- 4 years ago
- 43
- 0
I woke up, the warmth and light of the morning sun pulling me from my sleep, and for a few seconds I didn’t know where I was, but then it all came back to me. I was safe, at least for now, sleeping in a borrowed t-shirt, in the tiny guest room in Gabriella’s house. I was lying in a somewhat sagging bed on sheets made soft by the many times they’d been washed, covered by an old, heavy quilt that had at first made me feel constrained but that now somehow made me feel less anxious and almost… secure.
I stretched and tried to ignore the slight stings from sore muscles and bruised skin, even though I knew that not thinking about bad things wouldn’t actually make them go away. One thing that most certainly wouldn’t go away was a pressing need to visit the ladies room. I sighed and sat up, it would have been nice to stay in bed for just a little while longer, after all, I didn’t have to follow a strict daily plan anymore, did I?
I backed out of the guest room, smiling at the tiny flowers that covered the wall and the only slightly larger flowers that someone had put in a teacup on the windowsill. The room looked like it was made for a small princess, and I could almost imagine the shelf on the wall holding books for children, the wooden box in the corner being filled with toys and a giggling baby girl lying in the bed I had slept in. I sighed and smiled sadly at the thought of the daughter I would never have. My biological clock kept ticking, but even if I sometimes I dreamt about children of my own, I kept reminding myself that there was no sense living in a world of what if’s.
I closed the door both to the room and to my pink princess dreams and turned around to the picture of a slightly gaping, wide eyed Sean. I had forgotten that the room was directly connected to the kitchen. I tugged at my t-shirt and walked quickly out of there, my face red and embarrassed, needing to take care of that increasingly urgent matter.
Minutes later I stood staring at my face in the mirror, scanning my image for signs of the life I had lived and the escape I had made. My skin was pale, my eyes big and sad-looking and there was a tightness around my mouth that I hadn’t seen before. I sighed and shook my head, I was still scared, little old me. And without makeup and the smile I had worn day in and day out, this was as good as it got.
Gabriella knocked softly on the bathroom door and told me she’d put some clothes for me to wear on the chair just outside the room. Oh good, I thought, at least I wouldn’t have to parade almost naked in front of a wide eyed police officer again. I sneaked the door open and quickly retrieved the bundle of clothes. The pants and sweater set Gabriella had brought me was soft and a bit larger than my usual size, but I didn’t feel like wearing anything tight and constraining anyway, I liked feeling soft and smooth and… free.
I walked back into the kitchen feeling shy and awkward, tugging at the sweater and biting my lower lip. I tried to avoid looking at Sean, not wanting to add embarrassment to the insecurity I was feeling. Instead I looked at Gabriella, who of course pointed me to a chair across the table from her nephew, effectively spoiling my efforts at ignoring him.
I sat down and I looked at the dark-haired man in front of me, there really wasn’t much else I could do. He sat staring fixedly at his plate, as if he was also trying to avoid looking at me. I looked up at Gabriella as I heard her laugh quietly. She was glanced at her tense and tired-looking nephew before muttering something about silly boys and pretty girls. I looked back at Sean just in time to see his face turn just a few shades redder, Gabriella’s continued low laughter made me think that she had seen it as well. It felt good to know that it wasn’t just me that had felt the tension and embarrassment of our early morning meeting.
I looked away and tried to familiarize myself with the small kitchen, finding it just as nice as Edward’s, with the same lived-in feeling, but without the many memory items. Despite my newfound fascination for kitchen areas I just couldn’t keep glancing at the man in front of me, his face somehow drawing me in. I realized that I had come to rely on his face to tell me the small things I wanted to know, because it didn’t lie but was always completely honest. He really did look tired, and I wondered if he had been up all night, since the house only had two rooms and two beds, or if he had gone home.
‘Did you go home to sleep last night?’ I asked him, before taking a small sip of the strong coffee Gabriella had poured and given me.
‘No…’ he answered, stretching his back and neck ‘I slept in the car…’
‘He didn’t want to leave us poor women out here all alone,’ Gabriella added with a little bit of bite in her tone ‘and he put his stubborn face on, so I knew there was no way to talk him out of it!’
The small giggle that bubbled up at the thought of that particular facial expression, that I knew so well, was stopped by the realization that Sean felt we needed protection, and that meant we weren’t as safe as I had felt just minutes ago. I sighed, surprised that I had actually been able to suppress the bad thoughts for a short while even though I knew that no one would be safe until my husband was caught. I looked down at my hands, sighed again and took another sip of coffee.
Movements on the other side of the table made me look up to follow Sean’s hands as he quickly assembled a sandwich. I smiled as I watched him dig deep holes in the previously flat surface of the butter, and thought about Edward and his short list of bad habits. It seemed I had found one more thing they had in common, in addition to the heart-shaped birthmark. I wondered if Sean had the habit of singing in the shower too, but that thought led me to distinctly kitchen-inappropriate thoughts about birthmarks on butts in showers, and I forced myself to start making a sandwich, hoping that busy hands would mean that my mind became a little less… preoccupied.
I took a bite of my sandwich and turned to face the window, admiring the view of the small, glittering lake, calm beneath the clear blue sky. I understood why Gabriella loved this place, with a small forest beyond the house, a simple garden in front of it and just a few hundred steps below it, the small lake. Size-wise it wasn’t much, but the view and the feel of the place made it so infinitely precious. I sighed, let my head rest on my left hand and kept looking out the window. I really didn’t need all that much in my life, I thought, a small house, a garden, a kitchen full of memories and someone that sang in the shower and didn’t feel the need to hurt me would be more than enough.
‘Please try to eat,’ Sean said, his words hurried ‘you need to stop worrying about other people and start taking care of yourself.’
I realized I was still holding the half-eaten sandwich and quickly finished it off. Before I could turn back to my dreams of a happier future, he handed over another sandwich, nodding towards me and my hand. I looked at him, surprised and a little bit annoyed. What was it about him that kept making me feel edgy, instantly angry or annoyed?
‘Please stop trying to ‘handle’ me!’ I answered, before I could stop my angry words.
‘I’m not… Well, I’m not trying to make you do anything you don’t want to do… but you…’ Sean said, his words tuning out as Gabriella started laughing.
‘What he’s trying to say is that he’s worried about you,’ Gabriella said ‘and he wants to make sure you’re ok. You don’t have to eat that sandwich, even though he did make it with his own two hands…’
Gabriella put on a sad puppy face with big eyes and pouty, slightly trembling lips, her wickedly laughing eyes betraying the pleading look she gave me.
‘You’re not really helping…’ Sean muttered and sent angry looks his aunt’s way.
Of course I knew he was just trying to be kind, but it seemed my temper was jump
ing all over the place all of a sudden.
‘I’m sorry,’ I answered ‘I didn’t mean to snap at you, I just…’
‘… don’t like being ‘handled’, right… got it…’ Sean said, folding his hands in front of him and sighing softly ‘it’s just… I don’t want you hurt, or hungry, or sad… anymore… you know? And I thought… helping you…’
I looked at his face and saw sincerity written on it. It seemed he only wanted to make sure I was ok, but I wasn’t used to people doing kind things to someone they didn’t know very well, unless they could somehow benefit from it themselves. But that didn’t really explain the anger, did it? Perhaps it was the fact that he was kind and charming, in a cute and quiet sort of way, in addition to being extremely good-looking? I had after all fallen in the prince charming trap once before, hadn’t I?
‘Aren’t you heading off to work?’ Gabriella asked Sean with glittering eyes ‘Because I think you’ve dug yourself sufficiently far down that particular hole, don’t you? I wanted to know if I should go get a ladder so you could climb out and get going?’
Sean stood up and walked out of the house muttering something about a law against relatives with smart mouths, that made me smile, if only for a short moment. It seemed that Gabriella and Elena had that particular habit in common, teasing poor Sean.
Gabriella poured us both some more coffee and sat down in front of me as we heard a car start and drive away. She looked out the window with a smile on her face that made me think that the house was her ‘happy place’, a very live and real version of the concept I’d been having difficulties even imagining. We sat there sipping coffee in silent companionship for a long while, and I thought about the way silence could feel so different depending on the company you kept. With Gabriella I felt happy, warm and safe. And cared for. And loved.
Gabriella turned her dark eyes back to me and looked at me for a long while, her facial expressions coming and going, from anger, to sadness, to happiness and then back to sadness again. It seemed to me that she was stuck in memories of some sort and I sipped my coffee and let her process what needed to be processed, thinking that she would speak when she felt it was time to do so. I didn’t have to wait for more than a few minutes before she straightened up and took a deep breath.
‘Sean is the son of my sister Isabella,’ she said, her voice low and sad ‘and I know I told you about her, that she was the reason I wanted to help you?’
I nodded and folded my hands on the table, both wanting to hear the story she seemed intent on telling and dreading it, because I wasn’t sure I could stand to hear the story if it reminded me of my own, or if I could handle her sadness as she told it.
‘Isabella actually was my big sister, a bright and beautiful woman destined for great things, or so it seemed when I was just a clumsy, spotty pre-teen. Her life always seemed so perfect, with good grades, good friends, and her always perfect looks. And since we had a good eight years between us, we didn’t grow as close as we could have. And of course I was envious, who wouldn’t have been, being stuck with a too perfect sister, I guess there were even times when I hated her a little as she patted my head and said something about my looks with pity in her voice. So we grew up and grew apart slightly more and more for every year that passed. And the final blow to our sisterhood came when the prettiest girl went and met the handsomest man, the way all fairytale’s are supposed to end, but with the addition of me falling not so secretly in love with ‘her intended’, their perfect wedding almost breaking my youthful heart in two.’
She took a short break and looked out the window again, probably thinking back or perhaps collecting her thoughts and bracing herself against the storm of feelings I could see running across her face. As an only child I would never know what it felt like to lose your sister, and in her case she had done so twice – first by growing apart, then at her sister’s unfortunate, premature death.
‘It wasn’t long before she was pregnant, and when I met her from time to time when she was carrying Sean she looked more radiant than ever. Of course it didn’t take me more than a few weeks to get over my infatuation with her husband, so we could all meet in relative calm for the odd family dinner. We still didn’t talk to each other as sisters though, only as a grown woman to a young girl with no real heart-to-hearts about what her life was like, and I shared just as little. But as far as I could tell, that first year as newlyweds was perfectly fine.’
Another short break had me thinking about my first year as a newlywed and I fought the sick feelings that always tried to drown me when I walked down that path in memory land. Luckily Gabriella continued her story just a few breaths later.
‘As the years passed we met even less than we had before, and it seemed that the little family didn’t need either relatives or friends, because there were no more family dinners and no more socializing with close friends. I didn’t think that it was such a strange thing then, I thought it was just the way it was once you had children. I remember that my mother was worried about something, but she didn’t share those worries with me, and since I was a teenager with raging hormones by that time, I suppose I had problems of my own. I met my sister by accident in the store a couple of times, and noted that having children seemed to have a bad effect both on your looks and your nerves, because I could tell she didn’t even brush her hair anymore, and she jumped and screamed when I tapped her on the shoulder to say hi.’
She laughed bitterly and continued.
‘And yes, it’s kind of usual to let yourself go a little once you get children, there are page upon page written on that particular subject, but I should have noticed her scared eyes and the way she was frightened of a simple touch. I should have seen her pale tiredness, the way she kept losing weight, and that she started wearing long-sleeved, turtleneck t-shirts in the middle of summer. There were so many small signs pointing in a direction I never even had a thought of looking in.’
‘She didn’t want anyone to see, she didn’t want anyone to know…’ I whispered, blinking back tears.
‘No, you’re probably right about that,’ she whispered back ‘but I so wish that I had seen… that someone had seen the signs, and tried to help her. In fact, I think there must have been people – like my mom – who suspected that something was more than wrong, and perhaps they did ask questions and perhaps they did try to help, but failed. And Isabella kept living what must have been a miserable life for thirteen years, until she fell down the stairs – and yes it was an accident – broke her neck and then… she was just… gone.’
She sighed and dabbed her eyes with a small piece of paper.
‘And that could have been the end of the story, if it wasn’t for the then thirteen-year-old Sean. You see, for every year that passed with me entirely unaware of what was going on in that small family, another year of complete awareness passed for Sean. He lived and breathed the evil deeds of his father and the pain of his mother year after year. He was taught lessons about human nature that no kid should ever have to learn. He was taught to run, to hide and to keep silent, because if you couldn’t be found you wouldn’t be hurt. He was afraid, then as he grew older he became angry and frustrated.’
Tears were streaming down my face, and I thanked my lucky star for my barren state and inability to give birth. The thought of bringing a child to life in the world I had been living in turned my stomach, and my breaths became fast and shallow as panic gripped me. I closed my eyes and concentrated on taking deep, slow breaths to stave off the attack, and when I felt calm enough I looked up at Gabriella, who was pressing two paper tissues to her
eyes and kept swallowing, possibly to keep from crying. She continued to tell me her story, her voice thick from the tears she was fighting.
‘If that boy had been forced to stay with his father after the death of his mother, then his story probably would have ended just as badly as hers. And I still think that what he did at his mother’s funeral was one of the most courageous things I’ve seen, even though he still beats himself up for not doing it much sooner. What he did was to walk up to the most powerful grown-up he could think of, which happened to be his uncle, to tell him about his father and the way he had treated his wife and son. I’m so glad that Edward listened right there and then, and I’m always going to be grateful that he fought so hard to get Sean out of that house.’
I nodded, thinking that the Edward I knew would have fought hard indeed to protect his nephew. I thought about what I knew about the family, and it suddenly hit me that Sean had told me he’d been living with his aunt, not his uncle. If the uncle had made sure that Sean had gotten away from his father, wouldn’t it then have been natural for him to live with his uncle instead?
‘Sean told me he’d been brought up by you, not by Edward?’ I hesitantly asked.
‘Well, you’ve met Edward and you know what a kind man he is,’ Gabriella answered ‘and once he’d been able to get Sean away from his father, he sat Sean down and gave him two options, either he could come live with him and his wife, or he could go live with me and my then four-year-old daughter, no matter what choice Sean made Edward promised he would make sure he was taken care of. I still don’t know what made Sean chose to come live with me, but perhaps he felt safer in a household with only women, or perhaps he saw the need to come to our rescue. Whatever it was I have never once been sorry that I took him in. I’m not saying it was easy to take on a teenage boy, especially since Sean carried a lot of frustration and guilt after his mother death, but with the help of Edward and his wife we managed to see him through the first few tough months.’
She seemed to pull herself together, and even managed a small smile.
‘I just wanted you to know that there are very good reasons why Sean is the way he is, angry but kind, and above all protective, sometimes to an annoying degree. He carries the world on his shoulders, that boy, and he can’t stand seeing anyone being mistreated in any way. He also has a tendency to become too serious sometimes, which is probably why I keep teasing him. I love him deeply and I’m so grateful that he’s come out of his ordeal with his heart intact.’
I felt deeply ashamed of the way I had snapped at him and the way I kept going from annoyed to angry when I spoke to him. If there was a way to unsay some of the things I had said, I would have gladly payed a royal sum for that possibility.
‘I’m not going to yell at him again,’ I whispered ‘I promise!’
‘Don’t make any promises you can’t keep,’ Gabriella answered with a smile ‘just keep in mind that he’s not as bad as he sometimes seems.’
I nodded, silently promising myself to stay calm and be friendly when he was around. That shouldn’t be too hard, should it?
I helped Gabriella clean up and do the dishes, realizing that it had been years since I had last helped out in the kitchen. I remembered when my father and I had spent the evenings together, chatting and cleaning up after dinner. It was a carefree and uncomplicated time in a home where love and respect were natural components, something I had naively assumed was the very foundation in every family.
My thoughts were yet again interrupted, this time by the shrill signal of Gabriella’s phone. I shamelessly listened in on her conversation, it seemed that someone – I guessed it was Sean – was coming back because someone else – a woman – was coming over to talk to us. There was also something about the woman knowing too much, which made me think that they were probably talking about Mary. When Gabriella ended the phone call she confirmed my suspicions.
Author’s note: This story is inspired by rachlou’s wonderful story series, ‘Show Me Heaven.’ There is nothing much similar about these stories, except the basic premise of a shy girl who is lured from her shell by a caring girlfriend and a patient man. ^ ^ ^ ^ Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day’s work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to...
Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day's work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to her private life as well. She lived by the motto, "a place for everything, and everything in its place." Her little house was neat as a pin, without a bit of clutter anywhere. Nothing was out of place, and you eat off the floor in her kitchen; that's how...
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* * * * * Copyright jeanne_d_artois January 2007 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * * * * * However the main attraction of the former laundry room, which is my workroom as a potter, is Martha, the resident ghost. As a child I would sit on the scrubbed table and ask...
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Disclaimer: This is fantasy. Fantasy is not real. Rape is wrong. I do not encourage rape or violence against women. This is part 1 of a multi-part series. Please feel free to comment rate and appreciate. Any suggestions and requests for this or any future story are welcomed. Please include your username in the emails so that I may answer you. If I do not answer you email, it’s likely due to a technological failure. Thank you and...
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When I first arrived in England and started living with Mandy my aunt, a few years back, Mandy had a carer coming in the daytime, to help with various things, as my aunt is elderly and disabled. Her carer, Jayde, was absolutely gorgeous. She made me feel good, and gave me the impression, maybe falsely, that she fancied me. A lot of flirting went on, and she’d often take me into fetish clothing shops or adult bookshops on our walks out together when Mandy was busy. Some people could have seen...
One day in my collage it was recess time and everone had got out the classroom except me and Katie who was packing her books into her bag. I glanced upon Katie's big melon like boobs half covered by her uniform. Because of this i had a boner in front of her. To my shock she saw me getting the boner and seeing it she blushed. I was too embarrassed so i quickly ran out the class door to avoid it. i then i peeped in through the keyhole to see whether everything was fine and to my relief it was. I...
First TimeIt's Saturday, 9:00AM, the next town over from ours, to the south—Centerville. I was watching her and some asshole coming out of a motel room. She was looking really well fucked, I thought. She'd stayed the whole night. I'd not objected to her being gone since she was supposedly on a business related overnighter. She'd had several of those in recent months; now I had to wonder if all of the business wasn't monkey business. I put my camera away. I'd gotten all I needed after she'd gotten...
Giving up that horseback riding has made a real difference in my life! I'm knocked up, again. Billy is only two years old, and I have to start thinking about what to do for a second kid. Our combined income of $100 per month is holding us pretty good right now, but I wonder what it will do for a couple with two children. To complicate matters, Bob and I have had a real scare. We were breaking up a bar fight last night, and I didn't get out of the way of a swinging bowie knife fast enough....
Fat. Fatty. Fat. Fat. Fatso. Fat. Fatima. Why had her parents christened her that? Surely they knew that in an English Language culture it was a name that could always be used to mock her. Especially as they knew from their own corpulent frames that their daughter was unlikely to be svelte, slim or slender. And as second-generation immigrants themselves, not even especially religious ones, they understood enough English to know just how her name could always be used as a stick to beat her...
Jack and Brooke were numb as they ascended the stairs to their bedroom. Neither could begin to grasp the possibility that had hit them like a sledgehammer. Both thought it could not possibly be true. Yet they also felt there was a great chance it was. Could their well-planned weekend of wild, very risky sexual abandon have turned so quickly into their worst nightmare? Could it really have been their daughter Emily who had performed oral sex on each of them ... on her father and her...
As Anju got up the next morning and went down, she saw Satish holding a glass in his hands. As she saw it she wanted to have the medicine but as she realized the circumstances which led after taking it, she thought it better to consume it after completing her work and when she would be alone with Ajay at school. As she was feeling light she felt the medicine was having its affect and today she wanted to control herself as much as possible to enhance its powers. The morning session passed off...
I’m a much older student (58), with a pretty big 6’0” athletic physique. I have a very good physique and weigh about 210 pounds. I attend our local state university and that’s where I met Kevin, we sat at the same table in our History class. Now Kevin had very feminine mannerisms, he was very thin, had very fair skin and a nice skinny ass. He was movie star handsome and if you did not get close to him you could mistake him for a girl. I’ve had a few relationships with men before, but this...
The night wore on with Dick apologetically declining numerous offers for a warm bed and some good company.In the wee hours of the morning, with the drinking and the singing winding down, with only the stoutest and most resolute drinkers spilling cheap whiskey down their tired throats, Dick slipped out the back of the saloon. He came around the font, stepping over a couple of passed out whores and started down the dusty main street towards where his horse had been tied for feeding and...
The year was 1991…A few cirrus clouds swirled like strokes of an artist’s brush across the blue desert sky. Even in the midst of desperation, with all hope having vanished, one can still see the beauty in their surroundings. Sometimes it’s necessary to mask the ugliness. Sometimes it might be the last thing ever seen.Hot burning sand stuck to his face. Of course it would, they had just tossed him in a hole and shoveled sand until he was buried up to his chin. The sand burned his eyes, it was...
Straight SexGranny HeatherI was lucky to be offered a places at Durham University Gran on my Mothers side offered to have me stay during my time at University although I hadn’t seen her for a couple of years.I wasn’t too pleased to accept the offer, Gran was sixty six although very good looking and had taken care of herself looked about fifty over the years when visiting Gran I enjoyed the time spent with her she was good fun and more importantly she took my side against the family I Just wanted to stay in...
It would soon be our eleventh anniversary and my wife, Jenny, and I were looking forward to celebrating it on that upcoming Saturday. Being partners in business and being constantly on the road together can really put a strain on a relationship and I could feel us drifting apart lately. It was my idea to come back Chicago for our anniversary; I prayed it would put some spark back into our marriage. The plan was to return to the same club where I had proposed to her. I had checked first to make...
I awoke to bright sunshine and the tap, tap, tapping of a woodpecker. I sat up to look for Miles. He wasn't there. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair. I put on a cotton dress and ran downstairs. My husband wasn't in the house as I felt all sticky from his seed leaking out of me and down my thighs. I hurried outside to see Miles on a ladder pounding the roof of the outhouse. So it wasn't a pesky woodpecker after all, it was my spouse repairing the place we relieved ourselves. "Good...
Brother Ian, aged seventeen, and sister Sharon, aged twenty, had had a day and night of sex whilst their parents, Michael and Jane Patterson, had been away overnight at a wedding, and the pair wanted more.Ian had been attracted by his sister's large and shapely arse and that plus the rest of her body was constantly in his thoughts. Ian would run his hand over her buttocks at every opportunity and Sharon loved him feeling her arse, especially when he ran his fingers up and down her arse...
IncestI first started corresponding with Amanda on Adult Friend Finder a couple years ago after using the site for about 6 months. She was a gorgeous redhead about 5 1/2 feet tall with a great, big tits with the most recognizable nipples and amazingly curvy body. Her nipples truly mesmerized me, they were thick and bright pink surrounded by somewhat small areolas compared to her breast size. Those nipples creep into my imagination time after time since our adventures between the sheets. It didn't...
After the 1st “event “with Betty, I was starting to like the living in sister’s house. Mr. Robinson was still trying to piss me off. But when he realized that I wasn’t taking the decoy, he left me alone, and we started to be mutual friends. Few days after the rainy night, Betty and I haven’t got any chance to sex again, just because Melisa and Mike were at home all the time selling their paintings, and I was busy too with my work. We exchange some looks and little touch, tickling and...
Beautiful brunette Isabella De Laa lets her man, Alexander, pick a nice dress for her. After careful consideration, the bearded stud chooses a bright red latex dress with black latex gloves. Alexander can’t help but get horny when he sees the stunning babe in the tight dress. He kisses Isabella on the lips before letting her blow his cock. The horny lad then returns the pleasure by eating out Isabella’s wet pussy. Moans of pleasure fill the room as Alexander bangs the pretty slut in...
xmoviesforyouDoctor Heyward was certainly not happy with his project assistant Harry Ames because he had reason to believe the young fool was using the invisibility formula to shield his naked form from randomly selected females when they were defenseless in their beds at night. Admittedly, it was something he had experimented with when he first started the project but found the excitement and shouting was far too stressful on his nerves. He knew his use of the formula in the fitting rooms of the nearby...
Rachel was standing in front of room A-12, waiting for Alice. "We have a problem," she said. "Can we talk inside?" asked Alice. "No. Next door is empty. A-11. We can talk there." Once they were in the room, Rachel started in. "It's these two newbies. Corrine and Nancy." A knot formed in Alice's stomach. She knew what was coming. "They seemed nice enough, at first. "But a new woman came in our room. I think her daughter is immune. "She fell on her knees, went through the...
Jodie Adams took one last glance in the mirror before leaving for her date. The petite schoolteacher smiled at her reflection, liking what she saw. She looked ten years younger than her real age, which was in the mid-thirties.She had long flame-colored hair, big blue eyes, and a nice figure, all the curves in the right places, her ripe tits riding high. She knew her appearance would turn her date on. She just hoped it finally turned him on enough.The doorbell rang, and Jodie went to answer it....
There Lisa stood, naked in her living room, staring at her parents and her only brother, Tim Chapter OneThe transformation ?Lisa was going to be a senior this coming year and wanted this to be her best summer yet. She had it all planned out with her best friends Becky and Janie.? This was going to be the first day of the best summer she would ever have.? But unfortunately, her family had other plans.? Lisa had been keeping a dairy since she was able to write.? She kept it locked away in...
Endless lust & deep pussy fucking makes blondie Stacey Saran cum almost instantly in today’s Hardcore porn masterpiece by the DDF Network. The blue-eyed stunner from Great Britain gets her big tits massaged by stud Mr. Longwood before riding his massive black monster cock like a horny cowgirl. Ready for some deep throat dick sucking? Watch her take that veiny rod into her insatiable mouth, massaging his balls and working his glans as if there was no tomorrow! Some doggy style fucking...
xmoviesforyouI was suddenly struck with the gravity of the situation. I could lose everything here! Clasping my hands tightly behind my back to stop them shaking, I tried to slow my breathing while Andrew, Paul and Kate looked down on me. My Judge, jury and executioner. I felt very small. Would I ever master this game? Was I cut out for this? It wouldn't have taken much for me to burst into tears and flee. Forever. I couldn't believe I called Kate a bitch. I should have thanked her for slapping me. God,...
Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Edits by SteveZ Thanks again to the editor without a peer Steve Zink Part 4 Jake gulped. This was way beyond awkward! She had to talk to Bob pretending to be Amber and not make any mistakes, yet at the same time remember she was at work and the real Amber might pop in at any time and not like what was said. Feeling like a cat trying to ice skate, Jake answered. "Hello, darling." (That was safe enough) "Hello yourself, sexy!" said...
Hi friends, how r u all? Avinash sharma (changed name) is back. Ab aap log to mere bare me jaan hi gaye honge. Aap logon ne to meri pichhli story “shilpa & kristina” jarur padhi hogi. Mujhe aap logon ke bahut se mail aaye….mujhe is baat par bahut khushi huyi. Aap sabhi boys, gals, bhabhis and housewifes sabhi ke mails aaye…aur meri story ki sarahna ki….thanks 4 all this. Thanks u all gals, bhabhis and housewifes who requested me to have some fun….don’t worry…..right time will come soon and we...
This part is continuity of valentine day celebration, I and Radhika both were naked, sitting on sofa and watching tv. We both had much more time to enjoy till her roommate reach the flat, I started to ask about swomiya, radhika told sowmiya is from nellore, ap working in same mnc where radhika also works. I told radhika that sowmiya looks so cute and her body looks great. For which radhika pinched on my chest and radhika stood up from the sofa, asked me to drink coke. I told radhika that I will...
It was fall of 2014, and my 34 year old white boytoy "Jim" was two months into his new lifestyle wearing a cock cage. Being in chastity was Jim's idea, an effort to dedicate himself to me. Being in complete control of Jim's orgasms was empowering for me, and made him a better partner to me. What happened next was inevitable. Jim and I were at Lowes in Glenville, in the checkout line. Behind us in line were two strapping young black men, and I smiled at them as we made eye contact. They started...
"Shhhh" Jacqueline whispered to her two male companions, "Mother may be asleep..." "Okay," one male whisper responded, "we'll wait out here until you check." Matt Fields grinned triumphantly to Greg Sullivan, and the two of them sat down in the darkened hallway outside the Burnside's front door. Jackie left it closed, but unlocked, so that the two college seniors could come inside with her as soon as she determined that the coast was clear. Kaiser should present no problem to the...
Alexa Chapter 28: London Baby, Part 3 Marty stood as we entered the lounge area. The look on his face was priceless. His eyes were wide, his mouth was open. Jenny and I looked at each other and let the smiles on our faces grow. Marty began to say something. "You two, ah um." You could see the frustration at the inability to speak come over his face. We both walked over to the man who has become like a father to me and each kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks" Jenny and I said in...
Brad stayed for the night because it was late by the time both women had sucked his balls dry of sperm. He could not believe what had just happened, but when Marie suggested that he should stay for the night because of the heavy rain outside, and the difficulty of finding a jeepney because it was so late and their street in the barangay was far from the main road, he agreed, thinking that he might finally be able to fuck his girlfriend – or even better, her slutty mom. However, his hopes of...
My mother-in law ‘Gloria’ is 62-years old, stands 5’10 and weighs around 130 pounds, with flowing raven hair and never ending beautiful legs. She has 4 beautiful daughters, none as tall as she but all dark-haired lovely girls with beautiful bodies. She has a way of walking that turns the head of not only men but women as well. She wears a special Italian perfume that always weakens me as she walks by. Gloria and my father-in law John live in London England where he is an international...
Kitten, part 9 By: Malissa Madison Justine quickly disappeared into the room with the other kittens, and I heard excited squeals and laughter. Momma Gina looked seriously at Grace. "Kittens can be very expensive to keep, especially those accustomed to finer things, or those who have been deprived," she told her. "Those who've grown up spoiled only want more. Where those who have been deprived grow a desire to want more," She explained. "It will be hard for you not to want to...