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Authors note; This is an alternate universe type story which has no basis in reality. This is a "fictional" story that shows how technology can be abused or misused and not a refection on the authors views on the subject Homophobia The moving van pulled away. "I'm glad that's over." Larry sounded exhausted. "I know what you mean" Tim added. "They promised delivery in three weeks. I just hope there are no complications with the apartment." "There shouldn't be. The lease is signed and our passports are ready." "That's good. Are you sure the company doesn't have a problem with putting me on your insurance plan?" "No, we're married and England recognizes the marriage so there is no problem." "I'm glad San Francisco passed the 'Same Sex Marriage Act' last year." "So am I. I just wish the rest of the world would. Even though England recognizes the marriage, we couldn't get married there." He gave Tim a passionate kiss. After the kiss ended Tim dreamily said; "I'm so glad we didn't wait. Let's check into the hotel it's going to be a long flight tomorrow." They drove to a hotel near the Airport and were soon in bed making passionate love. Tim was in ecstasy thrusting his hips trying to force of Larry's member into him. Soon they were cuddled together sound asleep. The next morning they flew to New York where they spent a week "Honeymooning". They spent the week in New York with out leaving their hotel room. Tim is 6' tall and slender at just 140lbs with little muscle tone. He is primarily the submissive preferring the roll of the "bottom" in the relationship. When asked about what he thinks of women; "I love women, some of my best friends are women. They just don't have what I need." He comes from a very rich family where he received an inheritance of over 9 figures. He married Larry to be the "Home Maker" and is looking forward to their new life in England. Larry is 6'4", well muscled at 200lbs. Although he CAN go either way he prefers the dominant "top" roll in his relationships. When asked about what he thinks of women; "I like women as friends, I just can't bring my self to have 'that' kind of relationship with them." In his heart he believes their relationship will last for ever he doesn't want to be a "kept" man so he accepted a position in England where he will earn just under 6 figures a year. Passports in hand they left their room the morning of the flight to England looking forward to the rest they would get on the flight. They made their way through airport security with out a problem and boarded their plane for "an on time take" off. Traveling first class on a Concord the flight wouldn't take long. One and a half hours into the flight it started getting rough. The Captain turned the fasten seatbelt sign. "Sorry folks we are experiencing some turbulence so just as a precaution please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts." He added as an after thought; "We don't expect it to last long." Just as they managed to get their belt fastened the plane shook violently everything seemed to bend and twist around them. Nearly everyone started screaming then everything went black. Slowly Larry returned to conscience. He looked over at Tim who was still out. He shook Tim gently until Tim started showing signs of waking up. "Tim wake up! Wake up Tim!" Before Tim could respond the captain came on the speaker; "We are trying to determine what happened. There were some unusually strong turbulence and everyone was knocked out for about 10 minutes. Fortunately the autopilot was engaged and there doesn't seem to be any problems with the plane. Please remain seated with your seatbelts fastened. We will start a new in-flight movie and the drinks are on us for the remainder of the flight." Fully awake now Tim asked; "What do you think happened?" "I have no clue. I've never experienced anything like it and I've flown a lot," Larry replied. The rest of the flight seemed uneventful until; "Sorry folks, there seems to be a problem and we've been put in a holding pattern, sorry for the delay." They flew around in circles for about an hour. Finally they landed but instead of taxing to the gates the engines shut down just after they turned off the runway. The captain addressed the passengers; "There seems to be a problem. For some reason they were not expecting our arrival so we've been told to shut down and hold here for further instructions. Please remain in your seats except to use the restrooms. The flight crew will continue to serve drinks and snacks while we wait. Unfortunately by order of the tower/flight operations the bar is closed, absolutely no alcohol will be served." He paused for a moment then added; "At the moment you know as much as we do. We will keep you keep you informed as information becomes available." They were quickly surrounded by military vehicles and personnel. "What the hell is going on? It looks like they've got the whole army out there," Tim asked. "How should I know? We'll just have to wait and see," Larry replied in frustration. They sat there talking amongst themselves for 4 hours when finally the captain came on the speaker again. "Good evening folks. They are going to tow us to a place where we can disembark the aircraft. Please take your seats and I recommend you fasten your seatbelts." The captain sounded nervous. "I've been advised to inform you that once we are allowed to disembark that you need to follow their instructions to the letter. They sound very serious so I'm advising you to pay attention and follow their instructions. We still don't know what's going on but in my opinion it sounds like they are treating us as terrorists. Please stay in your seats until told that you may disembark." The aircraft was towed to a small hanger away form the main complex. Once the door was opened military personnel began boarding. One of them carrying a loud speaker addressed us; "Remain seated until cleared to disembark. Do not take anything with you. Follow the roped off area into the hanger, where you will find seats with clip boards on them. You will have one hour to completely fill out the forms you find there. Stay inside the roped off area, ANYONE crossing the ropes regardless of age will be SHOT!" With that he left the plane. With the military observing, they were allowed to exit the plane one row at a time. Once they were inside the hanger they found two roped off areas with rows of portable chairs. Between the two areas was a row of tables. They were directed to the seats in the first area by military personnel and told not to leave any seats empty. Eventually everyone was off the plane and a voice came over a loud speaker; "Remain seated until called forward. You will be called forward one at a time, only families traveling with minors may come forward as a group. Once you've been cleared into the area on the other side of the tables, food, drink and restrooms will be available. Failure to follow instructions WILL be met with lethal force." Tim looked over the forms before he started filling them in. He turned to Larry; "This looks like I'm applying for a passport to visit Russia during the height of the cold war." "I know, let's just get it done." An hour later Tim was called forward. He was asked: "Is this your correct name?" "Yes" "Is all the information you've provided on these forms correct?" "Yes" "Step through and take the next available seat." Once every one had passed through the tables there was again the voice on the loud speaker; "So far so good, we haven't had to shoot anyone. Make no mistakes the guards will not hesitate. You can consider yourselves under arrest until we can verify your information. Shortly you will be taken to a secure hotel where you will be held until other arrangements can be made. You will receive your luggage some time tomorrow once they are inspected and any contraband have been removed. Any carry on items you had will be returned once any contraband has been removed and you can identify its major contents. Currently everyone here is facing the following charges: 1. Traveling without a valid permit 2. Traveling in an unregistered aircraft. "These are serious charges and may result in 5 years imprisonment. If you brought contraband into the city, those charges will be added to the first two. "Transportation to your lodging will be ready shortly." Tim half laughed; "This is unreal, it's like a bad episode of the Twilight Zone." "I know. Concords have been in service for over 30 years, the plane has to be registered. What's this about a travel permit? I thought the passport took care of that." Before Tim could reply the loud speaker broke in; "The following will report to the screening tables immediately: David Burns; George Burns; Susan Daniels; Barbra Daniels; Sharon Daily; Janet Daily; Larry Jones; Timothy Jones come forward and identify yourselves." All 8 went forward and were identified. Again the loud speaker; "Per the Global Marriage Act of 2001 you are under arrest for having illegal relations with the same gender. You will be held in confinement pending reorientation. Step past the tables and follow the guards." They were not allowed to talk so each was left alone with their own thoughts. Each had a thousand questions. The least of which was; What the hell is going on? I thought England accepted our marriage. Why are they treating us like criminals? And what is this Marriage act? For now the answers will have to wait. They were taken to a secure building and each assigned a room. The room was a cell, no windows, about 10 feet square, single bed but no sheets or blankets, a commode, small sink, small desk with chair. On the desk sat a computer screen and keyboard, no computer in sight. A single light bulb in the ceiling but no light switch. A voice came over the loud speaker; "Your reorientation has now begun. On your monitors in a few minutes will be displayed the Global Marriage Act. You will read it before lights out. At the end of file there will be a statement that you have read and understood the Global Marriage Act where you will type in your name. Do not skip ahead and sign off that you understand it for you will be asked questions about it tomorrow. Failure to answer correctly will result in a very unpleasant punishment. Lights out will be in 3 hours, you will be supplied linen and sleep wear 10 minutes before that." 'Damn,' Tim thought. 'Don't they believe in just talking to people, that speaker is getting annoying.' Tim read the Marriage Act twice, after cutting through all the legal mumbo jumbo it simply said: Due to the near extermination of the human race leaving only about 5 percent still alive; no same sex relationships could or would be tolerated. Such occurrences would result in reorientation to appropriate sexual behavior, sexual reassignment using the "The Chamber" or sexually neutralization by the "The Chamber". A marriage is defined as a legal contract/union consisting of one biological man and one biological woman. Until the population has reached 50% of the pre-holocaust value each family will have at least 2 but not more than 4 children, at which time each family will have no more than 2 children. Orphans will be place with married couples that could not conceive or into families of less than 4 children where the youngest child is at least 10 years old. State assistance will be provided in all cases. Parents are ultimately responsible for the actions of their children and may be punished for the actions of their children. Every individual during the month following their 15th birthday will be tested for sexual orientation and adjustments will be made as necessary. Individuals who have been sexually neutralized will be placed in public works type occupations (see attachment) and may never rise to a position of authority over anyone except other sexually neutralized individuals. The attachment basically said that sexually neutralized individuals could only hold general labor type jobs that are of benefit to the community. All jobs would be Monday through Saturday for 8 to 10 hours a day. Food and dorm type housing would be provided. After two years and every two years they're after; the individual may apply for reexamination and "possibly" assigned a gender and released. Another attachment said that any one sent to prison would be sexually neutralized for the duration of their imprisonment. One attachment said that any sexual contact with a member of the same gender would result in reorientation, sexual reassignment or sexually neutralization. Tim signed off that he understood what he just read. "My god, this reads more like an anti-gay act than a marriage act." He said to himself. Tim barley made into bed before lights out which was a good thing because once the light went out it was total blackness. He lay there for a long time trying to get accustomed to the light but there was absolutely no light to get use to. He finally gave up and went to sleep. They were awakened abruptly and herded into a communal shower under the watchful eyes of the guards, no contact or talking was permitted. Breakfast was cafeteria style and again no talking or contact was allowed. After breakfast they were taken to a room and strapped into chairs. Electrodes were attached all over their bodies. A computer screen was placed in front of each of them. No sooner was that done then in walked a man and a woman dressed as civilians. The man made the introductions; "I am Constable Mark Adams and this lovely lady is Dr. Andrea Smith. You were told your crimes last night, that has changed. Because of how you arrived here we have to take certain things into account. You apparently passed through an inter dimensional rift. We are not sure how or why but since the holocaust it occasionally happens. We do not know how to send you back so the best we can do is find out how you fit into our society. That's where Dr. Smith comes in, it's her job determine how you best fit into our society. It's my job to ensure you don't cause any problems. Fail to cooperate or cause problems and you will go to prison for at least 6 months because that's the minimum amount of time before you can be reprocessed by "The Chamber". Now I'll turn you over to Dr. Smith." "I'll apologize in advance. We are trying to prevent extinction and your life styles are contributing to that and can not be tolerated. To begin with we will determine if your bisexual, have gender dysphoria or are homosexual. You will either leave here heterosexual or be sexually neutralized, those are the only options. You will take a test that will take about 2 hours. The questions will appear on the screen in front of you. All you have to do is read the question and think about the answer and the computer will record your response. The sensors attached to you pick up surface images from your brain as well as record body reactions. Between the two the computer can determine which thoughts are true or false and adjust the questions accordingly. So the exact length of the test will depend on how fast and honest you answer the questions. There is no way to bluff your way through this test, so don't try. We will start with your understanding of the Marriage Act. Since you are from an alternate dimension we will skip the punishment and have those who fail reread it and be tested a second time where the punishment will be enforced. You may begin." It took 10 minutes for Tim to go through the test. About 10 seconds after he finished a green "PASS" appeared on the screen. He let out a sigh of relief. Looking around the room he noticed the same reaction and several faces. He couldn't read Larry's reaction. At about 15 minutes everyone had finished. Dr. Smith addressed them at this point. "I was hopping for better, three of you failed and will be retested in the morning before breakfast. You may begin the next phase." It was the strangest test Tim had ever taken, no sooner had he read one question then the next appeared. He had no clue how he had answered the question or for that matter what he had given for an answer. The test was broken into sections. First who he preferred sexually, where each screen had one man and one woman then switch to a different screen, same question different people. Then it changed to what toys you would rather play with and the screen displayed one boy and one girl type toy for each screen. Next came cloths then sports and finally jobs. The pictures stopped but the test continued with what appeared to be general questions. Tim was mentally exhausted when finally the screen flashed "COMPLETE" and gave him an appointment for today at 1300hrs with Dr. Smith. He looked up and noticed it had taken him nearly 3 hours to take the test. He also noticed he was not the last one done. Once everyone was done DR. Smith spoke; "Ok, that's finished for now. Each of you has received your next assignment on the screen in front of you. You will be taken to lunch then returned to your room to rest and/or study." After lunch Tim was returned to his cell. It had been changed slightly, next to his bed was a night stand with a clock radio. The bed was fully made with a comforter. On the pillow was a note; "be ready at 1250hrs." He was ready and waiting when at exactly 1250 his door opened. "Come with us!" was the only thing said as two guards led him to his appointment with DR. Smith. Once he entered Dr. Smith's office he was instructed to sit. It was some time before Dr. Smith acknowledged his presence. "Good afternoon Timothy. I've just been double checking the results of your test. They're very interesting. How do you see your self, as a man or woman?" Without hesitation Tim responded; "As a man." "Then would you believe that according to the tests, you see your self as a woman?" "I don't see how that could be, I've always believed I was a boy." "Well it's true. According to the tests you are transgendered. You have a female mind in a male body. That's why you don't see women as possible lovers, but rather you see them as competition. "Now that brings us to what we need to do. We are going to use "the Chamber" to give you the female body that matches your brain. You will then spend the next 3 months learning how to be that woman. Don't worry we are not going to train you to be a prissy girly girl. But you do need to be a respectable woman who knows how to take care of her body and dress right. We will teach you how to use cosmetics to make yourself up when the situation calls for it but it's up to you as to when and how much make up you use. You will learn everything that it takes to be a woman that your mother would have taught you if you had been born a woman. Our goal is that you look and act natural once you leave here and can have normal relations with a man as a woman, relations so natural that you'll get married and have children. "Before you start arguing the only other option is to neutralize you and put you into the work program." Tim almost shouted; "That's no choice, either I become a woman or a slave. If I agree to this will Larry still be my husband?" "I can't answer that, his treatment has not been decided yet. Even if a treatment has been decided, I still couldn't tell you." "When do I have to decide?" "By lights out tonight. After dinner there will be one word on your computer, 'Woman'. Simply enter 'yes' if you agree or 'no' if you don't. If you don't enter a response then it's assumed your response is no. At lights out the decision is locked and can not be changed. Your treatment will be first thing tomorrow morning. You will not be asked to verify your decision what's ever recoded will be done. We are done please follow the orderlies back to your room." Tim spent the afternoon and evening in refection. He knew it was true, he had known all his life that he should have been female. If he hadn't met and fell in love with Larry, he probably would have had a sex change. Tim's love for Larry was immeasurable, he would do anything for Larry. The only problem was the Larry was an almost militant homosexual and couldn't stand anything feminine in a relationship. So Tim had given up his dream of becoming a woman to please Larry. Now it looked like his dream was coming true, truer then he could have ever dreamed. He could become a 'complete' woman as if born one. But what of Larry, could he make the adjustment? Could he learn to love a woman or would he become one himself? Tim feared Larry would do neither and be neutralized. Tim stared at the computer screen, debating what to do, finally he typed yes and went to bed. Sleep did not come easy but eventually it did. The next thing Tim knew he was fighting to wake up. His mind was foggy and everything seemed disjointed, out of focus. As things began to come into focus he tried to sit up but a hand to his shoulder stopped him. "Lay still, give your self time to fully wake up. It's going to take some time for the sedatives to wear off." Tim had to know; "Is it done?" "Yes, you've been under for two weeks. One week for the change to be completed and the next for your body to recover. You should be able to get up in about an hour. You will need to take it easy for about another week to allow you body to finish recovering and to give yourself a chance to get use to the change. Once you're able to walk by your self, and you can control your new plumbing, you'll be taken to your room." "So I'm a..." Tim couldn't finish the statement. "Yes you're a woman. At least outwardly you are. It will take about another 4 to 6 weeks for the internal reproduction organs to mature. You should have your first menses in about two months." The nurse spent the next two hours explaining how to take care of his new body. Clinically almost robotically she explained the necessity of doing it right and very graphically what could happen if it was done wrong. After Tim used the bathroom twice (correctly) he was taken to his room. He or rather she was taken to a different room. This one was actually a small fully furnished one bedroom apartment. "This is your living quarters until you graduate the program. We don't expect you to keep it white glove clean however when you leave you return it to its current condition. Your training officially starts tomorrow. Your home work for tonight is to chose a female name." Tim already had a name chosen, the one he called himself in private for years, Tina Marie. Tina spent the next 4 months learning everything feminine. How to Dress, apply makeup, proper hygiene, pregnancy and child care, speech, deportment and social skills were all covered and recovered. There were many shopping and social outings to test her skills. She never saw any of the others she came in with. Finally with no fanfare she graduated. Tina had to know; "What happend to my friend Larry?" Tina almost said husband. "We can not tell you what happend to any of the other members of the group you came in with. I will tell you that 4 of them were neutralized. I just can't tell you who." DR. Smith sadly added; "Don't waist you time looking for him, you won't find him." So Larry was lost to her. He was either dead, a woman or neutralized. Tina knew in her heart that Larry could not be converted to this societies version of normal and would find a reason to get shot rather than become a woman or let himself be neutralized. Tina was set up in a modest sized one bedroom apartment and given a job as a waitress at a nearby restaurant. Between wages and tips she earned enough to pay the rent, buy groceries, cloths, go to the club once a week and still be able to put more than $50 a week into savings. Tina married a wonderful man about 18 months later. Brian was very kind and loving. Tina gave him (or did he give her) 3 children over the next 7 years, two boys, Charles and Robert and a daughter, Sylvia. As per the custom of this society once the children came Tina haply gave up her job to become a home maker. Tina finally felt complete, she was a mother and home maker, exactly what she had always longed for. Her only regret was that more people couldn't cross over and have their dreams come true. End From the Author: Because my first story was so long I tried writing a sort one. I intentionally left a lot of the details out to be filled in by the readers imagination or for possible sequels. Although it is a subplot that this society does not tolerate homosexuality it is not about anti-gay/lesbian nor is it about gay/lesbian-bashing. It's about a society using desperate actions to prevent extinction.

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Cousin SherylI had a trip out to LA on business. I had finished the job early in the day, logged into Facebook it picks up your location. I was sitting around cracked open a Bud on the laptop looking at DN, getting horny after about a hour of surfing porn rubbing my dick. When there was a knock at the door. Looked through the peak hole thought I was seeing things answered who's there, I hear "it your cous' " a sexy ladies voice. I open the door it was my wife's cousin Sheryl. She was smoking...

5 years ago
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Missy Day Five

Friday morning was uneventful, I got up and dressed as usual. Mommy was running a bit behind in schedule because Daddy had fucked her instead of getting a morning blowie. She was perky though, energized by the early morning endorphins from the orgasm. Looking pretty in an emerald green sun dress she ushered me into the car, worried about being late for school. We drove through the neighborhood, Mommy asking me about my day and if I had any exams. I didn’t but I was excited for Study Hall...

3 years ago
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Claudine, Marianne, and Pierre are in Claudine's apartment, overlooking the river or rather overlooking the park that runs beside the river, the park lined with maple, tulip poplar, sycamore, and oak trees. The three friends listen briefly to the bold song of a bird perched but invisible near the window. When the birdsong ceased, Claudine began a story told to her by her friend Izamar. Izamar, she reminded them, was a lanky brunette dripping, as Claudine put it, with existential savoir faire,...

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TandraChapter 53

I groaned a little, and gained my feet. I placed my clothing on the bed, and sat in the chair. "I came here to gain an ally, and give some help if it were possible. You or anyone else would like to see whom they are thinking of allying with, before an agreement was made." "You want my empire. That is the truth, isn't it?" Even with the rough treatment I had been given, I laughed a little, "Bassinda, I have forces on almost a hundred and thirty systems. Four more would mean very...

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Watching my wife

As I was watching my wife sucking hungrily on the large cock in her mouth, I thought about what a lucky man I am. We had discussed our fantasies and when I told her my hottest fantasy was watching her suck and fuck other guys, she at first looked at me kind of shocked ,then said, tell me more. I told her I loved her and didn't want anyone else but her, but the idea of her sharing her pussy with other men was something that made my cock rock hard. As we talked about it further, she started to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 36 Putting it All Together

December 22, 1994, Tokyo, Japan to Chicago, Illinois When the flight reached sufficient altitude, I pulled out my PowerBook and opened my journal. The events of the previous week had affected me greatly, in many ways. The wake, for which I, and others, had stayed awake all night, had been a moving experience. My only regret was that the actual funeral service would be held the following week. I did ascertain, from a conversation with the Shinto priest who came to pray with us at the wake,...

2 years ago
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Crowd Sourced Sissy Spin OffMothers Milk

NOTE: This story stems from an incidental bit in the "Crowd Sources Sissy" story that a couple of readers seemed to be interested in having me explore further. It's just a starting off point. You do not need to read that story first to understand this new work, but of course feel free to read it to get the full effect. Enjoy! Crowd Sourced Sissy--Mothers Milk I knew that my husband had a sissy fetish long before I married him. For many, that would have been a bridge too far,...

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Kid play with big sister

Hello mere dost my name is Mihir shah pyar se muje meroo kahate he. Me ek 15 sal ka 5 feet ka gora thoda fatty size ka achha ladka tha. Lekeen ek mahine pahale mene jo bhi dekha aur kiya whoh muje yeh story likhane ke layak bana diya. Mene apani 10vi ki exam dene ke bad 1 mahine ki school me chutti thi. Ek din yuhi me apane gar me subah tv dekh raha tha ki usi samay mere sabase bade chacha ki sabase badi ladaki neelam didi mere gar aayee aur meri mammy ke pass kichan me jake boli ; aunty muje...

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Your Wish Come True Chapter 9 Discoveries

"Your Wish Come True" by Pol Roget Chapter 9 Discoveries She makes discoveries about herself and the future becomes clearer. __________ STILL rather stunned by her new apartment, Mandy decided she needed to get two things fairly urgently: her own new mobile phone and a new computer. She locked the apartment and, taking advantage of a lull in the rain, walked up to Chesham Place where she caught a cab to Oxford Circus. She intended to visit a computer shop she had...

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CuckoldSessions Eliza Ibarra 02282021

Eliza has recently been having a pen-pal affair with an inmate from a state correctional facility. Her husband loves to share his hot wife with other men and gets off when she reads the sexual acts the felon would like to do to her if he ever gets out of prison. One fateful day that is exactly what happens as Eddie and his cellmate Musa break out of prison and make a beeline over to Eliza’s house. Surprised at first that the prisoners have come to her house, Eliza is also worried they may...

3 years ago
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Hello, ladies and gents, and welcome to something special from me to you. I hope this story is enjoyable and, most importantly, make you hot and make you (especially the ladies) want to masturbate. However, if you are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, or otherwise prohibited from reading such material, please do not read this story. I reserve all commercial and non-electronic rights to this work, so if you steal, I will catch up with you and exercise my copyright. If you want...

4 years ago
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Curse You Uncle Jessie Ch 03

This is the final and concluding chapter to Curse You Uncle Jessie. My time has become busy of late, and I am not able to do much writing. From time to time I will write a new story, but for now, RabbitRunner91 is signing off. ************************************************ At 6:00 I placed the call, the answering machine kicked in. I hung up and called again. The same result. On the 6th time, the handset was lifted. ‘I want to talk. Do you?’ I asked. ‘Yes.’ ‘I’ll see you in an hour.’ ...

4 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 9

When the van pulled across their path and the men jumped out, Cal's initial reaction was a flash of panic, but in milliseconds he remembered why he had spent all of those years in martial arts classes. The men looked Arabic, and his mind flashed back to the sight of Rachman kicking the helpless Ismi. It was not going to happen again! Mr. Yokata's teachings came to him with the force of deeply ingrained habit. First, the assessment. Two men. No visible weapons. One man, the driver, had to...

4 years ago
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Mother in laws desire

For a few weeks now Matt and I have had to move in with my mother in law Carol whilst we have renovations done in our own home. This hasn't been too much of a concern as I've always got on really well with her and due to a poor relationship with my own mother, see her more as a close friend and second mother.Matt has continued to work long hours at work and has been spending a few evenings each week at our home managing the renovations. Again, this was expected, and due to our close friendship...

2 years ago
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Something Personal Ch 04

Nina met Daniel for lunch the following day. What started as an awkward conversation eventually became relaxed as they began to rediscover their old friendship. Nina was still reeling from the news, but also felt like a weight had been lifted somewhat now that she knew the reason why he left her. Naturally the conversation turned to Gavin. Daniel had called her the previous night to make sure she was okay, and she could tell even now he didn’t believe her. ‘It’s fine. He was never going to...

2 years ago
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Bad News Becomes Good NewsChapter 3

Things do not always go the way we want them and in the end June and I tied for Valedictorian of our class and she had a guaranteed job in Southern California and I was recruited by a firm in New Hampshire, who eventually moved back near my parents home in New York. Although we both admitted that we loved each other, we both had career obsessions. At first I still had delusions of pitching again and thought going to California would afford me the time to get back in shape. The offer I got...

3 years ago
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three of us

She was horny and needed release but she also wanted a show. She called her two friends and invited them over. When they arrived she was wearing only a sheer robe. She had them strip to their underwear. The girl was sexy and had a very hot body. The guy was gorgeous and well hung. They were fun to play with and did not mind letting her run the show. She laid the girl on the bed and sat the man in a chair to watch. First she pulled his cock thru the opening in his tight briefs. She wanted to see...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 71

This is not a joke per say, but an inspirational piece that may help one through a bad day. Enjoy. Jack A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence... It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout ... We all stood there, under the awning, just inside the door of the...

2 years ago
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Wicked Santa Naughty Time Is Here

"I know it's Christmas Eve!" Cynthia Reed shouted into the phone. "But that order isn't finished. If they want to be with their kids tell them to get off their lazy asses and finish their work!" The reply on the other end of the line was the expected complaint of understaffed, overworked and underpaid. "Harold, I swear, if you don't hang up that phone and solve this, yours will be the first ass I fire tonight! I'm still here and you don't hear me complaining! Tell those ingrates...

4 years ago
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Enjoying webcam girl

Well last week I was at Singapore and I found a girl on net i.e. On chat. She was so desperate for sex that whatever I said she did. I had my best to write the story in different ways so that every reader enjoys this. Any comment pls writes me on my email You are on line with me and I tell you to go stand in your window naked and finger your pretty pussy for me. You do so and you come back and tell me that an older guy was watching you and, of course, you let him watch as your fingers fucked...

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My Gateway To Sex With My Neighbor Aunt

Hi All… This is Sam from Chennai, Age 27, Height 6 ft, Weight 80 Kgs. Now working in a BPO.. So far, I have had sex with 3 women of different age category. My first was with my neighbor aunt who was 45 years old. My Second Experience was with a divorced office colleague who was 29 and the third one was with a girl I met at a computer training centre. The story I am going to share now happened when I was 18yrs and during my 12th examinations. I had my first experience with my Aunt who was the...

3 years ago
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Culture ShockChapter 14

Elaine touched up her lipstick and went to the toilet again. She'd eaten little and her stomach warred against her. When she returned, she slid twenty bucks and her front door key into her pocket and stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, taking a deep breath. Her heart was thumping and she couldn't stop trembling. Her reflection stared back at her. I don't know if I can do this. The faces of her roommates appeared at her door. "What's taking so long?" asked Kendra. "You're...

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The New Woman Part 1

She stood about 5'7" and had long sexy legs. Her feet were wrapped in the most beautiful leather stilettos and all Wanted to do was to suck her toes, tits and cunt. She approached me while I was pruning the bush just outside my bedroom window. She had asked me if a Mr Walsh lived nearby. I was not sure, as I had just moved in the area a few weeks ago. I did not have any real time to meet my new neighbors. So, I replied, " I'm not sure I just moved here from L.A." She stayed a few seconds and...

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My Sons Huge Cock Ch 06

Mike went out for a while that day to see his friends and play some soccer. While he was gone I went online and found my friend. She was the lady who had seen her son naked in the shower and was desperate to fuck him, she had watched on webcam while I gave my son his first blowjob a few days ago.I told her all about what my son and I had been up too, how he had been fucking me senseless and how I had left him tied to the bed. She was fascinated by what I was telling her. She said she was...

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Karlys Getaway Part 2 Vibe from New York

I wasn’t sure I was going to ever fall asleep last night. Paris was calling my name. Thankfully Michael called me last night. He said it was because he wanted to hear my sexy voice, but I think he just misses me. The train is finally pulling into the station, and Paris is inches away. I’m ready to explore the city a little, eat something rich and decadent, drink wine with lunch, and whatever else tourists do. And of course, I want to get ready for a very special date tonight. Michael promised...

4 years ago
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Once Upon an AlienChapter 19 The Chamber

Imam Almasi frowned, as he carefully looked over the hood of the truck. They had chased the Order convoy until they had turned to fight in the Pyramid Complex. He was frowning because the Order wasn't really trapped. They could easily escape to the north, west, or south, despite the teams he had sent to each side to close those options. His main force was still on the shoulders of the Al Ahram highway, but were prevented from attacking. The highway split the Complex by going between the...

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Summer Of 70

Summer vacation from high school... everyone looks forward to it but it's not always as good as we hope. The summer of 1970 was filled with a lot of work, but I didn't really mind. I knew the physical labor would help build my body, which was already quite strong. The best part though was the weekends, when I was free to go see my girlfriend, Jenna.Jen and I had started dating the previous spring after she had broken up with her boyfriend. He was a proto-nerd, back before the term nerd had even...

First Time
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Wife doing me Chapter 2

This is a follow up after the first time that I got my wife to fuck me with her strap on dildo. My wife and I continued our growing sexual satisfaction through the use of many toys. Both, her and myself, had been exploring sexual situations quite a bit and had developed many fuck fest at home. Sometimes we would begin on saturday evening and continue through out  all night. We both got our fill of orgasms and in my case and thanks to my male ‘g’ spot I was able to cum often and in big...

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Sissy Faggot My Date on Thursday

I posted a few photos of my outfit I was going to wear for my date on Thursday Afternoon (Appreciate all the comments thank you all). Date was very rewarding for both of us. I met him at the door gave him a big smile took his hand then he kissed me. he pulled my arm up over my head and spun me around telling me how lovely I looked. We took a ride in the mountains his was rubbing my thigh all the time and I his. He pulled into a parking area wear hikers park. we started to make out my skirt...

2 years ago
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My Aunty my love

I am Naren, 23yrs old, working in chennai. I am very much interested in sexual things. I do lot of masturbation thinking of busty woman’s breasts, thighs, cunt lips, vagina and buttocks. I am staying in a apartments where there are 16 portions. The last portion is occupied by ashmitha 35 yrs, with great body structures. I am very reserved person and I have not talked to her at all. I just watch her when she was moving outside. Her attractive part is those wonderful breasts which are very firm...

1 year ago
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Anns Surprise from Santa

© Hitchhiker 2002 High in the Kentucky hills it had been snowing for most of the day and as darkness began to fall. Don and Peter were starting think about somewhere warmer than their tent to spend the night. Up in the high woods houses are few and far between. Ann had been living on her own for over year now, after her husband had died. Now that her grief had eased. Her bouts of loneliness had become sessions of fantasy and she was now in need of the affections of a man again. During the last...

Group Sex
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Resolution With a RedheadChapter 2

I entered the next-door girls’ dorm and immediately saw Agnes. She was wearing sneakers and shorts. I smiled. “Hi, Agnes. You look good this evening. Would you like to walk?” “That sounds good, Eric. Thanks, and thanks for coming over.” “I enjoyed talking to you earlier. That’s why I called. I’m just glad I could help out. I guess you aren’t a big-time TV watcher either?” “No. I really don’t care for pro football and that’s what is on, too. Mike had showed up at our room. He’s rough on...

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Jennys Decent Into A Lustful Life

It Was A Gloomy Morning... Jenny Had Just Rolled Awake From Her Slumber, And Hurried To Begin Her Daily School Routine. Jenny Was By All Means A Normal 18 Year Old School Girl. She Maintained Her Grades, Kept A Couple Of Friends Throughout The Years, And Held An Above Average Body. All Was Normal Throughout Her Preparation, However Her Stomach Was Stirring As She Continued. Jenny Shrugged It Off As Last Nights Dinner Not Agreeing With Her, However Something Felt Off. As Jenny Left For School,...

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Pacific Penal ColonyChapter 6

Of the three others who escaped with Rico and Reeves, only Clark was selected as being worthy enough to have his life extended slightly by being sold at auction. Dorman and Gregson were strapped face down on benches with their faces elevated, so that they may view the nooses their necks had been decorated with, which were hung from a hook on the bars of their cells. As they squirmed in their bindings they were frequently visited by masked women in long black capes, who thrashed them as they...

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Doing Twins And Not Knowing It

This is a true-life story that occurred to one of my friends in college just a few years ago. It was the most amazingly sexy and funny story I'd ever heard. My buddy, Ron, was dating one of a pair of beautiful identical twins. I mean, these two 19-year old babes were identical down to the smallest details of their gorgeous bodies. I don't think there's any way Ron could ever have known what they did to him that night until the twins admitted it and let him in on the little joke they'd...

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Stargate SG1 Rebirth

Stargate SG1: Rebirth Hintaar was a pre-industrial human civilization under the rule of the Gou'ld known as Nir'Ti, who was widely known for her efforts to perfect a perfect human host. Recent intelligence reports had uncovered some startling evidence that Nir'Ti had located some highly advanced DNA resequencing technology from some unknown source on the planet, possibly Asgaurd. The target, in the heart of Nir'Ti's base on this primitive world, was the brig. Several SG1 and SG6...

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Deja Vu All Over Again

It’s been said that, once you've left, you can never go home again. I found that to be false. Last week, I returned to my home town to visit my baby sister, Fran. Fran and I are close, and we visit one another a couple of times a year, catch up on old times, and stay connected. After college, it seems we both returned home, living with siblings and parents until we got to the point of financial independence, even though we did it ten years apart. We also never married. For my part, I’m...

Quickie Sex
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Rendezvouz With an Online Friend

He started off very safe, albeit a bit naughty. Nothing anyone would think is inappropriate. He was a businessman and traveled quite a lot. He wouldn't tell me his age but would always say that he was still young enough to please any woman and then leave with a naughty smile. He was very sweet; always greeting me good morning, checking up on how I was doing in my schoolwork. But every so often he would send me some naughty emails. For example: Good morning Sunshine! Have you recovered...

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