Rayne Ch. 10 free porn video

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Gabriella awoke, stiff and pain shot thru her arms and legs. The long night spent in the cold, damp hold of the ship had taken its toll. She gingerly stretched her arms attempting to work the cramps out of her muscles. She winced in pain as the cramped muscles protested. She attempted to stand, only to get the same response from her legs. But she was used to hardship, and this was nothing compared to the days when she had ran and hidden from Torquemada when she was a child and he pursued her relentlessly. She knew she was a strong individual, in a way it was him who had made her into the strong woman she was.

She hadn’t allowed herself to think of either the night before events, or the consequences of those actions. Now, even though it was dark in the hold of the ship there were little slits of sunlight that filtered through the cracks in between the boards of the deck, so it was not inky black, and she allowed her mind to wander back over those very events. She knew how foolish it had been to attack him and not finish the job, not end his life. But the alternative was unthinkable to her. She shuddered to think what would have surely happened had she not attacked him. He would have had his way with her, and the thought of him entering her body was so unpalatable that bile rose in her throat, causing her to retch.

Her resolve was strong, she would not let him defeat her in any way. She would not beg for food or water or for his mercy, for she knew he had no mercy in his black soul. She slumped to a less uncomfortable position, her hands and legs cramped from the small space. She could see the rats scurrying about just out of the small shafts of sunlight, their eyes red and beady and a shiver ran up her spine. She hated rats more than anything in the world except for Torquemada! She prayed that her resolve would remain strong and that she would not weaken when night descended and the sun no longer kept the vermin in the corners and away from her.

All day she sat in the hold, sweat pouring from her body, her hair a tangled mess and her thirst became a nagging need, which she forced from her mind. As evening descended her stomach rumbled and growled in protest, and her thirst grew, still she pushed thoughts of quenching water and mouthwatering food from her mind. She had napped throughout the day in an effort to stay awake the night, to fight off the rats that she knew would come. Just as she had known, with darkness the scurrying got closer, and the rats inched ever closer to her body, causing shivers of revulsion to wrack her body. She took the only thing she had her shoe and slapped at them, causing squeaks and more scurrying. But she quickly learned that the rats were not above dining on their own if they were no longer living and she found small measure of comfort in that.

It was well after midnight when she dozed, so tired was she. One brave rat ventured close and when no swat was aimed at him, he grew bolder still and Gabriella awoke, a scream tearing from her throat as he bit her upper arm. But he paid the price as the shoe came down on him, squishing his tiny little brain out. She hated herself for the scream that had escaped her, as she heard the men laughing, knowing exactly what was happening below their feet. She only wished it had been Torquemada’s brains that were spattered over the board where the dying, twitching rat convulsed in the throes of death. But she strengthened her resolve to let no more screams escape her lips, no matter what!

Torquemada had been on deck, unbeknownst to Gabriella, and he had heard her scream. It had brought a smile to his thin lips and his man root had quickened, twitching to life at her suffering. Oh how he was going to enjoy her screams and pleas for mercy!

Thus the day turned into days and after 3 days she was indeed a pitiful sight. No longer did she look beautiful, she looked like a street urchin, filthy and bedraggled and her thirst was so great that she could no longer even moisten her lips for her mouth and tongue was so dry that there was no moisture to be had there. Her stomach continued to growl and grumble but she no longer paid any attention. As she dozed fitfully the hold door was opened and the sunlight streaming down blinded her, causing her to throw her hands up to prevent the brightness. She was once again hauled unceremoniously up the steps and dumped on the deck. She couldn’t see who was around her, the sun searing her eyes, feeling like they were being burned from their sockets. So she cowered on the deck, trying to get her bearings in a defensive crouch. A demonical laugh reached her ears and she knew without a doubt that Torquemada stood there in triumph.

‘What’s the matter Gabriella? Not enjoying your cabin mates? I suppose you’re used to a little better accommodations. You know, if you would have been a little nicer to me, you could have remained in your cozy cabin. So what do you have to say for yourself? Do I hear an apology forming on those once beautiful lips? Hmmm?’

Gabriella tried in vain to form the words, to force them from her lips, but her throat was too dry and nothing but a raspy noise was produced.

‘On my, how remiss of me, would you like a small drink?’ he asked torturously.

She wanted to tell him what she would like was another chance to slice his bloody throat. She be damned if she would beg him for water. But Torquemada took her look and silence as a request and ordered a drink be given to her. Gabriella took the water and all her resolved melted away, for she had wanted to refuse it, but her thirst was too great, and she greedily sucked it down. God, it felt good sliding down her throat, and she was careful not to spill a drop, for she knew she wouldn’t be offered more. She kept the dipper close to her mouth even though the water was gone, she needed a moment to find her voice and choose her words. She knew if she begged, he would give her water for a bath, to drink and food to eat, but she also knew what else lay in wait for her. She schooled her face into a look of defeat, wanting him to believe he had beaten her. Slowly the water seeped through her dehydrated body, bring scant relief, but enough to reaffirm her vow. She looked up into the demons face and it was gleeful like a child at Christmas who was about to receive the very gift he had asked for. A small smile graced her lips and she very slowly spoke and enunciated so very clearly, ‘Go to hell, bastard!’

The shock registered on his face before he could disguise it, but it was quickly wiped away. He glowered at her and barked the orders to his henchmen ‘take the bitch back to her hole, and see to it that the deck above her is covered. I want no drop of moisture to reach her, and no light to grace those planks!’ Then he sneered into her face, his fetid breath causing her stomach to roll, ‘let’s see how long you can last with no sleep, no water and no food. Your little four legged friends will be nibbling on your toes within twenty-four hours! Take her!’

Gabriella wanted to scream out, to beg for mercy, but she clamped her lips tightly and slumped, catching the two men half dragging her off guard. As they lost their grip on her, she lurched away and gained freedom. She ran looking for a weapon, but only made it a short distance as she was surrounded by the men. Torquemada laughed at her, at her desperation.

‘Give me a sword and fight me like a man!’ she screamed at him.

‘Oh no my dear, you forget I have seen your work with a sword. None of my men are eager to forfeit their lives to your blade this day.’

Why oh why had she thought he would fight her like a man, he was no man, he was a coward that used others to do his dirty work until he could wear his opponent down and then have the upper hand. Why had she not listened to Maria? Why had she not trusted Rayne? It was in that moment that Gabriella let herself admit, at least to herself, that there was no way she could win, not against these odds. But she raised her chin, looked him squar
ely in the face and as they dragged her past her nemesis, she spit in his face. Hoping it would be enough to infuriate him to the point that he would lose control and run her through and through. If she was to die, she preferred quickly to the horrors she knew he had planned for her. But he only laughed at her attempts, seeing them for exactly what they were.

The hold was almost welcoming to being in close proximity to Torquemada, but that too was short lived as a heavy sail was laid over the decks immediately above. Any little bit of cool air from the ocean breeze was blocked, and it soon became a sweat box, and the rats no longer had to stay out of the sunlight, and they became bolder and bolder. Now there was no relief from them, and she knew she could only last so long before she wouldn’t be able to keep her eyes open. She let her mind roam, back to the night Rayne had initiated her in the art of making love, or at least the beginnings of it. How she wished now that he would have taken her at least she would have had the memory of her first time of being with a man be one she would treasure. But she knew that eventually Torquemada would take her, and it would not be a treasure, it would be a nightmare. She didn’t know if her mind could endure that act. The memories and the darkness, the incessant suffocating heat, the motion of the boat her head dropped farther and farther until her chin rested on her chest and she dozed.

It was late when she awakened and she longed for a breath of air, a sip of cool water, a crust of bread, for any relief. But she knew there was none coming. No one knew where to search for her, there was no one coming to save her, and she wept quietly. Gabriella was worn out, emotionally, physically and mentally, she slept, deeply the sleep of the exhausted.

She was dreaming, she was floating in the water it was cool, so cool, but something kept pricking her. On her feet, on her arms, her face it was interrupting her quiet languid swim and it was slowly pulling her to the surface of wakefulness. She sat bolt upright, swinging her arms and kicking her legs, the rats! They were biting her all over! There was squeaking and scurrying but the bites oozed blood and in horror she wondered how many had bitten her and how disfigured she would be. But a brittle laugh escaped her, for what did it matter, Rayne would never gaze upon her again, she would die on this ship, at the hand of Torquemada or from infection or starvation. She sat and laughed bordering on hysteria and the eerie sound drifted upwards and the sailors gave each other uneasy looks. Afraid she had lost her mind or turned into a witch!

For two more days and nights she sat in the filth of the hold. The stench had grown much worse as the pile of dead rats grew from Gabriella’s efforts. She had designated one area of the small hold to relieve herself in. The first few days of her internment in this hell the smell had nauseated her, but she had grown accustomed to it she supposed.

She didn’t realize how much weight she had lost in the time that she had been in this man made hell, but she felt her gown, tattered and filthy as it was, had become looser on her. She even wondered just how filthy she would have to be before Torquemada would be so disgusted with her that he would either just kill her or toss her overboard. She need not have wasted her efforts with those thoughts, for he would never forego his pleasure at humiliating and torturing her. She knewhe longed to hear her beg him, for food, water, even for him to take her to free her from the hold!

On the fourth day, so weak she could barely stand, she was once again dragged from the hold and she fully expected the same treatment she had gotten last time. But instead she was doused with seawater and brought to the cabin she had stayed in before and a tub of warm inviting water awaited her along with a whole pitcher of water for her to drink. She was immediately suspicious but her thirst was greater than her suspicion! She saw herself in the mirror and barely recognized her own self! She was thin to the point of gauntness, her hair a matted tangled mess. The bite marks from the rats were red and infected and there were dark circles under her eyes and her cheeks so thin they were sunken. She was but a shell of her former self. She couldn’t stand the sight of herself and turned away, climbing shakily into the tub, too weak to stand any longer. She lingered over the bath not knowing what was to come, or when she would have another chance to be clean. She almost no longer cared, the rats, although fewer in numbers, were almost more than she could abide.

When the water was cold and after she had exhausted herself just scrubbing her skin and hair, she climbed from the tub. She rummaged thru the trunk where the under clothes had been kept and pulled on clean ones. The closet still held the gowns and she found the one that was the least ill fitting and tugged it on, having to stop many times to rest. After quite some time had passed there was a knock on the door and she was led to Torquemada’s quarters where a mouth watering meal sat, along with Torquemada himself. She was leery and stood with both hands on the chair back awaiting his command.

‘Gabriella, sit, please. Let me help you a plate.’

She eyed him suspiciously for she knew he was up to no good and it involved her.

When she hesitated, he repeated, more forcefully ‘sit!’

Gabriella sat, her eyes feasting on the food, her mouth salivating and her stomach growling.

‘Dear, dear that’s certainly not very lady-like. You know you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble and self inflicted anguish. All you had to do was cooperate. As you can see, I have a rather nasty scar thanks to your handiwork.’

She winced at the direction this conversation was heading, and she knew she was about to pay for that scar and pay dearly. She wanted to refuse the food, but her body overruled her mind and will and she sat mechanically and picked up the fork, eating gingerly, knowing as starved as she was she couldn’t put too much food in her stomach or it would reject it.

They ate in silence, a silence that was deafening to her. Her mind having too much time to roam and consider what possible torture he had in mind for her and yet unwilling to allow herself to admit she pretty much knew what he would demand.

After the meal the cook cleared away the dishes and Torquemada poured her a sherry and insisted that she drink it. Within a few sips her head swam and her eyes flashed into his, knowing he had put something into her drink. No words were spoken but those flashing green eyes said more than words ever could and that look caused Torquemada to shrink back for a moment, almost afraid of what she was capable of. It was at that moment that she collapsed into blissful darkness, the void of the unconscious.

When she awoke she found herself in Torquemada’s bunk and her immediate thought was he had ravished her, taking what should have been taken by Rayne, given of her own free will. He saw the look immediately as he had been sitting and watching her awaiting her to awaken. She tried to sit up, only to find her hands and ankles were restrained, tied to the four corners of the bed. Panic welled up in her, and he saw it in her eyes, on her face.

‘Not so sure of yourself now, are you Gabriella? Well no matter, I just decided that I really didn’t want to add to the scar collection…at least not on my own person.’

Those words cause terror to course through her veins and she struggled in vain at the bonds that held her every so securely. He stood and slowly walked to the bed, as her struggles increased. He laughed gleefully.

‘Yes my little captured dove, struggle against those bonds that excites me even more!’

Those words sliced through her terror and she immediately went still.

‘Oh surely you wouldn’t deprive me of that little bit of amusement? Well, no matter, I am sure I can find other ways to amuse myself.’< br>
With that he reached out his hand and traced the slight swell of her breasts and revulsion filled her. He saw the look of pure hatred radiating from her eyes and face and it infuriated him. He pinched her nipples through the dress and grabbed at her woman’s center through the dress. Still she refused to move, she wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. Further infuriated he grabbed the neckline of the gown and ripped it to her waist, leaving her torso bare. She disgusted him, so thin was she that she had taken on an almost boyish body, angular and gaunt, and that boyishness excited him. He climbed onto the bunk, straddling her waist, limiting her breathing and making her feel as if she were suffocating. He ran his hands over her body, squeezing and pinching her as he moved his hands. He leaned forward, kissing her breasts, flicking his tongue over her nipples awaiting a response. But she made not a sound, she just watched him from eyes that were fast losing their spark.

Although Gabriella was silent, her mind was screaming ‘Nooooooooooooo!’

He viciously bit her breasts leaving welts which seemed to excite him, and he bit harder and harder till blood oozed from the wounds and his teeth marks were covering her upper body. She felt him harden at the sight and the fight went out of her. She had to face reality, she couldn’t possible fight him off in the condition she was in, yet her mind refused to accept it. She didn’t know how much more she could endure and retain her sanity. She felt his weight leave her and almost sighed a sigh of relief but it was short lived. He had only moved to give him access to her dress, which he slit with a knife laying bare her entire body. He shoved a finger into her dry woman’s center, and cursed that she was so dry that he had to force his fingers inside.

Gabriella’s mind was shutting down, she felt her world slipping away and only numbness in its place. Torquemada slapped her hard across the face but got no response, not even a moan. He reached for his knife intending to stab the bitch through her black heart for depriving him of his fun. But at the last moment, he refrained, reaching instead for the cat-o-nines and using the handle to brutally rape Gabriella, over and over again till blood coursed down her thighs and still there was no sound, no movement, for her mind had snapped as soon as the rape had begun.

Torquemada was furious, for she had still escaped him and cheated him again. He cursed her and hit her repeatedly across the face until at long last, bloodied and bruised and barely recognizable, he had her removed to the other cabin and hung by her hands over her head and still nude to a hook from the ceiling, her feet barely touching the floor. But he couldn’t hurt her anymore, for she had escaped mentally to a place he could never reach.

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So I started dressing at the age of 15 and took every opportunity I got to dress, like whenever my parents would leave me home alone or go on a weekend trip/vacation I would spend the entire time dressed up. Over time I gathered quite a lot of clothes and slowly started to make the first steps to go outside while wearing them. At some point in time I got comfortable with being dressed out in the backyard, wasn't afraid to lay around in the sun while wearing nothing but a bikini. At this point I...

2 years ago
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Satisfied A Newly Married Bhabhi

Hey guys, I am back with a new story which happened right back after my recent story. You guys already know my name fir bhi new reader ko name jaan na hai toh they can contact me on my mail id which is writtenn at the bottom of my story. Waise mai bata du I am from mumbai. So comming to the story sexy ladies & hot bhabhis. Mere last story k baad jab mai thoda free tha tabhi mujhe kaafi mails aae usme se ek ye bhabhi thi jinka naam (shivani) name changed due to privacy. Kai bhabhi & lady toh...

4 years ago
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Quid Pro Quo SSBBW

It had been about fifteen minutes sitting in my car before she arrived. I was kinda nervous sitting in my vehicle in the parking lot of a shady motel .. mid day and all.But I was desparate not to end up in jail for fraud and other charges including but not limited to Statutory **** (More on that later) .. Melody knew that and she was gonna exploit that fact to death.I was her slave .. so to speak.I was lost in thought when the sound of crunching gravel distracted me. I looked out of the...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Sara Jay 22345

What does it mean to be free? The way the newly-divorced Sara Jay explains it, she can do whatever she wants with whomever she wants! That’s fresh and somewhat awkward to the ears of Lucas, her son’s friend who’s helping her with some things by delivering groceries to her house. But what MILF Ms. Jay wants is for Lucas to deliver his meat — right into her wet pussy! The young man obliges and heats up the kitchen with his friend’s busty hot mom before they transition to the bedroom for a romp!...

2 years ago
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Bag Lady the Retired Marine Ch 09

Dave and Susan sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g. I love you. Dave watched Susan sitting there as if he had pulled her plug or pulled out her batteries. Emotionless, she was comatose. When most women would love to hear that, he say the wrong thing by telling her that he loved her. Happy one minute and sad the next, he wondered if she was a manic depressive. What just happened? He didn’t know. He had no idea. So full of life before, all that it took to turn her off was for him to say three words...

3 years ago
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“Fuck.”Carie tilted her head to the side and repeated, “Fuck.”She observed her lips in the mirror carefully. “Fu-uck.”She frowned momentarily before shaking her head side-to-side, tossing her lengthy cascade of sable hair into a seductive mess. She popped a brow, angled her chin over her bare shoulder, and cast a sultry, flirtatious gaze towards the mirror. Lips rounded, she loosed an aching, swooning breath: “Fu-uhh-ck!”There. Yeah, that was it. That was the “fuck” that never failed to launch...

3 years ago
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After the gym

After I finished class for the day, I went to the campus gym. Normally I hate working out but I’ve managed to find some extra motivation lately. I did my normal routine, spending thirty minutes on the treadmill before moving onto one of the resistance machines to work my legs. Nothing too strenuous but I worked up a nice sweat. In fact, working up a sweat was the main reason I was there. When the work out was over, I sent a text, then stretched a bit. I smiled when I got the answer then left...

3 years ago
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caught jerking off by my friends sister

On day I went over to my friends house. He wasn't going to be back from work for a few hours but it was on my way home, so I stopped by early to wait for him before we went out. When I arrived, it seemed like no one was home, although he was living with his sister at the time. Since I had some free time on my hands I decided to have a jerk. I went up to the room where his computer was, which was right next to all the bedrooms upstairs. I went to my favorite porn sites, took my pants down, and...

2 years ago
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My first blowjob

This was some time ago. I was about 35 years old and married. Although that relationship didn’t last very long. It was about 11:00 PM on a Saturday night and I was out looking for my girlfriend and I was very horny. Oddly, I was thinking that maybe I would find a guy to give me a blowjob. I was THAT horny. As I drove down a street toward a bar, I noticed a black guy walking on the sidewalk and he was eyeballing me. I didn’t think about what I was doing when I turned the car around and...

4 years ago
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Blue RibbonChapter 12

The water couldn’t get hot enough. The pressure couldn’t get strong enough. The shower wasn’t the problem. I had shared this shower with Leo just this morning. I could see the aisle, stretched out between the ugly green shower curtains, where I had made him a man. I smirked. That was a terrible metaphor. I was his assistant. It was my job to make sure he was the man he could be. The man who could handle all the power of a green ribbon tied around his wrist. My pussy still ached. Leo was a...

3 years ago
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My New Neighbor knows my Secret PT2

"Mistress Rebecca, ma'am ... may I speak" I quietly asked."I would prefer you not to, rickiee ... in fact ... you're never to ask me if you may speak. I , from time to time, may ask you if you wish to say anything ... but you are not to start that conversation by asking me if you may speak. I will grant it, this one time, since we are just starting. What do you wish to ask your Mistress, rickiee?" she inquired.Mistress, I need to urinate very badly. May I please, Mistress Rebecca ... may I...

2 years ago
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The Bus Ride

Being that I lived 20 miles from work i live on campus with the other Freshmen. My name is Dorrie, i'm 19 and I was a virgin until my second week of school. I knew my body was sexy but men..have a way with making me feel really special. I would catch them looking at me when I walk down the street, to work or at school. This one Tuesday morning I was standing at the bus stop off campus. I saw this black guy tall upper body nice, shoulders wide, his chest looks like he works out a little. When...

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Part 3 Myself and Mike Candice and Tarryn

Part 3, Myself and Mike, Candice and Tarryn. FridayAfter a naughty fun afternoon with my sister and Carry, my parents were soon home. We chatted a bit before all helping with dinner and tidying up before heading our separate ways. Carry and my sister were first in the lounge watching TV, where Mike and I joined for a while as we message Tarryn and Candice, finalizing plans for tomorrow. Even tho being open with my sister and Carry, Mike and I soon said good night, leaving the two girls to enjoy...

1 year ago
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Art School Daughter

Author's note: Customize variables and start game mode for the full experience: Challenges, items, and choices to unlock new branches. Can you impregnate your daughter and her 3 friends? Work still in progress, currently 2 girls available - more to come. All girls depicted are over the age of 18. My first story so please leave feedback and ideas in the forum: http://forum.chyoa.com/threads/art-school-daughter.741/ It was a late night at the office again, but you've grown familiar with this...

1 year ago
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Summer of Surrender Part 1

Prologue The morning sunlight was pouring in on them as they lay in his big heavy wooden bed, he was on his back propped up in the many white pillows, she was on top of him, with her back to him, with her head resting in the crook of his neck, her long blonde hair shining, spread over his shoulders, her full round breasts thrust upward, her back arched and the round globes of her wonderfully perfect bottom spread over his tight muscular belly, her feet resting either side of his thighs. Both...

2 years ago
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Pony Girl

It was a cool autumn Saturday morning in rural western Pennsylvania. Vern rose early, yawned, stretched, and gazed out his bedroom window onto his 100-acre farm several miles from the town of Kittanning. It wasn't much of a farm, though; most if his land was woods and he had only one animal: a pony. In a mood to go for a ride, he showered and put on his boots, jeans, and western shirt. Before going out to the barn, he warmed a pot of coffee and toasted a muffin. Perhaps he'd bring his trusty...

1 year ago
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Camping Trip Turns Interesting For Brother Sister And Spouses

I have always had a passion for camping. Every summer my wife, Becky, and I arrange our schedules so we can enjoy at least one week of camping. There is nothing better than to escape from the fast paced hectic routine Becky as an IRS Revenue Specialist and mine as a small business owner share. On one occasion my Becky and I were visiting my sister; Jacquee and her husband Phil who lived a couple of hours from our home. It was during our visit we mentioned we were going tent camping next weekend...

Group Sex
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Jenns CoverupChapter 14 Jenny Accepts her lot in life

When Omar's climax was over, and he began pulling up his clothes, Joe was shocked and outraged with the ease and lack of resistance that Jenny showed in sucking his cock. What was there about this woman he had shared a bed with for the last fourteen years that he didn't know? A lot had happened since Joe had left after the terrorist attack. Jenny had been saddled with making a living; raising her daughter; and finally the blackmail from her employer. She was now a beaten woman, humiliated...

3 years ago
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Scratching An Itch

Misti had always had a high sex drive. She needed to cum often and would do almost anything to see that she did. Married now, and with a kid, her sex life had not been very spectacular for quite some time. When the opportunity came to go camping with friends Nate and Lizzie, she absently found herself thinking about cumming while at the campsite. She tried to put improper thoughts out of her mind just because Nate had been a friend for years. He and Lizzie had kids too.She had booked a campsite...

2 years ago
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Playing With Indian Bhabhi

I am a resident of Chennai, staying with my elder brother and parents. My brother is 12 years elder to me. His marriage was arranged. He married when I was 18 years old, my indian bhabhi was 22 at the time of marriage. I’ll come to the story directly. My brother and sister-in-law lived separately but in the same building with us. I was too young when she came to the house, but old enough to explore my sexuality. The first time I had lustful intentions about my indian bhabhi was when I saw her...

2 years ago
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My College Friend Preethi Who Turned Hot 8211 Part 5

Hi, sorry for the delay. Please read the previous story for continuation. Me: Sit behind my seat while traveling, don’t know you guys may get a chance to touch Preethi. But let us try. Ajith & Mohan: Ok da. At around 10.30 pm, we 3 went to the bus. I placed my bag on the seat just before the last seat and asked them to sit on the last seat. Mostly, the last 3 seats were empty in the past few day’s night travel, so we chose the last seats. Everyone reached the bus in a few minutes except a few...

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Death by EMailChapter 2

-Gabriella- Some people can't even handle fifteen minutes of fame, and Gabriella, already in her world of violent erotic fantasies, certainly couldn't cope with the several weeks of publicity that followed her harrowing experience with Snuffher! Here was a beautiful young housewife, mother of two, who was abducted, raped, and sodomized by a crazed serial rapist-killer! The press ate it up! The public ate it up! Her name became a household word for a while, and soldiers in Iraq and...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 313

It was another new day and another new embassy that needed visiting to day. The routine was beginning to be a habit. I was beginning to miss Jenny and the girls back home. Vicky was so tired last night that when we finally hit the bed that she fell quickly asleep. But it was a different story when she woke up, She has that look in her eye that Jenny had when she was horny and was not going to take no for an answer. A quick solution was to shower together and quench our needs for now and...

1 year ago
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Work meeting today with mature curvy lady wearing

Had a meeting at work today with a mid 40s woman, size 16 ish figure and she was wearing tan tights , heels and a shortish thin dress than rode up when she bent over the desk to get some documents we had to discuss. Don't know how I hid my hard on from her.She met me at reception and all the way to her office I could hear the swishing noise of her nylon covered thighs rubbing against each other.I definitely know she wasn't wearing stockings as she sat facing me at a round table and when she...

4 years ago
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Waking up with a smile on my face

Although I normally masturbate whenever the desire moves me, I most enjoy the early morning hours just as night is being overtaken by the brilliance of day. Even on a winter morning, I will raise the window and awaken to the feeling of the cool air as it caresses me......of shadows moving across my body as the moonlight shines down upon me. For many moments I will lie upon my bed... in my mind’s eye images wildly dance a rhythmic sexual ritual. I see a woman moving sensuously.... her body...

4 years ago
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Waves Part One

From a position on the beach by three logs, a giant dark color creature holding an schooner in four of its tentacles, on board can been seen the outlines of men . three more tentacles snaked out on the beach around the three posts. Two end around the legs of the woman, the last around her neck holding her in place. Besides her prone body the remains of a two piece red and white bikini. But the image that made me spill all my waste by products I’ll never forget were of translucent men standing...

2 years ago
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Brooklyn 99

Thank you for 10 thousand views! I can't thank you all enough Introduction Jake Peralta is a Brooklyn detective dedicated to locking up the bad guys. He's scheduled to go on a mission with Santiago tonight. The girl he likes. Well likes the wrong word. He loves her. (I suck at intros and this is my first story feel free to comment and help me out. I promise the storyline is much better. Also I've never tried writing a gay story. Well I've never written a story in general but I have more...

3 years ago
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Susan and AnneChapter 3

“Mom,” Annie called out as she arrived home from school, “I stopped at Amy’s on the way home and she found a note telling her to come home with me. What’s up?” “We’re all in the living room, dear.” “Oh, hi Mrs. Hiemintorn.” “Hi, Mom, hi Mrs Lix,” Amy added. “Amy, this is the guy that I hope is gonna be my new Daddy. This is John. John, this is my friend Amy, and I see you have met her mother.” “Hello, Sir. Wow, you sure are lucky, Annie. I sure do miss my Daddy, and Mom hasn’t found a...

3 years ago
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The Symphonic Sisters

Lyrica and Melody Symphonic are twin sisters whose parents were recently in a fatal car crash. Their younger sister, Harmony, went through the most trauma from the situation, being in the car and watching her parents' lives slip away. She somehow, however, managed to get out unscathed, other than the short-term mental shock. After the incident took place, all three girls were worried that they would be placed in foster care, and would be at risk of being split up. The twins were...

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Cuckolding Fun

Cucking was a particular thrill for me. Ever since I fucked my mother in the same bed that my father was "sleeping in", I became addicted at the power that I possessed. I especially enjoyed a slow, meticulous encounter with an especially sensuous woman that culminated in a violent, animalistic pounding of her tight pussy resulting in her massive climax (es). The fact that I had a nine inch chunk of man meat between my legs insured that I could get the job done, much to the woman's...

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MrLuckyPOV Becky Bandini Beautiful Busty MILF Cock Massage

Becky Bandini is a beautiful, busty, brunette MILF who has a genuine desire for aggressive sex and kinky fun. This cougar sex bomb is everything a guy could ask for. Her smooth, tan skin and large, heavy breasts make her a top of the line sex machine. She fucks like only a woman with a lot of experience can!! She knows what she wants and has no problem getting it. Becky uses her pussy to build the pleasure and then takes everything to a climax by using her amazing large breasts to make this...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Aliya Brynn Uneasy A

Rachel (Aliya Brynn) has big dreams… but college is proving to be a nightmare. Although she’s a good student, she’s struggling. She’s on academic probation and if she fails even one class, she’ll be kicked out. So when she gets a failing grade on her latest report, she’s crushed, thinking that it’s all over for her… until she sees that the professor has scribbled his number on the back of her work, offering private tutoring. While this act of...

4 years ago
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Blushing Bride Part Four The Hen Party

Blushing Bride - Part 4 The Hen Party by Richard-to-Rachel I've already told you all about the night a couple of days before my wedding, the night of my stag party, the night where I got to live out all my fantasies and play the blushing bride, dressing in my soon to be wife Gina's gorgeous white wedding dress and lingerie and being used and fucked by a whole big group of hunky men, my best friends. All of it was the...

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