Cinnamon free porn video

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for A.

I’m not sure how it all starts, but this is our first time together. It’s a sudden encounter, perhaps I am on a job interview out West and looked you up. Somewhere along the line you decided to show me one of your favorite, private places. It’s along a rocky coastline where few people go because of the strong, crashing waves, but somewhere along the shore there is a place, a small cave-like opening that is shielded from the pounding surf. We get totally soaked trying to get there, but when we arrive it is such a peaceful place. Even the raging sea just beyond the craggy knoll that protects us seems to be practically silenced by the awe of this place.

It is nearly dusk and we break open the bags we have brought with us. They contain logs and papers and matches, as well as blankets and towels and a little food for us to share — all sealed in trash bags to keep them dry, you were certainly right about that! You spread out the blankets while I set up the fire inside a circle of rocks which has obviously been used as a fireplace before. Soon the fire is raging and, without even thinking, you remove your dowsed T-shirt. I blush and quickly turn away.

‘Oh, shoot! Pat, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking,’ you laugh and turn around.

I can’t help but watch as you slide the limp shirt off to reveal a simple white lace bra. In a moment it comes off as well, showing me the beautiful smoothness of your bare back. You drape the shirt and bra over a rock next to you and, as you do, I can just see the sides of your breasts swaying. Again I blush, knowing I shouldn’t be looking, but I am so entranced by the suppleness and perfect silkiness of your skin.

‘Pat, could you bring me one of the body towels?’

I grab the one with the tropical flowers and walk up behind you. As I open the towel and raise it to envelop you, I have to fight off an urge to peer over your shoulder to see your breasts. Slowly my arms encircle you from behind and close the towel around you. Before I can pull my arms back, yours slip over mine and draw them tightly to your chest. I clear my throat as I realize that you are clasping my arms against your bosoms. You hold me so tight that I am pressed right up against your back and my face is nestled against the back of your head, your long, curly hair feels so soft and smells so divine.

‘Oh my…’ is all I can manage to say, whispering it softly in your ear.

You release my arms and lower your hands to your cut-off jeans. I watch them suddenly appear on the ground below the towel’s end, along with a pair of silk black panties. My heart races. You wrap the towel tightly around yourself and carry your garments to the rock to dry them off, then start walking back towards me.

‘I like to come here when I want to be alone and just lay naked on the towel and listen to the sea. It makes me feel so calm.’

Suddenly the image of you sprawled out on the beach towels in your full, naked glory possesses me. Am I missing the signals here? I mean, is there any real point to drying out your clothes since we’re just going to have to get soaked again when we leave? Is it all a ruse on your part to seduce me or are you being blatant about it and I am just being dense?

‘Patrick? You might as well get out of yours too. Come on, here.’

You bring a huge towel and hold it up in front of me, blocking your view. Hesitantly I remove my polo shirt and throw it onto a rock. Then I step out of my shorts and repeat the toss. My heart is pounding as I realize the only thing between us other than the towel is my underwear. Shaking, I slowly drop them. Only when I have stepped out of them do I see that I am obviously aroused at the thought of you being naked under your towel. I find myself stopping as I reach up to take my towel from you, caught up in the mystery of your body. What do you look like under that towel? Is your body even half as lovely as your face? Your wide, brown eyes? Your smile? Your sensual and delicate walk? Will your breasts fit in my hands? How thick is the silken forest of your sex? What do you smell like there? What do you taste like? Oh, Alicia, how I long to taste you…

…I am stirred from my thoughts by the motion of your arms drawing the towel around me. I take it from you, still in a daze, and adjust it to fit me modestly. Then we sit on the blankets in front of the fire, the crackles from which seem to create a musical counterpoint to the rolling of the waves behind us. The song continues uninterrupted by either of us for some time. Soon the last rays of the sun are gone and you, Alicia, and I are all alone in the firelight.

* * * * *

A little while later I notice you reaching for the bag of provisions we brought and start to remove things from it. I offer to help, but you decline and set about preparing our light meal: cold fried chicken (mmm!). I also notice you setting up a can at the edge of the fire, fill it with water and put something into it.

‘What’s that?’ I ask.

You continue setting up our meal. ‘Something for later. Don’t worry about it. Hand me the plastic plates, will you?’

After we manage to eat a little of the chicken and wash it down with what I thought was supposed to be sparkling grape juice but which turned out to be champagne, you tell me you want to lie down. I am surprised, then, when you stand up and face me.

‘Do you mind if I — if I take this off? I really like to be nude when I lie out here.’

My heart seems to just thud to a stop.

‘Uh, Alicia. I, I –‘ I am totally lost for words.

You move directly in front of me as I rise to my knees.

‘Patrick…’ you say, but without even waiting for a response you slowly part the top ends of the towel to reveal your bare breasts to me.

I like to think that everything I have experienced before has prepared me for what you’ve just done, but somehow I am still taken aback at the sight of your beautiful breasts. Full, round globes the size of oranges jut from your smooth-skinned chest. Already the breeze causes your nipples to grow taught and I can feel my own soft member growing firm beneath my towel. Before I have time to react to this new sight, you allow the towel to fall completely from your body. The sound of it hitting the dry sand is the only thing I hear.

My breath shudders at the sight of your nude form cast into copper by the firelight. You turn slightly towards the flames to allow me a perfect view of your dark triangle. You stand only a few inches from my face now and I can see your sex with such detail: the thick, matted hairs, your aroused clitoris and the glistening separation of your vulva and labia. No matter how many times a lover reveals her sex to me, I am always moved with passion at the sheer beauty and seeming delicacy of her most intimate and sensual place. The effect you have on me is almost hypnotizing.

You stand so close to me now that I can detect the sweet scent of your passion. I lose all hope of resisting and wonder why I even bothered at all. I feel a flutter in my chest as I dare to move toward you on my knees. My breathing is ragged and heavy as I reach out and place my hands on your naked hips. Touching you is like touching ice: it sends a shiver down my spine, but not from the cold — from the sensuality that emanates from your body. I draw you to me, laying my head against your firm tummy. I slip my hands back over your behind and clasp your smooth cheeks. Oh God, Alicia, I’m finally touching you and I’m not sure where to go from here.

Before long you feel my lips against your abdomen, slowly drawing a line of kisses down from your navel. I can feel your thighs tensing in my hands as I close in on your pubic mound. The scent of your womanhood has, by now, intoxicated me beyond all hope of sobriety. The slow pace I am forcing myself to take on my downward plunge toward your sex seems agonizingly tortuous to me. But momentarily I am rewarded by the sensation of moist, silky hair
against my lips and the feast begins.

Nudging your legs apart with my body, I slip between them. I keep a firm grip on your hips as I slide beneath you, brushing my lips roughly over your sex as I adjust my balance. You let out a soft gasp at the contact and slip your hands down to the top of my head in response. Within seconds of settling down, I begin to draw the tip of my tongue gently back and forth along the outer edges of your vulva. You can feel it, the tender brushing of something firm and moist teasing the slight opening of your sex. With each stroke it penetrates slightly deeper into the entrance to your body. Occasionally I slip it all the way up into the cleft of your labia and caresses the erect little bud of your clitoris, causing you to spasm and press your mound roughly into my face or to pull my head firmly against your sex.

As I pleasure your womanhood, my hands slide from your hips around to your bottom and clasp the smooth firmness of your buttocks. My fingers gently knead the skin that covers your powerful muscles, which are flexing in response to the sensations flowing from your sex. Already you have started a light thrusting motion, your hips shifting back and forth, sliding your sweet mound over my face, painting me with your wetness. Oh, Alicia, your juices are like honey and the taste overwhelms me. I have to have more and that is when you feel my tongue plunge deeply into your birth canal. The sudden penetration into your depths causes you to gasp aloud, a gasp which echoes throughout the rocks that shield us from the outside world.

Your legs begin to shake and your knees feel like they’re going to buckle as my assault on your pussy continues unabated. Faster and faster, deeper and harder I go. It is difficult to catch my breath when I am buried into you like this and I can feel disorientation and dizziness come over me from time to time as I lose all awareness of everything but the center of your passion. By now your buttocks are thrusting and shaking with aggressive desire. Your body does everything it can to get my tongue as deep as it will go into your vagina, pushing it towards your cervix with determination, even though it could never reach so far. Meanwhile, my hands continue to massage your bottom, caressing your bare skin and teasing the valley between your luscious cheeks. Occasionally my fingers will brush your sensitive anus and you’ll emit another sensually-charged yelp into the air.

The only thing I regret about this is that I cannot see the expression on your face. I can only imagine that your head is tossed back and your eyes are closed. Your mouth, open in a silent scream of pleasure and delight. Only an occasional choking gasp or raspy intake of breath is able to escape. All other functions of your body are devoted to the encouragement of the feelings beginning to swell within your loins. Already your birth canal and labia are open wide and pulsing with blood. Your womb is surrounded with swollen blood vessels and capillaries and the muscles of your uterus are also shuddering with intensity, waiting for the right moment to —

— I feel your hands grip my head, your fingernails digging into my scalp: the first sign of your imminent orgasm. The tip of my finger, which is resting nestled in the pucker of your anus, can feel your sexual muscles beginning to throb and pulsate. I can feel the walls of your vagina rippling against my tongue and it is then that all hell breaks loose.

‘Uhn! Patrick — oh! God, Pat-trick! Huh, uhn!’ you cry as your body releases you to a full and complete orgasm.

Your arms and legs and hips and thighs shudder and quiver, twisting and turning as you come. Your bottom starts slamming your mound furiously against my head, grinding your soaking wet forest of black hairs and the glistening slit that it protects into my face. Your climax produces more fluids that flow from your sex over my nose, lips, cheeks and chin like a waterfall of honey liqueur. I am completely hypnotized by the power and intensity of your climax. Hearing you call my name through choked gasps and sobs of pleasure makes the experience all the more sensual for me and I summon one last surge of strength to give you pleasure.

At the height of your climax, just as you think your entire body will give out or your loins will explode, you feel the sudden shock of my full index finger as it plunges into your anus. It moves upward without hindrance, pushing through your tight sphincter past it to be among the moist, shuddering walls of your rectum. Still my finger slides upward, gliding into your forbidden passage until it is stopped, by sheer lack of length, at the knuckle. Your weary body is rocked by yet another wave of orgasms and this time I can feel them. Your anus and the velvety-smooth muscles of your lower intestine shudder and contract and pulse and clasp to force the blood away from your intimate places, creating the most explosive sensations your body has ever felt. Your head is light your mind is beyond spinning, with every ounce of your mental strength concentrating on the sledgehammer pounding in your loins.

‘Paaat – triiIICKKKK!!’ you scream in a rough howl of delight and exhaustion.

Then, as suddenly as you screamed, your body gives out and you start to fall forward. Only the fact that I am kneeling in front of you allows me to brace you until I can remove my finger from your body and slip my hands and arms up to catch you. I let you fall back into my arms and lower you gently toward the towels and pillows, your breasts bouncing lightly as I release your naked form. I kneel over you, holding your hand and watching your breathing. It is still heavy, but has begun to ease up. After a few moments, your eyes start to flutter and your body begins to move.

‘Take it easy, sweetheart,’ I say to you as I brush your cheek with my hand.

‘Maybe the champagne wasn’t such a good idea,’ you joke in a weak voice.

You take my hand and bring it to your lips, kissing the back of it and sending tingles of warmth up my arm. Then you take it in both hands and place it between your breasts. I can feel your heart pounding in your ribcage.

‘Oh, Patrick. Oh God, that was, that was…so wonderful. So wonderful…’

You begin to drift off again, still weak. I lean forward and lower my mouth towards you face, placing a kiss tenderly on your cheek. You slowly turn your head and catch my own cheek with a peck and then smile. You reach up to my face and caress the thin beard covering my jaw and chin, your touch sending shivers down my back. The look in your eyes speaks volumes about your desire for that moment and our mouths move together for the first time. Oh, Alicia, where did you learn to kiss! The fire from your lips is nearly as hot as the inferno that smolders between your legs, searing my nerves with every movement of your soft, silky mouth.

Before long your tongue eases its way in and begins to search for mine. As they clash, you taste the sweetness of your own bodily nectar and realize what it is. The thought of your lubricant covering my face when you came only fans the fires of your passion and you wrench your mouth free of mine in order to explore my face and clean every last drop of honey from it. I can barely withstand the onslaught of your kisses. You push me up to my knees and face me on equal terms and I get another clear look at the incredible, succulent beauty of your full, ripe breasts. How I long to feel them against my bare skin!

As if reading my mind, Alicia, you reach out and unbind my towel. Before my fear can register an action, you remove the only remaining boundary between us. My embarrassment at knowing you are seeing my nakedness, observing my arousal in the form of a semi-erect penis and loose scrotum, causes me to flush red all over.

You only find my shyness more romantic and bring yourself closer to me. Just as the tips of your breasts touch my chest, I close my eyes and savor the moment: rough, rubbery nipples scrape my midriff, fol
lowed by the warmth of your bosoms flattening against me. Your arms lovingly encircle me, like silken snakes slithering over my back you embrace me. Your tender, moist lips touch my throat and your right hand clasps the back of my neck. My own arms find their way around you: one hand on your shoulder blade and the other draped over one of your buttocks. I gasp when your teeth sink into my earlobe. Then your tongue probes my ear. Then you bite your way across my cheek to my mouth and you begin kissing me with ferocious grunts and tug at my lips lightly with your teeth. My heart begins to race as I realize this is turning into a moment of animal lust. I respond in kind.

A sudden surge of passionate aggression swells up in me and I begin to push you down toward the towels, but you respond like a tiger and knock me backwards onto my ass. Before I can find a grip or balance, you pounce on me, pushing me all the way down on my back. Like a conquering predator, you swing your legs over and straddle me, leaning forward with your hands on my shoulders, pinning me down. There is a feral look of passion and lust in your eyes. Your breasts sway like bags of water near my face. I can feel the roughness of your pubic hair brushing the tip of my now-hardened penis. I wonder if you realize at all how close we are to joining at this very moment. It is all I can do to repress the urge to thrust upwards into your body and merge with you.

But after few moments, the look in your eyes fades from feral animal to passion-filled lover and you release my shoulders, settling back onto your haunches — and onto my erection. You gasp as the tip penetrates your slickened labia. You seem caught in a dilemma as you move your hips back and forth, spreading the lubricant all over the tip of my manhood, yet not giving into your urge to simply plunge down over me. What are you waiting for?

As if summoning up all your energy, you force yourself to climb off of me and crawl towards the low-burning fire. Reaching into the can you left near the edge of the fire, you pull out some kind of plastic tube. Tossing back and forth between your hands as if it is still hot, you come back towards me. The look in your eyes is now one of playfulness.

‘What are you doing, Alicia?’ I ask, genuinely curious.

You smile in an evilly-humorous way. ‘It’s my turn to have a little fun, dear — sweet — Patrick.’

You kneel at my side and open the tube, pouring a small amount of the contents into your palm and rubbing your hands together. Almost immediately the air is filled with the pungent fragrance of cinnamon. Your hands descend towards my neck and clasp around it, kneading your fingers into my skin. The oil seems to burn its way into me in a very pleasant, almost sensually-intoxicating way. As you draw your hands down my chest, spreading the liquid over every bare spot I have, I feel a tingling sensation slowly following the path of your palms. The pleasure of the oil charges me with a heat I have never known before. You spread the last of the current dose of cinnamon oil across my belly and down to just above my pubic hair. Even this close to my center of passion it is almost unbearable, the sensual tingling and pleasure/pain of the spicy substance.

You squirt another dab of oil into your hand and begin again, this time on my legs. Down the side of my leg you go, then back up the middle, purposely avoiding my genitals with each pass, causing me greater frustration as the heat rises inside me. You do the same with my other leg. By the time you reach my groin, I am hard as a rock and twitching with intense desire, a dab of pre-cum glistening at the very tip of my member. In a fit of teasing you flick your tongue over the head of my penis and I gasp. You smile, pleased at the power you now wield over me.

Slipping between my legs, you prepare another handful of the liquid heat and lower it towards my sex. I can feel myself trembling in anticipation, but instead of surrounding my manhood with your delicate touch, you clasp your hand over my testicles. Swirling it gently around my sac, you spread the fiery cream into every pore and crevice of my scrotum. The skin, which had been firm before your touch me, is now leathery and tight, the spices of the oil soaking in and pleasantly irritating my sensitive flesh. Within moments I am drawing gasps of air as the burning seems to penetrate to my testicles.

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Now we were all drinking having a good time when a few of us wanted to go out to the bar. So we left and it was epic in the lame department but we stayed for a few hrs. When we got home everyone else was done for the night and I was all bumped up and ready for more booze. So I seen Tessa's shoes were by the door so I opened the door to her room and woke her up and told her it was now on her to finish a bottle with me. So Tessa stumbled out ta her rooM and joined me at the kitchen table....

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Abby TwoChapter 5

In the morning they spiffed and gussied. They even washed the Australian built Land Rover 110 6 x 6 ... which wasn’t all wheel drive at all but rather four wheel drive with an extra axle and pair of wheels. Daddy had it modified to genuine ALL WHEEL. Daddy liked the Perentie for its capacity and Isuzu diesel. There were several at the mine ... Abby learned to drive a standard transmission on one. The trip was a quick one. There were several privately owned vehicles parked in front of the...

2 years ago
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Step Daughters Desire chapter 2

Chapter one showed the beginning of Frank and Janis. This is the continuation of the story. Frank and Janis had a date lasting one weekend. Sunday morning begins with Frank and Janis enjoying breakfast and talking about the night before which involved intense multiple orgasms, bondage, domination, submission and a little pain/pleasure. As they sat at the kitchen table talking about the activities of the night before Frank ask Janis questions regarding what she felt about what he had done to...

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Correction Multiplied

David and Janet were getting on better and better despite, or maybe because of, the age difference.   Tessa living with them was fine, and David got used to being spanked by the 18 year old on a quite regular basis. There was talk of marriage and Janet reckoned she should get to know her mother in law to be so David’s Mother, Rita, came to stay for a month.     David said to Janet “it’s really nice of you to have Mum stay.”   Janet smiled at her fiancé. She just hoped things would work out...

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Teenage Orgasms Revisited

Enuka Njoko was a fifty-three-year-old woman who was born in Nigeria but had moved to London with her mother and father when she was aged eight. When Enuka was sixteen, her father left home to live with another woman which meant that her mother, Omotola, had the task of bringing up and controlling the increasingly headstrong teenager.By the time that Enuka was seventeen, her mother was finding that words and threats were not enough and she acquired a cane which she promptly applied to her...

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Mr Big Smile Part 1

“Ouch!” I mentally berated myself again as I hit my head on the top cupboards. Ever since I'd met Mr. Big Smile earlier that day buying groceries, I hadn’t been able to get him out of my mind. And when I thought about him, I kept having these little accidents. I don’t know what it was about him that had me acting like a school girl. I couldn’t stop thinking about that twinkle in his eyes and his dimples as he smiled. I remembered how easily he had made me laugh with his off-handed remarks. I’d...

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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 21 New Civilization

We had spent the last several months in meetings planning our future. The subway had long been completed and was now attached to the Grotto, which was also the newly built CAP headquarters. I had been given the honor of being elected Chief Executive of our growing colony. I could basically do whatever I wanted to as long as I didn't piss off the people. We had just over 2,200 people now living either in Big Bear or the area by the CAP tower that we were converting. The security forces only...

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"The 40 VIRGINS of SHANGHAI" by markfayerDick and junior woke up the next morning, hung-over from their night-long bout with "JOhn Barleycorn"You know, Junior", says Dick, he says: "I had a vivid Dream last night wherein I floated out of our Cave hide-out and over West past the Coast and into the Pacific Ocean-- and It was you and I aboard a Steamliner heading towards the Far East; to The Orient. And the Catch is, that we find ourselves thrown in a Cargo-hold of Forty Vestal Virgins --petite...

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The Mailman Sees

Tom was getting ready to go on a week long hunting trip, as his five poker buddies pulled into the drive way. He was loading up some of his dogs, when his buddies came in to raid my coffee pot. I smiled at them and put on another pot, while the men made small talk to me. I had on a long terry cloth robe with nothing on under it. The men were undressing me with their eyes as I walked around the kitchen. I could feel their eyes on me. I grinned to myself, and thought wait til poker night. I am...

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Private Julia De Lucia Gina Ferocious Enjoy Gonzo Anal Threesome

Julia de Lucia and Gina Ferocious have come to Private Specials, Anal Threesomes by Private 3 for just one thing… wild sex, and that’s exactly what you can expect from yet another Raúl Lora gonzo masterclass. Be sure not to miss these horny girls in action on as they masturbate and play with their favourite toys before the lucky Nick Moreno joins in on the fun. Then watch Julia and Gina share a nice sloppy blowjob before offering up their pussy and asses for a hard ramming as...

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TwentyFive PairsChapter 11

Fredericksburg, Virginia 2012 Only a few weeks later, after our first time together, we were caught. "Hey," Ronnie whispered, peeking into my dark bedroom and I shushed him anyway. "Shhh ... Come here!" I crooked at finger at the man, feeling my heart going faster the way it always did when he snuck in and I shivered. Ron closed the door slowly and practically tip-toed across the room and the reason we were being so quiet was right across the hall. "Dana's sleeping?" I asked...

2 years ago
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First Time Being Dominated By Two Godesses

Hello, everyone.My name is Belliappa and this is my second story on this site.I am from Bangalore and am studying engineering in a reputed college when these incidents took place. Any and all feedback is appreciated.Please read till the end and then give feedback. Women of all ages in Bangalore(I’m a bit partial to older ladies) please contact or inbox me at for safe and discreet sex encounters. As always the names of the teachers have been changed for privacy.The body measurements ​of each...

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SweetheartVideo Elsa Jean Alexis Fawx In Need Of A Good Massage

Gorgeous, big-titted blond MILF Alexis Fawx desperately needs a good massage. Fortunately, young, blond, petite cutie Elsa Jean is a masseuse with great technique. Alexis can’t believe her good luck as Elsa begins running her youthful hands all over Alexis’ toned body, until Alexis is overcome with the desperate need to taste Elsa’s pouty lips. Elsa is surprised, but very pleased as she craves the older woman’s hot curves and wet, slick pussy. Elsa and Alexis can not get...

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CumSwappingSis Molly Little Sera Ryder Stepsis And Friend Need My Dick

Molly Little and her friend Sera Ryder are having a fun time in the kitchen together playing mother and daughter with gummy worms and whipped cream. Molly’s stepbrother, Jay Romero, asks who he can be and is told he can be the daddy. Jay tries to steal gummy worm, and Sera tells him he can have it if he comes to get it as she drops it down her shirt into her cleavage. Sera’s flirting with Jay just makes Molly jealous since she has a family sex fetish, so she comes on to her friend...

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TV Slut and Cottage Master Part 1

I'd arranged to meet a regular mature dom guy called Steve at the site, before I left the North East hotel I was at previously (And had made special arrangements to stay late checkout) I'd cleaned (Internally & externally) and shaved.I got their early and completed my change in the disabled toilets, I put some normal (Drab) clothes over the top of my black satin blouse, black corset with my fake boobs in, a purple and black PVC slut boddice number with suspender straps and a studded collar,...

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 25 Modeling Camp Week 1

I woke up early and ran. Today was a lovely summer day. You could smell the cut grass, which reminded me I needed to mow our lawn. I took in our neighborhood as it slowly came awake. As I began to run I knew I needed to think. I quickly fell into the zone. Tami dating Trevor had rocked me. I'd been making decisions based on our long term relationship above and beyond just friendship. She said nothing had changed, but for me it had. My other two best friends, Alan and Jeff, were nowhere as...

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I Lost His Number

Disclaimer: All characters are over eighteen years of age. This story contains gratuitous drama and inordinate amounts of sex that never result in chafing. Editing credit: Blind_Justice Copyright © 2012 redskyes Prologue Kyle and I had been dating for just over a year. His firm had two offices, one in Houston, where I lived, and the home office in Rockport. Kyle frequently bounced between them, but we managed to find time for each other. We were introduced by our coworkers at a party after...

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Fun day after school

Today started as a normal day in which I just wanted to watch some gay porn, suck a cock or two then maybe get a blowjob. I was new to the area so I did not know where to go so to begin this quest so I looked for a gay movie theater. There was one downtown which also said it had a collection of adult books and DVD’s for sale.I arrived at the location and it was in a good neighborhood so I felt safe parking and heading inside. When I entered I found it just as it was described, racks of books...

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MylfXTeamSkeet Lolly Dames Selena Love 4th of July Wiener

Selena Love and her stepmom Lolly Dames are ready to celebrate 4th of July, but Lolly wants to make sure that Selena follows her diet and keeps practicing for her dance recital. When stepbrother Johnny arrives at the party, he starts grilling some hotdogs, and sneakily gives some to Selena who starts sucking on his wiener as a way to say thank you! Once their stepmom leaves to see some fireworks with their neighbors, Selena and Johnny go to the bedroom and finish what they started… Nothing like...

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Chriss Surprise Prize Part 4

Chris's Surprise Prize Part 4 On the bedside cabinet a cup of coffee was waiting for me. As I drank my coffee the smells of mom cooking breakfast drifted down the passage. I got up and put on my fluffy slippers and my gown and went to join mom in the kitchen. Mom was at the stove wearing a long pink satin nightgown and pink marabou feather high heel slippers. She turned to face me when I greeted her. "Did you sleep well my darling, are you ready for some...

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our first time

we are a couple and all our stories are written together and are 100% truethis is also our first story so please commentmy girl friend has told me since the first time we slept together that she would love to exp a woman last night i decided to get a bit naughty, i had a bath and came into the bedroom, she then went for a bath.while she was bathing i decided to put on a soft silky thong, while looking through the draw i found a pair of self hold up stockings so i put them on too.i put...

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My first time at the gyno

I was so nervous as I entered the waiting room, my legs even trembled slightly as I walked to the reception desk to check in for my appointment. "Hi, I'm Leah, I have an appointment at two," I mumbled, feeling my cheeks flush as if this were something terribly embarrassing. The receptionist smiled up at me before typing something into the computer."With Dr Kelley?" she asked."Yes," I replied, tucking my hair behind my ears."He's running ever so slightly late, so take a seat and wait for your...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 Chapter 4 Halflings Nubile Harem

Book 5: The Vault's Treasure Chapter Four: Halfling's Nubile Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xerathalasia – Road to Yevix, Magery of Thosi I crested the hill and smiled at the thick, blue river widening across the broad, flat plain. It was far thicker than the Ichir River we had ridden past for the last five days since leaving the village of Lor-Khev. Where the Ichir flowed into the broader Royton, a large city, Yevix, marred the...

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Lost EmpireChapter 7

Derrick jerked awake as the proximity alarm began to wail, "Shelby report!" Derrick shouted. "I am reading multiple ships heading in this general direction," she reported. "Configuration," I shouted as I ran to the bridge. "I am reading at least four; first class Ranger ships, closing on our location." Shelby replied. Damn it! First class? Plus there was the fact that there were 4 of them? They weren't playing this time these were the finest ships they had. Heavily armored,...

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Always hard the beginning Chapter 17

March 1954 The Teasing TenantJackie came into Vic’s life in the spring of 1954. She had the longest, most beautiful legs he’d ever seen on any woman. But, it wasn't just Jackie’s nice legs that excited him. It was how this Jackie showed them off to him. It was on a night his mother and stepfather were out grocery shopping. He was home alone. At least, he thought he was alone. At the time, he was watching Captain Video from where he always watched television, lying on the living room...

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Country BoyChapter 4

Larry only received $179,000 from his lawsuits against the companies responsible for his wife’s death and his injury. They filed bankruptcy and were forced to liquidate so he did receive some satisfaction from that. His employer had structured the ownership well enough that they were only responsible for the wrongful dismissal part of his lawsuits and the permanent health insurance requirement. That might not have been possible except for the sneaky way his attorney structured the...

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For Sadists Only Whipped by Peter

It was many months since Rob had taken his wife Yvonne to their friend Tony, for those horrible sadism sessions previously described. Now, as he knelt astride her head and fucked her mouth, he began to tell her of his latest plans which involved a guy he'd met on the Internet. Yvonne, gagging and choking as her husband forced his large, lusting cock right to the back of her mouth, couldn't speak. She shuddered at the thought of the appalling treatment that she'd suffered on those earlier...

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Hot Aunty Steals a Young Virgin Cock before Suhaagrat

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read Velamma and Ramesh received an invitation in the mail for a wedding. Ramesh’s brother’s step-son, Ramu, was getting married, and neither of them could believe it. They arrived a few days early and checked into the resort venue, as planned. Once they were all settled in their rooms, Velamma and Ramesh headed to the pool. Velamma’s son, Vijay, and his wife had just arrived, and they walked over to Velamma and Ramesh. They...

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Hobbs Pt 1

He eventually found a nice small town to settle in. There was no animal control to worry about, an old man that lived alone kind of adopted him. The man wouldn’t try to leash up Hobbs, all he seemed to want was just to pet the old dog and leave him a nice big dish of dog food or some delicious leftovers from the man’s meals. Hobbs was starting to think he had a good thing going. He can wander around without any worry, a nice old man that would feed him and give him good scratches behind the...

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The Secret Life of Michelle

If anyone had ever looked at Michelle, while passing her on the street, you’d never guess how interesting this girl was. She was a long haired brunette, with a fairly athletic build, and a great smile. Michelle was well liked among her friends at the Hamilton Heights Academy, and one of the better students who’d be graduating this coming May. Michelle’s friends were generally the sons of wealthy aristocrats, and as such they never really got into much trouble, so Michelle was...

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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired...

3 years ago
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Best Friends1

One day Lisa & I were shopping and in the fitting room trying on clothes. Because we were together so much we changed in the same room together. We had seen each other nude several times and weren't shy around each other. This particular day we were looking for bikinis to wear for the summer swimming season. Lisa had chosen several cute bikinis but and was trying them on; she would always ask me to help her fasten the tops. This particular one was bright pink and barely covered her huge...

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A Jedis Training Ch 16

Chapter 16 – Truth and Reconciliation Liana could feel a dull throbbing in her head as the fog gradually lifted. She rubbed her eyes as she propped herself up on her elbow, letting the spinning in her head gradually stabilize as she looked around the room. The first thing she noticed, since it was difficult to miss, was Jacen lying behind her, his stiff penis half-immersed in her still-wet vagina. She gasped in shock, realizing that they were both naked and, presumably, had previously been...

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CoercedChapter 15

I heard the voices of some of the arriving guests as I was preparing a tray of snacks and a salad in the kitchen. I delivered the food to the family room. Lisa and Tracy were there with the three friends of Lisa's, the same three who were with her when I was forced to eat each of them to orgasm while being paddled. None of them paid any attention to me for which I was grateful. I heard more voices and Brian and Bob walked into the room accompanied by Sheila. The two boys saw me and looked...

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Private Jessika Night Wild Girl

Jessika Night has come to Private Specials, Forever Young, ready to journey into the wild and release her primal instants as she takes a trip with her man Nikky Nutz that she’ll never forget. Watch these love birds get a room on as the gorgeous Jessika offers up her sweet pussy for a taste before returning the favour with a nice blowjob. Then enjoy this saucy teen in action as she puts her tight teen body to work, riding, grinding and getting fucked in all her favourite...


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