Audrina free porn video

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Strolling alone in the darkness, I found a temporary peace that placed my mind at ease.

I walked along the side of the road until I came to my driveway.

I bent down to pick up yesterday’s paper from the doorway, and saw something that sent a thrill through me.

Eyes peering from my window.

Eyes I’d seen too many times before and had thought it would take longer for me to meet again, but it would seem I was wrong.

Sighing, and bracing myself, I called up to the wolfish pain in my ass, ‘Whatever is it now, Charlie?’

I reached into my pocket, slipped out my keys and unlocked the door, unsurprised to find Charles Channing no longer in my window and currently in my doorway.

He swept his arm to the side, cocking his head to allow me entry into my own house. I rolled my eyes and walked in.

‘I simply missed you, love. How are you doing these days?’

He closed the door and locked it behind us, then followed me into the kitchen.

I sighed once more and slipped out of my shoes before pulling myself onto the counter top.

‘Oh, you know, swell.’

Charlie laughed and stepped closer to me, bracing his hands on the counter beside me.

‘No, Audie, really-how are you?’ He cocked his head at me, the grin now a small smile.

I ran my hands down my face and decided it’d take less time to just answer.

‘Well, I’ve had a rough few weeks, Char. Two funerals and my grandmother is driving me crazier than I already am. I also haven’t seen you in several months.’ I glared at his yellow eyes with the last part.

‘I’m sorry. How was the family?’ He was closer somehow, though I was doubting he’d moved a single inch.

‘They had a few mild hurricanes, but they’re better than I thought they’d be.’

‘Good.’ He breathed the word over my face.

I could barely stand not to move towards him, but I knew if I tried anything first, before he did, I’d end up more frustrated than I was already. So I sat on my hands and waited.

He chuckled.

That deep and low laugh tinged with a growl that was more a sound of amusement than any kind of laughter.

That sound I loved.

‘I don’t have the patience to play with you tonight.’ I was sure he was closer now, his face almost touched mine.

‘Aren’t I lucky, then?’ I smirked and glanced up at his eyes, still a burning bright gold.

He smiled back with a quick quirk of the lips and slid his hands to my cheeks.

‘I truly did miss you.’ He was so warm and familiar. I hated when he left.

‘That explains the sooner-than-expected visit.’ I responded and then regretted it immensely.

He sighed and closed his eyes. I shook my head at him.

‘No, Char, that’s not what I-‘

‘Shut up, it is what you meant and you had a reason to mean it, just…give me a second, okay?’

I shut my mouth and nodded, sulking at my missed kiss he’d been so close to giving me before I stuck my foot in my mouth.

He took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes for a long moment, thinking, I can only assume.

Most likely, he was arranging his words together in his head.

Finally he spoke to me again.

‘I was going to say this later because I figured it would be easier after having a few hours to get used to being close to you again, but I think I should tell you now.’

He inhaled deeply and began again, rubbing his thumb along my jawline absentmindedly.

‘I’m not leaving again. Ever. I am staying. I mean…I’m staying if you’ll let me stay…I don’t mean to assume that you would still want me after all I have put you through…The thing is, Audie…you scare the shit out of me.’

I looked up sharply at that little tidbit and he smiled wryly, then continued.

‘Yeah, you do. You understand me far better than anyone else. You know me better than I know myself. You know when I want to run before it’s a full thought in my brain and you make it so damned easy to relax. It freaks me the hell out. I don’t know how to relax anywhere but with you. You’re so…peaceful to me, you slow my mind down until all I can think about is you and how amazing this is…So I don’t want to leave you ever again, I want to stay with you, if…if that’s okay…I know I don’t deserve it, but I have to ask. I’ve never wanted anything this badly.’

His hand had stopped moving halfway through and I now placed my own over his. Then I reached up with the other hand and pulled him gently by the chin closer and closer until my lips almost kissed his every time I breathed.

‘Then don’t go. Ever. Stay with me.’

‘You mean that?’ He pulled back and searched my face.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.

‘Of course I mean that, dumbass.’ I whispered into his ear, and promptly felt myself being pushed back onto the counter.

‘Would you…would you say that again? Please?’ He looked down at me terrified.

‘Please, Charlie, stay.’ I slipped my hand to cup his cheek and he closed his eyes once more and breathed out. Then he leaned down and brushed his lips against mine and kissed me seriously, like he meant it, because he did.

‘God, say it again, Audie. Say it one more time for me.’ Charlie panted against me and I whispered back to him.


He covered my face in slow, gentle kisses and I thought my heart would burst I felt so loved. He pulled me back upright and pressed my body against his in a warm hug.

‘I love you.’ He nearly choked the words into my ear. I felt tears spring into my eyes and felt like a damn pansy, but it didn’t matter.

I kissed his cheek and whispered back, ‘I love you, too.’

I tightened my hold on him and snuggled my face into his neck. It had been too long since I’d been graced with the pure smell of him, the deep, warm, scent of pine trees and smoke that always lingered on his skin. I’d missed him more than I had wanted to admit, even to myself.

He squeezed me and let out a short bark of laughter, then leaned back to look and me. He kissed my nose and then licked the tip of it, laughing when I scrunched it in response. He picked me up and carried me to my bedroom and laid us both down on my bed, pulling the blanket over us. I looked up at him, and the terrified, frightened look in his eye was gone, replaced with happiness and joy and comfort. I was happy for the comfort, in particular, I knew how little comfort there had been in his life. He deserved to be relaxed and comfortable.

He wouldn’t stop kissing me, and I didn’t even want to try to make him stop. I’d never seen him like this. He was usually so careful, so guarded, probably because he knew he was going to leave eventually, but now? He was like staring at the sun without sunglasses and sunscreen. He was all the way open and he was happy.

‘I’ve missed you Char.’ I snuggled into his body and he nuzzled into my neck.

‘Mmmmm, I’ve missed you, too, Audrina.’ I felt his lips press behind my ear and shivered a little, to which he responded with a smirk that I felt, rather than saw.

He twirled his fingers around strands of my hair, and propped himself up on his elbow to look at me. He cocked his head to the side and smiled slightly.

‘What?’ I asked.

Charlie shook his head and traced my face with his fingertips.

‘Nothin’.’ Was the murmured reply.

I furrowed my brow, confused and he laughed and kissed my forehead.

‘Nothing, babe…you’re just beautiful is all,’ His fingers slipped down to trail over my lips and he continued, ‘Yeah-you’re just fucking gorgeous and perfect, that’s all.’

‘Shut up.’ I shoved at him a bit and covered my face with the blanket.

‘Would you rather me show you then? I make no promises to keep quiet, but I am perfectly fine with showing you how absolutely, stunningly ravishing you are…’ Then I felt his lips through the bla

He was kissing me through the goddamn blanket.

I groaned and flipped the cover down, embarrassed by the ridiculousness of it all.

He just looked down at me and grinned.

‘Does that mean I have permission to show you how beautiful you are?’

The jackass didn’t even wait for an answer, he just slipped his lips over mine and then nipped at them. Of course, I gasped at that and his tongue made its entrance into my mouth. He slid his tongue in between my lips slowly, and over my own tongue only to swirl it beneath mine and suck his way back out.

I could feel the wetness between my legs now and I moaned softly as he repeatedly slid his tongue in and out of my mouth, occasionally licking and sucking. At some point, his big body slipped between my hips and I wrapped my legs around his waist at the realization.

He broke the tongue-tying session and I took the chance to nibble at his jaw, which he apparently liked a lot because he hissed when I did so. He pressed his lips to my throat and kissed down, suddenly in a hurry to get to my chest. He chewed gently on my collarbone and flicked his tongue across the tops of my breasts before pausing to take our shirts off. The shirts were tossed beside the bed, followed shortly by my bra.

I ran my hands down his chest and reveled in the feel of his warm skin touching mine. I pinched his nipples gently and in retaliation, he sucked one of mine into his mouth without warning. I moaned loudly at the shock and he flicked the very tip of his tongue over both nipples before sucking them back into his mouth, one by one. His hands roamed down my stomach and he ran his thumb over my tummy in the sexiest damn fashion. I pulled him by his hair to my mouth and kissed him hard until I had to pull away to breathe.

The break for air was a chance that he took to take my pants off and then the tips of his fingers toyed with the edge of my panties. He knew how worked up I got when he teased me, when I got frustrated, and I was getting frustrated about two minutes into the panty-line play.

He laughed at me again and pulled at the elastic with his teeth, then let it snap back into place a few times before hooking his fingers in the sides and finally pulling my underwear off. He ran his hands up and down my calves and then my thighs and kissed down my hips.

‘Mmmmm…I did miss you, lovely…terribly…’ His voice trailed off and then he was licking up the slit of my pussy. He sucked at my pussy lips and kissed at the sensitive skin before finally just making out with my pussy like it could kiss him back.

It drove me insane.

‘Fuck…’ Apparently all I could manage was a single, drawn-out, moan of an expletive.

He made a sound of approval and slid his tongue up to my clit, slowly flicking at it. I was beyond frustrated and impatient and so damned hot. I felt his fingers toying with my entrance and tried to press myself closer, but he pulled them away and licked even slower over my clit. He got tired of restraining himself eventually and slipped two of his long fingers inside me and massaged. I almost came right then and there, but he knew exactly how to keep me on the edge without tipping me over, he always had. Finally, he started pumping his fingers in and out, the slow pace his tongue had on my clit was a contrast that amped me up even higher.

I was probably moaning. A lot. I was probably moaning a lot.

His fingers pumped into me faster and he started sucking on my clit mercilessly and I groaned.


His other hand gripped the back of my thigh, biting into my skin and I came hard. Char lapped at me until I had finished shuddering, and then he kissed down my legs and back up, until he’d kissed me from the soles of my feet to the top of my head. Of course, he took his goddamn time about it, too.

I pulled his face to mine and sucked his tongue deep into my mouth and he whined.

I smirked and laughed before kissing down his throat. I was about to start down his chest when he said, ‘No. I can’t. I can’t handle that tonight, Jesus, Audie…’

I pouted again.

He pulled me tight against him. I could feel how hard he was, how close he was, and I couldn’t help but rub my hips against him.

‘Shit, baby, please, have mercy on a bastard, will ya? Oh, f-..uck..’ He jerked his head back and cursed when I took him in my hand and stroked my fingers over his cock lightly.

He growled and yanked my hand away, slamming his lips on mine again. I bit at his swollen lips and he fucking purred. It was damned adorable.

Then he pressed the tip of his dick between my folds and played in my wetness for so long I was about to come again. He finally pushed himself slowly inside me, so that I felt every fucking inch of him and my eyes rolled back into my head at the feel of him inside me. I rolled my hips into his and he growled louder than he had before and started pumping. He slid in and out of me so slowly at first, it was goddamned torture, but then, he picked up the pace and I grabbed at his back and scraped my nails down from his shoulder blades to his ass.

Charlie whined in my ear and then nipped at it.

He pumped faster and faster and then we were both about to come. I bit hard into the hollow where his neck met his shoulder and he lost his fucking shit. He came and it was such a jolt that it jerked me into orgasm with him.

When we were both finally done, he collapsed on top of me, then rolled us over.

We were still shivering minutes later, occasionally kissing whatever pieces of skin were closest.

‘Mmmm… yeah, I fucking missed you.’ He kissed my ear and I laughed.

‘I’ll bet you did, baby.’

I could feel him smiling, which made me smile.

‘Hmmmmm…you’re not gonna want to take a shower yet, are you? ‘Cause I think I’m about to pass out.’ He ran his fingers lazily through my hair and I shook my head in his chest.

‘Nah, I need to recuperate.’

He grunted and then said, ‘Sweet dreams, then, love.’

‘Mmm, you, too, sweetness.’ I snuggled my face into his chest and let myself drift into sleep.

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How I Accidently Nailed Mom

I am and have always been a voyeur. Ever since the day I accidentally saw my Aunt Mildred sucking my Uncle Paul's cock I have looked for ways to watch other people having sex. By sneaking around I was able to watch my sister suck and fuck several of her boyfriends; I saw my Aunt Maggie fuck my Uncle Bill (her husband), my Uncle Wendell and my Uncle Bob and apparently none of them knew about the others. I eventually fucked Aunt Maggie myself, but that is another story. I saw my cousin Jane...

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paper boy does my wife

green eyes, great skin and a fantastic body (36C-24-35). She is as close to a nudist as I've ever met. After we were married, I realized how much she loved wearing nothing or as little as possible around the house and I loved it. One day, I came home from work and arrived at the front door at the same time as the paperboy. He's a nice, good-looking kid around 15 or 16 and we said our hellos and he gave me the paper. At the same time, Subashinee opened the door and stood there,...

2 years ago
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LeefsticChapter 32

A week after the meeting a very excited radio astronomer reported that he had found intelligent extraterrestrial life. When other astronomers corroborated his findings the headlines got very large. Government types were very quick to comment as well as some carefully selected 'man on the street' types. Hysteria was narrowly averted. Digital pictures were sent from space and humanity relaxed for the beings looked very much like them. It took a full month before the source could be...

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Pachmarhi Ke Resort Mein Biwi Ko Chudwaya 8211 Part II

Hello! friends back again. Pehle part me maine aapko apne pachmarhi trip ke bare me bataya ki kaise main aur meri wife neha pachmarhi ke resort mein holiday par gaye aur kaise mere mann mein wafa ke waiter manoj se apni biwi ki pyass bhujwane ka mann hua. ek baat mai aapko nahi bata paya woh yeh ki Neha kaafi kuch monica bedi se milti hai, wahi gora rang , kaatil adayen aur sexy figure isi baat se aap uski sundar hone ka ehsas laga sakte ho. ab ageey ki story likhta hoon ………………………………… Doosre...

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Katie Used By brother ndash Gangbang

This is a follow on story about Katie who has been used by her older brother. Here is a link to the original story. walked home from school and she knew what was going to happen when she got there. Shane her older brother would push her on her knees and make her suck his cock. He would push it down her throat and fuck her mouth. If he didn’t do that he would rip her clothes off and fuck her hard and if he felt like it he push his big cock...

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A MidWeek Treat for my Wife

My wife has always been a very sexy, fun, sensual woman. She dresses to impress at all times and is forever ready to flirt and to enjoy attention from men. My wife remains a true cougar at heart. She loves men in their early to mid-twenties, and she never has any difficulty in getting all the attention she craves. Lately, my wife has been under tremendous pressure at work, there have been massive changes that have required her to put in long hours with loads of stress. Work has put a damper on...

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Me And My Curious Cousin

This all began when my cousin became 18 years old. I had always had a soft corner for her but she didn’t know. She was this okay-ish girl but her ass was bigger than girls her age and her boobs were bigger too. Now when she turned 18 I for one started noticing that the size of her boobs was becoming even bigger. I am 19 and have a good 6 inch thick dick, and when i say thick i mean thick. I would dream of her and me going at it on the bed, in the bathroom and where not. I even had a dream that...

2 years ago
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Sisters for fuck

It was a Friday afternoon when the phone jerked Tal awake from his nap, the last of his dream quickly fading from his mind. He rolled off the couch too lazy to get up and reached over to the coffee table where his cordless always seemed to be seems how he never left the couch except for work. Picking up the phone he croaked out a "hello" which sounded femine and he immediately curse himself over it. "Hello. Tal honey, how you doing?" The voice was his mothers and she sounded a bit cheery for...

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Celebrity Taste Buddies

You know how it is in dreams. How you aren't always yourself. Well, last night I was Gordon Ramsay. I was about to give the Kitchen Nightmares treatment to a lady chef. I already had my shirt off as I strode into her large kitchen, resplendent with metres and metres of sparkling aluminium surfaces. There she was washing vegetables at the sink. All she was wearing was an apron. And she had the most gorgeous arse I'd ever seen, round and pert and gloriously pink. She had the figure of a...

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My sister and her friend0

It was a friday afternoon and we were all hanging out in the back yard when she came over. "Hi Hanna" I said as she walked up. "Hey Billy, what's up?" Hanna replied. I stood looking at her walk up, my dick getting hard just seeing her."Chillin', what's up with you today?" "Nothin' much, just came by to see what Lisa (My sister) was up to." At this point I wasn't even listening to what she was saying. My eyes and brain was focused on nothing but her body and I...

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Chiffs Magic Emporium

Chiff's Magic Emporium By Morpheus Dean frowned slightly as he walked along the city sidewalk, thankful that his workday was over but less than pleased by how his day had gone. At 28 years old, and having worked as clerk at the company for five years, he had expected to get the promotion, which had instead gone to the director's second cousin. "Work sucks," Dean frowned, shaking his head. It wasn't fair that his boss could hire some relative, and bring him into the company ahead...

1 year ago
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Lady in Red Book 2 The Rise of the WarriorChapter 23

Gwen had an uneasy feeling after finishing her conversation with Steve. She knew he wasn’t the type to overreact, and he seemed genuinely concerned about the ship sailing near the coast of Somalia. With that in mind, she made her way to the bridge. The captain greeted the beautiful young doctor warmly. “Captain, I was just speaking with my fiancé and he’s concerned about pirates along the coast of Somalia. He suggested that we sail farther out, rather than hug the coast.” “Ms. Anderson, I...

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Darling Ramona

‘The House Guest’ involves characters who appeared in my earlier offering, ‘The Discipline Begins’, and refers to events contained therein, but can be read as a stand alone story. * Florence Roberts’ pretty ever-so slightly retroussé nose had been put out of joint. Sir Richard had invited a guest to stay at the Manse: Marsha Williams, best-selling popular historian and sparkling panellist on light-hearted radio discussion shows. When Sir Richard had rung to summon his maid to be introduced...

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Playing Horsey

I had been pestering my mother for years to let me join her stable; when then, finally, on my thirteenth birthday, she reluctantly agreed that I could begin riding lessons. I was so exited and already I was dreaming about the horse I would ride. That next Saturday, mom and I loaded into the SUV and drove out to the horse ranch where mother spent practically every weekend. I was always a little jealous about her being away, but she told me that it was her way of escaping for a few hours. My dad...

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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and Sasha

It had been three long years since that special summer when I was introduced to the glorious world of sex with an older woman. That's actually incorrect, as I had the pleasure of fucking two of my Mom's best friends during that same time period. For those of you who don't remember, and those who never knew at all, my name is Brandon. I am a concert sound engineer for some of the most popular rock, pop and country acts in the music business. During that summer I was involved with both Jeri and...

Straight Sex
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Another Revenge Affair

Audrina got in late that evening; it was now the early hours of the morning and Zach had been cleaning up after the boys had been over to watch the football. Blaine was fast asleep in bed, splayed out, a discarded bottle in his crib. Zach was half drunk, lolling back on the sofa; the TV was on but no one was watching. Audrina came into the living room, switched the TV off and went upstairs. She’d have to speak to Zach later about the night’s events. Whether or not she would tell him about...

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Rolling the Dice

Although ratings are nice, nothing beats a comment or two about what you liked or disliked about a story. Please take a moment to leave one. Thank you.Spring 1986Laura Martinelli sighed with frustration as the voice of her boss, Paul Bishop, filled the receiver of the brick sized mobile phone in her hand. Not that she didn't want to talk to the owner of the Greenwood Realty Corp, but she had really hoped to talk to him, and not his recorded voice on the office answering machine. At two-thirty...

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My beautiful Aunty Rachael

My name is David and I am 18. My Parents died in a car crash when I was 5 . My aunt who was 10 years older than me looked after me. Soon she married and we lived together happily until there was this rift btwn her husband Paul. She soon divorced the SOB. Well my aunt was beautiful. She had wonderful firm 36 C tits , lovely eyes hot lips and even a shaved pussy. Very soon enough at 15 when I learned about sex I began to have incestuous feelings for her. I jacked off frequently. Aunt Rachael used...

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MyFriendsHotGirl Cadey Mercury 23275

When Cadey Mercury overhears her boyfriend telling his buddy Damon that he can stay at their house after his woman kicked him out, the shit hits the fan! Casey’s man storms off to work when she bitches to him about Damon, telling him that the last time he stayed at their place she caught him masturbating. But what Damon doesn’t know is that it secretly turned Cadey on, and now that her boyfriend’s out of the house for the day, she gets Damon all to herself! Soon enough she’s in the spare...

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Hearth and Home

My name is Jeremy Armacost. Let’s get the preliminary bullshit out of the way. I’m a man. I live in a man’s world. I live in a free country. I read about all the crap other men go through when they find out their wives are cheating on them. We all know the litany. Oh I’m so brokenhearted! My wife doesn’t think I’m good enough. Oh I think I’ll just wring my hands and cry. How can I face my friends? My dick wasn’t big enough? Will I ever regain my self-respect? How could she have done this to me,...

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Conversations 18Chapter 2

Warning: contains a scene of attempted sexual assault and one of attempted suicide. This one is quite long at 18092 words, so fair warning! And, believe me, it’s best to read or reread the earlier story, Conversations 18, before you read this; otherwise, it’s going to sound a little like gibberish. When I wrote the Conversations series, I meant each of them to end whenever the conversation ended, although I couldn’t resist extending them just a little in a couple of cases. At the same...

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Mrs Ruth Part 1

This took place in the South around 1992 and I was 29 years old. I was in a brand new house that me and this fucking idiot I was with then had had custom built. This bitch decided at the last minute she didn't want a big house note and bailed. Never spent one night there. So basically I had a house I couldn't pay for on one income. I soon began selling my personal stuff to keep the note paid until I could unload the house. In the meantime, I soon found it to be a place where many mostly young...

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Falling for another man

I for sure never thought it would happen. Not in a million years. I’m a straight, masculine guy, although I admit to having Gay and Bi fantasies. However, falling for a guy, wanting to be with him night and day? Wanting to pleasure him in any way he needed, never. I first meet Juan through a Gay dating site. I was just looking to explore my man on man desires, no strings attached. Our first meeting was at his place, I was super nervous and I could tell he was a little bit too, but hid it...

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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela Part 8211 15

Hello guys.Thank you for liking the story and mailing me.Agar kisi ladies ya kisi aur ko mujhe chat karna hai to mujhe mail kar sakte hai ya hangout pe mujhe ping kar sakte hai.Hum pics bhi share kar sakte hai. To ab story pe. Phir thodi der rest karne ke baad.Mummy uthke jaane lagi.To maine mummy ka haath pakad liya aur mummy ko apne se chipka liya. Mummy – ab kya chahiye. Mein – abhi mera man nahi bhara meri raand .Kya nasha hai tujhme.Jitna choda utna kam hai.Bolo maza aaya apne beta ka...

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When Loreili met Candice

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, it is a TG alt universe story and you will need to be patient to get to the understanding of it. Story depicts consensual sex in very graphic detail, so if you are squeamish about it or it is illegal where you are, please STOP reading here... When Loreili met Candice An Amorous Encounter Part Une of Loreili and Candice Saga Looking at the imposing gates of the LA mansion of Loreili, Candice feels a surge of apprehension for the first...

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