Overboard free porn video

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Standing by the deck rail in the pre-dawn hour, I gazed at a billion stars, uncontested by the new moon, like a blizzard that would never descend. I thought back to the dream which had awakened me, not so much a dream as a memory, brought to life by sweet slumber. I was back in the arms of my dear Mariah, tasting her wanton kisses on my lips, caressing the swell of her breast. The knowledge that this would be our last night together for many months, perhaps even years had driven us to an almost insatiable pitch of desire. I covered her face and neck with urgent kisses. I sought to devour her, take her whole being inside me, carry her with me across the sea.

I kissed her eyes, her warm, flush cheek, the hollow of her throat. I gathered her breasts in my hands and nestled my face between them, cherishing their softness, their life-giving warmth. I alternately kissed and licked and suckled one insistent nipple, then the other. Mariah gasped with pleasure, her taut stomach quivering, beckoning. I heeded her call, trailing hot kisses down her body, savoring every morsel of her flesh as I made my way to the seat of her desire. Her musky scent welcomed me as I grazed her downy fur with my nose and lips. I blew softly, watching the fine, dark hairs dance and wave and part, offering teasing glimpses of the treasure they barely concealed. I reached out my tongue and nudged the very top of her cleft, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from my lover. Emboldened, I gently probed her tender outer lips, parting them, teasing them, tasting them, coaxing the sensitive nubbin from its hooded sheath. Slowly, almost shyly, her clitoris swelled, venturing timidly from hiding place like a kitten begging to be petted. Lifting it with my tongue, I drew that sensitive button between my lips, sucking it like a teat, painting the tip in broad strokes with my tongue. Mariah shook and moaned, thrashing her head back and forth, the wetness growing between her legs giving further testament to the height of her passion.

With one long final lick up the length of her love, I released her vulva from my oral assault and moved upward, leaving a trail of licks and kisses up her body, between her breasts. At the moment our lips touched, my throbbing cock head came to rest at her opening. Her wetness seemed to draw me in, deeper and deeper, until her dark down nuzzled my coarse, red curls. For long moments we stayed, two bodies joined, two hearts intertwined, two souls existing as one life. We devoured one another’s mouths, lips, tongues with kisses of fire and desperate longing. Without a word we began to move our hips in unison. No pumping or thrusting, we simply ground against one another, unwilling to yield an inch of our union. The muscles of her vagina caressed and claimed my cock, making it as much a part of her body as of mine, drawing it to her irresistible will. I had neither the ability nor the desire to resist.

With a shuddering groan, I poured my love deep into Mariah’s womb, as she received it with a cry of woeful ecstasy. This intense physical, spiritual joy in the face of impending separation overwhelmed me. Hot tears rolled down my face, splashing onto Mariah’s cheek, mingling with her own.

And now, standing on deck beneath the canopy of stars, the tears returned, welling forth from reluctant eyes. Though we had parted many months ago, I could still feel the heart-pounding waves of passion, smell the scent of our lovemaking, mingled with the salt air and…smoke! I smelled smoke! Looking around, I saw a faint orange glow emanating from the window above the galley. Racing aft, I looked through the window, down onto a scene from Dante. The galley was consumed in flames. The fire had eaten through the wooden floor, and was dripping burning embers into the hold below.

At Madagascar, we had taken on a special cargo: seventy barrels of black powder! I ran to the warning bell amidships to sound the alarm, but the first toll from the bell was answered with a deafening explosion. The deck erupted in a riot of smoke and flame, catapulting me thirty feet into the air. Plummeting toward the water, I saw the ship, eviscerated by the blast. I plunged into the warm tropical water head first, sinking several feet before regaining my senses and struggling for the surface. When I broke through, I was greeted with a scene of utter desolation. With its midsection gone, the ship had folded upon itself, bow and stern alike reaching towards the heavens in a pleading gesture which the stars refused to answer. Swirling slowly, the doomed ship disappeared beneath the still waters. The only remnants of this once proud vessel were a rapidly dispersing waft of smoke, a few smoldering splinters of wood, and me. And floating in this desolate stretch of ocean, I had no doubt that I would soon share my ship’s fate.

Suddenly, out of the blackness, I heard a plaintive cry. At first I hoped for a fellow survivor. But the sound came again, from above. Looking up, I saw the first ray of dawn catch on a flutter of alabaster wings. A gull! But how? Our charts showed no landfall for three days! Turning away from the site of the wreck, I say a faint gray shape emerge. An island, and a large one, not a half a league away! Praying that it was not an illusion, I began to swim. In the time it took to cover the distance, the sun had risen, revealing a lush green landscape surrounding the islands volcanic center. As I approached the shore, the swells turned to waves. Exhausted from my ordeal, I was tossed like a rag doll in the crashing surf, until I was eventually deposited, retching and sputtering upon the sandy beach. I crawled beyond the reach of the surf, and collapsed.

After a few minutes rest, I looked around at this land which would likely be my final home. The beach extended for twenty or thirty yards, before giving way to lush, tropical vegetation. The trees were alive with birds of a thousand colors. Peering deep into the thick foliage, I thought I saw something move. Then a sparkle of sunlight glinting off of metal. Then another. I stood and began walking toward the forest. I hadn’t gone a dozen steps when I was stopped cold by the sight of a score of native warriors emerging as one from the trees! Each held a formidable spear, topped with a vicious metal point. Their loins were girded with animal skins, and their olive flesh was decorated with bright war paint that covered their faces and encircled their…. Breasts?!?!?

They were women! Each and every one of them a perfect specimen of female strength and grace. Their lithe, athletic bodies were an alluring contrast to the menace of their approach, not to mention their weapons. Weapons! I reached behind me, and pulled out my pistol. It was loaded, but even if it had survived the swim to shore, there was only one shot in it, and twenty of them. My only hope was intimidation. I raised the gun n both hands above my head and pulled the trigger. Thunder roared as my trusty pistol spewed fire and smoke into the air. The warriors froze. The sight of this six foot man, with pale skin and flaming red hair, who had emerged from the fire on the ocean, and summoned thunder to his will was just too much for them. They dropped their spears as one and fell prostrate before me. I could not understand their native babbling, but it rang of a plea for mercy.

I replaced the gun it its holster, and extended my arms forward, palms out, in a gesture of welcome. The relief on their faces was unmistakable as they backed away into the woods from whence they had come. There was a great deal of shouting and commotion coming from the forest. Soon, an ornate throne, carried by eight dark, naked men appeared through the brush, escorted by the all-girl welcoming committee. The manner and posture of the men indicated complete subservience. They brought the throne before me, and at a command from one of the female warriors, dropped to one knee, heads bowed. I climbed aboard and sat down on the soft fur seat, running my fingers over the many precious stones set in the
arm rests.

At a word from the guard, the bearers rose and carried me smoothly into the woods. We moved quickly down a well-worn path. I admired my escorts who surrounded the carriage. The loincloths I had seen before were simply ornamental swatches, hung from an intricately woven and beaded twine around the waist. I stared at the escorts before me, enchanted by a dozen firm asses undulating with feline agility. Gazing to my sides, I beheld the proud, painted breasts of the guards, swaying gently as they marched astride me with a perfect blend of military precision and a grace born of strength.

The path quickly led to an immense clearing. At the far end was a large hut of wood and lashed bamboo. It was a circular structure, roughly forty feet in diameter and twenty feet high. Fanning out on either side were a succession of smaller huts, about fifty in all, similar in design, which traced the perimeter of the village. The center of the circle was dominated by a large pavilion which housed the well and an open cooking fire. In the pavilion, and around the edges of the village, I saw a number of men, all naked, tending to the daily tasks of existence, cooking, washing, that which in my world was women’s work. The women, in contrast, were all adorned with some manner of clothing, jewelry, or paint, symbols of their higher station, and engaged in conversation or acts of leisure. But as our procession wound its way through the village, all eyes were upon me.

I was carried around the pavilion to the entrance of the large hut. As we approached, the female guards pulled back the enormous tapestries which served as doors, allowing the entire party to pass through. Once inside, the bearers set the vehicle down, assuming the same subservient posture. As soon as I stepped from the chair, they stood and backed out through the doorway, which closed behind them.

The hut appeared even larger from the inside. The lashed bamboo walls were covered with intricately woven tapestries featuring stylized exotic birds frolicking beneath blazing yellow suns. Against the far wall was not so much a bed as a lushly padded playground. Roughly circular, and a full ten feet in diameter, it was covered in feather-soft white llama skins, giving it the appearance of a captured cloud. In the center of the room was large wooden tub, filled with steaming water, scented with colorful flower petals. Standing expectantly around the tub were three beautiful girls. Except for necklaces and waist chains of brilliant glass-like shells, and wreaths of flowers woven into their hair, they were naked. With their small, budding breasts, and only the finest wisps of hair barely bothering to conceal the treasure between their legs, they appeared very young. But every woman I had encountered thus far on this island paradise had exuded such an air of youth and vitality, that guessing at their ages was a fruitless exercise.

The girl behind the tub nodded to the two on either side, and they approached me. Without a word, one began to unbutton my shirt, while the other untied the laces of my boots. I simply stood in dazed amazement as soft deft hands removed my shirt and opened the front of my trousers. With one smooth motion, my pants and undergarment were lowered. The sight of my flaming orange pubes elicited a flutter of giggles from my handmaidens. Their laughter was short lived, however, quickly replaced by astonished stares of wide-eyed wonder. Concerned, I followed their gaze down. Yes, there was still just the one penis, not abnormally huge, though more than large enough, or so I had been told by the few women of my experience. And then it occurred to me, these girls had never before seen a circumcised man. The phalluses they knew were hooded, hidden things. My purple-peaked passion pillar, wearing naught but a cowl-neck, and staring defiantly back at them with his one good eye was a breed apart from the timid tallywhackers of the local gentry. Basking in their unabashed attention, he was rising to his full, prodigious height. Their rapt and admiring attention led me to believe that the local boys didn’t begin to measure up.

With a force of will, the girl before me snapped out of her hypnotic trance, and uttered a command to her accomplices. Cautiously they rose, took me by each arm, and led me toward the inviting tub. All the while, they kept one eye on my swaggering saber, (and he on them), lest it do anything more to surprise them. We all stepped into the fragrant water. As spectral clouds of lilac scented steam trellised upward, my attendants reached into the water and pulled up three large sea sponges. Raising them up above my head, they squeezed, sending torrents down my salt encrusted body. More than dirt was washed from me under their tender care.

As they simultaneously scrubbed my chest and back with the coarse sponges, I felt the trials of the past few hours melt away. I closed my eyes and swayed softly in place as they worked their way slowly down my body, constantly dipping the sponges to bring fresh streams of hot, sweet water cascading down my torso, hips and legs. Down they moved in unison, lingering midway. The rough texture of the sponges contrasted with the kneading of their small, smooth hands as they cleansed my buttocks, stomach and thighs. Fresh water flowed over my cock and balls, as gentle hands stroked and caressed it. My shaft grew ever more rigid under these ministrations. Suddenly, I felt a hot wetness on the head. I looked down and saw that one of the girls had taken my bulbous plum into her mouth. She was swathing my cock head and glans with her tongue, teasing my slit with the tip, as her companion looked on hungrily. The third bather was behind me, bringing up water between my legs in her cupped hand to wash and fondle my heavy balls.

The beauty who was fellating me turned toward her friend. She leaned forward, and their lips met in a hot, opened-mouth kiss, transferring my throbbing member seamlessly from one hungry mouth to the other. The second girl was more voracious in her technique, rhythmically bobbing her head forward, taking more and more of my engorged shaft into her mouth on each stroke, until I could feel the head pressing against the back of her throat. She raised herself up slightly, tilted her head, and in one deft motion swallowed the remaining few inches of my cock. The head of my cock plunged down her hot, tight throat, as her lips came to rest at the base of my shaft, her nose nestled in my copper pubic hair. He tongue did a luxurious dance on the underside of my member, as the muscles in her throat rippled, drawing me to fruition. Her companions had dropped their sponges, and were urgently stroking, licking, and kissing my thighs, ass, balls. The sensations overwhelmed me, and I came in a swooning orgasm. My expert fellatrix never broke her rhythm as my essence flowed into her. I was giddy, light-headed, and would surely have fallen, were it not for the three pairs of hands that supported me. This goddess of pleasure released my manhood slowly, almost reverently. My sublimely satisfied serpent hung spent. No lingering drops of semen fell, he had been sucked dry.

As though nothing had happened, my attendants picked up their sponges and resumed washing my legs and feet. When I was finally cleaner than I had ever been, they rose, and escorted me from the tub. They dried me with soft cloths, then presented me with a beautifully woven robe of deep maroon, flecked with gold. They led me to the enormous bed. I climbed up, and sat, cross-legged in the center. Visions of further sexual exploits with these nubile and exquisitely talented nymphs danced in my head, but were quickly dashed, as they backed respectfully out of the hut. Perhaps I was meant to rest. Yes, rest. It had been a long and remarkably adventurous day. The weariness began to invade my body, drawing me into the velvety cushions. My head was mere inches from the bed when the deafening peal of a gong startled me upright!

The curtains at the entrance to the hut parted, and yet another of tho
se wicker, man-powered chariots entered, flanked by four of the most ornately decorated female guards I had yet seen. The bearers carried the chariot around the tub, and stopped directly in front of the bed. They dropped smoothly to one knee, lowering the vehicle onto its stout feet. The seat of the chariot was surrounded by opaque curtains, through which a lone figure could be dimly seen. Two of the color guards moved to the front, and parted the curtains. Upon a gilded throne sat a woman of incredible beauty. She wore a robe similar to my own, but far more richly embroidered with threads of gold and small precious stones. The limpid pools of her dark eyes sparkled above a silken veil which concealed her face. Hair the color of midnight flowed from beneath a thin gold crown.

Sensing that I was in the presence of royalty, I rose up to kneeling, and lowered my head respectfully, yet without taking my eyes off of the beautiful apparition before me. She rose from her throne and stepped out of the carriage. At once, the bearers rose and, accompanied by the guards, backed out of the hut. The curtain closed behind them. I raised my head and gazed upon this goddess queen. Her robe was fastened only at her waist by a bejeweled pin, affording me full appreciation of the swell of her breasts, as well as tantalizing glimpses of her smooth, shapely legs. I was entranced, not only by her beauty, but by a haunting sense of familiarity. Her eyes, her hair, the subtle lines of her half-concealed body all evoked distant memories. She must have seen the consternation in my face, and in reply, raised her hand to her veil, and drew it aside. My heart ceased to beat, as my eyes beheld what could not be. Mariah!

I longed to speak her name, but dared not, for fear that it would break the spell, and cause her to vanish. She smiled, and stepped toward me. Reaching out, she cradled my face in her hands and whispered, ‘Yes, my love. It’s impossible, but true.’


The word finally escaped ‘But… but how?’ She climbed up onto the bed, and sat before me.

‘Two days after you set sail, I was walking home from the mission, when I was attacked by two men, and knocked unconscious. I awoke in the hold of a ship, already several hours out to sea, with three other young women who had suffered similar fates. We were to be sold as slaves in the far east. As horrible as our future seemed, it paled in comparison to the journey itself.’

Mariah bowed her head slightly, closing her eyes tight, dredging forth a memory she’d hoped would never see the light of day. ‘Once we were safely out to sea, the four of us were brought up on deck.’ she began, ‘Their intent was to break us, destroy our will, make slaves of us. But they were at a disadvantage. They couldn’t damage the ‘merchandise’. They had to be more… creative. Chantel was the first, dragged up onto a crate, stripped naked as the crew cheered. The first mate pushed her to her knees, opened his trousers, and entered her from behind. Another crewman grabbed her by the hair, and forced himself between her lips. I turned away, unable to watch the debasement of this innocent girl. It was then that I spied a young man, barely more than a boy, hiding behind the bulkhead, refusing to partake in the spectacle on deck.

‘When the first two sailors were done with Chantel, they were replaced by two more, and two more, and two more. When they tired of Chantel, they brought up the next girl, and the next. I was the last. I had already been taken twice, when the captain emerged from his cabin. He had been watching from his cabin, making sure his entire crew was satiated before taking his pleasure. As I perched on my hands and knees upon the crate, like an animal on the auction block, the juice of my violators dripping from my sore and swollen vagina, the captain walked slowly around me, inspecting me, and thanking the crew for ‘saving the best for last’.

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She opened the door and leaned back against it, sighing in exhaustion. Her dark maroon pants stretched tightly across her sore, perfectly rounded butt. She groaned lightly at the fantasy of finally stripping them off along with the rest of her bulky clothing and tumbling in to a warm bed next to the fireplace with a good mindless book. Maybe even with a big plate of something warm… She didn’t normally eat in bed, but desperate times… Her mouth began to water as she realized the delicious...

2 years ago
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Back form my dayliy walk

i just got back fome my dayliy walk and there he was standing next to my in tabel he hade his playboy bunny boxers on he took me and made me get on my hands an knees pulling my hair makeing me curl to my room ...i go to take his boxers off with my teeath (him) no no no bad girl ... (him)stand up ...so i do . B/c i want to plz my master . he bends me over my desk...puts two cups filled with blue faygo on both of my hands ..says if you spill any of it u ...

2 years ago
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Revenge Sex Gangbang

(episode 14)After spring break things between Jennifer and I were much better than the weeks preceding. Neither one of us questioned what the other had done on spring break. We had broke up before spring break, therefore, free to do whatever with whoever during that time. No doubt, we both had hooked up with someone during that time and to bring it up would only be hurtful to both of us.That spring Jennifer had me to choose a little tattoo design for her lower back. Our relationship was really...

College Sex
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Instant Message Instant Madame

Careful with those instant messages and careful with those profiles girls, you just never know. Instant Message, Instant Madame By Jennifer Richardson [email protected] "Hi!" I waited to see if there would be a response to my instant message. Her profile had seemed too good to be true. "Madame De La Val, Strict Mistress, Authoritarian Dominatrix. Seeks full time submissive transvestite capable of a range of duties from Maid to Secretary. North of England, the successful...

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The Tally

Amy loved her job, but she had no illusions about what her job really was. After all, you couldn’t expect success if you pretended it was anything else. She was a sex performer, and she was paid to have sex on stage several times a night whenever it was her shift. And sex, whether on stage, for film or in private, was still sex. It meant disrobing, it meant groping and above all it meant penetration. That was what the punters expected and what they were paying for. The art of it was in making...

2 years ago
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Helping out a Classmate Chapter 2

You hear Danielle leaving the shower. You’re still lying on the bed, your mind still busy with processing all the events that happened today. Danielle had come to you for help, but it turned out she also wanted something else. After giving each other some oral pleasure, the two of you cuddled. After a couple of minutes Danielle told you she would take a shower. Now, approximately twenty minutes later, she’s standing in the doorway. She’s wearing some grey sweatpants and a black sweater. Her...

Straight Sex
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SWMS 8 High School TroublesChapter 5

In the morning when we all got up and ate, we started helping the girls pack up. Stacy Z was picked up first. We all walked her out to her mom’s minivan where her little girl insisted on hugs from all of us. She was adorable. Stacy Z introduced us all, and when she got to the other Stacys, she referred to them by last name letter instead of by actual name. So Stacy R was Auntie R and Stacy B was Auntie B. When it came to me, I was shocked as Stacy Z introduced me as ‘Uncle Josh’ only for her...

3 years ago
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Unrepressed the wife sexuality

I would like to begin this story by telling you a little about ourselves. I believe people hear or read stories similar to this and think that we are a different sort. In reality we are normal people and no one would expect that we have such fantastic sexual experiences. We are just like any other husband and wife living in suburbia. We have grown up c***dr*n and the wife even attends church. I work in IT sales and my wife is a teacher. I hope you get the picture because for the most part we...

4 years ago
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Amys Little Fuck List

I didn’t get the response I was hoping for though when I knocked at her door and handed her the roses.”What The hell are these for”she said rather sternly ,”I ‘m not the woman you should be giving them too”. I tried to tell her why I left so quickly last week ,but she claimed she knew why . She then told me that she had set me up to be with her sister that day”she is the one you should be apologizing to”. “Sit down let me tell you about Sara”she said then went and retrieved a photo album and...

3 years ago
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A BBWs Garage

You’ve got that medicine I need. Fame, Liquor, Love, give it to me slowly. ———————————- I looked over my choice of outfit once more. I was sure I looked good, if not sexy even. Still, it had to be the right one for my plan to work. After all, he’d been slaving away in that damn garage for weeks, and as much as I appreciated the fact that it was my baby he was working on, I still missed my man. So I was going to do something about that. I walked to the front of the house and made sure the...

2 years ago
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A Desperate Nudist

Caroline looked round the hall. Was she the only one uncomfortable with her nudity, or were the others just hiding it better? Next to her Jenny smiled and turned back to watch the instructor. When Jenny had first mentioned she was a nudist, Caroline had been both shocked and intrigued. She'd never known this about Jenny, despite them being friends for years. After getting used to the idea Caroline often found herself wondering what the lifestyle was actually like and that was how she'd...

2 years ago
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School Girl Janvi Ka 5 Liter Breastmilk Doodh Piya

Hello friends, I am rahul from mumbai. Aaj me apko mein apni ek sachi kahani batanejarahahun.Ye baat mere school age ki hai. Me jab somya gandhi college me naya admission liya tha class par tab yahan ek ladki thi janvi.Uske jesi sundar ladki iss duniyan me maine aaj tak nehi dekhi and I am sure age bhi nehin dekhunga. Uske face par ek gulabi glow tha oothon jese ras bhare gulab jamun.Mujhe uske do chizein bahut achi lagtithi uske baal aur uski breast.Uske middle size breast ko uske shirt ke...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Gift

*** Note to potential writers. Please feel free to branch off your own threads at any point, to take the story in other directions *** Cooped up in your home, You are sitting in your bedroom, transferring some old tapes to DVD on your laptop. You had heard there were faster ways than hooking up your VCR to it and playing it while the software you had downloaded did its thing, but you just didn’t have the equipment. No matter, it gave you the time to enjoy fond memories dredged up by the...

Mind Control
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MommysGirl Khloe Kapri Sheena Ryder Playtime

Sheena Ryder is just about to have an online meeting when her stepdaughter, Khloe Kapri, skips into the room. Khloe whines about wanting playtime, though Sheena assures her that they’ll have playtime after her meeting. If Khloe wants to be able to enjoy all the nice things she has, then Sheena has to work! Although Khloe is pouty, she shuffles away to leave Sheena in peace… Sheena sighs and gets on the call, chatting with her coworkers. Mere minutes later, she’s startled when...

2 years ago
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Brother And Sister Sex Game Turns To Dad Taking Over

One hot day Saturday Ashley was sitting on the couch when her brother Rob came in and sat next to her. Ashley asked what he was up too, since their mother and father where gone for the day working. Rob told her he was going to hang out at the pizza shop and pick up on girls. He always acted like he was some kind of stud. She asked him what he would do if some girl actually agreed to hook up with him. He told her he'd bang he hard with his big cock and make her cum. She started to feel her...

2 years ago
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RedTails Blue Rosette

RedTailsBlue RosetteByScarletdown"Hester," Olivia purred, "I want to order what those people are drinking." The Furling Ocelot cuddled the Furling Chinchilla who was sitting on her lap, and gestured in the direction of the party a couple tables over. Everyone present at Hot Summer Nights had paused in their dancing, dining, and drinking to watch the impromptu demonstration the inn keepers were conducting.Hester was shocked and stunned by what he was witnessing. The inn keeper's mate, a most...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 18 Making Sense of it All

March, 1984, Chicago, Illinois “Kara?” I said when I regained my composure. “What are you doing here?” “You said I could come visit!” she said brightly. “Are you angry?” “No, just surprised. Come on in and shut the door. It’s cold out there.” “Hi Bethany,” Stephanie said. “Hi. Hello, Kara,” Bethany said, looking a bit askance. “Hi Bethany. I didn’t realize that you would be here,” Kara said. “I hope it’s OK that I’m here.” “I was leaving for Milford after lunch. I just stayed to say...

3 years ago
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The Masseur Part 3

(All characters are at least 18 years of age) Word Count = 10,570 * I missed Skylar's little pool party because duty called. Or in this case, Tami called and said I needed to perform a particular job for her that afternoon. I wasn't used to working on a Sunday, but money talks. Kevin was just going to have to do the best he could with a pool full of high school girls. I really couldn't believe that my "Special" client was supposed to be the Mayor's wife! I'd seen her before on the...

3 years ago
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Moving in with Jim and Candy Part 4

"The Pool Guy and the Plumper" - FictionLater in the summer, I had to work an overnight shift at the store. It was pretty dead other than the guys and couples that came in to play at the glory hole. When I got home, Jim and Candy were getting ready to go to work at their respective jobs. Jim smiled at me, "You look a little beat. Just so you know, the pool guy will be coming by this morning or this afternoon. He already has a key to the gate, so you won't have to get up to let him in. Just...

1 year ago
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Padosh Wali Bhabhi Ki Chut Or Gaand Ki Chudai

Hello Dosto mera name jay hai or mai gujrat ka rahne wala hu meri age 25 year hai or mai ek mnc mai job karta hu. Mere land ka size 6.5” hai or 2’’ mota hai. agar koi bhabhi or aunty mujhe sex ke liye invite karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kar sakti hai mera mail id hai. Meri yeh kahani aaj se 2 saal pahle ki hai jab mai 23 year ka tha or mai apni padhai khatam karke ghar aaya tha. Waise to sab din normal bit rahe the lekin jab ek din mai bajar se ghar aaya to maine dekha ki ek ladki jo bahut...

3 years ago
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Old is horny

Hi my name’s John, I’m 22 now, describe myself tall slim, some people say very femine, my story is about when I was 17, my parents asked me to help old friends of theirs, fix their cottage up. I stay with them a few days and get paid well. Now Bill was about 72, he was tall like me but fatter. His wife Sue was small lady I think a year younger, grey hair saggy tits but cute ass I noticed that. We worked hard cleaning the mess ( and believe me it was a mess ) it was very warm and we all wore...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Chloe Cherry The Drifter

Blonde beauty Chloe Cherry, Bar maid of the Dry Gulch Saloon, needs to make $15 by the end of the day or it’s her ass! Those are the threatening words from her husband who goes into town to buy a new axle for their wagon. When the husbands away the wolves come to prey… Roaming through the Southern California mountains drifter Xander Corvus stops in the saloon to get a refreshing beverage and some relief from the blazing sun. When Chloe overcharges him for beer things go wild! Xander...

2 years ago
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Laylah and DavidChapter 4

The smell of freshly roasting coffee gently stirred Laylah from her sleep. With a stretch and a yawn, she stood up from the futon and made her way to the door. "I am so sorry that I slept so late." Laylah stated as she opened the door and noticed that the sun had started to set. David warmly smiled as he poured a second cup of coffee and motioned for Laylah to join him at the table. "No problems at all, you are going to need your energy for tonite. Come sit down." David said, patting...

4 years ago
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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 02

October 16th – Saturday at the resort. We wake up late in the morning. Joan does have a bit of a sore throat. She says she doesn’t care because last night was amazing. We all hit the showers and then head out for some brunch. After brunch and since it’s afternoon, Mandi wants to hit the nude beach so we go back to the room, strip, grab the towels and sunblock. On the beach, we spread the towels out and slather sunblock on each other. John leans over me, French kiss me and says, ‘I love you,...

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Dost Ki Chachi Ko Choda

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main lucky Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi..Jaisa ki aap log jante hi hain main pune me rahata hun. Aur...

4 years ago
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Caring for JulieChapter 3

The next morning, Friday, I was up at 0530 hrs as usual. Having missed two days of PT, first from the rain and then Julie, I was ready for a good workout. I went down to the weight room and got started. About 0630, I gave it up and headed upstairs for a quick shower. Julie was sitting in the bed — crying. "Where were you?" she moaned. "I woke up, you were gone, and I couldn't find you. I thought you had left me, like my real daddy did," and she hiccuped. "Sweetie, Sweetie, I was just...

3 years ago
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I have always wanted to fuck my mother. My i****t infatuation has always been an obsession really. Maybe it is because my father died when I was young and this made me grow especially close to her. Earlier this year when I turned 18 I came to the realization that my desires towards my mother ran much deeper than just wanting to make love to her. I wanted to be her lover. I wanted to make her my life companion. I came to this conclusion when she and I were watching TV one night. Denise, my...

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The CabanaChapter 7

Judy I knew Judy from school. Her father was a doctor and one summer he helped her secure a job as a candy striper at the local hospital. Her dad also bought her a car since she was working during the summer. Occasionally she would drop by the house after her shift was over. Since she usually worked late and her shit wasn't over until either 11 or midnight, it was necessary for me to sneak out of the house to make our trysts. When I was growing up, at our house it was bedtime at 9:30 PM as...

1 year ago
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I don't know why I did it but in retrospect, I'm definitely glad I did. I was driving down one of those uncountable mountain roads. You probably know the kind, not a straight section over fifty feet long and a sheer drop to the treetops hundreds of feet below with only a thin guard rail (if that) between you and eternity. Most of the traffic is from coal or log trucks, each weighing sixty thousand pounds and every one a menace. I was daydreaming as usual while reflecting on my wasted life...

2 years ago
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Lust Relief Dorm Chapter 4

The fucking lasted late into the night. Afterwards, Noah and Hannah had done it two more times. Every time they had finished resting, they would still see countless couples fucking each other’s brains out in the corridor. Every time they would get caught up in the whirlwind of hormones in the air, and start making out all over again. Noah couldn’t quite remember how many times he had come inside Hannah. In the end, he took a quick peek into the room next door, and saw Debbie leisurely sucking...

1 year ago
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Our red light Amsterdam holiday

Selena, my wife, and I had an amazing experience some years ago. It was like we were two innocents who arrived in Amsterdam. We did all the usual tourist haunts, eventually walking around the Red Light District. We were amazed by what was on offer. Then one day a doorman talked us into going into this very small club. He was very persuasive. We sat down at a small table and everything seemed rather dull. My wife was very nervous and she drank too much, too quickly, and she was soon very tight,...

4 years ago
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Pratyusha FatherInLaw8217s Whore 8211 Part 1

(This is based on purely fantasy, dreams of Pratyusha) She told me that she is my biggest fan so she wanted me to write her fantasy story. We discussed her guidelines. I wrote, sent to her for approval and Iam publishing after making changes as she suggested. Please send comments/ suggestions to ) Sushma’s story I looked at Pratyusha, our beautiful Daughter in law, puzzled. She seemed to have something on her mind. I peeled five potatoes. She was still absent mindedly toying with her first...

3 years ago
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Pickup and Pay

Pay and Pickup I posted a used paper shredder for sale on a local classifieds site a little while ago. I didn’t get any response and had to repost it a few times. I had just about given up on it, when a girl named, Sara asked about it. After a few exchanges, she said that she would take it and asked about arranging to pick it up and pay for it. I sent her my phone number and told her to give me a call. This was the first thing in the morning and I was in my bathrobe before my shower.

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lanas story

Introduction: i posted this once but it got deleted anyway hope u enjoy this is a story how my life changed forever Im Lana . Im 10 Im going to tell you how i was changed into a death angel in other words i am a vampire this happened 2 years ago part 1 the day started out so nice it was a mid summer day and i was tanning out by the pool in my bikini. then i heard my mom calling me in the house for lunch but what i didnt know was in the shadows a creature was watching me. i went to my room...

1 year ago
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My First And Only Sex Partner

When I was about 16 I was really shy. I had been operated on a leg and had to stay in bed for almost a whole year, losing contact with the outside world. During that time I just had started discovering my own body, when my brother’s girlfriend had brought me a book on sexual education with a lot of pictures in full color, that led to masturbation. Every time my aunt, who was taking care of me went to take a nap, I would just open the book and spanked my monkey. Right after I got better, my...

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