Anniversary Ch. 03 free porn video

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The continuing story of Aurora – hypnotised ready for humiliation. If you want more, please leave a comment.


Aurora had spent the evening as an assistant in a sex shop as part of a game she and her husband were playing. The game had started when Aurora had herself hypnotised with the intention of being completely helpless to resist her husband’s pleasure. It hadn’t been her intention for the game to become so involved and she certainly hadn’t bargained for strangers to be included. The humiliation of being teased by customers in the sex shop had excited her but a young woman had gone too far. Lynne, the young woman, was a complete stranger. She had offered Aurora a lift home in such a manner that it had triggered the hypnotic state so she couldn’t refuse. In Lynn’s apartment she had been ordered to play with herself and then Lynne had actually joined in. Aurora hadn’t enjoyed the sex session though having a desultory orgasm had brought some relief from an evening of continuous stimulation by strangers at the sex shop.

There had been no choice. Lynne ordered her to come when she did, and being under the influence of the now deep hypnosis, she had obeyed. Aurora hoped this hadn’t been part of her husbands plan, preferring to think this young woman had gone too far on her own initiative. Aurora was still under the impression that Bob, her husband, had planned for Lynne to pick her up while it had all been a horrendous blunder. Bob had no idea where she was or even that she had gone missing and she was unaware she had been lost like some family pet. Aurora was afraid of what Lynne might do to her next before she was moved on to the next round of the game. It was all the more frustrating that at thirty-six years old she was being ordered around by this young thing of around nineteen years.

Tidying up the apartment as though she were the errant youth, still dressed in the little girly dress that Lynne had bought for her, Aurora felt used and humiliated. ‘I like that make up much better.’ Lynne told her. ‘The pigtails are nice too.’ Aurora was a responsible businesswoman handling investment portfolios for wealthy clients and here she was being dressed up like a doll. ‘I don’t think I’ll lend you a pair of my knickers after all. I want you available. I’m getting horny just watching you move around.’ Lynne said, while her doll bent over picking up coffee mugs from the floor. Aurora could have answered back saying anything to this young mistress, except ‘No’, only she was trying to keep her mouth shut to avoid making the situation worse.

A knock at the door wasn’t a welcome respite rather she wondered if it might be one of Lynne’s friends, what then? Recognising the familiar voice of Daren brought feelings of relief knowing she was at last being moved on. Darren had looked after her before guiding her through a naughty evening of humiliation. It had occurred to her that this might not be part of the game, meaning no one knew she was there. The horror of having to spend weeks as a living sex doll, pandering to Lynn’s pleasures until found, had been hard to suppress. ‘Which would be worse’, Aurora thought, ‘having to live in this despicable apartment or forced to have sex with her?’ Still following orders Aurora carried on tidying up able to hear only a murmur of voices at the door.

‘You can’t have her she’s mine.’ Lynne said. Seeing the young woman pouting, almost stamping a foot, Daren wanted to spank the spoilt bitch. On arriving at the sex shop to pick Aurora up he found she had already left with a young woman. With no name and only a sketchy description he dad frantically driven around until spotting the battered Beatle parked outside a block of apartments. Now the spoilt brat was claiming ownership of Aurora like some lost pet she had picked up off the streets.

‘You can’t keep someone against their will.’

‘I’m not. Ask her. She will stay here with me.’ Lynne said defiantly. From the look in her eye he could tell that would be something he couldn’t do. This young woman had found out Aurora was hypnotised and had ordered her to stay. This was going to be tricky. Daren didn’t want to bring the neighbours out, or worse, the police.

Daren tried a different approach. ‘I’ve got to take her home. She has a husband, a job, and a life to live.’ After awhile he saw, at last, some semblance of reality setting in.

‘Why is she hypnotised? Where is her husband then?’ She said. Looking crestfallen as though having to give up a cute puppy he knew he was getting through to her.

‘It’s just a game they’re playing. That’s all. I’m supposed to look after her and take her back to her husband. Maybe if your parents had spiced up their marriage they might still be together.’ He said, just guessing her parents might be divorced, hoping to hit a nerve.

‘I won’t get into trouble will I?’ She said, having at last decided to let him in.

‘No. There’s no problem. You looked after her well I’m sure.’ He casually told her, careful not to alarm the young woman. He didn’t need a noisy confrontation after losing someone’s wife. He didn’t want to alert Aurora to what had happened either. At first he hardly recognised Aurora she looked so much younger, even innocent, dressed in the young girly getup. He hoped nothing had been done to his charge, at least anything more bizarre than the make-up. ‘Here, take this. It’s for the dress and your time.’ Daren said, handing her some money.

Seeing his eyes roam the shabby apartment she felt obliged to refuse. ‘It’s OK. I have a rich dad.’ She said, then noticing his critical look, she added with a sneer. ‘My father pays for all this.’ It wasn’t that he thought she meant a sugar daddy he was just critical of anyone who didn’t work hard for their keep.

He whispered to Aurora ‘You must not obey Lynne. You must obey me.’ An enigmatic smile upon her lips confirmed she wanted out of there and he hoped to get out before there was trouble.

In the car he sat with her a moment giving them a moment to relax. ‘Did you leave anything there?’ She shook her head. ‘Do you have anything on you she gave you?’ He asked. Again she shook her head. ‘Do you have anything inside you?’

Looking puzzled she asked. ‘What do you mean, sir?’ Attempting to be delicate was an uncharacteristic approach for him, only brought upon by his failure to protect her.

He tried again, ‘Do you have anything in your pussy or bottom.’ He asked, not wanting to know if anything had been there that evening.

‘No!’ She exclaimed. ‘Sir.’ He drove off toward the planned rendezvous hoping Bob wouldn’t be too miffed, as he couldn’t afford to lose Bob’s skill in court. His need of Bob’s good will was the single reason why he was involved in their silly game. He was late returning her and above all he didn’t want either of them to realise he had temporarily misplaced a helpless female.

Bob read Daren’s report of his wife’s adventure while she showered and prepared herself. The familiarity of the house, she had been dropped off outside, made it less daunting a place. Yet this time it could be a stranger she had been given to for the night. Dressed in the same little girly dress from the sex shop she wondered what was to happen this time.

A man sat anonymously behind a bright light bringing on a familiar thrill of the unexpected, leaving her shivering with excitement. ‘Turn around. Bend over.’ The voice commanded. Knowing her readiness was exposed dishonoured her, adding to this evening’s torments. ‘Stand up. Pull your breasts out. Put the blind fold on.’ Again the anonymous voice spoke from out of the darkness. She had felt violated by the young woman now fresh feelings of humiliation were resurging.

‘On the bed. Did I tell you to spread your legs?’ She pulled them together in shame at the wantonness, afraid too that he might punish her. Having the pleasure she needed withheld was becoming an unbearable torture.

The quiet darkness closed in. S
ounds of the house creaking grew sharper as though they were gathering closer. Fingertips startled her when they gently brushed a breast. A rough hand clamped the other squeezing, pinching, twisting a nipple. It was as though two strangers were vying for her focus, one gentle, and the other rough. Were two men touching her? The clever rouse was working her up to frenzy pitch without the possibilty of responding – under orders to lie still – while all she wanted was to thrash about screaming. Having received the order – lie still and take it – this was exactly what she did. One hand gently slid up the dress then the other roughly pulled the hem around her waist almost tearing it. A leg was gently moved aside the other pulled roughly almost splitting her in two. A hand stroked her lips on its way back to a nipple.

Of a sudden, her lips were pulled, stretched painfully exposing her, then a bite upon a nipple, no it was heat, then she realised it was ice. Unable to scream out in pleasure the emotions stayed locked inside, pent up, desperate for release.

Between her distended lips the ice plunged without warning. Inside, deeply penetrated, she felt the coldness, every inch of it invading her body. It did not melt from the heat of her lust rather it was a glass phallus fresh from a cooler beside the bed. With its agonisingly slow withdrawal she was both relieved and distressed by its loss.

When a hot hardness entered there she felt every inch of it in contrast to the cold of her sheath. A roar ripped the air, a primal scream. No disobedience this, for this was an unconscious, unordered self. The animal within was letting rip. ‘Let go!’ The voice rippled in her ear and she did.

In bed Aurora awoke slowly coming to in the master bedroom of their mansion. ‘Oh! I’m safe.’ She said. ‘The danger. That’s what it is. The unknown, the lack of control.’ She looked serious a moment then giggled. ‘The sex!’ A laugh escaped her wide open mouth, ‘It’s only Saturday, what’s in store next? Oh! A whole weekend.’ Shaking her head in an attempt to clear it she hoped she would survive the emotional battering.

Sliding her legs over the edge of the bed she felt a twinge. ‘Will I survive the physical onslaught?’ Humming merrily toward the shower she wondered if there might be another message written across her forehead in crimson lipstick.

As always the kitchen was in perfect order from having no time to use it and the maids fastidious attention to detail. While sharing the usual monotones of conversation over breakfast, Bob cleared his throat meaning he had something to say. She hoped it wasn’t an embarrassing reference to last night, anxious in case it broke the games magical spell. Besides it would be highly embarrassing.

‘I’ve arranged a meeting this evening. Here. Some important clients are in town visiting the office. I’ve invited them over to discuss something before they return.’ He said, while looking at his toast, examining the marmalade sloping off the edge, not wishing to meet her eyes.

‘You what? Its! Its our weekend together.’ She couldn’t say it was their special weekend, what could she say. ‘The maid is off.’ She countered.

‘Couldn’t you lay something on. There must be something here to heat up or defrost.’ He said, looking hurt as though it were she who was being awkward. She silently telegraphed the words, ‘You bastard!’ So vehemently he dropped the toast onto the floor. Picking at crumbs he said, ‘I’ll make it up to you, promise. Just some bits and pieces. Nothing elaborate.’ He said.

If she had Daren’s number she would have arranged an adventure for this evening. ‘If you prepare something I’ll try to get a maid to serve them. You could escape for the evening, do something.’ He said lamely. That typifies us, he hasn’t a clue what I might do outside of the office. Would it be a film, a theatre or playing chess, what would she do with free time? A look of puzzlement crossed her face as she realised it wasn’t his fault. She didn’t even know herself. She looked at him fussing around looking for a cloth to wipe the floor. What does he do outside the office? Then it struck her. He was arranging something. Another game.

Pretending to be annoyed at him was difficult and she felt silly preparing lots of dishes for non-existent guests. ‘Well you’ll be pleased I’ve found a maid to serve the guests. You can go gallivanting on the town.’ He said. ‘Now that was as close a reference to her adventures he had ever made.’ She thought. He patted his pockets absently looking for something. ‘Oh! I left the agencies number upstairs. Could you phone them to confirm?’

She went to the bedroom and picked up the piece of paper to read the phrase before noticing what it was. Once more she was deeply enchanted in the grip of an overwhelming desire to obey. Stepping into the spare bedroom she found the outfit ready for this evening. ‘Damn!’ She said. ‘The swine. How could he?’ One glance at the outfit told her she wasn’t going out tonight rather she would be serving his guests after all. After picking it up she realised it wasn’t a trick after all. The thing was far too risqué. It wasn’t a cheap naughty French maid outfit it was an expensive one.

The doorbell rang and a little flutter went through her stomach to her pussy. The guests filed in each abruptly ending their conversation on catching sight of the delectable delicacy she had prepared. The make up was a toned down version of last night’s naive style leaving her looking young and innocent. A little white cap was settled in a nest of hair pinned up to show off a long slim neck. A black silk dress hugged the figure framing a pair of large breasts in white frills. Several layers of stiff cotton petticoats were visible pushing up the hem of the dress. Sheer stockings seemed to support the whole ensemble with shiny black high heels as a precarious foundation. Setting off the image was a starched white apron, ruffs at the wrists and a silk black bowtie about her neck. Aurora was pleased with the obvious impression she had made upon the guests anticipating an interesting evening.

Drinks were served during stilted conversations between her husband and the strangers while they tried hard not ogle her body. Each of the men was dressed casually almost as if it were a uniform. If there were designer labels on their clothes it would read ‘old fart’. They looked as though they had returned from an accountant’s conference. At least they seemed safe which was something, for she couldn’t run far in the high heels.

Finally Charlie, the most boisterous of the three quiet men, gave in to ask. ‘Where did you find her, I’d like to know the agency for sure.’ Aurora was interested to here the explanation too.

‘A favour from a client.’ He said. ‘The client owns a club as well as some other establishments. He got involved in something he shouldn’t have now I’m working on getting him out of trouble. Cherie works for him at the club and was chosen because she needs some help with immigration.’ He said, nonchalantly peering at her over the lip of his glass of brandy. ‘Well said.’ She thought. The written instructions had been for her to be a young uninhibited French girl from a small village in the Dordogne. They had included the usual order to obey him but to merely keep his guests happy.

In an accent as close to French she could manage, Aurora held out a tray, ‘May I give you one, sir?’ She asked. Charlie looked up from the low sofa at the long legs and tried to smile, failing with an absurd grin. Bending over him with the tray she felt the cotton of her panties pull tight between her lips giving his colleagues too much information on the state of her excitement.

‘Never mind, I’m safe with Bob here.’ She thought. Continuing to enjoy the effect she flirted and swished the short dress around knowing these men were lusting after her right in front of her husband. Bob was playing it cool but she wondered how far he could be pushed.

When a hand wondered up her thigh
she wanted to tell him off, only the instruction to ‘keep their guests happy’ came to mind preventing the intended outburst. It seemed this instruction to keep people happy was more powerful than she had anticipated. Taking their cue from Charlie the other two men took advantage of her becoming bolder with every drink.

With their smiles broadening she knew she was keeping them happy leaving her more helpless to resist them. What was worse, she felt her body was beginning to respond. Having men touch her while helpless had become a normal routine only now it was happening in her own home. She desperately needed her husband to rescue her only he pretended not to see.

‘What do you do at the club Cherie?’ Charlie asked. It was difficult to concentrate while he was stroking her thigh. As instructed she answered. ‘I am a dancer, sir.’ Their eyes light up with ideas of what a club dancer would perform.

‘So where is this club I’d like to see you perform.’ He asked. Remembering Danny’s club she said, ‘The Jazz Bar, sir.’ All the time hoping Bob would return knowing where this may lead if the conversation wasn’t stopped. ‘I’d like to see you dance, that would be great.’ He said. She hadn’t been told to obey him but knew the original strict wording she had programmed herself with was becoming broader every time she was under the hypnotic suggestion, so she would have to try and steer the conversation in someway.

‘I am sure you would be welcome at the club, sir.’ She said in desperation. They looked at her greedily feasting their imaginations from what they could already see leaving her feeling frightened yet aroused.

‘I’m sure we would all be happy to see you dance.’ He said. As the words left her lips she almost groaned with anguish.

‘Any time at all it would be my pleasure.’

‘That is an offer I can’t refuse young lady.’ He laughed. Inwardly she shivered at the image of these men making a visit to the club to watch her dance. What would her husband say when they found no one had heard of a Cherie?

Reginald, their accountant, spoke for the fist time. ‘We’ll be gone tomorrow morning so regrettably this is one attraction in your city we’ll miss.’ With some relief of anxiety she wanted to thank him only to blunder into another entanglement.

‘I am so disappointed you will miss my performance. Perhaps another time?’

‘So negative Reg. We don’t want to disappoint the young lady do we guys? There is no time like the present, is there. We would be happy to see you perform. A private show would be perfect.’ He said, with sounds of agreement and vigorous nodding from them all, she wondered where Bob was.

‘Very happy to.’ They said.

If only they hadn’t said the word ‘Happy’. She thought. Careful not to attempt the forbidden word ‘No’, instead she attempted to steer them away from a direct order.

‘Perhaps Mr Bob should be asked?’ She said. Only to be countered with more enthusiastic encouragement from the small group of eager men.

‘Don’t worry about him. I shall insist. He needs our business guys, he won’t object. I insist.’ He laughed. ‘We shan’t be denied. I insist you dance for us.’ He said seriously. With that last phrase she knew the only person to save her was Bob and he was still missing. With no chance to delay them the music was on and their encouragement was enthusiastic.

Swaying her hips to the music she moved close to each of them in turn regretting the earlier tease about lap dancing. The zip was down and the dress was off. Continuing to gyrate her hips seductively in bra and panties she moved Charlie’s knees apart to stand between them thrusting at him. Shaking her hair out of the clips she whipped him with it. Moving onto Reginald was some little relief on seeing his ashen face.

He was more frightened than she was so perhaps she could frighten them all into submission. ‘Sit down, sit down, man.’ She heard Charlie say, knowing it must be her husband finally returning.

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Moms Masturbating

It had been about three weeks since I had sex with Katie’s mom at my house. It was an hour after a pretty good dinner of lasagna and vegetables and lemon cake at her house. We were sitting in the living room, Jen and me on their leather sofa and Tony, Jen’s husband, on a large chair next to the end table. We’d been drinking wine for a while and the conversation had gotten more risqué, when Jen told her husband, “Lauren saw Toby masturbating maybe two months ago. Can you imagine?”So I told the...

1 year ago
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Rape and The Highland Fling

Tessa and her husband attended a special ‘Dance Night’ event called the Highland Fling!. They belong to a dance club called the Highlanders The club rents places to hold dances all over the south of England and has rented an old dance hall in Brixton, it is in a questionable area south of London. She looks incredible when they arrive, dressed in a blue velvet dress that has a wild flared hemline that ends at mid thigh, a scooped neck that shows a lot of cleavage and requires no bra something...

4 years ago
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Visiting her Pet

Title- Visiting her pet Author- Jayden McZimmer Copyright 2008The time had come for Eve and Sophie to meet.  The two women had been friends for a year now. The online playing had come to its peak and both knew they needed more. Their hearts and bodies ached for more than chat. Sophie had gone back to school for the year and Eve was also leaving her city to head back home. She thought many times of making a stop at Sophie's house on her journey but never had enough courage to bring it up. Eve...

2 years ago
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Shodder Hills Protecting Ones Turf Part 1

Shodder Hills - Protecting One's Turf Part 1 The sun's heat was baking into Cutter's brain. He realized he was dehydrated. If only he had some ice cold beers. Hell... he'd even settle for warm water. Messy blonde locks of hair hung in his eyes. Sweat and the heat caked much of it to his face. Loose strands swayed back and forth with the ongoing thumping motion. The hair partially blocking his line of sight. The strands brushed his lips and some had even worked their way into...

1 year ago
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Apocalypse BluesChapter 43

Thursday, 24 April, 2014 Temporary Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville “And there she is, little Zillah Clarke! Seven pounds, six ounces!” I heard Bonnie exclaim as she held up Autumn’s baby girl born to me. “And here is young Lamech Clarke. Clever dig at the Bible there, to name sons and daughters after the line of Cain rather than Seth,” Ryan remarked as he cut the umbilical cord for my son by Hannah. “Well, it’s more my dig at those who use the Bible to condemn polygamy, even...

3 years ago
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Homecoming Sex

We arrived home after forty eight hours of travel by boat, van, plane and car. We had been in a remote part of the world for the past fifteen days. The schedule had been very busy and the house was not very private, therefore no time or opportunity for sex during the trip. We had been away from the internet and computers for two weeks. There was no time for porn, no time alone to masturbate. As we returned home we were exhausted and ready to sleep in our own bed after so many nights away. We...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Getting Rid of Stress

The cool night air plays with my hair as the breeze makes its way down the street. As I walk past the stores, I look into the windows as memories play out like movies beyond the glass. She would drag me in by the hand and pull out a dress that was pretty and try it on. She could make anything look beautiful. So in turn, I would have to buy it because how could I turn down something so beautiful? I shuffle along, my feet scraping against the pavement as children’s laughter fills the air as they...

2 years ago
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A Friend IndeedPart 23

I stayed in bed for most of the day following my stormy evening with Gloria, and slept like I had been hit with a club. I was awakened by a gentle touch to my shoulder, and when I opened my eyes, it was my "aunt" Lorene standing next to my bed. "Are you all right," she asked. I saw the alarm clock reading 6:30 P.M., and said, "Yeah...just tired all day." She told me she had just arrived home from her trip, and that it was still storming. "LOOK at me", she growled, "I'm soaking wet!" I sat up in...

1 year ago
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ComrieChapter 43

Over a meadow near Far Hills, Cathan's, Darcy's, and Edana's teams were resting in their shuttles. On Dóchas, it was shortly after 2 AM Far Hills time when the Intelligence-AI woke Danny, Shannon, and Muireann. "What is it?" asked Muireann. "The drone monitoring the estate has detected people leaving the main building. They appear to be leaving in groups of two and three. They are exiting the rear of the building and staying in the shadows until they are a short distance from the...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Mackenzie Mace Convalescing Cutie Cooch

When innocent teen Mackenzie Mace has to come home early from school because her leg hurts, her pervy stepbrother helps her feel better by rubbing some ointment on her perfect body. Soon, he whips out his cock and jerks off in front of the convalescing cutie! The next day, Mackenzie lets her stepbrother give her another massage, but this time he sticks his fingers in her tight cunt. She sucks his dick and gets surprised with a mouthful of gooey cum! A couple days later, Mackenzie catches her...

4 years ago
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MagnetChapter 2

Brandi raced toward me when I reached the front of the school. "Can you walk me home?" She looked at me with a hopeful expression. I had my own hopeful expression as I looked for April and Molly so I could walk home with them again. "I can't believe I didn't walk with you yesterday," Brandi said as if it was an apology. "Here I was fixing my makeup as I waited for Brad and I could have been walking home with you. I'm so sorry. Do you forgive me?" Forgive? It was an apology? I...

3 years ago
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There Is A First Time For Everyone

My phone rang.“Hello…" I said, "Samantha speaking. Oh, hi, Pam so nice to hear your voice again. Coffee … That would be fine, just name the time and place. Ok, meet you there in an hour.”Pam was the wife of William, a couple my partner Mike and I had met during a weekend at a country residence. Mike and I were at a restaurant for dinner and had been introduced to Pam and William there by the Maître D during COVID restrictions.- O -When I arrived at the coffee shop Pam was already there and...

3 years ago
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Evening Drive

Before I got my trusty computer though, I still had fits of complete, almost out of control lust take over me. I would rape my own ass with a dildo, and watch it in the mirror. Or maybe play with and tease my clit until I pissed all over the floor. Of course I would have a towel down. I would always prepare for my own little romps. A friend of mine introduced me to a phone "dating" service. You call in, record a greeting, and listen to other people's introductions. Of course it wasn't...

1 year ago
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The Taboo Family Files Chapter 7

'Wow, I have Hank in the palm of my hand, I just don't know how far I should take it before I can get Ted to be with me. I gotta be close, Ralph did accuse Hank of being in love with me, so Ted has got to get the message at some point. Well, after being together for a couple months, he might be getting it by now. At least Ralph never said anything to my mom,' I thought, strolling down the hallway and smiling. As I passed the bathroom, suddenly a hand came out, grabbed my arm and yanked me in...

1 year ago
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Chat Stranger To Bed Friend 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone, I have been a very big fan of  and have been reading almost all the stories on daily basis from the last eight years and have also posted a couple of my experiences. Please do write to me about my this experience at and also if anyone interested on one on one fun in NCR Delhi then I am the right person. I shall be very very discreet and respectful. Now about myself, I am Vikram (Vicky) 39-year-old married guy from Delhi but always interested in some extra fun without...

3 years ago
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Threesome With Girlfriend And Best Friend

Hi, I’m Piyush and I am going to tell you about my experience. I am 20 years old and I have girlfriend Nita and her best friend Ketki and we three are very close. This incident happened last month. 1st let me tell you a bit about myself. I am 6′ tall with good build and have a 9″ pole and Nita’s parents had gone out of town, so she was alone at home and her parents asked Ketki to come over to stay with Nita as she was alone at home. Ketki came to Nita’s house and Ketki knew everything about...

3 years ago
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My First Sexual Encounter

So recently, I turned 18 and achieved my age of consent. I was pretty excited to have my first sexual encounter and, I was quite sure of the fact that it will be gay sex. I’m bisexual, but I love the feeling of having a dick in my mouth and getting fucked. Alright, so straight jumping to the story: It was a Wednesday night, where the majority of the population was dozing off, but I was surfing my options to get a perfect person to have sex with. Facebook and Instagram never helped at all, full...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Same Coin

He watches her from his shaded spot amongst the pillars of their father’s house, smiling and talking with her parade of sycophants that surround her - one of whom, his own daughter, he thinks bitterly. She walks along in her stately, confidant manner, as she always does. And he hates her. Hates how sure of herself she always is. How tall and proud she always stands. How their father chooses her in all things. But most of all, he hates how much he desires her. Her long, straight hair is brown...

4 years ago
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My Sexy New Spaceship Chapter 20

"Sir, this lifeform registers differently. Pulse, temperature, respiration... Sir, she's not Human." I was dreaming that I was on an airplane. The airplane suddenly disappeared and I was flying through Earth's atmosphere unaided. I felt no fear as I moved silently through the clouds, looking down upon the Earth miles below. My serene, peaceful dream was interrupted by the sound of police officer's voices. "We'll have to make sure she's registered, sir." "Skip it,...

3 years ago
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The classic image of the battle between good and evil, has always been a chess game. Black pieces battle white pieces on a board of ebony and ivory squares. Plotting and moving pieces till they get a final victory. Except it wasn't a final victory, as the pieces are set up again. For another game. Which makes the repeated games repeative and redundant, over and over again. Which cause the forces playing to change the pieces, the board, the rules and much more. Which include this game. Starting...

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All Good Girls

It hurt. Sharp, tear-bringing, and it took all Ellie could not to pull away, not to get dressed, not to run home. Robbie was Him, she was sure. Robbie was just the sort of man she wanted for husband and provider. She'd started writing "Mrs. Robert James Patterson" in the margins of her notebook, even signing it a few times. She really wanted Robbie to be her husband. She wanted him to choose her, viewing all other girls at school as challengers. She could outdo them all, she forced herself...

1 year ago
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Bonded and BredChapter 2

"Now then, Miss Beaumont," he stopped what he was doing suddenly and fixed a pair of warm brown eyes on her. Iris shivered and her lips parted on a soft pant. His nostrils flared as he caught her scent again, but he continued talking as though nothing else had occurred. "I'm sure that Cynthia has told you everything that you need to know about my needs, but..." He rambled on for a few minutes, and Iris listened to his droning with half an ear. "And if you could arrange... !" he...

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The Teacher Learns A Lesson Chapter 5

I got up and laid down with her as we hugged and kissed over and over. ‘Oh, Adam, honey, you were so good. That was the best. I am so glad you came to Harrisville. Don’t ever leave, promise, promise?’ ‘I’m not leaving the four of you, ever. No way,’ I panted and we kissed some more then snuggled in each other’s arms just enjoying the sex-charged atmosphere in Erica’s bedroom. I even think I might have fallen asleep for a time, it was hard to tell for sure, but the next think I knew, Susanne had...

2 years ago
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Curse Of The BambinoChapter 4

Friday, October Tenth/Saturday, October Eleventh Game Three There was no game on Friday. However, that's when the whole business started to unravel. Melanie knocked on my door after supper. I let her in. "So, did you talk to her?" "Yeah." "And the bet's still on?" "Mel, she was adamant about it. I'm sure she feels a lot better now, too, now that the Yankees evened the series up." "Yeah, she does, but-well, I had a talk with her. And she has no intention of going through...

1 year ago
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Two Sons Two LoversChapter 4

When I awoke, it was almost 10 o'clock, and I was amazed at how long I had slept. I checked John's and Tim's rooms and saw they were gone. John worked on a ranch a few miles away, and Tim had a summer-job in town at a supermarket. I took a shower and fixed myself up. I started the week by doing the regular chores, which included laundring, cleaning the household, making myself some lunch and taking care of our stable which consisted of 4 beautiful horses and 2 cows. Since Tim worked at...

4 years ago
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the first time both ways

It was the winter of 1979,when I had my first sexual experence with a buddy,and I pick up the two girls at a local bus station,he was 14,and I was 15.the girls were both 16,as they were doing the same as us,we had left home ,and when we arrive at this little town ,thats when we hook up with these two girls from Gorgia.It was a hell of a night as we iended up on a bus sitting in the parking lot,around 2am.neddless to say we wondup in caught by the locals,and ended back home the next...

4 years ago
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My Successful Attempt 8211 Part II

Hi, I am Ashok Sawant from Sangli. I was in a very distressed mood. My story, An unsuccessful Attempt, was not appreciated by many readers. Who would like to read an successful attempt? Everybody want to be successful in every Endeavour whether it is his career or it is an attempt to get sexual pleasure. So I was checking my mail to find out if there is any response appreciating my first attempt. To my surprise, I saw one mail, written by a girl. Her name was Nisha. She was also from my native...

2 years ago
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Mary Joe Resume Their Vegas Fun

Mary and Joe were having a great time in Vegas. The night out at the dance club really excited them both. Joe was amazed at the way Mary opened up, and how brazen she had been around the black men. She really liked to tease them with her sexy body, making her very excited. Joe knew it as all in fun, and always kept a close eye on her, being alert and ready to intervene if things had gotten too much out of hand. He would protect her, at any cost, while she played and enjoyed herself. After all,...

1 year ago
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Jonahls Luck

The small fist of the slender blonde elf woman rapped against the dented, aged oak wood of the door again and again but there was no response from inside. The elf tried leaning back and throwing her weight into each movement to create a louder noise, but it seemed to be to no avail. There was no response from the tall, dilapidated building. No lights in any window, no signs of life or activity other than the occasional scurrying of rats or flapping of birds above. Ciel Ravenswood, or...

3 years ago
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Twin Peeks

Chapter 1 I grew up in California in the eighties and nineties when it seemed that every girl I knew was on the pill and having sex, often with more than one boy at a time. I had an older sister, Angela, who was three years my senior and even more advanced than I was. In fact, it was Angela who led me into a lot of things, urging me to try sex with boys and to be more aggressive in getting what I wanted. She even shared a few boyfriends with me. That became funny when I was sixteen and was...

3 years ago
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BtVS Buffys Secret Fantasy

Buffy Summers came home from school one fine day without her usual sidekicks in "evils of the night" eliminating, Xander and Willow. She had just got in the front door and realized that her mom was not home yet, so she took advantage of the opportunity to be alone for a change by bolting up to her room and locking herself in.Buffy recalled that earlier that morning her mom said she was working a little overtime on this particular day and Dawn was staying over at her friend’s, Janice, for the...

2 years ago
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Up to You 3

Saturday.It was Rhonda’s mouth on mine. How could I have foreseen that? Her blonde hair fell across me, caressing me as her mouth covered mine and her tongue entered me. It seemed so long, so sinuous. I felt it might go down my throat. One hand was on my breast, lightly stroking my nipple. The other was between my legs. How did this happen? I hadn’t seen Rhonda since the night in the club when she kissed me and I’d run away. Fuck, that tongue. And, oh God, that finger.Have you ever had a dream...

1 year ago
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The Retirees Club 10

Andie was off work that week, but I was glad to see her back on Monday. She's really friendly, and has a beautiful smile. The snack bar emptied out after a bit and I went over to the counter for a refill on my coffee. Well, to admire her figure too. She asked if she could help with anything, and I answered, "Maybe I can offer something to you. Would you like to have dinner with me?" She gave me a big smile and said, "I'd love to. I'm off here early, so any day would...

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