- 4 years ago
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Thamon almost choked on his tea when Mahmud Al-Sharani showed him the reason for the invitation to his home.
Looking through the camcorder’s view screen he saw a bewildered looking American and when Mahmud pushed the start button the cleric watched as the American said ‘There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger.’ Mahmud then turned off the camera and looked his guest, waiting for his response.
Thamon put his tea cup back on the saucer and tried to think of what to say. ‘You can’t be serious’ he said to his host.
‘He said the words and that is all that is required’ Mahmud retorted.
‘But what was done to him to make him say the words? That is the question! There is no compulsion in the Faith and you know this!’
Mahmud waved his hand in front of Thamon’s face as if he were somehow erasing the statement from the air. ‘Small details. What is important is that he’ll make a fine husband for Laila and they must be married as soon as possible.’
‘But Mahmud,’ the cleric pleaded. ‘You’re a rich man with a thriving business, you can afford to keep seven children until Laila can have a proper suitor. What’s the rush?’
‘I rush because I was a rich man with a thriving business. Ever since the Americans came last year the economy has suffered along with my business. Do you know how much it costs to keep six daughters? Faruzah and I had to try seven times before we could have a son. Now that more money is going out than is coming in, I must take action or there will be nothing left for Tariq to inherit.’
‘If that is the case, there are plenty of young men who’d thank Allah every day for one of your daughters.’
‘But none of them have any prospects. If I give one of my daughters to any of them my wife would never forgive me. I’m using the internet to search for some suitable husbands in Turkey or Jordan for my other daughters, but this one is the best prospect for Laila. He’s an American, all Americans are rich.’
‘But he’s a foreigner!’
‘Laila knows English, she’ll fit in wherever she goes.’
‘You can’t compel someone to marry, it’s not natural!’
‘Daughters get married off all the time and they learn to love their husbands. Why shouldn’t that be true with this American? If you’re worried about him abusing her I can tell you that will not happen. I have heard that American men let their women boss them around all the time.’
‘American men also drink, use drugs, and watch pornography. No, I’m sorry but I can’t take part in this. Laila is a beautiful girl but it is better that she marry a beggar on the street of Baghdad than some ignorant, faithless westerner. While you may think that because he’s said the words he’s now a Muslim I say he is still ignorant and faithless. I’m sorry, but this is how it must be.’
Mahmud nodded, smiled, then motioned for Thaman to follow him as he got up. The cleric reluctantly followed him to the basement where his host had a large number of storage crates crammed into the room. As the cleric looked around he began to realize how desperate his friend had become.
‘Mahmud, what have you been up to?’
‘Several people have come across abandoned items and have brought them to me to store for a fee, that’s all.’
‘People? You mean that dog Aazim and that pack of thieves he leads!’
‘Those are nothing but rumors. Nothing has been proven.’
‘Was he the one who took the American for you?’
Again, Mahmud waved his hand. ‘You need not concern yourself with such things.’
Thaman groaned as Mahmud led him to one of the crates. As he opened it, the cleric’s mouth dropped as he saw the contents. Inside were three AK-47’s, a tea set engraved with intricate gold patterns, and a gold plated toilet seat that shimmered even in the dim lighting of the basement.
Thaman’s mouth dropped slightly. ‘Is that what I think it is?’ he asked softly.
Mahmud nodded.
‘Did it come from where I think it came from?’
‘It’s from his fourth palace to the east’ Mahmud said softly as if he expected the police were listening. ‘I liberated it from some American soldiers who stole it from the palace. Do you like it?’
‘Well, I. . . its all lovely.’
‘The rifles would be very handy in light of the rampant lawlessness the Americans have failed to stop.’ The cleric nodded in agreement.
‘It’s yours. All of it. Think of it as a gift for all the favors you’ve done and will continue to do for my family.’
Thaman paused for a moment, looking at the toilet seat in all its shimmering glory. He wondered how many times Saddam had used it. All the crate’s contents would make a good investment in these uncertain times.
‘Would eight o’clock work for you?’ he asked.
‘I was thinking about a late afternoon service. I’ve heard of several evening ceremonies being raided by bandits. I want my family to be safe.’
Thaman nodded. ‘Did you want it in your home?’
‘Absolutely. It will be a modest ceremony so it won’t need any elaborate planning.’
‘How soon do you want this?’
‘They day after tomorrow. Enough time for Aazim to make the American presentable and to bring him here.’
‘You’re letting that thief into your house?’
‘He and his men will only be dropping him off. Don’t worry.’
Thaman nodded again and followed Mahmud up the stairs. ‘I’m sorry, this is just so unusual’ he told his host. ‘By the way, how has Laila taken the news?’
‘Laila is a good girl. She knows her duty as a daughter and a sister. She understands.’
Laila looked at her reflection in her mother’s mirror, pondering on how this would be her last day as a virgin. She wondered if she would look or seem different afterwards. Naba said it hurt on her wedding night. Qaraah said her husband barely notices her unless he feels amorous. She looked down at the identity card of her future husband, Alec Manning, and wondered if American Muslims were different. Most of all, she wanted to know why she wasn’t being allowed to even meet him. She tossed the card down on the dresser and shook her head. ‘I don’t understand.’
‘What was that?’ her mother asked as she laid out the wedding dress on the bed. The white taffeta rustled loudly as she laid it out. Studying it for a moment, Faruzah hoped it would fit Laila. Fatima’s daughter was roughly the same size as her so she guessed it would be suitable. Every girl wanted the western style bridal gown and she wasn’t going to let her daughter go without one even if she had to provide a hand-me-down from a friend.
‘I was just wondering why father would not let me meet him first and would not say who brokered the arrangement.’
‘Why do you worry about such things girl? Don’t you trust your father?’
‘Of course. It’s just that this is so sudden and strange. How does this American know me? What’s he like?’
Her mother came over and patted her on the shoulder. Since she was old enough to speak she was always asking questions. It secretly pleased her mother, it annoyed her teachers, and intimidated the boys. ‘There, there. It’s not your place to ask such things. You should be happy. Doesn’t he look handsome?’
She picked up the card again and studied his face. While he didn’t have the dark hair or strong features of most of the men she’d seen, his sandy blond hair, brown eyes, and squared chin weren’t unattractive. ‘Do you know anything about him?’
‘No’ her mother answered as she began sorting through her daughter’s clothes for packing. ‘But I do know American men like small families, and you should be grateful for that. Do you know what having seven babies does to your back?’
‘Yes mother, you’ve told me many times.’
‘Good. So remember what I taught you about your duties as a wife.’
Laila cringed when her mother mentioned that task. The only thing more disturbing than the task itself is picturing her mother performing it on
her father. ‘Are you sure all men enjoy that thing you told me about?’
‘Yes, and you must appear as if you enjoy it too.’
‘Why? He’s not doing anything to me.’
‘Because that’s just the way men are. Besides, only sinful women desire such pleasures. Why do you always have to ask so many questions? Now, do you want to keep from having too many babies or not?’
‘I only want to have one or two’ she responded quietly.
‘Good, just remember it’s better to be on your knees for five minutes than on your back for two.’
‘Mother, why did I have to know that about you and father?’
‘Because these are the facts of life. Now let’s see how this dress looks on you.’
Alec sat in the dark blindfolded with his wrists tied wondering how he could have prevented this. He imagined CNN broadcasting some bad photo of him as they told his life story and described how he died. All the girls who had dumped him in college would weep in front of the camera while declaring what a beautiful person he was. When he had applied for Human Aid International as a relief worker the recruiters told him that most of the problems were in the cities and that only U.S. soldiers were being targeted. They had assured him that the Iraqi people would appreciate the work being done by the various aid workers and no harm would come to him. Now he wished he’d studied Arabic more before signing up. He could barely understand his captors or what they were planning for him.
The first day they shoved a video camera in his face and made him recite a phrase in Arabic. Something about Allah and Mohammad that he barely remembered. The phrase was supposed to be significant but he wasn’t sure why.
After the incident with the camera they locked him in a basement and only came to feed him or take him to the toilet. Without a window or a watch he couldn’t be sure how long they kept him there. It could have been a day or two but it felt like a week.
Finally they came back to his cell. Before he was blindfolded again they gave him an unusually decent change of cloths and told him in broken English to change. He received a grey jacket, a plain white shirt, and grey dress pants. He thought for a moment they might be giving him a change of clothes so he wouldn’t look like a hostage when they moved him but dismissed that idea because they’d probably move him in the same van they used to snatch him off the street.
After putting on the blindfold and tying his wrists they guided him outside to the van. The kidnappers warned him to be careful as he stepped into the back of the van, then they shut the door and didn’t speak to him again for the entire trip. When they stopped, one said ‘No move’ and left him alone in the van.
As he waited in the dark he wondered why he was left there. Were they preparing the cell? Were they setting up equipment for him to make another statement? Or perhaps they were deciding which one would execute him? He tried to keep that last thought out of his head.
Alec then heard a set of small feet approaching the van, circling around until stopping at the back door. A pair of hands then began banging at the door and he heard a small child’s voice. Okay, he thought, I’m not going to be shot. They wouldn’t do that in front of a kid. Or, maybe they’re just making a pit stop to visit friends and family.
He heard one of the men walk to the van and say something to the child, who then ran away. The man then opened the door, stepped in, and removed Alec’s blindfold. After letting his eyes adjust to the light he realized this man wasn’t one of the kidnappers. He was middle aged, fat, with graying hair. He smiled at Alec
and motioned for him to get out of the van. He then followed the man to the two-story concrete villa. Aside from the ornate blue designs decorating the front door the entire house was a drab tan color.
Alec followed the man into what he assumed to be the living room which was expansive and decorated with rugs, massive flowering plants, and expensive looking furniture. As he looked around the man brushed off his jacket, untied his wrists, then pointed at him. ‘No scared’ he said.
‘Uh, is that an order or a question?’ he answered.
‘No scared’ the man repeated.
‘Well. . . uh, me scared, sorry.’
‘Yes scared?’ the man asked.
‘Yes’ Alec answered.
‘No’ the man stated. ‘No scared.’
Realizing the conversation could take all day Alec nodded and followed the man to a door on the far end of the living room. Before going in the man pointed at him again and said ‘Say, ‘I acknowledge you belong to me’ Then he flashed the pistol hidden under his jacket, presumably as a warning.
Alec didn’t understand but he nodded anyway, hoping it would all become clear when he went inside.
It didn’t. At the far end of the room was a cleric in his robes. To the left there was another older man, a younger man, and a small boy. An older woman wearing a nearly transparent veil stood to the right of the cleric along with six younger veiled women he assumed were the fat man’s daughters. Now he was sure he wouldn’t be shot, but that was no comfort to him.
The man behind him nudged him and pointed to the cleric. Manning walked to the front of the cleric and waited. It occurred to him that he whole setup looked a lot like some kind of wedding.
The older man to Alec’s left came forward and began some sort of speech in Arabic. He caught a few words like ‘Accept’ and ‘Mohammad’ but that was all. Then the man held out his hand and one of the young women stepped up and took her place beside Alec. Then Alec thought to himself ‘Hey, this IS a goddamn wedding!’
For the rest of the ceremony as Thaman read four passages from the Qur’an, while both Alec and Laila stood silently waiting for the service to end. Alec stood in terror and bewilderment. Laila spoke so softly that when reciting her speech Thaman asked her to speak up. Alec had to be nudged by Mahmud to recite his speech.
A the stone-faced couple were escorted to the van the only people with any enthusiasm for the event was Mahmud, who now had one less daughter to support, and Laila’s sisters who now had a little more living space.
Mahmud stayed outside after everyone else went in to celebrate, watching as his nephew Aadil chauffeured the silent couple off to consummate their marriage. Thaman joined him as the van faded into nothing more than a wisp of dust in the distance.
‘Do you think she’ll be safe with the American?’ he asked his host.
‘Don’t worry’ Mahmud answered.
‘Where is your nephew taking them?’
‘My brother has a piece of rental property and has agreed to let them stay there for a week to get to know each other.’ ‘What if he sees some American soldiers and calls for help? Your daughter and nephew could get into serious trouble.’
‘Like I said my friend, don’t worry. They’re going to a town with no American presence whatsoever.’
‘Really? Where is that?’
Thamon paused for a moment realizing the risk his friend has taken with his daughter and new son in-law. ‘Mahmud, you do know that a mob killed and hung some Americans there a few days ago, don’t you?’
‘I heard something about that, I don’t know the details. Besides, the arrangements have already been made.’
‘But your daughter could be a widow by tomorrow!’
Mahmud tried to wave away the statement again. ‘It won’t happen. Trust me. Aadil has been told to lock the burglar bars on the house’s door so the American can’t escape, and we’ll let nature take its course. What kind of may can be alone with such a beautiful girl for a week and not give in to his nature?’
Thaman sighed and reminded himself to say an extra prayer for the couple.
.They weren’t the only ones watching the van. Aazim, Jasim, Baber, and Aarif watched the van as it passed them a few miles
from Al-Shirani’s home. Aazim waited a few minutes then started the old silver Toyota and followed the van. As he tried to concentrate on following the newlyweds Jasim continued to play with his Tokarev in the seat behind him, cocking and un-cocking the pistol. Aazim tried to ignore the racket Jasim was making and focused on the van in front of him. He also tried to ignore how insulted he felt when Al-Shirani told him of his plan to have Laila marry the American, and how he wanted Aazim and his men to perform the kidnapping. After all the work he and his men had done for the failing businessman, Mahmud chose to give his daughter to some westerner he happened to see in the marketplace one day instead of allowing him to propose to Laila. But, despite Al-Shirani’s posturing and pretensions about his family’s superiority, he would never expect what Aazim was planning.
‘Jasim will you stop that, it’s dangerous’ he said while glancing to him in the rearview mirror.
‘Don’t worry, the chamber is empty, you’re in no danger.’
‘I don’t care! That clicking noise is making me crazy, now stop!’
Aarif turned around and stared directly at Jasim. ‘Maybe I could just cut off his thumb. That would solve the problem’ he said quietly.
Jasim looked into Aarif’s cool, steady gaze and immediately un-cocked the pistol for the last time and stuck it inside his waistband. Aarif never let anything bother him. He was never bothered by the traffic jams, he was never bothered by the various shortages in the last ten years, and he was never bothered by the screams for mercy from his victims.
In the awkward silence, Baber decided to speak up. ‘Why pursue this woman Aazim?’ There are plenty of women to be had, just tell them you’re with the resistance and you could have any wife you want.’
Aazim smirked, ‘I don’t want a wife, I just want a few hours with this one.’ He remembered all the times Laila had looked at him disapprovingly as he and her father did business in the living room. She, along with the rest of Al-Shirani’s family, believed he was beneath them, that they were doing him some sort of favor by even allowing him in their house. Soon, he though, she’d learn just what all her money and so-called privilege is really worth in the real world.
‘Don’t take too long, I want a turn after you’ said Aarif.
‘Don’t worry’ he answered. ‘We’ll all have plenty of time.
‘But what about our new duty in the militia’ Baber asked. ‘We need to return to Baghdad and begin our duties against the Americans.’
‘We can do that after Fallujah.’
‘Fallujah!?’ Baber exclaimed. ‘They’re Sunni! What if they find out we’re part of the Mahdi Army?’
‘Sadr has been making alliances with several other groups against the Americans. No one will attack us’ Aazim groaned.
‘Besides,’ Jasim added, ‘We can handle them if they try’ and he patted his pistol. Aazim and Aarif wouldn’t dignify his posturing with a response.
The newlyweds sat across from each other in the back of the van exchanging awkward glances when not looking to their shoes, wondering what to do next.
Laila looked at her groom quietly, wondering why he was sitting across from her and not beside her. Was he shy? Worse, was he like her uncle Ali that no one talks about? She couldn’t decide which situation she dreaded most, having to submit to his desires or having no desire for her to submit to.
Alec tried to keep his eyes on his feet, hoping not to send the girl any signals and raise her expectations. He could barely comprehend what had just happened and he certainly couldn’t contend with some girl’s expectations. He wracked his brain trying to remember what he’d done in the last week that could have led to this. He’d never seen the girl before and had taken great pains to avoid any unnecessary contact with anyone. Yet here he was in a shotgun wedding.
He looked up to the front at the kid driving the van, wondering if he could take him. Even if the kid was armed, he could probably surprise him. But then he remembered that the girl could warn the driver, or they could have an accident in the middle of the desert and end up in a worse situation. Despite his desire to escape, he didn’t want to risk getting the girl hurt in the process, or himself for that matter.
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My prison time was to be spent in Monroe, Washington at the Monroe State Pen. This facility was really known for it’s sex offenders. At the time I was 5’-8” and 155lbs. I am German and Pacific Islander but looked Italian at the time. I heard rumors of rape in prison and needless to say I was nervous. I had a short stay but knew Monroe State Pen’s reputation for sex in jail. A lot of those guys were doing serious time there. County jail was a piece of cake. No one gave you a bad time as...
Chapter 8 "Man Dating" - New Shoes If the story is new for you... start at Chapter 1... no rush ...just relax and hope you enjoy... more to come. The room was empty now, his crying had stopped, his bottom felt like the fire was dissipating but he was sure what ever make-up Debra had applied that morning was now in smears and dripping down his face. The private room had a second door and he hoped that it would lead to bath room or such that included access to a sink and a mirror....
Man Dating - Chapter 12 "It's been a while since we have seen you Jake, everything going well for you?" Tom Harrison asked as he stood up from his desk and walked around to the front to grab Jakes hand in a meaty and friendly handshake. It was almost a competition as to who would be favored, both men taking hold of the others offered hand. At first strength and agility were displayed as to how the grip formed, points awarded for even and full. The initial result could be...
MAN OF THE HOUSE:Your flight arrives early 6:30 in the morning. OMG, you are so handsome, and with those sleepy eyes you look soo sexy. I pick you up in my office dress, mid thigh length business skirt, white shirt, short black jacket, stockings and heels. We hug and kiss at the arrival area then with your strong arm around my waist we walk to the parking side. We talk, giggle and chuckle, I am feeling so happy with you. Suddenly, I feel your hand slide down over my womanly behind, I smile and...
Man Maid Day II Part Three August 1,2008 gennietv I won't mention the loud ripping sound, nor the intense burning that came from the back of my leg at that instant. I'm sure that if you had been there the sound was not as loud as it seemed to me, but then again it wasn't you that had your hair ripped out by the roots either. "Annie!? That HURT! You said mild discomfort. The only thing mild about that was when you were rubbing on the cloth. Can't you just shave my legs and...
Chapter 4 -The Masseuse As Jane left the room, all Tuck could remember was the soft kiss and the gentle probing finger in his butt. She had used him like that was the correct way to kiss, like it was the way she shared her affection. He could get used to it. But she also had a power, unlike any other girl he had ever been with. It was as if for that brief moment she possessed him, she owned him. How could she do that? He had never been able to make a girl feel that way. But Jane had....
PreparationThere are some things that need to happen to prepare yourself and your partner for anal sex. Step one is cleanliness. You always need to make sure your asshole and rectum are clean and prepared to handle dick. If needed, use an enema about an hour before engaging in anal sex and then clean yourself really good after you have expelled the enema liquid. Now your asshole is prepared to accept a guy's manhood. This cleanliness also allows you more options about where to take his spunk....
Man Maid Day II Part II: SHE MADE ME-UP July 2008 Gee, can you believe it? Only 3 years between installments, and 10 years since I started this short little story that was never meant to go beyond the first installment. I wish to thank all those fine sisters that have offered their feedback and support over the years, and for the patience you all have shown with my intermittent storytelling efforts. I do apologize for the delays it's always such a bother when your health fails to...
I was 23 at the time,i had not had played with a cock since i dont know when.i would say about 4 years,i had been dating the same girl and was happy with the sex i was cut a long story short we broke up and for a few months i was heartbroken but then started to get interested in sex again.i was watching far to much porn adn i just wanted to suck some cock and eat some hot was sunday afternoon and i was flicking through the local paper when i came across the personal adds.i...
-Samuel Johnson *** "Careful,” one dancer said to another. “The freak is here.” Andrea pretended not to hear them. She let her eyes adjust from the afternoon glare to the dim interior of the club and then took her regular seat. It was a slow day by the look of it, the club less than half full and only a few dancers working, but it was early yet. She was already looking around for Leila, but it seemed she wasn't on the floor yet, so Andrea just watched the stage for now. A dancer...
I had timed it just right, stepping into the back employee elevator at the stop above the parking garage. “Fancy meeting you here,” I smarmed, and she glared at me. I was taken aback, remembering our delightful kiss I had finally dared to snatch the night before. Her full body yielding in my arms. The beautiful scholar nearly twice my age and much more intelligent and accomplished than I. Her reddish-brown skin and jet-black hair cascading down to her waist, breasts the size of cantaloupes, it...
InterracialMy name is Jake. I'm 20 years old, I live at home with my mom, Cammie, and my 18 year old sister, Libby. Recently, my mom and dad have split up. I live with just mom, while Libby goes between mom and dad's house. Mom is 37, she had me young. I'm not ashamed to say she's quite attractive. She has a good body, not very curvy but she's slim. She has never had an issue getting guy's attention. I've even heard my classmates talking about her in high school like she was some prize. Almost as soon as...
IncestA true and enhanced telling of my first time being had by another man in the presence of my current husband. Raymond and I have been married for thirteen years and have a nice home and family life together. This episode took place about three years ago shortly after our ten year wedding anniversary. Ray has always had some interesting ideas about sharing me with another man. He is very keen on role play and scenarios and I do not mind indulging them sometimes. We have a small collection of toys...
DISCLAIMER This story includes adult themes, transgender (TG) elements and explicit language. It is intended for mature audiences only. Furthermore, all names and locations featured in the Bondage Boutique series are fictitious. Any resemblance to real places or people, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental and unintentional. THIS WORK MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR BELOW. PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR FOR REPRODUCTION...
Man of the House: I knew something was wrong when she said, "You don't have the right to wear trousers once you come in the front door." "What do you mean darling?" I asked. "I have just been through your drawers, Charlie, as I was looking for your credit card and I found this" she said holding up one of my bras. "Oh shit!" I thought. "You are no longer the man of the house. I don't expect to see you in trousers in this house." She stood there with her arms folded and her...
Mandating Chapter 2 Tuck was back in his car and still shaking his head. What just happened? Was that real? Did Jake have anything to do with what happened with Lawrence? He paused in his musings and squirmed a bit in his seat. The thong he was now wearing felt like it had a life of its own as it had worked its way up between his butt crack and was causing not so much an irritation but an unusual feeling; a bit of pleasure, a bit of naughtiness, he wasn't sure. It seemed as if it...
The Man Behind the Badge: Funny Face of the Swindler © 1994, 2020 by Anthony Durrant I was about to get into my car when I saw a tall woman begging for food. I gave her my lunch and then went into my car, which I started before driving off. "Thank you, sir!" she said. "You'll be duly rewarded, for I am Jaa'Dhur, a Star Beast." As I drove to my conference, I swerved to avoid a speeder and lost control of my moving car. I crashed through the siding and landed upside down,...
Thank you to WanderingScot for editing this story. I hope you enjoy it. I'm Jerry Jones. I'm twenty-six years old and work for an insurance agency owned by my girlfriend's father. Jennifer or Jen as I call her is twenty-four and a really good looking woman. I have been working for Ben Wilkinson for three years now. He hired me fresh out of college. I have taken all the state insurance exams and am licensed to sell any type of insurance. I even took the Life Underwriters training course,...
The first time I saw him was at the pub after work. We'd all been doing overtime that week. The new model's dies were not working out well and it took a lot more work to get it all assembled. So when I saw him, standing on his leather jacket with a pint in hand, I wanted to punch him. He looked like the only rested man. There was something, can't put it in words, something unique about him. At first I thought he might have been a student slumbing it down with us lowlife mechanics, but his...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I never knew how much I loved horses, until the new neighbors moved in down the street. He had a big, brown beautiful horse with great muscles, but the horse also had a fantastic owner also. How can you beat that combination! This man was medium height, had a firm muscular build all over coal black hair and a wonderful black hairy chest. That was enough of heaven for me. After awhile I got to where I would stop and feed the horse some sugar or an apple...
EroticMan of My Dreams Pt1 Carmens Story Do you know who you are? Carmen awoke with the question burning in her thoughts and though the question was an unusual one it was perhaps just as intriguing. Having a keen interest in philosophy and the deep and meaningful she pondered this question whilst looking out into the night. It was a question that had crossed her mind once or twice and always she came up with the same answer. She did not. She knew only somewhere out there was the answer, and...
It is important to understand that even though I consider myself Bi, this story is about my introduction to male bonding per say. It is the intimate details between my 37yr old cell mate and myself at 22. He was 6'-4" with a 10"-and a quarter inch black personality. I was a mere, and still am, 5'-8 @ 155lbs and Naturally smooth. My personality stands @ 7-1/2" very white inches. Chapter 2 On our way back to our cell...
Tuck has entered a new stream of life. He is no longer simply Tuck, his new persona, more correct and polished and true version is Marian. His friendship with Jake is only growing stronger but Jake has asked for guidance and additional training from his friend and business compatriot Mr. Getty. The afternoon begins at three and Young Marian is sharing his first day with Kensington, his first day of training with Mr Getty. So much more to come. Man Dating Chapter 11 "Tell me...
Man Made Woman Being angry and drunk is not a good combination. I cursed Tricia my girlfriend and to be more precise my ex-girlfriend. I had invited my gorgeous red-headed girlfriend for a nice romantic dinner at a very good Italian restaurant. I had come straight from work and sat at the bar. I had nursed a couple of drinks before Tricia appeared 40 minutes late. I was getting a little drunk. Tricia was dressed to the nines. Her low cut little black dress showed her magnificent...
Hi folks. We haven't taken a trip to the dark side in a while. Those of you wh don't like violence or extreme revenge might want to pass on this one. Thanks twice as much as usual to Mikotthebaby who served as my muse on this one besides doing her usual editing magic. Note from mikothebaby – Man in the Box by Alice in Chains is my favorite song. I urge you to go to you tube and listen to it before reading this story. I made Stang write a story about the song. I wanted a dark story so blame...
The beast was raging inside of me tonight. It would have to be fed. I hadn't let it feed in a long time. The last time was more than three months ago. The anger was strong, pounding in my head. Strength was coursing through my body, electric pulses making my muscles jump, twitching under my skin. I could barely drive, pressing the accelerator to the floor, pushing the car harder, driving far away from the city. The beast would need to roam tonight, and I was taking myself far into the woods...
We continued toward the tribal meeting site that second day, and that was when I found out just how inept I was at hunting with a lance from horseback. That afternoon was when I started work on the atlatl and darts. Fortunately, we were sheltering in a small copse of trees, so I had a source of wood for my weapons. I made a total of eight darts, four with metal points and four with points of hardened, sharpened wood. That evening, Dove asked if we could put off sex until tomorrow night. She...
We made our way to our horses and waited for our friends to show up. Eventually they did, but the delay was caused by one of the men having a broken leg. It was a simple break, so I was able to set it and apply a splint before we rode back home. The consensus was that the raid had been successful, but it had been a lot more work than anybody had anticipated. When we got home and the story of the raid was told in excruciating detail by everybody, yes, I was finally learning how to act...
My name is Chris and I'm sitting on the edge of a 6-foot-wide bed in a comfortable four-star hotel in London. I am naked except for a tight black thong. My hard cock is making a firm and very noticeable bulge in this sexy underwear. I am nervous but excited and my balls are aching with anticipation. I arrived in this room about an hour ago with a small overnight bag which contained only minimal clothing, I won't be wearing much in the hours to come, but it did contain the essential toys that...
After a fun visit to California last year to check out colleges, my wife's little sister Cindy did end up enrolling at UCLA and moved into our back bedroom since the cost of renting in Westwood is prohibitive. Plus, she needed some help adjusting to the casual style here in southern California. Well, I thought she needed help anyway.Cindy went through sorority rush in the fall and joined a popular group of girls on campus. I assumed the pretty redhead was well on her way to a busy social...
My Name Is Diana Jenkins,I Am 19 Years Old,I Heard On The News Today That 'The Birch' Has Finally Been Banned On The Isle Of Man-And Am I Glad It Finally Has Been!I Am One Of The Last Few Girls To Have Felt Its Sting-I Still Have Nightmares To This Day About It!There Are Still Some Small Scars That It Left That I Can See On My Buttocks And Thighs-Like Tiny Wriggling Little Worms- I Fear That I Will Carry Then With Me Till The Day I Die!The Events That Led To This Life Changing Experience Began...
The next morning, Dove wanted a quickie before breakfast. That was something new for her. I wondered if it had anything to do with her feelings of insecurity, or was she just feeling sexy? Who cares, as long as Dove was happy. I sure as hell didn't care, because Dove was good, whether for a quickie or for a full-blown fuck session. We had our usual breakfast of hot jerky stew and tortillas. I still don't know what that tea was made from, but it sure was not a adequate substitute for the...