Carrying On Ch. 03 free porn video

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Here it is, chapter 3. I hope everyone enjoys it. Big changes have come and more are coming with future parts. If you haven’t read the other stories, you may be pretty lost. Start with Becky’s Marine and work your way through. Don’t forget to rate, comment and leave feedback. I greatly appreciate it all.

Special thanks to Rnebular for his editing and suggestions.


Dawn came all too early, the sun filtering though the curtains cast little rays of light around the room like tentacles of joy. I hated the early sunrise. Winter was coming and the days were growing shorter and colder. Soon we would get the first snows and, much like it was every single year growing up in California, everyone loses their goddamn minds when there is water on the ground in either solid or liquid state. I turned the events of last night over in my mind, mildly disturbed yet oddly curious.

Over the past several days Becky’s mother, Samantha, had been mercilessly and, rather blatantly, flirting with me. It wouldn’t bother me as much if she didn’t do it in front of everyone. I’ve gotten to assuming that her father, Jeffery, either hasn’t noticed or doesn’t care. He did raise a fuss the other night when a couple punks tried picking up on our respective women, but that’s the most I’ve gotten out of him.

Becky had apologized many times for her mother’s behavior, understanding it was her low tolerance for alcohol that was doing it. What struck me as worrisome was the old saying ‘in vino veritas,’ in wine, truth. People will often speak their hidden thoughts or desires when under the influence of alcohol, leading me to believe that, while we just think nothing of it, she desperately needs the attention of one who will treat her the way she wants to be treated.

Whoever that person turns out to be, it won’t be me. Not without express written permission from Becky, signed by Becky, myself and witnesses. I learned that lesson a long time ago and won’t make that mistake again. I lost the love of a real good woman that way, but I guess things happen for a reason right? Without that hard earned knowledge, I’d have never met Becky.

I looked to my left at the sleeping form of Becky, her brown hair strewn about on the pillow as she tossed and turned in her sleep, her body covered by the blanket. I thought about brushing her hair aside and giving her a kiss, but I decided to let her rest. She was a lighter sleeper than most and it would be a crime to wake such an angelic being.

I looked towards Lauren on my right, covered by her own blanket. Becky was a cover thief and I’d noticed over the last few nights that Lauren didn’t try and hold onto them, letting Becky take as much as she wanted. Lauren was cute, with the same brown hair as Becky and their mother, but she didn’t captivate me like Becky did. Becky sang a song that only I could hear, and it was beautiful.

Checking the alarm clock on the side table next to Lauren, I saw it was just after 6 AM. Far too early for me to be awake, but apparently my body had other plans. I decided to get up and make some coffee, climbing down to the foot of the bed as gently as possible so as not to wake the girls. Just as I got to the door, Becky moaned softly.

‘Bring us coffee or you don’t get to sleep here anymore,’ she said, not opening her eyes. I smiled and headed to the kitchen to start the pot.

I looked over our selection of coffee. Jeanna was quite the fan and had bought a dozen different brands and strengths. I thought about a nice, strong dark roast but decided to go with the ultimate wake up coffee, Death Wish. Forget double brewing coffee, or as we called it, super coffee, this stuff was pure caffeine disguised as coffee beans.

As the coffee brewed, I grabbed my jacket and stepped out for a smoke. The morning air was crisp and the breeze that blew cut straight to the bone. The sun had crept over the distant hills and illuminated the flat, wooded landscape in Kentucky that we call home. Temperatures in the low 40’s had been called for this week and I smoked as fast as my body would let me, desperate to get back inside to the warmth.

As I put my cigarette in the ashtray, I noticed the property next door was for sale and made a note to check how much they wanted for it. Land was cheap in Kentucky compared to California where I grew up. Hell, it was almost free. Carl and I paid about $250,000 for our 4 bedroom, 2 bath house on 2 acres, which would have easily been $650,000 where I grew up.

I went back inside and grabbed three coffee mugs from the cupboard, filling each and carrying two down the hall to the girls. I’ve been with Becky long enough that I knew by placing it on her nightstand, she would drink it and request a refill be brought to her. If she could stay in bed and be waited on by me, especially on a lazy Saturday, she would. I set the cups down on the dresser, quietly told them that coffee was on and exited before they could say much.

Winston joined me in the kitchen shortly after, pouring himself a cup and chatting with me for a bit about work. I gave him the basic rundown on distillation and separation, how reflux and product draws work and how nasty byproducts like hydrogen sulfide are delt with. For how dry of a topic it can be, he seemed genuinely interested, especially in the distillation part, and kept asking very pointed questions about different cuts and draws.

‘You seem awfully interested in what most people find extremely boring. Am I missing something?’ I asked him.

‘Well, to answer your question, I have to give you some background,’ he began. ‘I studied construction and metallurgy for a time at university and, while I worked hard to pay for it, I found I never had enough money for the things most college kids want, alcohol and women.

‘I figured if I could make some side cash I could afford to take a woman on a nice date, but I never had that money from work and there was no overtime available. My mate and I decided to try making our own alcohol.’

‘Ah, moonshine,’ I said with a smile.

‘Precisely. We had this grand idea that we could become the English version of the Duke boys. Running moonshine around campus and the town, making piles of money and running from the law.’ The image that popped into my head made me chuckle a bit.

‘Unfortunately, our liquor was complete rubbish. We tried all sorts of things to make it better, but it was so bad I wouldn’t give it to prisoners on death row. We gave up eventually, but I’ve always fancied trying again.’

‘Shit, it’s just basic distillation. Maybe one day we can build a still and make some,’ I offered.

He smiled. ‘I’d like that, but isn’t it illegal?’

‘Sure,’ I said, ‘but I figure if we make it for our personal consumption, who else is being hurt by it? It’s not like we’re trying to put Jack Daniels out of business.’

It was his turn to laugh. ‘I don’t think we could do that if we tried.’

‘Oh I think you could,’ Becky said from the hallway. ‘But why would you want to?’

‘To reap their profits I suppose,’ I replied with a laugh, getting up to give her a hug and kiss. Lauren came down the hall shortly after, wide awake and buzzing.

‘What did you give us?’ She asked quickly.

‘Death Wish.’

‘Is there more?’ Her hand was trembling slightly, no doubt from the caffeine rush.

‘Yeah, but I don’t think you need more. You’re awake enough already.’

‘Should I bring some to Samantha and Jeffery?’ Winston asked.

‘Only if you want to. Remember, you’re not their butler on this trip,’ I said.

He rose with a nod and filled up two coffee cups, bringing them down the hall to Lauren’s room where her parents were staying. We made idle chatter while Winston was gone, running over things that needed to be done and things that we would like to accomplish while we had their parents here.

It was decided that the men would entertain themselves while L
auren and I went to get Ryan from the airport. Becky and her mother would discuss wedding plans and Carl and Jeanna could do whatever they wanted. I figured they would try and get some quality time in while they could. Their wedding was coming up fast and the planning had been done for a while now, it was just waiting.

The others came out and after a while Tyler showed up. We had a nice breakfast together while Tyler told of his night out with the girl he met at Smokey’s. From his tale, which he was probably embellishing, he had a fun night of drunken debauchery until her father came home. He had to hide under her bed for a while until they could sneak out and get a hotel room.

‘And man, let me tell ya, that’s the worst feeling in the world,’ Tyler said cryptically.

‘What is?’ Samantha asked, completely enthralled with the story.

‘Grabbing your shit to sneak out of the room, only to remember that it’s your room.’

We all laughed at that. Tyler had a way of making things funny, even things most people shouldn’t be proud of. He could be really kind and caring, but only when he wanted to.

‘Is your résumé done?’ I asked him. The posting would be coming out soon and I didn’t want him to miss this opportunity to get on with us. Having a job makes the transition to civilian life so much easier and I figured he would need all the help he could get.

‘Almost,’ he replied. He was almost excited about it. ‘When I finish, could you look it over Winston?’

‘Sure,’ Winston replied. ‘We should have some free time today while Andrew and Lauren are gone, we can do it then.’

‘Where are they going?’

‘We have to go pick up Ryan from the airport,’ Lauren said. The way she said it, I figured there would be a ‘duh,’ at the end. I’m sure we told him, he probably doesn’t remember.

We cleaned up breakfast and got ready for the day. I made a regular pot of coffee and had a few cups while I waited for the others to shower. Becky joined me, cuddling up against me, intent on spending some quality, quiet time just the two of us. It was nice to still be able to connect with her after all we’d been through, to still be able to silently know what the other was feeling. It was like nothing else mattered in that moment.

Too quickly the silence was broken. Tyler had been outside smoking and had come back to ruin our moment. I know he didn’t do it purposefully, but the intrusion of his voice was a constant reminder that the next few days would find me lacking for quality Becky time. I tried to shut him out, desperately hoping for one more inaudible minute with the love of my life, but he has a way of cutting through the calm.

‘Do you really think I have a shot at getting hired?’ Tyler asked. His tone was worrisome, doubtful.

‘Sure,’ I responded. ‘They love former military. They know how to follow orders and have much less trouble running towards danger.’

‘What kinds of danger?’

‘Fire, explosion, gas or vapor leak, product spills, injured co-workers, anything else you can think of.’

‘What’s the biggest danger out there?’

‘Management,’ I said with full and complete seriousness. The others laughed but I assured them of my position. ‘Sometimes we have to save them from themselves.’

‘How so?’ Becky asked.

‘They like to try and make decisions that will upset the plant to try and increase productivity or profit. Usually it happens at the worst possible time.’

‘Do they ever put people in danger because of it?’

‘Sure, but not intentionally. They don’t understand much beyond the basics of how the process works and how the plant runs. When they suggest something that is dangerous we have to explain why we can’t do it and how it could harm personnel. Then the lights come on and they have their ‘ahhh’ moment.’

Tyler laughed, ‘Sounds like it can be fun to see that moment of clarity.’

‘Sometimes. When it doesn’t take the first time and you have to explain it like they’re five years old, it’s not fun anymore.’

Samantha and Jeffery joined us, followed shortly by Lauren and Winston. Becky and I showered while Tyler kept everyone entertained. We decided to save water and shower together, though I had to promise not to get handsy. My protests were answered with her very accurate logic.

‘If you start something, we’ll be in here for hours,’ she told me after slapping my hand away for the third time. She was right of course, but that doesn’t mean I liked it. I found myself wishing the week was over already so we could have our bed back to ourselves.

Not that I minded sleeping between two beautiful women, but I don’t think I could do that to Becky even if I wanted to. Not to mention that Lauren is taken by a good man. I wouldn’t want Becky off galavanting with some other guy and I could never do that to anyone else intentionally. I just hoped that whatever concerns she has about Ryan are misplaced. While I don’t believe he is running around behind her back, something definitely isn’t right between them.

We finished our semi-plutonic shower and got dressed. We joined the others as they laughed at whatever stories Tyler was telling and having a good time. Becky and I exchanged knowing smiles and it felt good to see everyone coming together as a family.

‘Any idea what we should do for dinner?’ Lauren asked.

‘How ’bout steaks?’ Tyler suggested.

‘Or burgers,’ Carl added.

‘Mum taught me a recipe for ribs, I could make those,’ Winston said with some pride.

‘Ribs sound delicious,’ Jeanna said, getting nods from the others.

‘Ribs it is,’ I said. ‘Send me a text with what we need from the store and we will stop on our way back from the airport if that’ll be enough time to make them.’

‘They don’t take long to prep, just to cook,’ Winston said with pride.

We had a couple hours to hang out before Lauren and I had to leave. I thought about leaving her here so I could talk to Ryan on the way back, get a feel for what was going on, but decided against it. Besides the fact that she was so excited to see him, there was no need to unduly panic her with inconclusive speculation. She had been anxiously awaiting this for a while and I wasn’t about to ruin it for her.

— Lauren —

‘Ok, we’re leaving!’ I said with excitement. It had been months since I had seen my Ryan and I’d been giddy since Andrew told me he was coming. I don’t know what strings he had to pull to get his leave approved, but I knew I owed him big time. ‘Don’t forget to text us the list!’ I called as we walked out the door.

We spent most of the drive to Nashville talking about Ryan. I guided the conversation, but Andrew would try and steer it back to the problems we were having. I know he’s just looking out for me and wanted to help, but it was getting annoying. I didn’t wanna think about that when he was so close to being back in my arms, his scent making me weak and filling me with desire.

Ryan sent me a text saying he had landed and was waiting for his bags. I told him we would be there in about 20 minutes and looked at Andrew. How did he know how to time this trip so perfectly? Was it some sort of ability he had? Who knows, Ryan was here and he would be mine for three days!

When we saw him standing there at the terminal with his green duffle and a backpack, I practically jumped out the window to get to him. After what felt like an eternity, Andrew stopped his truck and we got out. I ran straight for Ryan, nearly tackling him as I leapt into his arms. He hugged me close and gave me a kiss before putting me down to shake Andrew’s hand. We loaded his stuff in the back and climbed in, me sitting in the back seat with him.

For some reason, I couldn’t shake the thought that something was wrong in the way he kissed me. It lacked the passion I’m used to and his hug felt empty. Could Andrew be right? I really wished I could read minds.

‘How was the trip?’ Andrew asked.

‘It was ok,’ Ryan replied, ‘long and uneventful.’

‘Just the way I like my flights. How’s old Bravo Battery doing?’

‘Not bad. Had a new group come in soon after Tyler split. They seem like good guys, but have no desire to learn.’ The way he talked about Tyler leaving sounded more like he resented him for it. It was almost as if this were a new Ryan. My Ryan wouldn’t speak of one of his friends that way, would he?

‘I remember those days,’ Andrew mused, a far off look in his eyes. ‘Ready to kick some ass but having no idea how to do it.’

‘That can’t have lasted long for you,’ I said with a smile.

‘Actually, believe it or not, I was a total shitbag for a while,’ Andrew said. ‘It took me being forced to lead others to pull it together.’

The majority of the rest of the trip was pretty quiet. Andrew asked Ryan about his family and life, getting vague answers in return. I was content to snuggle up with my guy, knowing he was here and was spending time with me, albeit very little. He put his arm around me, but it felt almost dishonest, like he was doing it more for my benefit than his desire. I really hoped this was just a readjustment phase.

I reminded Andrew that we needed to stop by the store and pick up some stuff for dinner. I had to laugh, watching those two hunt for things in the store was entertaining. They would think hard about where something should be, but be wrong and get confused. I ended up taking over and before long we were back on our way.

We pulled into the driveway a short time later, seeing Tyler and my mother sitting on the porch. Mom was nursing a glass of wine while Tyler had something in a solo cup, most likely whiskey, and both were smoking.

‘Mom!’ I said with disgust, ‘since when do you smoke!?’

‘Only when I’ve been drinking honey,’ she said, crushing it out and coming to hug us. I introduced her to Ryan, who returned her hug and went to help with his things.

We set Ryan’s bags in Andrew and Becky’s room while Andrew delivered the grocery bags to Winston in the kitchen. When I walked back out to the front room, Andrew and Ryan were doing shots with Tyler, toasting their reunion and the many victories they shared. They toasted Sean Drake’s sacrifice, which made Ryan tear up a bit. The boys went outside to smoke while I went to help Jeanna and Winston in the kitchen.

— Andrew —

‘How you holding up?’ Tyler asked Ryan. Tyler was his usual happy self, but Ryan had seemed a bit off this whole time.

‘Not as well as I thought,’ Ryan started. ‘I’ve been having nightmares lately.’

Tyler and I looked at each other, knowing eyes meeting with shock. ‘What kinda nightmares?’ I probed.

‘About Drake, and Akashat, and the men I’ve killed.’ Ryan’s eyes started to well up, the well known ‘thousand yard stare’ plastered upon his youthful face.

‘I dream of it too,’ Tyler said, placing his hand on Ryan’s shoulder. Ryan quickly threw it off.

‘I’m sure you do,’ he said with what sounded like anger. ‘But hey, it’s not your problem anymore is it?’

‘Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?’ Tyler said loudly. ‘Of course it is. I have to live with that forever, we all do. It doesn’t magically disappear, we bear the burdens we must.’

‘Yeah yeah, spare me,’ Ryan chided. ‘I’ve heard this all before and I don’t need a lecture now.’

‘Alright, calm down,’ I said, ‘what’s got you so riled up?’

‘Both of you!’ Ryan yelled. ‘You abandoned us when you knew we would need you,’ he said, pointing at Tyler. ‘And you pulled some strings with the Captain to get my leave approved. I didn’t even wanna come!’

‘Then why did you put in for it?’ I asked, trying very hard to stay calm. ‘If you didn’t wanna come, then why not say something at some point?’

Ryan’s head dropped, his eyes staring holes in the concrete patio. ‘I have personal business to attend to, after that I’m out.’

‘And what, might I ask, is that?’

‘It’s not your concern.’

I decided it was better to let the subject drop. If he didn’t wanna tell me, I wasn’t gonna push it out of him, for Lauren’s sake. Some of the puzzle pieces came together in my mind and I had a sinking feeling it would be my concern very soon.

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My step sister is bending over the breakfast bar reaching for a apple from the fruit bowl, her nightie has ridden up to her lower back exposing her bare bottom, while talking to my mother in the kitchen. Admiring the view I move in closer to her placing my hand on her ass. Helen wiggles her hips my hand is now on her crack. Two fingers rub her slit, she moves her bum against my hand, the two fingers split her pussy lips, penetrating my older step sisters pussy. Mum is talking to us how we...

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IN THE OFFICE In the afternoon I dressed, as a girl. Tucking my penis into panties, stockings, heels. Knowing, I guess, what might well happen in the evening but still unsure of myself. It was both expected and unexpected. When I took the job, it was just as a computer nerd. Andrew was a great boss, if that's the word when two people work together, in the office that's just the ground floor of his three storey terrace in Swiss Cottage. In his late 30s, reserved and polite, no...

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Warm Rain Hot Lust

“Oh my God, Jim, I’m so fucking wet! Give it to me now!”“No way, Annie, you should have brought your own umbrella.”“But it’s chucking it down! Look at me – I’m soaked already.”“Didn’t you read the weather forecast? They said there were going to be short, thundery rainstorms today. Like this one.”“But it’s baking hot,” I moaned. “It’s the middle of bloody August. How is it raining?”“That’s just when you do get short, thundery rainstorms. It’s because of that unusually high pressure front coming...

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Randolph Mason

THE CASE OF RANDOLPH MASON (c) 2014, 2017 by Anthony Durrant I went into the room of Special Prosecutor Randolph Mason and found him gasping for breath, his eyes wide from shock, and his mouth wide open. I couldn't see his skin under his bandaged face, but I'd bet anything that it was as pale as a piece of tissue paper. I ran to get Dr. Merton, the plastic surgeon who'd operated on the Special Prosecutor, and the two of us returned to Mason's room. By that time,...

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142 DISTANT CONTROL the subject is a blond her middle name is margaret, shes Age 36 , size 32b 32 33 5 ft 6 inches tall her hubby is not named tony but thats lifethe bits in italics are thought unsaid the bits in bold are me She is sat on the sofa just wearing a tea shirt, black bra & panties and a denim skirt her hubby is to act for me and she will remain passive throughout just using the laptop.I am over 100 miles awayAre you on that sofa and ready? YehYou can tell him what to doI will do...

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A Month

A Month By K. C. Richardson ?A month?!? ?That's what they said.? ?Oh, Frank, I don't know if I can take a whole month. A week is bad enough!? He chuckled at his wife's obvious distress. He supposed he couldn't blameher for her reaction. Having to put up with his parents visiting for a monthwas going to be tough for her - although he'd certainly enjoy it. ?Well, they've retired now so they said they were going to come for a monththis time. In fact,? he grinned, ?Dad said they're thinking...

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College Prep

I was twenty-four years old. Not too long out of college and my life was not going very well. I just broke up with my girlfriend of three years. The girl that I thought was "the one." Hell, I was looking for an engagement ring for crying out loud. So needless to say, I was not the one who broke it off. But what sucked the most was the fact that we lived together in a one-bedroom apartment and neither one of us could afford to pay the penalty fee for breaking the lease, nor could we afford to...

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Looking back I see it so clearly now , the longing the lust the total slut , I craved to be started the minute you walked past me heading out to lunch never seeing me as you passed by. I saw everything about you your height   6 ft 2 or 3 weight maybe 210 your eyes hypnotic   and clear your shoulder’ s were broad your arms massive hands and fingers long and clean manicured your waist narrow you butt tight and very firm long legs and you walked with a strong stride. Your aftershave smelled manly...

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David and Jennifer Hart

To any outside observer I might have seemed to be mumbling. But I never mumbled. I was reciting, as I had every day since I was six years old, the Code, the code my uncle had taught me, the chivalric code. A good man's duty was as follows: to protect the weak and defenseless; to despise monetary rewards; to avoid unfairness, meanness, and deceit; to speak the truth at all times; to honor one's vows; and to respect the honour of women. The Code, the Chivalric Code, oh yes, I knew it by...

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Awesome Threesome 8211 Our First Experiment

Hi, this is Abhijit and this is my first story on ISS. I will keep sharing my real life experiences for people to read. I am born and raised in Kolkata. This story is about me and my fiancée and our first experiment with our sex life. I met Akansha during my Post graduation days in Delhi. It was 5 years back when I was 22 and she was 21. We are now engaged and will be getting married in February. Akansha belongs to Jaipur, Rajasthan and had also come to Delhi to pursue her post graduation. It...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 18 Driving to the limit

Chapter 18: Driving to the limit I left soon after the family meeting. We had arranged for Rory’s dad to drive us to the racetrack, since Mom and Dad were tied up with the grandparents. When I got to Rory’s, I had a surprise waiting for me. Rory was leaning against his mom’s economy car and he was holding something in his hand. “Guess what.” He yelled out as I got closer. “Yo dude, you did it didn’t you, you passed.” I called back. He had a grin from ear to ear holding up his driver’s...

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the company kidnapping power and lust part one 0

so I went to my local home improvement store to get the things I would need to turn my house into a dungeon. almost immediately an employee named shelly walked up to me and asked me if I needed help. the girl was about 19 or 20, blonde hair, had a nice petite frame, small tits, and a nice big fat juicy booty that looked like it was about to burst out of her extra tight jeans like the incredible hulk. I told her I was building a music studio in my house and needed some soundproofing...

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University Challenge

"Hi! I'm Alan Whitman! This isn't a pick up line ... we're supposed to mix and meet people, aren't we!" "Hello, Alan! Stella Morgan! Thanks for talking to me: I'm not very good at this sort of thing!" "Me neither! So what course are you on, Stella!" "Well I originally applied for English Literature; but I think if you find out you don't like it, you can change. How about you, Alan?" "Telecommunication Engineering. Yes, it is flexible, but I hope that I don't have to change!...

2 years ago
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Locked away the conclusion

Tied up and helpless the way she was, for the last two hours, has made Ashlee frsutrated and soaking wet. To make matters worse, while I didn't want to rush my satisfaction into a quick orgasm, I did have the time to touch myself as i teased her, reaching between my own legs, slipping my fingers through my wetness on either side of my clit, sighing deeply when a finger or two would slip inside me.Of course, poor helpless AShlee got to taste my wetness, sucking and lickin gmy fingers eagerly...

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Her Husbands BossChapter 2

"Mr. Alexander is engaged right now, Mrs. Cummings, but he'll be free to see you in a few minutes, if you'll be kind enough to wait here." Lost in her own thoughts, Kathy Cummings was startled by the sound of the blonde receptionist's voice, but after a moment, she murmured absently, with embarrassment, "Oh yes, of course, I'll wait. I know he's a very busy man." By the time Henry Cummings' young wife had collected herself sufficiently to speak, the pretty receptionist had already...

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My Wifes Naughty Confession

This is an account that my wife told me when we had been married for several years. It is about her first proper experience of sex, which was with her father. Sadly it was only after he had passed away that she felt able to tell me, because she was afraid of what my response might be. Up till that point I was under the impression that I was the first and only man to have fucked her.Although I was shocked at first, my cock betrayed me, and by the time Susie had finished I had unzipped my...

4 years ago
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Wife8217s Kinder Visit Made My Day

Hi guys, this is Kunal. I am basically from Ahmedabad but currently in Melbourne working as a manager in an mnc. I am 36 years with normal physique. Yes, I am married but as a man, wanted to eat food then ghar ki mulgi, which didn’t get realized until yesterday. I had few flings in between but no fultoo fun. Yesterday I got lucky with my hot neighbour for whom I always had hots when my wife went to drop my little monster at kinder. My neighbour’s name is palli. She is Punjabi with a hot figure....

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Sisters swap husbands MF

My wife, Di, and I were having her sister and husband visit us for the week. Mary was Di's older sister but the two of them were fairly close to each other. Mary's husband Jerry was about as easy going as you could get. The two of them made a good pair as neither one seemed to get riled up about anything. Di and I were really easy going as well and naturally it was not a surprise that the four of us got along as well as we did.Mary was only three years older then Di and at forty-one was in...

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GirlsTryAnal Avi Love Kate Kennedy Squirting Backfire

Kate Kennedy and Avi Love, two girlfriends, are getting hot and heavy in bed. As they caress each other’s bodies and devour each other’s lips, things are just about to get steamy… until Avi makes them stop a moment. Avi loves having sex with her girlfriend, of course, but she wants to try a little something dfferent today. Kate is a squirter, which Avi adores, but it happens so much that sometimes it can be a bit inconvenient after the fun’s been had. For example, they...

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Maid8217s Daughter 8211 Part 3

My cock was out of my pants and Gayatri was standing in front of me. She again saw my cock and turned around. I acted as if just now I had came to know about the scene and placed my cock back in the pants asking her pardon. Gayatri ran out of the room. I just brushed my teeth’s and went to the dining table. My cock was still making a pyramid in my pants. Gayatri was on the table and had a shy smile on her face. She didn’t notice my bulge. I sat on the table and asked her sorry many times while...

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EdChapter 9

Sally called Bob about hooking up the new computer to the Internet and Bob wanted to see what kind of unit Ed had purchased so he came right over. Nothing could be done until the first of the week. He was curious as to who would be using the computer after it was hooked on. He knew that Sally didn't bother with the computer much. He looked around when Ed spoke up. "Paul and I are going to talk. I have a system just like this so he is familiar with it. I have a favor to ask of you though....

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An InvestorChapter 7

On Thursday Jeff was surfing the net when he heard his doorbell chime. He wasn’t completely sure it was Lynn but the odds were that it was. He didn’t answer the door. Five minutes later his phone buzzed and the caller id showed it to be Lynn so he didn’t answer the call. He definitely had mixed emotions in doing that but he wasn’t going to be used to perform a stud service for her when she had the itch. Now if he had the itch that would be a different story. He phoned Amy asking her if she...

1 year ago
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Family Boot CampChapter 2

He slept like the dead the rest of the night. Which was good, because the next morning Amber woke him up while it was still dark out. “Daddy said for me to get you up. But you can stay there and sleep if you want to.” she finished. He felt surprisingly awake for that early in the morning. If his Uncle had sent her to get him up, why would she say he could go back to sleep? She was probably trying to get him in trouble again. When he didn’t say anything, and she just stood there, he lifted...

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Adventures being Tied and Edged by Guys Adventure 1 Scott in Atlanta

Adventures being Tied and Edged by Guys. Adventure #1, Scott in Atlanta. Authors note:  I am a straight guy with a lifelong love of bondage.  I have had a special love for edging ever since I saw my big sister’s ?Joy of Sex? with the picture the guy tied spread eagle while the girl sat on him and teased his cock.  I have tied and been tied by women many times, and enjoyed it thoroughly.  However, when they took the dom role, I never felt like they were enjoying it.  A few years ago, after...

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My Sexual Journey 8211 Part 1 My Hot Classmate Mausam

Hi! I am Sam and in this story, I will be describing my sexual journey which obviously involves many kinky stuffs and hot girls. This one is a series of real story, so please make sure to read and enjoy and leave your feedback on my mail account or hangouts, First, I will like to talk about myself. I am 5’9 in height and have an athletic slim body. I have a brownish-white complexion and I always keep beard (trimmed though). By occupation, I am an Engineer. Now, let’s get to the story. Let me...

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New America the Suffrage of MenChapter 2 Unclassified Males

Unclassified – Young Adult Males Growing Up in New America Timothy Harper is a young man just days away from his 18th birthday. At just six years old, he was too young to remember to the Women’s March on Washington of 2017 and its overarching message of resistance and self-determination. He was too young to understand the role of males in the former United States of America and he was too young to notice the erosion of male rights in the years that followed. Having grown up in a female-led...

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Complicated Seduction 8211 Part II

Kindly read part -I before continuing. Din mein humne shopping k time apne numbers exchange kar liye the incase wo kahin chhoot jaye to hum use dhoondh le mai leta hua book padh raha tha ki uska sms aya ‘so gaye kya maine likha ‘nai abhi jag raah hun aur is message gaye hue 2 sec bhi nai hue honge ki usne bathroom ki side se mere kamre mein entry maar di, wo ekdum darwaze sa sat k khadi thi. Wo bahut hi sexy dress pehen k aayi thi ki mere lund mein harkat chaloo ho gai usne ek white colour ki t...

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Total Control

"Hey guys, you mind helping me out?" I raised my head from the book that I was reading, and looked to where I heard the voice. There was a homeless man a few yards from my bus stop trying to pick up all the pieces of his makeshift home. Cardboard walls were bunched up in his hands, and what few things he held onto besides those were strewn about on the ground. Some were starting to roll away or be blown by the wind. The only people next to me either did not notice or paid no attention. The...

Mind Control
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My First Group Sex

Further to my story "Sucking My First Cock" I can now tell what took place when this older man I had met, picked me up in his car one week later.He took me to his home in his car. On the way there he asked me to feel his cock which I did through his trousers. I felt it grow and become rampant hard.He then asked me to put my hand inside and grope it, which I did. It certainly made me feel really horny, pleasuring a man as he drove his car. he then wanted me to bend over and suck it, but for some...

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The Tower0

Lucid moments were few and far between. Bella was torn between the elation of being herself again and the loathing of the knowledge of everything that had happened to her. The loathing of what she'd become through no fault of her own. Lucidity also meant that she was going into heat. Again. She could already feel the pulse between her legs beginning. Soon it would demand to be filled by anything man or animal. No, that was a lie. There were only animals here as there had been for...

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Ria Sehgal Part 1 The Adult Party

Hi, this is Ria Sehgal here. I am writing this story about my latest sexual encounter with a man much older than me. With a man who later told me something, I was really shocked to hear about. Before I go ahead with the story, let me tell you about myself. I am 18 years and in 1st-year college, studying Computer Science with Data Mining as a major and Economics as minor. I am sure you want to know how I look. I am 5’9, very fair (thanks to my extremely beautiful mom), with black straight...

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A Little Stranger Fun

My name is Tammy Jo. I am twenty-one years old. I am stuck in this small town in Texas and I hate it here. My ambition is to get out of this rat hole where everyone knows everyone’s business and into a bigger city where I can have some privacy.I have been working at the corner convenience store out of the main highway, about a half mile from the house, since I was eighteen, saving my hourly wages to buy a car and hopefully drive out of here and never look back. I have a boyfriend, or so folks...

Office Sex
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Spiderman Another Day in the Big Apple

Admittedly, things were never normal when you were a super-hero. The moment you donned the mask and slipped on the tights, any hope of a regular life went right out the window. Peter Parker, better known to the world as The Amazing Spiderman, knew this quite well. In five years since he had first created his alter ego, it had interfered with his family, his schooling, the various jobs he had held, and—perhaps most frustratingly—his love life. How did you explain to your girlfriend that you were...

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The Shape Of Things To Cum

Introduction: A story written for a competition, where the theme was The Best. I hope you enjoy it. Angelique looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror hanging on the wall of her hotel room, as she prepared to finish dressing. She regarded her reflection intently, wearing only black hold-up stockings and patent leather high-heeled court shoes. Drawing her hands up to her breasts she teased her nipples with her fingertips until they hardened, then rubbed the gel into them that would...

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Natun dompotir sathe chodachudi

Hii, ami Rahul, Jamshedpure bari, thaki kolkatatei, seikhanei pora sona karechhi, asole amar baba chhilen behari ar ma marwadi, ami chhoto theke kolkata tei pora sona korechhi. Amar figure ta amar babar moton besh lamba choura healthy roj vyayam kari ekhan boyosh 41 bochhor. Ami ekta Chain of hotel group e kaj kori manager hisabe. Amader Co. Digha te ekta khub bhalo hotel kinechhe oita chalate amake posting korlo dighate. Hotel chalu i chhilo ami giye sab byobastha thik thak kare hotel ta khub...

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Another Mans Wife

I asked as he stood in the door of their bedroom looking at me in their bed, naked, my cock, hard and still glistening having just pulled out of his young wife’s glorious tight blonde pussy when he intruded. I had watched him arrive at the door ten minutes earlier as I was pounding my cock into my lover with her legs over my shoulders. I carried on, adjusting her position to give him a better look at how I was stretching his wife’s pussy as we fucked. I rubbed her clit and she moaned...

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