Chamber of Horrors
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Rendezvous. I must confess, I didn’t think I could spell the word without some help, but for the first time I seem to have managed it (if my spell checker is to be trusted). From the French rendez vous, present yourselves. Used as a noun or a verb. The act of meeting or the meeting place itself. The French have some of the greatest phrases. I love that we can use one word or phrase from another language to capture something more completely than we can in our own.
While I’m confessing, I will tell you about my latest rendezvous. A secret rendezvous. This is not the first time I have arranged to secretly meet this man who had, within the last couple weeks, quickly transitioned from my friend to my lover. Maybe the exact point of the transition was that first rendezvous, when I contrived to visit his cabin on the lake to discuss and lament my dissolving marriage. We walked and talked in the promising sunshine of early spring. We sat on his porch and he held me as I cried. We talked some more, his kind and understanding words a balm to my aching heart. Some time later, having migrated to chairs in the sunshine of his yard and under the watchful eyes of nesting songbirds, I tapped some unknown source of courage within myself and quietly asked if I could kiss him. He agreed with a pleased and slightly surprised smile, offering his mouth to my tender kisses. Maybe that was the physical turning point in our relationship, yes, but upon reflection it was only an expression, a confirmation, of what had been growing between us from the beginning, since our librarian friend had introduced us a few months before.
After the kiss our relationship continued to develop on the internet, with email, chat, and other social media. Only a few days passed before we arranged to rendezvous midway between our homes, in a secluded alley downtown. I was at least as nervous as I had been when I’d shown up at his cabin, maybe more so. I arrived first and waited anxiously, drawing deep, slow breaths in a fruitless attempt to calm myself. My heart leapt in my chest as he walked around the corner into the alley. So cool, so handsome with his sexy, hippie geek thing going on. So otherworldly. So mine.
We exchanged greetings and held each other’s eyes for ages. Then we were in each other’s arms, exploring a little more of each other than we had before, seeking out skin to taste and touch, learning each other by sighs and murmurs of pleasure. Does he like my hands in his hair? Does he like it gentle or rough? Oh God, his hands feel so good on my bare waist, pulling me against him. His hot mouth on my neck is sending hot tingles to my toes.
My mind reeled when he began caressing my bare leg beneath my skirt, working his way up my thigh with gentle strokes. The man was fascinated with my thighs. He was not unwelcome when he moved higher and slipped his slender fingers under my damp panties and into me. My knees nearly gave out as he gently worked me. I opened to him, held him close, moaned my satisfaction.
That was as intimate as we got that day, though I was so out of my head with arousal I probably would not have stopped him if he’d wanted to do more. I was so starved for attention and his touch was so electrifying.
We were short of breath and eager like a couple of teenagers one minute, slowing down to gaze into each other’s eyes and absorb each other the next. We explored the depths of each other with sight alone, our eyes searching, asking questions, ‘Who are you? What do you see in me? What do you expect of me? Do you like what you find here?’ Replying, ‘I am yours. I am open. You fascinate me and I want to know more.’ We talked some, yes, but mostly we focused on the aspect of US that we could not experience in written word.
Up until this point I knew he was as enamored with me as I was with him, but did not know if he was considering a future with me or just enjoying it for what it was. I didn’t dare question it, I would rather enjoy it for what it was than risk ruining it by wondering what it could be. That didn’t stop my imagination from building a life with him, however, nor did it keep my heart from hoping. Somewhere near the end of our hour or so together, as we were exchanging sweet words, I picked up on a crumb of something that I don’t think he even realized he had let fall to my plate, and surely he couldn’t know how hungrily I ate it up, how I had been waiting to hear it. Maybe I didn’t even realize the latter myself. He spoke of someday. Someday when our librarian friend would know about US. This man who was everything I’d ever hoped for in a companion was entertaining thoughts of a future with me. I had to fight back the tears to keep them from falling.
Back to the internet, late nights and early mornings chatting. The universe smiled upon us a few days after our alley meeting. I was freed up for a couple of days, with only minimal responsibilities. I sent him a message: I would like to spend the night with you.
And so I did. I found my way again to his cabin and a delicious meal, feeling relaxed and at home for the first time in over a week. I unloaded my emotional baggage, with no small amount of sorrowful weeping. Again he held me and spoke reassuring and loving things to me. We spent the night in each other’s arms, in his bed, finding no end of ways to express the love we felt for each other. We slept some, loved some more, slept some more. We spent the next day together, reveling in our love, feeding it, watching it thrive. That night we lay down in his bed again, together. Connected in so many ways. It was a premature honeymoon of sorts and we knew it. We embraced it.
Since then we have managed to steal kisses, touches, and knowing glances at social functions. Sweet, sweet love. On the internet, learning each other, planning our future. And we had one amazing night under the moon in his yard, after our friends had gone for the night. Dancing in the moonlight, the air cool but not very cold, reclining together on a cozy piece of lounge furniture, talking. So much to talk about with my Love. Both of us always thinking, always communicating, always wanting to connect. Soon time pressed and I felt an urgency. I had to be close to him. Closer. Before it was time to leave. Who knew when we would have another moment? I climbed on top of him and let him see the desire in my eyes, let my body suggest things to him. He was in tune, eyes afire, hungry hands sliding beneath my skirt, along my thighs, touching me, discovering how ready for him I was. I made brief but passionate love to him there, our love sounds mingling with the lake sounds, the night sounds of the frogs and the honking and splashing of geese. My legs were trembling when I finally stood to leave. He helped me to the car and kissed me goodnight. Such promising kisses.
My love and I, always following up online, remembering our times together, reflecting on life, the universe and everything. So full of hope. Making each other laugh and cry. The best friend I’ve ever had. My tender and passionate lover. My life partner.
It was time to rendezvous again. I wasn’t sure I could handle another casual, restrained public encounter. Just a half an hour alone with him would, hopefully sate me for a bit. I thought this while in another part of my brain I laughed at the absurdity, I would not be sated. Ever. I couldn’t get enough of this man and his love for me, of which, it appeared, he had an endless supply. Another private encounter was just as likely to make me more frustrated and impatient as it would satisfy and calm me.
My Love has access to our local Chamber of Commerce and I was to meet him there yesterday evening when it would be dark and empty. I was not as nervous as on the previous secret meetings, still nervous enough to be trembling, to get confused about which back door to approach. And then there he was in the doorway (the other doorway, to my embarrassment), smiling at me, inviting me in out of the cold spring rain. I entered. We faced each oth
er. I had thought to just grab him and begin kissing him passionately, but I could only stare at him, overwhelmed with sweet emotion as he unsnapped my long overcoat and slipped his hands in to hold me by the waist, drawing me to him. He seemed to wait for me to make the next move, always willing to go at my pace, whatever it should be. I wanted to hold him close, so close that he melted into me so we could be one person, to ease the ache of wanting him with me always.
I shed my coat, tossing it unceremoniously onto the floor. I took him in with my eyes, observing, as always, my own feelings reflected there. Time ceases to mean anything with him, so intense our gazes, our mutual love, respect and desire. I touched his face, his full beard tickling my palm. I leaned in close, my arms sliding around him, breathing in the smell of him. I sought his lips, kissing him slowly, deliberately, so hungry for him and yet not wanting to rush, not wanting to miss a thing. He held me tightly to him, as lost in our kisses as I was. I broke away to look at him again. He smiled knowingly at these affectionate little acts that have become sort of an Absorbing Ritual for me. For us.
After a few minutes like this we managed to move away from
the entry to the main room where some tables and chairs were set up. The lights were off and it was private, but there was enough light filtering in from outside to see clearly. To see him. To see the joy and hunger in is eyes. His arms were around me again, loving hands on my waist, my back, grabbing my ass through my skirt, sliding under my shirt to my warm skin as we searched each others mouths, tasting, teasing. Talking could wait, this touching and tasting and looking was what we couldn’t accomplish online. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I wondered how far he was interested in taking me during this encounter. Making out at the Chamber was one thing, the idea of having sex there was exhilarating. Yes, as he pulled my shirt collar aside and eagerly nibbled my neck, one hand in my bra, massaging my breast, tugging the nipple until it hardened, drawing a quiet moan from me, his other hand on my outer thigh, working my skirt up to my hips, discovering, with a delighted little moan, that I had left my panties at home… Yes, he would take whatever I offered this evening and I would offer everything. And I would eagerly take whatever he would give me. So greedy, we two.
Kissing my Love’s neck, my hands in his wild dark hair, my tongue flicking at his earlobe, breathing warmly into his ear and relishing his response, pulling me tighter against him, his hand finding my warm center and his fingers making their way like they had studied a personal map of me for eight hours of every day of the three months prior, so skilled was his touch. Pressing, circling, teasing. I backed against the table and propped one leg on a metal folding chair for support. He quickly took advantage of my openness, plunging his fingers into my wetness, causing me to gasp and moan, lifting my hips to him involuntarily, my eyes closing and my head rolling back. Oh god, what this man does to me with his fingers! He worked me with his hand, his fingers, his other hand on the small of my back holding me to him. I am not sure how long we continued like this or which of us enjoyed it more. He truly loves to give me pleasure and I become hyper-aware of my responses to him, knowing that he is drinking me in. It makes me feel so beautiful and sexy, heightening every sensation.
Soon my Love moves between my legs. I hear and feel him undo his pants and push them down. My heart pounds harder in anticipation. I open my eyes and catch his, letting him see my desire, seeing it matched in his. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him, eager and passionate, seeking his tongue, sucking his lips. He pushes between my legs, his hardness brushing against me, making me jump a little, making me gasp a little. His hand finds its way between us, he guides himself to me, pushing gently, parting my swollen lips and barely entering. Pulling out again, teasing. My head rolls back, eyes closed, another moan. It is too much. I lay back on the table and he assists by shoving aside some papers and things, clearing a spot for me. I pull up my t-shirt and sports bra, giving him access to my breasts, my tummy, of which he quickly avails himself, crushing my soft breasts in his hands as he pushes into me again. A little way. Out again. Torturing me. My mind is fuzzy and my sex is hot with the need for him, the anticipation… I wrap my legs around him, encouraging, begging. He pushes into me fully and stops. Mmmmm… yes. Yes. We both moan. I open my eyes again, I must see his face. I must see the desire and pleasure on his face. So amazing, this love of ours.
From somewhere outside myself I see us, I take in our situation. We are fully clothed, shoes on and everything, and he is fucking me on a table in the pale evening light at our Chamber of Commerce. Ridiculous and delicious. So naughty. So fun. The vision remains but fades again to the background as my Love’s hands find my hips and he begins to move within me, to find his rhythm. Oh yes… he feels so good, fills me so completely. He is so good to me.
With the awareness of our limited time he picks up the pace, letting the urgency and hunger lead his movements, thrusting harder and faster as I lift my hips to meet his thrusts. And I know he is delighted with me, delighted to have me spread before him on this table, delighted with my moans and gasps and murmured encouragements, delighted to be pleasuring me, fucking me, fucking his woman, his own Love. His breath grows ragged and he moans as he nears his climax. I cannot describe what it does to me, listening to my Love as he comes. I think my own moans become quieter just so I can listen to him and absorb his abandon. Now I am feeling him tense and pull out. I am so suddenly empty it hurts, but he is coming and I savor the moment. There will be time later to learn each other, time for him to come within me.
I sit up and wrap my arms around him. So satisfied, so pleased with him, feeling so tender now and communicating it with my lips, my hands, my eyes. I stand. He holds me tightly. We kiss for awhile. In a moment of inspiration I drop to my knees and reach out to him, pulling him to me so I may kiss him and lick him clean. He is still fairly hard and I take him into my mouth, sucking and teasing with my tongue. I want to make him feel good, to give him as much pleasure as I can. If his response is any indication, I am succeeding. I continue for a little while, thoroughly enjoying myself, then I stand before him again, smiling into his eyes.
‘All clean,’ I say with a grin.
‘Mmmm… You,’ is his response. He pulls me close and we communicate in kisses, sighs and touches for a few moments.
‘Would you like to lay down again and I can go down on you or touch you?’ he offers with hope in his voice. Just the offer melts my heart. He has been down on me a couple times before and it is a fairly new experience for me. My ex-husband had done it a few times in our 14 years but it was awkward and he never seemed to enjoy it so I was never free to. My Love loves to give me this kind of pleasure and is very, very good at it. How could I resist? I lay back on the table, each foot on a chair for support.
My Love begins by kissing and caressing my thighs. I feel so vulnerable, open before him this way. Then his mouth is warm upon me and I feel only pleasure. His tongue is dancing, he is kissing and sucking. Oh God, he is so good to me. I lift my head for a moment to observe. The sight of him between my spread legs, feasting hungrily upon me… oh my. I reach down to run my fingers through his hair, to encourage him, then lay back and just enjoy, gasping and writhing under his attention. It feels wonderful, incredible, but I do not feel the need to climax. It’s so much work for me sometimes and this isn’t the place. I’m not like the women I read about in stories, who come so easily and
repeatedly in any position. I have my moments and they are sweet but, another time maybe. I sit up and pull my Love up to me so I may kiss him again. Why is it so thrilling to taste myself on him?
We finally pull up his pants and get decent, grinning like canary-eating cats. After checking the time I decide we can sit and visit for a bit. So, we finish up our rendezvous just caressing and kissing and talking, enjoying each other and dreaming of the future, wondering if and when the universe will provide another opportunity for us to be together before we are finally Together, my Love and I.
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As with so many in these modern times they had met via the computer. Their correspondence had progressed with the utmost celerity from cautious even tentative invitation for exploration to sharing fantasies of the most explicit and satisfying nature. Their libidinous natures seemed amazingly well in tune. As a result of their communion, she often enjoyed a fantasy of their actually meeting. It followed whatever flow her need dictated at the time, though often it began tenuously with her simply...
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Tuesday morning, I wake up being kissed, with a hand in my underwear, jacking me off. I open my eyes to see Kim and return the kiss. When we part, I tell her, Next time, come a half-hour early, and you can help me with my morning shower.” “I would love that. Why can’t we do it now?” “Imagine how Carol would feel seeing you step out of the shower with me. You need to be here early enough that she will not see.” “I thought we weren’t keeping secrets.” “We aren’t. I talked to her, and she...
Many of you may think it’s a loser’s way of finding a compatible mate, but I found someone very special on an online dating site. It wasn’t on one of those standard, fill out a questionnaire type sites. It was a site designed to allow singles, couples, and groups to ‘hook up’ for some specific physical activity. Being over forty years old, I have long tired of the bar dating scene and was looking for someone near my age that wasn’t a prude or had already given up on having new sexual...
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Cindy smiled and asked, “Oooh good idea, when is our next prayer meeting?”The preacher looked at her and suggested, “Meet me here, 8pm Monday.” Cindy said goodbye and told him she would take a cab home. She didn’t tell him she had many things on her mind to think about. One thing she did not want to do was see her mother, JoAnne at this time. All the way home Cindy wondered how her mom would take the news; that she was going to start going to church. She chuckled and whispered, “Oh won’t that...
Straight SexMiss James, and most of the faculty and staff, was aware of what had happened at the Board meeting. And before it. They also knew that it was traditional for a new chairman of the Board to address the faculty and staff the day after being elected to that post. Therefore, there was a special meeting scheduled for the purpose. Later, there would be an Assembly so that the students could be informed of the new leadership. When Linda entered the room for the meeting, she did so in her power...
It was one of those standard boring directors’ meeting in an old fashioned meeting room with a big round wooden table. This is the last presentation, but the speaker is so uninteresting that you cannot wait to get out of here. Suddenly, you hear someone saying *dinner time*! You look around the room and everyone was staring blankly at the screen. ‘Hi, it’s me’ and then you realise that it was my voice and you told yourself that you must be losing concentration, so you switched your mind back...
One Summer night, it was still light as I pulled into the parking lot to attend an AA meeting, and as I was getting out of my car, a gal I was fucking regularly showed up in her van at this AA meeting. Happy to see her, I walked over to her van and she smiled rolled down the window, gave me a kiss and said, "hop in".When I got in, she was in her work uniform, she was a housekeeper at a major chain motel. We chatted a bit and watched as stragglers entered the building on their way to the...
I am a thirty-five-year-old project manager. My name is Jill and I have been with the company for ten years. I have a decent body: 5’9” 34-24-38. My DD-sized breasts are round and firm. My nipples are pink and perky. I’m a little hippy, but the women I like, like my curves. After five years of marriage and two children, and a divorce, I’ve managed to maintain a sexy body. I’m fair–skinned white woman with shoulder length blond hair. I love sex. I’m a visual person. But I also love the taste,...
Quickie SexAugust 1, 1986, Chicago, Illinois I sprang from my chair and ran through the kitchen to the foyer. I pulled Jessica into a tight hug and kissed her deeply. She molded her body to mine and squeezed her arms tightly around me as we continued to kiss. “Do I get a turn?” Kara giggled, coming up behind me with Jesse. I broke my clench with Jessica and took Jesse from Kara so that she could greet Jessica the same way that I had. They broke the kiss, and Kara took Jesse back from me. “Let’s get...
It didn’t surprise me to find a mouth on my cock when I woke. Kim was happily licking me and sliding his mouth down my cock. My groan and tightening hips made him aware I was awake. He sucked me harder making my hips flex in time with him. Once he was happy that I was suitably prepared, he popped off my cock. “Fuck Lindell, so I can fuck you,” he asked. My wife removed her tit from my mouth where it had found itself and grinned at me. She moved on to all fours and wiggled her arse at me. I...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Alex. I am 19 years of age turning 20 at the end of the year. I have recently cut my dirty blonde hair and now it only reaches a bit over my ears. I used to keep it long but my previous girlfriend wanted it short for her Matric Farewell so I decided “What the heck” and cut it. My girlfriend’s name is Lelia or well she used to be my...
Recently, two members from this site met in person for the first time. Their names and locations have been change to keep their identities safe.Scott stood up in frustration, sending his desk chair wheeling across the room and slamming against the wall. The motion caused his monitor to shake, almost tipping over. A woman’s voice came over the speakers.“Scottie, ye canna keep stomping around like that! I canna see ye and yer words aren’t makin’ any sense.”Scott went back to the computer and...
CHAPTER IV - THE SECOUND ANNUAL PONY GIRL RACE COMMITTEE MEETINGS At the next Pony Girl committee meeting, I presented my finding of the location for the next race in Las Vegas. I then listed the major reasons for the decision. The vote was unanimous for Las Vegas. Then I suggested some changes in the race structure. The first was to run the first series of races in "heats", or preliminaries. In other words, we would hold 3, 4, or 5 "heats" of 6 to 8 participants depending on the total...
IT was a challenge I could not walk away from. I knew the risk was high, but if I wanted the reward of her, I would have to take the chance. To fill you in, her name is Sarah. We met online, well, we’ve ONLY met online up to this point. We’ve had great conversations online, some about sex, others about just life. Regular conversations if you will. But there was no denying what our relationship was all about – after all, we don’t usually visit looking for life-long...
dad meetingWe first met in a online chat room after he sent an email to me. He had read my profile and know that i was bi and into bdsm. He was a "Daddy" who was into discipline and i was a "sub". A perfect match.A few chats and webcam inspections and it was decided that we would meet for a cup of coffee, nice neutral place, and see where that went. It went very well. He looked the part. Larger guy, glasses, balding, small beard, broad shoulders, dressed well in common business attire. Easy to...
A male stokes up the courage to allow himself to be viewed in the flesh at an amateur literary guild meeting. He finds the other members who turn up are all women, and they are very interested in his tales, and more. He'd been writing erotica for some time now, and had enjoyed a reasonable amount of feedback from the sites he'd frequented and had his stories published at. He'd been asked several times if he'd like to attend an informal meeting of authors from a site, all with similar...
Chapter Five: Futa's Naughty Meeting By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! “Let me drive you to college, Jenny,” my mom said to me the next morning. I swallowed, my heart clenching. Fear rushed through me. Did Mom figure out that my little sister hadn't been just sleeping in my bed, but that we were naked in the middle of having sex? Mom had come home late the night before, called into her work by her slave-driving boss on a Sunday. At the...
She is in a beautiful tropical paradise yet stuck inside a frigid, dark hotel meeting room. What a waste of good warm sunshine. Her body craves warmth and she longs to lounge by the pool with a tall, refreshing drink and a good mystery. She pulls her sweater tighter around her shoulders to block the chill from the air conditioning and tries to concentrate on the speaker's droning voice. It's no use, her mind drifts off again, as her eyes roam around the room - scoping out the variety of men....
EroticThe orgy my command had started lasted more than two hours. It finally broke up when Erica and Angelique returned from their play. Lenore and I quickly showered and then spent time with the two girls as the other ladies cleaned up. We ate as a group that night. I was going to see about resuming the play when the AI interrupted our meal. “Captain Parker. I have a call from Captain Prescott for you.” “Put it through,” I replied. “Ladies be quiet please.” “Aww, do we have to,” Ashley sang out...
A Taboo Family Meeting Picture a normal family of four. There is the Father, Mark, he is 45, 6' 2, about 250 pounds, salt and pepper hair. He is well built, a little on the hairy side, a dark full beard on his chin. He's an attractive man, but he's not a model. He does not have a six pack, in fact he has a bit of a beer gut but his shoulders, arms, and chest make up for his little bit of extra around the midsection. Mark has the libido of a teenager. Him and his wife have a very active sex...
After the interview, I had no idea what to expect from my new job. Would every day be filled with sexual innuendo, fingering, and blowjobs? Not so much. It turns out that even an administrative/sexual assistant still has new-hire paperwork. There were orientation sessions to attend, forms to fill out, and computer accounts to configure.My desk was just outside Cheryl’s office. It still felt weird to be on a first-name basis with one of the most powerful executives in the world. Of course, she...
Office SexChristine took one last look in her compact mirror before pulling out of her driveway and heading for Envale District High School for the twice-a-semester PTA meeting. She had done her hair up the way her friend Emma said was most attractive on her, she had meticulously applied her makeup and put on her dress, and said a goodnight to the children and kissed her husband goodbye, not without a twinge of guilt, an hour before the meeting. She wore her pearls, passed down from her grandmother in...
Gloria was in her late 30's. Light-skinned black woman. 5' 8" slim w/ a nice ass. Cute, friendly face w/ a friendly disposition to match. Shoulder-length curly hair that caught one's attention as much as her booty when she walked away; Gloria knew they were watching, too. She enjoyed flirting and seeing men get all excited and bothered in her presence as she spoke to them, winking like a tease.Gloria had married young, had a daughter, worked as a clerk...but her husband didn't appreciate Gloria...
Tupperware Meeting By Gini Lane Shortly after our little tryst on the hallway floor, I found myself again in the kitchen making tea for Bobby. As I stood at the counter, waiting for the kettle to boil, it was difficult not to look at him. He made such a pretty picture, really very cute. I had to resist the urge to cast more than the most discrete of glances. Each time I dared, Bobby appeared the same; so much so that the pretty image remains with me: Bobby at the table in his lovely...
When Mary went home on Sunday, I was truly sad. Even though I'd had to attend classes all week and prepare for our season finale, we'd had some very nice time together. Aside from being naked and cuddling together—which was just normal in our casa—we hadn't really been sexual with each other until the night before. And if I hadn't already promised her that I'd make love to her after she graduated, her virginity would not have lasted that night. "Your infinite capacity for love," Rose...
She has always fantasized about a perfect encounter with an on-line lover, completely unplanned, so when this happened Leslee was completely taken by her good fortune.She was on vacation with her husband, him having a business trip to Phoenix, and every night they would choose a different restaurant to eat and unwind at. This night it was the Hilton, with its revolving restaurant on top. Being a 5 star restaurant, Leslee wore a blue strapless silk sheath, matching heals and silk nude thigh-high...