Katies Begining Thursday Evening
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Jeff looked down and smiled. Amy lay on the couch and in his arms, and she was sleeping. She looked like a child in her pink flannel jammies.
The Canon in D, with the astonishing James Galway on flute, was just ending on the CD player, another version with a full orchestra began a moment later.
Jeff studied his wife’s face as the basses began their eight solemn and endlessly repeated notes. The tones echoed through the big old house, and Jeff smiled again. Up close, he could see tiny hints of days to come, a faint crease at the corner of her eye, a touch of softness at her jawline. Even a single gray hair above her ear. The ominous thrum of the bass viols was appropriate – relentless, deliberate, as implacable as the passage of time.
But – blink, and she was still the lovely girl that he and his father had fallen in love with.
Jeff considered that. She was so very, very lovely – a classic beauty who would have knocked ’em dead at any time in history. Was he shallow, to adore that about her and desire her so much?
He smiled gently as the violas began their counterpoint. No, he thought. Her beauty is a miracle – but the greater miracle is that she seems unaware of it, even now. There’s no hint of vanity in her nature.
His smile grew wider. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, or ever would, but it wasn’t her face or her body that held him. He stroked her cheek lightly, not waking her. It was her heart that he loved. Her soul. Who she was.
That – and that her love for him was absolute, her devotion total. Amy trusted him as only one who had never been hurt could trust. His dad, Geoff – whom he had never met – had seen to that, and so would he. He would die before he’d hurt her, and he’d kill before he’d let someone else do it.
He cuddled her gently, and she smiled in her sleep and nuzzled his chest with her cheek as the violins soared above the clouds.
God, he loved her.
A little boy in plaid pajamas ran into the room. ‘Da- oops.’ The child shushed himself when he saw his mother asleep. He looked at her and grinned. ‘Dad,’ he resumed in a whisper, ‘Can I play on the XBox? It’s Friday.’
‘You have to be up early for Grandma and Grandpa tomorrow,’ Jeff whispered back to his stepson and half-brother. He cocked an eyebrow knowingly at the boy. ‘Would your mom let you?’
The third-grader smiled wryly, a remarkably adult expression, and ran his hand through his mop of curly black hair. ‘Maybe…’ he said.
His father smiled back. ‘Half an hour, Harry. Then lights out.’
‘Okay,’ breathed the boy. ‘Thanks, Dad.’ He stepped closer and kissed his mom’s hair. ‘Tell her goodnight for me,’ he whispered, then scampered – there was no other word for it – back to his room.
Eight years old and sharper than I am on my best day, thought Jeff. I love that kid.
Amy stirred in his arms. He looked down to see her disconcerting eyes, deep brown and pale blue, looking up into his. Even after nine years of marriage and two more children, they still made his heart stop and his mind go blank when she looked at him.
‘I heard that,’ she murmured, smiling. ‘You’re such a softie.’
‘Enh. If he wasn’t such a good kid, I wouldn’t have let him. In half an hour, he’ll turn it off and go to sleep.’
She smiled. ‘He will, won’t he?’ Then she blinked. ‘Where are the twins?’
‘Drifting happily through the wondrous halls of Dreamland,’ he said. ‘Long since.’
She smiled. ‘There you go getting all literary again.’ She snuggled closer. ‘I love it when you do that.’
He leaned closer and whispered in her ear. ‘Verily, you have bewitched me, my lady…’
‘With thy luminescent beauty…’
‘Thy lovely, graceful manner…’
‘Thy sweetly generous, loving nature…’
‘Mm… Oh….’
‘And thy perky boobies.’
She laughed and slapped his arm. ‘Not as perky as they once were,’ she demurred.
The peak of her left nipple was clearly visible through her pajamas, and he gave it a gentle tweak. ‘Owch!’ she squeaked.
‘They’re just as beautiful as the first time I saw them,’ he said quietly. ‘Maybe even more so.’
She cocked her head. ‘You mean that, don’t you?’
‘I do.’
They smiled at each other. The CD player began a horn version of the Canon that neither of them cared for, and Jeff rose to turn it off as Amy sat up.
He turned to look at her kneeling on the couch, sleepy, tousled and cute. ‘Want to play tonight?’ he asked.
‘Let’s save it for tomorrow,’ said Amy, snuggling close when he sat down again. ‘It’s going to be epic, honey. I’m so hungry to get crazy with you.’
He squeezed her. ‘You’re incredible,’ he said for the ten-thousandth time.
‘You too,’ she breathed, and kissed him. ‘I love the kids, but -‘
‘Me too,’ he whispered back. ‘But I’m glad they have these weekends with your parents – and we have some time alone.’
They spoke without words for a while, mouth to mouth.
Jeff and Amy had named their son Harold, after his father’s old commander. Harry took after his father, all boy, tough and reluctant to cry – but he also had his father’s iron integrity. He never lied, even when small.
Two years later, Amy gave birth to twin girls, Rachel and Rebecca. One had brown eyes, the other blue, otherwise they were identical. They were very much ‘girly girls,’ preferring silk to denim and lacy frills to T-shirts. They had the rumored ‘bond’ that twins sometimes do – when one fell, the other cried out, even if they were miles apart. They seemed to communicate without words, with looks that carried volumes.
At six, they were better readers than their older brother. One might have expected Harry to resent that, but he was perfectly comfortable with their helping him and even tutoring him a bit. He was their protector, and they were his teachers. ‘Harry is the muscle and R & R are the brains,’ Jeff liked to say.
The five of them lived happily in the big old antebellum house, where there was much laughter and an atmosphere of warmth and love. The kids rarely quarreled, and when they did it was usually over in minutes. Their parents were fully engaged as parents – not something that can be taken for granted today. Both Jeff and Amy had good relationships with the kids – warm, trusting, and firmly in charge.
But they didn’t neglect their own relationship with each other, either. Intimacy was a given, they felt as close when shopping for groceries as they did in bed. That was because their faith in each other, their trust, was total. In bed and elsewhere, they were both givers, not takers – and it showed.
One weekend a month, the three children were picked up by Amy’s parents to spend a few days at their home, and the two lovers could do as they chose. Amy no longer played ‘slave girl’ very often – Jeff didn’t care for that game as much as she did – but they had other games.
Fantasy was hardly necessary, anyway. They had learned each other’s tastes and desires, and delighted in pleasing each other. Amy had accumulated a collection of sexy sandals, Jeff liked to see her in those and nothing else. For his part, Jeff learned to ride the Harley so Amy could still enjoy the pleasures of the rear seat. They had other games, of course, all their own.
Next morning, the three giggling children were bundled into Frank and Ellie’s SUV amid much hugging and kissing, and the lovers waved as the car full of laughing kids and grandparents pulled out of the gate. They waited, watching, till the gate closed – then turned on each other like hungry animals.
Better than a regular weekend, this was a three-day weekend, and the kids wouldn’t be back till Tuesday. If it had been a few days more, they’d have flown to Juicy Island for a few days in Eden, but they took what th
ey could get.
They sat on the couch and just made out like teenagers for a while, kissing and touching each other in warm silence. There was no hurry.
‘Mmmm… Love you….’
‘Mmm… Mmme too…’
A bit later:
‘Let’s go swimming.’
He blinked down at her. ‘Okay,’ he said, with an air of puzzlement. After a moment, he grinned. ‘Oh! No suits required!’
They stripped in the living room and ran, naked and laughing, across the yard to the pool. They jumped in with simultaneous cannonballs, rose from the water laughing, and were soon in each other’s arms again.
If Amy’s idea was to put off their inevitable lovemaking and just enjoy each other’s company for a while, it didn’t work. Her bare, perfect curves all but glowed in the sunlight, and the feel of wet bodies wasn’t exactly conducive to calm patience. They were soon writhing on the grass beside the pool, fucking like bunnies.
‘G-god, you’re big,’ she breathed, as she had so many times before. Jeff apparently hadn’t grown any smaller.
‘And you’re so w-wet,’ he gasped, pumping. ‘A-all over…’
He took her into his arms and rolled over, and Amy abruptly found herself on top. She shivered and drew her feet up, squatting on him, and began to lever her pale, beautiful ass up and down on him as her mouth sought his. It was a dance they danced well.
‘L-let’s g-g-go in the house,’ he gasped, staring at her softly bouncing, gently quivering breasts.
‘Let me cum once first,’ she said, breathless herself. ‘Then we c-can g… Oh, God… Oh, God, Jeff, I’m cumming….’
She clung to him and shuddered convulsively as she orgasmed, her pussy suddenly juicy on his steel-hard cock. He held her, and somehow held his own orgasm back as he felt her slippery muscles spasming and squeezing on his dickhead. They clung together and shook for minutes, using all the art they had taught each other to make it last, and Jeff heard Amy’s tiny whimpers as the hurricane shook her to the core.
He carried her into the bedroom after. She liked that. She nuzzled his chest and murmured, ‘Hours and hours with nothing to do but make love,’ she whispered.
He squeezed her as he carried her up the hall and into their bedroom – the big one, the one that had once been hers, but never slept in. The big canopy bed was waiting.
Jeff tossed his wife onto the bed, and she bounced, laughing. Her lovely breasts bounced too, and she shook them at him gaily. Jeff gaped in amazement, as he always did at her shameless sexual displays. ‘Rrr,’ he growled. ‘Spread ’em, baby.’
Amy giggled and pulled her knees back and wide apart, rolling her wet, hairless cunt upward at him. Jeff growled again and slid on top of her, and her arms slipped round his back as he thrust his still-stiff erection all the way into her hot, liquid center in one electrifying stroke. Her strange eyes rolled back to show only the whites, then closed – and she shivered as he began to slide in and out of her again.
As always, Amy marveled at the way she could feel the flaring rim of his cockhead sliding up and down inside her squeezing, grasping pussy tube – and she knew that it felt just as exquisite to him.
She squeezed him with her talented and practiced fucking muscles. ‘Can you feel that?’
‘Ggg,’ said Jeff eloquently. He was staring down at her face, his mouth hanging open, his breath raspy. He was pounding her hard, slamming his bristly pubes into her smooth, pink crotch, reaming out her juicy pussy with his bursting meat. ‘G-gonna cum,’ he gasped.
Amy giggled and pulled her pretty bare feet back to either side of her face. ‘Oh, Jeffie, squirt it in me – cum in my pussy, real hard – give it to me – oh, fill my hole with your sperm -‘
Jeff shuddered and gave it up as she ground her cunt round and round on his cock, squeezing and squelching her sloppy-wet hole as he spasmed and blasted his thick load deep inside her. ‘L-love you,’ he gasped as he shot again and again. ‘Love you, baby…’
‘I’m gonna cum all over your big dick now, Jeffie,’ she gasped in a whisper. ‘Don’t stop – ‘ and then she did cum, harder than before.
Jeff was still shooting in her pussy as she began to strain and shake, and he somehow kept on fucking her as she jerked and shivered in her orgasm. The feel of her fluttering pussy walls on his sensitive, just-cum cock was maddeningly intense, and before Amy was done climaxing on his cock, he was shooting inside her again.
Which set her off again as well, of course. She squealed and groped for him helplessly as she came, again and again, and Jeff began to scrub her swollen clit with his thumb as he shot. They clung to each other and came for what seemed like twenty minutes. Perhaps it was.
As Amy had said, it WAS epic. And it wasn’t long before they were at it again, this time in the shower. Their morning fell into a familiar rhythm of fuck, snuggle, fuck, laugh, fuck, eat lunch, and fuck some more. And they savored every moment of it.
They were relaxing in bed later that afternoon, still warm and sweaty from their last, and very content. For the moment, anyway. Pachelbel played softly in the background.
‘Mmmm. That was nice, Jeffie. Again.’
‘It was amazing. You’re amazing. Always.’
‘Can I play slave girl and go naked this weekend? Please?’
He put a finger to his chin and made a show of thinking. ‘Hmmm. A beautiful girl wants to go naked for me and wait on me hand and foot… Mmmm, let me think…’ She giggled, and he grinned. ‘Talk about an offer I can’t refuse…’
She smiled, but said nothing. His father had once said exactly the same thing.
A few minutes later, Jeff was sitting at the kitchen table in his jeans, watching Amy prepare breakfast wearing nothing but her ankle bracelet. His eyes savored her pale, bare body like a connoisseur oenophile savors a fine Beaujolais, he thought.
Or like a homeless wino savors a bottle of Night Train, he added to himself wryly. He was addicted. Luckily, she was too.
‘Coffee, sir?’ she simpered, pouring his cup with a small but deliberate quiver of her still-perky breasts. Her bare, bald pussy was pink and visibly moist from their passion only a few minutes earlier.
‘Thanks.’ He looked up at her with an odd expression. She saw, and waited. After a moment, he said, ‘You know, I think I’d like to watch you dance for me later.’
She blinked, surprised. ‘I didn’t think you liked me to play slave so much.’
‘It’s not about your being my slave,’ he said with a feral smile. ‘It’s about how beautiful you are and how sexy you dance. You could make a wooden Indian shoot his load.’
She giggled and gave him a little wiggle, right there in the kitchen. He rolled his eyes. ‘Yeah, like that,’ he said, and she laughed and squatted, sticking her flaring, wet, red and glistening hole up at him lewdly – then began to work her hips hungrily, her pretty bare feet arched and her breasts wobbling sensuously as she pumped her sex organs in his face.
‘Oh, God,’ he said, feeling his cock hardening yet again.
‘Sorry I’m so modest and ladylike, Jeffie,’ she whispered. ‘I know you’d rather I’d just hold my pussy open and work my muscles for you like a nasty fucking slut…’
As she spoke, in her patented Jeff-teasing little-girl voice, she held her pussy open and worked her muscles for him like a nasty fucking slut. A long, crystal skein of her pussy-juice drooled from her hole and hung to the floor.
Jeff was staring, speechless. ‘Let’s go in the living room,’ she breathed. ‘Let me make you shoot by just teasing you…’
Jeff was massaging the bulge at his fly. ‘You love that, don’t you?’ he asked. ‘You love to show off for me…’
‘Yes,’ she whispered. ‘I love it, Jeffie. I love the way your eyes crawl all over me and the way you stare at my bare pussy and my bare titties and
my bare feet. I like to shock you, like this -‘
She fell onto her back on the hardwood floor and spread her legs wide, bare feet high in the air, and pulled her vagina into a gleaming red ‘O.’ Then she giggled. ‘I love the look on your face when I do stuff like that. You look like you can’t believe it.’
‘I can’t,’ he said, black eyes wide. ‘You’re so beautiful, and so sexy and nasty and delicious – and you’re mine,’ he said, shaking his head as he stared at her gaping hole. ‘I can’t believe I’m so lucky.’
She smiled knowingly. ‘Watch this, Jeffie.’
‘Oh, God…’
The rest of the weekend was similar. They shared long, soapy, squirmy showers till the hot water ran out, then ran shivering to the steam room to continue. Midnight skinnydipping in the pool, snuggling in front of the fireplace, kissing quietly to the Canon in D.
It was Monday night. As the fire crackled and snapped, they looked into each other’s eyes. At the same moment, they both said, ‘This is Heaven.’ Then they laughed.
‘It is,’ said Jeff.
Some time passed.
‘Mmm. I’m hungry.’
‘Me too,’ said Jeff. ‘Hey, did we eat dinner?’
Amy giggled. ‘I think we forgot.’ She sat up, untangled herself from his arms, and snuggled beside him. ‘Feel like Chinese? I don’t feel like cooking.’
‘Wouldn’t think of making you. Chinese, pizza, or a sub?’
‘Ooo! Meatball subs!’
‘Done.’ He took his cellphone from the table and made the call, then they resumed kissing till the doorbell rang.
‘Hide,’ said Jeff, grinning, as he rose to get the door.
‘Oop! Guess I’d better.’ Amy had forgotten she was naked.
A few minutes later, as they munched the still-warm meatball sandwiches, Jeff smiled. Amy had put on a T-shirt, and nothing else. She didn’t like to drip marinara sauce on her bare breasts, the question had arisen before.
‘Ready for the kids to come back?’ he asked.
‘Mmm-hmm,’ said Amy, chewing. She swallowed and said, ‘Yeah, I want to hug my little guys too. Wonder what tales they’ll have to tell.’ The last time the kids had stayed with their grandparents, they had gone to a theme park, a concert and a rodeo.
‘No telling. More chips?’
‘Mmm-mmm,’ she demurred, waving a hand. A moment later she said, ‘Saving space for dessert.’
She grinned wickedly. ‘You,’ she said. ‘Don’t get too full. We’re not done yet.’
Jeff just smiled.
A few weeks later, The family had settled back into its familiar routine, taking the kids to and from their private school, Amy volunteering with her elderly friends at the nursing home, Jeff working with crime victims and various helping agencies and government departments.
The house was busy, with the two lifemates, the three kids, and their various interests and activities. The twins were piano and dance students and soccer players, Harry was deep into military history and computer gaming, and Amy had acquired a new interest in playing Bridge. Her teacher was one of her retired friends at the home, and she played there twice a week. For his part, Jeff had taken up martial arts, he had a long way to go to catch up with Amy, who had studied with Geoff for ten years, but he was making quick progress.
With the kids at home, the lovers’ sexual acrobatics were confined to the bedroom. And the shower. And the steam room… And sometimes the floor. They didn’t miss much.
Jeff’s work mostly had him interviewing and counseling crime victims at various police precincts, but he occasionally went to victims’ homes, they were not infrequently afraid to go out in public, especially after particularly brutal assaults.
On one such occasion, Jeff was sitting with a young woman whose face was still swollen and bandaged from a vicious attack by her boyfriend. They sat at a shabby kitchen table in her aging trailer, and once again Jeff felt sorrow for those who lived with such poverty and violence. The woman had already decided to press charges – that aspect of police work wasn’t part of Jeff’s job – and he tried to reassure her as they went through his forms and questions.
Just as Jeff finished, and was sliding the papers across the table for her signature, they both jumped as the trailer was rocked by a tremendous crash.
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The Complicated Life of a House Chicken - Chapter 6 "Oww," I muttered softly as I rubbed my perfect bottom. As if the fucking had not been bad enough, Kevin had gotten carried away with the spanking as well, and I was extremely tender down there. "It's probably best if we leave separately. Why don't you go on ahead," Kevin said. "When will you resign?" I asked. "I'll do it first thing at the meeting on Sunday. Don't worry, your cousin won't be getting blackballed by Mark. I'm a...
This feels heavenly for both of us. The closeness and the intimacy. We both let our guards down and feel so uninhibited around each other. I am washing you all over, but slowly, very carefully not to rush and always with tenderness. You accept my every gesture, anticipating the light and sometimes playful touches as I use my hands to wring out the wet washcloth over your shoulders and back, and even though I move my hands around to your breasts in order to continue to bathe you, I am not making...
I didn't write it but I hope you enjoy First time Hubby let his friends haveme.As I said it was my husband's birthday andwe had gone out to dinnerwithfour of his friends.It was a verynicedinnerat a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which is my limit, after that I am totally drunk. All the wives accept for me where out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys. After dinner my husband invitedhis friends over for some pool anda few beers. All the guys gladly...
Die Hauptpersonen: Simon (18) schlank, braune Haare, Chris (19) sehr sportlich, schwarze Haare Jonas (18) schlank, blond gefärbte Haare Philipp (19) recht klein, dunkle Haare, Lena (18) blonde Schönheit, wunderschöne helle Haut und 85C Oberweite Sandra (18) lange dunkle Haare, schlank 80B Jenny (19) dunkle Haare, schlank 75B Patricia (19) blonde Haare 85D Das Schuljahr näherte sich dem Ende. Dieses Ende sollte natürlich ordentlich gefeiert werden. Nach vielen nervenaufreibenden Diskussionen...
TeenHey Guys this is Nayeem and am here with my new story. I wanted to post this story for a while now and here it is. The new readers of ISS make sure you read all my previous stories. And again,this is Nayeem and am quite fair and decently build guy. I workout regularly and also have a tool of 6. 5. I’m open for suggestions and discrete fun. Ladies/girls mail me at com Coming to the story, this happened last month when I was randomly surfing the internet and came across an app. I would not...
*my first effort. All comments welcome but please be a bit gentle!* THERAPY Doctor Adam Steele let out a deep sigh as he glanced down at the mess of papers on his desk. On top of the heap was the file of his next patient. His sessions with Lina often left him with graphic images that made the rest of his day almost unbearable. Grimacing with shame he recalled an occasion last month when he’d dashed to the bathroom mid session and found himself wrapping his hand round his painfully hard...
This is a continuation of the “Death by Fucking” stories. Due to the nature of the narrative, it is recommended that you have read at least one of those stories in order to be ‘up to speed’ on the situations existing at the outset of this story. Part 1 His Story: We were lying in bed in Deirdre’s hotel room recovering from a bout of mind-blowing liberating sex, at least from my point of view. I had wanted to make slow sensuous love to this woman who had suddenly become the focus of my life....
Tom drove the girls back to the ship and thanked them for a lovely afternoon. Brianna barely moved the whole trip back, she was so exhausted. Mandy shifted uncomfortably in her seat, burdened by Hermes's 14-liter load. Her pale tummy was bloated to resemble a full-term pregnancy. Blue veins were visible across its tight surface. She could feel the trapped sperm and air shifting inside her, making her belly rumble. She idly fingered her pussy under her panties and felt the smooth, hard...
Randy and went to the river to fish it got dark on use>, Randy said it be better to stay overnite by river. Than to try to find way back at nite>, He had a 2 man tent is his backpak he set it up I wanted to go back to cabin he foght me down to the ground strip off my colths and started drinking beers he was siting on me as he was drinking after about 3 beers that he drank. He made me drink one (I was d***k i mean i was only 14). he sat on my chest and shove his huge cock down my mouth told...
Hello All , hopefully you guys liked the last part . Email is Going back to the story now :- Plot – Saturday morning , after I just got fucked by Sumit in the kitchen before my hubby woke up. I read the paper twice to believe it’s a part of reality in this 48 hrs. Off course we are here to do fun and this guys are here to fuck me like a whore and not to celebrate my husband’s bday in a classy way.. I turned back to Sumit asking him about the dress. He went to take it out from his bag and...
Stan provided Jason with a large wardroom fitted out for an Admiral. The dogs seemed to be comfortable, and settled in quickly. Stan then sent Jason to medical where the medical pod fitted his implant so that Jason could communicate with the AIs, the people, and the machines. When he returned, the Ship introduced herself: “My name is Ship. Welcome aboard, and I hope you have a good journey. The Empire built me when they built the ship and made us an integrated whole. That integration is...
The entire drive home was made in complete silence. I huddled in the passenger's seat and stared out the windshield. I had no idea what I could possibly say. He finally broke the silence after we pulled into our garage. He didn't break it much. "Come on." I remained frozen in the car. "I said, COME ON! Get in the damn house." I fought back my tears. Ivan had never spoken to me like that, but I had never given him cause before. I followed him into the house and to the den. The den...
The pizza box hit the floor, and the dessert was a mess. However, flesh always makes a more appealing meal. The bitch got that excited smile as her fingers massaged my sleek, shaved slit. She knew I was a tart. I occasionally get sour looks and no tips from MILF’s expecting the pizza boy ‘to fuck brainless’ before they indulge themselves with a Supreme. They don’t realise I wouldn’t mind a lesbian dabble now and then. I’ve never been lucky enough to deliver...
FemalePrediction and Concern turns to Reality: It was a comfortable sunny fall day near the beginning of September 2018 around 10:00 AM when the entire west coast of the United States dropped two feet. It was estimated that nearly ten million electrical transformers were no longer attached to power poles. Power west of the Cascades in Washington and Oregon and the Sierra Mountain Range in California was almost non-existent. The phone service was spotty at best. The one thing it did trigger was the...
I have been reading stories on this site from last few months regularly and finally decided to write down my own experience. I’m not revealing the real names and locations; but yes the facts are very similar to what I have written. I don’t know how good a writer I’m, but I am trying my best to write down what I have experienced on the introduction of entirely new world of sex. I am Rajesh and it’s my life’s first sexual encounter, and particularly in this time period I lost my virginity and...
Cathy and I started our “politics-free” holidays with a phone call first thing on the Monday morning; we went over plans for the week. The next two days she was going into the City to do some shopping; I would do some music practice. Wednesday we would cover the localities in Pittwater; Scotland Island and the bays on the western side. I would hire a tinny from a marina at Bayview to make it easier to get there rather than having to rely on the ferry. Thursday we would catch the ferry from...
In the classroom after breakfast, I sat down as usual with the others as Ann called out the days pairings. There were a couple of sighs when the names were called out, mine being missing until the end. I heard Melanie give a small cry of yes as she knew that it would be us together for the day with her name being the last one called out. She was up on her feet in a flash and was ready for me to take her hand and lead her to the last vacant futon. ‘Oh Will,’ she said as she lay down on the...
As I said, I took latin for three years. Latin, as you might imagine, was not the most popular course of study and by the time I was a third year, there were only 4 of us. I got to know Ms. Davis pretty well since we had to talk a lot and with fewer students each year, things were pretty informal. Ms. Davis knew I was a joker, but I did my work and contibuted to class discussions since I loved roman mythology and history. Unlike most of my other teachers, she seemed to enjoy having me in...
Rebecca loves working hard, but loves playing hard more, and when she is on vacation, she doesn’t let anything hold her back. This vacation – she has taken it to a completely different level – with a few friends from college and a week of parties to enjoy. Having booked a flight a day earlier than everyone else, she has a little time to relax before the fun begins – and bearing in mind the airline has mislaid her luggage, she finds herself sunbathing naked – with a...
xmoviesforyouPregnant in Panties Chapter One (This multi-chapter story could be listed in several different groups. It contains group sex, bisexual and gay contact, incest, BDSM and other fetishes. If this offends you, please stop now. If it doesn’t, I hope you enjoy. ) “Christ It’s hot.” Suzanne stood under the shower watching the dust and the dirt from their dry and fallow farmland sluice off her soft shoulders and follow the streaming water in sandy brown streams over her engorged breasts and large,...
TabooContinuing story. Please read Parts 1 - 8 first to understand where I am in my development. My ‘at school’ boy responded to my challenge of finding somewhere better by inviting me to his house the next day. Both his parents and his older sister worked, so we had a couple of clear hours after school to be alone. He told me during the day that we could go to his house, and I was on edge all afternoon in anticipation. I knew what I wanted to try. Later, at his house, we went to a casual...
Group SexI’ve been into the lifestyle for twelve years now. I was recently diagnosed with both HPV and cervical cancer. Although the cancer is under control now and I’m doing fine, I had to find a new outlet for my frustrations. This story is true, and one of my last experiences. I don’t know what bestiality is like for most people, but for me I had some difficulty dealing with the morality of it. It took me a long time to come to terms with who I was. And to be honest, that is when I...
You lie next to your naked girlfriend on the bed, staring at the ceiling and panting slightly from your exertions. Neither of you speak, preferring to reflect in silence on your recent earth-shattering lovemaking. You give yourself a mental pat on the back. Once again, you’ve treated Rose to the best fuck of her life. She’s a very lucky girl to have such a considerate lover as you. After a little while, she speaks. “Amaru?” she asks, in a voice that sounds slightly tentative. “Yeah babe?” you...
FetishFriday, June 11, 2010 Jake knocked on the Harrison’s door. Christine answered. When she saw him, she dropped her eyes and asked him in. “Thank you, Christine. Can you tell me where Jan is?” “Out back. By the pool.” Jan was lying in a lounge chair, reading a book, and sweating in the heat. She smiled at him. Though he wasn’t sure how it was physically possible, her swimsuit was even scantier than his last visit. Jake changed in the pool house and sat in a nearby chair which he...
"Look in my eyes and tell me how much you want to suck my cock," Mike ordered.Tom looked up at Mike's face. "I, - - - I, - - -ahhh,. - - ""Still not sure, aye." Mike smiled his strange smile again. "Well, I'm sure I'm going to fuck your slut mouth. - - Okay, for now just tell me you're my bitch.""I'm, ah, I'm your bitch.""My suck bitch. - - - Say it, whore.""I'm your suck bitch, your whore.""And you'll suck whatever I tell you to. - - - say it!""I'll suck whatever you tell me to.""Now, take off...
I thought I would share the first time on how my wife and I hooked up. We were both 22 years of age. I just got out of the service and she was a senior in college. We had a mutual friend set us up. I wasn't big on blind dates but I was like well it's been awhile since I was in the service and always in the field. She came to my door that night at my apartment to pick me up. We were going to go meet up with some people at a bar on campus. When I opened the door to let her in we chatted...
Chapter Three: Ginny's Naughty Futa Revelation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Wednesday I huddled in my house's upstairs bathroom as the shower's spray grew colder and colder. Despite washing off all the futas' cum that had splattered my body from the gangbang, I still felt so dirty. Candice's blue eyes, peering behind her glasses, haunted me. My friend had witnessed me enjoying being fucked by all those futas. In my college's bathroom, I was taken again...
My best friend and I have known each other almost from birth. We share the same birthday and today, we both turn eighteen. We had always given each other presents, but this year, seeing that we were both turning the big one-eight, we decided to give ourselves something special together. We thought about treating ourselves to something like a nice dinner together or giving each other cash so we could separately get what we wanted. However, Brit did some research on the net. Seems she has a wild...
VoyeurI open my eyes and turn my head towards the alarm clock on the nightstand. The numbers 7:05 are burning into my brain in the familiar annoying red colour, taunting me to get up and get ready for another day. I sigh and rub my eyes. Not wanting to give into the daily struggle just yet, I roll to my side. I bump my naked body into yours and look at you, lying on your stomach, still lost in the world of sweet colourful dreams. The white sheet draped over the smooth curve of your bum. The early...
Raven reacted much as I thought she would. It was just more fuel to her having excuses to make me blush in public. Our games of mutually embarrassing each other had grown incredibly complicated and this was just too much of a slam dunk for her. I’d never hear the end of this. She genuinely wanted to know what it was all about (and film it) so after we both finished with work for that day, we went to have dinner together at the Senza’s home. I don’t remember what we had for dinner that night....
Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Seven: Princess's Taboo Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Nineteen: Catgirls Need Cock Too Sven Falk – Princedom of Kivoneth, Strifelands of Zeutch I grinned, loving the sight of my sister writhing on her back, Zanyia running her tongue through Kora's sloppy pussy, licking up the incestuous combination of my cum and my sister's cream. My dick throbbed, still slick with Kora's juices. My sister shivered, her round breasts...
Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...
Four Years LaterBrandy graduated from college, moving into the city, away from home, hoping to start a new life. Her parents still looked at her differently since they found out about her and Michael, not even him moving could changed anything. She had found a good job as an advertising assistant, able to afford an apartment by herself. She enjoyed her privacy. She dated on and off, but nothing steady, most men her age interested in partying and getting her into the sack and then they moved...
When a girl fucks her mother, there should be no more secrets between the two of them, at least that's the way Millie saw it. And there'd never be a better time to bring it up than now, with the lusty fucking action having dissolved into a sweaty, sticky afterglow and the room sweetly reeking of satisfied cunt. "I think we'd better talk, Mom," Millie aid as they rested beside one another on the messy bed. Betsy Underwood was no fool. "It's about those missing panties, isn't it,...