Calendar Ch. 03 free porn video

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Cal was busy working on his stamp collection, sorting through several old stamps he had recently purchased at an auction, when he heard the chime of his computer signalling an incoming email. He glanced at his watch and was surprised, since most of his emails were news or sports updates, and came at the top of the hour. It was 8:21, which meant it was spam which had slipped by his filter, or a personal email – and he had received very few of those the last year or so.

Running his hand through his thinning gray hair, the 55-year-old widower rose from the desk heading toward his computer cubicle. His regular work on the farm and daily two-mile walks had helped keep his figure fairly slim and athletic, but the graying hair, receding hairline and weathered face testified to his age.

The email was from someone named JeanetteM, a name unfamiliar to him, but he was going to open it anyway just out of curiosity. It addressed him personally:

‘Dear Cal,

We have never met, but you know my mother. My name is Jeanette Marsden and my mother’s name is Jenny Marsden, you may remember her as Jenny Atkinson. I think my twin brother, John Calvin Marsden is named for you. Last week the three of us were going through our keepsake boxes and I found a folder of emails from you to Mama. I didn’t read them, because I think they were private, but I memorized your email address and, when Mama saw what I had found, asked who you were. She said you were a very dear friend from before I was born. Mama and Daddy were divorced seven months ago and she is very lonely. If you still have this email address and are interested in meeting me and my brother, and getting reacquainted with Mama, you could write me back – I think I know how we could all get together, and even surprise Mama. Please write back if you get this email.


Cal read the email through twice before going to the picture window in the living room and staring out at the surrounding mountains through the lightly drifting snow that had been falling all day. Then he sat down at his computer and began to type.

‘Dear Jeanette,

I remember your mother well, though it has been nearly 13 years since I last saw her. I hope you are all well. I would like to meet you and John Calvin, and would very much like to renew acquaintances with your mother.


Two hours later he heard the chime again, and walked quickly to the computer.

‘Dear Cal,

We are going to take a week’s vacation at the beach during spring break. We are going to be staying in the Fort Walton Beach area on the Gulf Coast in an old campground named Pirate’s Cove. The dates we will be there are March 8-12. Could you make it to stay a night or two and see us?


Cal checked his calendar and made a couple of calls, re-arranging a few appointments. He then went online and found the website for Pirate’s Cove, reserving a campsite for his small 12-foot camping trailer.

‘Dear Jeanette,

I will be there, and am looking forward to visiting with the three of you. I will be staying at campsite #12. Thank you for writing to me and helping me set up this surprise for your mother. I hope it is a pleasant surprise.


Five minutes later the chime sounded again as he sat there waiting for a reply.

‘Dear Cal,

That sounds great. We will see you then. Mama will definitely be pleasantly surprised, her eyes sparkled when she told us how good friends you two once were. See you then,


The three weeks went by swiftly, and Cal was soon pulling his old pickup and even older camping trailer into the Pirate’s Cove Campground, a quaint little campground with direct access to the white sand beaches of the upper Gulf Coast of Florida. Sites #12, 13 and 14 were the most remote in the campground, all the way out at the end with direct access to a sandy trail crossing over the dunes to a nearly deserted beach.

He had arrived two days early and had time to check out the campground, the beach and places to eat in the area. He was calmly sitting at the small swimming pool when he saw a mini-van pulling a rented 14-foot camping trailer pull into the parking lot. A woman – who he immediately recognized – and two teen-agers exited the van and went into the office area. The teen-aged girl paused just before entering the office to look his way, and Cal raised his right hand slightly in a welcoming wave. He saw a smile quickly spread across the girl’s face before she followed her mother and brother into the building.

As the three came out a few minutes later the mother looked toward the pool and turned to her children, gesturing in that direction. Her daughter grabbed her hand and pulled her to the van, flashing a grin toward Cal.

When he finally rose and wandered through the campground he saw that the family had rented Site #14, just 20 yards from his own modest trailer. They were still busy setting up their site so he slipped into his trailer unnoticed and watched them from his window.

Jenny was more lovely than ever, her long hair tied up in a loose ponytail, her well-shaped body modestly covered with a tank top and white shorts. The daughter was a spitting image of her mother, while the twin brother looked nothing like his sister. Cal guessed he looked like the father, whose picture he had never seen.

As soon as the trailer was set, the daughter peeled off her top and shorts revealing a shapely, petite body in a bright red bikini. Her brother was out of his clothes almost as quickly, revealing a body that had little muscle tone, but was neither too thin nor too heavy. Jenny took her time taking off her outer clothes and laying them on the picnic table beside her. Cal saw Jeanette glance toward his trailer a couple of times, but knew she could not tell whether or not he was there. Jenny wore a pale yellow bikini that revealed tan lines from a much more modest one-piece suit.

The three then grabbed their beach towels, joined hands and headed for the beach. Cal gave then 15 minutes before following. After crossing the dunes he saw the three towels stretched out close to the water line. He added his next to the striped towel he had noticed Jenny carrying. Then he followed their footsteps to the east, finally spotting them on the skyline a quarter of a mile away.

As he walked he soon saw the family coming closer, and stooped to look at some shells on the sand as he watched them approach. When they were within about 50 yards he rose, looked their way, and started walking toward them. Jenny saw him rise and said something to her children. They nodded and the three detoured toward the water. Cal detoured as well. The woman finally, to avoid meeting him face to face, walked into the surf, followed by her now-protective son and a smiling daughter.

Cal sat down on the sand, his knees up and his arms draped around his knees, waiting for the three to emerge from the water, which they did after swimming for a few minutes and discussing what to do about the situation. The mother led the way out of the water, watching the waiting man carefully for any overt sign of aggressiveness. Cal just sat and watched his beautiful friend walking resolutely toward him. When she was about 15 feet away she froze, a slight frown on her face. Recognition slowly crept across her face, followed by a faint smile as Cal stood and walked toward her.

Jenny turned and looked at her smiling daughter and confused son before stepping forward to meet Cal, slipping comfortably into his embrace. The kiss was light and quick, but also warm and promising. They stood together, their bodies touching for the first time since they had met 14 years earlier. The two turned to face the teenagers, who had been whispering and grinning throughout the embrace. John looked at his beaming sister in awe and then at the pleased expression on his mother’s face as she stood next to this stranger, her arm hugging his w
aist as he held her close with his own.

‘Well, John,’ Jenny said, smiling, ‘I think we are in the presence of a couple of conspirators.’ The boy just kept grinning, enjoying the contented look on his mother’s face which he had not seen for a long time. The four walked together back to the towels and sunned and swam for an hour or so.

‘I am getting itchy from this sand,’ Jeanette said, smiling slyly at the two adults. ‘Can John and I go check out the pool and game room?’

‘If you promise to be careful in the pool and behave yourselves,’ her mother said, her eyes sparkling as playfully as her daughter’s. Cal retrieved his wallet from the fanny pack lying under his towel, pulling a $10 bill from it.

‘How long will this keep you busy?’ he asked, trying to be as serious as possible.

‘Until you come to get us,’ Jeanette said, smiling shyly.

‘Thank you two for the best surprise you could have given me,’ Jenny said, kissing each of her children. John started to protest that he was unaware of the surprise but was caught up by his sister.

‘Come on, Part-of-Me, we have money to spend,’ she said, gleefully pulling him toward the dunes crossover. The two gave one last wave and were out of sight. Cal and Jenny just stood looking at each other until he could stand it no longer and took her into his arms for a warm, passionate embrace, which finished with a series of short, warm kisses with open lips as they breathed words of love into each other’s mouth. Finally, he picked up their towels, took her by the hand and led her to his trailer.

Inside the camper he lay the towels on a chair and turned just in time to see her drop her top to the floor, revealing two lovely breasts that were just like he remembered, though possibly sagging a little. As she dropped her bottoms he stepped back and took in the wonderful beauty of her nude body. She stood unashamed, letting him look to his heart’s content, growing wet and excited as she saw the look in his eyes.

Cal was next, slipping out of his swimming trunks and standing naked before her, his erection nestling the head of his penis softly in the pubic hair on his lower abdomen.

‘This is the first time I have seen you,’ Jenny said softly, and Cal nodded, surprised that he had never considered the fact she might have wanted to see him. They stood admiring each other for a couple of minutes before she stepped into his embrace, and they stood kissing longingly for several minutes. Cal finally broke the reverie, stooping to pick her up with ease before carrying her to the bed which ran across the back of the little trailer.

He placed her gently on the bed and began to cover her face and then her body with soft, warm kisses as she stretched out with her arms behind her head watching his every move with glowing eyes. When he reached her hips she spread her legs slowly, allowing him access to her inner thighs. He kissed up the insides of her thighs until he reached her warm, wet lips which he parted with his tongue, tasting her and running his tongue into her warmth as deeply as possible.

He moved upward to the sheath covering her passion button, gently prodding it with his tongue until she began to respond to his touches, rocking her hips with each drawn-out lick, thrusting her hips up so her body could meet his lips and tongue. When she came it was quietly, every muscle quivering as her body shuddered to a pent-up orgasm, her thighs clamping together around his head as he just held his tongue on her clit, not moving but giving more pleasure nevertheless with her every little movement. She pulled back and surged into his oral embrace several times, each time giving out a slight moan and another shudder. Finally she relaxed, her legs falling open, her eyes still gleaming into his own as he looked up.

Cal raised himself on two arms above her and slid into her effortlessly, pushing deliberately until he was entirely in her, and then slowly withdrawing. He moved in her deliberately, wanting the moment to last forever, and the look in her eyes said she was in agreement. The anticipation of three weeks would not allow him to continue in such a way much longer so he began to thrust more and more determinedly into her sweetness as she raised her body to meet each thrust. He came after just a few minutes, bucking into her several more times after the initial ejaculation, depositing every drop of semen as deeply in her as possible.

He pulled out after a minute of laying on top her, listening to her heart beat and the whispered words of love which she was depositing sweetly in his ear. They lay side by side, caressing each other, and coming together to kiss softly from time to time. After a few minutes she pushed him onto his back and began to kiss his body as he had hers. When she reached his penis she made love to it with her lips, her tongue, her mouth, sucking it to a throbbing erection before climbing above him and lowering herself onto his love pole.

She then lovingly rocked on him, her small breasts swaying deliciously above his face as she took all of him, pulled completely off him, and then settled back down taking all of him again. She continued to move in that fashion until he could take it no longer and pulled her down to him. He put his feet flat on the bed and began to initiate the intercourse, driving hungrily into her with increasingly powerful thrusts. She almost sobbed with each thrust until he came and she enveloped his mouth with her own, tasting him, trying to swallow his tongue and lips. At last they collapsed together on the bed, never taking their eyes from each other, and began talking about the past nine years that they had not been in touch.

Jenny and Mark had enjoyed a fairly average marriage, mostly wrapped around the children and passionate sex at least three times a week up until a year ago when he got a new secretary at the university and came home one night to announce the two of them would be moving to another institution after his contract was up that spring.

‘She is young, she is sexy, and she has more tits than you or your daughter put together,’ he had hurtfully told Jenny one night, before leaving to move in with the other woman. The divorce became final two months later. ‘You ought to go find that dude you used to write to all the time,’ Mark had told her at the final court appearance for the divorce. ‘He’s probably still living with his dog . . . I bet you got better tits than the dog.’ Jenny had just walked away, but had thought about Cal ever since.

‘Maybe Jeanette was reading my mind,’ she said thoughtfully. ‘We are very much alike, she and I. Poor John, he is sometimes as obtuse as his father, and has a hard time keeping up with us women.’

Cal had established several relationships over the nine years, some of which had moved to the sexual stage, but none had become permanent. It was as if he was always waiting for something. He hoped he had found what he was waiting for, he said, and Jenny just kissed him and hugged him closely, as he felt a few tears trickle down the side of her face to fall on his chest.

They found the teenagers lounging around the pool talking to a couple of other kids and took them all out to eat Chinese food. The remaining three days they settled into a simple routine of sightseeing in the morning and playing on the beach in the early afternoon, after which the teens would go to the pool and game room to be with their new friends while Cal and Jenny made up for lost time in each other’s embrace.

The visit was over too soon, but Jenny and the kids agreed to spend Memorial Day weekend at Cal’s farm in Missouri. Separating was difficult for them all, but especially for Cal, who did want to ever be without this wonderful woman again.

When the minivan pulled into Cal’s yard the Friday before Memorial Day, Jeanette was the first person out of the vehicle, running and jumping into Cal’s arms for a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

‘We’ve got a surprise for you,’ s
he whispered in his ear, ‘but I can’t tell you just yet.’ He smiled at her youthful enthusiasm and hugged John as he came up, before releasing the two and taking their mother into his arms for a warm kiss.

‘Can we go see the horses,’ Jeanette asked excitedly, and Cal found them a couple of apples to take with them. ‘Give them these and they’ll be your friends for life,’ he said smiling as the two sped off across the road to the pasture beyond.

The two adults sat on the porch swing, softly swinging and touching each other as intimately as they dared. Cal knew he might be premature, but decided he must speak his mind as quickly as possible so he would know the tone of this time together.

‘Jenny, I want you to marry me and bring the kids out here to grow up on the farm and among these gentle country people,’ he said, watching her for a reaction.

‘I thought you might ask that,’ she said, reaching out to hold his hand in hers. ‘And the answer I have prepared for you is, ‘Yes’ . . . a thousand times, ‘Yes!”

They smiled into each other’s eyes before kissing their pledge to each other.

‘I think that is going to make little Junior very happy,’ Jenny said with a twinkle in her eye as she moved his hand to her abdomen. ‘You can’t feel him move yet on the outside, but I think I definitely felt him move on the inside.’

Cal looked at her, startled, and then began to smile, pleased with their surprise.

‘I can’t say for sure, but I would guess it was that first orgasm that filled me almost full,’ Jenny teased, before kissing him again. He smiled back.

‘If that’s the case, then we might have two or three little Juniors in there.’

Jenny laughed joyfully.

‘It would be my pleasure to bear you as many children as God allows,’ the 45-year-old said softly. ‘If they are a part of you they are welcome in my body, which is also a part of you from now on.’ She then pulled her legs up under her and nestled up under his arm, laying her head on his chest.

A few minutes later the children raced back across the pasture and up to the porch. Jeanette reached the porch first and came to dead halt as she looked from one adult to the other, before continuing on to them slowly, hesitantly.

‘Can we ride the horses later?’ she asked Cal, almost shyly. Cal nodded. The girl sat down beside him nestling up under his other arm in the same manner her mother had, reaching out and stroking her mother on the cheek with one hand. When she saw her mother smile softly and nod, she spoke again, just as shyly.

‘You asked Mama once if she would promise to let us call you ‘Cal,’ and not ‘Uncle’ or ‘Grandpa.’ Is it alright now if we call you ‘Daddy?” Cal gave her a gentle squeeze on the shoulder.

‘I wouldn’t want it any other way,’ he said, receiving the most beautiful smile from the lovely young lady.

John had followed his sister across the porch and was leaning against the railing, facing the three people on the swing.

‘Would you teach me how to play football?’ he asked hopefully, and received a smile and nod. ‘How about basketball?’ Another nod. ‘And baseball?’ Another nod.

‘Thanks . . . Dad,’ the young man said, smiling as shyly as his sister, before settling in next to his mother on the swing. The woman lovingly stroked the boy’s unruly hair out of his eyes and smiled up at the father of her next child. She was more beautiful to Cal than ever before. . . and he was glad he could now enjoy her beauty, her sweet personality and her wonderful sense of humor without fear of losing it again.

After dinner Jeanette made an unusual request.

‘Daddy, would you show us the pictures of Mama that you made when she was pregnant with us?’ Cal looked at Jenny questioningly.

‘I told the kids everything about us on the way up here,’ she explained. ‘I wanted them to know everything regardless the outcome of the visit.’ Cal still hesitated to answer, looking at her again.

‘It’s okay, Cal, we have all seen each other naked . . . Mark took us to nudist camps every holiday and vacation the last three years before the divorce. We have no secrets in this family.’ Cal nodded then and went to his computer while the other three gathered around. He went to the most-used file folder on the computer and put it in slideshow mode. Soon, pictures of a younger – but no happier – Jenny began appearing on the screen, ten seconds at a time.

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In the months since Leila went back to seeing Ace, she had been slipping in many ways. It wasn’t so obvious at home, where she was constantly taking precautions to keep Joel fooled. But at work, she was different. Her mannerisms and her tongue were looser, more carefree and vulgar. She had girlfriends at work that she gradually confessed to. They knew months before Joel found her out and left that she was being a cheating, reckless slut. Her friends were divided on this. A few of them...

1 year ago
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ShapeshifterChapter 9

Coach Sam Holsmer turned this game into a psychological as well as a physical war by having Billy lead off the warmups with a demonstration of drop kicking. Sam never intended for Billy to drop kick a single ball during the game, but he wanted the opposition to see what Billy could do if he were pressed. Billy consistently put the ball through the uprights with every kick, the last one being at the 50 yard line. That would have been the longest drop kick in the history of any high school if...

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NudeVista Lesbian is a porn aggregator site. What does this mean? It means that it’s a site that combines the content of many other sites and puts it all in one place. Now, the content isn’t streamed from the domain of, but instead, it’s streamed on the site that originally hosts the file. This is great if you have a lot of lesbian porn that you want to show, but you don’t have a lot of hosting space. Porn aggregator sites usually work like this and their biggest storage issue are all...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Wet Adventure

Gyrating bodies moved around me as I fought to move into the kitchen. All I wanted was a fucking drink, not to join into the almost orgy that was the living room. Thin layers of clothes were the only thing stopping it from becoming a porn directors dream shoot. Finally I catch a glimpse of the coveted table that contained about every bottle of booze a liquor store contains that’s under twenty bucks. Stumbling I finally touch the cheap plastic table and I grab a bottle of whiskey, there was no...

2 years ago
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My First Time in a Dress

PART-1 When I was younger I used to go and stay at my grandmas house during the summer. It was a small country town with about 15,000 people. She lived on a quiet street and there was only a couple of other kids close to my age. I used to go and hang out with one guy, Dan who was about 3 yrs older than I and his sister, Pam who was my age. Dan and I used to go mess around everyday. His parents worked from early in the morning to around six to seven in the evening. One day we were out messing...

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An American War HeroChapter 7

The Generator room was next to the Mess. But there was no connecting doorway. David made his way out into the main hallway and negotiating a number of turns found himself at the entrance to what looked more like a machine shop than a Generator room. Three large diesel turbines were purring against a side wall. Against the other wall were various benches and tools and other maintenance equipment. A figure in a grey boiler suit stood with their back to him, examining one of the...

1 year ago
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The Royal GeniesChapter 8

The next morning, Sofia woke up slowly. She sat up in bed, and stretched, as she always did in the morning. She opened her eyes, and looked around her bedroom, still half asleep. And then it hit her. She was home. Sofia's eyes shot open, as she remembered everything that had happened. Meeting Kramus. Fucking Kramus. Being betrayed by Kramus. Meeting the Gods ... Had they truly brought her home then? Or was it all a dream? Sofia hopped out of bed, and ran to her bedroom door. She opened...

2 years ago
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My dark fantasy chapter 1

Are story starts with a horny slut of a sub who would do anything to fill his arse to the limit and anything to amuse the Mistress he visited . This Mistress loved to see him used and degraded beyond belief for her amusmit and at hart were a deeply sadistic person that revelled in abuseing and destroying her willing playthings . She had slowly imposed her wishes on this sub and had made him her cuckold and slave in the past and now a full time adult baby and shitty nappy licker and anal...

3 years ago
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The Absentee Tenant

Tom swore loudly as he watched, from his vantage point of the staircase window of his block of bedsit flats, the youth running down the path towards the back gate. The youth turned round to look up at him as he opened the gate. Tom clenched his fist and shook it at him. “Fucking students!” He swore. Sometimes they could be more trouble than they were worth. Most left their bedsits in a mess when they finished their courses and there were always the late rent payers. The one that had just...

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A Super Heros Slut Ch 04

While Peter waited for Kraven to return with the brochure of the Kraven The Hunter Wild Life Foundation he wondered if maybe he wasn’t over-reacting. Kraven’s aims were good ones and the man did sound sincere. If it wasn’t for the Spider Sense he could have bought into what Kraven had said. On the one hand his Spider Sense had never been wrong, but that wasn’t to say that there couldn’t be a first time. What if the man was sincere and prison had turned him around? What if the Spider Sense was...

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Aint that a Bitch

It was two o’clock in the morning. Jim took a gulp of coffee as he sat patiently in his car in the deserted park. He put his drink down in the cup holder, and looked at his watch thinking, ‘where the fuck is this kid?’ Jim looked around nervously to make sure no one saw him. He’d be in a shit load of trouble if he got caught. Right then a beat up old Ford Taurus pulled into a space on the other side of the parking lot, and the driver shut off the engine. The old clunker’s high beam’s flashed...

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Rumors of HavenChapter 18

“I have a confession to make ... I’ve been in denial about something. For some time. I didn’t want to believe or accept this about myself, but ... I’m no longer gay. I’m bi now,” Kirk Danforth rather nervously informed Simon Nakamura and Dandelion in front of the others now. “So, you’ve been fighting it and lying about yourself, then,” Charles observed, “not the best approach, wouldn’t you agree?” “Yeah, but it’s ... just been rough, you know. I suppose that now that we can relax for a...

2 years ago
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My friends dad 10

Jeanette and I both had stunned looks on our faces. Was he really suggesting that we should have sex? “Well what do you mean dad? That we should try it?” Jeanette asked. “I'm just saying, for some straight ladies I know, it's a bucket list item to be with another woman, I mean back me up here Christina,” John replied. “Well I guess you have a point. I mean it's on mine I guess, but she's engaged to you now. Would you really want her to have sex with Jeanette?” Christina asked. “Well I think if...

3 years ago
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Magic turned against you

Wham! My face slammed into the ground. Clumsy as ever, I managed over to trip over my own feet. I began dusting myself off when I dull glint caught my eye. A coin? Maybe it’s something rare, after all I can always use the money. I thoughtfully glanced down at my old ripped jeans and dirty shoes. The dirt stuck under my nails as I began digging my treasure out of its earthy imprisonment. “Awwww man it looks like one of those cheesy genie lamps from Aladdin.” What a pain in the ass now I have to...

3 years ago
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Vacation with my family part I fixed For LesLara84

(note: I am not the author. I have no intention of trying to plagiarize or take credit. When the real author, LesLara84, finally posts this story without any HTLM codes, I will delete this. I apologize for any harm or anything, Im just doing this because this seems like a good story. I added limited spacing and fixed some punctuation but did not change any grammar or spelling.) edit: italicized quotation marks show up as question marks – didnt know this. Vacation with my family Hi everybody!...

1 year ago
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we meet the girl

WE MEET `THE GIRL'One evening Jimmy and I were sitting around the fire when that one nicegirl walked up. She was 19 and a sophomore at the college near our house.She had on a that classic Ren-faire top, tight waist and laced up the frontthat made her boobs look like they were about to spring loose. She hadgood sized boobs, too, and a knee length skirt with hose under that. Shewas a big girl, not `fat', but she had a generous body. She was verypretty in the firelight, with her dark hair.She sat...

4 years ago
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Finally Taking Granny Susans Ass

This is a continuation of my night with Granny Susan and I found out she is one very special GILF. As usual after a few dates I fucked this silver-haired beauty. I was surprised when she admitted had not been laid in ten years. She sure acted like it; this woman went crazy as I fucked her until she had her first orgasm in years. She also gave a fairly decent blow job. But what really interested me in her was what she said towards the end of our first encounter together. We were almost done...

2 years ago
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I explained how size is important and how I love being teased and licked and how around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. To be fair to my man we share another female sometimes which we both enjoy. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual,...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

3 years ago
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I think Id never look back

Never Look Back Author's note: This is based on I think I'd have a heart attack, which you can find a version of here: I always had my defences up never could admit who I was because if I ever did that I know I could never look back Always knew that I had to hide Always had to try to be a guy Never talk about what I want Even though it made life so tough Pretended I didn't care that they took my girl doll and cut my hair though...

1 year ago
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Uncle Ne Mom Ka Lagaya Setting

Hello iss readers . Ye story mere mom aur uncle ke boss ki hai . Meri mom ek housewife hai aur papa tour pe jate rehte hai aur kai hafto tak nahi aate . Mom aur uncle ke affair ke bare me maine aapko last story me bataya tha . Iss story me uncle ne boss ki setting mom se lagwai . Ab mai story pe aata ho. Mom 36 saal ki hai aur unka figure 36-32-38 hai . Unki gaand bahut bari hai aur unka rang gora hai . Ek din uncle ne boss ko apne ghar pe bulaya tha . Boss ke samne mom apni red nighty me chai...

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The Freshman

Let me tell you about my first year of high school. It was really strange. I started in the middle school, 8th grade and turned 13 in November when they gave me a bunch of tests and right after Thanksgiving decided I should be in 9th grade since I was pretty tall and very smart. So, before the Christmas break I was enrolled and took some more tests and got to know the big place, at least where the boys' rooms were, and they decided I could do all the math they had and should take some advanced...

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PervMom Reagan Foxx Hip On The Dick Tip

Technology moves fast these days, so you have to give Reagan Foxx credit for trying to keep up with the times. But when she creates an online profile, she finds that no one is accepting her friend requests. To prove she is a cool mom, she sucks off her pervy stepson with her MILF DSLs. Later on, Reagan is still trying to stay hip. She is trying to flip a water bottle so it lands upright, but cannot get the hang of it. She continues to practice as her stepson plows her pussy from behind! A...

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MyNew Job

To describe myself a bit, I'm 24 years old, 5'7", 115 lbs. I have long dirty blonde hair, C-cup boobs, and green eyes. I like running and working out and going to the gym on base. I've been told I have an athletic body and the guys at the gym are always hitting on me. I don't have any children. I have been married since I've been 18 years old - right out of High School. I got ready to go to the interview at the office I would be working out of. I wore a nice blouse, knee...

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Cum Shot Party

Hi, I'm Jason and I would prefer to use this outlet to describe what has happened in my life, especially with my sex life with regards to my wife Beth. I wrote one previous story about what happened last year at my wife's college reunion (see "Her Bad College Days").Since that weekend, I have done my best to forget what I saw. It had been on a video tape that guys from a nearby fraternity had made of my wife not long after she appeared in a college girls edition of Playboy magazine. The photo...

1 year ago
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how it continues

Since I posted my How it started a few things have changed. I still borrow my wifes used panties to jerk off into and still really enjoy doing that. BUT I GOT CAUGHT AGAIN. This… Since I posted my How it started a few things have changed. I still borrow my wifes used panties to jerk off into and still really enjoy doing that. BUT I GOT CAUGHT AGAIN. This time by the daughter of a close friend. Last winter I spent a week at our cottage. The first few days our place was just to cold to stay...

2 years ago
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Down South with Mom

I am happy that I've written 700 comments to my friends here on xHamster. Because of this round number I've decided to add another story of mine to my collection on this web site. Perhaps I will write part 2 when I reach 1000 comments. In the mean while I send best wishes to all my friends here on this social porn site.This story is not real, only fantasy. The feeling of love expressed in the story and geographical places where the story takes place are factual.Down South with MomEvery summer I...

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Romance On The Rails Chapter 2

I had an hour to wait for my connecting train so I walked around the depot, grabbing a snack from the kiosk and waited. When it was time, I boarded the train and I noticed it had more younger passengers this time. The train was a bit more crowded than the other had been, but still not bad. I found my cabin and set my things up again. This leg of my trip would take me from Seattle down the coast to Los Angeles. It would be a very scenic trip and I was looking forward to writing some great things...

Group Sex
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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 7

It hurt to be around Gloria, but the problem with not being around her was that that hurt too. I was miserable all day long. I wasn't hungry, and when I did eat something, I couldn't taste it. I yelled at Suzy, when she came in to ask if she could borrow one of my Forgotten Realms books, which I had been collecting for years. That got my mom on the rampage, because Suzy cried when I yelled at her. My dad had been napping on the couch, and he woke up and wanted to know what was wrong. He...

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My wifes cousin Sheryl

My wife's cousin SherylThis is a true story I managed to see her again a couple years ago. Will post soon...Enjoy the story let me know what you think.Back in the early 70's When i was in High School i use to hang out with my wife older brother Jay. We were freshman he was telling me his cousin Sheryl was coming over. Jay had said" she was a Hot Red Head with nice tits an she didn't mine show them off" i was 14 that all I could think about. Never having sex with a girl at this age. That Friday...

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An Honest Lair w Jamaican dialect

A thirty something year old woman should have enough confidence and life experience to not only be herself but know what she is about regardless of the heat lusting after her, which is exactly what I am. I am realistic when I find myself in any kind of relationship, men don’t tell their woman if and when they are giving bunn, so at times I might just end up doing my thing and know how things would be if the shoe was on the other foot like it is most times; fair is fair. Three years ago for...

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My Parents Gift To Me

My Parent's Gift To Me Synopsis: When Robin finds the girl inside, it leads to a journey of discovery and acceptance as her parents seek to fulfill her desire for completion which ends in her joy when she finds herself complete. [*][*][*] I can't thank Momma enough for giving me the gift of womanhood, just as I can't thank Daddy enough for calling me Princess. You see, I was born a boy, NOT a girl, like my brother Brian. My name is Robin Leslie Williams, and I am a girl inside. I...

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I have thought for a long time to pen my real life stories into this site, so that you can enjoy reading it, or may be more than that. There have been lots of stories in this site, which are true, but some of them are just pure fantasies, but anyway one should enjoy it. I also skip the introduction while reading stories, so straight to life. I am akhil 28 years, married with one child working in delhi and belong to hyderabad. I am narrating my first incident of my sex life. I was 22 then, when...

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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 56

Frustration, Thou Art A Cruel Mistress. However, Frustration in the search of Perfection, just makes you one stone cold, hard hearted, unforgiving, soul breaking, fucking bitch! If I could take a whip to you, I swear that I would flay the very flesh from your bones. Yet here I stand, your slave, constantly seeking to please you enough that you would let me hear in the physical world, what I hear in my head. The frustration of seeking perfection in an impossibly imperfect...

3 years ago
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a strange girl gangbanged by four

Hiiii to every one i m sameer from margao goa. i m big fan of iss for a long time i wanted to share on experience which took place last year it was between a strange girl n me my three friends, we all r good friends since we were child. let we start wid d story which occured in september . i n my friends were roaming around d city searching for horny girlz, as i was driving my bike n i got a call from a friend n i stopped d bike was talking on my cell n i saw a girl slim around 20 years n was...

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