- 2 years ago
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The story of Billy is complete and will be published over the next four days.
All parts were edited by Lady Cibelle with my thanks.
Billy-Part 1
Stuart remembers during the trip back to Pittsburgh. This event leads to his move to Denver.
From Pittsburgh to Denver
I left the Orange Belt, merged onto the Penn Lincoln Parkway, then exited onto I-79 South to Bridgeville at 10:30 that evening. My flight from Denver to the Pittsburgh International Airport landed at 9:00 but I was still on Denver time so it was not all that late at night for me. The rush hour traffic was over so the interstate was not very busy and I made good time to my dad’s place just past Bridgeville in a little place called Cowden. He had lived there all his live and I grew up there. It was a great place for a kid and I loved it.
I was coming home to visit my dad who was not doing so well according to Mary, his friend and next door neighbor. I had enlisted Mary’s help in watching out for Dad since she was right next door and had been good friends with my mother. She wanted me there to convince him to take himself into the hospital. He had cancer and was not expected to live more than another six months but he refused to go easily. Now he wouldn’t take the morphine his doctor prescribed for the pain and he refused to go into the hospital where they could monitor the progress of his cancer. Mary tried to be his nurse but he was a lousy patient for her or anyone else. I didn’t know what I could do but I was going to try.
While I made the trip back to Pittsburgh several times a year, it was usually a quick visit with the Manager of Research for coatings, and with my boss, Ryan Erinson. I stopped in to see my dad and spent some time with him but I stayed in the city if I had to be there overnight. It was easier and more convenient for me. This trip was different and personal so I was staying with dad at his place. He had continued to keep my old room available for me.
I left Pittsburgh over five years ago to take the job in Denver. At the time, I was in the process of divorcing my second wife Billy, after just four years of marriage. She and my best friend Mark Fletcher had been having a long term affair and during the period afterward, I realized that Billy was never going to be faithful. It was her second marriage as well and it was clear to me that she wanted more than I or any man could give. At least that was the conclusion I came to after giving her everything she asked for. It wasn’t enough. And since both of my marriages ended in disaster, I had pretty much given up on any permanent attachments with those of the opposite sex.
For some background, my name is Arthur Davidson. I am 52 years old and currently Managing Director of True Wire Inc. and VP of Coatings for a fairly large company based in Pittsburgh, Pa. that makes and markets all types of wire. My division is based in Denver, Colorado and is the one that handles all of the coated wiring even though most of the research personnel are still in Pittsburgh. We do all types: insulated, stranded, twisted and solid conductors. The type of coating depends on the use of the wires. I had been in this position for about five years now and our division had grown by over 37% with the introduction of several new and unique products. I had several patents and I was very secure in my job. As a matter of fact, I was due for a promotion that could mean moving back to the Pittsburgh area.
I’ve been married twice, the first time to a wonderful woman who gave me fifteen wonderful years and a beautiful daughter. We were deeply in love but she was killed by a drunk driver six years before. My daughter and I grieved and felt the pain intensely but we both finally moved on. Penny, our daughter, moved to Germany with her husband and she’s been there ever since. She loves it and has no desire to come back to the US. I visit with her to see my two grandkids but only about twice a year.
I poured myself into my job and slowly reentered society where I began to meet new people. That’s when I met Billy, my second wife. She and I were both trying to find our way when we met. She had also been married once before and she was divorced. She never told me the reasons behind the divorce and I never pressed her for details. The only strange thing was that I never met her children. She told me she had two but neither lived with her and she had no contact with them. I respected her wishes and never tried to find out what happened, but I had my suspicions. She and I were married in a civil ceremony without fanfare.
All of this had happened many years ago. I realized that it had been ten years ago that my life with Billy started. So long ago. As I drove the dark interstate south to my old home, I thought back to that time five years ago when I discovered Billy’s affair.
Billy and I had been married a little more than 4 years. As I said, it was the second marriage for both of us. We both had children from our first marriages but they were fully grown and on their own. My daughter Penny was married but lived now in Germany. My dad, Edward, lived nearby and we saw him fairly often. He liked Billy and she seemed to like him. I couldn’t say the same for her parents, Violet and Ben Delong. What a pair. They thought no one was good enough for their daughter. I was a big mistake in their eyes.
Billy didn’t work, preferring to stay home and spend her time with causes and crusades. She was currently working at a shelter for battered women and she seemed to be fully committed. This was her way with most things for a year or so. She would stay with it until she became bored. At the time, that was fine with me since I worked a lot of hours and it kept her occupied.
It was just a typical day for me. It was just after 2:00 in the afternoon when Paula came into my office. Paula was my secretary, my second mother, and my sergeant at arms. She had a funny look on her face as she shut the door behind her. She obviously had some juicy tidbit of gossip to spread and unfortunately I was her intended receiver.
‘OK Paula, what’s up? You look like you just found out there’s a major conspiracy to take over the company. Give.’
Paula pulled up one of the chairs in front of my desk and sat down, deliberately leaning over my desk to get as close to me as possible. This must really be big.
‘Mr. Erinson wants you to meet him after work at Bennington’s for dinner and drinks. Georgina told me that there will be two others there as well. She thinks they’re both board members. Something’s up and you’re the star player. I know it.’
Mr. Erinson was Ryan Erinson, President of General Winding and my boss’s boss. Georgina was his secretary and Paula’s inside source. I digested this little bit of information without any enlightenment. I knew of nothing that was on the horizon and no one had told me of any major changes coming up. I was at a loss.
‘Well, I don’t have a clue but I know nothing is happening that should concern me. Maybe there’s some sort of problem with the coating division and he wants me to begin some sort of investigation. You know Ryan’s always worried about something.’
‘Well, maybe, but I think it’s something big. You just wait and see.’
‘We’ll both wait. Would you please call Billy and let her know that I’ll be late? I should be home about 11:00. We have no plans so it should be fine.’
‘I’ll take care of it. And just remember: you let me know right away what’s going on. Promise?’
I promised her and shooed her out of my office. I had no idea what was going on and nothing had come my way to offer any clues. Well, I would just wait. It would be explained to me at the meeting, of that I was sure.
I decided to finish the project report I was working on before closing down for the day. I considered calling Hugh Wilson, my direct boss first but it was getting toward time for me to leave for dinner. Bennington’s was
halfway across town and it would take me about 40 minutes to get there. I wish Ryan had picked someplace closer. I closed down the computer, locked my files and went into the washroom to freshen up for the meeting.
Paula had gone by the time I was ready to leave. She left a note saying she left a message for Billy since she didn’t answer. That was fine. She would probably be home by the time I was due anyway and would get the message. I left for Bennington’s.
I was shown into a private room at the restaurant to find Ryan there with two board members that I knew quite well. John Armitage and Harry Rollings were two of the original members and I liked both of them. We shook hands and we all sat down to dinner. Ryan had gone all out and it was quite good. Talk was loose and informal and Ryan indicated that we would not talk business until later. I understood and enjoyed.
When drinks were served, Ryan indicated that I take a seat across from him. John and Harry sat beside him. Ryan started.
‘Stu, I need to tell you something that is confidential for now. I’m sure you know of a company called True Wire, Inc. You’ve dealt with them from time to time and I think you know the owner. Do you remember him?’
‘Sure. That’s Pete Higson. He and I go way back.’
‘Right. Well, here’s the deal. We made an offer to buy True Wire and Pete’s accepted. We’ve done all of the due diligence and our accountants have audited the books. The price is fair and we have agreed in principle. I want you to go out there and take our letter of intent and have Pete sign the deal. He’s waiting for you and everything is set.’
‘Well sure, I’ll be happy to go. It will be good to see Pete again and it will give me some time to visit and take stock. I assume that’s the idea?’
‘Yes and no. You won’t be taking stock. You’ll be looking at your new company. We are promoting you to Managing Director of True Wire and VP of Coatings. You are now a senior VP for General Windings. Congratulations Stuart!’
‘Well, I’m totally shocked. But does Hugh know about this? Has be been told? I wouldn’t like to start a new job with him as an enemy.’
‘Hugh recommended you once we told him of the acquisition. Actually, he is thinking of retiring and I probably won’t replace him now that you’re in this new position. You were in line for his job before but this one is even higher.’
With that announcement, Ryan, John and Harry all got up to congratulate me and pat me on the back. It was one hell of a promotion and it would mean a whole new life for Billy and me. We would be moving to Denver and we could afford to go first class. Billy would be thrilled and I was looking forward to telling her the good news.
‘One thing to deal with yet and that is your replacement. I’m assuming you would recommend Mark Fletcher to replace you? You have had nothing but good things to say about him. If you still feel that way, he’ll take over when Hugh retires.’
‘Mark is a great choice. He can do the job and can get up to speed in short order. He’ll do a super job. Can I tell him everything?’
‘Yes. We have cleared it with Hugh so you can, but let him know not to mention it. Not for another two weeks. The deal will be final then and we can make the announcement.’
He laughed before saying, ‘You can tell Paula of course since she’ll find out from Georgina anyway.’
We had a couple of drinks and Ryan told me that reservations for a flight out tonight were already made. It was just past 7:30 so I had about three hours to get home, get packed and to the airport for the flight. I decided to leave right away to give me time to tell Billy. I said my thanks and good byes and headed home.
As I drove home, I thought about the changes that this would make in our lives. I knew that Billy would be happy. She hated Pittsburgh and wanted to move somewhere else with better weather and more of a social climate suited to her tastes. She was alright with her social clubs and friends but she wasn’t all that happy with some of their more liberal swings. We had discussed it to the point of thinking about a job change. This would accomplish all of that and more. I was thinking of a way to announce the new job and the new location with some sort of a flourish. I didn’t call her since I had made up my mind that I was just going to blurt it out as soon as I came in the door.
I called Paula on my cell and left her a voice mail telling her that I would be out of town tomorrow and would call in and let her know where I was. I told her to make sure Mark had the proposal for the new coating lines on Ryan’s desk first thing in the morning. I finally told her that she was right when she told me that things were happening and that she could talk to Georgina. She could fill in some of the blanks until I could talk more to her. I hung up and I turned into my driveway. I saw Mark’s car there but that was not unusual. We were best friends as well as boss and co-worker.
I burst into the kitchen from the garage and was surprised to find the house apparently empty. I moved quickly through the downstairs rooms without finding either Billy or Mark. I thought maybe they had gone out with Patty and Fred from down the street. Well, I was disappointed not to be able to share it with her now but I could call her from the airport.
Without any more thought, I bounded up the stairs two at a time to our bedroom. I slid into the room in time to see Mark pumping away on a willing and vocal Billy. The doorway was to the side of the bed so my view was perfect. I could see Billy lying on her back with her arms around mark’s neck. Mark was between her legs and he was supporting himself on his arms as he fucked her. Mark’s hairy ass was pumping up and down and I could see Billy’s legs wrapped tightly around his waist pulling him in as tight as she could. It was good timing as I heard Mark yell.
‘Oh my God, I’m cuming! I’m cuming!’
Billy was grunting and making noises like I had never heard and she was also just about ready to let go. She let out one shrill scream and told Mark to let it go.
‘Cum in me, cum in me, let me have it, do it! Oh, oh, oh my God!’
All I could do at that point was to turn around and slam the door shut behind me. I had seen all I wanted to see. I turned around and walked back downstairs to the living room. I sank down in one of the chairs and waited. I was stunned and my mind simply refused to function very well. My wife and my best friend in bed together. I couldn’t seem to make sense of it. As I struggled with the sight I had just witnessed, my anger began to burn hot and bright in my chest. I let it grow since the heat of it was better than the cold of betrayal. That’s where I was sitting when Mark came down the stairs. He saw me and came into the room. He stopped in front of me.
‘God Stu, I’m so sorry you saw that. I have no excuse for it except to say that I have always loved Billy as you know. We never expected you to come home so early and things just got out of control. We never wanted to hurt you. You have to know that. It will never happen again. You have my word.’
The words seemed to just wash over me without registering. It made no difference what he said. I knew what had happened and that was all I could deal with. But the heat from my anger was burning to be let out and I gave vent to it in words. I gritted my teeth and held on to my temper as I looked into the face of the man I now hated.
‘I want you to leave my house now. I never want to see you again outside the office. I have to deal with you there as you will soon understand, but I never want to see or talk to you outside again. We are no longer friends, we don’t know each other socially. I have no wish to hear your story or your apologies. Do you understand?’
‘Please Stu. Let’s talk about this. You don’t mean what you’re saying. You can’t mean that. We’ve been friends for ten years. You can’t mean we’re over. Come on!’
‘I won’t ask y
ou again to leave my house. I repeat: I don’t want to see you again outside work. I don’t ever want you to come to my house and if I ever see you near my wife again, I’ll kill you. Please don’t test me. Now, get the fuck out of my house!’
With that, I rose and moved toward him. I am a very big man: 215, 6′ 2, and I pride myself on my appearance. I work out three times a week and I can press my weight without breaking a sweat. Mark on the other hand is shorter than I, weights about 30 pounds less and never had the ambition to improve himself physically. He concentrates on his slick appeal to women. He is a good looking jerk.
Mark took the hint and almost ran to the front door. He tried to say some more but I pushed him out the door and than shut and locked it behind him. I turned my back to the door and leaned against it trying to get control of my anger. I had done fine till now, but I looked up and saw Billy standing on the stairs watching me. She had put on a robe to cover her nakedness. As I saw her standing there, my anger began to burn even hotter. I felt the heat in my face and chest and I was suddenly afraid of what I could do. I shuddered and shook my head to try to clear the fury. After a couple of deep breaths and some very serious talking to myself, I began to feel some control returning.
I walked away from the door and went into the kitchen. I took a beer from the refrigerator and sat down at the table. I was concentrating on my breathing when she walked in. I didn’t look up and I didn’t acknowledge her in any way. I couldn’t without losing my control. I took several deep breaths and a swig of beer. It seemed to help.
‘Will you let me tell you what happened?’
‘No. I have to pack a bag. I’m leaving tonight for Denver. I have to catch a plane and I don’t have much time. Maybe we can talk when I get back.’
‘Why are you going to Denver now? We can’t just let this go. You have to listen to me and we have to talk this out. You can’t let it go.’
‘Yes, I can and I will. What you did is pretty clear. I saw it with my own eyes. Why you did it is not so clear. And why you did it with Mark is totally unclear. But none of that is important right now. I have to get ready.’
With that, I threw the beer bottle against the kitchen wall where it shattered into a thousand satisfying pieces. As she cowered away from me I just looked at her.
‘For your information, I told Mark that he is never to set foot in this house again. That’s my decision and you have nothing to say about it. I told him, and now I’ll tell you. If I ever see him here again, I’ll kill him. Do you understand?’
Without waiting for her answer, I got up and walked upstairs to our bedroom to pack. I needed enough for three or four days and that was easy. I had done this a million times and I did it now by instinct. As I was closing the overnight, Billy walked into the bedroom and sat down on the bed watching me. I ignored her, picked up the overnight and my suit carrier and walked out of the room without a word. I carried them downstairs and out to the car.
When I came back into the kitchen, Billy was not there. I felt a sense of relief as I filled my travel mug with coffee. I looked around the kitchen, maybe for the last time and went out to the car, shutting and locking the door behind me. I drove away toward the airport without looking back.
I caught my flight on America West and arrived in Denver on time. I saw the waiting shuttle driver with a sign with my name and he took me to the hotel Paula reserved for me. I was not looking forward to a free night and wished that we could get right to it, but this late I didn’t expect anything to happen. I checked in, went up to the room and lay down. I slept poorly that night.
The next morning after a mostly sleepless night, I went down to meet Pete for breakfast. He was the same cheerful guy I had met and worked with for the last few years. I liked him the first time I met him and we had become good friends. Mostly long distance but friends nevertheless. We talked over coffee and eggs and finally left to go to the plant. We met with several of the executives and we took care of business in just under three hours. That left a lot of time for me to just wander around with Pete, looking over the operations and reacquainting myself with his, or I should say my operations. We had an enjoyable afternoon and finished up early.
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As always, I welcome any and all comments, I try to answer all email so feel free to tell me what you think. As long as you're polite, of course -- flames will be ignored. Disclaimers seem silly, but necessary I suppose. This work is intended for adults only. This is a work of *fiction* and if you can't deal with that then get a life. The work is copyright 1997 to me, Janice Dreamer. Permission is granted to post, repost, and otherwise distribute electronically, but please don't try...
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Kristie Davenport saw her mother bearing down on her from across the living room like a battleship weathering a rough sea. Kristie took a deep breath to steady her nerves. A lame mother was hard enough to bear, a lame mother who has already had to buy her daughter one full set of new bras is harder still to bear… and if my chest doesn’t stop growing real soon, mother’s going to have to get a third set in two months. And if the lamers at school notice, they are going to start...
Davy sat there against the brick wall of his bedroom, his pizza forgotten on the plate as he smacked his head against the stucco walls to get the tears to stop. His mind was racing in a million directions, and he felt himself crashing into another pool of despair. Grabbing his pillow, he curled up in the corner and cried for a normal life, a life without all the pain, hopelessness, confusion and loneliness he suffered from. His last thought as he finally fell asleep was about the new...
Harriet’s Hutch, Gotham City Center “Hay boss?” the shop clerk called to the store owner, “Is it me or has there been a run on rubber this past week?” “Rubber, leather, vegan leather, vinyl, wetlook, strap-ons, sex toys, bondage gear…” the owner said looking around the depleted stocks, “Last time I saw something like this was the week before the fetish shop I use to work at sponsored a kink convention.” “Wonder what caused it?” Maurice Wayne Arts exhibition hall, Gotham College- One week...
My blood was boiling. It was so exciting, only catching glimpses and snippets of what was happening… Rebecca’s body stretched across the console in the front seat… her blonde ponytail bobbing as her head moved in the guy’s lap… I couldn’t see her mouth, but it was even hotter that way, not seeing everything yet knowing what was happening… the sucking sounds, in perfect time with his breathing, betraying what she was doing… She was giving him head. This random guy we just picked up at...
Hi dosto, Ye baat tab ki hai jab mein 10th me padhta tha. Us waqt ka shocking kissa apke sath share karta hun. Mere best friend ka naam ravi tha (changed name) wo bahut hi innocet, bhola ladka tha. Height personality mast thi but dil ka saf tha. Uski family mein bada bhai, bhabhi, mom aur dad the. Uska bhai mumbai transfer ho chuka tha aur wo waha settle hone tak apni wife ko yahi chord gaya tha. Uski wife ka naam seema (changed name) tha, jo ki badi hi sundar, chanchall aur smart ladki thi....
I thought I would leave you with good thoughts for the day!Even though I was a very good girl for you, you are still going to have to remind me who the boss is. We both know it is only a matter of time before I am naughty again!There is one good way to remind me of that. Start the day with a good reminding. Tie me down so my ass is in the air and my legs are spread so wide my juices are quickly running down my leg! I so badly will want to touch my self and I will squirm and wriggle to stop you...
After our first time with G. we didn't meet each other for some days... Also no calls, nothing...A night we met (incidentally) in a coffee shop of the neighborhood... I go close to him and whisper to coming out with me... We walking almost 5 minutes and we went to sit on a bench in aν unfrequented park. We were silent for almost 10 or maybe more minutes. I decide to start a conversation...I ask him what he think about our first time... He was blushing and put his eyes down... After that I pull...
Iris knew that her sister was worried about something, the moment she strolled into her bedroom. At first she thought it might have been because of the nights events; that Laurie might have been worried about Iris. But it soon became evident that that was not the cause for the furrow in Laurie's brow, or the shadow in her dark blue eyes. "What?" she asked softly. Laurie sighed as she sat down on the edge of Iris's bed. "I think that there might be something wrong with dad." Iris...
2073 a.d. Journey Sibilius was excited. The ship was arriving from Earth after once again filling its belly full of dirt, plants, water, grain and farm animals. It had been orbiting out toward Mars for the last seven months. Thousands of years ago, a disaster had occurred disabling their ship so that it was no longer able to move between stars. The heavy elements necessary to restore their star drive were not available in this solar system. Trapped with the local life forms, their...
That was two years ago. Frederick and Beverly are my special friends. We're very close and I love them dearly. They've taken me on vacation with them to great places. Skiing in Colorado, carnival in Rio de Janeiro, the Cannes film festival on the French Riviera. And we go on weekend trips to The Keys, to the Bahamas, to St Croix. Any place I want, really. (OK, I'm name-dropping and that's tacky and I'm sorry but all of this is so cool.) And we've gone to some really sexy parties and I...
"Take off your clothes for a spanking," Stanley bellowed at his 15-year old son, Bill. Bill was appalled. His dad was not only threatening to spank him in front of his 13-year old stepsister and his stepmom, but was going to make him strip first. He couldn't believe it. His dad had always spanked him, but recently the number of spankings had increased. The biggest change was in how he was spanked. In the past, Dad had simply pulled his pants down and whacked his bare bottom. But in the...
There are five maids in my house (we are upper middle classed family) and there names are1.) Shobha age 58 yr , size 36 34 362.) Krishnaveni age 56 yr , size 36 24 343.) Kanchana age 65 yr , size 34 26 34 4.) Rajeshwari age 57 yr , size 34 26 36 and the last 5.) Bhagyama age 59 yr , size 36 36 34The story starts like this ….. Once my mom had to go out with my sister as she had her medical exams ( one whole week) from morning 8 am to evening 6 pm at basvangudi (bangalore) ……. That day my dad had...
That night I got invited out for more pizza. Pickings were awfully slim. We went to a house I'd not been to before. We had canned mushroom pizza on hand made dough cooked over a fireplace. I met Tim, Lisa, Tracy, Pete and Zeena. Tim was an EMT, Lisa a pharmacist and Tracy was a pathologist with oncological training. Pete was the head of a maintenance shift at the hospital and knew enough about diesel engines to just about grow one in a garden. Zeena was a fully qualified surgical nurse, just...
Hi this is Apurba a 23 yr boy. Ummm Boy!!! Really I don’t think so because I never feel any attraction to a girl. Basically I am a boy but really not. Ok let me explain. I am third son of my parents. I know how I completed my study. And joined a company only on 2000 salary and started my career at the age of 19.From the child hood I saw my parents ignorance. I don’t know why? But later I realize that it is due to my physical handicapped. Realizing that I handicapped mentally also and started to...
Gay MaleThis is a story about my sister Anita and me. I am Anuz, a young and impressionable male, and was eighteen when my parents divorced six years ago. My sister Anita was a little girl twelve years old at that time. After the break up, I went to stay with my father, and Anita went to stay with mom. Six years later my mom passed away and my little sister came to stay with dad and me. We met after six years and now she is longer the little sister that I knew. She is a young and sweet lady of...
IncestGet to know this sweet mid 20 indo-chin girl few years back. During that time, our r.ship is like brother and sister. As a brother, i can;t control my temptation for her. She is young, fresh and have a good figure..nice round bum and a Cup C boob.During that time, i teach her how to kiss and also how to DIY for him. This DIY was at her house playground, she was shy to try but i assure her this DIY skill is important in order to satisfy your future bf. I unzip and then teach her the way to...
This story is about something that happened to me while away on a buisiness trip. I'm a married 38 year old mother that travels on occasion for buisiness. While on a trip to Indianapolis I was snowed in with no hope of leaving that night to get home. With my return flight booked for the next day I checked into a hotel near the airport. Still dressed in my short blue dress I went down to the bar to get something to eat and maybe a couple drinks before bed. While sitting at the bar downstairs a...
My name is Alex Williams, I live in an block of retirement flats, you'd think life would be pretty uneventful but not so!We have a good community spirit at Landside and just so I don't get to be a recluse I like to go to the various functions held for, and by the local over sixty committee - of which I have now been officially made chairperson .and I look forward to the weekly events like Bingo and a monthly fish and chip quiz night and the like.We also have our own amateur dramatic society,...
MatureI take a deep breath and open the door, it's a summer night, nearly dark. The street is quiet, dumb to the scandal about to unfold. I doubted anyone would recognize me, in my short fur coat, denim mini and trademark purple heels. Not unless they were a fan anyway :) I just need no-one to see me leave the house, once a few yards away, I could be anybody.The coast is clear, I step out and shut the door as quietly as possible and walk away from the house, praying I don't activate the...
“So, John, can I guess that you’ve been having fun this week?” asked Malcolm lightly. The two men were sitting on the couch in the Great Room, shirts undone, pants pulled up but unzipped, and barefoot. The reasons for their disheveled appearance lay at their feet. Phoebe and Jeanine lay on the carpet wrapped up in each other, lightly dozing. Elsewhere in the house, the three Andrews women were similarly napping in each other’s arms, sated from their lesbian games, and Caroline was busy being...
We'd been good friends, probably best friends, for years. By four or five years I was the oldest of the group, but we'd all been married for years and years. My wife Lisa and I were longest married, followed by Kit and Denny and Abby and Len. The six of us did everything together, from partying to camping to vacations. Everything but open swinging. Lisa and I had partied early in our relationship, but not the others. Over the years we'd all fooled around with each other's wives but no long...
Group SexOne of the marketing types said, “David. By allowing us to use footage of you learning here, our registrations jumped dramatically for a few years, but now we see some slowdown. Your footage has gotten old and dated. Now that you are eighteen, we have a much broader range of options for marketing. For one thing, we don’t have to worry about the speed and aggressiveness limitations imposed on us when training minors. Another is what we use the video we take.” “Oh, cut the pretty talk,...
Lacey woke with a terrible headache. She slowly opened her eyes and at first didn't recognize where she was. All the memories from the night before came flooding back quickly. Her heart began to beat rapidly as she looked over to her left. He was still asleep, and oh God, completely naked. He had a large cross tattoo on his right shoulder that Lacey only just now noticed. His skin looked liked a delicious combination between melting caramel, and light cocoa powder. Her mind flashed to slowly...
InterracialHi friends! I am Rahul. This is the incident with my sexy Hindi teacher. When I was in college, I was weak in Hindi, which was the second language in our course. So that was why my parents arranged a Hindi tutor for me. When my Hindi tutor came to my house for the first time, my eyes were filled with joy. She was a very beautiful and hot young girl aged 26. She had a perfect figure of 34-28-34. She wears a top, jeans, and a long skirt sometimes. My hot Hindi teacher used to wear clothes with...
Okay, so it was a twenty chapter story, right. Yes, it was but life goes on and I now need to tell the readers what that life looks like. What has happened to the key players and are there some things that didn’t appear in this story? This is about trying to fill in those gaps as best I can. I know, for some it will be boring. I can just see the comments now, "Boring, Goyse! No sex.". But if I don't do this some might say, "Well, what really happened, Goyse? Why did she do it if she stayed...
CuckoldMisty and Thomas finally fell asleep in each other’s arms around four am. Thomas woke up at about eight am and had to piss so badly he wasn’t sure he would make it to the bathroom. He rolled over from Misty’s warm body and ran into the bathroom to relieve his needs. While he was in there he showered and used her razor to shave. He wrapped a towel around his waist and came back into the bedroom. He saw Misty lying on her back in the big bed still sound asleep. His cum was gone from her stomach,...
InterracialBéla shielded her eyes against the incredible brightness in the view screen as a tiny sun rose up out of the earth far below. She squinted and watched the shadow of a tall pillar of cloud stretch across the land. Another bright pinprick of nuclear energy occurred seemingly right next to the first one – then another, and yet, another, each blast creating an unsurpassable barrier to the approaching Confederate army. 'How are you doing, Baby, ' Béla called out to her daughter. 'Are you...
Country club communities are sprinkled all over the area where I live. So it's no surprise that there are a lot of lonely housewives looking for a distraction while their husbands are away on business or out playing golf. The other thing they love to do is throw parties, and as a caterer I get to meet a lot of these housewives. Here is one of their stories;Karen called me about an event she wanted to host in her home. She lived in a gated country club community where all the homes were...
HI friends..I am Rahul from southern part of India.I cant say my exact location for privacy reasons…OK lets come into the story.My mom’s name is latha.She is a college professor who teaches English to students.Her measurements are 40-30-38. she has big boobs which is like watermelons.She is slim hot and sexy modern women who wears all kinds of modern outfit from sarees to jeans t shirts.My dad is business man and he never cared about us.He visits us 3 months once. This story happened a few...
He this is reddy from guntur{andhra pradesh}, this was my real incident happens to me.As this is my first story please excuse for any grammar mistakes. Here the heroine is my neighbor aunt who has 34-32-38 beautiful assets and pretty ass which make my rod always salute whenever I see her walking, from the back Coming to the story we are a middle-class family consist of father, mother, and I. When I was in 5th standard a new family came as our neighbors , uncle aunty and a son who is elder to me...
IncestNow these are your orders master snapped down the phoneHave yourself ready to be picked up at 8pm sharp and make sure that your fully shaved and smooth you are going to learn how to impress me tonight and make sure your wearing something easy to change out of as I will be providing your outfit slut.At 8 o'clock sharp master pulled up and sissy dutifully climbed into the passenger seat she asked where are you taking me a burning sensation crept across her face from the slap she had just received...
"Hey baby!" grinned Shannon, as she threw her arms around Whit as he walked through the door. This gave her a momentary respite from the grilling her parents were giving her. Shannon had taken a leave of absence from the force, after she and Whit had been married a month or so ago. For her friends and family, it was rather a bizarre wedding. It was actually a double wedding as Susan and Rachel were married too. To make things even weirder to the people in Shannon's life, she and Whit and...
Amilia Onyx is a cock crazed bitch thats ready to have a baby. All her friends are getting married and starting families and Amilia is jealous. She decides that shes not going to let a little thing like being single, or being a teenager for that matter, stop her from getting knocked up. She scrolls through her phone, getting rejected by guy after guy before thinking of someone morally flexible enough to give her a baby with no strings attached. Lucky for her, Romeo literally doesnt give a fuck,...
xmoviesforyouI’m feeling a little bit naughty tonight. I’ve been trying to contain myself, but as of late I’ve been so horny and things are finally coming to a head. You see, I’m a student at university. I’ve been living in a dorm room with three other girls and haven’t had the privacy to get off in weeks. But that’s all changing tonight. Even though two of the girls are still in here, I’m going to do it. I need to cum too badly to wait any longer. The lights are off in our room and I’m under the covers in...