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This is a slow story, and quite long, but I make no apology for that. Probably a little cheesy as well, perhaps, but again I make no apology. If you haven’t already been put off, read on and enjoy! I hope …


It was an impulse, pure and simple. Or at least as simple as any impulse can be when it comes to Man and Woman. I mean, she was hardly dressed to attract, and certainly not in summer clothes, despite the glorious weather. Dull plaid skirt, somewhere about mid-calf. Sensible, flat shoes. Loose sweater, no idea at all about what sort of figure she might have. No make-up, dark red hair scraped back tight into a bun, and horn-rimmed glasses. Cliché librarian. Which is exactly what she was, because I was in the college library and she was checking my books out for me. As she handed me the last one I happened to catch her looking at me, and was caught by the beauty of her green eyes, clear behind her spectacles. The sound of my voice surprised me.

‘Would you have dinner with me tonight?’ I said, and stopped, wondering what the hell had made me say it. She was as surprised as I was, because she gave me a startled look and I watched in fascination as the deepest blush I have ever seen on a face spread over hers.

The time for surprises wasn’t over, because she took a deep breath, nodded and said, ‘Yes,’ in a tiny voice that I only just heard.

There was a long pause and her flush, which had begun to fade, reappeared and she looked flustered. I held up my hand and she gave me another startled look.

‘Where do I pick you up?’ I said.

‘I beg your pardon?’

‘To take you to dinner. Where do I collect you?’

‘What time did you have in mind?’ she managed to say, the flush still suffusing her face.

‘Eight, nine, whatever suits you.’

‘I’m working here until nine. Here, outside, at ten past?’ she said, hesitant.

‘Okay. Ten past nine, here. See you,’ I said and I swear I could feel her eyes burning into my back all the way to the door.

I debated standing her up, asking myself why I’d done it, but I’m an honourable soul – most of the time, at least – and at ten minutes after nine I was waiting outside the library. She came out hesitantly, and I think she was surprised to see me, because she stopped dead. I went towards her and she gave me a tentative smile, the flush reappearing on her face in the rosy summer evening light.

‘Ready?’ I said.

She was flustered. ‘I’m not dressed for dinner,’ she said, plucking nervously at her skirt.

‘Do you like Italian food?’ I said.

She nodded, mute.

‘Tino’s doesn’t mind what you wear, so long as you give the food the attention it deserves. I took a chance and booked a table for two at nine-thirty. It’s only a ten-minute walk, so let’s go.’ Before she could stop me I tucked her arm in mine and led her away. I was aware that a couple of her colleagues were standing open-mouthed watching us. I think she’d seen them, too.

‘Before we reach the restaurant, there’s something I have to ask you,’ I said.

She was apprehensive. ‘What?’

‘Oh, it’s an easy one. Your name?’

She stared across at me for a moment as we walked, and I smiled. ‘I’m John Ridley.’

‘I know who you are, Doctor Ridley,’ she said.

‘Well, that’s one of us who knows the other. So what do I call you? Miss X is mysterious, but scarcely practical,’ I said.

A fleeting smile twitched the corner of her mouth and I began to feel that the evening was going to be better than I’d feared. ‘Lorna,’ she said, ‘Lorna Jens.’

‘Okay, you’re Lorna, and I’m John, and we’re going to have a lovely Italian meal and enjoy ourselves, so please, Lorna, relax! You’re wound so tight I’m scared you’re going to snap.’

Surprisingly, she laughed. A good laugh, natural. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘I’m just not used to being taken to dinner.’ She frowned. ‘In fact, I’ve never been taken to dinner before.’

‘Never?’ I said, surprised.

She shook her head. ‘Never.’

‘Why not?’ I said. Blunt, and I regretted it immediately and opened my mouth to apologise.

‘Look at me,’ she said, stopping dead in her tracks. I loosed her arm and did as she requested. She still looked like the cliché librarian, still flushed, with a sad look of lost hope in her eyes.

‘I’m looking,’ I said.

‘What do you see? An old maid? You must do.’ There was a terrible sadness in her tone, and I began to think there must be a deep, dark spot in her soul.

I shook my head. ‘No. I see the girl I asked to have dinner with me.’ I smiled at her, took her arm again and tugged her gently towards the restaurant.

‘Why did you ask me?’ she said.

‘Because I wanted to have dinner with a pretty girl.’

‘Pretty girl? You’re joking! I’m not pretty, I’m probably the plainest woman you’ve ever seen.’ Incredibly, she was angry.

‘Says who?’ I said.

‘My mirror, for one,’ she retorted.

‘Change your mirror,’ I said.

‘Change my – you’re joking, and I don’t like it! I’m not pretty. I never have been, I never will be.’ Her colour was up again, but the listlessness had gone and there was animation in her.

I stopped and turned her to face me. ‘I am not joking,’ I said. ‘You are a good-looking woman, or will be, if you relax a little. You have the most beautiful eyes and mouth I have ever seen on a woman, your skin is as clear as a baby’s and your hair – well, okay, your hair needs the attention of a good hairdresser, but it looks clean and healthy.’

She stared at me for a long, long moment and then her face crumpled and she began to cry, soundlessly, tears running down her cheeks. I moved towards her and touched her arm and the next thing I knew she was sobbing on my shoulder, my arms around her, just holding her. Her hair smelled fresh and sweet, and the only other smell was her skin, not only as clear as a baby’s but with a similar warm sweetness to it. I didn’t say anything, just held her lightly and it wasn’t long before she pushed me away, fumbling in her oversized purse for a tissue. I took a folded handkerchief from an inside pocket and held it out to her. She took it, wiped her eyes, blew her nose and finally allowed herself to look at me again.

‘Feel better?’ I said.

She nodded. ‘That was the nicest lie I ever heard,’ she said, a faint, tentative smile on her face.

‘I don’t lie.’ She didn’t say anything to that, but the look she gave me spoke volumes. I grinned at her and took her arm again, turning her towards the restaurant. It was about three-quarters full, and Tino spotted us immediately we went in, hurrying across to us.

‘Doctor Ridley! Signorina! Welcome, welcome. Your table is ready. Please, this way.’ He led us towards a quiet corner table, waited while I seated Lorna, who looked flustered again at the attention, and handed us menus.

‘You want drinks before your meal?’ he said.

I looked across at Lorna. ‘Do we?’ I said, ‘or do we just have wine with the meal?’

‘You decide,’ she said, and flushed again.

‘We’ll have wine with the meal, I think. Two mineral waters for now, please.’

‘I send them over,’ said Tino, and bustled off. I glanced at Lorna who was avoiding my eye by studying her menu intently.

‘Any favourites?’ I said. She wouldn’t look up, and shook her head. Tino’s was popular not only because of the quality of the food, but because it wasn’t overpriced. I reached over and took her menu from her. ‘There’ll be a special on, and it will be delicious. Have you any dislikes, or is there anything you must avoid?’

Finally, she looked up at me and shook her head in a tiny negative.

‘Shall we have the special, then, and let Tino recommend the wine?’

She nodded. ‘Okay.’

‘Are you hungry?’ I said.

She smiled suddenly, warm, broad, startling me with the way her smile lit her face. She nodded. ‘I’m starving.’ < br>
The waitress came then with our mineral waters, closely followed by Tino.

‘Have you decided?’ he said.

‘You have a special on tonight?’

‘Of course.’

‘We’ll have the special, then. Starter, main course, and dessert. You choose, and you choose the wine,’ I told him.

He looked pleased at that, but, careful as ever, said, ‘You are sure?’ I nodded affirmatively and he turned to Lorna. ‘Signorina?’

She flushed again, but answered readily. ‘Please. As Doctor Ridley says.’

Tino beamed at us, and bustled off. To be honest, I remember little of what I ate, save only that it was delicious, as always. The starter contained ciabatta bread and roasted sweet peppers, that much I remember, although it may have been focaccia, rather than ciabatta. The main course was chicken, definitely chicken, cooked with cream, wine, garlic and herbs – simple ingredients, but the combination of flavours was superb. Forced to describe the sweet, I would have to say, some kind of cheesecake, with berries, lots of berries, and that wonderful Italian ice-cream. The wine was slightly sparkling, crisp, semi-dry, delicious.

Lorna ate with appetite and I enjoyed seeing the delight with which she approached the food. We spoke little during the meal, trivial stuff, inconsequential. Almost surprised, I found I was enjoying her company. Once she’d managed to relax a little, I found her conversation stimulating. It may be that the wine relaxed her, for I suspect that normally she drank little, if at all.

It was almost eleven when we left the restaurant. The evening was warm, and I turned to her. ‘Time to take Cinderella home,’ I said. ‘But first you’ll have to tell me. Where is home?’

‘It’s only five minutes walk,’ she said. ‘I’ll be fine.’

‘A gentleman does not leave a lady to make her own way home,’ I said. ‘Especially late at night. Show me the way.’

She pointed, and I tucked her arm under mine. We set off, and I realised she was humming under her breath. The walk was too short for me, because we hardly had a chance to talk about anything before we stopped in front of an apartment block. ‘I live here,’ she said. ‘Apartment twelve, top floor.’

I nodded. ‘Did you enjoy your meal tonight?’ I said.

‘Very much. It was delicious. I mean, I’ve used the same ingredients for cooking, well, except the wine, and mine tasted so different.’

‘You like cooking?’

‘Yes, I do, but I rarely bother to do much for myself.’ There was a silence, then she turned to me. ‘Saturday?’ she said, her voice hesitant.

‘What about Saturday?’

‘Are you working?’

I laughed. ‘No classes on a Saturday, thank goodness.’ And not many classes anyway, as for most of the university it was the summer recess. Some of us had summer students, worse luck. ‘What about Saturday?’

She took a deep breath and when she spoke it was in a rush. ‘Can I cook you dinner? Sort of a thank-you for tonight?’

I was surprised, but took care not to show it. ‘I need no thanks, Lorna, I enjoyed your company. Anyway, I want to ask if I can see you again.’

She blinked, then smiled tentatively. ‘You do?’

‘Yes, I do,’ I said.

‘I’d like that,’ she said, and even in the dark I could see her face flush, ‘but only if you’ll come to dinner on Saturday.’

‘It’s a date,’ I said.

She looked startled for a moment, then smiled. ‘It is, isn’t it? Seven o’clock?’

‘Seven. I’ll be here. Shall I bring wine?’

‘Would you, please? I wouldn’t know what to choose.’

I smiled at her. ‘It would help if I knew what you were cooking,’ I said.

‘Oh! Of course. Goodness, I don’t know yet.’

‘Not a problem. I’ll bring red and white. Whichever one is left, you can keep for another time.’ I was hoping she might ask me in for a coffee, but I wasn’t going to push it. She intrigued me, intrigued me enough that I wanted to know her better. I wasn’t going to push myself in case she panicked and ran. She seemed to be a complex mixture of neuroses and very nice woman. I just hoped I wasn’t adding to her neuroses.

‘Saturday at seven, then?’ she said.

I nodded. ‘At seven.’

She stood uncertainly for a moment, then leaned forward quickly and kissed my cheek. ‘Goodnight, John,’ she said, and she was gone. She turned as she disappeared through the door and I waved. She gave me a half-wave and then she was gone. I turned and made my way towards my own apartment, like hers within walking distance of the university. I found myself whistling the same tune she’d been humming and laughed to myself.

The days before Saturday were busy and I didn’t find myself thinking about her too often, but when I did I found I was looking forward to seeing her again. She intrigued me. Saturday came and I bought two bottles of wine when I did my grocery shopping. I bought some flowers, too. They weren’t expensive, but the bouquet looked good and I hoped Lorna would like them. I showered, changed into some half-smart casual clothes and at seven sharp I was ringing her bell.

At first I thought I had the wrong apartment, because I had to look twice to make sure it was Lorna. The horn-rims were gone, replaced by stylish, modern, frameless spectacles. Gone too was the tight bun of hair. Lorna’s hair was loose around her shoulders, curling softly. The biggest change was in her clothes. The plaid skirt and loose sweater were gone. Instead she wore a knee-length denim skirt and a simple sleeveless white blouse, buttoned down the front.

I think I must have been staring, because one thing hadn’t changed – the deep flush that appeared on her face.

‘I – ‘ she began, but I stopped her with a gesture.

‘You are lovely,’ I said, and meant it, because she was. Is. I handed her the flowers. ‘For you.’

She took them, bending her head to smell the bouquet. Bending too, I think, so as not to have to look at me for a moment.

I took refuge in cliché. ‘You look great,’ I said. Her eyes came up and she flushed again.

‘I had help,’ she said.

‘Help? How? Or should it be who?’

‘Jackie, she’s one of the girls I work with, she saw us the other night and wouldn’t let me rest until I told her about it.’

‘Not much to tell,’ I said with a smile. ‘So what did she help you with?’

‘She took me shopping for clothes, made me get new glasses, and her sister – she’s a stylist – cut my hair.’ Lorna smiled briefly. ‘I wouldn’t let her take too much off.’

I looked at Lorna again, and even with the high colour in her cheeks she looked lovely. Her skin is as fresh as a child’s, her lips red without cosmetics, and her eyes as clear as spring water – I know, cliché again, but they were. ‘They did a great job, Lorna, because you look lovely.’

Her colour was still high, but she smiled. ‘I feel good,’ she said.

‘It shows.’

She turned away. ‘I’ll just put these in some water,’ she said, bending to smell the flowers again. ‘Have a seat in the living room,’ she said as she disappeared into the kitchen. I shook my head and followed her.

‘Lorna?’ I said as she took a vase from a cupboard. She turned, a little startled. I held up the bag with the wine.

‘The white needs to be in the refrigerator,’ I said. ‘It’s a warm evening.’

‘Of course,’ she said. ‘Just a moment.’ She busied herself with the flowers and then took the white wine from me and put it into her refrigerator.

‘What are we having?’ I said.

‘Wait and see,’ she retorted, and I grinned at her. She flushed, but I was beginning to realise it was her natural reaction, that I shouldn’t take too much notice. I knew, though, that she was nervous at having me in her tiny apartment, just from watching her hands.

‘Call when it’s ready, or if you want me to open the wine,’ I said. ‘I’ll get out of your way for the moment.’

Her answering smile was a little abstracted as a timer sounded. I thought it best if
I really did get out of the way and went into her little sitting-room. I smiled involuntarily. Books everywhere, just like my own place. Apt for a librarian, I thought. She had Spenser’s ‘Faerie Queen’ and I sat down with it, reading a few stanzas just for the pleasure of it. I wasn’t aware she’d returned until she spoke.

‘You like Spenser?’

‘He’s hard work, but yes, much more than some free verse I read.’ I smiled at her. ‘I suppose I’m old-fashioned in my poetry tastes.’

‘Perhaps just as well you teach on the computing side of the university,’ she said, her expression solemn, but I caught a twinkle in her eye.

‘Perhaps,’ I said, fighting a grin, but she caught it and smiled.

‘The starter’s ready, come on through.’ Her apartment had a tiny dining-annexe, tucked in a corner between the kitchen and the living-room, and the table was ready, spotless checked table-cloth, gleaming cutlery, plates waiting ready for us. ‘A cold starter,’ she said, ‘because there’s only me preparing the food.’

I enjoyed the meal, very much. Nothing fancy. Lorna had done a prawn and melon starter, with chopped watercress and a balsamic vinegar, ginger and honey dressing. The combination of flavours was startling at first, but surprisingly tasty. She followed it with fresh tuna cooked in garlic butter, served with zucchini fritters, sugar-snap peas and a baked potato, followed by a simple baked-apple pie with ice-cream. We finished the white wine with our meal, and Lorna made coffee.

‘You go and sit while I do the dishes,’ she said. She smiled. ‘I hate leaving dirty dishes.’ She had relaxed a lot as the meal progressed. Yes, and as the level of the wine bottle had fallen. She wasn’t tipsy, far from it, but I think the wine had made her more comfortable with me. I shook my head.

‘You’re not doing the dishes by yourself. Do you want me to wash, or dry?’

She stared at me for a long moment. ‘You’re sure?’


‘If you wash, please. I know where everything goes.’

‘Fine. Let’s get started. Sooner started, sooner finished, and that coffee smells delicious.’

It didn’t take long, not with two of us, and we carried our coffees through into her living-room. It was tiny, and sensibly she had only a couch to sit on, big enough for three, if they were friendly, ample for the two of us.

‘Is there anything you want to watch on television?’ she said, eyebrows raised.

‘Not for me,’ I said. ‘I’m the neanderthal who thinks that the best thing on television is often the ‘off’ switch.’

Lorna laughed, a gurgle that made my prick twitch, startling me. ‘I agree,’ she said. ‘Music?’

‘Music is good. Anything special?’

‘What do you like? Pop? Rock? Country? Classical?’

‘I enjoy them all, at the right time. Now? Now, I think, is a classical moment.’

She nodded, solemn, but there was that twinkle in her eye again. ‘Classical it is. Borodin?’

‘Borodin’s fine.’

We sat for a while, finishing our coffees, enjoying the music. Lorna took our cups away and came back with the red wine, and the corkscrew. ‘The label says it’s a wine for enjoyment by itself, and not necessarily with food,’ she said. ‘I thought it might be nice to have while we listen to the music.’ She held the bottle and corkscrew out to me. ‘Would you open it, please, while I fetch the glasses?’

I was slightly surprised, because I knew from our conversation that she wasn’t a drinker, but I’d found myself wanting to kiss her, and I thought a glass or so of wine might just relax her enough that I could. She seemed much easier with me now than she had when I’d first arrived. I glanced at my watch. Hey! Over two hours ago.

We were half-way through the bottle when the CD finished. We sat for a moment, the final strains of the ‘Polovtsian Dances’ in our minds.

‘Another?’ Lorna asked.

‘Please, but you choose this time.’

‘Change of theme, then. Vocal, this time. Jazz, sort of.’

‘Sort of, eh? Interesting. Who?’

‘Madeleine Peyroux.’

I nodded. ‘I’ve heard of her, but haven’t heard her.’

‘I think she’s good,’ said Lorna. She was right, and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the CD. When it was finished, so was the wine. I felt slightly guilty for making sure Lorna drank as much as me, for she was clearly no drinker. I glanced at my watch. Almost eleven. Time to leave, I thought.

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A Little Surprise For Neeta

I had been living with that woman only shortly but long enough she was very liberated. Should I go with another girl, that was alright as long as I used a condom. She also told me she had been with other women and that things couldn’t get wet enough as far as she was considered. So one night I ‘m in this neighborhoodbar in the centre of Amsterdam when a girl sat herself next to me. Long brown hair, black rimmed glasses. The girl nextdoor, but that special girl nextdoor.Miniskirt in Scottish...

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Slipping 3

Introduction: My name is Jasmine, and this is how my daddy and I got to share our love with others. Chapter 14: A few weeks had passed since my daddy first made love to me. It had been an emotional rollercoaster. His moods had kept shifting, in the first few days hed seemed brooding and terribly sad. There had been long talks, lots of tears from us both, but then gradually also lots of cuddles and kisses and dreamy smiles. It hadnt been easy, but after working through it all we seemed to have...

3 years ago
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First nudist Experience

True Nudist Story OneAs a teenager I went on a seaside family holiday to France. Where we went was not a nudist beach. There were however many women sunbathing topless which was causing an embarrassing bulge in my swimming trucks.I think it’s okay to say on here that I was sixteen as that is the legal age of consent in the UK and over that of France.Anyway as like any most teenagers I was always keen to get away from the rest of the family so I walked down the long beach. The further I walked I...

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Jackies Life

I woke up startled with loud knocking at my front door, I still felt drunk from the night before. I tried to ignore it as I thought it must be Bob my fiancé forgotten his key. "Well" I thought to myself "there is no way I'm getting up with this hang over, he'll just have to wait it's his own fault for forgetting his key." I remember hearing many voices but I must have dropped of to sleep again. When I woke, my head was still pounding and it took a few minutes for me to get my...

1 year ago
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Wills new old home ENDING

“What?”, Brook replied, angrily and frankly. “I would love to pay a visit to a friend of your’s, I believe a Miss Haley Reynolds and a Pierce Rolland?” Brook didn’t answer, just sat back in the car seat and turned her head away from the open window. “Ha! Well either way, I would hope you tell me were they are, do remember that we have your buddies back with Rachel and Hayden” Again, Brook didn’t respond. “Well give me the silent treatment then, I don’t mind I can find them on...

4 years ago
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She had 5 harsh years to look forward to

Prisoner 381, 5 Years in harsh bondage and being used as a fuck toy, is all she has to look forward to…Erin craned her neck to try and see what was happening in the horrible dusty courtyard outside her little cell window. Her tiny cell, her ghastly home now, was a dark little place which only reinforced the true despicable nature of the nightmare she was living.She could hear female screams and begging in English. The mainly Spanish speaking guards laughing and taunting some new arrival in...

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My Brother My LoverChapter 6

The rain had stopped by the time Nathan and Callie got back to the apartment. The sky above them looked clear as if it had never rained. Callie was eager to get inside and show Nathan just how much she loved him. Not only like a brother, but a lover. Putting his car in park, Nathan rushed to run around his car and open up Callie's door. He held her hand as she got out of the car. He wanted to kisser her right then and there, but knew there were peering eyes bound to catch them. They kept...

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Parts House Striptease

Zack had finished counting down the first register of the night. He just had to wait on time now. The parts store he worked at closed at 9, and they rarely had business after 8. Why they even stayed open was anybody’s guess. He and his closer for the night, Chastity, usually started their duties around 8:30, so they could leave almost as soon as they closed. Right now he was watching the front as she swept the store. Chastity was not herself today, and was a lot less talkative than usual. They...

3 years ago
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Father Has Needs

Nell's father had needs. When Nell's mother was dying of cancer she had confided in her daughter about her father George's unique needs and elicited a promise from Nell to help her dad for as long as he needed her. One Saturday about a month after Nell's mom passed away George showed up at Nell's bedroom door. Nell was a sweet, petite twenty two year old. Slender with a nicely rounded bottom, beautiful brown eyes and brown hair. Her breasts were a bit smallish but shaped like a pair of...

4 years ago
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BlindsidedChapter 4

It's funny, I suppose. When you've changed so much, you don't expect anything else to remain the same. I drove around the town square and nothing had changed. Well, I had changed, quite a lot. I had arrived in town the night before and stayed with Evie. Truth being stranger than fiction, we had spent the night in unsullied chastity, even if there was only one bed at her place and we had both slept in it. The spark between us that had flared up so brightly for that one evening had pretty...

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Billys Mum teaches Sex Ed 2

You are about to read a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys and a woman and man. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story. A fictional story. Bb bb Mb Mb Wb WM young first virgin Written by EnglishBoy Thank you for your comments and stories. Contact me by email [email protected] Billy’s Mum teaches Sex Ed 2 Chapter Two John got home and went straight to his room thinking about what he had just experienced. His...

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I like girls Im not gay Sure

I am a sissy faggot. While browsing the instant messenger I started a chat with straight guy. He had been out at a club trying to pick up girls but came up empty and was all horned up for a blow job. When I got to his house he was nervous as he had never been with a guy, so I jumped right in. Quickly I was butt naked and on my knees in front of him. He leaned back in his recliner and took out his beautiful cock, gently stroking it. I took his soft, flaccid dick in my mouth and slowly began to...

3 years ago
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The Inheritance

Jason Hood, recent birthday boy, high school senior, fuck up. Fresh 18 year old, unsure virgin, unsure future, no one. There are many ways to describe Jason, a few conditionally true and a few more absolutely true. It wasn't that he was any worse off than any other Senior about to graduate, it honestly had more to do with the uncertainty of life only making his worst points stand out. He was smart, he was a bit tall, a bit socially agreeable, and a bit better off then most of his peer thought....

4 years ago
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Room Malik Ke Lund Se Chudi

Hello friend mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahen wali hu aur main aap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise room malik ke lund se chudi aur ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse whatsapp par chat karungi. Main kuch din ke liye apni saheli ke sath room lekar rahti thi aur hum dono log waha se job karne jate the. Hum log ko room malik bahut ghurta tha aur kabhi kabhi to mujhse raat me baaten karta tha wo mujhe bahut ghurta tha aur meri saheli ko jyada nahi ghurta tha aur...

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Starting OverChapter 2

Clean, changed into loose cloths and carrying my empty glass, I wandered back to the main room deciding the best thing to do was just act like nothing happened. Abby sat on a low couch sipping a clear bubbling drink with a wedge of lime from a tall glass. She had changed while I was occupied. Now her ebony hair was pulled back in a loose bun with a couple of decorative chop sticks shoved in it. A loose baby blue crop top shirt that somehow revealed as much as it hid, left her smooth brown...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart VII 6 Will You Be My Slave Tonight

Friday morning and early afternoon seemed to pass in a flash, but then it slowed down to a drag during crafts as it neared the time our parents were due to arrive. Although we had fun at camp, things tended to become very predictable and... well, dull. The entire camp was restless, everyone knowing that there would be a even bigger wow than when the helicopter came unannounced. The worst of it was I was looking forward to it myself. We almost failed to notice them when they did finally show...

3 years ago
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The Lookout

Dan Bednarick came back to his office from lunch one Tuesday around 12:20, and dictated a few notes on two projects; things that had occurred to him while he ate. He opened his door to tell Zeena, his secretary that he wanted them transcribed. As usual, she was on the phone. She looked up and said "Just a second, Dan's here," into the mouthpiece. He told her about the notes. "In the Common folder? I'll have them done in half an hour, Dan," she said. "By the way, I have Reese on the...

3 years ago
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Strangers on a Train parts 4 and 5 A day at the Beach and Checking in on Joaquim

“Wow, Sofia commented. “Your life is so different than mine.” Yet, here we were, two totally different but, so completely sexually compatible people from opposite walks of life. I couldn’t help but smile thinking about all the fun we could have, discovering each other’s secrets, pushing each other’s limits. I had been waiting for someone like this to come into my life and although it had only been one night, the romantic in me already knew that this is what I wanted. We finished our...

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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 3

Duncan Wallace had almost finished masturbating when Brandi Winter swung through his open window. The second he’d gotten home from football practice, he’d locked himself in his room and coated his hand with lube. Closing his window hadn’t even occurred to him, he was so worked up. The cheerleaders rehearsed at the same time as the football team each afternoon, and watching his girlfriend lead the group of young, nubile women had distracted him so much he could barely concentrate on what his...

1 year ago
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Hard Times OklahomaChapter 14 Clean House

The sun had not been up three hours when Lee Roy knocked on Milt's front door. Wary and puzzled Milt let a grinning Lee Roy into his home for the first time. A worn looking woman lay reclined in a fold-back lounge chair, pillows placed around her. The smell of sickness was in the air. "This is my wife, Emma," he told Lee Roy. "Howdy ma'am," Lee Roy responded, grinning his friendly brown toothed grin. "Better git them teeth fixed, boy," she greeted him. "Ah, yes ma'am, I'll...

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My girlfriend and I had cycled out to the pub on one of those rare warm summer's days. We had a lovely meal and several beers and then decided to cycle home. After a couple of miles the beer wanted to reappear, so we stopped near some trees and I had a wee. Kim said she needed a wee as well she went deeper into the woods and slide down her cycling shorts, squatted down and let fly an enormous stream of pee as I watched her. I felt my cock stiffen. When she had finished she pulled he lycra...

4 years ago
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What Just Happened

She had been single for a long time. Too long for her liking. She’d had a couple of one night stands since her last break up but nothing amazing. Laura needed something more. The lovers she had been with mostly thought about their needs and didn’t think twice about her own. Ever since she lost her virginity at sixteen Laura had always enjoyed sex, it was good fun but she was finding she was having more fun on her own.  She masturbated every night, sometimes two or three times, until she was...

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My Little Sister

My Little Sister Belladonna The story of how I got my little sister is a lot different than most girls I know. It's now quite a few years ago, but I can still remember the day it all started so clearly. I was a typical twelve year old girl then with a ten year old brother. We fought, as siblings often do. I was the cheerleading, gymnastics, ballet type of girly-girl my mom had brought me up to be, while my brother was engaged in typical male pursuits like baseball, basketball and...

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Carnal lust continues

Hello dear readers, narrated below are a small imagination from your JJ with the back drop of one of the private beaches on the ECR Chennai. Kaviyam a 48 year old stinking rich widow who own a huge private beach left behind by her husband. This narration below explains how she falls pyre to her carnal lust to Narain who works at the beach as a care taker and he’s half her age. At 24 Narain was muscular and a raring to go beast who would make an Egyptian mummy to experience orgasm. The sun beat...

2 years ago
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Hottie Priyanka My Lusty Neighbor

Hi guys, I am Cherry (26) from Hyderabad, who works for an MNC organization and lives in Varasiguda a place of mass people live and rents are very low. I used to pay 3,500 for the pent house which was in 6th floor. I was very happy as I was alone and enjoying the bachelor life. Coming to the story there were a couple in the 5th floor named Raghu & Priya. He was a business man where he runs a furniture shop in Abids. He was a busy person were he could not even spend some time for his beloved...

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My Fantasies No 3 Bed And Breakfast Part 3

“Well, are you going to get naked then?” she asked, her startlingly blue eyes gazing at me, as she stood, statuesque like, in the warm sunshine. As I looked at her, she reached down between her legs with her right hand and slipped a finger between the puffy lips of her bald vagina. As she did so, I watched as a clear, glistening thread of wetness dribbled out of her pussy and extended down to the ground between her legs, shimmering in the sunlight. She let out a little gasp as her finger slid...

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Pay Back

Payback I was out strolling down the main shopping thoroughfare ambling and taking my time, it was a very warm day so I decided to take a seat in a café and have a cool drink. Only half full, there were plenty of seats so I chose the one nearest the door to catch the breeze, and duly ordered my drink. Looking around there was the usual mix of people, a young couple at the far end, a few pensioners and one particular lady caught my eye. I had a feeling I knew her and yet at the same time was...

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Wildest dream with my boyfriend me with a bi

My wildest dream is to have pleasure with my man and another bi-guy who will fill my full feeling needs and enjoy every minute of it....It all started when I convinced my boyfriend to have a threesome with me and another bisexuel open girl who loves sex like me and when we were finished the in the moring he was sleeping so sexy and i could not help myself but to start licking his sexy little pink ass and making him think now it's a guy on him and more and more he was starting to like it...and...

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LorettaPart 1

Loretta’s words still lingered in my head as I awoke. She had somehow worked her way in to my subconscious. That someone so young could be so vindictive, so manipulative, so selfish, regardless of the consequences, amazed and appalled me. I looked around, taking in the familiar, comforting beach scene before me. It was late afternoon on a balmy day in February; the beach had been crowded earlier, too crowded, but now only some local families and a few couples taking their dogs for a walk...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 11 Memorial Day

"Hi, Mom. It's Anne. You called.' "Yes, dear, thanks for calling back. I wanted to know if you're coming home for Memorial Day.' "What's going on? You having a party?' "No, we're not really planning anything, I just wanted to know if we'd be seeing you. If you're coming, maybe we'll think of something.' "Mom, do you want to come here for Memorial Day?' "Well, I don't know. We wouldn't want to... you know... ' "Mom, Lucy and Sam are coming, and so are Dan Sidney and...

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Brothers In the Flesh

Tim and Todd liked to hike and by chance, I met them walking a forest trail in up state New York. Now such a meeting as this was not out of the normal when hiking, but what happened shortly thereafter, was most strange. Myself, I fancy as an artist using a camera to take pictures rather than painting them on canvas. So, as I clicked my camera shutter, we three walked the winding trails. My two newest friends talked just like brothers, both of the same flesh, but that was where the similarity...

1 year ago
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A Lot Less Bovver Than A Hover

It was hot. Hot and sunny, as it had been all week. Kirstie had been enjoying the sunshine sprawled out on her front on a garden couch, her bikini top unfastened. Jules, her friend who was sitting on a chair beside her, was catching up on her studies. End of term exams were approaching and she didn't want to finish her first year at university with a bad set of results. She was sitting in the sun in shorts and a tee shirt but open beside her was a copy of Corke's "Robotics, Vision and...

1 year ago
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The PiperChapter 15

“Come through the gate with me and we’ll sit on the bench and have a look at your laptop. Your Mom may not like you being inside my house alone with me, while Mom and Deb gone.” “My Mom would love to be in your house herself - alone with you, if she could.“ “OH-REALLY?” “Flip past those pics and you’ll see the ones Gabrielle took of Mom. You’ll see where we get our little tits from, but Mom does have a sexy ass, and I wish my ass was more like hers.” “Are you sure you want me to see naked...

2 years ago
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Space NutChapter 11

Parker thanked the sheriff for the coffee. The Goldsworths had been sitting in the interrogation rooms of the local police office for the afternoon. Barrow came out of room three with one of the deputies. “She’s asking for a lawyer.” He grinned. “Finally one of them is.” The sheriff took off his hat. “I’ll call Donna Zucker, see if she’s free to represent her.” He stopped when Parker put her hand on his elbow. She smiled. “We’re going to talk to the mom. We have our own recording...

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The Pretend Boyfriend

She was drop dead gorgeous and I wanted her. I lusted for her. I might even go so far as to say I would kill for her. Five feet five, one twenty, 36x22x35, hazel eyes and flaming red hair. When she was around I could not take my eyes off of her. She knew what she had and she knew that every man in the building wanted her. Her name was Constance Frederick and she was a secretary where I work. Under other (and better) circumstances I would have immediately made a move on her, but I couldn’t. As...

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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 6

"You called and made sure the room was ready?" Béla asked Jake as he gently slid his cock in and out of her soaked pussy. "Um-hmm," he said. "I told them we'd be arriving shortly." "Okay, lover. Hang on," Béla replied. She felt Jake hugging her more tightly, sliding his arms beneath her back and practically lifting her off the sheets. She wrapped her arms and legs around him more tightly, also, then created the image in her mind of the Stanford Hotel in Seattle. After she had a...

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Davids adventure

David was different than most other crusaders, as he lacked the religious zealotry typical of his companions. Instead, he had been coerced into the campaign with several of his friends to avoid persecution at home. He was tall, muscular, and only 22, so if he had waited out the war at home he would have surely been humiliated and harassed. After all, an able lad like him forsaking his friends in the holy war would surely be equal to fighting for the other side, at least in the eyes of the...

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The Devils Pact Chpater 19 The Sullivans

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Nineteen: The Sullivans Visit my blog at www.mypenname3000.com. “You got a cute ass,” I said, pinching Mary's plump ass as she turned the shower on. “Have I ever told you that?” “All the time,” Mary answered, giving me a fond look. “And I never tire of hearing it.” My cum was running out of her ass and cunt, white rivulets that ran down her legs and made her look so goddamn fucking sexy. We had just spent the last hour and half making...

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her webcam

I am NOT the author.am simply sharingShe left to take a shower, and forgot to turn her webcam off. Now, it was time for the big adventureView Author's Copyright InformationWe had been talking on webcam every day for months, and had become wonderful friends. She is young, vibrant, and beautiful. I'm just an old retired guy. Her long dark hair goes well past the middle of her back. Her large, doe eyes have the greenish cast of being hazel in color and melt me whenever I see them. Her lips are...

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