ASMTD Ch. 02 free porn video

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June 1

Leo: Good morning 8:43AM

Rai: Oh. Hey! Morning! 8:50AM

Rai: How are you? Leo? 8:51AM

Leo: Yes, it’s Leo. Good. 8:56AM

Leo: Did you get home safe? 8:57AM

Rai: Yeah. Em was drunk af but its ok. U? 8:58AM

Leo: Yes. It was a great night. 8:58AM

Rai: yeah i had fud 8:59AM

Rai: *fun 8:59AM

Rai: stupid auto correct 8:59AM

Leo: What are you doing today? 9:00AM

Rai: We’re going to the James Joyce museum then class. U? Building any cool sites or have you finally dragged yourself away from your business? 9:02AM

Leo: Reviewing a built one from one of my project managers. Micromanaging is a hard habit to break. Then I was going to go to the beach. When do you get back? 9:05AM

Rai: Idk 5? Something like that 9:06AM

Leo: Cool. Are you doing anything tonight? 9:07AM

Rai: Ivan wants to head to this club. 9:07AM

Rai: Grand Social I think. 9:08AM

Leo: What time should I meet you there? 9:09AM

Rai: You are soooooooo cocky! 9:09AM

Leo: Does that mean you don’t want me to come? 9:10AM

Rai: 10 :p 9:11AM

Leo: You didn’t answer my question. 9:11AM

Rai: Yes, I would like you to come, Leo. 9:12AM

Rai: There. Full sentence and all 9:12AM

Leo: I’ll see you tonight, Rai. 10pm. Don’t be late. 9:13AM

Leo: And wear something sexy. 9:13AM

Rai: Bossy 9:13AM

Leo: You know it. 9:14AM

Leo: How was the tour? 1:29PM

Rai: good. still on it 1:33PM

Leo: That’s a long tour. 1:35PM

Rai: Boring too :/ 1:35PM

Leo: But you are learning a lot about James Joyce? 1:37PM

Rai: starving artist. Misunderstood. Blah blah blah 1:40PM

Rai: Wake me when its not the TWM story 1:40PM

Leo: TWM? 1:41PM

Rai: typical white male 1:41PM

Rai: Stopped micromanaging? How’s the beach? 1:42PM

Leo: Yes and very nice. It rained for about 15 minutes, but that’s all. 1:43PM

Rai: its not cold? 1:43PM

Leo: It’s very cold. LOL But I like it cold. 1:44PM

Rai: how Finnish of u 1:49PM

Leo: Go and enjoy your tour. Learn something! 1:50PM

Rai: Aye aye captain! 1:53PM

Leo: Are you back yet? 5:17PM

Rai: Yes! 5:42PM

Leo: Did you just get back? 5:51PM

Rai: Yup my teacher kept taaaaalking 5:56PM

Leo: And did you learn something? 5:57PM

Rai: Never drink and have class? 5:57PM

Leo: You drank? 5:58PM

Rai: Oh yes I did lol but just a little. Had to have a pint with lunch and then another one after 5:59PM

Leo: Had to or wanted to? 6:01PM

Rai: Back at your hotel? 6:03PM

Leo: You’re not changing the subject. 6:05PM

Rai: Oh but I am. Hotel? 6:06PM

Leo: Yes, I’m back at my hotel. Just woke up from a nap. 6:06PM

Rai: A nap? How old are you dude? There is no napping! just constant exhaustion 6:08PM

Leo: Such a paradigm of wisdom, you are. 6:09PM

Rai: lol 6:09PM

Leo: I want to see you now. 6:09PM

Rai: Cant wait until 10 6:10PM

Leo: No. 6:10PM

Rai: Well, you have to! Em and I are going shopping 6:11PM

Rai: And we’re all going to pregame in Ivan’s room 6:12PM

Leo: Shopping? 6:12PM

Rai: Yup Em wants a pair of tennis shoes and of course I have to get some booze 6:13PM

Leo: Of course. 6:13PM

Rai: So… 6:14PM

Leo: I will see you at 10. On the dot. 6:14PM

Rai: Maybe not on the dot… 6:14PM

Leo: On. The. Dot. 6:15PM

Rai: B 6:16PM

Rai: O 6:16PM

Rai: S 6:16PM

Rai: S 6:16PM

Rai: Y 6:16PM

Leo: You like it. 6:16PM

Rai: I plead the fifth 6:17PM

Leo: Where are you? You’re late. 10:02PM

Rai: Duuuuuude i’m walking hyh 10:07PM

Leo: Hyh? 10:10PM

Rai: Hold your horses 10:11PM

Leo: Hold my horses? 10:11PM

Rai: It means wait. 10:11PM

Leo: For how long? 10:12PM

Rai: Idk Kate wants pizza so we’re stopping 10:13PM

Rai: Just go inside, get a drink 10:13PM

Rai: RELAX 10:13PM

Leo: Text me when you get here. 10:15PM

Rai: ok 10:15PM

Leo: Promise. 10:16PM

Rai: I promise I will text you when I get there. 10:16PM

Leo: No bossy? 10:16PM

Rai: You said it for me ,) 10:17PM

Rai: I am officially in the building!! 10:20PM

Leo: Where? I don’t see you? 10:25PM


Leo finds me on the dance floor with a guy grinding his dick into my thigh. I don’t mind, alcohol doing a great job making sure I don’t mind a lot of things.

‘Rai?’ he growls in front of me, lips pursed, eyes shooting daggers at the man behind me.

‘Hey! Short time no text.’

‘I’ve been looking everywhere for you.’

‘Had to get a drink first.’ I raise the glass in my hand and unceremoniously down it. ‘Think I need another.’

The guy behind me leans close to my ear, hand snaking around my middle and up to my breast. He lets out a yelp a second before I’m pressed up against a hard body, staring into slitted blue eyes. Ooh, Leo’s pissed.

‘Want to keep this hand? You better move the fuck along?’ Mr. Grinder glares at the both of us and I shrug helplessly as if to say Sorry, dude. Better luck next time.

‘Why is it every time we meet you’re drunk?’

I turn to Leo. ‘We’ve only met twice.’ He tugs me off the dance floor and to the bar where he orders a glass of water. ‘And we texted all day. I wasn’t drunk at all.’

‘You had two pints.’ He thrusts the water at me when the bartender slides it down. ‘Drink.’

I salute him as I dutifully gulp down the liquid. Em, Ivan, and Kate come up a second later, glasses empty, smiles on their faces. Ivan leans down and whispers something into Kate’s ear. She tilts her head back and nods before they disappear again.

‘Leo, right?’ Em screams, all but deaf because of the synth pop blasting through the speakers at ear drum rupturing volume.

‘Yes. Emily?’

‘Em,’ she corrects. ‘I didn’t know you were coming.’

‘Rai texted me you all would be here so I thought I’d join you.’

Ha! I texted him. Yeah right.

‘So how much longer are you gonna be in Ireland?’

‘Not sure. I’ve been taking it one day at a time.’

Her eyes widen. ‘Wow. Wish I could do that.’

‘How long are you all here for?’

‘Until June 18th.’

‘It’s a short visit.’

‘No.’ She shakes her head, and catches the bartender’s eye to order another vodka tonic. ‘We arrived May 26th. It’s four-ish weeks.’

I finally finish my water, slamming it on the metal bar. The bartender throws me a dirty look and I grimace and mouth sorry. ‘Then I’m going backpacking,’ I interrupt, joining the conversation, ‘while everyone else goes home.’

‘I would if I could,’ Em says for what has to be the ninetieth time.

‘You’re going alone?’ Leo asks, horrified.

‘Yup. But I’ll be fine.’

A mash up of two of my favorite songs hits me, the base going straight to my hips. Waving bye to Em, I tug Leo onto the dance floor and lose myself in the strumming beat. It’s pulsing electric, everything I need as I sway to the music. Leo wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him. I can feel his erection dig into the hollow of my lower back.

The man’s insanely tall.

I tilt my head and rest it against his chest, nowhere near his shoulder. I feel miniscule next to him and I’m 5’10. ‘How tall are you?’


My eyes bulge. ‘Like you think you’re 6’5 or a doctor measured you 6’5?’

‘A nurse got on a stool and measured me.

‘Good for you.’

His eyes catch on my lips and I smile wide as he ducks his head and kisses me. My second kiss (not that I’m counting) is amazingly better than my first, and the first hadn’t been bad. This one is all Leo, all Mr. I’ve Kissed A Hundred Women And Know How It’s Done Right. One hand moves to my stomach, the other curving beneath my jaw to tilt my chin this way and that. I can’t move if I want to, and the thought makes me cream my panties.

Men like Leo should not exist outside of books. They’re fantasies. I know what happens next. The hot sex, the (maybe) amazing orgasms. The STDs or cheating or Yes, I’ll call you promises that turn to nothing. It’s the first one that freaks me out enough to pull away.

‘I don’t do this,’ I yell up at him, his hand still on my chin.


‘Kiss strangers in clubs.’

‘But I’m not a stranger.’

‘Dude, I met you yesterday. At a bar. For all I know you have a wife, kids, and I’m the extra woman you’re happy to spread your STDs to.’

‘I don’t have STDs.’

‘But I should worry about Ivonka and little Timothy and Sara in Finland?’

He laughs and ducks his head to suck my bottom lip into his mouth before I can protest. Bite. Release. ‘Ivonka, Timothy, and Sara do not exist outside of your imagination. Besides, none of those are Finnish names.’

‘My mistake.’

Leo’s lips quirk. ‘Can I kiss you now?’

‘By all—’ His lips descend and I forget everything else. The man tastes different tonight. A hint of lemon and wheat. It coats my tongue, the scent mixing with his cologne and deodorant. God, he smells good. Tastes divine.

Before I know it, we’re off the floor in a back corner. He presses into a wall, my hands on his shoulders, one legs wrapped around his. My toes touch the floor as I press up against him, completely sober. I prefer doing stupid things drunk, less to think about, worry over, obsess on.

Leo hikes me up, pushes me further into the wall, and settles his erection between my thighs. I regret wearing a skirt because I feel everything. There’s a moment of panic, of over-thinking and planning my next move, before I grind hard on his dick.

Zipper right on my clit, I moan into his mouth and tighten my grip on him. Leo stills against me, knowing exactly what I’m doing before he resumes, this time more forcefully. One of his hands moves from my hip to my ass, squeezing, kneading. God, I’m so close. My little silver bullet has nothing on Leo’s denim-clad cock, and I grow wet thinking of him without the jeans.

‘I can fucking smell you,’ snarles Leo, pulling back.

He crowds me in further, practically lifting me with his legs alone as his hand moves from my ass to between my legs. To say I’m shocked is an understatement. My mouth opens and shuts as he cups his hand over my panties. ‘So wet. Jumalauta, I want to fuck you.’

And he does. In a way. Pushes the fabric of my panties aside and slides his fingers through my lips, getting them wet. My head crashes into the wall, because I’m that girl. Ms. Fucks Guys In Clubs. Ms. Gets Drunk And Parties. It’s insanely appealing, but horribly stupid.

Still, I don’t push his hands away. Especially not when his thumb rubs circles over my clit because for a while I’d thought I was a lesbian or asexual or just a horribly disfigured monster that no man would ever look at, let alone touch. But vaginas creep me out and I think about sex too much and Leo’s fingers are pushing inside me.

‘Oh God.’

‘Take it,’ he growls, forehead coming to rest between my breasts.

I’m 100 percent sure I can never take a dick, because Leo’s fingers feel huge. They’re the first things I’ve had inside me, and I’m so filled I don’t think I can have anything else. But he pulls out and pushes three inside, thumb working my clit.

I come so hard I wonder if I break his fingers.

It’s sudden, unexpected, and nothing like the orgasms I get from my vibrators. Those are tension relievers, so mundane it’s a part of my bedtime ritual. Shower, brush teeth, come, sleep. This is so different.

It starts at my clit and spreads until I’m spasming around his fingers, feeling them move, dragging out my orgasm. I read somewhere most women come for 16 seconds—I swear I orgasm for a small eternity.

‘Rai,’ Leo breathes into my chest, nipping the top of my breasts. My nipples harden further, painful, oversensitized peaks. ‘I want these panties.’

Pulling his hand from me, I sag against the wall and try to catch my breath. Leo lowers my legs and crotches in front of me, waiting. He meant here? I glance around, worrying that someone is watching us. No one’s paying attention, each person wrapped up in their own little world. Leo taps the back of my knee impatiently, and I very stealthily work the panties down. He helps me step out of them before rising and tucking the blue scrap of cotton into the front of his jeans. The action draws my attention back to his erection, still raring to go.

‘Should I . . .?’

‘It’s fine.’

‘Looks painful.’

‘Feels that way.’

‘But you don’t want me to give you a blow job?’

‘I would like nothing better, kultaseni, but I can’t trust myself to end it there. And I don’t want our first time in the bathroom of a night club.’

I cross my arms haughtily, ignoring the wetness between my legs dripping down to my thighs. ‘You really think I’ll have sex with you?’

He leans close, licking the shell of my ear. ‘I had my fingers in your pussy. You’ll be riding my dick soon.’


There are many comebacks, but all of them pale in comparison to that. So I settle with excusing myself to the bathroom and Leo laughs at my retreating back.

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AAA Locksmith

I am the locksmith, always have been always will be. I make good money cutting keys for people, letting them into their cars or houses when they lock themselves out, or helping them secure their stuff with new locks. For some reason people trust me, I don't know why. I always keep a copy of every key that I make. I like to go back when people are not home to look through their stuff, sometimes I steal something, sometimes I just look. I make plenty of money on the side with the stuff that I...

2 years ago
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A Visit to MatildasChapter 3 Kitchen Cleaning Bed Time

I suppose I was only working for an hour but by the end I was quite exhausted. As the evening drew in and the light outside faded, Mrs Danbury appeared and surveyed my work with a slightly disappointed air. “Oh well,” she said, “I suppose it can only be expected. I won’t apply any sanctions on this occasion but you should know this standard of work will certainly attract the attention of performance improvement measures once training is under way. Very well, follow me. I shall show you to...

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It Was Only a Blowjob Ch 04

======================== Bad surprises and further consequences ======================== I woke nervously, and reached for the baby monitor. I wasn’t hearing anything, then slowly realized she was at Carol’s. I looked beside me, where my wife was sleeping on her belly, with Kelly cuddled up to her. They looked so calm and peaceful, nothing like last night. Stretching, I slipped out of the bed, adjusting the covers over my girls. I didn’t know what the plans were for today, but I knew that I...

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Dyked Kinsley Anne Tia Cyrus Erogenous Zone Education

Kinsley Anne is confused. She has a new boyfriend who she is super attracted to, but whenever they have sex, she does not even get close toan orgasm. Luckily, she has super sexy MILF Tia Cyrus to ask for help. Tia tells her that the female body is full of erogenous zones, many of which an inexperienced guy may not know about. She oils Kinsley up and shows her how working some of these extra sensitive spots can get her in the mood to climax. Kinsley can tell Tia knows what she is talking about,...

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Second Chances Ch 02

It was 1:40 PM at work and I got called to the front desk. I had a visitor and a 2 PM meeting. I’m a little ticked off, more than a little ticked off. A meeting in 15 minutes and I don’t have time for anything right now. I got to the front desk and stopped in my tracks. It’s Jerry. I walked up to him slowly. I am now more than just pissed about being late for a meeting. ‘What are you doing here Jerry? We didn’t exactly part on great terms.’ He’s standing there with a strained, pained look on...

4 years ago
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Planned Parenthood Blowjob

I’ve sucked dick in a lot of weird places, but I have to admit I never thought I’d be sucking dick in the parking lot of a Planned Parenthood office. This was back in 2007 when I was 18 years old. I was there, waiting for a friend of mine who was trying to get information. It felt weird in some ways, and I wanted to go in with her, but she wanted to go on her own. I waited in the car, the windows open, though on that Washington drizzly spring morning, it was too overcast to soak up any sun. A...

1 year ago
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In the mall sissy femdom story Part 6

Part 6 It had been quite a day and I had a pretty strong suspicion it wasn't over yet. I barely knew Rose, but I knew enough to guess that really enjoyed thegame, and I was the game. As was lying there thinking about this when thephone rang. "Hello" I answered. A female voice replied "Hello, sir this is Monique from the salon downstairs. This is a reminder that your wife has appointment at 3:00". "My wife, that's not possible" I answered. "Oh but yes, it is written here; Room...

3 years ago
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Ahmedabad sex

Hi it is me Atul (name Changed). I am 25 years old boy from Ahmedabad. This incident happened in my childhood. My friend name is Ruchi. Ruchi is having very slim fine figure. She is always wear tight churidar kameez but very decent color one, no jazzy type. She is very mature type thinking and also very much devotional to god. She is always going temple and like that. But her face is always having mirchi look. Like she will biting her lips with teeth and look from corner of eyes at me sometime....

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My Wife Goes Out with Her Friends 1

"Hi babe, I'm home" is what woke me up from my sleep, I looked over at the clock on the nightstand and it read 1:23 AM. "Wow," I thought to myself, she must have had a great time tonight going out with her friends dancing.The woman that I am referring to is my beautiful wife Susan. You see about every other month or so, my wife gets together with two of her friends and they go out, oh sometimes just to lunch, so they can talk and laugh, and other times, like tonight, to go out to dinner and...

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step daughter to be

Fictional story.....I had all ways worked and had never got round to settling down until I met Angela, she had been working in the building next to mine and I had seen her on a few occasions and had only said "hi". Well a few of us from the office decided to have a pub lunch and Angela was in there with a few of her mates, we struck up a conversation and I asked her on a date, she said it would be fine but had to be at the weekend as her daughter would be home from uni, and could look after her...

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Copyright© 2003 by Kien Reti That's right, I collect asses. Women's asses, of course. I'm as straight as they come, and I'll knock you right on your ass if you suggest otherwise. After two years, there are eight items in my collection. Each exhibit consists of a photo album rubber-banded together with a spiral notebook. The albums hold the pictures -- the shots of the women bent over, their bare asses revealed in all their glory. The notebooks contain the case notes: the physical...

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After The Dust Had Settled

My name is Mark Thompson and I was born and raised in a small town a few miles southeast of Houston, Texas. My parents, Michael and Kerrie Thompson, were both professionals that commuted back and forth into Houston every day. They were both attorneys, but my father however, was a federal judge. My mother had no political ambitions therefore, she chose to be her own boss and became the head of one of the most powerful law firms in the state of Texas. I grew up an only child and believe me, it...

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beauty and the beast

Beauty and the Beast My wife, Eve and I, Tom, have been married for 25 years. We decided to take a holiday to Gran Canarias to celebrate. We have never had any other partners, although we often fantasised about her with another male or female during our love making. A visit to the dunes at Maspalomas changed that. We were three days into our holiday when we met Mike and Sami whom we shared a table with at breakfast. We are both in our mid fifties and Mike and Sami mid forties. They asked us if...

Wife Lovers
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Hallies Story

Hallie –I really love my bff, Jessica and I am fond of her boyfriend, Jason, but sometimes she drags me into things that I would prefer not to do. Like tonight, drinks and dinner at Jessica’s with her second cousin from out East. Sure, I can be pleasant, demure, sociable, and all that but things like this aren’t really what I had in mind.But, I may as well look nice. I have a new dress and the neckline is lower than I usually wear, but the color and print screamed at me in the store. It is...

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The Business TripChapter 5

Friday Day I always like Fridays at this client, as we leave at 5pm, hurry back to the hotel to change and then go to the movie theater in the mall and buy tickets for a 7pm show. There's a great burger and beer place right there, so we have plenty of time to eat. Right before lunch I go into the office where you are working alone. You motion me behind your desk. "I have something you need to see," you inform me. I stand next to you and you push back from the desk. Slowly you raise your...

3 years ago
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Ramya Aunty Tho Dengulata

Hi guys, myself Arief.I am a regular reader of this ISS. And I am a big fan of incest stories. I love these incest stories.So coming to myself. I have not done that till recently with my lovely Ramya. I lost my virginity to my Ramya aunty. I started to watch blue films from my teenage. I used to tell my parents that I am going for studies and used to go to my friends house at 5 in the morning and watch blue films. Since then I need to do sex but have not got a chance. I will come to the sex...

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Husband got more than he bargained for An Adult

I had only been out of college for a few years. I invested some money from my parents and started a small company. I had a small construction business that painted lines in parking lots and on different road ways through out the state. I had two small crews with about a dozen employees. I had just bought a small trailer as my office. It had a small waiting area in the front of the trailer with a small reception desk. There was a small bathroom. I constructed a nice size office for myself. It...

2 years ago
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Finally With Sister In Law

For years now, I’ve fantasized about what it would be like with my sister-in-law, Mona. From the early days of staying at her home, I would take any chance I had to go through her panties and bras, deeply inhaling the smell of her clothes and occasionally the smell of her pussy leftover in some dirty panties. My God, it was fantastic. I’ve always thought she was extremely hot. Blond hair, nice-sized tits, and I knew for a fact she always wore thongs since they would always pop out of her pants...

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Catfishing Ch 2

Water dripped off Jasper's wet hair as he stood in the middle of the hotel room. He turned and admired Rose's tight young body as she toweled off in the bathroom. Jasper assumed she was just another catfish, another size-queen wanna-be. Instead, she turned out to be the perfect woman for him.With his cell phone pressed to his ear, Jasper pretended to be talking to 'Oscar,' his fake internet alter-ego. As part of Jasper's ruse, he used 'Oscar' to trick Rose into having sex with him. The...

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Amader chairman

Hello amar nam Amar bakhsi.Aamar boyosh 33 ami ekta private comapany te chakri kari General manager er poste. Aamar stri Shila boyosh 24 bochhor, Forsa rang bodbodo chokh duto, mukhe sab samai hasi,height 5’8″, Bhison sundari aar sexy ekebare nikhut body. Rasta diye jakhan hate takhan loke ghure ghure takai tar jouvane bhara shorirer dike.Amader Company r chairman Mr. Khanna age prayee 55 er kachha kachhi, Khub sunder atheletic body, byayam kore khub bhalo swastho aar lamba choura figure ek...

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Feeding My Devar And His Friend 8211 Pt 4 Fucking Them

Hi, this is Anitha back with the next part of the story. After that day I was feeling a bit off beat. I was really having the thought that I was about to cheat my husband. But things rolled on. On Saturday Chandran came to our house. I was wearing an orange saree that day. We had dinner and had our talks. While we were talking my baby started crying. So I took him to my bedroom and fed him and when I was about to put him to sleep my hubby also came. He too slept along with the baby. I came to...

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Auntie Ariel

Waves of shimmering heat bounced up from the slate border surrounding the swimming pool as Ariel sat up. Her skin, already a deep bronze was glistening with sweat as she glanced down at her watch. It was three-thirty on a hot, still Saturday afternoon. It portended to be Another Lazy, Wasted Saturday Afternoon as her boyfriend, Jack had already left for the day. Oh, well, she thought to herself, it's time to go in and have a toke. Maybe that'll give me a little lift so I can make it through...

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First Lady Jenkins BBW

I didn't go to her house right after church. I waited until after dark, like she told me. I didn't park in front of her house. I parked around the corner like she told me to do. Her car was in the driveway, but no lights were on, not even the porch light, just like she said it would be. I climbed the stairs of her porch, making sure to stay in the shadows. I didn't ring the doorbell. I knocked, very softly, just like she told me to do.The door cracked open, and she peeked out at me. Then she...

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Kathryns Wedding Day

Kathryn's Wedding Day By Susan Day This is a story of a chat between Penelope Primrose, usually known as 'Auntie', and her old schoolfriend, Kathryn. Dominant Kathryn marries Gary. Then, when they are alone in their hotel room, he becomes her bride and the wedding takes them on a different journey. (number two in a series of chats) -oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo- Back...

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Aimee and Me

My name is Shaye and I’m a 27 year old pre-op transsexual. This is the story of my only sexual encounter with another shemale, which turned out to be one of the most intense sexual experiences of my life.I first started speaking to Aimee about two years ago on an adult chat site. We had some cyber fun for a few months, jerking off on cam and generally having a good time. Eventually, Aimee asked me if I wanted to go around to her place for some real fun. I didn’t need to think about it and I...

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Planetary Resort

Toettut had been terraformed three hundred years ago and served as a planetary resort for multiple species. Two thousand years had passed since humanity had had the first contact with an Alien species. Humans had to finally acknowledge that we were not alone in the Universe. All species were welcomed here and diplomatic liaisons were opened for commerce and cultural exchange on this far outpost. Intergalactic agreements sanctioned the opening Mega-City for a place of safety for all beings to...

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The Family Of Cucks And Sluts Part 3

Hi guys. This is the third part of the series the family of cucks and sluts Thanks for your support guys Share your fantasies with me if you feel so and please give your valuable comments on my stories To understand the story please read the previous parts Story continues …. I saw my friend and his dad come to my mother’s showroom Mom tied my dog color under the table and I stayed low to stay hidden..I was still nude with dried oil and some cum over my body Alex uncle: how are you...

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Fifth PlaceChapter 5

A week later she was in our training room showing me her outline for the course. I asked appropriate questions and she gave appropriate answers. We spend a few hours in there going over the materials and as the day waned, employees trickled out, wishing us good night, until only the two of us were left. There was nothing in our behavior to suggest that this was anything but a strictly business relationship. And it was a business relationship, just not strictly. "I don't want to stay here...

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AC Mechanic Aur Plumber Ne Choda

Hello dosto mera naam sunita hai mein 29 Varshiya slim modern mahila hu meri shaadi ko 5 years ho chuke hai baat pichhale mahine ki hai mera a.c. raat ko ‌chalte chalte achanak band ho gaya. Mere pati ne subah ek machenic ko phone kiya aur usne 11 baje aane ka waqt diya mere pati 10 baje office gaye aur mujhse bole agar koi bada complication ho tho mujhe call karna. Mein apne daily ke kaam me busy ho gayi mein 11.30 tak wait karti rahi par mechanic nahi aaya tho mein nahane chali gayi jaise hi...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 13 Mollys Dinner Recruitment

Molly watched her new friends drive away. When they were out of sight, she turned back to her mother. She stepped back in to her mother's arms and gave her a hug. Stopping the hug, she looked her mom in the face. "Mom, how about pizza tonight?" Kathleen looked at her baby, and she felt complete again as she realized the hole in her heart was once again filled. "What ever you want sweetie, the number for Pizza Hut is on the fridge like always." Shaking her head, she replied, "No mom,...

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