Artscape free porn video

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Sophie and I have a great life. We compliment each other in every way, and are the envy of our circle of friends, who can’t believe that two so dissimilar personalities can co-exist in a harmonious relationship such as ours.

Sophie is an artist of some note, having had works accepted into the Archibald (The most prestigious portrait prize in Australian art) for the past five years. While she hadn’t actually won the major prize, her works were very well received and chosen for display.

I am a writer, also of some note, having progressed from the ranks of a hack Journalist to a serious writer of fiction. My detractors have said that this was not a major culture shift for me. My works have made the best seller lists on a regular basis, and while they have never been nominated for the Booker or any other Literary prize, they have provided me with a comfortable enough income to the point where I no longer have to prostitute my literary talents to please the media tyrants.

What made our relationship work so well was that we had, from the very beginning, both accepted that our talents needed space and alone time. That’s not to say that we didn’t intrude from time to time to look at each other’s work in progress and comment on them, it’s just that we realised that the creative energies sometimes needed a time free of distraction. There were even times when we shared our distraction free time, walking along the beach near our home, with no physical link binding us together, just our spiritual and creative links being fed and nurtured in that individual and collective solitude.

That we got together in the first place was something that you would more likely expect to read in a work of romantic fiction. It should never have happened, but was meant to be.

I drove up to the front of the main building at Montpellier, an ‘Artiste’s Community’ run by Giles Featherstonehaugh, (pronounced ‘fash-en-oo’, don’t ask me how you can get from one to the other) a self-styled arts promoter and entrepreneur. It was famous for being the temporary home to many of this country’s artists, authors and poets during the summer months when the cities sweltered. It was positioned on a headland overlooking the Pacific Ocean, and was cooled by the sea breezes that blew in every afternoon. It was an idyllic setting, and its fame had reached the point where one had to be invited to attend.

I hadn’t been invited because of my literary talents, my Editor had wangled an invite on the basis of me writing a ‘puff piece’ promoting the community as the pinnacle of artistic life. The artists etc. knew that they had made it when the richly embossed envelope containing the invite slid through the slot in each of their letter boxes.

‘This has got to be a hot-bed of drunken debauchery,’ He, my Editor said. ‘Find out what you can, sniff around and wriggle out what actually goes on there. Rumour has it that Giles only invites young and pretty women as his female guests, women that the men there would greatly desire, and that he test-drives them personally before letting them loose on the paying customers. If these rumours are to be believed, this place is nothing more than a high priced, high class, artistic brothel.’

These words were resonating in my mind as I walked into the cool foyer to be greeted by Mandy, the very pretty ‘receptioniste de jour’. ‘Good morning sir, welcome to Montpellier, what is your name?

‘Michael Grantham.’

‘Ah yes, we have you in bungalow 27. I will let Giles know that you have arrived.’ She picked up a phone and minutes later Giles wafted in followed by a heavy dose of ‘Obsession’.

To say that he was flamboyantly attired would be understating the situation. His brightly printed caftan in tropical hues flowed around him like a cloud. Around his neck was a red bandana, on his feet hirachi sandals and on his head a top hat painted in bright colours and sporting a long stemmed red rose that sprouted from the hat band. ‘My good man, how nice to see you, welcome, welcome. Let me show you to your bungalow, come, come, mustn’t dally old chap, we have a gathering of the masses, perfect timing for the intro.’

He turned and strode towards the side door and a long covered walkway. I had no option but to follow him. ‘Over there is the swimming pool, attire optional by the way. Down there is the Common room and Dining hall, and down here is your bungalow.’ He glanced at the key to see which number it was, and lengthened his stride. Reaching number 27, he opened the door and led me in. ‘The bedroom is through there.’ He said, pointing to a doorway. ‘The bathroom is at the end of the corridor, and the kitchenette is in the corner over there. There are supplies for cups of tea, you have a choice of green or herbal, no coffee allowed, and there is no alcohol in the fridge, only bottled water and juices. We do have organic wine with our meals, but spirits are strictly forbidden, as are drugs of any sort.’

‘Looks great. It’ll do me good to get away from the rat race and the temptation to drink too much coffee.’

‘Dump your stuff and follow me. I’ll introduce you to those here. You may know some, but there are a few up and coming artists that are not widely known, yet. But they will be, otherwise they would not be here.’

I dumped my bag on the bed and scurried after him. We reached the Common Room to be confronted by a rather heated discussion in progress. ‘I tell you that this modern art is a cop out.’

‘That’s McKinley Laird, a traditional portrait artist who’s works closely imitate a photographic portrait.’ Giles whispered to me.

‘Take Jackson Pole-axe.’ McKinley’s deliberate mispronunciation of the name did not pass un-noticed. ‘His work looks as if he just stands back and throws paint at the canvas, there is no structure, no rhyme or reason to it. A total mish-mash that can be interpreted in a squillion different ways. The money that the National Gallery spent on ‘Blue Poles’ would have been better spent supporting the local arts community.’

‘People.’ Giles called the meeting to order. ‘I would like you to meet Michael Grantham, he has joined us for the next month. While he is here he will be undertaking two important works for me. One is to write a piece on us as a community of artists that will tell the world around us about the excellent concept that we are developing here. Secondly, he is writing his ‘magnum opus’ under my patronage. I have been advised by his agent that he needs to get right away from the pressures of his world and concentrate on this work. The potential is there, he just needs the space and time to realise that potential. So one and all, you are to make him welcome. Now let me see, who shall I appoint as his mentor?’ He glanced around the room. ‘Ah yes, Sophie, you will be perfect in this role. Don’t just stand there child, come, come, and introduce yourself.’

From the look that she gave him, it was obvious to me, if not everyone else, that this was a task that she had no intention of carrying out. She walked over to me, her hand held out. ‘I’m Sophie Cantrall, your chosen mentor.’ If the look hadn’t been enough to make her feelings obvious, the coolness of her tone certainly was.

I took her hand and was just about to tell her that I was about as happy with this arrangement as she, when Giles’ voice cut through the air. ‘What kind of welcome is that? Kiss the man Sophie, and that’s an order!’ He was close to anger, being used to having his orders obeyed with such a lack of enthusiasm was foreign to him. Or was there something else behind this?

I have to admit that he covered his tracks well. No sooner had his order been issued, than he burst into loud and prolonged laughter. ‘We will have friendship in this place or you can all bugger off!’ Apparently this statement was made on a regular basis over the summer, and no-one took any notice of it. This was all a part of the show that he put on for the paying guests.

As Sophie’s lips le
ft mine I whispered to her. ‘I’m not happy with this. Don’t get me wrong, of all the women here, I would have chosen you if asked, but only if you agreed. Let’s go outside and discuss this, and see if we can come to an arrangement that will satisfy his Lordship, and that we can live with.’

‘We’ll have to make it look good.’ She took my hand and we headed for the door.

‘That’s it, off with you and get to know each other!’ This was followed again by his raucous laughter. I detected a note of displeasure in his attitude to us leaving.

‘From the paint on your hands, I would hazard a guess that you’re an artist.’ I said by way of introducing myself. ‘What do you paint, landscapes, portraits, abstracts?’

‘Portraits mainly, that’s where the big bickies are, if you’re good enough that is. All that you need to do is to find someone whose wallet is as big as his ego. I have several commissions waiting for me when I get home.’

‘Is that why you feel that it’s beneath your dignity to be forced to waste your time associating with a literary hack like me?’

‘No!’ She looked directly into my eyes. ‘No.’ Her voice moderated itself. ‘It’s just that I don’t like the way that Giles was ordering me around, as if I was his chattel, to do with what he willed. And I don’t believe that you are a literary hack at all. I read your articles in the papers, and I find them thought provoking and often amusing. But I also feel that you are being shackled by editorial bias on many occasions. If the main purpose for you being here is to break free from those shackles, then I say go for it. If there is another reason for you being here, like to get the dirt on Giles, and his harem that he hires out to other men here, I’m not going to stand in your way. If you must know, he and I have had a disagreement about that. I rejected his advances and told him that I was here to recharge my artistic batteries, not to go to bed with him or any of his ‘friends’. He is not happy with me, which is why he ordered me to be your mentor. He is trying to force me to leave.’

‘I have a proposition for you.’

‘Oh yes, and what might that be?’

‘Only if you’re up for it mind you. How would you like to take the piss out of this mob of pretentious artists and writers?’

‘You’ve been here for what, half an hour, and you’ve already picked up on that. What exactly do you have in mind?’

‘I’ll make some comment tonight on a topic that’s under discussion, and I want you to jump in and ‘expose’ me as a Journalist and not a proper writer. Hopefully someone will make some comment about poetry. When you challenge me, I’ll come out with something that I wrote that is a bit of amusing doggerel. You of course will challenge me to come up with something deep and meaningful, not something that an advertising copywriter or a greeting card writer would write. I will come out with a piece of pretentious bullshit, that hopefully the others will be drawn to comment on. You will continue to badger me in the hope that Giles will have to step in and separate us. My feeling is that, when he calms us down, he will order us to kiss and make up, which, if you agree that you can oblige without throwing up, we will comply with, enthusiastically, very enthusiastically. That will probably piss him off no end.’

‘I think that I can stretch my acting abilities to that. You think that these people are a mob of pretentious phonies, don’t you?’

‘Present company excepted, yes. That guy that was waffling on, McKinley Laird, (a phony name if ever I heard it), about Jackson Pollack is a case in point, he was parroting someone else’s opinion and making out that it was his own.’

‘How do you know that?’

‘Because my father, who was an art critic for one of the major city papers, wrote that at the time that that painting was purchased. Not those exact words but near enough. He can’t be had up for plagiarism, but his argument was not an original thought on his part.’

‘But how is all that going to make Giles happy?’

‘It’s not, and it’s not meant to, but the lead up will. We will walk back in there as if we had been making love and have decided that we are going to be more than the best of friends. He will, on the surface at least, be happy that his plan to force you into a sexual relationship has been a success. But, having been rejected by you, he will get jealous of me having succeeded where he failed. When we have our little dust-up this evening, he will be happy that our affair didn’t last the distance. Then we will play our trump card. I will come up with a poem that I wrote that takes the piss out of pretentious poets. In the mean time, what I said about you being the one that I’d choose if I had the opportunity still stands. Not because you’re by far and away the best looking woman there, but there was something in your expression, when McKinley was crapping on, that told me that you think about as much of this mob as I do.’

‘You’re very right there. Everyone told me when I got the invitation that I should somehow feel privileged to get it, and it would do my career the world of good, and that if I didn’t come here Giles would crucify me. One simply does not refuse a Giles summons. That brings me to another point. Exactly why are you here? And don’t give me that crap about coming here to write a puff piece. You are here to dig the dirt, aren’t you?’

‘Are you going to blow the whistle?’

‘No, in fact if you want some help you can count me in.’

‘Okay, I’ll tell all later, but for now I think that we’ve had enough time to do what has been expected of us, shall we go back and face the innuendos of the masses?’

‘Wait a minute, we can’t go in there looking as if we’ve done nothing.’ Sophie mussed up my hair, kissed me more passionately than I expected, making sure that her lipstick (yes she was wearing some makeup) was smeared around my mouth. She then pulled my shirt out of my trousers at the back and left the shirt-tail hanging. ‘There, you look the part.’

‘What about you, you can’t go in there looking like a fashion model, we have to mess your appearance about a bit, don’t you think?’ I undid her blouse a few buttons and then did it up missing one button in the process. I twisted the waistband of her skirt a little, undid the clasp that held her hair in place, and she shook it out. ‘What are you like at sheepish grins?’

‘I think that I can manage.’

‘Good, let us return to the gathering.’

‘Ah, the lovers return!’ Giles stood and clapped as we entered the common room. ‘I wasn’t expecting you to come back so soon.’

‘If we’d stayed away any longer we would have been totally exhausted and not been able to participate in this gathering.’ Sophie told them. ‘Michael needed to take a break after his magnificent efforts.’ She hugged me and looked longingly into my eyes, a smile of satisfaction spread across her face.

‘You were the one that wanted to stop.’ I told her. ‘I could have lasted another minute at least.’ I kissed her. I held her chair out for her, and slid it under her as she sat, leaning over, I kissed her again. Giles was not amused at our show of affection.

When the gathering broke for lunch. Sophie and I sat together at the long refectory table. Giles was at the head, behaving for all the world like a feudal Baron, giving orders to the waiting staff, pontificating over the organic wine from his own vineyards. I didn’t think it politic to mention that I thought it was crap, it had all the qualities on the palate of a cheap vinegar, but everyone drank it and those who wanted to suck up to him proclaimed it an excellent vintage,

‘God, this stuff is ghastly.’ Sophie whispered to me. ‘I’ll have no problem getting this one glass to last the whole meal, in fact there’ll be some left in the glass.’

‘It is pretty bad, only someone with no tastebuds could think it drinkable.’ I whispered in return.

After lunch we all broke up and went our separate ways, except for
Sophie and I. ‘Would you like to se the portrait that I’m working on?’ She asked as we walked past Giles.

‘Can I? I didn’t think artists allowed anyone to see works in progress.’

‘We don’t like the subject seeing it, simply because the prep work looks a mess until the details are applied.’ Hand in hand we went off to the studio space that she was working in. There was a drop sheet over the easel to keep any dust or bugs off. When she removed it I saw, even though it was only the background and base coats, that it would eventually be a portrait of our esteemed host. ‘I’m having problems not turning this into a caricature.’

‘If you need the money you’ll have to curb your natural urges.’

‘How would you like me to do you?’

‘What do you mean when you say ‘do’ me?’

‘Paint your portrait. The other can come later, I hope.’ Her smile was as lascivious as I have ever seen, her meaning clear.

‘I say yes to both, not necessarily in that order, after all, we are supposed to be madly in lust.’ The look that I gave her was equally lascivious.

Sophie picked up a sketch pad and within minutes had produced a rough, very rough, sketch of a naked me with a raging hard-on at least twice the size of my real one. ‘Dream on.’ I said, ‘I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it’s not that big, not quite that big.’

‘I’ll just have to find out for myself, won’t I?’

‘If I didn’t know better, I’d think that you are enjoying this.’

‘I am. I came here because I had been summoned by Giles, and as I said before, one just doesn’t ignore a Giles summons. I came determined to do what I could to enjoy myself and stay well clear of Giles and anyone else who had ideas of getting into my pants. What I didn’t anticipate was meeting someone who seemed to have the same ideas about Giles as I do, and wants to stir the pot a little, and who I fancy, and would allow to make love to me if he wanted to.’

‘That’s very forward of you, and yes, I want to. I have been told of the reputation of these gatherings and how they inevitably end up as an orgy. That by the way is the real reason that I am here, to expose what goes on here. I noticed you as soon as I entered the Common Room and resolved to concentrate my efforts on you, especially as Giles seemed to take great delight in shoving us together. I gathered from that that you had rebuffed him, and he was going to make you suffer for that by forcing you to be my mentor, knowing that I am the least in terms of artistic or literary accomplishments. What he said about me writing under his patronage was so much bullshit, designed to make him look good. Everything about this place is designed to make him look good. What I am trying to get my head around is, how does he finance these little gatherings?’

‘I think that I might be able to help you out there. He has some very wealthy contacts who take delight in endowing the arts with loads of cash that they can write off on their income tax. Up and coming artists are invited to attend free of charge. While they are here they are introduced to these wealthy patrons who commission art works from these artists. These commissions, if the artist is good enough, will make them very wealthy. When they are subsequently invited to these gatherings, they are charged for the privilege of attending on the basis that they can now afford it. Over the next few weeks, as the time passes, you will be introduced to these wealthy patrons on the chance that one of them will commission a project.’

‘What would one of them possibly want of me?’

‘You will be presented as a well credentialed investigative Journalist who wants to branch out into ‘proper literary endeavours’, say a biography of a wealthy family, sanitised of course. We couldn’t have closets opened to reveal any skeletons now could we?’

‘How can I demonstrate my literary abilities?’

‘By making erudite comments in any literary discussion. How are you at poetry?’

‘Hate it actually, why? I don’t really, since I realised that the stuff that was rammed down my throat at school, mostly 19th Century English, isn’t the only poetry written, I have come to enjoy some of it.’

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Hi friends how’s u Mere bare me jaante chate ho Height 5′11 land ka size 8 inch lamba or 3inc mota ha To me apko apni story bata hoon ya kahani un dino ki ha jab ma 10th ma padta tha mare ak english ki techer thi name tha unka ponam wo dikna ma kafi sexy thi un ki age 24 or thi or mare age 18 ki thi un ka figer kafi mast tha un ka figer ka size 34-28-36 tha.jab wo class ma padthi thi to mare najer un ka uper he hothi thi. jab wo chalthi to ma un ki gand ko dake karte tha Class ma kahi bare mane...

2 years ago
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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 3

RACHAEL WOKE SLOWLY. WARMING morning sun streamed through her open window. She relaxed, loving the feeling of having slept deeply. In the last few days she’d changed. She could feel it. She didn’t feel anxiety at being disconnected with her friends back in Los Angeles. In fact, she didn’t miss being there. Slowly, without being conscious of it, she’d grown to like the peace and isolation here. It was nice not to worry about fitting in, being part of the right group, or trying to rebel...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 182

After midnight I was on the road to pickup the liquor. There were twenty gallon milk jar filled with liquor. I unloaded it at the storage building. Long ago I had bought shelves for the storage building. I had put in the wrong kind so I had replaced them from the storage units I bought. The walls were completely lined with shelves. The twenty five gallons didn't even come close to filling them. I left the liquor to rest while I went to the closest large town. In the Sam's Club I bought...

3 years ago
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Charlie the cleaning ladys niece

Jim’s day hadn’t started well. He’d forgotten to set the alarm for an early start – and so had almost missed the train. His relief was short lived. Half an hour into the journey the train had stopped. A major points failure, was the explanation. After another half an hour standing still he’d realised he was never going to make the meeting. He phoned to let his boss know – and eventually he managed to get back to his home station. At around 10.30 he was unlocking the door to the home he’d left...

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Walking With The Gods

Edited by Isaac Newton, circa 2006, Revision 1.4 A romantic attraction has clung To a chap of whom damsels have sung: "'Tis the Scourge from the East, That lascivious beast Who was known as Attila the Hung!" To say that I felt like a fish out of water is an understatement. These guys wanted something from me, and so I had been invited. They were looking at me like I was shit on the bottom of their shoe, but normally they never looked at me at all. They were the cool crowd at school...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Nicole Sage Foxey Hot Babe Nicole Sage Fucking Live

Nicole Sage will be giving you whiplash making you look back and check her out. What a babe! She not only will have you checking her out but that cock of yours is going to want to jump out of your pants and right into that beautiful mouth or tight little pussy! Lucky for you Nicole is a total slut and would definitely grab that cock to make it cum for her and on her. She just loves taking it in doggy while feeling her hair get pulled. Smack that beautiful ass and give it to her. She wants it...

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447 mallow manor pt5

Part5He went on, “tonight you will be walked through this great old building so the ghosts of our ancestors can see your body and know you are going to be chastised voluntarily, our first place of chastisement will be the kitchen, where I will hold you over the table and Barry and I will take you hard, before we go up to the room where you will take Bessy`s place this time, and she will hang in yours. Understand?” she nodded, then with a tug on her lead she was led through the gloomy old house...

3 years ago
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Mausi Aur Unki Betiyon Ki Chudai Episode 4

To pichle chudai ke baad mujhe kuchh dino me job mil gaya aur mai mausi ke yaha se dusri jagah shift ho gaya.Aur humara chudayi ka silsila kuchh dino ke liye band ho gaya.Aur phir ek din mausi ne phone pe bataya ki mausa g phir se business meeting ke liye 3din tak bahae jaa rahe hai. To maine bhi company se chutti leli teen dino ke liye aur mai mausi ke ghar pahucha.To pata chala ki didi aur nishu ke exams chal rahe hai issliye wi school gayi thi.Aur mausi sirf akeli thi ghar pe. . To mai waha...

2 years ago
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 13

There Can Be Only One Chapter 13My door was slightly ajar as I sat at the computer checking for any messages on Facebook. I heard the door to mum’s bedroom shut. I quickly rose and darted to open the door just as mum was passing my bedroom. I could hear the girls laughing and giggling in the bathroom opposite. Mum had changed from her Sunday outfit into a shirt and some Capri pants. The way her tits were held I could tell that she was wearing a bra under the loose shirt. I was a little...

2 years ago
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Something for the weekend Chapter 2

She adjusted the volume on an iPod linked to the TV and soft music filled the room, the haunting strains of a slide guitar echoed across the divide between them. She approached him, her hands by her side. “I don't even know..." The words died on his lips as they were hushed by a single finger pressing against them. "No names," she said. "I saw you in the bar watching me, wanting me. Don't tell me you've never fantasised about picking up a stranger? I know I have and this seems like the perfect...

3 years ago
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My training as a sex slave begins at the Gloryhole

My training as a sex slave begins at the Gloryhole   When Clark arrived at my house the next day he said this is your last chance to back out. I said no i want this. Clark then said ok from now on you do whatever i tell you to and whoever i tell you to. Now give me a key to your house. I gave him a key and then he ordered me to strip naked. He said from now on when you're home you must be naked at all times day and night. And from now on you will address me as master. Do you understand? I said...

2 years ago
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New Society New RulesChapter 13

I awoke the next morning to find Maria lying in my bed staring at me. She smiled. "Did you mean it?" she said. "Mean what?" "That you would have chosen me over the other girls." I kissed the tip of her nose. "With all my heart." Her smile grew. "Let's wash up and have breakfast. I'm starved." Still damp from our showers, we walked to the kitchen with ours arms around each other's waist and our naked hips bumping. My mother peered over the coffee cup resting on her bottom...

2 years ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Harley 05022019

Bush Alert! Bush Alert! When 18 year-old Harley showed up for our little shoot I was not expecting a young stripper to have a hairy bush between her legs. But once at the hotel she took off her robe and flashed us what Mother Nature blessed her with… I have to admit, I kind of thought it was hot. If your dream girl is of the Polynesian or South Pacific persuasion then Harley is your type. Long dark silky hair, perfect firm perky tits and I do mean PERFECT, great ass and tight body....

2 years ago
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The Devil Made Me Do ItChapter 3 Corrupting the Mother

On Wednesday afternoon, I arrived at the Left Bank early and took a booth in a corner that was relatively isolated. I told the waitress that I was waiting to order until my friend arrived. She brought me a glass of water to hold me while I waited. Around 3:40 Monica walked in, looked around until she spotted me and came to the booth. I stood until she was seated before reclaiming my place. The waitress came to take our orders and we made small talk until our coffee was served. I started by...

5 years ago
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Bikini Beach The Activist

Bikini Beach: The Activist By Elrod W It was a quiet afternoon. So far, business had been quite good, but this late in the afternoon, it always slowed down. Still, a few people liked to slip in a little late swim and waterplay, so the ticket booth had to stay open. To divert herself from the obvious boredom, Anya wore headphones over her long dark hair; her choice of music didn't quite agree with her grandmother's, so the headphones were a compromise. She was really enjoying the...

4 years ago
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reliving the past

One girl that seemed familiar was looking at me , each time our eyes met she would smile. When finally she came to the bar to get a drink I said hello and paid for her drink.”You haven’t changed a bit “she said “where have you been “.As I told her about college and my job I was still trying to figure out how she knew me. She was a pretty girl,curly blonde hair , blue eyes and a rack that over sized her petite frame. “I am 21 now”she said “do you remember what you said to me 6 years...

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An Assumed InheritanceChapter 5

"Aye, I know lead formations." The speaker was a swarthy, short man with a long beard. Wearing a leather vest and pants, presumably for protection from mines and the forge, he was a model of squat efficiency in motion. The two of them had followed the smoke plume that Debra had seen to this place. A short negotiation with the guards at the mineshaft had led to this leader, "Foreman", he had called himself, coming out to parley with them. The parley was... strained, Esfalan thought,...

3 years ago
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The Passion of Agnes Part 1

I was brought up in the small village of S only a few leagues from Rouen. The people there are quiet peaceful and devout. My mother died when I was very young. I remember milking the cows with her, sweeping the sheds, gathering wild mushrooms in the forest and clinging to her skirts as she cast grain amidst frightening hordes of poultry.My father was a modest trader and farmer. He raised me with tenderness and love and imparted to me the tenets of the most holy faith. He taught me to read and...

2 years ago
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Shared Everything With Anu Including Bed

Hi to everyone I am Rohan; male 21 from Andhra Pradesh. I am an engineering graduate finished in my hometown. I am good looking guy with lot of lust in eyes and exactly 6ft tall. The heroine of this story is Anu. She is fair girl with average structures and medium height and with round firm boobs. I like fair girls very much in that process I attracted towards her. It happened when I was in my final year of engineering. Anu is my classmate. We used to fight in class by commenting each other....

5 years ago
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Relative Confusion

I am reposting this story as I have been wanting to rewrite parts of it for some time. My heartfelt thanks as ever to evanslily for her superb editing skills and advice. Night and Day, Cole Porter. 1932. ****** ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, pray silence for the Father of the Bride,’ the toastmaster called out. Feeling the knot of fear tighten in his stomach, Martin rose to speak. He glanced up and down the table, the linen tablecloth rather less pristine than it had been now the remains of the...

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my fascination with my best friend Jane

My name is Tasha and I'm 19 years old. For a few years i've been curious when it comes to my sexuality, but it wasn't until I met my best friend Jane at college that I realised I was definitely bisexual. Straight away something fascinated me about her, and I didn't know what it was. Sure, she's absolutely gorgeous, she's about 5 ft 5 with a slim size 8 figure, long blonde hair that almost reaches her cute little bum and big brown eyes. She loves to go out partying, and can drink more than me...

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Slut Ashley

Ashley was completely loyal to O.J. for over a year and a half, and she thought she was over her infidelity ways. She was wrong. When she decided to go back to school for a career change, she chose the school that was back in her hometown, and away from O.J.. She lived with her mother, and was given one half of the house for her own use. O.J. would visit on weekends when he could. Things changed rather quickly when she ran into her old friend Holly. They began to hang out quite often, and...

3 years ago
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The woman of the house

The woman of the house.I was sitting in the family room looking at xhamster on my laptop. I pulled down the waistband to my shorts and started stroking my dick. Just as the movie was getting good my daughter Nina came flying out of her room. I let my waistband go and slammed down the cover to the laptop.What's wrong dad? Nothing Nina, you startled me that's all. Why were you moving your hand so fast?I had an itch.An itch that bad? Yes Nina I was scratching it. You shouldn't scratch that hard,...

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Reformed Youth

Attempted rape His name was Steve, Steve Pincardo, age 17. Steve was on his way to the most notorious Youth Offenders Centre in the country. Pachem Hole or Hall by its proper title. He was being sent there for one reason, he was a teen sex offender, one whose traits would not, could not be curbed by anything but Pachem Hole. Pachem Hole had a reputation for changing even the worst deviant teens that were sent there in the space of a few months in residence. How? Well no one outside new and the...

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Trinity Loren The Best of the Best

Born: 8/21/1964 Aliases: Boom Boom Larue, T. Barnes, Trinity Barnes, Roxanne McPherson Birth Name: Joyce Evelyn McPherson Birthplace: La Jolla, California Died: October 24th, 1998 Assumed Aliases: Trinity Barnes | Roxanne | Joyce Evelyn McPherson Height: 5' 4" Weight: 106 lbs Waist: 25 Hips: 37 Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Brown Breast: 38E Joyce Evelyn McPherson born August 21, 1964 in La Jolla, California and died October 24, 1998 was a great porn star, model and stripper. After she entered...

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The Neighborhood MILF Lily

It's been three weeks since DJ and I have split after our open sexual lifestyle seemed to get a little out of hand. He finally was starting to get jealous of my lesbian with flings with some of my friends, and the girls he was sleepiing with were getting younger and younger. But last week when I found out he was banging our friends' daughter, that really took the cake. Lily was about the same age as our youngest daughter. I can't believe that DJ would think it was okay to hook up with someone...

4 years ago
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The Road to Hope

Hope, Alaska is a small town that lies sixteen miles off a deserted stretch of Highway 9, which connects Anchorage to Seward. Not many people live in Hope because there isn't a lot to do there. The population doubles in the summer to a few hundred as the cottages and campgrounds fill up with tourists looking for a peaceful break. During the rest of the year, the town is quiet.As such, Theresa was a little surprised when I took the road to Hope in early May. Having just finished a day in Seward,...

2 years ago
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Her Sensuous SearchChapter 8

After going to bed with two men, Sue knew she should be feeling downright demented and horribly guilty. And she did feel guilty, but not nearly to the extent that she thought she ought to, that any decent married woman would. Actually, the small amount of guilt she did experience was mostly due to the fact that she had so thoroughly enjoyed the thrilling three-way orgy. The immorality of her marital transgression bothered her, to be sure, because it told her in no uncertain terms just how...

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Mere Chudai Ke Kisse Part 4

Asha ke Delhi gaye 2 mahine ho gaye the aur utni der mein maine ek baar bhi chudai nahi ki thi. Main chut marne ko tadap raha tha. Par office ka kaam bhi bohut badh gaya tha to dating ka time nahi mil pa raha tha. Aise mein ek Saturday evening mere phone pe message aaya: ‘Akele ho? Dost chahiye to xxxxxxxx number pe phone karo.’ Standard dating wala message tha. Par usko dekhte hi Goa ki Tina yaad aa gayi. Gf na sahi tan ki bhukh mitane ek randi ko to chod hi sakte hai. Yeh soch ke maine...

2 years ago
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Laura and me part 1

I'm not sure exactly how it started, since it happened around ten years ago. But it was in the swimming pool in the apartment building where I lived with my mother. I would have been 11 at the time I guess, a very shy child, pretty much a loner, and preferring to be by myself rather than hanging around with a bunch of noisy, giggling girls my own age. I really missed my dad ... He and my mother separated when I was 10 and dad went to live in another state. I remember going down to the...

5 years ago
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Marrying Carol 5

I looked around the resort and all I could think of was sex.  We went back to our room and Carol suggested we go to the beach.  I was a little apprehensive but said yes.  Carol put on a transparent beach cover and took a blanket and some sunscreen.  I had a terrycloth bathrobe.  We got to the beach and Carol put down the blanket and took off her beach cover.  I hesitated but finally took off the robe and we both lay down naked on the blanket.Carol is very fair skinned.  I told her I would put...

Wife Lovers
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Neighbor Aunt In Coimbatore 8211 Part 1

I live in coimbatore, we have few family of tenants living in our house, where the buildings are located right next to each other. One day a family of four rented one of the portion, which is in the same compound. Uncle who works in some big shopping mall, and aunt lakshmi a housewife and two school going daughters. She had a great body with perfect round tits and swinging ass. At first I did not have any bad intention towards her. But as days passed I started noticing her, especially when she...

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Pleasured Principles AlphaChapter 4 Firsts

As I sat there thinking she continued to make my tea, but not her own. I asked her about this and she looked up from what she was doing and asked if it was my wish to have her make herself a cup of tea as well. Really? She was asking me if I wanted her to make a cup for herself? Ok, I decided to go along with it and instructed her to do so but to mind my tea and ensure that it came out properly. I'm not sure if it was because she did it intentionally, or if it was because she was just as...

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Emma Watsons After Party

Emma was at the final party for the Harry Potter movies. It was as boring as usual. At least Dan didn’t have a lampshade on his head! Everyone was there. Hence the boring tone.“Heh Emma! I’m the one chosen to invite you to the After Party. It’s very exclusive but really need to have you there! We can’t have the party without you. Your attendance is absolutely essential!” said Tom (Felton).“Where will it be held?” Emma asked.“Because of the number of people expected, we’ve rented an entire floor...

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Overcoming ObstaclesChapter 2 A Businessman Kidnapped

September 21, 1989-09 Howie Markels walked back and forth in front of the hotel cooling off after his morning jog. He’d only done about four miles, but that was more to get loosened up for the day, than a real workout. That had been eight laps around the block on which the hotel was located. Only a few people had been out and about, although it was still more than one might have expected for right after sunrise. Still, bakers, coffee shops, and other businesses that catered to the early...

4 years ago
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Sissy Start

When I was a young man and still living at home my parents went away for a weekend which was fairly rare thing to happen. We lived in a cottage on a big estate where I had grown up and mum and dad both worked. They left on the Friday so I have a boozy night out with my mates and got to bed a bit the worst for wear. Next morning I was awoken by a loud knocking on the door, not what I wanted after the night before.I dragged myself down to the door in just my dressing gown and opened it to find...

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