Cougar Ch. 03 free porn video

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I am sorry that it has been such a long time since I wrote anything, but my life is rather full and spare time is short.

At the moment I am barely back from a long vacation. Two solid weeks in a Mexican resort does wonders for a woman tired of the cold and damp of the Pacific Northwest. Now I have two more weeks to just rest and restore myself before I go back to work.

If I ever do go back. God, so much has happened.


If you have read some of my other stories, you know by now that I have a neighbor man that is kinky. I suppose the truth is that we all are kinky in one way or another, but the man bends the rules of society by quite a bit.

He regularly exposes himself to me.

I saw that Nathan was still over there nearly the moment I walked in my door, still exposing himself. Two weeks of his looking out at my closed curtains might have stopped that I was thinking, but it didn’t.

My earlier efforts to not peer out at him seemed to have little if any effect on me, because I did look anyway as he kept it up. It was like I was somehow drawn to him exposing himself, it had become nearly a nightly ritual before I left.

Why I have no clue. In my profession, I have seen and touched so many male genitals that one would think it would be nothing, boring.

That never became boring to me, not in the least. Society would suggest that something is wrong with me, I don’t think so though.

The easy truth is that somehow during the last year or so of life with my late husband, and the years following, I came to accept myself just the way I am.

I thought so anyway, but life has a way of interfering with things.

Sure, I often felt mildly guilty after finding myself in a state of excitement at some of the aspects of my work. After all, it is the medical profession. We are supposed to feel nothing at all, we are there to heal.

It took me a very long time to accept what is, just taking the required steps to hide it well from the clients.

In the safety and security of my own condo, watching Nathan do the things he did allowed me for a short period to just be myself.

It was only after that I felt odd about it, part of why I mentioned what was going on to Alma.

Alma, my secretary at the clinic had suggested I call the cops, but I didn’t really want to. She didn’t sound like she really meant that, either.

Plus I had left the curtains open and let Nathan see me naked.

I still found it difficult to believe that I had actually done that. It was one of those crazy impulses, a moment of lust.

So what in the hell was I going to say to the police?

‘That man exposed exposed himself to me, so I did it right back to him? Now I want him arrested?’

Sure, I will bet that would work just fine.

Guilty, ashamed, and excited at the same time, that was me. I suppose some would say I should have been afraid of him, but I was not.

Nathan was, or I should say IS a blatant exhibitionist, I realized that after speaking with him a few times. He was one of those men that for some reason their sexuality came out that way.

I had some small experience with that in my work, but nothing like this at all.

Seeing men in my office, touching them with my gloved hand was something I did a lot. A few men exhibited excitement at that, to me it was normal and with most I ignored it. Every once in awhile I would experience my own reaction, but I took great care to not let that show.

Usually. Most of the time. Only rarely had things ever progressed to more than an examination, and thinking about those few times I still cannot explain the why of it.

I might say here that if I felt comfortable or perhaps the word is safe with a client, then I might do a bit more than just a ‘medical’ inspection. It’s easy to do, we can always claim an accidental orgasm in the normal course of events.

Some things are risky in today’s world, society still is not that liberated. If anything, with the coming of the internet age, there is no place for a person to hide should a scandal break.

The few times I actually did find myself playing, those I can count on my fingers, easily less than a dozen times over more than two decades.

The vast majority of the time, I am just a Doctor.


I had seen Nathan several times after he came back from his short stint at the coast where I had run into him completely by accident. Had the man made an effort to seduce me, I think I might have allowed an advance. I just am not sure of that part.

But he made no such effort, instead suggested that he would like to show off for me right there in the room?

Being so close like that, it somehow caused me discomfort.

Nathan is naked almost without fail, and nearly always either partially or completely erect when in the safety of his own room.

I then am in the safety of my own room.

There is really no way for any normal human being to not look when someone is naked, the abnormal part comes in when they keep looking and become obsessed.

I found myself checking from time to time to see if he was still doing it, and much of the time he was. I also found myself thinking about it a lot when I should have had my mind on other things.

So I was sneaking looks at him, knowing full well that he knew I was.

Usually it was just Nathan walking around over there, his partially erect penis swinging back and forth as he moved. Just a few times he stood there facing the large window, his hands behind his head, his cock jutting upwards and that small smile on his face.

Once when I looked over and he was doing that, I opened my own curtains wide and just stood there and looked at him. It really was amazing, he got harder and harder as I watched, until his seed spurted out without even touching himself.

That was amazing, his penis jutted upwards, his hips thrust forward. I saw the jets of semen blast forth, each time his member jerked upwards like he was planting his seed in an imaginary womb.

That was something I knew could happen, although not so easily, and it was fascinating. Over time, I got used to it and even looked forward to his antics.

I got an idea, and mentioned again what had been happening to Alma. We had quite a discussion about it, so I asked her if she wanted to drop by and see, which got giggles from her. At first she said no, it would be too embarrassing, but then I saw her expression change.

Alma pressed the buzzer at 7 PM, I let her in. I had the curtains open, there had been no sign of Nathan when she arrived. It was only about 45 minutes later when the lights across the way came on. Alma and I sat there in our chairs facing the windows, I had served several glasses of wine and we were ready for a show if Nathan would do anything with her there.

We had been laughing and giggling like a couple of schoolgirls and both of us were well on the way to becoming silly drunk.

‘Show time!’ I said, when I saw the living room lights come on. Nathan walked into the room, set down a large bag on one of the chairs, then he glanced up.

The look on his face was priceless when he realized it was not just me, but two of us. Plus we were just sitting there.

Then that slow smile crossed his lips, as he understood we were there not to cause problems but for the show.

I knew right then he was going to do it. He left for a few seconds, when he came back he turned towards us, unzipped his pants. He pulled his penis out, leaving his pants fastened.

‘Oh, God, he is big.’ Alma muttered.

‘Just watch, it gets bigger!’ I tittered.

Then Nathan slid his shirt off, he really was well muscled. He was actually swaying, like he was moving to some unheard music. Next he reached down and tripped the catch on his pants, stepping out of them. Standing there fully nude, his cock was po
inted straight up. It seemed the extra set of eyes was exciting to him, he was as hard as I had ever seen him.

I saw Alma’s hand come up and brush the front of her sweater in what looked like an absent minded fashion. Nathan was standing there posing with his hands behind his head, moving his hips back and forth, his big cock swinging.

It was that same wildly blatant display I had seen him do before. Alma held out her arm, swinging her fingers in a small circle. Nathan saw that and realized what she wanted, so he turned around and bent way over, his legs widely splayed.

I had never seen him do that before, his big testicles hung down in clear view. He held that pose for awhile, then turned back.

‘Have you ever teased him…?’ She started to ask.

‘Yes, and sometimes we just both sit around with no clothes on.’ I admitted.

‘Really? You do?’ Then she gave a little nervous laugh. I saw the mild flush on her face, her hand brushed idly across the front of her sweater again.

Alma was reacting exactly like I felt myself reacting. For some crazy reason watching this very attractive male expose himself like that was an illicit pleasure.

Both of us were comfortable in the safety of distance, locked doors and an entire secure building between us and him.

I had seen so many nude or partially nude men in my work, plus photos and once there were several on a beach that my husband Tom took me to.

That time one of the men was obviously exposing himself, I had seen him glance around furtively before moving closer to where I sat.

That was completely different, I had felt mildly nervous as the man turned so I could see his average size penis, partially erect. He had also pretended to be looking off into the distance and unaware of me, but I knew.

Tom had teasingly tried to get me to expose myself back at the man that time, but I didn’t. I was far too shy at that time in my life, plus concerned that someone I knew might find out.

Were a situation like that to arise at this stage of my life, I just might.

Nathan now was standing with his legs widely spread, thrusting his hips back and forth, his large penis and testicles swinging back and forth. The display was shocking, even though I expected it.

Finally he walked out of sight, I got up and closed the curtains.

‘See what I mean?’ I asked Alma.

‘That was amazing, it was even better than when I saw some dancers in a nightclub once!’ Alma still had a flushed look on her face.

‘He does that nearly every night now.’

‘Does he make himself squirt?’ Alma asked. This time Nathan had stopped before that happened.

‘Yes, sometimes. It’s really strange. He doesn’t touch himself, he just…goes off.’

‘Have you talked to him much?’ Alma was finally collecting herself, she appeared normal again although she was grinning.

‘Just a couple of times, I ran into him when I was down at the beach and we had lunch.’

‘Did you…How was he?’

‘No. Nothing like that, we got back to my room. He acted like he didn’t want to..I think that this is all the man really does.’

‘Oh wow. That’s really weird. He really is a hunk, his cock is as big as I have ever seen.’ She snickered again.

We went into the kitchen and made some sandwiches, got some more wine and just sat around visiting. That was nice, it had been awhile since I had any guests over, even if Alma was an employee.

At one point Alma asked me how I liked living alone, and I told her the truth, that I really didn’t like it at all. She asked me if I was dating anyone, I wasn’t at the time.

‘You should, Sally. It would be good for you. I know I would go nuts in about two weeks without….’ She let that trail off but I knew what she meant.

I nodded but didn’t answer, just took a sip of the wine. I was really beginning to feel it and it seemed to loosen both of our tongues.

That was when I mentioned my last trip to the coast, and how in the club down there I had seen nothing but uninteresting men with silly lines. Then for some reason I mentioned what happened with Simon, first a massage that turned sexy, then that one long night of crazy lovemaking.

She listened with interest to that.

‘I did that once, I remember waking up in bed next to the guy and I didn’t believe it had even happened!’ She blurted out.

‘Drunk?’ I asked.

‘No, I was stone sober. He asked me to dance and he was a good dancer, then he smelled so…good! He didn’t do or say anything really other than dance and chat a lot and one thing led to another, we were sitting and talking. He told me he found me very attractive and asked me if I would like to spend some time with him, just like that.’

‘If we knew what set that off we could bottle it up and be rich!’ I laughed.

‘That’s for sure. It was the way he asked, I think? Men usually grab or kiss a lot, then make their move. That man just asked me so nicely and I knew exactly what he meant, it made me melt. I really loved that, and was hoping for more but he never called.’ Alma looked saddened for a moment.

We both just looked at each other. We both understood perfectly meeting a man who just never follows up.

‘Well, I had best be heading home, thanks for the wine..and the show.’

We both laughed at that. After Alma left, I peeked out the curtains again but the room was dark.


The next few days went normally, then Alma came in and told me we were had two of our RN’s off sick. The one Nurse I had been watching closely since she called in a lot, the other one was a surprise.

This left us short and we would need to cancel four appointments. The rest we could just shift to our already overworked staff.

‘Alma, just change them to my office, I will handle the extra myself.’ I told her.

‘Oh. OK.’ She looked mildly surprised at that, I hadn’t seen any patients myself since I took the new position in administration.

Alma was back in minutes with the charts, efficient like always. I very carefully read a patient’s charts, their history often explains more clearly what their current issues might be.

I wish all of our physicians on staff would do that, but the truth is that most of the time they are far too busy. So unless a patient actually mentions a prior condition, it can get overlooked.

The first one was an older woman, the reports suggested a Gall bladder problem. There was one older male with a followup on his medications after an internal bleed that turned out to be an ulcer. The other two were checkups, one a physical for a job and the other one with some complaints of pain. All fairly easy.

The first two looked to be quick, but I had to have a nurse in the room with me for the last men at least as it looked like I might need them in gowns.

I told Alma I would need an nurse, she said we didn’t have one available. I thought about it for a moment.

‘Can you go grab a smock?’ I asked her.

‘Sure, but…’

‘It doesn’t matter, I just need someone in the room when I check the males. Security rules.’

The clinic I run has an insurance company that insisted on that, liability issues of course.

That was something I was working on because it caused some staffing problems. When I worked at the wellness clinic we never bothered. Things were run quite a bit different at the for profit operation I now ran.

‘OK.’ She left and went down the hall, and was back in minutes with a blue smock.

‘I have never done this part before.’ She said.

‘All you do is stand there and observe. You look just like a nurse. Get their weight and note it, I will do the blood pressure and temp.’ At that point I was really thinking nothing about it.

I had handled the first two normally, the older lady was having some pains so I explained about diet and how it affected her. She was resistant to the idea
of surgery, but that is normal. I knew it would be a matter of time before she would be having the simple surgery.

The older man was actually normal, no further bleeds and I explained about Aspirin and his ulcer, prescribed some over the counter antacids. That would reduce his costs, the prescription stuff was expensive. There was no need to have either one of them gown up, so Alma didn’t even stay in the room.

The third man was middle aged, on the heavy side, his blood tests looked normal. But it was a physical, so I had him gown up. We went back in after he was ready, he sat there on the edge of the table. Alma came in and stood there looking nervous.

I did all the normal tests, lifted his gown and checked for a hernia. Alma blushed slightly but craned her neck to look. The client was flaccid and showed no reaction of any kind. I had him turn and face the table, quickly checked his prostate. Then I discussed some different options to deal with the fact that he had some swelling. The charts showed his PSA tests normal so there was no real concern of anything else.

‘See? Easy stuff.’ I told her after he had left. She went out into the small waiting room and got the last man as I reread the charts.

This one was named Kevin, he was just 29 years old, the complaint was about pain when he worked out.

I looked up as he walked in. He was fairly large, and appeared to be extremely muscular, in fact, overly so. With a big square jaw, he looked like he might be a professional wrestler of something like that.

Alma was right behind him, a sly grin on her face. We exchanged a look, I managed to keep from laughing but barely.

I asked Kevin a few questions, he told me he was fine except sometimes his back hurt.

‘It’s way down low like my Kidneys or Gall Bladder or something.’ He said.

I pressed around on his abdomen over his clothing, found nothing, then when I touched the small of his back he winced. I could feel the muscle there on the right side, it felt tense.

‘Your Gall Bladder is way up here.’ I told him, touching just over it.

‘I guess it ain’t that then, it is more back here.’ He reached back and touched the area I had just noted.

‘I also got a pain in my right ball that comes and goes, Doc. It has me worried. It might be Cancer or something bad.’ He said bluntly.

‘I notice you are heavily muscled, do you work out?’ I asked him, managing to not change expression.

‘Yea, I lift weights, bodybuilder.’ He flexed his upper arms which made his shirt seem to jump.

‘I see. OK. I need you to undress and put on this gown please.’ I noticed Kevin glanced down at the garment with a dubious expression. Men nearly always do that when they see the flowery patterns.

‘Everything?’ He asked.

‘Yes, please. Except for your shoes.’ I told him.

‘That one is gorgeous!’ Alma grinned at me outside.

‘Just relax and we will get through it.’ I told her. I knocked and he called out that he was ready. He was sitting on the edge of my table, he had the gown on backwards, folded across the front of himself. It barely covered him, his wide shoulders filled it completely.

I started to say something, then thought what the hell.

A lot of patients put the gowns on backwards, even after being told. Usually I simply ignore that, the gowns are only a pretense at protecting modesty anyway.

I asked Kevin the usual questions, then had him stand up. Sliding my little roller stool out from underneath the desk, I sat down and turned to him. He stood there modestly holding the gown together in the front with one hand.

‘Let’s check and see where the pain you mentioned is coming from.’ I told him, reaching out to open the gown. His penis was very large, hanging there. It was also completely hairless and smooth, he obviously had himself waxed.

‘I notice you remove the body hair?’

‘Yea, this babe over at the beauty salon I go to does it, because we gotta wear a thong at the shows and can’t have no hair sticking out. They take off points for that.’

Alma giggled.

I cast a quick sidelong glance at Alma, she was staring but quickly resumed a blank look. I checked for hernia, getting no indications, then rolled his testicles. They seemed normal and well formed,although the right one hung down farther than the left.

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Hello, I’m Virat again:) This is the sex story of my close friend Ashmi ( name changed, obviously). She was medium tall, fair with an hourglass figure. Her boobs always seemed astounding and guys always tried to catch a look of it. She had a boyfriend, and hated it :/ But she seemed fine with him, so I acted as if I had no problem with it. One day, while I was in her bedroom, she came inside, a bit upset.It was Navratri time and Ashmi was wearing a low cut saree. Ashmi doesn’t usually get...

2 years ago
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The AccidentChapter 21

Chaos isn’t well populated. The biggest village is close to seven thousand ... and the next is under four. While medieval England had towns close ... five or six miles apart ... Chaos didn’t see the need. England is an island ... Chaos has continents. Over the centuries, slash and burn technology and the lack of priests and a functioning aristocracy allowed for looking over the next ridge, seeing the next valley and moving to it. We’re not dealing with serfs. It was quite possible to say,...

3 years ago
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The Maze

As the light fades you find yourself standing in a room, no not quite a room, there are 4 walls and with a narrow passage leading out one wall but there is no roof. You feel grass beneath your feet and notice the walls are high at least 4 times the height of you and look like they are made of brick. You could see writing on the wall. Welcome to The Maze. The Rules are simple: Hunters chase the hunted. Should the hunter catch the hunted then the hunted is their prize to use as thy see fit for...

1 year ago
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The Kiss

I’m a twenty-nine year old stay at home mom with one son in the second grade and I love being at home, cleaning, cooking and doing all the traditional things that seem to piss a lot of women off. We had new neighbors move in two months ago, finally replacing the two assholes we had next door. Her name is Gina, her husband’s name is Tony and Gina and I have gotten very friendly. She is a stay at home mom too, she’s thirty-four with two kids in school and we have coffee every morning together...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 8

I made New York strip steak rubbed with crushed garlic. I used rubber gloves because I didn't want him smelling it on my hands. I also made candied sweet potatoes which I learned from my grandmother one Thanksgiving when my parents were in Europe. A growing boy needs his green vegetables my mother used to say, so I added buttered green beans. Actually she used to say growing girl, and it might have been the cook instead of my mother, but you get the idea. I told him I would clean up and...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 43

Neither Stephanie nor Ryan seemed to mind a detour to San Diego. Jill and Brian weren’t unhappy about staying an extra day either. San Diego’s international airport wasn’t as media savvy as LAX but there were a few photographers outside when we exited. Liz gave a couple of waves and I offered the same. Word must have gotten out that Liz was on the way because the music critic from the newspaper was there with a photographer. The woman despised country music but had written a rave review of...

3 years ago
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I Had No Choice 5

Introduction: Ed finds another teacher witnessed him with Becky and walks in on his wife with Judy. What is wrong with me? My wife, the woman of my dreams, and most perfect girl in the world, had never gotten me to cum with just her hands and mouth. But on lunch break of the first day back teaching high school Algebra, Becky, my teenage adulteress cheerleader, and while only a virgin up until I took that from her a month ago, became the first woman in my whole life to succeed where dozens had...

4 years ago
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Who is Tove Jensen aka Tiny Tove

Tove Jensen was born in Sweden in April 1958.Tove Jensen, a.k.a. Tiny Tove, has become one of the most sought after porn actresses of her time - and with good reason.Although being of legal age to star in both shoots and films, she always gave the appearance of being younger.Not much is known about Tove because her career in the adult industry - whilst fruitful - was short.What is known is that Tove got into the adult business soon after turning 18 years old. With the loss of her father at an...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Scarlet Chase Cover Me In Sun Oil Cum

This scene premieres exclusively on! Gorgeous Scarlet Chase douses her breathtaking body with oil in the radiant sunlight near a tree-lined paradise. Adorned in hot pink fetish attire, the busty stunner stuffs a glass phallic toy up her butthole. She pops a lollipop into her anus, and a POV-style shot catches the glistening girl licking the candy ass-to-mouth. Scarlet sucks her man Elic Chase’s big cock with a devoted blowjob. Elic pumps his hard power tool into her tight...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Hot Bhabhi While Bro Was Out For Work

To begin with, i am 22 years old Gujju boy from Ahmedabad. Well-built athlete body and well to do looks. Any unsatisfied sisters/aunties/bhabhis from all over the Gujarat can contact me at [email protected]. You’ll definitely have the best sex of your life, that is guaranteed, that too free of cost. Coz i believe in making women happy..!!It all began last month when my brother went abroad due to business. Bhabhi was okay 1-2 days, but then she started feeling lonely and she used to whatsapp...

1 year ago
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Hot brunettes search for Big Black Cock

My name is Michelle. I'm a white college freshman who loves to party. I have a great smile, DD boobs and a tight ass. My body is on display for black boys with big cocks. I consider myself pretty slutty, I love a good fuck and giving head. However, only black cocks can satisfy my needs. Little white cocks can't get me wet like a nice big black cock. My favorite fantasy is a smelly big black cock from an ugly black man fucking me senseless turns me on so much. I have a lot of places to get black...

4 years ago
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First time fucked as a CD

About a month ago, I had sex with my first man. It has been a long time coming but I am so glad I did it.I have been crossdressing for a while. I started going out in public just to see if I could get away with it. I am only a little effeminate, 5'7" with a toned swimmers build, about 115 pounds, I even grew my hair out to get a crop cut.So I finally decided I would take it to the next level. I posted ads on craigslist, and after about a week of posting everyday I finally found the guy I...

4 years ago
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SixChapter 2 The Accident

He and Cheryl, his wife of five years, were standing at the taxi rank, waiting for cab. It being 1am, a lot of people were out drinking and getting cabs and going home. They waited patiently, his arm around her shoulder. His jacket was over her shoulders as it had just started to drizzle with rain. Three weeks of dry weather and now the clouds were finally collecting; the lawn would get the watering it needed, he was saying. It made the roads more slippery as the water lifted the slight...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 443

The Prison Planet ... A grin broke through the strain showing on Morales’ face as he and his best friend ever, struggled to pull the heavy case back to the cave before nightfall. A little later, in a section of the forest with sparce undergrowth, Morales was looking for Lila without success when she suddenly came loping up from behind them. The female paused to touch muzzles with Lobo, then went on ahead. If the injured foot was bothering her, it wasn’t apparent. “You taught her well,...

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My Pleasure

My Pleasure"So.. am I the only one who can see Abe Lincoln, or is this some good shit?" Lacey spoke her wonderment aloud, not expecting an answer, as she had simply slipped from reality. Marijuana had recently become legal in her home state."Ya… I think you're done Lace. Abe Lincoln left hours ago." Charlotte nonchalantly commented, looking briefly at her friend through black thick rimmed rectangular glasses."Man, you're both cut. Pass that here." Reese holds his hand out expectantly, ...

1 year ago
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How long would you survive

When you wake up, it is quiet. You aren't sure where you are and you don't remember how you got here, but you are pretty sure that your bed isn't this uncomfortable. Your eyes aren't closed but you cannot see as you seem to be blindfolded. When you reach to remove the blindfold, your hand stops suddenly before you can touch your face. After a few moments of disbelief, you realize that you are restrained with some kind of bonds around your wrists. You didn't notice it at first, but now that you...

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Sarah And Greg The Wedding Night

As soon as Sarah and Greg got back to the hotel after the wedding reception, they collapsed onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. They couldn't stop smiling. Greg managed to roll onto his side and look at his beautiful new bride. He drawled a genteel southern accent, "Mrs. Booth, Ah can't help but say you are lookin' mighty fine today." "Why thank you, Mr. Booth," affecting a southern belle accent. She waved her hand in front of her face like a fan. Still keeping up the affectations,...

1 year ago
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Pleasing my Master

Finally the day she has been planning is about to come true. She waits nervously for the knock at the door. Time seems to be going by so slowly. All of sudden the sound she has been waiting for. Amber goes to the door nervously and opens it. There standing in front of her is her Dom, John. A blush comes over her cheeks as she lowers her head and allows him to enter the house. Once inside he takes her in his arms and hugs her. Taking Ambers face in his hands he raises it so he can kiss her soft...

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and the juices shall flow

Knock, knock… I open the front door, and you’re standing there, looking as beautiful as ever in a white tank top and a long flowing cotton skirt. I invite you in and close the door. I turn around, pull you into my arms and grab you gently at the back of your neck. I place my mouth onto yours, kissing you passionately, exploring every part of your mouth with my tongue. I can feel my clit start to throb. I move my hand lower to cup your arse, pulling you closer to me, kissing you harder with a...

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The Gentlemens Club Pt 1

The first thing he had me do was my outfit for the evening, a very, very short and tight mini skirt with thigh highs and boy short panties, braless with a low cut, revealing top. I was surprised that this was what he wanted me to wear but he assured me that other women there would be dressed similar. Hesitantly I agreed and we went on our "date". As we entered I heard the music, men whistling and clapping, some that I felt were directed at me, and some crass comments that I knew were about...

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Dutch Treat Ch 02

All names, and most of the detail in this story is fictitious. If I’ve accidentally used your name, my apologies. Sophia and I tumbled over and under each other in bed. It was a delightful afternoon, but eventually we were tired and hungry, or hungry and tired. I was too bleary-eyed to know which came first. ‘Room service?’ ‘Yes!’ Sophia was eager to hear the rest of the story about my Dutch friends and their adventures. We washed up and robed ourselves in the time it took for our order to...

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Bondage and restriction

We go into the kitchen and big bunch of beautiful flowers are in a vase with a card. He gives me warm passionate hug and kiss. We part and as I am smelling the flowers we grabs me from behind and covers my mouth with his hand. I am terrified as I feel the cold blade of a knife against my throat. He tells me not to make a sound and cooperate or it will be over before I know it. My body is trembling with fear, my heart is pounding He drags me upstairs and blindfolds me after he puts tape...

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Late night at the office

Late night in the office. Project is over running and the workload is huge at the moment……….it is late and I should get back home to the wife, however need to get some stuff cleared and work back on track. Walking through the quiet offices it is eerie…..I am walking between the desks and the blank computer screens to a colleagues office to grab some notes which I know will be in a pad I left on his desk this morning in a meeting. As I approach Steve’s office I see that his light is still on...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Alix Lynx Alixs Party Part1

So this past week I went to my buddy’s house party and I was just coming out from the bathroom and Alix Lynx just stopped on the door. I am not gonna lie, her boyfriend is my homie and I felt somehow bad for what you will see went down. Alix was wearing a mini mini mini skirt and she pushed me back into the bathroom and started to suck my cock. I could’t resist to fuck her tight little body so I bent her over and she took her like a champ. I completely destroyed her face with a huge...

1 year ago
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FosterTapes Aria Carson Lauren Phillips Stuffing The Turkey

Foster couple Lauren Phillips and Quinton James decide to welcome new daughter Aria Carson into their family just in time to celebrate Thanksgiving. Right from the start though, Aria is rude and ungrateful, often ignoring them, always being on her phone. Lauren and Quinton think she just needs some time to warm up, but when she carelessly ruins the turkey during Thanksgiving dinner, the couple has had enough and are forced to punish Aria, who ends up replacing the turkey, tied up and ready to...

2 years ago
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Randi mom ki chudai dekhi

Her name is Sadhna. What a hot babe she is with measurements 34-28-36. Though she is 45 yrs of age she looks like 25. 5’2” height,55 kg & an attractive fair face. Whenever she goes for shopping every man has his eyes on her. Usually she wears tight suits which reveal her most parts of the body. Till the young age everything was going right. I respected my mom very much, but then an incident happened which changed my life. Since my childhood I was living alone with my mom as dad had left us...

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The Visit Pt 2

We had all put on our robes and as the girls chatted in the bathroom, Don and I made something to eat. Needless to say we were all starving by now and had eaten our way through a mountain of food and the girls were on their third bottle of wine in no time at all.Don went out into the kitchen to get us yet another beer each and asked the girls if they wanted another bottle of wine.“You better,” said Terry, “Sami has just come up with a very novel glass for my wine.”This caught everyone’s...

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Meri Gaon Ki Mast Bhabhi

Hi dosto mera naam jay hai, main delhi mein rahta hun. Dosto ye mera ISS par pahli story hai, vaise main ISS regular padtha rahta hun. par aaj main aapko apni ek kahani sunane ja raha hun. agar koi bhabhi, girl ya aunti or unsatisfied lady from delhi and around ko meri seva chahiye to please mail me. aap logo ki privacy ka pura dhyan rakhunga. Ek baar mein apne gaon gaya tha aur wahin par mere saath ye ghatna ghati. pahle mein aap logo ko apne baar mein bata deta hun. meri age 25,height 5.7 aur...

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Big Mistake

Big Mistake I have been interested in bondage, latex, and chastity in particular for a long time. I am "5'9'', 175 lbs, small cock for my size and I love wearing large breast forms.. I would roam around the web looking at pictures of girls, either in bondage, tying up guys, or tying up women. I had heard stories of Guys getting tied up by girls, and vice versa, and it made my blood boil. I was very active in self-bondage, but, had still not actually told anyone of my fetish. Then I...

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Friday Afternoon Part 6

Part 6As soon as they got out of the car, Bobby raced upstairs and got changedfor his basketball game that night. He was out the door not longthereafter and probably wouldn't be back till late.Having witnessed her son's masturbation in the car and havingsubsequently gotten a good taste of his cum from the soiled kleenex thathe had used to clean up with had gotten Norma really randy. As she sator walked around the house she was constantly aware how swollen herentire cunt area was and how it...

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TouchMyWife Syren De Mer Wife Likes Dark Meat

My hotwife Syren De Mer is a curvy goddess with an appetite for big cock. When we invite over this stud Brickzilla, it doesn’t take long for her to get handsy with him. I find them in the hot tub, my wife is already sizing him up. She touches & squeezes it through his shorts, getting herself very excited. She lets Brick pay with her big tits before finally pulling out his cock – the look of awe on her face is priceless. She uses both her hands to jerk & worship this...

4 years ago
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Sex At Wedding Reception With Brother

Hello indian sex stories  dot net readers. My name is Saba, a Muslim girl. I am from Bangalore and my age is 24. This is my first story so please forgive any mistakes. This story is about how I had sex with my cousin brother who is one year younger to me. This hot encounter happened when we were in a wedding reception of some relative. Guys drop your feedbacks and suggestions at Let me tell you about my body. I am fair, and my figure is 36-30-34. My cousin bros name is Amin. He is the son of...

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Simpsons Thank God for bingo night

Lisa felt homer’s fingers move slowly up her inner thigh and her body began tingling. Lisa loved how he softly rubbed his finger along her slit and made her pussy all wet. She blushed and buried her head against homer’s chest as she remembered how he had told her to call “down there” either a pussy or a cunt. Lisa knew they were bad words, but homer said she was to use them when it was just the two of them. Homer touched her like this every night, and it was her favorite part of her day. She...

1 year ago
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The College Wager

The College Wager ? By VaVaVoom ******************************************************************************************************* Two college girls have a winner takes all wager to end their rivalry, withthe forfeit for the loser meaning she becomes????????? ******************************************************************************************************* Chapter 1 The five girls sat there in the cafe around the corner from college discussingor arguing in the case of Elissa &...

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Golden GuardChapter 10

Philippa stooped over her crystal ball. It had been a rattling good show last night! She had gone contentedly to bed after watching the unbeliever Roberta fight the bandit Alfonso and nearly die, her naked body sliced up time and time again before she forced the coward to give in, even though he wasn't hurt nearly as badly as she. She was without doubt a great fighter - quite the very best. Whatever weapons she used, sword, arrow, her own body or the whip, she always prevailed. But she...

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