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During a school trip Ian had spent a week at Ms Heath’s place near Hereford. He had only stayed there for four nights, but he had immensely enjoyed himself – he liked the small village, the cottage Ms Heath lived in, the environs, everything. Ms Heath, who was in her mid-fifties, was a few years his junior, but he thought she didn’t look her age at all. When he had arrived she had seemed somewhat taken by surprise. It appeared she generally took in women only, she had not made a fuss over it, though she did tell him she wanted no truck with men. He had tried his best to make his stay a success for her as well, by taking some work off her hands – he was accustomed to doing a lot in the household, since his wife’s death he had to do everything himself anyway. They did the dishes together, and he prepared the vegetables for her, and all the while they talked, about books – it appeared they both liked reading a lot, they even shared a liking for reading whodunits for relaxation – and music – Ian was a real enthusiast with a wide taste in music and he looked through her collection of CDs with great approval. He had taken her out to the pub one evening and they had had a very pleasant time together. Jane, as he knew her now, had been single all her life. She had hinted at some failed friendship some time in the past, but she had not gone into the details. Well, Ian had thought, it could not have been for her personality, and not for her looks, either.

Jane had a part time job at an office. She liked her job and looked on her employer as a friend, with whom she shared some girls’ talk now and again. Abigail made fun of her sometimes, and when Ian had been there in May she’d grinned at Jane and joked about ‘her Dutchman.’ But Jane’s hurt expression had caused her to stop and ask what was wrong, and Jane had told her that he wasn’t ‘her’ Dutchman.

‘Really?’ Abigail had asked. ‘Is it that bad?’

It made Jane realise that she did like this stranger so much that it made her feel both elated and slightly uncomfortable. And yes, of course, she did leave the office as soon as her working hours were over, instead of staying on as was her wont. Four lovely nights… but only four.

Ian had been very sorry when he had to leave again, and so he had asked her if he could stay with her for a few weeks in the summer holidays. She had enthusiastically agreed, the summer holiday arrangement was that Ian would pay for his stay and have breakfast and dinner at Jane’s place.

Summer came. Ian, who had been a widower for about a year, could hardly wait for the arranged time. He felt somewhat anxious, though, lots of misgivings about their rapport being gone altogether ran through his mind while he motored through the English landscape that always had such an appeal for him. What if she had found somebody else, or if she had decided that he was no good company after all? When he looked at himself in the mirror each morning he could hardly imagine anyone as attractive as Jane would ever want to look at him twice.

He arrived at Jane’s place, to find nobody home. He tried to look inside, but the place seemed inhabited alright, with a fresh bunch of flowers, a cauliflower and a couple of potatoes on the kitchen table. He wondered what was wrong, if anything, and sat down on the doorstep with some writing paper and a pen. It wasn’t until well after seven when Jane finally arrived, looking all worked up and deadly tired. She almost fell out of her car, making apologies and she seemed to be on the verge of crying.

‘Jane,’ Ian said as he took her hands, ‘you don’t know how glad I am to see you. You look knackered! What happened?’

‘You’re not angry?’ she asked. ‘Everything went wrong. It’s my day off today, but this morning my neighbour came along because Louise – his wife – you met her in May – was about to give birth, and they have no car, so I took them to the hospital, and John was completely useless, and I had to keep him company and quieten him down, and Louise’s labour went on for hours, and now I must hurry to cook our dinner, and – ‘

‘Angry?’ Ian interrupted her. ‘What on earth would I be angry about? How’s Louise now? And John?’

‘They’re alright now,’ Jane said. ‘They’ve got a beautiful baby!’

‘Excellent,’ Ian said. ‘Look, you’re not going to cook anything. There must be some place near here where I can take you for dinner. Right?’

‘Do you mean that?’ she asked.

‘Of course. Come on, I’ll be glad to have the honour to take you out!’

‘But I so wanted to make a good impression, and – ‘

‘You have, an indelible one at that. Coming?’

‘Can I change first?’

Jane wasn’t long. She came downstairs again in a long, black dress.

‘Will I do?’ she asked.

‘Wow,’ Ian said, ‘you surely look stunning!’

She smiled, still a little nervously. ‘Thank you,’ she said.

‘So where do we go?’

‘I’ll take you to Jimmy’s,’ Jane said. ‘That’s where I go to when I’m in money.’ She smiled at Ian, this time without the nerves he thought he’d seen.

Jimmy’s proved to be an excellent little restaurant, with enough peace and quiet to talk. It seemed to the two of them as though they’d last seen each other only yesterday. They talked of their activities over the intervening months, what they’d experienced and who they’d seen . Jane asked Ian about his woman friends, Ian told her the only ones he had were very long-standing ones with husbands and children. No, he had no woman friends, really. After his wife’s death a colleague had tried for him but he had told her it would not be honest or nice to either of them, he simply did not care enough for her to make love to her.

And Jane? She shook her head. Same as ever, she said.

After dinner they went to the local for a dram, and then returned home. Ian thanked Jane for the pleasure she’d given him in coming along, and got his luggage from the car.

‘Same room as last time?’ he said.

The following days Ian got to know the Herefordshire countryside with its villages and nature very well, and his hostess even better, perhaps. They often went to the pub for an hour or so, made long walks in the neighbourhood and talked and talked and talked. They really enjoyed themselves immensely, and Jane, who did not have too much trust in people, decided that Ian really was someone she dared trust.

Jane had taken two days off from work, and that Thursday they drove to the Black Mountains for a long ramble. When they had their lunch Ian eventually ventured to ask Jane what had happened to make her decide to go it alone. She looked at him pensively and said, after a long time, that she would tell him, but that she did not really know how and where to start, and that she needed a little time to think.

They went back home, a little drowsy, and had a drink together in the garden before they called it a day.

The next morning Jane was very quiet. After lunch she said, ‘You know, do you think a woman should mould herself according to her friend’s demands?’

‘I don’t think so,’ Ian said. ‘It sounds terribly unemancipated to me.’

‘So you wouldn’t ask your friend to have breast implants?’

‘Certainly not,’ Ian said. ‘Did anyone ask you?’

‘Er, yes,’ Jane said. ‘Curt, my one time husband to be, insisted I should have much larger breasts, so I contacted a plastic surgeon and made arrangements. But our engagement broke off before I could have them done.’

‘Good,’ Ian said.

‘You don’t think my breasts ought to be bigger?’ Jane said

‘No, I don’t,’ Ian said. ‘I think you’re perfect.’

‘But I’m not,’ Jane said. ‘I’m ugly.’

‘You? Ugly? Just look in your mirror and think again! I think you’re ravishing. Ugly… Well I never!’ Ian said.

‘But I am,’ Jane said. ‘I am ugly and I smell. That’s why Curt broke off our engagement. He wouldn’t even make love to me – I was too ugly for words, he said.’

s shoulders dropped. This couldn’t be true. So that was why she was so shy and remote at times. The cad!

‘Look here,’ he said. ‘This ex of yours must have been an absolute rotter. You’re anything but ugly, and of course you smell – everybody does. It’s one of the things that form the attraction between the sexes, for crying out loud. And even if you smelled strong, even if it were true, anyone who likes you couldn’t care less! You will be both beautiful and sexy in the eyes of someone who loves you. And if this Curt did not like your smell he cannot have liked you, damn him. So there.’

‘Maybe… He seemed so sweet, at first, we had such fun and he seemed to like me so much… But you know, when we were naked together for the first time he just looked at me and stared, and he said that he’d never seen anyone so ugly. My breasts were too small but he’d already told me so, and when I’m aroused my labia grow large and untidy, and he said I looked horrible, and that he wouldn’t touch me…’ she gulped, ‘with a bargepole.’ She still felt the insult as keenly as when it was made, she had a red flush running from her cheeks down into neck.

Ian sat looking at her wide-eyed. ‘Of all the nasty things I’ve ever heard this is one of the worst! I mean – a mean, heartless, little attack at the very place that hurts most. Believe you me, you’re nothing of the sort!’

‘And then there was one other man I thought was nice, so we started dating, and one evening I invited him over for dinner. And after dinner he wanted to make love to me, and I said I wanted some more time, and he left in a huff. And a little later I got a packet in the post, he’d sent me a vibrator and a note that said, go fuck yourself, you cocktease – I have no time for your kind of bitches.’

Ian sat dumbstruck. He shook his head without speaking. Finally he said, ‘We men do have a lot to answer for.’

She laughed soundlessly.

‘That’s why I gave up men altogether. I couldn’t stand being rejected, sneered at or insulted again, you see. So that’s why I’ve always tried to steer away from male contacts – not that were a lot who seemed attractive – and…’ She left the sentence dangling.

‘Wow,’ Ian said. ‘No wonder. I’m glad you don’t refuse to talk to me, it would be only too understandable if you did.’

‘Well,’ she said, ‘you’re different. You don’t make passes at me and …’ She trailed off into silence again. What if she’d met Ian instead of Curt, and that horrible Bernard who had seemed to nice at first? But maybe Ian, too… Then she roused herself.

‘Do you want some more coffee?’ she said.

They left it at that and went for another ramble. At the next village they had lunch in the pub, and on the walk back Jane asked, ‘What about you? Did you have a lot of woman friends?’

Ian shook his head. ‘I got married when I was barely twenty-one,’ he said. ‘We had known each other for a few years, and it seemed the right thing to do. Oh well.’

‘It wasn’t, then?’

‘No,’ he said, ‘not really.’ He shook his head again, and they walked on in silence for some time.

‘Don’t you want to talk about it?’ she said.

‘Well, you see,’ he said, ‘I don’t want to seem complaining, or bitter… I’ve kept silent about it for so long now…’ He bit his teeth.

‘What was wrong then?’ she said.

‘It was a big mistake,’ he said. ‘I simply was much too young and too naïve to know what was what, and too infatuated with my wife to see her for how she really was. I found from the start that we didn’t have the right kind of rapport, but I thought that it was just my fault and that if only I tried harder I could thaw her.’ He sniffed.

‘Thaw her?’

‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Oh, you know, I er… When we had been together for about three months we had sex for the first time. I thought it was wonderful, I even wrote a poem about it. Years later she told me she thought it had been horrible. We never really had any sex life to talk about… She told me I had to get her into the mood – but if I tried to touch her she’d tell me she wasn’t a whore, and if I looked at her undress she said I was a dirty old man. I thought she was beautiful, but she said she wasn’t. Then she wanted children – and we never got any. We went through the whole rigmarole of hospitals and examinations and attempts through insemination and what not… She was given lots of hormones and we had to have intercourse at fixed dates. Slim chance of it ever working out… She just lay back, spread her legs, and told me to shut up and do my duty – she’d been given the hormones, after all, she said. When all of that proved useless, we adopted children, and that meant that our physical relationship almost stopped altogether…’ He made a face.

‘I’m sorry, ‘ he said. ‘It’s hard to talk about this, you know. I sometimes felt like leaving her, but then when she was doing things with a group of people, teaching, talking, I recognised the woman I’d hoped to get… Besides, I didn’t want to make my daughters feel rejected again – being rejected once seems more than enough.’

‘But what was your relationship like, apart from the physical thing?’

Ian stuffed his hands in his pockets. He looked away. Then he rubbed his hands over his eyes. ‘It was really a slow and long disappointment in most respects – apart from the occasional spark. Apparently all she’d told me at first was untrue – she told me she liked books and music, but later she always complained about them, and she simply could not listen. She would tell you exactly what she thought… The children liked her well enough, but they never unburdened their minds to her either. When we were at a low ebb, once, I tried to talk to her about it, but she got incredibly angry, she even slapped my face, hard. I had no answer to that, I don’t hit women.’ He paused and glanced at Jane, afraid she’d look at him the way his late wife used to do, but she looked at him with a half-smile.

‘What did she hit you for?’

‘I’m not sure,’ he said, ‘but I think she saw my attempts as implied criticism – and she could never stand any. When she thought I might say something remotely critical she’d suggest we’d better part, for that was what I wanted, wasn’t it? But it wasn’t. I simply wanted her and I never got her…’ He fell silent and walked along automatically, the long, lonely days and nights his holiday had driven from his mind right back before his eyes.

Jane looked at him. He had had everything she’d always wanted, she thought, and yet –

She put an arm around his shoulder. ‘We are two of a kind in a way, aren’t we?’ she said.

Her kindness was too much for Ian. He tried to reply and smile at Jane but he could not stop the tears he’d been repressing any longer. He stopped walking and Jane put both arms around him.

‘It’s alright,’ she said, ‘Just you go and cry.’ She stroked his back and held him until he’d run out of tears.

‘Thank you,’ he finally said. ‘That’s one of the reasons I never talk about it…’ He blew his nose.

She waited for him to get back to normal and smiled at him. ‘Didn’t you have anyone to talk to?’ was what she wanted to ask him, but she did not want to push him or let him feel too awful too long.

‘You must think I’m an idiot,’ he said.

‘No, I don’t,’ she said. ‘I do think you’ve bottled it up for far too long, though. I, for one, don’t mind being an ear to your troubles, and there must be lots of other people as well.’

He looked at her. ‘Thank you,’ he said again.

‘There’s a lot more I’d like to know about you,’ she said, ‘but there’s still time enough for that. Shall we go on?’ She held out her hand and he took it in his.

He smiled at her, and nodded. ‘Do let’s,’ he said.

It was Abigail’s birthday that day, and she had invited Jane to her party that evening. Yes, it was alright for her to bring that Dutchman along. So Jane had asked Ian if he would like to come with her, and at eight thirty t
hey arrived at Abigail’s. Her scrutiny made Ian feet a little uncomfortable at first – but before long he felt quite at home there. The company was small and so there was ample opportunity to talk without shouting. He met a couple of Jane’s co-workers and got the impression that they all knew exactly who he was.

‘Jane told us all about you,’ one of them said. She smiled at him and he got the impression that Jane had some very pleasant companions. ‘So what do you think of our Jane?’

He smiled back at her and said, ‘I think she’s wonderful. But you must have known that for a long time.’ He looked across the room to where she was standing, talking animatedly to Abigail. ‘Yes,’ he said, and smiled at her.

A little later Abigail came over to him. They talked for some time about her firm, and about his work, and she ended by saying, ‘You like Jane a lot, don’t you?’

He nodded. ‘I do, he said’

‘Yes,’ she said. ‘I saw you look at her. She deserves someone who loves, her, you know. Please be good to her.’

‘If I get half the chance…’ he said.

The next day was perfect. There had been a thunderstorm overnight and now the sun stood beaming over the green fields that still sparkled. Jane was the first to wake up, a little too early, she though – but the sun through her windows was too good to miss. They had not planned a walk yet, or a visit to a new place, so she showered and dressed in her best clothes – she wanted to look beautiful to Ian, and she knew he thought she was, but she wanted to feel certain of herself.

While she prepared breakfast she thought about the day before. They’d certainly come a lot closer. She had enjoyed holding him on their walk, and she could almost feel his hand in hers still. She didn’t doubt his sincerity any more. Ian could never behave like Curt and Bernard had, she felt certain about that. He had told her someone who liked her would find her beautiful, so Ian, probably…

‘Good morning, Jane. You make me feel very guilty for not helping you – but I’m afraid I only woke just now,’ Ian said.

She had been so immersed in her thoughts, that she had not heard him come into the kitchen.

‘Hi there,’ she said. ‘No need to feel guilty – I love pottering about and I could have a good think like this. Had a good night?’

‘Yes,’ he said. ‘You were in my dreams.’

‘You are in mine,’ she said. ‘You have been in mine since May – ‘ She blushed. She had not intended to be so open, it just escaped her. But she was damned if she took it back. ‘Let’s have breakfast,’ she said.

‘I’ll open the door into the garden first, if I may,’ Ian said.

‘Please do.’

They ate in a companionable silence, looking out at the garden and smiling at each other.

‘What happened to your wife?’ Jane asked when they had finished. ‘Was she ill?’

‘No,’ Ian said. ‘It was a traffic accident. A drunken lorry driver broke straight through the crash barrier and practically flattened her car. They showed me her jewellery to identify her.’

‘Oh,’ Jane said. ‘How horrible.’

‘Yes. The doctors said she can’t have suffered much – but she must have seen that idiot coming at her…’ He shook his head.

Jane sat thinking about it for some time. ‘You had been together for years,’ she finally said. ‘I know things were difficult, but you must have missed her, anyway.’

‘Yes I did,’ Ian said. ‘It’s very strange when suddenly there is no one to talk to any more. Sometimes one of my daughters comes to dinner – but that’s different.’

‘And there must be memories all over the place.’

‘Well,’ he said, ‘a lot of things went to my daughters – her books on knitting and dressmaking and knitting needles, the sewing machine, the clothes they could use – and I threw out a lot of things, her remaining clothes and things she that I had no use for. Most memories are immaterial…’

She nodded. ‘You didn’t miss the little physical contact you had?’ she said.

‘She was diagnosed with uterine cancer, eleven years ago. The local surgeon who took out her womb and ovaries was very good, the illness didn’t spread. But she was given a gruelling radiation course, and she fell straight into the menopause. We never even touched any more since that time.’ He gave a crooked smile. ‘One peck on the mouth before we went to sleep and on before we left for work. That was all.’

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Karen. I had recently started a new job, you all know how that can be, getting to know the way the company works and also getting to know your new colleagues. The blokes were all okay, but, the office staff would take longer to get to know. I mentioned to one of my workmates that I had my eye on one of the girls in particular. "What's the small blond like?" I asked during our break one day. The girl in question was quite petite, about 5 feet 2 inches tall, perfectly shaped legs, deep hazel...

2 years ago
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Sally Sam Mary Mark Kerry Kevin 3

Introduction: Our group gets together again This is the sequel to Sally Sam, Mary, Mark Kevin Kerry and Sally Sam, Mary, Mark Kevin Kerry 2 It is probably best to read those two episodes first. On Saturday morning I woke early. There was something going on beside me. When I opened my eyes I saw my wife, Sally, naked on top of my 15-year old nephew, Peter, also naked. Sallys cunt was on Peters face and I could see his tongue sliding between her labia. Sallys head was bobbing up and down over...

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My trip to Arizona Part 1

Introduction: Teen girls tells her story about late-night sex with her boyfriend when she goes to see him I cant wait for you to meet my family tomorrow, Kelly. I know you cant, baby, now go to the living room and get ready to go to sleep, you know youre gonna see me soon anyways. Around 10:30, everyone was asleep… Dallas snuck into his room when I was gonna be sleeping for the next 3 weeks. Dallas looked as sexy as always and was really to fuck me for the first time in months since he left. ...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 106 Misconceptions

"You labor under several misconceptions my dear." Ena gently interrupted causing the images around them momentarily to fade. "Arin Kagito, I am giving to understand, became fascinated by the holy power. He was 'seduced' some might say by his desire to understand it. His wish to somehow replicate it. Particularly the levels found among the holy trees and wielded by the royal family. To that end he left his home world initially to study the giant trees of Ryten, before turning his...

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Sex With Exgirlfriend After Marriage

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. My mail: please give feedback or suggestions if its good. Let’s start with the story. I’m prudhvi living in Hyderabad for a couple of years. I’m from Vizag and settled in Hyderabad now. I’m in love with a girl from last 6 years but unfortunately, our families didn’t accept our love. Later on, I got married to another girl in 2016. But still, I’m in love with my girl friend. Her name is eesha and she is the best partner any guy expects in all aspects. This...

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Motel Adventure

Sometimes I become obsessed with thoughts of all the guys my wife has had sex with before we were married. When that happens, I often get her to jerk me off while telling me a story about someone she has given sexual pleasure to. Recently I became fascinated, fixated thinking about guys creaming on her naked nice-sized tits. Tuesday evening I got her to tell me one of my favorite stories about a guy who tit-fucked her bare boobs in a motel room when she was in college. Her boyfriend’s parents...

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This is a world of magic and sword. This is a world of knights and mages. This is a world of demons and gods. This is a world of humanoids and monsters. But this, is not his world. Ryu. A modern world guy, to say it nicely. A fat otaku, to say it crudely. Was it Truck-sama that brought him here? He doesn't remember, and it wouldn't matter anyway. Now it's time to pick up a weapon, and fight for his new life. For his own life, and for the adventurer girls who picked him up and welcomed him into...

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Udder Disbelief

Udder Disbelief Sara stared at her reflection without blinking. She put her hands on her chest and rubbed the skin back and forth. There was no familiar sensation at all. It was like rubbing her belly or sides. She pulled down her the collar of her night shirt and stretched it open to reveal all to the mirror; but there was no "all" to reveal. Her breasts were gone. Not just smaller, not just flat, she literally had no breasts. Not even a flat nipple or areola graced her chest...

1 year ago
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The Babysitter

Gail had babysat for the Emerald’s since she was thirteen. At eighteen, she should have stopped a long time ago, but she continued to babysit whenever Elisa called. Michael and Elisa had two c***dren, Jeremy was fifteen, and a freshman in high school, Lucy was eight. They weren’t hard to take care of, Lucy young, Jeremy a nerd, spending most of his time in his room hunched over his computer playing games. It wasn’t the c***dren that lured Gail to the house, but Michael. It happened almost a...

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Helping a Friend

She is 29, 5’6’’ about 125lbs with a thin waist and 34C breasts, mixed (half black) and sexy as hell. She loves to suck dick and is a wildcat in the bedroom. This occurred just last year. I have a friend, Travis, from the military that was staying with us for a couple of days. During the first night, I found out that he and his wife had separated about six months past. He was still upset about it and unsure of what to do. We continued to drink through the evening into the early night talking...

1 year ago
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Latvian Love

I have lived in the Baltic States for 9 years now, and first started visiting in 1993. In those days there was not much money around in Latvia, lots of wonderful looking girls, and not many other foreigners to comptete with for their attention.It was like letting a k** loose in a candy shop. The few of us that there were went to the Irish pub in Riga town centre almost every night(it was one of the very few open), and would be mobbed by young girls and students, who for the price of a few...

2 years ago
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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debts Part Four

Emma saw a very enticing view of two big black cocks about half way to being hard, just pulsing as their owners anticipated her hands and mouth making them into rock hard black staffs! She could see the heartbeats of Dread and Pete making them slowly stand up for her.She went to Pete’s cock first: opening her mouth wide and slurping his cock into her mouth. She noticed his legs flexing as she took about three inches into her mouth. Then she took hold of Dread’s cock with one small hand and...

2 years ago
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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 5

Philip and Bethany hadn't developed quite the amazing change in their relationship after he surprised her and fucked her there in the TV room that he and Crystal had experienced. In fact, Bethany had remained not only uncooperative but also cool towards Philip during the remainder of her stay there in his home. But, Philip had gone to Bethany's room the next morning and made it very clear that he intended to fuck her several times while she was staying there and Bethany had found herself...

4 years ago
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Thunder and Lightning The sound of running water, the trilling of birds in the trees and the sun peeking over the mountain were what woke me. As I lay there luxuriating in the freedom of the Idaho Rocky Mountains, I became aware of the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the crackle of a fire outside the tent. I groped the sleeping bag next to me looking for my lover to discover that she had already gotten up. I crawled from my warm bed and stepped out of the tent to greet the day. The chill on...

3 years ago
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A New Lease on LifeChapter 4 A New Year A New Ability

Authors note: For telepathic talking I will from this point forward use < > to differentiate between speaking and thinking. It’s January 2021 now, school is back in session. Danny and I worked on our telepathy over the winter break and now it’s strong enough to talk to each other when we are at our homes. Christmas was good to me, I got a new lighting set up for my streaming computer. Jake got some games for his computer. And mom got a nice set of earrings and a necklace set from me...

2 years ago
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My Group Experience rewritten for Loren

MY TUESDAY NIGHTT GROUPHi I'm Loren. 23 year old open minded sexually active girl. I'm not easily shocked but what happen last Tuesday night..well I can't stop thinking about it and it turns me on every time I do.I dated a guy named Ted for nearly a year. It was pretty much exclusive for me, anyway. Ted satisfied me even though he was not as adventurous as I like. (or as me). Ted has a nice cock 8 1/2 to 9" that is circumcised. It has a shaft (when stiff) that I can barely get hand around to...

2 years ago
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Masters ThreeHole Fuck Toy Part One

Once upon a time, a Dom realized that he hadn't taken proper advantage of having a long-time friend and willing, submissive plaything nearby. He knew she wasn't really "his" sub - but also knew that Kitty's Primary Master had given him permission to borrow the curvy little play-slut in training. He knew Kitty wore a stainless steel butt plug on a regular basis and had been doing so for over a year. He had seen it in pictures, but not in real life. He also knew that sometimes, when Kitty was...

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Teaching Amanda

We were to complete portraits of our own choosing. Mr. Miller glanced at me and smiled warmly. Blushing, I smiled back and continued my work. I had always liked Mr. Miller and I had seen him watching me before, studying my body. I’m a quite voluptuous girl, and young, I’m 19. I’m tall with long, red wavy hair, blue/green eyes, and pale skin. My body is very curvy ( I'm a size 30) and my large 40E breasts certainly draw attention. When I was 16, I lost my virginity to one of my older...

4 years ago
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A visit to my Buddy

Even though we live within an hour of each other I don’t get around to visiting my buddy very often. I last visited him on New Year ’s Eve when we kicked off the new year with some naked play after some Margaritas. It was fun with a lot of intimate touching and exploration. I always enjoy the first time I get to handle his beautiful cock. It’s heavy and swinging it around makes me very horny. We played and wanked together. He fingered my ass while I wanked and my orgasm was very nice. It is...

1 year ago
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Taking the Farmers Wife

TAKING THE FARMER’S WIFE Sisyphus It was a stormy summer night and I was lost. I could barely see through the rain pounding my windshield. Thunder rumbled and lightening cracked sending bright flashing bolts across the sky. It had been a hot humid day of driving and I should have arrived at my friend, Jake’s house hours ago, but the directions were vague and I must have missed a turn-off. It was dark and I couldn’t make out addresses or road signs. Houses were far apart with no lights on but I...

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Training A Girl To Be A Sex Slave

Hello everyone, my name is Ajay Kumar, and I am based in Visakhapatnam. A little introduction about me. I became bi-sexual under different circumstances. I was later diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, which made me more drawn towards the bisexual world. The following story is a work of fiction, which I hope happens in my life. It’s a bit lengthy and sorry for any grammatical errors. I was reading through the messages I had received for my previous stories on ISS when I came across a message...

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Tushy Mary Kalisy Yoga And Cheating

Mary is a private yoga instructor, meeting really interesting people and visiting beautiful houses in the process. She has her favorite client, whose husband is always around as he retired young. He can never takes his eyes off her and she loves it. Mary has never made a habit of getting close to married men, but she knows that if she gets a moment alone with him this may not remain the case. When his wife skips one of her lessons to go shopping, she decides to hang around – but not for...

2 years ago
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Problem ChildChapter 2

Three weeks have lapsed without seeing either Annisa or Danielle. It isn't that I haven't looked for them. Each evening returning from work, I scrutinize the area for both. The thought of Danielle's young preteen body moving seductively as she teases often has me tense with excitement. All my expectations seem to be embedded in my dirty mind. Finally resigned that my night with Annisa was a one nighter, I drift into my old rut. Even my three trips to the Laundromat didn't help as Rosy was...

2 years ago
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Golf A Skins Game

My name is Robyn. I'm a single gal, 28 years old, the youngest vice president of the largest land developer on the West Coast. I don't have a lot of free time. The time I have, I spend on the one true love of my life. Golf! I get to work at 5 A.M., to handle the little bit of East Coast phone contact I have, but mainly so I can get away two afternoons a week and play golf. I'll play golf those afternoons with colleagues, clients, potential clients, friends, relatives, or even total...

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The Lake of the Full Moon

Benny and Rita, a mid-twenties couple, were classic friends-with-benefits. They’d met in a college science lab and found a number of common interests. They hadn’t even dated when Rita simply asked, “Are you busy tonight?” When Benny said he had no plans, he was a bit surprised with the question “Would you come over and fuck me then?” There was no thought process needed for his answer, having been in no intimate relationship for quite a while. He arrived at her dorm room on time and Rita...

4 years ago
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Schoolgirl Slut

I'd gone to see my friend, Craig. We had been sitting playing on the computer for a while, when I decided to check the veracity of the latest school rumour. "So, did you pay your sister to show you her tits?" "What? Where the fuck did you hear that?" I shrugged, "School." He denied it, I wasn't surprised, it's not really what I'd expect of him. I'd be surprised if he hadn't tried sneaking a look though. I was nervous, there was something I wanted to ask, and I wasn't sure if...

1 year ago
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I Took My Neighbors Bra A Life Changing Experience

I Took My Neighbor's Bra, A Life Changing Experience By Terri Hansay After seeing my neighbor Pam's bras in her laundry room these past several months, I have a huge desire to wear her bra. I feel really strange thinking this, but I decided today I would grab her pink bra. I have seen this pink lacy bra with its padded cup, so sexy I thought. I have grabbed it before in her laundry room and dreamed with it. So soft, it's a Victoria Secret bra the tag says. I have held it up to...

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It all began in August, a couple of weeks before school started. I was going to be a senior, and while I understood the importance of that fact, I was unimpressed. First, I was not going to go off to college. My grades were good, but certainly not stellar, which they would have had to be for me to get a scholarship. Failing that, my parents could not afford anything more than community college. I was also seriously considering the military as a way of making enough money to go. Second, I was...

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Screaming For A Different Reason

Horror movies are a blast. But did you ever wish the nude scenes lasted a little longer? Or had a little more fun and flair? What about the grim stakes? Would you prefer a horror comedy? What if we gave these cute horror movie girls a bit of a break....but not entirely. What if we capitalized on some more harmless fears? Public nudity? Embarrassment? That would be fun. Why not, right? This is a story about all the horror movies you've watched with adorable women.....except this time, it's all...

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Samantha By Cal Y. Phigia Samantha Johnson, the new hire, was exquisitely beautiful. James Mann thought her the most gorgeous woman he'd ever met. He'd love to ask her out, but her good looks were somehow intimidating. He feared she'd reject him. If she did, he'd feel mortified. It was better, he told himself, to fantasize about asking her. That way he'd control her answer, and her answer would always be yes. The day that Mr. Sloane hired Sam as his new secretary the...

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Futa Drama Island

You are a male born into a futa world, a famous television show holds a raffle every season they nominate one male to participate on their show if the male wins he is granted a life free of rape, a life free of danger. A house you can live in with a constant supply of money to live off of. The show has been on for 30 years, two seasons a year. Not once has a male won, the population of the males in the US is roughly 1/3rd so 100 million, the rest being futas. This year for the spring season you...

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Dear Tara Eileen Garcia 1

So it Starts off in Downtown San Jose, Ca. Im doing kinda bad again sort of, I mean Im dressed nice, got a couple new Tattoos, couple new gold chains, new watch, new sneakers, and I've lost some weight because I finally decided to get that Gastric bypass medical procedure. Literally went from 316lbs. To 204lbs in 10 months, and we bumb into eachother at a gas station late at night I'm just swaggin' runnin' through that mothafucka' just tryin to get some Swishers so I could blow a blunt one time...

3 years ago
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An Office Love Story

An Office Love Story                 They wanted each other..................... She walked into his office, looking very smart. She was about 5'6" tall, with a trim, lean frame and a lovely swell to her breast making her about a 36C in bra size. Her waist curved in and she had full but not fat thighs and hips. Her face was classic with pouty lips and a roman nose; and her eyes were the bluest he had ever seen. They sparkled like a lake with the summer sun reflecting off them. Her hair was...

Love Stories
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A wild encounter with Romeo

Tonight all things were going from bad to worse for me…Now I was lying on my knees and elbows on the grass, at a dark garden.A huge Rottweiler was sniffing my wet cunt and he was ready to fuck me.I felt his cold wet nose touching my outer labia. Soon an electrical impulse ran across my whole body and another intense orgasm made me shiver in pleasure.Romeo also noticed my orgasm. He suddenly started to growl and shoved his hard tongie through my vaginal lips. He licked my clitoris in a wild way,...

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Our first date

Disclaimer: Ialways write my stories as if I am talking directly to you. More specifically,I write them as if I were holding you and whispering the story in yourear. Grammar and format be damned! This is how I like to write.

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My Wet Dream 3 Under the Oak Tree

... I remember that special day on our farm like it was yesterday... I love horses, and I love taking care of them. Riding my horse over our farm was probably the most satisfying thing I have ever done. I especially love riding my horse, wearing a dress with no panties. My pussy is always wet, with the hard leather seat of the saddle pressing against me until I was slick with my own cum. In the hot afternoons, I like to sit in the pasture, under a tree and watch the horses running around...

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How me and my wife got into Cuckolding

Things had been strained between my wife Clare and I lately and she wasn’t into having sex, at one point my mind drifted to thinking maybe she was having an affair. I could only think the best thing to do was to be party to this if I wanted to keep my wife. I suggested we look into swinging and wife swapping but she refused. Anyway time went on and then one night we met this guy and there was obviously sexual chemistry between the two of them and though my heart was sinking I did pull my wife...

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Dark ReasonsChapter 11

Justin walked down the long hallway that lead to the elevator in Jenna's apartment, his hands full of Chinese take out boxes. The smell that wafted up to him, spicy vegetables, sautéed chicken and beef, sweet and tangy sauces, made his mouth water. He could only hope that Jenna would accept this for what it was, a kind of apology for this morning, for making a fool of himself in her bathroom. Even though he'd never forget the way she'd felt in his arms, her petite form pressed against his...

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