Three Years Six Months
- 3 years ago
- 29
- 0
‘Marie, the beer here is good if you order the crafts. In the years I’ve been in Milwaukee, I finally lost my taste for guzzling the cold tasteless beers of my youth. I’d rather have one great one than a couple of them.’
‘It took you a while to get there Jim, I remember telling you that it’s about having a small amount of the best things, then having a lot of anything.’ Suddenly her face recognized what she just said. ‘That was my problem in Cincinnati, wasn’t it? I didn’t listen to my own advice, did I?’
We were both quiet for a few minutes. It was Saturday afternoon, only 3 days after we were tossed back together after 5 years of not ever seeing one another or even know that we both moved to Milwaukee. Neither of us had closure. Over the years, we both tried to come to terms with what happened and move on. From the little time we spoke to each other at dinner and from what Bill told me, I knew that she tried hard to save her marriage. I hope she heard from me that I didn’t ever want to hurt her and that there were better ways of handling bad things.
I looked at her. Gail Marie Sculotto is now G. Marie Wilson. She hasn’t changed her name since her divorce. It’s a pain to legally change names, especially again. But I think it was also a way to drop the past behind. Now she has two pasts to leave behind.
‘I’m going to be honest with you Marie, I had a real rough night on Wednesday. Bill stayed with me until midnight. I was…’
‘You too? Terry didn’t get home at all. We ended up, well I ended up talking and crying and whatever till one in the morning when we collapsed. Thank god her house is on the way to work and we got up early enough. She ran into her house, kissed Bill good morning, changed into a clean nurse uniform and ran into work with me.’
‘Marie, there are so many things to talk about, so many areas to …I don’t know where or how to start. One thing I will tell you is that I will be honest, not mean or nasty honest, but honest in what I say. I realize that I still have a lot of anger in me and I’ll keep it in check.’ She looked a bit worried. She was slapped by her husband in public. I wonder how many times in happened in private.
‘Please don’t worry about me being physical or loud or threatening. When I came home and saw you in bed with him, I could have done something physical to both of you then. I didn’t then and I’m not going to start anything different, except to get things out in a very appropriate manner.
‘Jim?’ She was looking directly into my eyes with a very pained expression. I’m sure mine were the same. ‘I don’t know either but how about this? Can we talk about what happened afterword, what we did with our lives after that day? Then we can go back to the start? To when we were engaged? I know it’ll be hanging over our heads the entire time we talk. But to be honest with you, I’ve thought about this for years. I know this is going to sound very stupid, but can you trust me on this one?’
‘There’s been a lot of water under the bridge, and some over it too. Neither of us looks like we’re going to bolt. If I read you right, you’re here, just like me. Some closure? Some understanding? Something to fill the void?’ She nodded yes. ‘Who wants to start?’
‘It was my idea and I’d be a bit more prepared, so how about me?’ I nodded and she continued.
‘My father came home from seeing you and let me have it for lying again. This time it was lying to him. He gave me a week to get the hell out of the house and he spent that week somewhere else. I never saw him, I never saw him or talked with him or my mother for 6 months. For that week, it was just me and mom.
‘My mom told me that day that I had 24 hours to cry. Then I needed to get my act together. That was all the time I had. There would be none to waste. After that day, I needed to create a new life, away from home.
‘I won’t get into the details, emotional or physical. I quickly realized that I had thrown you under the bus, and you returned the favor. My listening and believing Tammy destroyed you and then me. She actually called me a couple of days later. Her husband had left her and she needed a roommate to meet rent.
‘By that time, I had started researching nursing schools away from southern Ohio and found this one in Milwaukee that would take my credits and admit me, but it was going to require another semester. The school also cost more. I had an Aunt and Uncle in Milwaukee that even after hearing what I had done, welcomed me for a couple of months until I could get back on my feet. After three months, I finally found a couple of girls from the nursing program to share an apartment with.
‘That’s where I met Terry. She was dating Bill. I didn’t fill them much on my past, but they accepted me. I was still pretty fragile and making my way in life. I can thank god for the student counseling services at the school.
‘After graduation. Terry and Bill were getting married. I was invited to the bachelorette party. I’ll cut to the chase. We went to a male stripper club and things were getting raunchy pretty quick. Some of the girls were pretty wasted and started doing oral on the strippers, no condoms. When I saw Terry start to reach for the stripper’s cock, I pulled her away, lying to her that she needed anther drink first.
‘You would have been proud of me. I laced into her, I got in her face. I know Bill, not only would he not approve, he could do something like you did to me. That’s when I quickly told her what I did and what happened to me.
‘Then right between the eyes at her bachelorette party I asked her, yes or no, would this be worth throwing away her entire future for? She had a couple of drinks in her, but this sobered her up.
‘She and I left together about 5 minutes later. About 6 months after their wedding, Bill pulled me on the side. Terry told him what nearly happened and what I did. He was thanking me for that. Ever since then, the three of us have always had each others backs. Terry told me yesterday that Bill was supporting you. I don’t know what was said, but that he was there. I wanted you to know that up front. I don’t lie anymore, I can’t stand it when it happens to me. That was part of my life before and part of my marriage.’
During this time, Marie was looking at me then the floor and then back at me several times. My eyes had been riveted to hers. I saw how she felt about things from the look on her face, from her inflections, the ways her eyes were averted at some of the difficult parts of her life.
She stopped for a moment and straightened her posture to prepare for this next painful part.
‘Marie, do you want a break? We have as much time as we need. Neither of us are going anywhere but here.’
‘No Jim, I’ve practiced this over the past 5 years and I have to say it. Never thought I would. I always thought that even if I did find you, you’d turn me away. When you showed up on Wednesday and you treated me with respect and thoughtfulness…’ at this she began to cry. I pulled out a spare clean bandana and passed it to her. I had brought two for me to use on the way home when I would be alone.
She took a couple of minutes to gather herself. I told her that I would get us some water and another beer and some bar food. It was chilly outside this day and I left my coat with my keys on top in front of her. I didn’t know if she noticed.
The lines were long and it was about 10 minutes until I got back. She thanked me, but said she needed to use the facilities and said she’d be right back. She left her coat, keys and her phone in plain sight for me to see. I looked at the phone and thought about that day 5 years ago. When she returned, I was still staring at the phone.
We both took a healthy drink of water and munched on the food. We talked about the tastiness and all the bad things in bar food. We needed a break and this was a good one.
When we finished eating, she started talking again. ‘Now abo
ut my marriage. That was a disaster, but not at first. At first, I think we loved and cared for each other. He was warm and supportive and did all the right things. Looking back at it in my therapy, I really couldn’t come up with any red flags at all until after 5 months went by.’
She chuckled a little and then continued. ‘I was introduced to Mark by Terry and Bill. He was a friend of Bill’s from high school. When he started to be less nice after 6 months, I thought it was the 6 month rule.’ I looked at her with a question in my face.
‘The 6 month rule?’
‘Oh yea. Works for both men and women, but it usually hit guys hardest. At least that’s what Bill and a couple of other guys have told me. After 6 months of being married, your partner doesn’t have to treat you as good as before. The honeymoon is over. Living together, it doesn’t work that way. It’s the marriage that makes the difference, not even living together for a couple of years.
Marriage is different. You move to real life, not courting. They don’t love you less, but they don’t have to go the extra step. My married girl friends have said that’s when they stopped swallowing. The number of blow jobs starts to rapidly diminish too.’ She chuckled at this one, I groaned. It was true for me too but it started at 3 months.
‘Well anyway, he changed. Not a little bit, but a lot. By the time we were married 9 months, he was into verbal tirades. By a year, he slapped me. Apologized for it afterwards and didn’t do it again until we were out and that’s when Terry and Bill saw it.
‘I won’t bore you with the interventions we had. His parents, our friends, the counseling. If it wasn’t for a LCSW I went to, Genevieve…’
‘Gene Hallon?’ Marie nodded yes with a surprised look on her face. ‘Is she still off of Van Buren? I remember she wanted to move her office.’
‘You know her too?’
‘She was helpful in getting me to the point where I could get on with my life. She helped when I showed up in town and then during and after my divorce. Pretty nice lady. You used her too I take it?’
Marie looked at me with something in her eyes. Like a memory or a thought. She physically shook her head to clear it. Marie’s determination to finish took back over.
‘Well, the short of it. He kept this under control most of his life. But being married didn’t allow him enough alone time to continue to keep it under wraps. He needs meds. In our sessions I found out that he tried a series of them. Side effects are awful sometimes. The couple that actually worked for him took away his sex drive. He said in one of our final sessions that he’d rather be fucking and crazy then not fucking at all.’ She quietly laughed a very sad laugh to herself. ‘He bolted after that and we filed soon afterward.
‘I also used Gene to work out things in my life from this marriage and our near marriage, my fucking around. One of the things I realized was that I’ve been punishing myself for what I did to you. When I started getting verbally abused, then hit the first time, I thought it was a righteous punishment for me. I wasn’t going to do anything about it if it happened again. Only because he did it in front of Bill and Theresa and they pulled me out of there, was I forced to realize what I was doing.
‘I haven’t been in the dating scene for over a year, and these two good friends of mine tried to fix me up with somebody that they approved of. They even took extra care this time.’
She paused a minute and her face now showed real pain. ‘I have to talk about cheating on you and thinking nothing of it.’ She screwed up her face with the pain we both knew was coming. ‘When I said that it was just sex and it meant nothing, I was telling you my truth. It was not the truth for reality, not for the world, not for you, just my twisted truth in the land of pretend.
‘I could try to blame this all on Tammy. She was cheating on Jeff for a couple of months. No one would know, it doesn’t hurt anybody, all that bullshit. It was exciting for her, and then for me to listen to it.
‘I was able to talk with my Dad’s mother Rosa a couple of years before she died. She was a very pious woman and a good listener. We talked about what I had done. For some reason she started telling me that she stopped listening to Rush on the radio. This was out of left field and I started wondering if she was starting to lose it. She heard the concern in my voice and asked for a couple of minutes to be patient.
‘One day my father, who tends to be not political at all, was over at her apartment when Rush came on. While she was saying the rosary and listening to Rush, he asked her a question. Is this someone that does what Jesus would do and be? Then he stated to actually repeat what Rush was saying and implying. This was not her faith that she was listening to. Her faith kept her going over 5 years after my grandfather died. She said that after hearing so clearly from her son’s mouth repeating all the messages Rush was saying, she never listened to Rush again.
[For those of you who would like to get upset about this political/religious issue, this situation actually happened as reported by a friend of mine. Some minor liberties were taken, but the core of what is here is what happened. Get upset about the reality, not about its use in explaining human nature in this story.]
‘She told me that it’s easy to listen to people and do things that make us feel good, and never question anything about it. My grandmother said that she was addicted to the ‘He’s got them now’ to never hear his whole message. She said that the same thing happened to me.
‘I liked the excitement, the thrill of what I was hearing, I never looked at the entire message. I didn’t see you, I only saw me. Thank god you didn’t marry me. I am so sorry that I have caused so much grief in your life.’ At that, she started crying again.
I was an afterthought to her, to Gail. I wasn’t important enough to be considered as anything. Trust took a back seat to sexual thrills. That’s not a marriage. But Marie thinks differently, she’s not Gail, just looks like her. It’s hard, and not hard to see that the people that we were 5 years ago are not the same people we are today. At least I hope that this is true.
I realized that Marie has been looking directly at my eyes, attempting to see my response to what she said. I understood and smiled, then I chuckled then I began to laugh. I saw Marie getting upset and hurt. She didn’t understand. ‘Marie, before anything more happens, remember, we’ve both gone to Gene. One of her biggest things in therapy was to get us to completely own what and why we did something.
‘When I was getting up to leave at the start of dinner on Wednesday, you immediately let me know what you did. You owned it in front of me, in front of them. You just did it now. You’re not pretending, you’re real. I haven’t gotten the chance to own what I did yet…’
‘Yes you have, you said..’
‘Not the way I need to. You have. I believe you, I trust what you are saying. I’m laughing because we both learned this from Gene.’ I stopped a few seconds, ‘we’re on the same page right now, we’ve connected, we’re there. Do you understand that? After 5 years, one dinner and hanging in this back booth in this bar that is starting to get a bit noisy, we’re there.’
We both stopped talking to understand what I just said. I understood that she wasn’t finished. There was no way to be finished at this stage. But she gave it her shot, she gave it from her inner soul. There is always so much more to do and say and ask questions. But I got enough for now. She looked at me and we both understood, and we communicated in silence.
‘I guess that it’s my turn, isn’t it.’ She nodded and leaned forward on the chair. It was my turn to be honest and put myself on the table like she had. I also had been thinking about it over these years. Not as hard as she did, but still, never the less. It was in the background.
‘I got
to work that day and the new copiers weren’t ready and the client wasn’t ready for them either. I fixed one of them and decided to come home for lunch. Driving past our block, I saw two cars in the driveway. Yours and an SUV. I tried to talk myself out of thinking you’d be unfaithful, but knew I had to know.’ Marie started to cry, she was holding her face in her hands. I stopped talking and waited. I’ve waited for five years now. I needed to see her face when I told her what she did to me. She used the bandana that I gave her to wipe her eyes. Then she looked back up to me and motioned for me to continue.
‘I parked at the back of the shopping center. When I got to the back door, I saw clothes. Your clothes and his clothes over the first floor. I got into the house and to be honest with you, my baseball bat where we hung our coats came into view. Neither of you would have been able to stop me.’ Her eyes were wide, she never thought that her having ‘only sex’ could ever lead to injury or even murder.
‘I had my phone primed to take pictures. It was all over for us when I saw those clothes. That’s when I grabbed the marbles in the vase. If anybody was going to run after me, I was going to make sure they’d be sprawled on the floor or down the stairs. I found your phone, then his. Got them primed for recording you two.
‘Just hearing you two go at it was enough to make me sick. Having to watch 10 minutes of it to send out to everybody, I put up with it. You took our future away from me, and I knew that I was going to take both of yours away too.’
At this point Marie began to sob and I had to stop. I wasn’t stopping to punish her for what she had done, although that ended up being a part of it. I stopped because I needed to tell her, to her face, for her to hear, for me to get it all out. She needed to understand it from my side, to hear it from me. Pain was part of it, not to inflict, but to share for the first time with her. It wasn’t to give pain her, it was to share the pain with her. I think we both knew this. I listened to what she had gone through and understood what I had done too. I took a sip of my beer. Unfortunately, all I tasted was bitterness. The bad taste in my mouth overcame everything.
After a few minutes, I began again. ‘I captured enough video to explain why the wedding was over and went back downstairs. Pulled out the emails that had long email address lists, work emails, family ones and face book too. Set up your phone the same way too. Then I sent them all out, dialed a sex chat line for him and silenced his phone as well as possible. Yours I kept, after all, I owned it.
‘Then I went into the basement and waited for you two to leave. Called people up and moved all your stuff onto the driveway. I had some friends go through all your communications.
‘You learned all of this from Tammy, didn’t you?’ She weakly nodded to me. ‘I had somebody go through all your stuff and when Jeff came to pick up your things, we told him and gave him some of those pictures she sent of her and her lover to you. He thought it was happening, hoped it wasn’t.
‘I had said goodbye to your father earlier that day. I was shutting down but I was smart enough to keep good people around me. I didn’t do anything stupid. Stupid is defined as something to go to jail for. I realized that I was going to leave town, leave this whole fucking mess behind me. I knew from my job that I could transfer out. Barry’s wife was a realtor and I knew I could get rid of my house real quick, the market was hot and the school system wasn’t so bad.
I paused and took another gulp of the beer. It still tasted bitter to me. I knew I had to continue talking about the important things now.
‘You have no idea how much your betrayal hurt. How could it be just sex? How could my being, my love, my hopes and dreams for both of us be so worthless to you? Maybe there are people out there who don’t think twice about sleeping around. They’re in their own world. That’s not my world. I’ve been on my own since I was 18 when my last parent died. I wanted to make a new life, a life with somebody who would have my back, and I’d have theirs.
A new story with a few new themes I wanted to explore. For those who know me somewhat, yes, she is a bit docile for my taste but Ill try everything once. Enjoy! By the way… I wanted to design this story in a way that I, as a writer, can get my kicks out of it too. For those who are not true sadists, like myself, youll find out that not every story is meant to please you. Part two will follow. Someday. Id like to get you all nice and anxious. Part I She sat in the garden silently gazing at...
I’ve always chatted with Eileen ever since I started delivering her milk in 1990. She was always pleasant and well turned out. I always call every other Thursday and that was the day she went out for lunch with her husband George. When I called she usually had just returned home. In the summer she would wear a blouse that would show a sneaky bit of cleavage, and a nice smell of perfume. I would always ask where they had been and what they had done. It was usually a visit to a garden centre then...
(((((Yet another chapter re-written.))))) Monday morning Jason was bouncing in his seat with excitement at going to the south of Spain. His excitement extended to other things as soon as his dad left for work. We hadn't had sex since Friday afternoon with Jason's dad staying home for the weekend. We watched from the living room window until my husband's car backed out of the driveway. Not wanting to wait any longer Jason stripped his shorts down and pulled me to sit on my knees as he plunked...
Hi indian sex stories dot net doston readers edi nenu rastunna and share chesukuntunna second real life experience.Nenu chpeydi everything nijam and imaginative story kadu.Thank you na last story experienece ki baga response vachindi and 1 aunty sex ki sye andi kuda and thankyou ISS for the great platform.In case evaranna na first experience miss aitey edigo e link copy chesukuni chadavandi Na peru Tarun nenu currently hyderabad lo untunna na height 6 feet fair and na sulla size 14 cms height...
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Brandon sighed as he laid down beside me. We had been dating nearly eight months now. Our relationship is great, except for one thing that seems to bother him. Right now, we are at my house studying, well supposed to be studying, for a big test tomorrow. Yes, a test. We’re both sophomores at the local university. Now this brings me back to the one thing that bothers him. In high school, when a relationship lasts past six months, theres a trend. The two of them start to have sex. Now with me and...
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THIS HAPPENED IN 1996I was doing some shopping in a local supermarket, having just packed up my groceries I noticed a girl flaked out on the floor, I approached her and a member of staff who was with her and she said she’d had an epileptic fit. Having been educated in first aid I offered to help and was taken up on my offer.As she came round the staff member said to her “Do you want to go home?” and she nodded. Sitting in a wheelchair I move towards them and said “I’ll take her home” and after...
Im sonia saxena im 19 and new to this site....This story is abt the time when i hadnt been fucked in last 3 months. SO as soon as i went to my house in Auckland i had gona to a party and gotten an invitation frm a nice tall lean handsome guy with a muscular body.SO i wore my best tight short shirt and my shortest jeans skirt with no bra and panties i had to smile at myself.As soon as i entered his house i knew im gonna have a lot of fun.We took a seat at his sofa and he got us some drinks and...
Seven Years a Woman by Holly Sharp. Seven years ago, Shane Turner became a wanted man. Losing his balaclava during a bank robbery led to him becoming the subject of a relentless nation-wide manhunt. With every police officer in the country chasing him and with a substantial bounty on his head, Turner did the only thing he could do: hide. For seven years, this man has hidden himself away in the last place anyone would ever think to look: under the makeup of a woman named Bonnie...
Seven Years a Woman Holly Sharp Seven years ago, Shane Turner became a wanted man. Losing his balaclava during a bank robbery led to him becoming the subject of a relentless nation-wide manhunt. With every police officer in the country chasing him and with a substantial bounty on his head, Turner did the only thing he could do: hide. For seven years, this man has hidden himself away in the last place anyone would ever think to look: under the makeup of a woman named Bonnie...
THIS IS PURELY FANTASYFor the first 8 weeks or so it was only cuckman and us. There were threats and suggestions of letting other people fuck my wife but nothing transpired until we met Richard.We were now into the start of the third month of the ownership period. It could have been a lot worse, but it was now that Cuckman ramped up the challenges. As I sat with my cock caged, watching his spunk dribble from my wife’s pussy and him just rolled off my wife after fucking her he told me to get my...
Hour 2He listens to her heavily muffled screams and turns up the tv, not bothering to look at the screen. He paces the shadowed hallway, makes an aimless tour of the kitchen, back to the living room, beer in hand untouched and getting warmer by the second. He pauses by the television again, adjusting his crotch; he's been hard and completely adrenalin-buzzed for a couple of hours now, well before dragging her into the house through the door at the back of his garage...punching her in the...
An elderly couple loves Halloween, almost as much as they love one another. Sadly and tragically, Bonnie and Andy never had children. She couldn’t because of a horse riding accident that happened to her when she was young, a lifetime ago. Ironically not fair that those couples who should have children don’t and those couples, who abuse their children have an entire brood. Who knows, maybe had they had an entire brood of children, they would have abused them, too. I don’t know. A gift and not...
Okay Folks, this one is kind of crazy. You can chalk it up to the changing of the seasons scrambling my brain, or maybe the fact that yesterday was the saddest day of the year for me. Yep, I put the Mustangs up for the winter. Anyway, thanks as usual to the incredible Mikothebaby for making this story readable. The funeral had been touching. It had been a truly beautiful ceremony. The flowers were fresh and the church looked and smelled great. The sun was high in the sky and beaming down on...
But before I go into the detail of what happened last night let me first give a little background to events as well as a few details about us. Lin, my wife is 47 years of age while I am a couple of years younger. We've been married for more years than either of us would care to recall but that said, we've been lucky enough to enjoy a strong marriage, especially in this day and age when Divorce seems the norm. Though 47 she's nonetheless a sexy little size ten package at five feet...
The fallout from the discovery of the blossoming affair between then forty-seven-year-old Amala Gupta and her son's seventeen-year-old friend Patrick Lawton was far-reaching.Firstly Patrick was devastated at the enforced break up and his feelings lasted throughout the school summer holiday and into his important final year at school, affecting his schoolwork. It also cost him his friendship with Amala's son Sunil and whilst some at school had admiration for him bedding a much older woman others...
InterracialI have been reading this site for quite some time and after considerable deliberation, I decided to post and share my experiences over the last 35 years or so. I have been involved with a lot of women during these years and I have loved them a lot. I am a 50-year-old youngster and am married for the last 20 years and we have a son who is 16 years old. I am reasonably fit and possess a good healthy body, thanks to all the effort that has gone in over the years to maintain a reasonably good...
Sarah and Jason Thibadeau received a letter from the publishers of their story Thibadeau The Pirate. Opening it they read: Jason, we have just received a letter from a person by the name of Thibodeaux located in North Carolina. She has asked me to put you in contact with her. She claims to have information about an ancestor of hers that very possibly could be the same person as the first Jason Thibadeau of Vermont. According to this lady there are too many similarities between her ancestor and...
PRESTO CHANGO 2: Twenty Years Later By Brian [email protected] It's the sort of heat that makes it hard to breathe. The heat that makes sweat collect in one's underwear and causes everything to itch. Even now, well past midnight, the swelter lurks in the poor Las Vegas suburb, tamed by the night, but not cowed. It's waiting. Biding its tisme. It is not a neighborhood where you'd like to be out and about during the day. Windows are boarded up, graffiti tags many surfaces,...
I won’t say the college’s name. But it’s an engineering college, and it’s not one of the best. Somehow, due to my score, I could get into this college’s Electrical Engineering department, which we will call SIT. After filling out all the forms for admission and a hefty fee, I moved into the boys’ hostel, room 414. This hostel was located on the outskirts of the campus. Nothing was around it for at least a mile. Also, I had to share a room with two others. Luckily for me, they were from my...
TWO YEARS ON TROMER I'd never heard of Tromer Island before my wife Carol came into the kitchen to tell me about a letter she'd received from one of her friends. We'd been married for two years and things hadn't been going so well lately. I'd been made redundant a month previously and we were dependent on my wife's income to pay our mortgage. Not that she was paid badly, as assistant to a plastic surgeon in private practice, she earned a good fifty percent more that me but that...
Waking up Thursday morning around 9am I got up and had a cool shower to freshen up and get ready for the day. Once dry and standing naked in my room, checking my phone I saw that I had a message from Claire the sexy MILF. She said, " Hey handsome young man, I'm terribly sorry but I'm going to have to cancel with you for tomorrow night. I'm really really sorry but I have a bad dose of flu and don't want to ruin your day by me being all depressed and in bed. Hope you still have enough time to...
Terrific Thursday: Twenty-Five Years Later By Heather St. Claire Stephanie Pangborn checked her watch for the second time. Her son Marty was running late. That didn't surprise or trouble her; Marty had a pretty busy life these days, with a wife and three children (and a grandchild due in a few weeks), plus a thriving auto body repair shop to run. She was waiting in an upscale Italian restaurant that had opened the year before. Stephanie loved the place, and feared it might be a...
The Randals, all four of them, trooped into the den after supper as if they were on a mission. William took Chante's journal from the mantel and sat in his big easy chair. James once again sat at his feet on the ottoman; Lewis and Alyssa pulled their own easy chairs closer. "Grandpa before we start will you tell me about our family, I mean like since Grandpa Jim," young James asked. "Most of the kids at school don't know their family back very far." "Okay, I can do that for you,"...
She left me two years ago for another man. To this day, I still think about how she just walked out without giving me any explanation at all. Since then, I have not seen any other women. None. That is because of two reasons. One, I am scared that another would do what she did to me, and two, well, I am still in love with her. You would think after two damn years I would be over it. Well, I’m not. Every day that goes by, I still think of Miranda. I still see her long wavy dark brown hair flowing...
She left me two years ago for another man. To this day, I still think about how she just walked out without giving me any explanation at all. Since then, I have not seen any other women. None. That is because of two reasons. One, I am scared that another would do what she did to me, and two, well, I am still in love with her. You would think after two damn years I would be over it. Well, I’m not. Every day that goes by, I still think of Miranda. I still see her long wavy dark brown hair flowing...
Straight SexTwenty Seven Years Later. It was called "The French Cafe" which would normally be the kind of place I would avoid but one of my co workers got me hooked on the french vanilla mocha latte. I now went there every Sunday like clockwork placing my order before sitting at my favorite table near the back. I would read my Sunday paper and watch the happenings in the small town I called my home. I didn't interact much with the people, that was my wife's job throughout our marriage, as she...
Twenty Seven Years Later. It was called "The French Cafe," which would normally be the kind of place I would avoid, but one of my co workers got me hooked on the french vanilla mocha latte. I now went there every Sunday like clockwork, placing my order before sitting at my favorite table near the back. I would read my Sunday paper and watch the happenings in the small town I called my home. I didn't interact much with the people, that was my wife's job throughout our marriage as she never met a...
MatureI was nervous when he took my hand from behind and whispered into my ear, "Come with me." I turned my head to look at him and saw that mysterious, Mooney smile on his face. The noise of the party faded away into the background of that moment and that smile. I remember thinking that a woman could lose herself to the charm of such a grin. So, I curled my fingers in his and allowed him to lead me out the door into the chilly darkness of the autumn night. We had been playing a game for weeks...
My name is Benson Norse Hedges. No shit, Benson N Hedges. Seems my folks had a wicked sense of humor. Everyone calls me Ben. Now that cigarettes are so frowned upon, no one really appreciates the humor in my name. When I left off in Chapter 1, I was in the throes of trying to decide if I wanted to attempt to start afresh with Kathy Arnotta, nee Windsor, a girl I was engaged to twenty years ago. We were engaged until I became suspicious that she was cheating and then actually found her in the...
My reprieve ended two weeks later when a small fishing boat sailed straight at my little island. I noticed when it was under three kilos away while framing the window on the east facing. Up until then, no one had else had even come close. My location seemed to be outside of normal fishing lanes. Two men and two women, the men both had deep dark tans from extended exposure to sunlight on open water; of the soon to be arriving women; one was familiar and one not. Justiciar Dana Hershim asked...
Forty-two-year-old Rosemary Hendon was slightly the worse for drink as she snogged the seventeen-year-old Alan Boyle. They were in a wooded area in the grounds of the hotel at which a party was being held and the young man had his hands all over the body of the married mother of his friend. He had her blouse undone and was groping her tits as she took his erect cock from his trousers.She was sober enough to know what they were doing was wrong but drunk enough not to care and their lips were...
MatureThank you everyone for the comments to "Recharging the Batteries". I hope to answer a few of the questions here in the sequel, which has been a long time coming. Any of my stories may be re-posted on other sites as long as it remains intact and proper credit is given. (Spelling and grammar errors may be corrected). And now on to the sequel for "Recharging the Batteries". Kira: The Next Two Years I was stunned. Two years locked in this tube! Two years as my wife's maid! Two...
CHANGEDAY: FIVE YEARS by BobH (c) 2009 Changeday was upon us again, four Mondays after the last one, and just like on every other Changeday there was a palpable tension in the air. It was 6.50pm - ten minutes to go, ten minutes before we switched from the alpha phase to the beta. "Daddy, I don't want Bryan wearing my yellow dress!" said Sophie my six year-old daughter. "Daddy bought it for both of us!" protested her twin brother. "It's not just for you!" "He's right,...
‘Ok Bill, you don’t have to tell me again. I told you I’d meet your wife’s friend. It’s just a low keyed dinner with your wife Theresa and her friend Marie. Ok. I get it.’ ‘Look, she’s a really great person.’ ‘Oh no, that means she’s 80 lbs over weight and has 25 cats.’ ‘Stop it Jim. No she isn’t and she doesn’t.’ He looked at me in exasperation. I gave him grief whenever he tried to fix me up. Working together for the past year and a half and we’ve became great friends. This is the latest...
I loved growing up in Savannah, but unfortunately, I didn’t move back there, at least not until years later, after graduating from college, marrying my college sweetheart, and starting my career in Baltimore. I was happily married and happy with family life most of the time, but I often thought about the experiences I had with my best friend, Paul, in high school.My name is Ed, and now, at the age of sixty-five, I’ve decided to document the life-changing events that occurred after my wife,...
MatureMay 1985 — May 1995 The Years Apart by Darryl Sanders Thank God, Grandma Kedrick was with me when I got that note. I found out later that the note actually was given to Robyn, who didn't want the responsibility. When Grandma offered to deliver the note, Robyn gratefully accepted. Neither knew what the note said, but they both knew it was bad news. The entire town knew that Courtney and her family had disappeared overnight. The local gossip was that Mr. Archer had deserted his family to run...
I remember when I was about four years old. Almost every day, my dad would hit me at least once for no apparent reason. Even things such as getting up late in the morning earned me a spanking. And they weren't just any regular spankings. He was usually drunk and would reach for whatever was in arms reach to beat me with. My mother couldn't do shit about it for fear of getting it worse than me. It was like that all through fucking grammar school. I was angry. Angry that he could do...
After courting Shawna for a few months she announced it was time to meet her family. She had already shared many of the familiar family secrets. I knew her mother was recently divorced. She had told me that she only married Tom for the money and the stability that came with it. Her mother had grown up very poor, with little stability in her life. She had become pregnant with my wife at the age of only sixteen and had two more children with Shawna’s loser father before she was 21. She longed...