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Sophie and I have a great life. We compliment each other in every way, and are the envy of our circle of friends, who can’t believe that two so dissimilar personalities can co-exist in a harmonious relationship such as ours.

Sophie is an artist of some note, having had works accepted into the Archibald (The most prestigious portrait prize in Australian art) for the past five years. While she hadn’t actually won the major prize, her works were very well received and chosen for display.

I am a writer, also of some note, having progressed from the ranks of a hack Journalist to a serious writer of fiction. My detractors have said that this was not a major culture shift for me. My works have made the best seller lists on a regular basis, and while they have never been nominated for the Booker or any other Literary prize, they have provided me with a comfortable enough income to the point where I no longer have to prostitute my literary talents to please the media tyrants.

What made our relationship work so well was that we had, from the very beginning, both accepted that our talents needed space and alone time. That’s not to say that we didn’t intrude from time to time to look at each other’s work in progress and comment on them, it’s just that we realised that the creative energies sometimes needed a time free of distraction. There were even times when we shared our distraction free time, walking along the beach near our home, with no physical link binding us together, just our spiritual and creative links being fed and nurtured in that individual and collective solitude.

That we got together in the first place was something that you would more likely expect to read in a work of romantic fiction. It should never have happened, but was meant to be.

I drove up to the front of the main building at Montpellier, an ‘Artiste’s Community’ run by Giles Featherstonehaugh, (pronounced ‘fash-en-oo’, don’t ask me how you can get from one to the other) a self-styled arts promoter and entrepreneur. It was famous for being the temporary home to many of this country’s artists, authors and poets during the summer months when the cities sweltered. It was positioned on a headland overlooking the Pacific Ocean, and was cooled by the sea breezes that blew in every afternoon. It was an idyllic setting, and its fame had reached the point where one had to be invited to attend.

I hadn’t been invited because of my literary talents, my Editor had wangled an invite on the basis of me writing a ‘puff piece’ promoting the community as the pinnacle of artistic life. The artists etc. knew that they had made it when the richly embossed envelope containing the invite slid through the slot in each of their letter boxes.

‘This has got to be a hot-bed of drunken debauchery,’ He, my Editor said. ‘Find out what you can, sniff around and wriggle out what actually goes on there. Rumour has it that Giles only invites young and pretty women as his female guests, women that the men there would greatly desire, and that he test-drives them personally before letting them loose on the paying customers. If these rumours are to be believed, this place is nothing more than a high priced, high class, artistic brothel.’

These words were resonating in my mind as I walked into the cool foyer to be greeted by Mandy, the very pretty ‘receptioniste de jour’. ‘Good morning sir, welcome to Montpellier, what is your name?

‘Michael Grantham.’

‘Ah yes, we have you in bungalow 27. I will let Giles know that you have arrived.’ She picked up a phone and minutes later Giles wafted in followed by a heavy dose of ‘Obsession’.

To say that he was flamboyantly attired would be understating the situation. His brightly printed caftan in tropical hues flowed around him like a cloud. Around his neck was a red bandana, on his feet hirachi sandals and on his head a top hat painted in bright colours and sporting a long stemmed red rose that sprouted from the hat band. ‘My good man, how nice to see you, welcome, welcome. Let me show you to your bungalow, come, come, mustn’t dally old chap, we have a gathering of the masses, perfect timing for the intro.’

He turned and strode towards the side door and a long covered walkway. I had no option but to follow him. ‘Over there is the swimming pool, attire optional by the way. Down there is the Common room and Dining hall, and down here is your bungalow.’ He glanced at the key to see which number it was, and lengthened his stride. Reaching number 27, he opened the door and led me in. ‘The bedroom is through there.’ He said, pointing to a doorway. ‘The bathroom is at the end of the corridor, and the kitchenette is in the corner over there. There are supplies for cups of tea, you have a choice of green or herbal, no coffee allowed, and there is no alcohol in the fridge, only bottled water and juices. We do have organic wine with our meals, but spirits are strictly forbidden, as are drugs of any sort.’

‘Looks great. It’ll do me good to get away from the rat race and the temptation to drink too much coffee.’

‘Dump your stuff and follow me. I’ll introduce you to those here. You may know some, but there are a few up and coming artists that are not widely known, yet. But they will be, otherwise they would not be here.’

I dumped my bag on the bed and scurried after him. We reached the Common Room to be confronted by a rather heated discussion in progress. ‘I tell you that this modern art is a cop out.’

‘That’s McKinley Laird, a traditional portrait artist who’s works closely imitate a photographic portrait.’ Giles whispered to me.

‘Take Jackson Pole-axe.’ McKinley’s deliberate mispronunciation of the name did not pass un-noticed. ‘His work looks as if he just stands back and throws paint at the canvas, there is no structure, no rhyme or reason to it. A total mish-mash that can be interpreted in a squillion different ways. The money that the National Gallery spent on ‘Blue Poles’ would have been better spent supporting the local arts community.’

‘People.’ Giles called the meeting to order. ‘I would like you to meet Michael Grantham, he has joined us for the next month. While he is here he will be undertaking two important works for me. One is to write a piece on us as a community of artists that will tell the world around us about the excellent concept that we are developing here. Secondly, he is writing his ‘magnum opus’ under my patronage. I have been advised by his agent that he needs to get right away from the pressures of his world and concentrate on this work. The potential is there, he just needs the space and time to realise that potential. So one and all, you are to make him welcome. Now let me see, who shall I appoint as his mentor?’ He glanced around the room. ‘Ah yes, Sophie, you will be perfect in this role. Don’t just stand there child, come, come, and introduce yourself.’

From the look that she gave him, it was obvious to me, if not everyone else, that this was a task that she had no intention of carrying out. She walked over to me, her hand held out. ‘I’m Sophie Cantrall, your chosen mentor.’ If the look hadn’t been enough to make her feelings obvious, the coolness of her tone certainly was.

I took her hand and was just about to tell her that I was about as happy with this arrangement as she, when Giles’ voice cut through the air. ‘What kind of welcome is that? Kiss the man Sophie, and that’s an order!’ He was close to anger, being used to having his orders obeyed with such a lack of enthusiasm was foreign to him. Or was there something else behind this?

I have to admit that he covered his tracks well. No sooner had his order been issued, than he burst into loud and prolonged laughter. ‘We will have friendship in this place or you can all bugger off!’ Apparently this statement was made on a regular basis over the summer, and no-one took any notice of it. This was all a part of the show that he put on for the paying guests.

As Sophie’s lips le
ft mine I whispered to her. ‘I’m not happy with this. Don’t get me wrong, of all the women here, I would have chosen you if asked, but only if you agreed. Let’s go outside and discuss this, and see if we can come to an arrangement that will satisfy his Lordship, and that we can live with.’

‘We’ll have to make it look good.’ She took my hand and we headed for the door.

‘That’s it, off with you and get to know each other!’ This was followed again by his raucous laughter. I detected a note of displeasure in his attitude to us leaving.

‘From the paint on your hands, I would hazard a guess that you’re an artist.’ I said by way of introducing myself. ‘What do you paint, landscapes, portraits, abstracts?’

‘Portraits mainly, that’s where the big bickies are, if you’re good enough that is. All that you need to do is to find someone whose wallet is as big as his ego. I have several commissions waiting for me when I get home.’

‘Is that why you feel that it’s beneath your dignity to be forced to waste your time associating with a literary hack like me?’

‘No!’ She looked directly into my eyes. ‘No.’ Her voice moderated itself. ‘It’s just that I don’t like the way that Giles was ordering me around, as if I was his chattel, to do with what he willed. And I don’t believe that you are a literary hack at all. I read your articles in the papers, and I find them thought provoking and often amusing. But I also feel that you are being shackled by editorial bias on many occasions. If the main purpose for you being here is to break free from those shackles, then I say go for it. If there is another reason for you being here, like to get the dirt on Giles, and his harem that he hires out to other men here, I’m not going to stand in your way. If you must know, he and I have had a disagreement about that. I rejected his advances and told him that I was here to recharge my artistic batteries, not to go to bed with him or any of his ‘friends’. He is not happy with me, which is why he ordered me to be your mentor. He is trying to force me to leave.’

‘I have a proposition for you.’

‘Oh yes, and what might that be?’

‘Only if you’re up for it mind you. How would you like to take the piss out of this mob of pretentious artists and writers?’

‘You’ve been here for what, half an hour, and you’ve already picked up on that. What exactly do you have in mind?’

‘I’ll make some comment tonight on a topic that’s under discussion, and I want you to jump in and ‘expose’ me as a Journalist and not a proper writer. Hopefully someone will make some comment about poetry. When you challenge me, I’ll come out with something that I wrote that is a bit of amusing doggerel. You of course will challenge me to come up with something deep and meaningful, not something that an advertising copywriter or a greeting card writer would write. I will come out with a piece of pretentious bullshit, that hopefully the others will be drawn to comment on. You will continue to badger me in the hope that Giles will have to step in and separate us. My feeling is that, when he calms us down, he will order us to kiss and make up, which, if you agree that you can oblige without throwing up, we will comply with, enthusiastically, very enthusiastically. That will probably piss him off no end.’

‘I think that I can stretch my acting abilities to that. You think that these people are a mob of pretentious phonies, don’t you?’

‘Present company excepted, yes. That guy that was waffling on, McKinley Laird, (a phony name if ever I heard it), about Jackson Pollack is a case in point, he was parroting someone else’s opinion and making out that it was his own.’

‘How do you know that?’

‘Because my father, who was an art critic for one of the major city papers, wrote that at the time that that painting was purchased. Not those exact words but near enough. He can’t be had up for plagiarism, but his argument was not an original thought on his part.’

‘But how is all that going to make Giles happy?’

‘It’s not, and it’s not meant to, but the lead up will. We will walk back in there as if we had been making love and have decided that we are going to be more than the best of friends. He will, on the surface at least, be happy that his plan to force you into a sexual relationship has been a success. But, having been rejected by you, he will get jealous of me having succeeded where he failed. When we have our little dust-up this evening, he will be happy that our affair didn’t last the distance. Then we will play our trump card. I will come up with a poem that I wrote that takes the piss out of pretentious poets. In the mean time, what I said about you being the one that I’d choose if I had the opportunity still stands. Not because you’re by far and away the best looking woman there, but there was something in your expression, when McKinley was crapping on, that told me that you think about as much of this mob as I do.’

‘You’re very right there. Everyone told me when I got the invitation that I should somehow feel privileged to get it, and it would do my career the world of good, and that if I didn’t come here Giles would crucify me. One simply does not refuse a Giles summons. That brings me to another point. Exactly why are you here? And don’t give me that crap about coming here to write a puff piece. You are here to dig the dirt, aren’t you?’

‘Are you going to blow the whistle?’

‘No, in fact if you want some help you can count me in.’

‘Okay, I’ll tell all later, but for now I think that we’ve had enough time to do what has been expected of us, shall we go back and face the innuendos of the masses?’

‘Wait a minute, we can’t go in there looking as if we’ve done nothing.’ Sophie mussed up my hair, kissed me more passionately than I expected, making sure that her lipstick (yes she was wearing some makeup) was smeared around my mouth. She then pulled my shirt out of my trousers at the back and left the shirt-tail hanging. ‘There, you look the part.’

‘What about you, you can’t go in there looking like a fashion model, we have to mess your appearance about a bit, don’t you think?’ I undid her blouse a few buttons and then did it up missing one button in the process. I twisted the waistband of her skirt a little, undid the clasp that held her hair in place, and she shook it out. ‘What are you like at sheepish grins?’

‘I think that I can manage.’

‘Good, let us return to the gathering.’

‘Ah, the lovers return!’ Giles stood and clapped as we entered the common room. ‘I wasn’t expecting you to come back so soon.’

‘If we’d stayed away any longer we would have been totally exhausted and not been able to participate in this gathering.’ Sophie told them. ‘Michael needed to take a break after his magnificent efforts.’ She hugged me and looked longingly into my eyes, a smile of satisfaction spread across her face.

‘You were the one that wanted to stop.’ I told her. ‘I could have lasted another minute at least.’ I kissed her. I held her chair out for her, and slid it under her as she sat, leaning over, I kissed her again. Giles was not amused at our show of affection.

When the gathering broke for lunch. Sophie and I sat together at the long refectory table. Giles was at the head, behaving for all the world like a feudal Baron, giving orders to the waiting staff, pontificating over the organic wine from his own vineyards. I didn’t think it politic to mention that I thought it was crap, it had all the qualities on the palate of a cheap vinegar, but everyone drank it and those who wanted to suck up to him proclaimed it an excellent vintage,

‘God, this stuff is ghastly.’ Sophie whispered to me. ‘I’ll have no problem getting this one glass to last the whole meal, in fact there’ll be some left in the glass.’

‘It is pretty bad, only someone with no tastebuds could think it drinkable.’ I whispered in return.

After lunch we all broke up and went our separate ways, except for
Sophie and I. ‘Would you like to se the portrait that I’m working on?’ She asked as we walked past Giles.

‘Can I? I didn’t think artists allowed anyone to see works in progress.’

‘We don’t like the subject seeing it, simply because the prep work looks a mess until the details are applied.’ Hand in hand we went off to the studio space that she was working in. There was a drop sheet over the easel to keep any dust or bugs off. When she removed it I saw, even though it was only the background and base coats, that it would eventually be a portrait of our esteemed host. ‘I’m having problems not turning this into a caricature.’

‘If you need the money you’ll have to curb your natural urges.’

‘How would you like me to do you?’

‘What do you mean when you say ‘do’ me?’

‘Paint your portrait. The other can come later, I hope.’ Her smile was as lascivious as I have ever seen, her meaning clear.

‘I say yes to both, not necessarily in that order, after all, we are supposed to be madly in lust.’ The look that I gave her was equally lascivious.

Sophie picked up a sketch pad and within minutes had produced a rough, very rough, sketch of a naked me with a raging hard-on at least twice the size of my real one. ‘Dream on.’ I said, ‘I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it’s not that big, not quite that big.’

‘I’ll just have to find out for myself, won’t I?’

‘If I didn’t know better, I’d think that you are enjoying this.’

‘I am. I came here because I had been summoned by Giles, and as I said before, one just doesn’t ignore a Giles summons. I came determined to do what I could to enjoy myself and stay well clear of Giles and anyone else who had ideas of getting into my pants. What I didn’t anticipate was meeting someone who seemed to have the same ideas about Giles as I do, and wants to stir the pot a little, and who I fancy, and would allow to make love to me if he wanted to.’

‘That’s very forward of you, and yes, I want to. I have been told of the reputation of these gatherings and how they inevitably end up as an orgy. That by the way is the real reason that I am here, to expose what goes on here. I noticed you as soon as I entered the Common Room and resolved to concentrate my efforts on you, especially as Giles seemed to take great delight in shoving us together. I gathered from that that you had rebuffed him, and he was going to make you suffer for that by forcing you to be my mentor, knowing that I am the least in terms of artistic or literary accomplishments. What he said about me writing under his patronage was so much bullshit, designed to make him look good. Everything about this place is designed to make him look good. What I am trying to get my head around is, how does he finance these little gatherings?’

‘I think that I might be able to help you out there. He has some very wealthy contacts who take delight in endowing the arts with loads of cash that they can write off on their income tax. Up and coming artists are invited to attend free of charge. While they are here they are introduced to these wealthy patrons who commission art works from these artists. These commissions, if the artist is good enough, will make them very wealthy. When they are subsequently invited to these gatherings, they are charged for the privilege of attending on the basis that they can now afford it. Over the next few weeks, as the time passes, you will be introduced to these wealthy patrons on the chance that one of them will commission a project.’

‘What would one of them possibly want of me?’

‘You will be presented as a well credentialed investigative Journalist who wants to branch out into ‘proper literary endeavours’, say a biography of a wealthy family, sanitised of course. We couldn’t have closets opened to reveal any skeletons now could we?’

‘How can I demonstrate my literary abilities?’

‘By making erudite comments in any literary discussion. How are you at poetry?’

‘Hate it actually, why? I don’t really, since I realised that the stuff that was rammed down my throat at school, mostly 19th Century English, isn’t the only poetry written, I have come to enjoy some of it.’

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Stephen Brooks, a rather average sort of fella on the wrong side of 30 slowly opened the door of his Towncar and ducked out into the muggy afternoon air of Dallas Texas. Before him was the Airport and annoyingly beyond that a five hour plane flight back to New York.As he grabbed his bags from the trunk it dawned on him that he had in all likelihood spent more time in the air in the past month then birds do in their entire lives. Stephen was in Dallas overseeing the construction of a new...

3 years ago
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My daughterrsquos secret life

My daughter lives with her husband in a different state far away from me and her mom, so while I was on a business trip near their home I decided to visit for a few days. My wife visited them last summer for two weeks, I was busy at work and couldn’t come with her. Me and my daughter had a great relationship she always call to see if I was ok and text me just to say hello. My daughter is half Japanese and American, she met her husband in college, he’s a good guy that works hard. I see them both...

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Nakul Seduces My Mom Devika

Hi guys, I am Raj, and I am from Delhi. I am 21 years old and live with my mom. I study in a college near my home. I was always a shy type of guy in college when it used to come to talk to girls at my college. I used to hang out with my college friends who used to stay in rented flats as they all were from different cities. My dad and mom are very broad-minded and modern people as we are quite rich. My mom is very pretty and has a well-maintained figure. She often goes to the gym and does...

4 years ago
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Chris 8

DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.'Ouuuuu you hot little bitch.... suck my fucking clitty, honey!' Gene groaned, feeling Ty's lips wrap around his throbbing cock while Ty ground his into Gene's face. Gene tugged on Ty's panties, working them down, and first sucked each of his balls into his mouth, then tongued his asshole, before licking, then sucking, Ty's cock for...

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Here Comes The Bride

The Bride looked herself over in the reflection of the glass on the white Rolls-Royce. Bending forward she grabbed the front of her dress and pulled it up as high as she could, her ample rack practically spilling out she already wished she would have listened to her mother and picked a dress with straps. "Where is my driver!" she turned to interrogate the poor photographer she was paying to follow her around for the day. "We were supposed to have left already, and I want to get there before my...

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Genie In My BottleChapter 3

"Giovanni! Wait up!" Marissa called the next day as she ran towards her friend. Gene walked at a slow place behind her. Giovanni, a tall, lanky and dark curly hair guy turned around. He smiled sweetly at Marissa stopping to wait for her. Gene noticed a pretty petite black girl standing nearby smiling at them. "Hey Marissa. Look there is Camille, she said she'd wait for me here," Giovanni said as they entered the student lounge. "Camille! Look who I found along the way," Giovanni...

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Fucked My Brother8217s Wife

Hello there friends my name is ruvan and my brother’s name is ruhan and we both are married and don’t have kids. But my elder brother ruhan’s wife Diksha is a bombshell having 37-26-35 and sexy figure and fair complexion I always wanted to see what’s inside her but being a part of the family I couldn’t dare to touch my bhabhi (brother’s wife) but destiny has other plans for me. My stats are bit masculine and have 5.8’’ rode. Coming to the story, our parents gave us a plot of land on which I and...

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FamilyStrokes Ella Knox Dirty Family Sex In Dubai

Ella Knox is beautiful Muslim girl living in Dubai. Her ultra conservative upbringing has left her feeling super sexually frustrated. She is so tired of being locked up in her room all the time, and she blames her mom. Things get interesting when her mom remarries a rich white man. One day while she is the in the kitchen he comes in and grabs her from behind, thinking that Ella is her mom. It is hard to tell them apart under all that fabric. When he goes to apologize, Ella says it is ok and...

2 years ago
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10th GradeChapter 18

After Bea left with Mr. Chalmers, Mrs. Parsons started coming downstairs again. On Thursday, she came to the country club with me, and we played eighteen holes. I shot an eighty seven. My putting was improving, and I had learned where to hit the ball to avoid big trouble areas on the course. Mrs. Parsons and I started talking more out on the golf course. There was no one behind us anyway, so we talked in the cart between shots. She started telling me about how happy her early childhood had...

3 years ago
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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 13

“I had fun,” Kelly said as she flopped on the couch. “I can’t wait to do it again.” “What, taking the pictures or having Rob and Jenny over?” “Both! Hiking in the woods and taking pictures was fun. I hope the ones I took turn out well. Having them stay and spend the night was fun too.” Kelly smiled at me. “Jenny said it was the first time in months they got to sleep in a full-size bed. Most of the time, they have to make love in one of their dorm rooms when their roommates are gone.” “At...

1 year ago
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Masturbation Lesson

Jimmy my husband had went to his family reunion, and stayed for the weekend having me, and Heather to watch the house. It was fun, and great to spend time with her just the two of us since she was always out with her friends, and being in school. We sat there, and watched T.V. eating popcorn, and she asked me that faithful question. "Mommy, w-would you be mad if I saw daddies penis?" I looked at her puzzled, I didn't even think she knew that word though I scratched my head, and answered the...

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JulesJordan Kissa Sins The Corruption Of Kissa Sins

Kissa Sins FINALLY fucks someone besides her husband in this long awaited scene from Jules Jordan. Kissa Sins, the performer/ director that’s half of the Sins Life team, embarks on her 25 scene journey with Jules Jordan at the helm. Kissa’s looking as sexy as ever in her red lingerie as the crystals that adorn it sparkle in the sunlight. This brunette beauty shows off her amazing body for us before teasing Xander with her goodies. She plays with her perfect tits and runs her hands...

3 years ago
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My name is Amanda, I'm 63 now and spent most my life as housewife and mother of 3 boys. I've had bi/submissive urges since I was in my early thirties, I found this out in a rather harsh way. I'm 5'6" 36C and at the time of this story 135 lbs. My husband at the time (since passed) I thought was having an affair with a neighbor, so after he went to work and k**s off to school I set off for her house to set her straight. Things went wrong from the start, she invited me in and I...

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Learning Lessons

Night was falling on the small town. Kendra and Mariana were both stumbling back to their dorm. The women attended the small town’s local college. It being a Friday, in true college form there were parties to be had and clubs to hop and the pair had been partying for hours and were quite inebriated. As they stumbled down the darkened street, the spotted one of their classmates, Mary Jones. She was dressed in her typical black jeans and torn black tank top, with her usual heavy black mascara and...

1 year ago
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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 24 Healing Heart

My head hurt. What was worse, I didn't know where I was. The room was dark and I was in a bed. The only window showed me tall buildings nearby, but I didn't recognize them. I felt weak too. As if I had a really bad flu. Swallowing hurt my throat and moving too quickly caused waves of nausea. Looking slowly around the room, I realized I must have been in a hospital. There were two chairs, a table, a TV on an overhead stand and next to my bed a small set of instruments glowing softly in the...

4 years ago
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Amys Story

Amy walked down the sidewalk quickly, her long blonde ponytail swishing in time with her steps.  A backpack with textbooks, a change of clothing, and a few other odds and ends was slung over her shoulder. Her white nursing shoes made hardly any sound on the pavement as she rushed along.  However, her work uniform, a white knee-length skirt, white blouse, white sweater, and, yes, white socks, made her stand out in the dark like a sore thumb.  Amy's shift at the nursing home, where she worked as...

2 years ago
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Sonu8217s Expeditions 8211 Sex Encounter For The First Time

Hey all. It is me SonuRaj. After reading all the stories here (some are fake), I thought it’s high time to put my first experience. Just for your reference, except for the names, the complete story is real. Let’s get started. First of all, I am a software engineer from Bangalore and a native Bangalorean, 5’11’ tall and a normal looking guy. This happened when I was 21 and the lady who showed me the pussy to heaven for the first time is Nikitha. She is a far-off relative of mine, married and was...

1 year ago
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The Things in the ClosetChapter 2

Lynette glanced at the small clock on the corner of her desk, its glowing numerals reading 1:37 am. She smiled as she almost always did, amused at herself for becoming so engrossed in her writing that she lost all track of time. She had, at last, started chapter one of the book. Always the most difficult part for her, Lynette had written and rewritten it several times since she had gotten Cherie off to bed and started on the text. She wrote both during the day and late at night, but the early...

2 years ago
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TY AND I part 3

I had been keeping Paul abreast of my new relationship with Ty---with Ty's full permission. He was delighted with the spanking with the bible and provoked a loud laugh as well as a sturdy erection. It was inevitable that he would have to meet Ty in the flesh, but as of late Ty's grandmother was growing suspicious of our friendship. What might a man of my age have in common with a boy his age so we tried to be careful about our meetings. Any length of time away saddened both of us. I had grown...

3 years ago
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Eat Me

BWEEDLE! BWEEDLE! BWEEDLE! BWEEDLE! BWEEDLE! BWEEDLE! Furball jumped off Nancy's lap at the strange noise coming from the coffee table and ran off to hide under some chair. Nancy leaned forward, grabbed her cell phone, and flipped it open. Seeing the call was from her friend Katie, she pressed the TALK button. "Hello!" she said. "Hi Nancy!" "Hey Katie! What's happening, girl?" "You'll never believe what Dan bought after he got that promotion at Lotsatech." "Some outrageously...

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A strange Event Sequel to My spinster colleague

I found myself a few days later approaching her bungalow with some trepidation considering what had taken place last time. It was early afternoon when I rang the bell. She answered the door and invited me in. I immediately noticed the smell of alcohol and heard quiet voices. She ushered me into the sitting-room and there were two other women with glasses in their hands and looking quite flushed. They looked up at me with what I thought were excited glances and appeared to scan my body...

1 year ago
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YoungerMommy Slimthick Vic Mommy Will Teach You To Be A Man

Slimthick Vic is at her wit’s end with her stepson, Nathan Bronson. His bedroom is a mess, but Nathan isn’t interested in helping her clean up, especially when he can lay around getting peeks at her tits and pussy beneath her slutty clothes. When Vic challenges him, Nathan reminds her that she’s his dad’s trophy wife and that she’s not in charge her. Leaving the room, Vic returns with a paddle. Nathan is in disbelief as Vic tells him to bend down, pull his pants...

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Cherished Memories

Breaking up with a knockout girlfriend is not the typical way to start the sexual adventure of a lifetime, but I’m happy to say it was for me. If Chantelle hadn’t dumped me, I would never have met Marjorie and Edith. Now, I know what you are thinking from the names alone. Yes, Chantelle was twenty-nine, slim, attractive and high maintenance, and Marjorie and Edith could not have had ten years between them before they were collecting their pensions, but they were not second prize by any means....

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My Revenge0

A couple of years ago I was very fixated on the childhood abuse I survived. I was in family therapy with my son and I talked with the therapist about writing letters to my mom, to the little girl I used to be and to my abuser. (One of them). I spoke with my sponsor about it and she encouraged me. I researched and found out the address of the man who had abused me. I wrote him the letter and then I sent the letter. My sponsor told me I wasn’t supposed to send the letter. I was supposed...

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Robert and Clara Bathtime

The arrival of the Earl of Oxbridge and his lady at the George and Dragon caused more excitement than the freak show with the pig faced lady. Ned Briarly, the peddler who had found them limping at the side of the road and given them a lift to the village, basked in the reflected glory and didn’t have to pay for a drink for the rest of the week. The Earl lived up to everyone’s expectations of what a real life Earl would be like. Even dripping wet and supporting a lady so cold she was turning...

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“I was thinking along the lines of four concerts of music and singing, four shows, or Broadway concerts and four premier acts every ninety days starting the first week of September. December would be just the GSS doing winter/Christmas music, with January, February and March being available for Premier acts. April could be another school coming in to use the facility and May could be another Broadway show of us, or a traveling Off-Broadway show, with the place dark for our Summer...

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Dr Strangelust

The cute redhead paused momentarily, reading back the words, her words, yet words it was almost impossible to believe she had just typed. Her mind must surely have blanked momentarily, for never would she have mentioned that sort of thing to one of her most trusted lovers, let alone a virtual stranger. And not only was he a virtual stranger, judging by the stories he posted, Dr Strangelust was possibly the nastiest, sickest. filthiest and most deranged sex fiend on Planet Earth. Despite all...

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Rebuilding Harry Ch 04

When he arrived at work on the day of the presentation, Harry noticed that Mrs. Kowalski was still at the desk, and Veronica was nowhere within sight. He felt himself sink a little. It would have been nice to think he could have gotten a shot of confidence from her support that morning, but apparently he was on his own. When he said his good morning, and opened up the door to his office, though, he saw a steaming cup of coffee sitting on top of a checklist, along with a small memo. ‘R is going...

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Rubbing Ric

Ric and I met when we were no more than four years old, when our respective parents moved into the same new row-house neighborhood. He lived six houses away, and was part of the little gang of us who grew up together. There were half a dozen of us, all within about a year of the same age, and we were inseparable, even as pre-schoolers. There was no kindergarten program in our county, so we all hung out together constantly for three or four years until we started the first grade. Ric was always...

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DominionChapter 32

Thank you, everyone who has managed to reach this final chapter! Behold, the completion of the Dominion saga! Ragnarök It was the snap heard around the world. Augusta had been destroyed, crushed when Dominion’s castle fell apart, and then again due to the fiery mushroom cloud in the outskirts that Sirius caused and the mountain-sized moon that Dominion had dropped nearby. Shahti, Eric, and Eva had all narrowly avoided being pulverized. It was by some miracle, combined with a great amount...

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estim elektro

hello,last night me and my hubby used for the first time elektro the beginning i was a little bit scared to dobut we treied because we want hubby first placed 2 pads on my right breast. 1 above my nipple and 1 below.then the other set by my cunt. 1 o the right and 1 on the left. just above my cunt, about 2 cm first he put gel on the spot for good connection.we smoked a joined and then we go!!we acreed that we start slow. at position one with program change pulse after 4-5...

4 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 24

What few dreams I remembered were plagued with keys and lockets and spells going awry. Alyssa woke me up a couple of times, not because I was tossing and turning, but to enjoy another round of deep-seeded orgasms. The dreams, however, bothered me. They bothered me a lot. Someone knocked on my door. Then I heard, “Get up sleepy head. You can’t sleep all day.” I recognized that voice. Yeah, it was Mom. I froze. I remembered every detail from the night before, with the exception of the end...

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The Story of Master McBridepart 4

The boys then gathered the pictures and began to walk away. My heart dropped when one of the boys turned around before walking off into the bushes, and said that he’d see me in school, and then walked away as they all walked away laughing. I wondered what that meant? Their laugh sounded sinister, yet I didn’t ponder too long about it as I needed to find my towel and get home. After getting safely at home, and as I lie in bed, I began to think about what all had occurred this day. Part of me...

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A New World Part 3

The drive back to Riley’s took longer than expected as I was quite distracted and had to drive well below the posted limit. As I pulled onto the winding road, Riley slid across the seat to snuggle against me. She took my hand and lifted it to her lips, kissing each of my fingers as I felt her other hand squeeze my thigh. My cock was already hard and her hand was nearly upon it. My heart beat faster and I took a deep breath, trying to concentrate on the road. I glanced down at her next to me....

First Time
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ConundrumChapter 5 Tracking Beth

Now that the plans were in place and he was being active, Matt felt a lot better. He was being pro-active rather than reactive, always better for his mental state. He was interested to see what Beth would tell him about being away from home again. He found it difficult to reconcile the woman he knew and had married, with the woman who would allow herself to be manipulated into betrayal. Hendy had tried to explain the apparent dichotomy. "Hypnosis has a peculiar effect. The suggestions that...

1 year ago
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The Queen Anne Theater and the Wife

We had made many trips to the Queen Anne Theatre, but our last two trips were the most memorable, that is until our latest trip. As was our custom, I had my wife dress very briefly, her blouse was the sheer black see through blouse, with no bra underneath. She wore a black wrap around skirt and under that a purple silk and lace garterbelt with black seamed stockings. As we drove down Route 80 toward the Theatre she opened her blouse exposing her breasts, she reclined her seat all the way back....

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