My first threesome
- 3 years ago
- 21
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This is a slow story, and quite long, but I make no apology for that. Probably a little cheesy as well, perhaps, but again I make no apology. If you haven’t already been put off, read on and enjoy! I hope …
It was an impulse, pure and simple. Or at least as simple as any impulse can be when it comes to Man and Woman. I mean, she was hardly dressed to attract, and certainly not in summer clothes, despite the glorious weather. Dull plaid skirt, somewhere about mid-calf. Sensible, flat shoes. Loose sweater, no idea at all about what sort of figure she might have. No make-up, dark red hair scraped back tight into a bun, and horn-rimmed glasses. Cliché librarian. Which is exactly what she was, because I was in the college library and she was checking my books out for me. As she handed me the last one I happened to catch her looking at me, and was caught by the beauty of her green eyes, clear behind her spectacles. The sound of my voice surprised me.
‘Would you have dinner with me tonight?’ I said, and stopped, wondering what the hell had made me say it. She was as surprised as I was, because she gave me a startled look and I watched in fascination as the deepest blush I have ever seen on a face spread over hers.
The time for surprises wasn’t over, because she took a deep breath, nodded and said, ‘Yes,’ in a tiny voice that I only just heard.
There was a long pause and her flush, which had begun to fade, reappeared and she looked flustered. I held up my hand and she gave me another startled look.
‘Where do I pick you up?’ I said.
‘I beg your pardon?’
‘To take you to dinner. Where do I collect you?’
‘What time did you have in mind?’ she managed to say, the flush still suffusing her face.
‘Eight, nine, whatever suits you.’
‘I’m working here until nine. Here, outside, at ten past?’ she said, hesitant.
‘Okay. Ten past nine, here. See you,’ I said and I swear I could feel her eyes burning into my back all the way to the door.
I debated standing her up, asking myself why I’d done it, but I’m an honourable soul – most of the time, at least – and at ten minutes after nine I was waiting outside the library. She came out hesitantly, and I think she was surprised to see me, because she stopped dead. I went towards her and she gave me a tentative smile, the flush reappearing on her face in the rosy summer evening light.
‘Ready?’ I said.
She was flustered. ‘I’m not dressed for dinner,’ she said, plucking nervously at her skirt.
‘Do you like Italian food?’ I said.
She nodded, mute.
‘Tino’s doesn’t mind what you wear, so long as you give the food the attention it deserves. I took a chance and booked a table for two at nine-thirty. It’s only a ten-minute walk, so let’s go.’ Before she could stop me I tucked her arm in mine and led her away. I was aware that a couple of her colleagues were standing open-mouthed watching us. I think she’d seen them, too.
‘Before we reach the restaurant, there’s something I have to ask you,’ I said.
She was apprehensive. ‘What?’
‘Oh, it’s an easy one. Your name?’
She stared across at me for a moment as we walked, and I smiled. ‘I’m John Ridley.’
‘I know who you are, Doctor Ridley,’ she said.
‘Well, that’s one of us who knows the other. So what do I call you? Miss X is mysterious, but scarcely practical,’ I said.
A fleeting smile twitched the corner of her mouth and I began to feel that the evening was going to be better than I’d feared. ‘Lorna,’ she said, ‘Lorna Jens.’
‘Okay, you’re Lorna, and I’m John, and we’re going to have a lovely Italian meal and enjoy ourselves, so please, Lorna, relax! You’re wound so tight I’m scared you’re going to snap.’
Surprisingly, she laughed. A good laugh, natural. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘I’m just not used to being taken to dinner.’ She frowned. ‘In fact, I’ve never been taken to dinner before.’
‘Never?’ I said, surprised.
She shook her head. ‘Never.’
‘Why not?’ I said. Blunt, and I regretted it immediately and opened my mouth to apologise.
‘Look at me,’ she said, stopping dead in her tracks. I loosed her arm and did as she requested. She still looked like the cliché librarian, still flushed, with a sad look of lost hope in her eyes.
‘I’m looking,’ I said.
‘What do you see? An old maid? You must do.’ There was a terrible sadness in her tone, and I began to think there must be a deep, dark spot in her soul.
I shook my head. ‘No. I see the girl I asked to have dinner with me.’ I smiled at her, took her arm again and tugged her gently towards the restaurant.
‘Why did you ask me?’ she said.
‘Because I wanted to have dinner with a pretty girl.’
‘Pretty girl? You’re joking! I’m not pretty, I’m probably the plainest woman you’ve ever seen.’ Incredibly, she was angry.
‘Says who?’ I said.
‘My mirror, for one,’ she retorted.
‘Change your mirror,’ I said.
‘Change my – you’re joking, and I don’t like it! I’m not pretty. I never have been, I never will be.’ Her colour was up again, but the listlessness had gone and there was animation in her.
I stopped and turned her to face me. ‘I am not joking,’ I said. ‘You are a good-looking woman, or will be, if you relax a little. You have the most beautiful eyes and mouth I have ever seen on a woman, your skin is as clear as a baby’s and your hair – well, okay, your hair needs the attention of a good hairdresser, but it looks clean and healthy.’
She stared at me for a long, long moment and then her face crumpled and she began to cry, soundlessly, tears running down her cheeks. I moved towards her and touched her arm and the next thing I knew she was sobbing on my shoulder, my arms around her, just holding her. Her hair smelled fresh and sweet, and the only other smell was her skin, not only as clear as a baby’s but with a similar warm sweetness to it. I didn’t say anything, just held her lightly and it wasn’t long before she pushed me away, fumbling in her oversized purse for a tissue. I took a folded handkerchief from an inside pocket and held it out to her. She took it, wiped her eyes, blew her nose and finally allowed herself to look at me again.
‘Feel better?’ I said.
She nodded. ‘That was the nicest lie I ever heard,’ she said, a faint, tentative smile on her face.
‘I don’t lie.’ She didn’t say anything to that, but the look she gave me spoke volumes. I grinned at her and took her arm again, turning her towards the restaurant. It was about three-quarters full, and Tino spotted us immediately we went in, hurrying across to us.
‘Doctor Ridley! Signorina! Welcome, welcome. Your table is ready. Please, this way.’ He led us towards a quiet corner table, waited while I seated Lorna, who looked flustered again at the attention, and handed us menus.
‘You want drinks before your meal?’ he said.
I looked across at Lorna. ‘Do we?’ I said, ‘or do we just have wine with the meal?’
‘You decide,’ she said, and flushed again.
‘We’ll have wine with the meal, I think. Two mineral waters for now, please.’
‘I send them over,’ said Tino, and bustled off. I glanced at Lorna who was avoiding my eye by studying her menu intently.
‘Any favourites?’ I said. She wouldn’t look up, and shook her head. Tino’s was popular not only because of the quality of the food, but because it wasn’t overpriced. I reached over and took her menu from her. ‘There’ll be a special on, and it will be delicious. Have you any dislikes, or is there anything you must avoid?’
Finally, she looked up at me and shook her head in a tiny negative.
‘Shall we have the special, then, and let Tino recommend the wine?’
She nodded. ‘Okay.’
‘Are you hungry?’ I said.
She smiled suddenly, warm, broad, startling me with the way her smile lit her face. She nodded. ‘I’m starving.’ <
The waitress came then with our mineral waters, closely followed by Tino.
‘Have you decided?’ he said.
‘You have a special on tonight?’
‘Of course.’
‘We’ll have the special, then. Starter, main course, and dessert. You choose, and you choose the wine,’ I told him.
He looked pleased at that, but, careful as ever, said, ‘You are sure?’ I nodded affirmatively and he turned to Lorna. ‘Signorina?’
She flushed again, but answered readily. ‘Please. As Doctor Ridley says.’
Tino beamed at us, and bustled off. To be honest, I remember little of what I ate, save only that it was delicious, as always. The starter contained ciabatta bread and roasted sweet peppers, that much I remember, although it may have been focaccia, rather than ciabatta. The main course was chicken, definitely chicken, cooked with cream, wine, garlic and herbs – simple ingredients, but the combination of flavours was superb. Forced to describe the sweet, I would have to say, some kind of cheesecake, with berries, lots of berries, and that wonderful Italian ice-cream. The wine was slightly sparkling, crisp, semi-dry, delicious.
Lorna ate with appetite and I enjoyed seeing the delight with which she approached the food. We spoke little during the meal, trivial stuff, inconsequential. Almost surprised, I found I was enjoying her company. Once she’d managed to relax a little, I found her conversation stimulating. It may be that the wine relaxed her, for I suspect that normally she drank little, if at all.
It was almost eleven when we left the restaurant. The evening was warm, and I turned to her. ‘Time to take Cinderella home,’ I said. ‘But first you’ll have to tell me. Where is home?’
‘It’s only five minutes walk,’ she said. ‘I’ll be fine.’
‘A gentleman does not leave a lady to make her own way home,’ I said. ‘Especially late at night. Show me the way.’
She pointed, and I tucked her arm under mine. We set off, and I realised she was humming under her breath. The walk was too short for me, because we hardly had a chance to talk about anything before we stopped in front of an apartment block. ‘I live here,’ she said. ‘Apartment twelve, top floor.’
I nodded. ‘Did you enjoy your meal tonight?’ I said.
‘Very much. It was delicious. I mean, I’ve used the same ingredients for cooking, well, except the wine, and mine tasted so different.’
‘You like cooking?’
‘Yes, I do, but I rarely bother to do much for myself.’ There was a silence, then she turned to me. ‘Saturday?’ she said, her voice hesitant.
‘What about Saturday?’
‘Are you working?’
I laughed. ‘No classes on a Saturday, thank goodness.’ And not many classes anyway, as for most of the university it was the summer recess. Some of us had summer students, worse luck. ‘What about Saturday?’
She took a deep breath and when she spoke it was in a rush. ‘Can I cook you dinner? Sort of a thank-you for tonight?’
I was surprised, but took care not to show it. ‘I need no thanks, Lorna, I enjoyed your company. Anyway, I want to ask if I can see you again.’
She blinked, then smiled tentatively. ‘You do?’
‘Yes, I do,’ I said.
‘I’d like that,’ she said, and even in the dark I could see her face flush, ‘but only if you’ll come to dinner on Saturday.’
‘It’s a date,’ I said.
She looked startled for a moment, then smiled. ‘It is, isn’t it? Seven o’clock?’
‘Seven. I’ll be here. Shall I bring wine?’
‘Would you, please? I wouldn’t know what to choose.’
I smiled at her. ‘It would help if I knew what you were cooking,’ I said.
‘Oh! Of course. Goodness, I don’t know yet.’
‘Not a problem. I’ll bring red and white. Whichever one is left, you can keep for another time.’ I was hoping she might ask me in for a coffee, but I wasn’t going to push it. She intrigued me, intrigued me enough that I wanted to know her better. I wasn’t going to push myself in case she panicked and ran. She seemed to be a complex mixture of neuroses and very nice woman. I just hoped I wasn’t adding to her neuroses.
‘Saturday at seven, then?’ she said.
I nodded. ‘At seven.’
She stood uncertainly for a moment, then leaned forward quickly and kissed my cheek. ‘Goodnight, John,’ she said, and she was gone. She turned as she disappeared through the door and I waved. She gave me a half-wave and then she was gone. I turned and made my way towards my own apartment, like hers within walking distance of the university. I found myself whistling the same tune she’d been humming and laughed to myself.
The days before Saturday were busy and I didn’t find myself thinking about her too often, but when I did I found I was looking forward to seeing her again. She intrigued me. Saturday came and I bought two bottles of wine when I did my grocery shopping. I bought some flowers, too. They weren’t expensive, but the bouquet looked good and I hoped Lorna would like them. I showered, changed into some half-smart casual clothes and at seven sharp I was ringing her bell.
At first I thought I had the wrong apartment, because I had to look twice to make sure it was Lorna. The horn-rims were gone, replaced by stylish, modern, frameless spectacles. Gone too was the tight bun of hair. Lorna’s hair was loose around her shoulders, curling softly. The biggest change was in her clothes. The plaid skirt and loose sweater were gone. Instead she wore a knee-length denim skirt and a simple sleeveless white blouse, buttoned down the front.
I think I must have been staring, because one thing hadn’t changed – the deep flush that appeared on her face.
‘I – ‘ she began, but I stopped her with a gesture.
‘You are lovely,’ I said, and meant it, because she was. Is. I handed her the flowers. ‘For you.’
She took them, bending her head to smell the bouquet. Bending too, I think, so as not to have to look at me for a moment.
I took refuge in cliché. ‘You look great,’ I said. Her eyes came up and she flushed again.
‘I had help,’ she said.
‘Help? How? Or should it be who?’
‘Jackie, she’s one of the girls I work with, she saw us the other night and wouldn’t let me rest until I told her about it.’
‘Not much to tell,’ I said with a smile. ‘So what did she help you with?’
‘She took me shopping for clothes, made me get new glasses, and her sister – she’s a stylist – cut my hair.’ Lorna smiled briefly. ‘I wouldn’t let her take too much off.’
I looked at Lorna again, and even with the high colour in her cheeks she looked lovely. Her skin is as fresh as a child’s, her lips red without cosmetics, and her eyes as clear as spring water – I know, cliché again, but they were. ‘They did a great job, Lorna, because you look lovely.’
Her colour was still high, but she smiled. ‘I feel good,’ she said.
‘It shows.’
She turned away. ‘I’ll just put these in some water,’ she said, bending to smell the flowers again. ‘Have a seat in the living room,’ she said as she disappeared into the kitchen. I shook my head and followed her.
‘Lorna?’ I said as she took a vase from a cupboard. She turned, a little startled. I held up the bag with the wine.
‘The white needs to be in the refrigerator,’ I said. ‘It’s a warm evening.’
‘Of course,’ she said. ‘Just a moment.’ She busied herself with the flowers and then took the white wine from me and put it into her refrigerator.
‘What are we having?’ I said.
‘Wait and see,’ she retorted, and I grinned at her. She flushed, but I was beginning to realise it was her natural reaction, that I shouldn’t take too much notice. I knew, though, that she was nervous at having me in her tiny apartment, just from watching her hands.
‘Call when it’s ready, or if you want me to open the wine,’ I said. ‘I’ll get out of your way for the moment.’
Her answering smile was a little abstracted as a timer sounded. I thought it best if
I really did get out of the way and went into her little sitting-room. I smiled involuntarily. Books everywhere, just like my own place. Apt for a librarian, I thought. She had Spenser’s ‘Faerie Queen’ and I sat down with it, reading a few stanzas just for the pleasure of it. I wasn’t aware she’d returned until she spoke.
‘You like Spenser?’
‘He’s hard work, but yes, much more than some free verse I read.’ I smiled at her. ‘I suppose I’m old-fashioned in my poetry tastes.’
‘Perhaps just as well you teach on the computing side of the university,’ she said, her expression solemn, but I caught a twinkle in her eye.
‘Perhaps,’ I said, fighting a grin, but she caught it and smiled.
‘The starter’s ready, come on through.’ Her apartment had a tiny dining-annexe, tucked in a corner between the kitchen and the living-room, and the table was ready, spotless checked table-cloth, gleaming cutlery, plates waiting ready for us. ‘A cold starter,’ she said, ‘because there’s only me preparing the food.’
I enjoyed the meal, very much. Nothing fancy. Lorna had done a prawn and melon starter, with chopped watercress and a balsamic vinegar, ginger and honey dressing. The combination of flavours was startling at first, but surprisingly tasty. She followed it with fresh tuna cooked in garlic butter, served with zucchini fritters, sugar-snap peas and a baked potato, followed by a simple baked-apple pie with ice-cream. We finished the white wine with our meal, and Lorna made coffee.
‘You go and sit while I do the dishes,’ she said. She smiled. ‘I hate leaving dirty dishes.’ She had relaxed a lot as the meal progressed. Yes, and as the level of the wine bottle had fallen. She wasn’t tipsy, far from it, but I think the wine had made her more comfortable with me. I shook my head.
‘You’re not doing the dishes by yourself. Do you want me to wash, or dry?’
She stared at me for a long moment. ‘You’re sure?’
‘If you wash, please. I know where everything goes.’
‘Fine. Let’s get started. Sooner started, sooner finished, and that coffee smells delicious.’
It didn’t take long, not with two of us, and we carried our coffees through into her living-room. It was tiny, and sensibly she had only a couch to sit on, big enough for three, if they were friendly, ample for the two of us.
‘Is there anything you want to watch on television?’ she said, eyebrows raised.
‘Not for me,’ I said. ‘I’m the neanderthal who thinks that the best thing on television is often the ‘off’ switch.’
Lorna laughed, a gurgle that made my prick twitch, startling me. ‘I agree,’ she said. ‘Music?’
‘Music is good. Anything special?’
‘What do you like? Pop? Rock? Country? Classical?’
‘I enjoy them all, at the right time. Now? Now, I think, is a classical moment.’
She nodded, solemn, but there was that twinkle in her eye again. ‘Classical it is. Borodin?’
‘Borodin’s fine.’
We sat for a while, finishing our coffees, enjoying the music. Lorna took our cups away and came back with the red wine, and the corkscrew. ‘The label says it’s a wine for enjoyment by itself, and not necessarily with food,’ she said. ‘I thought it might be nice to have while we listen to the music.’ She held the bottle and corkscrew out to me. ‘Would you open it, please, while I fetch the glasses?’
I was slightly surprised, because I knew from our conversation that she wasn’t a drinker, but I’d found myself wanting to kiss her, and I thought a glass or so of wine might just relax her enough that I could. She seemed much easier with me now than she had when I’d first arrived. I glanced at my watch. Hey! Over two hours ago.
We were half-way through the bottle when the CD finished. We sat for a moment, the final strains of the ‘Polovtsian Dances’ in our minds.
‘Another?’ Lorna asked.
‘Please, but you choose this time.’
‘Change of theme, then. Vocal, this time. Jazz, sort of.’
‘Sort of, eh? Interesting. Who?’
‘Madeleine Peyroux.’
I nodded. ‘I’ve heard of her, but haven’t heard her.’
‘I think she’s good,’ said Lorna. She was right, and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the CD. When it was finished, so was the wine. I felt slightly guilty for making sure Lorna drank as much as me, for she was clearly no drinker. I glanced at my watch. Almost eleven. Time to leave, I thought.
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HumorHow it started………….Groomed 1 …………I was a typical 9 year old boy growing up in southern California in 1965. Hung out with my friends (mostly guys), played sports, swimming, etc. It was summer and there was lots of free time to play.Being a blond and fair skinned I developed the typical SoCal summer tan. Short crew cut haircut was the way my parents kept my hair (had to be like my dad). My dad was in the service and was overseas on temporary duty. Mom was busy with my younger baby sister. ...
I woke up to my mom waving my breakfast into my face.I got up "here honey eat up " " i scootched up and put my tray on my lap and started eating""be ready soon, school starts in 20 min"s "Let me tell you about myself. My name is lauren, ive got blonde hair blue eyes 34c boobs , a nice small ass and i weigh in at 105 lbs with a height of 5"1. I had always thought my mom was quite hot and would love to stoke her pussy. My mom had almost the same build as me but she was 5"2, blonde hair, green...
Author’s Note: DG Hear, MistressLynn and myself are doing a mini writing invitational. We are each picking one song from Ray Price and using it as the basis for a story. I’ve picked ‘City Lights,’ DG Hear, ‘For the Good Times,’ and MistressLynn (aka MissLynn), ‘That’s All That Matters.’ I will also be doing ‘A Girl in the Night.’ We hope you enjoy the stories – Jake Rivers ‘City Lights’ has always been one of my favorite songs by Ray: A bright array of city lights as far as I can see.The...
When Alice and Helen had moved into Stanley's house his twin sons Bill and Bob were 17 years old. They didn't care much. They thought that Helen was hot and would have loved to fuck her hard, but she was their father's woman and so they only dreamed of doing so. The 12-year old Alice was gawky and as far as they were concerned just a trailer-trash brat. She was not of sexual interest to them. But in the time it took Stanley to enslave Helen (See HELEN IS ENSLAVED), Alice blossomed. Within...
Mike was the leader of a small gang of misfits. He and his pals roamed the streets of their small part of the city almost every night. They loved to rough up scrawny men who were foolish enough to walk the darkened streets alone. Most of their prey were office workers who got too caught up in their work, as well as the occasional naive tourist.Mike had the physique of a man who had lived most of his thirty seven years on the street. He was an intimidating man, standing about six and a half feet...
HardcoreNormally I get to watch my wife getting her brains fucked out, but at Christmas time she loves doing a sneeky fuck a couple of times. Well Friday she called me at the shop and said that she was going Christmas shopping with Danny. I've met Danny a few times when he brought my wife home from a date but I've never actually watched him have sex with her. It was the Friday before Christmas Sunday and I was having a Christmas party at my shop for my guys. All I could think about after her call was...
In the beginning, there was Truhal, the Great God...and He was horny. So He made 5 Goddesses to be his wives, and another 23 Goddesses to be His concubines, and they satisfied Him. But, being the Great God, His seed was potent, and between them the 28 Goddesses produced hundreds of divine children. And as children are wont to do, godly or not, They bickered and fought, and Truhal had no peace. But although He was something of a pervert, Truhal was wise, and saw that what His children needed was...
She raised her eyes to his. Immediately, her pupils dilated more, until the black nearly obliterated the icy blue. Her nostrils flared, and a soft sigh escaped her lips. The tension in her legs abated, and she actually leaned back a little more, and widened them Yes. “Touch yourself,” he hissed. “I want to see you pleasure yourself.” Another breathy whimper passed through her plump lips, as her fingers dipped into her wet slit. Her back arched, and her eyes closed to glittering slits. Her...
Em was tired when she got back to the hotel. She felt a bit frazzled. She was on a particularly onerous business trip. Normally she liked travelling and didn’t find it a strain, but this trip had been tough, and it wasn’t over yet. She still had three days to go, with more meetings, further presentations and two more business dinners. But this afternoon and evening she was free of appointments. There was plenty of work to do, writing up notes and making sure appointments were still on track. ...
Quickie SexI let Mari use the bathroom first. I walked over to the laundry return mounted in the bedroom wall, pulled out my clothes, folded and put them away. Mari exited a little later, telling me 'Your turn' before walking out and checking to make sure the hotel room was buttoned up. I went into the bathroom, stripped my clothes off before putting just my shorts back on, and did my nightly stuff. I exited the bathroom, tossed my slightly used clothes into the wardrobe, dimmed the lights, and...
It was early August of 1977. I was friends with the daughter of the local new car dealer. She had graduated from high school in June. Kelly and I were going to be seniors in the fall, but I had hung out with a number of people in the Class of ’77.Jenny lived in pretty nice digs. Large house, inground pool, four-car attached garage. Jenny threw a big party, mostly because she and many of her classmates were soon leaving town for college.The party started mid-afternoon. It was a most enjoyable...
TeenI see one of her favorite shirts and I grab it and shredd it. Grunting out I hate her! She ruins everything, one day she'll ruin me completely. I pause, someones at the door... Damien! I exclaim. I tip toe over to the top of the stairs and listen. She's not here. If she were would you let me see her? No! Why not Mrs. Stark? Because your too old and she's to young. I'm just.... her tudor. Bullshit damien, my daughter is a straight A student, she needs no tudor. He sighs, we've...
Chief Cave Lion's dwelling was by far the largest in the village. It was a huge lattice of fallen tree trunks, tied together by cord and covered by sewn-together aurochs and rhinoceros hide. It was as large as five or six tepees meshed together. Although the harshness of the winter snow was usually enough to wreck most habitations in the village, the chief's weathered the conditions best and was reassembled on the same spot each spring with, if anything, more splendour than in the previous...
The BBS lovers wrote back and forth to each other, til they both had enough of writing letters. Both were married but not to each other. They lived over 1500 miles apart. They both wrote to each other asking if they could meet. They both came upon an agreement and meet halfway. He landed at his halfway point on Friday late afternoon, waiting for his lovers plane to land. When it was for the plane he got all nervous and excited. He heard them announce on the loud speaker that the plane was...
EroticHi! ISI readers I am Rajesh from Coimbatore a guy of 27 kind of average looking guy. I have always fantasized having sex with all age groups of women in different styles. This incident happened to me 8 months ago which has further increased my desire to women. I had just finished my degree and was in search for a job. Since I live in Coimbatore I was looking for a job in my home town, it was in one of the job interview that i had met Aarthi. Let me describe her Aarthi… she was a very sexy girl...
IncestI am a regular reader of ISS. I am studying engineering completed 3rd year EEE. I live in Chennai. but I am studying in hostel in ramanadhapuram. I am going to share what happened before 4 days,which i can’t forget in my life with my aunt.I usually call her ‘akka’ meaning sister. please forgive me for my mistakes in grammar and spellings. I am normal height and a normal boy. but my aunt will look like a heroine(like Kajal). she is my mom’s brothers wife. they have two cute kids. who ever look...
IncestLucy, Julie and I were all eighteen and it was the summer after our senior year. Since we would be off to college in the fall we wanted to go out with a bang. We were at the mall in the next town over when we walked into a lingerie store so Julie could buy something for her and her boyfriend. Julie was more modest so we went with her to help. Lucy was walking around and found a display of different vibrators and toys, so she called us over. Lucy began to tell Julie to buy one and went into...
Lesbian“Okay, looks like you have one last group of visitors before you’re released. I don’t know why they couldn’t wait to meet you at home or somewhere else, but here they are. The Lanier family. Pierre, Angelique, Monique, and Jacques. Her parents and siblings,” Nora made sure that I actually wanted to speak to them prior to release, given how close I was to being discharged. “Oh, go ahead. Let’s get this over with, and in a setting where they have to behave themselves,” I smiled, as Nora nodded...
Greg lay on the hard tile floor, being ever so careful as he wrote his words of love. He had thought of them last night as he was being viciously ass-raped by Luke, the huge black man that was one of his masters. His ass was still sore from it; the thought of it made his abused asshole quiver in fear. He’d had to commit the words he was now writing to memory, for he had been fucked all through the night that night and had been performing toilet duties all morning, ran his errands in the...
Introduction:Steven and Laura bond after a partyThis wasn’t the type of party Steven would usually find himself on a Saturday night, but he was having a good time so far. He spotted his brother across the patio and excused himself from his conversation with the group of old guys who were giving him golf tips. Steven walked across the patio, past the pool, past the group of adults laughing hilariously, past the old banker with a bottle of wine in each hand, filling the glasses of everyone he...
Hi I’m kailash 38, married to Sweety 31 and I belong to rajasthan, I always had a fantasy to see my partner getting fucked by someone else (preferably a stranger). I got married to Sweety two years back. She is the sexiest babe ever came in my life. She is 38, 34, 38 and 5’ 1” . She never had any affair in her life and I was the one to break her “seal” at our first night. I must say she is SEX Goddess. Now we are married for almost 14 years and share a wonderful sex life. But, I could not get...
IncestTracey and I spent nearly the entire Christmas weekend working. I was either at Hardesy's or waiting tables for Tracey. It wasn't the most fun I'd ever had over the Christmas holidays, but Tracey was very, very happy, as she must have catered a half dozen Christmas parties over the four day weekend. Plus, I knew Missy was going to be gone until school started again in January, so I made sure Mr. Hardesy knew I was willing to work as many hours as he would give me. I could see the finish...
I bet you’ve never heard of a site with a more intriguing name than Chat Pig, because I surely haven’t. Usually, the site’s name should make sense, or give us an idea of what the site has to offer, right? Well, that crap does not really apply here if you ask me. Well, while the targeted audience here are mostly Germans, or so my sources say, when I visited the site, I found a lot of English-speaking individuals so I was confused.Maybe the fact that their name has a Pig in it, comes from the...
Sex Chat SitesHi friends..Aapkpko mera namskar and pyar m anish indoore m.P se hu ye meri life ki aisi khanai hai jo mene kabhi sapne mai bhi nahi socha tha but.God is g8 bas ho gya.Ab kese or kab….To suniye. Mera email. Id hai ye bat tab ki hai jab me ..Dehli me job k liye gya tha mai waha bilkul naya tha.,kuch bhi nahi dekha ek dum new city thi ….Badi mushkil se mujhe ek flate mila jo uutam nagar east me tha.Ye bat 2010.Ki thi.Aajkal to mai indore mai hi rehta hu.,neway.Story p aata hu.Mai dehli me rooj...
Today Shi Official returns to in Private Gold, The Grind – Sexy Music Girls and this horny brunette has come back as curvy as ever armed with her big ass, big tits and ready to get down and dirty with her real life partner Jamie Koda. Watch this voluptuous babe get right back into the action as she strips off and gets on all fours for a nice sloppy blowjob, warming up and getting everything wet and ready for a hot fuck as she goes on to enjoy a hard pounding that will...
xmoviesforyou(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nineteen: Incestuous Temptation Abounds By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! June 28th, 2027 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston II The last month had been rough. I'd seen my children only twice on supervised, half-hour visits. I had a joyless social worker watching me like a hawk afraid that I would do something with them. They weren't old enough to consent to do that stuff. They'd have to be eighteen and...
Steffi Green is a shy, young high school girl living currently living with her family in a major metropolitan city. Around 5"2 with short auburn hair, her thin frame supports an ample 30 C chest. having never really shown an interest in boys, she's never had a boyfriend. Steffi's curse is that she is terribly shy and naive, falling to the protection of her family in social gatherings. Don't let this fool you though, Steffi thinks about boys a lot. She is just never able to muster the courage to...
There was an old World Book Encyclopedia with lots of pictures, so the teens spent the morning flipping through it with Ai. The creature was fascinated by not just the objects and places, but the people. Humans were so different! One page had a photo of an African man with skin almost pure black. Ai held up her arm next to the book, looking back and forth and comparing the colors. Was she human? There didn't seem to be a color humans didn't come in! After about an hour, Bill stood. "I...
AT THE HOSPITAL This a true story of my initiation into the world of non stop fucking and swinging with a woman 17 years younger. This story is based in an Australian city called Brisbane in Queensland. First rate slut I first met Bev when we were nursing together, Bev was 27 and I was 43. Anyway we seemed to hit it off straight away and as I was new to the hospital and we were “paired” as partners for the next few shifts it was her role to familiarize me with the various aspects of the...
It was some time later that Wendy called to Richard "You can stay in the water for a little longer, but Annette and I have to go and prepare lunch." Richard nodded and carried on swimming. He had made sure that his body was hidden under the water. He had noticed that both girls had not played in the shallows either. He watched as they waded up on to the bank. Their young bodies glistening in the sun, Annette's skin glowing dark against the paleness of Wendy. Diane watched the two young...
Hap felt like a fifth wheel as commanders came and went in a flurry of dust and the clumping of horses' hooves. Suetonius gave his orders tersely, but cooly, lest he create panic among his inexperienced captains. The army had to be turned 90 degrees, they were facing the wrong way, and, as it became evident from scouts arriving throughout the morning, the fulcrum of the Com army had been guessed wrong. Hap desperately wanted to go to Berengaria where, he'd heard, Moira Lys and the caravan...
Geoff got on the 211 bus at 5:15 as he did every day on his way home from the office. Even in filthy, wet weather like this he liked to head upstairs and stare out of the window as it made its way through the Lancashire countryside. The scenery helped to speed through the 40 minutes or so.On this occasion there was a particularly striking brunette across the gangway, one row in front of him. The top deck had several others on it but they were all sat forward of him and this pretty girl. He was...
Finally we meetI see her by the arrival gate. She is waiting for me.She does not see me. In that private, strangely intimate moment of observation I poses her just fleetingly, I have her all to myself for the first time, nothing between us, just the air we are both breathing, in this one and only life. My heart beats faster and I feel just that little bit more alive for being in her presence knowing today is possibly the only time I will ever really see her. The only time I will ever touch her...
Vaijanthi was small and neat – a damn fine maid. I always wanted to grab her by the waist and make love to her, which is what i did over the weekend. There was bit of a struggle at first when she realized that she was going to get laid. But she gave in when she felt me squeeze her little tits and fondle her butt. I got her on the bed and unbuttoned her blouse. She did not wear a bra so out popped her cute little breasts, which i fondled. I sucked her nipples to make them hard. I lifted her sari...
It was almost midnight, and I was on my way home after a long day of meetings that culminated with a few drinks. I was tired, and my drive home takes me down a stretch of road that’s dark and desolate. I was about ten-minutes away from home when I spotted a vehicle on the side of the road with its emergency lights on. As I slowed down to approach the car the front door opened, and then a woman stepped out. I saw what appeared to be a mature woman wearing a short dress. Concerned, I slowed down...
BisexualThe first part of my story is background stuff so I don’t expect much response but be patient fellow Hamsters I promise things hot up in Part 2. This story goes back a few years when I was in my early fifties. Through a website where hubbies posted pics of their wives I got chatting to Alan who, I later discovered, was in his mid-sixties. His wife Susan was in her early sixties and, certainly in my view, the perfect GILF. She had looked after herself and had a fabulous body for her age; UK size...
I had just finished high school and was having a hard time finding a job. I had spent months going from place to place putting in apps but this damn Obama economy was making it really hard to get an entry level good job. I decided to head to the park and sit and watch the world go by and think about my future, yes I was depressed. As I sat there watching people, picking out the girls and moms I would like to fuck this man came up and sat next to me. He told me he was wanting to video a...
She was a new hire and was already terrified of him. Good, that was part of his job. He was taking her through the mansion, introducing her to the various servants living and working below stairs. As he understood it, this would be her first position in a house. She would hopefully be a quick study. Hand picked by the Lady herself no less; he would be certain to keep this to himself; favourites always received the coldest of welcomes. He also made sure she was aware of this, the last thing he...
LesbianNo matter how much you cry and plead, there’s no white knight. When it comes down to saving your life, no one does it like yourself. I’m lying here thinking about all the things that happened in the past twenty-four hours and every time I take a breath, I exhale tears of fright and exhaustion. I’ve been shaking all night and haven’t really slept soundly. Those fits of sleep I get are filled with the most horrid, grotesque dreams I have ever had. Someday my prince will come It took more...