- 3 years ago
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This is the third chapter of a series which was begun in the Erotic Coupling category. The second chapter was more romantic than the first, and this one is total romance.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
‘Hush,’ was all that Emily said, as she continued to make love to me. I had been falling for her, hard, in the barely two days that we’d been together, and, apparently stupidly, said, ‘I love you, Em’ while we were making love. Must’ve been the wrong thing to say.
We didn’t stop making love, and if what I said slowed down Emily’s fun, it didn’t stop it, because she at least appeared to have a pretty strong orgasm before I erupted. After the sex, Emily settled down into her by-now standard position, laying on her left side with her head on my shoulder, playing with my chest as she was relaxing and enjoying being with me. I loved that, true enough, but it was a disappointment that I had so thoroughly misinterpreted what I had thought were signs that Emily was falling for me, too. I really wanted to talk to her about this, but was smart enough to know that I should keep my mouth shut. We had another day and night at the ski resort where we’d been unexpectedly sharing a bedroom, and a bed, and if some pretty good sex was all that I was going to get out of it, well that’s not a terrible consolation prize.
I suppose that I should have. Winter break was just about over, and Emily would be heading back to college in a few days. Me? I was scheduled to report to MEPS Harrisburg, the Military Entrance Processing Station, from which I’d be shipped out to Fort Benning, Georgia, for 26 weeks of infantry basic training. I’d be gone for half a year, and probably shipped out to Iraq shortly after that. I had fallen hard for Em, and I thought that she was falling for me, but perhaps a hard-headed calculation – she is an accounting major, after all – was overriding anything her heart might be telling her. All in all, I was a bad bet for a boyfriend.
Then again, maybe her heart wasn’t telling her anything, maybe she just had a naturally sweet disposition which I misinterpreted as her falling for me. Maybe sex really was all that there was to this. It could have been, because while we had some nice, fairly easy sex the next night – I had bruised my ribs trying to ski a hill beyond my skill level – once we got back home, I never saw her or heard from her again.
Monday, April 4, 2005
What a pain in the ass this place is! Sergeants all over the place, trying to push you to get things done, get your stuff ready, and then pack you on the plane to basic training. Most of the recruits were heading to Fort Jackson, in South Carolina, while a smaller contingent of us were on the way to Benning. There were a lot of girls getting ready for the trip to Jackson, but it was only guys heading to Fort Benning. Normally that would have been a disappointment, but I was pretty sure that the drill sergeants would be keeping me way too busy and way too tired to worry about girls. I’d gone out with this one girl, a friend of one of my buddies from the gas station, a couple of times since getting back from skiing, but while she was cute enough, we really never clicked.
Tuesday, April 5,2005
If the sergeants were a pain at MEPS, they were a royal pain at the Reception Battalion at Fort Benning. The 30th Adjutant General Battalion has a three-day ‘processing’ to get soldiers into their Basic Combat Training units, and I was being assigned to the 1-46th Infantry Regiment, my ‘home’ and family for the next 26 weeks. The sergeants at the 30th acted just like wannabe drill sergeants, and we were pushed around to hurry up to wait in the next long line, for three days. More physicals, more tests, and more paperwork, all in Army triplicate.
There was one paperwork line for next-of-kin, the final paperwork on whom we wanted notified if we got injured in training or shot up in Iraq. I had put Emily out of my mind fairly successfully over the last 2½ months, but for some reason, I wanted to put her down as the person to be notified. That was silly, and I couldn’t have if I had truly wanted to: I didn’t know her phone number or address.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
I was sitting at what passed for home for me, a bunkhouse on a cattle ranch outside of Elko, Nevada, when I saw that I had an e-mail from Jane, the secretary of our high school class. As the class secretary, and, of course, head cheerleader and most dreamed-about girl in school, it was Jane’s duty to organize our class reunions, and Jane was going through, trying to find everybody – since a lot of the girls had different last names now, it wasn’t always easy for her – to find out who would be interested in coming to a ten-year reunion, which she was trying to put together for this coming August. It’s a long way from our hometown in New Jersey to northeastern Nevada, and I e-mailed back that it wasn’t very likely that I’d get to go. Except for two classmates who had gone early to their eternal rewards, I was probably the farthest away of any of us.
I was working on the Botticelli’s cattle ranch, a job I’d fallen into thanks to an Army buddy. A lot of ‘regular’ employers weren’t really interested in Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, I guess that they thought we were all PTSD cases who’d shoot up their businesses, but ranch labor in Nevada was simply a matter of going out to a ranch and asking for work. If they needed help, and you were willing to do manual labor, you got hired. Since I could already ride a horse, that was just a plus.
The Botticellis had over a thousand acres, and they raised cattle, both their own and some others that they fattened up on a gain basis, they were paid by how much weight the cattle gained. The owners worked as hard as the hired hands, and had an absolutely awesome set-up. Their house was an old cabin that had been added onto as the years passed, but for a bedroom, they had a double bed, set up on the top of a small hill, with four poles and a roof over it, and a fence to keep out the coyotes. Summer or winter, that was where Mr and Mrs Botticelli slept, and I thought that was just great. In these semi-arid conditions, there were few bothersome insects, and the smell of rain on the sagebrush was just amazing.
The hired hands? We slept in a gang bunkhouse. It was big, way bigger than the crew needed, and it had everything we needed: bunks, a big bathroom and showers, electricity, cable television and even an internet connection. With room-and-board provided for the hands, I could save most of my pay.
There was work for all of us, every day. Since I could ride, I frequently got the fence detail, riding the fences to see if anything needed to be repaired. If I found a bad place, one that I couldn’t fix with the cutters and pliers I kept in the saddle bags, I called in on my cell with the location – the Botticellis had numbered all of the fence posts the way the electric company labels power poles – and a crew would come out in a pickup truck with whatever was needed to repair the fences. It was cheaper to send out a rider on horseback to check the fences than send the truck around to check, since gas was so expensive, and I loved that duty: I got to work by myself and be responsible for myself, out in the open on that big ranch.
Of course, there were other jobs, jobs which frequently seemed to involve cow manure. I’d rather ride the fences!
I’d dated a couple of girls in Elko, but it never turned into anything serious. I didn’t really like Elko all that much: it was a boring, ranch-service town, with three big casinos to pull in gamblers from Utah, those Mormons just loved to gamble, and while you could find some gambling in Utah, there wasn’t much of it. A lot of Elko’s income came from the Mormons! Trouble is, there wasn’t really all that much interesting in Elko, at least, not that I knew of, other than the casinos – and four brothels – and I just wasn’t interested in those. I was good-looking enough to get la
id without going to Sue’s Fantasy club, but I didn’t really try that hard, and consequently, didn’t get laid very often. A couple of the guys teased me that I must’ve been gay because I wasn’t spending every free moment looking for girls. The truth was that, though I’d only been close to her for three days, ten years ago, I had never, ever met another girl like Emily. If you had asked me if I was still carrying a torch for her, I’d have denied it, but that would have been a lie.
You know how memories fade over time, how you can remember what happened, but no longer have the mental picture? I didn’t remember every move of sex with her, but I could still see, as clearly as the day it happened, when we’d wound up sharing the same bed, purely by accident, and I asked Emily to kiss me. She said no, she didn’t want to, and then I said that I had just noticed how pretty her eyes were. I got that kiss, but Emily wasn’t quite ready for sex at the moment, and just cuddled up against me to go to sleep.
It turned out that we didn’t go to sleep right then, and maybe an hour later Emily turned really frisky, but the memory of her just laying beside me, with her head on my shoulder, that has stayed with me through the boiling heat of Iraq, the mud houses of Afghanistan, and riding the fences in the dead of winter in the high desert of Nevada.
The other hands were shooting the shit, and getting ready to head to the Stockmen’s Casino in Elko. The sun was still up, but about to set, and I walked out of the bunkhouse. ‘You going to the Stockmen’s with us?’ they called out to me, but they knew the answer, I had only been a few times, and didn’t care for it. I didn’t care for gambling, and the girls just all seemed so plastic to me. I could go and stare at some surgically-engineered tits if I wanted – and what real girl has a 23 inch waist and 38DD boobs? – but I just wasn’t interested. Jane’s e-mail, and I’m still not sure how she found me, and the thought of a class reunion, brought back memories of Emily, her clear blue eyes, and her soft, soft lips. I could remember her short brunette locks, and how they smelled of a herbal shampoo, and I could remember her idly playing with my chest. I remembered her hands touching my shoulders from behind, when she joined me in the shower, and I remembered how sweetly she tried to take care of my bruised ribs after I took a bad fall skiing down the big hill.
The Botticelli’s ranch was at 6,000 feet in the high desert, with the Ruby Mountains off to the west, and that led to clear skies and sudden sunsets over the 11,000 foot peaks. The snow was mostly gone from the ranch in late April, but the Rubies were still glistening white in the day, deep blue just before sunset, and a brilliant rose color just as the sun went down behind the range. On the next rise over, the Botticelli’s outdoor bedroom sat, small in the distance. It was then that I decided: yes, I was going to that reunion, on the chance that I could have one dance, and one more kiss, from Emily.
The sentence had been passed. The only sentence that could have been passed under the circumstances, and Emily let her head fall as she heard it.There would be no appeal, the evidence had been given correctly, and faultlessly, and she knew that any appeal she made would fail. Even to appeal against the sentence would be futile. For this offence their was only one sentence, and that was what she had been given.Even though she had been expecting it, Emily was still a little shocked when it had...
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Sometimes it pays off to be an identical twin...I had lusted after Emily since the day my twin brother Henry introduced her to me. His new girlfriend had just moved to the midwest from New York, and despite the fact that she was a Yankee fan, I was smitten. Her body was unbelievable, perfect in every way. She was petite, perhaps 5’2?, 110 pounds, with the greatest pair of natural DDD tits I have ever laid eyes on. She loved to show them off too, always wearing low-cut shirts and sweaters,...
I was suddenly embarrassed. I had small pointy breasts and I never wore a bra to bed. I could feel them now, poking out the front of my t-shirt; his eyes were drawn right to them. "Excuse me," I mumbled, feeling heat color my face. "I wasn't expecting anyone up." His blinking eyes were locked on my twin points, his face coloring just like mine. I crossed my arms over my chest, wrapped myself in them really, but that only made it worse. No, worse was that I was standing there in my...
Introduction: The story of the one girl I have always wanted… Before I begin, let me tell you a little about my history with Emily. I cant say how exactly we became such good friends, but in my junior year I took her (a freshman) under my wing, and our relationship developed rapidly. We stayed great friends through out school&hellip,having sleep-overs, going to parties&hellip,in the end I might even say that in those two years as friends, I went on more dates with her than with all of my...
Gelangweilt sitzt Emily, ein junges, asiatisches Mädchen, vor dem Fernseher. Es scheint einfach nichts gutes zu kommen. Und das an einem Freitag! Sie schaut auf die Uhr. Halb 10. Ob sie doch noch auf Sarah's Einladung eingehen sollte? Ihr Handy brummte. Als könne ihre beste Freundin Gedanken lesen. "Letzte Chance. Tobi und ich fahren jetzt los. Sollen wir dich abholen?" Nein, beschließt Emily. Sie würde nur wieder allein herumsitzen und sich langweilen. Und dafür teure Drinks kaufen? Nein...
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New school was called the Morgan and was in Stobswell area Dundee. OIt was an old building and it had large towers at the front, it was quite imposing. Fortunately most of my friends changed school at the same time so I knoew a lot of the new commers. It was a busy time of my life for I had only recently discovered the wonders of sex. I visited my uncle about once a month and we usually had some form of sex. And at home my Dad would often come into my room at night and wake to have...
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IncestThat first night had been a little tense but had worked out well for him. After seeing to all her personal needs he had stripped and climbed into bed with her. She had started to sputter but almost immediately gained control of herself and then had lain as stiff and straight as a board. She was still blindfolded and would remain so for now. He needed her to begin to count on him for everything. The trust would come soon after. She had to have faith that no matter what he would be there for...
Hi friends, my name is playboy, I am 22 years old, living in Gujarat now. I am a regular reader of ISS. Ladies like to share her feeling for her cousins with me, or like to chat with me or meet me, please mail me at will also give u my cell number when we will be online. Today I thought I will share my experience I had with my cousin sister, swati. She is my maternal aunt’s daughter, who used to live in another town. She is 3 year elder to me. We both got introduced to incestsex at a tender...
IncestNEIGHBORS by Rachel Ann Cooper © 1997 My name is George Brent and Marla and I had met in college although we never had dated. It wasn't that I wasn't attracted to her. I was, but she seemed a little tall for me. See, I'm only 5'7" and she is 5'6" and we're within eight pounds of one another. I'm slight and non muscular. It was too even a match. However, she was offered a good job in auditing at Conner Corporation and grabbed it up while I lingered trying to find...
Being 34 years old, standing at 62 and weighing in at 170 lbs. Dark reddish blondish brownish, Low Cesar haircut. I'm a mixed man, mothers Italian, fathers Puerto Rican and Indonesian. I don't know my parents, they were killed in a high jacking in a airplane coming from Italy visiting my grandparents on my mom's side. All I know is at five I was living with my grandfather on my dads side, In Puerto Rico, and things changed from the start. I went from hi middle-class, proper education...
Erich informed me that his aunt’s farm was just a few more hours away. He was ecstatic, giddy with the thought of companionship, and frequently told me so. I was thrilled as well, but it had been so long since I had last felt joy, I could not fully break free from my melancholy state of mind. My heart alternately raced with excitement and terror at my decision. I could find little comfort except in the calming nature of Erich’s smile. Each time his face split into a grin I admired the...
One of the reasons my wife Cindy married me was my healthy nine inch cock. Cindy and I enjoyed a great sex life and we wanted to experiment with new things. But it turned out that anal sex was out of the question. Every time I went to put the head of my sizable organ into Cindy’s small tight ass she screamed in excruciating pain. I understood why, her asshole was so small in comparison to my huge cockhead that I knew there was no way I could assfuck her. So we just decided to rule out anal...
She’d heard, just a little bit earlier that something crazy was going on outside. At first, it concerned her but when she “closed down” and got all her stuff so she could head home she found out what everyone meant. Emily, one of the newest employees walked out alone. She froze when she saw it. She could not believe her eyes. Buildings all around her, for whatever reason, were on fire. People were rioting and she had no idea why. She was frightened to death. Never before had the young woman...
Making the Boss a Bitch By Trish Katrina had been working for Flights of Fantasy for about three months and really enjoyed her work. To every one there, she was simply Katie Burke, the boss's secretary and liked it that way. It was not so much that she was trying to hide her aristocratic background because she was not, but she did conveniently fail to mention that her full title and name was Lady Katrina Evington-Burke. Katie did not really like all the fuss that happened when...
I had been working on a difficult project with a looming deadline for about three weeks without giving much thought or consideration to life outside the job. I had not taken time for personal time, including spending time with my wife. She said she understood and had kept herself busy with her work, friends and outside activities. Until one Saturday morning. Having worked late into the night Friday night talking to personnel across the country coordinating a solution to our problem, I was...
It may have been the Summer of Love in 1967, but as a 16 year old boy at a single-sex school, it wasn't! The nearest I came to a sexual experience was swapping girlie mags with my mates – Girl Illustrated, Parade, Health and Efficiency and such like. These were turn-ons but frustratingly only showed breasts and nipples rather than anything “down below”, although the occasional small-format nudie book would display girls who had been air-brushed so they looked like dummies from a shop window...
So here I am sitting on my knees, hands on my thighs, ass perched just for you. My corset has been untied slightly and my thong is askew. The smell of my sex is everywhere. I lock eyes with you as a good girl would. I know that breaking a rule at this point would earn me a punishment and I don’t want to risk that. You stand, in control, it looks as though nothing is out of place. The only indication is the bulge growing in your work pants. Coming down from my sex high I begin to smell the mix...
Introduction: Well, its been five years since stranger joined the prostitution ring, by posting some fucking pictures and videos of his little brother, David. This, of course was nothing but the very beginning. He did realize that having such a cute little brother would actually be a gift. Now, using his little brother as the perfect carnage for getting some flesh virgin boys/girls from school, the park, the streets, the cinema, or even from their own houses, bringing a nice pray to our...
Introduction: I couldnt get this out of my head. so I put it to paper. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Submission by Pleasure I was in the shower shaving. I havent done anything like this in a while and it made me nervous. More then anything I wanted to please you. So I shave naked removing all hair. As the last one is removed I dry and put a tasteless lotion on all over my skin so the smell lingers but the taste is nonexistent. I walk to my bedroom, opening drawers and looking through...
Cold, steady rain beats against the restaurant window, almost drowning out the sound of my racing heart. Looking at my reflection, I wonder again what on earth I’m doing here. What possessed me to agree to meet with a man I had only talked to on the Internet? True, I was intrigued by his thoughtful words of humour, philosophy and, of course, romance. I had gazed at his photograph so often I was sure I could recognize every line of his face, the turn of his strong jaw, full lips, and dark eyes....
"Today's Brown Bag Lunch topic is one I know many people will find helpful." Ms. Hubbard gestured to a woman standing to one side of the room. "Last week's topic was a primer on cunnilingus. We continue that theme this week with Breasts 101. And presenting this topic is Sandy from HR." Sandy was an enthusiastic blonde who was the HR Manager. She smiled out at the crowd, and Dace Baker, sitting in the second row, straightened up. Sandy usually had good advice, especially when it came to...
I had been divorced for almost three years when Cheryl, my ex sister-in-law called one evening to say she was coming to town for a week-long business seminar, and wanted to get together for dinner and drinks. I asked where she would be staying, and she replied she was bunking with three other women in a hotel downtown. She and I had always been very good friends, and remained close and in contact following the divorce - which she blamed squarely on her sister. I suggested she stay at my home in...
Joey made it home as he went up to his mom as she wanted to make sure he did his homework! Joey’s mom still looking good in her young age of 38 alway made sure to be a good mother to her only child as she had him when she was in her early 20’s her husband always away at work as he is a police officer! Joey’s Mom’s name is Kim and she is a stay at home mom well until Joey is old enough to be home alone then she will try and find herself a hobby of her own! “So was the neighbors dog doing...
The sextet had a busy time ahead. They spent most of the first week just sorting out who was to do what to get the girls set up. Aaden was a huge help as he outlined what was required and how Lord Storm ran his presses and printing shops. One of the first things they decided to do was fix the road between the two cities, as it needed some serious work. Keven’s City, Rockville, was also on the coastline. The road from Greco her city was severely rutted and had to cross several low-lying...
Chapter Five: Step Two: Avoid Leaving Your Master’s Side at All Costs! The biggest problem, when it came to having dinner with Vivian’s parents, was that for some reason they always want to sit around the table at his place. Sure, there were plenty of other problems, too, but Avery considered this one to be at the very top of the list. On any other occasion, Vivian’s parents liked to go out to expensive five star restaurants for dinner. Why they felt such a strong need to invade his personal...
i started talking to this guy online and we had been talking for a while swap pics of each other and agcreed to meet up on saturday at 11 in his town. it was saturday 11 o clock i was waiting at the side of the river waiting for him. 5 mins later he rang me and said to meet him at his house so i went to his house. i knock on the door he answer wearing nothing but tight pants he said ‘come in’ so i went in and sat on the sofa he came in the room and stood and he had a huge hard on he did not...
I met my wife about a 3 decade ago. She already had quite a few notches in her bedpost, and also a few guys she still "played" with from time to time without her boyfriend of the moment knowing. By 4 months after we met she had realized she could do what/ who she pleased and it only made me happier as long as I got pictures or watched. We made arrangements to go out to a strip club with an old boyfriend and she told him to bring his buddy from work who has about a 9 inch cock. I drove my Chevy...
Gorgeous and so very naughty hottie Carolina Sweets has always had a special thing for big black cocks! There is just nothing like feeling a black cock thrusting deep into her tight white pussy! She dreams of the day a black cock fucks her! She’ll take them all whenever she can! Rob gives her his and he loves how she rides on top in reverse cow girl taking control as she fucks that cock with everything she got! She wants to feel as he sprays his load all over her tits and chest! Nothing...
xmoviesforyouMany friends, some of them curious and excited by my (recently discovered) Polaroid pictures made at the seaside (with stockings) when I was 17 years old, asked me to tell the story associated to them. Someone also pointed out, "but if in one of your stories you talk about your first man -see story “my first man”- after having been “initiated” by a trans, then who was actually your first man? "First of all, let me say that I can assure you that my stories are not fancy, they are absolutely...
Oh, you, pretty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang we love you. (sharp) And, in, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, what we'll do. (flat) Near, far, in our motor car oh what a happy time we'll spend. (flat) Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Our fine four fendered friend. (sharp) Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Our fine four fendered friend. (flat) Despite...
Viral Video Tube! I know how fucking horny you get for hot Indian babes. You want to taste that delicious brown skin, eat that tight pussy, and pull out your rock hard johnson and give them the time of their lives. Well, I doubt you are going to be filling up a gorgeous Indian bitch any time soon. So you might as well be content with the killer content that you find on ViralVideoTube instead.Here, you will find a wide variety of stunning Indian gals that will want to show your ass one hell of a...
Indian Porn SitesAmanda's Wedding Album Chapter 1 - The Photo Shoot Michael realized just how fortunate he was. He was one of the lucky few whose wives actually preferred them to keep their bodies hairless. She often asked him to shave his chest and legs, and he would reluctantly give in after putting up a brief fight, making it seem like it was all for her while secretly enjoying every minute of it. She had no idea that he was a closet crossdresser, and he was pretty sure that she would neither...