Nicola Nefertiti free porn video

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It was 11am. As the bellboy backed out of the Presidential Suite checking his tip, I told him I needed to be left undisturbed. Then I sat down to write the most difficult speech of my life.

It would last only last five minutes, and it would be wrenching. The audience of twenty senior staff, each of whom I knew and liked, would be attending the welcome cocktails for my company’s annual executive retreat at the Florida golf resort we visited each year.

And I was preparing to tell them our days as a close knit personally owned company of 200 people had ended this morning when I signed a document selling Michael LangeTechnics to a European conglomerate.

The signing meeting with the Chairman of Avionics Brussels was a sweet and sour moment – sweet because after the twelve year roller coaster of building my own aerospace technology business, it made me a truly wealthy man. And sour because you don’t get to choose the moment you have to leave it all behind, when someone makes an offer you can’t sanely refuse. I longed for a coffee that was deep and strong, but I put it off to work on the words.

Behind me I heard the click of a door opening. Annoyed that the hotel staff had ignored my privacy request I turned sharply and startled Nicola Nicolaides, the youngest member of my executive team. Her pretty faced flushed with embarrassment and her hand flew to her mouth.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry to disturb you Mr. Lange,’ she said. ‘I’ve just checked into my room, and I thought I was opening the door to the bathroom and — and it’s straight into your suite. They’ve left it unlocked. I’m so silly, I should have knocked, I —‘

She was floundering and humiliated, and I realized the only words that could save the moment had to be humorous.

‘Hell Nicola, I’ve ordered coffee and Room Service sends up you instead. What’s this joint coming to?’ I cracked. ‘The coffee machine’s in that overblown butler’s pantry. I need a double long black, and you’d better get something for yourself while you’re at it.’

I smiled at her. ‘I know it’s your first executive retreat — but how many times have I asked you to call me Michael?’

Nicola’s face revealed something between relief and uncertainty. ‘OK Michael. Coffee, you’ve got it – a double for Mister Big Boss.’ She hesitated, her trim elegantly suited body half turned towards me. Then she surprised me with a mock Hitler salute to further acknowledge my suddenly invented chauvinism.

It was a nice recovery. I liked her quiet personality and the nice surprises when she sometimes broke free of it. And not for the first time, Nicola Nicolaides made my heart catch.


Let me tell you what I knew then about Nicola Nicolaides.

First, something that’s blindingly obvious. Nicola is – and no person who doesn’t carry a white cane will argue — the most startlingly beautiful woman you or I will ever meet.

She arrived at Lange as a management trainee three years ago. Elle Norris our personnel manager who’d recruited her, sent her to me for the final ‘sign off’ interview that was a formality unless I took serious exception. ‘She’s a bit shy, and not all that confident, but there’s something special. I’d back her strongly,’ Elle commented.

While Ms Nicolaides waited in the lobby outside I flicked through her resume. Nicolaides — presumably the name indicated an Eastern Mediterranean background? Very young — she was only 22. A good business degree from a second string institution, and the sort of waitressing and factory part time jobs that showed she’d had to work her way.

My assistant buzzed, and Nicola walked into the office.


Now do you all remember the beauteous Nefertiti? I know you’ve seen at least one reproduction of that remarkable bust of the fabled Queen of Egypt who preceded the boy king Tutankhamen. Two millennia after Nefertiti was sealed in a tomb inscribed with the words ‘the Mistress of Sweetness,’ we see the serene face of that sculpture, and instantly acknowledge her extraordinary, peerless beauty. Nefertiti, in the form of Nicola Nicolaides, was standing in front of me.

I swear that if Nicola had shown any smart knowingness about her extraordinary beauty, I would have shown her the door on the spot. She would have been too disruptive a presence. However she was just as Elle Norris described her — a little young and shy, and but possessing a quiet, hard to pin quality.

I hired Nicola and she started as an assistant in sales, but within weeks I was dealing with a frustrated general manager who complained she lacked confidence and forcefulness. I put time into several review meetings, one with Nicola in tears, and finally saw she was being pushed in the wrong direction. The face might open a thousand doors, but the shy temperament could never be taught to front up for the assertive close on a difficult sale.

I moved her into the team doing the tough yards preparing our largest tenders, and she found her niche immediately. Nicola will make it to top management one day, but right now her confidence is growing, and she has become the organizational rock for her immediate boss. And I know he still sends her into the occasional meeting with sales prospects just for the hell of it. They take a good ten minutes to get their eyes back into their heads.

Myself? I’m 42 years old, divorced the last five, and until now happily lost in my work during my daytime hours. But lonely when I get home? Hell, yes. Nicola is now 25, established in her position, and according to the office rumors, she split up with her boyfriend six months ago.

One more thing I’ve discovered about myself and Nicola. I see her every weekday and know that if Nicola was the plainest woman in the street, I’d still like her a great deal indeed. Yes, I do look at Nicola more than I should, and yes, I also wish two things – first that she was closer to my age, and second that she didn’t work for me, because working for me puts her off limits.


‘Tee-off’s in two hours. Are you joining the group for golf,’ I asked Nicola, as she handed me a cup, and perched herself on the seat opposite, unconsciously pulling down the hem of her closefitting skirt. It was pointless. Her legs remained long, tanned, and shapely.

‘Wish I could, but I’d make a fool of myself,’ she said. ‘I’ve only had a couple of lessons. I’ll just sit round and read.’

‘Then use the suite. Spread out. You could use my spa pool if you like.’

She seemed uncertain, but she accepted. ‘That’s nice of you. I’d bring in my own robe, if you really don’t mind me taking your pool. But I wish I could play well enough to go on the course,’ she mused.

‘You don’t have to play. Ride along in the cart with me, and have a putt when we get to the greens. Would you like that?’

‘Could I really?’ she smiled. ‘Are you sure it’s okay?’


The thirteen people in the golf group met at the first tee, and while we loaded clubs and drinks on board the carts, the course starter pulled me to one side.

‘Your group?’ he asked.

‘Yes it is.’

‘I’m sorry, the girl can’t go out on the course,’ he said, nodding towards Nicola.

Nicola was dressed in all white – dark wavy hair cascaded from under her perky visor, a cotton blouse was knotted in a bow half way up her brown stomach, and clinging to the top of her long tanned legs, were closely tailored shorts that reached only an inch below the firm curve of her backside.

‘You mean she’ll draw too big a gallery?’ I joked.

‘Yeah, probably — but actually it’s the dress code,’ the chubby man said grimly. ‘There’s one here for the female players too. Shorts have to come nearly to the knees.’

‘But she’s not playing,’ I said. ‘She’s my coach. You’ve haven’t got a dress rule for coaches, surely?’

He thought about that a moment. ‘Then you’re a lucky man,’ he said, and burst out laughing. ‘But I’ll bet ten
bucks you can’t break a hundred with her in the cart beside you. You’ll crash and burn’

We set off in groups of four players, and I scored indifferently for the first five holes. Nicola was nervous beside me, and I’d become self conscious. While you could never be with Nicola and unaware of her beauty, I hadn’t previously seen her dressed in anything overtly sexy, and the wattage glittering through was overwhelming. We stuttered along, awkward and overly polite, and I pondered that while Nicola was still too young for me, the fact was that from this evening onwards, I’d no longer be her employer. She’d no longer be off limits. Nice thought, but still irrelevant.

The sixth tee was on a hillcrest and when we drove behind the other players back down the curving path I took a corner too quickly.

The cart lurched, and Nicola slid across the seat towards me and grabbed my arm for support. Her smooth legs slipped along mine as she tried to recover her balance. And by the time I’d stopped the cart, her backside was across my lap, her breasts were pushed against my chest, and her olive skinned face was buried so close against my neck I could smell her.

Yes, it was ungainly, but there was skin contact everywhere and I jumped as if I’d been charged with an electric prod. Beside me, I felt Nicola’s body quivering like a startled doe’s.

I looked into her gold and green eyes, and she surprised me by holding my gaze. ‘Wow, did you feel the charge?’ I exclaimed, not thinking about my words, and instantly wanting to retract them. But she nodded slightly. Then slowly, as if dawn was rising, the serenely beautiful face of Nefertiti opened into a secret smile.

Seeing that the other carts were now thirty yards in front of us, I acted on impulse. I leaned into her and brushed her mouth with mine. Startled, she opened her lips to me and we kissed.

But ahead of us, a cart had stopped. ‘Got to go I suppose,’ I said, indicating the pair in front, and she murmured something indistinct in my ear. I think she whispered: ‘Shit.’

Still, it had happened, and the rest of the game mattered little. When I could do it discreetly, I drove a few yards behind the other players and stroked her hand, while she sat close enough to be always touching me. Nicola putted with us on several holes, and smiled in delight when she sank a twenty foot putt than won a bet. At last, on the final hole she asked if she could try a fairway shot. She fluffed her first and then her second, and the other three staffers cheered and teased us as I wrapped my arms around her from behind, and showed her how to swing the club. What they couldn’t see was how tightly she snuggled her butt against me, as I swung her arms back and then through the ball.

We finished the game, shook hands all round with each exec insisting on also kissing Nicola, and then drove back into the cart shed. We looked at each other. ‘Have to run, I guess,’ she said. ‘Its drinks and your opening speech, so I want to get myself dressed up.’

‘Heck, it’s just me,’ I replied.

She held my eyes. ‘I know. That’s why.’

‘Look, were going to have to talk. There’s something I want to tell you.’

She looked at me. ‘I’m so relieved you said that,’ she whispered, and walked away.

But she couldn’t know the half of it.


Avionics Brussels had requested that when I announced the sale to my staff, I introduce the executive who’d step straight into my shoes. Helmet Schum would then stay on for the rest of the retreat. I’d declined a suggestion I take a seat on their main board, but agreed to the needed consulting role while I phased out my involvement with the company. I knew there’d be a tough adjustment period for my staff.

Schum came to my suite half an hour before the 7pm cocktails, and we went over what we’d both be saying. ‘You’re quite sure it is good for me to stay on for your company dinner?’ he asked.

‘It’s definitely best you do — they’ll need time with you,’ I said. Schum had a pleasant manner and was an easy man to like, which would make breaking the news easier. We went downstairs together to the small function room.

I saw the puzzled looks on my execs’ faces as I stepped up to the microphone on the dais with the stranger by my side.

Quite honestly I don’t remember the next few minutes clearly, because they were even more difficult and emotional than I’d anticipated. I do know that Nicola, the most junior of the group, stood to the rear, a little to one side, dressed in a shimmering white sheath, her face unreadable.

There was a stunned, empty silence when we finished, and then someone remembered it was polite to clap. I seized a very large scotch and taking Schum by the elbow, took him down into the white faced group, and began introducing him. It was ten minutes before I saw Nicola had been left alone at a moment that I could break free.

‘I wanted to tell you this afternoon. I’m sorry, but it wasn’t possible,’ I whispered.

‘Of course you couldn’t. I understand absolutely,’ she replied.

‘So what do you think?’

She paused to consider, and her face a mask, answered: ‘Michael, there’s not a person in this room who didn’t talk about this happening one day. And there’s no one here will begrudge you this good fortune. But every single one of us will hate it.’

Then she touched my arm and gave me a small smile. ‘Still, life goes on I guess.’

I felt shattered. ‘We still need to talk. Can we do that?’ I asked

But Helmut Schum was at my arm and before Nicola could reply, he was charmingly introducing himself to the one person in the room who, if he was remotely human, he most wanted to impress.

Nicola was seated farthest from me at dinner, and we didn’t speak. Then afterwards she hung back as one by one I was cornered by anxious people who were like family to me, each one of them important.

She was there in the background still talking with a smiling Schum as the group finally began to thin, but when I looked again soon after 11pm, they were gone. By now we were in a small private bar, and while I seethed with anxiety, it was impossible for me to go until the last person left me in peace. It was nearly 1am.

I could see no light on under her door as I walked down the darkened corridor past Nicola’s room, and I paused, silently cursing the obligations that had kept me. At this time of night I could hardly knock. Bitterly disappointed, I walked into my suite and headed straight to the bar for another drink I didn’t particularly want but needed. I threw off my jacket, pulled my collar open, and flopped down on a sofa.

Then I noticed. The door to Nicola’s adjoining room had not been fully closed — it was slightly ajar. I thought for a moment, and then hoping she’d left it that way deliberately, I pushed it open, put my head around the door, and whispered:

‘Nicola, are you still awake?’

A body moved in the darkness, but there was no response. ‘Nicola?’ I asked again.

‘Yes, I’m awake,’ she replied. But she said nothing else. I wondered if Schum was with her.

‘I’d like to talk to you. Is that okay?’

There was another long pause. ‘Okay. Go back into your suite. I’ll be a moment.’

I waited, hearing her moving round in her bathroom. The only light turned on in my suite was a corner lamp, and five minutes later she edged through the door into the semi-lit room. Nicola was wearing a cream colored silk over-gown that came to just above her knees, and I realized she’d been tidying up and brushing her hair.

She looked down at the sofa, hesitated, and then decided to sit beside me. It was only then I saw she’d been crying.

‘Hey, what’s up? It’s all going to be okay,’ I said, wrapping my arms around her for the first time.

She sobbed. ‘It’s not okay. What do you mean? How can you possibly think that it’s okay?’ I felt the warm tears running down her cheek. ‘Look, you’re very good at wh
at you do. Your job’s safe, and I know for a fact the new owners have you rated top ten with a bullet,’ I told her.

To my surprise, she pulled back furiously and tried to hit me. Not once, but twice. I grabbed her hands and gently wrestled her back in against me tight, where I could hold her. ‘But don’t you see? Are you so blind? Don’t you know?’ she sobbed angrily.

‘No I don’t see. I’m sorry, what do you mean?’ I said nonplussed. She sat up, her gown opening to reveal a flimsy peach negligee underneath. I glimpsed a perfectly rounded breast and a dark brown nipple, but truly, it was her brimming liquid eyes that held me.

‘From tomorrow I won’t be working for you anymore,’ she said. ‘I can’t bear the thought of it. I’ve had feelings for you since that day you interviewed me, and the main reason I’ve stayed is it means I get to see you five days every week.

‘And now all that’s blown away. I’ve loved you. Don’t you get it?’

Her body shuddered as she wept again, and I pulled her close to me, stroking her long dark hair, amazed by her words. I was astonished, shamed, aroused, alarmed, and delighted. I couldn’t believe I could be so lucky a man. I began to tell her this time and time again, holding her as close to me as I could, as I explained to her how she’d stunned my senses the first time I saw her, how I felt about her, and how with my leaving, we could now be free to begin.

At last, assured, she relaxed in my arms, and I knew there is no greater joy than discovering you are loved and admired.

‘Will you stay with me tonight?’ I asked.

‘Mmmn,’ she sighed.

I went to the bathroom and when I returned five minutes later found her under the covers, with the creamy outer gown thrown on the floor. I was fully erect before I climbed in beside her, and there was no hiding this as I reached for her and she slid into my arms. Her negligee slipped off her shoulder, and I felt her nipple against me as my cock pressed against the silk covering her stomach. I slid my hands under it and discovered that if she’d been wearing panties, she’d pulled them off.

For a while we just kissed but really, there was no point in some slow seduction. We both now knew that each of us had, from our own distances, been waiting for this moment. I tenderly kissed her hardened nipples, and felt her hand brush against my cock, and then hold it, stroking it gently. I slipped my own hand down between her knees, and began caressing the cool soft insides of her thighs. Instinctively, she spread her legs further, and I stroked my way up them until beneath the soft tufts of her little bush, I found her slit.

I stroked the outsides of her lips, and then, parting them, ran my finger over her clitoris and down her wet inner labia until it rested against her entrance. As I gently stroked her from clit to pussy hole, Nicola caressed my cock more firmly, and reached under it to cradle my balls. She massaged them softly, and whispered: ‘Oh, you feel so good. And it’s so big.’

I began to work the tip of my finger in and out of the dampening entrance to her pussy, and then as she wriggled against me, I slowly worked it down the tight channel into her depths. She gasped, and then reached softly down to my hand and made me withdraw.

‘Please, after all this time I can’t wait,’ she murmured. ‘Put yourself inside me.’

I looked down at her beautiful face and her body, and then putting my hands under her bottom, lifted her slightly, and moved my cockhead to her entrance. She reached her hand underneath, and shuddering, held my cock towards her as I pushed it against her parting lips. For a moment they resisted my cockhead but then it pushed through her small opening, and slowly down the tightness of her soft wet channel.

Nicola cried out as my penis thrust up against the bottom of her vagina, and began rocking herself against me making small sighs and moans as my throbbing cock slid up and down the exquisite length of her clinging pussy walls. I was vaguely aware of her pink fingernails lightly tracing patterns up and down my back, and then moving to my backside to hold me in her as tightly as she could.

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Mom Adventures In Village5

Next day mom cried and she have pain in her pussy.I think she wants doctor vijay so she acted like having real pain in pussy.Kumar: your mom iss really hot bitch. Doctor already told that this bitch came to hospital to get fuck from me intentionally.So i called village president through phone and tell the situation to him.This time vp came by bike to our house.We are expecting car from him.Kumar: sir where is your car.Vp: car is break down.Ok we can go by bus.Village president searching mom ....

3 years ago
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Lonely Julie Chapter 8

By 10 o’clock Timmy urgently needed his shit. Sally and Julie were watching the beach through binoculars looking for the 52 year old woman they had told Timmy about. At 1020 she arrived at her favourite spot and lay face down on a big towel to sunbathe. The girls started Timmy off to the each and watched the woman through the trees. Betty was 52 years old and had two grown up children by her husband – a tall black Nigerian called Ken. They were staying in another cabin half a mile from...

3 years ago
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Football Fantasy Part 1

This was my fantasy during my freshman year. (BTW, names are changed) It's the 4th quarter, 30 seconds left on the clock, no time outs, and we had the ball. We were playing Lynden, our school rivals, the score was 0-0. I, playing center, snapped the ball to the quarterback. He launched the ball to our Runningback, Tanner. Tanner was the sexiest boy in school. He was buff, and he weighed 180 lbs. at 5' 9''. He had the tannest body I had ever seen. I had the lucky honor...

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Professor Tom Ch 06

January 1, 2008. Humpf. What a hell of a way to start a new year…….. Suzy had been artfully dodging Professor Tom’s calls for the last two weeks. She stared at the pile of phone messages Donna, the receptionist, had given her. After the 7th message, she found a handwritten post it on the phone message. Donna wrote, ‘Girl, are you going to return this guy’s call or what?!’ Well, at least she thought she had been artful in her avoidance. After a few days, even her boss noticed she wouldn’t...

2 years ago
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Joes pets

Introduction: For my Master. Thank you for being you. This is my first story so i hope you all enjoy it. Neither of them knew how long shed been around if you asked them. When he inherited the house, she was just….there, part of it. Not that either complained about it, far from it. She had been employed to keep it clean, maintain the garden, cook and be a companion for his Grandmother when she had lived there. When the unfortunate happened and Joe moved in, he was quite happy for her to...

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One Lucky GuyChapter 21

We spent the rest of the day, packing boxes - bags of personal stuff - and clothes. The next morning early, Cindy called a moving company she’s used in the past. She set it up for them to move our furniture - Betty, Gaby and Alice’s furniture - Jessica and Alexis’ furniture - and Alison’s furniture. We rode to school with Mom, and met Allison on the parking lot. Rachel and I followed Alison as she took us to meet Ms. Anna Petrovilla at her office in the gym. The gym looked deserted this...

1 year ago
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My Clan Family My First Slave

Copyright© 2000-2003 An ARPAnaut name of Corvette Had a fetish involving the net. As he fondled his IMP His cock went from limp To as hard as concrete which has set. When I got home from soccer practise I knew Linda or mom was in trouble - that familiar stressful energy was in the air. Dad met me just inside the kitchen - he was drinking his coffee and reading the paper at the table, just like there was nothing going on. "Ah Tom, come here boy." I wanted to shower the sweat...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Kay Lovely Freaky Fembots 2

For this Team Skeet Labs update, we’re thinking “out of the box.” This experiment, titled “Freaky Fembots,” revolves around the idea of ultra-realistic sex robots who live to serve some fortunate souls—these Fembots love nothing more than sucking and fucking. In this episode, Marcus London gets to try out the brand new realistic fembot Kay Lovely, who comes with deliciously naughty interactive settings. Marcus will take her for a spin and enjoy filling all her holes with his creamy cum!

2 years ago
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Susan and Antonio Meet

I met my Antonio at a state university. I was told by my room mate that he had a really big cock. I suspect it was true because every time she had him over he made her moan and squeal something awful keeping me up on several occasions. They never actually dated. He was sort of my room mate's backdoor man.As he was doing my roomy I found out Antonio was in the pharmacy school. I wasn't with anyone at the time and being exposed to him sexing up my roomy made me desperate for sex. When the Spring...

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Gritty Times in Wyoming Pt 04

A week after moving to live with the Williams’, Skye received a call from the State Department. The Official said Skye and a companion of her choice had been invited to visit China for seven days on a cultural exchange next month, a visit that had been approved by both Governments. ‘But why?’ ‘Because you have significant impact as a writer in parts of China and you will visit four areas where your popularity is significant and at the first of those centers you have been invited to open a...

3 years ago
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Teacher Mulai Super

Vanakam enathu peyar Arjun vayathu 23, naan thindugal maavatathil vasithu varugiren. Naan Arts and Science kalluriyil 3 aandu padithu kondu irukiren enathu vagupil niraiya nabargal iruka maatargal naangal mothamaagave 10 per than athil 3 pasangal matume irupaargal athil naanum oruthan. Aanaivarum veguliyaaga pazhaguvom aan pen endra paagupaadinri. Naan enathu thozhigalin arugil amarnthu vilaiyaadikondu irupen, avalin thudaigal mulaigal anaithaium enathu kaiyaal pidithu vilaiyaaduven aanal kaama...

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Sparkys DadChapter 12 Easing

Diane established the new rule that she wouldn’t read a story to Valerie if she made a great fuss about going to bed. Valerie, who clearly enjoyed her power of choice, decided to cooperate this time. Diane read her a story, and then Eric kissed her good night. Even so, Eric had enough fewer things to do before bed that he was lying in bed when Diane came in wearing her robe over her new nightie. When she took the robe off, Eric was visibly excited. “Like it?” she asked. “And how!” “Want to...

1 year ago
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4 December 2006Chapter 4

Karen moved to stand beside Wendy. She and Dan kissed as Wendy continued sucking on his cock. “Wendy, please take off my skirt,” Karen ordered. She let Dan’s cock slide out of her mouth. It bobbed up and down to his pulse, the shaft glistening from her mouth. She put her hands on Karen’s skirt and slid it down her slender legs. She looked a Karen’s shaved pussy coming into view. She put her hand on Wendy’s shoulder, stepping out of her skirt. “You like the look of my shaved pussy?” “Yes, I...

4 years ago
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Gym Teacher 5

My wife’s sister Kim, was also very close to us. She is 4 years younger than Carol, my wife. And, if you read the last installment, you will know that Carol passed away over 8 years ago now, when she was 60, from cancer. When she and I met, Carol was 30, and I was 22. For me, and Kim alike, that was the hardest day I have ever lived through. But, we were strong for each other, and have remained very close, to this day. Kim met a guy about a year after Carol and I got engaged. His name was...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Brother 2

A knock on the door sounded as I slipped on my silk lingerie. I knew it was Tony since he had sent me a text message earlier about coming by. I knew he was thinking about the first time we had sex together, hell even I couldn’t stop. I even had dreams about it every night. Reliving every detail, the way his cock fit into my pussy and how he fucked me so hard, I woke up and my panties would be soaked with cum. Nothing could take my mind from it. Every time I see him I always get wet quickly.

1 year ago
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The Sacrifice

Warning this story gets rather gorey at the end Warning this story gets rather gorey at the end. Author?s note: This was a short story request sent to me by a reader.? The actual request was for a vulture, but as vultures only eat dead flesh, I modified the concept slightly to a giant eagle. To the reader who requested this story, I hope you enjoy it.  The Sacrifice "You have been chosen." The words echoed in Choya's ears as she was pulled from the crowd onto the platform in the middle of...

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Biwiyon Ki Badalkar Chudai

Hello readers mera naam Rahul hai aur main sexy stories ka regular reader hun meri age 23 year hai meri story mere house ki hai jisme meri biwi ke sex ki kahani hai meri biwi ki hight 5.4” hai aur 21 saal ki hai wo dikhne main gori aur bahut sundar hai jise dekhkar koi bhi mard aanhe bharne lagta hai aur usski gaand bahut gol hai jo lachakti hai aur uske doodh bhi bahut gol hai jaise koi heroin hai use sex ki bahut chahat hai wo mujhse hamesha jyada sex ki demand karti hai uski choot bhi...

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BETRAYED Chapter 2

Chapter 2 By Randy MacAnus Copyright 2018. All rights reserved by the author. When my gang rape was over, a voice whispered in my ear, “Have a good time, pussy boy?” It was the same voice from when this began. I didn't know who it was, but I sure recognized that whisper. I shook my head 'no'. He whispered, “Well, you better get used to it, bitch.” Then he gave my butt a hard slap and the last two sets of boots walked out the door. I started struggling with my bonds in a panic. “You...

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Stop WatchChapter 12

I ushered the two women inside the door, where they both stood awkwardly waiting. Emily seemed a bit apprehensive about where she was, but she was obviously excited as well. Linda likewise seemed unsure as to what exactly she should do from here, but I could tell she found the situation arousing. I closed the door and then eased my way in between them, putting an arm possessively around both women; with Emily I rested my hand on her lower back, feeling her shiver a bit under my touch. With...

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Miss Jones Part One

When I was growing up back in the fifties, our family lived in a small Kansas town where everyone knew everyone. Besides the Catholic School, it had only one elementary school, one junior high, and one high school. Corporal punishment was a given, and my parents had signed papers allowing my teachers to punish me by spanking me. I didn't necessarily liked being spanked, but that was the way the school was run. This incident happened when I was eighteen years old and was in high school. I was...

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Bhaiya Ke Kaam Aa Gayi 8211 Part 2

Friends meri last story mein apne padha ki kaise mere bade bhai ne meri chudai ki. Iss story mein main apko btaungi ki kaise bhaiya ne mujhe apne clients se chudwaya. Jinhone meri last story nahi padhi hai pehle woh use padhiye taki is story ko aap ache se samajh sako. To friends jaise ki aap jante ho mera naam Puja Kaur hai aur main Punjab ki rehne wali hu. Abhi main mere bhaiya ke paas delhi mein rehti hu. Mera figure 34”30”34 hai. Bhaiya se ek baar chudne ke baad to mujhe jaise chudne ki...

1 year ago
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IHaveAWife Kate England 22787

It’s hot outside, Kate England’s car is broken down, her phone is dead, and she’s been walking and walking trying to get someone to help her. Luckily, Preston’s home and answers to the door to find a total stranger who happens to be a sexy hot damsel in distress! He invites her in and helps her with all her phone woes, and after she calls a tow truck, he even allows her to use his shower to rinse her sweaty, sticky body. Kate’s horny and knows her knight in shining armor is equally burning for...

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A new job with a special duty

Introduction: Vic is asked to keep his bosss wife happy A new job with a special duty I had been working at the firm for about three years and really liked my job. I started right out of college. My name is Victor, everyone calls me Vic. I spend quite a bit of time at the gym and am on the company softball team so I am in pretty good shape. One day, Mr. Banks, my fifty something balding boss, called me into his office. Vic, you have been with us for a while now and you have been doing a fine...

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BrutalCastings Kendall Woods Tiny and tamed

Petite ebony teen, Kendall Woods, would really like to model for Brutal Castings. She’s a little latearriving to her audition, but Master Bruno’s willing to overlook it, if sshe follows his commands. He thinks she may be hiding a killer body inside her flimsy top and jean cut-offs, but he needs to make certain. At his insistence, Kendall shows off her perky little tits, pierced nipples, big clit and round juicy ass! So good so far, slut. Now try posing on your knees! Like every good...

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Taking Her

I grab you from behind, swiftly covering your mouth, and whisper in your ear that's it's time for your punishment. Your hot breath against my hand makes my cock pulse just a little, and as you struggle against me you can feel it growing against the top of your arse. With my stiff cock prodding into you, you reach behind your back and rub your fingers across the front of my jeans, groaning deeply as you feel the entire length, marvelling at its thickness, terrified of what it will do to your...

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Sucking My Neighbors at an Adult Book Store

Our nearly twenty-six years of marriage in Tulsa had been good to my wife Brenda and me, but now that we are in our late fortiess, she has lost all interest in sex. I tried everything to help her regain her interest, all to no avail. Then I started going to porn sites for the first time in my life, and even visited a nearby adult book store (ABS), and I felt guilty about it at first. But the longer I went without pussy, the more I knew I had to do something to experience the thrill of a sexual...

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DorcelClub Tiffany Leiddi Gets Fucked In Front Of Her Husband

Tiffany Leiddi is really in love with Rico Simmons. Although they’re very romantic, the young couple loves to push back their sexual boundaries. Tonight, Tiffany just wants to go out, only dressed in her sexiest lingerie and high heels and offer Rico an exhibitionism session in the streets of Paris. No being able to take it anymore, Rico starts kissing and fondling his wife in a quiet place until a stranger comes their way. Tiffany then offers the lucky guy a one in a lifetime opportunity:...

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Bitter LoveChapter 20

Frank died in 1952 from complications stemming from a serious bout of pneumonia. It was his third time in five months that he fell victim of it. Grace was at his side when he slipped away. Penicillin wasn't a decade old so it had no effect on curing him. They were childless from having their own issues who was to blame, they had adopted a boy and a girl. Both were in their late twenties and early thirties when he was taken. Jennifer was twenty-nine and thirty-two year old Francis were in...

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Marriage Boot CampChapter 6 Rebellion

Karen was worried. Day six of the programme and since the incident with Coach and Michael, all had been calm and her students had made the effort to perform the exercises, even the ones they weren't keen on and they'd tried to satisfy their partners and give them some pleasure. She thought anal sex would be a problem, and to some extent it was, but with the training butt plugs and some slick lubrication, she finally got them to arse fuck although most of them would only do it again if...

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CorruptionChapter 7 Threes a Crowd

Jenny shivered trying not to think about Kevin. No, she didn't want Jerry to ever have a hint about what she'd done. She also didn't like the idea of 'recruiting'. "Maria, what do I need to expect for this next... dance, where will we be?" "It's a blue room guy, so we'd normally go to the dance floor he's assigned, we can use your bed if that'll make it easier on you. I know how you feel. Believe me, I remember my first time to do this, and it was here. My real sex life was...

1 year ago
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Our BVI Adventure Part 2

Day FourWe meet up at the pool the next morning for drinks. Before going down, I ask her to wear her vibrating balls deep inside her pussy and to let me have the control. Surprisingly, she agrees and off we go. A perfect sunny pool day filled with lots of umbrella drinks and flirting ensued. By late afternoon, we’re all quite tipsy as we lounge around waiting for more drinks. Tonya glances over at me and commented she’d like to see me blow the pool boy who’s been delivering our drinks all...

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Secret Love Affair 8211 Part 1 The Beginning

It was the 1997s when I thought of the secret love affair. I got married to Biju. He lived in the city area and had bought some land far away in a village. He built a house there after marriage. We stayed in the city for a year, and when the new house was done, we shifted. We decided to have kids after 3 years of marriage. I was only 19 years old when I got married, and he was 29. He was a Mechanical engineer and was working in a reputed company. About the new home, it was in a lonely area....

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The Fortune of the ODellsChapter 9

The morning came with a very cold breeze. Opal Anne had rolled to be able to hold me and throw a leg over me. I stretched and adjusted my cock as it tried to break out of my britches. I really needed to piss. Opal Anne stirred when I moved, and she slid her hand down my chest and onto the hard lump in my pants. “Good morning, husband.” “Good morning, wife.” “I have to go.” “Me too.” I threw the blanket off and Opal Anne immediately wrapped herself around me again. “God it’s cold! What...

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MouthChapter 3

Leslie watched as Jay crumbled up some pills and dropped the resulting powder into the teacup. “So that’s what you did to me the other night?” she asked. “Yep,” he answered as he started to spoon honey on top of the dissolving medicine. “I don’t want to do this,” she reminded her brother. “I know,” he replied, “But you have no choice, right?” She really didn’t. Jay had an incriminating incest video that he had doctored with her drugged body, some clever filmmaking, and her voice...

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Blackmailed Lily Adams Broke Coed Lily Blackmailed For Rent

Petite, longhaired Lily Adams’ rent is way overdue, but the brown-eyed, broke student is shocked when her landlord whips out a big boner and blackmails her for sex. Disgusted, intimidated Lily calls him “a real fucking sicko,” but her choices are eviction or erection. He fucks her angry, bewildered face. She pouts and scowls as he feels up her hot ass, cracking, “Make it bounce, just like your rent checks.” She feels like a slut, but his huge meat fixes her...

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Bon Appetit Ch5

I was still constantly being milked. I don't know how much I had produced since I had been her but it was gallons. It seemed like my breasts were holding up pretty well. My nipples were very long having been in the suction cups almost all the time. I was hoping they would let my pussy heal up some. Every couple of days the Apron Guy would wash me down while I was hooked up to the milking machine. He would say that I was starting to smell. He used a rough brush and a bucket of soapy...

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