Billy Ch. 01 free porn video

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The story of Billy is complete and will be published over the next four days.

All parts were edited by Lady Cibelle with my thanks.

Billy-Part 1

Stuart remembers during the trip back to Pittsburgh. This event leads to his move to Denver.

From Pittsburgh to Denver

I left the Orange Belt, merged onto the Penn Lincoln Parkway, then exited onto I-79 South to Bridgeville at 10:30 that evening. My flight from Denver to the Pittsburgh International Airport landed at 9:00 but I was still on Denver time so it was not all that late at night for me. The rush hour traffic was over so the interstate was not very busy and I made good time to my dad’s place just past Bridgeville in a little place called Cowden. He had lived there all his live and I grew up there. It was a great place for a kid and I loved it.

I was coming home to visit my dad who was not doing so well according to Mary, his friend and next door neighbor. I had enlisted Mary’s help in watching out for Dad since she was right next door and had been good friends with my mother. She wanted me there to convince him to take himself into the hospital. He had cancer and was not expected to live more than another six months but he refused to go easily. Now he wouldn’t take the morphine his doctor prescribed for the pain and he refused to go into the hospital where they could monitor the progress of his cancer. Mary tried to be his nurse but he was a lousy patient for her or anyone else. I didn’t know what I could do but I was going to try.

While I made the trip back to Pittsburgh several times a year, it was usually a quick visit with the Manager of Research for coatings, and with my boss, Ryan Erinson. I stopped in to see my dad and spent some time with him but I stayed in the city if I had to be there overnight. It was easier and more convenient for me. This trip was different and personal so I was staying with dad at his place. He had continued to keep my old room available for me.

I left Pittsburgh over five years ago to take the job in Denver. At the time, I was in the process of divorcing my second wife Billy, after just four years of marriage. She and my best friend Mark Fletcher had been having a long term affair and during the period afterward, I realized that Billy was never going to be faithful. It was her second marriage as well and it was clear to me that she wanted more than I or any man could give. At least that was the conclusion I came to after giving her everything she asked for. It wasn’t enough. And since both of my marriages ended in disaster, I had pretty much given up on any permanent attachments with those of the opposite sex.

For some background, my name is Arthur Davidson. I am 52 years old and currently Managing Director of True Wire Inc. and VP of Coatings for a fairly large company based in Pittsburgh, Pa. that makes and markets all types of wire. My division is based in Denver, Colorado and is the one that handles all of the coated wiring even though most of the research personnel are still in Pittsburgh. We do all types: insulated, stranded, twisted and solid conductors. The type of coating depends on the use of the wires. I had been in this position for about five years now and our division had grown by over 37% with the introduction of several new and unique products. I had several patents and I was very secure in my job. As a matter of fact, I was due for a promotion that could mean moving back to the Pittsburgh area.

I’ve been married twice, the first time to a wonderful woman who gave me fifteen wonderful years and a beautiful daughter. We were deeply in love but she was killed by a drunk driver six years before. My daughter and I grieved and felt the pain intensely but we both finally moved on. Penny, our daughter, moved to Germany with her husband and she’s been there ever since. She loves it and has no desire to come back to the US. I visit with her to see my two grandkids but only about twice a year.

I poured myself into my job and slowly reentered society where I began to meet new people. That’s when I met Billy, my second wife. She and I were both trying to find our way when we met. She had also been married once before and she was divorced. She never told me the reasons behind the divorce and I never pressed her for details. The only strange thing was that I never met her children. She told me she had two but neither lived with her and she had no contact with them. I respected her wishes and never tried to find out what happened, but I had my suspicions. She and I were married in a civil ceremony without fanfare.

All of this had happened many years ago. I realized that it had been ten years ago that my life with Billy started. So long ago. As I drove the dark interstate south to my old home, I thought back to that time five years ago when I discovered Billy’s affair.


Billy and I had been married a little more than 4 years. As I said, it was the second marriage for both of us. We both had children from our first marriages but they were fully grown and on their own. My daughter Penny was married but lived now in Germany. My dad, Edward, lived nearby and we saw him fairly often. He liked Billy and she seemed to like him. I couldn’t say the same for her parents, Violet and Ben Delong. What a pair. They thought no one was good enough for their daughter. I was a big mistake in their eyes.

Billy didn’t work, preferring to stay home and spend her time with causes and crusades. She was currently working at a shelter for battered women and she seemed to be fully committed. This was her way with most things for a year or so. She would stay with it until she became bored. At the time, that was fine with me since I worked a lot of hours and it kept her occupied.

It was just a typical day for me. It was just after 2:00 in the afternoon when Paula came into my office. Paula was my secretary, my second mother, and my sergeant at arms. She had a funny look on her face as she shut the door behind her. She obviously had some juicy tidbit of gossip to spread and unfortunately I was her intended receiver.

‘OK Paula, what’s up? You look like you just found out there’s a major conspiracy to take over the company. Give.’

Paula pulled up one of the chairs in front of my desk and sat down, deliberately leaning over my desk to get as close to me as possible. This must really be big.

‘Mr. Erinson wants you to meet him after work at Bennington’s for dinner and drinks. Georgina told me that there will be two others there as well. She thinks they’re both board members. Something’s up and you’re the star player. I know it.’

Mr. Erinson was Ryan Erinson, President of General Winding and my boss’s boss. Georgina was his secretary and Paula’s inside source. I digested this little bit of information without any enlightenment. I knew of nothing that was on the horizon and no one had told me of any major changes coming up. I was at a loss.

‘Well, I don’t have a clue but I know nothing is happening that should concern me. Maybe there’s some sort of problem with the coating division and he wants me to begin some sort of investigation. You know Ryan’s always worried about something.’

‘Well, maybe, but I think it’s something big. You just wait and see.’

‘We’ll both wait. Would you please call Billy and let her know that I’ll be late? I should be home about 11:00. We have no plans so it should be fine.’

‘I’ll take care of it. And just remember: you let me know right away what’s going on. Promise?’

I promised her and shooed her out of my office. I had no idea what was going on and nothing had come my way to offer any clues. Well, I would just wait. It would be explained to me at the meeting, of that I was sure.

I decided to finish the project report I was working on before closing down for the day. I considered calling Hugh Wilson, my direct boss first but it was getting toward time for me to leave for dinner. Bennington’s was
halfway across town and it would take me about 40 minutes to get there. I wish Ryan had picked someplace closer. I closed down the computer, locked my files and went into the washroom to freshen up for the meeting.

Paula had gone by the time I was ready to leave. She left a note saying she left a message for Billy since she didn’t answer. That was fine. She would probably be home by the time I was due anyway and would get the message. I left for Bennington’s.

I was shown into a private room at the restaurant to find Ryan there with two board members that I knew quite well. John Armitage and Harry Rollings were two of the original members and I liked both of them. We shook hands and we all sat down to dinner. Ryan had gone all out and it was quite good. Talk was loose and informal and Ryan indicated that we would not talk business until later. I understood and enjoyed.

When drinks were served, Ryan indicated that I take a seat across from him. John and Harry sat beside him. Ryan started.

‘Stu, I need to tell you something that is confidential for now. I’m sure you know of a company called True Wire, Inc. You’ve dealt with them from time to time and I think you know the owner. Do you remember him?’

‘Sure. That’s Pete Higson. He and I go way back.’

‘Right. Well, here’s the deal. We made an offer to buy True Wire and Pete’s accepted. We’ve done all of the due diligence and our accountants have audited the books. The price is fair and we have agreed in principle. I want you to go out there and take our letter of intent and have Pete sign the deal. He’s waiting for you and everything is set.’

‘Well sure, I’ll be happy to go. It will be good to see Pete again and it will give me some time to visit and take stock. I assume that’s the idea?’

‘Yes and no. You won’t be taking stock. You’ll be looking at your new company. We are promoting you to Managing Director of True Wire and VP of Coatings. You are now a senior VP for General Windings. Congratulations Stuart!’

‘Well, I’m totally shocked. But does Hugh know about this? Has be been told? I wouldn’t like to start a new job with him as an enemy.’

‘Hugh recommended you once we told him of the acquisition. Actually, he is thinking of retiring and I probably won’t replace him now that you’re in this new position. You were in line for his job before but this one is even higher.’

With that announcement, Ryan, John and Harry all got up to congratulate me and pat me on the back. It was one hell of a promotion and it would mean a whole new life for Billy and me. We would be moving to Denver and we could afford to go first class. Billy would be thrilled and I was looking forward to telling her the good news.

‘One thing to deal with yet and that is your replacement. I’m assuming you would recommend Mark Fletcher to replace you? You have had nothing but good things to say about him. If you still feel that way, he’ll take over when Hugh retires.’

‘Mark is a great choice. He can do the job and can get up to speed in short order. He’ll do a super job. Can I tell him everything?’

‘Yes. We have cleared it with Hugh so you can, but let him know not to mention it. Not for another two weeks. The deal will be final then and we can make the announcement.’

He laughed before saying, ‘You can tell Paula of course since she’ll find out from Georgina anyway.’

We had a couple of drinks and Ryan told me that reservations for a flight out tonight were already made. It was just past 7:30 so I had about three hours to get home, get packed and to the airport for the flight. I decided to leave right away to give me time to tell Billy. I said my thanks and good byes and headed home.

As I drove home, I thought about the changes that this would make in our lives. I knew that Billy would be happy. She hated Pittsburgh and wanted to move somewhere else with better weather and more of a social climate suited to her tastes. She was alright with her social clubs and friends but she wasn’t all that happy with some of their more liberal swings. We had discussed it to the point of thinking about a job change. This would accomplish all of that and more. I was thinking of a way to announce the new job and the new location with some sort of a flourish. I didn’t call her since I had made up my mind that I was just going to blurt it out as soon as I came in the door.

I called Paula on my cell and left her a voice mail telling her that I would be out of town tomorrow and would call in and let her know where I was. I told her to make sure Mark had the proposal for the new coating lines on Ryan’s desk first thing in the morning. I finally told her that she was right when she told me that things were happening and that she could talk to Georgina. She could fill in some of the blanks until I could talk more to her. I hung up and I turned into my driveway. I saw Mark’s car there but that was not unusual. We were best friends as well as boss and co-worker.

I burst into the kitchen from the garage and was surprised to find the house apparently empty. I moved quickly through the downstairs rooms without finding either Billy or Mark. I thought maybe they had gone out with Patty and Fred from down the street. Well, I was disappointed not to be able to share it with her now but I could call her from the airport.

Without any more thought, I bounded up the stairs two at a time to our bedroom. I slid into the room in time to see Mark pumping away on a willing and vocal Billy. The doorway was to the side of the bed so my view was perfect. I could see Billy lying on her back with her arms around mark’s neck. Mark was between her legs and he was supporting himself on his arms as he fucked her. Mark’s hairy ass was pumping up and down and I could see Billy’s legs wrapped tightly around his waist pulling him in as tight as she could. It was good timing as I heard Mark yell.

‘Oh my God, I’m cuming! I’m cuming!’

Billy was grunting and making noises like I had never heard and she was also just about ready to let go. She let out one shrill scream and told Mark to let it go.

‘Cum in me, cum in me, let me have it, do it! Oh, oh, oh my God!’

All I could do at that point was to turn around and slam the door shut behind me. I had seen all I wanted to see. I turned around and walked back downstairs to the living room. I sank down in one of the chairs and waited. I was stunned and my mind simply refused to function very well. My wife and my best friend in bed together. I couldn’t seem to make sense of it. As I struggled with the sight I had just witnessed, my anger began to burn hot and bright in my chest. I let it grow since the heat of it was better than the cold of betrayal. That’s where I was sitting when Mark came down the stairs. He saw me and came into the room. He stopped in front of me.

‘God Stu, I’m so sorry you saw that. I have no excuse for it except to say that I have always loved Billy as you know. We never expected you to come home so early and things just got out of control. We never wanted to hurt you. You have to know that. It will never happen again. You have my word.’

The words seemed to just wash over me without registering. It made no difference what he said. I knew what had happened and that was all I could deal with. But the heat from my anger was burning to be let out and I gave vent to it in words. I gritted my teeth and held on to my temper as I looked into the face of the man I now hated.

‘I want you to leave my house now. I never want to see you again outside the office. I have to deal with you there as you will soon understand, but I never want to see or talk to you outside again. We are no longer friends, we don’t know each other socially. I have no wish to hear your story or your apologies. Do you understand?’

‘Please Stu. Let’s talk about this. You don’t mean what you’re saying. You can’t mean that. We’ve been friends for ten years. You can’t mean we’re over. Come on!’

‘I won’t ask y
ou again to leave my house. I repeat: I don’t want to see you again outside work. I don’t ever want you to come to my house and if I ever see you near my wife again, I’ll kill you. Please don’t test me. Now, get the fuck out of my house!’

With that, I rose and moved toward him. I am a very big man: 215, 6′ 2, and I pride myself on my appearance. I work out three times a week and I can press my weight without breaking a sweat. Mark on the other hand is shorter than I, weights about 30 pounds less and never had the ambition to improve himself physically. He concentrates on his slick appeal to women. He is a good looking jerk.

Mark took the hint and almost ran to the front door. He tried to say some more but I pushed him out the door and than shut and locked it behind him. I turned my back to the door and leaned against it trying to get control of my anger. I had done fine till now, but I looked up and saw Billy standing on the stairs watching me. She had put on a robe to cover her nakedness. As I saw her standing there, my anger began to burn even hotter. I felt the heat in my face and chest and I was suddenly afraid of what I could do. I shuddered and shook my head to try to clear the fury. After a couple of deep breaths and some very serious talking to myself, I began to feel some control returning.

I walked away from the door and went into the kitchen. I took a beer from the refrigerator and sat down at the table. I was concentrating on my breathing when she walked in. I didn’t look up and I didn’t acknowledge her in any way. I couldn’t without losing my control. I took several deep breaths and a swig of beer. It seemed to help.

‘Will you let me tell you what happened?’

‘No. I have to pack a bag. I’m leaving tonight for Denver. I have to catch a plane and I don’t have much time. Maybe we can talk when I get back.’

‘Why are you going to Denver now? We can’t just let this go. You have to listen to me and we have to talk this out. You can’t let it go.’

‘Yes, I can and I will. What you did is pretty clear. I saw it with my own eyes. Why you did it is not so clear. And why you did it with Mark is totally unclear. But none of that is important right now. I have to get ready.’

With that, I threw the beer bottle against the kitchen wall where it shattered into a thousand satisfying pieces. As she cowered away from me I just looked at her.

‘For your information, I told Mark that he is never to set foot in this house again. That’s my decision and you have nothing to say about it. I told him, and now I’ll tell you. If I ever see him here again, I’ll kill him. Do you understand?’

Without waiting for her answer, I got up and walked upstairs to our bedroom to pack. I needed enough for three or four days and that was easy. I had done this a million times and I did it now by instinct. As I was closing the overnight, Billy walked into the bedroom and sat down on the bed watching me. I ignored her, picked up the overnight and my suit carrier and walked out of the room without a word. I carried them downstairs and out to the car.

When I came back into the kitchen, Billy was not there. I felt a sense of relief as I filled my travel mug with coffee. I looked around the kitchen, maybe for the last time and went out to the car, shutting and locking the door behind me. I drove away toward the airport without looking back.

I caught my flight on America West and arrived in Denver on time. I saw the waiting shuttle driver with a sign with my name and he took me to the hotel Paula reserved for me. I was not looking forward to a free night and wished that we could get right to it, but this late I didn’t expect anything to happen. I checked in, went up to the room and lay down. I slept poorly that night.

The next morning after a mostly sleepless night, I went down to meet Pete for breakfast. He was the same cheerful guy I had met and worked with for the last few years. I liked him the first time I met him and we had become good friends. Mostly long distance but friends nevertheless. We talked over coffee and eggs and finally left to go to the plant. We met with several of the executives and we took care of business in just under three hours. That left a lot of time for me to just wander around with Pete, looking over the operations and reacquainting myself with his, or I should say my operations. We had an enjoyable afternoon and finished up early.

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My favorite cousin

Ever since I was little I always believed that there was one girl for me. It was more or less drilled into my head from as far back as I can remember by my mom. Not having a father caused me to listen to everything my mom had to say. I was an only child so I got almost anything I wanted. I was spoiled most of the time, and I acted up a lot to get the attention I wanted. My mom got laid of at her job so she had to get a new one. My uncle lived with us and he started doing drugs, so my...

4 years ago
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E068 The new beginning

That night, Sunday night, after all that transpired during the day, Donald led Emma to his room for the first time.  They drop their robes and climb into his high, big, bed.  Donald holds her close to him during the night, but something doesn’t feel right.Donald wants Emma in his bed with him, but he realizes that the bed they share perfectly together is the one in what is Emma’s room, the one they have come to occupy together.Around three in the morning, after tossing and turning for a bit,...

Love Stories
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Good Girl Forced Bad

Julie Robbins was the last person that Mark ever expected he would be jacking off while watching. Her family was conservative Christian, and he did not even think she new what a cock was for. He was surprised when he peeped in the window one night and found her and her supposedly platonic boyfriend kissing like hot horny lovers. Jason's hands were roaming all over Julie's ample breasts through her bra and sweater, and he could see her hand rubbing his swelling erection through his jeans. As...

2 years ago
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MonstersOfCock Alina Lopez Alina Interviewed and Fucked

We have a special treat on today’s update. The super hot Alina Lopez has agreed to do a little interview for us. We find out that the stunning brunette is from a small town but has BIG things in mind, if you know what we mean. Yes, she wants to know if black guys really do pack. So, we call Jon Jon over to get her fantasy fulfilled. Once she eagerly pulls down his underwear and gets a look at his huge black cock the has to have it. After sucking on it and barely getting it into her little...

2 years ago
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Amanda 2

Amanda „Los dreh dich um!"Amanda tat wie ihr geheißen. Gerade als sie vor ihm auf dem Couchtisch saß, schoss schon die erste Salve Sperma aus seinem Schwanz und prasselte auf ihre Titten. Die zweite traf ihr Gesicht. Die Restlichen wieder ihre Titten. Sofort begann sie das zähflüssige Sperma auf ihren Brüsten zu verreiben. Der Typ war mittlerweile schweißüberströmt und schnaufte schwer. Erschöpft ließ er sich auf die Couch plumpsen. Amanda setzte sich neben ihn.„Das war nicht schlecht."Der Typ...

4 years ago
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The Liars Paradise

You stand at the back of the old antique shop, as you do every Monday morning. The store is both your dream and your nightmare, filled with overpriced toys for you to impulsively waste your pitiful wages on. You briefly wonder how you're going to pay your rent this month, but you push the thought to the back of your head as you grab more assorted junk from the shelf and stuff them into a carrier bag already bulging with various knick-knacks you have no intention of ever using. Of course, you'd...

2 years ago
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Getting aroused by my personal trainer

That late evening, I went to the gym, just few blocks from home.I was a bit tired after a long week working hard at the office and I needed something to relief my growing stress…As I entered the gym, I checked out I was the only person there; my own high heels were clicking on the floor. I had gone home just to pick up my gym clothes bag and I was still wearing my tight skirt and blouse, along with my sexy stilettos.I found a stranger at the counter; a huge handsome black guy I had never seen...

3 years ago
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Baby Oil Bad Boy

Saturday mornings felt like being wrapped up in a warm, snuggly blanket on an icy cold winter's night. They are the sanctuary for the weekday weary, and for Sarah it meant she could rouse from her `slumber of the dead' a couple of hours later than usual. It was a lovely feeling, being relaxed and totally at peace with the world. She stretched out her tired, weary limbs under the big soft duvet and smiled; it felt like floating on a fluffy white cloud. Five days of the week, the pressures of...

5 years ago
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MyrnaChapter 2

During our leisurely breakfast, John inquired as to the availability of bathing facilities. “Does your village have a bathing facility that we might use?” he asked. “Yes, certainly, Master Bard! The village has a fine community bathing facility, and I will have it ready for your use after breakfast: hot water, attendants, and everything,” the chief assured him before sending one of the men off to arrange it. The bath building was at the end of the village’s main street, and was built of...

4 years ago
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Salamander 2Chapter 12

D I got home fairly quickly it had been an interesting day. Tish'd had some trouble, but she had gratifyingly bounced back from it in both cases. She had also been set to try out for the club, which would be great. I hoped that she decided to join, as the team spirit would probably help her confidence no end, plus, she would be a great addition to the team. I was just going to find Mum, when the door bell rang. "I'll get it," I called out. I opened the door to find Tish standing there....

4 years ago
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Only a Dream

First i want to say, that this ist my first try to post a story in english, also my english is not very good, i can use it at everything in IT but i`m insecure writing about emotions.Only a Dream i looked up and saw i was somewhere in a cafe but i didn`t know how i get here.The next look around me show me that i didn`t sit allone, next to me was this beautyful Man i know from the videos i saw the last days again and again.But only his smile and the remembering of this videos told me that he...

2 years ago
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My wife farmed me out to an old friend

My wife Tina and I are a fit married couple in our thirties. Our sex life is good though I want a lot more sex than she does. So, she turns me away on a regular basis because she does not want it every day. I don't mind it that much because I love watching porn and love to masturbate. I do it on a daily basis even if I have sex with my wife on that day.My taste in porn has changed over time, starting out looking at teenage lesbian girls, eventually migrating to MILFs and finally now GILFs...

2 years ago
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Megans Transformation Into A Hotwife Part 2

As we were driving through the parking lot toward the exit, I saw George was still hard. I thought he must really need some relief, so I told him to pull into a parking space and turn out the lights. He asked why; I told him to just do it.“Now unzip and I will take care of your obvious needs,” I said as I pulled the top of my dress down. “I am sure you can find something to play with while I devour your load.”“Ah, my two favorite things,” he said, quickly unzipping and releasing his cock.I...

Wife Lovers
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Jackies Purple Satin Panties

It was later then he expected, as he couldn’t get away from his day, now finally home Michael quietly pushed the front door shut behind him not to wake the k**s. To his left he could hear a slight whisper and see the flickering of a turned down television.He moved to his right first, making his way up the stairs to check on his two sons. He pushed the doors open just a crack, listening to the soft slow breathing of each, before pulling the doors shut. He turned then and went back down the...

2 years ago
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AssParade Claudia Garcia Big Booty Claudia

Claudia Garcia was this very pretty girl with amazing tits and a really big butt. She showed off all details of her body to the camera. Freddy Gong arrived and spread lots of oil all over Claudia. In return she gave him a wonderful blowjob and a titty fuck. Since her butt was so big, why not go for anal? So Freddy fucked her in the ass but her ass was so huge that his dick looked tiny in comparison. When she was riding him her big natural breasts were bouncing nicely. He fucked her in a few...

3 years ago
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that slutty teacher

. she was wearing a short skirt and a bra. she had a strap on my dick grew hard. she saw that and whispered to me" you will need to control that" and she rammed me on the tip of my cock with a whip. it hurt like shit. then she made mebend over and suck her strap on. i refused but she threatened to lower my grades. so i sucked it and she pushed it in and in. then after a hour she let me go. i went home furious.i called my freinds and told them to help me. what i wanted was revenge. So ...

3 years ago
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My First Virgin

I was looking for my swimsuit. My husband had the k**s for the day and I wanted to spend some time working on my tan. I heard a sound behind me and turned to see what it was and there stood George the cabana boy. I was buck naked but not ashamed to let him see me. I am 42 years old and feel that I look better now than I ever had in my life. I had waxed and trimed, worked out all year to look good for this trip. After giving George a full frontal view I went back to looking for my suit hoping...

4 years ago
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My Trip

It was a couple of weeks later when Lillian informed us that her meeting in Edinburgh had been arranged for a Friday, and was looking forward to us taking her there. That week Catherine phoned her to apologize, that due to staff shortages at the library she could not take the time off. They chatted for some time both expressing the usual disappointment at the change of plans, Lillian said it would be a problem for her to reschedule the meeting for another time. However Catherine went on to let...

4 years ago
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Guilty By Margaret Jeanette Ashley Parkinson was shopping at a big mall on the edge of town. She spent every Saturday touring her favorite stores. She loved looking at the new styles and in the two stores that featured retro clothes. She always spent the whole day just looking and very occasionally buying something. Meanwhile, at home, her husband, Frank, was parading around the house wearing all female clothes. Today he was wearing his favorite dress. It...

4 years ago
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oh no BBC made me cum

at the shower stall (club) nude and still wet from showering i went straight down to the theater.i went up front where the light of the movie is better, leaned over the first seat facing back and waited.a couple of guys came by the first few minutes and slapped my ass. i tried to suck one of their cocks but they were looking for something else i guess. i stayed there head down swaying my ass legs spread for whoever wanted to was a good 10 minutes before one brave cock came up to get...

2 years ago
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Brenda Kennel Bitch Part I

Brenda had brazenly walked up to the door that time, but one of the men standing at the door asked for a password. Her eyes widened and she shook her head. She hadn’t thought anything through. All four of the huge black men gathered close around her. There questions and comments were rapid and hostile. “Who are you?” “What are you doing here?” ”Did someone tell you to come here?” “What do you want?” She backed up until she bumped into one of them and he backed away letting her...

2 years ago
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Angels Tale Part 3

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 3 Originally, the plan was to make one last stop to visit relatives on the way north. But the delays and the detour caused them to miss the time for that visit. Those relatives were, themselves, out of the area. They drove up I 25, past a lot of scenery. Just north of Colorado Springs, they saw the home of the Aerospace Force Academy. Normally, John didn't really care about his family's lack of high powered political...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 93

After a brief rest Helen stood behind, a very naked, me. She wrapped her arms around me as I remembered men doing many times. Her arms were crossed in front of me and each hand held one of my small breasts. I press back against her, but of course there was no penis for me to feel pressing back. She even kissed my neck, which was quite maddening at that moment. Hugo remained in his chair watching, but he was just watching. He was also stoking his penis very slowly. Enough to keep it turgid,...

3 years ago
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My Hippie Mother

I grew up with my father Joe after my mom died and I will say that I grew up a well rounded boy, we lived on the outskirts of town and it was like living in the woods... I Loved It ! We had about a quarter acre of woods behind the house and not a neighbor in sight, about the age of ten, my father started dating again and I was happy for him, no one could ever be my mom again but it was nice to have a woman around again. Joe never lasted long with any woman, maybe two weeks up to a month before...

4 years ago
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A Hard Days Night

What a long ass day. That's what I thought as I walked out to my car after a long day working the afternoon shift. I had been working some long hours as the holidays approached and I was looking forward to a hot shower and crawling into bed with the wife. Maybe, if I was lucky, she'd be in the mood to put out. Slim chance, as my recent work schedule had put the brakes on out usually lively sexy life. We're both in our thirties and we usually fucked at least four or five times a week. We used to...

2 years ago
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A Daughters Journey To Love Ch 3

Dad and I hadn't talked in a month, and I was stuck at home with my slut of a mother. I was seventeen, summer was beginning, and I was heartbroken. I had a void that I had to try to fill and a strong desire to get out of the house.All I could think about was that night with dad, and how wonderful it was before everything blew up. I couldn't focus on anything, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, and it didn't seem like it was going to get better anytime soon.My whole family was falling apart,...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriend Natalya and her Mother Natasha

I gave Natalya's butt cheek a squeeze. “Are you awake?” Even though we fucked yesterday, the morning wood always made me horny. It was no better way to rub it off than some morning sex. I could still see the crust of yesterday’s cum on her pussy. I wanted to pump her again, especially before her mother came home. It was another reason for that as well. Her mother was a bombshell. And my girlfriend Natalya had told me would spend our day with her. Going out in this hot weather with both her and...

4 years ago
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Wife takes huge knob

I gave her the opportunity to back out after we saw the size of Marks huge bulbous door knob he had on the end of a upwardly curving 8 inch shaft which twitched with excitement. We had just returned from a nude walk around a pond at night with two other guys and we had already fucked her, we had a filing cabinet that was sturdy and the right height and size to let us fuck her. so we padded it down with quilts, and pillows as usual and despite her fear prepared to let him enjoy her....

3 years ago
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Sexual Adventures My First Love Ann

I was heading out to meet some school friends of mine at a party. I was kinda excited to be going. I mean it's not like I didn't hang out but tonight I had plans to get some possible action. I meet up with my friend Ann at the train so we could head into the city. On the ride me and Ann talked about some things all while I was looking at her beautiful lips, they were sexy as hell and I couldn't stop thinking bout what she could do with them. At that moment I caught myself and thought this is my...

2 years ago
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The Widows Humiliation

Chapter 1Wed., 07-21-07 Even after a year and a half after my husband died I still didn’t feel like dating.  I do get offers.  I’m 38 but look younger.  I have a ?full figure? and have to work hard to keep the pounds off but as a result I have very large breasts and ample hips and still a slim waist.  With long auburn hair and killer big eyes, I get lots of second looks.  I still get horny but just can’t bring myself to be with some other guy after 19 years with Bill.  I am a high school...

2 years ago
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Fantasies Fulfilled Ch 01

I playfully wrestled on the bed with my wife, Monica, late one night. I had one of her hands pinned above her head while I stretched with my other arm to reach the lamp on our bedside table. Just as my fingertips had barely touched the light switch, she bit me on the shoulder, causing me to recoil."Ow!" I yelped. "That hurt!""Don't be such a baby," she teased."Baby? You're the baby! Why won't you ever let me turn on the light?""Shhh," she whispered. "You'll wake up Kaitlyn."Our daughter had...

Wife Lovers
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The Masquerade Setup

‘You know I would just break your heart,’ she said with a smile. ‘I’ll take that chance,’ he chuckled. I. Bethany was the perfect girl. All through school, she never had to work at anything. Good grades came easily, and team sports were a natural for someone with her athletic physique. Add long light-brown hair and blue baby-doll eyes to her fit 5′ 5′ frame, and a beautiful face with just a sprinkling of freckles across a cute upturned nose, and you had the perfect package. She turned heads...

4 years ago
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Sanjana Bhabhi Ko Thokaa

Hi I am Raj (name changed). I am 29 yrs old. I am going to narrate my real sex experience with a lady who is about my age. Her name is Sanjana. She is married, has 3 kids and lives with her husband and mother in law in a newly constructed apartment exactly opposite my own apartment. I can see all the activities of her bedroom from my bedroom, kitchen and my hall. Let me describe Sanjana Bhabhi ( I love to call her Bhabhi it excites me more ). She is a bit plump and not in a perfect shape as she...

4 years ago
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I felt quite good to have ridden the city of a filthy vermin, yet I needed to see my sweet Elizabeth in order to feel more man than beast again. Only the touch of her creamy flesh would expunge the violent death from my hands. I was desperate to see her flawless face before me; it was the only thing that would help erase the sickening vision of the filth I had just eliminated.I need you, Elizabeth! I need you now…The hour was late, but I went to her anyway, weaving my way silently through the...

2 years ago
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sex vth sisterilla part1

Shortly after my wife and I married, her sister came to stay with us for a few weeks before she started college. I went alone to the airport to pick her up because my wife worked days and I worked nights. Shock registered on my face when she got off the plane because I hadn’t seen her for two years. She had changed from a lanky girl into an incredibly attractive young woman, a younger version of my wife. It was a unnerving but definitely fascinating to see a younger Priya as Pooja bounded off...

3 years ago
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A Friday Night to Remember Part I

What a long week. Work has been stressful, busy, intense. As usual, you found yourself wishing for more hours in the day, especially since you have been chatting to this new guy into the small hours of every single night. You met briefly, for coffee, the week before, but despite the immediate physical attraction, prior commitments prevented a second meeting. The nocturnal blend of sexually charged banter and intelligent conversations has obliterated any doubts as to whether the attraction...

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