Beetlesmith’s Ch. 19 free porn video

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As promised, here is the latest installment of my Beetlesmith’s tome. This chapter turned out to be much longer than I had anticipated, and, as such, I had to break up the Henry orgy into two manageable sections, this one, and the next.

A warning to casual readers, as with much of my writing, these next two chapters touch on a number of different sexual subjects, double penetration and rimming being the most prominent outside the ‘usual’ adult, sexual practices. Also, I should add that there is one husband within the merry band of orgy participants who is a cuckold, and there is a degree of male bisexuality that is briefly touched upon very late in the chapters. None of these subjects are treated gratuitously, at least in my opinion, and fall well within the boundaries of the plot and the motivations of the characters I’ve set within the story so far. I believe all these sexual subjects, whether talked about briefly or elaborately, add another dimension to the plot, particularly as Karen, with Will’s help, begins to exercise control over the other partygoers using her newfound powers. Plotting and characterization aside, however, if some of these subjects cause you to throw your skirt over your head and make you go screaming into the woods, then don’t bother reading further.

Lastly, I wish to extend another big thank you to Bella Mariposa, who edited an early draft of these chapters.


I lead Karen upstairs, well out of earshot of the others.

Once we got to our bedroom, Karen let fly with a bevy of questions. The most prominent, but probably what I thought the least significant, being, ‘What the fuck did you just do?’

‘I gave them a very powerful aphrodisiac. It’s a drug called ‘The Elixir.’ And you guessed correctly, it was in the Sangria.’

A flash of anger crossed her face, before she said, ‘Now everything makes sense. You’ve been using this on me all along.’

‘No, and that’s the most important thing you have to understand. We’ve only taken the drug a few times, once with Gloria, once with Jackie, and then the dinner party with Denise and the others.’

‘Jesus,’ she exclaimed, ‘Where did you get it?’

She was still concentrating on the least significant questions. It frustrated me a bit.

‘That’s not important right now. What is important is that you understand how it works and what it does…’

‘I can see what it does. It turns everyone into rabid sluts in heat.’

I laughed sarcastically, before responding, ‘No you don’t understand, not really. Turning everyone into ‘rabid sluts in heat’ is just a part of what it does.’

‘What do you mean?’

Better, I had her attention.

‘Think back over these past months. Remember all those days of our heightened libido, all those morning and evening ‘twofers’ of yours, those Saturdays with Denise, that time in the car with that girl, Beth, our romp with Barbara and all yours subsequent when you were doing her behind my back. We were never under the drug’s influence during those times.’

She thought about my words. At times, muttering to herself in frustration, as if doing some mental calculation where the numbers weren’t adding up. Finally, she said in exasperation, ‘It doesn’t make sense. That Beth person wasn’t on the aphrodisiac, nor Barbara? What about that time with…’ she choked on the words before finishing, ‘That time you were with Barbara and Lisa?’

I just shook my head.

She responded, incredulously, ‘I can’t believe that. You mean mother and daughter just naturally started having sex with each other without this elixir thing? Lisa’s sicker than I thought.’

‘Don’t blame Lisa. If anyone was sick, it was me. At the time, I was sick with rage at you. Pissed at everyone, really…pissed at the whole world. So, I lashed out by making both of them have sex while you could only watch.’

‘Would you make some goddamn sense, how could you just make them, without this…this drug?’

‘That’s what I’m trying to tell you, and what you need to understand. I did it with my mind, with just a thought, just like I did moments ago with Rashid and Darcy.’ I let that declaration sink in, before continuing, ‘Do you really think Darcy would just start sucking another man’s cock in front of her husband and his wife, in front of everyone? Elixir or no, she would need a push to do something so brazen at the start. I commanded her by putting the thought in her head, and she acted on that command.’

Karen yelled with incredulity, ‘Oh bullshit! You don’t really believe that, do you? And if you do, then you’re insane.’

‘Am I?’ I almost lashed out at her insolence, but I held my anger in check. Instead, I punished her with the truth, ‘You have the ability as well. You just don’t realize it yet. Think about all your times diddling Barbara behind my back. Do you really think a young, innocent girl would just naturally play a dog…eating off the floor…drinking out of the toilet…drinking your piss…eating your…’

‘Stop!’ she screamed, while clamping her hands over her ears.

Recounting her deplorable acts—and they weren’t the most dangerous things she did to Barbara, just the most distasteful—recounting them in the open and in the full light of day, she collapsed down onto her knees in wretched, mortal embarrassment and shame, weeping uncontrollably at what she had done to an innocent girl.

I sat on the floor next to her, pulling her close. She grabbed me hard, nearly crushing the breath out of me as she laid her head against my chest and continued to cry.

Finally, through stuttering sobs, she asked, ‘How could you still love me after knowing that?’

I kissed her hair, and said with quiet conviction, ‘Because I do, and always will.’

That sent her into another uncontrolled fit of crying. I tried comforting her as best I could, but it didn’t help much. Between sobs, she continued to mutter, repeatedly, ‘How could I have done that to her? How could you still love me?’

Slowly, as she put herself through her mental torment, Karen had come to the cold, logical realization that I spoke the truth. It wasn’t Barbara and her exploring themselves together, feeding off some collective dynamic that pushed the envelope of human depravity well past even any abnormal standards. It was just Karen, herself, manipulating Barbara to do those things. Their ‘shared’ depravity was really just Karen’s, alone, and she trembled at that knowledge.

After she quieted, I continued, ‘I don’t know how, but using the elixir has given us a mental power beyond anything I could ever conceive. I don’t think it’s as powerful in you as in me, but you do have the power, as well. Your tryst with Barbara proves that. Now you know why I put you through hell these past few weeks. I wasn’t doing it just to punish you, but to force you to learn control over your emotions, and over your darker nature.’

She asked, ‘What about the others? Denise, Jackie, do they have this power as well?’

‘No, and I don’t understand why it’s only affected you and me. That’s why we have to be careful. We can’t let our arrogance get away from us. We can’t let our darker natures loose as long as we have this power. It will harm others, if not physically then mentally. It could even destroy us in the end.’

She asked with wide-eyed innocence, ‘Do you have a dark nature, like me?’

I smiled that she thought so highly of me, ‘That’s sweet of you to ask that, but yes, I do as well. Even ‘Saint’ William has dark thoughts. We all do, Karen. It’s human nature. Regrettably, I’ve unleashed my dark nature a couple of times. One of those times was in anger toward you, when I used Barbara and Lisa as tools of punishment, and for that, I’m asking you for your forgiveness and for your help. I can never do that again. You must help me control my dark nature just as I’m helping you control yours.’

‘I understand,’
she answered, thoughtfully. ‘I wish you’d have told me sooner, though.’

‘How? What could I have said before that you would have believed? If I came to you with this when it first happened, the elixir, our new abilities, you would have tried to have me committed. I needed to show you these things, and make you experience them yourself. Hell, even then you almost didn’t believe me.’

She nodded agreement.

Once I opened the Pandora’s Box in relation to the elixir, I decided to extend the tour of some of its other contents.

‘There are other side effects besides enhanced mental abilities,’ I continued, ‘The most obvious one you’ve noticed already.’

She raised a knowing eyebrow before commenting, ‘Yeah, the kielbasa you call a dick, which is now about fourteen inches long. This drug is every guy’s wet dream. It turns every chick into a bitch in heat, while making your cock huge. What does the girl get out of all this?’

‘She gets the kielbasa anywhere the guy wants to put it,’ I retorted, laughingly. ‘Don’t get all sanctimonious on me. I didn’t hear you complaining about the kielbasa before now, so it seems it’s every chick’s wet dream, as well.’

‘Well, if it gets any bigger…’

‘If it gets any bigger, we’ll just have to take more time and use more lube before slipping it in somewhere.’

‘Easy for you to say,’ she said, laughingly, ‘You’re not the one trying to fit a double meat, deli salami through an opening made for a cocktail wiener.’ She giggled to herself before continuing, ‘It’s not the length, Sir, but how thick it is that’s really becoming the problem. I’ve compared it the other night, the goddamn thing is as big around as my forearm at the widest part, and just as long. My goddamn forearm!’

I joked, ‘Just thinking about it makes you squirt, doesn’t it?’

‘Yes!’ she responded with an embarrassed giggle. Then she got serious again, ‘I mean it, Sir, if it gets any thicker you might as well forget about blowjobs, because your tool isn’t fitting in that placewithout pulling teeth.’

‘I guess I’ll have to find some hot grannies with dentures, then.’

‘Funny. Go ahead and make jokes, but before long, if it continues to get bigger, anal sex won’t be much fun for me either, no matter how much lube we use.’

‘No more butt fucking? Now you arescaring me,’ I joked at first, before telling her it was also my fear, ‘I agree with you. I don’t want this thing getting any bigger, either. That’s why I’ve decided you and I won’t be taking the drug any longer, among other reasons. Without the drug, the growth should stop.’

‘Will it?’

No, not so far anyway, which was another worry.

I shrugged my shoulders, and told her a half-lie, ‘It’s too soon to tell, but I don’t see why not.’

After voicing her fears about my changing physical nature, I hesitated telling her the rest, telling her about the same dreams we’ve been having and the nightmares plaguing Denise, about my growing callousness and disregard for others feelings and well-being, about the fact we could project emotions and visions other than lust into the others, about my vision outside of Beetlesmith’s that day, and so many of the other minor peculiarities outside the realm of normalcy and logic that I’ve experienced. It was all too much to tell at the moment. Instead, I gave her the opportunity to vent her anger at me at what I had done. ‘Well, now you know. I happened onto this thing at a time in our marriage when we weren’t setting the night on fire. And to tell you the truth, I felt, deep down, I was losing you. I was desperate to try anything that would spark your desire in me again. Stupid, I know. I know now I should have told you about it, at least after that first time with Gloria. Maybe then, things would have been different between us without the drug, if you had known my thoughts about losing you.’

I stared at her face. A small tear slowly made its way down her cheek, as she stared back at me, doe-eyed. Smiling at her, I wanted to kiss her more in that moment than at any other time in our marriage. She was forgiving me, unconditionally. Taking her hand gently in mine, I rubbed a thumb across her knuckles, while saying, ‘You’re being too easy on me. This may be your only chance to kick my ass for being so stupid.’

‘What you did…with the drug, I mean…this is about…about him, wasn’t it?’

‘It was about a lot of things that were going on in our marriage at the time. He was never a factor. Most of all, I wanted you to desire me again, as you did when we were first married. I just wanted it to be like it was.’

She blinked once to clear the water from her eyes, and said, ‘You dope, you should know you could never lose me. I love you and I always will!’ With that, she pressed her lips to mine, and we fell into each other as if it was the first time. After a while, she added, ‘And I can’t lie to you. I like what’s been happening to us. So there it is. I can’t be mad at you although I should be, because being mad at you would make me the worst kind of hypocrite. That said, I just hope what we’re experiencing doesn’t go any further. I like taking you up the ass too much to just quit.’

I laughed at her self-deprecating joke, before agreeing, ‘I hope so, too.’

She thought a bit more about what I told her, probably trying to weigh all the conceivable positives and negatives, all of the good, along with the bad caused by the use of the elixir, just as I have been doing these past months. Yet, it was all too much to process at the moment. Instead, she asked with a sigh, ‘What do we do now?’

Standing up, I pulled her up to me, saying, ‘I think we should see to our guests. They should be in full swing by now. But first, I’m going to change into my bathrobe.’

‘Bathrobe? Don’t you want to…you know…join in?’

I kissed her deeply, while pushing those thoughts of bliss and tranquility into her mind. Immediately, I felt her arousal begin to percolate. ‘Of course I do, and so do you. But, for the time being I’m going to continue playing ‘The Hef,’ and just watch how the others have their fun before joining. I think you should too. Sit in the big chair with me for a while, and learn how to focus your mental abilities. You should get used to using these powers.’

‘After Barbara, I don’t think I should.’

‘Because of Barbara, I think it imperative you should. It will be good training for you. You have to become aware of what it feels like, and to learn what you can and cannot do.’

She still looked at me with apprehension.

‘Don’t worry. I’ll be with you to guide you.’

Reassured, she nodded her head before wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me deeply.

I took this moment to slide her skirt off and remove her bikini bra, then said, ‘Leave the thong on for now. You can be my sultry, mistress Queen, sitting at my side while we watch our toys playing with each other and themselves.’

‘Speaking of toys, are we like the others? On the drug, I mean.’

‘No. As I said, we won’t be taking the elixir anymore. We’re both in our…how should I say it…we’re both in our new, natural state.’

‘Really!’ she exclaimed, with surprise.

‘Why is that so surprising? How do you feel?’

She reached down into my boxers and stroked my cock lovingly with her fingertips, while saying, ‘Because it feels like I’m on it. Because I want you to push this down my throat, while I beg you to fuck my cunt. And Master, I want you to keep fucking my pussy and my mouth until I pass out. Then you can start fucking my ass, and keep fucking it until I squirt in Jackie’s face, over and over, again.’

‘Now, I thought I was supposed to do all that to Linda.’

‘Oh Sir, you’re making my pussy drip, again.’

‘I haven’t even started yet.’

I almost gave her a full demonstration of the extent of my powers—our powers, really—right then and there. It would have been so easy to show her wha
t I could do, by pushing her into a screaming orgasm with just a touch to her mons. Something held me back, however—vanity, I guess.

I always want her to think it was just me and me alone, without use of the drug or my powers that makes her feel like no one else on the planet could feel. Yes, I am Robo-cock—forever.

‘Now, let’s gather up all your toys. I’m sure our guests will put them to good use.’


When Karen and I got back to the guests, things were in various states of ‘ordered’ chaos.

Some of them were fully active in various fuck and suck sessions with various partners, while some, like Gabby and her husband Phil, just played with themselves as they passively watched the actions of the others. It was odd. Neither of them played with the other, but just sat naked on the couch fiddling about at masturbation.

Surprisingly, some guests hadn’t committed to anything yet, and were still dressed, frantically looking about. One of those was Mark, hard to believe.

After Karen peeled away from me to deposit her toys around the room, I ventured over to Mark to find out what was wrong. At first, I assumed he didn’t get a large enough dose of elixir, and was still within his normal, repressed state.

‘Hey man, anything wrong?’ I asked.

He was sweating profusely, and his head and hands nervously shifted about as if he was a junky in desperate need of a fix. He responded loudly, like a deaf person who thinks everyone is as hard of hearing as they are. It was obvious he was overly jacked on elixir.

‘Wrong? No man, nothing’s wrong. Great party! You and Karen always do a great party.’

‘Well, what are you waiting for? I’m sure the ladies would love to meet you, particularly when you take your pants off. Hey look, there’s Jackie. I know she’s into you. Why don’t you go over there and grab her big tits.’

Jackie was on the other side of the room, along with Denise and Mark’s ex-wife, Linda. Jackie and Denise were completely naked, their arms around each other as they squeezed the other’s buttocks, playfully. Linda wasn’t completely undressed. Holding her blouse in a hand, she still had on her bra and slacks. All three were looking down at the other lounger, but I couldn’t see at what because they were blocking my view.

‘Oh man, you didn’t tell me she’d be here,’ Mark responded, loudly.

‘Who, Jackie?’

‘No, Linda. I don’t know if I can do any of this with her here.’

I was confused by his answer. ‘Sorry man. Karen invited her. But hey, you don’t have to fuck her, plenty of other fuckable women here. Why, just look at Sara going to town on Carl and Jack. Boy, she really likes to suck cock. I bet she’d love a third one shoved in her face. And, just whose face is she sitting on, anyway? Why that’s Pammy, go on man, forget about Linda and get in the middle of that. Just stick that big dick of yours into Pam’s dripping bush. She’ll squeal in surprise and delight.’

‘It’s not that man,’ he started to say, loudly, then dropping his voice almost to a whisper, ‘I don’t know if I can take watching Linda fuck other guys.’

Oh that was it.

‘Yeah, I know what you mean. I had a hard time watching you fuck Karen, but I got over it, sort of. Look, if I can get over seeing my wife fucking another guy, especially another guy that made her squirt like you did, how much easier will it be for you to get over Linda?’

Just then, as Sara continued to pump their cocks with her delicate hands, both Carl and Jack shot a heavy load into her waiting mouth.

She is good. Got them both off at the same time.

‘Well looky there. I think a spot just opened up for you. Go on. Stick your cock right into Sara’s mouth.’

I thought I had him coaxed off the couch, when Gabby finally made her presence known. She must have been waiting to see the money shot from Jack and Carl, and now she was ready to get down to business.

Strutting around the living room with hands on hips, she announced as if the queen of the orgies had just arrived, ‘Okay, which one of you peckerwoods is man enough to fill my snatch?’

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Dr. Maggie Sanders heard their stories at dinner that night, and was amazed. The world didn’t work this way, she knew that like she knew the sky was blue, but her recent experience told her that maybe she was mistaken about that. She talked with Dr. Cole and grew even more certain that there were things here that defied scientific explanation so far. The best science could offer at the moment was to describe what was happening, but explaining why it was happening just wasn’t possible yet. Yet...

1 year ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 60

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Lucie 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan Ungrown - unnumbered 3 - onboard Tempro awaiting Shelby 1000 - Sherry - lost at the moment Zimmel just sighed when Lucie told him that they still had to find Sherry. “I’ve got one simple question for you.” He stated. “Just how in the...

3 years ago
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The Torturers Apprentice

The Standard Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction with content suitable only for adults (and stable ones at that). If you are prohibited from reading such material by the laws or standards of your community please depart immediately. Likewise, if you can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy kindly leave and seek professional help.

2 years ago
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Extreme oral session

This is a story my Friend Amy ( name changed for privacy) wrote to me telling me her fantasy that she has about me. Her and I are always pushing each others limits to see where we can go. “Amy” I hear you say. “Amy, come on” as you grab my hand and pull me along. I feel my heel catch on the carpet as I try to keep up with your long strides. I sneak a peek at your crotch and I see your pants are bulging out. My mind races and my forehead begins to sweat as I try to hurry. My eyes move over...

4 years ago
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Having an Affair With My Sisters Friend Part 1

I'm Amber and 30. I'm 5'1 and have a nice brother named Lee. One Saturday I went to the Colchester zoo with my brother, my 5 year old daughter named Jessica. My friend named Karen and her 6 year old son named John also tagged along. Our two husbands both had to work. We were all looking at the bears. “John don't knock on the glass,” Karen said. “OK mommy,” John replied. Then we started walking again. We saw a bunch of different animals. Everything from tigers to monkeys. It was a nice day out....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Returning HomeChapter 3

I was so surprised to hear Molly say she was going to be living with me. I honestly couldn't answer her. Sue came down from the porch and I asked her exactly what was going on? "After you left this morning, Chris and I went over to help mom clean up the mess from the remainder of the party. I know you're not going to believe this, but it was Mom and Dad's idea. She mentioned to Chris that they had talked about it. They offered the second floor to them since they have that big house all...

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Poolside Summer Fun

It was the hottest day of the year, only about 10:30 in the morning and already thirty degrees. Mark stepped onto the deck, closing the door to the kitchen behind him. It was Wednesday and he had submitted the latest chapter of his book to his editor only a few hours ago, and was in need of a day off. And a beautiful day it was, too. His sister Jennifer had put her head around his bedroom door that morning, telling him that she'd be going out after work. “It's Erica's birthday and we're doing a...

2 years ago
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Chocolate and Gold Ch 08

I’ve lost track of time over the last four months. So much has happened so quickly that none of us had time to stop and smell the coffee, or the roses, or anything else. I’ll try to put it in chronological order if I can. First, the results of the trials were much better than anticipated. The fully formulated resin was much more efficient, so we were able to get more power than the initial prototypes. In addition, the thin panel product was fully functional as a power source, while not quite...

2 years ago
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First Time Gay BBC

When I was a teenager, and recently turned 18, I met a friend of the family, named Bill, who worked at a movie theater in the maintenance department. My life would change forever. Until I met him, I had lived a very sheltered life. My mom kept me in church and always reminding me that sex outside of marriage was a sin and I would go to hell for all time. I was so afraid that I rarely masturbated. And afterwards I was so guilt filled that I confessed to God my sin of feeling good. Bill was a...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon at Disneyland

Me and John had been fucking around behind my other-half’s back for three years. I’d carve a pumpkin for him for Halloween and we’d fuck. I’d bring him a basket on Easter morning and we’d fuck. I’d string a tree with lights, decorate it and on Christmas Eve before opening our presents to each other, we’d fuck. For three years, I’d bake him a birthday cake. After he blew out all the candles, we’d fuck.For me, at least, the time passed really fast. We were like two little boys, but in grown men’s...

1 year ago
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Virgin Girlfriend And Her Mother

Hi guys, I am an avid reader of Indian sex stories. I am an escort from Kerala. This story happened 2 years back when I was in school. It goes how I got to fuck my classmate and her mom in one whole swing for about 2 years. Her name is Shreya (name changed) she was about 30-28-36 we were “Lovers” back I was in 11th and I used to watch a lot of porn movies it was one of my hobbies. I used to imagine to how to fuck a lady. Shreya and I had an already setup relationship it was simply for fun to...

4 years ago
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Finger Magic

It was a quiet Sunday evening in with my wife and my mate Eric, chatting about all sorts of garbage while watching the telly in the background and nibbling snacks alongside some documentary on the human condition, and why orgasms are great for the propagation of the species. "Yeah, but how's a fingering suppose to help you get pregnant?" blurted Eric, to which we simply stared and I replied "I think you're meant to make her orgasm while you're doing the deed itself"."Ohh! they always end up...

1 year ago
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The Student Teacher BluesChapter 6

Bob was weeding a bed of Hydrangeas, which wasn't going well because he kept thinking of Cecelia and wasn't paying attention to what were weeds and what were Hydrangeas. It disgusted him a bit that he couldn't control himself. She was just a woman, after all, like any other woman, right? And, while he hadn't exactly sworn off women, like she seemed to have sworn off men... That distracted him. It was almost criminal that she had sworn off men. That no man got to bask in her beauty ......

2 years ago
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The White Wolf 00

The legend of the white wolf explained Story tells of a white wolf, pure as the moon, and his mate black as the night sky. The purity of the white wolf was said to even out the evil in the black one. Their love was one of legends, it was told then when the time of the white wolf came there would be peace among all packs. The two mates were to be so loved by all that they would conquer the world. This story was translated from an ancient wolven script and part of the legend was lost along the...

3 years ago
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Working Late

I was about 25 and working for an office based company in the West Midlands. The work was alright, but sometimes deadlines could be tight and one or more of us would end up working til 10pm or even later.The department secretary was a lady, Sally, probably in her forties. She had long blonde hair, a slim body and always wore tight, short skirts, dark tights and shiny heels. Her breasts were often straining the buttons on her white blouses. I had had a few wanks in the office toilets thinking...

3 years ago
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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 02

I don’t know how I ended up being a twenty-three year old virgin. It wasn’t that I didn’t try to lose my virginity. It was just that every try ended up in disaster. To use the old baseball analogy, somewhere between first and second base I always got tagged out... or fell... or just turned and ran for the dugout.I had several different fantasies about what my first time would be like. Some of those fantasies had me seducing a voluptuous movie star. Some had me taking one of my nice looking...

2 years ago
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Behosh Bhabhi Ki Chudai Part 8211 1

Hello everyone of indian sex stories dot net, I am Samar and I am back with my new story. Ye story ek dum real hai or kuch samay pehle ki hi hai. Ye story mere or meri bhabhi kr beech ki hai. Ye ek 100% real story hai, to thodi lambi hai. KyuKi real life me sex easily nahi milta. Isliye thoda sabr karke padho. Sabse pehle apni bhabhi ke baare me bata du. Meri Bhabhi ka naam “Naina” hai. Wo Shimla ki hai. Bhabhi ka figure 34 – 25 – 34 hai. Isse yeh to pakka ho gaya tha, ki bhabhi shaadi se pehle...

4 years ago
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Dont Be Too Familiar V

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR V CHAPTER TEN Marveling at what had just transpired, Jacob looks over the incredible sleeping form of Laura. She had just had her way with him, and he enjoyed it. She had pushed him back on the bed and straddled her lover. Climbing on top was ok, as far as Jacob was concerned as she impaled herself on his waiting hardon. He expected to have her ride his excitement, fulfilling her need to be in control. He did not expect that after she positioned his penis...

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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 7

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 7: I Need To See"Sam? It's... it's your mom again." Spencer says hesitantly, holding the phone.I draw my knees up to me, resting my chin on them and shaking my head."Sam..." He sighs and puts the phone to his ear. "Sorry Mrs Puckett, Sam's... Sam's not... she's not... she can't talk right now." He ends the call, turning to look at me. It's all anyone seems to do these days. Look at me, with that mixture of sympathy and pity and... and fear. It makes me sick....

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When I decided to make law enforcement my career choice, I knew that I would be helping people. That part of the job attracted me. I wanted to make a difference and I wanted to make my town a safer and nicer place to live - you know all the typical recruitment jargon. But one sweltering July day, the words "Serve and Protect" took on a whole new and erotic meaning. I was sitting on the I-40 freeway about 10 minutes west of Amarillo doing traffic duty. It was a long empty stretch of road and...

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Becoming a reluctant girl

. Hello my name is Yvonne and i wanted to write down my life story for You – my Master of my everlasting dreams! I was born as a boy in the late 60s and had a really happy c***dhood up to the age of my 10th birthday. Then my Mother died at an accident and my father was really sad about the loss of my mother. But after a while he was screwing around to forget his mourning. He learned to know a really beautiful but very demanding woman. She was at the age of 25 years and knows what she wanted....

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Operation Eagle Chapters 15

Even though it was a sunny and bright day, the room was completely dark. The only thing that gave off light in the room was a projector that sat on top of the dark, polished oval table. There was a reason why the room was so dark. Why would the CIA show sensitive information near a window where someone could look in? Now that was just plain stupid. The CIA director was showing slides and information about the woman's new assignment. Only three people resided in the room: a poised woman on one...

2 years ago
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Summer Camp Chapter One

Dan could not believe his luck. It was a really hot July, and he was on a school camping trip. He had just finished his exams and hoped to go to Uni in September. He had gone on the camping trip to help pass the time. On the first day at the camp he had met Lana, a truly beautiful girl his own age. They clicked and spent a lot of time together, albeit rarely alone. They joined in the events together though and got to spend time together that way.Dan and Lana did snatch some alone time. Like the...

2 years ago
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Down By the Bay

As the summer breeze blew gently across the bay, Dixie knew that their weekend retreat was coming to an end. Tonight would be the last night her and Drew would spend in the secluded little cabin away from the hustle and bustle of the city, she thought as she walked along the bay shore. As the sun began to set, Drew watched as Dixie’s silhouette walked at the water’s edge. The sun cast colors of reds and oranges across her white cotton dress, as the breeze cast sprays of water upon her...

1 year ago
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Date Night Out

On my way home from a rough week of work, I stopped and picked up some steaks, shrimp and drinks in hopes that my wife would agree to one of our very special date nights that we enjoy together. As I came in Jackie greeted me and I showed her the catch of the day and asked her if she would like for me to do the cooking tonight. She smiled and responded that she was thinking the same thing earlier in the day. I brought out the one hitter and the best smoke on the market. One hit two hits three...

Drunk sex
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She put the beast back to sleep

I get in bed and sigh thinking of how bad the day was. I start to doze off with the only sound of hum of a desktop fan. Just wanting to forget about everything. Sometime in the middle of the night I groggily wake up. I dreamed I heard my name, or did I? Very soft steps on the carpet I hear,I feel someone crawl in bed. Still out of it, I felt this person who I figured was a female since I felt two mounds come over me as she rolled to the other side she settled down next to me and after afew...

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23rd Century Digital Girl Chapter 3

The big toe of her left foot twitched. Slightly, but it really twitched. I looked at Nicole’s face. Her jaw muscles were tight, her face glistening with sweat. Then I noticed that her right eye looked normal again. “What’s going on?” I asked. “You can remove the charger.” “Is everything all right? You don’t look very well,” I said, sitting beside her. “The system is still not functioning properly, but I will be fine soon.” “It is painful, isn’t it?” She nodded. “I have cramps,” she said...

3 years ago
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Yangus x Butt Slammer

Yangus hurried to the closest bar around, The Cockatoo’s Nest, quite a rundown place from the looks of it on the outside. When he stepped in, much to his surprise, it looked rather luxury with red velvet sofas and dark lights. The bartender was an enormous cigar smoking bulldog wearing a strap-on. Yangus ordered a scotch and asked him about the whereabouts of Butt Slammer. It was only then the bulldog really paid some attention to him: “Butt Slammer? Yeah, I can see why he has interest in you....

2 years ago
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Training Sarah PArt Two the abuse continues

Now I had never tasted pussy before and thought this would be a risk free way to do it. The next night, after I helped her masturbate herself, this time through her panties so they would be sopping wet, I slowly pulled her soaked panties down her legs and took them off. I folded them over so the wettest part of the panties was facing out, and put them next to her mouth and nose. I pushed her legs apart at the knees and starting licking her pussy with long deep strokes. She responded by moving...

1 year ago
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Bingo Night at Wittenberg

[Note: I have merely recorded what Uncle Dave said. Any blame should be sent to him. He says he can be reached at Shaddupyourfatface DOT com.] Hello boys and girls. This is your Uncle Dave here, presenting today’s history talk. There’s a lot of things that happened on this day in history. For example, the Austro-Hungarian empire officially ended its existence, but I can tell all of you about it next year on its hundreth anniversary. Hunredth, hundredth, that d-t-h is hard to say. Let’s see....

3 years ago
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The Silencers DaughterChapter 12

Lilly and Jennifer left the administration office. As they came out of the office, Raven came walking down the hallway. Raven said, "Are we having fun?" "Not one bit," Lilly replied. "I have never seen so many pieces of paper in my entire life." "I know," Raven said. "We are worse than working for most governments. We are going to have to wait on Christina. She is helping Nick with a problem. Ryan is going to be your weapons instructor now." Lilly asked, "Who? The geeky...

4 years ago
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Forced Into Female Dressing

Hi everyone I am new on this site and this is my first pen downed story here. Please mail your responses @ All you girls reading this message it will give you lot of enjoyment as you read my experience. Please do mail me if you want to take the fun as they did. To begin with, my name is prince… Ya ya feminized prince. I am 21 yr old residing in Mumbai, slim and thin. After my graduation I started working. In our team of 5. Four of them were girls. To name them temporarily- sonia, seema, sana...

3 years ago
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A Childs Punishment

A child will forgive his parents almost anything, and given enough time most will forgive all. Not this child. Edited by LadyCibelle and made better by her suggestions. A Child’s Punishment I watched her walk up the four steps to the entrance of the building, stop on the landing and speak into what I suspected was an intercom, then reach for the entrance door. Even from where I was standing, I could hear the buzz releasing the lock. She went inside still carrying the tube, stood in the...

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Autograph from Trish Stratus

I'm in line to get a autograph from Trish Stratus. I see her sitting there, signing autographs, giving each person a beautiful smile. Occasionally, she stroked her blonde hair back when she felt it move. The line got smaller, and, as I got closer, I noticed that she looked more like a sexy goddess. When there was one person left, I saw her wrestling attire and noticed her cleavage and her nice, big breasts. I was nervous as ever.

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 16 Double Naked

Ashley Law was our next wrestler. The Sig's card was blank, so the girl who just lost her bra had to pick a card from the Sig's box. Gigi Ross was the girl drawn. I didn't know Gigi. Like the three girls before her, Gigi started out fast and rough, charging Ashley and trying to clothesline her. Ashley had seen this move three times already, so she sidestepped Gigi's charge, and shoved her in the back as Gigi skidded past. Ashley turned to go after Gigi, who was face down in the mud. She...

2 years ago
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A Not So Happy Anniversary

MMF,Cuck,NC,ExhibI held the door for Lynne and then followed her into the club. Ihated places like this. Loud, smoky, crowded, I hate them. But itwas our fifth anniversary and Lynne loves to dance. So once ayear I take her to a club and she gets to dance. Not with me. Ican't dance. Well, I can fake a slow dance. But why bother. Ijust don't see the point in dancing. Lynne wouldn't have any trouble finding dance partners. She washot. No, I didn't say that right, she was HOT! Yeah, that's it.She...

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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 6

Jamilah Hassan was a very pretty woman. Her eyes were a light brown near the pupils with a dark green outer ring. Their unique color, wide spacing and her high cheekbones gave them a very cat-like quality. Her nose was thin and turned up slightly, while her mouth was generous and full lipped. She had a slight overbite that made her somehow even more attractive. She had a nice body also. No, her breasts weren't big like Fatima's or her legs long like Basheera, but the package was still...

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