My Cup Of Tea Ch. 06 free porn video

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Previously on My Cup of Tea: Lisa and Sara’s friendship is officially over. Jenna wakes up with Kyle on the floor by her bed. Ian’s memories of his sister Mina bring pain to his heart. Gina has a secret…


Kyle, bent over, hissed as he suffered from the kind of pain only males felt and feared. ‘Why’d you kick me for?’ Again too, bloody blasted witch. He almost cried. Almost.

‘Because I like to see you suffer.’ Jenna took the cup of water by her nightstand and shot the contents at Kyle’s head, drenching him and beads of water glistened on his naked shoulders. ‘Get out of my house before I kick your ass out.’

Kyle retrieved his shirt, narrowed his eyes at Jenna, and left the room.

She smirked as memories of the previous night flooded her head in a sequence of comedic flashbacks. Kyle and his band hung out at a local bar and played a private session for the patrons of the alcohol-infested place. Jenna, having a potent liver for booze, found herself just slightly drunk when the group left. She and Kyle proceeded to make out for about half an hour in front of the bar.

‘Your place or mine?’ Kyle asked.

‘Mine.’ Jenna laughed and felt a rush of high and freedom—she had never felt more wanted or powerful as no spells could make her feel the way Kyle made her feel at that moment. He only had his fake-violet eyes set on her and Jenna recognized the look—Joey had once looked at her that way even when his heart continued to deny his feelings for her. Kyle was a budding star and plenty of women wanted him but at that moment, he didn’t give a flying finger about any of them. He kissed her, tongued her, and she even felt his hands clasped over her hips with his body dangerously close to hers.

‘Slow down bad boy.’ They shared a cigarette and rode a cab back to Jenna’s place.

For a while that seemed like hours, they made out on her bed with half their clothes off. Like a drug, she drowned in his kisses even as she could hear the noises from the bedroom next door—her brother was browsing through his stash of porn tapes and well… Anyway, downstairs, her mother was engaged in her own little world of artistic endeavors with her head always in the clouds—’long live flower children’ was her motto. Her father had brought with him his share of gay lovers—maybe that was why Jenna both loved and hated the lyrics the Flaming Llamas were so popular for—they lived for angst and played on the fantasies of females about man on man action. Before long, her father just stopped returning him—he just ran off with one of his lovers.

Sara was a fluff, she never liked Lisa, no one cared for her dreams, and Joey—well Joey, Jenna knew she could never depend on him. Jocks. Ha. What would and could he ever do for her? He laughed when she told him she wanted to compile the world’s biggest and most comprehensive Book of Shadows.

‘What’s that? A book about shadows?’

‘Get lost jerk.’

So she had strong arms around her and strong lips. She was loved. She was so loved.

Until she realized Kyle was not a guy who could love. (He could… make love technically, oh yes it was evident from the way his PG-13 PG-13.) He just could not give her the love she lacked and yearned for so deeply and darkly. Being a player, Kyle had nothing to offer her, nothing at all. She laughed like a true witch and Kyle felt the skin on his back tingle.

Before things got out of hand, Jenna kneed the poor jerk in the groin and fell asleep with a smile on her face. As her flashbacks faded, her smile only grew, esepcially when she watched him leave like an angry puppy with his tail between his legs. Adorable mais il n’est pas ma tasse de thé.

Sara sat down and rested her back on Ian’s and watched the waves of foamy beach waters rush in and out from the sands. She drew a heart-shape on the sand and destroyed the unity of millions of grains mixed with baby shells. For a while, until the sun began to set, they sat in silence and enjoyed the peace the beach offered.

If only music could play for us like in movies. Or suddenly fireflies would appear along with a flurry of cherry blossom petals. Still, no matter, what, the mood was perfect and Sara summoned her courage to be bold.

Her fingers inched forward and found Ian’s to intertwine. They were warm and they accepted her sans hesitance. ‘Why weren’t you at work today? I missed you.’ Sara’s heart began to beat like a drum at a rock concert—not the Flaming Llama’s concert, they weren’t that good anyway. Could he hear it? Did his beat with hers in unison?

Ian remained silent. He closed his eyes and smiled. Sara’s voice sounded cute like a little bell around a cat’s neck. Except when she screeched. Sometimes when she laughed, she sounded like a horse. But none of these things mattered when it was the purity in her heart that he loved.

‘The Boss came in today. He’s creepy.’ No reply. ‘A little girl came in with a boy. She said he was her boyfriend and she treated him to two scoops. He was a tomato-head the whole time!’ Still no reply. Sara breathed deeply. ‘Funny how no one’s here today. Usually kids are screaming all over the place.’ She let out a nervous laugh. Why was he being so quiet? Was he mad at her? Did he somehow find out about Kyle and the kiss? No… no way. Sara could just die if he did. But how could she let a relationship start off on a slippery landslide of a lack of trust?

Her guilt swallowed her like a remorseless troll gulping down children.



‘Last night, the lead singer of the Flaming Kappas kissed me.’

‘Flaming Kappas? You mean Flaming Llamas?’ Ian laughed and Sara wondered when her head would explode or her feet would become two drills so she could drill a deep well to hide herself. How could Ian fail to take her seriously on something so… sacred? Her first kiss was stolen from her boyfriend by some singer from a band with a lame name!

‘He kissed me on the lips just out of the blue… but it meant nothing to me.’ Rock stars—stereotypes about them were so true!

‘It means nothing to me either.’ Sara’s heart sank. Why? How?


Ian turned and planted himself in front of her. ‘I’m curious.’ His eyes traveled and rested on her lips, her Kyle-claimed/invaded lips that parted slightly as if anticipating another pair’s caress.

‘About what?’ she asked with a semi-shaky voice. Her eyes were moist and her hair blew in the wind and Ian loved the way she blushed uncontrollably.

‘About who gives better kisses. And whether or not your lips taste as funny as your forehead.’

‘Oh…’ Wow.Sara bit her bottom lip and she didn’t budge when Ian came forward until his face rested a half an inch away from hers.He smiled and then she no longer saw his beautiful blue eyes—exotic like the rest of his features. He seemed slightly Asian with his jet-black hair—was he a mix? Sara knew she was hardly lovely but if she and Ian ever had a child, she knew he or she would be very beautiful. Sara’s heart worked overtime at the exact moment she noticed the slight blushing of his cheeks—simply adorable. Then her own eyes were closed and she felt his lips touch hers faintly with a sweet, simple, and innocent kiss. Were there fireworks? Was the beating of her heart unstoppable? Did the kiss engulf her with flickering flames of innocent passion?

Yes. All yes.

If only some moments could last forever… Yes, this was Sara’s favorite line. When their kiss ended, he hugged her. Ian, not Kyle, had stolen her first real kiss, along with her Energizer Bunny heart. That was all that truly mattered.


‘Mama! The phone’s ringing!’ Taylor rolled his eyes. What good was an eighty-year old woman in the house when she didn’t answer the darn

‘You answer it! There’s no phone in the can,’ replied the LOL (little old lady) with a scream from the upstairs bathroom.

‘Geez.’ Taylor picked up the phone and would scream into it if it were Sara on the other line.


‘Is this how you greet everyone on the phone still?’


‘Yea. How are the Affens treating you baby brother?’

‘Great. Except for Sara. She sucks.’

‘She’s an angel.’

‘And you must be… retarded.’

‘You shouldn’t use that term Taylor.’

‘Whatever. What do you want anyway?’

‘Change of plans. I’m not going to Japan. I’m coming over too.’

‘Great, like this house isn’t already over-infested with women-folk.’

‘Shut up Taylor. You should appreciate having so many sensitive females around you.’

‘Why should I appreciate being driven to the endpoint of my sanity?’


‘Whatever. When exactly will you be here?’

‘Tomorrow. Tell Sara I miss her, lots. But don’t tell her I’m coming over. It’ll be a surprise.’

‘Sure. Night freak.’

‘Good night love.’

Taylor blew a raspberry into the phone and slammed it onto the receiver so that his sister’s eardrum would blow up or something along those lines.

Taylor Thomas, aye, would never grow up and Andy rubbed her ear with a grimace on her face.


Revenge is always sweet. Sara, you’ll pay for your betrayal.

Lisa played an awful song with her violin—a song that sounded fine tone and key-wise, but it seemed too harsh for the beauty and promise of a violin. It was perfect for a dark witch’s theme and Lisa suddenly thought of the bwitch Jenna.

Lisa wore a black bikini top and a flowing white translucent ankle-skirt. In years, her love for baking beneath the sun would bring her wrinkles, but to Lisa, she was one who would never grow old, what with Botox and all. Her French-manicured feet wore foam-green flip-flops and while other teens her age— unblessed with silver spoons in their mouths the moment of birth—worked away their summer, Lisa had too much time on her hands and too few friends to bother. Unlike the other girls like her, pretty and popular, Lisa found it hard to like people, though people liked her (or so she thought). She was fine with the guys but they were sweaty pigs in the summer and she’d rather play her violin then sweat a sea playing beach volleyball or saving dumb people from drowning at public pools or the beach. Rich girls didn’t need to work for anything anyway.

She dropped her violin and sighed before taking a sip from a cold glass of virgin pina colada. When she looked up, she noticed a man standing in front of her lawn with a sleazy smile on his face.

‘What are you looking at?’

‘You, good-looking.’

Lisa arched a perfectly sculpted brow. She sat on her porch with her tan legs exposed to the sun for all to admire. The young man did not sport drool on his lips and his features were passable enough not to make a little girl scream or milk curdle, as the saying went. Short-cropped hay-colored hair rested atop a smart-looking head. Sharp green eyes stared at Lisa from head to toe. He wore a navy-blue t-shirt and khaki shorts. From the lack of wrinkles on his adult face, Lisa estimated his age to be twenty-eight.

‘You are star material. Ever consider breaking into Hollywood?’

Sleazeball. I’ll play along.

‘Sure.’ Lisa licked her pink lips to make them glisten. She blinked and ran her fingers through her pale-blond hair and craned her long neck to expose her glorious skin for the man’s eyes to feast upon.

‘Can I come closer?’

At least he was polite in asking’I don’t see why not.’

Aiden Mcfarland grinned and walked over to the lovely little lady and didn’t have to try hard to resist her charms. She was still a developing female, with all her curves awkward, but he liked her personality and her seductive charm. She’d never make it big in Hollywood as she would be passed as a fluff-cake. But since his current girl was now a bore, he needed a new toy and this blond one here was perfect. He liked them young because with youth came naivety. He needed to play his cards right though because this one was a rich one, and rich girls were harder to handle than girls with money signs for eyes. He whipped out a business card and handed it to Lisa.

Cali Starr Agency, Agent Aiden Mcfarland

Discovery of hidden talent… and the rest Lisa just skimmed over.

‘Give me a call sometime.’ His eyes rolled over to her lips and in a low voice he added, ‘Or I’ll always know where to find you.’

Lisa rolled her eyes at the man’s back as he left and chucked the card. Still… Lisa Zirdak, a star? Could be considerable. Lisa laughed and entered her manse.


While people loved to sing while showering, Gina loved the way the water washed away her tears. Cold water drowned away her thoughts and her body shivered.

She felt… disgusting.


Ian finally called Sara that night, two hours after he dropped her home on his bike. Their first phone call!

‘You are coming to work tomorrow right?’

‘Yes for the fiftieth time.’ Sara could hear Ian laugh and his laughter sounded wonderful even when relayed through the phone.

‘I just want to make sure.’

For a minute, they were silent and Sara was content with just that.

‘I’ll see you tomorrow then,’ Ian said, breaking the silence and making Sara wish they could talk all night. Guys don’t talk forever on the phone, at least not many guys, and Ian’s no exception. Sara sighed but then she smiled as if Ian could see her through the phone. Well he can’t, so she puckered her lips and made funny faces.

‘Good night.’


And he hung up.

‘I love you…’ Sara wanted to say.

Sara’s head fell down onto her pillow and she giggled like a silly dolphin.


What would you do if you knew he was the one who killed her? What would you do if you knew he wanted to do more?

The words on the journal’s pages became blurry. Ian rubbed his eyes and dropped his pen and watched it fall to his carpeted floor. A pen, with enough force, could stab through a man’s heart. Ian laughed.

Stabbing Jack Bolster’s heart would be letting the bastard get off the easy way.



Sara’s jaw finally found itself on the floor between her two feet.

‘But… Taylor said you were in Japan and…’

‘Now I’m here.’

Andy stretched open her pale arms and grinned at her cousin. Her freckled face, verdant eyes, and apple-tomato red locks of hair gave her an impish/pixie look. Sara always found Andy too pretty to be Taylor’s sister, but then again, good looks didn’t always run in the family. One look at Gina proved her theory true.

Sara crossed her arms. ‘Another Thomas mooching off the Affen family, eh?’

‘Don’t worry silly. I got lucky at a casino and won eight-hundred bucks.’

Now after her jaw made its way to the floor, Sara’s eyes popped out into space.

‘But you’re not—’

‘Old enough to gamble yet?’

Sara nodded.

‘I have my ways.’ The red head winked and lied down on the sofa, only to dance up to greet Mama when the cute LOL entered the living room. Andy was Mama’s favorite and Sara was never jealous of that. Sara was… well, someone in her family probably thought of her as his/her favorite. Mister Curry? Madame Naggy? Before Lenra had her demon twins, Sara was her favorite… Yea that’s right! I’m the baby of the house after all—everyone’s favorite!

With Lisa no longer her best friend, a shadow needed someone new to hide behind. Sar
a had always admired Andy. So… now Andy was Sara’s new goddess, a pixie-imp with a mischievous spark in her green eyes, countless freckles of adorableness, and the fair pale skin of a princess.

And unlike Lisa, Sara knew Andy possessed nary a mean bone in her body. Yes, not one mean bone in her body, unlike stupid Taylor. Aha! Another thing that didn’t run in the family—negative characteristics!

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It's Sunday morning! The last four days have been a blur, controlling the sexual life of three women. Having sex with them and directing two of them to give their husbands to the third. They’ve written accounts of their encounters. They’ve begun to share their fantasy lives with me through their Fantasy Journals. They have each confirmed submission through specific tasks. It is my decision today will be a day of rest and reflection, on my end. Because they easily worked as a team to give...

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Teacup Roses Guitars A Bus Pass and A Mistaken Identity

TEACUP ROSES, GUITARS, A BUS PASS AND A MISTAKEN IDENTITY (A Danny Fairchild Story) by Bobbie Cabot This little interlude is set somewhere in the middle of the events of Chapter 8 of my still-unfinished story, "Danny." This does not materially contribute to that story, but is more like "a day in the life" type of story of the main character, Danny. This story can stand on its own somewhat, but it would be good to read Danny, unfinished though it is, to get a background on the story...

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The Homestead

I wish to sincerely thank Jim P. for his assistance in editing my story. His insights and suggestions helped me to make 'The Homestead' one of the most favorite stories I've ever written. I also appreciate the time he took to not only go over this story once, but three times! Thank you! The Homestead by: Anon Allsop I rested comfortably, my boots propped lazily upon the split railing that ran along the sidewalk, and my hat pushed down low over my eyes to block out the afternoon...

2 years ago
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Cupids Correction

Cupid's Correction "Oh, fu...." Cupid grumbled as his alarm clock buzzed far too early for his liking. "Why do all the new couples have to meet so early in the bloody morning?" He flopped out of bed, donned his wings and shuffled into his kitchen. His first appointment was in 3 minutes, which was plenty of time for a guy who could transport himself anywhere instantly. He opened his fridge and took out the last bottle of wine. "Shiiiit." Cupid's head was pounding from the...

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A teen his coach and a teammate

It wasn’t hard for my Coach to seduce me. After all, I was young, horny and inexperienced. Some one touching my cock, anyone, was a dream come true. The first to touch mine was my soccer coach, about 20 or 30 years older than me. It was exciting and flattering that an older man took such an interest in me. The first time he sucked my cock was after a practice. He was giving me a ride home and it started with his hand on my thigh, I think when I didn’t protest, it was like a green light for him...

1 year ago
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If you're under age, kid, scram! Twenty-three skidoo! Take a powder! Blow! Lam it! Don't understand what I'm telling you? I told you you were too young! Teasers by Vickie Tern None of these imagined excerpts -- or very short short stories -- are from actual stories I've ever read or written. As with Japanese Haiku, or short lyric poems, your own imaginations should feel free to fill them out with whatever situations or...

2 years ago
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Cyber Junkie Tea

“Well, what are we talking about: a Vienna sausage or a beef polska kielbasa?” Lauren probed, grabbed the teakettle off her stove, and freshened Natalie’s tea. “We’re talking about a beef polska kielbasa: a floppy kielbasa,” Natalie responded with a cynical side-eyed glance as she stirred lemon and honey into her Earl Grey. Ignoring Natalie’s facial expressions and refusing to retreat, Lauren drilled down into her business even further, “Did he take a Viagra or a Tadalfil ?” Lauren barely...

4 years ago
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A Spot of Tea

A Spot of Tea We had just ended a pleasurable date at a fine continental restaurant, having dined on superb seafood, and as we were leaving, several women paused to conspicuously take notice of Danny. He was only about 5’10’, but his broad shoulders and expansive chest made him appear larger. He had thick dark brown hair that was cut fairly short. Most people considered him handsome, and many told him that he looked like Tony Danza. And he did. I wasn’t sure exactly how he felt about that,...

3 years ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 10 Examination After Tea

When the Emir returned from taking a cup of tea in the privacy of his study, the audience quickly resumed their seats, eager to continue to watch this parade of naked beauties. The next contestant is Fatima," announced the Emir. The Chief Eunuch called out, "One." Fatima went through the routine competently and without error, but the Emir found her plump buttocks and ample breasts not too much to his taste. They were all right, he concluded, but nothing to write home...

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Catholic Schoolteacher

Catholic Schoolteacher I had been a schoolteacher for quite awhile and had even retired after thirty years of service but when Father Tom asked me to join the staff at the Catholic High School I did. He asked me to do so as a personal favor to him. He was not in the habit of asking me personal favors so I knew that he needed my help desperately. I soon realized why he was so desperate in the first place. The money was ridiculous, the classrooms were only half full, and they were...

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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 11 Sues Sexy Schoolteacher

Posted: April 21, 2002 - 12:00:00 am All good things must come to an end and the college student's summer sojourn with his aunt and her nubile daughters was no exception. His amoral activities during his four-month visit did, however, have a lasting effect that went beyond the debauchment of his adolescent cousins and the first manifestation effect of this involved eleven-year-old Sue. Dear Dairy - I sure miss Bill. And Jan, too. Cept she's sposed to be home weekends. I think Mom guessed...

2 years ago
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Cupcake Delight

Lily McAllister hummed “Phantom of the Opera” as she zigzagged her way to the front of her bakery to begin her afternoon chores. It was Sunday, the only day she worked her bakery by herself. She loved the quiet solace that these Sunday afternoons brought her. Over a year earlier, she had moved here to hide and lick her wounds after a nasty divorce. She remembered those dark days when she didn’t even have the energy to get out of bed, recalling the fresh dose of evil that her ex had heaped upon...

Straight Sex
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Cup of Cum

It was Steves turn to pick a game. “Hey”, he said, “lets have a cookie jerk, and the last one to cum has to eat it”. “No way”, many of us said…”and we don’t even have a cookie”. “Well let me see”, Steve said…”hey lets use the cup on my thermos…the loser must drink all the cum from that! Come on, it will be wild”. My hands began to tremble at the thought of all seven us pooling our cum into the thermos cup that Steve was swinging on his finger… Once we had a majority vote, we all had to play…and...

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Cupids Arrow

Cupid's Arrow By Mister Double-U Harold saw her walking down the hall and knew that it was love at first sight. She was tall, with long blond hair and a body that could stop a truck. 'The face of an angel.' he thought. He mustered up all his courage and approached her, just as her boyfriend rounded the corner. She looked at him with a smile that could melt butter. The boyfriend placed his arms around her and gave Harold a very nasty look. "Somethin' I can do for ya?" he asked....

1 year ago
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Cupids Revenge Charlie

Prelude The death dealer stood in the doorway, rocking back and forth on his feet. A hard man of no conscience, he mused once again what a great business selling drugs had become: you just had to get them hooked and they were forever customers ... until they died. And they always died. Lighting up a smelly black cheroot he thought he saw a ghost of movement on the rooftop across the street. Being in a chancy business he was always cautious, and blowing out the match, he backed deeper in the...

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It had become the best part of my day; every afternoon just before closing, fifteen minutes of time alone with her…But I’m getting ahead of myself, let’s go back a little. New job, new city, everything bright and shiny, waiting to be discovered. I had moved for work, and everything had fallen into place nicely.Late one afternoon in mid-autumn, as I made my way home, I walked past a café and felt like something sweet. It was quiet inside, no other customers but me, the last staff members leaving...

Straight Sex
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‘Cocktease,’ he had called her, out of earshot of her husband and his wife.  In retrospect, perhaps she had overdone it a bit from time to time. A flash of lace now and again, a breast resting snugly against his arm as she poured him another glass of wine, a little parting of the lips and quick swish of the tongue as they said goodnight following visits. Truth be told, these had been more for herself than to titillate David. That he may have been frustrated by these events had not really...

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Service SocietyChapter 10 The Steakhouse

Dexter parked his car in the crowded parking lot of the chain steakhouse. Cleared by his doctor to increase his level of activity, and to expand his diet, Dexter had chosen a steak dinner as the ideal way to celebrate. It was true that steak, specifically, hadn’t been added to his diet, but Dexter figured that was just a minor technicality. A crowd of people, mostly smokers, were waiting for tables in front of the restaurant. Although he wasn’t a smoker, he thought it was wrong that they...

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Silly Teasers

Silly Teasers by Princess Pervette [A few absurd and (I hope) ridiculous twists on well-known plot devices--& related situations.] -+- I gasped in horror as an ugly tube of flesh began snaking its way out between my thighs, bulging obscenely in my panties.... What was happening to me? And my nice, new breasts...! Where had they gone? -+- Sarah turned on the television and loaded a cassette into the VCR. She had taped our entire evening together! There I was,...

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The Teardrop

The TeardropMaking a hasty escape from the law and his band of creditors along with his semi aristocratic family , James Smith found passage on the Cutty Sark on its return voyage to India and Ceylon.In truth the family were happy to see the back of him as he was worthless and without morals of any kind and a Libertine of the worst kind.How many illegitimate c***dren he had left behind and how many ruined young maidens no one knew and that he had sold or taken with him almost half of the...

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cock teaser

Tracey the cock teaserTracey was in her early 50s with an hour glass figure and large 38DD tits she had a bubbly personality and would flirt with everybody in her early years she was known to sleep around a bit and had got a bit of a reputation especially for sucking cocksTracey got on well with Brian who she worked with they were of similar age and had the same taste they would often flirt with each other often commenting oh I would love to fuck you Or I bet you would love me to suck your cock...

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Adura blushed as she finally found her way in the door after work, cupping her chest gently with a slight wince, then gasping as she unbuttoned her blouse. Her breasts swelled against the soft pink bra holding them almost painfully, pushing the bottom of its cups away from her chest. She unsnapped it from behind her with a sigh, letting them free in the cool air of the house. She walked to the kitchen, the rest of her clothes falling in a line behind her. She stood in the kitchen, nude except...

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Do you want to know a secret? I’m crazy about you. Of course I won’t actually say the words to you, but I’ll show you because it’s easier for me. Look at me. Look at my face when you smile at me, doesn’t it tell you everything that I won’t. Feel my fingertips on your arm as you drift into a sleep, they’ll continue to stroke you long after you’ve lost awareness and when I eventually fall asleep pressed up against your warmth, I’ll have a contented smile as I dream of you, as I dream that...

Love Stories
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A tryst at the Chateau

I hear your intake of breath as you see the twenty five roses on the coffee table. They are in a lillet lead crystal vase, the best they had, but not exactly what I would have gotten had I had more time. Nevertheless, it's better than nothing. I grab you as you step in the room, turning to kiss me. "Hello, sweetness. I hope you are ready to get the ride of your life." "I am indeed", you reply, rubbing my crotch. "That's good, darling, because I've brought all the requisite...

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Locked Up By Girlfriend Used By Teammates

Locked Up By Girlfriend, Used By TeammatesBy: Hardy, 2007I acted like the typical straight college guy. I was on the soccer team. My days consist of going to class, training for or playing in soccer games, hanging out with my friends (especially my teammates) or being with Jill, my girlfriend. Jill and I got along very well. She also like the fact that I never pressured her into sex. We did it about once a week. She was also very understanding when on occassion I just could not perform. She...

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Cupid Story 8211 Lesson Learnt In Seduction Of Housewife

It is continual learning about the behavior and expectations of women. I constantly question my level of winning them. Few of my trials or actions have failed mercilessly. There are few women whom I see in my daily life and wish to share my love with them. Some dont even look; some will throw cheap look; luckily some will look but will turn back if I look at them. I believed that the time and situation plays a vital role in bringing us together besides our ingenious attempts. The traveling is...

4 years ago
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Cupid Retires

I knocked on the doors of one of the nicest castles in the world. It was answered by a beautiful lady but what else would you expect when knocking on the castle door of Venus, the goddess of love. I was there to inform her of some not so good news. I asked the lady at the door if she would please get Venus for me? She replied, "Whom should I say is calling?" "Saint Peter. I think she is expecting me." She asked me to come in while she informed Venus that I was there. I sat on one of the...

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“You’re a teaser” he said to his next-door neighbor who was on her hands and knees weeding the garden.She looked up at him and said, "I'm what?"“A teaser,” as he looked down her scooped neck t-shirt that wasn’t doing a very good job of hiding her well-developed breasts.Becky laughed and said, “So you’re not out here to view my flowers. Perhaps something else interested you.”“Of course. There is nothing more inspiring for a man than to see a beautiful woman’s body.”“Oh, so you’re a voyeur,”...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Teenage Cock Teaser

Confessions of a Teenage Cock Teaser        My name is Nessa and I like to make boys cry.  I’ve got the perfect, exotic face and fine-boned body of a supermodel (in fact, I started modeling when I was 16).  My luxuriant teased brown hair hangs down almost to my waist and my toned skin is a tawny, olive color I got from my Sicilian grandmother. The only part of my body that isn’t super-slender are my gravity-defying size D tits (thanks to a boob job when I was 16).  Boys just can’t resist me. ...

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Cuckolded by Bunty Broomstead

I would in all probability never have discovered that Jessica my darling wife had cucklded me with a cad and lothario, Bunty Broomstead to be precise, had my Darraq Motor-Car not broken down twix the Dog and Duck Inn and Hampstead New. I was quite discomfited. The Darraq was usually so reliable. Unlike Jessica. I do not declaim to be the most jovial of coves, nor the most attentive nor passionate of lovers but for my sins I had sampled none but that bitch Jessica for seven tedious...

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