Crossing Texas
- 4 years ago
- 28
- 0
The four attractive females in their early thirties and packed into brief bikinis relaxed on deckchairs on the grass a few feet away from the tile surround of the pool at Blue Ocean Apartments. That name was a misnomer because the nearest ocean was several hundred miles away but everyone agreed it was a distinctive name that went with the distinctive architecture.
A blonde guy with wide shoulders and a compact body approached the young women.
‘Enemy approaching from two o’clock,’ reported Rebecca, lifting up her shades to get a better look at him.
‘Hi girls,’ said the guy with an Aussie accent. ‘I’m Joe Almond.’
Anita said, ‘Just keep on walking Joe otherwise we’ll complain to management you are harassing us.’
‘Well get off your ass and complain,’ Joe said. ‘They only take complaints in person.’
The four women sat up to take notice of this threat.
‘Kevin,’ called Meg to a gay guy they were friendly with.
Kevin trotted over eager to please and Meg said, ‘Get rid of this guy for us please.’
‘Move on buster.’
‘You appear to have had expensive dental work done Kevin. One punch from me and bang goes that investment and because you would have thrown the first punch I would not be held culpable.’
‘Um just don’t worry the girls. I’m warning you,’ Kevin said, and scuttled away.
‘You miss,’ Joe said, pointing at Carla. ‘Would you please join me in the pool.’
‘If you give me a good enough reason I might consider it.’
‘We are Lesbians,’ Meg said. ‘So why don’t you fuck off.’
‘I’d believe you share an apartment but that’s all. I have to admit to claim you are Lesbians is a great deterrent.’
‘Anita came up with that idea,’ said Meg, pointing to the curvy brunette. The other two blondes were slim, looking a mite underdone.
‘Come into the pool with me Carla. I don’t bite.’
‘Okay,’ she said, taking off her shades.
Her three friends remained silent and watchful.
Joe jumped into the shallow end and she went down the ladder.
‘Kiss me. I need you to be relaxed.’
She kissed him without a word and he made no attempt to cling to her so she kissed him unhurriedly.
‘Fine and thanks. I noticed earlier three of you are fairly even swimmers but you trailed those three. I picked your fault immediately.’
‘I have weaker leg strength according to Meg.’
‘Pardon me?’
‘Look float on my arms and kick. Don’t worry, I won’t grab your pussy.’
‘I’m not sure if I’d worry if you did.’
Joe smiled and said thanks but perhaps they could focus on that some other time.
‘Float and don’t worry about getting your hair wet.’
‘We don’t worry about that.’
‘Good. One of my arms will support you just below your tits and the other over your belly button. Are you comfortable about that?’
‘Okay float. Good and you are now in my arms. Now kick.’
There was a flurry of splashing but Joe held the body moored.
‘Yes just as I had observed. The problem is you are bending you knees when you kick and excessive splashing is evidence of that. Now try kicking from your hips and don’t bend you knees.’
‘That’s it.’
‘It’s making me roll a bit.’
‘That will reduce as you become more confident and train your mind to swim on a relatively even keel. Bending your knees creates drag and that slows your progress. Now swim off without bending your knees. It will feel awkward but believe me you’ll be swimming faster. Tomorrow morning at dawn we’ll try this with flippers because that will really drum in the reality of what knee bending does.’
She said that was fine.
‘All right Carla give me two lengths. Take your time. It’s no race. Just concentrate kicking with straight but not absolutely rigid legs and without knee bend.’
Carla swam up the pool and came back much faster. Her smile was fabulous.
‘You are a darling,’ she said, pressing into Joe and kissing him.
Joe looked in the direction of the girls and gave them a piercing whistle. There was a debate and Anita began walking to the pool and the other two followed.
‘Jump into the pool and swim two lengths as you normally do when racing. Expect to see some improvement from Carla.’
‘Are you a swimming coach?’
‘I used to swim competitively Anita and I’ve taught my sister’s two kids to swim, that’s all.’
The four thirty-somethings set off and began pulling away from Carla.
‘Hips Carla,’ he shouted. He repeated the reminder a minute later and then for an untrained swimmer Carla swam practically faultlessly. She finished second behind Rebecca.
‘Rebecca won college swim championships,’ Meg said proudly. ‘Let’s see what you can do against her Joe.’
‘Nah I have no wish to show off.’
‘I’m game but only on one condition Joe.’
‘What I must kiss you when we finish?’
‘Oh two conditions. The other condition is you race fully stretched. We really would like to see just how fast you are.’
‘Okay. I note no diving is permitted so we start as you guys just did. Is two lengths okay Rebecca?’
She nodded happily and Meg started them.
The girls screamed encouragement as the race began, drawing other people poolside to watch.
Joe won by more than half a length.
‘God you are good,’ Rebecca said kissing him deeply.
‘I’ll work on Carla every morning this week and next Saturday we’ll test her in a swim off with Rebecca.’
Meg asked would Carla win. Joe said no but providing Carla did everything he asked of her she’d really push Rebecca.
Rebecca won the swim off on Saturday evening by two lengths.
‘God you have really improved,’ she said and Meg and Anita agreed.
‘What now for Carla?’ Meg asked.
‘Nothing,’ Joe said, disappointing them all. ‘There’s no point at her age. Perhaps when she becomes a senior. But she now has a proper swimming technique that works well for her and can enjoy it.’
‘Then I won’t have you around me any more?’ Carla said, looking a little upset.
‘Give me a call when you get rid of your boyfriend. I’m here for another six weeks’
‘Peter and I are almost engaged.’
‘Then good luck to Peter.’
‘But Joe…’
‘I’m sorry Carla.’
‘Joe I’m the only one of us without a boyfriend at present,’ Anita said. ‘I’ll date you.’
‘This had upset Carla for some reason. I have no wish…’
‘Date Anita, that’s fine by me,’ Carla said bravely.
Joe punched his cell phone number into Anita’s phone. ‘Talk this over with Carla in the morning Anita and call me about whether it’s still on. I have no wish to come between you guys and place a strain on your happy foursome.’
Anita said that made sense.
Joe went off feeling rather pleased. If starting from scratch with those four women he would almost certainly have picked Anita because she had the best tits and legs and possibly the best brain but the other three were better lookers. Still it was hard to get perfection. He grinned thinking he’d come up short in some departments himself.
Anita called him mid-morning.
‘We’ve had a discussion and it’s settled. Carla doesn’t wish to give up Peter and they all agree I should run with you.’
‘That’s the sensible outcome Anita. When do you wish to date?’
‘Can I come to your apartment now. I’m eager to be screwed.’
‘What a wonderful way to begin a relationship. Please hurry.’ He laughed encouragingly and said he found this exciting.
‘Me too. I’ve never before allowed any guy to have sex with me without me first knowing him rather well.’
‘Anita my sweet, I’ll not let you down. Hurry over.’
The door to the fully furnished apartment Joe was sub-renting was open. Anita entered and closed the door behind her.
Joe emerged from the kitchen wearing only shorts. He moved up confidently and kissed Anita deeply and with the aplomb of a woman over thirty she kissed him back unhurriedly and didn’t bother when she felt the knot of her back-tied top being undone. The bra hooks were next to go.
They broke apart and she casually tossed her upper clothing on to a chair. She knew he’d be looking at her breasts that she worried were too big. She looked up and confirmed she was right.
‘They are real beauties,’ he said as if ‘they’ were precious objects.
She giggled a little nervously, not wishing to tell him she thought they were too big or indeed not wishing to talk about her breasts so she managed, ‘You have a lovely suntan.’
‘Yeah but my dick and groin is winter white.’
God why was he talking about his dick? Oh yeah. She took a deep breath. ‘Let me see it.’
Joe looked a little surprised but nevertheless dropped his shorts speedily.
‘Omigod,’ Anita gulped and looked to the ceiling momentarily in confusion or was it in thanks for deliverance?
‘I’m a bit big so you might not like it.’
‘No I don’t believe I’m small and so no problem,’ she said, easing down her shorts and as she bent to kick them off Joe moved over catlike and had cupped both swinging breasts by the time she’d realized his intention. She felt her nipples activate but then that was scarcely surprising. She was here for a purpose.
‘D-do you want my panties off?’
‘Yes and then we’ll kiss,’ he said and Anita managed to divest them without pulling Joe’s hot hands off her warming and probably swelling breasts. She straightened feeling rather red-faced but it was fine because she was immediately smothered in a kiss, aware her breasts had been dropped. Like a good girl she moved until she felt her lower belly pressing against the swelling dick of the taller Joe.
Anita could not recall ever being seduced by a new guy this side of lunchtime. God what a slut? Or was that simply using enterprise to take advantage of opportunity? Or did it really matter? She had no idea and her wish that he begin tonguing her nipples was granted.
‘These are wonderful breasts,’ he murmured when switching from the left one.
Anita, aware she was dampening between the legs, cooed thanks and tried to push that entire breast into his mouth, believing that’s what he wanted. His mumbling was incomprehensible. She reached down and grabbed his dick, relieved she could almost get her hand around it, or so it felt.
She was aroused, ready for it when to her dismay Joe lifted her and dumped her on the sofa and said he’d made coffee.
Anita was ready to scream.
He called as he entered the kitchen, ‘You left me with the impression you need to know a guy before you fuck with him.’
‘Oh shite, she had said that. Oh what a dummy. She was also staggered at the way he’d lifted her 5:11 frame. For goodness sake she weighed 140 lbs. She doubted that she could lift 50 lbs but she giggled thinking she’d bet he couldn’t put on eye shadow artistically.
He came in with coffee on a tray and two blueberry muffins.
‘Oh you’ve been out already?’ she said conversationally and he said check the kitchen.
‘You want to get to know me. I suggested you check the kitchen.’
Anita strode out not bothering to conceal her breast and slight ass wobble. He wanted to get to know her and so would learn her breasts wobbled when unrestrained and so did her butt, er just a little. This was a useless exercise. He would have tidied the kitchen to impress her.
Well impress her he did. The bench was in a mess of spilt flour and dirty dishes. An oven tray was in the sink along with a shifter and an empty can of blueberries.
Christ he’d baked the muffins. She hurried back and called, ”My tits wobble.’
‘I love hearing that confirmation and love you referring them to tits for my benefit. Sorry the kitchen is in a mess. I ran out of time to clear away.’
‘It’s okay. So you went out this morning and brought these muffins?’
He tried hard to conceal his disappointment, looking somewhat like a young kid who’d just told he couldn’t go out to play.
She waited till her mouth was empty and said, ‘You are a great cook. Good boy. I can only do toast.’
‘Thanks and I’m sure you can produce great meals. I just felt the urge to show off to allow you to know I have an ego and a desire to impress.’
They chatted for a good hour and Anita was aware she’d gone as flat as a pancake.
‘Well I ought to be going.’
That was supposed to be a hint to Joe to say no-no-no, that he’d work her up and they’d have great sex. But no, the fool just smiled without looking disappointed and asked politely could he dress her.
Anita sighed and said she supposed so.
She stepped into one leg of her panties and then the other and as he pulled them up his head went forward and he sniffed loudly over her vulva.
Anita almost ejaculated. The experience had shaken her and sped up her rate of breathing. He pulled the panties on fully, licked her navel and then slapped her ass. That made her begin to grunt like a lioness on heat. She tried to conceal her rising passion. He now had her boobs in the bra and she could feel the head of his dick right at her back door.
‘Oh god,’ she wailed and unable to hold her pretence any longer grabbled him and spun him around and began licking his face. Her tongue fell into his mouth and he sucked it and was squeezing her boobs and she was groaning and he was mumbling something that sounded very much like ‘Ob baby’ and she came.
Anita thought Jesus that must have wet him. She was appalled but he ignored it and was pushing a couple of fingers at her pussy and she knew she was wet enough for them to go straight in. She pushed her panties down and he caught them with his foot and completed their removal. He was saying ‘Oh baby, don’t go, don’t go.’ She was going nowhere except to the floor and she dragged him down with her.
Anita gave him a minute of finger play and then said huskily, ‘Please feed it in.’
‘Without a condom?’
Oh no, what if he didn’t have one handy, would she explode?
‘Nah if you believe you are safe go ahead. I’m on the pill.’
Anita always thought this was one of life’s most exquisite moments… feeling a guy’s cock pushing up her tube like a good news messenger running up a ally. Ah bliss. She smiled, mouth open, up at him. He pulled her compliant legs on to his shoulders and then watching her closely, smiling softly, he began to rock. She rocked back at him and brushed his fringe aside. He lengthened his stroke and she caught the rhythm and thrust back at him as far as she could and that really brought a big smile to his face.
She felt she was up in the clouds and ogled him and whispered, ‘You are such a beautiful man.’
He beamed but caught himself and said, ‘Go on I bet you say that to other guys.’
‘I don’t believe I’ve ever said that to anyone before,’ Anita said, being so woolly in her thinking she really had no idea whether she was lying.
Joe appeared shocked at being caught by surprise and began jerking at the groin and she could only imagine he was flooding the upper barrel of her vagina. She hoped he would get her to suck him soon and that would give her the opportunity to taste his semen to determine whether she would want to swallow it. Why she would want to swallow it she had no idea, Anita thought, confessing to herself she didn’t know a great deal about sex although she was not without practice.
‘Gee sorry,’ he puffed. ‘I got off rather quickly.’
‘It was fine, really beautiful,’ she said and lied, ‘I think I felt it gushing up me.’
The truth was she’d felt his dick jerking at the entrance to her vagina but that was about all. That’s why she really liked missionary
because at the point of ejaculation she enjoyed watching the guy’s face screw up, perhaps his head would jerk back and his mouth would fall open showing all his teeth and his forehead would really contort momentarily. Some guys yelled, some just groaned while some like this one just emitted big sighs as if announcing fuck he was glad he’d managed to show he could ejaculate. Most would be sweating.
Joe was talking to her.
‘Do you want to suck my dick, it’s still dripping although some of that could be you?’
‘Oh if you wish me to do that.’
He snorted don’t bother and she realized he probably regarded that as a rejection so shouted, ”Hey let me suck it.’
He looked like a kid who’s just found his favorite toy. Slowly she took in as much as she could in the first attempt and he looked rather impressed. He tasted okay so she swallowed and choked a little.
Joe looked a mite concerned and realizing she was okay said in total openness, ‘Oh baby, do I really like you.’
Yeah well she was sucking him and swallowing so what else would a guy want? But that huge compliment had appeared to come from the heart. Omigod, he really liked her!
She said eagerly in response, ‘I’m ready to go again if that’s what you want.’
‘Oh shit baby, please allow me a bit of a breather. We both put an incredible amount of intensity. Give me ten minutes and perhaps you can take it up the butt?’
What? Holy shit. That was taking rather too much for granted. She had defensively, ‘Or we could have a quick shower and go down to the pool.’
He considered that, eyeing her left hip that blocked his view of her butt. ‘Well okay providing you’ll sleep here tonight.’
‘Yes I’d like to do that. I really would. Um do we have to rush into anal?’
‘Nah. We don’t even have to do it unless you are comfortable about it.’
‘Oh good. You start clearing the kitchen. I have to go off and clean up. God you must have pumped a full pint up me.’
He grinned, taking credit for that total impossibility. Anita knew the score because she’d been one of eleven females to jerk off their guy at a freshman’s college party to find which guy could full one of the small eggcups and none had come (ha!) near to get near to filling it. She went off to shower thankful she hadn’t been asked what she’d just been thinking.
Her roommates were not at the pool so while Joe began peeling off lengths she called her best pal Rebecca who was watching TV.
‘How was he sweetheart.’
‘Unbelievable but if the others ask just say okay.’
‘Right, good thinking. Actually Peter wasn’t able to come with us tonight and that put Carla in a mood but he’s just called to say his mom has let him off the hook and he can be with us. I’m about to book a table at Oliver’s. Do you two wish to join us?’
‘Baby I really don’t think Joe is one of those guys who would tolerate having decisions made for him. You lost Al and Jacob for that very reason, remember?’
‘Oh god thanks. Just a moment.’
Joe saw Anita standing making a stop sign and so stood and pushed water off his face.
‘The girls and guys are eating at a pizza joint tonight. Should we join them?’
‘I thought you’d be the kind of girl who’d make that decision for me?’
‘Who me? No way.’
‘The answer is yes provided they do steaks.’
‘They don’t but they do great barbecue ribs. Please Joe?’
‘Yeah okay. Come and join me when you finish the call.’
The girls were pleased because Peter, Angelo and Kurt related to Joe ever so well and where surprised that an Australia could talk baseball and knew about American football.
Joe surprised the girls saying although he’d lived most of his life in Australia his mom was America and had come home to her parents at a place called McGregor just out of Waco where he was born and so had dual passports.
The girls looked at Anita and giggled, noting she was just as surprised as they were.
Kurt said, ‘All I can say is you don’t look like a Texan’ and that began a debate what Texans looked like and Joe sent them really laughing by adopting an exaggerated Texan drawl and saying one thing was sure, you have to show your resent at being told George W. Bush or Waco jokes.
The relationship between Anita and Joe flourished. They saw each other every day and she stayed in his apartment on Friday and Saturday nights. Anita was due to go home in two weeks for her mom’s birthday and shyly asked would Joe care to accompany her.
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Author's note: This story was originally hosted over on, but has been transferred over here so that people may read it again! Wherever possible, the original authors have been credited. Otherwise, the chapter was written by Squashedflat. The characters and settings are all from the game Texas in Trouble, which can be found here. Additions are more than welcome, and I've left character bios for all the characters in the story guidelines sidebar (which comes up if you're adding or...
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Quickie SexHello all, I am Vishal (name changed), 36 years old and a very successful businessman who runs multiple businesses in a big city in the USA. I travel quite a bit to Dallas, Texas. I own a second home in a Dallas suburb where I stay instead of a hotel whenever I am in town for business, which is pretty much every week. I also have an office in an office park where some of my clients drop by for meetings once in a while. Usually, it is just me at the office taking client calls. A couple of months...
i have been thinking about posting a couple experience i had.i picked up a young guy hitchiking in texas,he was hispanic,very sexy and couldn't speak a word of english,i gave him a beer we smoked a joint,i tried to talk to him and was getting so horny i was a bit uncomfortable finally i got up the courage to show him some porn pics ,he got aroused i pulled over at a roadside park,even tho he couldn't speak a word i could tell he had never had anything like that happen in his life ! i had him on...
I was in Oklahoma on a business trip and staying at a hotel. As a man who travels a lot for business I travel many states but had never been to Oklahoma, and as a man who very much loves rugged handsome solid men I saw quite a few when I arrived. I had completed my business meetings and decided to go the bar downstairs in the evening for a club soda. When I arrived (I was still dressed in my suit and tie) I sat down and ordered my drink and shortly after a handsome man sat next to me and...
Hello ISS readers, I am Paul (alias), 29 and male. This is my first story. I have read many stories on ISS and thought that I should share my experience. First, let me tell you about myself. I am 6’1″, chubby and my dick size is 5 inches. This happened in Texas, US about 2 years ago. I met a mistress on a website, Fetlife. We started talking and spoke over the phone a few times. One day, she asked me if I wanted to meet her. Without thinking twice, I took up her offer and said,...
When they walked out of their bungalow to go to the disco they stunned the onlookers, even the affluent beautiful jet-set crowd! Natasha was attired very causally but expensively in a black silk sheer tunic with a deep scalloped cut with a short denim mini-dress. The sheerness of the expensive fabric and the deep wide scalloped plunge revealing a generous tanned expanse of large firm unrestrained breasts that strained the tunic. The sheerness of the tunic was just enough to very slightly...
It wasn't our intention to keep the two vehicles in close proximity during each day's drive. Instead, we had agreed upon the end-of-day stop where we'd all have dinner and spend the night. The passenger distribution was determined by the fact that I like to travel early--on the road each day by 5:30. My mother-in-law, Sharon, is the only other "morning person" in the group. So we left early, expecting to get to the stopover location about three o'clock ... we'd probably be about three...
Tanya was a hottie and she knew it. She was a cute black girl that lived in my apartment complex and while, I didn’t know her on a personal level, we connected on a different level, each and every time, we would pass in the stairwell to our respective apartments. She’d always flash a toothy white grin and say hello and I’d have to turn and look back at her bubble butt ass, which drove me crazy.I took off from work one day and decided to go lay out at the apartment complex pool. Lo and behold,...
InterracialWell the day came for me to leave and I had packed everything I needed and had booked to be in the same hotel that the seminar was to be held at. I felt pretty confident that all was going to go without any problems. I kissed my kids and husband goodbye and said I would call. I got into Houston easy and got the rental car. I noticed alot of black people around which didn't bother me, but just noticed that there were way more than where I was from. The kid at the rental car company was a...
She bit her lip and slowly stepped over a couple of branches, she was terrifed. The light from the house was shining into the woods, she knew they could see her at any time. Next to dying, what she was fearing the most; to be caught the way she was. Topless. It was cold out, and her C-36 sized bra was barely covering her. There was a perfect moment to grab her button up shirt when the man swinging a chainsaw fell over a fence...Why she didn't was beyond her. She mentally scolded herself for...
Introduction: Leatherface gets BUSY….(With my bestfriend, too!! YAY!!) Everytime she exhaled, her chest ached. The cold stung her throat and lungs, and the cold dew on the grass was making her feet burn. It was dead silent, she tried to stop breathing whenever she took a step. It was pitch black outside, she couldnt help but to ask herself, Can you do this? Can you survive this, Rosey? She bit her lip and slowly stepped over a couple of branches, she was terrifed. The light from the house was...
We were on highway 35 heading south in no particular hurry when it hit us, we hadn't eaten since breakfast. We saw a sign saying grub & drinks 6 miles ahead on right. We decided it was worth a try. The place was more bar than restaurant, but the food was good. the place had only two other customers as it was mid afternoon and they hadn't taken their eyes off my wife since we walked in.I asked for the check and headed to the restroom with some urgency. I was there a long time and when I...
I wanted to visit a friend down in Brownsville and thought a bus trip would be fun. Boarding the bus I found it almost empty and sat at the back. An older gentleman came on and took a seat across the isle from me. After a few minutes and only a couple of people got on the driver closed the door and pulled out. As we pulled up on the freeway the driver turned off the interior lights making it dark with only the freeway lights shining in. The older man asked where I was going, I told him...
My wife cheated on me 2 times with same man. Let me tell the story and see what you think. In 86 -87 wife was a hot number that everyone at her work wanted to fuck. One day she came home and told me that she was kissed today and like a dummy I blew it off and did not listen. Then I started seeing are suspecting that there more going on with her and she dressed very sexy every day and would wear crotch less pantyhose to work. I asks her why and she told me that it was easier to pee all she had...
Chapter One I'd been working on an oil rig out in the Gulf of Mexico several years, but this year I was out off the Pacific Coast. I hated it. Last year I was able to get off the platform and see my wife every three weeks, but arranging travel home was more difficult from where I was now. I signed up for ten-week clips and stayed on the rig the whole time. Now I was flying into Biloxi and headed for home. I had cleaned up just before getting on the plane and was hoping Betty wouldn't be too...
Just a few day after Alice and company left for Indianapolis, Kay was in office at the Y, going over some priests' reports. There was knock on her door. "Come in." It was a priestess, she could not remember by name. "We have a... um... situation up front, Kay." The goddess blinked. "What kind of situation?" "Do you know a guy named Andy?" "Sure. He is a janitor at Moore Genetics. Good guy. You should get to know him..." "Alexandra." "Of course. Too many new people." "I...
The packing job of luggage on the motorcycle was a masterpiece of arrangement and the art of bungee cord use. Ginger tested things here and there to be sure nothing would blow off as they headed south out of Wichita. Dave turned back to her and patted her snug rear end in her Daisy Duke shorts. “Against the wall and spread ‘em, babe!” Ginger leaned against the brick wall of the hotel and spread her legs as instructed, just as if Dave were a cop about to frisk her. Dave rubbed a copious...
Crystal bounded into the living room of the suite I'd found reserved for us at the Four Seasons when I arrived the evening before; she launched herself into my arms. I caught her without falling over, and we hugged and kissed each other over and over. Behind her, a hotel bellhop slowly removed her luggage and one of her guitars from a cart, piling up things in one corner of the spacious living room. As I hugged her, I told Crystal, "I have missed you so. Somehow, we've got to see each...
A Chastened Tale Demetri swallowed. He was a virgin and cowered as Chrissie just stood there, staring into his eyes without blinking, sticking out her tits so that they barely made contact with his chest. He tried to back away but had already met the wall of her dorm room. How had he gotten trapped in there? The only way out was through her unless—unless she stepped aside and allowed him to leave. If she didn’t—she’d have them fully against him and he didn’t know if he could deny her...
My Cousin's Pet or Going to the Dogs in Suburbia Going to the Dogs in Suburbia Categories: Ff, Non-consent/reluctance, humiliation Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction. It portrays two young women in a human-dog / owner relationship. This story is not real and should not be used as anything but fuel for fantasies. The author in no way, form, or fashion condones the sexual abuse of minors. Consent is an essential element for any sex act and, while this story depicts otherwise,...
From Chapter 1 “…I don’t want to interrupt what sounds like a fascinating lesson, but I need to ask the Professor here a question. Mr. Simmons has taken ill and will be out for a while. He and I were supposed to accompany the students on the annual school trip in two weeks. We’re going to Fraser Island, which you would find interesting. Would you like to go on the school trip, Professor? We will be staying ten days.” The room was silent for a moment before Cindy said, “Oh Professor,...
…I want to show you something,” Adele said as she unbuttoned her shorts and slid them off of her hips. She had a beautiful ass, not just for her age but for any age. She spread her ass and showed me her asshole. “No man has ever been in my ass. No man has ever eaten my ass. I’ve wanted to try it, and I hear that you love eating and fucking ass. So you’ll fuck my virgin ass?” she asked as she buttoned up her shorts again. “No. You’re going to have to watch me fuck one of the girls in...
?Going under cover?. Author’s note. This novel is just a product of my morbid imagination and it contains crude language and descriptions of sexual intercourses (if you are under the age of twenty-one years or you’re offended by such writings please don’t read further). FDI stands for Federal Defense Investigation, a paramilitary division of USE army, principally fighting terrorism and mafia. Events take place in the USE (United States of Europid) on a planet other than planet Earth. Probably,...
I was happy to leave a record-nasty winter in the northern US. When I boarded the plane in January at my tiny local airport, the temperature was -5F with a wind chill of -17. Eighteen inches of snow had fallen the day before. I walked across the tarmac in my Eddie Bauer subzero parka and gloves so thick they would put Neil Armstrong to shame. When I stepped off the plane in Brisbane into 90F temperature, I don’t think anyone had ever seen such garb in person. I got situated in the...
The characters, events and organisations in this story are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real people or organisations is coincidental and unintended. Going Nova By Emma Smith Friday, 14 February 2003 Chapter 1 System Compromise I sweep through the airport arrivals lounge with my entourage behind me. I am in full flow, an unstoppable force. Network camera drones track and focus as I march forward. Some of them are...
Introduction: This started out as a short story and has somehow turned into a novel, or at the very least a novella. At the moment its about 17,000 words and only about half done. I write slow because Im very busy, so please dont expect a true ending anytime soon. A few people here on the forums helped me with descriptions for experiences I havent had and my thanks go out to them. I dont have an editor so I apologize for any mistakes or detail discrepancies that I have missed. Chapter 1 When I...
Going Deeper - Part 4 Authors Note - Thank you for your patience. Thank you to all of those who have read the first three instalments, I do appreciate you sticking with this story and I'm grateful to all those who have taken the time to leave feedback - I do read it all! If you're wondering just where this story is going, or what might be in store for our hapless protagonist, then welcome to Chrissie's world and allow yourselves to fall with 'her' into the unknown! Inevitably this...
Going Deeper - Part 3 Authors Note - Thank you to all of those who are sticking with this story and for those who've kindly left feedback. I do read it all! However, if you're wondering just where this story is going, or what might be in store for our hapless protagonist, then welcome to Chrissie's world! Allow yourselves to fall with 'her' into the unknown! ..."Oh my word," I somehow let out, knowing that my breathing was clearly audible, to the point of nearly panting!...
Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...
Going Deeper - Part 2 Note from Author - Thank you to all who have read Part 1 and for those who have taken the time to review it. Your comments are extremely encouraging and useful. I am new to this and clearly one or two minor grammatical errors, typos etc... may have slipped through! I can't promise there won't be one or two more here, but fingers crossed this instalment will be a little tidier. Please feel free to leave feedback if you enjoy this read and in this current climate,...
It had been almost five full weeks since Amy last visited Ted. That was the fifth time she had left me at home alone while she met another man for sex. Like the previous four times, when the sun rose on the day after her last visit, she acted as if it had never happened. She again returned to being Miss Prim and Proper around me and around our friends. No one would have ever suspected that this church-going, choir-singing, demure little housewife behaved like she did when she let her hair...
CuckoldSuddenly the overhead light flicked on. Her dad was at it again. “Time to get up, kiddo,” he said with his usual morning cheeriness. Brie moaned and ducked her head under the cover to escape the cruel glare of the overhead light. As she breathed in, she was hit with the smell of sex permeating her sheets, and her night came flooding back to her. Had it really happened? she wondered. Did I really have sex with my dad last night? Her unclean bed answered her unequivocally. Slowly it came...
The three of us woke up hungry and hung over from the bus ride. We put on our workout clothes after a quick shower and headed to the cafeteria. After eating, we went to the weight room and worked for a solid forty five minutes. We signed out and walked back to the dorm feeling a lot better. I suggested, "How about doing our laundry now then getting some stuff and having a picnic out by the lake?" That was a great idea and they girls began gathering their clothes. I went and got mine and we...
Brie blushed and looked down at her food, knowing that she was the cause of the wetness. But Elsie merely shrugged, flipped the skirt up behind her and over the seat, and sat with her panties and bare legs directly on the cool stool. They scarfed down their food, not saying much to each other while doing so. “So,” Elsie ventured a topic, “what does your dad think of all this?” Brie blushed again, “I don’t really know. I think he’s trying not to think about it. I mean, I don’t blame him. I’m...