘

‘Will you stop it?’ She rolled her eyes, ushering me through a door behind the reception desk. ‘Let’s get this over with and then we can have some lunch.’

The corridor was short, the door in front of us wide open. I could see a vast desk and the back of a high-backed brown leather chair, its occupant having swivelled it around to face the window. Reaching the doorway, I could well understand why.

If the view from the window in the reception area had been spectacular, this was breath-taking. Facing due south, the floor to ceiling windows looked out over St Catherine’s Hill, from here a near perfect dome crowned with trees, the ramparts of the iron age hill fort clearly visible, the grassy hillside rising gently from the water meadows, verdant in the midday sunshine. It seemed close enough to touch.

‘Griff?’ Lisa addressed the back of the chair. ‘I’ve brought someone to meet you.’

In the scant seconds before the chair completed its one hundred and eighty degree rotation I noticed the picture on the wall. A photograph. Two men, one woman. Even from here I could identify one of the men. It was Anton, the owner of the Mill House Hotel. I’d know that beard anywhere. They were standing in front of a water wheel.

My gaze slid to the desk, to a smaller photo in a silver frame, this time picturing a laughing woman. Pretty, in her late twenties I would guess, her hair a long, golden curtain across her shoulders. She was sitting cross-legged on a patch of grass, a book open in her lap as though she’d been caught unawares.

And finally I saw the narrow wooden block on the front edge of the desk. Saw the one-inch high gilt letters across the front of it, spelling out a name in capitals.


‘Griff, this is Emma.’

For a moment, I couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, still transfixed by those shiny little letters, my heart thudding in my ears. But then, it wasn’t as though I needed to see who was sitting in the chair. I already knew the heat of that gaze.

‘Hello Emma,’ he said quietly.

At the sound of his voice my head jerked up, my eyes meeting his, the look that passed between us swift and intense. And suddenly, in my mind I could hear him as I’d heard him earlier that morning, shouting my name as he exploded inside me…

‘But you’re not blond!’

‘What?’ Lisa looked at me as though I’d gone mad. ‘Not–‘hello Griff, nice to meet you’–just ‘you’re not blond’? I know he stood you up, but–‘

‘You said he was blond.’ I stared at her accusingly, so many emotions sloshing about in my head I hardly knew which one to deal with first. ‘You said he was blond and that he had blue eyes and that he was six feet tall.’

‘Well–‘ Lisa seemed nonplussed as she looked from me to Adam. I could see the beginnings of his smile and all at once one of my confused emotions battled its way to the surface. Fury… How dare he find this funny?

‘Okay, so he’s not exactly blond,’ she conceded. ‘His hair’s light brown then. And–‘ she leaned forward and peered into his eyes, Adam’s smile widening ‘–oh! They’re brown too.’ She shrugged. ‘Oh well. I don’t see what difference it makes. He stood you up. It’s not like he was there and you didn’t recognise him.’

‘But–‘ I realised there was nothing I could say in response, not without giving away that he had been there–and for some reason, I didn’t want to do that.

‘I’m really sorry.’ Adam didn’t seem to want to give the game away either, his eyes softening as they met mine again. ‘I shouldn’t have stood you up.’

‘So why did you?’

His mouth twisted slightly. ‘Because I’m a bloody fool.’

I flinched at his choice of words, they echoed what he’d said when we’d first met.

‘Look,’ Lisa put in, looking rather puzzled, ‘I’ve brought Emma up here so you can sort out another date–‘

‘Yes, you’re right,’ he said, nodding vigorously. ‘So let’s do that–‘ But then he stopped, his gaze still wholly on me. ‘If you want to, that is.’

Lisa gave a snort, clearly oblivious to what was going on between us. ‘Of course she wants to. For heaven’s sake, what do I have to do to make you two–?’

Adam suddenly clapped a hand to his head, groaning. ‘Damn it–the McLellan file. I left it in Mike’s office. Hey?’ He shot Lisa a speculative glance. ‘I know you’re officially at lunch, but I don’t suppose you could go and find it for me, could you? I’ve got a meeting with them later and–‘

‘I’m going, I’m going,’ she said, rolling her eyes and backing out of the room. ‘But by the time I get back, you two need to have fixed a date, okay?’ Then she paused in the doorway, frowning at Adam. ‘What the hell were you doing last night, Griff? You look bloody awful today. Didn’t you sleep or something?’ And without waiting for an answer, she was gone.

I watched in silence as Adam rose from the chair and came around the desk. ‘Lisa,’ he said with a shake of his head, moving past me to close the door. ‘You’ve got to love her.’

‘You said you’d call me.’ Still in shock, I was beginning to feel very peculiar. Hot and dizzy and weary… ‘You said you’d call me–but I didn’t know how. I never gave you my number.’ Even my voice didn’t sound like my own.

‘Ah, well.’ He grinned as he came back towards me. ‘I knew I could ask Lisa for your number, you see.’

‘But I didn’t.’ I stared at him, finding it hard to focus now, my legs trembling. ‘I didn’t know that. So I couldn’t see how you were going to call me. And then it occurred to me that I didn’t know anything about you–not really. That you could’ve been lying about everything.’

‘Emma….’ His grin faded abruptly. ‘Oh–no, sweetheart–no…’

‘You said you’d never had a one night stand. That it was on your list of things to do be-before you die. And I thought–I thought that maybe I was just that. Your one night stand. That I’d made a terrible mis-ta-a-ake–‘

‘Emma!’ My knees buckled as he swept me against him, tears pouring down my face. ‘Oh sweetheart, no. I’m so sorry…’

And suddenly I was weightless, airborne, being carried across the office in Adam’s strong arms. ‘Lisa–‘ I gulped as he sat down with me in that huge brown chair, pulling me across his lap.

‘She’ll be a while.’ Holding me tightly with one arm, he reached forward to his desk and plucked up a file. Even through the blur of my tears I could see the name ‘McLellan’ on the top. ‘There’s an awful lot of files in Mike’s office.’ He threw the file back then began to feel beneath me, wrestling with something in his pocket. ‘And she won’t come straight in if the door’s shut. Unwritten rule in this place. Here.’ He produced another of those large white handkerchiefs and I made a sound that was half-laugh, half sob. ‘I really do want this one back,’ he teased, wiping my cheeks with gentle fingers.

‘Adam.’ Though I still couldn’t speak in more than a whisper, I already felt so much better for having cried. Cathartic, I supposed. ‘Not–not ‘Griff’?’

He winced. ‘No. That’s something everyone calls me, but I don’t actually like it all that much. Mike’s fault. When we first set up in partnership he said it would be too confusing to call me Adam. We’re Adams, Stokes and Griffin, you see–Mike Adams, Graham Stokes and Adam Griffin. He reckoned that we couldn’t have Adams and Adam. So he started calling me Griff.’

I stared. ‘You’re–you’re the G in ASG Architects?’

He nodded solemnly.


‘No, Griffin,’ he corrected with a grin. ‘So you see, you were right.’ He dropped the handkerchief in my lap then held out his hand, flexing his long, lean fingers. ‘Some kind of artist. If you can call being an architect an artist.’ He threw a glance across to the far wall and for the first time I noticed the drawing board and computer there.

I gave a snort of sudden comprehension. ‘You–you fraud! You knew I was a nursery school teacher–Lisa told you! It had nothing to do with your Granny teaching you how to read

He was still grinning. ‘She really was a wise old bird though.’

‘What else did Lisa tell you?’ I demanded, my mind whirring again, trying to remember what else we’d talked about last night. Then the penny dropped. ‘She told you about James.’

‘A little bit.’ He had the grace to look sheepish. ‘Enough for me to get that he was a self-obsessed bastard. And to be honest, that was what made me wonder about you. How you could’ve stayed with him for so long. Let him treat you that way.’

I swallowed hard. I could hardly believe it myself these days. ‘So–‘ I faltered, the last piece of the puzzle falling into place as I realised what pre-conceptions he must have made. ‘You weren’t sure that you actually wanted to meet me, were you?’

‘No. But not because of that, exactly,’ he added quickly as I tensed in dismay, his arms tightening around me. ‘But because I knew how easy it would be to hurt you. Emma, you have to understand. After Claire died, I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to be with anyone else. I’d given my heart to her–and I lost her. I didn’t think I could ever take that risk again.’

My gaze fell across the photograph on his desk. ‘That’s her, isn’t it?’ I bit my lip when he nodded. ‘She was beautiful.’

‘Thank you.’ When he dropped a kiss on my temple I had to fight to repress a shiver at the contact. ‘After a while, everyone around me began telling me I should move on and find another woman. But I just couldn’t.’ He gave a short, rather bitter laugh. ‘I know they meant well, but in the end I volunteered to go to Scotland for a year to consult on a project, just to get away from it all. I sold our house because I wasn’t sure I was coming back, and I knew that if I did, I wouldn’t want to live in it. And, oh, Scotland was great.’

He released a sigh. ‘I finally got some space, some time to clear my head, to figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my life. That’s when I did that parachute jump. I wanted to start living again. But I knew for sure that I didn’t ever want another long term relationship.’

My heart plummeted at his words. Did he still feel that way?

‘And then I came back here. Decided I would stay, so I bought a two-bed flat–there didn’t seem any point in getting anything any bigger. But the moment I came back to work, all the badgering about finding someone new started again. Only worse. People seemed to think that as it had been two years since Claire died I should be dating a different woman every night of the week. Like there was something wrong with me because I wasn’t. In fact,’ he grinned suddenly, ‘Lisa even asked me if I was gay.’

I knew she had. ‘So–you really didn’t go out with anyone else?’

He shook his head. ‘And I wasn’t planning to either. But, as you know, Lisa had other ideas. God.’ He grimaced. ‘That woman’s like a bulldozer.’

‘More like a bulldog. With a bone.’

‘Only slightly better-looking.’ We exchanged smiles. Lisa was a blonde bombshell. ‘But sweetheart, the more she told me about you, the more I realised that agreeing to a blind date with you had been a really bad idea.’

‘Why?’ It still hurt to hear him say it.

‘I knew that if we hit it off, you’d probably want more than one date. Hell–that you’d deserve more than one lousy date. You deserved much better than me.’ He hesitated. ‘But I didn’t plan to stand you up. I made that reservation at the Mill House Hotel–‘

‘You designed that water wheel, didn’t you?’ I interrupted, glancing up at the picture on the wall.

He nodded, grinning. ‘And, God help me, I even bought a book of romantic poetry. A rather expensive anthology of Shelley, Keats and Wordsworth, I have to say–and I had to buy a whole bloody bunch of carnations–the woman on the flower stand wouldn’t let me buy just one. And I got down to the Buttercross early–about ten minutes before you did.’

He blew out another sigh. ‘So there I was, getting more and more nervous, wondering how to play it. And I decided I’d act like a total bastard so you wouldn’t want to see me again and Lisa would leave me alone.’ He frowned. ‘Then I realised that if I was going to do that, you’d be better off thinking I hadn’t turned up at all.’

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Tara practically bounced onto the plane. Her stomach was a mess of nervous butterflies, but she was so excited she couldn’t sit still. The other passengers returned her ear to ear grin with bemusement, yet she didn’t notice. She was somewhere else, in her mind. She’d been waiting for this for so long, and now it was finally happening! She let out a nervous giggle and the person sitting next to her stared, making her blush. Shifting in her seat, she wondered if she’d miss the city that had been...

3 years ago
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Triplets Shower Fun

My name is Jamie-lee, I’m 17 years of age, as are my sisters and we are identical triplets. I stand at 5 foot 7 inches, as do my sisters; Megan and Alexis, we all have the same luscious mahogany brown hair, slender sexy bodies with a nice C cup bust, and the same lustful blue eyes. I’m not 100% sure when this thing started, I guess it was when I saw Megan masturbating in our bedroom, all three of us have shared a room since we were little. Megan had been the most sexually active out of the...

2 years ago
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Mr BrightsideChapter 8

"I can't believe you!" Suzanne said after hearing Jen's story. "So what happened at the Marriot?" Jen couldn't help laughing. "Nothing. We played a little. I teased a few guys. And then we went home." "Did you tell Michael about David, or the dyke?" "No. I decided not to. It was like Carlos and the old man in the alley. It was so demented, I was afraid of what he might do." "You mean he'd be pissed? I thought he was into this." "Exactly. I was afraid he'd like it too...

2 years ago
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Across the BorderChapter 18

Lisa hadn’t had time to get gas before picking Josh up from school so Lisa and Josh found themselves standing in line at the local convenience store. Josh leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Mom. Will you buy cigarettes?” Lisa gave him an odd look but did as he asked. She didn’t say anything until they were back in the car. “So when did you start smoking?” From her tone, she was not pleased. “Oh, no. They’re not for me.” Lisa stared at her son for several seconds before it clicked. “Oh!...

2 years ago
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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 2

Judy Rider settled down on the bed and lit a cigarette. She was bored with the late night television talk show and restless. From time to time she glanced out the window. Pam and Chuck were still grappling in Chuck's Chevy. Poor Pam. Past thirty and still under the thumb of her mother. Not that my life is so wonderful, Judy thought ruefully. Bob never seems to come home any more. I wonder if he really is working late. If he doesn't come home soon and fuck me I'll go crazy. She inhaled...

4 years ago
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Caroline Ch 1401

Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! A short chapter covering the Saturday before the three of them leave the villa for home and reality. More romance and more (anal) sex! Mike’s Tale: Saturday at the villa A busy morning tidying everything up and storing things in one bedroom. I cleared out the office and...

2 years ago
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What Dreams Are Made ofChapter 11

Saint Francis, Catholic Girls School Counting Olivia’s class of thirty fifteen year olds, there were a little over two hundred fifty students ranging in ages from twelve to eighteen at Saint Francis. It turned out that Saint Francis had really changed since June had attended it. Where the old school had been rural, just outside the city limits, this school was deep in the woods, miles away from anything. There was a strict visitation rule in place at this school, and holidays were strictly...

1 year ago
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The Taxi Ride

You had more than your usual two drinks and let me know well before we left the bar that you were definitely in the mood to be naughty. It had started out very coyly with you rubbing that area just above your breasts while looking away. You wanted me to notice and I did. When you folded your arms under your breasts, no one could have accused you of pushing them slightly forward but you did. You continued to make the most casual of conversation. With your arms folded under your breasts like...

3 years ago
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Taking Charge of Him in Public

I kiss you hard, hand sliding straight into your pants, feeling that you're already hard. I smile up at you."My, my." I say, as I begin stroking you, pushing you up against the brick of the outside of the building. My skirt is full enough that it simply looks like we're standing close.You look around, slightly nervous, since this is a high traffic area, and I grasp your chin with my other hand. "Look at me, don't look anywhere else." I tell you sternly, and you nod silently.My hand continue...

1 year ago
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Georges 40th

We settled down with a drink and waited for the birthday boy to arrive. Megan was quite comfortable in Pete’s house; she’s been there many times before. She has also met George before and liked him. The only downside was that she’s also met his wife and liked her too, but the rest of us had managed to convince her that is just sex; a nice birthday gift that won't affect their marriage at all. Eventually the doorbell rang and Pete went off to answer it, returning minutes later with the rest...

4 years ago
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Posted by Anitaslut44Five big black cocks for me againI had met this huge black man named Marcus in a plane, several months ago.He had led me to a black gangbang with some of his friends; Victor agreed and I had enjoyed a nice night with all them, using and abusing my mouth, cunt and ass. They really had given me a screwing like I could never forget it.One of them was named Jones, who had a monster black cock so huge that I could not stand him in my asshole during that gangbang. Jones got in...

2 years ago
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El SobadorChapter 5

Reggie wasn't much of a bother the next day. Not that he forgave me for whatever crime against the Jock Code he thought I committed, I just didn't give a fuck! My mind was on what happened the night before, my cum on Bailey, and what would happen when Bailey came to cabin again. I dropped Reggie a few times accidentally and on purpose. He tried to bring my mind to the present with name-calling and some man-shoves. He gave up mid-afternoon, passing me off to his friends. From the whispers...

1 year ago
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My sister asked me to draw her

My sister loves the movie Titanic, I guess she was watching it recently because she texted me last weekend and asked me for a favor but only on the condition that I agree beforehand. I was a...bit..skeptical at first but when she told me I realized it wasn't because the favor was something I wouldn't want to do...but because she was testing my dedication, obedience, love..and affection, testing if I would do anything for her no matter what. Her request was to, like in the movie, draw her naked....

2 years ago
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Having a sexual relationship with family members

Having a sexual relationship with family members can get started in just about any variety of situations, some because one or more member has the definite hots for the other, and some because of circumstances that arise almost out of nowhere. Mine arose simply because of my sister, and what she did with her birthday present. Darla got a small, hand-held video camera for her birthday. It was pretty neat, and she went around videotaping everyone in the house. I didn’t know that she had...

2 years ago
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Peking 1900 Ch 04

Chesterford 1905 Jack stood looking out the window of the study. It was too early to be drinking but he took a quick shot of Scotch anyway. He had just punched his best friend in the face and his friend had stormed out. All he wanted to do was talk to Michael and find out what was the matter between him and wife, Caroline. Instead he had made it worse. So much for becoming a diplomat! The most important thing was to explain this to Caroline and then try and fix it. ‘That didn’t go so well,...

2 years ago
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Rental Agreement Chapter 1

Melanie Chambers was not having a good day. When she got to work, she found out that the restaurant had hired two new girls. Ordinarily, that would have been good news except that Melanie was counting on some overtime money to help her make her bills. And as if that wasn't bad enough, Melanie as one of the senior waitresses there at Martha's Restaurant was going to be the one to get these new girls trained and brought up to speed on how they did things there.Melanie hated training new girls....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Romantic Sex With My Girlfriend Shubhi

Hey there! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a story. Most of my stories generally involve rough and wild sex. But this time it happened with a sweet yet bad girl. She’s small about 5’1″ or so. She had a great figure. Nice ass and nicely shaped boobs. One day my girlfriend texted me with good news. Her parents were out of town for 2 days. I was happy to hear that. That day, her way of talking changed. She suddenly became more naughty. And it was so attractive. She sent me a picture of her...

3 years ago
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How to please your girlfriend

(Some of this story may be slightly fabricated, but don't worry about what is and what isn't, just enjoy the story.)It was back in February when me and my girlfriend plus a few friends decided to go to a con. We hung out together and thought it would be fun. A friend bought my ticket and the closer it got to the con, the more we were excited. Not only did we get more excited, the closer we got, the more my girlfriend begged me to cross dress."Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!!!""No. N-O. That's...

1 year ago
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Pizza Boy Delivers

Friday is my Hell Day. I do three days’ worth of work on Friday so I can enjoy my weekend unhindered by office obligations. That might seem counterintuitive to the modern work ethic, but screw it. As Jack Torrance in “The Shining” typed over and over, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” And I am not a dull boy. The Friday marathon usually keeps me at the office into the evening, sometimes as late as 8 o’clock. By that time I’m ready to go home, crash on the couch, call up Netflix...

3 years ago
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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter V Prissys Frilly Frolics

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy milk-sop behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X, as there is sexual...

2 years ago
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Sirens A Bold New Dawn

 1900UTC: USS Nimitz - Sea of Okhotsk, Extended Sea Duties.The sign on the door read ‘Lieutenant Dawn Delaney’ and it stood out in a sharp contrast to the battleship grey innards of the aircraft carrier’s metal passageways. The air here was stale and cloying under the artificial lighting which illuminated the run of narrow windowless corridor. Seated at the small cluttered desk, the lithe officer rifled through the wad of paperwork unceremoniously dumped in her In-tray before picking out the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 21

I noticed that Shannon was away from the office a lot more than usual, she seemed to be gone for the whole day at least once a week, I asked her about it and she would just say she was looking after something for Rick or Jim or James, Always someone else, I told her that maybe she should hire an executive assistant to do some of the errands, she told me that she liked to get out of the office sometimes. The only time I really noticed was when she wasn't around to go for lunch with...

1 year ago
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Aunty Pavadaikul Pugunthen

Hai friends, indru en siru vayathil aunty udan kanam boochi aadum pozhuthu aunty pavadaikul pugunthu kondu avalin pundaiyil kai vaithu iruvarum kaamam seithu kondom. En aazh manathil pathintha kaama anubavathai ungalidam indru tamil kama kathaiyil pagirugiren appozhuthu thaan en aanma sathi adaiyum, vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam. Enathu peyar ganesan vayathu 35 aagugirathu, en siru vayathil athavathu 20 vayathu irukum. Appozhuthu en ethir veetil oru aunty irupaargal, avargaludan kanam pochi...

3 years ago
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The escort

As she opened the door, the smell of fear hit me. I always got it when I went to pay for sex. If my wife found out she would kill me, but the excitement and desire always overwhelmed me. I slid past her at the door as she looked over to see if anyone else in her building had witnessed me enter. I walked passed a closed door into a lounge/bedroom/kitchen. I passed her the money and started to undress her. I had the feeling we were not alone, and she admitted her boyfriend was in the toilet. So i...

3 years ago
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Meeting my match Part 3 of 3

I awakened from many hours of sleep to find myself dressed in heels and hose still, I decided in the clarity of waking that I wasn't about to be taken out in public looking this way. Mistress Mary could be persuasive but why would she want to do this to me?.I was beginning to like the feeling of the lingerie I was wearing, my legs felt fabulous in those black stockings and the Basque clung to my body moulding it into a very feminine shape, my asshole only ached slightly but the pain gave rise...

2 years ago
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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 21

Bill’s turn: Sometimes I think that a big bit of enjoyment in my life is just seeing what’s gonna happen next. Like the new airfield. That’s becoming the new office. That’s becoming the new homesite. All that sort of makes sense. Except for the fact that OUR local office will be located at the airfield, the mode is much like the Alabama operation. So what happens next? Somebody brings in an old biplane. Then somebody comes and takes the old biplane away. And Dan Richards and I are talking...

4 years ago
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The Wedding PlannerChapter 4

Monday was a busy day for her. She had a trade show that was running from Tuesday to Thursday, a motivational seminar to set up for Wednesday and two weddings coming up on the weekend. For the first time since she had started her affair with Dan when he called her and asked her to meet him in room 617 she was reluctant to go. She just had too much on her desk. But she hadn't had sex with Jake since Friday night so they would almost certainly have sex that night and she couldn't pass up a...

1 year ago
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AdultTime Lola Fae Lady Gonzo

Joanna Angel’s got a special evening in store for her latest sexy shindig. Joanna’s recruited pint-sized perv Lola Fae to get all her little holes stretched out by man-mountain Prince Yahshua. Prince’s dick has been in Joanna’s ass many times, so she’s excited to share the wealth with the anal-loving Lola. When Joanna gets Lola on-set, she has Lola turn around and show off her shapely little ass. Amazed that such a tiny thing can hold so much cock, Joanna pulls...

3 years ago
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Swing Time

Bruce and Hannah had been married for fifteen years. They were wonderful happy years and they had a beautiful family with two kids, pets and everything a family should have. Unfortunately the flames of passion that burned so hot when they were dating and first married had smoldered and were threatening to go out altogether. The solution to their intimacy problems came quite unexpectedly one week during the summer. Hannah called her friend Mary to change their plans for the weekend. ‘I am so...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 158

One evening there was a knock on Laura's door. She had not let anyone into the lobby door herself and was only on casual greeting familiarity with her neighbors, and so she approached the door cautiously. She looked through the tiny eyehole and asked who was there. "Neighbor from upstairs," said a woman's voice. You couldn't see much through the peephole, but she could see it was a tall woman, with long bronze-gold hair. She opened the door a crack. There stood one of the most gorgeous...

1 year ago
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The Clean Up

This is the follow up to Laundry Day that I pulled off of my old profile. I hope you enjoy and tell me your thoughts please.Amanda was the first to stand and helped Ariel to her feet. They went to the bathroom where they have a jacuzzi tub big enough for 2. Ariel sat between Amanda's legs placing her head on her chest. "I still can't believe we haven't done that before. I liked it more then I thought. Hell I loved it." Ariel chuckled. Amanda was still taken in by the whole experience and...

1 year ago
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Bakers Dozen

The night was quiet as I baked. Baked isn’t as glamorous when I use it. By bake I mean, I placed frozen dough on pans lined with wax paper, sprayed with nonstick stuff, and put them in an oven. There’s no sifting or measuring for me. I work in a grocery store. I don’t mind it, though. My night starts at midnight, when I put my finger on a small device that clocks me in, grab a cart, and begin removing out of date product from the shelves. All the while I make a list of what I need to replace...

1 year ago
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White SlaveChapter 8

Chris' mouth just sort of hung open for a minute as she mindlessly climbed the last of the carpeted steps and walked into Roger's apartment where the blaring sounds of music could be heard, along with the wafting smell of sweet-smelling hashish being burned in a pipe. "You didn't say anything about dope, Sandy. You know what happens to me when I get stoned. I loose control and do things I shouldn't. I don't want these men to think I'm a common whore." Suddenly there was a tall, well...

3 years ago
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The Agreement Part One

The gloved hand turned the lever to lock the door."remember what I told you in the car."She reminded me sternly."After I lock the door, you will have no chance to back out. No safe word.I will have complete control over you, for as long as I need. How long I desire. You will cry, you will beg. Fear will flow, for as long as I need it to.""Any questions?""No ma'am" with a quiver"Do you understand?""Yes ma'am"She had her ravenous hair tied back tightly. The White blouse with the sleeves rolled...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 258 Heeeeeeeres Elaine

We were scheduled to fly home Saturday. It was nice of the school to give us the extra day to sightsee around LA. Of course, that wasn't happening. "The University has consented to leave the plane here until Tuesday morning, but we have to cover our own expenses while we are here, just like we did for the awards," Lonnie said. I called home and talked to Louise. "Hearthstone Entertainment will cover four rooms and a meal allowance for ten people," I said when I hung up. "It's not...

1 year ago
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Ricks RevengeChapter 9

The next morning the atmosphere in our home remained subdued. Donna was still mad at me for making her use her dildo to fuck her pussy instead of my cock. She told me so, and I reassured her I enjoyed watching her make herself cum. Donna had planned to take the last few days of my leave as vacation days off from work. I was tempted to say, stay at work, but knew we also needed the time to work on our marriage. When she returned home from work, we ate then went shopping for a new mattress...

3 years ago
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Home Alone 12

Home Alone 12 By Susan Brown 1 As I rode my bike in the ever increasing gloom of the early evening, I could hardly see where I was going through the tears of anguish and pain that I was suffering after that horrible meeting with Jackson. I was soon out of breath and I slowed down. This meant that the sweat on my body began to cool me down. I was just wearing a thin dress and I was getting increasingly cold. I was getting more and more tired. I had only been riding for...

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