Online Affair
- 4 years ago
- 18
- 0
Stephen slumped back in his chair. The words on his computer screen were unmistakable, and they hit him with the force of a knife in the heart. He had waited all night to find Tina on line, but the conversation he was hoping to have did not materialize. Her words were short and to the point. While she said she loved him, and enjoyed their time together, she wanted to give her ex-fiancée one last chance. To be true to him, she told Stephen that they shouldn’t continue to contact each other, that it would be too painful. In fact, she was planning to make this last meeting in the chat room their last conversation. Ever. Although his heart sank at the news, Stephen was able to think up something quickly. Typing rapidly, even as tears formed in his eyes, he asked her if she was still planning to visit him next week, as they had planned.
‘I don’t think that would be appropriate. I would have to decline,’ was her terse reply. Recovering quickly, he asked if he might call her in the morning, one last time. ‘Fine. I work at 9 AM. Call me after that.’ With that, Tina disconnected from the chat room, leaving Stephen stunned and alone.
Sleep would not come easily for him that night, as he thought of the wondrous miracle that had been their relationship, and the cold reality that it was all over. Random thoughts filled his mind as he lay in bed. What to do next. Would he beg her to take him back? Was revenge a better option? Was there a chance that they might salvage something of their relationship? He would toss and turn all night long, but those questions would remain unanswered until the next morning. All the while, he kept remembering how their initial chance encounter led to many hours of online meetings and later, phone calls. Then his visits down to her. Thousands of miles had separated them, yet they seemed to be able to surmount all obstacles placed before them. Now this. Less than two weeks before she was flying out to see him, and she was calling it all off. What went wrong?
Tina’s fingers raced across the keyboard. Damn it. She had meant to be civil, to say goodbye, but she had accidentally logged herself out of the chat room. What would he think? As the familiar icons crossed the screen, she scanned for his name. Nothing. He had left. Well, she thought, maybe it’s for the better. We can’t go on seeing each other like this, he has to be out of my life completely if I’m going to make this all work out for me. Too bad he won’t be a part of my life, but I have to stand firm. As she thought back on the love that they had shared, she burst into tears. Her fiancée raced out from the bedroom to see what was the matter. Sobbing and crying, Tina buried her head on his shoulder as he led her to bed. His arms wrapped around her as he attempted to console her, but she drew away.
‘Leave me alone, just leave me alone!’ she pleaded. He backed off, withdrawing to his side of the bed. Tina wrapped herself in a blanket and lay on her side, facing away from him. ‘I’m doing the right thing, really, she told herself. Then why do I feel so awful about it?’ was the question that wracked her brain for the rest of the night. Try as she might, the luxury of drifting off to sleep never came.
She hadn’t been at work for five minutes the next morning when the phone rang. ‘OK, Tina, be strong, you have to do this, it’s for everyone’s own good,’ she kept telling herself. During her entire sleepless night, she had anguished over her decision, but she was bound and determined to stick with the position she had chosen. What happened next was something that she hadn’t expected. Stephen was looking for closure, to find out what went wrong between them. Most importantly, he wanted to know if there was anything that he could have done, or could still do to make their relationship work. Despite all of her preparation, Tina didn’t have an answer for him. What had seemed so right just a few days earlier faded as she spoke to him. Caught off guard by his approach, Tina relented, a little. In a mutual agreement with him, they decided to continue their friendship, for now. Tina and Stephen agreed that while they could still call and write each other, these would be less frequent. In addition, certain topics that they both still found painful to approach would be off limits.
Satisfied as to their conclusions, Tina was about to finish their call when Stephen reminded her of the plans they had made for the following week. While she didn’t think that a visit that would basically end up as a weekend spent entirely in a hotel bedroom was appropriate, she did admit that she would still like to do some sightseeing. Because there was quite a drive involved for Stephen, she graciously allowed him to plan on sharing their hotel room. But in no uncertain terms, she made sure that he knew that he would be sleeping on the couch. Deciding that the opportunity to see her one last time was sufficient, he agreed. After all, he had no illusions about just how much contact they would share once the weekend was over. Her tone had told him that.
The intervening days between that phone call and her impending visit passed quickly. For her part, Tina worked at putting the pieces of her life back together, accepting the fact that Stephen would no longer be a part of it. It had been her decision, but she still had some reservations about it. One thing was certain, her boyfriend, back in her life, was not doing all that much to maintain his position. While he had every right to be hurt at her previous rejection of him, it was becoming apparent to her that his return seemed more for his convenience than out of any mutual longing for each other. Her friends and co-workers noticed too, when she had been with Stephen, there had been a glow to her, a perkiness that was now missing. Tina had always been a happy, outgoing person, but now she seemed more melancholy. In fact, one day when Stephen had called her, and talked to a friend of hers at work, her change in mood was extremely obvious.
Catching the tail end of the conversation, she heard her friend say to him ‘So, how was your weekend? Oh, you don’t want to talk about it, I see. Well, anyway, here’s Tina for you.’ When she first heard that he was on the phone for her, her face lit up, but as her friend turned and handed the phone over to her, her spirits sank as she knew just how much pain she had inflicted on him. After a brief conversation, her friend took her aside. ‘Tina, what’s wrong between you guys?’ she asked.
‘I told him it’s over, that I have to give my life down here one more try.’
‘Well, it’s none of my business, but you seemed to be a lot happier with Stephen instead of him.’
‘Damn right it’s none of your business,’ was her cold reply. Taking a deep breath, Tina resolved that no matter what, she had to stay with the decision she had made, and nothing could be allowed to change that.
The morning of her flight, Stephen called again, with a rather interesting question. ‘Hey, how am I supposed to greet you at the airport? I can’t just sit in the parking lot waiting for you, you’d never find me. And we can’t say hello the way we used to now, can we?’ That had usually entailed a passionate embrace, and never failed to lead to the bedroom.
‘Well, we’re just friends,’ she emphasized. ‘Greet me like you would any other friend flying in for the weekend.’
‘A handshake then?’ he asked.
‘No! Silly!’ she laughed. ‘I suppose a hug would still be OK.’
‘Arm hug or real hug?’
‘OK, that works for me…you know, I’ll still be tempted to kiss you.’
‘Wait right there, that’s going a bit too far…’
‘Air kiss, then?’
‘Ugh! No! Jeez, you really are taking this seriously. You may give me a friendly kiss.’ Before he could ask another question, she continued. ‘On the lips or on my cheek, doesn’t matter.’
‘That’s fine, I’ll take lips. Hey, Tina, how about tongue…church tongue or porn tongue?’ he joked.
‘I’ll see you at the ai
rport, don’t be late.’ Hanging up the phone, she had to laugh at their little exchange. Even after all they’d been through, he could still make her smile.
A few hours later, her flight arrived. As she expected, he was waiting for her at the end of the jetway. Saddened because she knew that this would probably be their last visit, she walked down the passageway to seem him. As they agreed, he gave her a hug when she reached him. Then, as a complete surprise to her, he kissed her…twice. In the air, about an inch over each cheek. ‘Idiot’ she laughed and smacked her lips onto his, giving him a brief taste of the sweetness that he had once enjoyed. Breaking off the kiss before either one of them got any other ideas, they headed down to baggage claim. Their nightmare down there lasted only about an hour, until the airline could finally locate her suitcase. ‘It figures,’ she said as they headed to the car. ‘The only time I bring a suitcase, they manage to lose it on me.’
‘Well, at least they did manage to find it. And the damage doesn’t seem to be too bad.’
The drive to the hotel was short, and they were soon in their room. ‘I’m kind of beat, you don’t mind if I have a quick bath do you? asked Tina.
‘Go ahead, I brought a book.’ Was his reply. Tina gathered her toiletries and headed for the bathroom. Stephen sat on the couch and clicked on the TV.
‘You know, that’s the first time we’ve done that.’ She said, ducking her head out of the bathroom.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Watch TV together.’
‘Well, things are different now, right?’
‘Right, they are. I’ll only be a little bit.’ With that, Tina ducked back into the bathroom. After a few minutes, Stephen headed to the bedroom of their suite to get his bag. When he walked past the bathroom door, he noticed that it was slightly ajar. Pressing against it ever so slightly, so Tina wouldn’t notice he watched her image in the mirror. How beautiful she was, what a shame it would be to lose her. Still, if she had made up her mind, there wasn’t a whole lot that he could do. In the tub, Tina was relaxing in a steaming hot bath. From his angle, Stephen watched as she closed her eyes and tilted her head back, allowing her silky black hair to cascade down into the water. Nothing he had ever seen could match the beauty of her face. Her big brown eyes were shut, but the vision of her would never fade in his mind. Her full, luxurious lips were curved up in a slight smile, reminding him of the times that that sexy mouth had beckoned him and him alone. His eyes followed every sensuous curve of her body, down past her smooth shoulders and delectable neck. He allowed his gaze to linger on her voluptuous breasts as the jutted out of the water.
Fond memories of them ran through his mind as he mentally ran his hands over them. Those endless nights of passion they had shared how wonderful it had been to bury his face in her cleavage and let his hands creep down her sides. Tina possessed a perfect hourglass figure, while her facial features and slim waist belied her Asian heritage, the fullness of the curves of her hips and breasts were definitely a sign of her European side. And he had loved every inch of her body, in previous visits he had spent literally hours worshipping her as if she was a goddess. Which to Stephen, she still was, although now he was only able to indulge himself from afar. Tina stood in the tub to get out, and before she could notice him spying on her, Stephen quickly retreated back to the couch. After toweling off, she dressed for bed and joined him. Wearing a silk dressing robe over her pajamas, she sat beside him, gently resting her head on his shoulder. Sensing that he might have one last opportunity, Stephen slowly slid his arm around her. In response, she snuggled in tightly to him. It triggered her own memories to do so, and she quickly sought to break the tension building between them. ‘What the Hell was that at the airport?’ she asked.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Air kissing? Come on, what’s the matter with you?’
‘Hey, it’s not what I wanted, but I thought I should give you the option.’
‘Then how did you want to kiss me?’
‘You don’t want to know.’
‘Well, at I thought at least you would have let things flow naturally.’
‘How?’ he demanded.
‘Like this?’ With that, Stephen caught Tina looking up at him, her mouth opened slightly. Without hesitation, his lips found hers as he kissed her tenderly. Sensing no resistance from her, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. Their kiss grew in intensity, her lips parted before his as she reached around to hold him tight. Tina thought that she wanted a friendly embrace, but the fires of their passion were growing. Once their lips met, she melted into his arms, letting him kiss her passionately, and returning his kisses with equal fervor. His kisses were hot, wet, enticing as he drew her into him, letting nothing stand in the way of the love that they truly shared for each other. Just that one kiss led to another and another, bringing back those joyous memories for both of them. This was a love that they had shared once before, and now, as they prepared to bid each other farewell, forever, their love surfaced once again, engulfing them completely.
Slowly, Stephen reached his hand around his back to find hers, and took her firmly in his grasp. Standing up over the couch, he slid his arms beneath her and gently picked her up. Her hand never left his, their lips never parted as he carried her down the hallway to the bedroom. No protest left her mouth as he gently lay her down on the bed and allowed his kisses to explore further down her body. Tina pulled him closer to her, holding his head tightly against her as he let his mouth trace down her neck to her shoulders. A small voice inside her told her that she shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t let him continue, but as her hands pushed him back slightly, he was back on her, kissing her breasts now, kneading those impressive globes with his hands. The voice grew silent after that, and as he found her nipples, was replaced by a contented sigh. Tina placed her hands on his chest, her fingers furiously tearing at the buttons on his shirt, then reached down to his belt buckle. Stephen kept bathing her with hot, wet kisses, pausing only to let her tug off his shirt and pants. Their bodies pressed together on the bed, nothing at all separated them. Nothing they had ever experienced could match this, the feeling of love and passion that drew them together was so intense, and it joined them in a way that nothing could ever separate.
As Tina wrapped her arms around Stephen again, he drew his kisses back up to her mouth, their tongues joining them in a union like no other before. The heat from her body drew him into her fully, it was as if they shared one soul. Slowly, Tina spread her shapely legs, angling up her knees to allow him access to her. In one gently motion, Stephen slid his cock inside her wet pussy. They both gasped at the wonderful sensation of their bodies joining together, for each of them the feelings were the same yet somehow different. For Stephen, she was hot and wet and inviting as he started to slowly maneuver his cock inside her. Tina felt his thick, sexy shaft slipping in, no other man she had ever had felt so good or fit so right, he had to be the one for her. She had lost sight of that once, but as he thrust into her, she vowed to never forget these sensations again. He took her delicate hand into his, pulling her arms up over her head, his mouth and hers were engaged in the most passionate, enticing kiss that either of them had ever experienced. The cold fear that the love between them was lost burned away by the heat of their embrace. As Stephen thrust himself inside her, taking her body and soul for his own, Tina coated the sides of his face with her kisses, he nibbled briefly on the base of her neck, then traced his electrifying kisses back across her cheeks. Her hands squeezed his back tightly as he p
ropelled himself into her harder, her short, soft moans escaped her lips between their kisses as the two lovers shared the ultimate union. Stephen’s hips bucked into her harder, faster, she thrust upward to meet him as their passions grew. Tina wrapped her legs around his back, pulling him down into her with each successive stroke, knowing that nothing could be allowed to take him from her ever again. ‘I love you,’ he whispered into her ear as her soft moans increased in tempo.
‘I love you too,’ was her impassioned reply, which was soon followed by a series of gasps as he continued to make love to her. ‘Oh, baby, that’s the spot, right there!’ she moaned, pulling him in even tighter. ‘Don’t ever leave me, sweetie, I love you, this feels so good, so right!’
‘Oh, Tina, I could never love anyone the way that I love you.’
‘Then do it to me, baby, make love to me, make me yours. You’re the only man I’ll ever want again.’ She felt his pace quickening, experience told her what was near, her mouth opened as if to call out to him again. As the first scream of her orgasm was about to escape her lips, Tina felt him kissing her hard and deep, felt his final thrusts into her pussy as he stifled her screams of pleasure, she felt his cock letting go deep inside her, filling her cunt up with his hot creamy cum. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks as she drew him in close to her in a madly passionate embrace that would last them into the morning, and the rest of their lives.
Although they would make love many more times that night and that weekend, and during the course of their lives together, neither Tina nor Stephen would ever forget that sweet seduction that won her back to his side, and would change their future, forever.
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I'm divorced now. My ex-wife had an affair which ended our marriage. She doesn't know that I had my own affair, seven years earlier. We were great fuck mates. I fucked her constantly and I fucked her one day before we split up. But after she had our baby, she changed in many ways, including sexually. She didn't want to fuck nearly as often as she used to and her pussy was dry almost every time we fucked, before she changed, her pussy got wet just from thinking about sex! I'm patient by nature...
Straight SexI am a cuckold. My wife had an affair with another man. It has been over for several years now, but it still turns me on to think about it. When I first found out about her affair, I was simultaneously numb with shock and sexually excited. It took a while to get over the shock and I didn't take advantage of the situation to its full erotic potential. Looking back at it now, I can see the opportunity I missed. Here is what happened, starting with a little background. Jo and I got married at...
Week 1 I never set out to have an affair. Maybe if I write it all down, it will help me figure out what is going on. I am not one of those housewives who volunteered because they were bored and lonely, or just vaguely unsatisfied. He was just someone I had forged a friendship with at work and started flirting with. Yes, I enjoyed his attentions. It felt good and right, just different enough, and I felt powerless to resist. Oh, who am I kidding? When your hormones are raging and someone is...
Introduction: Every office affair is the same… or is it? Yet another office affair… Its all about her cumming for me you know… Dont get me wrong, I love cumming, i love filling a girls pussy with my cock and feel her walls stretching as I enter her and fill her with my seed… But for me, its nothing unless I can feel her shake, writhe and moan uncontrollably until she explodes… Only then I know for a fact that I have made a woman mine. Now you all know about office affairs… When a marriage is...
My first affair Chapter 4 by Janine Dimedici After my threesome the previous day I was back to work on research for Seumas. He was a hard taskmaster and very demanding and I tried to keep up with his intellect. Luckily these day electronic libraries were on hand and I managed to get all the academic references he wanted, I was particularly pleased to get some intimate details on how the Ottoman sultans handled their seraglios and the women they kept there. It was about 2pm when he...
OnlineFreeChat has one of the most generic names I’ve seen slapped on an adult site lately, but sometimes those bland keyword search titles make for internet gold. The fact that these guys have been around since 2007 says something, but does it speak to the strength of their platform or did they just pick a good name? They get half a million visitors a month, so I was hoping it was the former, but I wouldn’t know for sure until I lubed up and tried it out for myself.Despite the SFW domain name...
Sex Chat SitesThis story is about my first real life experience, how I met the first female of my life in an online chat room, which paved way into real meetings and my first sexual experience Hello. I am Deepak and these are my experiences in life. I thought of narrating the same for our mutual pleasure. I will be talking of my real life sex experiences. I will not take the real names of any of my partners and will neither reveal the same. So please don't ask me the same. But, I am looking forward to hear...
IndianI don't remember the details of how we started talking, but he will. Details never escape him. I do remember the important bits... the magnetic pull, the extraordinary sex, but I'm getting ahead of myself; it wasn't that fast.I was and am happily married to a wonderful friend. He is sweet and kind and caring, but he has a history, and that has had an enormous influence on our sex life, which means we practically don't have one and haven't really for about a decade. I have a high libido,...
NovelsCHAPTER 1 Sitting on a stool at the bar in a rowdy group who’d been to dinner at the Comedy House restaurant-theatre, Charmaine Ross noticed the curly-haired guy about her age studying her, thankfully appearing very casual about it. The heart of the bored woman fluttered. She hadn’t committed adultery for a couple of years. Unless she did it soon she’d forget how good it was. Douglas was losing fitness and these days puffed and even dribbled over her and he performed his beloved bang. Like...
I first thank ISS for publishing my story. Hi guys I’m back with continuation of my story in an another dimension. For better understanding of the story please read my story” How I explored the affair of my Brother’s wife” or it’s ok if you don’t read the story. This is a story of my friend who used a secret call recording app that was given by me. As I explained in my previous story “How I explored the affair of my Brother’s wife”. Bangalore is full of surprises. I would like to thank for the...
Introduction: Gaynor is a 49 year old mature married woman with two full grown daughters who has gone to the coast for a relaxing few days, a chance meeting with a familiar younger man leads to so much more……… Lust On The Beach (The Start of the Affair) Gaynor Day Out Gaynor Day was in her 40s and had blonde bronze like hair with a slim athletic body which for her age of 49 was impressive. At this present time the office secretary was laying down on the beach reading a book entitled...
John and Beth had been having an affair for over 20 years. They had shared their most intimate secrets with each other. They knew everything about each other. Their hopes, their dreams, their fears, nothing was kept secret. John was there when Beth had concerns about her children and she was who he turned to in his doubts about his job. They were there for each other in times of joy and sorrow, in triumph and failure. Over the 20 years they had become soul mates. But what was so unusual about...
After Michelle’s last trip to Seattle for a weekend with Mike, he told her that he wanted her to leave me and marry him. He’d told her he couldn’t go on sharing her so she had to make a choice. She had. She told him goodbye and came home, this time for good. After she got home, we went to bed, both of us nervous about what our future might hold, but secure in our love for each other. In the middle of the night, I woke up to Michelle crying. I put my arms around her and pulled her to me, asking...
Wife LoversThe affair with Mrs. SimsMy wife and I separated and divorced when I turned 30. We didn't have any k**s yet, so I felt quite free. It was a big weight off of my chest! After the divorce was final, I decided to change jobs (And basically careers) and go from being a Network Administrator, to opening up my own PC Repair shop. I had some money saved up, and it didn't cost too much to get started. I had a bunch of used PC's, monitors, parts, and so on, and kept a nice selection on new processors,...
Altered Fates: A Complicated Affair By Theunknownauthor Everything you are about to read is true! Every person, place or thing that is mentioned in this account is real, although I am changing the names and not giving any exact locations. I am doing this so that readers won't try to verify the validity of this story on their own. This isn't an easy story for me to tell, but I feel that I need to get it off my chest. For almost a year now I have been reading various accounts...
The Affair By Margaret Jeanette Tammy Scott was having lunch at a local spot when a handsome young man came over to her. He introduced himself as Dr. William Henderson and said he just had to tell her that she looked beautiful in the outfit she was wearing. When he asked her to join him for lunch she accepted. She didn't know why she had accepted but for some reason she was attracted to this man. They enjoyed a good lunch and she found herself laughing at many of the jokes he...
Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember ElrodW A man who's having an affair would love to leave his wife for his best friend and love. The problem is that the wife has the power to ruin him if he tries. He needs help - magic help of the kind that Bikini Beach specializes in. But the results aren't quite what he was thinking. *********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember This story is copyright by the author. It is...
Let me give you a background first of all. I’ve been married 12 years and for the past seven, sexual activity between me and my wife (Ritu oviously name changed) has stopped completely. I love her dearly, but she has lost all interest in sex and as time went by, I got tired of being alone. When we had sex, I would make sure she would always climax, most times multiples. She admitted that she enjoyed it, but I found out, if she never had sex again it would be all right with her. Since our...
I am Amit, residing in Dubai for last 13 years along with my wife (Sujata) and parents. I am a businessman, having diversified company herein Dubai, dealing in some 150 items. We usually source material from Mumbai, which in turn sold to GCC countries and also exported to African countries. I have to travel a lot to Mumbai for this reason. Prior to my marriage, I used to stay with my mother’s relatives in Vasai when I was in Mumbai for purchasing. But. Now I always live with my sister-in-law...
IncestFive years later, Queen Isabella is still gorgeous and our affair is ongoing.Isabella knows that I love to see her wear her tiara, so I took this photo right after she sucked me off. The tiara serves to confirm the fact that I’m getting a blowjob from the Queen! Of course, she had to re-apply her lipstick, but her blowjob was wonderful.Angelica and I have given the Queen four grandsons with another one on the way. She still wears me out in bed most nights, and I still enjoy Isabella’s blowjobs...
The {lastname} family are, at least on the surface a pretty normal, typical affluent family. They live in a quiet neighborhood, a gated community. Well off, they are like many of the other families in the neighborhood, or at least were until one day when a diary was left open. John : (image) Senior executive at a large Silicon Valley tech firm. Has a son, Alex from his first marriage, married his current wife Suki after she divorced her husband. His relationship with his wife has been on the...
IncestCopyright© 2004 There was a young gaucho named Bruno Who said, "Screwing is one thing I do know. A woman is fine, And a sheep is divine, But a llama is Numero Uno." If not for the way my son fucked me in the sauna once a week, the rock hard cock shoving enthusiastically back and forth into my persistently hungry hot wet cunt, I would say he hated me! These last few months my son David would not even look at me, give me hugs or even talk to me. His often absent father even...
This was the third time I was meeting Xena. I was having an affair with her and I had kept it a secret from my wife. What do I say? I was addicted to her or rather my cock was addicted to her pussy. And she was naughty as hell so I enjoyed doing things with her of sexual nature. I don’t feel bad having an affair with a hot escort like Xena. Once, she invited me to her apartment and she had a “friend†there. I fingered both of them and licked their pussy alternatively. It was a big success for...
Extra Marital AffairMy thanks to fdkman for his editing skills and comments. His efforts are appreciated. It's the little things that tell you, you have a problem in your marriage. The first clue was the dampness of her hair at the nape of her neck. Usually you're not feeling around back there but I was feeling a little horny as she slipped into bed and as I reached for her my hand slipped behind her head. My other hand pulled her against my semi hard on. That's when I felt it and thought, "What the fuck?"...
Hey everyone, I am Kevin. I am an engineer by profession and this story involves an ex-colleague of mine, Debbie. Debbie was a young, newly-married girl when she joined the office. She had a toned body with eye-soothing boobs and ass. She was totally worth checking out and the story is about our extra marital affair and sex session. As we were in the same team and I was her senior, she came to me every now and then for queries. Soon, we started hanging out post office also. Initially, I thought...
Extra Marital AffairThe tree was glittering with lights. Her stocking was hung on the mantle. A crackling fire danced in the fireplace. A CD full of Christmas tunes filled the room with holiday cheer. To anyone looking in the window, it would’ve appeared as if the occupant was in a festive mood. That is, unless they knew the occupant. Tess sat in front of her computer, alone again on Christmas Eve and talking to others who were suffering from the same problem. Far away from family and few friends aside from...