- 4 years ago
- 32
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During a school trip Ian had spent a week at Ms Heath’s place near Hereford. He had only stayed there for four nights, but he had immensely enjoyed himself – he liked the small village, the cottage Ms Heath lived in, the environs, everything. Ms Heath, who was in her mid-fifties, was a few years his junior, but he thought she didn’t look her age at all. When he had arrived she had seemed somewhat taken by surprise. It appeared she generally took in women only, she had not made a fuss over it, though she did tell him she wanted no truck with men. He had tried his best to make his stay a success for her as well, by taking some work off her hands – he was accustomed to doing a lot in the household, since his wife’s death he had to do everything himself anyway. They did the dishes together, and he prepared the vegetables for her, and all the while they talked, about books – it appeared they both liked reading a lot, they even shared a liking for reading whodunits for relaxation – and music – Ian was a real enthusiast with a wide taste in music and he looked through her collection of CDs with great approval. He had taken her out to the pub one evening and they had had a very pleasant time together. Jane, as he knew her now, had been single all her life. She had hinted at some failed friendship some time in the past, but she had not gone into the details. Well, Ian had thought, it could not have been for her personality, and not for her looks, either.
Jane had a part time job at an office. She liked her job and looked on her employer as a friend, with whom she shared some girls’ talk now and again. Abigail made fun of her sometimes, and when Ian had been there in May she’d grinned at Jane and joked about ‘her Dutchman.’ But Jane’s hurt expression had caused her to stop and ask what was wrong, and Jane had told her that he wasn’t ‘her’ Dutchman.
‘Really?’ Abigail had asked. ‘Is it that bad?’
It made Jane realise that she did like this stranger so much that it made her feel both elated and slightly uncomfortable. And yes, of course, she did leave the office as soon as her working hours were over, instead of staying on as was her wont. Four lovely nights… but only four.
Ian had been very sorry when he had to leave again, and so he had asked her if he could stay with her for a few weeks in the summer holidays. She had enthusiastically agreed, the summer holiday arrangement was that Ian would pay for his stay and have breakfast and dinner at Jane’s place.
Summer came. Ian, who had been a widower for about a year, could hardly wait for the arranged time. He felt somewhat anxious, though, lots of misgivings about their rapport being gone altogether ran through his mind while he motored through the English landscape that always had such an appeal for him. What if she had found somebody else, or if she had decided that he was no good company after all? When he looked at himself in the mirror each morning he could hardly imagine anyone as attractive as Jane would ever want to look at him twice.
He arrived at Jane’s place, to find nobody home. He tried to look inside, but the place seemed inhabited alright, with a fresh bunch of flowers, a cauliflower and a couple of potatoes on the kitchen table. He wondered what was wrong, if anything, and sat down on the doorstep with some writing paper and a pen. It wasn’t until well after seven when Jane finally arrived, looking all worked up and deadly tired. She almost fell out of her car, making apologies and she seemed to be on the verge of crying.
‘Jane,’ Ian said as he took her hands, ‘you don’t know how glad I am to see you. You look knackered! What happened?’
‘You’re not angry?’ she asked. ‘Everything went wrong. It’s my day off today, but this morning my neighbour came along because Louise – his wife – you met her in May – was about to give birth, and they have no car, so I took them to the hospital, and John was completely useless, and I had to keep him company and quieten him down, and Louise’s labour went on for hours, and now I must hurry to cook our dinner, and – ‘
‘Angry?’ Ian interrupted her. ‘What on earth would I be angry about? How’s Louise now? And John?’
‘They’re alright now,’ Jane said. ‘They’ve got a beautiful baby!’
‘Excellent,’ Ian said. ‘Look, you’re not going to cook anything. There must be some place near here where I can take you for dinner. Right?’
‘Do you mean that?’ she asked.
‘Of course. Come on, I’ll be glad to have the honour to take you out!’
‘But I so wanted to make a good impression, and – ‘
‘You have, an indelible one at that. Coming?’
‘Can I change first?’
Jane wasn’t long. She came downstairs again in a long, black dress.
‘Will I do?’ she asked.
‘Wow,’ Ian said, ‘you surely look stunning!’
She smiled, still a little nervously. ‘Thank you,’ she said.
‘So where do we go?’
‘I’ll take you to Jimmy’s,’ Jane said. ‘That’s where I go to when I’m in money.’ She smiled at Ian, this time without the nerves he thought he’d seen.
Jimmy’s proved to be an excellent little restaurant, with enough peace and quiet to talk. It seemed to the two of them as though they’d last seen each other only yesterday. They talked of their activities over the intervening months, what they’d experienced and who they’d seen . Jane asked Ian about his woman friends, Ian told her the only ones he had were very long-standing ones with husbands and children. No, he had no woman friends, really. After his wife’s death a colleague had tried for him but he had told her it would not be honest or nice to either of them, he simply did not care enough for her to make love to her.
And Jane? She shook her head. Same as ever, she said.
After dinner they went to the local for a dram, and then returned home. Ian thanked Jane for the pleasure she’d given him in coming along, and got his luggage from the car.
‘Same room as last time?’ he said.
The following days Ian got to know the Herefordshire countryside with its villages and nature very well, and his hostess even better, perhaps. They often went to the pub for an hour or so, made long walks in the neighbourhood and talked and talked and talked. They really enjoyed themselves immensely, and Jane, who did not have too much trust in people, decided that Ian really was someone she dared trust.
Jane had taken two days off from work, and that Thursday they drove to the Black Mountains for a long ramble. When they had their lunch Ian eventually ventured to ask Jane what had happened to make her decide to go it alone. She looked at him pensively and said, after a long time, that she would tell him, but that she did not really know how and where to start, and that she needed a little time to think.
They went back home, a little drowsy, and had a drink together in the garden before they called it a day.
The next morning Jane was very quiet. After lunch she said, ‘You know, do you think a woman should mould herself according to her friend’s demands?’
‘I don’t think so,’ Ian said. ‘It sounds terribly unemancipated to me.’
‘So you wouldn’t ask your friend to have breast implants?’
‘Certainly not,’ Ian said. ‘Did anyone ask you?’
‘Er, yes,’ Jane said. ‘Curt, my one time husband to be, insisted I should have much larger breasts, so I contacted a plastic surgeon and made arrangements. But our engagement broke off before I could have them done.’
‘Good,’ Ian said.
‘You don’t think my breasts ought to be bigger?’ Jane said
‘No, I don’t,’ Ian said. ‘I think you’re perfect.’
‘But I’m not,’ Jane said. ‘I’m ugly.’
‘You? Ugly? Just look in your mirror and think again! I think you’re ravishing. Ugly… Well I never!’ Ian said.
‘But I am,’ Jane said. ‘I am ugly and I smell. That’s why Curt broke off our engagement. He wouldn’t even make love to me – I was too ugly for words, he said.’
s shoulders dropped. This couldn’t be true. So that was why she was so shy and remote at times. The cad!
‘Look here,’ he said. ‘This ex of yours must have been an absolute rotter. You’re anything but ugly, and of course you smell – everybody does. It’s one of the things that form the attraction between the sexes, for crying out loud. And even if you smelled strong, even if it were true, anyone who likes you couldn’t care less! You will be both beautiful and sexy in the eyes of someone who loves you. And if this Curt did not like your smell he cannot have liked you, damn him. So there.’
‘Maybe… He seemed so sweet, at first, we had such fun and he seemed to like me so much… But you know, when we were naked together for the first time he just looked at me and stared, and he said that he’d never seen anyone so ugly. My breasts were too small but he’d already told me so, and when I’m aroused my labia grow large and untidy, and he said I looked horrible, and that he wouldn’t touch me…’ she gulped, ‘with a bargepole.’ She still felt the insult as keenly as when it was made, she had a red flush running from her cheeks down into neck.
Ian sat looking at her wide-eyed. ‘Of all the nasty things I’ve ever heard this is one of the worst! I mean – a mean, heartless, little attack at the very place that hurts most. Believe you me, you’re nothing of the sort!’
‘And then there was one other man I thought was nice, so we started dating, and one evening I invited him over for dinner. And after dinner he wanted to make love to me, and I said I wanted some more time, and he left in a huff. And a little later I got a packet in the post, he’d sent me a vibrator and a note that said, go fuck yourself, you cocktease – I have no time for your kind of bitches.’
Ian sat dumbstruck. He shook his head without speaking. Finally he said, ‘We men do have a lot to answer for.’
She laughed soundlessly.
‘That’s why I gave up men altogether. I couldn’t stand being rejected, sneered at or insulted again, you see. So that’s why I’ve always tried to steer away from male contacts – not that were a lot who seemed attractive – and…’ She left the sentence dangling.
‘Wow,’ Ian said. ‘No wonder. I’m glad you don’t refuse to talk to me, it would be only too understandable if you did.’
‘Well,’ she said, ‘you’re different. You don’t make passes at me and …’ She trailed off into silence again. What if she’d met Ian instead of Curt, and that horrible Bernard who had seemed to nice at first? But maybe Ian, too… Then she roused herself.
‘Do you want some more coffee?’ she said.
They left it at that and went for another ramble. At the next village they had lunch in the pub, and on the walk back Jane asked, ‘What about you? Did you have a lot of woman friends?’
Ian shook his head. ‘I got married when I was barely twenty-one,’ he said. ‘We had known each other for a few years, and it seemed the right thing to do. Oh well.’
‘It wasn’t, then?’
‘No,’ he said, ‘not really.’ He shook his head again, and they walked on in silence for some time.
‘Don’t you want to talk about it?’ she said.
‘Well, you see,’ he said, ‘I don’t want to seem complaining, or bitter… I’ve kept silent about it for so long now…’ He bit his teeth.
‘What was wrong then?’ she said.
‘It was a big mistake,’ he said. ‘I simply was much too young and too naïve to know what was what, and too infatuated with my wife to see her for how she really was. I found from the start that we didn’t have the right kind of rapport, but I thought that it was just my fault and that if only I tried harder I could thaw her.’ He sniffed.
‘Thaw her?’
‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Oh, you know, I er… When we had been together for about three months we had sex for the first time. I thought it was wonderful, I even wrote a poem about it. Years later she told me she thought it had been horrible. We never really had any sex life to talk about… She told me I had to get her into the mood – but if I tried to touch her she’d tell me she wasn’t a whore, and if I looked at her undress she said I was a dirty old man. I thought she was beautiful, but she said she wasn’t. Then she wanted children – and we never got any. We went through the whole rigmarole of hospitals and examinations and attempts through insemination and what not… She was given lots of hormones and we had to have intercourse at fixed dates. Slim chance of it ever working out… She just lay back, spread her legs, and told me to shut up and do my duty – she’d been given the hormones, after all, she said. When all of that proved useless, we adopted children, and that meant that our physical relationship almost stopped altogether…’ He made a face.
‘I’m sorry, ‘ he said. ‘It’s hard to talk about this, you know. I sometimes felt like leaving her, but then when she was doing things with a group of people, teaching, talking, I recognised the woman I’d hoped to get… Besides, I didn’t want to make my daughters feel rejected again – being rejected once seems more than enough.’
‘But what was your relationship like, apart from the physical thing?’
Ian stuffed his hands in his pockets. He looked away. Then he rubbed his hands over his eyes. ‘It was really a slow and long disappointment in most respects – apart from the occasional spark. Apparently all she’d told me at first was untrue – she told me she liked books and music, but later she always complained about them, and she simply could not listen. She would tell you exactly what she thought… The children liked her well enough, but they never unburdened their minds to her either. When we were at a low ebb, once, I tried to talk to her about it, but she got incredibly angry, she even slapped my face, hard. I had no answer to that, I don’t hit women.’ He paused and glanced at Jane, afraid she’d look at him the way his late wife used to do, but she looked at him with a half-smile.
‘What did she hit you for?’
‘I’m not sure,’ he said, ‘but I think she saw my attempts as implied criticism – and she could never stand any. When she thought I might say something remotely critical she’d suggest we’d better part, for that was what I wanted, wasn’t it? But it wasn’t. I simply wanted her and I never got her…’ He fell silent and walked along automatically, the long, lonely days and nights his holiday had driven from his mind right back before his eyes.
Jane looked at him. He had had everything she’d always wanted, she thought, and yet –
She put an arm around his shoulder. ‘We are two of a kind in a way, aren’t we?’ she said.
Her kindness was too much for Ian. He tried to reply and smile at Jane but he could not stop the tears he’d been repressing any longer. He stopped walking and Jane put both arms around him.
‘It’s alright,’ she said, ‘Just you go and cry.’ She stroked his back and held him until he’d run out of tears.
‘Thank you,’ he finally said. ‘That’s one of the reasons I never talk about it…’ He blew his nose.
She waited for him to get back to normal and smiled at him. ‘Didn’t you have anyone to talk to?’ was what she wanted to ask him, but she did not want to push him or let him feel too awful too long.
‘You must think I’m an idiot,’ he said.
‘No, I don’t,’ she said. ‘I do think you’ve bottled it up for far too long, though. I, for one, don’t mind being an ear to your troubles, and there must be lots of other people as well.’
He looked at her. ‘Thank you,’ he said again.
‘There’s a lot more I’d like to know about you,’ she said, ‘but there’s still time enough for that. Shall we go on?’ She held out her hand and he took it in his.
He smiled at her, and nodded. ‘Do let’s,’ he said.
It was Abigail’s birthday that day, and she had invited Jane to her party that evening. Yes, it was alright for her to bring that Dutchman along. So Jane had asked Ian if he would like to come with her, and at eight thirty t
hey arrived at Abigail’s. Her scrutiny made Ian feet a little uncomfortable at first – but before long he felt quite at home there. The company was small and so there was ample opportunity to talk without shouting. He met a couple of Jane’s co-workers and got the impression that they all knew exactly who he was.
‘Jane told us all about you,’ one of them said. She smiled at him and he got the impression that Jane had some very pleasant companions. ‘So what do you think of our Jane?’
He smiled back at her and said, ‘I think she’s wonderful. But you must have known that for a long time.’ He looked across the room to where she was standing, talking animatedly to Abigail. ‘Yes,’ he said, and smiled at her.
A little later Abigail came over to him. They talked for some time about her firm, and about his work, and she ended by saying, ‘You like Jane a lot, don’t you?’
He nodded. ‘I do, he said’
‘Yes,’ she said. ‘I saw you look at her. She deserves someone who loves, her, you know. Please be good to her.’
‘If I get half the chance…’ he said.
The next day was perfect. There had been a thunderstorm overnight and now the sun stood beaming over the green fields that still sparkled. Jane was the first to wake up, a little too early, she though – but the sun through her windows was too good to miss. They had not planned a walk yet, or a visit to a new place, so she showered and dressed in her best clothes – she wanted to look beautiful to Ian, and she knew he thought she was, but she wanted to feel certain of herself.
While she prepared breakfast she thought about the day before. They’d certainly come a lot closer. She had enjoyed holding him on their walk, and she could almost feel his hand in hers still. She didn’t doubt his sincerity any more. Ian could never behave like Curt and Bernard had, she felt certain about that. He had told her someone who liked her would find her beautiful, so Ian, probably…
‘Good morning, Jane. You make me feel very guilty for not helping you – but I’m afraid I only woke just now,’ Ian said.
She had been so immersed in her thoughts, that she had not heard him come into the kitchen.
‘Hi there,’ she said. ‘No need to feel guilty – I love pottering about and I could have a good think like this. Had a good night?’
‘Yes,’ he said. ‘You were in my dreams.’
‘You are in mine,’ she said. ‘You have been in mine since May – ‘ She blushed. She had not intended to be so open, it just escaped her. But she was damned if she took it back. ‘Let’s have breakfast,’ she said.
‘I’ll open the door into the garden first, if I may,’ Ian said.
‘Please do.’
They ate in a companionable silence, looking out at the garden and smiling at each other.
‘What happened to your wife?’ Jane asked when they had finished. ‘Was she ill?’
‘No,’ Ian said. ‘It was a traffic accident. A drunken lorry driver broke straight through the crash barrier and practically flattened her car. They showed me her jewellery to identify her.’
‘Oh,’ Jane said. ‘How horrible.’
‘Yes. The doctors said she can’t have suffered much – but she must have seen that idiot coming at her…’ He shook his head.
Jane sat thinking about it for some time. ‘You had been together for years,’ she finally said. ‘I know things were difficult, but you must have missed her, anyway.’
‘Yes I did,’ Ian said. ‘It’s very strange when suddenly there is no one to talk to any more. Sometimes one of my daughters comes to dinner – but that’s different.’
‘And there must be memories all over the place.’
‘Well,’ he said, ‘a lot of things went to my daughters – her books on knitting and dressmaking and knitting needles, the sewing machine, the clothes they could use – and I threw out a lot of things, her remaining clothes and things she that I had no use for. Most memories are immaterial…’
She nodded. ‘You didn’t miss the little physical contact you had?’ she said.
‘She was diagnosed with uterine cancer, eleven years ago. The local surgeon who took out her womb and ovaries was very good, the illness didn’t spread. But she was given a gruelling radiation course, and she fell straight into the menopause. We never even touched any more since that time.’ He gave a crooked smile. ‘One peck on the mouth before we went to sleep and on before we left for work. That was all.’
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Pete and Samantha, his 14-year old younger sister, had become hot sexy lovers very quickly after Pete first semi-seduced Samantha and then fucked her, getting her virgin cherry. During their second night of sex together, Pete had used condoms as Samantha asked him to before she'd allow him to slide his cock into her young hot pussy again. It hadn't been too bad to have to drape his hot cock in a rubber but the entire time Pete had been fucking Samantha, he'd found himself wishing his dick...
Bette and Gazza spent the last few days of their holiday getting the house in order. Bette had to make a couple of trips back to the wheelship to pick up smaller pieces of furniture for the flickers and several other odds and ends. She’d also found a storeroom containing bolts and bolts of cloth in many different shades, patterns and weaves that could be used as curtain material and also for making clothes and bed linens. One of the spare rooms became her sewing room. She even found some... This is my artwork so far on Cidius and his realm of things, also pics of Cidius's semi naked "Wives" if you will, so please, Enjoy! *Authors Note* Chapter 2 part 1 – The Sound of Music It had been mid day before Cidius again stirred to wake, having in that morning filled Lilith four more times with his love making. Now however he was wide awake and restless, sitting up and running his slender fingers threw his twisted, messed...
Sally glanced down at her watch. The session should have been done 30 min ago, but Bob was still droning on. It wasn’t that Bob wasn’t interesting to watch. Her friends described him as young Alec Baldwin. But being lectured on corporate initiatives late on a Friday just didn’t cut it. Over the course of the two week training course, Sally had tried to make a connection with Bob. Initially she tried flirty smiles and glances to no avail. Next she tried her cutest skirt and a top that showed her...
ReluctanceOnly Faps! You have to hand it to platforms like OnlyFans, Patreon, and more. They basically changed the fucking game when it comes to allowing anyone to become a fucking porn star in some way. Nobody has to use a talent agency, be found, or bullshit like that anymore. They can hone their skills on these types of platforms, earn a living working on their own terms, and gain a following in the process.But how the hell do you find the best of the best, specifically on OnlyFans? You get a taste...
Free OnlyFans Leak Sites“Your husband called a few times,” Mark chimed in, holding the door for him, and seeing him to his desk like he was crippled. Carter threw his secretary a confused look. “You dropped your phone here, before heading to your meeting with Yolanda. I didn’t answer. But it’s all for the best that you didn’t have your phone with you,” Mark added in a low whisper. “I heard she’s a beast if something or someone interrupts her meetings.” “Really?” Carter asked in a dry flat tone. Mark was even...
My GF of 2 years, in the 1st year always asking me if id like to participate in a threesome with her, FFM. Well as she was previously a lesbian on 8 years i can understand the reasons. But i have always been faithful and honest, not wanting to push the boundaries, only fantasise about them.She has a friend in her own country which i will call Dee. I had a dream about having sex with this friend, well i told my GF this and she then went and told Dee which was nice of her...Dee then decided that...
My son, Matt, and I live a very comfortable life in a quiet suburb of a large city. We have a large home that is mortgage free with the obligatory pool to fend off the aforementioned heat in the summer. I had put aside enough money to pay for his college education. We both drive cars that are nice, but not in the luxury class. In short – we may have some things to worry about, but money isn't one of them. Matt is twenty and was home for the summer, having finished his first year at the...
A thousand things raced through my mind. Would it be awkward afterwards? Would we still be friends? Would he tell anyone? What seemed like minutes had passed but it was actually seconds. Extreme close up had ended and some sexy looking girl was sitting on a park bench flashing her bald pussy at the man sat next to her. I turned to Ian and nodded. I would suck his cock. Not the most convincing yes but it was good enough for Ian who stood up and took his t-shirt off. Ian was about 5' 9" and was...
Being a cuckold husband is well sometimes the most exciting thing you can do in a marrage. My wife is very good at getting the most excitment for me out of each side dick she lays. Some times I have no idea she is off fucking due to me at work or busy doing something at home. When that happens I always get the pie when she gets home. But what she loves to do is let me know she is about to go fuck one of my friends but do it in a way that I can't ask any questions. This way always works and it's...
The outlandish Nade Nasty ? is back for his record-tying 4th appearance here on See H?️M Fuck, and we paired HIM up with the lovely Rebel Rhyder ❤️ for this week’s update. After our fantastic director Johnny ?? Robins assists us in getting caught up with HIM, Nade stands and begins to strip from his blue 2-piece suit ?️ Rebel samples HIM before grabbing a bottle ? of motion-lotion ? and lubing HIM up nice and good, reaching around to ensure Nade’s big prick is standing at full...
xmoviesforyouGary Thomas rechecked his ticket and after making sure everything was in order, he kissed his wife and daughter good by and boarded the airliner for his non stop flight to Rome! He would be gone for two whole weeks covering the first round of the World Cup soccer matches in Europe, and while he was looking forward to revisiting the Continent as they called it, he was surely going to miss his family back in the states!!! The flight was pretty uneventful, and between reading a new novel he had...
GayRobin had been busy working so we had not spent a lot of time together other than for dinner. I was worried about her since she seemed to be over worked. “Robin, I am worried that you are working too much. What’s up?” “Mark, you don’t need to worry. We have a major project that is just about to be completed. It has taken a lot more time than I anticipated. But, it will be over in another couple of weeks. So, stop worrying.” “Well, I would like to have you and Olivia over for...
Frank turned on his high heels and as the hem of his dress swirled around his stocking clad legs, he traced an all too familiar route down to the end of the hall. It was hardly the first time he heard his high heels clatter on the floor as he made his way to full length mirror there. He had done it many, many times before. Now, as he walked, he knew that dressing up was no longer his secret pleasure. He had grown to crave the excitement that coursed through him when he dressed in his...
NOTE: This is my first story, so I hope its good. Please send feedback! I need to know how i'm doing. Rebecca woke up drowsily one morning, rubbing her eyes, getting accustomed to her dim surroundings. She was laying in her queen-sized bed, nude as she always slept in summer. She glanced over at her open closet, and saw that her mother had finished the laundry and put the basket outside her walk-in closet. She rose, not putting any clothes on as she habitually did. Picking up a uniform blouse...
Something a little different for all you horny bastards * I am a divorced 38 year old woman who has an only son named Tim, who is 14 years old. I have always had a strong sex drive and loved any type of sex. I also love to lay in bed and read most any kind of erotic stories. The internet has become my masturbation addiction. I love to print off stories and take them to bed with me as I play with myself. I have a smooth shaven pussy and am very clean. Nothing feels better to me than to...
"We're going to play a game," Gary said, his voice light and mocking. He had shoved his hands into his pockets, and was staring off into space. "You can win it; it will have rules and an object. If you do win, we will give you all copies of the video tape and pictures. If you lose..." Stacy sat in stunned silence. The whole world - her world - had changed dramatically in the last half hour. Nothing was the same. That morning, she had woken up an intelligent, free young woman. No clouds...
Corruption of Champions (mod)! I’m always down for some sexy RPGs or fantasy stories involving kinky shit. Just look at Game of Thrones. You think that shit got so popular because of the plot? I doubt it. It was probably the incest scenes. You sick fucks seem to be loving that kind of shit recently. But, anyway, I like a good RPG focused on hot babes and crazy fetishes. There aren’t many out there. The only one that comes to mind that you fucks might have heard of is Monster Girl Quest, which...
Free Sex GamesJamie was barely into the bedroom, when the last of her clothes came off. She turned around, and noticed Noah had followed her, and before he even reached into the room, pulled him by his belt, undoing it in the process. As his pants fell to the floor, Jamie guided Noah to the bed, and gracefully ran her fingers over his cock, as he sat down. With a flick of her hair, Jamie got down on her knees, and ran her tongue over the underside of Noah’s cock. She wrapped her hand around his cock as...
London, and indeed the whole of the UK is in Lockdown.Everyone is required to remain indoors. It is now illegal for us to leave our homes without a valid reason. We are caged, held captive, with no end in sight.It is hardly surprising then that two young women seek ways to reach out in their lust for lesbian love.Suzy writes:You and I have not yet met, but we both live in a modern apartment building near a beautiful park. The building is arranged in a horseshoe shape so that some apartments...
ExhibitionismXxlayna Marie goes to her stepbrother Jay Romero’s room to tell him that the friend that’s been coming over all the time recently has a huge crush on him. Xxlayna goes on to tell Jay that her friend, Gracie Gates, has an incurable disease. It’s not contagious, but Gracie really wants Jay to fuck her. Jay agrees, then learns that Gracie has been waiting right outside the door. Just as Gracie comes in for a kiss, Xxlayna yells PSYCH and dissolves into laughter. Jay is...
xmoviesforyouI am wearing NO panties You always say that I am a nawty girl , I dont know why *giggles* Is it because I love to tease you while you are at work – taking the distinct pleasure of knowing you have a raging hard-on while your workers are coming in asking you questions and you cant move all you can do is squirm in your chair. Or is it the way I write your good morning emails – I know you miss them when I miss a day … they detail everything I want from you and even what you want from me and you...
Hermione the Shiteater Interview with Hermione Granger taken by Rita Skeeter in Hogwarts, 1st June 1998. Wizarding Wireless broadcast. RITA SKEETER. Good morning, my dear listeners. I'm Rita Skeeter, your favorite journalist, and I'm visiting Hogwarts School today. Make your wizarding wireless louder, because you'll hear the most mind-blowing interview in my career. Of course you know how our glorious and mighty Dark Lord banned all the mudbloods and blood-traitors from attending...
Jessica's Live-In Babysitter - Part 6 by CutePatti Becky was walking past Jessie's bedroom as Jessie came skipping out. "K mom...I'm off to the store. A dozen eggs coming up. Omlettes...yummy." She said humming. Becky saw Sam sitting on Jessie's bed and stuck her head inside the room. "Don't you dare think I don't know what you two have been up to," She said to him. Sam panicked...thinking she may have overheard the scene that had just transpired. "Uh...well it's really not what...
I’m not sure how long I’ve been walking, but the castle is obscured behind rolling hills and my legs are threatening to give out.I eventually see a farm along the road ahead of me. There’s an old man tilling fields by himself, and I stand at the fence and wave to him. “Hail and well met!” I call.The man returns the wave and comes over, sweat falling over his wrinkled face. “And to you as well, sir.”I clasp my hands behind my back. “Do you have any need for a farmhand? I’m good with housework,...
HistoricalA divorce can be great with the right mindset. At least this is what you think when you wake up next to two gorgeous babes, Liya and Roxy; something that was unimaginable as a married man. But soon you have to realize that nothing is this simple and bright. Soon you meet your wife’s private detective, Sybil, who set you up to a little scheme. Now you have to convince her and your wife, Cherry too, otherwise all you’ll have left after the divorce is your pride. You don’;t want...
xmoviesforyouNobody could move fast enough to catch her, her head came into contact with the cockpit coaming; the strike put her out a lot longer than the mere faint would have. Raised quite the lump too. We still needed to go to the Port Authority of Port Arthur so we motored up the Sabine to the shrimpers dock, tied up alongside the MaryAnne ... with permission of course ... and hiked across the deck of the MaryAnne, stepped from her deck to the Agnes Jean and so to the dock. Houston Ave across...
I live in a resort town, and on this night I met my friends at one of the local bars. We wanted to get away from all the out of towners. Earl and Sam and I were playing pool and drinking. The subject of girls came up and we all agreed that it had been too long since any of us had gotten laid. The bar was empty. Three white women came in and sat at the bar, they were petite and in their late sixties or early seventies and not bad looking for their age. they came over and wanted to play. We were...
The work itself is enormous, amounting to over one million words, the eleven original volumes amounting to over 4,000 pages. The text has a frank discussion of sexual matters and other hidden aspects of Victorian life make it a rare and valuable social document. According to Steven Marcus, it is virtually the only source for information on London's houses of prostitution, in which Walter spent many hours. It has been described as "one of the strangest and most obsessive books ever...
102 Moving in with gran and MayPeter May and Rosie each selected a room and the removal men placed the furniture into each selected room. The usual couple of days of sorting followed, each in worlds of their own, each with a separate priority, the all consuming jobs round the new home occupying most of the hours, along with meals and sleep, the pool being under repair so that option was out, it wasn’t till the Friday that any real relaxing time really came about. They were sat in the...
It’s 6:55 in the evening and I’m sitting on a marble bench in the atrium of the Chicago Stock exchange. In five minutes you will walk through the sculptured glass double doors that lead into this magnificent lobby. You insisted on meeting me here rather than picking you up at your hotel. You mentioned something about a ‘grand entrance’. I have been here since 6:30 (a lady should never have to wait on her e****t.) I look at myself in one of the many mirrors that line the hall. I cannot see that...
I love long nipples for several reasons. They are so much fun to suck on and play with, especially when it's a real turn on for the woman too. When they get erect, other than from the cold, it's like the equivalent of a man's hard on, only doubly so and a visible dead give away of her arousal. I dated a lady once who was very open who rarely wore a bra away from work. The first time she invited me to her place, I began teasing her that I must be turning her on judging by her headlights. She...
Detective Abella Danger walks into the massage parlor and immediately goes to the front desk and starts shifting stuff around. She got a call about some missing money and is hoping to find a clue so she can wrap up the case. She starts looking around and opening the drawers to look through them. When Haley Reed walks in the room, she’s shocked to find a stranger rummaging through the salon. She asks the person what they’re doing. Abella takes off her coat and hat. She continues...
xmoviesforyouthis is a fictional story.I had a best friend since I was 5 years old. We did everything together, we watched movies together, we went to school together, we did homework together. Yesterday my best friend Mike had his 18th birthday. we went to see a movie with bunch of other friends. the movie was funny and good, I enjoyed it a lot. On our way home Mike asks me: "Jason, do you wanna to come and do a sleepover?" I thought about it for a sec and I answered "sure". So we walked to his home and we...
The first stop in Dallas went perfectly. The disc jockey was tame. He wasn’t interested in making a name for himself by ambushing Liz. He acknowledged that the national media had picked up on Steven Morton’s “gossip” before we went on the air and asked her if she wanted to make a comment. Liz said that she made it a habit never to respond to innuendo and the guy said that was fine by him. He was more than happy to be the voice that brought the official announcement to the listeners. The...
Introduction: Sorry it took so long but here is part 2 i do hope you enjoy it. part 3 will be up soon Connor turned on the water in the shower and as he was waiting for the water to warm up he looked into the mirror and realized that he had his cum coated on his chest. As he ran his fingers through the sticky goo, he started to remember everything that had happen relayed that night. Unconsciously he brought his hand up to his mouth and licked the goo off of them, the taste was so enjoyable that...