Beauty–Remastered Ch. 09 free porn video

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My very dear loves…I apologize almost every time I post, and this is no exception. You all have my deepest and sincerest sorries, from the bottom, top and all sides of my heart. First off, Chapter 8 was crap, and I really ought to have worked on it more. I feel awful about that. Second, this chapter took much longer to get on paper than I expected. So much has happened lately, it’s been hard to find time to write more than a word here and there. =( I hate excuses, but this one was real.

Thank you to all you absolutely AMAZING and WONDERFUL loves that commented, voted and the couple who sent feedback, even if it was kinda on the down side. You have no idea how awesome it is to get that, unless you are a writer yourself.

This chapter answers a few questions, and, I don’t believe it asks any more haha. This chapter is actually one of my favourites for this story, don’t know why. Maybe for the reveals?

Little disclaimer: I know next to nothing about medical practices, spy missions, or weapons and I know very very very little French. Sorry for the spoilers, but I’d really prefer you didn’t jump down my throat on those bits. If I wanted to write a story that was totally based on any of those three things, believe you me, I’d research my butt off, buuut since it’s not the basis, I wrote what I liked.

So, I’ll stop boring you, loves, and let you get on with what is probably going to be the second or third to last chapter of this story.

I really hope you enjoy it, and again, thanks for sticking around with confused, irritating little me for so long! You all make me day =)

Love and kisses,

Almostluver <,3

~Five months later~

Scarlet paced around the perimeter of the house. At just about seven months pregnant, her belly was definitely showing, even in the very loose dresses she’d taken to wearing, and she got nervous whenever she thought about it. Walking calmed her and the baby. Every so often, she’d press her hand against her stomach, and right on cue, the babe would kick, as if reassuring her.

Even though it had been months since he’d thrown her out, Scarlet still craved her husband. They were still married, though all contact between them had stopped that day, but she couldn’t bring herself to be the first to send the divorce papers. If he wanted her completely out of his life, he would have to strike the final blow, and he hadn’t. Silly as it was, Scarlet took that as a good thing, it gave her hope — irrational hope, but hope just the same. She tried not to count the days, but it had been exactly one-hundred and fifty-six long, hard, empty days since she had left, and that was far longer than she’d actually been there.

She missed Donovan less when she felt the baby move. She still cried herself to sleep sometimes, and she occasionally had her really bad days where she struggled to get out of her lonely bed, but her child seemed to know, and it would softly move until she drifted off to sleep. Abner called her daily, asking for updates and pictures. She’d sent him copies of her first ultrasound, and pictures of her belly as it expanded. She tried not to ask for info about her husband, in return.

For about a month, she’d seriously considered adoption, now that she knew the truth, but with every change, she loved it a little more, despite everything — the first time she’d felt it kick, she screamed and chased the guys around the house so they would feel every movement. Joey and Danny were happy — they had been rooting for keeping the baby the whole time, and sometimes it seemed they were more excited for it than she was. Danny was already working on constructing an extension for the house that was attached to Scarlet’s room. Joey had begged for it so he could make that into the nursery, though Scarlet assured them that she wouldn’t mind keeping the child in the room with her.

Already her room, the living room, and garage were practically jam packed with all the little odds and ends, furniture, clothing and home improvement supplies Joey was going overboard purchasing. The baby wouldn’t even be born for another two months, and

‘Scary, come inside!’ Joey rounded the corner of the house and draped his coat over her shoulders. ‘You’ll get sick.’

‘She’s restless.’

‘You think it’s a girl?’ He smiled at her. She nodded and took his hand to press it against her stomach. Her baby kicked right on cue. He grinned brightly, like all of them did whenever the little stranger ‘acknowledged’ them. ‘Wow, Scary. I guess we’ll see soon, won’t we?’

‘I’ll only be out for a bit longer.’ She hugged Joey before continuing on her walk. ‘Five minutes, I promise.’

‘Danny’s working on dinner. It will be ready soon. Oh, and I called the hospital, and your mom’s expecting us at noon tomorrow.’

Scarlet and Michelle were slowly but surely making up, and it was because Joey demanded she visit her mother weekly. He didn’t want Michelle to die without Scarlet’s forgiveness. To everyone’s shock, though, somehow Michelle was still going, though she wasn’t quite improving. The doctors couldn’t explain how she’d held on for so long, even after getting her ‘death sentence’ months ago. Though she never said it, Scarlet was glad. She had never made real peace with her father, and she wanted her mother to die with that peace. It was, however, very hard to do, given the circumstances. As many times as she tried to say the words, ‘I forgive you,’ she never managed to get it out. She didn’t mean it truthfully, yet.

Even more surprising, Donovan kept up with the hospital bills, even going so far as to find specialists and change her hospital room, to a larger, more comfortable single suite. It was what he had promised, and more.

Joey went back inside when she rounded the corner.

As such, he didn’t hear her cry of shock as she came face to face with a man from her past. ‘You!’

‘Bon soir, mon cher,’ The small, pale man murmured, stepping closer. She stepped back quickly, but met with a wall. Looking over her shoulder, Scarlet discovered the wall was actually a tall, dark-skinned man. He leered down the front of her gown and she wrenched her gaze back to the man in front of her. ‘It has taken some doing, finding you.’

‘Oh?’ She tried to keep her voice from wavering, and all but succeeded. ‘Why would you be looking for me?’

‘I heard you have something that belongs to me.’

Scarlet hoped and prayed Joey would come back out, but she knew he probably wouldn’t until it was obvious she was gone for too long. ‘I don’t have anything of yours, actually.’

‘Au contraire, mon cher’ his accent, French like she remembered, sent harsh chills up her spine, despite the way the words slid silkily from his nearly lipless mouth. She tried to move back again when his hand reached out to stroke across her protruding belly. For once, while being touched, her baby was very still. ‘I believe *this* is mine.’

‘I believe you’re wrong.’ She swung at him, but the behemoth behind her caught her arm and tugged up. She hung there, her feet just barely touching the floor. ‘Let go of me!’

‘Now, now, settle down. Comportez-vous.’ The small man caressed her cheek. ‘We are not going to hurt you. I just want what’s mine.’

‘It’s not yours! It’s my husband’s!’

‘Ah, tsk, it is not nice to lie, mon cher. Your…husband’s doctor is not quite so tight lipped as you would think. Besides that, I have sources. Sources that say that you are not with said ‘husband’ any longer, because *that*…’ he looked down at her stomach again, and she covered it with her free hand. ‘Is not his.’

‘Your sources are wrong.’

‘And the tests? Are they wrong as well, mon amour?’ Somehow, he knew that she’d had dna tests done on her baby, when she didn’t believe her mother’s tale.

‘Scary?’ Danny’s voice came around the corner and she jumped. ‘Come inside for dinner. You know what Joey will say if you don’t eat.’

he felt the giant behind her shift, and suddenly prayed that Danny wouldn’t turn that corner of the house. She opened her mouth to stop him, but the smaller man slapped his hand over her mouth.

She still managed a scream as Daniel came into view, a split second before there was a soft pop from beside her, and a small cloud of smoke. Danny’s face showed surprise, then pain as he collapsed, blood staining the left side of his shirt. He struggled to sit up, but only managed to rise up on one arm before going limp. She stared between the still smoking, silenced handgun in the large man’s hand, and her friend.

‘Dammit, Lefou!’ The pale man yanked on Scarlet’s arm. ‘Did I not tell you to leave the gun? I said no violence! Let us go! Rapidement!’

Scarlet’s eyes were glued to Danny’s limp body. Tears coursed down her cheeks, and she couldn’t fight when the big man hoisted her up into his arms and started hurrying away. She twisted and writhed in his arms, and almost slipped out of them. A hand came into view, pressing syringe to her arm. She felt a quick sting of the needle entering her. She went limp almost instantly, though she struggled to keep her eyes open. They were at a car now, bundling her into the backseat, and the last thing her eyes saw before everything went dark, was Joey collapsing on his prone lover.


‘Is Alford here?’ Joey’s face was haggard. Abner let him in immediately, remembering his face and sensing an urgency, despite the quiet tone he had used. ‘It’s important.’

Donovan stalked out of the library, where he’d taken to hiding in. It was one of the last places Scarlet had gone into happily. Joey stared up at him in shock. He’d lost so much weight, and his hair was unkempt. A ratty, dirty beard had sprouted over his chin, marring his dark good looks. Even Joey, who hated this man for what he had done for his best friend, could admit that once Donovan had been extremely hot, though he’d barely seen him months ago. Now, however, he just looked haggard, terrible.

‘What do you want?’ His voice was cold and hoarse.

‘Scarlet’s gone.’

Abner gasped and Donovan stepped back, shocked, but he recovered quickly. ‘What does that have to do with me?’

Joey gaped at him, as did Abner. ‘Not a damn thing, except she’s your wife.’


‘As I recall, neither of you filed for divorce.’

Donovan didn’t have a reply for that. He looked down and stalked back into the library. ‘Leave my house.’ The door banged shut behind him.

‘Come with me,’ Abner gestured for Joey to follow him. They stopped in the kitchen and Abner bustled about, setting out a tray for coffee. ‘Now, what do you mean she’s gone?’

‘She was taken yesterday.’ Joey slumped in a stool at the table. ‘Right from our home. My –‘ he choked a moment. ‘My partner was shot.’

Abner nearly dropped the coffeepot when he tried to fill Joey’s cup. ‘Your partner?’

‘Well, yeah. I’m gay – didn’t Scary tell you?’

Abner shook his head. ‘Oh dear. I’m afraid my master thinks you are…he believes Miss Scarlet and you…’

‘He thinks I’m Scarlet’s lover? Is that why he won’t help? Does he think I’m the father, as well?’ He didn’t wait for Abner to answer. Slamming the mug down, he stormed back into the hallway and found the library after a quick search. The doors crashed open with a bang and Joey was faced with a crying, irate Donovan. The taller man turned his back.

‘I told you to get out.’ His voice was rough with tears, and the straight, rigid way he held himself made Joey pause. Everything about him, down to his posture screamed of the pain he was in. But he was too goddamn stubborn to do anything about that pain, and the sympathy Joey had been feeling evaporated.

‘And I told you your wife, who you love and loves you — god knows why — is missing! Are you going to do anything about that, you motherfucking bastard?’ Joey’s pitch skyrocketed till he was all but screaming at Donovan.

Donovan stalked toward him and shoved him against the wall. ‘She is not my wife!’ His arm settled across Joey’s throat, cutting off his air. ‘Why don’t you take care of it, if you’re so damn worried about her?’

‘I…need…help.’ Joey wheezed. ‘I don’t…I don’t know where she is.’

‘How do you know she didn’t just run off? Hmm? Maybe she got tired of you, moved on to bigger and better things.’

‘I’m her best friend. She wouldn’t just leave.’

Donovan’s hold loosened, but just barely. ‘You’re her best friend? And the father? What happened — were you two just experimenting or was this a plan all along?’

‘I’m not the father! I am, in fact, very gay, and with someone already. Even if I was the father, I wouldn’t let her marry you to cover it up.’

After a long moment, Donovan set him down and stepped back. ‘If you’re not it, who is? God, does she even know?’ His tone was hateful.

Joey massaged his sore throat. ‘Sit down. You need to hear this. Scarlet should have told you when she found out, but she was too stubborn to talk to you, even though she loved and missed you. And I don’t blame her. You were an ass.’ Donovan stepped toward him, but Joey didn’t back down. ‘Sit down!’

Donovan hesitated, but he finally slumped into one of the big chairs. Joey took one across from him. ‘What?’

‘Scarlet was raped.’

‘She was what?’ Donovan sat up urgently. How had that never even crossed his mind? Because she acted as if everything was a first for her, even down to the kissing? Because she hadn’t showed any signs of distress when he touched her?

‘The night of the accident, her father took her out for dinner. After dinner, they stopped at a bar, and her dad went in. While he was in there, Scarlet was taken from the car…and a man raped her. Mr. Lennox had used her to pay off another gambling debt that would have ruined them. Again. He couldn’t afford to lose what little money he still had, not with Michelle’s illness, so he gambled away his own daughter’s virginity.’ Joey tried to keep calm, but his eyes still filled with tears, and his voice shook with anger at Scarlet’s dead father.

‘That man, the father of her child, was the only one who touched her, so it’s definitely his — she got a DNA test, anyway, after she found out. She…she didn’t remember, because the accident on the way home. It totally wiped her memory — the doctors said that the shock and mental trauma of that night, coupled with the head trauma she had in the accident, is probably what made her forget everything so completely, but they thought she would remember eventually. When she woke up, the doctors questioned her, and she remembered dinner, and driving home, and the accident. The hours between dinner and the crash hadn’t happened, in her mind.

Michelle decided not to tell anyone, especially Scarlet. She thought she was doing the right thing. That’s why she wanted you two to get married so quickly. Not so that Scarlet would be taken care of when she died, but so that you could have sex and if she ended up pregnant, nobody would question it. Scarlet wasn’t even out of the hospital before she called you, you know.’

Donovan was shaking. It hadn’t been his darling Scarlet’s lie. She hadn’t known whose child it was at all. And she hadn’t had sex with anyone. In her mind, she was still a virgin. He remembered her insistence that it was true, as if she believed it herself. She had no reason not to.

‘Who told you this?’

‘Scarlet heard from her mom, finally. She told me. And Michelle heard it from their old driver, before he died in the hospital. There are hospital records that show she was raped that night.’

‘Who has Scarlet?’

Joey pulled a paper out of his pocket and glanced at it. ‘His name’s Gaston Bonnet. He –‘

‘I know him,’ Donovan jumped up with a growl. He stalked to the door. ‘Abner!’ The butler appeared immediately. ‘Call Michael. We’re going to need his particular set of skills.’ He turned back to Jos
eph. ‘Come with me.’


Joey was absolutely flabbergasted. In the time it took Donovan to clean up and shave, Abner had amassed a veritable army downstairs in the library. Over a dozen, big hulking men had set up shop there, filling it to bursting with computers, papers and more guns than Joey had ever seen. One normal-sized man was tucked away in a corner, speaking into a headpiece and tapping away on a laptop furiously.

Everybody stopped and stood when Donovan walked into the room, Joey and Abner right behind him. Donovan appeared to look around the room. He stalked forward, while the men parted around him. He stopped before the smallest man and sat down. The others took seats as well.

‘What do you have, Michael?’

The little man looked down at his screen again. ‘I apologize for not having known that Bonnet was in the country again, sir. My sources had confirmed him in France just a –‘

‘That doesn’t matter now, Michael. He’s here, now. And I want to know what you have on him that I can use.’ Donovan wasn’t stern, but his voice was very calm, very serious.

‘He’s staying in one of his houses — the newer villa outside Somerset. I haven’t figured out how he got here without any detection, yet. Your doctor, s-sir –‘ He jumped at Donovan’s low growl. ‘Somehow, Bonnet found out, and questioned your doctor. He’s dead, sir.’

‘Gentlemen,’ Donovan turned to the other members of the room. ‘My wife was kidnapped yesterday by Gaston Bonnet. She is six months pregnant with his child.’

Joey could feel the surprise running through the room, though nobody moved a muscle or said a word. He glanced around again, every single eye in the room was fixed steadily on Donovan. He wasn’t the tallest or biggest, but the way he sat in his chair, with his hands gripping the arm rests, his blind gaze direct and focused, made him their leader. The fact that he paid their salaries probably helped, Joey thought. But not by much. There was a real loyalty here in these men, one that money had nothing to do with.

‘We are going to get her back, and we are going to take out Bonnet, for good this time. I do not want that bastard coming back for my wife and her child again. Am I clear?’ A quick chorus of ‘yes sir’ met Donovan’s ears. He nodded. ‘Good. Now, Kevin,’ He turned to the largest man. ‘You’re on tactic. I want our ways in and out down in an hour. Arthur, Robert and Carl, weapons. Silent, deadly. Guns, with silencers. Knives. Anything else you can pack on without slowing you down.’

‘If I may, sir,’ One of the men he’d named stood up and brought forth a small, intricate-looking handgun. He handed it to Donovan, who ran his hands over it carefully while the man explained what he was holding. ‘This is all new, sir. We put this together, because your jobs usually require stealth. It’s a modified machine pistol. As you can feel, they’re extremely light, and very streamlined. The silencer is built in, so there’s no need to remember one. Reloading takes three seconds — just pop this button here, drop the empty clip and pop in a new one. The clip holds upward of two-score bullets – the bullets are tiny,’ here, he dug a little ball, the size of a pea, out of his pocket and passed it to his boss. ‘But they pack a punch. See, the bullets are tiny bombs — Carl thought of it. They’re completely harmless, until they’re ejected from the gun. I won’t bore you with the specifics, yet, but the gun and the machinery have a chemical reaction that sets the ‘timer,’ as it were. They take less than a second to detonate after contact, and the resulting explosion is small, but critical. One of these bullets in the right place could down a tiger in split seconds, sir.’

Donovan passed the gun back. ‘Very good, you three. See that everybody is equipped with two of them, and extra clips. We don’t know how many men Bonnet has this time.’ He turned to Kevin who had called him over to a table spread with maps and all sorts of gadgets and gizmos. ‘Abner, refreshments, please.’

Abner gestured to a shocked and slightly scared-looking Joey. ‘Come on, you can help me.’ They went back to the kitchen, and Abner searched through the pantry for eatables. ‘Want to tell me what happened yesterday?’

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Back in my high school days, I drove a 1970 Ford pickup with four on the floor and a 390cc engine in it. It was sky blue, had mag wheels and I chromed everything I could. The reason that is important will be made clear a bit later. I was dating a girl a couple of years younger than I was. I was eighteen and a senior. I worked half days, so I always had spending money. I was 5’10” 200lbs and solid. My hair was shoulder length curly brown and I already had more facial hair than many grown men...

3 years ago
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 2 Snow Day

Days passed quickly through what remained of November and December. Her busy schedule kept Stephanie from even thinking about the events of that special Thanksgiving evening. The new year rolled around and with it more busy times. The kids were back in school. A new semester started up, shuffling Stephanie's teaching schedule once again. January rolled along until that Friday when Stephanie awoke to find a rose and a note laying against the mirror in the bathroom. She put the rose to her...

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Horny Mommy

As a student I didn't have a lot of money. Neither did anyone. Apart from the trust fund k**s, and there were a few of those at my uni, everyone was scrabbling for pennies. My poverty was becoming a big problem as the mid-term vacation rolled around and I went home with £50 to my name and considering getting a part time job. Back home during one of the vacations I met up with Mr. Newark. He was taking me out for dinner and we were going to go back to his to get reacquainted- payment free, as a...

4 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 10 Beautiful Etta

Madam Von. R-- took me aside, holding my arm very firmly, and pointed with her fan. "See that girl, the dark-haired one?" she said. I looked where she gestured and saw a young beauty with shining eyes laughing with a gray-wigged man who had a drink in his hand. I nodded and found it hard to take my eyes off her. She was young and succulent. My cock twitched. "You are to leave her completely alone, understand?" The little woman looked at me with her steely eyes. "She has been a marvel....

4 years ago
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Gym Buddies

Loving a BBCVic and I met in the sauna at my gym. He was a huge black man, maybe 6’6”, and close to 275lbs, all muscle dark, African skin, short hair with a beard that looked like it was straight out of the movie “300”. He didn’t shave but kept his body hair well groomed.. Oh, and did I mention... his cock was enormousIn contrast I am a thin, athletically built white boy in my mid twenties. I shave my whole body and I have very sexy legs & ass.I had seen him at the gym before but never...

3 years ago
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There Oughta Be a LawChapter 6

Monday evening "That was awesome," said Carolyn. "Thank you so much." Unbelievable. A gorgeous woman with a fabulous ass just thanked me for fucking the shit out of her ass. What a strange world this is. "No, Thank you," was all I could manage to reply. She put some regular clothes on, and I got dressed as well. When we got to the living room, I was met with a total surprise. A young girl was there. She looked to be around high school age. I noticed a certain family...

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Phone Sex

I was woken by the ring of my mobile which was on the table next to the bed, I looked at the alarm clock, its' red display was telling me it was forty-five past two in the morning. I looked at the phone, it was the wife calling. She was out for the evening with a couple of friends, all the same type, happy when being wined dined danced, and fucked but not always in that order. However, two of the three had settled down a little (my wife included, I thought) and lived for the occasional night...

2 years ago
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Double Date

A few months ago a friend of mine Julie wants me to double date with her and a guy she was interested in. Basically she wanted me to be his friends date for the evening. Seeing as how I was dating someone else I reluctantly agreed after she begged me too. I really wasn’t into the idea of it, but I dressed up none the less. I put on a denim skirt and white blouse on over the top of a pair of matching red lace bra and panties. Everything fit my 5’3” 115lbs frame quite nicely. I have a set of...

3 years ago
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The Watchman And Sheetal 8211 Part II

Guys we already saw in the first part how Sheetal got attracted to Gopal; her watchman. She done all the tricks to get his cock…Now read ahead. The next morning when Sheetal woke up all she could remember was the scene she saw last night. She remembered Gopal’s cock and how he fucked his wife like a hydraulic machine. Sheetal felt little bad thinking about another person’s cock like this but she was sex starved and she didn’t need to think hard for a reason to justify her lust. She blamed it...

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Sasha Ch 11

When I got back to our room, I discovered that Sasha had not yet returned. I took some time to organize my notes from my meetings and called my boss to relay the good news. He was very pleased at how rapidly the negotiations had progressed. ‘Great job, Hallie! We’ve never gotten this far with them before, until I assigned you.’ I had to take advantage of the goodwill I had just secured. ‘Don, if you don’t mind, I’m going to skip my courtesy calls tomorrow. I’ve got some kind of stomach bug...

2 years ago
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Weekend Getaway

A WEEKEND GETAWAY Caroline Kingsley It was anything but another dull, boring, routine Tuesday at work. The phones were ringing off the hook but that was to be expected in a company of this size. I was usually in charge of filing, routing phone calls, general correspondence and mail. However this week I was working as a personal assistant to Robert, the head CEO of the company. His regular assistant was off for the week and somehow I was lucky enough to be asked to fill in. Well I’m not sure if...

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The Best Son

Greg watched as his mom fucked man after man when his dad walked out. She was heart broken and brought home a different man each night and fucked them all night. Greg was eighteen and had not moved out because he was concerned for his mom. One morning when she got up she was hung over and looked a mess. She had gotten drunk and brought a man home and fucked him most of the night. Greg grabbed her and said "Mom, I am going to clean you up and make you stop this fucking around. You are going to...

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Mom Sits In The Game

The weekly poker game that I held in the family room of our house was an event that me and my four best buddies looked forward too every week. Only this week it was almost canceled when two of the guys had to go out of town to visit relatives. So that left me, Charlie and Ernie to play, Ernie called his cousin Fred to get us a fourth. I tried all day to try and find us a fifth but struck out trying, then I asked my Dad if he would play. He filled in a few times before so I had hoped he would be...

3 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 48

Waking up, I had the nagging feeling that today was going to suck huge sweaty donkey balls. Getting ready after my morning run, I went into the kitchen to grab some juice before leaving. “You want some coffee?” Grandfather asked. “No, I’m good.” I headed out to summer school for my last final. The exam wasn’t difficult, just very tedious. The majority of it required almost a paragraph answer, and once again, it took me almost all of the class to finish it. Turning in my books, I was glad...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Mia Martinez Let8217s Clean This Mess Up Before Mom and Dad Get Home

I always knew my sister was a bit of a freak. But I never expected her to come on to me! She’s hot and everything, but she’s my sister! We both know we shoudn’t be doing this.. But it feels so good! I grab onto my little sister’s natural tits as she blows me. I love feeling her stroke my dick with her lips wrapped around me. Watch as my hot sister grinds on my cock before I bend her over and fuck her tight pussy! “Cum on my ass!” She begs me. I fuck my slutty...

3 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 20

Stupid the wonder cat is standing at the door when I walk in. "What!" I start to laugh. She does a turn and walks off with the attitude. If you are going to laugh at me I am leaving. I walk slowly though my house. My heart is racing. I walk into the bedroom and look around. I check to see if anything is disturbed. Everything is in its place. I don't think Nick poked around. I think if he did he would have said something. I sit down and log on to my computer. I open my home page. I start to...

2 years ago
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Uncle Carlo

When I woke up, I'd received an email from the dean that announced that we would switch to remote learning as of Monday. It went on to say that to comply with social distancing regulations, the dorms would be closed indefinitely. They would leave one building open for those who had nowhere to go or who couldn't fly home. I considered my options. Did I really want to head back home to be isolated with my parents, grandma, and siblings? Not to mention the ten-hour drive to get there. No...

Straight Sex
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I have to carry mother in law up and down stairs

My mother in law broke her leg badly and needed to come stay with us for a few weeks while she was recovering. We have a big house, with a spare room in the basement with an adjoining bathroom that even has a seat in the shower. So it was a perfect set up for her. Except, with a broken leg she could not get herself up and down the narrow steps to the basement. When my wife brought her over the first day, I carried her bags down there and set her up in her room. Then the time came for her to...

3 years ago
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Let Rudy Toodle Do You

Sue's marriage to Paul Pringle was in its third year and it was all ready showing signs of strain. They were snapping at each other over the smallest and silliest things imaginable, such as toothpaste cap replacements and leaving the toilet seat up, or down, take your pick. Well, whether the damned seat was left in the up or down position, their sex life was in the toilet, too. Paul had taken to popping his cork in her a measly once a month and, in her view, with about as much passion as a...

1 year ago
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This Couple Is MineChapter 1

The seeds of this story were planted in Germany nearly twelve years ago. At the time I was a junior NCO stationed at a small Kasserne located just outside of Stuttgart. I wasn’t where I planned to be when I was planning my future. From the time I was thirteen or fourteen years old my dream had always been to become a proud member of the 82nd Airborne and make that my career. Before I joined the Army I beefed up and worked hard at an exercise regimen of pushups, sit-ups, pull-ups and running...

3 years ago
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Coffins Roses

The gaunt, auburn-haired girl easily stood out in the small seaside village of Drumliffey, almost at the tip of the Irish mainland’s southernmost point. She kept her head bent while she walked along the street, as though she was looking for something but wanted to pretend she wasn’t. Everyone recognised her as a city girl. Only Dublin girls wore powder blue suits with short skirts and double collars. Only Dublin girls would totter along the cobbled street in six inch heels. Drumliffey women...

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Gratification Through SelfstimulationChapter 6

Leaving the lingerie store, Azelia is feeling pretty good about herself. But she doesn’t have a gift for Zelena. So she slips into the first store she comes to, a shoe store. Well, there should certainly be something in here that will make a good gift, just not one that benefits both of them. Or course, Azelia loves shoes as much as the next woman! The store is as big as the lingerie shop with a fully glass front, like most shops in the mall is. Azelia has been in the stores many times...

4 years ago
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Flight of the Dragon

One of my ex girlfriends loved this story but wouldn’t let her teenagers read it, she said it was too sensual. I told her OK if you say so lol. the story isn’t very long, point of fact most of the stories I have written are petty short but intense , that’s an apt word ———————————- With the rising of the sun, she awoke to the warmth of its glow, lying on the ledge, high on the mount near its crest. She felt its warmth on her scales, its light sparkling as it reflected back from her scales the...

1 year ago
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Giving In

As I get out of the shower and wrap myself with the soft fuzzy white towel I think of you. Your strong hands, how they hold my body, how they tease me. I think of how you can almost read my mind in the uncanny way you know what I’m in the mood for, soft and romantic or hard and rough, you know when I feel like playing around and when I just want you to fuck me. So when I came home and found the playful new outfit you had bought me all laid out on the bed I just smiled, and shook my head at how...

2 years ago
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The Essence Within Ch 02

‘Computer, what’s the alarm for?’ Jonathon asks. ‘A ship is following us on the port side and powering weapons.’ replies the computer. ‘SHIT! Power the shields and weapons.’ Jonathon yells. Too late one shot makes it through before the shields are fully up. It hits the left side engine causing the ship to lurch and instantly slow down. Looking at the status panel, he notices engine efficiency is down to 50%, shields 25%, and weapons are offline. He looks at another monitor to see the class,...

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Watching dryhump of dusky and porcelain lesbians

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a newlywed housewife. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for my stories. I am a story writer with About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all varieties of...

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Best of FriendsRevised0

It was a Tuesday, sunny and warm. School passed by quickly, luckily, and I grabbed my bag from my locker. Adam met me halfway down the hall, and we walked side-by-side to the exit. I saw a girl from my grade, Jessica, walking up to me and I stopped. "Hi, Cody." she said softly. She didn't try to talk quietly, it was just the way her voice was. "Whats goin on, Jess?" she smiled up at me and twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. "Well..I was wondering. Did you maybe want to go...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Adventures

At last I was here, far away from my office and my mundane life. A chance to be Me if only for a few short days. I felt bad, lying to both family and colleagues, but I needed a break, boy did I need a break. My feeling was that it was better to take some time out, just for me, rather than carry on as I was and end up breaking out for good. So, here I was, booked into a lovely cottage, unseen by the few that ventured along the Sky Road. This was in my birthplace: of Clifden, in the lovely...

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We Swapped Mother And Sisters 8211 Part 4

So far you read, Rohan swapped his mother with extraordinarily beautiful woman Rubia, mother of friend Akbar. Rohan’s father also fucked Rubia but she remained infatuated to Rohan. After few days Rohan succeeded in bringing both daughters of Rubia home and took their virginity. But again Rohan’s father fucked younge one Zarina who became mad for elderly man. She refused to fuck with Rohan again. Now read ahead, Over two months passed since Rohan took virginity of both sisters on same day on...

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The Submissive Oreo

Life had not always been a crystal stair for Jayce Hammonds, but it was pretty good now. The 34 year-old data analyst had just started a new job with a software company. As he toured the office with the H.R. lady, he noticed a few other Black faces. The medium-brown guy half-smiled at them . ‘I hope they don’t think I’m gonna be their friend just because I’m Black,’ he thought.Jayce had grown up in a house headed by single mothers. There was his mom, Lesa; his Aunt Tamela; and his grandmother,...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Andi Rose Scarlet Skies If My Stepsister Was A Christmas Elf

Andi Rose has enlisted Scarlet Skies to help her set up some Christmas elf pranks for her stepbrother, Robby Echo. Robby is confused about the pranks since he didn’t think his stepsister was so sexual. The pranks get sexier and sexier as the days count down to Christmas, although they reveal to Robby that both girls watch porn. The third prank involves the elf getting double teamed through a glory hole, which the girls hope will send Robby a clear message. When Robby still seems dense,...

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Waiting for Nicholas

The wind had picked up, the night had grown cooler but she hadn't even noticed. The revolving light from the lighthouse played on her face, a face devoid of expression. Her mind was engaged, the voices in her head a jumble. As the voices grew louder and came faster her face began to change. Her mind was running the gamut, her life flashing before her eyes. A child of five and her first day at school, her mother's voice, "Stop your sniveling and whining. You are going to school on the bus,...

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Au Pair Mdchen gesucht

Die beiden bildhübschen achtzehnjährigen Mädchen Julia und Monika leben in einem kleinen Dorf in Osteuropa in ärmlichen Verhältnissen. Seit dem Ende der Schule arbeitslos melden sie sich beide auf eine Zeitungsannonce, in der von einer Agentur Arbeit als Au Pair - Mädchen in Deutschland angeboten wird. Julia ist ein großgewachsenes Mädchen mit langen braunen Haaren und gut entwickelten Brüsten, während Monika ein eher schlankes Mädchen mit langen Beinen und einem sehr süßen, knackigen Arsch...

3 years ago
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Sex With Neighbour Aunty And Her Daughter

Hi this is Rakesh from Vizag, I am doing my post graduation now. The story is about my sex with my neighbour aunty and her daughter who is my classmate this story is combination of series of stories. First I would like to tell about how relation got between me and aunty. Coming to the story my neighbour aunty name is Sirisha she is mother of two children one boy and one girl, her daughter is my classmate. One day my parents left me alone went to my native place, my mom and neighbour are good...

2 years ago
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A Peasant Girl Chapter 1

Anna was twelve, so she was still too young to be pawned off on anyone. Her mother loved her, but her father ruled the house, and so Anna did the dirty jobs. She had been doing the work of a grown man since she was barely old enough to walk, and it should have made her old and bent, but somehow she grew into a beautiful young girl. "That's something anyway," her father said to her uncle as they sat on stools, drinking vodka and watching Anna haul dung from the barn. "If she were...

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Midnight Plush

It was that short moment of evening when the sky glows like a blue jewel and if you don’t stop what you are doing and enjoy it, you miss it. She could see it through the windowpanes, and she cocked her head toward them, stopping the conversation. ‘You see that, the color of the sky? I love it when it looks like that. It’s so…’ she searched for a word, ‘…peaceful.’ ‘Refracted sunlight has an emotional effect,’ he said, looking interested. She smiled widely. That was Isaac, always analyzing...

3 years ago
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Twelve Maxbridge Street A Short Story

This is a record of a fantasy, not an attempt to describe a real life dungeon, about which I know almost nothing. Also, the story is heavily influenced by classic French erotica and so does not dwell on the main character's inner thoughts and feelings. It may not be for everyone. THE BEGINNING He looked around his spacious, sparely furnished, perfect office. One of the perfect things was the large picture window overlooking the park across the street, just now leafing out for...

3 years ago
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My plane will land at the airport 16.15. I had waited almost a year, and just minutes, she would be here. Two nights I had not slept. I was so excited and was all over my house cleaning, washing, decorating, moving things...redoing the hole thing, so she would like it. I met her on a datingsite on the internet, and had only written to her there and on e-mail, when I was working. Almost a year we had been writing, talking for several hours every day. And now, she was finally coming. I...

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