Shackled Ch. 15 free porn video

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(For all our ‘fans’ — thank you for all the wonderful feedback! It’s all wonderful and all helps. We do realize that the way this is set up — it can be a little bit tedious to read. This will eventually change, but our readers want more now — so here it goes.

Emma had fallen asleep right behind Liam, her gaze focused on his relaxed, sleeping face. Some men looked boyish when they slept, but not Liam. He was still sexy as hell in her eyes, but still harbored some hard edges that could be seen even when he was relaxed. But those edges only made her care for him more…for whatever reason, everything about him spoke to her.

He’d been exhausted and for a little while she’d enjoyed his warmth and let his even deep breaths lull her to sleep. Sometime in the early morning hours, one of them had stirred and naked bodies had pressed and made love again, lazy and sweet. He’d made her feel cherished and loved, bringing tears to her eyes, making her heart swell all over again. When it had been over, they’d slept again in a tangle of arms and legs until Emma finally woke a few hours later once more with a soft groan. She ached in all the right places. A sweet ache that reminded her of everything they had shared that night.

His face was pressed to her belly, his arms wrapped around her waist as her fingers tangled in his hairi. His rough stubbly face tickled her flesh with each little breath she took and she smiled, ruffling his hair. ‘Liam…time to get up.’ She murmured, glancing at the bright digits of his bedside clock. ‘We have just enough time to shower and change before we have company.’

The thought sobered her a little. It was the end of their fantasy evening and back to reality. Wiggling out from under him, she pressed her lips to his mouth in a soft morning kiss and then slid off the bed, grasping one of his hand and tugging. ‘Come on…come shower with me real quick. You can keep me warm in that cold ass shower of yours.’


He dreamt that he was walking with Emma down one of the city’s streets, holding hands and looking in shop windows. They weren’t running, they were walking. No furtive glances. No hanging in the shadows. No SPFs.

Just walking.

They were smiling and laughing with each other. He couldn’t make out the conversation, but they were happy and playful. Like any couple.

Any couple in love.

He couldn’t remember how they’d fixed their problem. He knew they had because they wouldn’t be so happy otherwise. They paused at a shop window, a clothes store.

Emma’s lips were moving, but he couldn’t hear what she was saying. She was pointing at the shop window with her free hand and then gesturing to him and rolling her eyes in mock laughter. Obviously his clothes. She wanted him to get new clothes.

Hansen thought that a few pairs of jeans, some shorts, some t shirts and a coat or two were wardrobe enough. He always had. Except when he was working.

For the government.

He’d needed different clothes for that. Uniforms. Boots. Body armour. He didn’t need those anymore. He was happy and he was with Emma.

They stood in front of the shop window, Emma throwing knowing glances at the window and Hansen resisting her exhortations to go into the store and take a look. He had an annoyed look on his face, but he was happy.


Not a word he used often or a feeling he felt often. He still had the melancholy air inside of him at the loss of his family, but Emma had lifted the black cloud of depression from him. He could truly call himself happy now. At least as happy as he could be.

He started to move away from the shop window, knowing that if he stayed there any longer then it was conceivable that Emma would convince him to buy new clothes and he didn’t want that. He felt her tug on his arm as she failed to move. He looked around at her, let’s go written on his face.

She wasn’t looking at him. She was looking at the window. The glass was highly reflective in the sunshine and Hansen had to squint to try and get a better look at what she was trying to make out. The clothes weren’t so clear now. Emma moved closer to the window and took Hansen with her, reluctant to let go of his hand. He stepped closer with her.

What was that?

He thought he heard a voice in his head, but he must have been mistaken. The Voice had left him a long time ago. Laura had seen to that. And Emma’s love.

Shit. There. He’d said it. Love.

Nothing good could come of that and he tried to push it from his mind. It was not safe for him to love or be loved. Everything he’d loved in his life had died. Sure, he had Carl, Laura, Bonnie and the others, but anything that was his, that he’d been charged with protecting, had always died.


At least he had Emma.

But don’t love her. Just take each day as it comes and cherish it.

Don’t love her.

They were really close to the glass now, so close that their noses were almost pressed against the window in their efforts to see inside more clearly. Now he could just see through the reflection. There were various mannequins in the window. He looked more closely at them.


He squinted his eyes further, straining to see, holding Emma’s hand more tightly.

The mannequins. He knew them. Who they were. One was Carl. There was Bonnie. A Laura. A Jimmy. There was even a Mrs. Chan. He knew he must be seeing things. His gaze scanned the display. Those ones….



What the fuck?

His grip on Emma’s hand tightened. He could feel her make a sound. Too hard, but he couldn’t make out the words. The last mannequin.


He had a sick feeling in his gut then. The smile left his face and all of a sudden he could not see at all into the shop. He felt Emma tugging on his arm, but she wasn’t asking him to go, she was holding on for help.

A hand had come out of the window and it was gripped around her small throat. The hand was squeezing and pulling. Hansen couldn’t see how the hand had come out of the window. There was no opening and the window was intact.

One of Emma’s hands was scratching at her throat, the other was holding on to Hansen’s. She was trying to breath and at the same time trying to resist being dragged through the glass. Hansen let go of her, but quickly grabbed her around the chest, his arms locked tightly around her. The motion gave the hand through the glass valuable millimeters and it took it, Emma now nearly at the glass. Hansen had to do something about the hand around her neck, but he knew if he let go, then Emma would be dragged through the glass and he wouldn’t be able to follow.

He wouldn’t be able to save her.

Hansen tried to lock his legs and tilt his body back, hanging on to Emma for dear life, but his shoes were sliding inexorably towards the glass. Emma was bucking and squirming. He couldn’t see her face because he was holding her from behind, but he could see the hand wrapped around her throat, the red marks radiating from where the hand was squeezing her tight.

People walked past them, not even glancing at this battle for life and death. Nobody cared. Nobody helped him.


Slowly he slid towards the glass and Emma’s movements became more frantic. They had been going for what felt like minutes. Surely she needed air or she was going to pass out. Hansen hung on, but her face was at the glass now.


She’s mine.

I love her.

He strained with all he had, sweat beading on his forehead.


Emma’s faced touched the glass. There was a sudden increase in force and Hansen was taken of his feet and dragged behind Emma.

She was gone.

Hansen smashed into the glass and fell back onto the pavement, shaking his head. Everything hurt, but he got up and pressed his face against the window.

Everyone was there.

And Emma.

Cold. Still. Not moving. Not alive.

Someone spoke behind him.

Hansen, not alive means dead.

Say it.


He looked at her through the window for a few moments and then spun around. There was no one there.

I’m here. In your head.

I thought you were gone.

I’m the only thing you will have forever. The only thing.



Hansen stood on the sidewalk, blood coming out of the side of his head. The commuters just walked straight past him, their robotic movements, morose faces and pale skin belying the fact that they were human.

Hansen wanted to cry, but there were no tears left. He’d cried too much before. He was dry.

He had no tears for Emma.

He couldn’t save Emma.




Hansen slowly woke up. He could feel a hand ruffling his hair and his face was on Emma’s warm belly.

I could get used to this.



He moved a little.

‘Easy for you to say,’ he said, ‘but some mad woman kept me up all night.’

She struggled to get out from under him and his face hit the mattress. He knew they had the meeting, but it would be nice to just lie there for another couple of minutes. He couldn’t believe it, but he could feel his hardness pressing into the bed. He shook his head. Surely he’d had enough….

He dropped his head and spoke into the mattress, his voice muffled.

‘Nothing with you is real quick, Irish,’ he said. ‘I feel like I’ve been fucking for a week.’

He pressed himself up on his free arm and looked at her. She looked beautiful. Her hair was ruffled and she was tugging on his arm, barely able to move it. His hardness twitched under him at the sight of her.

He smirked.

‘Well, seeing you want to shower together, I guess I should make an effort for my guest.’

Looking at her naked wasn’t helping his erection at all so he figured he may as well get up. He pushed himself up, moved to the edge of the bed and sat, Emma still pulling on his arm. He looked down at his groin, shook his head and made an exaggerated show of looking shocked. Then he closed one eye and pursed his lips in mock admonishment as he looked at her.

‘And no funny business.’


She let her gaze fall to his hard cock and giggled, wiggling her brows. ‘No funny business? Thaaaat’s not what you were saying last night. I’m pretty sure you were the one begging for more.’ She teased and let out a half giggle, half snort type of laugh.

Not being able to help herself, she pressed close to him, her soft curves and skin fitting perfectly against his form as she wound her arms around his waist and pulled him to her. Awkwardly and playfully she shuffled them back, laughing as he made a big production of the trip to the bathroom. Her mouth pressed to his neck and shoulder, letting him push her into the tiny bathroom and then crowding her into the tiny shower stall.

She was grinning until the cold water hit and then she squealed and tried to meld into him. He seemed unaffected, grinning as she squirmed and shivered, her pretty nipples turning instantly hard and poking into his chest and goosebumps spreading all over.

‘Jesus! I don’t know how you deal with that every morning.’ She complained with a shudder as the water pelted against him, then splashed up against her. Still, between the shiver and gasps, she grabbed the soap and began running her soapy hands over his body, relishing the feel of him. ‘Mmmmm…well, at least it’s more fun than doing things alone.’ She quipped and leaned forward to swirl her tongue around one flat nipple.


Her squeals as the cold water hit her made him laugh.

‘Thought you be used to it by now, Emma,’ he said.

She shivered and he could see the goosebumps rising on her smooth pale skin. One more pleasant side-effect of the cold water was that her nipples were erect and hard and he could feel them pressing into his skin as she held him close. His cock was again rock hard and it was pressing into her lower belly.

She had lathered the soap and was washing him down with her small hands. It just made his desire more palpable and his dick bounced and twitched in reply to her touch on his body. Then she leaned forward and he felt her warm tongue swirling on his tight, hard nipple. He placed his hand on the back of her head and leaned his head back against the wall and let out a soft moan. The feel of her warm tongue contrasted with the cold water to arouse him even more.

He let one of his hands slide down between them, their bodies slick with soap. Once his hand reached the top of her entrance, he slipped his finger between the folds, looking for her tender bud. He found it and then gently ran his finger over it. It felt hard and engorged.

‘Looks like I’m not alone in thinking what I’m thinking,’ he murmured and then pushed another of his fingers gently into her while still sliding the other slowly over her clit.

He was sure the water didn’t feel so cold now

Emma sighed and then moaned as Liam’s clever fingers slid down between them and began toying with her sex. ‘Mmmmm…you might be right…’ She breathed, her hips moving to press against him more fully, wanting his fingers among other things deep inside.

The slip of his fingers circled her hard little nub and made her quiver. For a moment her head fell forward, her forehead pressing against his chest as her own fingers slid down. Soapy and slippery they circled his hard twitching cock and she began to stroke him, feeling devilishly naughty and oh so good at the same time. ‘Oh yes.’ She sighed, her thighs trembling, her knees wobbling as stroked his hard shaft and nipped at his skin.

Her hips moved to meet his probing finger, rubbing against the others for added friction as she began to pant. He was quickly making her burn from the inside out. A sweet white hot flame that was making her ache and pulse for release. Lifting her head, she slid one hand up his shoulder, to the back of his neck and pushed it through his hair. Her fingers flexed, her small hand surprisingly strong as she gripped his hair and tugged him down to lock her lips with hers. Her mouth was almost desperate, much like his had been the night before. ‘One more time, Liam.’ She moaned out between kisses, her mouth sucking on his lower lip and nipping. ‘And I promise to make coffee after.’ She teased and giggled breathless as he backed her up against the stall, pressing her tight between it and his hard, unyielding body.

Her mouth was relentless on his, drawing his tongue deep into her mouth. The cold water was forgotten, only the heat of his body seeping into hers, his hands on her, his mouth eagerly reciprocating. Liam. She was lost in him all over again.


Emma angled her hips so that his hand had better access to her clit and warm slit. He pushed his finger into her and very gently rubbed the top of her clit with his thumb, occasionally dropping it to swirl around the base. She bucked and rode against his hand, trying to claim more for her nub of pleasure and forcing his finger in more deeply.

Her hand slid down between them and he felt her grasp his hard cock, the slippery soap making her pumping feel smooth and silken. Her other hand reached behind to the back of his neck, drawing his head down to hers so that she could kiss him. She was almost ravenous now, her mouth covering his. Between kisses, she moaned.

He laughed.

‘Well, I guess there are some things one can endure if there is a coffee at the end of it,’ he said, pushing another finger into her.

The water and soap had made their bodies slick and he placed his free hand on her breast, gently tweaking her hard nipple. The kisses continued and he pushed his tongue into her, feeling the heat of her warm mouth. He pressed again her, one hand in her cunt and rubbing her cli
t, the other playing with alternating nipples. Squeezing, pulling, gently pinching. She was riding his fingers for all she was worth and he had her pressed tight against the shower wall. His cock felt like an iron bar in her small hand and he started to pump his hips in rhythm with the sliding of her hand up and down his shaft.

Hansen kissed her again, bearing down hard on her mouth. Her pumping of his cock was getting him harder all the time and his hips bucked into her. He took one hand from her breast and cupped it behind her, virtually one whole ass cheek sitting in his hand. Even though he didn’t want to, he took his other hand from her clit, and cupped the other ass cheek in it.

Emma was pressed against the wall now with both his hands cupping her tight butt. She felt very light to him and he raised her about a foot in the air, her back sliding along the smooth wall of the shower. He stepped closer and she was dangling with her feet in the air and her face at his level.

He smiled at her.

Her cunt entrance hovered over the tip of his cock. He kept looking into her eyes and then slowly he started to let her slide back down until the tip of his cock was touching the entrance to her warm hole.

‘I want this, Emma,’ he said in a hoarse whisper. ‘Again.’

He recommenced her slide down the wall and his cock pushed through her swollen pink folds and into her cunt. He continued lowering her until she was totally impaled on his shaft, her clit resting against the base. Her small feet were still dangling off the floor, but he could hold her there easily. The shower water continued to beat down on them and he kissed each one of her nipples gently, giving them a swirl with his tongue before he returned to her mouth.

He pulled back slightly and started to gently rock his hips, pumping his cock into her and rubbing her clit with the shaft.

He closed his eyes, reveling in the travel of his cock in her warm cunt.

Wish I’d met you earlier, Emma.


‘Yeees…’ She moaned. She adored how easily he lifted her, cupping her tight little bottom and then slowly letting her sink onto his steely shaft. She mewled, the sexy little sounds muffled against his mouth as he kissed her deeply and then began to slowly thrust his hips between her legs.

She gasped and and clung, her nails digging into his shoulders , her thighs locking around his hips as she lifted her legs and wrapped them around him. She breathed his name, dropping her back against the stall as she gasped for a breath and shivered as his warm mouth slid down the length of the cool column of her neck.

The contrasting sensations of heat and cold was strangely sensual, making her even more aware of his body and where they touched, connected and held. She held his gaze, her lips swollen from his kisses and body flushed despite the cold as he drove a little faster, a little harder. She wanted to urge him, wanted to beg for him to take her hard and fast, but also relished the sweetness of their coupling. Her cunt clung to him like a glove, tightening and squeezing, beginning to milk his shaft as she began to feel herself teeter over the edge and into pure sweet oblivion. Emma’s back stiffened, her limbs quivering as she felt the hot rush of release, her cry filling the small face as she creamed all over him all over again.

And still he moved, driving harder, making her tits bounce and body slide up against the shower stall. His big hands tightened on her ass, squeezing the globed as he took his own fill. His muscles rippled under her hands and legs as she held on tight, her sensitive pussy continuing to ripple as he kept pushing wave after wave of pleasure over her.


Hansen pressed Emma against the wall and slowly rocked his hips, kissing her as he drove his cock into her. She lifted her legs, her thighs wrapped around his hips and moaned into his mouth. He continued to slowly thrust into her as he ran his mouth down the side of her neck, first one side then the other.

As he felt her now familiar quickening, he sensed that she was once again approaching the edge of ecstasy and was not far from falling over it. He felt her body stiffen against him and her cunt clamped down tighter on his cock. The water was running over them, their bodies slick and wet and his driving cock – there was nothing else in that moment, but their bodies’ inexorable race to orgasm.

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Public Toilets

Having given up on trying to look alert and attentive, I dully watched my English teacher's mouth move, although didn't actually take in anything that she was saying. It was something about poetic techniques I think. It was weird at first having my older sister for an English teacher. It always felt awkward and weird having to call her, "Miss Sommers" and when I did, people in my class always giggled, and so I tried not to talk too often in English class. Most of the time I got lucky and didn't...

1 year ago
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Holiday Quickie

I preferred to spend these holidays by myself, distanced from my parents who were busy sunbathing and getting pissed. I liked to gather my thoughts, be alone with my I-Pod and relax without worrying about anyone else. Except on the third night, I was no longer left to my own devices, as I found myself with a new friend. At one of the discos, I’d met a girl from Manchester. We’d exchanged numbers, primarily as we were the only two teenagers in a group of around 40, and we’d met up to explore...

3 years ago
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First Time Palerutho

Na peru sandhya idhe na 2nd story . .Na vayasu 23 idhe jarigi rendu ellu ayindhe nenu ma vuri daggara college lo degree chaduthunapudu jarigndhe eh sangatana idhe jarigaka na jevithame maripoyindhe . Madhe konchem unna kutumbam . Roju ma nanna garu college lo digapettadam tesukelladam chesevaru . Ma amma intlone untadhi .Ma college vuru nunchi 20 km lu untade kane daggarlo verey college lekha ma nanna garu akdae cherpincharu .Nenu chudatanike chala andam ga untanu.Apatike na sallu 34 undevi. Ma...

3 years ago
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Glamour Shots Chapter 27

When we pulled into the restaurant parking lot we spotted Michael already waiting for us near the entrance; it would be hard to miss him, a giant black guy with a shiny bald head, wearing snug jeans and a black sweater that molded to his muscular frame. There are not a lot of black people in town anyway, and there are not a lot of people of any color anywhere with his size and build. We joined him near Chubby’s front door for a moment, debating whether to go in or wait for Derek out front since...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Big Areolas

We are all into certain types of chicks, tits, and everything in between. So, if you were maybe into the lovely babes with great tits and big areolas, then you might want to check out the subreddit called r/bigareolas/, which basically explains all that you need to know. If you are into big areolas, I think that you will enjoy what this subreddit is all about.On the other hand, there are thousands of other subreddits you can check out as well. It all depends on what the fuck you are looking for...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Succubus group

Hell was branching out. At least the succubus organization was branching out. The succubus organization was one the highest growing parts of hell. There powers were increase by spreading as much depravity as possible across the world. A lot of the demoness fed them on cum and was too much for any men in bed. There goal was to corrupt the innocent and spread depravity and perversion. They were going to send one of their demoness to earth. These women were: Mary- She was a busty demoness that...

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He looped the rope binding her wrists together around one of the spindles in the headboard and tied it off. Taking another piece he tied an ankle to the foot of the bed. She had moaned as he pulled her down the bed and she had felt the tension come on the rope binding her wrists together. She had struggled briefly, testing her bonds, and then relaxed just laying there, waiting for him. Her long red hair spread out on the pillow, a black scarf covering her eyes, deep burgundy corset with half...

2 years ago
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ThesisChapter 11 Why Weight

Course 8 / Day 3: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: She coped well with her initial work programme yesterday. No concerns so far, but of course little has been done to stretch her beyond her treatment on arrival and her shaving / piercing sessions, which she managed to get through without more than expected levels of distress. The exercise training regime continues today to increase her level of fitness. Jenny's Recollections At the start of today, I'm feeling...

2 years ago
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Divorced Neighbour Woman Satisfied Me

Hi, This is my first experience & only one till date. I am 5’10”, athletic built guy from Chandigarh, currently staying in New Delhi. I am working in MNC. I moved to Delhi 2 years back. I took a rented accommodation in one of the posh societies in South Delhi. I used to go to evening walk in the park in our society. One day, while I was about to go out, I saw a beautiful woman in the opposite flat. She was on phone. She looked slim & sexy in t-shirt & pajamas. Thereafter, I used to check her...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Island

As the plane loomed larger and larger over the horizon, Dork and his little assistant (Taboo) felt a certain chill. They weren't sure how their revamped enterprise would play out. Oh, they had done their homework and the millions invested by the mysterious Mr. Dork were well spent - the island was still a destination unto itself, even if there wasn't the greatest hedonistic escape imaginable awaiting the passengers. As the sea plane tied up at its mooring, Dork and Taboo watched the...

4 years ago
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The User Ch 03

When William Atherton got home from the investment firm where he worked, he found his wife, Arlene waiting for him. He wasn’t sure why she was dressed in a sloppy red man-tailored shirt and jeans, though. He gazed adoringly at his wife who, he believed, got lovelier every day. Her blonde hair had been combed, but not styled, and in the outfit she was wearing, he thought she looked young enough to still be in high school. ‘Arlene have you been helping Eileen with the housework again?’ he...

1 year ago
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My first cock experience

I was a married guy of 15 years, average type of guy, husband, dad, etc. but to be honest I had become fed up with my sex life at home. At 41 I had started to see other women, something I had resisted before. I had also started to watch porn films regularly when my wife was on a night shift. At work the boys had a stack of porn dvd's and anyone could borrow them, I used to get them from there and take them home for a good wanking session. One night I settled down to watch a porn movie, and was...

2 years ago
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Getting A Raise From The Bosss Wife

One of the positive benefits of getting a divorce after nearly twenty years of marriage was my newfound freedom. I had always wanted to move to the city but my wife was a die-hard country girl. During our marriage we compromised by living in the suburbs. Now that I was single again I had the chance to move back to the city where I could take advantage of the seemingly unlimited singles bars and endless numbers of available women. My one daughter remained with my ex, so it was no problem for me...

1 year ago
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Emma Survives on Horse Cum Extended Edition

I must find shelter, or I will freeze! There was nothing around. It was an undeveloped part of land, so she decided to go searching off road. Come on, I must find something! Emma walked for several miles before she collapsed and passed out. When she awoke a herd of wild horses had gathered around her. Some had laid down next to her to keep her warm, saving her life. Horses! So many of them! There were 20. Mostly brown, some spotted, black or white. Emma pets the horse that slept with...

2 years ago
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Horny MotherInLaw

Hi this Sameer I am from Mumbai. This dates back to the later half of 2005. My wife was pregnant and my frustration level was sky high. Over the last 3 months I had hardly got to make love to my wife as the doctor had advised her complete bed rest and no unnecessary exertion. It was pretty difficult for me to keep my mind on anything. All that I was thinking of all the time was where to find a pussy to fuck. I wasn’t really interested in going to a whorehouse or pick up some girl coz paying for...

3 years ago
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Wife needs a bigger cock than I can give

This is for EnjoyingHotnessMy wife and I have been married for several years. From the very start, I knew my little 4-inch cock wasn't going to keep her happy and satisfied, but she always insisted it was more than enough for her. I knew she was being kind as she would never climax while my little cock was trying it's best to enter her very tight, very delicate little love tunnel.She would always buck and writhe later on when my tongue was flicking over her cute little clitoris, her legs would...

3 years ago
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Principle Wife Ennai Ooka Azhaithaal

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil principle wife udan eppadi sex uravil edu paten endra kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar gautham vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Naan first yearil kama kathai padika katrukonden, aanal naan thaan toper enathu classil. Toper ha irunthukondu anaithu vitha velaiyaiyum paarpen, en college pengalai kiss seithukondu jollyaga enjoy seithukondu irupen. College principleuku ennai migavum pidikum, avar ennai adikadi...

4 years ago
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Doing it in front of an audience gets stronger

My lover and I went off to two separate colleges in the same city about three hours from our hometown. He played football so I was there every weekend of home games. It was homecoming and after the game we were to go to his best friend, Steve, a senior, apartment for some drinks before dinner and the dance. It was a warm late October evening so I put on a long blue with white print halter dress, blue French cut panties and white heels. Harry picked me up and off to Steve’s we went. We had about...

2 years ago
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No Touching

Jake honked the horn as he pulled to the curb in front of Diane’s house. He and Diane had been dating since ninth grade, and were off to see a new movie. They had to hurry if they were going to pick up Brian and Ellie and get to the theater on time. Diane’s best friend Ellie had been dating Brian since their junior year, and the four of them were best friends and partners-in-crime. Graduation day was fast approaching, and college was just around the corner. ******************* Jake had just...

3 years ago
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The Research Project Ch 01

Kari sat at the table by the entrance to the vacation lodge with her dad’s number one assistant, and looked at the men gathered around her. She still didn’t know how her dad had done it, cut down all those e-mails and questionnaires to these fifteen men. Marie, the lady seated next to her had told her little about the selection process, but she had mentioned that her dad had chosen a wide variety of test subjects. Well, from what she could see, that was true, there were fifteen men and talk...

3 years ago
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my Fathers lover my mistress

Today I am a slave of a beautiful and perfect mistress Denise Reina. Women of power (over people), beauty, and a sadistic mind capable of making anyone into a well trained dog on a leash. She took me in when I felt no love, and allowed me the honor to serve her for the rest of my life (or until she gets rid of me). My servitude started when I was 17 years old. I came home one day from school, and heard the yelling of my parents. My mom was yelling so laude they didn’t hear me come in. “what the...

2 years ago
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The BarnChapter 4

Establishing a Pattern Sharon spent a restless night, despite her near exhaustion. Her capture, followed by the brutal rape, her imprisonment, the steel collar and the red welt down her back all tormented the girl. She was not sure what was going to be in store for her in the future, but she was certain that it was not going to be good. Sharon did realize that her only hope was in obedience. She sensed that if she were sufficiently compliant, there would be little or no physical pain. She...

3 years ago
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Hello Goodbye

Funerals aren’t so bad. I can zone out of the soft soothing words from the pulpit and grab an open eyed nap, with the heady scent of melted candle wax, wood polish, and that rich smoky incense at the Catholic shindigs, gently teasing my senses, as I try not to snore, or dribble. Being of no fixed religion I limit my visits to houses of worship strictly to when duty calls, like weddings, christenings and funerals. I hate crying babies almost as much as I hate smug happy couples, so funerals...

2 years ago
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MarlaChapter 3

A phone rang somewhere. Marla's arms hurt when she tried to get up and answer it. Her head hurt too. She opened her eyes, saw the kitchen, and remembered the night before. The ringing stopped. In the silence, she heard a scream in the distance, then faint moans. Not long after, a car started and drove away. The phone rang again. This time she heard some noises from upstairs. Footsteps thumped down to the living room. When he picked up the phone she couldn't quite make what he was saying....

4 years ago
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Lucky Lisas Lesson

She was a little fire cracker so of course she yelled back them. She called them queers and told them they had tiny dicks. Just then the car screeched to a halt and backed up. They Jumped out and grabbed her and put her in the back seat between two of them. The held her tight so she couldn't move and they blared music so loud no one could hear her screams. She knew 3 of the boys but the one driving was someone new, he looked older. Jordan the only black boy that went to their school was...

4 years ago
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Tryst with Tera Patrick

To state the obvious, Tera Patrick is an incredibly beautiful creature, and I own every one of her adult DVD's, and plenty of magazines she appeared in, plus pictures I downloaded from the internet. Fuck I have a Tera Patrick file in... Sorry I'm not letting know in where. So just imagine my excitement when my friend Bradley Scott got us invitations to a Hustler Convention that was taking place in a nearby city. All the top names in the adult film business were going to be there; Jessica...

2 years ago
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The Shower Reunion

I turn the shower on so it is nice and hot and steamy. Leaning back against the wall feeling the water pour over me, I stretch my muscles. They are so tired and getting cramped from leaning there, dreaming of what we could do to each other in this haven, when suddenly you appear. Kissing your neck, nibbling on your ears, licking your neck as the water runs down. Finally meeting your lips, our tongues probing and twisting, reaching deeper into each others mouth like we have been dying of thirst...

4 years ago
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Words Made Flesh BoundChapter 2

"Fuck!" Sophia cried as the knife pierced her finger. She glared at the knife before setting it down and running her bleeding finger under cold water. After rinsing it off, she pulled it out to see that the bleeding had stopped. However, the lingering pain still provoked her to nurse the finger. She wondered if the juices from the potato she was cutting made it sting more. "Let me see," Amelia said with a concerned voice as she stopped chopping up the chicken. She took Sophia's finger...

2 years ago
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Uncle Lees WayChapter 2

The next morning, we had some more fruit and milk for breakfast. I had each of us take a multiple vitamin. We had a pretty good supply of those and taking a couple per week would help with our general health. During breakfast I asked which of them was the best hunter. Esta said that she was the best of the three, but was not considered a good hunter. I asked if she liked to hunt, and she said she did. I said okay and we got ready to go on a hunting trip. I got my .308 out and wore a Glock and...

3 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 28 Fertile

FERTILE Laura didn't remember when she had stopped trying to resist the Mayim Clinic treatment. It must have been after they adjusted her collar to help her keep wet all the time. It had been a month now since her cunt had last been dry. She found it hard to think straight now, and when she did think it was mostly to concentrate on how good her pussy felt or where she could get some sperm from. The idea of resisting the Clinic seemed silly to her now. The Clinic was teaching Laura...

3 years ago
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I Just Had to Know PART 3

Having just finished having my throat blasted with cum from Darlene's juicy white pussy, I was more than ready to soak my dick for a while in Brenda's puffy, white pussy. She lay in her back and opened her big creamy white thighs as wide as her legs would let her. Geraldine stopped fucking Cheryl long enough to give my dick a nice wet kiss and before guiding it into Brenda's throbbing pussy. OOOOOhhhh, it felt so soft and smooth. She was close built down there and her pussy felt like a...

3 years ago
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Just Wait Epilogue The Weding Gifts

JUST WAIT--- Epilogue: the wedding gifts By "C.C." So I, once the powerful, wealthy businessman Ed Johnson, am now the feminized Sweetie--MRS. Ed Johnson! It's been hard getting used to my new role in life, cooking, cleaning and serving my Husband, who ironically is a wealthy and powerful businessman. But it's even harder because of the "wedding gifts" from my three Bridemistresses.... Carla's gift was an expensive and ingenious faux puss that bonds to the skin with advanced...

3 years ago
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set up

There I was hanging around in the middle of the living room gettingfucked in the ass and in the mouth at the same time, and by hanging; I meanhanging face down, legs spread, arms spread a few feet off the floor, withmy ass filled and my throat filled with a cock, how did I get to this pointyou ask? Rewind to last night. About me: I was currently single, divorced actually for a couple ofyears now, with a son, 17 years old, no wait 18 now as his birthday wastoday, he lived with his mom and...

1 year ago
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Nurse Demoness Chapter 4

Mina swooped onto the balcony of her apartment, soaked form the rain. The balcony was on the top floor, the fifth floor, and located at one of the corners of the building. Always left unlocked, the screen door provided a way to avoid her annoying self-righteous neighbor. The man had a crush on her and Mina would have eaten him already had he not been her neighbor. She tired to avoid any demonic actions that would cause alarm near where she lived. The screen slid open, and an assault of rotten...

1 year ago
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Vanessa filha da Giselle

Olá, sou a Vanessa, ., daquela tipo bem "nojentinha", até por influência de algumas amizades. Eu admito que me achava a tal, e melhor que os outros. E também porque meu pai dava tudo o que eu queria. Não estava namorando no momento, porque meus namorados diziam que não me aguentavam, que eu era muito chata. Ainda era virgem, mas não porque faltasse atrativo para os namorados; nessa época eu já tinha um corpão. Era porque eu tinha medo mesmo; não sei bem do quê, mas era medo de alguma coisa....

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