- 2 years ago
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Nikki laid in the bed completely naked and she dreamt of beautiful things. She dreamt that a tall, handsome man was aggressively groping and squeezing her massive, ample breasts. She moaned loudly as he punished her soft, sensitive flesh. He made circles around her nipples with his tongue and then moved downward, toward her throbbing wet cunt. She screamed in pleasure as he attacked her pussy and with every lick she came closer to orgasm. After a while she felt the orgasm coming and just as she was about to come he bit her swollen clit. This took her over the edge and she exploded in uncontrollable orgasm.
She awoke drenched with sweat and instead of a man teasing her clit it was Ash. When she saw that Nikki had woken up she stopped abruptly and sat up. Ash’s hair was messy and she was drenched in Nikki’s own juices. Ash was one of the sexiest people she had ever seen. Her huge, ample breasts were firm and soft and her pussy was perfect. She looked at Nikki with an innocent smile and then spoke.
‘Good morning! how do you like my tongue skills?’ She said smiling and continuing to lick Nikki’s aroused sex.
‘mmm, that tickles,’ Nikki said giggling.
‘Well, according to your last orgasm it does more than tickle,’ Ash said as she stopped licking Nikki’s pussy.
‘No, keep on licking, it feels so good’ Nikki said.
‘Come on, you just had an orgasm and we can’t stay in here forever. Let’s look around, have fun, find some guys maybe,’ Ash said as she got up and began to fix her hair.
‘Ok, fine, how about the pool,’ Nikki replied as she fingered her pink pussy to the sight of Ash fixing her hair completely naked.
‘Oh I like your thinking, pool sounds great,’ Ash said, ‘so how do I look?’
‘Mmm, You look sexy, but it took you long enough, let’s go,’ she said sliding her fingers out of her sex and getting up.
‘Sorry, I want to look good for the guys,’ she said.
After they both got ready, they began to walk to the pool still completely naked like all the other guests. The ship was gorgeous. It had lots of places to eat, a strip club, a sex toy shop, and much, much, more. Ash and Nikki stared wide eyed at all of the things the ship had but they were much more interested at the amount of people onboard and how they were all naked. Some people, men and women, were masturbating in public, right in the guest lounge. Their pussies drooled at the site of all the completely naked people, they couldn’t wait to see more.
When they finally got to the pool they quickly reserved beach chairs and got towels. After they set up everything they shifted their attention to the massive pool area. It had an enclosed yellow slide, two hot tubs, and one big pool. The pool was full of people but the hot tub was completely empty.
‘Hey Nikki, you want to get in the hot tub?’ Ash said while sneaking a peak at one of the guys next to her.
‘Yeah, the pool looks a little too full, let’s go,’
Ash and Nikki made their way to the hot tub and stepped into the steaming hot water. It was quite relaxing and Ash and Nikki had the hot tub all to themselves. This didn’t last long however, and in about ten minutes a couple of guys entered the hot tub. Ash seemed to be fine with it, well, more than fine but Nikki was a little uncomfortable with these two naked men so close to her. I mean, she was used to being naked on a beach but this was different. She was less than two feet away from these strangers and she was completely exposed.
They were both tall and fit but not too muscular. One had wavy blond hair and the other had brown hair. They were talking and pretending they didn’t notice Ash and Nikki but every once in a while they saw them sneak a look at their cleavages. Ash and Nikki did the same to them and Nikki could see their dicks pretty well through the water. Ash and Nikki talked for a while but Ash couldn’t take it anymore, she had to start a conversation with them.
‘Umm hey, my name is Ashely ,but you can call me Ash, and this is Nikki. This is our second day here and we haven’t really met anyone so now that we’re here we should at least get to know each other,’ she said with a cute smile.
‘Oh yeah, my names Chase and this is Jay, it’s our second day here too,’ Chase said.
‘Oh cool, so, umm are you guys together?’ Ash said. Chase and Jay looked at each other and laughed.
‘No way, we’re not like that. We’ve been friends since high school and Jay starts working here tomorrow so I decided to come with him. I’m not working but it was definitely worth it to come here if I get to be with beautiful girls like you guys,’ he flirted.
‘Mmm, thanks, you guys aren’t so bad yourself’ Ash blushed and moved closer to Chase,’so Jay where are you working at?’ Ash asked.
‘Oh well, most of the time I work as a bartender here in the pool, but every once in a while I work as a cabin attendant,’ he said.
‘Oh nice,’ Ash said
‘Yeah, it’s a pretty great place to work at and I get a friends and family discount so I got to bring this asshole along with me,’ Jay said pointing at Chase and laughing
‘Shut up,’ Chase said smiling,’so, why are you guys here?’
‘Oh well, it’s a long story,’ Nikki said suddenly entering the conversation,’we actually got a great deal on the tickets for this cruise from a vendor at our nude beach,’ she said.
‘Wow, so I guess you guys are pretty used to being nude. To be honest I’m still getting used to it,’ Jay said.
‘Oh I’m alright with it, mind if I turn on the jets,’ Ash said pressing the button to activate the hot tub’s massage jets.
‘Yeah, no problem,’ the two guys said.
The minute Ash pressed the button Nikki jumped. She was sitting on an underwater bench and instead of the jets pointing at her back like normal hot tubs they were pointing right at her asshole. There was no way she could have a conversation with the jet pointing at her exposed privates. She thought of moving but she couldn’t, it felt so good. The strong underwater jet pounding her asshole felt amazing but after a while she craved more. She looked around to make sure Chase, Jay and Ash weren’t looking and she bent over slightly so the jets would point at her pussy. She spread her legs a bit and positioned herself so that the jet would hit her clit and when it did it was one of the best feelings in the world. The jet was pointed directly at her swollen clit but it also ran along her ass and the inside of her thighs.
While the jet was still punishing her pussy she reverted her attention back to the conversation. Ash was making small talk with Chase and she didn’t seem to be affected by the jets. She looked at Jay and his eyes were glued to her huge, soft breasts. Nikki smiled, she had to admit she liked the attention. She thought Jay was cute so she decided to try to start a conversation, although she really didn’t know how much she could concentrate with the Jets still pointed at her clit.
‘H-hey Jay, so where are you from?’ She said, struggling to speak.
‘Oh I’m from Seattle, how about you?’ He said.
‘Oh, I’m from Florida, w-we’re polar opposites aren’t weee…ahhh,’ Nikki said trying to hold back her moans. Her clit was on fire and she felt the orgasm nearing. The feeling was great but she wasn’t sure how she was going to control herself when she came.
‘Nah, we’re not that different and are you ok? Are these jets bothering you, here I’ll turn them off,’ he said.
‘N-noo, please,’ Nikki said but before she knew it Jay turned off the jets and she was left horny with no orgasm.
‘Oh sorry did you want them on,’ Jay said about to press the button to turn on the jets.
‘No, no Jay thanks it’s ok,’ Nikki said trying to hide her horniness.
‘Oh ok cool, so where were we, Seattle right?’ Jay said with a friendly smile. All Nikki could think about was sex, she was denied orgasm and she really needed release. She looked at Jay’s bar
e cock and his manly chest, all the way up to his cute, welcoming face. She was beyond horny and she was really having trouble concentrating on the conversation.
‘Yeah Seattle, so how is it up there,’ she said only for her attention to drift back to his cock. She wasn’t listening to anything Jay was saying and although she tried to concentrate she was just to horny to even think. One more look at Jay’s completely bare cock took her over the edge, she needed him badly.
‘Umm Nikki, are you okayahhh, woah, woah, woah,’ he said surprised as Nikki suddenly lunged at him and sat on his lap.
‘Jay, I’m so sorry, I need you right now more than ever,’ Nikki said as she pressed her two massive breasts on his face. Jay went along with her and licked and sucked her sensitive pink nipples. After a while of Jay fondling Nikki’s breasts Nikki pushed away from him and waded back to her side of the hot tub. She sat on the bench and spread her legs. Jay took the hint and waded over to her side. He slowly approached her pussy and began making circles around Nikki’s large, swollen clit. She squirmed and gasped as Jay teased her pussy but the torture didn’t last long. Jay was as horny as Nikki and he quickly began fingering Nikki’s sensitive pink pussy. All Nikki felt was pleasure and Jay couldn’t believe he was fingering one of the hottest girls he had her seen. Jay vigorously fingered Nikki’s aroused pink cunt and after less than two minutes a raging orgasm took her by storm.
‘Oh-ohh fuck Jay th-thanks a lot for that,’ she said still recovering from her orgasm.
‘No problem, I’ll do it anytime, your gorgeous, gorgeous and crazy,’ he said.
‘Th-thanks, crazy is good sometimes I guess,’ Nikki said barely mustering up enough energy to speak.
Nikki almost forgot about Ash and Chase and when she looked to her left she found Ash fingering herself and Chase jacking off.
‘Nikki that was so hot,’ Ash said slipping her fingers out of her wet cunt.
‘I second that,’ Chase said as he stopped stroking his hard cock.
‘Yeah it was great, kind of unexpected but great, I say we do it again tonight,’ Jay said smiling at Nikki.
‘How about we have dinner tonight. All of us, but nothing special, just the buffet,’ Nikki said.
‘And then we’ll come to my room after I guess, it’s not fair that Nikki and Jay are the only ones to have some fun,’ Ash said.
‘I agree, I can’t wait to see you guys tonight, especially you Ash’ Chase said as he grabbed Ash’s bare butt.
‘Mmm, me too, see you guys later,’ Ash said.
‘see you tonight!’ Chase and Jay said as they turned around to leave. After they said their goodbyes and Ash made sure they were gone she turned to Nikki and gave her a high five.
‘Holy shit Nikki, I didn’t know you had it in you, you really hooked up with Jay.’ she said as they both began to walk to their staterooms.
‘What do you mean I didn’t have it in me, Just because I’m not as crazy as you doesn’t mean I don’t get the guys,’ she said.
‘Well, yeah but it was the way you did it. You kind of just jumped on him,’ she said.
‘Yeah, well I guess I have a little crazy in me then,’ Nikki said smiling as she entered the elevator.
‘Yeah, for sure, I only wish I hooked up with Chase, he’s pretty hot too,’ she said.
‘Yeah, hopefully you will tonight,’ Nikki said.
After walking a while they finally made it to their room. Ash ran in and jumped on the soft king sized bed. She immediately spread her legs to reveal her extremely aroused pussy. She slipped three fingers in her cunt and began fingering her dripping wet sex. Nikki just kept exploring the cabin like Ash wasn’t there, they were used to each other by now. Nikki hadn’t really had a true look around their cabin and she wanted to really get to know the place they would live in for the next two weeks. Nikki already had one on one experience with the retractable shower head but that wasn’t the only thing the bathroom had to offer. It had an unusually large shower, probably for sex, and all sorts of shampoos and soaps.
All this was great but the real surprise came when she opened the closet. She found about twenty different types of dildos and a bunch of sex related toys. She fantasized about using them on Ash but she quickly snapped out of it when she opened the closet doors right above the drawers. To her astonishment, there was more than thirty types of extremely sexy nude lingerie. All of this lingerie had one thing in common, it all left the wearers breasts and pussy completely exposed. Nikki looked back at Ash and smiled, they would both look so sexy in these things.
‘Hey Ash, look at what I found,’ she said. Ash stopped masturbating and she looked at the closet.
‘Woah, thats a lot of Dildos,’ she said biting her lip and looking at the drawer directly beneath the closet doors.
‘What how about this sexy lingerie,’ Nikki said.
‘Screw the lingerie, we’re already naked. Give me that purple one,’ Ash said pointing at one of the Dildos.
‘Ughh fine,’ Nikki said jumping back on the bed and lying on her back so her boobs were completely exposed. Ash put down the dildo and laid on the bed right next to Nikki.
‘Hey Ash, you think we’ll get tired of all this sex,’ she said.
‘No, are you crazy? This is paradise,’ she said reaching up and tracing circles around Nikki’s nipples with her fingers.
‘Hah, stop, I’m serious,’ she said grabbing Ash’s dildo and thrusting it into Ash’s cunt.
‘Ughh, damn that’s big and like I said it’s a paradise, besides, it’s only a week,’ she said grabbing the dildo and thrusting it in and out of her soaking wet pussy.
‘You’re right, but how do you do it? How do you just have sex with a person and forget about them, there’s a connection that forms you now,’ she said.
‘Mhmm, does that mean there’s a connection between us,’ Ash flirted.
‘Well, umm I don’t know, I guess,’ Nikki said, not knowing what to say.
‘It’s ok, I get it you’re not used to this whole lesbian thing, just sleep on it,’ Ash said taking the dildo out of her pussy and lying down on her back next to Nikki.
‘What, you’re going to sleep already,’ Nikki said rapping her arms around Ava.
‘Yeah, dinners in two hours, it’s a good time for a siesta don’t you think,’ she said.
‘You’re right, I might just join you,’ Nikki said snuggling next to Ash and putting her arm on her massive breasts,’you know what, maybe we do have a connection,’ Nikki whispered in Ash’s ear as they fell asleep.
Nikki woke up with a start and slowly turned to look at the digital clock. It was 7:00! Dinner was in ten minutes. She quickly sat up and woke up Ash.
‘W-Wuu-what,’ Ash said slowly getting up.
‘Dinner is in ten minutes,’ Nikki said getting up to comb her hair.
‘What! We can’t be late for this,’ she said, worriedly.
‘I agree, I have to see Jay again,’ she said continuing to come her hair,’which hair clip is better, this one or this one,’ Nikki said holding up two silver hair clips.
‘Umm, Nikki don’t worry about it, we’re naked, their not going to be focusing on our hair. Their going to be focusing on more important things, like these,’ she said caressing her soft breasts.
‘Yeah, you know what you’re right,’ she said putting down the hair clips,’how about one of those sexy nude lingerie,’ she said.
‘Ughh, maybe in the specialty restaurant, this is just a buffet, besides, were really late! It’s already 7:10,’ Ash said looking at the clock.
‘Yeah, but that’s it we’re not going to put ANYTHING on for dinner’ Nikki said.
‘Yeah it’s a little weird isn’t it, but this is a clothes optional cruise, it’s kind of what you’re supposed to do,’ she said.
‘I guess, whatever, I’ll do it, let’s go already it’s almost 7:20,’ she said panicking.
‘Yes! finally! Let’s go hook up,’ Ash said excitedly.
They raced down the hallway and the stairs but it was kind of hard to run with no bra. Nevertheless, they made it to to the buffet just 15 minutes late and they saw Jay and Chase already sitting down with food on their plates.
‘Hey guys, We just wanted to be fashionably late you know,’ Nikki said giving Jay a kiss on the cheek.
‘Umm, well we’ve been waiting here for an hour,’ Chase said.
‘What!’ Nikki said, astonished and confused.
‘yeah, there was a time change two hours ago,’ Jay said.
‘B-but, I’m so sorr-,’ she said interrupted by Ash.
‘We meant to do that, we wanted to see if you really wanted us tonight,’ Ash said winking at Chase.
‘Really, guess you got your answer,’ he quipped.
‘Hah, yeah I guess we did,’ Ash said looking at Chase’s bare cock and biting her lip seductively.
‘Well, we’re going to get our food now, be right back,’ Nikki said leaving with Ash to the buffet.
Nikki got her plate and started waiting in the line for the buffet when Ash tapped her shoulder.
‘Hey! Are you trying to make us look bad,’ Ash said.
‘What! Hell no, what did I do,’ she replied.
‘Do I have to tell you! Never admit your mistakes, we have to look smart,’ she said.
‘Yeah, Yeah, it’s hard to make YOU look smart,’ Nikki teased.
‘Shut up,’ she said laughing,’next time just act smart, just follow my lead and they’ll be in our bed in no time,’
‘Fine,’ Nikki said continuing to get food.
After they both got food they returned to the table. Nikki sat next to Jay and Ash sat next to Chase. Soon, Jay and Nikki began to talk and flirt and Ash was pretty bored. She looked at Chase and she could tell he felt the same way. Chase was obviously a very get to the point type of guy and she liked that. She thought it wouldn’t be a problem to have some fun with him.
‘Ughh Chase this is boring,’ she said reaching down and slightly caressing his exposed balls.
‘something tells me it’s going to get exciting pretty quick,’ he said closing his eyes and enjoying Ash’s gentle touch.
‘Smart guy,’ Ash quipped while she began to jerk off Chase’s huge cock.
After a while of this Ash felt Chase’s hand slither up her leg and start caressing her inner thigh.
‘Mmm, H-Hey, what are you doing down there,’ Ash said trying to keep her cool.
‘The same thing you’re doing down here,’ Chase said looking at Ash’s hand still jerking off his dick.
Goosebumps appeared all over Ash’s body as she felt Chase’s hand move upward to where her waist met her thigh. Chase’s hand then travelled to her dripping wet pussy and he ran his finger up and down her wet slit. The pleasure was too much and she briefly stopped Chase hand job.
‘You stop, I stop,’ Chase said as he stopped caressing Ash’s cunt.
‘I hate you,’ Ash said.
‘No you don’t,’ Chase said with a smirk.
Ash resumed Chase’s hand job and sure enough Chase kept on sliding his fingers up and down her poor, quivering slit.
‘Ughh, stick it in already,’ Ash said.
‘Hmm, I don’t know if you’re ready,’ he teased.
‘Well, then I think you’re not ready either,’ she said stopping Jakes hand job.
‘Hah, you play dirty, I like that,’ he said winking.
‘Mhmm, thanks, we need to finish though, why don’t you and me and those two lovebirds go to my room,’ she said.
‘Sounds good to me,’ Chase said.
‘Hey, you two, stop flirting and let’s get to business’, Ash said pointing at Nikki and Jay walking to the elevators.
Chase opened the stateroom door, threw Ash on the bed and immediately started fucking her brains out. His huge cock punished her tender pussy and she was loving every second of it. She massaged her perfect big tits while she felt Chase’s cock deep inside her. Ash usually liked being in control but this time, she just relaxed and enjoyed the feeling.
‘So umm, do you want to umm fuck,’ Nikki said to Jay. They were both watching Ava and Chase and they really didn’t know what do. Nikki didn’t want to admit it but she had only had sex once before with another man. Little did she know that Jay had the same issue.
‘Yeah umm I guess, I’m sorry if it’s not as big as Chase’s, there’s really nothing I can do about that,’ he said looking down at his average sized member.
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Hi Friends, this is your back with the next part. Sorry for the delay due to my busy schedule, let’s continue the story. Please read previous parts to get a continuation. I received a message from an unknown number and the conversation was as below. The unknown number (un): Hi. Me: Hi, who is this? Un: It is not required but you are enjoying Rani nicely, right? Me: (completely blank and scared) What nonsense are you talking, tell me who is this? Un: Shut your mouth. Is she your slut? Me:...
I lied down with her, with my mouth and face covered with her naughty honey. "Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" I looked at her. She shook her head without a word. Suddenly someone knocked on my door. "Hey, masscreyou. Have you seen L?" She and I stared at each other with eyes wide open and mouths shut tight. "No, I didn't. I was asleep." I answered. "Oh, ok. Do you want to have dinner together later?" "Sure, bro. I'll talk to you when I am ready." Now both of us were thinking how she was going to...
You come home after yet another long day at the office, and as you walk in, you find me waiting for you in the moonlit lit living room. I am sitting in a very comfortable lounge chair, sipping a glass of wine, and looking out of the huge window into starry sky. You felt the energy of sensuality the moment you walked into the room, thus making you wonder. I stand up, and approach you, gently hold your arms and pull you into a soft brush of a kiss. You can see in my eyes that spark, which you...
Monday afternoon Tessa ran into Margie when picking up her son Win. Tessa: "Forgive me asking, but what the hell happened with you and Vince the other night?" Margie: "I'm still asking myself the same question, Tessa. I keep coming back to that damn swing." Tessa: "What about the swing?" Margie: "You know me and my Sybian ... the swing offered so many different variations." Tessa: "I can agree with you on that," she said, recalling the double penetration she'd experienced....
CHAPTER 5—Morning I woke to birds chirping and sunlight pouring in my room. I opened my eyes and all I could see was blond hair. I lifted my head off the pillow, saw that Nicole was still asleep and put it back down, snuggling closer to her as I did. When I woke again, it was warm, but it wasn’t hot and humid like the past few days, and I was still spooning Nicole. I started to roll away so I could get up, but a soft hand grabbed my arm as I tried to slip it away. ‘Hey, get back here.’ I...
"Shut the fuck up," I replied, shaking off his comment. "I made ray stay here this weekend for you. He came out to me and told me he liked you, asshole." he said "Whatever, go to sleep." I said shrugging him off. I knew my brother didn't care if I was gay or who I had sex with, and that he was looking out for me, but I still shrugged him off. We are best friends, but even to this day I'm the alpha dog in our relationship and we only talk about what I want to. I knew one day I...
Hi indian sex stories dot net guys, I am Darshan from Bangalore. Recently I completed my MBA from a college in Pune. This is a story about how I fucked my classmate who was my best friend during college days at her apartment in Pune. I’ll like to start the story by describing the sex goddess of this real life event. Her name is Ninoshka, her height is 5’6 and stats are 34B-30-34. She’s very cute, as she’s fair which makes her look very sexy. I’m a 5’9 guy, average body, and dick size of 6. From...
It was Thursday and I couldn't wait for the weekend to arrive. After such a busy week it would be nice to do a little nothing. My wife called and said she was running a little late. “I need you to pick up something for dinner on your way home.” I acknowledged her request and said I would grab some Chinese. I arrived home, toting dinner along, and placed it on the kitchen table. My wife peaked into the bag and, with a slight sigh, mumbled, “I guess that will have to do.” I turned to get some...
Wife LoversThis is a work of fiction between me and my girlfriend Kiara, she read and enjoyed this and hope you do to!I’ll walk out of the cabin in the still sunny afternoon of norwegian summer, enjoying the sight of the trees and lake with the sun shining down on it. It wasn’t till I looked to the coast that I saw my beautiful girlfriend Kiara, wearing her tiny black two piece Bikini, her body almost completely exposed because of it. I had a drink for her as I say down next to her, looking her body over...
He had dreaded telling his story, dreaded the inevitable revulsion he so richly deserved, especially when he finally opened his eyes and met her gaze. But what he was greeted with was not what he expected; he faced only sympathy and understanding, despite everything. Mixed with some pity, there was no way to hide that, but the overwhelming disgust he’d braced for never happened. Her reaction was the most surprising. She knew. She looked at him, had listened to him, seen right through him,...
Hello everyone this is Reneesha again. You must have known me from sex encounter in Assam. I am a free frank girl of age 21 as I celebrated my birthday few days ago. People say I own sexiest figure with my bosom big round and always erect thick milky white soft thighs slim waist and my best asset being my 38 white ass which is profounding for a slim waist of 28. So I am going to tell you my real life experience today. This happened few months back. We live in quite posh colony of our town with...
IncestWhitaker finished giving her orders just as Taylor hung up with the senator. “She has her jet waiting to take us to Miami,” he said as she walked up. “Fine,” she said. The look on her face told him she hadn’t forgiven Taylor yet for not letting the FBI deal with everything. “I rode with them out here, so I’ll ride with you.” She headed to his car without waiting for an answer, and he followed in her wake. Taylor drove straight to the airport. There was a few minutes confusion as they were...
Deana was injured by a drunk driver, but not to the point where she was in a wheel chair or bedridden. There were some things around the house she could still do. Like change a light bulb, even if it required the small step ladder. She didn’t know why it happened, but she fell. She changed that light bulb numerous times before without incident. However this time when she went to climb down the small ladder, she missed the last step and landed on her backside on the floor. The noise caused...
A slight breeze blew through the garden, rustling the leaves in the trees and bending the stems of the tall flowers. A lamb lying down by the side of a small pond twitched its nostrils, but soon relaxed. This was about as rough as the weather ever got. The lamb returned to the flowers it was nibbling, unperturbed by the nearby presence of a lion on the other side of the pond. And why should it be bothered. The lion would no more wish it harm than he would himself. The sun stood high in the...
SeductionThat was okay, because what people did always seemed strange to me, like I said. I mean ... think about the way they ate: really strange. So who knew what their rules were for mating? Anyway, back to the time Cheryl put Sandy in with me in Jimmy's room. I looked at Sandy and she looked at me. Then we both looked at Jimmy, who was still sleeping. So I walked in a small circle two times, and then settled down in my favorite spot. Cheryl made a lot of noise, and it was coming from Jim's room....
Tony was what one could consider a successful man in many ways. At thirty-two years old, he had a well-paid stable job, and had recently been able to purchase a posh flat in London. Part of his success was due to the fact that he was well-spoken, and part was because he knew his business inside and out. However, one area of life in which he completely failed was finding a woman. The problem was that Tony didn’t know how to chat up women and wasn’t even able to reciprocate their advances. Over...
First TimeOur Hotwives! If you’re looking for a completely new form of adult entertainment, then you hit a goldmine today, my friend. As you all know, I like exploring all kinds of niches and fetishes when it comes to porn, even if they come in the form of a porn forum with not that much content on it. Today I’m looking at one such site that just has a bunch of porn forums on it and they have to do with the hotwife and cuckolding sex lifestyles, and if you have never heard of those before, then you’re...
Interracial Porn SitesHi, I am new to this site. If any mistakes, please forgive me. The story is about how a virgin boy loses his virginity to a neighborhood aunty. Your comments are welcomed( both male and female). Any ladies or college girls if you want sexual pleasure or anything you can send your contact number to my email id () I am a 6.1 in height with average built body and my penis is of average size (I do not want to lie). I am living in Coimbatore district and my native is village far. Away from...
Na peru chandra naku 22 years living in hyd. Last year na B.Tech complete indi.Ma family lo 5 members untaru ma dad , mom, annaya,nenu,chelli. Naku inter daka sex korikalu levu kani after inter ma family antha city ki shift indi.City ki vochaka naku ealanti chedda alavatlu kalae.But annitikantae chedda alavatu okati indi adae sex. Nenu chala active ga undae vadini alanti na life lo nenu ela sex ki addict itha anukolae bt awakka thappale. B.Tech lo nenu ma senior love chesukunnam danitho baga...
Our very true story started 9 years ago, my wife and I travelled to Oxford for a family wedding. We decided to go a couple of day before to enjoy the city staying in a hotel. on the second night we decided to eat in the hotel then go for drinks to the bar. We have had an adventurous sex life and my wife suggested that while we were away we should find someone to joins us in our room. Our luck was in as we were drinking in the bar she caught the eye of a guy who looked in his early 60's we were...
I was feeling stressed lately and experienced back pain. My husband normally remains on business trips and I had nothing much to do. So I had called for a masseur to come home and give me a good rub on my back and shoulders. When he showed up my eyes bugged out. It was a he and he was super built. Hot even. That led to a sensual erotic massage and anal sex with him. I let him in asked him to set up in the living room. I went in to get changed and came back in a towel. “Take it off,†he said....
AnalClara was a little apprehensive as the large wooden door before her opened. From her perspective, she had only left Roft Manor six weeks ago, and yet her family had not seen her in over two years. She knew that she would have some explaining to do. From behind the door emerged an elderly, well-groomed man in a tuxedo. He was quite tall, about six foot one and stood with excellent posture. The old man smiled in delight when he saw who was on the front stoop. ‘Thank goodness!’ the old butler...
Intrepid - 3754 C.E. Beatrice licked her fingers lasciviously as she savoured the sour taste of Captain Kerensky's vaginal juices and smiled seductively at her lover. The captain gasped. Her eyes shone bright. She shuddered with a final orgasmic spasm from the frenzied sex she was enjoying with Paul's wife. Beatrice's tongue was still moist from the lovers' commingled saliva and the juicy evidence of passion dripped from her vagina. Nadezhda had made love with many women in her hundred...
‘What’s it like out there?’ Benji asked, putting the sandwich down on the line and looking towards Roseanne on the other side of it. She sighed, picking the sandwich up and reaching for the side of ranch. ‘Dead slow. I’m the only one on the floor because Delilah’s on her break, and that’s the first table I’ve had in forty-five minutes. Hang on, I’m just going to bring this out.’ She delivered the sandwich briskly, smiling at a patron as she set it down, and went directly back to the...
The first time I walked into the office without my panties was a Monday morning. I’d been thinking about it all weekend, knowing it was the first step towards getting what I wanted, to be like the office sluts I’d read about in these stories, turning on all the men I work with and being treated like a dirty little whore. I knew I had the assets for it. I love my breasts, they’re D cups and they bounce when I’m being fucked, my ass is a little big but round and so smooth. My skirts had been...
Sometime after they sedated me, to sleep through the thunderstorm, I woke up to find that Emily was over in her bed. I was too sleepy to try to figure out why. What the hell is going on? Who is throwing my body all around like this? This exam is the worst exam I have ever had. Where are my goggles? I wanted to open my eyes to see what was going on, but without the light-blocking goggles, I wasn’t about to do that. “Hey,” I said to whoever was examining me. “Something is wrong with my eyes,...
Tales of a Hustler----Hunter---Fresh MeatAnother rainy night. Fuck—it's getting hard to make a living lately.Most of the bois were gathered in the common area, watching some cheesy black n white movie. I decided to go out a bit, headed down to Jerry's. He ran a 'bar' so to speak down on the edge of our neighborhood. I guess these days you would call it a sports bar, but had a teen environment. IE, TV's video games, and cokes and juice. No alcohol. As I approach the entrance, I noticed a dude...
Here is a story about me and a guy I go to college with. His name is Adam Marsden, he's one of the 'cool k**s' so he doesn't really talk to me very often. All the girls in college think he is fit. He's tall, muscular and has a smile which can make anyone fall for him. We get on with each other okay, but we just have different sets of friends. I didn't really think much about him until now...At the end of college I usually walk home rather than get a bus. As I only live a few miles away, I...
“Good morning sleepy head”, You say with a coffee in hand. I smile my approval because waking up to the soft tone of your voice and the sweet smell of coffee makes for a perfect start to the day. You climb in beside me and the warmth from beneath the covers hits you like hot air from an open oven door and invites you in. I murmur sounds of contentment as I feel your skin on mine and I’m more comfortable now than I was a few moments ago when I had the bed to myself. Your eyes are soft like your...
The flight from Boston Airport to Diamond City was quick. Bennett landed us on the street, right in front. As Bennett finished shutting it down, we hopped down. A couple of guards came up, the curiosity on their faces apparent. “I’ll stay here, answer questions, and keep nosy fingers away.” “Very good, Bennett.” I heard one of the guard’s whistle at something. “What?” “Oh, sorry, ma’am. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just saw what you have painted on your armor. We’d heard that the...
It started out just like any other morning. Jovan wakes up close to noon to get down to his office. His girlfriend Lola is asleep in bed. He will be home later, take her out to dinner then hit that sweet petite white pussy. Little did he know that Lola is a nymphomaniac and when he leaves she fucks his friends and acquaintances. Like today – Lawson was going to sample that little slut’s hole but arrived early and since it was raining out he snuck in. Even though Jovan was in the...
xmoviesforyouI roll out off the couch in only slightly more than a sleepwalking state. Only roused to even this state by a dog howling maybe 20 yards from the window I was dozing under. As my faculties slowly return to me I pick up my phone and realize it’s 2:30 in the morning. I mutter under my breath about the damn animal waking me up as I know undoubtedly my parents will be having sex at this very moment. Lucky me I drew the short straw and got straddled with the bedroom next to theirs and have been...
IncestMy wife and I have been together for a long time and it seems to only get better with time! We are both in our early 50s and I found out recently that I am a little curious about things and I am also a cuckold husband, which I found out by accident! My wife is really sexy as you can see in her pictures and she really loves to flash her wet pussy and firm titties and round tight ass! One night we were getting high and horny and decided to get a little kinkier than our usual stuff! As the night...
Sloan Harper is ecstatic when she arrives at her friend’s house in Florida to find that she and her husband Tony have a pool! Tony’s wife is at work, but he shows Sloan around the place and shows her the pool where she wants to take a dip…in the nude! She starts stripping right in front of Tony, which makes him feel a bit awkward, but when she starts rattling off tales of college days past and how wild his wife was, sharing cocks and getting fucked in the ass by Sloan’s ex-boyfriend and all....
xmoviesforyou#02: Jake If you are part of my generation, you’ll remember the despicable newspaper advice columnist Ann Landers. Occasionally, she would publish a letter from a reader, relating an interesting story of how he met his wife. Over the years, I’ve been collecting stories of how men met their wives, or how wives met their husbands. These are stories that Ann never would have published. Here’s the story of how Jake met Erin. Of course, the names and details have been fictionalized for privacy. ...
I had been out of town on business during the week, and, returning, home, I had one goal: relieve the urgency in my balls. All week I had been reading "Penthouse Letters" stories, but I had not allowed myself to cum. My wife, Hayley, likes to either see a large load shoot, or feel it within her, so I wanted to save up for my return. As I was driving home, I was trying to decide how I wanted the evening to progress. My wife hadn't indicated she was particularly amorous during our evening...