- 3 years ago
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I was fifteen when my dad walked out on my mother and me. It was the typical story of a man leaving his wife and family for a younger woman. In this case it was for his secretary who was ten years younger than mom. At first, mom was pretty devastated. I just pretty much took it in stride. He had never been much of a father, always seeming to be too wrapped up in his work or hobbies to spend any time with me. I figured he hadn’t really wanted kids and I was just a mistake as far as he was concerned.
I’m Jeff, by the way. Jeff Bradley and my mom’s name is Sarah.
I became the man of the house for the next year and a half. Doing all the tasks and chores my father had done or hired someone to do. Dad was paying child support to mom as ordered by the court but nothing more. Mom had a job working at a real estate agency and between what she made and the child support we got by. There wasn’t much left at the end of the month but we didn’t go without the basic needs.
As I said earlier, dad’s leaving was a pretty big blow to mom. When she was at home, she would sit around the house depressed. She still went to work and cooked my meals and made sure I had clean clothes to wear but little else. Since I would get home from school before she came in I would spend an hour or two cleaning the house and wait until after dinner to hit the books and finish my homework. I wanted mom to know I was there for her and would give her hugs and kiss her cheek and tell her I loved her. Don’t get the wrong idea. I wasn’t coming on to my mother. I was trying to console her.
It was eight months before my mother seemed to return to normal. As she did she realized all the things I had been taking care of and told me how proud she was of me and she would do the cleaning again and I needed to get out more and spend time with my friends. I did go out once in a while but I rarely stayed gone too long. I wanted to keep an eye on her and make sure she didn’t slip back into her depression.
About a year after my dad had left Don Wilson and his daughter moved to our town. He was a rather successful lawyer and had taken a job with a large firm here in Dallas. We lived in one of the suburbs of Dallas. Anyway, Don had used the agency where my mom worked to find a new home for him and his daughter. He had noticed mom and asked her out. She turned him down the first three times but he was persistent. Mom finally relented and agreed to go to dinner with him. She still had a big issue with trust. Don was a total gentleman during their first date. He never pressured mom or even made any unwanted overtures to her great relief, and she agreed to another date. This led to a third, fourth and so on.
I began to see a real change in mom, she was happy again. I would even catch her humming to herself. I had met Don when he would come to pick mom up so they could go out. I liked him from the start. There wasn’t anything phony about him. He was friendly and had a good sense of humor. We often talked if mom was running a little late.
It was three months before my eighteenth birthday when mom said she was making dinner for Don on Saturday. He was bringing his daughter with him and begged me to please eat with them. I told her I would be there even though It meant I had to cancel the hottest date I had ever had. Mom could tell I was joking about the date part and kissed my cheek. I did date occasionally but it was never anything serious. I rarely went out with the same girl more than twice. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t just use them then dump them. It’s just that I never seemed to really clicked with them.
Saturday evening came and I was in the living room watching sports on the tube when the doorbell rang. Mom was in the kitchen, so I went to answer it. When I opened the door I saw Don standing behind a very pretty brunette. This must be Don’s daughter. When my eyes met her’s she just rolled her eyes and gave me a disgusted look. Standing behind her Don missed this.
I had never met Don’s daughter before, even though we went to the same school. But, I knew who she was. She was a member of the rich bitch clique who only dated jocks or guys from wealthy families who had the cash to spend on them. They looked down on anyone not in their group. Mom and I weren’t rich and I wasn’t a jock so I didn’t interact with them. I hung out with a small group of average guys. We had similar interests and none of them were trouble makers.
I chose to ignore the look and invited them in. Don came in and introduced his daughter to me. Her name was Liz, short for Elizabeth. I held my hand out to shake her’s but quickly dropped it when she looked at it as if I had leprosy. I told Don that mom was in the kitchen and he headed that way. Liz turned and looked around the house shaking her head. I was getting royally pissed now. Mom and I lived in a middle class home and it was nicely decorated as mom has good taste. Granted it wasn’t a palace but I was proud to live here and didn’t appreciate this stuck up cunt coming in to my home and putting it down.
For mom’s sake I clamped down on my emotions and asked Liz if she would like something to drink. Without even looking at me she just said ‘No’ and walked over to the couch and sat down. I had to get out of the room and calm down. I said nothing, just turned and went to my bedroom. By the time I heard mom come out and ask Liz where I was, I had control of myself.
Mom came to my door and stared at me curiously and said dinner was ready. I didn’t say anything, just nodded and followed her to the dining room. Our dining table sat six. Don was seated at the head of the table and Liz was sitting to his left. Mom took her chair on the right hand side of Don. The only empty place setting was in front of the chair next to Liz. I walked to the end of the table opposite Don and pulled out the chair. Mom had put each setting on a fancy placemat and I reached over and pulled mine in front of me and took a seat.
Don looked at me with a curious expression but didn’t say anything. The look I got from mom let me know that she didn’t appreciate my actions. I simply smiled and told her everything smelled wonderful. Don agreed and began to pass the platter around. I was hungry and dug in. One of the few times I glanced up I could tell that Liz was barely picking around at the food on her plate. The conversation was mostly between my mother and Don. I finished eating and was excusing myself, when Don spoke up.
‘Jeff, please stay. Your mother and I have an announcement and we wanted you and Liz here with us at the same time. Jeff, I have asked your mother to marry me and she has said yes.’
The consequences of this statement didn’t even enter my mind. I was happy for my mother. I was pretty sure that Don would be good for her. I stood and walked behind my mother and held my hand out to Don.
‘Congratulations Don,’ I said sincerely, shaking his hand. ‘I know you have made my mother happy and will take good care of her.’
Don gave my a broad smile. ‘Thank you, Jeff. Your approval means a lot to me and your mother.’
I kissed mom on the cheek and congratulated her too.
Don looked over at his daughter. ‘Liz.’
‘Oh yeah, congratulations or what ever. Anyway, the girls are waiting for me so I need to run.’ she said coldly. She stood up and walked out the front door.
Don glared at his daughter’s back as she walked out but he refused to let her ruin his good mood. Don told me he was taking mom dancing. I told them to go ahead and I would clear the table and clean the kitchen. I walked them to the door. Mom hugged me and kissed my cheek.
‘I love you, Jeff. You are the best son a mother could ever wish for.’
‘Ah geez, mom. Don’t get all mushy on me,’ I said with a grin. ‘Go enjoy yourself.’
Don held out his hand to me and gave me a firm handshake. ‘You’re a fine young man, Jeff. Thanks again for your blessings.’
‘Crimeny, both you love birds are getting mushy.
Go on, have fun. I’ve got a kitchen to clean,’ I said laughing. Mom and Don were both laughing as they walked to his car.
They had set a wedding day for three months from now, about three weeks after my eighteenth birthday. It wasn’t until the acutal day of my birthday that the reality of the consequences of mom’s marriage set in. Mom had made my favorite meal and of course Don came to celebrate my official arrival into adulthood. I was relieved to see Don was alone when he arrived and his daughter was no where in sight. When Don went into the kitchen I overheard mom ask if Liz had come. Don did his best to make up some lame excuse about Liz having something or other she had to do. I knew the real reason she wasn’t there and it suited me just fine. Her presence would just put a damper on my big day.
Mom put the meal on the table and we sat to eat. A few bites in Don asked mom, ‘Well, darling have you started packing yet? I can’t wait until you move in.’
Mom laughed, ‘Actually I was going to start this week. I’ve listed the house with my agency.’
Don looked at me. ‘I think you will like your new room, Jeff.’
‘New room?’ I said questioningly.
‘Yes, Jeff. Your new room. You and your mother will be moving in with us as soon as we’re married.’ Don said.
‘Uh, yeah sure.’ I said none to articulately.
I knew that once they were married they would live together. Of course they would. But, up to now I hadn’t thought what that meant for me. Maybe it was a subconscious attempt to block out the fact that I would be living in the same house as Liz. Fuck. Well that went a long way at throwing cold water on my good mood. I had to get out and think. Mom knew I planned to meet up with some friends who had a small party planned for me. I quickly finished eating and told mom and Don that I was going to meet my buddies. Mom looked at me with concern but only asked me to be careful and not party too much. I assured her I would be careful and headed out.
The prospect of being in the same house as Liz on a daily basis did kill some of my party mood. I know my friends could tell but they were cool enough not to pry. I spent much of the night trying to think of a solution to my problem, finally resigning myself to the inevitable. The next day mom asked me if something was wrong and I did my best to reassure her that everything was fine. I didn’t want her to worry with her wedding coming up.
The day before the wedding I had moved the last of my stuff into my new room. It really was a nice room. I even had my own private bathroom and it had a high speed internet connection. That was nice because I sometimes liked to play games with my buddies online. Yeah, yeah, and check out the free porn sites, too. Give me a break I was eighteen with the normal hormone level of any eighteen year old male. I spent the night before the wedding in my new room. Mom, in the tradition of the groom not seeing the bride the day before the wedding, stayed at a girlfriends house.
The wedding was on Saturday, so Friday after school I would be going to my new house to spend my first night there. I knew Liz and her little clique usually headed for the mall after school so I stopped at the drive in on my way to Don’s house and got a burger, fries and a shake. I went to my room and closed the door planning not to leave my room until it was time to leave for the wedding the next day. Don got home shortly after I did and came to my room to see if I was hungry. I held up the last of my burger I was finishing and told him I was fine and that I had a major paper I had to work on and wouldn’t have much time, what with the wedding and all. He seemed to buy my story and left.
I was online playing a game when I heard Liz going into her room. Her door was right across the hall from mine. I just turned up my head phones louder to help block out any noise that reminded of the fact she was that close. I slept fitfully that night.
The next morning I got up early, dressed and grabbed the suit I was going to wear and headed out. Don was already up and in the kitchen and I told him I was going to make sure mom didn’t need anything at the last minute. Don asked if I wanted breakfast and I told him I would grab something on my way. What I really wanted was to get out of there before Liz got up.
I was to ride in the limo with mom to the church and I would be walking her down the aisle. My grandfather, mom’s dad, had passed on a few years ago, so I got to do the honors. The wedding went great. Mom looked beautiful. It really was so good to see her this happy. Liz and I just ignored each other at the church and did the same at the reception.
Don had booked a suite for him and mom in the hotel for the night. The next day they were flying out for a two week honeymoon. The reception was nice. Friends of both my mother and Don were there to help celebrate their wedding. Mom danced with her new husband several times. Anyone could see they were in love by how they looked in each others eyes as they danced. Don announced that he was taking his bride to their room and the bar would be open for another hour for those who chose to stay. I went and shook Don’s hand and kissed my mother’s cheek and wished them luck.
I had seen Liz with a couple girls from her clique that she had invited to the reception. I looked around and spotted them still sitting at a table. I knew if I left now I could avoid her. I hurried out to my car and sped home and locked myself in my bedroom. I put my headphones on and listened to music until I fell asleep. I didn’t hear if Liz had come home.
I woke up Sunday morning and headed down to the kitchen to see if I could rustle up some breakfast. Just as I got to the bottom of the stairs a somewhat worse for wear Liz came strolling in. It was obvious she was just now getting home. She looked up to see me coming down the stairs.
‘What are you looking at, loser,’ she spat at me.
I glared at her. ‘I am looking at a nothing. An absolute nothing.’ I spun around and stomped back up the stairs leaving her standing with her mouth open. She couldn’t believe that a lowlife nobody like me would dare to speak to her that way.
I locked my bedroom door behind me and pulled out my cell phone and called my buddy Jake. He had graduated last year and had a job working for his fathers construction company and his own apartment. I talked him into letting me crash there for the next two weeks. I wasn’t going to put up with that cunt’s bullshit while mom and Don weren’t here. I grabbed a duffel bag and stuffed what I needed into it and headed out. As I was packing I had heard Liz’s bedroom door slam and I felt lucky that I didn’t have to see her on my way out.
Jake was a responsible guy. He didn’t have wild parties. So the next two weeks weren’t filled with two guys living it up. He had to work and I had school and my homework to do. All in all, we made good roommates. It sure was a hell of a lot better than putting up with Liz’s shit.
Mom called my cell phone a week into her honeymoon. She and Don were having a great time. She said she had called the house but no one answered. I told her I was at a friends house studying for a history test we both had the next day. Then she asked how I was getting along with Liz. I told her there were no problems. It was like she wasn’t even there. I wasn’t lying.
A week later mom called my cell to let me know that they had arrived at the airport and would be on their way home shortly. I grabbed up my duffel bag which I had already packed and thanked Jake for his hospitality and headed back to my new home. I wasn’t surprised to see Liz’s car gone. In fact I wondered if she had even been home at all during the last two weeks, not that I gave a shit.
I was in my room when mom and Don got home and went down to greet them and help Don with the luggage. My mother was excited to see me and gave me a smothering hug. We got everything into their bedroom and we sat in the living ro
om where they told me all about their honeymoon. I heard Liz’s car pull into the drive way as mom was concluding the details of their trip. I excused myself telling them I had homework due tomorrow that I needed to finish and would see them at dinner. Liz came in and we passed each other as I headed for the stairs. I chuckled to myself at the glare she gave me.
Liz did eat at the table with us that night. We didn’t speak to each other. Hell, I never even looked at her. Mom, and I’m sure Don too, noticed. Mom came to talk to me later.
‘Jeff, what’s up between you and Liz? I haven’t ever seen either of you speak to each other and you didn’t even look at her tonight.’
‘Mom, it’s nothing to worry about. We just run in different circles and don’t have anything in common so there’s not much for us to talk about,’ I told her. That much was true, so again I wasn’t lying. I just left out the part of Liz’s hatred and contempt for me.
‘Jeff, I wish you try to at least talk to her, okay, honey?’ she asked of me.
‘Mom, I’m sure everything will be fine. It’s just all so new, what with us living under the same roof,’ I answered, avoiding making any promises.
The next week was pretty much a repeat. If we saw each other she would glare at me and I would smirk at her. That was our only form of communication. She ate dinner with us some nights, but was out with her friends on the others. It was a Monday evening, a week after mom’s honeymoon, when I volunteered to do the dishes. Mom thanked me and she and Don went to the den. I hadn’t really paid any attention to the fact that Liz was still at the table as her habit was to hastily eat then take off. I was putting the last of the dishes in the dishwasher, except for her’s, and while bent over I felt an entire glass of ice cold water poured over my back.
I stood up and yanked my shirt over my head. Until now Liz had never seen me in anything but baggy tee shirts. When she looked at me, bare from the waist up, she gasped. I had started taking karate classes when I was thirteen so had always been in good shape. Then I began to work out with weights two years ago. I never pushed to be an over muscled body builder but I did have highly defined abs and pecs. I was fairly slender at the hips and my muscles flared out as the met my shoulders.
‘What the fuck are you doing,’ I yelled as loud as I could. My wrath temporarily startled her and she took two steps back. I saw her face cloud over and she was just about to tell me off when Don came running in.
‘What’s going on here?’ he demanded to know.
‘Your daughter’ I spat out emphasizing the word daughter, as I glared back at her. ‘Just poured a glass of ice water down my back.’
I turned and brushed past Don and headed for my room. Behind me I could hear Liz begin to whine, ‘It was an accident Daddy. I was trying to help and my glass slipped.’
I didn’t hear anymore as I ascended the stairs. Mom came to my room about an hour later to check on me. She said that Liz had said she was sorry and it was an accident. I just looked at my mother and told her that hell would freeze over before I believed she was sorry for anything she had ever done. Mom could see I was boiling mad and didn’t push me anymore.
The next week when I came home I would lock myself in my bedroom and only come out at dinner time. I would eat with Mom and Don if Liz wasn’t home. If she was I would take my plate to my room and eat alone. Mom and Don both came up to my room three days after the incident to try to talk to me but I told them there was nothing to discuss. I refused to speak and they left my room
I knew I was upsetting my mother but I had reached a point that I was afraid of what I might do. Even though I was avoiding the real issues, I felt that staying as far possible from Liz was the best course of action.
The next attack came the following Saturday. Don had taken my mom to the mall. I had been playing a little basketball with my buddies and had just got home and went to shower. I hadn’t seen Liz’s car when I got home so I thought I was alone. I forgot to lock my bedroom door, just stripped and jumped into the shower. I was thinking about this cute gal from my class who was hanging around the courts earlier that day and the crop top shirt showing her bare midriff and her daisy duke shorts and her nice long legs. My cock was becoming quite stiff so I soaped it up and was gently stroking myself. Suddenly a wave of ice cold water come over the top of the shower curtain. I screamed and ripped the curtain back to see Liz standing there with a bucket in her hand. I don’t know what she expected but now she was staring at me totally naked. Her eyes went to my cock. I had shrunk a couple inches from the shock of the ice water but I still hung down a respectable seven inches and fairly thick. She didn’t get to stare long.
Friday evening I didn't have any plans as I made arrangements with Jessica on Thursday to go to a club Saturday night. I relaxed and rested the whole of Friday. My stepsister was first home at about 4 30 from varsity, our mom literally walked in 2 minutes later and a few mins after that our dad. We all greeted each other and then our dad asked Amy and I what our plans for the evening were? I answered first saying that I'm home tonight relaxing as I'm going clubbing tomorrow night. Amy answered...
After spending a wonderful Thursday by Claire I stayed home the friday with my mom and dad helping prepare Christmas day lunch. Friday went by rather quickly and before I knew it was 9pm and I was already laying in bed chatting to my girlfriend Jessica. I fell asleep while we messaging as I was pretty dead. Waking up Christmas morning I got up and went to wish my family a merry Christmas. We all slowly got up and then had a light breakfast, so the big lunch wouldn't be ruined. After breakfast...
A while after watching my stepsister play with her cunt in her bed, I found myself chatting to her one afternoon while we were home alone. Our parents were out at a show and her and I were having a drink together. Our conversation soon went sexual for some reason and we both felt rather comfortable with each other to talk about our sexual experiences. She soon asked me if I have any fetishes and I replied yes and asked if she had any. She to said she does and asked if I could tell her mine...
Aaron Sanders was shocked when he heard that his father had remarried. His mother had died when he was young, and it had always just been him and his dad. When he was going to college at Pitt, his father told him during his senior year that he was dating a woman, but getting married only three months into their relationship was a huge shock. Heather was a woman who had been divorced a long time and he guessed they just fell into a mindset of hurrying up because they were both in their forties....
Aaron Sanders was shocked when he heard that his father had remarried. His mother had died when he was young, and it had always just been him and his dad. When he was going to college at Pitt, his father told him during his senior year that he was dating a woman, but getting married only three months into their relationship was a huge shock. Heather was a woman who had been divorced a long time and he guessed they just fell into a mindset of hurrying up because they were both in their forties....
Hi, i'm mark . A normal teen boy with the usual teen interests. I'm about 1,8m tall, weigh about 75kg, blue eyes, dark brown hair. I'm no superman, but keep myself in decent shape.I have a stepsister, Lisa who is 18. She is tall, slim, with long light brown hair, and beautiful C cup breasts and a nice round butt. I always sneak a peek at her whenever i can get a look at her body. But never actually thought about having sex with her, until tonight that is.We were very close, and had quickly...
I want to fuck my stepsister. I know some people will be turned on by that statement, while others will be mortified. Even though there is no shared DNA or blood relation, many people will still consider me a sick fuck for wanting to do my stepsister. To each their own. But I didn’t always want to have sex with her. When my dad and her mom got married two years ago, I didn't pay much attention to her, let alone notice how attractive she was. Our interaction with each other was tepid at best....
TabooThe vulnerability of my stepmother aroused me first, a primitive biological urge harkening back to the plains of the Great Rift Valley when our ancestors slept in trees and sowed their seed whenever and with whomever they could in the survival of the fittest or, in my case, the most voyeuristically surreptitious. Add the sibling rivalry of a brother with his stepsister and color it with the twisted desire of i****t, one of the biggest taboos of our culture, a taboo so tempting that it is...
Aaron Sanders was shocked when he heard that his father had remarried. His mother had died when he was young, and it had always just been him and his dad. When he was going to college at Pitt, his father told him during his senior year that he was dating a woman, but getting married only three months into their relationship was a huge shock. Heather was a woman who had been divorced a long time and he guessed they just fell into a mindset of hurrying up because they were both in their forties....
Mom walks through the front door to a house that is more like a small cottage like she has lived here forever. We are greeted by a girl, she looks like she is the same age as me but that is where the similarities end, she has long wavy naturally blonde hair, bright blue eyes, tanned skin that looks natural and not like it has been sprayed on and a body that any girl would kill for, she is tall and skinny with long legs, a flat stomach, a cute round face with a large smile and what look like D...
I got up and showered to ready myself for another day of relaxation. As I got out of the shower and toweled myself dry, I glanced out the bathroom window overlooking the back deck and saw that I was not alone. My stepsister, Christine, was walking through the back yard, onto the deck. She was staying with us for a couple of weeks until she could move into her new apartment. She was wearing running shorts, a white t-shirt, sunglasses, and a baseball-style cap. Seemed she was coming back from a...
Chapter 1: Intro When my Mother passed away 6 years ago after a prolonged struggle with cancer, my Dad was crushed by the loss. I didn't think he would ever get over it. Eventually however, he did, and he ended up marrying a wonderful lady who lived in his condo in Miami Beach. My Dad was 62 at the time, and Eloise was 60. I credit her with saving his life. In addition to a new step-mother, I also gained two step-sisters and their families, who I met for the first time at the wedding. The...
A few months back I needed to do my history paper so I borrowed her laptop. Half way through writing my paper I checked my e-mail. A friend of mine sent me his paper to compare notes. Not sure where on her laptop the paper got downloaded I started looking around. That's when I found it. A hidden folder of her pics. Her nude pics. My stepsister had taken several pictures of herself in very compromising positions. There were pics of her in her underwear, topless, bottomless, full nude,...
Cheryl I am a longtime admirer of Xhamster and have toughly enjoyed everyone’s pic,vids and of the great stories. I figured it’s about time I start submitting a few of mine form my early years to the present. This 1st story is from when I was in my 20s and was living w my then girlfriend at her dads and stepmoms place. I had been dating my girlfriend for about 4 months when we decide to move in at her dads and stepmoms home. My girlfriend was a about 135 w 38D tits and a sweet ass that...
My stepsister was a real bitch. She knew she looked good, and that her ass was a perfect upside down, heart-shape. She knew she had knock-out tits and smooth beautiful skin to go with her light brown hair. Her eyes were blue, her body perfect. And she knew it, and she showed it. She showed it to me, around the house. That’s what made her such a bitch. She knew she had the goodies, and she teased me continually. She would wear tight shorts that rode up between her ass cheeks, and...
Jade and Michael didn't exactly have a close relationship and neither of them were too happy about having to live together when they're parents had announced it the previous year, however they were dealing with it and they're parents had thought it was a good idea to leave them for the night so that they could bond. They didn't really share any interests. Michael was a nice, outgoing guy with plenty of friends. He was 5'11 and had a good, lean body that he usually kept under his clothes....
Introduction: Sorry if this sucks guys, its my first time writing so its not that good, before if people like it, Ill be sure to continue with the story. It was around 8:30 pm and Jades mum and stepfather had just left to go out for a meal and then were staying in a hotel until the following morning for there anniversary and therefore leaving 14 year old Jade, her 17 stepbrother Michael and Jades little 7 year old sister Emily alone at home for the night. They decided to get some snacks and...
My name is Ryan, and I’m twenty-five. I have black hair, and brown eyes. I have a stepsister named Kate, who is twenty-seven, and she just got divorced. She caught her husband cheating, and she was devastated. She came right to me, because she had no one else to go to. She cried in my arms constantly, and I had no idea what to do or say. We had been close ever since our parents introduced us, so she didn’t waste a lot of time asking me if she could move in with me. Sadly, we both lost our...
My stepsister Sarah and I were not typical siblings growing up. Our parents got together when we were about five and six years old. Sure we fought, hated each other, screamed.... but, as we got older, at night we loved having someone to hold. It started with a movie night. I was sixteen, she a year older, and we fell asleep on the floor. I woke in the middle of the night to find we were cuddling. Her hand was at the top of my shorts and an arm wrapped around me. I rolled over and played with...
TabooMy name is Ryan, and I'm twenty-five. I have black hair, and brown eyes. I have a stepsister named Kate, who is twenty-seven, and she just got divorced. She caught her husband cheating, and she was devastated. She came right to me, because she had no one else to go to. She cried in my arms constantly, and I had no idea what to do or say.We had been close ever since our parents introduced us, so she didn't waste a lot of time asking me if she could move in with me. Sadly, we both lost our...
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SwingerLife is going smoothly for Benni, he’s sorted out his double-dipping problem and is happy that Bess seems to adore him. That’s a big improvement on her mother whose interest seemed confined to his tongue, fingers and penis, though that doesn’t necessarily indicate that daughters are more sophisticated than their mothers. Here we learn more about Benni – his childhood and more about the reason for him being booted out of college, narrowly missing jail. It just seems to drag on… TEN Bess...
Not my story - found elsewhereMy stepsisters! Long before I met Amy, I became addicted to watching and being watched. When I was younger, still living at home with my parents, I slept in a room that was directly next to both of my sisters, a common door connected our rooms, but it remained closed most of the time. Every once in a while, when I could not sleep, I would knock on the door and talk with them. There was nothing going on, I would simply sit on the floor between their beds and talk...
Steve looked at the new au pair and liked what he saw. She was about 5 feet 7 inches tall, had long blond hair to her waist and the most amazing blue eyes. What impressed him most were the large breasts and legs which were barely covered by her short skirt. She smiled as Steve's parents Mike and Lucy welcomed her. He could see his mum frown at her short skirt and revealing top. "These are our two sons, Steve who is thirteen and our son Robert who is nearly four. Our daughter Rachel who...
Julie was lying in bed in England on her first night back from Africa. She went with a well known archeologist, Mr Merrin, who was previously knowas Father Merrin. Father Merrin, as we shall call him, lost his faith afterit had been tested by living in Nazi-occupied Europe, and so he decided toleave the Church. The scene is a familiar one to those who lived through their times. In asmall town in Poland, three German soldiers were killed. The three Germanswere singled out for attack by the...
This is story of an erratic journey from college disaster to eventual ‘coming of age’ of a very unusual and troubled young man. Benni is not really liked by his mom, whereas a very limited number of other women are prepared to shoulder his undesirable attributes to get a piece of him. Be warned, he’s not a graduate from Sunday school nor the model family, and he doesn’t think and act like you may well do and/or expect him to. But the contention is that while Benni may frustrate and disappoint...
During Season 6 Willow turn evil. She was slowly corrupted by dark magic. She loved the power. Soon she snapped totally. It happen at the end of the season. She killed Warren after he killed Tara. She beat up Buffy gang and almost destroyed the world. She was evil and witty. She was cruel and sexy but it didn't last long. Xander talked her out of destroying the world. He such a bastard. The evil Willow that we all know and loved was gone. Gone was the sexy girl that dress and black and was a...
"Ahahaha, take that! Not so loud anymore when you can't even get a proper hit in, huh? This'll be your end, Rider Raichi! Attack, my lovely minions! Get him down to the ground where he belongs!" Raichi Ikeda, known as the hero Rider Raichi to the world at large, was in a pinch - one that even his trusty, power-enhancing suit of armor didn't seem to be able to get him out of. His assessment of the opponent was too naive - he way underestimated what the slime girl in front of him, the...
I think you'll like this chapter - NEW CHARACTER! Also, I stopped with chapter numbers - I prefer giving them crappy little titles now. Enjoy! --- “You may now kiss the bride …” No, Julie and I didn’t get married – Thank God. Don’t worry; I would’ve thought the same thing. This may come as somewhat of a surprise, but our Mom just re-married. Allow me to explain: It was about three months ago. Mom had been trying dating sites to find someone since Dad passed on years before....
I had just turned sixteen when my mother told me she was getting remarried. She had been dating this nice guy for more than six months, but I still didn’t know much about him.All I knew was that he had worked with mom and soon after he left he started to date mom. I also knew he had a daughter, a gorgeous girl of nineteen called Tatiana.At sixteen I had never really had much contact with girls and knew I would be shy when we all lived together. Mom told me that they had bought a new house and...
Taboo(feel free to change the names to whoever you want via the three red bars in the right-hand corner) You sit quietly in the waiting room, as you wait for the train to pull into the station. Lucky for you your phone vibrates as you get a message from Dani saying that the train will arrive in 5 minutes. It's already half an hour late, but what're another 5 minutes going to do, so you pull out your phone and decide to watch some videos on YouTube. Finally, the train arrives and you stand up to see...
IncestJohn’s life had been going very well, until his dad decided to remarry. This brought a new woman and her daughter into his house, two people John saw as a bimbo trophy wife and a huge bitch from his school, though those were kinda unfair. His home really wasn’t big enough for the new people, so he lost a lot of his room space to the daughter, while much of the living space and kitchen were lost to the mother. he decided to just put his head down and finish out the year, so he could go off to...
TeenChristine had developed a slight crush on her nerdy stepbrother Jack for some time, ever since their parents got together. Christine was known as a bit of a slut at the high school, she'd given blow jobs to virtually all the football team as well as hand jobs to a few others.Hell, she'd even fucked the coach of the team one night when everyone had left. I mean, what guy could resist the temptation of a hot, young girl in a cheerleader outfit - especially when she demonstrates she can do the...
TabooJust a bit of fun this time, purely fictional. Like most mornings I’m up making my stepbrother and myself breakfast before we head out to the University. It’s his first year and my third, our parents only willing to pay if we went local and stayed at home. That surely made things easy but there is always more of a price to pay. One of those is my pervy stepbrother, if not sneaking peeks at me it’s jacking off in my used panties as I’ve caught him at both many times. I love the little fucker or...
The night was young when my pretty little step-sister walked down the stairs in her little skimpy shorts and tank top asking for a back massage. This was new to me, because I had always been a shut-in and never had girls ask me for anything but the answer to number 6. This was extremely rare and I decided to jump on it with as much enthusiasm as I could. "Yea Amanda!" I croaked as I nearly jumped off the couch."Great," she said, "soccer really has me tensed up."I looked down at her smooth tan...
Were it not for the start-of-summer BBQ at my place of work, this beautiful ending to an emotional story would never have come to pass. Hell, I had not even planned to go to the start-of-summer party since invariably, most of the employees insisted on an open bar, reducing them to quivering jelly by the end of the night. I rarely drink enough to get past sobriety, so the single fact that an open bar was in attendance, wrinkled at my good senses. Be that as it may, I was given a complimentary...
It started back in my sophomore year of high school. My fatherwas overseas with his construction firm on a six month build when my auntMarie had her accident. My mom wanted to fly up to see her in the hospital,but it was the middle of the school year, and she didn't want me missingany classes. That was when a neighbor of ours, and a close friend of myparents', offered to let me stay with her and her daughter while my mom wasout of town. She promised to feed me, make sure I didn't stay out in...
Editors note: hi I'm doing this on a iPod so sorry about grammar :/Hi my names Alex, I'm 16, 5ft 10, brown hair and brow eyes, well build a QB for my high school. I've just been adopted in to a new house as my mum died at birth and my dad died in a movie ascendance. I don't know a lot about my mum as I never saw here, but my dad was my life to me. He was a movie actor in many big Hollywood films. When he died on 3/2/2011 I got his riches but that means nothing to me. Now I'm just on a plane to...
IncestWell a couple weeks went by since my step sister helped me out (of my shorts)and poped my cherry, we screwed a couple more times, since mom and stepdad were still at the condo. On my way home from an afternoon workout at the gym listening to an oldies station a song came on that brought me back to when it was about a month after my parents split up and mom and I were in our new place and after a day of riding bikes with my friends I was putting my bike in the garage off the back of the house...
Recently after my parents went their separate ways,I decided to stay with Audrey, my mother because the way she was treated by dad. well mother, a very attractive auburn hair, blue eyes and a athletic body found a man that treats her like a queen and the best part is now I have a step sister Jill, who when in high school was jockey apprentice and rode in some events I remember looking at her in those riding tights and jerking off in the shower, well she went on to college and almost made the...
Last week was Spring break for my step sisters college. My daddy told me, she might be home, so make up the extra room for her. Normally, Sally stays with her mom, but for sme reason she wanted to come here.I went to the guest room, put clean sheets on the bed, fluffed the pillows, dusted and vaccuumed the floor.When my brother Scotty got home he asked what I was doing. I told him that his sister was coming here for Spring break. He seemed happy, but told me that I need to watch her, cuz...
I have told you of my first experience with a woman in ‘My First Woman’ a tale of my first sexual intercourse at the age of 18. Now having had my penis in Elizabeth on a number of occasions and having pumped a lot of sperm into her willing vagina, I want to tell you about June my step sister. Actually she was my stepfather’s stepdaughter so I don’t know what that makes her but she liked sex. June was 31 at the time of our first sexual encounter. June had a daughter of 3 years and had been...
IncestEvil Magic World 4 - The Fall of a Model Jenny was a cute teenager. At 17, she was a student to become a model, a formation that was given only to the most attractive women. She had been selected two years ago, and had already gone successfully through two selections. In two other years she would become a top model, and would be affected to the greatest creators. She would be famous and enjoy a comfortable life, with a rich husband and a few children. But this future would be hers only...
Vicky was 16 years old and he was a beautiful boy he was average height smooth body and he had very beautiful eyes as well. He was very popular in school amongst all the girls and the boys but he just had friendship with all and never had anything else although almost everyone wanted something more from him. Vicky had two younger brothers Jim and Kyle and they were 13 and 12 years old they were also beautiful kids and they both had hairless smooth bodies just like their elder brother...
I'm such a sweet person. At least that's what I have been told on many occasions. How I was able to write such an inherently evil story is beyond my comprehension. I had just finished another story, Revenge, for another inter-net site, when I started this one. This story just flowed into my keyboard as it appears here. You are forewarned. *********************************************************** Evil Step Daughter By Carol Collins Eighteen year old...
The usual disclaimers: If for age, legal, or moral reasons you shouldn't read this story, don't. This is a work of fiction. None of this could ever happen. We wish. This story is fattening. Evil Witch: Harvest of Hate By shalimar I don't need Fictionmania the way I used to since becoming the Evil Witch. I usually help out as a volunteer and am usually a brash voice of reason on the Hyperboard. My happy duties as the wife of Norm and mother of seven girls take a lot of...
Evil Step Mother By Jane Astin "I want my daddy! I want my daddy!" screamed little William. A long brown haired woman in her late teens with brown eyes picked up the child and spoke towards a hand held camera held up by a young teenage girl. "Hello hunny buns. Surprised to see me? How was your business trip? I bet you didn't expect to come home to a box with your name on it. If you don't do exactly as I say you will never see your precious William again. Inside the box with...
Evil Office Girls by Silvy Richards Sharing a large office place with four young and beautiful female coworkers, Ron loved his job being a high end real estate agent. Himself and the four women he worked with, were also known as the 'Fantastic Five' in their corner of the business world. They each had their own makeshift cubical, where they did most of their transactions over the phone. The competition between them was fierce, considering all the crazy...
Evil Magic World: The Begining By Pulsar Magic had appeared ten years ago, when scientists were dealing with nuclear fusion. During an experiment, they had created a door between dimensions, and discovered another world, ruled by magic. Negotiators were sent to obtain the secrets of the magic, but the goals of the political leaders were clear to the magicians: they wanted magic only to rule the earth. So the magicians went to a secret place, and decided what to decide about...
Evil Magic World 2: The Fugitives By Pulsar His name was Erik. It was his birthday and he was proud of himself! He was strong, clever and had been selected to be an engineer, which was what he wanted to do. His parents were cool with him, and at 18, he had just two more years of studies so he could be on his own! A good work, a good wife, a few slaves if he could afford some, the road was all traced before him. He was going out with Lydia, as they had grown up together. She...
Holidays had ended, and the time was back for studies. Tony, a 17 years old teenager woke up that day with the thought in his mind. Quickly, he dressed up, went downstairs to meet his parents and have breakfast. He hurried up, because he did not wanted to be late on his first day. Twenty minutes after, he was in the bus, travelling to the school with some of his neighbour's friends. Tony was the only child in a common citizen's family. His parents loved him, and always exhorted him to...
Professor Neville Longbottom sat up straight at the High Table of Hogwart's Great Hall. Only a few of the teachers he'd known fifteen years ago when he'd been a student were left were still teaching. He'd started coming back as a guest lecturer for Defence Against the Dark Arts, and when Professor Sprout retired, she'd recommended him as her successor. Professor McGonagall, to his surprise, had no hesitation in offering him the job. That was ten years ago, the first time he'd sat at the...
No one knows where it came from, but it spread across the multiverse. A strange force, filled with power. It was hard to explain but could be understood as the combining to two ideas made real. Evil is Sexy. Rule 63. That the force of evil are some how more sexually appealing then the forces of good. Also that no matter what, there is an inverse gender/sex version of all beings in the multiverse. So this is what the force does in the universe... It turns the force of evil into sex woman,...
Evil Magic World 7 ? Some Wishes Might Not be Wished To learn more about this universe how it works, etc, you should read Evil Magic world 1 before. Dan was part of a noble family. His father's social status was rather high compared to the other nobles in the area. Dan's mother, Donna, did not work. She had met her husband Mark at school and never left him since that day. They found that they completed each other so well in their perversions that they got wed quickly. Needless to say...