Starstruck Ch. 10-12 free porn video

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Ok readers, here’s the fourth installment. It’s hopefully a lot longer than the others so it should give you a descent amount to read. I know some of you have asked for longer chapters, but I’m afraid that with story writing, you can’t really plan the length of a chapter, the story happens how it happens, so if you think they’re too short, then tough cookies. Just a little reminder to PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT. I can’t improve on my stories if I don’t know what you think about them. Us writers really DO appreciate them. As always, all characters are 18 years or over. Happy reading.


Over the next couple of weeks Sam and Chase go to know each other better. They went horse riding every day together, even if it was only for an hour or so. They went out for walks, went shopping in the town and a couple of times they had taken Sam’s car and gone to the city to have a look around and go to the movies (with Chase in disguise of course). Some days they would just lounge around the lake. Chase had to admit that this was his favourite activity with Sam, as Sam’s bathing suit was probably the one revealing outfit she had. Although not as skimpy as some bikinis you can buy, it still showed a good proportion of her stomach and breasts as well as showing off her long curvy legs.

Sam was tall for a woman, almost six foot, a good height for Chase’s six foot four, he had thought secretly, and a good proportion of that was leg. Although he didn’t make it obvious, Chase loved to look at her when she didn’t know it. Chase was a great guy that went for a females brain rather than her body, but at the same time, he was still a guy.

Although Sam and Chase spent most of every day together, Sam disappeared for a couple of hours every afternoon. When questioned, Sam merely stated that she had some things to take care of. Even though Chase knew Sam hadn’t left the house, he could never find her, so had to make himself content with the knowledge that Sam would be back soon. Chase was finding it harder and harder to be without her company though and this disturbed him.

To be honest, without Sam’s company, Chase would have packed up and left after the third day. Emily and Parker were absolute pains in the ass, always talking to Chase about absolute crap that he didn’t need or want to know about. Emily was an empty headed bitch who looked down on anyone who wasn’t at her social status and Parker was a moron who had less sense than a speck of dust. Chase couldn’t stand either one of them and now knew why Jack had gotten him to stay here. He had hoped that Chase would soon leave. Well, thanks to Sam, Chase was able to bear the evening meals and occasional tea parties with Emily’s friends. They made sure they were out most of the time to escape both of Sam’s parents, and so were able to both maintain a happy medium.

After all the time they had spent together though, Chase was starting to get impatient. Although Chase talked about his life freely enough, Sam was still resigned, not giving away anything personal. Although Chase tried to get Sam to talk about her relationship with her parents, she kept those feelings bottled up, refusing to talk about it. Chase didn’t push her, remembering Mac’s words about her problem with trust, but he liked Sam, really liked her, and Chase wanted her to trust him. The way she responded to him made Chase think that she liked him too, even if she didn’t want to admit to herself. Nothing had happened between them, just the way they acted towards each other, the small smiles Sam gave to Chase that he noticed weren’t given to anyone else, the way she would genuinely laugh at his jokes, as lame as they were or the way they would accidentally brush against each other and pull back quickly.

They were good for each other, although neither Chase or Sam realised this. Chase saw Sam beyond the hard shell she had erected to the vulnerable girl inside, and Sam saw Chase as the man he was, not the Hollywood star he had become. They both helped each other to get some normalcy into their lives, something that deep down, they both craved.

* * * *

Chase headed down to the stables to look for Sam. She had gone off by herself again, but had been gone for a lot longer than usual and Chase was getting worried. He hadn’t found her in the house, so he assumed she was with Warrior. When he got to the stables he could see no sign of Sam, and instead ran into Mac cleaning out stalls. ‘Hey Mac, have you seen Sam anywhere.’

‘Can’t say I ave Master Chase. ‘Ave ye looked for ‘er in the tower?’

‘The tower?’

‘Sam has ‘er art room up there. Only way to hide it from ‘er parents. They don’t agree with ‘er artwork.’

‘Okay, thanks. I’ll look for her there. I’ll see you later yeah.’

‘I’m always ere Master Chase.’

* * * *

Chase knocked on the door to the attic. When he got no answer he walked in. Sam wasn’t in the room, but Chase could see that she had been walking on something so he assumed she would be back soon. Walking around the room (which was quite large as it used to be the servants quarters), Chase studied her artwork. There were paintings and drawings of Warrior and the other horses, landscapes of the surrounding area and sketches of the house. It was obvious that Sam went down to the town quite often during past visits as there were also sketches of people going along on their business. An old man sunning himself outside his shop, a child pulling on his mother’s hand and two girls window shopping. Chase was impressed. It was obvious that Sam had a lot of talent. Not only could she draw what she could see, she could also draw what she couldn’t. Sam put emotion into her drawings and that is what made a great artist.

As Chase continued to walk around the room, he came upon a pile of paintings that had been stacked carelessly along the wall, like they didn’t matter. These paintings were different from the others. They were swirls of colour, showing fire and anger as well as hurt and depression. They screamed of great independence, but at the same time screamed for love and understanding. Chase felt a sharp pang in his heart as he realised what these painting represented. These paintings weren’t just pieces of art. They were Sam. Looking at the dates, Chase could see that these paintings went back for years, and for the first time, Chase was able to see what a truly lonely and sad life Sam had lead. Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs, Chase quickly moved back into the middle of the room to the work bench. Although he didn’t think Sam would care that he saw her sketches, he knew the other paintings were personal, and she’d be pissed if she knew he had seen them.

Sam walked into the room and was startled to see Chase standing there. ‘Hey, what are you doing here?’

‘Hi. I was looking for you and Mac said you’d probably be up here. How come you never told me about this room before?’ After the great last couple of weeks they’d had, Chase was a bit hurt that Sam hadn’t told him about her art room. He’d thought that she’d been starting to trust him.

‘I don’t know. I guess it never seemed that significant really. Normally I come up here to get away from things, but lately, all I’ve been doing up here is working.’

‘So I’ve seen. I had a look at some of your other work as well. It’s fantastic.’

‘How much did you look at?’ Although Sam didn’t mind Chase looking at her artwork, she didn’t want him to see the paintings of her. She wasn’t ready to go into that with Chase yet.

‘Just the ones on the easels. They’re really good.’ ‘Thanks. They’re just doodles really. It helps me to relax.’

‘Sam. I’ve seen doodles. They’re way more than just doodles.’ Sam walked over to the table. She wasn’t accustomed to praise with anything that she did. Chase could see she was embarrassed, so he changed the subject. ‘So, this is where you go when you disappear on me then.’

‘Sometimes. I’ve been busy organising a gallery opening at my school
. The parents wanted it done. You know what they’re like. They need something to show off their children’s brilliance to the other parents.’

‘So you’re the organiser. Really? How’d you get stuck doing that?’

‘Actually, I volunteered. Why?’

‘Nothing, its just, well, it doesn’t seem your sort of thing. It sounds like something the social club would do or something.’

Sam smiled at him, pleased in a way that he had actually taken the time to learn things about her. ‘I don’t do it because I enjoy it. I do it because it will look good on my scholarship application.’

Chase was confused. Its not like she had the need to scrape for cash. ‘Why the hell would you need to apply for a scholarship?’

‘Chase, think about Parker and Emily, then think about me. You really think that we have the same idea about which University I’m to attend.’

‘I guess not. So what, they won’t pay for you to go to Uni?’

‘Oh, they’ll pay alright, as long as I go to the Uni of their choice and study the course they approve of. Otherwise, I’m on my own.’

Chase didn’t really know what to say to that. Having a loving family, he couldn’t imagine parents being as hard and callous as Sam’s. ‘So, how’s the gallery coming along?’

‘Fine. Everything’s sorted out now except for what needs to be done on the night. I’m just making signs and name plates for all the artwork. I wanted to have them printed so I’d have less work, but my art teacher insisted that it would look more artistic if I did them by hand. It’s a pain in the ass. Now I’m screwed because I’ve had no time to do a picture myself for the gallery.’

Chase walked over to the table and sat down. ‘Why don’t you enter one of the ones here. I think they’re fantastic.’

‘I don’t want to. They’re a part of my life that I don’t share with that part of my world. When I come to stay here, I come to get away from society and just be by myself. The majority of my school ignore me because I don’t fit in, but those who don’t give me hell. I don’t want to give them anything personal to attack me with.’

Chase was amazed. This was the first time Sam had ever voluntarily let Chase get an insight into her life beyond the estate. Although he knew it was probably unintentional, Chase realised that, even if it was done sub-consciously, Sam was beginning to trust him. At the same time he wanted to kill those bitches that had been giving Sam a hard time. He knew her life was hard enough as it was without the added pressure of school bullies.

‘Well, have you had any other ideas what to do?’

‘I had one, but it involves you, so I didn’t bother about it.’

‘Well, why don’t you tell me before you totally dismiss it.’

Sam looked at Chase shyly. She knew there was no way he would agree, so she didn’t know why she was bothering, but Sam knew Chase wouldn’t let up until she told him. ‘Do you remember when we first met, under the oak tree and you told me that you wanted people to see the real you, not the actor.’


‘Well. I wanted to sketch you, show people the real you. But it’s a stupid idea, don’t worry about it.’

‘I’d love to model for you, if you want me to.’

‘You wouldn’t mind?’

‘Not at all.’ Chase thought it was a good idea. It meant that he could spend some personal time with her. Sure they’d spent a lot of time alone together when Sam wasn’t doing her gallery thing, but this would be different. Although Chase wasn’t any type of artist, he knew that modeling for an artist was quite personal. Although he didn’t want to admit it, Chase was falling, and falling hard for Sam. He had been from the moment he had met her. He felt a deep possessiveness over her, and all he wanted to do was to protect her, to make all the hurt from the past go away and stop anymore hurt from happening. Chase had never felt this way before, and it scared the hell out of him, but it pissed him off even more that Sam wouldn’t allow him to protect her. Chase hoped that by modeling for Sam, he could get inside her head a bit more.

‘So, when did you want to start?’

‘Um, well, as soon as possible, I guess.’ Sam was still in a state of shock. She had never expected Chase to say yes, so wasn’t really prepared for anything. ‘I don’t know if it will be any good. I don’t have much time to do it in.’

‘I know how good you are. You’ll do fine. So, how do you want me?’

‘Well, I wanted to draw you first as Chase Major, you know, something dashing and actorish. I don’t know really to be honest.’

‘Well, here’s an idea. What if I dressed up as a cowboy, like in Texas Ranger. I expect with the amount of promotion its had, people will recognise me in the picture straight away.’

‘I like the idea, but there’s one problem. I don’t have any old cowboy costumes lying around the house.’

‘Leave it to me. I’ll be able to organise to get one of the costumes I wore for the shoot sent here. I’ll go and make the call now.’

* * * *

Later in bed that night, Sam lay pondering over what had happened this afternoon. She couldn’t believe what she had said to Chase about what happened to her at school. She had never talked like that to anyone before. Sam was scared. Although she was apprehensive about it, Sam was beginning to trust Chase more and more. Secretly, Sam was happy that Chase had agreed to model for her. It meant that they could spend some personal time together. Sam was so confused. She had never had anything to do with guys before. She had never really been interested, and none of the guys at school would ever look at her twice. Sam just didn’t know what her feelings for Chase were. She was hoping that spending this extra time with him would help her to sort out her feelings.

Chapter 11

Chase was true to his word, and the next afternoon the costume arrived via express delivery. Sam decided that to get the true effect, they should do the sketch outside, so Sam organised a picnic lunch and they rode out to one of the boundary fences. Secretly, Sam thought Chase looked gorgeous in his Stetson and chaps. ‘So, how do you want me to be?’

‘Well, it may be a little uncomfortable, and you’ll have to take a lot of rests, but I was thinking that if you leaned your back against the fence with your elbows leaning on the top rail. Cross your feet. Yeah, that’s good, now push your hat down slightly, no, up a bit, that’s good. Now I want you to look directly at me. I need you to pretend to be the ranger again. Look slightly arrogant, like nothing bothers you, nothing can hurt you. That’s perfect.’ Sam settled down with her back against a tree and began to draw. Chase was amazingly patient. Sam knew that his position wasn’t comfortable and asked him several times if he wanted a rest, but he told her to keep on drawing. After 40 minutes though, Chase couldn’t hold his position anymore and had to have a rest.

‘Can I have a look?’

‘No way. You can’t see it until it’s finished.’

‘Oh, no fair. I’m the model.’

‘Yes and what a cute model you make.’ The words were out of Sam’s mouth before she could even think. They both stood there looking at each other until Sam broke the silence. ‘Um, do you want lunch now?’

‘Yeah, lunch sounds really good.’ As Sam rummaged through her bag for the sandwiches, Chase took off the Stetson, chaps and shirt, leaving him in a wife beater and faded jeans. Sam couldn’t help but look at him. He had one of the most beautiful bodies Sam had ever seen on a man. His arms and chest rippled with wiry muscle, the type of muscle one got from hard work rather than the gym. Shaking herself, Sam told herself to stop daydreaming and get back to reality. It’s not like Chase be interested in her like that anyway. Handed him a sandwich, Chase went to sit against a tree opposite Sam. All through lunch, both Sam and Chase were uncomfortably aware of each other and at the end of lunch, Chase told Sam he was going to have a nap. Really it was to try and calm down his
raging hormones, but Sam didn’t have to know that.

As Sam sat there looking at Chase, in idea formed in her mind. Taking her sketch pad, she flipped to a new page and started to draw Chase sleeping under the tree. He looked so innocent laying there with the light dappled from shining through the trees. Laying there, he didn’t look like Chase Major, screen hunk. He looked like Chase Mathew, ordinary man. Sam knew then what her picture would look like. Chase slept for nearly an hour before Sam was done and woke him up to continue working on the first picture.

Soon the picture was done enough that Chase didn’t need to model anymore (Sam was an extremely fast drawer), so they went to find the horses and rode back home. Going into the tower alone, Sam got out a new piece of paper and started to draw the two images of Chase onto the one page. Sam worked for hours until she couldn’t draw anymore. She was pleased with how the drawing was going. On one half of the page there was Chase the actor, the cowboy with his horse, in all his arrogance and pride. On the other side was Chase the man, sleeping innocently under a tree without a care in the world. Rolling the paper up and putting it into a tube, Sam hid it so that Chase couldn’t find it. She knew how impatient he was and that he would be hunting for it as soon as her back was turned. Sam turned out the light and went to her room. She was tired and soon she was asleep, dreaming of Chase.

The next morning Sam woke up all hot and bothered. Her body was tingling and there was an unfamiliar ache between her legs. Not a bad ache, but pleasurable. Sam wasn’t sure what was going on. She had never had this feeling before and wondered if she was getting sick. She had been working hard lately and decided to spend the day lazing by the lake.

Chase found her soon after breakfast and spent most of the day with her until Sam announced that she had work to do. Chase for once, was glad that she’d gone. He’d had a hard time keeping his eyes off of her and had had to turn onto his stomach to make sure Sam didn’t see his erection. Chase didn’t understand what attracted him to Sam. She was the complete opposite of the girls he usually went for. She was rude, outspoken, stubborn and pig headed, but Chase loved to hang out with her. Probably because he knew where he stood when he was with Sam. She wasn’t fake. She wouldn’t lie to keep him happy. Chase found it refreshing.

Later that day, Chase met up with Sam in the tower to see how she was going with the sketch. ‘It’s coming along well. I’ve almost finished it. I’m just sketching a picture of Warrior behind you and the fence to give more of a cowboy impression.’

‘Can I see it?’


‘Alright then, don’t get so crotchety. Okay, subject change. How are you going with the gallery?’

‘Fine, i’ve actually finished all the plaques and stuff, although god knows how, so there’s only what needs to be done on the night. I have no idea who’s been invited though. I had to organise the bloody thing, but I couldn’t decide who got to go.’

‘That sucks. So, are your parents going?’

‘No thankfully. It was up to me to invite them, so that’s one less problem I’ll have to deal with on the night.’

‘You didn’t bother to invite them?’

‘No. Why, you sound surprised.’

‘Well, I am. Especially since it’s obvious that you did this for your parents approval.’

‘Excuse me?’ Chase knew he was going into dangerous territory with this, but decided that a direct approach could be the only way he could get through to her.

‘Think about it. The catering company, the food and wine, the invitations, the waiting staff. All from the same companies your parents use. The way I know you’ve decided to decorated the gallery, in a style you would hate but your parents would approve of. Everything you’ve done isn’t you, it’s your parents.’

‘Don’t be stupid Chase, it’s a formal event and it’s for my scholarship. What do you want me to do? Serve sausage rolls and party pies with fizzy drink. That’ll impress everyone. This has nothing to do with my parents.’ Sam was starting to yell. Chase was dredging up buried feelings that Sam didn’t want to think about. Chase started to yell back.

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My roomates girl friend

My roommate started to date the girl I was absolutely in love with at the time. needless to say it upset set me. I did get over it as time passed. She eventually moved in with us. That's where it got interesting, I was still wanting to be with her. I wanted to fuck her. Below are a list of events that happened. You may think there false, or gross but there real.Sara and my roommate had left to go out and eat. I had stayed behind. I had went into there room and grabbed some of her dirty and...

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gary and I spending the night at my house part thr

Gary and I remained good friends and he loved fucking my face but he told me couldn't bring himself to suck cock anymore. I didn't mind. i loved his big cock so much i couldn't get enough.Gary and I were riding our bikes to the fair one day and as we pedaled, Gary told me to check out his cock. I looked and he had torn the inner seam of his shorts so his cock could be pulled through the hole along with his nuts and he could show it while it looked like he was totally dressed. he kept flashing...

4 years ago
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Vacation Exhibition

We had been saving for a year. I was so psyched to get out of here and do some serious relaxing and hot fucking! The flight wasn't bad (except for TSA) and we made it to out hotel. I was so horney I couldn't wait to give it to my wife. We had had a few cocktails on the flight and were a little tipsy. I opened the patio door and smelled the ocean air. It was beautiful out. We had a great view of the ocean from the 2nd floor and the grounds of our home for the week were immaculate. There was a...

2 years ago
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Glory Hole

My mother-in-law surprised me with the following question, "Erik, do you know where they have a Glory Hole? Your father-in-law promised to take me to one, but with his passing, he never got to it."My wife is a young woman of twenty, and I am thirty. My mother-in-law just turned forty-five. Marie is quite a stunning woman, as is her daughter. Darla is a horny young woman, and from that question, it appears she inherited it from her mother."The adult store on the mall has one. It is illegal, but...

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Chloes Sex Lessons Ch 14

When Chloe entered the second building from the pool patio area she found herself in a fairly large room. Along the walls were long rectangular tables which contained all kinds of food & drinks. The members of the staff periodically and inconspicuously replenished the tables so that the guests need never be famished or thirsty. Drinks were both alcoholic & non-alcoholic. Chloe reached for a can of coke which was in a bowl filled with ice to keep the soft drinks cold. As she started sipping her...

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More Than A Dream

Slowly I enter the bedroom, squinting as my eyes adjust and survey my surroundings under the dim light of the sunset coming through the open patio doors. A tropical breeze blows the curtains inward sending a pulse of warm salty air into my lungs. I look towards the large canopy king bed to find you sleeping naked on your back spread across the crisp white sheets. I pause to take in the view of you with the top sheet pushed low between your legs so your beautiful cock is exposed. Your chest...

Love Stories
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The Hottest Village Belle Ever

NOTE: The story is part fiction and part true. Obviously to bring excitement to the story I added a few extra things that never happened. I never give out any true names or cities or job details for privacy purposes. Since the day I became a successful screenwriter I didn’t have much time for my family. They always complained about it but there was nothing I could do about it. People like my ideas and fortunately a couple of movies that I worked were blockbusters. After the success of my last...

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it runs in the family

i was away with my dad the other week and we were playing golf with the lads and we were well into the holiday and when my dad was relaxed and away from work and family he let himself go, we had downed a few pints and the rest of the lads had gone to bed so it left my dad and i, we sat there finishing our pints when he said out the blue, son, your mother is away right now and she is getting laid!! i said what the fuck? he said sorry to say this but i had to get it off my chest, she loves black...

4 years ago
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My Four Favorite Freaky Ways to Fuck

Author's Note: Those of you who have already read some of my other stories posted at this site may recognize specific passages in this story. In writing this story, I have chosen to make use of several excerpts--either copied over verbatim, or in most cases, edited--from other stories that I have already written. I felt like there was no need for me to "reinvent the wheel," just so that I could share this particular facet of my life story with you. * * * * * My Four Favorite...

2 years ago
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Sally Dates a Black Man

Sally Dates a Black Man[Author’s note: This is a true story. Sally and Eddie really do exist and live in Pennsylvania. Sally’s story was related to me through voice messages and e-mails and I agreed to write it down and publish it so that large, mature white women can realize that there are men in this world who appreciate and worship large women. Sometimes the worshipers are white men and other times the worshipers are black men. But, no matter what a man’s skin color, these obese women...

4 years ago
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ChangesKatie Beginnings

ChangesKatie: Beginnings By Lacey_Katie My cousin Lisa met me at the airport. She reminded me of Nicole Kidman, just not quite as tall and as pencil-thin. Lisa was, and is, a natural redhead, 26 years old, and she wore a royal blue blazer, matching skirt which reached her mid-thigh, and navy stockings. She highlighted that with small gold earrings and a matching bracelet. She was 5'8" tall, around 125 pounds which made a great figure. I later learned it was 36D, 24, 36. Lisa...

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Confessions of a Taxi Driver

Another original story from me featuring a taxi driver and a passenger unable to pay her fare.Comments always welcome on [email protected] of a Taxi Driver I have always been a ‘tit man’ as my ex wife liked to put it. She herself was pretty busty being a slim size 10 and 34D when we married. But then as the years went by she became a size 18 and 44G, a little big in all directions, even for my tastes. But I have always liked to look at busty ladys whether in porn or...

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Nina The Following Day

After an orgasm-filled night, albeit spent on her tummy as her bottom was far too tender to lie on, Nina woke up and immediately remembered the embarrassment of the previous day. She was still at the hotel but immediately felt the stinging sensation right across her bottom and, as her hand gently ran her fingers along the raised welts caused by the cane, so she remembered the other embarrassing moments after that. She remembered looking at her herself in the mirror in the toilets, with her...

2 years ago
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Weekend at hotel dogging and play

The return from the UK was uneventful we did not live together but shared a bed at the weekends and some nights during the week. We kind of kept the fucking vanilla, at least our version of vanilla lots of anal for her, rimming and sucking for me. However we kept the options open and discussed on occasion how we might spice our fucking up a little. We talked about doing something different and went through our list of close friends but none had ever even shown the slightest interest in mixing...

3 years ago
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My Daughter Wife and Me All Sucked Black Neighbo

My Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Story part 1 I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking! He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me inside his apt to show...

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Old Tam Harker gripped the wheel as the rusty pickup clattered and banged along the rutted gravel road, leaving a trail of billowing dust and blue smoke as it jounced toward Oakville. Beside him on the ripped vinyl seat of the '94 Chevy, his son Zed stared moodily out at the passing scrub oak and salal brush. It was a fine morning on the Oregon coast, with just enough time between rain storms to let the sun shine down from a bright blue sky. Zed told himself that he should be doing the...

3 years ago
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Warehouse nights and happy days Part II

Three weeks after we started dating, as we enjoyed calling it, Lacie told me Rick would be out of town for a week. We made a date for me to come over Wednesday morning. I followed her suggestion and sneaked in from the park about 5:30; she took me to bed and we slept three more hours. When we woke up I was fully hard. We got into a leisurely 69, and soon she took me fully into her throat and expertly drained me. She came soon after. We relaxed and played with each other for a few minutes. She...

Love Stories
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Another lesson from my neighbour

Having admitted to my next door neighbour that sex with my boyfriend had become dull, he had agreed to give me lessons on how to liven things up. Yesterday, he had fucked me with a dildo before coming in my mouth. Telling me to return today I remembered him saying something about anal sex. I felt nervous as I had never been fucked up the arse before, but also excited and very very horny. So, this morning I knocked on his door, wearing a very short skirt and a skimpy top with no bra. ‘Hello my...

3 years ago
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Reminiscences of My Rapturous Days With RanjaniChapter 4

Saturday That morning I did not see Ranjani on the tree though I waited for a long time. I was disappointed very much and later left to office. The following two days were holidays for us. Sunday was a regular holiday. Monday was holiday due Independence Day. The audit officer's native place is Virudhunagar, a town south of Trichy at some 4 hours journey (whereas from Chennai it is some 12 hours). So making use of the holidays and the proximity, he left early on that Saturday to go his...

4 years ago
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She was more then thrilled. That’s putting it modestly. He was happy too. But Beth was feeling more then a little “overwhelmingly” emotional about it all. Soon her husband Jeff was going to be introduced that morning to the press, certain alumni, and a few boosters too as well as the nation. He was done in the bathroom. Now in a towel, and she knew what the ‘glory’ was which lie beneath it, Jeff walked out and over so he could put on his boxers. She looked at his body again. Beth smiled as she...

2 years ago
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The Naughty Professor

She was my obsession. The purveyor of my every sexual fantasy. From the moment I saw Professor Patricia Ellington, my business administration teacher, I wanted her. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t help it. She was so beautiful; with her shining blonde hair, smooth skin, supple breast, and firm ass and full luscious lips.Before I go on, let me introduce myself. My name is Evan Daniels. The story you're about to read depicts a huge turning point in my life. The lessons I learned and most...

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The Tales of TanitsarChapter 6 Alana

"No! Don't touch those scrolls, imbecile!" The old servant stopped in mid-movement at the sharp command. How often did she have to remind this annoying person to keep her hands off that desk? "Dekra, haven't I told you time and again to leave my desk be? Those are brittle parchments, hundreds of years old. If I ever catch you again messing with my desk, it'll be the laundry room for you!" The stupid person was not even contrite! "I served your grandfather, may he rest in peace,...

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Merela aunty

Hi friends. My name is Suresh. I am from the God’s own country Kerala now at Chennai doing my MCA. This is for the first time that I am writing a story. It’s been a long time since I have thought of publishing this, but due to several reasons, I was not able to do so. Anyway, here it is. It’s all about my cousin Rekha and me. Let me first describe her. She is a beautiful girl having long hairs and big eyes. Overall she is slim but her boobs! My God, it’s really great. It’s as big as Shakeela’s...

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Going back for Tricia

I had been trying to kick the smoking habit for several months. I enjoyed smoking but it was getting so expensive that I had to stop. Its difficult to accept just how much you like smoking until you try to give it up; it truly is an addiction. To make matters worse my wife read an ad in the paper for a hypnotist claiming that she could get you to give up smoking in three sessions. Of course I scoffed just like I always do when my wife reads something but eventually the nagging started to do my...

3 years ago
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A Virgin Paradise Part 2

A Virgin Paradise Part Two: Karen This is part two of the story that took place in the mid-eighties in the coastal city of Port Elizabeth, South Africa and it is based on actual events and not fictional. Only names have been changed to protect the privacy of those concerned. In part 1, I told you how I met Anita and the events that took place over that faithful weekend. If you read that and from that page landed here, I certainly hoped you enjoyed the story so far. oooOOOooo After that...

5 years ago
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Dungeon SlutChapter 4

Joy’s pussy whipping went well, we got a lot of hits on our new web site. She is a natural and begs for more at just the right time. The comments think I’m a good dominant as well, which make my pussy wet. I’ve even taken to wearing tight leather in public and letting my dominant personality be seen more. I found a guy online that could make bigger suction cups for Joy, they arrived yesterday in a big box. Joy was so excited she masturbated her big pussy on the box when I would not let her...

3 years ago
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Pete Tyler knew he was asking for trouble when he slid open the unlocked window. But without a moment's hesitation slipped inside of the unoccupied house. Only two weeks out of prison and here he was back prowling homes in search of jewelry, money, or anything else of value that he could be hidden under his coat. Like the old pro he was he immediately rifled through an unlocked jewelry case only to find that it only contained cheap costume settings that were practically worthless! After tossing...

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While the name of this website "Ghetto Tube" sounds basic as hell, I'd say that it comes off as racist, don't you think? I mean, not all black people are "ghetto," or something. Some are, sure. Then again, some white people are like that as well. Some Asians, too, I guess. I don't know. It doesn't matter much, really. The things that people fetishize today are kind of funny, but who cares. As long as it gives them the orgasm they crave so badly, it's fine, right?The optics that grab your...

Black Porn Sites
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My Parasitic LifeChapter 2

I had learned that it didn’t do to take the top spot, as that put quite a target on one’s back. Sometimes it was unavoidable, such as with a lion’s pride, but that was solved by driving the male progeny away early enough before they became a challenge. By then habit kept them clear of their former home territory. It wasn’t as much a problem in some animal societies, and in matriarchal societies such as most whale pods, mastodon and bonobo, troublesome males were either pacified or exiled. It...

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Nigerians and White Wife

Another story by Expatdad:One instance I have not written about yet occurred in Nigeria. I will relate this one and others might add their experiences, if any, of Africa.I might add others later, but this one in my view is very typical.It involved the American Military Attache to Nigeria, who had a very pretty wife. It was his first posting to an embassy and his first posting outside USA, so it was all quite new to him and his wife.He noticed that there were a number of Nigerians who were in...

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BDSM Playlist Spanish

LISTA DE PRACTICAS BDSM / Whipmaster'sPlaylist 2 Por Whipmaster [email protected] En otro lugar he expresado mi opinión personal acerca de los contratosde sumisión y de su valor más que relativo como elementos reguladoresde una relación BDSM plena y satisfactoria. A mi juicio resultan mucho más útiles e interesantes las "listasde prácticas" (en inglés, Playlist )algo que es relativamente frecuente encontrar en webs en inglés sobreBDSM y que sin embargo escaseaba en versión española....

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Quartet Julie Ch 05

Chapter 05: Someone to watch over me Robbie shut the apartment door behind him a walked toward the kitchen, taking his jacket off and hanging it on the coat stand. As he entered the kitchen, he saw the flashing light indicating a message on his phone. He sat down at the kitchen table and pushed the ‘new message’ button. It was from Eleanor Thompson. ‘Hi Robbie.’ she began. ‘I talked to my friend Dr. Weisman and he was pretty reluctant to give me any advice or analysis over the phone without...

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Lesbianism in Modern Literature 7

It was a somewhat cloudy and windy day on the slopes. Sally gave Sam another ski lesson. She had already shown a great deal of improvement. Her experience at water skiing was paying off after all. Still, Sam moved slowly and fell often. Fortunately she didn't hurt anything, except her pride.Several hours later the two of them made their way back to the cabin. Before they went inside, Sam indulged Sally's desire to build a "snowman". While Sam was creating the head, Sally was working on the...

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Two Moms Two Sons 6 Pete And Sandra Discover Their Own Incestuous Love

I ran out in front of him. "Stare at my butt, I don't mind," I pointed out, walking to my room.I didn't see him peek back at me, and I entered the room. It took him a few seconds to come in there with me, but I wasn't sure what to make of it at the time.As he made it in there, I pulled him to me and closed the door. "You're about to have sex with your flesh and blood mom," I spoke before I kissed him. "The one woman that literally loves you most in the world. The one that will never...

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A slaves first day

            Over a year ago, I had begun to speak to him over the Internet. Through exchanged pictures, and text messages, he had become my master. Now, I was here to meet him. He had requested that, upon seeing him the first time, I be wearing nothing but a long jacket. Underneath it, I was completely bare. I felt my nipples harden, rubbing against the smooth fabric inside the jacket.             The house was unremarkable; a wooden house painted a nice blue with two windows in the front. It...

3 years ago
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Visiting Hours

Visiting Hours By Robokun It was the first time she had smiled since the accident. The long months of medical prodding, the x-rays, the humiliating sponge baths, and the fearful, worried looks from her Husband were now seeing some hope of conclusion. The news was good. She had healed without complication, and nothing would remain of the accident except bad memories and soaring car insurance. It was good to smile.   Her life would be hers again. Soon. The Smile turned from...

First Time

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